Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Page 10, Image 10

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Advcrtlseinrntsundc'r tills head. Ill rents per
41m- for the first Incertion. 7 cents for each sub
sequent Insertion , nnd tlM n line per month.
Nonilvcrtliciwnt taken for lens than 2."t cents
for tlic first Insertlem. Seven words will be
counted to the line ; they must rim consecutively -
ly and mint be jmlel n ndvance. All advertise--
JMiitsmust bohandeel In before 1:7) : ) o'clock p.
m. . npd tinder no clrcMimstaiices will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
" rurtieMnelvi'rtlslnglu thc e columns and hav-
IniMhe answers ailelre-s- In dire of the lice ,
will plensensk for a check to enable them to
Ret their letters , as nonewlll be ele lUvrecl except
on presentation of check All answers to nd-
Tcrtlscinelitrt should be enclosed in envelopes.
All advertisements In thi'se-columns nrepnlt-
llshcd In both inornlnK and evenlUK editions of
the Uee , the circulation of whkh aggregates
more ) than 15.MII pnpetx dally , and gl\es the nil-
vcttlsers the ; be-nellt. not only of the city circu
lation of the llee , but nlso of Council llluirs ,
Lincoln , nnd other cities and towns throughout
this pint of the west.
wanted for (1) ( ) excellent house-
SITUATIONS dining loom mulds , ( B ) general
IIMJ maids , ( I ) lady Itoetkkeper. ( II commission
clerk. (1) ( ) bartender. Matet llmploymunt Pallors ,
141 17 rarnam st. , room 10 , upstairs , 4ZW *
tMNTKD-Situation let elei geni'inl house-
T work. . Apply llisi llth und llowuiel sU.
J.N > n
- "A 1" meat and
WANTUD-Sltuatlonsforll ) cooks , one
linker and pastry cook , colored coachman , best
of city icferenies ; liMi co.uliman , 7 years'
Kt'oom In olllcer's fnmlly : ( lerman coarlunan ,
city refereiicu. All onlers filled free ,
Peed ' I'.inii. olllce , Mrs. Hrcgu Ac Bon ,
allifo. Ifitll. Tel. Ml. .THil 8 *
\\rANTKD-Sltiiatlons. Our waiting room Is
constantly tilled with ghIs heekliiK em
ployment. If jou need a lrl r me and Ret one.
Canudlan Kmp. olllce. Mrs. llrega & Sou , Hlfl So.
16th. Tel.tJ.s4. ilhti 8'
Position to repi esent some w hole-
WANTKD on the road. Addiess T 1H. lieu
olHce. : tl.lOl
- on ranche by a carpen-
WANTKD-Sltuatlon ; . do repalilnc in Iron
and wood , and have had experience ) with windmills -
mills , pumps , etc. Inferences luinlshed. Ad-
dtess T In , lieu office. 3W 10 *
' . ) A tailor who will exchniuje woik
for new furniture. Addi ess lock box ; iO' > ,
Omaha. 41ll !
. A physician , must bo n graduate
WANTP.Il Rood satiny. Call
on or address Dr. Powell Iteeves. No. IK1 8. nth
t. , Omaha , Neb. 40J-18 *
TJi rANTUI-Hoy ) to Icura tiaile at u Ifith
YV st.
\\rANTHD Partner In guidenlng business ,
T small capital required , AdehessT 11 , lice
ollico. 3.VS B *
I'.ilntand ceilor salesman In Iowa
for St Louis house ) , grocery and liquor
salesmen lor eastern house- , grocery salesman to
families feir Council Illulfs , 1 for Lincoln ,
call at ( licnl We-ste'in bureau , the oldest
und most reliable In America , l.VUl Farnam st. ,
rootnV , NV. 8j
W ANTKD Five traveling hnlesmen. t'O per
month nnel expeuses. No experience
needed. Kncleve' stnmp. Address II. 1- . & Cet. ,
llox 12. Westlleld , ( 'haul. Co. N. Y. SCIIi *
\\7ANTF.D-One peeler , one oven-man I'll
T quire ut22J S 14lh st , or McClurg Cracker-
and Candy Co. , Council Illume , la. ' . " . 8
"T\7 ANTKD Two traveling salesmen for Neb ,
YT None but such ns mean business nnd can
cammanil nt least t.V ) need apply. Address Great
Ic llussey. SMI Dodge St. . Omaha. 278 11'
WANTHD A Jewelry cngtaver at lidholm &
Akln's. 251 S
SALHSMKN Tl\o tiavellngsalesmen ; salary
nnel e'xpenses ; no experience necessary.
Addiess , with stamp , Palmer & Co. , La Crosse ,
WIs. kll 15 *
W ANTKD Men1 for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Furnam. OS5
W'ANTKD 100 men of good appearance to
try our Ifin meals ut Noirls restumant , 311 .
ml .113 South 14th street. ( old Live and Let
UN !
irANTKD-Oood nurhe girl. Apply II. Now-
Y man , 2701 Cumlng st , 402-8 *
A woman , 'M years old , One"
speaks Danish us house ) keeper.Oil
Cumlng st- 4in-IOJ
NTHD-lOO girls for work in store's
olllci's , hotels , restaurants , boarelliiH
liouse-s , shops and private ! families. Our orders
nro comliiK In constantly anel If you wish n
plane , eullnt the ) Unto City IJinployme-nt olllce ,
ftltSci. UH-II *
\ \ rANTKD- Woman oook for Curtis , fare
T > paid ; ! ! dining room Klrls for Wyoming.
) , fait1 paid ; - wonie-n ioeiks for lelaho , t-'tUnncl
* . 'IO ; pantry girl for Itaplel City. lli ! ; chamber
maid anel laundress feir Central City , fare pnlel ,
llic'lty dining room glil. pantry Klrls , 'jr. Klrls
for honse'Wenk , MaiielJ.'i.'iU ' per week , laiiudresscv
nil i-e.e.ks . , nm > e ) anil se > eond Klrls. Canadian
Kmp. e > IIicf. Jlih. Ilieg.i i Son , Ulfl S. 1Mb.
; 58 >
O A good Klrl for general house *
work , HUI South " 1st rit.
T\7"ANTrU-airl \'t \ or 111 ye ar-i of nfe > us nurse
T girl nnd assist In honst win k. Uood home
alitl w ages. Apply 1B.M Norlh gitli st. ! M l b *
WANTKD-A girl nt 1 11 ( leorglu ave. Mm. .
J. L. Wllkle- . itu l )
\ \ 7ANTKI ) A girl for general housework
T goetd wages , MH California ht cor ajth.
TW sn
W ANTKD A Keiod took. Apply , n o cor 2lsl
and Weibster. 1)40 ) Kj
w ANTKDOlil forueueial housewoik. None
but competent gill neeel apply , lllll Cass
ANTKD-tSlrlfor lio-isework hi family pi
thiee. 2115Callfonlu st. 3108 *
T\TANTiD-Gtrl. : Call ut S > 03 S. 17th st.
Y > 8718
\VANTFD 'IVo ladles from 25 to 45 ye > .ir > . o
Y Y age , of ioe > el udelichs anel business tact , tc
solicit 01 del > for tlie easiest selling book in the
market. Call on J. M. Flench A : Co. , room lei
liliftl man block , Oin.iha. 252 IU
"MrANTHD-Olil to work Iu kltiheii , Dorai
T house , -122 K Ibth st. , near St. Maiy's ave
\\TANTl-iD-One llrst-e'iass woman ceic.k , line
ff on e'xpe'lleiu'e'd seeonel girl : leference' '
recruitcd ; good wages. Apply to 221'.i Dodge
. OH
"l\r.\NTi'D-Fii ! > t clas- , nil ! for cook , gooe
' wuges paid. MIB. It. C. 1'uttei-son , 620 N
KM. 6v >
OKKlady Int-u'iy town wunte'd to introdun
and fi'll I'aimjrostil Pills , "Chichikte'i'
Kiuillsh. " Urlgluiilauduiilyllc'iuituii , Se > nd4
( stHiiip ) for particulars. clilthet > tcr Chemlca
Co. , I'hlUdelpliIa 1'a. ; I27
T A Dl KS are offered embrolderj * necelleu ork a
JLJihelr ow n homes ( tow u or country ) by a w hole
Kale I'.outee. Pioiltablc , genuine , uoetel pay e-ui
IH > made' . Kverj thing nuntslied. Partlculni
Iiet ) . Address Artistic Needlework Co. , iffisti
St. , New- York City. So7
TX'ANTKU-Ladleis iu city or country , for on
T' holiday trade , to take llyht , pleasant w oil
dt their own homes. * 1 to fi : jter day can b
quietly iimilc. Work ent by mall any ellstunre'S fine. No canvii.s-dni ; . Address H
tne.e , ' . t'escent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. , lioMor
JIns.s. P. O. box 5170. lisa
" \XrANTKl > TiOhielle.s to try our l.V. meals'n
Tl NoriIs' restaurant old Live and Let Live
1111 lilid 313 S. 14th st. -JST.
ANTIJO IJfhpe'ctuWti young man to Mini-
' H ploiiMtnt rciont at reasonable late , lit ;
" \\7ANTF.D Information ns to Joseph M
T > Hardwe'll's whereabouts , left nt the olllce
will bo appreciated. 2VW ) *
ANTKD tiPlitlemen to try our 10-ce > i
meals at Scholler leatanrant , 101 S. Irttli.
210 J
, VTi ; Kmploymcut Parlors , H17 Fninnin s
ANADIA.N Kmploymeiit oilice , TmTbei
place In Omahii to get lu-lp or situation
Mali * ail > A feniala. Itefc-ifnco , Omaha Natloni
" ' Mrs. llrcgn * Son.Ulus. 15th. Tel.f
- . board with heated loom , pi
FlHST-Cr.ASS \ , H.5U per week , SWU Hnrneyht. _
T30AHD with nxtms at21l8 Unit st.
TE7 ANTF.IK-A few dny boniilers .it H Ncrl
T IKth street , lleforeiiceiiieiiulre.l.
320 12 *
T lHST-CLAfS table l.ourdTserved . In lion
JP Mlf , forior : 4 gentlemen. 1511 Dodge. O
"WANTKD-lJy a single gentleman a nice
T furnished room with or without Imnr
Vlll pny liberally feirsuttablo r.ccouuiuiJatlot ]
T , , Ue office. .
T710H WF.NT Tlireenew 10-room house's.with
X' ; tll modern Improrc-ments , hlglily fin-
nlsheel. For particulars Inemlrn of H. Katz nt
house adjoining or room 315 , lUmpc building.
HUNT Store on Leavenworth St. , near
corner st. , with reioms eve > r store for
fiiiall Inmlly. lle-nt reasonable.V. . 0. lve s Co. ,
I4th St. , opposltee 1'axton hotel. ifJT 10
HUNT Duelling with brick basement.
near r. I' . de-iHit. , , fth st. ne'nr 1'aclllc st. ,
t HOW. \ \ ' . U. Ivcs Co. , 14th M. ( , oppositeI'axton
heiteO. .7.17 10
"plOH linXT-l'ottnKO lie'iir Leuvenworlh on
L1 2IM st. , ? 'H. ) . \V.C.I\es Co. , llth st. . op-
poslto I'axton hotel. IW 10
. . . . . . (7) ( ) room house , all fuin-
- . ' 1-hed. No. 107 north mh st. 4iU
"tilOH HUNT Tluee (10 ( loom house , feir
Jupeople , llth and ChUugci st-e. 101
IjlOH HliNT 12-roe.m . house , all modern 1m-
JL piovpinc'iitH , le-ntsfor bin , aan Capitol ave' .
Inquire A. Splglt , 711 S. Mth Nt. or III' ' ) Fainam.
Ii.Vl-1 IJ
4 HOOM houie.furnltuie che-np nud teims easy
in loom iMinrdliiK house , South Oinahn , 7
room HHI. furniture MOO. lent H" > : 7 room house' ,
lease one year , lent $ .17.50 , price t..T5 cash ; ) ) room
house' , lurnllmi'fi'ii ) , ! 4 e-iish , balance ? ! ' . per
month : 5 letoiii house- , lent $10. fuinltuie tlMi , U
cash , balance Wipe'rmonth , 111 loom boarding
house , le'iit ? l , fnrnlturoj.s ; , ! ) , / cash , balance'
Jlllper Inonth : "loom steam heated Hut , tent
JILiO. furniture' * 2IK > , ! i cash , 15 loom lint , pnj Ing
Well ami othi'l-houses and lints too liumerous
to mention. Co ppeiiitlve Land St Lot Co. , an N
llith st. - , . ! ' > SH
TTHH1 HUNT The lower story of my hoiise N'o.
JL' 207 Seiuth 24th st , r. reKtins , gas and heat , hot
nnd cold water and clstein water , cellar and
yard. ! M7
T710H Itr.NT-Oood 3-iooin house at IfftSS. 18th
J lli-nr I'lerco. 3KI-8
T7 ) H HKNT-NIce cottage nt 808 S IPth st.
-C Inquire ! XS N ICth st , room 14. 3Vt ! t *
TjlOH HKNT A lOroom house mi Jones , an
JL1 luthst. , all mode'in Impiovements , 3 blks
from opera house , JeTO per month. K. A. Leav-
e-nw in th'fu \ I'nrnnm st. 254
FOIl HUNT B room cottage ) between 8 Ifith
und 17th , Dorcas st. inquire at house.
31i > 12 *
4 HOOM house. South Omaha , just north of
Mandplpe , cooelwell. etc. , J15 per mo , K. A.
Leavenwe.ith , l'O > J Fainam st. 254
FOH HKNT Nice n-niomed cottage nt r.13 S.
llithM. Ciillatll - . Howard st. ! WI 9
171OH HUNT-Small cottage ; Inquire 422 S. 18th
.V st. . near St. Mary's ave. SH
rpllKhouso I now occupy will bo for rent , Jan.
JL naiy 1st ; house contains ] 0-rooms und all
uodern fmpioxements. SOU 8. 21th st. Morltz
Ieyer. Call ut llth and Fuinam or at 207 S. 21th
[ jlOH HUNT One seven-room house , hot and
lJ cold A\nter. gas nnd heated by fm nace , sit-
latedonSaunders ncnii Luke.
Also , four six-room houses situated on King
it , 1101 th of Lukebt. Patilclc llros , , Ailingtoii
Hoc k. Hoom 2. i" 11 !
[ 71OH HUNT 2new7 roomed houses , well , els-
L1 teni , large cellar , llith near ClarK st. W ,
3. Hill U or , opp postolllco. tCl
POH UENT 0 new 7 roomed houses , city
water , cistern , cellar , 20th st near Paul , W ,
I.Shrlver , Frenzer block opposite postotllce.
"VTO. lion 7th live. , tVrnnm house , igood re
JL > pair , large yard , cistern water ; will ren-
> responsible peisou w 1th not moro than 2 chll-
ill en for f25 per month. 441
" 13WH HENT Now house , ( I rooms , etc. , large
X1 grounds , corner 28th and Capitol avenue ,
"nqtilre 2824 Dodge st. Out
FOH HENT A 5 room house cheap to a small
family , 1KW 8 21st bet Center und Dorcas st.
412 J 14
FOR HENT 2 new Broom houses on S 30th
near Leavenworth. C. E. Mayue. 341
FOH HENT New 5 room cottage In Ambler
place ; good 7 room 2 storv house. Orchard
1111 ; good 4 loom cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E.
Mayne , N. W. cor. 15th and Hartieyst. 1 1
F I OH HENT-Houso U rooms. W. M.
man , N E corner 10th and Douglas.
FOH HUNT Elegant front room , suitable for
tw o , new ly furnlshed.modern conenlences ,
Terms reasonable. Also biimller room. 401 N.
15th st. 415-OJ
FPHNlsflKI ) HOOMB-New nnd warmT AH
conveniences , private family , 1 ble > ck from
P. O. 1613 Capitol ave. 407-15J
NICELY fuinlshed front nnd bae'k leioms ,
steam heat , be > th with or without boaiel ;
2tr.S. 21th. 400 ! lj
POH HUNT- Front parlor with stove to two
gentleman. Hath ami closet in house. 2011
larnefj st. 40S-8 *
miN7s"HE7)7ooms , liiliT Dodge.
308 f7
"IjlUHNISHED rooms , also two rooms for
housekeeping. Inemlieiwi'i Davonpoit
3S1-8 *
FOH HENT Largo trout loohl with alcove-
und closet , gas. bath room. hot und cold
water on the same ) floor. Two gentlemen , or
man and wife. $20 per month. No. 207 S 21th st.
TjlUHNISHED rooms with first-class boaiel ,
I. he'iit gas nnd b.ith. Near cable line , 201J
Douglas st. 15IH4 *
FOH HENT Nicely furnished room with heat.
* 7.00 per month : 40(1 ( Williams St. , 8 mlnutuH
walk southeust U , P. elepot. 3HH
TKATLY furnished large ) front loom for one
- > or two gentlemen , veiy cheap , 2104 Harney ,
352 10
BIO It HENT-A nicely furnished south room
with all meielern 1711 Dodge ,
310 U *
FOH HENT I.aige handsomely furnished up ,
per front loom , steam heat , 1H13 Douglas.
7W1 0 *
blOH HENT 3 furnished rooms with stoves ,
814 N. 17th. 3t0 ! 11 *
FOH HENT Furnished looms , single 01
double , modern conveniences , C21 S. null.
ofi.10 *
TJ1OH HENT-' 311 Woolwoith ave.i
-E at til per month. 31.
S und double fuiulshed looms , 212 ;
Dodge. SM f 5j
T(1OH ( HKNT-SliiKlo fiirnlsnod bedroom , * el ;
JL1 fiont parlor , splendidly furnished , suitable
lor 3 , JJU ; fiont loom nicely fuinisheel for 2 or J. .
$15 ; looms hlimle or eiisiilto ; all modern con
veniences. IWiNoith Ittllhtieet. 321 8 *
"full'HNISHUD looms to ladle's or Kulitlrine-u W
E week or month ; : ill N. 12th bt. iidel-h-
FOH HUNTI'nrnlshed sout'i ' front puilor ane'
small room , HiiiMinablu lent to suitable
parties , 1720C.tplteit a\e > . ; ! 07t < *
i MlJKIiY fnmlshe'd fiont rooms , nlioll mi
i fumished loom ? , rent leasonabie. 1022 Hint
T71OH HENT Nicely funilsheel second f-ton
,1laige fiont loom ; large bay wliielow , soiitl
front , small bed room und closet , bath am
water closet , heated by fniime-e. Half bloc-1
from 20th nnel Saunder- . lino. Terms $ il
Adell ess tex 24' ' , po.stoillco. 200 10
F OHlleht house-ki'eplug two f-irnthhe 1 loomi
. ' at MJ Ho'vnul r. , neur Coz/ans IIOUQ
FOH KIINT-Wi'll fnrnUhe'd fiont room
pvUvie-asouablv. 1'ilMitu family. Iminln
2210 Capitol a , 'e. 'Ml Vj
FL'HNISHHb fiemt room for two , board Ifek
shed , K.-U N Mth s ! . 21i 8 *
XT 1C13 funilohed room- ; cheap , 1018 rullioinii
i > IMi t-j
JH HUNT-I'mnlsl-eel looms with stove $ ,
nnd * 7. KXi Soulh 22il. bj
FITUNlblinn looms iinel lioard , 10el Farnnni
740 J 22J
F1 looms , with or without bonn
for tw o or three gentlemen. 1017 llownrel
HKNT Furni.hed rooms and board , 'JO
Farnam. 2uHju *
FOH HRNT Knniishod rooms In Greunlg bill
cor. 13th anel Doduo sts. Ineiulro of eo. U
IaIn. . Mlllard hotel bllllaid retoiii. W5
FOH HUNT- nicely fnmlshe'd room with a 1
modem lniprovemt nU foi ouo or two geutlei
men. Sill B.Wth. U2.'i
"VTICKLV furnUhed" rooms with or wlthou
Jboaid , In pri\ato family. Hoom heatec
with stt'.im. Hot and cold water and all mod
urn conveniences. Terms reasonable. Ineiulr
nt UM South Mth and Jackson , up stairs , Val 8
K OOMS Well furnUhed. with use of plam
1'JOl 1'ierr.Hin. tot
F UHNISI IKI ) room , stcum heat , 201 S 24th.
TCX ) H HKST For one or two gentleine'ii a ( in
Jv nIMied loom within a blocks of court hous
17th tt. KM
TJ1OH HKNT-Nlcey ! fnmlshed room * at SX
JL ? Doel e. ( las , bath and furnnco heat. ! W
N ICKLY furnlcheu trent room with or will
out board. 1812 Dodu'o st , W
NICKlargM front room , furnished and he te <
Suitable ) for two gontleiucn , AHosina
room. JOUCasaEl , . Wi
" 11X3111 rlecant rooms all modern conveniences
JU 1704 Webster gt. tf > 8
LAHflK south trent room , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ! aim )
first-class table txmrel for three or four ! refer
ences. 1814 DeidKO St. t".l
J "jn'trrniirri'iif
VCo , 2lfi N 10th. . B ) i )
iriOH linNTStorcTn"sTneTer Ttlock. CuniTtul
Jniwl Saunders sts , Ineiitrc2l04 | Ciunlngst.
"iron itl'.M' oillco loom , nrst tioor , ntno.S
L1 I5thst. lui
i OH HKNT ( i round lloetr olllco room , ceil-
trally located , heated nnd lighted. C. K ,
Harrison , 418 S. 15th jit. _ 100 _
E OH HKNT-OmresTtn Fnrnam st. nt JIOtctfH
per mouth , Ouo olllco furnished. 1UU Far
nam , 101
T\MH'-'I looms. No. 1I4 Howard st.
Tluee ti : ) rooms , No. 1015 north aith st.
' 1 hree ( II ) rooms , No. I02rt north ' . ' 1st st.
Six ( fi ) room house. No. 2ltl ( Nicholas st.
Three ( Hi room cottage , 21st anil I'aul st.
Thiee.l ( ) looms. No , 1122 not th 21st st.
Tluee (111 ( rooms , No. llldl'ierco st.
'Ihie'e-ODiooms , No. 1112 south 7th st.
Tluee ( III rooms , No. Td.11'aelllu st.
One (1) ( ) nice olllce , No. iJIO south 15th St.
'IIH.Hl HUNT 2 orJ ! unfiunlshed rooms , mod-
JL1 ci n conveniences , s. W. cor. lath and How
ard. Kncmlie room 2. 8eB8 *
FOH HUNT A large room furnished , central
location , 14IP. cmcngo st. 14
FOIt HUNT Unfurnished front room , with
heat , bath loom accommodations. 171U
Cass st. 3',2 8 *
MAHA Lodging House. BIO and 012 Jackson
st , bet. nth and 10th sts. Rents slnulo beds
ut * 1 per weck ; clean beds. OS" > Foil 3'
TAIILK-North Kth st. Will accommortato
S 12 horses. sf.w per month. E. A. Leaven-
wet th , 15Ui ! I'aruam st. U.M
T OlTitENT Good barn cheap 1921 Chicago st
EToitKOOUV , rental agent , 3003. ICth st. ,
ground lloor. Telephone S54. 4W
Sl'UCI AIi attention Riven to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 220 S. IBth st. 1011
F1 OH HUNT If you wish to rent a house call
on Ht-nawa i Co. , 15th St. , opposite 1' . O ,
"VTEW YOHIC Storage Co. have most extensive
J. i facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of New
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building lire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , llennett's block.
\ 105
MMU. Anile of Chicago gives magnetic inns-
sage treatment , vapor and hand baths.
4'4 N llith St. , up stairs. 422 8j
PEHSONAL Wanted some one to adopt 2 girl
babies , one blonde and one brunette. Ad
dress , E 42 , llee. 351 10
HS. E. M. POST Will give Massage treatment -
ment to those w ho prefer t o como to her of
llco on Mondajs from Ha. m. until U p. in. Other
days from 0 p. m. to o p. m. Olllce and residence
southeast cor. Seward and 28th sta. 785 1fl |
TJEHSONAL Private homo for ladies during
X confinement , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted. Address K 42 llee office. 107 J 8 *
STHAYUD Illack mare , about four years old ,
white spot on foiehead und nose. Hew nut
will be given for same. It , Hobluson , 1211 How
ard st. avj b *
LOST St. Hernurd pup , nine months old. Lib
eral leward for return to T. 1C. Sudbor-
ough , cor26th and How ard. 3M-8 *
- 20 and 21 ,
J II , 1 , Cielghton Heights. Howard nt IliO' )
rarnam st , 377
LOST Left on Hed line car to depot about 0
o'clock Thursday , n leather covered jewelry
box about 8x10 inches und 4 Inches high ; the
Under will be liberally ruwiuded on returning it
to D. C. llrooks , room I , Gruenlg block , so cor
ner l-'lth and Dodge sts , . - 783
KE\VAHD-W111 be given for return of bay
mare , 000 His. , halter on. bt rayed from
2i2 ! | CumlliK st. (1. S. Ostrom. 5W !
F)1TND Pianos and organs at wholesale
prices. New Yoi k Piano Co. , Capitol u\e ,
und nth st. Open evenings. 348-0
rPAKEN UP-rihogs by undersigned. Owner
- Ican have same by paying charges. Clans
Uhihaunner , 0 miles w est of Omaha. 315 sj
TAHdE Ilnyers Attention.
JLJ Extremely low prices on furniture , stoves ,
pianos and 01 gaus given to those making largt
purchases. Call und get w holesale prices at the
New York Storage Co. , 1508 Capitol uve. 420-0
TJOSEWOOD Piano only $37. on five monthly
AV < payments. Call on New York Storage Co. .
1508 Capitol ave. 420-0
TJ1OH SALU Pair mules , harness and wagon
-C _ Inquire 1033 S 18th. 3W10 *
" 1J1OK SALE Swell-body cutter , used one sea
-I ? bou , at ubout half pi Ice. T17 , llee.KI29
KI29 *
FOH SALU Pair bob-sleds nnd bed. cheap ,
CulliltHt and Ma > on. 3UO ! *
TCTOH SALE Five dwelling liouses and one
.1 ? stole building In llrst- ( lass condition , rnusl
be moved by April 1. Inqulru at N. E cornel
Ifith and fuming sts. 221 OJ
GOOD advice to the public When you wan' '
good goods , low puces nnd klnel treatmen
cull ut the New York Storage Co. , 1508 Cap. uve
Open evenings. 34 < V9
FOHSALE-25H.P.eiiglneand boiler. Free
W. Gray. Oth and Douglas. , ' 124 0
FOH SALE A llrst-class Incubator , capacity
132 eggs. 1'rlco , & . T. 10 , llee Office ,
341 HJ
" | > OSEWOOD Piano only M7 , on flyo monthl ]
11 payments. Call New Yeirk Storage Co . ivn
Cnp'tol uve. 420-9
T71OK SALK-Twe ) sets single harness , 1 se > i
JC collar harness , \ set double harness , > sad
din anel bridle' , I extension table , 2 stoves , 1 gas
ollne stove , several dining room e'halr.sbeelstene
bed swings , mattiehs , die-sslng case , kltchei
table's , wash stands and other articles. T. W
Iilac-Umrii , iSfO Col fax ht. 328 8
FOH SALEA bargain-100 head of prlmi
htoe ! cattle > , cows , heifers , steers iinel year
Hugs. Will be K.ld cheap. Address If. u
Haven , 500 S loth st , 333 8
\\7 OOD 1 w 111 se-ll willow pole's by the loaefii
T > my place , live miles north of Florence ' , 01
the Iowa slelc ; willows half elry ; good road
Price 50 cents pur load ; also dry und green con
wood lor o.ilo. J. F , Lyons. 2008 *
STOVES at cost of Iron. Now YorK Storagi
Co. , 1508 Capitol ave. Open evenings. 34b-
T710H SALE-Fiebh milch TOWH. Hill A Smiley
JU opp. Exchange building , Union Stockyaryi-
Telephone 08. lUl-fob-1
FH SALE-llldsw111 1 - received up to Jan
unry 10th , 1SH8. feir ull or part of the build
Ings on leit 7 , block I3t3 , KiH ) u as the St. Charle
Hotel , on llarne'y street , Between 12th and 1'ltl
sts. .Address H. W. Cremcr. Omaha. 052 B *
BTTTllA'HD Table ) at halt price , Hrunswlc !
llalkc Cei.'b make. Imiulrc Leslie & Leslie
Iflth and Dod u sts. 100
ANNA ALPLANALH. the celebrated Hun
-fV guilungpHVpalmlBt , Uun edue'ateiel lad
traveling with her family , well versed lu th
arts of tno Magyars. Themadame is the oul
one In Ameilcu reading the lines of the hand I
"the old gypsy ways , " us handed elow n throng
many generations by nor peculiar people. Con
ducting her business In the most careful mat
tier , through many yearn , she has obtained
national rcpututlem as u pen-son of strict lnto (
Jlty of character und of great ability In her pre
fesslou. J'Vo ft ) cents. Luelles only. Corno
lllonelonnel Neuth 2flth st. 20th. und gaundei
earn pass the door. 410-b *
D H. Ahmanson's olllce removed from Frenze- -
blo.'k to 512 8 10th st. 3S1 Fel ;
T0 ! ae'coinmodate tne public , after Jan. 1st w
will k i-p open evenings until U ei'iloe. !
New York Storage Co. , 1DOS Cup , ave. 318-3
mill : banjo taught as an urt by Qeo. F. Gelli'i
JL be'ck , S. e. ror llith and Douglas , up stair1
ri O l.KAS-K For lout ; time and nt low ruti
J. lots Ki anel W ) , Nelson's addition , and imi
of lot if. Hedlyk's 2nel add. A. I' , Tukey , u
Fftmara st. tel
A FTKK supperMostllstoves.furnttnre.plane
-t\ . and organs bt-otuse we re ojien until Hi
m , Nejw Voik Storage Co. , 1508 Cap , ave. U47
"OANKHtllTstock of heating and cook stovi
O nt less than cost of Iron. New York Kto
ngei Co. , cor. Capitol aw. stud 15th st. Open eve :
INSrilANCK-H. E. Cole , u. e. cor. iJth and
lOUglft . ( 12
c 1. ji. . " ! " . " - " , e-lstern builder , wells bdred
and dug , 40 ! ) N 30th st. , Omaha , Neb.
paid for second-hand books and Libra
ries. IMS N loth st , II. siionfelel.antliiuarlau.
721 J 22 *
T\H. NA.NNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med-
\J leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female diseases n specialty. Ill' N. 10th
St. . llooms g .V n. Tel.lMt HIT
rpo HI'YfrtTOl city property. Will pay 1ooo.
Jl balance lu gooel trade. Hoom 3 Ilarker
block. 411-fr *
\\7ANThD-To tmy < nort time paper , J.V. .
TY Utoss , ut C. K. Muyno's olllce , 15th and
llarney. AO
\\rANTKD First mortgage uotos. 1 can take
Y Y mortgage note's on llrst payment on some
irood Syndicate lots In South Omaha. Cleo , N.
I licks. 215 Sloth st. | 287 10
fnoNETro LOAN. "
' n pnrMi'slinvlimra'"fiJwr"liiiiidre'd iliiJ. |
IJHIYA'l loan at a Kooel rate of Interest will
do well let address lock box 301. city. 421 0
MONUY to loan at lowest rat PS upon Improved
and unimproved real e-state in Omaha and
also upon fauns In western Iowa nnd eiisteiii
Nebraska , Mortgage nettes ItoURht and sold
Oelell Huts. \ Co. , 152.1 Furuaiu st , JhiS
MONUY to Loan On furultuie , pianos ,
wagons , or other personal property without
removal ; also em collateral security , Husine s
conlldentlal. Chus. H. Jacobs , o20 S. 15th st
MOHTOAOK Loan -H. U. Cole , u. e. cor , 15th
end Douglas. 210 12
IONKY to Loan O. T. Davis Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , 1505 Furnnm st. 108
MONEY" to loan 1 can now place some llrst
class city loans immediately. Call nt oncer
If you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Bholes ,
room 1 Ilarker block , entrance In alley. 10
MO.MEV loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
organs , etc. , low rates. O. H , Zimmer
man , room f > , Arlington block , 2 doors west of
postolllce. U77 J21
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. Leavltt Uurnham.
room 1. Crelghton block. 121
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis s. Heed & Co. , 1521 Tarnnm.
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Hlce & Co. , over Commercial Nil-
tlonalbnnk 114
Patterson & Fawcett 15th nnd Harney. 11(1 (
SHOUT time loans made on any nvaiiablo
security. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bouKtit , sold or exchanged. ( Jenernl
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Hnr-
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbett.
manager. 117
MONEY to loan , casn on hand , no delay. J.
W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st. Paxton -
ton hotel bulldlnc. 115
OAN8 made on real estate. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris o * er 220 8. st. 110
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
H. W. Huntress , 150U J-'arnam st. 322 lu *
M TNKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Uurllngton ticket ofllco.
500,000 to loan In any amount at lowest rate of
' Interest. H. H. Irev. Frenzer block. 119
MONEY to Loan IJy the undersicned , who
has the only properly oiganlzed loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to 1100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , WTgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on flnu watches and diamonds. Peisons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
\ \ 1th , as mnny new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
see mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 WlthnnH imlldlng ,
15th and Harnev. Ill
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Oflicn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property ot all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 8. IHth ,
over lllngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 122
, To loan on Omaha city property nt 6
$600,000 cent. G. W. Day , S. K. cor. Ex. Hid.
rt O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
JL proved real estate in city or county for
Now England Loan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. IBth and Chicago sta. 1-1
. , to loan atoper cent. Llnaluin A Ma-
$7.riOOUO . 1501) Farnani. 124
MONEY to loan , mortgage notes bought , loans
made on chattel security ; no delay J. J.
Cuminings , Hoom 10 Hajker lllockMl
fONKY lo lonnt Notes ana i { . H. ticket.
L bought nhd sola. 1A. I'orman , 213 S 13th sts
ME AT market doing n good business for salt'
at a bargalut Htltchlnson A : Wead , 1521
Dodge st. I 370-U
FOHSALU Flrst-cln 3 c'gar t-tore , good pay-
Ing baker } ' , ti re&tanrants. all doing n good
business , Hr-.t-class'hotel ' In the city of Omaha ,
fi llrst-class hotels in country towns , 2 barber
shops , stock of drugs , fancy goods store , 2 feed
stores , 1 livery baru fovfW.OOO , nud 1 livery barn
for $18OOJ ; 2 llrst-cluss meat maikets. Cooperative
ative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. 388 0
GOOD chance for live young business man
to take half Interest In u llrat-class bakery ,
object to Increase business. Address T 13 , Hen
olllce. 353 U *
FOH SALE A good iiuylng restaurant , cheap ,
Fn nitre 317 S. 12th. BUO 14'
$000 buys Vt Intel est In established mercantile
agency ; with energetic partner can IK
made lucrative business. For particulars cali
at 21 , Frenzer block. 302
ACiOOD chance for the right man. If yen :
have1 $100 cash , and 40 per month , you car
become the owner of a 50-foot lot on r'uruan
St. , and be furnished 11.500 cash to build a house
with right away. Apply to Chns. Andeison. 8tl
and Leuvcnworth. 3718 *
WANTED Four energetic men to join com
puny In Omnha , tmvel and handle same
business In other cities. Well established ; wll
bear Investigation : paj > 200per cent per iiicmtl
on money Invested , None but those prt-parec
and meaning business need apply. Capital 10
quired * 500 each , part down , balance out of bus !
ness. Address T 14. llee. : 43-8J
FOK SA LE-110.000 staple stock of w ell bough
general merchandise In one of the fustes
grow Ing agricultural towns In Colorado ; sales
if40OiXperjoar nnd can be greatly Increased ;
sickness only cause for selling ; this Is a tare
and genuine chance ; exactly as lepiesented
Address T , llee olllce. 331 11 *
FOIl SALU A clean stock of Rent's furnish
Ing goods , hats , und caps , one of the lies' '
locations In Omaha , stock all bought within t
yoar.Address T. 5. llee olllce. 314-12
t\rANTUD-Hargnlns for cash customers. H
Y Y K. Cole , n. e. cor , 1,1th nnd Douglas. 210 I :
WANTKI-Hy a physician , 'i Interest In i
driii ; store where he caulil atteuel to olllre
prae'tlee In town not less than 2.WX ) Inhabitants
only , in eastern Nebraska or western Iowa , Ptite
amount of stetek. Address 1) . , 2117 Leaveuw ortl
St. , Omaha. in , " .
A LA ] KG K , pleasant store room for rent , om
of the best paints in the oltv for letul
boots nnd shoe > t. , huts und raps , dry goods , etc.
within half block of c'orner 14th and Farnam
Long lease , cheap rent , i : . F , Seaver , 101.1' ; Far
nam .st. l < 2 !
FOIt nXCIIANOU ICO acres good land , ne.rtl
eastern Knnsas , fur steick of mtre-hnnellse1
will give gooel tradeT , lit llee ) ollke. 405-H *
' Dakota Farm for merchandise , re-
tauiant or fmnibbed Hat , Address with pen
tlcnlurs T 20 llee olllre. 40S > ! *
EXCIIANd 15vlinted city lots and stocks o
merchandise ) In oxclmtme for getetel X <
braska linpietved farms. Calleinetr nddre'ss (
Iu MeiiKheT , so cor Ifith nnd Douglas s t-i , room ;
over Itnyme.nd's Je-w elry store. if I.H |
MUAT market , one of the best legations li
Omaha. Wllltiiko good Inside property
Address T 10 , llee ofllee. 'lT9
HAVII two new six room houses lu Patrick
2d neld w hle-h I wlll'exthnne'e ' for good firs
orsecond mortgnBenote . A. ll.CJinbtork. 1A2
Farnam st. JW7 H
FOli Kxchange We have ) icstaurunts , liver
burns , steamboats , lands , houses and lot t
vacant lots , and miny other kinds of buslnes
chances to exchaiiRejforreal estatehorses.stock
of gooelx , etc. Oo-oi > eratlvu Land and Lot Co
20T. N. ICth st. , JHH-ll
TT'OH Exrlmnire IxitsIn Factory 1'laep , Al
Jj brlcht'h Choley. Tattersou's subellvUloi ;
Oxford I'lac-e. anel Mayne's aeldltlon for gooi
Iowa or Nebraska , farms , AUo ttV ) ucre-s li
frontier county , Nub , , for exchange for Omuli
houses and loth , or Douiflns county laud. A , I
Tukey. 1C.4 Fimmm st. /
\VANTKD-A hotel ffor large plantatlcii ]
T stocks of Koods for real e.stute. nud pro ] :
erty of ull kinds to. trade. Stevens JliosKI
Faroam st. ' 30:1 : a
II you have * anything to exchaiiKu call on o
address U. K. Cole , u. u. cur. ISth anel Doug
13. > 1 * Fl
\\rANTKD-Stockn of merchandise to crT -
T T rhango for lands nnd city property * C. 0.
SpotswexieC MV ± S. Iflth. . 1 *
I poll Tit Al > two'lots li Konntzo plnce . for
ImproVe'ct or unimproved property. Address
1 ? ) Ncirlh l ! < tli street. 2)17 ) 10 *
FOR exchange Cash ll.WO. S lots in lloyd II , .
ftiet , pcrseinal property $ .1,400. Total , * eluu.
VIII pxchance for Improved city property.
loom 3. Ilarker lllock. _ 2.8
T'O ' TIIADK Inside protorty | for itetod housn ,
eight or nine ) retoms. and full lot. MrCnl-
och & Co. . cor Kith and Faniam. I2a
c 'TIJVKNS llros , 1S31 Farnam. will give yon a
geiod trade for any kind of propel ty.
_ _ 3 MI S
\\7ANTKH-Storks of merrhandlse to exT -
T change' fetr farms. H. II. Cole , u. o. cor.
5tnand _ IHiURlas. _ 2lfl 1 J
rIST , your property for exchange at Stevens
LJ llros. , li.'l Farnam st. Sin 8
FficT KXriTANOK-lmproveel farm In Iowa
L for Omaha re-slelenco property. J. .1. Wll-
glnson , lt4 ! Farnam. _ 127
\\rANTF.O-To cxc-hunuo newfiirnltuie1 fetr
T tailoring. Adehoss lock box iWt , Omaha.
'V\7ANTUn Omaha property to oxclinnne for
YY farms anel wild laueis , also for city prop
erty. ' C. L. llrown it Co. , Hoom II. I'reiizer
block. 213 j li
rpo exchange' , llrst class lots for Iowa or Ne'-
JL br.tHka lands. Address T 11 , lle'o. 3.17 U *
rilO TltAUn rroperty of all kinds , Incliiellng
J. city property anel wllel and impiovi'ct
anils , Stevens llrets. , 1521 Furnam st. L'l 8
\\T AN T KD Houses and lots to cxrlnuigo for
TT Impiovedand uulmproued lands In No-
trnska und Iowa , Charles C. Spotswooel , ila'i',4
S. Hith. _ \M \
\\7ANTRD Clood family horse in 'exchange
TT for lot , McCnlloch & Co. , cor JDth and
Farniim. 128
rlO THADK Two improx'cd farms In Iowa feir
JL Omaha property or NebrasKiv lands. Me-
Julloch Jt Co. . cor ; und Farnam. m
TIO FXCHANlK-Ni'W ( furniture ! or stoves
for talleulng. Address lock betx 3U. > ,
Omaha. 412- ! )
171011 Kxrhnngo. If you haye farms or lands to
JL ? sell or traelej send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have ) any kind of property to sell or ex-
rhnngit , list it with us ; we can furnish yon a
customer. S. S. Campbell i Q.\V. Hcrvev , 310
Hoard of Trade. Omaha 312
\\TANTUD Houses nnd leits to exchange feir
YY farms , H. K. Cole , n. e. cor. Htli and
Douglas. Kill 12
IHAVU for trade improved farm In Cass Cet. ,
near I'lattsmouth , will trade for Improved
inside property. Address M 30 , Heo odlco.
"VrUHHASICAaiicl Kansas furim to exchange
-L > for Iowa nnd Colorado lands , nnel vice
versa. Co-Operative Laud ami Lot Co. . 205 N
IHth st. ( HiI
WANTUD Oooa larms in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood , U0.1K
S Ifith. 1211
MIDLAND Guarantee anil Trust Co. , 1MT >
Faruam street Complete abstracts fur
nished , anel titles to real estate gxuuilued , per
fected and nuaranteed. 130
BKN5ON iVCAUMICIIAKti furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
books In the city No. 151 ! ) Farnam st. I'll
FOH SAIiK OnencwT. room house and lot
Omaha View , $2,2U ) . ,
One new Ji room house and lot 1'utrlckt neld. ,
$2.4K ( ) . These are both Ketoel locutions and ehe.ip
will be sold on easy teims of payment , either
monthly or yearly.
Also I chok'u vacant lot In A. S. 1'atrlck's add ,
Jl.tHX ) .
2 choice lots In South Omaha near business
center , J2.1.W.
For tradeIfiQ acres Holt Co. hind : IfiOurres
Cedar Co. lanel. W. N , Niisou , loom ! ! l Chamber
of Commeico. nil li
FOHSALli-Hestlotin Jotter's addition. H.
H Uuve-n , 500 S Will st. 3:11 : H j
H.E , COLE , icmo\ed tone cor 15th nnd
. Douglas. S7S 8
TJ1OH SALE-fifl\Hfl feet on cable line. Splenelld
X' inside location for four Hats M.500. Must
be se > lel at once. Marshall & Lobeck , room 9
Chamber of Com. 382
JL. HICK k CO. , and Omaha to the front. 200.-
.1100 population , f 1OJOK ( ) hotel , 50 mile's paed
.sttcet , 75 mlle.s horse , c.ible , electilc anel motor
city railways , fr30ioOX)0 ( ) imnk deposits , 4 bridges
crossing the Missouri to Council IllullH , 21 rail
roads running Into one union depot In Omaha in
1MB. who knocks on" our chip ?
Can we Interest jou in any of the following ?
Ple'iso put on jemr specs und read.
lluslness und Truckage' Piopeity.
VKfeot front on l/.nrdand23d streets nt 1100
per foot ; a cheilbe- piece of property suitable for
manufactnrtui ! put pe > ses.
44 ft. front em North IBth st , by fifl deep , bet.
Izuiel and Nlclmlas sts. . eavt fiont t3(4)per ( ) foot.
44 ft. fiont on N Iflth by 200 ft. , 1VJ feet of line
truckage , together with Impiovements worth
.i , price- $ l.1,0iii ( , on your ow n terms.
ft ) ft front cm Sanndei s i-t , p.iveel in front , ror
alley , bet Parker and lilcmdo sts , $0,500. Your
own terms.
150 feet front on I'arnnm st , on grade , paed ,
choice Inside , WOO per fe.eit.
87 ft trent , cornet on S.iunder.s st opp Kountze
Place' . * 7,50il.
C.1 ft trent corner on Sauneler.s anel Hurelett
sts nt $5,750 ; would b oheup dlit ut W.500 ; } 3,8tK )
cash. Take this snap.
S ! i lots 10 and II , block 3 Dculso's add , 00 ft
front on Saunder.s st. We want an offer on this.
It must be sold.
12H ft front corner Saunders nnd Hurelett bts
at l 1,250 , half cash.
112 ft front c'oriier Erlskln , on Saunders st near
cor Lake , w 111 be sold at u bargain. Investigate
this.Mi ( ft fiont on Saunders , paved , near cor Sew-
are st , east front , extra choice. Make us > an
87 ft front on Saundcrs st near cor Hamilton ,
53JO per foot.
Fine corner on Saunder.s and Ctunlng sts , nt a
Fine corner on Lake st. 25th st and Erskln st. ,
being H'l ft on 25th st , 01 ft front on Lake ami
Ersktu sts , a valuable corner that wo can sell
cheap for cash , or will trade for Improved prop
erty , want 2 biuiill houses anel lots not too tut
out.Lot 27 , Hurtman add. Is ' a choice piece of
trackage of lKt ) il square feet ; we can sell or
ti.ide this valuable property feir othe-r , good va
cant ground. Want 2 lots north of Cumlng st. ,
near track , prie'C' $20,000.
We have a business property on north lilt list
C \77 cor alley on trac k w 1th story brick block ,
at $25,0)0 ) , good properly feirnu investment.
Improved und unliuproi eel res > i lence property.
A beautiful south freuit 1't in Washington ,
Miuure add at J2.750 , il,750 cash , is cheap , J.1,000 ;
was reluseil for this lot year ago.
We have 2 hundcoimi lots left In Troxell'h sub
of the beautiful maple grove , lot (3) ( ) of Glse's
Adel. opp. Kount7u place , and 2 111 Williams' sub
of lot 6 , we can sell ut * l,000 less than lots arc
selling for in Kountze place ; nothing finer In
You can puichnso of us a line corner leit on
Sherman in v. In Washington Semare Add. for
* > , ( ) .
We can deliver 10 lots In Hlllike addition , on
14th , 15th and Kith stieets , 30x142 ; the bunch at
f.KO each. Will take part in truele either horsea
or merchandise.
Are also authorized by the owner of t choice
lots in Crelghtem Heights , 4 in Covell's add. tei
Crelghton Heights , 3 In Institute place ; 1 In
Glso's add. to trade-equity fcr Me > ck ot { nerchan-
dlse or geie.el draft or driving horses.
Lots I and 5 , bleick 7 , Walnut Hill ueld. together
w 1th It-room cottage , geiod burn , well and cistern ,
tree's anel shrubbery. ITU e , $3,50IJ , to Undo for
Semlh Omaha property.
1,150 rash will purchase ngooel4loe > m house ,
barn and coal hhed , owner must leave feu
warmer cllimitu on aee-ount of health , co t $750 ,
frt.OOO half C'lish , bal 1 , 2 , 3 and 5 years ut 8 per
cent , make you the owner of the llneit 7 room
modern resilience' on S. anel U. front corner lol
In North Omaha , street cars by door , every
thing new and tlrst class ,
For J5..VO you ran become the possessor of in :
e ait front lot on car line with a beautiful'
room modern naw house.
$7tiOO will make yon ono of the best tinest
menls In a double modern 7 reiom Hat In Ie
nlse-.s add to bo found In Omaha , paying 12 pel
cent. Cost fll.NKI.
tl.400 , 110 cash , takes a liroom houtp , clsterr
anel well anel lot II , blk 12. lledforel 1'lnce. Till-
is harel tobe'.it.
. ' , " 50 Is all w o usk you for a good 4 room house
bain , well unl rMc'rii. full lot 50x127 on Hamll
ton st. , on grade , in Prospect Place uild. Hull
cash ,
Jl.tKlOls our price for one of the finest coinei
leits In old. Ambler Place. Half cash , or we
might traile these 2 last bargains for othei
property , \Vhat have you ,
Equity of
S beautiful residence lota in Glses' addition tc
exchange for a good lion o worth il.UXIorbet.
Ele'Kant reildence I'orner. 87xlUI ft. frontmt
on C.'meronst , ono block off Snunders t , opp
Kountze Plate , covered with largo maple trees
Nothing liner in thn city. Price fl.WiO.
Popple-ton Park Hulmlng Association htock-
2sharesuith2 choice leits In this line nddltlcin
equity , * 1. VI ) . Suleeirtiude forsmall house line
lot lu north part city.
lluslness Chances.
We have a splenellel chanio to offer a In e nm :
w ho will handle state or county rights for ono o :
the best selling patented articles in America
fill ) a day ha > > been made on the road with till :
article. State rights for sale ) or trade. It vill
pay you to Investigate this chance. _ il)5 ) _ _
TJ1OH SALK Finest location for n home Ir
Jj West Omaha , adjoining the mauston home !
ofKlrkenelall. Coe , Hrady , Kasson and others
Nothing Hner in the city. Can be 11165x17 en
less ; for prices and tunas see a. A. Sloman. 1301
Furuurust. W3
1J > OH 8ALK-NM acres of land four miles frorr
JU stock yards , at 1125 rwracre ; thb Uali.ii'
K lu. Mct'iiKUfj Opp. I't 0. M2
LAND , farms and lots fo exchange tor shares
lu good paying concerns , 100U t'urnam t.
t _ ; i7 _
LAND nnd lots to trade forgooel horses. 1008
larnam st. 378
FOR SA"Lir fet 7 ble > ck II we-st CumlniT'S'iw ' ;
lot 5 blk 4 LaVeta lilniv. II.UWl lot 1. Hus-
Ins add to Plalnvlew , ll.KX ) : hit 7 blk 4 Thetrn-
mrg place , fjnii : lot 4 bile 1.1 Carthage' . Jt : two
etts In Fowler place , two loU In Hurllngtou
l nce- . lot 14 blk 8 Hedlcks sub division and thief
tlher lots. T. W. HlacMmrn , 1510 Deidge. it's 8
"IjlOH SAIiK-Or exchanges leits in North
JL' Omaiia for houses , Hetuse anel lots In Coun
cil llluirs. Shales In Lowe ave Imlldlng asVn.
Lots In Hnuscoin nnd Ambler plne-es. Plenty
if either property , llosworth & Joplln , 4is s.
15th st. 17
SALU-Lot lu Platnvlew at "two-third *
Its presjnt Milup. Addle * * , M * S luthst.
am u *
ir. E. COLE , lemoxed to lie cor 15th and
. Demjtlns , 27H 8
"liWH SALU Three good lots' on corner of
.A. Dodge st , one block west of Leiwe iivt- for
fl,500. Address for n few days 8 fit llee ollko.
_ _ _ _ _ m 1 _
H H. COLE , removed to n o cor 15th nnd
Douglas. 27.1 8
TTIOlt SALF.-40 acre's of laud-then e' , of the )
JL' n w > 4 21. 74 , 41 ; this land Is situated about I
miles e'ast etf stock yaids , Omaha , nnd about 2V.
mile's southwest of tr. P. H. It. transfer. Council
lllulls. la. ; w 111 sell cheap for cash. F. M. lin
ker , 2S11I Hnuetv er St. , Chicago , 111. ; < i 10
EOH SALU South Omaha b.irgnlns. ( Corner
lot and one next. )
Pilce. Cash.
Double corner on West L street . .J1.MI W a
" 1.100 fi.Hi
" I.2IM ; 71
' O " 1.MJO 750
" " " " H " . . . , 1,21X1 ( KM
1 lot ill Iliu-llngton Place itlt IIHI
4 " " " 40) ) 12.1
1 " Fowler Place ; ivi 175
1 KM 27ft
3 II llurllngtou Center ns tow us wn 150
( i " Llpton Place fir. ] 50
8 " * "
two no
Many of the above are bli ? bargains e.wlniT tei
the financial rnndltions of their vat Ions owners.
II , H Smeaton , room 7 , Ilarker block , e-etrner 15th
and Farnamstreets. _ 417 10
\VKLS1IANS \ LOW ( W. .1. Welshans , T. F.
Y Le.wi Heal estate Investment brokers ,
San Diego , Cain. . Invest fetr non-reslelents per-
le-ct tltle-.s , attend to all business , lake title in In-
\ esfeirs name for Mint o of profits when deal Is
closed , Senel stump for our Invest meiitConti act.
San Die-go In ItKI lud fi.ttXl population , has now
21,000 : we predict llXi.OOll heforn 1S ! . Helere-nces :
Omaha Nat'l Hank ; First Nat'l Hank , New York
City ; Nat'l Hank of Ameilca , Chicago , 257-17
FOH SALi-flood : brick business pionertyln
centre of ( Irand Island ; greatest bargain
and best terms In the city ; but little cash re
quired ; long time , low Interest and ensyp.iy.
ineuts ; other real estate fer s.ilo. Address .1. H.
Woolley , attorney at law Urand Island , Neb.
DON'T neglect to get one of those f KM lotx.
Kasy payments. Only a few more left. H.
K. Cole , N. H. cor. I5th and Douglas. 272 ( I
FOH SALK Wo Oder as a special hargnin liW
acres of land four mlles fiom stock yards ,
nt $ ! 2"i per acre , on line of U. P. H. H. McOague
Opp. P.O. W4
TOOK SALK-Lot 5 blk H A. S. Patricks ad ; w 111
-I ! sell for few days at f 1,600 , ffiOO cash , bal.
easy. S. 40 lieu ofllee. 017
EMSTICKNiV& : CO. maKe a specialty ot
property in North Omaha , for salu or rent
at Citizens' b.itik , 21U.S Cmiiing st. llll
K. COIiK temoved to n e cor. liith and Doug-
Ins. 273 h
FOH SALE Lot 13 , Windsor pl.iea extension ,
three blocks from Haiiscom Piuk for $ I,4VI.
Eeisy paymenth. Address S. N ) , Heo olllce. 02fi
Notlcp ,
The fit fit annual meeting of the stockholde-rs
In the Kllpatilck-Koch Dry Goods Co. , will beheld
held ut the citllce of the company , corner of llth
and I Int ney streets , Omaha , Neb. , on Tuesday
next , January Kith , at 3 p. m.
J7ellt HOllEHT COWELL , Sec'y.
News and Gossip of the Various
Secret Orders.
Masonic News A. O. U. AV. Items
Oelel I'd low Gossip Gen
e-nil Pytliiuii Clint
Sill ) Itosn.
A Gooel Snowing.
TIIKHKAUC now more ) than 1,000,000 poojilo
in lie'iioyok'nt fraternal organisations in this
country , 'iOO.OOO of which has boon the increase -
crease during lbS7. The total amount of en
dowment insurance in force now in the soci
eties aggregates 84,10S03,7Si. ! ! : The total
collections on ussessineuts during the year
in iill amounted to * 3T,000,000 ; W.OOO.OOO less
represents the amount paid out in benefits.
There are about 450 soe'ietios in existence
with the endowment system of Insurance in
force. The combined assets of these socie
ties at the end of the year footed up $10,048-
! ii5. ; Within twenty years these societies
have paid the enormous sum of $150,000,000 , to
the heirs of dead mcmncrs.
Mns. .Ii'sTfs H. UtTiuiox died nt Alexan
dria , Va. , last week after a protracted illness.
Mrs. Huthbon was the wife of the founder of
the order of Knights of I'ythias. Many of
the Nebraska knights are personally nc-
ciuainted with her illustrious husband , und a
number have hud the pleasure of meeting
Mrs. Kathbon. The members of the order
will sympathi/.o deeply with Major Kathbon ,
whllei those who knew ills estimable will
mourn the demise of a laely jtosscsscd of
many estimable traits of character which en
deared her to all who Unow her.
Tin : MI'.MIIRHH of Pioneer Council No. 118 ,
Hoyal Arcanum , had a pleasant evening on
Thursday last at Getty's. It was in honor of
the retiring and incoming oftlccrs , as well as
the decennial commemoration of lU institu
tion as n council. The occasion was one of
the nicest conducted affairs ever given
by Pioneer council. The collation
was elaborate and social cheer ran
high. Toasts drank in the beverage
of all beverages , cold water , were offered
to absent ones , who have so faithfully piloted
the affairs of the council in the past , as well
as to those just talcing hold of the
reins. The officers inducted were : Gustav
Anderson , regent ; H. Jncotisan , vice-regent ;
Samuel Humiltou , chapKiln ; E. A. Purmclcc ,
orator ; A. II. Sanders , past regent ; 1) . St.
CJeyer. secretary ; Charles L , . Tritchor , treas
urer ; U. R. lluvall , collector ; G. H. Hengen ,
guide ! , und V. ,1. Mugrune , warden.
The retiring olnVcrs were : Gustav Ander
son , regent ; II. Hosen/weig , vie'o-rcgent ; Li.
Uuggnn , chaplain ; C. U Hawkins , orator ;
\V. .1 Kennedy , post regent ; D. St. Gejcr ,
secretary ; Cluirles L. Tritchcr , treasurer : A.
Hoscn/.weig , collector ; H. Jauobsejn , guide ,
and lJ. . Magnine , warden.
Tin : cniTOits of Pythian Journals organized
an editoi iul association in Chicago , December
'M. The following oflicers wore elected :
President , Fred K. Wheaton , of Minneapolis ;
vico-preslelont , William Mill Uutler , Ketches-
tor , N , Y. ; secretary und treusuer , Harry
Merriam , Omuhu , Neb.
Secretary MerrUm has Issued an address
in which ho says :
Jt is specially desirable that all editors of
exclusively Pythian papers will bo present ut
the noit meeting of the association to bo hold
subject to the cull of the president ut Cin-
riumUi in Juno during the session of the
Supreme lodge.
The organisation will bo beneficial to Iho
editors und the readers of their publications
and should bo encouraged by the members of
the order. The services of n Journal pub
lished ir. the interest of nn order are invalu
able and these Interested In their order's
welfare should render these Journals a cor
dial bupport. You cannot expect a good
Pythian or Musonlo paper unless you aid in
its support , and when compelled to do with
out its aid you will fully appreciate the in-
lluenco it has exerted and the good it hus
o n T RVENIVO s"tate , lodge No. 10 I , O.
O. R , had Installation of officers and the fol
lowing brothers were duly installed by P.
Olscn , . n. ( J. M. : N. G , Kichord J.
Wherry ; V G. , I'rcd W. Perlclns ; secretary ,
P. Vcnsliaad ; treasurer , M. Goldsmith ; K.
S. N : G. , \ > . Puterson ; L. S. N. G. , M. Johnson -
son ; W. , C. J. Johnson ; C. , John Lowi ; K.
S. S , r'red K. Swanson ; L , S. S. , A , Lewis ;
O. G , , P. Smith ; I. G. , J. H. Hcsscnlluw ;
U. U. V. CJ. , U , P. Ualdwliu Lfj. V. G. , C.
A. Alexandersou. After tu ) > lnMnUn.ttnn
I'cMvmonies were over the Initiatory degtvei
was conferree ! on ono ciindlelato. On to
morrow evening this lodge will confer tlm
initiatory nnd llrst degrees on candidates
and the members und fraternity In geMieral
shoulel not miss seeing the degree staff of
this lodge confer these bountiful degrees.
* *
JOHN'H , Otnsnx , lusiK-ctor general of thes
Knights of Pythias , will Inspect Itio divisions
of the ! Uniform rank us follows : January uj
Olimlin division No. I' ' . Lily No. S , Ml.
Shasta No. 10. January 10 : Itluok Kaglu
No. 17. l-'ale'on No. 15. January 12 j Lnuu-
cclot No. U , Kuobenrot No. ! U. January 1H :
Mjrtle No. it , Douglas No. fl.
* V
IXTIII : nbsenseof Urlgmllcr General lav-
ton tunny change's have taken plae-e in the
Pythian affairs of Nebraska. Colem-l Hurroll
Is acting HrlifudlerGeneral ; Lieutenant Col
onel John T. Mc.Mauus has assumed com
mand of the Omaha regiment and Captain W.
S. Spencer of Trojan Division IsiieUng assist
ant adjutant general.
* *
Wr.iiM-snvv r.viisisu ne\l a very Inte'rcst-
ing meeting will take jihico nt the hall of
Nebraska Loelire No , 1. Knights of P.vlhtas.
The occasion will be a union Installation ot
officers. On this occasion four Pythian
lodges Install their olllcers lu Joint ceremony
us follows : Nebraska No. 1 ; Myrtle No.'J ;
Mount Shasta 71 ; Orlolo < li.
A xi\v : lodge of thelcnlglits of Pythias will
soon bo establishe'd tit North Plalte. Judge
A. II , Church Is the lender In the move.
A IT.TITIOV lias been nvelved nnd approved
by Grand Chancellor O'Nell for a IIPW K. of
P. lodge lei be known us Semlh Fork lodge ,
No. 04 , In Dubeiis , Pawueo county.
IT Mtv have been liufortuuutp that liver-
green , No. W ) , le > dgo K. of 1C. , lost all In Its
possessions by lire recently. However this
may be It is a fact that during the past week
the lodge has secured a splendid sot of new
paruphanulin. A eommitti'o representing the
lodge visited the city yesterday. Immediately
will bo begun in Weeping Water the erection
of a lodge building and where nefore Kver-
grecn lodge , 1C. of P. , rented eunrtcrs ] they
will in a short time have quarters to let.
OMUU iinniviiXT hnsleused .Simpson's hall
on Fourteenth street for ono year and all di
visions of the uniform rank MI disposed will
meet and drill there hereafter.
Tin : PJTIIUNS of Orel. Neb , will entertain
G C. Ktclmrd O'Neill Wednesday next , upon
which occasion the grand chuucollor will
Install the olllcers of Old lodge No. M ! .
Tin : POSITION of major of the Omaha regi
ment 1C. of P. has lieit been tilled. A mee-l-
ing will be held T.ieselanight , upon which
occasion the vacancy will be supplied.
Tnii'Mi'ii I.OIHIC No. ! IJ 1C of P. at Fremont
is entitled to the banner. During the last ,
six months this lodge has initiated 11 fly live
new members and has confercel 100 ranks.
to 4t
Tin : xr.w Masonic temple was dedicated at
Ellsworth , Kas. , December 21.
Tin : six largest lodges in the United States
of the I. O. O. F. are located in the follow
ing places : Hay State , Lynn , Muss. , ( W7
members ; Howard , Cliuilcstenvii , Mass. , ( UK )
members : Ancient Itrotheis , Portland , Me. ,
(527 ( mombcis ; Hunker Hill , Ch.irlestovvn ,
Mass. , ( Ill members , and Maine , Portland ,
J > 7(5 ( members. Total for six lodges ! l,7l ! ) mem-
* *
Tun CITIZHXS of Omaha have taken stepi
to secure for this city the session of the su-
pvemo lodge of 1C. of P. H is not likely that ,
Cincinnati ! will readily yield its hold upon
this impoituut session , yet If It does Omaha
will stand a good rluinco to sectiro it. Te
sift the matter down it stands hi this shape :
Cincinnati gtmruntc'cil $10,000 nsim entertain
ment fund. Of this amount according to its
own papers Cincinmitti has raised not over
$ SOO ; on tlie other hand Omaha , by u tole- signed by its mayor and other respon
sible cltircus , guarantees inXH ( ) . Omaha is
ever ready to adhere to its pledges. If the
Pythian supreme lodge will como to this city
its members will icceive a welcome.
St'i'inMi\t : : isTiu : WOHKM\X Jetiiiivx , of
the A. O. U. W. , reiiuests eae-h grand loduej
to make aiT.iiigemcnts to liuve its grand meel-
leal examiner pie'seiit at the session of the
supreme lodge nt Louisville , Ky. , next June ,
as it is believed to bo of creat importance for
these nftlcmls to hold a consultation looking
to thorougli und uniform medical examina
tions. The expense of said eilllciuls to the
session Is to bei defrayed by the State grand
lodge sending him.
W. A. HuitmiTT-Corrrs , M. p. , Islhonowly
appointed senior grand Deacon of the granel
loelgo of England. He was made a Mason in
the Apollo Univcr.sitiV'lodge ' , No. JIT.7 . , etf Ox
ford , anil was the founder and llrst W , M.
of Albany lodge' , No. 2030 , in 1831.
Sir Morcllo Mackenzie , the crown prince's
physician , hub been a Mason for many year * ,
The grand lodge ofAt F. & A. M.of Ken
tucky was established September 8 , IbOO , at
* *
The Masonic homo of Tennessee has re
ceived a donation of ten acres of ground near
the suburbs of Nashville.
* *
WITHIN A comparatively short time it lias
been asked whether John Hancock , of thn
"Declaration of Independence" fame , was a
Mason , says the Liberal Freemason. Ho
was once present nt a dinner in Chnrleston ,
S. C. , when a tonst was proposed to Hreithors
Hancock nnd Adams , and it was thought to
bo the principal proof in the uftlrmativo. As
a matter of fact John Hancock was made u
Mason In Merchants' lodge , No. 227 , in Que
bec , prior to February , 17(52 ( , for in the latter
month ho was proposed to be n member In u
ledge then nnd now iu Boston , Mass. , and
was admitted , and afterward proposeel
Thomas Paine to bo made a Mason. It is also
a matter of record that ho was u frequent at
tendant at thn meetings of this lodge. Why
bo came to bo in Quebec is an incidental
matter. Merchants' lodge was No. 220 in
1770 , but Its subsequent history Is obscured.
It is quite likely the matter referred to will
bo made more familiar to the Masonic world
within n reasonable tiiiio. At } > rcscnt wo
speak only of the main fact.
As xiuu as can bo estimated there arc now
78,780 members of the Koyul Arc'imum in
good standing. This dor-s not Include mem
bers Initiated whose applications nro now m
the hands of secretaries , or on thuir way to
headquarters , of which there may bo safely
understood to bo ubout 150. There ! are now
lOiiS councils.
Ivtms'A HAS now ove'r2,000members of the
A. O. U. W , , and it is proposed to withdraw
that state ) from the supreme benoliciury des-
p.irtmont. His believed , with Its past ex
perience , Indiana will not again havet to lull
back into the lap of the supreme lodge.
Coi.nxni. Guoiion V ! Ur.mi , of Tojicka ,
Kas. , belongs to moro scciet societies than
any other man In the state. : . Ho is an netivo
member of thirty-two lodges , nnd is supreme )
commander of the Select Knlghta , A. O. U.
W. , of the United States , Canada and
IT TOST the grand loelgo , I. O. O. P. , of Illi
nois $ ' ' 1,000 for its recent besslou.
Ix EAW.T days of Oddfe'llowsliip , lodges
were supported by each member and visitor
paying a penny to the secietury fin enterlnt ;
the lodge and special sums * were voted to any
brother in need.
Tnr.iiR Ann five German I. O , O. F. en
campments lu Chicago , und the brethren uro
anxious to have a canton to work the Gcrmuu
language ,
IT is Bald Columbus , O , the homo of the
Soverign Grand lodge , has proportionately
moro Odd Follows than any other city on thn
face of the earth , except Portland , Mo. ,
which takes the
A HtortHiiien'H | Hop.
The members of the South Omaha Gun
club will glvo a social hop at the Knights of
Pythias hall In South Omaha on Wednesday
evening next at which none but the best ,
people will bopiosont. A royul good time 1 #
A Naughty Kalvatlntilht.
Mary Johnson and William Cliuo , two Into
additions to the Salvation army , v.-ero mur.
riod a fo\v days ago. It now trurmpireK that
Ollno has a wife living in an alley off fioni
Pucillc street , whom ho ilQscrlcd und ua * lott
iu reduced circumstances ,