Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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Thirty People Overturned In a Slolgh
Sustaining Injuries.
Gnu and Boiler Inspector's Heporls
Carload Ix > tn A Distinguished
German The Five Otlicr
Local News.
A Frightful Runaway Accident.
Thursday evening Julius Meyer engaged a
InrgcncwBlcIgh which Jim Stcphcnson ha re
cently put In stock. It was Intended to con
vey n party of pleasure-seekers ( o and from
Huscr's , southwest of the city , where they
had made arrangements for a party. The
sleigh drawn by six horses , nnd
driven by J. E. Clark , left the stable
at an early hour nt night and In the morning
at 3 o'clock returned , drawn by but two
horses nnd somewhat disfigured. The ques
tion was raised , where arc the driver and the
other horses ) A search wasmndo and the
missing steeds were , a couple of hours later ,
found jmsturingin aHiiow-llcld near Hansi-oni
Park. Some of the pleasure seekers wcro
also found nnd from them It
was learned that the sleigh had been
overturned and almost every occupant thrown
heavily to the frozen road. Later investiga
tion satisfied a HKK reporter of the truthful
ness of the first report. The party had con
cluded , and In excellent spirits the occupants
of the big sleigh , comprising about thirty
IHJOple , reached the corner of 1'iirlc avcntio
and Leavenworth , when , approaching the
first-named thoroughfare , the "lead horses"
became unmanageable , and. following them ,
the other animals , aided by thu hilarity
of the party , reached a rapid gait
which , ns the sleigh swung on to 1'ark ave
nue , dashed it against the railway , overturn
ing It In an instant. Only one of thu occu
pants remained in the vehicle , and that was
Miss Newman , who was dragged for throe
blocks. The others were thrown and scat-
tcrcd promiscuously along the street , und
the first four horses dashed away , breaking
loose from the polo team and disappearing
instantly. The driver was thrown
with the rest nnd sustained a
number of bruises. Mrs. .Siirnuul Sloniau
had a wrist dislocated ; Miss Sarah Hratuleis
was bruised in thu face ; Mr. Kicklcmann , a
Htrangcr visiting here and stopping at the
Mlllard , was cut In the face and thu gash re
quired a number of stlchcs , which wcro sowed
by Dr. Hoffman ; Miss Minnie Hosenfcld , sister -
tor of Mr * . Have Kaufman , was knocked
inscnsibleand remained unconscious for more
than an hour. At last accounts ho was still
Buffering from the shock. Nearly everybody
in the sleigh was more or less Injured , with
what llnal result cannot now bo told. There
were two other sleigh loads of pcoplo at thu
party , and when those reached the scene they
helped thu unfortunates to their homes.
FnlKo Itcprc'HcntntioiiH Concerning
the Clty'H HowernRC.
Three of the Omaha dailies arc out with
sensational articles in which thu public is in
formed that the shadow of death hovers over
this fair city and that It nroso' from the
gloomy depths of the sewers. It fa alleged
that on account of Imperfect Hush tanks foul
disease is being spread ami that every homo
in Omaha Is impregnated witli the germs of n
scourgo. The Herald and Kopublionn both
devote long editorials to the matter and both
nro positive and violent in their denunciation
of the statu of the sewers.
These articles were called to City Engineer
TillBon's attention yesterday. Ho em-
iilmtically denied every statement made
l > y the two papers mentioned above as
well as that made by the AVorld. He
said that ho considered the sewerage
nystcm in Omaha the equal of that adopted
by any city in the world. It is true that flush
tanks may get out of order , but they are im
mediately repaired. At the head of each
branch , as well as nt the head of the sewer
itself , is a flush tank nnd but one complaint
lias been made in several months of any im
perfect working. That one proved to bo false
upon investigation. There are now in the
city from 100 to 120 flush tanks In flrst-clnss
condition and these consume not less than
250,000 gallons of water each day. They arc
nil set at the upper end of the sewers and
branches , and thus every foot of them is
thoroughly clcansod twice a day.
Mr. Tillson further stated that ho fre
quently makes a personal examination of the
sewers nnd has always found them to bo well
ventilated. The sewer inspector is almost
constantly in the sewers , and ho
reports the saino thing. Mr. Tillson
said that unless sewer gas can accumulate
there is no danger. It generates by degrees
nnd passes off into the pure air. The traps
in the catch basins cdepond upon the water
for their security nnd only when there is a
drouth would the seal bo broken nnd allow
the gas to escape in volume. If the gas is
held in the sewer Itself then it would rise Into
the houses out through the pipe that rises
nbovo the roof. No failuroof the tanks or
traps to work properly have been icported
savu the one mentioned above.
The charge that the water company were
obliged to repair Hush tanks in order to make
the How was denounced as nonsense by the
engineer. Ho stated that under the charter
the | Waterworks company were obliged to
furnish the city water free of charge. It did
not stand to reason that the com
pany would "kick" if no water at
nil run. The fact was , however , that the
waterworks company put in new Hush tanks
in several places because thu old ones flowed
too often some of them live or six times a
'There was in Mr. Tillson's opinion more ,
danger of gas from private sewer connectloi
nnd imperfect plumbing than anything nlso
To sum up in a word Mr. Tillson denounced
the whole story as a nonsensical one and as
sured the reporter that the sewers wcro
never in better condition.
Don't freeze , stoves tit coat ; sold for
Btonigo charges. 1503 Capitol uvo.
Open evenings.
Holler Inspector's Showing.
The complete report of Holler Inspector , T ,
II. Standeven shows that the number o
boilers Inspected during the year was 73
boilers repaired , 5 ; engineers licensed , 43
amount of money remitted to the treasurer ,
J550 ; uncollected , fl)0. ! ) The number o
boilers registered in this oftlco is 2 % ; it :
course of construction , 27 ; added to the total
number during past six months , M , of whicl ;
number iiO are for manufacturing purposes
nnd UO for steam heating. Total mnoun
covered Into the treasury since July 1 , fciiM )
The inspector does not hesitate to say tha
before the 1st of July of the present
there will bo 400 boilers In the city. Th
ofllco Is proving more than self-sustaining.
Inspcctor'H Itcport.
The rciKH-t of Gas Inspector Gilbert for the
two months ending December 31 , shows tha
forty-five tests have been made , with , nti
nverago of twenty-two caudle ixiwcr. Th
light has been uniformly good , never falling
below nineteen candle power , which is six
candle power above thu required standard
The complaints received of poor light havi
arisen from lack of pressure or frost in th
pipes Instead of from ix > or gas. For IW
weeks the pressure has Increased , and unti
after midnight has been almost up to th
maximum. Number of street gas lamps I
the city , 071 ; gasoline lamps , 411 ; total , 1,105
Rosowooil piano , only $ . ° > 7 , So pc
month. Sold for stonigo. 1503 Capitol
nvo. Open evenings.
A Distinguished German.
In responseto an invitation by some of th
leading Germans of Omaha Prof. Alcxamle
Strakosch , thu famous German elocutionist
will visit this city In a few days. While here
Prof. Strnkosch will glvo one of his cxccllcn
entertainments , the date to bo nnnouncci
hereafter. The professor lias but reoentlj
arrived in this country from the Fatherland
nnd in o very quarter has been ipet by cordiu
.treatment among thu people of this country
The New York World refers to Prof. Stra
koseh as "the greatest of German dramatl
readers. "
The Now York Times says : "Prof. Stra
Vosch ranks in ho front of his profession u
homo , where his lifo has been passed in tin
gaze of u critical but ever approving public.
ills rej > ertory is wide , exhibiting tno versa-
of a true artist , although disposed
toward grave rather than light subjects of
treatment. The common verdict In Germany
placed him long ago at the head of the deline
ators of tliu characters In "Fatmt , " and his
English critics have given him a high place
among the platform Impersonators , of
"Lear , " Schiller's "Song of the Hell , " the
Hrst act of "Demetrius , " Schiller's "Tau-
cher , " "William Tell , " and "The Hobbcrs. "
Stoves nt Cost of Iron.
N'ow York Storujju Co. , 1508 Cnpltol
nvo. Open evenings.
"Tho Flv . "
Assistant City Attorney G. S. Smith
held a luvcc at his residence , Twcnty-Hrst
and Howard streets , last evening , in com
memoration of his forty-second birthday.
Mr. Smith , together with General H. H. Liv
ingston and Hon. B. F. White , of Plaits-
mouth , Hon. .1. H. Strode , of Lincoln , and A.
W. McLnughlin , of this city , some years ago
entered Into a compact to meet every year on
the evening of the birthday of each and cele
brate the occasion with appropriate observ
ances. Only sickness is to bo received as an
excuse of absence , and these meetings are to
be continued as long as they live. For last
evening Mrs. Smith , who Is an artist of no
little skill , painted a pinto for each one of
the -'Five , " which were laid at the colla
tion , and which will bu kept as a souvenir by
each. _
A Fugitive From AVInonn.
Several days alnce , the chief of police re
ceived a letter from S. K. Easty , chief of
police nt Winonn , Minn. , asking him to look
out for one J. W. Ingralmm , who Is wanted
there for grand larceny nnd disposing of
mortgaged property. The goods stolen by
Ingraham was a dozen solid silver table
spoons , and the property disposed of amounted
to homethlng like * I'JUO. . [ .Thursday Ingra
ham was arrested nnd yesterday morn
ing Chief Seavey was closeted
with him for an hour or more
nnd succeeded in extracting a confession
from him. He acknowledged that he was the
Ingraham wanted at Wlnona. Ho had on his
person W.K ) . This the chief took possession
of , nnd allowed the man to go witli instruc
tions to produce the spoons. Yesterday
Ingraham and his wife reported atthestation
und surrendered eleven of the spoons , saying
that ono had been lost. The chief then gave
him | UO of his money , retaining $ : iOO as surety
of his report ing again on Saturday. 1 here
upon the chief telegraphed to Winona that
their man could be had if they came after
Csvll nnd see the litrgo stock Mcnp-
hei1 & Lcuch , ficn'l Agt . have on htuul
at 1415 Far n at n bt. , Omaha.
AVliat It Means.
C The Hnc in ifs Washington col
umn published the news that Congressman
MeSlmno had introduced in the house n bill
to relieve John Little and Hob.irt Will
iams , of this city , for money expended. It
seems that , about nine years ago , the gentle
men named , constituting the well known
grocery linn of Little & Williams ,
on Douglas street in this city were operating
a coal mine on the Sao and Fox reservation
near Hulo in this state , and had put about
$10,000 in the enterprise. They had bought
thu leasu of the Nebraska Coal and Mining
company nnd had worked under it for homo
time , soiling their coal in Lincoln where it
brought us much as Kock Springs coal did in
these days.
When Schurz became secretary of the in
terior , ho issued an order clearing the reser
vation in question of all white settlers. This
resulted In a loss to Little & Williams of
nearly all the money they had put in the en
terprise. They brought the case before the
court of claims , which finally Inndo an award
of $2,000. The bill to appropriate this amount
is that which has been introduced by" Mr.
McSlmno. _
A Chain of Circumstances.
Two young ladies and two young gentle
men received an "introduction" at Farnam
nnd Fourteenth street yesterday afternoon
that neither of the quartette will soon forget.
All four reached the crossing nt the same
time but wcro obliged to wait until two or
three heavily laden wagons passed. They
ranged up in line nnd ns soon as the last cart
passed by , stepped out , together. Alas I
there was along chain dragging behind the
dray and the gentleman nearest to it stepped
on that chain. Of course it throw him.
Ho fell against his companion and all four
went down like a row of bricks. The girls
screamed and a dozen passersby rushed to
their assistance. The young gentlemen
apologised. The .voting ladies blushed and
smiled. Just like girls , for they wcro ns mad
as mad could be , and the Hen man who passed
them shortly afterwards heard ono say :
"Tho brutes 1 I'd liku to scratch their eyes
The Cold Wiivo Is Coining
And I htxvo not bouplit my steve but
I tun going to nt the Now York Slot-ago
Co. , where I can buy utiuup. Open ,
150S Cnpltol nvo.
Public Works.
About three days work remain to finish the
Hurt street sewer , one week will complete
the sewer on Fanmm slreot crossing to
.Twenty-eighth . , nnd only a short time Is re
quired to finish the permanent roof over the
Jones street sewer , to enable paving on that
thoroughfare. These works are being super
intended by the force of the city engineer , all
the other inspectors having been discharged.
Thocouncil at its mcetingThursday evening
allowed Mr. Haker , superintendent of con
struction of the city hnllfr3UO for three months'
work. It was some time ago shown in the
Hr.i : , and previously to the showing , Mr.
Uaker admitted the fact that , according to
the ordinance creating his position , ho waste
to bo paid only when actually employed
in the work. This was u revelation
to him. nnd ho insisted that the clause had
been smuggled into the ordinance contrary to
liis understanding. Several months have
elapsed since active work was discontinued
upon the city hull foundation , but for all this
time , October , November mm December , Mr.
Huker receives his pay. Yesterday by way
of explanation of the * surprise to him
self , Mr. Haker said ho had done
n good deal of work in Hguring even , thougli
ho had not been at work upon thu building ,
Ho does not object , however , to being paiil
and enjoys his position all the more now , bo
c.uise , notwithstanding the ordinance ho
feels it Is ono of a yearly salary more than
ono subject to the caprice of hoslile council'
Ijook Out For the Cold AVnvo.
Buy your stoves now. cooking , heating
and ranges , at the cost of iron.
Nuw Yonic STOUAHK Co. ,
1508 Capitol nvo.
Iiiconae Inspector.
The council has created a new of
fice. It is that of license Inspector. The
salary has been placed at $1,200 a year. Al
ready there are about half a dozen applicants
for thoiKisltion , ono of whom , it is said is
Oftlcor Turnbull. This work has , among other
things , been done by this onicial , for some
time. Ho has frequently had plenty to do ,
because between saloonkeepers , hack , cub ,
express , truckmen , nnd peddlers of all kinds
there are several thousand licensed pcoplo in
thu city. No appointment to thu position has
yet bcen , made.
Pacific KxprcsH Directors.
The annual meeting of the directors of the
Pacific Express company was held yesterday
nt the otllco of the company on Farnam street ,
betwect Twelfth nnd Thirteenth , when the
folowing directors were elected : Charles
Francis Adams , Huston ; A. H. Calif , Now
York city ; L. A. Fuller , and D. S. H. Smith ,
St. Louis ; J. 1C. Johnson , Kansas City , and
K. til. Morseman and W. F. Hechel of Omaha.
There was no election of ofllccrsund the same
will not take place until toward the close of
this month.
DOCM Oinnhn Want It ?
Secretary Nattinger of the board of trade
has received a letlor from the milling firm of
J. T. Ellsworth , of Willlamsburg , Pa. , sug
gesting that cltucns of Oniatiu raise a bonus
to induce the Smith Puriller company of
Pennsylvania , to locate hero. He says that
Toledo , Detroit , Saginaw , St. I'uul , Grand
Kaplds nnd other cities are anxious to secure
( he plant which now employs 500 men , und
winch , when relocated , because of lack of
facilities now , will jjlvc employment to 1,000
Continental Clothing House
Unprecedented Attractions in Pine Satin Lined Overcoats , The richest and most elegant overcoats
ever shown on our counters.
All tailor made garments , nothing cheap about thorn except the price , An offering never before attempted of the finest and most elegant overcoats ever
manufactured by us since we have been in business. Our unparalolled sale of the famous Sawyer woolen Go's. , line all wool double and twist
heavy winter weight suits.
LO1 No. 1 100 of the finest Elysian Beaver Overcoats made this season ( goods from the famous Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Mass. ) Full indigo blue , wool
dyed goods that will not fade , lined throughout with the finest quality of Wm. Skinner's satins , the richest and most elegant goods mule : in this country.
We otter them to close , now in regular sizes , from 35 to 44 , at the extraordinary low price of $16 each. Wo believe this to bo the most attractive
bargain in a fine overcoat ever offered west of New York city. Wo will send a sample overcoat from this lot by express C. O. D. to any address in the west or
orthwest with the understanding that it is worth fully $30 and to be returned at our expense if your judgment does not correspond with ours. Remem-
br the price , only $16.
LOT No.2 We offerabargain of equal importance , being 400 of thevery finest quality London Seal Brown Kersey Overcoats goods
made by the famous Worumbo Mills of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Kersey Overcoatings. ) These goods arotho
at our expense , if you do not consider them worth $30each .
LOT No. 3 We offer 1OOO pure Indigo Blue All Wool Chinchilla
Overcoats , lined with heavy serge linings throughout , with silk
Aelyet collars at the extraordinarily low price of $12 each. This is a coat sold at $20 in October and is the last of a very large lot of these fine coats ,
which we now offer to close at this ridiculously low price. Remember , these are fine all-wool indigo blue Chinchillas , made and trimmed as well as any ? 20
overcoat in our stock , and we now offer them to close at$12
3 best
iy are
you will not regret it.
We will send samples of these genuine Snwyer Casshnerc Suits to any address with the understanding that they arc worth fully $18 to $20 per suit , as retail houses usually sell them. If not
und so , they may be returned at our expense. They are the most thoroughly reliable and hdnest bargains we have ever had the pleasure of offering the trade.
We offer FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , pure Cochineal Dye , of full heavy weight. These goods have been sold all
season at an average price of $1.25 , and we offer them at this sale at CO cents each. Comment is unnecessary. They are fine and elegant goods and could not be manufactured to-day for SI25
We have them in nil sizes from . JJ1 to 4-t. Sample garments of any of these goods sent to any part of the country by express for examination or approval , and , if not satisfactory , can bo
returned to
us at our expense.
We also offer at the same time FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , the usual retail price all over the country for these goods ig
81.00 each. We offer them at this sale at 40 cents each. All .sizes from 34 to 44.
Send for our catalogue , giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self-measurement and you can be Cttc'l just ns well at home as here in our store.
c'nd to us and see how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Freeland Loomis OMAHA
, & Co. BOSTON
Proprietors. ' DES MOINES
Corner of Douglas and 15th. Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
A Move to Enlist Retailers to Have
Them Retained.
Commissioner Griflltls , of Ihe Omaha
Freight bureau , has forwarded to nearly all
the jobbers in the city , a circular addressed
to the inter-state commerce commission at
Washington , which the former are requested
to send to their retail customers through
out the state. Accompanying the circulars
is a note from Mr. Griflitts , in which ho
says ho believes the intelligent retail trade
heartily co-operate with the bureau and the
jobbers in defending the principle involved ,
which is that of the maintenance of
rates from the east to the west. Mr. G rif-
fllls' request that the circulars , after having
been signed by the retailers , bo returned to
him by January IS , when they will bo for
warded to Washington.
The petition sets forth that it is under
stood that an effort will bo made before the
commissioner on thoSlth Inst. to abolish car
load rates In the traftlo between the east and
the west. It requests the same body to
firmly establish the propriety and lawfulness
of the principle in the car load rates for sev
eral reasons. First , because parties offering
railroad transporters their freight in carloads
nro assuming a portion of the cost of trans
portation in relieving the railroads from the
expense of handling and billing such freights ,
and it is therefore but just and equitable that
such savings should inure to the shipper und
nnd has always been so considered by the
railroads themselves. Next , the abolition of
the now generally recognized practice would
result In scriojisly embarrassing the usual
modes of doing business. Third , because
the railroad companies would of necessity , if
confined to the single rate pounds regardless
of quantity , bo compelled to charge the high
est permissible tariff ; also because retailers
would bo compelled to pay far higher rates of
freight than at present , and the proposed in
novation would have a tendency to cripple
and oven obliterate convenient distributing
The remains of Uncle John Stnnton lay in
the middle room of Drexel & Maul's yesterday
enclosed in a neat coffin , und presenting an
appearance which the old mau hud not for
years presented in life. They were viewed
by a number of people , and among
those a charitable and sympath
etic woman of this city who
has often befriended the destitute of Omaha.
The funeral took place yesterday aftcinoonat
! J o'clock , the remains being buried in Forest
Lawn cemetery , a number of old friends tak
ing part In the funeral.
. . .
Joseph Miller , the man from T.a Platte ,
who was left at St. Joseph's a few nights
ago by U. Hogaboon , and who died on last
Wednesday evening , was buried from
Harrett Jit Heafy's yesterday in Sepul
chre cemetery , his friend defraying the ex
pense of the funeral. Miller was married but
an estrangement had taken place between him
and his wife and us n consequence the latter
did not cull to view his remains.
Another Director Wanted.
On next Saturday afternoon there will bean
an election of ono member of the board of
directors of the board of trade. At the last
election Messrs. Meday and Meyer were reelected -
elected , leaving u vacancy. The names most
prominently mentioned for the now position
are D. H. Wheeler and W. A. L. Gibbon.
The latter has always been ono of the most
active and energetic members of the board
nnd ono of those most interested in the or
ganization of the freight bureau.
Individual Gas Company.
The following officers have been elected
by the Nebraska Individual Gas company for
the ensuing year : Ernest Uiall , president ;
A. C. Powell , vice president ; K. W. Pitkin ,
secretary ; directors , Ernest Klnll , A. < J.
Powell , E. W. Pitkin , C. H.Urown. . Samuel
Theodore , John l > . McCugue , A. M. Kitchen.
A. P. Zaaljlo swore out a warrant ycs-
tordny for the arrest of Alonzo Hud-
Bon.chnrging him with stealing an over
coat valued at 23 , but ho Can't bo
The First OHicers ,
A very successful meeting of the Omaha-
Press club was held at the club rooms Wednes
day afternoon. The following oDlcers were
elected for the ensuing year :
President. W. G. Gregory ; secretary , E.
C. Snydcr ; treasurer , Silas W. Nilcs ; board
of directors , W. C. Gregory , E. C. Snyder ,
T. H. Cotter , Eil A. O'Uricn and W. J.
Carter. A committee was appointed to nako
arrangements for the formal opening of the
rooms on the Kith inst , , which will nlso lake
the nature of n reception to Henry E.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A mnrvel of puri
ty , stienuth and w holeiomrness. .More econom
ical than the ordinary kinds , and eannnt be sold
In competition with the multitude of low cost ,
bhort welKht alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold
only in cans. Itoyal llaklng 1'owder Co. , ,1 0
Wall St. , New York.
rercherom , ClydeKdales and Phlre , al"O homi >
bred colts. Kvery animal KUaranteed a breeder
Our Htnck has be n selected with reference to
both Individual mult and pedigree. Home of
the-,0 horses have taken Urn piizo at the Xo-
lirntkn State Kelr. IfW. All our horses nro ac
climated , anil colt of their get can bo shown.
l'rl ( ei reasonable nnd easy terms' , in accesslbhi
by the three leading r.itlroads of the state , II. &
Jl.i 1' . , E. A : M. V. . and K. C. \ O.
FHV i ; rAHHHAII. York , Neb
Epps's Cocoa
"Ilr iv thorough knowledge of the natural luwi
whlcli covern lli operntloni of illci'Mlon Mini nulrl-
lion , nnil by careful application of tlm Him prnperllea
ot well elected Cocott , Mr. Kpps lull provided our
breakfast Inbleiwlthu lU'lkntulf lluvurcil bererauo
which miiv fHVii u mnnj hi'nvy doctor' * Mils. Itu
brlhn judicious utti of such article * of illet thai a
roni > tltuthm miir bo urnililHlly built up until itnintf
enough to ro"Ut evrrjr ttmitcncr to imcaie. Hun-
UreUt nf subtle innlaillcs nni tliinunu u round 111 ready
HiHtlaik wlieruver ttvta U n wriik point. We mar
rtcape many fatal pliafl by Leeplntf ournclres well
fertltlotl with pure MIKHI and a properly
Irame. " Civil MTvlcu ( iuiHIe ,
Made dimply wlih boiling water or milk. Sold only
In bait pound tins by ( irocers labeled tbus :
Hoiiwopathle Chemists ,
Third Judicial District ,
Health is Wealth !
HF.KT , a guaranteed speciac for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , Convulsion : ) , FltH , Nervous Neuralgia
llcaancho. Nervous rrostratlon caused by tha
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakuftilness , Mentiil
Depression , Koftcnlnijof the Drain resulting in
Insanity and U-adltiB to misery , decay and death ,
J'rcinatnre Old Ae | , llnrreimesi , l.oss of power
Jn either sex , Involuntary Losses and Hpennat-
nrrhipn caused by over-exertion , oft hw brain suit-
nbnso or over-lmlulKence. Kiich box contains
one month's treatment. H.tKla box , or six boxes
f orfn.O" . Bent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
Tocnro any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes , accompanied with K.Wal \ \
send the purchaser our written uimranteo to re
fund tno money If the treatment does not effect
a cure , ( iiiarantees Issued only by ( , ' . K. GOOD
MAN , Druggist , Sole Agent , 1110 I'arnnni St. ,
Omaha Nnb
Important to Spectacle Wearers.
Direct from London. Now at
1512 Street ,
Will t licjrnnaUly test your
l-'rio : ol' Charge , nnd show you \vhero
necceimry tlio Glasses most suited to
your condition.
There are thousands of persons permanently
Injuring their eyes by the use of Inferior and
lll-llttlngUlastcs , who reget when too Into their
mistake. Wo would Invite those persons about
to begin and thnso who think they cannot bo
suited to see us , llemember , It costs you
nothing but a few moments' time.
The proper adjustment of Spectacles Is a
sclemu which none but the skilled optician or
oculist should practice. Wo have the most im
proved and sclontlllc Instruments and tests for
determining the defects of vision and prom
ise to leniedy where possible by the use of Spec
We use none but the most perfectly ground
and accurately ( enteiedleii'-es , and make frames
to lit the faco. No fancy prices. Our Crystalino
Spectacles at H. ( J are unequalled for coiufott
and ease to the wearer ,
wo fordliilr rrrorantK )
yonrO * t Uict tl itiacdy
, C.r.ilo " " " " *
rl TO t O1TS.\ . nl : rl t.
Qgnol. . < l DOI ul W < ) i v tolit conilder.
MluiBlrUiiri. tit , India e ty cix II
Alcgft Jk Llik ,
OnclnnaU.I HuJicn. N , Y ,
flic *
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts.
- - ,
Ilest facilities , nmiaratifi nnd remedies for MIC-
cos-fill treatment of c\cry form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ; bist hospital accommo
dations In the west.
WKITI : ron Cmcur.ARS on Deformities and
Braces , Trusses , Clul ) 1'cct , Curvature of the
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic Poison rcmcneil from the hystem without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital 1'ower. 1'ersons unable to visit MS may tie
treated at home by correstxMideiice. All commu
nications confidential. Medicincsor Instruments
tent t > y mall or express , sccmcly packed , no
marks to indicate contents or hcnder. One per
sonal Interview preferred. Call and consult us or
send history of your case , and v.c will send In
plain wrapper , our
I'pon Private , Special or Nervous Di 'ascs , Tin.
potency , Syphilis Ukct and Vnricocik' , with
question list. Address
Omaha Meilifol and Sitrgltal ftiftlluteot
Cor. 13th and Dodge Sti. , OMAHA. NEB.
an unti
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
11 W. YATFP , 1'rcsldciit.
J.EWIH S , HKEII , Vlcn-Preslrtent.
A. K. TOU/.AI.IN , W Vico-I'rcsldi'nt.
W. II. 8. U mines , Cishter
W. V. Moitsc , JOHN H. Cor.t.iNs ,
Jl. W. YATtl ) , J.fcWIlJ 8. llKKD ,
A. U. TOU7.AI.I.N.
Hanking ( > mri
Cor. 12th nnd Farnum Pts.
A General Duukliif Duslutbs Transacted.
The Old llellabli
Specialist of ninny
JTH' I'xiierk'ni'O , treat *
\\Illi uondciful sue.
OANCKII , 1'ii.r.y , Fisio.
cured without pain or
hlndriutcu 1'ioni lmtt
Tmits all forms of
Tin oat , l.iinif , Nerve
und Illood dNi'iisi'M , all
Chronic diseases and
„ _ _ _ . - - . . Di'fonnltli'H , far liuid-
vancu or uny Institution In this country. These
who contemplate KOIHB to Hot Springs for tlm
ttfiitmeiit of iiny prlvato or liloixl diseases can
lie cm ed for ono third the cost at our 1'rlviUo
Dispensing' . ,
I tnirO Hr Ills treatment n Pure , Lorelr I'oim
I AIIIrN lili'ilon. fruo from mlloirimsi , liprkloit
LHUIUU [ ilHckliiMidi , eruptions , utu. , brilliant
, . . . ,
I fnHiiiiivj i -i
the Old Doctor an
rwr * llin Pin Acute or rhronln Innnnimni
lYr ANII rfln tlonnf llin HyelliH or ( iloba
LIL nllOnl1 unil KnrorNi'iir Miilileilness , '
Invcnlim of the I.UK bcriifulom Ki i , Ulrornlloni.
lnflnmiii"tlona. AhHce , , , | ) | iuue of Vision ot ono or
* ' < ( ' '
"i' " iiilnamnii the Kar , tllcoratlon or fntarru ,
% & KWSSrM' ! \ " " * " *
w -
UkUUU HI1U OIXIII niutelu'H , I'lmiiles. Ul.
eem , 1'nlniln the Itrad anil lloni'ii , hrjiliimlc Wore
Thniat , Mniith and Ti > nK"e. ( llaiulular Knlarvutuent
of thu Nei k , lli < Minintl m , Onlurrh , Kin. , I'eruianunl-
lyfiireilVlien Ulliera Hat u Failed.
unit Mrlctly eiinllili'ntlal. .Meillclnu rent Ireo front
eli ervalliii to nil IIHIIH of llni I'lilted ' siitten , Oirres.
piinili'iieu receiver prnniit | iiltenllon. Nn letter * ant
hwereil unleH1 * ateonipanii'il liy JoiirtimtH In t > ttiiiip ( .
Kt'inl l ( > c In Hininp * lor piunplile-t and IIH nt iinosllunft
iipiin iirlMite , special mid nervoiiH ill eu * ! > H. denilimt
neakni'KH , riieriniiti-riiliiieii. liniiotcnejr , Bililll | , fo-
liorrhoea , ilei > t airt v.irleueele.
Tenu > Mrlc-tly en h. Oil I mi IT iuMri"i , \
lilt ItlWKIil , ItKIIVKS- : ' ]
No' .T.'l Ho ul 11 13th t. , Oinuliu , .Nub. *
17U701rc ! Street , SU Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , E
Louis , Mo. , I nlveislty College Hospital , lie
don , ( llesen , ( lernmny and Now Vork. llavl
devoted their attention
More especially lho o arising frnrn linpnt <
demo , Invite all BO Bnlferlng tocorrespond with *
out delay. Discuses nf Infection und conlnL-lou
cured safely and speedily without use of dan-
geroiiH drugs. I'atfentx whoso cases have been
neglected , b idly treated or pronounced incur
able. Hhoiild not fall to wilt" in concerning thole
symptoms. All letters recelvo immodluto atten-
And will bu mailed KKKK to any address on re
ceipt of one " -cent stamp , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and I'hyxlcnl Kxhuus *
tlon , " to which Is added an "i'ssay on Mar
riage. " with Important chapters on dim-asm of
thu lleprodnrtlve Organs , the whole forming a
valuable medical treatise u hlch should bu riM4
by all young men. Address ,
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
Itemarkuble for powerful sympa
thetic tonnjiliibleactlonaiid ] abj
MiTnlf iTnrubliity. 'M yearn rerorilt
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these Instruments.
m tiT ( ) * | mid KuncMorittt d' ' or
Re liiTrfatl eMiiirreeon jplIction ,