Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1888, Image 1
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR OMAHA SUNDAY MOBNING , JANUARY 8 , 1888.-TWELVE PAGES. NIBIBEK 204 : A DETECTIVE STORY. Gladstone in the Roll of an Amateur Forty Yoara AKO. RUNNING DOWN ROTTEN ROYALTY The Tale Which the Old Files of a Newspaper Tell. LORD BROUGHAMTRIESTHE CASE The Episode Recalled By His Pres ent Trip to Italy. REVIVED FOR POLITICAL SPITE. An KITort to Belittle the Crnnd Old Man For Whnt He 1)1(1 When He WUH Comparatively n Youth. An 10lHodo | ol'Itygono Days. [ Cniwrlulit HAS bi/Jaiiict / Cdiilun llcmifU. ] Loximx Jan. 7. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BII : : . ] Gladstone's present visit to Italy serves to recall hi' notable ( list visit thither forty years ago Ho was an Intimate friend of the then bj courtesy Karl of Lincoln , afterwards the Duke of Newcastle , who took charge of tin Prince of Wales on his visit to the states. A' Lord Henfow in IS'iO ' the earl had married tin daughter of the Duke of Hamilton , who ! the grandmother of the present Duke ol Newcastle , although she never was r duchess. She eloped with the Karl of Or fordJthcn , by courtesy Lord Walpolc. Hei husband desired proof. No divorce court ex luted then and divorce was only a luxury foi the rich through the. house of lords. It oc Burred to the lord to make Gladstone ui lunuteiir detective , as it were. The lattci was then not In ofilce. Whnt ho sawoi heard is best told by himself when swoui bj Lord Brougham as a witness and fully re ported In thu Times , which the Herald re porter verified at the British museum. After some preliminary questions and nn frtvcrs , and after Lord Wulpolo had beci traced in intimacy with a Mrs. Lawrence the future first commoner of the land tes tillo'l : "Allowing for the difference of station , : was well acquainted with her , " Mr , Gladstone further testified : "I recollect of a minor reaching England ii August , ISIS , in regard to Lady Lincoln , am In conscqucnco of thcso family meetings tool place which led to my going abroad a : much , However , in the interest of Lady Lin coin's as of Lord Lincoln's character. Tin rumors to which I refer were such as loft m doubt that there wore unhappy Indiscretion which were callable of a worse construction There was , however , no disposition to put tin worst construction upon them , and a stroni hope was entertained that nothing but India erctions had taken place. " Lord B. Were you authorized by Lori Lincoln to induce her ladyship to conn back } Mr. G. Yes , and to place herself in a pine of security. Lord B. Your mlwiion didn't exclude th hope of her coming back ) Mr. G , I think not , my lord. My objcc was to induce her to do what prudence scenic P to require. I went in quest of her to Naples going to Komo first. Slio had left for Gcno I before my arrival and desired to luiro letter addressed to her at Milan. 1 found a true of Lady L. by her own name and was ir duced by what 1 heard to go to Como an was led to believe she was visiting at th Villa Mancini under the forged name of Mn Lawrence. I endeavored to obtain nn intei view with her on my arrival , Tuesday mori Ing , July .11. She declined to sco me in th llrst Instance because I was a stranger to he ' and the second because she knew no sue person as Lady Lincoln. I then endcavorc ineffectually to obtain nn answer from he in writing , but I received only a verbal stati ment in reply that Mrs. Lawrence knoi nothing of a Mr. Gladstone. In the evcnin 1 paid a second visit to the villa and saw cv dcnco of preparation for departure. A cu ciago was at the door. I saw a female flgur standing as if ready to get in. 1 did not si whether she took a scat in the carriage , as was anxious not to bo observed. The cu rlago drove past mo with the blinds dowi The female figure I saw corresponded wit that of Lady Lincoln. Lord B. Could you tell If she was wil child ) Mr , G. No , my lord , she was so wruppc up for traveling. I went after her the no : day , but , weighing the matter in my mind , returned to England. A trcacheryus discharged valet of Lei Walpolc then testified to improper visits i his master to the lady called Mrs. Lawrcnc mid on motion of Lord Kcdcsdalu the divon passed. This was before Earl Lincoln became duke. Oddly enough ono of her sons afte wards got Into the divorce court. It is with the nephew and heir nf this th ( Lord Wulpolo that Miss Corbin , of Now Yor is soon to Intermarry at Nice. LONDON'S MUSICAL CONGUF.Si Ati Adjournment Taken to the 1'nne. < the Knife and Fork. ICop./i / lyhtJvSSbtf / James ( it-nlim HtnntU. ] Losnox , Jan. 7. [ New York Hera Cable Special to the Bin : . ] The music congress has adjourned , and to-day ita lea ing delegate from America , Prof. Lavall of Boston , sailed from LlvcrjK > ol. His ess ; has received much attention from the pres Among other newspapers the Glebe suli "It must bo owned that the backwardness n.uslcal composition of nntlvo origin in tl United Static Is rot a little surprise. Tl states have exceptional advantages in tl : respect. The population lira n large Germi and Celtic quota , which alone should 1m the strongest Influence. There ate uli-n of musical students. Here , too concerts and opera houses swarm. There Is a marked tnsto for music In religious worship. Plenty of money Is freely sjiout on musk' , and the United States is leaving old countries no- w'icro In the production of sopranos , con traltos , tenors and bassos. It Is true that Mr. Lavalle claims for America the possession of comi > osers who deserve to bo called classical , and who have written works well received in Europe , but what nro their names , leaving out foreigners who happen to live In America. Classical Is a big epithet , and one cannot call to mind the name of a single American compo cr to whom It is due. Nevertheless Mr. LaVnllo was right in taking the hopeful view that the American love of music Is real and not a fashion. A spontaneous dcvolopemont of a taste in any way whatever Is promising. " After reading an essay on the pianoforte nt the conclusion of the congress , Mr. A. .1. IIpkiiH , F. S. A. , who Is In Europe a well- nowii as high mitorlty upon antique musical nstrumcnts , illustrated by performances upon various predecessors of the modern liunoforto. Commencing with a little un dent clavichord , lie played n prelude In C lujor and a fantasia cromatica by Bach. The sound given by the instrument was faint ind thin , not altogether unlike the noise made by a sewing machine , and with less melody than can bo got out of the miniature llanos sold in toyshops. He next played upon a Venetian spinet of ho date of lobO the Ellrubethan period- giving n piece called "Gnliardo , " by William 5yrd , who flourished from about 1533 to 1C2H and another by the famous D. John Bull r.(13 ( to 1028 entitled "Couranto JewoL" The spinet was ono witli short octaves and sounded strong , but the notes were twnngy. A similar instrument of u century later 0 < 0 showed marked Improvement. The next instrument was a harpsichord , Llated 1771 , with a double key board. The notes were now callable of being sustained 'or a short period and some prcsant could .loubtlcsa call to mind many a worse sound- ng Instrument of modern make. The next change brought the illustration down to the present day , the instrument be ug a Brondwood , built lust year. On sueli nn instrument it goes without saying thai ' " " and thcwell-knowi Chopin's "Aritcspiancto" - : 'Nocturne , " in E flat , both of which pieces Mr. Illpklns had the good fortune to hoai ; ) layed by the composers , wore heard undei favorable circumstances. The congress then made music with the knife , fork and Crown Derby China at r unchcon with the lord mayor , and tjici ; closed the day at the Salisbury hotel by 11 banquet , whcro Mr. Illpklns further per. formed on the chairman's gavel before 12 ( covers , Dr. Perkins , an American del cgate , acting as vice chairman , and the latter in the evening responding to the toast "The National Music Teachers' Association of America. " His whipped. syllabub manner of addressing a dessert nu dicnco stood in excellent contrast with the roast-bccf-and method - - sausage - dumplings which nearly all after-dinner English speak crs adopt. The proceedings and papers reai will bu soon published in book form and sen ! to the United States. This now Idea of at international musical congress seems to bi one calculated to increase yearly in popu larity. I Jlu nt Taken to Jail. G.i i. WAV , Jan. 7. Immediately after tin decision In Mr. Blunt's case ho was con voyed to jail , followed by largo crowds whom the police attempted to avoid by n rusu l/"his / proved futile and u conflict occurred be twccn the crowd and the police , during whicl swords and batons were used. Several per sons wore injured. Mr. Shaw Levere , i member of parliament , and several othe : gentlemen arrived ut Bullinuloo to-day. The ; were met by 4,000 people. It wa proposed to hold ft meeting , bu a quarrel arose about the admissioi of government reporters and the propose' ' meeting was abandoned. Mr. Shaw Lever was presented with an address , in response t which ho protested against the imprisonmon of Mr. Wilfricd Blunt and eulogized the el forts made in the causo'of Irish freedom. Charged With Sedition. DUIILIX , Jan. 7. William John Lane , men ber of piirliument for the cast division o Cork , has been arrested on the charge o making a seditious speech at Watcrgrass hi ! on December i. Ho was admitted to bail. Kinprror William Taken Worse. P.USM , Jan. 7. Ills reported hero that th condition of the emperor of Germany Is quit serious. It is said ho is confined to his be and has hud several fainting spoils. Dined AVith the Governor. Sr. Pmiiusnt'ua , Jan. 7. Lord Uandolp Churchill and Lady Churchill dined wit the governor of Moscow this evening. News From Massowiih , HOME , Jan. -Advices from Massowa s.tatu that Generals Gene and Cagnal hav advanced their fortified posts to n point lieu Dogulle. Aooeped the Torino. CiiicMfio , 111Jan. . 7. The Chicago Post : Telegraph company , an Illinois corporatloi which tool ; out a charter about a month ugi has itotilled the federal authorities at Wasl Ington of the acceptance of the tcims of tl act of congress , passed July ! M , ISO by which any telegraph con pany giving piufcrenco to governmci dispatches at a rate Hxcil by the posttmisti general has a right to build and epcrato \ \ In on any post road over which the Unite States mall is carried. Several routes ha\ already been projected , ono of them bcin from Chicago to Duluth and another throng Illinois and low.x and thcnco via the Unio Pacinc railway to San Truncisco. The con pany will ro-opcruto with the Mnckay-Bci nctt sstem. . Montana Frozen Up. HKI.EIM , Mont , , Jan. 7 , At 7 o'clock till morning the spirit thermometer registere 6" degrees below zero , which seemed to I the coldest night since l < ir . Stock U sulfe ing and should the present cold snap contluu the loss will be heavy. All freight trains ai abandoned and passenger trains are froi twenty-four to thirty-six hours lato. Shot lilt , Partner. ARKANSAS CITY. Kan. , Jau. 7. A specli from Anthony states thai Walter E. Trcai well , the great cattle king , shot Charles ( Clark , hi * old partner , wounding him set cusly. Tlib orlglou of the difficulty U m known. The Only Ones Which Have Shaken Berlin the Past Week. A ROYAL OPERA HOUSE EDICT. lolders of Box and Fnrquotto Tickets Greatly Excited. FULL EVENING DRESS DEMANDED. An Order Which Will Swamp Al ready Depleted Exchequers. PRINCE WILLIAM MUCH ABUSED. V Misconstruction 1'lnccd Upon His Action in Attending u NonSectarian tarian Charity GutlieriiiK The AVcek'H Doings. Foolishly Misconstrued. [ Cojnirtuht IteS lit/James Giinlan JJcmiflM BKIIU.V , Jan. 7. fNcw York Herald Cable Special to the BIB. : ] The sensations this week have been social ones. The attacks upon Prince William for attending the city mission meetingsliavc almost given his good- natured visit the import of a great political event. Graf Hochberg's edict that from lanuary 1 to May I Monday night operas at the Berlin Koyal opera house will bo society evenings , to which those with box or parquet tickets are requested to como in evening ttrcss , also caused u stir , which will bo easily understood by Germans but es'i easily by Americans. Ono wper complains that the increased cost of gloves , cravats , carriages mid bou- lucts will deprive the best music-loving class of their music on these evenings. \notherwlth an unexpected democratic feel ing bitterly laments the division into classes made among musical people by tlieso special evenings and by the demands for dress coats only in certain parts of the house , third paper , with moro justice , deplores the attempt to make the opera a place for ; ossip society instead of a house in which music lovers may solemnly gather to cele brate their devotions. Still a fourth , after n tirade against dress coats , u'id hats as English freaks , ends by a scrio comic hint that a tailors party in the rcichstag has been propitiated by the iltet of dress coats , and declares that musical people throughout Prussia must combine to edict delegates to form a musical party largo enough tobo _ worthy of political attention and concession. So If all goes well Prince Bismarck's thunder may bo soon directed against an unruly rcichstug party of musical experts acting with social democrats and nihilists to secure the abolition of dress coats. Then if every plan of the most desperate musical circles succeeds , some night Berliners - liners will see the Iron Prince in n slouch'hat and corduroys smoking a cob pipe in the Frcmdcn Logo or some other very prominent opera box. No ono has so far ac cused Prince William of extreme piety and the long-sustained angry yelping causodby his participation in the city mission meeting some weeks ago is not likely to increase the prospect of piety as n profession. Thu city mission Is u non-sectarian society which supports between twenty and ono huiv drcd city missionaries in Berlin. Connies' Waldcrsce , who is a leader in all good works , is interested in this mission. Princess Will iam has also taken a considerable part in its work. The mission , being short of funds , called i : meeting at Count Waldersce's house us ar attraction to rich snobs , and Prince Willian was induced to grace it with his presence The only remarkable thing about this wa < that the prince should bo good-humored enough to endure the borednm of a meeting without special interest to him. It happened though , that Count Preacher Stoecker , a so called Jew baiter , is at the head of the cit j mission , but as ho also leads a dozen othci religious benevolent movements , nobody nl leges that the city mission is nnti-scmatii or that there was any Jew baiting u tliis special meeting. Novcrtheles : Stoockcr Is being the most hated man h Germany. His presence nt the mcetini caused an almost unexampled series of at tacks on Prince William , in which conscrva tlvcs as well as liberals joined. Part of thi comes from the crown prince's wcll-knowi dislike for Stoecker and the wild successive ness of certain liberal sections , which , ii every action of Prince William , imagin they see an attempt to supplant the crow ; prince. The importance of these attacks ar duo only to the fear that they may Irritat Prince William into allying himself with th unpopular party. This week ho bcga to receive addresses of thanks froi many cities and towns , numerously signet but unfortunately containing among other the names of those who nro remnants of th nnti-sematic party. Princess William ha shown some special marks of favor to Paste Stoecker nt a public dinner. The prince ha been told several times that all-wise policic are at first unpopular as has been especial ! , shown In the cases of Bismarck and Empera William , whoso quarrel gives a good idea o the differences between the crown prince an his son and thcro is seething cxcltcmcn among those Interested persons certain to b advanced by the crown prince If ho lives t reign or bo neglected if not worse by Princ William. Cold weather Is hurrying somewhat the dc parturcs from Berlin of Americans. T start is Prof. Dorchester , of Boston UnK'ei slty , who with a party goes for a month' stay in Ituly. Mr. Church , of Denver , Col. , also goes t Italy. Mra. Wlswell and party , of Evanston , 111. go now only so far as Paris. Caniden Dike and party , of Brooklyn , N Y. , have been detained by Mrs. Dike's 111 ness , but start south next week. Pvcv. Zewelzig , of Scranton , Pa. , haa'N cady got as far as Leipzig on his way to the icly land. U. C. Shannon , formerly charge d'affatrsat Mo Jiinlero , with a party and Mrs. Grace and daughter , of Nuw York , also go south. The sudden death of Mrs. H. E. Sawyer , of 5oston , who recently loft Berlin for Italy , las been a great shoqlc to musical circles , lor friend , Miss Buckley , of Detroit , was vlth her during her Illness. Ex. Congresamntin Hellmnnn , of Indiana , and William F , Hues , of Chicago , are among ho arrivals in Berlin , Mr. Wiswcll , of Evanston , III. , and Miss luthcduf , of Philadelphia , are among the dc- mrttircs by Wednesday's steamer. JIONOU1NG OKXKIlAhJACKHON. The lint tie ol'New Orlonnn Commem orated In New York. Niw : YOUK , Jan. 7. The battle of New Orleans , fought January 8 , 18IS , was com- nomoruted to-night at the Hoffman house with u dinner given by the Business Men's ) cmoerutio association. A hundred and Ifty gentlemen , including well-known demo crats of this and adjoining states were ircscnt. After dinner came the toasts. The first was : "Tho President of the Jnltcd States. " In response to it a letter was read from President Cleveland. : le regretted that his duties prevented ilm from attending the dinner. In continu- ng ho wrote : "The anniversary of n battle which illustrates the courage and military skill of Andrew Jackson should bo fittingly celebrated by an association whoso name in- licates its belief in the political principles which ho steadfastly maintained. The les son of his rugged honesty and vigorous In. sistanco upon right cannot bo too often studied and Infused. It Is especially encour aging to find business men associated to gether for the purpose of contemplating Lheso things and advancing such > oliticul interests us seem necessary to the prosperity of the country. No political theory ! s valuable unless It benefits , in its npplica- cation , the business of the people and when our business men engage moro goncrullv in political affairs wo shall have safer and bel ter politics. " Letters of regret from members of the cabinet , Governor Fltz Hugh Leo of Vir ginia , Governor S. D. McEnerny of Louisi- .inu , and otl rs were read. Governor Hill of New York made the speech of thu evening in rcsponsu to the toast , "The State of New York. " a ca At Philadelphia. Piiii.\ncu'iiiA , Jan.7. The anniversary of the battle of New Orleans was celebrated hero to-night by a dinner under the auspices of the Young Men's Democratic association. Among the guests of the evening was Secre tary of the Treasury Fail-child. A letter of regret from President Cleveland was read. In the course of his remarks Secretary Fail-child said : "I need name but one name , that of your chief executive , to call before your nllnds the imago of a man who moro nearly satisfies the conscience , judgment and the heart of the people than does any other prominent citizen of our coun try. Under him the Independence and dig nity of the executive , so needful to peed government have once moro been as firmly established jtts tlioy were in the days of Jackyon. New conditions have brought new questions and new business to the front , and it is our duty to meet them with manly frankness and patient courage. Grovcr Cleveland has set the high example of this in his annual messages of 18SO unit lbS7 , and it now re mains for the ( men of to-day , to give to the great ; question of government , of finance and of taxation , the earnest thought and powerful action , which will lead the country along the safe road that the time-honored , conservative , free- dom-glving principles of democracy have made so broad and straight. The Fire Itcuord. CIIICMOO , Jan. 7. The new seven-storj brick building on Fourth avenue , owned b.y J. C. Dale and S. E. Hart , burned this eve nlng. A patent medicine , a book-binding ant a printing firm were the principal occupants Loss on the building and stock , $250,000 ; in surance , $7.- > ,000. , T.\Mi > rowK , Dak. , Jan. 7. Two clevaton owned by the Northern Pacific and Christiai & Co. respectively , burned at New Ifockfori lust night with fcU.OOO bushels of wheat. Kie'iiMOMi , Vu. , Jan. 7. Fire at Louisi court house last night resulted in the do structlon of twenty-one out of the twenty four business houses and shops in the town The individual losses are all small and aggregate gate ,000. Mrs. Clcvolnnd's lirccptlon. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Mrs. Cleveland' : Unit afternoon reception of the season tool place between I ) and 5 o'clock to-day. It was a very brilliant affair and very largely at tended. Mrs. Cleveland was assisted in re coivmg by Mrs. Ingalls and a half u score o pretty young girls , among them being Mis Endicott.Miss Bayard and Miss Vilas. At tin close of the reception an accident occurred Mrs. Cleveland was pouringtca for her guest when the frlngo of thu napkin , which sh < used in lifting tno kettle , caught Jlro from i spirit lamp , and the napkin was nil ablao ii a moment. With much presence of mini the fair hostess dashed It to the floor am stamped upon it , until the flames were ex tinguishcd. It was over in nn instant nlmos and before any one , except those nearest hoi know that anything out of the ordinary hai occurred. Held to Its Contract. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 7. Judge Krekc ] in the United States nourt to-day , rondorei a decision of importance to cattlemen. Th case was ono in which Charles B. Hudso had shipped 378 steers from Bennington Kan. , with orders to have them in thu Ktu sas City stock yards next day in time for th markets. The Union Pacific guaranteed t do this , but failed to comply with the con tract and the cattle were sold the next da on a dull market at a loss of ? 700. Hudso sued and recovered the monoy. Judge Kroke refused to grant a motion for a new trial. Crookedne Somewhere. WASiiiNrfTON.Tan. 7 , Captain Amos Clifl a clerk in the pension office , and formerly member of General Sheridan's staff , died n the Providence hospital in this city abouttw weeks ago without the knowledge of friend and was burled In the potter's field. Th discovery was made to-day. The remains ha been removed from the cemetery and sold t a medical college. An Investigation will b made. Mra. McCauley Koarrcstcd. CHICAGO , Jan. 7. Mrs. McCauley , wh killed her husband on Christmas eve , wa rcaitcstcd this aftcinoon. She was relcasci about a week ago on recommendation of th coroner's jury , Yesterday Mm took ou letters of administration for her husband' ' . state , valued at $5,000. To-iday the dcu man's mother swovo out a warrant charglni the wltc > with murder. A MOMENTARY CALM , The Great Powers Temporarily Abandon War Talk. ONLY A TEMPORARY LULL. The Balkan Peninsula Agitating Austria and Russia. AN EXCUSE FOR A FIGHT WANTED. A Now Figurehead Desired For the Bulgarian Throno. PROPOSING TO FIRE THE PRINCE. Vustrln's Itotcntloti of the Provinces of Bosnia nml Herzegovina to lie Culled In QiicHtton Hy tlic C/.nr. A Poi'optivo Quietness1. 1SSS luXcw Voik Atmctatttl Fnwv ] Hr.iiuN , .Tun. 7. A calm which oftleial nml liplomatic. circles know to bo deceptive pro- vulla for the moment. The Austrian ami llussian governments have exchanged as surances of pcaco , to which nobody at taches the slightest importance. The only ictunl change In the situation teiidlngtoward icaco is the active resumption of negotiations jctween Count Kalnoky , Austrian foreign ambassador , and Prince Lol > anoiT , Kussian nnbassador at Vienna , for a settlement of the balance of power in the Balkan penin sula , The negotiations are expected by joth sides to end In an exact definition of : ho respective demands , such as heretofore lias not existed , and from which may bo ob tained n valid excuse for war. According to n scml-ofllcial dispatch received from Vienna to-night , Prlnco Lobanoff has opened the diplomatic campaign by proponing as the first stop toward nn entente the removal of Prince Ferdinand from the throne of Uulgaria under a joint mandate of the powers , the election of u new prince by the now sobratijo and the reappointment of Russian ofticcrs to the Bulgarian army. The proposal specifies that the now prince must bo a member af the orthodox Greek church and the sobranjo so elected as to enable Kus- sia to recognize it us being legally constituted. In the meantime the foreign ofllce hero holds aloof from the negotiations , which arc recog nized as feelers by Ktissla toward other de mands. The czar's ministers already know that Count Kalnoky will not admit that the Berlin treaty gives Kussia any special right to interfere In Bulgaria. They know , also , that it is Impossible to obtain from the powers a joint mandate. Baffled on thcso points , Kussia will raise n new question on Austrian retention of Bos nia and Herzegovina. These provinces were occupied under n purely temporary title , but arc now practically annexed. Austria will bo called upon to evacuate them , and it is probable that the question of their future ad ministration will bo referred to a conference of the powers. The total force of Russian soldiers in the Warsaw , Wlemi and ICielT districts , according to the military estimate , reaches 32.,000 men , with 7:20 guns. The cavalry regiments stationed Immediately on the frontier are being supplied with rations on the same scale as during iTn actual cam paign. Everything points to the conclusion that the c/.ar means to enforce his terms , if not by diplomacy , by war. The attitude of England in the event of hostilities will be ono of friendly neutrality. This fact i1 known to the Bcrjin foreign olllce. Humors that Emperor William was scr iously ill and had been attacked with fainting fits were current yesterday. The rumor : have received an emphatic denial from oflicial : doing business at the palace. The emperor i attended with slight pains in thoboulc and ah domen. Physicians to-day declare that the ; do not regard them as anything serious , bu they insist upon his resting more. ArlHtocrucv LiKtiMiH to Ventriloquism ICoji/i | Jit 1S&S till Jdiiits ( Ionian IlcHluU.l LONDON , Jan. 7. [ New York Ileruli Cable Special to the Bin : . | The new clul in the Covent Oarden building , once knowi as Evan's , is now the great fashionable gatli ering place on Saturday night. This ovenini there was a large and brilliant assembly o some of the best known people of the mctron olis. The entertainment consisted of a re uiurkiible ventriloquist performance by Prol Colo. The most amusement consisted 1 : listening to tiio remarks of the auditors among whom were the Duke of Newcastle the Earl of Kilmorey , air. Seville Lumloj Captain and Mrs FitzGeorge , Mrs , Morcto : Frcwcu and Mrs. Leslie , sisters of Lady Ran dolph Churchill , Captain .Mostyn , Mr. am Mrs. Henry , L. Horton , Mrs. Alcgustin Lord Fitzgerald and a brilliant happy thron of ladies , including the fashionable bcantj Mrs. Best. The Duke of Newcastle start next week for Now York on u tour t Florida. A IJnttcrod Ilnrqiic. [ Copi/Hflht ISfcS liu James Gordon /Icmied. ] Qur.ENSTOWN , Jan. 7. [ New York Hcral Cable Special to the BEE. ] To-day th barque Allonby , Ca plain Parker , from Sa Francisco , arrived In a shattered conditiot : reporting the drowning of four of her cre\\ ono of these a sulcido. The cook leapc overboard , holding an Iron bar In his han and his pockets filled with Iron bolts. Do ccmber 23 there was a heavy hurricane am an Immense tidal wave broke over the shlj smashing the lifeboat to atoms , and deluge the cabins bunks. Two sails were blown t ribbons. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kllrnin nml Mitchell at Dublin. [ Cojtyrfu'il ' ISSSly Jitme * tSiiitlnn llenitelt , ] Duiiux , Jan. 7. [ New York Herali Cable Special to the HCE. ] Kllruln an Mitchell brought their two nights' engage KicntaUtho Star tnuslo hall , 'Dublin , to a sue cessful conclusion to-night , when the hous was densely packed ID every part. The me tepped on Iho stage about 0:30 : and were ceordod u most enthusiastic reception , the hcering continuing several minutes. As on ho previous evening , they sparred three omuls , but these were characterized by light > lay throughout and In consequence then ) vita some hissing before the conclusion of ho first round , In the next Kllraln did oino hitting , getting home ho.ivlly several lines on Mitchell's head , but in the last the Englishmen retaliated , and at the close both nen were applauded. The pair also appeared n a mid-day performance. * Another Appeal. SnvMOKiN , I'a. , Jan. 7. The board of trade ms npiHinted ) u commit tc-o to call on Presi- lent Corbin and ask that , an adjustment of ircscnt dlllleultics bo made. Mr. Shu'-ts' , one if the leading merchants , has decided to re use credit to strikers , and Philadelphia louses have notiticd local merchants that heir credit would not bo extended. Busi- icss Is almost suspended. The great tnujor- ty of the miners have ample supplies for sev eral months , No coal has been shipped to- lay. Minors have been ordered to vacate Iho onipuny'B houses at Big Mountain. The Colit Wave In the llllln. Ku'iiiCm , Dak. , .Ian. 7.- [ Special Tele- ; ram to the llr.n.l The worst cold snap ever ( iiown by white men in the ] illicit Hills is iov coming to an end. The cold wave signal vent up Thursday morning and since then he average temperature has been about H ) legrees below /ero. Last night it went to 28 iclow : to-night .sixteen. The cold wave Hag amo down to-day and the bureau predicts v.irmer weather. Ro.ids are blockaded by now and travel is badly intemiptod. SUCCCKU of "Kmim" In Chicago. Cmruio , Jan. 7. The second week of 'Faust" at McVickcr's theater has been a onspieuotis success , and , despite the variety of bad weather experienced during the week , ho receipts luivo largely exceeded those of a similar period in any former visit to Chicago of Mr. Irving , Miss Terry and 'tho Lyceum company. _ _ A Wyoming Itank Assigns. Doroi.w , Wyo. , Jan. 7. The Maverick bank assigned to-day. Alexander T. Butler md Charles ] ) . Bro.idbeck uie the assignees. I'lio cause is said to bo an inability to collect outstanding debts. The assets are said to exceed the liabilities. The institution was argely patronized by cattlemen. Condition of Montana Cnttlc. IIui.r.NA , Mont. , Jan. 7. No reliable re- urns have been received as to the condition of stock throughout eastern Montana. Stoek- nen arc somewhat uneasy. A fortnight of uclemcnt weather would result in serious osses. The thermometer ranges from 14 to 41 below zero , with an average of u foot of snow on the ground. Two Kcct of Snow. MuijriTii : , Mich. , Jan. 7. The snow fall n the upper peninsula for the past forty- eight hours is unprecedented. Up to last light two feet had fallen on u level and the storm still continues. All trains are late and v general blockade is probable. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Colder , followed by warmer 'air weather , followed by light to fresh winds' , northcrly'nnd becoming variable. Forlown : Colder , followed by warmer , fair weather , fresh to brisk northwesterly winds , diminishing in force. Signed the Steel Scale. PiTT nt'Ho , Jan. 7. The Linden Steel com ; ) any , of this city , signed the now steel scale of the amalgamated association this after noon and work will bo resumed at their mill at onco. The new scale will slightly advance the wages of some of the workmen. BAN K ClltTjUhATlON. Correspondence in AVhich John Shcr- iiinii Kxpressi'H HiH Views. Niw Youic , Jan. 7. The following corre spondence is published hero : CHASI : NA. TIONAI , BANK , NmYOUK , Jan. 5 , ISbS : Tc Hon. John Sherman By giving to banks pai instead of 00 per cent on bonds deposited wil give an addition to the volume of the cur reney of 0,000,000 , and by removing the ta > of 1 per cent on national bank notes wil encourage banks to enlarge theii issues , I think , to the extent oi $ 'JOIXX,000 ) more during the comini six months. I . can sec no reason why Ihest amendments to the law should not bo grantee promptly. Some relief to the money market must bo had soon , or the cry for an niilimhci or enlarged coinage of silver will successfully bo raised. Silver rates are satisfactory cur rcncy , despite all arguments against tin "daddy dollar. " Except for short pcrioi prior to and during a panic , there is ulwuyi money enough , for depreciation and liquida tlon will quickly bring about an adjustincn of prices to a volume of money usable it making prices. I have the impressioi that you nro opposed to granting the isnu < of more national bank notes , and 1 feel Urn I am not trespassing upon you in npprisini you that every national bank is desirous t < get that c.xtra 10 per cent on their deposits o bonds , and certainly the business community oven the farming population of our country Will bo gratified in the bettor and moro ade qnato issue of currency , for it w the prevail ing opinion that moro money is necessary ti stop depreciation. I therefore ask you ti take the initiative , not so much us a favor tf the banks , but as an advantage to the puhlii at large , in securing to banks the two ad vantages Indicated * 1'leuso excuse my pointed brevity. ( Signed ) JOHN THOMPSON. Mr. Sherman made the following reply My Dear Sir : 1 agree with you entirely ate to the piopricty of Increasing the currenc ; to nutioiml banks in the modes suggested and you are mistaken in supposing that have been opposed to such Issue. 1 Intro duccd a biilthreo or four yours ago allowni ] an issue of bank notes approaching within 1 tier cent of thu market vnluu of tno bonds de posited. Tlds was defeated in the commute on finance , and u proposition to give tlietn : circulation to the faro of the bonds was re poi ted and passed the senate , but was neve acted upon in the house. I would mos heartily vote for a bill nuthori/ing the issu of bank notes equal to the par value of bond deposited. Vcury truly iours , fSigncd , ] JOHN SnmoiAN , John Thompson , Esq. Military Afl'nlrn Committee Doings. WASIIIXOTO.V , Jan , 7. The committee o military affairs met to-day and clocto George B. Parsons dork and adjourned unt Tuesday next without fixing any rcguln meeting dayn. TJio committee decided t report favorably the resolution introduced b Holman in thohouse , requesting the secret nr of war to pay no part of the IIUO.IKXJ appropr atcdfortho payment , for the Fort Brown mil tary reservation in Texas until the committe acquires further information as to the nccci sity for the proposed military post. Death Kccord. LANSING , Mich , , Jan. 7. Reuben Crav ford , for many years chief Inspector of tli United States revenue department for Nort Carolina , cast Tennessee and norther Georgia , but moro recently In charge of more extensive fluid , with headquarters t Cincinnati , died In this city after a brU illncs.t. _ Coal Discovered In Tons. SAX A.vroxio , Tex. , Jan. 7. Thoannounci mcnt was made to-day that a largo dcpos of bituminous coal had been discos ercd no : this city. The coal Is of superior quality. POLAR "RESEARCHES. low the Antarctic Exploration So ciety Hopes to Stimulate Them. BOUNTIES TO THE WHALERS , Urged to Push Their Vessels Be yond Certain LaUUulou. NO SPECIAL EXPEDITIONS , Not Enough Money to Fit Out Shipa Simply For Research. COMMERCE TO AID SCIENCE. Ini-d Woi-k to Vliul Arctlo Adven turers OiKslde of the Ilimly Whal ers Soolcty Well Wi Hut No Fund * . The Dreary South Sean. JKvs bu Jrtmct ( 'union Haunt' . ) LONDON , Jan. 7. [ New York Herald Cable * Special to the llii.l : : From Information jbtuiucd to-day at the admiralty and at the { oyul Geographical society I urn nblo testate hat at picsent there is not a question of fitting / - ting out any special South Polar expeditions , but the idea of the so-called Antarctic Explo ration society is to stimulate private enter- by a promise of bounties for passing be yond certain latitudes. Sir Allen Young , n cterun Artioc.xploicr , has been sounded on ho subject , but so far has not shown any dls- osition to take tiny puit In pushing n re- earch Into those dreary regions. 1'ho fact is , society as at > rescnt situated , Is not in a position o offer a sulllcient inducement for any ono 0 undertake the voyugo solely witli the oh- cct of research. The pecuniary support ob- aincd up to the present is limited to a promise of 17)00 fiom the government of the Australian colonies , provided the imperial government vlll grant n similar amount. The matter has been referred hero to the hydrogr.iphlcal mthorilics at the admiralty , and as they re- KU'tod favorably there is little doubt that the money will bo forthcoming. The grant , lowovcr , will bo accompanied witli certain stipulations as to the presence on board jif any ship claiming the bounty of some competent icrsons who shall hnvo carried out 1 scries of observations In accord- moo with the present programme. I'ho Hoyul Geographical society re gards tliis matter in n very favorable light , but limits its patronage to wishing well to the enterprise. The society lias not drawn up any special programmo beyond'mcrthc utrical good will to provldo bounties , but it is understood that ono of its objects is to en courage voyages to the highest latitudes so is to find out whether any new fisheries or seal grounds exist that ccould bo worked with profit , and it is by no means unlikely that some Dundee whalers may attempt to earn the promised bounties. Those will nat urally bo on a sliding scale , the highest amount being paid for the highest point reached within certain periods of time. ST1UUKS. Mcd to Protect Ti-ulllu. AI.IUNV , N. Y. , Jan. 7. The forth-coming report to the Icgislatuio of the state board of mediation and arbitration will embrace an important reference to strikes upon rail roads , and other propel ties held and used for public purpose , and will , it is understood , suggest the exercise of legislative power over persons employed to nporuto properties , as well as over thu ptoperties themselves , and their owners. Jt is also understood that the board hikes very decided ground In favor of making all necessary regulations to insure the transit and safety of persons and property upon all railroads and other highways established for public service , and benefit against combinations ol employes or other persons entered into for the purpose of stopping or in any way inter fering with their operations. Sti-ikei-H ( iiilnliif ; around. KC.UIINO , Pa. , Jan. 7. Coal shipments over the Heading railroad since the opening of the week have decreased steadily day by day , and this morning the report showed hardly ( KM ) cars had como down the road from sun down last evening until to-day. This is ro- gaidcd by all persons as an indication that strikers arc tightening their hold. Thu rail road men who took tlm places of strikers are being boycotted every where. Hotel keepers refuse to take thorn oxrept ittcxorbitunt rates and many of tlm Pinhcrton foiro tire being quartered in old passenger curs especially fitted up with bunks , stoves , etc. Trouble- ) . Toitoxio. Out. , Jan. 7..I. . D. Llttlo , dealer in clothing , boots and shoes , made an assignment to-day. His liabilities are. ? 17)00. ( ) PiTTsnuuo , Pa. , Jim. 7. The Baden Gal company is dcclurcd to bo insolvent. Knox and Heed , cnunsel for W. B. lingers , the i tcelvor of Iho Baden ( Jin company , to-day made an application In court for thu sale of the franchises mid effects of thu company. A I'romi'CHH Held Knr Trial. CHICAGO , Jan. 7. The capo of the notorious Mrs. Cassady , charged with abducting Blanchu Bonnuvlilo for the purpose of lead ing a life of shame In n Wisconsin dive , cnmo up in thu armory couit this morning and Mrs. Cassidy was held in . * 100 bonds to await the result of a triul. A Faint Ijenj ) . OSWBOO , N. Y. Jan 7. Jack Donovan , twenty-two years old , Ion pud from thu Ullca street bridge Into thu Oswego river , a dis tance of seventy-five fret , this afternoon and was immediately carried nnder thu Ice and drowned. It i thought lie was Insane. I.OHH Ily KlnndH. LOCK HAVCX , Pu. , Jan. 7. Messages from the lifad of the Susquctianna river wtatc that the heavy rain fall of last night caused si reams to overflow their baiil > s , Hoomsund dams liuvo given away and mlllions.of fcutof timber and fogs havu biouim loote. Thu losu to lumbermen will bu great. Killed HiH liuiKhlcr and CAMIIUX , N. J. , Jan. 7. Isaau Mcrricft this afternoon shot his young daughter dead at their homo on avimliu and then killed himself. I'o\Mlcrly Improving. X , I'a , , Jan , 7. Dr. Allen , the at tending physician said to il.iy that \vdcily Is improving although atill very weak. AU Visitors Jro excluded ,