Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 11, Image 11

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Bomo Bomlnleconcos of Omaha's
First Episcopal Pastor.
An I' Cluitlr | 11 > r " ' ' Sur-
Old Ki'ttlcr's Period
1'ronuliitiK the < ( Niel | Under
[ \\'i\trn \ \ \ ( fi the XuiuM1tiff. / . ]
A smooth shaven and Iwnovolent-faied
old gentleman with snow-while hair
and slightly sleeping form sat , the
other evening in Ihe parlor of the Kb-
bill hou o at WiiHhlngton. His diess
of clerical black pi oclaltned his profe -
HOII ! , The naino on the register , "Hov ,
G.V. . WalhonSxveedesboroiigli , N. . ) . , "
recalled lo a Nobiaskan piusunl , lhatof
thoeniliest nettled paitor of Trinity
chinch In Omaha , and investigation
verified the suggestion. In an ani
mated conversation ol ox or an hour in
length , Mr. Watf-on wont over his ex
porionceH of Iho early dnjs in Omaha ,
nnd his conversation is repioduicd in
verj'\ feeble foi in , for the benefit of
many ol the older readers of the Dili : ,
who tomember , with warm feelings of
affection , the first Episcopal pastor In
jour city , and the pioneorof Lpiscop.iey
in jour stale.
"I shall never forget Omaha , " said
Mr. Watson. "Many of the tendeiest
rocol lection sot in early ministry clwttor
mound the citjThlitj' jears have
passed siiu-o I llrst mndo it my homo ,
mingled with its people , and was a part
ot the fiontier life. The old names come
back to me noxv with a thrill
ot pleasino. Iho old scenes
are indelibly stamped on my
memory. It is gr.itoful to recall
them after the lapse of veara and to
hear of those whom once I loved and of
whom I inn still fond. " .
"Nebraska , when I was first iiim-
inoned to make it a residence , was n
vorj'small plneo in ov 01 j thing but lei-
ritory. I'uilj in the w tutor of IS"I !
was pleaching in a small town in east
ern iovx'ii. xxhen I locoived a letter fiom.
Hishop Leestiongly uiging mo to take
charge of a recently organ i/ud chinch
in Omaha. 'You must resign jour charge
tit once , ' wiolo the bishop , 'and go
( underscoring the go ) . You are young ,
unmarried and Inn e no but dens. ' I had
been Uishop LCO'H assistant in Now
York stntu and wsus deeply attached to
him. Without hesitation I nccupled
the siiarge. It was .lanuarj' and in the
middle of a very seveio winter when I
started on the journey from loxxa Citj' .
The snow xxns waist deep and tlio ther-
momt'liT I0 ! ° bu6xvoio. ! . An mien
sleigh on runners was the convejanee
and the f.iio $ li < ) gold piece , which 1
parted with leluctantly. Two buffalo
iolUH } vunii out bjhaidsorvice and with
holes in them large enough to run ones
nrnv through wcio our main ptotcetion
fri/M'thu / coltj. The p.issenroiH sit on
their trunks and shivoied i\r ! oxeiciso.
Two nights out wu lost the load and
finally found a cabin xxith a single mom
and bud. both well occupied "bj1 bolutud
travelers. Wo slept on the floor and
fought for the privilege. The next
wo sighted the Missouri and eio-sod it
lo Omalia on ico.
"Omaha in 1.S-Y7 was a elnir.icteris.tie-
tilly westcin town. Farnam street was
sealccly defined by tlio foxv sti.iggling
stores and houses xxhich inn fiom thu
liver to the foot of the steep lull. Bo-
3ond that was the prairie. Tlieio weio
saloons in plenty , HOV oral hotels and
hoim * cabins which passed for private
ivL'idenijuri , but vxhih ( would lo jlay
l > robiibly not ho envied by the poo'rcst
of jour mechanics. I romumbor well
the loom of Senator Ililchcoek , then n
joung and unmarried manvxith ils bare
walls and seuHtj furniluio. I have often
onjojed its hospitable floors xxith its
warm bullalo icbe bed. Mr. Woolwoilh ,
u hriglil , keen and interesting jonng
man , xxtis not housed in a palatial resi
dence. Comfortable- it was , I iccall
a dinner when the table xvas hotbotxveen
the doors of two rooms in older to ac
commodate the guests.
"Thoio vxoio no church buildings and
the beginnings of few church orgnni/u-
tioiiH. Bishop Komper had organi/ed
an Kdiscopal chinch which was home
less and without u pastor. 'Among its
\ostry , as I recall it , was C. W. Hamil-
Ion , A. J. Popploton , .J. M. Woolwoilh ,
T. H. Cnmiiig and John M'Coniho. It
was hard vxoik to find n place for vvoi-
Bhip. The jogishituro then in tension
, occupied Pioneer lwlPl.entod ( vxhoio
Goodman tioxv has his drug store ) and
the Claim cldh'nnd othc-r benevolent so
cieties shared its conveniences. My
first sermon was preached thoto. Dur
ing its delivery a man walked up to the
Improvised pulpit and handed me u
note. It read :
Preacher hurry up. Wo want lo tiy a
inan. Signed.
"I cut whorl several heads of my dis
course and gave up tlm room. .Subse
quently we woru often hard wiidied for
u meeting room.Vo giavilaled be-
txx-eon Pioneer block and various lofts
over stores. I vividly readied carrjing
benches und settees w ilh Tom Pnrkci lethe
the room over his furniture stoto in
ptepurnlion for Sunday services. Later ,
Jcsso-Lowe otToied a free leuso of his lot
on the corner of l-'ainam and Ninth
street if wo would build. Thu chinch
WHS built , now a saloon I um told , aftot
hard work. Mr. Lovvu gonerouslj'
painted it , put u fence mound the lol
gumunteed to keep iu repair for tor
"Many of my old narUlnoner.s am
f fiends j-ct remain with jou. The oh :
ve'stry , with Ihe oxceplion of Govornoi
Cumlng and .lohn McConiho. aie , I be
lie vo , still there. In addition 1 iccal
Major Paddoek with his lovoljjount :
wlfo , Senator Paddock whom I innrrici
in the little church on Ninth and Far
nam , O. 1) . Uichardson , A. J. Ilanscom
' William N. Hyers , H. C. .Tordan , A. U
Wyman , William Wj man. J. M. Chuk <
and his two daughters , and Mr. A'ai
Nostiand. TJioj'were a strong set o
men , xvoro your early settlers , promi
neut then and prominent now.
' 'An amusing incident which I cat
never forget occured in the eluucli 01
Farnam street. We weio to have i
Christmas exhibition , acd as part of tin
programme , I vva.s set down to exuniin
the children in thuir catechism. Tin
first question is not adillleultono. 'Wha
is your namej" and I looked over th
llttlo group to select the smallest ono t
unswor the- easiest of the catechoslieu
wroblems. A vxco little tot of perhtip
four years mot my oj'o and amid a dee \
stillness I put th'o vuestlon , 'What i
your iinnior' The nnsxvor came in
ohrill but triumphant trebly childls
voleo :
'Mary Bovvmnn born in u waggin' .
"The exnmination could not go ou fo
sovcrnl miinitea. Mary's advent wans
typical of that of number of pionee
children thut it brought down the house
und pastor and congregation Joined i
the merriment.
"My pastorate took in Council Blufl
os well as Omaha. Many a Sunday
Jmvo walked uoioss the frozen rlvoi i'
'carrying u polo in ease of : icfcldunUun
tramping thr'ough pnow nearly wnist
deep to keep inj * apiKiliitments. The
BlutTs was tnen a livyly town. Judge
Douglas learning thut the board at the
hotels was about equal to my salary , of
fered temporarily on vorj' leasonablo
terms the hospitality of his table. The
toniporarj1 accommodation spread itself
Over two years.
"I recollect lus vtvlilly as if It were
yc loiday .ludgo Conkling , tall , slim ,
stately , punetltlous for all the proprie
ties , and one of the ablest lawj'ers
which Now York has ever produced. Ho
had given up his fedcial jiidgcshlp for
the western distilct of Now Yorkunder
piyinlsei of jiolltlcal inefermeiit , and
after diplomatic service" In Mexico
came to Omaha , much against the
wishes of his familv. to build up a now
practice on the ftonlicr. Ho was a
stickler for correct English , niul the
slang of the frontier was his abomina
tion. Knowing this the joung lawjors ,
never too rigid in their n&oof language ,
Used to expand their vocabularj fre
quently to call outrematks fiom the
judgo. I remember one day in
his olllco Mr. Woolwoith , with
iv qui/zictil look , bioko out in
true fiontior style for the judge's ben-
lit. I shall never forget the tone of
stately rebuke with which the judge
said'Mr. ' Woolworth , it is astonishing
to mo that a joung man of your biccd-
ing and liberal education should use
such atrocious I'nglish. '
' 'Win. N. Byer was then in Omaha ,
iicllvo , vigorous and prosperous ! It
was a great duy In the town when ho
started for Denver with his printing
moss loaded In his wagon. Half of the
Inhabitants were in the stieottoseo
him olT and bid him Oed speed.
"Christmas was not our only festival.
I recall the Hrt Tlmnksgiv ing as well
as if it weroyojterdaj' . Win. D. Hlch-
atdfron was then governor and John M.
Coniho was in his olllco. Mr , McConiho
happened as t lemombcr it , tobo treas-
uior of the church. I dropped in one
daj" to see him , piobablj-about my sal-
arj' . Quitoaciowd was sitting mound
good natmallj challlngnnd in the inter
change of remarks some one called out
to the governor : 'Dick , all the other
states and territories are going to have
Thanksgivings and jou'll have to issue
' 'All ' called
a pioclamallon. righ ,
back Uichardson. 'Who can vvrito
pious' ? ' I don't remember whether
McConiho volunteered or not , but it was
cairied unanimously thai NebiusKnnot
to bo behind the states should have a
Thanksgiving and that Richardson
should issue the pioclammation. Then
began tin animated discussion as to the
day to bo set. 'Let's have it on Satur-
daj so that wo can sober up on Sunday.
v\a's suggested. The suggestion met
with general approval and Salmday was
the day sot for the first Thanksgiving
while 1 was in the leiritorj * .
"I retail an incident that occurred in
.Tune. I think , Of ISIS. T was in Lewis
Cass county , anxious to ride over in the
countrj to a parishioner's , T missed the
stage. Inquiry in the town brought out
the information that a land-huntor was
in the same ii\ and thut wo could proba-
blj * arrange to hiic a rig together ,
hunted him up and found him. Flo was
a cm uuis looking specimen. His legs
and arms weioof unusual length , encased -
cased inn suit of the cheapest kind of
linen , which looked tis'if they had come
f i oin a second-hand store. Thev weio
splashed fiom head to foot with mud
Hough , coarse boots , filled bj' huge , lln
bonj' foot , wore daubed \viththofriendlj' \
soil of Iowa. But he piovcd a delight
ful companion. He poiued anecdote
after anecdote in mj * eats , illustrating
almost cvorj * topic under the sun the
west , the republican paitv , slavorj' in
the terutorics and the political outlook.
It was Abiahtim Lincoln , f recall his
sij ing , 'If the people of the territories
honestly want admission with blaverj' ,
want it on a fair expression of opinion
of the majority , I am in favor of bowing
to tticir will. But I think'ho added
with a ' queer look'that they would bo
darne'd u > ols. ' '
"Mr. Lincoln was cither then securing
the quuitor section which ho owned in
Iowa or inve.stigating its value. Ho
spoKe a day later in''Council Blufls.
Among the crowd dressed in their bent
he stood in his linen suit , the mud spots
still ihero in spite of the brushing and
the boots by no means on regie for an
orator. But what a. speech , lie was
the greatest stump speaker I ever
hoanl. The audience was elootrfied and
was swajed at will by the now or of his
oiatorj- .
"It has boon manjjearr since I huvo
scon Omaha. The occasional messages
which I got from old friends grow moro
and mete Infrequent. Located in a lit
tle town in Now Jersey , in a church
built more than a huudred vcars ago , I
um not in the direct line of news fiom
m.vvcntorn friends. But noxvrt fiom
Oniiiliu i-j nlxviiys ple'iioant , ulxvn.vs vvcl-
conio nnd ul\vayn fjrutefiil. The close
association of these fiontier tunes in a
omall and Htirrin community ntado
strong attachnionts arid vx.irm fri"iid-
Hliis. The people were rom.irkablo
nmonc the jicoplo of a rumurUuble sec
tion for their stroiif th of cluir.ictor ,
their warm hospitality and thuir gon-
eious souls. Some will doubtless ro-
ilicmber me , ] ) oi'lmis ] not as vividly as I
do thum because the restless lifo and
hi h pressure tixibtcnce of such a phe
nomenally growing city cioxxds the old
out of place for the over chiinoring pres
ent. If theyiccall mo and the dajs
when 1 ininyli'd vxith them with anything -
thing liKu the plcu'-tuo which I now do
them I shall have no rciison to com
plain. " _ W. II. A.
Strong and Scnsllilo AtUIco Prom One
Aciiiuluc < l AVilh ill' ' Itoil Man.
The follow inj ; is an cxtr.ict fiom Gon-
oiul James S. Briibin'b lecentli pub-
libhod addiurj lo thu Nexv Cngliind
peojilo :
The I'onttst bolx.-con barburi'-m and
and cix iluation has been a. long one. It
is now over two hundicd j cars old , and
all this lime we have been gi
blindl.v for a correct jwdicy lo bo lined
toward the Indhins , and at last lmj j
found it. A few devoted and sclf-s.ic-
rilluing men and v.oinoiihnvobeonuuiK-
ingolloitb among' the Indians , on the
upper MNouri for j cms , trjiiig to edu
cate1 and civilize them. They have had
but little oncoimigcinnnt but have done
woudi'is , and , best of all , have pointed
the riprhl load for Ihe nation to pursue ,
Moil of these men and xxomoli niooui
oxxn biavo , Felf-Mcrilleinff Nexv l ng-
li'.nderi. As civlli.Milion proceeded
fuiin old i'npland to Now I'ngland il
has inocecded from Now Ungland vvcit-
ward to the I'acillc coast. We ot the
vxest all owe a debt to New England vvt
can never icpay , the unseen bui
htioiily } : fnlt inlluenco of a better am :
moro intelligent civ.ili/atlon tlmn is U
be attained by mere force. And no\ ;
thai oven Iho western man has ccasci
\V to believe that "there are no good III'
isu < 1ln us except the dead ones , " let us al !
ish take courage and unite to gee what w
h can do to elevate and MIVU thu re in mm
of this poor race to whom wo liavo foi
over 5SK ) yeara boon an example o
or wrong instead ot right , and of ovll in
bO stead of good. Men and women of Nov
England , como to the front and witl
your brains and your money , your slates
In men nnd scholars , help to educate am
save the remnant of the race of rod mci
TaI in our country. And this is vrbnt * A <
I must do clviliro and educate every om
' . of them. GUI- Indian commissioner , it
id his lust report ( only a few dajo old )
sajs ; "The whole nufnber of Indian
children in our country , between
the ages of six and sixteen , is '
31)Silof ) ! whom 14I'J ) ? attended school
some portion of the year. " Twenty-four
thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine
I'.M.SSll ) vvriloit in big letters little
Indians vv ithout any schools in our coun
try ; groveling in ignorance , groping
blindly for tight ; ignorant of Oed ami
the Savior of mankind : bowing down to
idols of wood and stone : and all this is
in our own country under Iho slars and
slrti > es of freedom'tinder Iho very shad
ows of the CCO-.3 of Christ , and almost
within thu MM ml of chuich bolls in the
west. Shame upon our civill/ation ,
Minnie upon our juslice nnd slunnu upon
our C'hrislianllv. Those good people of
Boston , New York , and Philadelphia
and other cities who ate anslous about
the heathen of other lands had better
look to Iho heathen of their own land.
Every one of these i2l,8S ( ) Indian child
ren of a schoolable ago should bo in
school and we should provide schools
for them. The govcinment will not
do it ; it is too mean and will only pilfer
and rob the Indian of his land.Vo
should have a do/en such schools as
Carlisle , Hamilton , and Forest GIOVO.
They do good but they do not wholly
moot the wants of the Indian. The
children should be educated at home ,
a1) ) far as possible , that wo may have the
inlluence ot the children unon their
juronls. Look at the example ot our
foreign population : in the last eleven
jears ox or l.ooS.UOO immigrants fiom
every country in the world have landed
on our shores and assimilated with our
people. Kvery year more foreigners
come than the whole Indian population
in our country amounts to and they dis
appear in the great mass of our people
and assimilate with them and wlijV
Dccause * they enter our schools as soon
as they come and begin studjing our
language , manners nnd customs. I
would have every Indian educated in
our Innguago and not his ow n ; stop the
Indian jargon and teach them to .speak
I'nglish. Then we can civili/e and
chriitiani/o thum and point them the
way to God.
All tribal relations should bo seveied
ns soon as possible , and the Indiansseat-
tered and put on farms. When thej be
come farmers they will cease to bo war
riors , and all danger fiom them be at an
end. The government should help
them liberally , giving them seed to sow
and farmers to shoxv them how to plant.
Cattle , hordes , implements and wagons
should be given them. They should be
eiiunii.iged lo work , but not compelled.
The truth is we can do but little with
the old follows , but the .voting ones are
as blank sheets of wluto paper unon
which wo make anv , kind ot an im
pression xve please. Tl-o older one will
soon pass away and Ihe joung ones take
their place * , timl then w ill come the real
civili/ation , education and refinement
of the Indian race in our country. It
may take two or three generation to per
fect the work , but il can be done if we
are pitiont and linn , and the Indian
can bo educated , civih/cd , i dined and
assimilated with our laws , people and
While the Indians aie dependent on
the government tor support I would not
allow any parent his rations of beef ,
Hour or 'anj thing unless ho kept his
children in school. This would conquer
the most sullen and unruly tiibcn'and
compel them to educale their children.
Hut Ihere is little tiouble in getting In
dian parents to send their children to
school ; all that 1 have seen aie glad to
do it. and seem lo understand as well as
vv Into people thu importance of educa
tion. "Tlio white man's loud , " as thoj'
call it , is a favoiite ro id for them , and
the children will go to school willingly
if thej' arc kinrtly treated ; and if they
don't go willingly their patents will
m.ike them go.
This question of Indian education ,
civ ili/.ition find t'liristiani/ation is one
thatappcalsstrongly to the w hole n.ition :
but it is a mailer Nexv Knglnml has
moietodo with that anybody el o , for
New England leads the way nlwajsin
all good enterprises and w here she leads ,
the nation spcedilj' follow * . Heine I
make Ibis appeal lo Iho Now England
Aiehdc.ibon lcnisouof England , is eighty
two jcuis of .IRO.
The West Kud Hchi cxx society , of Chicago , i h.uifjed its name to the llniiiui LUJI.IS
It conls the ehurchcs of New Yoik city
uhout W > 0 000 pe r i car for the Hiugio item of
It is sild the pope has absolutely re
fused to Interfcio fuither in the iclutloiis be
tween the Ii ish clergy and people.
The Americans in the eity of Ilome are
building .11'rotcstaiit i lunch which it is said
will he a moilcl of in beauty.
The golden Jubilee of Ills holtdess , Pope
Leo XIII. , xvas fittingly observed in all thu
Koman Catholic ehurches of Now York
The Puudlta Kmnubur , converted to ehris-
liaiiity , declines to ally herself with uny
se-et , piefeiimg to cull herself simply ueluis-
Four members of a e-eituin eoloied chinch
in Atlanta , Gil , voted against prohibition in
the recent election. They have been tried
for this mid expelled.
Hen Anton Schott , the tenor , ! ms devoted
tlio money he earned duriughis American eng -
g igemeiit to building a protistant chin that
Abeiihurg , Germany.
The Prosh Ueimns of Now York city tuo
talking about i .using a fund of $ lOiH > ,000 for iclief , uiid it is desired to Imvo.
the amount pledged hofoie the ecntomiiul of
Pipsbi eiiaiilsm in 18iS.
Aiehhlshop WilliauiH of Hosson , Mass , a
i aiidulutc for the cardiunlship of the Ame'i i
e.iti Koman Catholic ehureh , was the lecipi
( ut of a Chistiuus box Iu the shape of u i en
titled check foi tr.tXJO , the gift of the clergy
of his dioiese.
The hlxty students at the university of
rMitibuuch , at a recent meeting piesided
over bj PiofesMir Caldorwood of thu chiiir of
metal phliosnphj , decided to form a t hnst-
iuii association. Thu object is to cheek the
iignostic tendency
An Kpjptiun papyrus , foity-two feet long ,
containing all the chaptciaof the "Book of
the Head , " has been umolled ut the bago
libnuy , in New Urunsvvick , N. .1. It was
presented bv Hov Ir Lansing , a well known
missionari inKgxpt , Expci ts believe it to
have been vv ritu u : tXX , ( ) i ears ago.
The most singular looking church to bo
found in Ni xv Kiigluud is located In Laiims-
tr , Muss. The editlcu is llfty-lwo feet long
by thii ty wide. The walls ai o nulf of rough
stone and hulf of wood , euch llvo feet in
height , mulling It ten feet from the ground to
the eaves The roof is of the common kind ,
vx ithout a low or , steeple or belfry. The en-
tioneo is at one coiner of a highly orna
mented poii h and vestibule surmounted by a
gable of beautiful de-sign. This is a Sweden-
boi gian church.
A cathednd tower in Cordova , Spain , has
acquit ed fresh uotoi lety. Dr. Mlddleton , u
phjsichm of Sensborough , England , hud
1111 ended the tower , having a gjpsyfor his
guide. Shots wore lie.ird and the doctor de
scended alono. He said thut ho hud shot the
gypy , who attempted to rob him. It is
believed that thu guide is a bad ehuractcr
who murdered an Englishman a fexvjeais
ago and tlunghlm from the tower , rcpoiting
that his victim had committed sucide.
It Is said that scale * for weighing diamonds
mends are bi ought neatly to the delicacy
of balance which would enable dealers
to detect Haws iu the stones by minute
variations iu weight. They weigh ac
curately the 040th part of a carat.
An old stone mill that was built more
than n century ago by General Wash
ington is standing in good condition
near Perryopolis , in Pa * , otto county ,
Pa. The mill is a primitive structure- ,
but it is still in operation.
Is the Best Investment on Earth !
Next year will see still greater Developments there than ever yet witnessed. Did we ever
predict for SOUTH OMAHA anything but what has more than come to pass.
M. A. UPTON & CO. , 309 South 16th-st.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 854.
The Lonely Life of Widowhood Ro-
llovod by Cata and Cartwheels.
The rreiiku of llio Dollar Croud in
New Yolk Balls and Parties
cH ot'Ucrinnii Opctfi
Clara Hello's Ijetter.
Ni vv Yoint , Jan. 5 [ Coriespoiiileneo oT
the Hn > ] "A nun look at u ( moon If it
doesn't meow. " So iii'uch for proveibml
tlicoiy. The fact feline , and more intuicst-
iiifT , Is thut a cat looked at the losplomleiit
ball given this week at Uclinouko's , by the
bclf-assci ted uilstocrncy of New Yoik. She j |
was thu Multeson pot of Mis. Gootge N.
Hrnckett , ami n celebrated biutu in his own
totoue ; for cats liav e become immensely fash
ionable of lute , jostling the pue does and
crowning the teineis In the pailois of the
giand. Mis. Uiatkett Is n.ituialh Intcrest-
1m ; as u widow at foitj , mid addition illy so
us the possessor of u foitune suflleient to
bailt any cc.entiiLity vvhicli she chooses to
indulge in Hei tat is her pride , her insep-
nrable companion , and thoiofore wus taken
to the ball , in a toilet consisting of an em-
bioiileicd tiud gominod nbbon ein.lic.liug lus
neck. He tugged his mistiest like a pige ,
and vvusu tonsUleiablo featuio of the otca-
"ion. He deserved the mention which ho
didn't get in the newspaper lepoits next
A scLimd overlooked thing 111 pi hit , though
u toiiseiiiioiitial fuctor of the b dl , was u teal
Knghsh butler to loudly ciy out the names of
thu guests You must unilei stand thut the
balls " " ut Uulmiin-
given bv "society people" -
ito'a uie l > y no meuns public It is ti uo thut
HOVon hundred poisons vveiu gatheiedthis
lime , but the scniblnttccs of a private nniii-
HIOII vvcioc4ri2fitl.V ) tnalutained. Tne sumllor
rooms weiu fiuijisheil like jiailois , ami the
dauirationso { tile ciitno big buihliiig ( fiom
which ntdin irv customers wcio excluded ut
midnight , eVcn tjlio bar i oem being sacicd to
the night's occup inc\v ) , wore such as might
re.ison.iblv li > ive been seen in a Vuiuleibilt
or mi Astorresidence. Tlueehoavi dejlei-s
u iostl.fuinishfngs piovulcd the ui tides on
.lire , und did it so vvoll th it m uiv salqs wore
thotuelTectodj VDI nollus Vamlm hilt fancied
ono of the ( Jnbjliu tuti stuos hiinjjon u wall
and bought it ( or 57.0 X ) Well , u I said ,
evet.v tiling wus ijono with u domestic luxui I-
unco of taste , nnd In the Hntish fnshioii.
Two moiikcvTih pages in livery met .vou ut
ho poitalunil conducted vou to the dressing
oom. Then , utter jou had Inld aside v our
, vraps , a thud midget lluukoy showed jou
.he way to an unto room , into the picsc-neo of
11 being before whom you Instinctively felt
like bowing down in humble icverenco. Ho
vvassixfoet high by ubout three foot wide ,
nnd his coverings weio many hues of velvet
: iiici silk. This wus the genuine London but
ler. Nothing so tine hud ever been brought
to town since Anglomania begun. The page
took .v ou up close enough to his nvvful foim
topoimitiou to ro.ilbo what apigmyiou
vrcte , plivsicully , to him ; und us to mental
gmntry , his mujestic be iriug und bass voice
vvoiu sufllciont evidence
'Wliut is the inuno ! " ho asked.
'Mury Juno Smith , " jou lepliod , trying
to hide > our fright.
Then lie eseoited you to the furtl er end of
the i oem , where stood throe dignified ma
trons Mrs. Adrian Isolln , Mrs \V. Huvuid
Cutting , und Mis U. 1C. Stevens. Those
vvero the ueting hostesses , in fuitheianco of
the homo idea of the ball.
"Miss Murr Jaiio Smith and Mr. John
Henry Jones , " roared the butler.
You und jour companion bowed to the
thrce-in-a-rovv mutions who leturnod
- - - , jour
sulutation und thus jou were "iccelved. "
Thoooiemonv meant that you vvoie mem
bers or "good sociolv , " uccopled us sueh ut
this beautiful bull. Thut is to sav , j on v\oio
uceiedited us one of the tip top seven bun-
dii-d New Yorkers who arc immeasurably
ubovo und Ivojond the tiaditioiml ' 'ten thou
sand. " lla-tui ! Hut it Isn't a luughnblo nmt-
tortoHomu of the paiticipants Many u
"scheming mamma mid ambitious daughter
have spent anxious dajs und nights working
themselves into this section of soiietj' for
of course , there is u ragged edge , almost lit
erally , to it , poor relations of wealthy famil
ies aio often squeezed in bju slight stretch
of favor , und success sometimes means a
i Ich , fashionable husband for u girl who ,
otherwise , might Imvo to incept meio trim
love without endowment. Admission to ono
of the howlinglv swell Uclinonlro bills
moans the verj highest social endorsement
known to New York , to bo extravagantly
pri/od by those who desire it , no matter how
much it muv bo despised by those who don't.
There were about u do/on exceptions to the
last ussertlon in thut puragiaph , nnd they
weio the teportors fiom the important dully
Jouinuls. They were us careful evening
toilets as an j boil v ; the v mingled with the
rest of the assemblage ; thej diincod if they
pleased ; thejpaitook of the supper and they
vvero Indistinguishable fiom the other gentlemen -
tlomon , except when engaged in u small
room apart writing their accounts. How ,
then , did thej- fall to get the biand of < iuint-
cssont social approval I I will tell j on. For
these balls a number of very fashionable
men , in this case u hundred , named each
seven persons to be invited. Not onlv wore
thej' eh irged to select proper individu
als , but the lists were scanned closely by a
special and export committee. Now , this
"host society" of ouis Is alvvijs desirous of
Itself pleasantly published. Of course , it
wouldn't do to Issue icgulur Invitations In
blank. On the other hand , the city editors
of papers refused vv hen the question was
raised scvci al vcurs ago to send rciwrters
to hang about the doors and poop through
the kov holes. That might bo done for the
sake of Important news , but not for uny ball.
Mrs. William Aator happened to bo thu con
trolling spirit In the test instance. She set
tled It by apolntlng | a press committee of
two beaux , whoj jiersonallj'convejed to the
editors the Information that ono reporter
from each journal would be received on pro-
hontniR his credentials , and the perfect freo-
doin of the ball would bo given to him. That
example settled the usago. Chosen rcjmrt-
ers uro honoicd guests at the most exclusive
Delinonico occasions. This time there wus
pointed out to me a reporter dancing with
the helretts expectant to three millions , and
to whom ha hud boon Introduced by his
former college chum , the son of a Crcusus.
Two nights later the great auuual charity
ball occuri cd. Hithci to for several j cat's the
swells Imvo bought tickets llbcially enough ,
but have used them onlj foi the ( impose of
sitting In the bosos of the Metiopolitan opota
house , v\ hoi o thu affair Is hi'ld , and loftily
looking down nn the commoner dam crs for
admission Is sold to all loputublu npplicnntx.
Hut the ically benevolent mnnngoiesses did
not mean that the institution should go Into
Miluolcsstipss , as itsuielv would in thut wav.
This v car they went aiound with a pauer
which bound the signers to dance ut least
oiuo. It was gcncially signed by the nebs ,
und so , once iigaiu as ofjoiothe ball com
mingled thovoiyikh with the inoicly re
The perfume pencil was used considciably
on both these occasions You never heuid of
Itl Neither did nny of the gills w ho used It ,
tintilaftei thcdcviic had boon biought to
their attention. This w us done byuduppur
peddler , possibl\ the Inventor , for they monet
not know n to the stoi c\s The bluck loud was
combined with stiong si cuts , so thut , when
he wrote on a card , u cm lously delicate und
pleasant odor was given out. Thcic isn't
much use in unj' munufattui or catching up
the idea and Moi king the maikot , for the ills
closmoof the trick destiojs its desirability.
"If jou wrilo with it. " explained the seller ,
and illustiuted It on the spot , "especially If
jou do it reasonablv close to the nose of an
uninformed pci son , ho or she is delightfully
und mvsteiiously assailed with a fulnt per
fume. "
The soeletj'gitls bought the perfume pen
cils ut a ? > l apiece and got them Just in time
for this week's two balls When a possessor
was usked to submit her dancing card to a
candidate for vvult/iiig or < | Uudrillo pirtnoi-
ship. she let him write on it the ordinary
fashion. Then she stood with her fuco as
ncarto him as the difTcience in their height
and the piopiieties of the plate admitted ,
sc.ucliou out his wilting on the caul und ,
withhci nitigic pencil , diew a line muter his
name us though to distinguish it The maik
was not good , cleat jet und it had a gicusj-
tonsiitencj' , but it instantlj- sent foi th the
pionilscdpcifinno so delicatelj' , so sweetly
tint it seemed to bo the bicuth of the lair
fi and herself.
Four times a weak thoio Is a gicat assemb
lage of fashion at the opera. No one has
told In ( unit the tiuth about the famous com-
pinj ut whoso feet the social cotoiios , the
misteisof : iOO,000XXussomble ( ) m thoMotio-
politan opoiu houso. It Is the most awkward
and unprepossessing tioupo of men and wo
men thnt over tied the boauls of anj' New
Yoik thiutie. Of Mis Lilllo Lohmann. the
] iinn i donna , a ladj said : "Well , I have
scvu her two dozen tunes , but I nev or saw
hu heels unv loss than tin eo foot iipait. "
1m igino the movements of anj one of whom
this is true , c pcclullj when jou
Piau Lohma'.n is short und biouil , und
seems to bo made upbelow her head , of tin eo
protuberances of giant pinportlons. Her
taste has not been impi oved by long i esiilonco
in this couutij , and she continues in ouch
new opni a to appear in di esses cut sons to
bring her waist below the top of her hips ,
and w ith such new costume di aped so as to
have a big In fiont leuehing below her
knees She indulges in the most vigoious
dramatic action , but it consists in only two
movements. Ono of these is to cross her
left arm over the top of her bodice , vvhero
enormous ns her aim is , it tests as precisolj *
us if it was laid on u shelf. The other is to
hold her right arm straight in the nil , a la
Baitholdl's statue of libortj' . With her arm
in this lightning rod position she will stand
nnd slug ton minutes ut u time , until jou.vvho
ate watching her , get so tired in one , uiiuout
of pure sjmpathj' , that jou begin to uihu be
fore she puts it down. O > < grand occasions
she and Frauleln Brandt , the second female
singer m thu troupe , both raise one hand in
this way , and stand like two bronze lump-
bcarers on cither side of a staircase reaching
straight up into the air and singing for sev
eral minutes. Miss Hrandt is as thin as Mi s.
Lehmann is stout , nnd Miss Urandt makes
no pretentious to either j'outh or bcautj' .
Of thu men , neither my love of the opeia ,
my respect for the stronger set , nor all the
gorgcousuess und glitter of their costumes ,
can bring mo to any more than that ono of
the pilnclpal six is what is ( ailed good look
ing. Hen Alvnij' , ono of the tenors , Is a
handsome joung Gorman , erect , shnpolj- ,
graceful , genial and youthful. The lost
lepiosent all degiees of absence of bounty ,
fiom ono of the bassos who looks like Gus
tavo Dole's woebe cno pictuiu of tiaucho
Pan/a , to another great singoi who soqms to
have boon cutout by natuio for lifting casks
inabruwer.v In the day time nnd draining
mugs at night. All the men perform what
I Ilippantlj' lull the Goddess of-Llbortj act
w ith their light hands , just as the women do.
And the > all either roll mound the stage
lixo fat sailors , or stalk about llko stage
There Is a womlci fill ballot , numbering
something liku eighty or ninetj' women , the
prettiest , most giaioful und host tiuinod this
goneiation ever saw. Hut it is m.ulo funny ,
to saj' the least , by having to follow the lead
of a personified butter keg , for it would not
be easy bettei to desciibo Mile. Gellert , than
by this simile Her l.mbs uro like columns
of butter , and her torso has the shape of the
contents of a short barrel of butter fiom
which the staves and hoops have boon
knocked awaj. Consequently her dancing Is
And jot. In the fuco of these peculiarities ,
It Is the most successful opera tioupo wo
< n-or saw. It is the candle around which the
gilded moths of fashion flutter us they never
did around any othei. And for u good rea
son. It giver , us teallj the first giando | > cia
wooverhoaid Laugh as wo please utthe
manners and looks of the men and women ,
they can sing like-tho bcraphirs ; llko angels
indlvlduallj' , liku u telestial choir collec-
tivelj. Thpj appear lu the heaviest opera ,
und In such , It must bo remembered , oven so
great u vocalist us Pattl could not sing at ull.
It takes pbjsiquo , lung | > ewer , bulk und
stiength to take u pait in a Wagner opera ,
nnd though grace is alwaj s welcome , no
great amount of elegance , beuuty , or refine
ment of notion is needed for those music
dramas laid Iniudcst times. Who over has
heard Lehmann und Brandt fill that flvo-
g.illcrlecl theater , the biggest on the on-
tincnt , us If it were u parlor und fill It with
thu purest , most liquid melody , no longer
finds inclination to critlciso the gowns of the
ladles or their stage manners. And just so to
hear Nicmann , KoblnHon , Emblad and Al-
vary Is to hear the best male voices ever lis
tened to in New York. Kvcry night the
House U packed , and every night those uion
and women uro bi ought before the curtain
again and again. So , too. Is tlui stage man
ager , for not even Henry Irving ever dreamed
of mounting plujs with such scenery nnd cos
tumes us are shown hoi o. And no wonder.
No government In Europe spends so much on
opera as the backers of this establishment ,
and no government Is moro indifferent to the
receipts at the box onlce than they aru.
"Give us the best , " Is ull they usk , "and
como to us at the end of the season for what
ever is unpaid. " CMIU UEI.LK ,
Julia Marlowe will begin her stellar tour
ut Hiiltiinoie mi theilit
Coqui'lin , after leaving Huch ucst , will go
to Constantinople and Caiio
Pliinqiicltc , the composer of "Los Cloches
do Coinevillc , " has Just completed a new
opciotta entitled "Ncctaiine "
"ICIehaid Wagner , " is the title of a diam.i
by Heir Yon X.immennan , which has just
made its appoaieiico in Geinmuj
It is gossiped that Homy living will not
lev isit this lountij airaln , despite thu fait
that ho has , made a foi tune hoio.
Helen Dativiay's ictiiement fiom the stage
will probably not bo peimauont. blie is lo
plnj In San IVunciscu novl month for chailtj.
Signor i'eiugini has been engaged b\ Carl
Hosi to sing the timoi ioo ! in "Cannon"
dui in his cm tent opcin season in Ung-
him ) .
The gieatefct of all living violin plujeis ,
Josef .loachim.hasbeen stticken with p.iiulj-
sis , and will piobablj'novel ugniu appear in ,
Manager John A MiCaiill fi.utmcil his
loft leg b\ falling on tlipslippoij' sidewalk nn
his way to the Clilcago opeia house lastTues-
daj night.
It is said that Mr. and Mis W. J. Florence
have been engaged to play the leading ( tails
in SvilnejUosenfeld's new plaj of "A 1'ossi
bio Case. "
A now drama , "The Light on the Point , "
with staitlmg scenery ami watei effcitswill
be launched slioitlj bj Nclso Wtildiun und
Hugh Fay.
Miss Grace Hawthoino's phuingof S ira ,
the Jewess , in HuitlcCampbell's "Sibeim , "
lus made a gi cat sensation at the Princess'
theatie , London.
The lonceit given bv Adclina Patt ! at the
Paiis Opoia comique for the benefit of the
hospital in London , is suul to have netted the
snug sum of ! UOOOf.
D'Ojlj Cot to is making ni raiigeinents to
pioilnco Gllbeit and .Sullivan's in Hussia.
He will piosont them In English with u company -
pany made up in London.
The Mis Goneial Tom Thumb company
closed its season ut Hoi nollsv illo. N. Y , hist
Mondato prepaic for a toui of New Ung
laud to begin in two weeks.
A new oporatta bj Hiclmid Goneo. thoiom-
poscrof "Nanon , " entitled "Tho Tliiitocn , "
lias Just been poi foi mod with gicat suiccss
at the Cat 1 theater , in Vienna.
11 L Walton , the stellar comedian of u
Hebicwplaj last season , will begin u toui in
Fcbrnaij as the heio In a now pluj bj-tho
author of "A Chip of the Old Hlock. "
"The Sougarth" has not mot with much
suciess tlnoiighout the countij. and Oliver
Doud lijiou , who owns the pla.v , will ( nob-
abl.v disband the coinp.uij on Jiuiuiuy It.
Wagonoi's onlj sjinphonj , latelj' disioy-
ciod , will have its first healing in this 101111-
ou Junuaiv 'J1J ut the New York Metiopoli
tan opeia house , under Herr Souli's baton.
There is lonsldeiablo Inside piofossionul
talk about a projected meeting of managers
for the puiposo of adopting moasuies for the
exclusion of tall bonnets fiom their theaters.
A mixed delegation of Tuscaioru Indians
und colored folks sailed for England on Fn-
daj to aid in the realisms of the Niagaia
Cjclorama , to beshottlj' exhibited in Lon
Josef Hofmnnn , when In Boston , wrote a
waltz for the Boston Herald , dedicated to it
with the compliments of the season , it was
published in tac simile of the mauusciipt , last
Sundaj' .
M. Ambioise Thomas Is the picsldcnt of
the Puns committee for international
musical exposition to bo held at Bologna ,
Italy , this year , under the honoraij' presi
dency of Signor Giuseppe Vcidl.
The Impression appeals to bo gaining
giound thut M. Sui clou's latest play , "La
Tosca , " is a i.tnk failuie. Some of the Paris
ian ei itics even go so far as to usseit that it
has given the deathblow to the dramatist's
Miss Van Xandt's ' second concert in
Vienna was less successful even thiin the
first. At Pi ague , however , wheio the pub
lic , it would seem , is less exai ting , her per-
pei foi muncc of "Lakmc" caused genuine en
Manager Chailes U. Lockostatcs * that the
National opera company would positively
complete all Its cngageinoiit and will bo seen
in Now Yoik in Maich. Meanwhile ho has
discarded thu ballet , which has not been
[ iiotltablj * allied U ) opera.
A bill was lately Intioduccd Into the United
States senate to modifj- the inter state com-
nieicu law HO as to penult loduccd lailioad
latestobo accorded to paitios of twentj
live. This is intended for the lollef of tiuv-
cling theatrical companies.
Abtokoroecupwngastall In the thoatio
C.nthagena , bpaln , ou 1'iiday night , com
mitted suicide bj exploding u dynamite tai t-
ililgo. The concussion extinguished the
llghts.oauslrit. a panlo in the audiencewhoie
by over 101) ) persons vcio injmed.
Josef Hofmann has bccoino quite a social
lion in New Yoik ana Boston. Last Sunday
the little pianist was given a icioption at thu
house of Govci 1101 Ames , in Boston , and on
Junuaiv 14 ho will be ontoitalncd bj Mis.
Cornelius Vandeibllt hi New York.
"Tank actois" is s ihl to bo the latest add !
tlon to the slang of the stage U does not al
lude to the liquid i aimeitj of Its deslgnatces ,
but distinguishes bad citv actors fiom their
i-ountij' biothion , who lojoiio , moio 01 less ,
In thoappellation of "Uncle Toinmois "
Tniitj' thousand dollais was the highest
fro Giulla Giibi ever iccoivcd for the- whole
of the London season , uivcring live months
Pattl is iccoivliiH Just > l\ times as much for
her iand tour in South Amoileu , in whhh
she will not moic than foitj'-cight
Th Xew nnglnnd Coii'-pivatory of Music
is a inagniticcnt luHtitution. Built for i
hotel , It lodges 41X1 out of an uvoiago of 1UM :
stuiIuntH , the course being four yours. 11
contains fi\o pipe oiguns , nine two manua
and nodal iced organs , -U ) piunofortui , and a
practice room seating 500.
Phlnc.isT. Barnum writes that his firm
Intends before long to establish in several ol
the largest cities permanent museums o :
"natuial , artificial , mechanical und scientific
curiosities. " To these will be added lecture
rooms with stugos laigo enough for the ( no
scntutlon of tablcaus , panoramas , aim mora
Verdi's . .Otello. " magnificently staged , bu
rather Indifferently suigha.s ) now Ix'rn bean
In Pc.-itli. 'I he second und the fouith arts uro
Huld to hux c in ado a deep Imiintssloa , but ns
whole the wprk pi oved u trillo dlHappointing
It will be Interesting to note how this o | > eia
will be received In Munich , wheio its pro
ductlon Is announced for the ! < 1 of this
month ,
A ( 'U'at deal of gossip In Palis has 'oeci
the outiomo of the fuct that Mis Jumoi
Bio\\n Potter and Sarah Bornhardt took
In eakfast together some months ago , Ami ,
stiungi ! as It muy scorn , that bioakfast ha <
somewhat impiovod Bcinhaidt's social posi
tion In Pin U It she can bo said * to possostt
one. This is u queer HOI Id , ami Pulls Is the
qucoicst smt. |
Alfied riionipson , the Mosigiior of "Tho
Aiabian Nights , " is considering proposals
foi the ( iioduitlon of a spin tin In which lt
cspcitod to suiiiss ( auv thing of the kind
oxer soon in AmciUa or Kngland , outfiv.illng
oven the famous "M ibcl and Bijou" spoclu-
cleat DIUIV Lane , London , whhh was the
losuli of the joint ctToits of Captain 'l'honi ] .
son ami Dion Bouclcault.
l'i lends in Pittsbmgof Haitlc.v Campbell
mo uuthotitv for the statement Hut the
plavwiUht has entin'lv , iciovoied his mental
bahiiiio , and that ho will bu able in a voiv
nhoi : t limn to bo u ith his family ami fi lends
again The most icnmrkahlo thing about
Mi Campbell's IOKIVCIJ is that ho has not
onlj impiovcd mcntullj , but has made u
wondciful ! mpio\oincnt phisicullj' . Ho
looks almost as well as In his mote jouUiful
In the columns of an It Ulan music journal ,
the Tiovatoio , appear tidings eonccrnlnii
the Gould Kingdon m iri Inge and the Van-
dcilult f.iinih w hit h icail thus after transla
tion "Hiippx ( icoph1 if the infoi inutlon IH
authentic Miss Stigson , n soubictte in u
New Yoik theatre , has nmriicd the noted
millionaiic Gould , and Nellie Gouillon , n
singer at the lloiiffcs Yankees , has married
the milliommc Vumlei Iillt-Allen , who bait
gixon her as a muriiago ( loition frj.'i.OOO.MX ) or
100,0 Hl.OOOliie. "
It Is said that Mary Andei son's popularity
m London has dioppcd lonsldei ably thlH
Henson , and her engagement there is not
\\itliin one hair of the expectations formed
of it. People begin to find Unit Miuj' Ander-
i ou is falling oft very lonmikably In her act
ing und , what is vvoise , in her poisunul up-
( n-ai ancc The charm of j until seems to have
deputed ontiielj. Tlio lines of the fuco
liaxe become haul and displeasing , und , ill-
together , the nltiiutivo jieisnn illty that
made hoi a suiccss at Hist is gone.
Mi. W J St.mlon , the coinodlan , sings n
SOUR < ( imposed bj hiniHolf , entitled , "Kcniont-
boi , Box1 , You'io hlshi" In louyeisatlon 10-
icntlx about the solnco of his 's6ngs he said
ho got the inspliation foi that ono fiom a
pathetic si i no ho witnessed two'jo.ns ago at
the laihouil di'imt in Killarnov , Ireland.
Sovoial women xvvio suxlng goodlij- two .
or tin 01 * voung men who wen1 evidently
'oing to the United States Ono mother
obbcd as if her he.iit vxould bicak wlille she
vattliod her boy get on boaul the car ; then ,
ns the ti.iin move d out of the siation , she
called Wotweeii hi r sobs , "Hcinembor , boj' ,
ou'io Inslil"
Mr. Pi ank How aid , the singer nnd com-
> osei , who is' In Dockstador'H minstrel com- , i elates a uhuimlng llttlo stoijconconi -
ng the inspliation that caused him to wilto
'Only a Pansy Blossom. " Ho hud boon to
lioelv , la , accompanied by his wife , to HCO
ibout buvlngu fui in for a. homestead. They
valkod thiough some lovely meadow land
hat they liked , and in one of thu winding
uths thiough the tall giuss Mrs. Howuia
ingeied "What mo jou picking ! " the
singer called. "Onlj' a punsj1 blossom , " was
ho answer. Out of her oxpi * > ssion grow
ho idea of the song , nnd the rev allies tha
ompos r i eoelvod almost paid for the farm ,
and ho uoxx has a gaidcn on the spot whera
Us wife found the paimy blossom ,
Noiir Danburj , in Nortb Carolina ,
sUiuds n lofj bouno built byits jnf'Hont
occupant forty-live jcnis ago. When
le lir t built the the on tlio new heiirth
10 vowed it bbould never to out. nnd it
ins not. Meantime tlio ovvjun' hus not
slept from homo u binglu nitfht ; liax
never lusted food from uny tublo but hit )
) vvn ; bus never used u caudle or other
irht ( , in bin duelling , .vet him married
tin co time1- , been tin * fiitbur of fourteen
children und beeoino a ureat-grund-
: uther.
In txxo London chniclie& , actors have
> eeu invited to read the lc.s ons for
suvciul successive Sundnj.s lately , will
satisfaction to tbu iiudionccH.
N. W. Cor. 13th & . Dodge 8ts
B R > jA. O B3 B , i
Jltfct facilities , Bpji irnlm and rcinrdles for BIIC-
cessdil Irtatmtnt urevcri form of disease ivqulr.
iiiK Mcilkal or Surgical 1 rt-atmint.
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