Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No atlvcHlNrinriitn tnkcn lot these
columns ft HOT 1:3O : n ; in.
TVrinn CnMi In iKJvaiicr.
Advertisement ! ) under this head , 10 cent * per
line for the first Insertion. 7 cents for ach mil *
piMiurnt InnrtIon. mid f I liu n Hue tier mouth.
No advertisement tiikfm for less tlmnli'i rents
for the llrst Insertion. ric\cn words will be
counted to the line ; they must run consecutive
ly and muM lx paid n advance. All advertlsij-
luenU mu t bo handed lu before lut ) o'clock p.
I in , nnil under no circumstances will they be
tnkcn or illHcontlmifd by telephone.
[ 1'nrtles advertising In these column * nnd hnv-
ing the answers addressed In care of the Ilee ,
will pleai-oask for a chick to enable them to
Rrt their letter * , a none will be delivered rxeept
on presentation of check. All answers to ad.
% crtlNemMlts Miould bi enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns niepuli-
iHied In both monilnn uiiil cM'tiliiK eclltluiiM of
I * HIP , tlm rlrculntlon of whlrh nKureuntcs
more thnn 15 , < WiinperH ) dally , nnd K < H the ad-
\ertLsfrnthclKMicllt , not only of the city < lrcu-
Intlon of the I Ice , lint nHo of Council HlnlTfl.
IJncoln. mid other cities and tovrmi throughout
thin part of ! ho west.
WANTKD Situation by German as coach
man , Kood city references ; also by col
ored coachman , 7 J ears' experience. No onico
. ( 'uniulliin Emp. olllie , Mr . Hrega
tt Hon. 310 Bo. Kith. Tel. 8B4 , M 6'
ii T\7"ANTKD-Bltuatloli by youiiK man attond-
3 TT inn nchool. where ha can work for his
' H hoard and uo to sclicMil. No olHce fco. Canadian
, - j Emp. Onice. 'MB 8 ISth. Tel. Wl , _ g B *
ANTIiD-Manrook , .V ) ; seoond cook , HX ,
out of city : Kecond took In city , tM ; col
ored coachman , CITi , must lime references ; fi
L'ood nn'-ntH ; no book n. Canadian Ktnp. oiuw ,
' Wrs. llrcgn A. 8on. .110 So. Tel.Rt4. W > i. '
ITANTKD 1'ntnt and color Rule-small In Iowa
IT for at LoulA houte , grocery and llciunr
salesmen tor eastern houne , grocery unlesiunn to
I fiinillie.H for Council Jllnir , 1 for Lincoln ,
i call nt Urrnt Western bureau , the oldest
ft i and most reUablo In America , \IM I'm-num at. ,
room U , MV > PJ
WANTI'.n 1'1\R traveling salcsimm. * .V ) per
month nnd expense * . No experience
needed. EnclosiiHtainp. Address II. F. & Co ,
ox K. Wcstlleld. Chant. Co. N. V.
WANTE1 * Laundry emploe , nnd one who
can manage one ; only llrst class need
npply at American laundry , south Omnhn , 2'itli
nnd N Ht. ! K8 7J
WANTED Stenographer nnd cnllgrnph op
erator , willing lo be gencrallv useful lu
olllce. Salary model ate to commenc-e. Address
T7Hcoonice. ilUi 0 *
WANTED-Ilrlght boy capable of mnklns
himself Kent-tally useful in nn olllre. Must
wrlta a good band , and ono acquainted vvltli
printers'materials preferred. Address in own
handwriting salary expected , etc. , T 8 , Hen of-
fle. ( SO'in *
ANTEO-Hy Lincoln llardwoio Co , Lin
coin. Neb , two tinners familiar with fm-
unco w ork. 304-0
WANTED Ono peeler , one oven-inui : En
quire at 220 8 14th Kt , or McClurg Cracker
nnd Candy Co. , Council IllntlH , la. n 8
ANTED A good steady and reliable boy al
C. 1' . Whitney' * Hook biudery,1121 Farnam
WANTED An experienced cabinet linker
one to tnko duirgo of wnrehouse. lie-si
references required. 01J N , Kith st. 302 U
WANTED Two traveling salesmen for Neb
None but such as mean business and cnr
eatiimand nt least fflo need apply. Address ( Sroai
& Hunsey , 2301 Dodge Ht , Omaha. 878 U'
WANTED Young man. Must have , cash ,
twohundruldollnrH ; take half IntcresI
lu burliness ; do olllco work. Address , T I. Ilet
olllce. 2e8 C *
W ANTI ! ! ) A Jeelry cngmvcr nt Edliobu t
Akln'B. ail 8
SALESMEN-Five tinvellng snlesmen ; snlnrj
nnd exienses ; no experience mcesnnry ,
Addiuss , with stump , 1'nlmer A. Co , La Crosse ,
AVIa. Kll 15 *
WANTED Men for railroad work. Al-
brlghfg Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam. Ob3
WANTED 100 men of good nppenrnneo to
I try our Hie meals at Noirls restaurant , 311
ondau South 14th street , ( old Llvo und LH |
Llv e ) U"l (
TlfANTED Woman cook for Curtl * . fan
Si TT paid3liningloom ; gills for Wjomlng
t20 , faro paid ; " women cooks for Idaho , MO am
$ .W : pnntryglrl for Itnpld City. * l"i ; chnmbrr
i niniil and laundress for Central City , tare paid
1 in city dining room girl , pantry girls , 25 girl :
i1 for housework , { .laud * . " > M ) per week , lanndrehso
nml cooksc mime and second girls. Canadlal
Knip. olllce. M rs. Hi ega Sc Sou , 3H3 0 *
mWENTY girls wanted , 1417 Faruamst.i
" \\TANTED A ) glil for general housework
TT good w uge , 1IBI California f > t cor 20th.
fllWENTV girls wanted , genornl andsoconi
JL work. State Emp parlors , 1417 rarnnm ht.
roomlL 3380
"IV" ANTED A good cook. Apply , n e cor. 21s
T > nnd Webster. 340 8J
"l\7"ANTED-Oltls genoial housework , wage
TT Mtottiitrwcck ; 4 dining room girls ,
pantry girl , 2 kitchen girls 1 portly cook *
wile , 2 cooks for boardluv houses ; lots of gooi
places for girls. Omaha Emp. Hureau.UV N. lotli
32 C
WANTED A gill or women to take care o
children , none but oxperlsuced need at
ply. 2.JU Douglas St. 318 7J
- . TV7"ANTF.D nirlforgeneialhoiiHowork. Neil
| | { iT but competent glil need npply. lit ) 1 ( "ass
* " ai7
\ \ TANTF.D-dlrlfor hoiiBowork lu family o
' three. 211S California bt. 310 b *
"IXfANTED-ailist-clnss dining loom girls ; fj
TT per nienth , for Wyoming ; fnros pnld
Canadian Employment olllce. Ultl a. 15th. aoj-7
XV'ANTKO PCMlal good lafly canvassers o :
TT article of merit , Hoom 14 , Hot 1'arnan :
\irANTHD-Nllino girl 1.1 to .M ycais of ag
TT with tefciciucs , 8108. IBth. aW7 *
W ANTED Young girl to assist In houseworli
Apply 2UI2 Charles at. 277 7
irANTED-Ulrl. Call at W5 S. 17th ht.
> 271 H
ANTHD-Cood girl at 2022 California bt
W three lu family , . SSO 7 *
WANTUD An cxpcilencod cook and loui
dress , must be thoroughly competent
ltst of references required , good wages. 8. \ \
cor 20th and bt. Mary's me. _ 240 7'
\ITANTr.U Two ladies from 25 to 4-1 yeArs o
T T iigf of 'good address and business tnct , t
nolle It orders for the easiest .selling book In th
market. Call on J. M , nonchCo. . , loom U
lliishinan block , Omaha. 25J 10
ANTED-C.Irl to work In kitchen , Dora
house , 4J2 H. Itth Kt. , near Ht. f lury's nvi
_ S31
\ \ 7"ANTl-D-ue ; tlrst-ciass woman coot , nn
TT ono experienced second girl ; reference
; good wages. Apply to 221'J Dodgi
WANTED-Plrht clnss girl for cook , goo
VMigespuld. Mis. H. C. Patterson , bMb
S3d. CU2
3(1.o NElndy _ Ineverj' town wanted to introduc
and sell Peunyrojal 1'llls , "Chlchester' '
Kngllsh. " Original and only ( iemilue. Send t
( stumps ) for particulars. Chlchobtei Chemlci
Co. . Phlluilelplila Pa. J J
rjIWENTY girls wanted , 1417 Farunm st.
JL 333 6 *
I A DIES are offered embroidery needlework
Jl heir own home * ( tow u or count rv ) by a w hol <
ealo home , Prolltable , genuine. Good pay ca
lie made. Everything furnished. Partlculai
free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , IBM
Kt. , New Voik City. to7
" 1ST ANTED Ladle * in city or country , for on
T T holiday trade , to take lliilit , jileasant wor
lit their own homes. II to .l IHT day can t
nnktly madn. H ork sent by mall any dlstano
Particulars free. No canvasulng. Address i
dice , OKcent Art Co. , 147 A Milk at. , llostoi
Haas. P.O. box5170. ItoH
V\T ANTED 50 ladles to try our Ita meals i
TT Norrls're-stauraut old Live aud Let Live
Oil nnd H1J 8.14tli st. UNI
'tST'AN'l ED ladies clesmug servants for the
TT fnmlllc s to call at Omaha Emp. llureai
119 N. 16th bt , tlu olde > t otllco ill the state.whei
they can llnd llnt-chus help at all times.
127 0
A Nice , respectable single gentleman do-In
bourd and warm room in a private futnl
near to pontolnce or board of trade , where thei
ore no other boarders or children , llufeieuce
AiMrvtis Clint. King. 152U I'limum. 275 uTe *
. . . ) -To know the addfrss of H. i
T Decker. AiUlrJt-h box 1U2 , Scotia , Neb. t
Ci-ume. Scotia. Neb. 2jfib *
" \\7ANTKD-lnformatlon as to Joseph 5
T T Uardvrell's w hcrvabuut , left at the olllc
Will be appreciated. saw *
WANTED-Uentlfmen to try our lu-cei
T T wc.vls at Scboller re'.t lurant , lot b. )6Ui. )
-10 J 9
STATE Employment Parlors , 1417Parnnm.
4KW Oj
Employment otllce , ttie twnt
CANADIAN to get help or situations.
Male ami ftrnala. Kufrrcnce- , Omaha National
bonk , Mr . Hregn ft Son , 310 3. 15th , Tel. V4.
PIH3T-CLASS board with heated room , prt-
vote House , H W per week , WJ Hartley st.
31(1 ( 16 *
"OOAHD with rooms for four at 2119 Hurt fit.
I UIVATE boarding , W a week. 1815 Dodge.
_ ' _ U ) J7
WANTED-A few tiny boarder * nt 001 North
ISth street. Hefeieilcc * required.KO
-KO 13 *
1 > U1VATE boarding , lull Dodge st ,
_ _ _ 120J 7
FIHST-CLASS table bonrd. served In liomo
Htyle , for.1 or 4 gentlemen. IBM Dodgo. IN )
WANTED To rent furnlfhed hotisnormiltof
rooms suitable for small family ; light
housekeeping. Address 3,71 , Ilee olhce. 270-uj
"YVAN'J ED Hy a single gentleman n nicely
TT furnished loom with or without board ,
will pay liberally forsultablu uccouimodntlous.
Address T. 6. Ilee olllce. 3H.h *
H HENT-Oood n room house at MM S. 18th
Mnenr Plerc e ! . jiUO jij
"liltIH HUNT A 10 room house on Jones nn
JL' lAth st , all modern ImproveuirutB , n blks
from opera : bouse , JU > per mouth , n. A. Lenv-
enwortli , 1WJ Fnniam Ht. 254
H HENT-fi room cottage between S ICth
and 17th , Dorcas st. Inquire at house.
31'J 1J
4I1OOM houce , South Omaha , just north of
standplpo good well , etc. , $15 per mo. E. A ,
Leavenw orth , IfiU ) Fftrimm st. 254
f' OIt ' KENT Nlco 0-roomed cottage at 01I1S.
Ibth st. Call at IMV > How ard Bt. 204 U
) HENT House of 0 rooms with nil conveniences
veniences , 2012 Harney. 241 0
TJUJH HENT-Smnllrottngo ; Inquire 422 S. 1Mb.
A ? St. , near bt. Mary's nvo. 2M )
rnil E hotHo 1 now occupy will be for rent , .Ian.
-L uary 1st ; house contnlns 10-rooms nnd nil
modern Improvements. & 4 > S. 24th st. Moritz
Mej ur. Cull at llth and I'urnum or at 207 S. 24th
st. DM
Foil HENT One cven room house , hot nnd
cold wnter. gns and heated by fiunuco , til-
11 Mcd on Baundera nena Ijike.
Also , four MX room houses situated , on King
Bt , north of Lake st. Patrick llros. , Arlington
Illock. llooiu - ' , 1 I7 U
" | THH HENT 2 now7 roomed hotikes , well , els-
JL1 tern , , largo cellar , Itrth neart'laiKst. W.
O. Suriver , opp postolllce. ' b n
T71OH HENT-0 new 7 roomed houses , city
t w ah r. clsturn , iell ir , 20th st near Paul , W.
Q. Shrher , l-'renzer block opposite pobtofllc-o.
NO. linn 7th ave. , n-room house , i gooil repair
pair , large yard , cistern water ; will ren-
to i esponslble person w 1th not more than 2 chil
dren for 125 per mouth. 44J
71011 HUNT Now house , 0 rooms , etc. , largo
grounds , corner 2bth and Capitol aenuo ,
Iiumlre 2X24 Dodge st. OT1
POK HENT A Ti room bouse i heap to a small
family , l.ttJ S 21bt bet Center and Dorcas st.
412J 14'
OH HUNT 2 newli room house1 ? on S .TOth
near I.envcnworth. C. E. Mnyne. 341
"I71OI1 HUNT New 5 room cottage In Ambler
J plnco ; good 7 room 2 storv house , Orchard
Hill ; good 4 mom cottagii. Orchard Hill , ( J. E.
Mnjne , N. W. cor. nth and llarneyst , 191
F ° . . UUNT-Houso 11 rooms. W M. Hush.
man. N U coiner ICth and Douglas. .Ill
Vlt HUNT Jl rooms nt Jll Woolwoith n\e. ;
at til pur month. ; ! U
JINOLl ! nud double furnished lonins , 21J *
J Dodgo. UU f 5J
POlt HUNT Single furnished bedroom , frt ;
front pnilor , furnished , sultabb
lorn , f.0 ; fiont loom nicely fuinlshed for2 or.l ,
JIB ; loomshlnglo or ensulto ; nil modern con
veniences. UI8 Noith 17th street. 3J1 8 *
Foil HUNT A furnished sleeping room , kepi
warm at.SOU Howard. ; 0 7J
FUHNISHED rooms to ladies or gentlemen b\
week or month ; illl N. 12th st. : WMi
Fll ) HUNT nirnlshed south front parlor anil
small room , lltasonable runt to suitable
partlts , 1720 Cupltol ave. 307 S *
F1 I OK HENT rurnlshed fiont room up stnlis ,
UU Douglas street. SM 7J
* 1 NICELY furnished front rooms , also il un
J fnruLshed rooms , lent reasonable , lusniut
. FUHNI8HED south front.rooms , also 2 nn
-J fuinlshed rooms for light housekeeping. UU
Capitol nve. 274 7 *
Kill HENT-'Hooni litxll on second llcor. Ar
llugton block , 151,1 Dodge St. Ife.t 7
TL OH HUNT 3 elegant fuinlshed rooms nil
JC modem Improvemeuts , with hard coal
burner , for 2 or 1 gentlemen or man and wile
cull at room 28 , IfAW rariuin , opp Jlerihnnt :
hotel. 281 7J
"IJIOH HENT Front room for two geiitlemai
- - with board 1721 Douglas. 2t ' 7J
T7IOK HENT Nicely fuinlshed second ston
JD large front room : largo bay window , sontf
front , Miiall bed room nnd c ct , bath niu
water clostt , hented by fiunaco. Ilnlf blocl
from 20th nnd f-aunderi at , car lino. Terms JJTi
Addiets bo2tl , postolUce. 2IA ) 10 *
OHllghthouse keeping two funilsheJ room !
ut WJ Howaid bt. , near Cozzeus house.
TTll'HNIPIIEI ) hlieplng rooms for rentlcmen
J tou llovvaul st. Curs cvciy live minuets
FOH KENT Well lunilshed front room
price reasonable. ITU ate family. Inqi
2210 Capitol ae. . 2il l J
T7MH HENT Pleasant furnlbhed loom , $5 pel
J ? mouth , at 05 N. I7h { st. 2:1 : ju *
T71OH HENT Two fmnlshcd loonrTat UK :
X1 Howard , f 10 and tl ! ! . 2417 *
FUHNISHUI ) front room for two , board If de
siied , K20 N lllthbt 24" > 8 *
"VT1CU furnished rooms cheap. 1018 Cullfornu
F OH HENT Furnished looms with stole $ .
and $7. atl south :2.1. ] jj bj
Foil Itr.NT Nicely furnished front room-
with hunt , (7 and nnd Ihpor month , 4CO Wll
Hum st. , 8 minutes walk bOuUie.i&t U. P. depot.
FOIl HENT Furnished room for two , $10. 131
Cap. a\e. lii 7 *
UltNISlTED rooms and board , 11W1 Karnam
748 J 22J
F ll HENT Nicely furnished room , bUltnbli
fortwogentlomen , ut 170S Douglas st. 1U7-7
"ITIUllNISHUD looms , with or without bean
-L' tor twooc three gentlomen. 1017 Howard
18 $
TJlUHNlSHEn rooms with tlrst-class board
I. heat gas aud buth. Near cable line , 201
Douglas st. 1BO-7 *
It KKNT Kurnisued rooms aud board , UO
Kanmm. 208 ID'
TD1HONT parlor for two gentlemen , itCl Dodge
T7KU HENT-Furnished rooms in Urennlgblli
-L cor. Uth and Dodge sts. Inquire of eo. H
Davis. Mllliml hotel billiard room. Wi
"I71OK HENT A nicely furnished room with a 1
-i- modem Improvements for ono or two gentle
men , oni 3.20th. > B5
"VTICELY furnUhedrooms , all modern conven
1 > lences , 111U S lUth ! .r. U77 6
"VTICEI.Y furnUhed rooms \\ith or withou
X > boird , in prltato famUy. Hoom heatn
wlthbteam. Hot nnd cold wuter and all mod
cru conveniences. Terms reasonable. Intiuln
at ti04 South Utli and Jackson , up stairs. Ml 8
ROOMS Well furnUhed , with use of plane
I'M ! Farnam. uH
UHN1SHED room , t > team heat,2U1S S4th.
FOH HENT Foronoortwo gentlemen a fin
nlsheil room wlthin'J'blocks ot court house
apply fita b 17th nl. * >
FK HENT Nicely furnished rooms at 2 ? :
Dodge , ( las , bath and turn ice heat. WO
" \TKELY"funilsheo ! front room with or wltt
-t. > outboard. 1 13 Dodge st , Va
"VI" ICE large front room , furnished and heated
! - > Suitable for two gentlemen. Alsosmal
room. 1U17 Ca&s st. r > t ;
elegant rooms all modern convenience
LAllftK eonth trent room , all modern conver
lences , suitable for two gentlemen ; al *
first-lass tubl board forthreo or four ; refei
ehces. ISUDodgiist. VM
O FFICirfSrriitT -oiietttiveT.uud : olid
Fen HENT Office room , Hrst Boor , ntnioS
15th st. 10J.
"lilOH HEM Ornund tloor omw room , ccn-
JL1 trnlly located , heated and lighted. 0. I * .
llarrtsonjJlSS.lithst , 100
TT1OH HENT-OIKreson Karnaru st. at JtO to W )
X ? per month. uneOIDco furnished. IBUFur *
num. 101
OMAHA IxvlglnrIlou ! > i , Oia ati < rof3.1Ack ( ) n
st. bet. nth And 10th ft * . ItenH single beds
ntll per week ; clean beds. IM 1 cb . !
UTAIHiE-North ICth si. Will accommmlato
k } UhorFes. f.t ) per month. E. A. Leaven-
worth , isuu Faruam st. au
-aood barn cheap 1921 Chicago st
FL. GHEOOHV , rental agent , 30US. 16th Rt. ,
ground floor. Telephone" S54. 484
SPECIAL attention given to. rentlni ) houses ,
furnished nnd unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over Z2U _ th Bt. _ mi
TCU HENT If you wish to Tent ahouso call
-L1 on Ilenawa li Co. , 15tU it , opposite P , O.
"VJEW VOHK Storage Co. have most extensive
i facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of Now
York , Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts glren ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchant * . Call Now Yosk Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , Ueoiiett'i blocx.
PERSONAL. 'i , >
MMH. Amlc"oT Chicago gives mngnetlc
Hugo treatments , vapor ami luind bulbs.
424 N Ibtli St. , up .stairs _ 214 tt * . .
PUllSONAlinrgnBementa to no dressmaking
in fninllles solicited. Call on or address
Miss .lessle Sturdy. f2l H 20th ht. 147JT
MH8. E. M. POST-WIll give MassaijU treftl-
ment to those who prefer t o come to her of
fice on Mondays ftom II a. in. until 0 p. in. Other
days from U p. in. to H p. m. OlHce and residence
southeast cor. Sewurd anil 23th sts. 7b5 M
PEHbONAL Private home for ladies during
confinement , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted. Address K < 2 Uce office1. 107 J S *
T OST A liver colored Pointer dofl months
JLJ old. Finder please return to P. S. Kirly ,
210 N. 18th st , and receive reward. 341 Uj
STKAYED Ironicor. Orncoand Saunders , 1
bav male , 3 white feet and spot lu fore-
bend. Iteward will bo given for smie. Henry
HeltTliiuii. 203-UJ
LOST A bay pony with saddle and bridle.
Leav e word at Hee olllce. 881
LOST Left on lied linocar to deipot about 0
o'clock Thursday , a leather 'coveied Jewelry
box about Hi 10 indies and 4 inches high : the
Under will be llhernlly iev\arded ou rotmnlng It
to D. C. HrookM , room 1 , Oruenlg block , se corner -
ner 1 ith and Dodge sts. 7KI
KEWAHD-W111 bo gtvc-n for return of bay
mare , ! W Ibs , hnltcr on. btruv cd from
StHCumingbt. U.S.Ostiom. r/Jd
FOUND Pianos and cr ans at wholesale
prices. New Voik Piano Co. , Capitol ave.
and loth st. Opeueveulugs. ; iis-'j
rpAKEN UP-HhoRS by undei sinned. Owner
JL ( .in hivoMjine by pi } ing charges Clans
Uhrlmuuner , 'I ' miles west of Omnhn. 3l" > sj
N Jlp A loaucow , vvnlte hoins. iinout
R.veaiMold. Can bo had at fit 4 Woolwoith
avenue by pnjlng chaigc-s , P.M. Hack.
cl'J in JSI liOjO
GOOI ) mlvltc to tlu > inibllehen > ou
good goods low pi lees and kind tientmont
call nt the New Yoikbtouge Lo. , 1JOJ Cap. uvc.
Open evening yi'r'J
FOH S.\ LUT , II. P.engine and boiler. Vied
\ \ . ( JIMV. ' . 'Hi ' nnd Douglas , ; ! . ' ! ! >
SALE 8 venw len-.o of B loom house.
L. double lot with Mublc : cltycNtein nnd.ell
w.iterjient flh. Imiulio 11. \ \ " . llagenintm , 1 > 2 :
So 17th st. ilil 7 *
SALE A I'.istlast Inonbdtoi , i.ip'iclty ,
UJc-ggs Pile. ) , { . ' . T. 10 , lice Olllce.
311 Sj
POH SALE Two sets hlnjrlo UnrncsH , I het
collar hniue I M't donliUi linrni ss 1
die and bridle , 1 extension table , 2 Htov e . 1 gas
ollne sto\e.bO\iral dining room chalis.bedsteac !
bed spilugs , mnttless , dtel lng eiiH' , Michel
tables , wash stuids nud other urtleleh. Ti W
llllickbuin. ( CiO Colfax Bt. S 8
POH SALE-A bargain-100 hend of pilmc
stock cuttle. co\v.s , helfois , bteeis nnd your- -
lings. Will be hold cheap. Address II. II
Haven , r > 0t > B 10th ht. ; m 8
T71OH SALE Tlneo (3) ( ) heavy druft marcs suit
L able for city hauling , together with (2) ( ) true !
w agotis nnd two Cfets > heav y hamess. Will be
s > old cheap for cash. Addiess S 70 Ilee ollice.
27 ! " ( . *
1J1OH SALE Five dwelling hoiiM's and OIK
Jstoro building In tli&t-eluss condition , musi
be moved by Apill 1. Inquire at N. E. ( oiuei
loth and Webster. 221 HJ
-l will hull willow poles bvtho load al
my place , live miles noith of Kloieiae , ot
the Iowa siao ; vrtllows half clr.v ; good load
Price. HO cents per load : also dry anil green con
Mood tor Halo. .1. r. Lyons. 200 b *
STOVES at ( oht of lion. New YorK btoing (
Lo , IVJb Capitol live. Open evenings. .ilW
1T1OH SALE-rushmlli'licows- A Miilloy
Jopp. . Exchange building. Union bto ( ) > v ai \ s
Telephone us. lUl-feb-1
FOK SALE Illdswlllbeunciv.d lip to Jim
uary 10th , IS" ! * . fo nil or pait of the build
Ingsou lot 7 , block IA kiioun us the St. Ch ulc
Hotel , on ILuni-y street , between 12th nnd 1 HI :
sts. Add-c'sa II. W. Cicmer. Omnha. ' .m h-
Bll.T.A llD Tnblo at half price , Ilrunswlc *
ll.illveCo.'fi muko. Inqulia Leslie & , Leslie
IGth nud Dodge Bts. ! ( >
TIO nrcoinmocl.ito tlie public , nfter Jan. 1st \ \ (
will kofp open evenings until U o'cloi'K
Isuw Voik. bloinge Co. , lous tap. live. a4im
lIE banjo taught nb an nit bj fleo. Golloii
bee ! : , b. e. cor ibth and Douglas , up btalis
rpo LEASE For longtime nnd nt low rate
X lots Pnnd no. Nelson's addition , nnd i
ot lotlis , HedlclvS 2ud wdd. A. P. U'ukev.
rnrnam ht.
AFTEH supper we sell Hlovc .turiilt m e.jilnno
and organs berauso we mo opuii until Si i1
m. New York Storage Co. , IMS Cap. av e. 3d
\\/roillvINlMEN / ( attcnUon-Wo * are , opei
Tf evenings until0 o'clock. New Vorkf-ioi
UL-e Co. , 150.S Capitol av e. . yiM
Horsy nud Cattle Food ha
Mood the severest tests and Is acknowledge !
to bo the best preparation or its kind made
nothing hnrmfiil lu It. If vou have not use 11
try a box now , 7 Ibs , tor $1 , und a box of It 1
worth a ton ol hav. It will eiadlcatft-all dl :
ease nnd put now life In the uulmhl. Mauut'.u
lured by K. K. Sanboin A. Co , i'.UJ St. Murj'
nve. Tor uale ev eryvv hero. * 'Wi 7 *
BANICHUPTstock of heating nnd cook stove
nt less than cost of Iron , Now Voikhtni
ngo Co. , cor. Capitol nv e. .mil 15th st. Open el/en
ings. ais-'J
I 1ST your property for sale or exchange vvltl
I L. P. Hiimmond , room 14 , Chamber o
Commerce. . SWO
TNSUliANCE-H.'B. Cole , u. u. cor. IMTfaS
-i. Douglas. ,21frlJ ,
C . H.JOHNSON , cistern builder , welKborei
and dug , 401) ) N 30th bt. , O maim. Neb.
N'OTICKI Notlcel Doors open from B a. in. t
Op.m. New York Storage Co. , IMS Cup
tolavB. UlMi
STANDAHD Stock Liniment is the best thin
made for cuts , bruises , Bj-raliiH or lame
ness on man or beast t\er Invented. For al
every * hero at 60c per bottle. Manufactured b
I' . E. Suuboru li Co. , 170J St. Jlary's avenue.
2BO 7
CASH paid for > econd-hand books and Libre
rles. 303 N 1UU st. H. bhonfeld.autliiuarlar.
724 J 22 *
"Till. NANNIE V. Warren , clnlrvovant. Met
U icnl , business and test mediiiiu. Dlapnosi
free. Female diseases a specialty. 111) ) N. ICt
St. , HoomsZia. Tel.lUt. 107
\\fANTED-First mortgage notes , l can tak
T T mortgage notes on tlrst paj ment on torn
gooil Syndicate lots In South Omaha , ( ieo , >
Hlcks,2l5aiatllbt. 287 10
"f \rANTKD Property on Faniani st. east r
T T school house. It. I' . Hammond , room 1
Chamber of Commerce , 23tl 0
WANTI.D To uuy snort time paper , J.W
Gross , at C. B. Muyne's office. Jilh an
llarney. S
ONKV to Loan-On furniture , piano *
w agons , or other personal property vvltboi
removal ; also on collateral beciirlty. Duilnet
contldeatlal. Cttaa. 11. Jacobs , itt ) S. litu s
Tlf OHTOAOE Loans-It.JVColc , n. c. cor. 11th
IT ! and Douglas. Cg 218 13
to loanJon furnltnro , norse-s , wagons
MONEV other personal proptrty. or approved
collateral , Business conlliientlaL The Fair-
bank Investment Co. , corner basement tinder
Paxton hotel. IHK *
to I.oivn-O. P.rOavlsCo , real estate
MONEY loan agents , ! lujariiain st. IM
ONBY to loan 1 cnn nYpl ce some flrst
clods city loans lmm > tf taly. . Oil nt once
If you desire to bo accomilrVidated. D. V. Slioles ,
room 1 Harkor block. entrtmnjp in alley. Ion
OMEY loaned on plaifoX" furniture , horses ,
organs , etc. , low rates. 0. II , Zimmer
man , room . " > , Arlington block , - doors w est of
jiostolTlce. JO t77 ! j.'l
to loan on improved real estate ; no
MONEY charged. 'Leavltt ' Uiiriihum.
room I , Crelghton block. 1-J
made on real estate and mortgages
LOANS . Lew Is S. Heed i Co. , 1S21 Fai nam.
\TONEY To loan. Low est rates. No delay
-I'L J. L. Hlce It Co. . over Commercial Nat -
t tonal bank _ J 114
li PEH CENT Money.
" Patterson & Fawcett 15th nnd Harney. 116
time loans made on any available
SHOUT , In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or" exchanged. ( leneral
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W , cor. 15th and Har
ney .sis. , overstate National band. Corbctt.
manager. 117
to loan , cnsn on nnnd , no delay. J ,
MONEY E. L. Bciulre , 141.1 Furnaui st. Pox-
ton hotelbulldlnc. llu
.OANS made cm real estate. Cash on hand.
i ; W. M. Harris over 220 S. 15th at. 110
made on real estate. Cash on hand.
LOANS . Huntress , 1500 1'arnam Kt. 323 10 *
Mo'NEYToanert on furniture , pianos , organs ,
hordes , etc , low rates. J , J. Wilkinson A
Co. , 1J24 Farnam , ever llurllngtou ticket oRlce ,
MU.OOO to loan In any amount at lowest rate ot
$ Interest. H. 11. Irev. Frenzcr block. 119
to Loan By trm undersienect , who
MONEY the only properly organized loan
agency in Omaha. Loans of $10 to (100 made on
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
Business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost nro rata. Advances
nado nn fine w atches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns urn ( Jiilly coming
Into existence. Should you need money call and
see me. W. II. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
IBtli and Harnev. 111
M1 IONEY LOANED .it C. F. Heed * Co.'s Loan
OlBce. on f uniHuro , pianos , horses , wagons ,
personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over lllngham's commission btore. All busi
ness strictly confidential. 122
U50fl,000 To loan on Omnha city property at 8
P percent. O. W. Day , 8. E. cor. Ex. Did.
O LOAN Money Loans placed on mv
pum-dreal estate In city or county for
New England Loan & Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank. IGtli nnd Chli-airo sts. 1O
( l > 7r > 0wo , to loan at tt per cent. Llnatmn & MaP -
P honey. VM Farnam. U4
to loan on city property , and also
MONEV In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell llros.
A Co , loan , real estatn and insurance agents , 10J
Pearl stioet. Council Ululfs , la. ; 1KU Karnaui
street , Omaha. 208
MONT2Y to loan , mortgngo notes bought , loans
made on chattel secuiltv : no deliy J. J.
Cuiumlngs. Hoom 10 llirker Illock261
to loin. Note ? aim i < . It. ticket ,
MONEY ahd sold. A. roimaii , 2U S Uth sU
" \\7ANTED 1'our eiiergollc men to join com-
T ? pany In ( imaha , tiuwjl and haitdlo simn
business lu other citUs. Vml ortab11shcd : will
bear imestlgntlon ; pays SiUpci cent per month
on money ImeMcd. None but those pr-pnred
und meaning business need npply. Capital le-
qutied fTiiiHach. part down , balance out of bust-
t Addi ess Til , Ilee. „ Illl-sj
T7IOH SA LH-IOM1 ( stnpleGtoc'i of well bought
J geuoial miichni d > elnon of the fastest
glow ing agrlcultninltinMiiiJln Coloi.ido ; mlus.
MO.lloo per jeii nnd can l > o meatlv Inn eased ;
tiKnc-s onlj cause for f-clllng ; this Is u raio
and genuine rhancu ; exactly un icpresented
Addic"-s'l"J , lice onico. , H1 14 *
171011 SALE A clean htoeW of gent's furnish-
H lugifoods , h its , nnd c.tjls , one of the best
locations In Om.ilia , stock ' .Ul bought within n
jcar.Addie-h T. , Heo olllcp , J14-1J
AriltST-clusj meat mm Let ; good location , ou
-Jfltri sf. Will sell reisdnrtUFy. CO operatlre
Lnnd i. Lot Co. , 2tV , N IGth A. ' * 2 8 II
VN'I ED Ilargains for cash cuhtomors. 11 ,
E. Cole , li. e. cor. l"th und Douglas. 21G 12
Stock I'or Sale-A v.ell helected
stock of hardware In county t-ent of ne > cr
fulling crop country , 12T > miles n w of Omaha. In
Ulkhorn Valley , 1m olclng about J..WJ. Tills is
ainieclmme. Good pajlng trade established.
Cheap rent. Good rcaso IK for selling. Addess
Hardware * , laro of Hector & \\ilhelmy Co.
Omaha. N ol i. 1H2-U ,
WANTED-Hya physician , ' , Intel est in n
drug store wheio he could attend to olllce
practice In tow n not loss tliuu 2,000 inhabitant * ,
only , IncasteinNobiaskaorweiteinlowii. frtitc
amount of stock. Address D. , 2117 Leavenworth
st. , Oimihu. IDS
F ° . SALU Atalnrgajn , nil the fixtures of
A No. 1 restauiant , with prlvlledgo of the
btnnil , lu nnoot the best parts of tha city. In-
jiuli o at iy > Douglas ht. 202 ( .
"I71OH hAl.U Ilestnurnut.overj thingtlistcl iss ,
Jdoins good pn\ln business ; fl.Ort ) cash re-
< iuired. Iniiulre of Kruus i. Tester , 310 S. IBth st ,
! ) S3 li
A IiAHOE , pleasant stoic room for rent , onf
of the best points in the city for retal1
boots and shots , huts and ciin. : dry goods , etc.
within half block of corner nth nnd Karnam.
I.onglenae , cheap rent. E. F. Seaer , ISIS1I'm -
mm st. irrj
"IT'OIl Uxchani'o Lots in T-'actoiy Place , Al
JL bileht s ( holco , Pattc-ison's imbdhIslou ,
Oxford Pine i > , and Jluynu's addition for good
lowu or Ncbrn krt failiiH. Al-o 150 acres Ir
rrontlai coiiutT , Neb. , for exchange for Onialni
houses nnil lots or Dourlns county land. A. P
Tiikcx. 1 Kl ruinnm bt. 320
C LEAH property to p chunRo for horses. Co
opcrath e Land & Lot Co. , 205 N lUth st.
2111 7
WANTUD A hotel for laigo plantation ,
stocks of goods for real estate , nnd piop
city of nil kinds to tuule. MONCIIH Hios , 15 , ' !
I'm nam st. '
lOlt THADE two lots In Kount70 place foi
J impro\ed or nnlmpioted piopeity. Addiesi
UiO Noith Uth stiuc-t. _ 207 10 *
FOIl exchange Cash $1,000 , a lots in Boyd Jl ,
OUO , personal property $ .1,400. Total , Uou )
Will exchange for lmpro\cd city pioperty
Hoom il Haiker Illock. _ 3. > 1-8 *
HALT section farm near Clurks , Merrleli
county. Neb , to exchange for good insldt
Omnhn property. L. P. Jlummond , loom 14
Chamber ot Commerce. 2K1 ! tl
TO TRADE Inside property for good house
eight or nine roouiH , nnd full lot. McCul
loch 4 Co. . cor 15th and Farnam. 128
AN elegant corner In line neighborhood , 100)
155 feet ; Just the place for n line block o :
buildings ; for sale at a baignln , or wllle.x
change for lmpro\ed property. Call and In
vestlgnte. L. P. Hammond , room 14 , Chambe :
of Commerce. . 2:100 :
S' [ TUVUNS ' Ilros.-lUl Kimwmi. will give you o
good trade for any kiiia. of property.
WANTED BtoclH of mwchandlso to ex
change for farms. Jl , E. Cole , n. e. cor
15th. and Douglas. \ ( 2ia 12
rpOTKADE-Allots in town of 185,000 inhab
-L itantH for stocks of murcbandUo. Address
S. 00. Ilee. _ 171-7 *
T.IST your property for hange at Steven
-U Hroa. , ifcl Farnam st.l n 211) ) li
rPO EXCHANOE lmprta farm in lowi
-L for Omaha residence property. J , J. Wll
klnaon. 1 Kt Farnam. _ .tn _ 1J7
IK you have anything to.Vxchange call ono
address H. E. Cole , n , e. cor. 15th and Doug
las. nl ) 217 VI
_ _
rpo THADE-Property of all kinds , Includlm
- Icity property and wild and Improrec
lands. Btovcus llros. . 1621 I'llrnam st. 21'J 8
ANTED Houses and lot's to exchange fo
Improved and unlmprdned lands in Nt
broskaaudlowa. Charles C. bpotawood. .10J !
S. ICth. _ _ 1V
WANTED Oood family horse In exrnang *
for lot , tKCulloch it Co. , cor Uth am
Farnam. 12S
THADE Two improved farms In Iowa fo
-L Omaha properly or Nebraska lands. l Me
Cullocu lc Co. , cor ; 1 > th and Kanmm.
fJIOH Exchange. If you ham farms or lands t
-L' hell or trade send for our descrlptho blank ;
If you hnve any kind of property to sell or ei
change , list It ivlth UHJWO can furnish you ;
customer. S. 8. Campbell * O , W. Ilcrvey , Jl
Hoard ot Trade. Omaha _ 312
WANTED Houses nnd lots to exchange fn
farms. H. E. Cole , n. e , cor , liui an
Douglag. 218 13
I HAVE for trade Improved farm In Cos * Co
near Plattsuiouth , will trade for Improve-
Inside property. Address M 36 , Ilee office ,
NEHHASKAanu Kansas farms to exchang
for low a and Colorado lands , and vie
versa. Co-Op ratl\o Laud aud Lot Co. , 205 1
W ANTEO-Stocks of merchandise to ex
change for lands and city property ! C. 0.
WANTKD Omaha property to exchange for
farms nnd wild lands , iil o forcltv prop-
rrty. C. . L. Drown A CoHooni H , Prenzer
block. Uj 0
\V"ANTED-flpoa tarms in exchange tcr
TT Omaha property , C. 0. Ppotswood. . V1H
SlCth. IJl
MIDLAND ( luarnntoo and Trust Co. , 1MY
Farnam street Complete abstract" fur
nished , and titles to real estaU oxamttied , per-
ffcted and guaranteed. IJu
EN50N.VOAHMICHAEI , furnisii complete
and guaranteed aHtracta of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. ' The most complete set of abstract
books in the city. No. 1519 Karnam st. 1II
OHPALT.-Hest lot In .letter's addition , if.
11 IUun ; , fittl B 10th Kt. ICI18U
H.E , COI < K , remowil to n e cor 15th nd
. Douglas. 273 8
TjlOH 8A LK OOxM feet on cable line. Splendid
J ? inside-location for four llatA-MUm Must
be. sold at once. Marshall It Lobeck , room 9
Chamber of Com. 333
JT , niCR \ CO. , nnd Omahn to the front , aw , .
UU population , lW ) .mi hotelM miles paved
street , 75 uillqs horse , cnblo , electric and motor
city railways , J.MlWilUOO bank dep < v.slt.s,4 bridges
crossing the Missouri to Council lllulTx , > rail
roads running into one union deiKit lu Omaha in
1M , who knocks off our ihlp ?
Call we Interest you In any of the following ?
Please put on jour specs and read ,
UuxlncsB and IVnckago Property.
11J feet front on Iznrd nnd ! Sld streets at 1100
per foot ; u cholbti piece of property suitable for
manufiVLturlng pin pooes ,
44 ft. front on North 10th st , by ( M deep , bet.
Izard and Nicholas Ht . , east front J.ftO per foot.
44 ft. front on N inth by 200 ft. , IV ) feet of line
trackage , together wltU Improvements worth
Ho o. price tl i.ouo , on your own terms.
Ul ft front cm Snunders st , paved lu front , cor
alley , bet Parker nnil llloudo sts , JO.MA ) . Your
own tcrnis.
IV ) feet front on Farnam st , on grade , paved ,
choice Inside , J2W ) pel foot.
HT ft front , corner on Smmilcra st opp Kountzo
PI. C \ * 7.5 < M.
tsl tt front corner on Paundeis and Hurdett
sts lit fi.750 ; would be che.ip dirt at NS.fiM ) ; W.SiO
cash. Take this snap.
S W lots 10 nnil 11 , block U Dents ' 8 add , U ) ft
fi-ont ou Sauuders st. Wo want un olTer on till.- ) .
It must be sold.
IM ft front corner Snundcrs nnd Hurdett sts
at II lSiO. half cash.
112 ft fiont corner F.rlskln , on Saunders st near
cor Lake , w ill be sold nt u bargain. Investigate
Ctl ft front on Sauuders , paved , near cor Sew-
arost , ea t front , extiu Uioii-u. Make us nn
7 ft front on Saunders st near cor Hamilton ,
12 W per foot.
I'lne corner on Saunders and Cumlng sts , at n
bat gain ,
1'lno corner on Lnko st. 20th st nnd Erskln st. ,
being 143 ft on 2.1th stUl ft front on Luke nnd
I'.rwkln sts , u valuable comer that we can sell
t heap for cash , or will trade for Improved prop
erty , want 2 small houses aud lots not too tnr
out ,
Lot 27 , Hartmnn add , IB n choice piece of
truckage of 18,001) square feet ; we can sell or
trudo this vuluablo property tor other , good va
cant ground. Want : : lots 1101 th of Cumlng st. ,
near tiatk , pi Ire $ JOIXX ) .
Wo liuie n buslne i property on noith Ifithst
[ iflx77 cor alley on trn < k with 3 story brick block ,
at J-iOXl , gooil property for nu investment.
Imputed nnd unlmpioved resideme property.
A bountiful south front l t In Washington ,
iquure ndd nt J3.7VI , 1.7' > il ciish , is cheap , H.OOU ;
wnsiefiised foi this lot jcnr ngo.
Wo hnve 2 handsome lots lett In Troxell's sub
of the beautiful mnplo groxe , lot ( .Dot ( Use's
Add opp , Kountre puie , and2lll Wllllnms' sub
of lot 0 , wo can M..H at $1,000 loss thnn lots ure
selling for in Kountze place ! nothing liner In
You cnn purchase of us n line coiner lot on
Sherman me. in Washington Niuuio Add. for
-I M.
We can dcliv er 10 lots In llllllke nddltlon.on
14th , nth and stieutn. : II\I4. ; thn bunch at
J 1)0 , Will tnko pail In ti.ido eithoi noises
01 meichandl-e.
Arc also authorised by the owner of 4 choice
lots In Citlghton Heights , 4 in Cooil's add. to
Ciclghlon Heights , II in Institute jilnce ; I In
O1-.0 s udd , to tuuleeqult\ stock of mcrcUuu-
dl-o or good draft or dllvlng hoi sis.
Lots 4 and fi , block " .Wiilnut Hill udd. together
with S-rooni cottage , good bani.wellnnd dsuin ,
trees nnd sin ubbcry. Pilctt > lnou , to tiudo foi
bouth Omiiliu piopeity.
If IV ) cash w ill purchase n good 4 room house ,
burn and coal shed , ounu must lea\n for
wanner climate on account of heiilth , cost $750.
W.OWJ half cash , bnl 1 , 2 , .1 and & \ oars nt 8 per
cent , ninko 5011 thu owner of thellnoit" room
inodein residence on S , nnd E. front comer lot
in Noith Omaha , street curs bydooi , e\eij-
thing new and llrst class.
Tor 15 , VN ) you cnn become the possessor of nn
cast front lot on cm- line with a beautiful 7
room modern naw bouse.
)7tOO will make > on one of the beet linest-
ments In a double modern 7 room lint In lie-
iil-p'a.iiddtnbefouud in Oinahii , piylng 12 per
cent. CostluUO.
SI.40' ' ' ) , SIX ) cash , tnkesn Bloom house , cistern
and well and lot 11 , blk 1. , iledford Place. Ihls
is hard to beat.
BJ.ttoO is all w e ask > ou for n good 4 room house ,
barn , well nn 1 cistern , full lotnOxUT on Hamil
ton st. , on grade , iu 1'iospect Place ndd. Half
cash ,
1IKX > Is our price for one of tno finest corner
lota in old Ambler Place. Ilnlf ciish , or ue
mlgl.t tuu'e tluse 2 last baigalus for other
property. What hnvo you.
Equity of
" beautiful lcsldcnco lots In Glses' addition to
exchange for a good house worth $1,000 or so.
nipgaiit loildenco ( ouier , 87\1U1 ft , fronting
on Cameron bt , one block elf Saumleis st , opp ,
Kountzo 1'laie , covered with largo imip'o trees ,
Nothing finer lu the city. Pilco Jl.miO.
Poppleton 1'nrk llulldlng Association stock
2slmics witli2cholco lots lu this line addition ,
equity. Jln 0 Saloor trade for small house and
lot in north part city.
lluslness Chances.
Wo have a splendid chance to offer a In o man
who will handle stnto or county rights for one ot
thu best selling patented articles in America ,
$ iOOn day has been made on the road with till5
article. State rights for sale or trade. It will
pay } ou to estlgato this chuuce. 'MS
FOK SALE-Lot7blockO west Cumlng $ 'K)0 ) ;
lot fi blk 4 LaVetaplace , JI.IOO : lot U Itns
tins add to Plalnview. $1,100 ; lot 7 blk 4 Thorn
butgplacoK Jlot ; 4 blk U Caithage , $700 ; twc
lots in Tonler place , two lots In lltirllimton
place , lot 14 blk tiltpdlckssubdUlsionniid throi
other lots. T , W. Hhickbuiu , 1110 Dodge , : i.8 t
CVH SALE Finest location for a home in
-U West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkendall , Coe , llrady , Uusson and others ,
Nothing finer In thd city. Can HO llltTixldT or
less ; for pi ices and terms auu B. A. Blomun. 13H
Funuiuist. ( US
FOH 8ALIJ-Or exchange , lots in Nortl
Omana for houses. House and lots In Conn
ell Hlulfs. Shares In Lowe nve llulldlng nas'n
Lots In Hnnscom nnd Ambler places. Plent )
of other property , llohworlh Jc Jopllu , 418 8
15th bt. 170
H.E. . COLE , rc-mo\ed tone cor 15th am
. Douglas. 27. ) S
FOH SALE Throe good lots ou corner o
Dodge st , one block wet of Lowe uve fo :
H.500 , Address for a fowdays S M Hee olllce
TfjlOH SALE 180 acres of land tour miles frorr
Jstock yards , at I12"i per acre ; thla is n bar
gain. McCague , Opp. P. 0. MS
H.E. . COLE , remo > ed to ne cor 15th OIK
. Douglas. 27J 8
WEI-SHAN'S * LOW-fW. J. Welshana. T. F
Low i Heal estate Investment brokers
Ban Diego , Cala , lineat for iioii-reHldentH. per
feet titles , attend to ail DuslnesH , tftKo title in In
vestors name for share ot prollts when deal 1
cloiod. hend stump for our Investment Contract
Pan Diego In 18s. ' > had 5,000 iiopulntloii , hasiiov
2."jOiX ) ; wo predict 100.0UO before 1R' ' . Hefercnces
Omaha Nafl Itank ; Flrst Nat'l Hank , New Yorl
City ; Nat'l Hank ot America , Chicago , 2.17-17
FOH SALE Qoo < l brick business property li
centre ot Urnnd lataud ; greatest uargati
and best term * lu the city ; but little cash re
quired ; long time , low interest and easypaj
ineiitR.otlior.reiil estate fer sale. Address J. H
Woolley , attorney at law Grand Inland , Nob.
DON'T neglect to get one of those IIV ) lot
Easy pnxments. Only a few motu left. II
K. Cole , N. E. cor. 15th and Douglas. 272
Foil SALK Wo offer as a special bargain 10
acres of laud four miles from stock tardi
at } 12'i per acre , on line of U. P. it. U. MrCoguc
Opp. P. O. KM
TJ10H SALE-I.ot ftblk 8 A. S. Patricks adj wil
J.1 soil for few da > sat 11,500 , IUWcash , bu
easy. s. 4U Hee onico. ill *
EM8TICKNBY & CO. maie a specialty o
property in North Omaha , for sale or run
at Citizens' bank , 2iW ( Cumlng st. 1J4
H E. COLE lomovedtoii u cor , 15th and Doiif
las. 273 8
FOH SALE Lot n , Windsor place oxtonslor
three blocks from Hanscom Park for 11,4V
Easy payments. Address 8. 50 , Hoe olllce , ir
MATTEil of nnjillcatlon of M. n Powell f <
permit to tell liquor HI a druitiiljt.
Motlcit U horehr Kl\tn that M. II. I'uwoll dl
upun the th dar ct Jnnuarr. A. D. lift , tllo h
application to the inajror and rlir council of Omahi
for llceiuo In sill niHlt , iplrlluoui nnd TIIUII | Ilijuoi
us a druCbTit for ruedlctiiHl , niechiuilcnl nnd media
piirpOMjn only at No. bZnuth \ Ifth slrre
Uulrd wKrrt. Omaha , Neb , f ruin thu lint Onf of Jni
unry.llna , to the Urtt dnr ot Jantmrj , ISA
Iituern be no objection , remoiutranco or prot i
11 1 ( Hi within two w ki Iroiu .lanuarjr 5th , A. I , IU
Ihu laid Ittenao w III ba Krunteil.
M. II. row kIL , Applicant.
J. II. SOUTIIAUU , CltZ CI rb ju-U
How Stock-Raising Has Evolutod In
Recent Yottra.
Growth of the Iliislnps of Tancy Cnt-
tic llroeillnjr The Unii o Inter *
csts lllgtirr I'rlcoH For Cat
tle I'rcillutcit.
Denver Republican : The business of
cnttlo-growing In Colorado during the
past year gives ratbor more ( twornblo
promise for tbo future tluin ploaHiiro In
tbo past. Prices of bouf c'lxttlo liave
ruled lower than they wore during the
preceding year , and they had got so
low that it hardly seemed as though
they could go any lower , wl > llo the ma
jority of men were seeking to reduce
logics instead of calculating profits.
Then there were scores of eattlo owners
who , led by the provicAisly prevailing
high prices , had bought as heavily as
possible of young Texans and involved
themselves deeply In debt. The latter
portion of 1SSO and the whole of the
past year were puriods of liquidation ,
and now the bunks arc carrying com
paratively little paper , while there
have been no failures among cattle-
owners. The fact that the business is
no longer conducted so largely uixin
borrowed capital is one of the healthiest
signs connected with It.
Ne\t to the low prices for beef cattle
the features most noticeable are the re
duction of range area and the introduc
tion of large numbers of line bred brood
ing stock on the range. The reduction
of the range area is duo to the settle
ment in the eastern portion of the Plato
of a large number of farmers in a terri
tory which was formerly used solely for
cattle range * . Thishascompelled MHIIO
men to practically quit the business and
sell off as many of their rattle as possi
ble , simply because thuy could llnd no
range upon which to place them.
The introduction of a largo number
of tine bred breeding animals into
the herds of the state is the natural , re
sult of the lessening public range. It
is one evidence of the well known fact
that the method of conducting the
cattle business in Colorado has changed
materially during the past two
or three years. Tim overstocked
public ranges have compelled breeders
to make arrangements to feed and shel
ter much of their stock , which in turn
has necessarily compelled them to breed
a better class of cattle in order to ob
tain the best possible profits. TOMUIS
was good enough and possibly the best
cattle for the wide plain ranges , but
they are not the best ealtlo to feed or
breed where feeding is necessary. The
public range is not by any means en
tirely abandoned , and will not bo aban
doned for many years to come , but the
old. way b of doing the business and the
old protits obtained while grass was
abundant on the public domain are
gone forovei1.
DEMAND roil TINE s'locit.
The demand for line stock luis mate
rially affected business in this city , and
made Denver the best market in the
United Stales for blooded horned stock.
The first public sale of cattle in Denver
took place about two years ago , and
during the past year twenty-five sales
have been made. On the first day of Juno
Messrs. Colliding & Co. had conducted
nineteen of these wiles , and disposed
of 1,500 blooded cattle for $178,44. ( , or an
average of about $110 per head. During
the same time the sales of other fine
iinimals , not made at auction , have
amounted to $ f > 4,000. Last jear oa the
Hrst day of January , but ono
date for a public sale had been
claimed , and now six dates are claimed
for February , which fact indicated that
this year's business in this line will bo
greater than iast year's.
Sales have boon made to breeders in
Montana , Arl/ona , and California , and
all the oilier western states and territo
ries , including Kansas and Nebraska on
the east , from which direction no trade
was cxpeeted.
Among the milk breeds Jerseys and
Ilolsteins are the only kinds sold and
the supply of the latter has not equalled
the demand. This breed has mot with
remarkable favor among the dairymen.
There was some doubt not long ago
about their adaption to this climate , as
their natural homo , where they have
been bred for centuries , was the low
and moist Netherlands , where the grabs
grows luxuriantly the very opposite of
the conditions prevailing in Colorado.
Another feature of this market is that
05 per cent , of all sales are made for
The purchases of Texas eattlo in Col
orado in this state have boon less than
for many years past. The total number
inspected and entered the state on iti-
southern border was ! X > , ( > ' . )8 ) , and of this-
number -44,4(57 ( went into Wyoming and
other northern ranges , leaving 5UiIKl
as the number of TOMUIS placed on Col
orado ranges during the year.
The grass during the past bummci
grow abundantly and cured well , and
cattle now are as a whole in bettor con
dition than thfly were ono year ago.
The winter of ' 80 and ' 87 was very
favorable for range cattle. The snows
and cold were not deep or sovcre , and
there were no drifting storms , such at
were bo fatal during the previous
As a consequence , the loss in Colorado
rado was very small. Unfortunately
in the regions novth of this state the
losses wore heavier than they hnvi
been since the beginning of the busi
ness. This winter , bo far , has been at
favorable as could bo asked for by cattli
owners. Fires have not boon destruc
tive to the ranges , BO far lit ) known bu1
ono having done any damage. On the
line of the Missouri Pacific , on tin
Sandy , about ton miles square havi
been burned over. During the year tin
railways have reduced rates on cattle t <
Chicago about $1U per car , while dur
ing the previous year they wore ad
vanced $ iU ! per car. Freight rates an
still higher than they wore when price- -
were 75 per cent above picbont quota
Kango cattle owners have buffered so
vcro looses during the year from thieves
Hundreds of eattlo have been killed ii
the eastern portion of the state , dui
partly , no doubt , to the fact that no considerable
siderablo detective force has been em
ployed , as formerly , by the Coloradi
Cattle Growers' association. A few
however , have lately been convicted am
sent to the penitentiary through the ef
forts of the association , which will fur
nish some protection in the future.
The Uango association and other or
ganiiationb , having for ono of their ol
jeets the taking control of the prices c
cattle out of the hands of the Chlcag
buyers , have apparently not yet accom
plishcd any good , though it may bo to
early to expect anything of the Kind.
For the past three years , the last yea
more than before , the sales of youtij
stoorn and she stock for beef have boo
enormous. This fact , coupled with th
enormous lowca iu the northern rcgio
last winter must certainly POOH aorlously
alTe'ct the supply of bcot eattlo and ex
ert n tendency to ralso prices. It cer
tainly seems as if thn era of bettor
prices could not be far away.
ItoAtttjr ntut I-VagrAnco.
The e are both attributes of the love
ly. Meanly of the teeth , fragrance of
the breath , are twin benefactions con
ferred by Sorotlont. The queens of so
ciety , th'o brightest ornaments of the
lyrlo and dramatic stage , the refined
everywhere commend It.
It hu ted the Tert of Ttn ,
XLB , * * . ItPurlflMtt *
Blood , iBTigoratM and
ClMnMi the iytUa.
tUi pp r t one * nnaw
STOMACH It Ii partly M dleln
AND Miti Mthartie prcptr-
Uet forbids its nit M
BOWELS beverftM. It il plM >
ant to us tatte , and as
niily uksa by ehUd <
ton as adults.
Hol rrowl
BT l > oun A&d KA
Or Iho Lionor llnlilt , Posldrply Ciiredbf
Adinlnisterlnt , ' Dr. llulnes' Uoltten
lit It can bo given In a cup of colTeo or tea wltho
e-tho knowliMigo of the poison taking It ; absolut
dly hariuloss , and will effect a permanent an
espeedy cure , whether the patient Is a modorat
f drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thpusauds o
drunkards have been made temperate mmi who
luiNC taken ( lolden Speclllo In tholr coffcn with
out their know lodge nnd to day bollovo they quit
drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER
1'Al LS. The system once. Impregnated with the
Specific , It becomes an utter Impossibility for
the lltmor appetite to exist. For sale by Kuhn
, V Co , 15th nnd Douglas sts. nnd 18th nnd Cum
lng Ms , Omuhn , Neb. ; A , 1 > . Foster & liro. ,
Council limits , la.
Flntal tmfn
and po * Mlb only lolDUI _
rormtical * . WvTsnltJlaiUndtn tnytltmtU. A k yourdftuf
fnrlh.m. lllaitrkU.1 C'fttAloffttC tntlUdfrM by lb Mknurwtumt.
LYON * HCALY. 108 State St. , Chicago. .
Surgeon and Physician ,
Onico N. W Coiner 14th and Douglas Ht. Omc9 ,
telephone , 4t > 5 ; Hesldenco telephone , WW.
( Successors to John O. Juopbs. )
At the old stnnd , 1407 rarnani St. Orders by telegraph -
graph scllclted und promptly at to.
Telelophone No. 22j
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
muffs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. 1'aul , Mlnnonpolis , Ccdnr
Rock iHlund , Frccport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibuquc , Dmeuport ,
Elgin , Mndlson , JancsTlllc , j
Itclolt , \ \ Inonn , La Crossc , I
And all other Important point ) { Cut , Mortbosst tflll
For through tlckttJic ll on thn ticket ncont t HOI
Farnnm tlr ct , In futon llocel , oral Uiiloa l' ciao
1'ullmtn Bloopen and thn flncit Dining O rf In th
orM are run on thn mnln Una of the Chicago , MlK
waukeu 4 st. Paul Kaltwajr , and OTerj attunllon It
paid to p eengirs br couneuus employes of tup .
oornpanr. r.
K.MILLKR.ciencral Manager.
J. t. TUCK Kit , A"l mntjonur l Manager.
A. V. H. CAIU'KNTKU , General 1'atiencM an !
Ticket ARcnt
OKI ) 1C.IIKAKKOUI ) , Anlitant Uenarml FUHBfM
BdTicket ARcnt. ' -I I
J. 1' . CLAHK , cicncral Suptrlntcndtnt j
Railway Short Line. -
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
ft * enlf rota to lake for Dei Molnc * . Marlalltownt
Cedar Ilapldi , Clinton , Illlon. Cklcnuo , Mllwauka *
and all poluta eait. 'Iu ( he people of Nelirnk
rado. Wjumln , Utali , Idabo , Novadu , Oreon ,
InKton and Cnlllurnla. It offcrt tupulor
ni t poiilaln br nr other lino.
Ainonu a fuw of tha niiniuruui polnti of iilpnrlorlty
enJojMd br the patroni of thli rutd between Oinnh *
and ( hlc | [ o. arn IU two trnlri dajr of DA V CUACI I
Kit , which nru Iliu noext Ihnt auman art and lugeuul *
IU wldelr celobratwl I'ALA'IIAL IHNINU I
equal of which cannot L touud cuvwhera.
ell liluffi tbo tralni or the Union 1'aclflo llal .
nccl In union depot with thoi * of the Chicago I
Northweitvrn Ur. InChlcaio thvtnlni of thli lint
nuke cluie couucetlon wILU ihvif of all fttlicr wajUiia
tor rvtrolt. Columbu , InllarmrclH. Cincinnati
Nlaiara Kullj. lluffalo , IMlUaurg , Toronto , Montreal ,
llixton. New York , I'hlladelphTa , UaltlDiora. W si-
Inntou , and all polaU In Uiaeul , ukforaUtktt Ti
Ui *
If Tea wlib thn l > eit accommodation , AH ticket a nl/
Mrttlrkft. via Chli line.
fi.nunn"r. B. p. WILSON.
Cienl. Maoager , cleol. I'an'r A ( B |
Ut °
J.M.HAUCOPK. ' Ln.I10U.K8. .