Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Deep cuts in all winter goods Cloaks at the lowest prices ever heard of Now is the most important time to buy dry goods at greatly
reduced prices.
100 fine beaver Rhasvls , never sold lesq
than $12.00 , Mohday at half prieu , $0
each ,
fi0 pairs 11.4 scarlet all wool blankets ,
ta2.46 a pair , worth 13,60 ,
60 pairs all wool white blankets ,
j slightly soiled on the edges. 'T'hey arc
worth $5.00 , but Monday we close the
} l lot at $3.75 a pair ,
Mre , 001. J. M.Eddy'e Afternoon Reception -
coption on Friday. ,
Mrs. J. C. Co µ 'fti EntertnlnN-The
+ MINSCN Ifornhergor's Party-The
1lypernlon tutu Isnternllu Chub' ,
-The Saratoga Ialperlnls.
I Notwlthstanding the cold weather and the
great nrnouut of Illness in the elly , the past
week Las been a notable one so fur as social
events arc concerned. 'there has been many
privutu rcceptloas and a to fiber of club
balls. A fall account of the week's hnppctt-
lugs will be found below :
Altc , Cor.oxrr.1. AI. F.hut's afternoon rev
crptinn at her be tutIru1 home , I015 Douglas
ht vrt , ou i'rldtt' Is geucrnlly conceded to
into heal the most elegant ufftiir of Its kill
ltt vii to Omaha soelciy. ' 1'hic lours tverc
it ( nn ; S to n o'cIoc lc nnl 1 : t . 1 'utcsts wl. 'lt mi l 1 ICs .
cat. Thu s nt iotts parlors tvero utngnlII-
et utly decorated with Ilovurs nud plants ,
The llori4t'I' . N. Porker , to when this iiiIll.
cult task ty.t4 . given , slitvea ttrn tnmmttte
j skIII In the tin ungettent. 'flier. tveru rare
llutvers uvcrywbcre. Sutilax hung froal the
cluutdelfursuhd mirrors , tvhilu every peak
aid corm'r ( Oil tulned the choicest hlos4ottlc.
' The nnudlo was exquisltely urranged with
ferns and Planth tutd nit If to adll heathy unto
r beuttV tint queen of all llotvcrs-thu orcldd-
restd there ,
AL s , padd ywas assisted by the following
h lades ; Mrs. Gmoral Crook , Mrs. Colpetacr ,
° AIrN. 9' . Ai , OrrIrs , Bradford , \Irs. Du
13ois , % h's. Swobe , nud MissClara VintCamp.
7'Iir rogtnuies of the 11hne ladies tvero
' 1114 follows : Airs. Eddy , lemo11 colored silk ,
tquuro val'sage , losv sleet" . natural vcrs
aid dillttle11/114 / , Mrs. Crook , black velvet chi
a t uit , lace , flowers and pcurlt ; Alrs. Colpetzer
nnuIVC bromic cu train , squnre corsitgc , tile.
mouns\lrw. ; Iiratlford , tviac-colored velvet
gtu uet14 toad tlotvers Alit. Orr , white wool
I arlulgC trluullh g , ii ( nntoudsIrs. ; . Stvobe ,
I Pluht white , feathers , flouters atd ti lunonds ;
1l l'4 , IhiIloi4 , blarlc brocade nud jet , di a.
lnaltltlis.t , ; r1111 Cluuptvhlte wool nud lure ,
1t01L118 1111d tlotvers ,
l'Ie vostatls of all the ladies were ole
gnat , hat it Is hlliOStihle to give a description
of them till. 'I'ile guests began to arrive
peotgdll' tit n o'clock old by 4 the ptrlors :
+ tvcrC Illlcd. ' 19to tnusie by I'rnnle tvas der
light fill and enjoyed by everyale. Hulduf !
'i teas the eaicrerald served an elegant lmtrh.
Attinig thosu present were : Airs , Dickey ,
I llohh'cgeLs , 1intbull , Mrs , Gurnt
bract , \lrs , Wheaton , , \Irs , Ilnrbuugh , blrs.
I Lacy , Mrs. Adam , Atrs , Cleveland , \ls. Car.
nl4h\1rsllountzeAl s , UrJoaes\1us.Squir-
Cs\l's llnusehe , Mrs , LcrMrs , Jcssc Love
Mrs , Fred Losee , Miss Kitty Lowe , Mrs ,
' , Chaco , Miss lluttertield , Mrs. Dc Lee , Mrs ,
Ahdrliss Davidson , Mrs. Gilbert , Alts ,
Dk kcy , Mrs. Cooper. 1 lrs. fiullliss lilac k.
} r uun ( , Ars [ , Bright , \Irs , lrutker , Alw , Beall
( Ah's\\'heutohMtsPritebett\irs.Ibascotn \ , ,
( Allss Ilmscoul , llrs , Heiinett , Mrs , Studer ,
'ti' ' , Alt's. Major Snseet , Alrs. Colonel Bt iiiIhs
) ] toss , Mlss Southard to i 1iss iiiutbull.
: Mas. , T. C. Cosvtx rnl0rtalned the Ladies'
t Is nrln l e club and btvlted guests , Wednesday
b4 afternoonuthertesldcuteit)1 ) ; > Capitol nv.
, enue , Lunch was served at 1 o'clock , after
: which tntls tvero In order. The , uttty dud
r n ot break up teal 5 : & ) oclock. A list of the
guests lit appended : Alrs. A , J. Hanscom ,
f Miss llunsconl Mrs. .T. II. Luce' , Mrs , L -
v : nua 1 icluu dson , Allss ? Nettie llcbardson ,
Airs , llcrumn Kouttzo , Mrs. L , M. hlcnnctt ,
Mrs. J. A. hlorbacll , Mrs , \Vakebey Mi s. L ,
I , \ \Vakeley , of ( Ticago , Miss Nelllo Wake-
' rev Mts. L. ii. Collins , Mrs , G , E. Pritchett
& Mrs , ti. S. Caldwell , Mrs. K L. 13ierbowor ,
t / + AL's , White \lrs. J , E. Summers , \liss Sum.
ulcrs , Mis , Gctcral Crook , Mrs. .1 , a it.
] Kitchen , Mrs. S. itreck Misses May and
Lunt Du11dy , Mrs. S. Ijrakc , Mrs , J , M.
\'noltortli , Mrs.V. . V. Morse , Mrs , Lewis ,
of Boston ; AL's , C. F1 Vest , Mrs , Guy C.
Barton tumid Mrs. Collins.
M1Ssns Limo ANU tIiNNns ITontberger ,
daughters of A1r. henry lioruberger , gave an
ciegmint party \Vttliesday evening at their
beautiful holne/vT / Southt Seventeenth street.
Thu three parlors , its well us the entire Inv
tm'ior of the nauislou wete tastefully decor-
ntt'tl with tlotvers , hoi'y ' ttre mistletoe. The
Ituhnit baud fttrntthod the music and , and at
midnight an elegant lunch tvas served , DauC-
lug tvus continued until a late hour , Anuong
the guests were the follo vhng :
Musses Edith Cut10y , 1 iorenco Garlick ,
Alice Luud'pc11n Slnhohl , Aintuuda liarbuch ,
r Alntio Hlaonl , Ella Iteller , Fa nio 1)avcntwrt ,
Iora ALlutx , Ivii Annehester ( , liutlo Donald-
son , .1cnnlu Ioualdson , Seppio Standish ,
Jeltlo Keith , AnuuntaMilicc Mary Mlller ,
Stella Singer , I'annio Fruejuuff , Louisa
Fruehauff , Maggie O'1'oolo UtnsyMcElroy ,
, Vlttde Ketul , Ilora Hetuljoeff , BetioVig
amt , Linda \\'ignu . Al tunic Leluntunl ,
Gussiu iorty , Doyio Iheecher , Grace \lurty ,
{ Jcnule AleElroy , Lilllo Ihushutuu , Nettie
Ituslunnnli11nio Ilehntrod and I'nunle
llel trod , also thin follotvmg gentlemen :
' Allan Sluouer , Robert Law , Carl
1'iltrlclc , Frank ' 1'etplctoa , David Vaugley
1 \v Ill Slugor , Lied \'nu DornVill Vaughn ,
] 'c'rcy.lcnscnVlll , Wiguuul , Lovell Dann ,
Artie Parr , Fred Knickerbocker , Charles
\Vearne,11ernttn fanul , Lou hit liushnuil , anti
Addie Iiuelmrboeker ,
Tna Pononn.tN club have hail glorious
i times dfu'itg the lutist wnk : , 'the slide at
' 1' veutyallntlt aid Ilarney streets has been
fa ls'rfcet conditlon and has been crowded
uigltt ) ' . hundreds of ladles lung been
, I , present anti chloycti the exhtllarntlnq
, , start even tttoro than theh escorts , Alr. P ,
AL Norris Is the president of the club , land to
hits able nlanngeuhmt the members neo
greatly indebted. 'I'Ite chute Is a long one
and the lurine ( Is moderete. 'uboggmuing is
T growing in ; apulnrlty every day , cunt the
club nav numbers nearly eighty , eniuposed
of the very best ladles and' gentlemen In
I T..ST SuxnAv ulght oieurretl the first ball
n ! the Bebrety Enlghts of Charity , an organ-
/ ' hzntiou created about two mouths since. 'I lie
, party wits given at Germania hull , and be.
tttnei eighty and timely couples wee pres.
ent. ' 1'te dancing lasted until nearly 9
, o'clock u. in. About 1100 was cleared , which
goes Ipto tlio fund for indlgent Hebrews ,
Tns CIlAuTAuqu.1 lltcrary anti scicntltlo
circle ju'Id their arst meeting of iSSS at the
, n'idencoofflew. ClendeuuingonSouth'l'enth
, aLieet , Wednesday evenhtg. The circle ii
' _ .
Read These Prices Carefully.
Hon' Sldrii tntd Irltwer hoc
JalcIi Monday nud'L'uc dusy.
: ; dozen ' all-wool
boys' - line scarlet
medicated shirts and drnu ers , nil sizes ,
L'4 to 34 , at one price , 60c each ,
lteutctnber this priso hit for days
only , If they Inst that bug. 'Phis Is the
greatest bargain ever Meted In atidet'-
Oy ,
40 dozen boys' flue white wool ttnder-
Rluh ls timid dratvln's , sizes 2O to 3-1. All
at oho PncCc-
growing rapidly , and the metttbers take great
Interest iu it.
TuiuNn TuiI week the Metropolitan club , a
nety social orguuizatlon , ryas Incorporated.
The oflcers cite 11s follows : Simon Oberfel-
tie , preshdcut : Andrew hiatus , t icepresidemit :
Snlituel Sehdcsshnger , secretary ; David 1auf-
nen , treasurer ; Jacob ltabiuson , Adolph
Gludstouc anti Isaac Nett , trustees , 'flue
rhib will iuiroihicciltly furnish their romps ,
and it protnises to be one of the strongest organizations -
ganizations lit the city.
. .u'TmlNoos , between the hours
of t and SSt : : ) o'clock P , in. , the ladles of 'l'riiu-
Ity cathedral gave n reception in the church
parlors. 'i'llose in charge were : Mrs , Judge
Doane , Mrs , Nathan Shelton Mrs , M. C.
Nichols , Mrs , Dr. Neville iota Mrs , C , V.
1Vltcner , Miss Alnbcl Fonda entertained
the nttdiettce with recitations , which wuro
eutliushtstit'ally received. Chocolate 11al
cake were served nud so pleastuit urns the
affair that it was decided to give another
sometime before Lent.
Tin : si trtsn rinks Tn'vo ' received excellent
pntrounge during the week , tumid bout of
them Late had hands of music hr constant
attetidauea Alnny ladies tt ith their eswrts
bate enjoyed the sport and several of the
forhter have become artistes of the llrst de-
ONB of Tin : + tnyT brlllhuit social events of
the season was the ptuty given \londa ) '
evt nbtg itt the Barker hotel under the nos-
ices a f the Esmcrcll1a club. 1h c hila r tltul
dining room of tits celebrated cara ansnry
\Vll4 tut 1'tied boo n ball roam umI fairly
hlooneu1 t t lth rare l , , NOtic4. ' 1'h0 dancing ryas
couthtued until a em v lute tour. Whoa the
t Iro'r , amine w at4 half complCtcd cal elcgnul
builtlltCt w s4"u" d 'I'bis tt ns rated by ell
lu'csent to be the limiest ball yet given by the
' 'imn. Ihi'nnxtox i'1nb party at Mutonc
) roll , Alonduy , eight , tytts undoubtedly the
llucst one yet given by this excellent organ.
zatian. About fifty couples t'cre present ,
hicludtng invited guests , ' 1'110 costumes of
the ladies were rxqul.ite , tumid the scene in
the ball-room w as n most brilliant cite. The
music was furnished by the \lusicnl Union
orchestra , tumid was highly commended by all
Tun N1w :'s HrccrTmx of the Saratoga -
toga hnpcrinls nulondny evcuing was a
most cnjayable affair , old tvtts pu : tit iputed
in by ut lutist thirty gucsjs , bunch was
served mall o'clock tumid damning ryas con.
tinned uutll 1.:50. : : Among those Pt'esent
wire : Alr , and \Irs , Butler , AL . and \L s ,
Au'hesolt , MI r and \Irs. Tlershin vhlsses
\'alker , Redman , Lnke , HaxheldVmrd ,
Luke , Corry , Scranton , , bones ; Messrs , Solo-
man , Argo. Clark , lluxhold , Littlellcld , C ,
Ilaxkold , Jones , Craig , \Vdlctt.
'fine 13CTTi.i1I IX Ui.rn gave another of
its pleasant ) uu tlcs last I'ridny evedhng under -
der the Taro of Alessrs. Smith tad Slmpson.
Among these present were tlm fellotving :
Atlases llimebaugh , Cehn , Iunctul. Rees ,
Fonda , Iteflley'Pouznllu. AlcIollald\IcC1e1-
tiutl , Clark , 1Virrick , I'bitten , liulontiiie ,
Watts , \Vakely , nudIcssrs. . A1eCm niiek ,
Cook , Badollct , South , 13allentihe , Ellis ,
] iced , Fonda , Entllburn , Aloores , Bollinger ,
Super , , linu'hm 1 C I Iffllhs , S ta i sh , Sltnl 4Bl l ,
Hustuu , Audersou , Prestos , Nuson , E , Ale-
Can , J. McCan , Hicks , E. It , Ilowunnn , C. B ,
'I'nn : FIFTY-Srt CNTII it Sicu.i : of thoLadles'
Musical Society was gh'cn'\\'rdnesday evening
ning lust at the residence ofll's. . Gh
IIltchcock.4NITDodge street , ' 1'heprograuuuc
ll'ns as follows :
Sonata for pitulo aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs , Mucntcfcrhng turd Mr. Franco.
Cavatiua ( Ennui ) .Verdi
\Ls , Martin Cahn ,
( nVniter's Preislied ( "Die Meister-
sncuger' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vagncr-1Vilheimj
( b ) Culzonetta..B , Gednrd
Alt Nation 1'ranko.
( a ) Altiden's Song..Meyer-ilelmun
( b ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs. Calm.
llullade audPolonaise.'Ieuxtonps
Mr. Fraltto ,
The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\L s. Cahn ,
( n ) Legends } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vciuluwskh
( b ) Gigue
MiFrauko ,
Theta waS a largenutlber of guests present
tad the eutertahnnent was u thoroughly en-
joyublu ono. AIr. Fraitko was tit his best ate
never played better. Mrs. Mucntefetiug's
perfornumce upon the piano tt as rquurottsly :
received. The lady is a utlstress of the in-
st'utont and her delicate touch ryas the
source of much enthusiastic comnumut , Alrs.
Calm was encored after every nutubcr.
Alt. ANti ) ms , ao1IN sittNNnN were
tendered n reception tit Masonic hall
\Vednesday evening , by Mrs. McCarthy
another of the bride. About 100 guests were
present Mrs. Shannon a bride of but low
ditys , wits presenteth with nn elegant easy
chair , her husband inado a fitting response.
Dancing was the order of the evenhtg , and a
lunch was served at 11 o'clock ,
Ry *
The third party of thoA. 0. I , band for
this season , syilt be lucid at Uunniilghamit
hull Tinlrsday eycutng , , Iunuary I'thi.
ant. Ai ) Silts , A. ' 11. FitutY celebrated
the tenth anniversary of their
nutrringe ou Aiotttuy evcuing at their rest-
demure on North Twenty-seventh avenue , 'Tito
guests begun urrivhtg as etu ly us S o'clock
nud by 11 the spacious t'esiderlre wits tilled to
ovcrllowhtg. Among those present were Mr.
anti AIrs. Pierce , llrs. 1) . CIlller , AL , and
\Irs. George liuebler , Mr. mtd Mrs. George
I3urlitagholT , Ain and Alrs. Isaac Card , Alr.
anti Mus. ] mules , Mr , mad Mrs , M. Cornish
Ali' . mitt Mrs. George Cragoe Jr.L . mud
Mrs. George 13ubster , Mr , mid Mrs , Fred
Barker , AL . C. C , Bruner , Mr. C , Iluamnel ,
I'uof. Andrew , Mr. I ) . If , Christie , Mrs.
llerncr mud sous , Altss EdltliIincr , Allss
Katie Nichols , Mrs. ILL Sldner , Mss
( loco Silner , Mrs. Iurnell , AL's. 11. Stal-
der , and Mrs. McCune of Council Bluffs ,
The presents were costly unit unique ,
Ox Tccshty evenln Miss Mabel Pratt
entcrtmned her f ieaads. Canvas w'as laid al
the Hoot-of the several harlot's , nud dauclug
was Indulged in matil late. Those presettt
were Misses Gruff , ] tlrkhuuser , Howell ,
Alexander , Evans , Ituuer , Polack , Crandall -
dall , Doane , Stephens , Shari' , Fonda , hlouae ,
Dctwller , Woolworth , Yates Hughes Gray ,
Ilimobaugh , Copeland , ileilman , Itarker ,
Bodkln , Hartman , itobanson , lhrotherton ,
Clarke , Messrs , Preston , Gulon , Akln , Snalthi
Stiger , Clarice Wilkins , Charlee anti \Vil (
Clarke , Ellis , utorcer , Freeman , R' . Minor
and Geor o Miner , Wheeler Rogers , Fonda ,
Lyman , Itountze , Goalrlch , tephens , Drake ,
Moores ,
Oxi or Tilt NLaA9 xT social afalrs during
. „
„ r
60 dozen men's llno all wool scarlet
tiudershirts tutu drawers text weelcjust
to reduce stock (35c enclr , worth $1.
00 dozen gent's heavy Scotch grey
undershirts and drawers during thus
sale , 43e each , worth i4e.
4 dozen gents' Ilse white wool undershirts -
shirts and drawm s durhug this sale SOc
each , worth $ L35.
the week was the Impromptu New Vent's
party hcltl tit the rooms of Jlr , amid Mrs. liry-
sctt , Messrs. Lees and Hicluu ds and Messrs ,
\lurmay , Losey and Long on Junua'y . ,
l'lcuwtutt social Fames vvcre Indulged ltt dur-
log the day luul evenhtg. Atnottg those present -
ent tat already named ts'ore iIr , anti A1rs. If ,
13 , Lord , Mi' . trod Mrs , W , E. Davis , M' . and
Airs , ] i , IL Benson , Dr , anti .lirs , Gnlbrnlth ,
\Irs. Foley , Misses Craton , liryte , Stoll ,
Shullmlberger , Duval , and Misses Urace lien-
sun and Grace hatch 1Icssrs 1 ; , Cook Ukhi-
ards , Deeds , M arlcley , Scott , Adams , Ijobcrt-
Sml timid \Lljor AlrAinhouhiss lialchi gave
several recittiots. This Improttlplu affair
has been the means of solidifying the miijor-
lty of the regular guests at Hntcl Barker it
u'socinl club , nud it Is understood they will
give their llrst informal reception \Vedues- -
day next.
Chit Clint.
Mrs. C , D , Woolworth is in New Vo'k.
Mrs , Gcnrge LIlller has rulurned front
Utica , N. V.
Mr. If. S. Borne is In New York , the guest
of Dr , Joseph Itumtey ,
Mr. Charles Isuncs led Miss Isaar s have
returned front Culifertila.
'J'hn next Unity social party will be held at
\hilso It hull .1 aiiunuy Ia.
\hlss Clara hlcbbhl'ten , of Council Bluffs ,
is the guest of Mist hloaghad ,
Mlss Mabel Orchard Is registered at the
1Vestmluster hotel , New York ,
Airs , J1' . Clarke gave a dinner pnrly to
her frichds last 'I'lersduy evening.
\Ilss Grate L. Alcud and Edward N. Bullock -
lock were intrricd of New Years eve.
hiss \Tantie llom o returned to Knoxville ,
Tenn. , where alto is attcliding school , \Vcd
.1h' the unr of County L"o uum s stau'r , 11tin et
to Itis colleagues on 'lnursday seas a nest
elegant ttlTuh .
The dinner given by Gonerah turd
Crook on Muodtty at the Paxton was a most
enjoyable nGtuir.
Mi 4 taco 1ttntebatgh , vhto Juts been
sPettthillg the hlollthily's hiel'o has rcturmtcd to
her school at Clikago.
A phltutonl party was given bylr. . Angus-
tus Pratt at hits residence on Park avutuc ,
htst'19ntrodny evcuing ,
\L . II. B , Morse , nephew of W , V. Mouse
hits been appointed coniudssiuneraf the tm-
Pmiul customs at Shnugliui , Chitin.
A heal , year tleII , ' 11 1 ' 1t1L , iii n'hmi'l h Genty of
the youttg ladies turd gcutlemeu of the city
i ) iticipatedtas given \Vcdmiesday evmthug.
The Omaha chess club Is ht a llouri9hing
condition , 'I'hC rhib tournuulent begins next
\Vethicsduy , iuui prontises to be a very litter.
csting ulTair ,
' [ 'lie Capitol 11111 Gerutmt club met Friday
eventng at the residence of C. If. Brown , 122
North l'wattly-thirdstreet. 'flue favorswere
tit1uu and very hi uhisomo ,
\V. A. Dcticl timid wife lcavo to-day for a
six w'eeks' visit in Call forul t , L'poi thch return -
turn \h : Ihucl ; rill enter upon his dutics as
city ticket agent of the Union I'acillc.
IIstHet Court.
.tl.tx.tsurtuu.uA : : + P4 co + u'rux r.
In its conlpluint ! fled ycstei tray for $10,00)
damages ngniast Mathew slnl P. Putrick ,
Alexander hhcnluul says that ho hits been
dunugcd : that touch by Putrielr couspit ing to
bleak up his livery business. Betluun also
wants $1,000 Fran Deputy ShcrIIT hlouck for
an Illegal arrest ,
A I'itOVIS'.OILY NOTm' 4I'IT , '
Joie 1V , Hoberts couuaehced action yesterday -
day against Clifton l. Mayuo to collect $1,000
with Merest on a pronlsnry note.
i.CIT lit t1NdT A ( 'lll 11th ,
Tbe'Scttiu'd sttet Methodist Episcopal
church is endo defendant in an action brouglt
yestcrdug by John 0. Linea to collect titan-
ages itt the sum of$1,001forpersonal kujuries ,
received by the ttmbling down of n scuffoltl
Jng out which hC ts'OS statdlug ht his pursuit
of pahttngthechurch , Novettlber 30 , iSST ,
ulleging that the defendants were reslonsiblo
for the ucgligett and defective manner in
w hiclt the scafoiding was constructed ,
A At''TlCI t'Ot'aT l'A'i.
Charles L lhrowu ohtahed a judgutent fu
lustico Seabrook's court of $150 against
Alchnel shiVey , and yesterday a transcript
setthig forth the Particulars was tiled with
tine clerk of the court.
County Court.
Judge Shields yesterday allowed the
low lug judgments : Bohm A , Wukcllcld ,
: iTTjtl ngninst Janos A llrown ; Oumlia , C
Southwestern railway , rl T S.b ( ngahlst George
\V , field ; Hlchunl Iugleman : , # Si.f.5 agniust
] I. E. Cox led others ; Max Meyers amid
others , $12T1J5 ttguinst C. & , hliggins.
Preventing n Gns FtuuhtC.
At a recent meeting o [ the c ro tmttl Mr. Lea
introduced is resolution , the ptn port of which
teats to prevent a gas famine , which scents
possible hl the event of serious Injury to thin
Fns works , such us took place only u short
tlnto ago. The resolution was referred to
the gas couuuittee , until \ ! \iauvhlle , unto is
cluirnlma of that body , said that the document -
ment hind hot yet cone before him mud his
colleagues for conshderntiun.Ir , \luephy ,
president of the couii auty , was seen about
the tuatter , and did ant know , under given
eh cunstnnces , that a gas fandno cold be
pt cvcnted. Su fur its the ability of the ( t'ol'l {
ut present is concerned , they were equipped
to supply without dilllculty , all thin gas that
is desired.
The County Clerk's Office.
County Clerk Hocho expects to get into the
oalco bebtg prepared for himn ( u the erounty
bulldhtg by Tuesday next \lr , llocho hits
adoptetl a tale whereby people henceforth
wishhtg to cancel chattel mortgages must be
ideutUled , anti hl this move .the clerk bccuIS
to be sustahted by good legal authority ,
A Soldier In Liutbo.
Tan McShane , olio says ho Is n soldier , is
enjoying the hospitality of thin central sta-
tlon on the double charge of vagrancy mtd
disturbing the pence. If Ton had soldiered
less nud done more work he ht all probnbhlity
would not have to undergo thin wrath of
Judge Berka , which ho is ttow doomed to ex-
Llceusesto 1Vetl.
The followhlg marriage licenses tvero Is-
sueti yesteyJiay by Judga Shields :
Alfred Anderson , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Annie E. Swanson , Onuthu . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Samuel A. McKee , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I As-a Heymer , Gnitd Island , . . . , . . . . .
1 Nathan Garrett , Om aha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° i
Jcuulc hitter , Poutiue , Ill,1'J
10 yards good brown Inltlllt fat' tOc.
i ytu'ds Linsey llnnael for 10c , iu nice
bright plaids for children's dresses ; not
one-half price ,
u yards extra heavy cotton Ihuuel for
Slaudard dark prints ( extrnheavy ) 11
yards for hoc.
EO pieces wool Linsey , sold at 30c. To
close the lot quick ,
10(3 1'ER YAIID.
Astrnkhau and l'ersiur Intnb are conning but
favor ngnitt.
A homely rick girl Is prettier Hiatt a beautiful -
tiful leer girl ,
Stoles and capes of fur are almost as faith-
iotable as bens ,
Beater is the fnvorte } fur for young ladies'
shoulder capes.
Lady callerVby , noIuatnie. . 1Vhy , did
you think It wash" t
The mast fashionable bous reach tteurly to
the heat of the dress ,
Tim Ihtest scalskiu sleighing hood that is
Produced costs from $15 to 2b.
Thieve are tw o W'o11eu dcutlstn in London
Both uro ineetlug with success.
Spanish girdlesof black veletembroidered
ht gold , are in high fashion ou demh dress
Miuuie-"Because , when mamma saw you
connittg , shoo said , 'It never rains but It
, '
Morocco women vvhio talk scnndni are
punished by having cuyoute pepper rubbed
tutu their lips.
Tsvo old ladies who htave passeti thtl'eo score
timid teu recently took their hirbt look nit a locomotive -
motive ut Blakely , Ga.
In bonnets extreme meet , fur for the i'ron'
edndo being offsett by tulle , lure nud flowers
for theatre , m other dressy wear.
"Uulo hum flat bath shall be gitor , " I3ar
elicits litil'dett Cfflltts hut just received a ho t
quest of " , ) ,000IIt ( ) ) front a relative.
For street wear , cloth is combined with
plalu telvet a little lighter in color , but till
rhtlt , i4 far uttd av.ny better style.
Martiuel , u bloc } gray , 13ergertnr.ette , a
L1.Ao ulyc ( gray , ostrich gray , amid silver
sand are added to the lengthy list of grays.
'l'hern Is a rage tit present for fua'y jewelry
iii line gold nud soIId silver , both plain uuid
oxidized , 'flu dtnutty patterns are wholly
novel. ,
\llst ess-"Lira , w ) to was the moo T saw
iii your canputy last event utg' ' Ibuu-
' ' \luduuie , thutt was a tiittant brother of
utucI' '
Another Afce trimmhu ; is a double crimped
puff , of 11540 or elope hl light colors which Is
in favorite 11nish for llounets of eulbroidered
St unge that artie1 which button up of the
chile arc not Toshio iible with Now Yorlc girls
hilStall girls wear rubber boots in bad
Evcning dresses for very young ladies are
node of plulu tvltte muslin. 'fhcy have very
full sleeves and loots of ribbons oil the
The newest sealsiciu sleighing hoods are
shaped shutla to the plush rails of little
girls. The erotvu is laugh , the britu close amid
turned hack.
In wrappo'S , the .lupanese , of quilted silk
tln oughout , are a dreamu of case huulo vlsi
bie , and to be had at the astoulsbbtgly low'
pelco of .1 : each ,
In fashions now fau ly established are seen
a marked prevalence of brilliant stripes , also
of floral nud cmtventiuuul patterns brought
out in vivid colors.
Sets of fur tx nsbstittg of n boa and nBuff era
a shoulder cope or stole nod mu ft are found
ih every pelt Intosvu to the furrier , nud may
be fasltotaluly worn.
For dressy m oruhlg , black w'atcrcd silk
shirred on cord over a cone slugxd crow'unut (
bordered tvllll a twist of silk and ernpe , is
stylish , world without cad.
'Tw'enty-six new women suffrage societies
have becn foruted in Kansnt sluice October 1 ,
and there i9 sra eely a mat in the state tvlio
dares to ask for a latch-key.
Thin littlest Child : Mtunlc ( six years old
to lady cullerAiummu sold to ask you t o
sit down a fete moments , and she would be
right in. It isn't ratuittg , is it I' '
( Iraq is hotlieritbly u It t o fashionable color
fur theatre dresses. Steel is used for t iun-
ming deal. Ihominets of the same color without -
out strings coulpleto the costume.
A ltNou ) of our ucquahtnilco asked unit-
otlrr fclloty how old le thought \Ls , U- ,
of Illrletn wins , I don't know her exact age ;
she tunes front seventeen to thirty-live.
Miss l'hmbo Couzins hits announced at St.
Louts that the toll run , or itt least pose , a4
caudidnto for governor of Missouri on the
prolnlbitiou ticket hit oho cotnimmg
hlc-Bimdsouuo woman , that major Hold's
wife ; but why trill the wear such loud
govnsl She-Out of consideratoa to the
numjor , I foucy ; he is so shockingly tcaf ;
don't yon know.
Inco for fulldress occaslots still prevails ,
but it Is used m ere for petticoats timid nailer-
dresses thus for entire toilets , though these
nado of lace of ra o quality uud design tire
gait0 fushlomiuble.
Miss Mary L , Seymour , tviuo has one of thin
largest typovrltitg mud slenogruphiing establishments -
lishments tit Eety York , says that woolen
rimke better typewriters thai mcu , and quitu
as good stettographe s.
The natives of Central Africa had never
before seen a woman svho worn skirts Ceti
loughairuntil Al'sHobub , wife of the Cx
plover , calve amlgng iliott , and they regarded
hc as it supernalutal being.
A newspaper writer says "the quiet girl
never wears ttigjt colors mm the street , mien' nn
exaggcrmteui bang , nor the biggest bustle In
town. " Correct , 'l'Ite quiet girl is dcnd.
'f'lint Is the reason slue' is quiet.
A young wouuiu of Bangor , . who laud
beet forbiddent by a jealous suitor to go to u
deuce with a rival , laud the jealous swain to
rested and lodgal but a cell , and site stout to
the dunce with the gthor fellow.
Pluln silk velvets are largely icnpotted anal
will be used for entire costmmes , and also for
coats or basques , with tine wool skirts for
day wear , and for lo' bodices with those of
silk or lace for tIrei1 ( ocenslons.
One hundred and eighty poor widows Lt
Boston each recelyeml a silver half dollar out
Mmtday as a Christmas present from the
fund left by the luta „ W. 11. Knight , an old-
tinln Boston merchant , for that purpose'
The long Inco pins whit L have beta worn so
mulch arc now gemternlly replaced by the
flower pun. ' 'his is rot Irregular cluster of
flowers ennuteled In nuatlrai colors , and gen.
dully shorter and rounder m effect titan the
lace pin ,
.Mnny Oriental erects 'and ' muck Oriental
coloring is employed for time handsome Indoor
dresses worm thus season , and the Taro aid
costly eastern tissues , flower-brocaded anti
wrought syltlt beads , are extensively used for
evening toilets.
Women In the south are beginning to get
over their haughty objection to working forms
living. Such u thing was little known almost -
most unheard of , before the tvar. Now Lushes
regard wok ht its true light , as tlm most
lioaontble of vocations ,
) henry George's wife is almost unknown ,
but its daughters' faces are becauhig lam ,
1 _
2. ; ladies' black diago al uewtnnrhets ,
during this sale for one week , $3.O8etich ,
former price 1U,50.
20 indIes'till wool , brown check uow-
m arkets , with shoulder cape , double
box pleat , tit $11.00.
37 ladies' brown diugonul newmuitu'-
kets , aslraehnn culls amid collar , double
lox pleat , nu elegant garmtnt , durlig
this sale
$8.50-WOItTII $121.60.
far , They are pretty' girls , who are etdlmsi-
mstic ill their fitther's behalf , nud will lunub
ably ono day imko the11lseles felt in the or-
ganiratiou of worlcinguen.
1Vhlto nud gold Is throughout n favorite
combhtntinn. Young moist ous partictllnrly
affect eventing gowns of white broadcloth ,
fluuuel or cheddar clout , heavily cnrichett
with gold-silver , too , sometimes-mitt time
fancy further appeuts lit both lints trod bou-
All evenhtg dresses this winter luwo
sleeves. Those of black Inco atul gtntro for
nuatrets have generally n little urrungeiueut
of thin gauze , puffed nud be ribboued amid
called by courtesy a sleeve , vhmirh coincs
down half uuy between the shoulder nud the
Chrislitnm and Kntherbo Adans , of San
Francisco , tWt ) slitters , aged nihetcen ail
sixteen resnectivehy , hove both lost their
reusot thtvugh the extrtordhuuy revelntious
made to tluetl by a fortune-teller styling llial-
self Prof , Datum. 'l'ime man will be pros-
It the list of oxpcushs'e oyeuing wraps nrn
those miuhle of suewdrop svhlle soldier's cloth
in pelisse null redigote shupes , triutued tviU/
is shtgle rate of Ilne gold Ilusscmenicrie down
dntvn each side of time seun : in the back , rot
thin bnif open sleeves and across the center of
the deep collar.
line. Nincenzo Uotta , born Miss Lynch ,
tvlo has for forty yeuirs had tlm most bril-
liaht literary suloit iu Now York city , is nut-
tie it aklug to get ii P at home for Invalid nod
outwt ii non of leters , artists , etc. It is to
lie culled the Hntaa t'lub nud will be organized -
ized bit or near NOwv Vorlc.
,11rs. U , S. Gruel bus been ntakt g souse.
thhtg of a figure in society tits winter. Slme
hits tot enter tahmd on a huge settle , that not
being in acr'a dnnc o with her taste or her
widowhood : but site secs tuore People than
she hats done a tlto past , aunt her house
has become sorutethht , of a rendezvous.
The very newest ga'tttture is the ten end
bow , miuule of watered ribbon with ten'
painted dtvopvig suds tutd five or six upright
loops c'losuly strapped , It It worn at cite side
of the headgear , old offset by a huge dahlia
rosette out tlm other side , to whose oultbig
in time height of style six yards of imbbou tire
Itecessuu y.
The very miicest nud host stylish wear Lu
the way of clunks for had Jattuary seatbet'
are the long , close-lltting garments that
cover the entire 1lgure. 'hese are code of
blink , dark blue nud green dingontll ehoth ,
lined lit waist timid sleeves tvitlt chmnoih skit ,
w hmieh gives tvurmth without bulk , timid fuccd
thoroughly with good quality of satin ,
\hiss Attain II , WLltuey , thin proprietor of
tlw Chequuset keatols , at Uattcaster , Alass , ,
is soul to ho nt elm head of mastiff beceders
in thus country. ' Always a lover of iuminutis
\liss Whitney gnvo up her vacation of school
teaching , which she hind followed for thirty
years , mutt went to l'lurope , where slue so-
lured time best stock obtainable turd thins
started the Lancaster kehuels.
A stout has ' been
vohnl t'erently eonlplaiu-
Ing thmat time fitshloli mtew'silapers and malign-
ziucs print Ito lulates dint give fleshly women
any satisfaction. She avel's that llotte but
woolen of slender , graceful llgures can study
these plates to luny ado antuge , and declares
that a loreigiter who saw these periodicals
would stpposo that mill w'evtcn in America
were of willowy proportlots ,
Pretty Noruiaudy caps a e worn tvitlt skat-
h1ti 'eustuiu ' 4 , the ' 9o made ( n ' silk e s 01wct or
phishl , the soft folds curried very htglr bt
front ubuve the waves of the hair. A juuuty
model us huuldo of moss-green velvet. It front ,
among the upright folds of thin velvet , is
tswlstal it large , soft knot of yellow velve.
The cap is otherwise decorated with a hue
gold cord old n large gold buckle ,
.Tohtt Swint on's tvlfe is recognized wherever
time goes ahltost its quickly its the Anterkat
Victor Hugo hluselt.Vherever ono sees
thmtt : tt'Iking figure in iiluck broadcloth with
thin tvhlte tie and hovitnhle skull cage the der
voted tvoiiltlln tvhlo hunt stood by hiun ulillhhttcht-
itgund with nut fulteriitg fiuth yetu after
year , is sure to be not far froth his sale ,
brave , patient , proud curd hopeful still.
There are runny vnricties of sleeves In
wear this w imter. Soute mire open to time
elbow- , with velvet sleeves showing below , or
for dress orcasiouis the smimll close htit : many
Ito of a bend-embroidered tissue which is
mtlwnys ratlike the tltteriul of the dress. Out
the upper port of the sleeve 14 au epaulette ,
also tadn of heads , 'rho real Itttlitlt sleeve
Is nmcl used for tvonten's and children's
dresses , but Is rather nu rower thBua the original -
iginal dcslgu ,
' 1'bcro arc many new' colors In mllliner'y ,
Old tut aced ; . ' blue iatlti greeds and Blots gr'emis
tire ali used , and are generally Mantra n4
(1ohelIn blurs nud green. 't'erracotta and
Blahogahy shades leave taken a nay hriso of
existence. A great nhuiy shades of yellow
arc used to brighten up dark colors , Durk
flutna color-a color shnilar to thin tint of the
Ifruziluut toe 1 az-it vwy unu h m con-
juuctiou wlthi colder colors. Iridrscent aid
changeable erects cure often sccmi in dress
honnets , 'fine nro fe v tip4 used , butt mottled -
tled plumes In two colors arc e.letisiyely hit-
Sortie Funny Mlstukcs.
The old attaches about the county building
have moot yet letlrncd to fandliurize them.
solves tvitii thin minutes of the Ihfforent hlcetn-
hng o0lccus , mod yesterday in a fit of absent
lotladtaess out tilt part of old cierlts the unnles
of ex Jntige McCulloch and ox-Dist iet Court
Clerk Ijntns sveno signed to legal Inst umeuts.
the mistakes were discovered amid corrected
none too soon to avert what play haVC resulted -
sulted In serious legal coma plictutloits.
Grand Opera House.
' 191reeIghts aid ' Nuttnee , Coma.
ntenclhg ,
Monday , January 9th.
Gruud pruducttou of that greatest of all Spectnc
uhlr Urunmits ,
1' '
( , I
Uuder tin hnmedtnto nnpervl.ton of ttio well known
Jietropollntuu Aolu.ement nlret lor ,
Jr. d. I'LISJIIy ( ) , Ji q. ,
(14110 ( Stunager Nlhlo'e , N. V. )
50 PEOPLE 5 o
Two Car LowiR of .4peciat .S'eruery.
.IaguIticent SUIge Effects , Marvelous ytechanl
cal and SPectncttar Incldratsis. A Strong
Cast. ( Jruud AhmzontanIurclucsmind
Nottctthstandtnl , ' the ennrmons uxp.m.o connected -
nected wlthi Slits grnan lituduettoa , regular
prlces will prevnll , vIzt
2.c ! , 35c , ( Jc , The (1)1(1 $1 ,
Scats now on salu at box ulllcv.
Short Wraps $2.98.
6o ladies black bouolo short wraps tit
1.2.03 , worth $0.00.
Short Wraps $10,00.
21 ladles black must l'ncbntu short wrnps ,
quilted liiilug , durlug this smile $ IO,00 ,
worth $15dH1 ,
Short Wraps $9.95.
_ 0lathes' black nstraebliu short wraps ,
coat sleeve quhlled , satin limn ( , ostrit-
eluui ball triage till nrouud , chunohs-
h ued pockets. 'Phis wrap wit svlll sell
Jlouda' ' only tit $ t.115 ; regular price
: .u indiCS' ptttslt short wrnps , fur
trinunud all lu'owtd , quilted satin ha.
hug , our
SAIE 1'IIICE $16.0 ,
1'OIIMIIt 1'IlCI:825,00 : , t
\Ve ennaot quote ptll'es on all of our
cloaks , but we will advlso you to buy
this coming week.Ve have reduced i
the Prices on every gtu'nuntt in our
store tuud still gunrm utce to beat ni'Y ' 1
price ollered iii Onuthn.
. ,
1'/f17lfr TuUllsnd ht I Jan. 12th. 13th and 14th , 1888 '
sit TURD.t1 Sutta'dry.
- - - -
Special Engayemeut o' the 1s uous Opes'aHc Oleanizafion , the
Conned Opera Company
L'OJItIED oC IIERMJNN , I'ro ) rIetnrv and Managers.
1t' . If. I'1TG'IR.ILD , dctin U Mnut ( U cr
In.Tollit St'auss' Latez f Jlttsicat Sacrrss.
, w.
Mrr. ' & * \ .
D i t
, l -
r r ' SCENliltY ,
] NCltl IASEU ( )1lCltESl'ILA. )
Lauratlelllal , , , , , , , , , , , , ,1'm'Intn IonuuuSoprano
IAntlo : . , . . . , . . , . . . ' Ikatut Soprano
Ilelrn von 1)uethulf..1'rlnat ' ] ) emit Contralto
Lydln ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Lrgglero
Jcnule Iteiffnrtb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tezzoSupnuto
llnrte 11u Int rma.1 rhino Tenmo Iluhusta
Slgtor Tagllcrl. , . , . . . . , lh4nhl 1'enore di Crazzto
Jaques Iroger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .uuffo
Frcal l rbn n,1 lluua Ibuilt onto
Ilarry Loslle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l'euor Llrlco
Adolph ] titer , ylaslcal Director.
50 Crand Chorus 50
11(11ittcc , St1r Opens fl'ediie. hty ,
Prices , * LA , B , h , tAlc.
Week o Jan.
Panorama of the Haymarket Riot , Life Size and
Correct Figures in Wax of Spies Parsons Engel - a
gel , Fisher , Neebe , Schwab and Lin gg.
All the Surroundings Correctly Portrayed.
0 m-
f ) C.4
\ ! Y t'J M tT1
C b rH t'
wb ) ' b y
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' , g'0 -i % HMb7 ,
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; m I
-i G
I C12 r , . C a rr
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r.nt19 r , = ' - to N
1 a .
Pulnaffi & Daly's Coffledy Company
Doors Open from 1 to 10 p. m.
Al)1ITS1 ) lOc
TIIo No I'lu4 ' Ultra at Nuul
bloNl'r lSI AY } Jana 9 and 10
ltetuul Eugngemnnt of the l''a't.rlte Irish . % clur
. . .
And 1491 , d .
rt.fut Cout „ ) Urlunfzntluu.
Jfotday Iiruiily , .IunllLI J , Utlt ,
The Itealtlful norliestlc Urana ,
.t success front ocean to ocean.'l'nesdoy Evenhtg
Jail , llltb , this Clhnax of Nutt , the only
decul'u scats at bar oNce.
Grand Opera House ,
SCCIi--lhrce Alghts--'onnncnc-
Thursday , January 12
Satar'rlafJlaflssec , '
' 1 to getn of L Phi Irnlitas ) , Itartlry Canglbell's
Rrllcklrty Conicdy ;
Spfcn(11t1U Ic !
1'/u'Illiii Sit ltatiOllH.
Mn ltltlcentcast , Iachuding
Mrs. Dion Boucicatllt ,
( Agues itubertsua , )
. . . . . .
owda.n. {