Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Epiphany and Twelfth Night Fitly
Oolobratod In London.
Tlio nialiop of Tjnhoro Consecrated
"With Imposing Ceremonies \
. Memorable N'lKlit at Drury Iiano
Kllrnin and Mitchell.
Kplphanjr and Twelfth-Night.
tCnpi/rftfht / tVtt tiu Jiunti ( Ionian lleiwtt. ]
LONDON .tun. 6. [ New York Honild
Cubic Special to the Hr.K. ] Thl Jay being
both Epiphany and Twelfth Night , church
and slugo each hud a cclcbrutlou In West
minster nbbcy. The church consecrated a
bishop and at Drury Lune the stage cut the
memorable Baddully cake. At the one the
Archhlahop . of Canterbury presided ,
and at the other Manager Augustus
Harris culled ' Orurlolanus "
, commonly ; ,
Tlio very nccno In the abbey was dramatic.
To the swell of the Brent organ a clerical
procession passed from Jerusalem chamber
over the grave of Livingstone , treading Us
way adjacent to the graves of Mrs. Appra
Station , Thomas Hctterton , Mrs. Braccglrdle
cad Ham Footc , and almost brushing with
their vestments , the statues of Kemblc
and Siddons. The occasion was
the consecration of Arch-deacon
Mathew as bishop of Lahore In India and
the Archbishop of Canterbury , whlto-robod
and white-faced , and Dean Uradley wore
most conspicuous In the throng. The primate
mate read Iho , service , the Bishops of Hod-
ford the gospels , and the Bishop of Llohllold
the epistles. The responses ana the Nicene
creed were sung by an increased choir to
Calkin's setting In 1 ! Hut. Tnu sermon was
from the text "I will give him the morn
ing star. " Its concluding sentences were
these : "Tho star in the oust was
a reminder to us that our religion , born in
the cast , Is Intended for orientals. On
Epiphany the empress of India still offered
In the Chapel Royal the symbolical gifts
which the eastern worshippers were the first
to present. Wo must not bo content with
the progress of Christianity towards the west
but wo must claim nnu redulm the east. "
At the conclusion of the sermon the
bishop-elect was conducted to the
Isllp chaixsl to put on his rochet.
During his absence the anthem , "Comfort
the soul of the servant , " was sung. On the
return of the bishop-elect ho was presented
to the archbishop us a godly and woll-lcarhcd
man to bo ordained and consecrated bishop.
The consecration service then proceeding ,
dnrlng the second retirement to put on the
rest of the episcopal habit , Mendelssohn's
anthem , "How lovely are the messengers
that preach to us the gospel of peace , "
was sung with beautiful effect , the sweet
voices of the choristers penetrating and filling -
ing with music the remotest corners of the
historical cdillco. On the return the fully-
made bishop knelt down In front of the arch
bishop's chuir and the "Venl Creator Spir-
Itus" was sung over him , the archbishop in
toning the first line. Then all the bishops
present Joined with the primate In the func
tions of the laying of hands upon the head of
thn bishop. The principal participants dined
at the primate's palace of Lamboth , opposite-
the parliament houses ,
A largo number of Twelfth Knightdinncrs ,
suppers and balls were given over the May
Fair. When Uig Hen , in the west , and St.
Paul's , In the cast , were chiming midnight ,
worshippers of the drama to the number of
fid ) guests , three-fourths of whom
could bo called denizens of Ho-
licinia , were 'oh the Drury Lane
stage drinking to the memory of old Dad-
dolly , the actor who in leaving on a salary
of 10 per night the interest of 100 for a
Twelfth Night cake , little dreamed of the
magnificent supper with which a Drury Land
manager would surround its distribution a
crumb for every guest.
Within half an hour after the regular
transformation scene Drury Lane stage had
another. It was cleared of wings and setts
and became llrst , a supper room and after
wards a ball room. All occupants of boxes
ami stlills hud been invited to remain.
Among the most distinguished guests
wore Sir Morell MeKcnzle , Lord
Londosborougli , Prosecutor Poland Hamil
ton , Qulda , the novelist , and Earl Onslow
with Mrs. Brown Potter in the shape of a
cable dispatch. In the center of the stage
was the famous cake provided by the kindhearted -
hearted actor for his companions in the old
Drury Lane green room. On this cheerful fes
tival Mr. James Fornundozo , as master of the
Drury Lane fund , and who has charge of the
Uaddelly beimcst , commenced the proceed
ings with a brief address conceived In admir-
nblo tasto. Ho bowed to Augustus Harris ,
then to his guests. Then the cake was cut
amidst general cheering and merriment.
Feasting and dancing followed and will lust
until the small hours of the morning.
iCovcnt Garden , hard by , hud its own simi
lar * transformation Twelfth Night scene.
It was "As You Will , " ( or there was Brad-
dolly eako , no historic memories , but an ex
cellent supper and rounds of dancing. Doubt
less the bell of the cathedral will ring out the
guests ut both theaters and so the church will
close the day. _
They Give a Uatlrer Tniuo Exhibition
at Waterfowl.
[ CnpyrJflht 1SS7b jJnntfit G union Itennett. ' ]
Dum.i.v , Jan. (5. ( [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BUR. ] Kilrain and
Mitchell arrived hi Waterford this morning
on the Milford boat. Kllraiu , referring to
Burko's challenge , said ho would go to to
Australia If ho got 100 for expenses. Ho is
of the opinion that Bnrko docs not want to
light , but is only anxious to get homo. The
pugilists wore entertained at luncheon by Mr.
Manning. Largo crowds collected for the
purpose of getting u peep.
At Maryboro a sporting gentleman met
Kilraln and produced u cablegram from Fox ,
expressing pride nt Kllrain's fight with the
British champion , adding : "Tell Jake when
you meet him that I'll back him to light John
Li. Sullivan or any man iu the world for
$10,000. " Kilraln was well pleased with this
fresh evidence of hfo backer's appreciation.
. , At Klngsbridgo station , Dublin , the Kil-
rain party was mot by a larga crowd ol
friends and admirers , who were astonished
to Ihul that the American pugilist showed no
further sign of the recent great battle than n
trilling bloodshot eyo. They wore driven to
the Grosvenor hotel , whore they will sojourn
during their visit in Dublin.
It is stated that Mitchell will shortly go
Into training for the Sullivan tight. John L ,
goes to his training quarters next Friday.
There was on enormous crush at thu Star
music hall this evening. Long before the
hour . for commencing the house , which is
rather small , was crammed from tloorto
colling and the doors were closed on an en
ormous crowd outside awaiting the pugilists
No 0110 of any great prominence was unions
the audience. Kilruln and Mitchell an
pcarcd on the stage nt a quarter pat U ami
received a great ovation. There was
no speech making and botl
ut once went to business
They fought three two-mlnuto rounds. Kil
rain's eyes uro still palpably weak. Itv.i'
noon from the outset that neither hud an :
wish to make matters very hot. Kilraln go
home several time * ' on the face , wherea ;
Mitchell draw forth frequent
ty clover etopplntf .and
away. The , encounter was nothing -com-
imrcd with the lively sot-to ) nist night. The
pupllUts nro uol ruUf aagood as Sullivan and
Asliton. Tlio pair appear twice to-morrow. .
Pope I > co Opens It Himself , Assisted
lly tho.CollcKO Cardinals.
[ Co } > iirliht.IM ( bu Jtunes flnnlonIfiiwM.I
HOME , .Inn. 0. ( New York Herald Cable
Special to the UKK. ] The Vatican exhibi
tion was opened to-day by the poK | > himself ,
assisted by the college cardinals and ambas
sadors to the holy see. As very few Invi
tations wcru Iisuud the great throne of Home ,
In which the ceremony look nlaco , was not
overcrowded. Shortly after noon the scene
was full of color and mediaeval Hplendor. The
scats In the front row wore occupied by
rcsontatlv'ca of the powers , blitzing with dec
orations. The red of the bishops prelate was
set off harmonlonMyby ajjackground of la
dies In bluck ( Irenes , black lace veils , some
hanclutfiliil'trilly m mutroiwlitun fashion from
the back of the' head. The buz * of con
versation -was suddenly .Interrupted by
the appearance nf the t > ppo at the throne.
Immediately the choir struck up the jublleo
note composed by Maestro , Capi > occl , all the
distinguished company standing. Cardinal
Scueaffleno then read a rather pompeous ad-
drc t. The ) iopo replied in an almost Inauda-
blo voice. Then , lifting his bunds to heaven ,
ho blessed the _ exhibition and al
present. The pbpo was then car
ried In portnnalla a rather shabbby
sedan chair through all the European
courts' congratulations to the pontiff , who
every now and then smiled and nodded as
sent. Ho looked very well , but rather weak.
Ho wore white mittens. As ho came
to each national collection , the noble
guards stood aside. * The ambassadors ,
kneeling , presented the pontiff to the visiting
missionary sections , which Included America.
The Irish bishops are furious because some
gifts from Irish dioceses were put with Eng
lish stock collections. It * Is said that some
Irish priests were resolved to call the pope's
attention to this. Perhaps this may -account
for Leo's returning to his apartments sooner
tbun expected.
It Is announced to-day that a counter2 dem
onstration Will take place at the Punthoen
Monday morning , when the Italianlssiml will
carry wreathes to the tomb of Victor Em-
inunuol and make a splendid demonstration
A Murdered Reporter.
LONDON , Jan. C. The body of Archlo
McNclll , who went to Franco to report the
Smith-ICIlraln fight for the London Sports
man , and who has been missing since , has
been found on the beach at Boulogne. Thcro
were distinct marks on McNolll's throat
showing that he had boon strangled. Ho was
known to have in his possession , when last
seen , coin , Bank of England notes and a
watch , all of which were missing when hi *
body was found. _
Kiupcror Willlum Hopes For Peace.
HUIILIK , Jan. 0. Emperor William , In his
Now Year's letter to the Merlin magistracy ,
says : ' ! trust that under the protection of
lasting peace , which may God vouchsafe ,
and by legislative measures dealing with
economy in social matters , the welfare of
thu nation in the future , ns it has in the past ,
will bo materially developed. "
Itnssia and Germany.
ST. PnTEnsmmci , Jan. C. The Journal do
St. Petersbourg expresses high satisfaction
at the distinction bestowed by Emperor
William upon General Von Schweinitx , Ger
man ambassador to Kussia , in decorating
him with the order of the Lilack Eagle.
The Atlanta at Messing.
ICopjfrJf/ht / 1583Ziy Jamnt Gunlim llcnnctt. ]
MUSSING , Jan. 0. [ Now iTork Herald
Cubic Special to the Bun. ] Jay Gould's
yacht , the Atlanta , arrived hero to-day and
expects to sail on the 7th for Syracurc.
Sullivan Sensible.
LONDON , Jan. 0. Smith's backer wants
Sullivan to give a serious of exhibition con
tests with Smith throughout the world , end
ing in California. Sullivan refused.
Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla purities the blood ,
and thus permanently euros catarrh.
List of letter' remaining uncalled for In the post-
oflko for thu weak vndlni ; January 0 , 1SSS.
Note 1'artlo * callhiK for ttiotu letters will plemo
say "Advertised , " Klvlnic the date at the buait of the
Hit , and Inquire for samu at thu "Indies' Dt'laury
Window. "
To nvolil mUtukcs have your mall addressed to your
street and number.
Alexander W C Akmau A Albright b'
-\111M1U ( ! Allen. ) A Allan W
AdatiiH M AillrrH Ahlberi ! K
Anderson K AnluconnV Atton J W
Abbott W3 Abner O Ai-kley SI A
Antrim W
ncdcnen & Smith llcrholi K llrown J
lion : I , llrarkutt.l W Krailliir U J
llruno II lliirnvht I ) llutkO
Iliu Uet .1II llelluiiiM * Itcnion J
HWiup W U Hell K I'
Ik'nuah K Ilituur II H.irlauu W
llyrnu J | mark 11 lltivitel W O
Hunt : A llanilrllii U Id own W
llnyuun b'O II run n A llrcihol * K
llrovtnloo H A llronn I Itntlor M
lliirhiMt MI. ItlTk-U lift ( J W
lton on C IIMion A J llc K M l
Mull W S Browne Itarrtck J
Haas J UM } tic A. Hro ItUkit J
Chlndo M Crowvll U Crmby Mr
nirnuy W Clark C.I Clarence I'll
Colla nlerW A Coin" ? H A Chri-'iiMMon A
duly.I Curhon V Currier ! ' ( !
Collins II Campbell 12 Carpenter II (1 (
Church. ) 1 , ChrHtenvm I , Camnon J ti
CorblltJ Conklln J U Conk'.inJ
Coiimtoclc W Coj II A CurUon U W
oolberlN ClIIH-fW Cokor K II--1
wnill SO Chirk K I , Vufvr ' K
il by W Colby J 'U1MI ! If
Call ( ) CanvllJ Outier I1
Coalman A M KA Callaban WM
ChiHtoolt ) rn'tii ' H Cli.ti'timu .1II ( . . n.i'oV
Coouib II W 'j Combs a It A Conltiln J 11
Caflsoii C K
Irerson C lager on K IrapontJIot T
Indian bcad-norl. *
Judiio M Johns A V JohnsonR
. ( nklnsT .lohnfton V A JeukliuT
Jen en M JeanUW Jacoibortur n
onion A I > Jones J 1 * Jonde J
Johimm H D Johnson Kd Johnson IIL
Jones A ( ' JcnnerTt Jakes a
Junes 1 Kcndal Juhansou C ( t
KlaraorW Kratky S KlppengerA t
Kllotolttt I' I * Ucnnody OS H > or W
KelUy KJ Kuenttler J Kluball U
Kunkul .1 K Kftony K3 Kill. W
Kuebn W U KaurTumim U Kelly W A
Kutlker M
I < eman L } lAwIt J 0 Unler II
U'wI.O Ijtrsonl * ItrllTt
Ijtrson L I Mu VJ l rr K .
C w M
l.lmlbon I ) LMenler J uvU
l.tlCldOU ko < A -
tan * U I chahotrr "f l i
I M'tMon 0 A .jcm . ,
l.ynn A Iyon tS _ , ymanJB
I/wkwooJ W l.innelivi 0 O
Miller Alex Masters J Marsdnn II _
MiHloXt Miwallvr M Mvredllh. lr T Vf
Melona I , 1 * MekanJ MartJ
Mir h.l Mahler K Morano A
Moore 0 Miller I/
Murray I/ Myllun .MaboneyTS
Martin. ! I' Mil burn V Mathew * J 11
Mowra tt MalbewftJ v
Morris A K MMnwoodl P Mnore K I ,
Moyer.l Manning P 2 < Mnxmey J A
Mulclomi .1 Moore K I ) Mflypfrnleu I *
Mabln WM Meyer J W Malm M ,
MrPliPe C McDonaiiKhr. } McDonald .1 A
Mo.Snmum M Me Pell TIi MHMnxMU W
Mdlauxhan It MrTutchan W II McI.aiiKhltn M
MeyrtlmrK MctaiiKhlln W HMrfiillonith O
MoMamam W Mct'uno III McKlwaln K
McUovorn U B Mclntoih J II
N. ' .
Nanglo K D NlndhoeTB Nicholson JD
Net ! J Nolan UT „
Young 8
Zlemlotzky R V
Anderson M Andcr on II Andessonli
Andrews inr . Angcll inrs J It AbernethyrarsCH
Anderson Charlotte
Hrown J nialn t , Ilorkman mtt J C
Illnini iur I , Itrjiui iurs L llu hey nirs J
llutlernin IT Iturke.M llarton II
Ilailct V llruilyM Illanchard A
Ilnidloyrora H Hrttt mrs ( ! llioitn nirs K
lleu oiii mra IIII Bonn nirs I , Hell mrso
llownian A 0 llurnett inrs J IlntterHeld mrs 9
Iteman uinO llroadhurst M
Unit uir HL Ilrandt mrs b Harbor mrs S
< ; rnoy M Coo mrs II I > Taockett mr * W
Crosta mrs n 011)1101110 T Clark O
Cm ry nir * Chubliiirk mra A CummlnKi A
Cookmr C.-2 Uainnleld M Cl.ire
Cammock K A Coats mrs M J Collins mrs J B
1)1 ron C Doano K Drollet niriO
OoollttlomrsR Dickey mrsC Dice mr * M
IMcktnionnirsMCUervIn A liarvls mrs J Vf
Dounlasa 1 , UOCIIKIM mra W lolan mrs J
Kwnld P Kvens mrs F A Knowold , U
Kveuts U Kdward iurs A KiBerU
h' Klyan It Fljrmi'O
rilmiirnirsK Klihi-r mrs O KltMiimlni ; mrsJT
-'nrrell mrs | j Klynn N Kuwlerlun KG
tuber mra A Fairbanks mrs A W
nallnahcr , nirs W floselln mrs Ii ( illbert ( !
tilbson mrs M A ( IreenmrsJI ) Uulnn It
Cur rut mra M
Hnckolt mrsKA Hallor It Hunt rurs M
Horne mrs K HowomrsIlM Hocltlnit.M
Harold TM Haynes nirs t' U Hart nirs M K
Hardy mrsN Hall mi * C HelasK
HcndrlcksM Howe mr * _ . llerkler.M.1
HowoJ A HallamllM Horn nir" 1C H
Hill M Hanlln nirs IS
llarrlugton. K Uuckcr O Henderson mrsT
Johnson nirs U Jonet K Jolinmeyer U
.lorn" * M .len en M
JacobHOn O Jackson N Jensen U
Kanenbtcy A Kenedy inrs K J Kren M
Keni-ston mrs I lUmbnllll K inner K
KuiuuiK mrs A Kuse 1. KrausuMF
McDonald raraO McCamlaS McCalao U
MtQuaidu uirs WPMcCauley a A
Newton I. Nichols K Nelson U
Nicholson inn MB
Tali'P. .
1'ro'tnn S Tali' mri M Polor on A
Aaor oa C i inri nil'ullny mra II M
I'liillliii N 1'etenuu mra J 1'rustund
I'aumier mrs A
Qulmmiun 1 *
Rnrmond K Rector mrs J Rcber mrs K
Uoblll'iin A Rout M S UlnuM
UobenKii A llytiu S lluliljnnS
ItinukDr nird H > cler.I s dirs R K
Ulctimunil A ltU33CIU,3
fltenuvlstn POEBO Steal mrs B
Snolliuis KT ShorbetM StionomraB
Sflimldt K SmlthT StlokloyA
MblpyK Mocker mrs N K Miilth A
Sampson mn M Hhtteimr > OJ Sthnnokc mrs II
Uhul'.rJ hhiini I ) SrhonlnvM
Scott mm Til subli'tt mrs A Schlextil 1
S'.i'vens mr M favcn smi A Beaver mrs 1 > C
rclinunlb i ermrsSnilth M K Smith , mrs M tj
HclplvmrsWK hllvU mra J U
SIlBurmrsW iraWA huiltli iurs ti
Sniidurwii I. turn W lIHwannon A
button mrs H V citroui J Sack S
Taylor nirs FW Tulcon M Thompson mrsR
Tiller mrs li Tracy inrs M Thimiti * K
Taylor mrs II TUotnuntu U 3 'line uilss
Taylor mr U II
Voorhcs J 2 Vnlontlno A
Wynn I < Wannomaker mrs
Wilson mr < A WalkurralM A
WiHlierloril mrs L Weanno mrs I. EWe t mrs O V
Whttlni ; mrs O C Wllhelni I , WI1NJ
Walker V West mn A Wcaley mrs O
Wilson M
Young K V N 3 Terk mrs J Yonngblood J
C. V. UAM.AOIIKK , Postinastcr. .
C. P. Huntington , the jlfty-milllon-
niro , used to pcddlo out butter by the
ikiuntl to the minors in California.
A benr nt Carter's ranch , near Man-
gus , N. M. , has killed moro than ono
hundred y oats , and eludes till i > ur&uerB.
The project for buildin } ? abridge over
the Mississippi ut Memphis BOOIIIB in a
way to take doflnito Bhapo.
It is said in England that the Russian
wheat crop this year has been bettor
than for ton years.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Bbf WM lick , we c * > re her CutorU.
When aba WM a Child , she cried for CutorU ,
YThea iha becama Ml , ihe cluuK to CMtorU ,
Wbenihe h d Chy < lr n , th * , - TO them CajtorU.
DcHtructlvo Plnine'ii In DlfTctont Pnrt *
A flro broke out jltUlHvasflavlng room In
thoofllco bulldlngVof the Grant smelting
works ahout 930 ! Ittift'Wculng , and lu a very
short time the bblltflngwas entirely con
sumed. The tire U supposed to have origi
nated from an cxp'f&s'lon of pas in the steve
iu the Assaying rooln rtnd was discovered by
some of the employtis , ' who at once gave the
alann , and , pending the arrival of the de
partment , removed all the articles of value ,
including n lot of 'yhcmlcnls which were on
the first tloor. Prompt action on the part of
thu llrcmun prove'tottM the flumes from
spreading , and tho'JtAs was confined to the
ono building. All ttd.books | , i > a | > ors , bullion ,
etc. , were locked In'tho vaults and were
saved. The dnmaco cannot ho exactly
stated at this time , hut Is estimated lu the
neighborhood of 1,000.
A iiAtuiEit sitor tiunsnn.
At ten minutes past 11 o'clock the firemen
were again called put by an alarm from box
No. 10 , which wKs caused by the discovery of
flro In a small ono- tory frame building on
the corner of Sixth and'Pacific streets. The
flames wero'soon under'control , nnd the damage -
ago done will not exceed $ 100. The structure
was owned by.Edward Cooper , and used for
a barber shop by Henry Bowman.
Flames wore soon to burst from the base
ment of the printing ofilco of Tom Cotter , No
li07 ! Douglas street , at 1 o'clock this morning.
The firemen were tired out from their efforts
of u few hours before , the horses all fagged
out , but witli frozen' hose nnd dilapidated ap
paratus in general , all hurried to the scene
to bo confronted by a very vexatious Job.
Dense volumes of smoke eseaiwd from
beneath the sidewalk grating , and as rapidly
ns possible streams were turned In the direc
tion of the smoke. Owing to the frozen state
of the hose uud the nozzles , the streams were
not very effective , 'and while the flromon In
front labored with hot water In thawing out
the nozzles Chief Qallagan statloucd men
with streams in the' alley back of the build-
Ing. Handicapped as they were , the firemen
worked well , and after u while succeeded in
locating the- source of the lire , which was
In a quantity of old paper stowed iu the
basement , where the boiler and engine at
tached to Mr. Cotter's printing establish
ment is located. After two hours of diligent
work the fire was finally subdued.
Mr. Cotter's loss will bo chiefly by smoke
and water. A largo stock of stationery on
the first floor was completely ruined. The
second nnd third floors contained the presses
nnd tyjics , and these escaped with but little ,
if any injury. . No estimate of his loss
could bo given by Mr. Cotter who
holds insurance to the extent of $10,000 in
different companies.
Sonnenbcrg , the Jeweler , occupied the first
floor of No. 1805 uud his stock was consider
ably damaged by smoke and water. Loss
and insurance not known.
A flro was discovered at half past three
o'clock yesterday afternoon in the collar of
Dority's residence 810 South Tenth street. It
was extinguished without much loss.
Happy Outcome of the Meeting Held
Councilman Hasuall , of the committee of
five selected from the city council to confer
with the board of police and fire commission
crs regarding patching peace between the
two antagonizing bodieji and to create ways
and mcaiis for an improvement of the police
and fire departments , , was n little late in get
ting around to the conference which met at' '
the mayor's olUco last "evening. The gentle
man from the First Was dressed in his best
smiles and clothes , and his arrival completed
the representation which comprised , from the
council , President Rcdhcl , Councilinen Lee ,
Alexander , Bailey amj ilascall , and the full
board of police and fire 'commissioners , W. J.
Broatch , mayor , cx-pQlcio chairman , and
Messrs. Bennett , Hnrtuinn , Gilbert and
.Smith. There was an , evident disposition nn
all sides for harmony' , iiud the respective gen
tlemen with grievances imaginary and other
wise buried the hatohet under heaps of taffy.
Mr. Hartmnn said pleasant things of Mr.
Bcchcl , and in turn Mr. ' Bechcl spoke en
dearingly of Mr. Hartmftn. '
In the absence qf pipes the gentlemen
lighted cigars , and settled down to business
with Mayor Broatch in the chair and Coun
cilman Alexander discharging the duties of
secretary. By request the newspaper fra
ternity remained outsido. and allowed the
gentlemen full and unlimited swing. Every
thing pertaining to the disposition of funds.
levy , expenditure , etc. , relating to fire and
police matters for the year 18SS received at
tention , and the gentlemen kickers in the
couucil conceded everything with a humble
ness and fairness that was extremely refresh
ing. There was not a hitch In the whole pro
ceeding , and shortly after ,9 o'clock , Council
man Hascall having In the meantime taken
his departure- alter pledging himself in full
sympathy with the objects of the meeting ,
the conference adjourned.
Then the newspaper men were Invited in ;
and a BEE reporter was informed that the
meeting had developed into a regular love
feast , and everybody was well satisfied with
the outcome. He wits further informed that
a levy of 4 } mills fov fire purposes would
bu made for the year 18s9. Further than
this there was no evident desire on the part
of the gentlemen to speak , they wishing to
wait until Tuesday night , when the whole
matter will bo formally laid before the
District' Court.
The East Omaha Land company filed a suit
yesterday against O. A. Hitchcock and
JohnG. McGregor , asking that a restraining
order bo issued to prevent defendants from
disturbing certain lands in the north-east
portion of the city. Damages to the amount
of 'i50 are also asked ,
If the allegation In the petition of Emma
Warren , filed with the district clerk am
true , her husband , William Wnrrpn , deserves
the severest punishment. Mrs. Warren al
leges thai they were married In March , 18711 ,
in the city of DCH Moines , and from that time
until this she lias suffered unheard of cruel
ties at the hands of her rufllanly liusband.
Ho has beat her , knocked her down with his
fist , subjected her to degradations , and in
short made her life Intolerable. Moreover ,
she states that ho hm committed the crime
of adultry with ono Nellie Fliner. She prays
lor divorce and other relief allowed by law.
All of the old stenographers have boon re
tained , and Judge Doano yesterday reappointed -
pointed C. C. Valentine.
H.itit A co. SIID ; : ,
Joseph Zacpffel Iu an action brought yes
terday against PcteriE. Her & Co. alleges
that on or about the j li day of April , 1877 ,
he transferred to buiditrm a uumberof frame
buildings in the citi * " ( it Omaha , the rents
from which were to bo.turned over to them
to satisfy a claim of , * } , < > 37.05 they hold
against him. Ho furtHer sets forth that the
agreement was fully stttljified on January 1 ,
18Sy , but that the defendants have refused to
release him of his obligation and continue
collecting the rents fcpm said buildings.
JCacpflel says there Lj jluo him IIO.TW over
and above all amounts' ' ; vftth which ho can bo
justly made- chargeable , under said agreement ,
and ho prays that an account bo taken of the
value of said buildings , iUid of all the rents ,
profits and moneys coflccted ' out of said proj > -
orty by the defendant ? ,
The tlmo of holding' the terms of the dis
trict court in the respqctivo counties com
prising the Third judicial district of the state
of Nebraska during Jlhp year ISiS has been
fixed an follows : (
In Douglas County February 0 , May U
and September 17.
In Washington County April 0 and Sep.
tomber 17.
In Burt County April 10 and October 1.
In Surpy County April SJ and October 22.
Pollen Court.
There was a largo grist in the police court
yesterday , no less than thirty-one cases
being disposed of. Among these were Jim
Murphy , W. Hunter and John Smith , drunks ,
with a fine of ( .1 and costs for the first , anil
five days for the Utter two. Frank Smalloy ,
disorderly , fifteen days. Annie Dully and
Nellie Austin , nymphs of the pave , fil each.
William Itayner , for assaulting the clerk of
the United States hotel , * lr > . William Cul-
bertsou , fighting , (10 and costs.
Private Watchman Crozlor towed into the
central station yt t < > rduy two boys , Elinor
Holmes , aged sixteen , and P.tul HuthOr , ngod
fifteen. Ho arre&ted them iu the uullwuy of
the First National bank , whore , ho says , they
have- been In the habit of sleeping. There is
a garig of bootblacks ur.d , newsboys who have
been crmgrcpllUK In this linllway every night
after 12 o'clock , where they "shoot craps"
and play "seven up" for their scant earnings
of the day. Holmes , Kuthcr ,
and one "Heddy , " seem to be the
leaders of the gang , and accordIng -
Ing tq Crwler , they never fail to beat the
rest of the crowd out of their money. Holmes ,
too , has them drilled to work the different
public buildings and business houses for the
dally papers which are loft ut the doors at an
early hour In the morning , and sometimes
the number of papers they steal U quite
large. The court , after delivering a sound
lectiiro to the two youngsters , sent Holmes
to Jail for twenty days and Huthor to the
district court as a candidate for the reform
There was a general row down at the
Ferry dive and the police raided
the establishment. Yesterday the proprietress -
prietross , Edna Ferry. Anna Burke and
Lena Klvcrs were fined f ll ! and costs each.
Jimmy * Lindsay , arrested on a
charge of vagrancy , conclusively demon
strated to the court the absurdity of such a
charge and ho was discharged. Lindsay ,
while ho has a taste for the P. H. , has n good
iwsitlon In the lock wdrks , and his father Is
n property owner and a taxpayer.
Henry Marsell was fined $100 and costs for
selling liquor on Sunday.
C. Heuulngson of Danncbrog is on the
D. Downey , of Kearney , Neb. , is at the
Charles Bridge , of Albany , N. Y. , is at the
A. Murray , of Lo Roy , 111. , Is a guest nt the
D. L. Mitchell , of Sloan , la. , registered at
the Exchange.
H. Hutchlnson of Republican City , Neb. ,
is at the exchange ,
J. C. Haworts of Ellwood Is on the market
with a car of eattlo.
W. H. Stone , of Ulysses , Nob. , la In buy
ing stockcrs. Ho found them.
Neither.Tudgo llcuthor nor Justice Levy
had a case before them yesterday.
Peter Peterson has returned from Marcngo ,
Iu. , where ho has burled his wife.
James Hoagland , of Honglund Se Hawes ,
Dcwitt , marketed a car of hogs yesterday.
G. W. and Chas. Barrett of Weeping Wa
ter were looking over the yards yesterday.
A. J. Eddy , of Kcnyon & Eddy , Howard
CityNeb.brought In a load of hogs yesterday
J. T. Goodoll , of the firm of J. T. Goodcll
& Co. . Webster , Neb. , is on the market with
three cars of hogs.
J. S. Smock , an extensive feeder from
Boomer , Neb. , is on the market with hogs ,
ito caught the top figures.
' No arrests" is now the nightly report of
the police force. South Omaha is on its oest
behavior just now.
The South Omaha Gun club have a mas
querade ball billed for next week , and the se
lection of becoming costumes Is occupying
the time of their friends.
The parents of E. B. Branch , cashier of
the Stock Yards bankaro hero and for a time
will reside with him. They arrived from
GalenaKau. , yesterday.
Thcro is a howl going up about the price
charged for the now lock-boxes in the post-
ofllcc. Tlio prlco of the old l > ox was fJ nor
annum , but now It is raised to $4.
The now postoflico was thrown open to the
public for the first time yesterday , and people
who have never yet asked for a letter were
on hand to sec what it looked like. It looks
City Attorney Grico has moved into his
new ofllco at the city hall , and along with
bis partner J. W. Egerton , will bo happy to
see his friends.
City Clerk Wells Is around looking for a
comfortable corner in the city hall in which
to place his desk. Ho will probably locate
with the city attorney. So will the city
The Nebraska Live Stock Shippers' asso
ciation will hold their annual meeting at Ex
change hotel , South Omaha , Wednesday ,
January 11. 18S8 , atSp. m. At this meeting
officers wilt be elected and other important
business transacted. It is to the interest of
all shippers to attend this meeting and help ,
sustain and encourage the society. A supper
will be served iu the evening at the Exchange
hotel , to which all shippers and their friends
are invited , and as toasts mid responses will
form a part of the programme , a good time
may bo expected.
Unceremonious Depart tire of the Head
af a Produce Finn.
Some six weeks ago a young man , well
dressed , of gentlemanly demeanor and out
ward evidence of having basqucd in the lap
of luxury and plenty , arrived in the city.
Ho was accompanied by a man well adapted
physically and by culture to manipulate u
deal with farmers , and his name is Jones.
The other by name is U. C. Mangold ,
and ho Is the sou of Mrs. Man
gold , n wealthy widow lady
of Grand Rapids , Mich. , who owns
a largo interest in the Star Flouring mills
located at that uliico. Jones hails from
Muskegon , Mich. , and he anil Mangold came
direct from the wolvcrino state to Omaha.
For a few days they held sociable levees with
former acquaintances now located in this
city , and then the pair resolved to engage in
business on a capital of . ' 50 furnished by
Mangold's mother.
In the course of time a sign
bearing the name of 11. C. Man
gold ite Co. , commission merchants , was
swung from the onlor walls of No. 1011 How
ard street. Mangold did the financiering.
and Jones prevailed upon the farmer and
dairyman to trust them wltn the disposing of
their produce. From all accounts they were
prospering finely , and Mangold went out
nightly with the boys and spent money with
a lavish baud. This continued until Wednes
day night at SiO. ! at which hour Mangold
took the San Francisco flyer over the Union
Pacific railway with t'75 of the firms
money , probably never to again return. Now
the firm of Mangold ft Co. is non est , and
Mr. Jones is in correspondence with victims
of hisluto partner's duplicity to see what dis
position thny want made with stock on hand.
Y. M. O. A. Vrnyor MectlnRS.
Regularly every noon this week the Y. M.
C. A. is holding a prayer meeting. Yester
day this meeting was lead by John L. Mc-
Caguo , who said : "Our business or work is
diverse , but wo Imvo all come hero at this
time to call upon God. This is our ono
thought at this timo. Sometimes wo think
wo are not doing anything. Wo look upon
our neighbor and say wo have not ability ,
but in the chapter I have road the apostle
brings out the thought that we all
have a work. Wo must all
work together thus producing or
. developing the word of God in the world. 1 f
wo could study this book with more careful
ness and reflection through God's blessing.
wo should have less discouragements and
less Ignorance concerning spiritual gifts. Wo
are not all prophets , wo uro not all teachers ,
but there is something wo may all do , If wo
do the work that is laid upon us , wo shall de
velop into perfect men in Christ. Wo are
bound together in a bundle of life and activ
ity for Christ. It is a privilege to live to
work for Christ. If wo could look upon it In
n proper way the lesson will increase and
grow uK > n us , and wo shall bo lead into usefulness -
fulness and blessedness , and finally into
Rev. A. T. Sherrlll will lead the meeting
to-day. Topic : "Sunday School Lessou. "
Seriously Injured.
.T. II , Works , a carpenter living at No ,
2003 South Twenty-eighth street , was yester
day at work on a scaffold In the Interior of
the First Baptist church. The frail structure -
uro onjvlilch Works was standing gave way ,
precipitating him several feet to the floor.
The injured man was removed to his resi
dence and Dr. Gooda found that bo had re
ceived n severe cut above the eyes , had sev
eral ribs broken and was injured internally.
Tlio patient was mndo as comfortable as cir
cumstances would permit of , and at last ac
counts ho was rcbting easy.
Ex-Judge Crawford , of West Point , Is at
the Paxton.
W. T. Kennedy , of Nebraska City , arrived
at the Paxton yesterday.
Mr. Charles W. MoNalr has returned from
Fremont uuu will remain in Omahu several
day * .
Manly Purity and Beauty
No tongue nor pen can do Justice in the esteem
In which th CUTICUHA IUMK.DIKS are hold by
the tliouaamU upon thousniidsvlioso lives Imvo
been mndo hnp ] > y by the cure ot agonizing ,
humiliating , itching , scaly and pimply diseases
of the skin , scalp ur.d.blood , with loss of bnlr.
CUTICUKA , the great ktn cure , and CUTICUIIA
SoAi'.nn oxiul.-ilto sklnboautlfler.iirrparcd ( rum
It , externally , and CUTICUHA KKSOLVKNT , thu
now blood purlller , Internally , are a positive
euro for every form of skin and blood disease ,
from pimples to scrofula.
Jnmcs E. Hlchixrdson , Custom House , Now
Orleans , on oath snys : "In IS70 Scrofulous Ul
cers broke out on my body until 1 was a mass
of corruption. Everything known to the medi
cal faculty was tried In vain. I became a rncro
wreck. At times could not lift my hands to my
head , could not turn In bed ; was in con
stant pain , and looked upon life as a curse.
No relief orcure In ton years. In 18.SO I heard of
the CUTICUUA KKMKUIUS , used tlion ) , and was
perfectly cured. "
Sworn to before U. B. Com. J. D. CitAwrono.
Sold everywhere. Price , CUTICURA , BOo ; SOAP ,
2oc ; UESOLVKNT , tl. 1'repiirud by the POTTKU
Diiuo AND CIIKMICAI , Co. , [ lostou , Mass.
tayscnd for "How to Cure Skin Dlsenses , " W
pages , CO Illustrations and 100 testimonials.
MPf.KS , blark-hends , chapped and oily skin
I grntefully acknowledge a euro of Eczema , ot
f nit Itneum. on head , neck , fiico , arms uud legs
for seventeen years ; not tiblti to walk , except on
hands and knees , for ono your ; not nblotoholp
myself for eight yours. Tried hundreds of
remedies ; doctors pronounced my OHKOhopeless ;
permanently cum ! by the CUTICUHA KKMKDIKS.
BJ4a Uenrboni Street , ChU-ago , lit.
Through the medium of ono of your books , re
ceived through Mr. 1'iank T. Wrny , druggist ,
Apollo , I'u. , 1 became acquainted \\lth your Cu-
TIUUIIA KK.MRDIKS , and take this opportunity to
testify to you that their use has permanently
cured mo of one of the worst case.s of blood
poisoning , In connection with erysipelas , that 1
have ever soon , and this after having been pro-
nounceil'Incurable by some of the lxst ) phytil-
clans In our county. I take great pleasure In
forwarding to yon this testimonial , unsolicited
as it is by you. In order that others suffering
from similar maladies may bu um ouraged to
give your CUTICUHA UKMKDIKS a trial.
P. S. WIHTiilNClKll , Lcechlmrg. Pa.
Reference : FRANK T. WHAY , Druggist ,
Apolla , Pa.
CUTICIIRA HF.MKWKS are absolutely pure , and
the only Infallible ukln bcautltlcrs and blood
Poft. white , anil frco from rlmps , by
using Ctmt'iMtv > Iiiiii'ATKHSo\i' : .
Electro-Mapelic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Eicclrlo Science
Made and Pradlcally Applhd.
' ' ' " " * " " " "
hill 'can'be'applied"--- .
ly Inllanllti - - - mmmmm
, rt of the body. Whole family can MfHEN ALL.
wear It. It electrlflfi the blood and curea WW IlHilW f mtmrn
TCCTIUnUIII C Every one irenulne and used by permission. NOTE the following who have been
IkdllrnUrllMLi ) tJCHEDi A. J. Hoarlaud.U. B. Parker and J.H.Hatlett , oil on Hoard of Trarto ,
Chicago ; A. Gregory , eommliwlon merchant.mock Tartii Budd Pohlc. the great horioman : Col. Ccnnellr.
of the Inter Vetan ; O. w. Uellui , M. I ) . liormonlown , lowai Lemuel Milk , Kankakeo.lll. ; Jud I. n.
Murray , Mapervllle , 111. ) E. L. Abbott , inpt. eliy waterworku , Eooth Dond , Inrt.i Ilobt. H. 8 inp on. Clilo Bo
poit offlcit U D. McMlcbatl , M. ! > . , Buffalo. N. T. " Your ti lt lias acrompllnhed what no other r m ( lr haii
eteadT nfrrM and romfort ble sleep at Wfht. " Robt. H U , alderman , 1W ) Katt Btnet. , tlew Tork-
slrei prodacet a continuous cumnti conveys electricity through Iho body on the norves. I -
by irenirattnit a contlnnoue current of electricity (1O or 18 boun out of Ml throughout the human lyitem ,
allayuur all Dorvouiaeu Immedlatelr , and producing a new circulation of the Kro force * the blood , Im-
parVlnir vltor. itrength , enerry and health , when another treatment has failed. Till ineriU of UiU tcleu-
nflo Belt are helncr recoinlied and Indorsed by thousands whom U has cured. . . , , .
RBFKRENClMi Any bank , commercial airtncy or wholesale home In Chicago ) wholesale droffirllti
Ban Francisco and Cblcaco. ( V Send etamp for 11B page Illustrated pamphlet. _ .
IV. JT. MOHJeTJO/laventorajjcVManufacturcr , Itl Wakaah AvcasM Ckleac * .
Itenl Estate Transfers.
A G Ingram and wife to R V Clayton ,
w ISO ft of tax lot ill , in 'J-15-lfl , w d. * 10,500
Same to RV Clayton , lot 1 and 2 , blk
82 , Omaha , wd 8,800
Valentino Lipp to Charles Corbett , lot
7 , blk 77 , South Omaha , w d 100
Charles C House ! and wife to Mary
Hirst , lot 0 , blk 18iJ : . w d 1,700
Julia M Cain and husband to Annie II
Thornc , w 2-Ii , ad , lot 1(1 ( , blk 1 , Den
ises add , w d 3,000
Henry H Cone , et nl to Cluus O John
son , lot 1 , 'J , ! l , blk a , Cone & John
son , sub , w d 1,300
Samuels Isidore Sclilcsingcr to Mary
-A Duffy , lot1 , blkO , Schlesingcr's '
add , w d 500
Sumo to Harriet A Fowler , lot 'J , 80 ,
21. blki , amo , w d 1,500
WTR Woods and wife to David F
Brown ct al , lot 4 , blk , Riverside ,
wd WO
O B Carpenter ot al to Jos ICadavy ,
lot 5 , blk 70. South Omaha , w d 1,700
Chus N Folsom ot al to Ed Pholnn , o
r > 0 ft lot 8 , blk a , 1st add to South
Omaha , wd 1,000
Clinton N Powell and wife th Win O
and B E Whitehead , lot 4 , blk a Pot
ter & Cobbs add to South Omaha ,
wd 400
F H Davit and wife to Andrew Nil-
son , lot bll , Fuirmount , w d 450
South Omaha Lund Co to Chas Hawley -
ley , lot 18 , blk 81) , South Omahu ,
w d 450
Chus Hawley ami wife to Annie Row
ley , lot 18 , blk 8'J , South Omaha , w d 2,500
W R Vaughn and wife to Anton
Scholia , lot 84 , blk 10 , West Albright
add , w d 400
John Dierks Mfg Co to J C Noel , lot
81) , blk ' . ) , West Albright add , w d. . . 350
Ira B Mapes and wife to Brice.i King ,
lot 3 , blk 10 , Hanscom place , wd. . . 7,000
Samuel E Rogers and wife to F B
KingHbury , n IDS ft lot 4 blk 0 , Im
provement association add , w d 1,000
Henry Ambler ot al to Daniel G Hlg-
lev , lotc 11 and 18 blk 18 , Ambler
place , wd 1,100
T VV Richards , assignee , to Win Stev
ens , jr , nK lot 7 , Gritilth & Isaacs'
add , assignee d 1
John D Cowin aud wife to Win David
son , lot 8 blk 5 , Marsh's add , w d. . . C
D C Patterson and wife to Samuel S
( illliHino , lot 8H blk B , Summers it
Himelmugh's add , w d 175
M McDonald to J G Swonnon , lot 8
blk 1 , Inauc & Soldcn's add , w d. . . . 900
Twenty-four transfers 3y,78l ,
Rub the "painful points" thoroughly ,
when alllicted with neurnltfiu , with Sal
vation Oil , the great pain nunihllutor.
Price U-5 cents n bottle.
Dr. Hull's Coufjh Syrup euros eroupy
rough that bounds RO much like nails
driven into the child'd coflln.
Orderly Sergeant Ilyan.
Orderly Sergeant Ryan of the Eighth in
fantry Is in town after a nineteen years ab
sence. Ho has been doing duty along the
Piiclllo coast , and brought in three prisoners
from Fort Niobrara bound for Luavenworth.
At present Sorgimnt Ryan is the guest of
Colonel A. H. Forbes , who know him twenty
year ago. _
Lclanil hotel , Chicago.
Arrested u Wife Heritor.
W. E..Weston , u plasterer by trade and a
wife beater by profession , was run In by
Omcer Ryan last night on complaint of his
wife. Ho had been practicing his profes
Kent to tin ) HoNpltnl. .
Charles Ward , the bell boy who was sent
to jail Bomo days ago for stealing a suit of
clothes from Will Paxton , was yesterday
removed to the county hospital for trc.itment.
No Candidates Tor Mnrrinuc ,
The absence of an applicant for a marriage
license yesterday excited considerable com
ment in the court of Judge Shields. Several
remarks were also overheard concerning the
basjifulncss of the softer sex.
Old pill boxes uro spread over the land
by the thousands after having been
ciifVtied by buffering humanity. What
a muss of sickening , disgusting medi
cine the poor Htomauh has to contend
with. Too much strong medicine.
"Prickly Ash Bitters is rapidly and
surely taking the pluco of nil this class
of drugs , and in curing all the ills aris
ing from.u disordered condition of the
liver , kidneys' stomach mid bowels.
Two KuspiulouH CliarnctcrH.
George Bcntly , a brass moulder , and John
Ryan , an iron moulder , were placed behind
the bars for safe keeping last night. They
were booked as suspicious characters.
Park Place CoiiKrcKationnl Chit roll.
Yesterday article * of incorjwration of the *
Park Pluco Congregational church were Hied
with the count v clerk. The corporators
uro B. P. Knight , John Guild and Eugene E.
Clnny as trustees.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula Is probably moro general than any
other disease. It Is Insidious in character ,
and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , swellings , enlarged joints ,
abscessessoroeyescto. IIood'sBarsaparllla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy.
" I was severely afflicted with scrofula , and
over a year had two running sores on my neck.
Took five bottles Hood's Snrsaparllla , and am
cured. " 0. E. Lovrjov , Lowell , Mass.
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , sprlug and fall , llood'i
Eirsaiiavllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
Is ono of the most disagreeable dlsoa-ics caused
by Impure blood. It U readily cured by Iluod'a
Barsaparllla , the great blood purifier.
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times his hands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep *
nratlonj without aid ; finally took Hood's Bar-
eaparllla , and now gays : " I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on Ms hands and
on the calves of his legs. Ho took Ilood't
Barsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. I ) ,
Stanton , lit. Vcrnon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Bold bj 11 druggliti. fl ; ilxforgi. Made only
t > 7 O. I. HOOD & CO. , ApotliocarletLowell , Mai * .
IOO Dosoa Ono Dollar ?
Proprietor Omaha Ruilnets Collerjtt
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telgraphln |
and Typewriting.
Send ( or Ciiieju Jjurnil.
S. R. Cor. 10th and Cuoltal Avt ,