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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1888)
2 THE , OMAHA DAILY BEE ! SUNDAY , JANUAKY 8 , 18aS.- TWELVE PAGES , HEBRASRAXS IN WASHINGTON , * B ABM Position of Senators Mandoreon and Paddock on the Tariff. FAVOR A REASONABLEREDUCTION Inventor MoImiiBlilln nt the Capital E General Hutch' * Good Words For Colored Troops The Wants of I lie Our Senators. WASHINGTON liriir.tu TIIK Owun HUB , ) 513 Kol-llTlin.NTIlSTIlKF.T , [ WASHINGTON. IX C. , Jan. 7. ) Scnntor Mundurson nnd wife arrived on Thursday evening after u hard trip from . Oinulni nnd have taken up their quarter * In the Portland flats in the rooms Immediately adjoining those occupied by Senator Paddock and hh family. Thu Hcnutor will at. once In troduce Ids I'ort Omaha r.nd three battalion infantry bill , notlcu of which has already been sent to the HIK. : Ho will also devote much attention to furthering his measure for the holding of federal courts In various portions tions of the stnto und for the passing of which , strenuous efforts from Nebraska are constantly being brought to bear. Nnilll tSK.V'rf SK.VATOHS ON' TIIK TA1UFF. Both Senators Manderson and Paddock occupy - cupy n neutral wound upou the question of f tariff reduction. While each arc In favor of the imslllon of the republican party on the question of the maintenance of the protcc- ? tlon principle , both'bellcvo In a reduction of j taxation through n reform of the tariff und of the Internal revenue system. It cau bo safely stated of thu entire Nebraska dolcgutlonthut > nt the present session they will bo found fa- vorhift such n reduction In the existing taxes as In their opinion can be secured without en dangering Ami-rlcan industries and such a distribution of labor as will secure the great est possible employment , at fair wages , to the greatest number of American workingmen - men and mechanics. TO lliiMllH ; ] | n Tlin STVTnS. . Senator Paddock has drafted , and will In- 1 troduco at an early day , u bill to reimburse f the states for thu luud located by military bounty warrants. This measure was offered by the senator when In congress some years Blnee , nnd at that time ho made a fit-lit for it , which burcly failed of success. Its passage would incun many thousand dollars in the treasury of the state of Nebraska. TIN : M'litrniu.v INVENTIONS. Mr. McLaughin , of Omaha , the inventor of the chemical process for heating curs , fur- . nisliing | x > wor for electric lights therein and power for motors ou street railway ears , has " ' been In the city for several days with u view to perfecting his invention and bringing It to the attention of prominent capitalists who nro in the habit of investing In noteworthy and promising patents. Now that Mc Laughin bus boon fully protected by patents , lie talks freely of its construction and uupli- cation. Since bis trip east ho has had offers from several wealthy capitalists to take up thu Invention und apply it to actual use , but - lias so far declined to part with the controll t ing iutercet Iu his stock. Ho leav < s to-mor- niorrow for Pullman , 111. , where ho baa an jk . nn appointment to meet the representatives T of tlip Pullman company. . , HATCH OX Tl'K COI.OIIKI ) TIIOOI'8. (5 ( General Kdward Hatch , of the Ninth eav- nlryeomtnamlant of Fort Robinson , has boon for several days past in the city visiting old (1 nciiuiiliitiinccs and endeavoring to secure \ additional appropriations from thu quarter master for conducting the improvements at r hLs post. Ho has boon accompanied by his r" daughter Miss Hosslo and Miss Minnie Fitch , of Omaha. They leave on Sunday evening for the west. General Hatch is a strong and persistent dofcdder of the colored troops in , the regnlaV army. He never allows nn op- portunltyto pass withoutprulsiiitf their value in action and their many admirable qualities a * garrisoned soldiers. In reference to the only colored officer In the nrin > . Lieutenant Alexander , of thu Ninth cavalry , now as signed to duty at his pant , General Hutch sH | > ku In high terms of him as an educated gentleman and an excellent soldier. AltMV I'COI'I.F. . Lieutenant Charles W. Taylor , of the Ninth cavalry , and bride , arrived last , night In the city nnd they tire slopping nt the Abbltt. Mrs. General Hawkins , lataof Omnha , has been for the past week In the city but will leave In a few days to Join General Hawkins in Boston , where his station will bo for thu next tour years. General Hawkins Is the most enthusiastic advocate of Omaha and Its Interests In the entire army. He says that ho has had good reasons to bo so from having , npnrly twelve years ago , pinned his faith on Omaha real estate from which ho has hand somely profited. Captain Ulchard Uarnctt , assistant sur geon , is relieved from duty in the Division of thu Atlantic to take effect at the expiration of his present sick leave of absence , and ordered then to report for duty at Fort Klloy , ICan. Major Frank M. Coxe , paymaster. Is re lieved from duty in the Department of Ar + - 7onles and ordered to rciwrt for duty at San Francisco. Major Daniel It. Lamed Is relieved from duty In the Department of California and ordered to duty In the paymaster general's olllce. Captain Lewis S. Jcsson , assistant sur geon , is relieved from duty in thu Depart ment of the Missouri nnd us oxuminer of re cruits nt Chicago , and ordered to duty as ) Kst surgeon at Watervilet ur/emtl , New York , relieving Captain Henry G. Dutton , assistant surgeon. Captain John G. Guthrie , Thlrtccnte Infan try , now on leave of absence In this city , is ordered to rcjort to the superintendent of tlio recruiting service , New York , to conduct n detachment of reoruits for the Tenth cav alry to the department of Winonla , and on the completion of that duty to return to his cwmpuuy. cwmpuuy.OUITKtU'8 OUITKtU'8 WOUI.n-IlK ASSVSaiN. "Bill" Jones , the reckless follow who lives over In the eastern part of tlio District of Columbia , and who gained fiimo by ut- I tempting to assluate Gulteati , the slayer of , GurtleW while the former was being taken to Jail on day In the "Black Muriar , " has been a figure in the police court of Washing ton over since. Ho was placed on trial , charged with assaulting some men in a suburban village , whore he was n special policeman. The testimony developed the i tact that "Bill" Is a regular terror , shooting , I slugging and threatening people ad libitum. ' The evidence of his guilt was conclusive and Judge Snull bald , In passing sentence : " 1 know Jones by reputation is a very reckless Individual. When special policemen behave In this manner they should be punished. Ho 1 must give 4K ! ( ) bonds to keep the peace and is fined * fJO : for the assault. " TIIK OMA.IIS IN WASHINGTON . A delegation of the Omaha Indians nro hero to see if they can secure the consent of the Indian ofllce to the pavmcnt of the $70,000 duo them in two installments , instead of seven. They assort that if the money comes in a lump it would IKS of some value to them. Senator Anderson will go with them on Mon day to see Commissioner Atkins. I SMUX TALK. I Judge nnd Mrs. James W. Savage of your city are expected to arrive from Omaha and spotlit u week or ten days iu the city us the guest of Colonel Uoyall. I IMgar A. Bowcn , of Needham. City , Neb. , Charles I' . Bowman , Danburv , In. , E. II. Croker , Cedar Itapids , Daniel P. Blish , Sioux City and Charles W. Stiles , of Patterson , la. , were to-day aumitted to practice before the interior department. Cearles Dcwey and wife , of Omaha , arc in the city. Mrs. Dewey is quite ill to-night. i The postpfttco at Dana , York county , Nob. , has been discontinued. Mail will go to York. Pcuuv S. Huvrii. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to the Bui : . ] The following pensions were granted Ncbraskans to-day : Mexican war Kli/abeth J. , widow of Stephen Osborn , Springfield ; Thomas W. H. Miller , Tccum- seh. Original Kobert Coehran , Chambers ; William Hiloy Lewis , Kcd Cloud ; Timothy S. Larkin , York. I KPensions for low.ins Luzie , widow of Fin- ley U. Hyan , Marion ; Rachel R. , widow of James W. Kirkpatrick , .Baker ; William Dunker , Slj-ourno.V ; 'Emanubl W. Moore , Hedrlck ; . Francis Molltor , Watcrvlllo ; Isaac Hoffman , I'ulaskl. Original GeorgO W. Santeo. Storm Luke : Azarinh Uciinls , New ton ; Charles P. Trlpp , Mason villo : Francis 12. Satterlcc , Hiiwurdon : Jonas P. Llljon- geren , GowerJe ; Obedlah Miller , Hlngo ; Edger W. Hodges. Genava : Martin Hi-ruld , Keokuk : Chlstopher Dillon , Clinton ) Daniel Lclppe , Llbcrtyvllle. The Thochc-CnrilHlc Case. WASHINOTON , .Tan. 7. The committee on elections , after a brief conference to-day , postiwned the Thoebe-Carllslo contested elec tion case until next Saturday In order to give Carlisle an opportunity to moke a for mal reply , if ho chose , to the affidavits sub- milted by the contestant. The following letter was laid before the house committee on elections to-day : Hon. C. P. Crisp , Chairman of the Com- mlttoo on Elections : I learn from the pro ceedings of your committee that an applica tion has been made by counsel for the con testant to reopen the case and allow addi tional testimony to bo taken , nnd as I have had time only to glanro hastily at the ufll- davits illcd In su | i > ortor this request , I bog leave to suggest that it would bo proper not to decide the matter finally until I can have a rc.isonanlo opportunity to ex amine the papers , and , if necessary , llle allldavits. So far as the affidavits charge or Intimate any Improper conduct upon my part In rofoienceto the election , either bo lero or after it was held , I nm ready now to contradict thorn In the most positive manner by my own ufllduvit. Hut there arc other things In the papers of which.l cannot have personal knowledge and which , If left un answered , might produce nu erroneous Im pression upon thu minds of tlw committee. Please present this note to the committee. I will , of course , bo entirely satisfied witn any course the committee may choose to tuko , but it seems to mo under the circumstances that I ought to have an opportunity to care fully examine the papers and take such steps as may bo thought proper before the applica tion now pending Is disposed of. [ Signed. ] J. G. CAUMM.U. Will Go to the Senate Monday. WASHINGTON , Jan 7. The nomination of Goncral E. S. Bragg as minister to Mexico will go to the senate Monday , and also that of L. M. Stockslager us commissioner of the general land office , vice Sparks. IMKII IX A OIVK. A Mart-led Muu Kiuls Ills Ijlfo .With Ijiiiiduiiuni iu St. Joseph. ST. Jo-turn , Mo. .Tan. 7. [ Special Telegram to the Hii : : . ] Uuiilol M. Yule , u resident of Pcoria , took laudanum nnd died in a colored house of prostitution at the corner of Second and .lulo streets this morning at S o'clock. The evidence before the coroner's jury showed that Yale came to St. Joseph fiotn Kansas City about a week ago , where ho hud been visiting his brother-in-law Cock- - - , N. M. - roll , of No. 2030 JelTorson street , with $1'JO In his pockets and that ho had been on a pro tracted spree ever since Wednesday. Ho deposited his money with u barkeeper and Thursday drew it all while In an intoxicated condition and visited this house of prostitution followed by Frank Jackson , u colored man. who con fessed to buying the laudanum for him. Tlio dose was taken about a o'clock yesterday afternoon and a physician was not summoned until ii o'clock , when it was too late. Gates rapidly grow weaker until this morning wlic-n he died. Frank Jackson , the colored man , whom , it was proved , "purchased the laudanum , und Kitty Johnson , the girl who roomed with him , were arrested to await the action of the grand Jury. Gates Is a man of considerable wealth and hi * sister and biothcr-in-lnw , who had been telegraphed for from Kansas City , testified that ho was not addicted to drink. Ho has a wife nnd child living near Pcoria , who have been in formed by telegraph of his death. Three Minors Killed. M \HQunTTK , Jlich. , Jan. 7. To-day three men were killed in the Champion mine in this county by the accidental dumping of the skip in which they'were riding to the surface. Their names were : John Casey. Carl John son and W. H. Craddock. Two men escaped by Jumping. HE INTERRUPTED THE PLAY , y.i An Insnno Farmer's Adventure With a Theatrical Company. A COLD DAY'S FURIOUS FLAMES. Property Valued nt Over $2OOOO Ie- strayed at Wjiljprlto , } , la. Flro at liny Hpi-lnKs Nebraska and , I v * I Curious KronkspJ'JVn limnnc Man. H.uivAnii , Neb. , Vnft. 7. [ Special to the HEB. ] Uobort Aycrs , n farmer of Lewis precinct , Is detained lien * awaiting trial by the commission of Insanity. For some time Aycrs lias been developing i-uccr pro- penalties , among them the Imbit of slipping from the house after dark ami going through the mnnurl of anus bare-footed In tlio snow. On Wednesday last Mrs. Aycrs , becoming alntmcdnt his notions , appealed to 1 tyro n Dunn , their ricurcst neighbor. Dunn pur- Minded Ayers to accompany him to town Wednesday forenoon , und while ho was in consultation with Dr. Howard concerning the case , his charge managed to slip out of sight. Mr. Dunn ut ouco notlllod the mar shal and a search was Instituted. Mean while Ayers In wandering about town happened Into the opera house , In which the members of n traveling theatrical company were rehearsing , and making his way to the stage he sle/ed u property sword lying at and began n series oC most extraordin ary evolutions , greatly to the consternation of the nctors. Finishing his drill he an nounced n rope walking exhibition , and be gan clambering up the light II lea nt the side of the stage. Ayers is a large , heavy niiin , but in some unaccountable manner ho man aged to climb up the frail frame of light boards and canvass. Ho had no sooner perched upon the top of the Jly , However , than it gave way beneath his bulk and he was precipitated with considerable violence to the stage. At this junction the marshal arrived and took him in custody. The cala boose being the only available place in which to detain him , ho was kept there Wednesday night , well guarded and with every attention possible paid to his comfort. Ho made the night lively and unpleasant for his guards by various gymnastic antics. At ono time ho In- slstod ujxm removing all his npparol , and having carefully turned it wrong side out to put it on again , the undergarments on the outsldt * . It wns found that ho could not bo tried Thursday , so Mr. Dunn took him homo again , returning with him to town this morning. This is the. third attack of insanity the unfortunate man has suffered. During a former ono ho came near killing his mother , and , apprehending n return of his malady , he instructed his wife to nt once hand him over to the authorities should symptoms of it appear. When thirty years old ho received an injury to the skull and the of tropanniK operation was over- formed , The medical opinion is that n portion tion of the skull presses against the brain and is the cause of the aberration. The suf ferer is highly esteemed hcto and much com miseration for his unfortunate condition is expressed. ' A Heal ICstutc Man Suicides. Hot.miKOK , Neb. , Jan.f 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Uin. ] O. M. Davis , a leading real estate agent of thM city , shot himself through the heart with a"shotguit nt'J.1 : ! ! ) p. in. to-day. He was in' his , cellar at the time. It is supposed the act Was committed in a fit of temporary insanity. The deceased leaves u wife and three children. ' Fire nt HVT SPUINOS , Nob. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.ri.j Atiout 4 o'clock this morning ilro broke out in the Hognn house annexwhich , together with Story & Thomas' feed store and the Hagaui house proper , were entirely destroyed. ! A number of young men asleep In the oltV flHS-trap had u narrow escape with their lives , being compelled to Jump from the second story window without saving anything but their night clothes. The loss on' the building mnounts to fT.lXM. The Insurance Is light. The Insurance on the Hour itnd feed store Is Sl.fiOO ; no insurance. Tin1 lire Is supposed to bo the work of an Id- eondliirv , ns the old Commercial has caught lire half a dozen times within us many months. State Farmers' Alliance. COI.VMIIINob. . , Jan. 7. [ Special to the Hen. ] The annual meeting of the stnto Farmers' alliance was held here , beginning Wednesday , January-I , and lasting two days. Delegates were present from twenty-one counties , and they were nu exceptionally able and Intelligent body of men , rcpreent- Ing the very best class of Nebraska farmers. A large amount of routine work was accom plished , ns well as some lni | > ortant new measures adopted for the welfare of the alliance , Among these was the appointment of an able committee to Investigate the whole subject of farmers' mutual Insurance com panies , Including their relations to the state laws , and t opart a feasible plan for the forma tion of such associations in counties which jnav desire to embark in them. The subject of co-operation , buying and selling was thoroughly discussed , and the executive committee was Instructed to ap point commercial ngonts at desirable points whoie the Alliance does not already have them. Several county Alliances having turned their organisations into innis ! political bodies during the last campaign , the relations of the Alliance to politics were fully considered and the following resolution , authoritatively de claring what those relations are , was adopted , with only one dissenting vote : Uesolved , That the remedy for the evils now suffered by the producers and laborers of the country can only bo found in an Intel ligent use of the ballot and by voting for men for all oftlces who are in favor of radical re forms in our tlnancial system and our incor porated industrial organisations , and who are known to bo honest und reliable men. llut the Alliance is a non-partisan society , educa tional In Its character , and its doors are open to members of all parties , without any polit ical test whatever , us provided in the consti tution , and its political Influence must bo ex ercised through other organizations. Provided , That this resolution is not to bo construed to prohibit members of the Alii- nnco from placing candidates in nomination through independent con > ontions , when no political party has nominated men acceptable to them. The offlcei's elected for the year IbSS are as follows : President W. M. Ciray , Valley county ; vice president , Allen Hoot , Douglas county ; secretary and treasurer , J. Hurrows , Gage county ; executive committee , John H. Pow ers , Hall county ; Allen Hoot , Douglas county : H. F. Allen , Ca s count.E.J. . ; . Sher man , Wayne county : C. W. Potter , Hrown county ; state lecturer , J. IJurrows , Gage county. An able memorial to congress was adopted setting forth the wishes of the Alliance in re gard to congressional legislation. The next annual meeting will be held at Lincoln in January 1S8' ) . A Ncbriibkuii Overcome liy Cos. NV.w YOIIK , Jan. 7. John Hess , twenty-live years old , n guest at the Stevens house , No. ' " , ) Hroadway , was overcome by this morning in his room und was removed to the Chambers street hospital. Koss hails from Nebraska. A'Crooked Attorney Captured Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 7. [ SpecialTelegram to the Uci : . ] About n year ago II. It. Poiter , who claimed to bo an attorney and real estate agent , suddenly left the city. The reason of his sudden departure is now known. Ho was the agent here of ono J. E. D. Porter , an eastern man who owns considerable land in this fount ) ' . Ho sent Porteri."i ! ( ) with which to pay a mortgage on n tract of land in this county. Poiter jacketed the inonny and left the city. Ho went to Manitoba.whero ho re mained until a few weeks ago , when he went down into southern Iowa. Sheriff Magee learned of his whereabouts and yesterday ar rested him. The Sheriff and Porter wjll ar rive in the city to-night or to-morrow. Four PcrmltH Granted. Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele gram to the Mm : . ] The question of grunt ing permits to sell liquor for medical und sacrnmental purposes was to-day decided by the county board of supervisors , Four deal ers "wore glvoh permits to May 1 , l SSl , to en able them to close out stocks on hand. After that date no further permit A will bo Issued. It Is not known as yet what action the Inn- am ! order league will take. Tlu demand of this organisation was that no permits for nny period of time bo granted. Ulsnstroim Flront Waterloo. , In. , Jan. 7. The buildings oc cupied by the Daniels & Ncunnin Furniture company , John Althouse , L. M. Hummels and M. Tlpman's billiard hall , burned early this morning. The losses aggregate $40,000 , with $1:1,0110 : Insurance. Later In the day Morrlll's soup factory was destroyed by tire , Involving n loss of 610,000. The origin of the llres Is not known. Sioux Clty'H Union Depot Atomrcd. Sioux CITY , In. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele- Brain to the Hii.J : : The Illinois Central , Northwestern , Omaha and Sioux City .t Pn- clllc railroads have finally Joined Issues and will at ouco continence tmllding a handsome f HKXX ) ( ) union deixit on the site of the pros- cut depot. Information from Ucnorul Man ager liughitt was received hero to-day con- Hi-mint ? tliK The plans and specillcutions have already been drawn. Found Mini IndlctinontN. Sun-x CITY , In. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tel egram to the BEIThe ] grand Jury this morning concluded its work for the January session. Nine Indictments in all were found. Death of nu Old lown Settler. DKS Moixr.s , la. , Jan. 7. Judge Asa C. Call , a pioneer settler of northern Iowa , died at Alagnu yesterday , aged sixty-two. The General Assembly To-Morrow. DCS Moixns , la. , Jan. 7. The Twenty- second general assembly convenes In this city to-morrow. Nearly all the members arc present , and a lively contest is expected. The organization of the house is going on. Tills legislature will have to elect a United States senator to succeed. ! . F.Wilson. Ho Is hero conducting his canvass for re-elect ion , and expresses his confidence of success. There is small opposition to his re-election , Ex-Congressman Hepburn being the lead ing candidate against him. KVI5UVIIODY SKATIOS. The Town of Xynck , N. Y. , Trans formed Into nn Ice Illnk. Nvvcic , N. Y. , Jan. 7. This place to-day Is passing throuch un icy ticriod unparalleled in the memory of the oldest inhabitants. The principal method of traveling is on skates , the entire town forming one vast whaling course. It is to-day easier skating than walking in the streets , and more than half the men and boys , as well as a goodly number of ladies , are traveling in every direction on steel run ners. Walking up and down the glassy hill sides is accomplished only with much diffi culty. 1)1 Kit AT 1IB. The. Oldest llcHcenditnt or the 1'eo.uotn PIIHSCH nwny. NORWICH. Conn. , Jan. 7. Eunice Cottrell , AVlio was known throughout North Storing- ton as "Aunt Eunice , " died at the ago of ll.'i on the Pequot Indian reservation in u wild country near Luntcr-Hill , on Monday. "Aunt Eunice , " was the great grandchild of King Phillips , and ut the time of her death was the oldest descendant of the Pequot Indians. An Insurance Company Itotlros. Hosrov , Jan. 7. The stockholders of the Washington Fire and Marino Insurance com pany to day voted to go out or business. All risks have been taken by other insurance companies. Stone Cutters Strike. HfppAi.0 , Jan. 7. About ! iX ( ) stone cutters went on a strike this morning because they were notified that during winter months they must work ten hours a day. Fishery Meeting Postponed. WAMiixmox , Jan. 7. Owing to the ab sence of Charles Tuppcr the meeting of the fisheries commission to have been held this afternoon has been postponed until Monday afternoon. Won nnd f < est on the Turf. New York World : It IssilrprlMng to note the nimiunt of money won nnd lost on the turf in pm-fCs nnd In the pool- box In n single season. A gcnUoinnn in thl * city who is strutk : on rum\ing \ raeoH , nml who k'eops trnclc of the winnings of nil the leading hoi > o ? , furnishes the fol lowing : Imported Gloneig , of the Klinondorf stud , heads the list of win ning sires for the present racing season , $110,000 to his credit , mid Hindoo , of the Kunyinode atud , comes next with $100.000 , nnd Longfellow third with ! l.S2MM ( ) . Glonolg'rt largest winners nro Flronzl , ! > 2I.UOO ; Los Angeles , $22,000 , nnd Dry Mnnopolo , $17.1100. Hindoo's nro llnnovor. ij.SA.000 , nnd .Ilin Gore , $ o,000. The heaviest winners to the credit of Longfellow nro Llndon.17OOII ; The Hard , NlMUmand Kaloolnh.'M ' UMO. Die largest winning two-year-old of the seat-on is Kmperor of Norfolk , ho hav ing won $35,000. Dwyer Urns' , stable is llrst and Lucky Baldwin's .second in the list of winning stables. Moro money changes hands through the medium of the pool-box during the season than is won in purses. 1'ittsburg I'hil , who created such a sensation on the raeo coui-f.0 the past year , is ono of the heav iest turf bus over known. The writer saw a letter i-omf Phil last week , and among other tilings ho said : "I've been pretty lucky in Washington , nnd have won very close to $120,000. My biggest win nings wore $ . ' 1.000 on Harmim. $ .r > ,000 on Pah-lodes , and $ o00 > on Valiant. Tlioy broke very bad for mo at Itultitnore and during the meeting I dropped $7,000. A great many people wonder how I boat the races. Well , 1 play the hordes on their form. You MJO a horse at even money to-day. Ho loses , and the next day there is tlvo to one against him. It limy ho that ho only lost because of u jostle , or sonio oilier little incident. I've only played ono race a day and watched the rot. I've put a bet down when the horse broke away two or three times , and put ns high as * . " > .000 on that. An other point is that 1 piny on the idea that luck is always going to turn. If I hntW.OOO 1 usually bet $2,000 to got even , and if f Unit 1 would double uii to get even. I'm going to Florida after I leave Washington and then I'll go to California. I'm going to see a good deal of the country before another .season opens. " TheMerelinnln anil the Strlket-N. KKUUNCI , Pa. , Jan. 7. [ SpeciaJ Telegram to the llii : : . ] "Can wo aflord to carry the miners on our backs ! " is tlio question being seriously considered by every merchant , shoe dealer , grocer and tradesman in Schuyl- kill county to-day. "During the strike hi Ib71l , " said n prominent merchant of Potters- villo , "over two hundred firms wore either sold out by the sheriff or granted cv tensions. Out of this number not more than thirty fully recovered from their loss. H is esti mated that the losses sustained by mer chants exceeded ? SIXHH ( ) . Some lost every thing. Ono man is said to have lost ? T,0,000 alone. In view of this fact it is believed many merchants will either refuse to lay in a new stock or go out of business. They can not stand a prolonged strike and do credit business. Should the firms decide to take u stand , and such action is not improbable , many persons nro of the opinion that the strike will bo shoit-llvcd. Klihu Slovens , of Rmitblleld. Mo. , is at the bond of a family which is proba bly the largest in the country. In this family there are live generations which , comp'ribo 1119 persons. A horse at Lynn , Mas. . , is alleged la have got out of the box stall in whieli ho had been put and to have gone to thu blacksmith shop , where his owner found him waiting his turn for a now shoo. K GER : a We have Concluded to Commence A MARK DOWN SALE , in order to * * Tl" O1 - Jm * U _ _ . . We Quote from Different Departments a Few of Our Numerous Reductions ; ductions DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. . 75 PIECES. All Wool- Check nml stripe , novelty suitings , plain colors in camels' htiir , cnmelotto , French foullo , Enj-lish serges , twills nnd whipcords desirable shades. 40 toJ8 inches in width. All at one price 7Jje : , Reduced from 85o , $1.00 , 4l. ! > 5. A very few pieces of nil wool tricot cloth to ho closed out at the lowest price quoted. 44c. Come early if you wish a aress pattern of this most desirable cloth. Your choice of 88 pieces domestic dross goods. Great variety colors lOJc. Wo have sold the saino goods at 2oo fond Me. i. Kemnants of silks , satins , velvets , plushes , dress goods at one-halt price , Monday. i * DOMESTICS. i 200 pieces of dress and apron check ginghams , regularly sold at 8Jc and lOc , ut this sale die. 200 pieces standard prints , comprising all tlio best known brands , our price ha been Sic , at this culo 5c. 100 pieces ' -old timo" calico.2 ! ) inches wide , usually sold ut 10 and 12jc , at this sale 0i- . 2 cases of cotton flannel , long napped and verv heavy , reduced from 15c to IDo. 100 pieces heavy unbleached muslin Rl5c. Rl5c.Wo ro making extraordinary low prices on blankets , comforts , eiderdown quilts , flannels , pillow feathers and sheetings. Parties from out of town will find it convenient to take the Dodge street line of cable cars , which run directly by our store , stopping at tlio postottlce. TABLE LINENS. 11 pieces 04 inch wide , 60c bleached < nnd . .half bleached worth damask. ' 75c. n pieces 02 inch wide , OOe bleached German dam worth ask. 75c. 12 pieces 03 to 72-inch wide 75c hleaehcd ilouhlo satin dam worth ask. $1.00 , 24 pieces bleached double ) ' 1.00 hatin damask , ( Mi to 74 inches f per yard. wide , cannot bo equalled f $ 1.00 elsewhere nt $1.50. J per yard. 11-4 Marseilles auilt , $1.85. Reduced from $2.50. 12-4 Marseilles spread , $2.50 , Reduced from $3.50. 12-4 Marseilles spread , 83.00 , Worth $ .3.00. NAPKINS. 100 do/ blenched full , 5-8 ) $1.2-5 napkins , > worth } $1.75. 75 do * 5-8 blenched , ) $1.50 , extra flue Ger } worth man linen ) $2.00. 80 doz bleached , ) $1.75 , reduced - a liner > duced quality , 1 from $2.50 100 doz 5-S bleached ) $2.00 , double satin > worth damask , ) $3.00. 3-4 DINNER NAPKINS 3-4 $1.70 , 40 doz bleached damask worth $2.25. 50 bleached $1.05 , damask worth napkins $2.50. 50 do/ half $2.25 , bleached worth damask 83.00. 75 doz 3-4 bleached $2.00 , double satin worth damask $3.50. CO do34 bleached Irish $3.00 linen , cobt to import $3.82 } ; per doz. our price for this $3.00 sale per doz. 40 doz3-4bleached $4.00 , re double satin duced satindamask damask from $0.00 TOWELS. 50 dozen all linen huck 12jc towels , extra largo worth MZCS. 18c. 100 dozen huck , crepe 15c and Damask worth towels. 2o. ( ) 100 dozen all linen 20o bleached Damask huck worth and knotted fringe. 30c. 250 doz. huck. Damask , 25c bleached and knotted reduced fringe , extra largo from size. 60c. 60 dpz.blcachedknotted for this fringe , Damask , huck , d r a w n w o r k , 60c , hrooho Iwrdor , hom- worth utituh and plain white. $1.00. Sbecinl prices this week on flannel , felt and raw silk , table and piano covers. Mull orders promptly attended to. LUNCH SETS. Wo have bought 100 elegant lunch or tea nets in bleached and cream with red nnd blue hrocho .stripos , cloth 2 yds , 2Jyds and 3 yds long , with ono dozen doylies to match , at 50c on the dollar , in the latest and most popular patterns. CRASHES. GO pieces 18-inch all linen twill crash , 8Jc , reduced from 12jc. Linen sheeting and linen pillow cas ing at prices unheard of. FURS. FURS. BOA AND MUFF.SETS , ( Boa 3 yards Long. ) Boa nnd mult sqt thjXt we have boon selling at and aref * bargains at * 27 , re duced to $18.60 a * { < . ' " Boa and muff sqls ( Boa 3 yard long ) that have been sqliing and are worth $23.50 and WO , red'wcetf to $20. ' FUR TRMAHNGS. } Our entire stock f > f fur _ trimmings , ( wo still have a good assortment ot the most desirable turs ) willibe-olTei'ed all next week at less than manufacturers prices , como early bofora the assortment is broken. " * ' ' Grand Special Sale. OF REAL HANpMAE TORCHON , MIDICI AND SMYRNA LACES. These arc all new goods nnd are the best ualueH wo have over offered. Real hand made linen Torchon nnd midicl lace from H to 3 inches wide , Sic worth from lie to 12jo. Real hnndmado linen torchon and midici laces from H to 4 incites wide , 12ic , worth 15c to 18c. Real hand made linen torchon , moilici nnd Smyrna Inces li to 6 inches vrido,15o , worth 20c to 22c. } Real hand made torchon , midici and and Smyrna laces 2 to 5 inches wide , 25c , worth 85o nnd40c. HANDKERCHIEFS. 100 dozen fine cumbrio hdk'fs with colors , woven and printed borders , fast colors , 4c , actual vnluo ( lie. 75 dozen flno union linen lulk'fri II. S. borders , ueat printed UesigiibGcietunl } : value lOc. 75 dozen ladies all linen IT. S. cam bric hdk'f.s , tucked and neat printed borders ! , 12Jc , worth "Oc. 7. " do on ladies' all linen lawn II. S. hdk'fs , latest designs , 15c , worth ii. " > o. f > 0 dozen ladies' embroidered sheer linen lawn II. S. lidk'fs , latest novelties , U5c , worth 40c to 4oc. KELLKY , STIOKU ACO. . , Cor. Dodge and 15th st. LADIES' HOSIERY &ITNDERWEAR. Lr.dics' white inorino vests and pants , ftilk hound and stitched , 47e each , reduced from ( Vic. Ladies' fine white merino vests anil punts , silk bound nnd stitched , 6o ! ) each , reduced from 7oo. Ladies' medicated scarlet all wool Saxony vobtn and mints , Hoc each , reduced from $1.25. Ladies' all wool hose , double merino heel and toe , in black , navy , &eal and wino , 22jcortli37c. } . Ladies' extra line all wool hose , full regular mniic , witli merino heel and too , nt 47e , reduced from COc. Children's all wool ribbed lioo , full regular made , black and assorted colors , all sizes , for 25e a pair. GLOVES. GLOVES. Ladies' fine cnshmcro glovoa , 4-but- ton lengthat iVio , reduced from 40c and 50o. Ladies' extra heavy dog skin glovoa , nil doubled fleeced lined , at 'Joe , reduced from $1.2.5. 50 doladies' and children's heavy hand-knit leggings , black and assorted colors , nt ! 17jc , fiOc , 65c and 75c. Gl'.NTS' FURNISHING DEPART MENT. MEN'S LINEN COLLARS 01C. 150 do/.en mon's 4-plv all linen collars in standing and turn-down , our price Ojc , reduced from 15c. MEN'S LINEN CUFFS 10C. 35 do/.en men's 4-ply .all linen cufTs , our price Kljc , reduced from 25c. MEN'S CASHMERE SOCKS 27C. 35 dozen mon'u cashmere socks , our price 27c , reduced from 40c. MEN'S IIEAVi' WOOL SOCK'S 20C. 00 do/.en men's extra heavy wool bocks , our price 29c , reduced from 45e. MEN'S FINE SUSPENDERS 210. 75 men's line silk end suspend ers , our price 21c , reduced from 40c. MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.25. 15 dozen men's heavy all wool blue flannel shirts , our price $1.25 , reduced from $1.75. MEN'S AND BOY'S CAPS.MC. 25 dozen men's and boys wool knit caps1 at 30c , worth 76c. MEN'S SCARLET UNDERWEAR$1.50 20 do/en men's fine wool medicated Rein-lot shirts nnd drawers at our cut price , $1.60 , reduced from 82.00. MEN'S CAMEL'S HAIR UNDER SHIRTS $1.50. 12 do/on men's extra heavy camel's hair undershirts , our cut price $1.60 , reduced from $2.00. ODD LOTS OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Odd lot of men's heavy beta-let under wear at 85c. Odd lot of man's fancy underwear at C5c , worth $1.00. Odd lot of mon'ri heavy old gold un dershirts at 08o , reduced from $1.38. MEN'S FLANNEL NIGHT SHIRTS. Men's fancy Iliuinol night shirts at $1.25 , worth $1.75. Men's. Canton flannel night shirts at 81.00 , worth $1.35. CORNER OF DODGE AND FIFTEENTH STREETS , OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Boot and Shoe Depart ment. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR NEXT WEEK IN ARCTICS.ALASKA OVERSHOES - SHOES , WARM LINED SHOES , FELT SLIPPERS , FELT HOOTS AND RUB BERS. Owing to tlio lateness of the winter weather , we have a larger stock of these goods than usual at this season of the year , and in order to close them out be fore inventory , shall olTur them at the exceedingly low prices quoted below. All strictly FIRST-CLASS GOODS. MEN'S. Men's buckle arctic overshoes , $1.10. Mon's Alaska overshoes , self adjust * ing , OSc. Men's im. sandal overshoes , ( ! . ' ! < - . Mon's heavy overs , for felt boots , 98c Men's felt boots , OSc. WOMEN'S. Women's buckle arctic overshoes , DBc. Women's high button ovorshoes$1.73. Women's Alaska overshoes , white fleece lined , OSc. Women's croquet rubbers , 27c. Women's lircsiilo comfort shot-H , $1.35. Women's felt slippers. 85e. UOVS' AND MISSES' . Boys' buckle arctic overshoes , sixes 3 to 61 , l)8c. ) Boys' im. sandal overshoes , si/.cs - \ to 0 , 47c. Misses' buckle arctic overshoes , 8 < c. Misses' high button overshoes , $1.47 Misses' Alaska overshoes , sUea 13 to 2 , 83c. , , Misbcs' croquet rubbers , with heels , 23c. Mibscs' flrcfcldo comfort bhoos , $1.20. CHILDREN'S. Children's Imcklo arctic overshoes , BlzcHd to 10,73e. Children's high button overshoes , sizes 0 to 9 , 81.27. Children's im bandal rubbers' , hcols , sizes to 10 , 22o. , . , Cor. Dodge and Fifteenth bU ,