Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1888, Image 1

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The HOUBO Election Committed Con-
uldors His Contested Seat.
The Speaker's Friends , Flndlni ; That
He Wa * Defeated , .Started In to
Vote For Him llioNfxt Day
The Speaker Will Have to Hustle.
WASHINGTON , Jan. I ) . There was a full
meeting of tlio house committee on elections
to-J.iy to consider the Tliocbo-Carllslo con
tested ulcntlon caso. Contestant Thoebc was
jr.synt wltli his counsel , Messrs. Syplior nnil
Stever , of this city. No onu forinully repre
sented Mr. Carlisle. Mr. Sypher began tlio
presentation of Mr. Thoebu's ease , taking up the brluf already submitted , with thu
record , which assumes us a basts of thu cno
that tliu state election laws were violated In
the appointment of Judge * of election. Tills
Infraction of the law , he asserted , was sufll-
oient to warrant favorable consideration of
Mr. Thoebo's claim , but If the committee did
not agree in this view ho was prepared to
present evidence to satisfy them of his cli
ent's election. The record alone , ho said ,
would not the facts In the case , and It
was the duty of the committee to atoneo
send n sub-committee to the district to as
certain tlio facts while it could bo done. Al
ready Important papers had been destroyed ,
as he was prepared to provo by aflldavlts.
Taking up the details of the case , Mr. Sy-
pher Haul that on the night of election it
became apparent to thu Judges of elec
tion at Covlngton , Ky. , that Mr. Car
lisle had been defeated by more than
two thousand votes. At 1 o'clock they sent
for Carlisle and brought him In a carriage to
the Jiouso of a friend. After consulting with
Carlisle they telegraphed to have thu returns
of outside counties withhold.
"Who are 'they1 ! " Inquired Mr. Heard.
" 'Tliey { ' Why , friends of Carlisle , " replied
Hyphor. Continuing , ho said it was a fact
that the returns of six outlying counties we're
withheld for live days and Carlisle had pub
licly confessed that ho was defeated.
"You do not attach any Importance to this
point ! " suggested Mr. Heard.
"No , 1 Just mention it , " replied Sypher.
"Mr. Hayes , I think , confessed defeat
first , " said Heard.
"Yes , " replied Syplior , "and I think ho
ought to have stuck to it. " Syplior said that
in seven of the eight precincts of Carroll
county poll books were written , ' signed and
cot-titled as to ail names , in onu handwriting ,
and It was evident Unit all must have been
written after election by one man , as he
could not have been in all the precincts at
once on election day. Sypher next read
the iiflldnvitH of John J. Pierce in
support of his statements. In this paper
Pierce tells that the signatures on the poll
books were in onu hand "a peculiar hand"
whilu thu signatures of the election oilieers
to their oaths were in different handwriting.
Continuing his statement , counsel said that
Carlisle had Tailed of election through
neglect. In some precincts no tickets were
printed until ! l o'clock , and there was vir
tually no election held in some precincts. In
one case only the three judges voted twofer
for Carlisle and one for Thocbe. In Hoono
county -IN ) votes were cast on election day ,
but thu returns finally showed fli'iT votes. In
Carroll county there was practically no elec
tion. IIu could show that voters had failed
to go to the polls on election day , but when
they found that Carlisle had been defeated
they voted the next day. Not only was thin
the case in Carroll county , but also in every
onu of the outlying counties. Syplier
quoted from a statement by J. J. Hlukcly ,
who was , ho said , a prominent democrat and
nn attorney of Covlngton , to the effect that
twenty-four names appeared to bo added td
DUO of the poll books after the signatures of
the Judges bad been afllxed.
Continuing counsel said ho would stuU
Komething which ho had no aftlldavits tc
support , but which could bo proved by wit.
nesses. After tlio election seven of Carlisle's
friends met in conference at the federal
Imllding to endeavor to save Carlisle. They
hunt for an eighth gentleman , u prominenl
nnd honorable gentleman. Colonel IJ. W ,
Nelson. They told him Unit Carlisle was de
feated and they wanted him to confer with
them to dovlso some means of changing tin
result. "Thereupon , " said Sypher , "Colono
Nelson loft , declaring that if they were up tc
anything of that sort they musk count hm
out. Carlisle dare not contradict this gentle
man , " said Sypher. "Ho Is a democrat am ;
a Kentucky gentleman of as high standing a'
Carlihle. " Counsel next took up thu nflldavil
by contestant to thu etlcct that Carlisle's
friends had corrupted his ( Thoebo's ) nttor
noy and induced him to abandon tlio case am
tuippresK testimony. In tlio cour.soof n gen
era ! statement of thu transaction Mr. Syphci
Maid they had been given thu name of u mat
who had purchased the attorney ( Wood )
and If their informants told thu truth , thai
innn was a relative of Carlisle's. Thu price
named for Wood was JiTO. "Ho sold cheap , '
added counsel. Touching Carlisle's refusal
to Join him in taking testimony , Sypher re
marked : "Ho did not dare meet me. He
did not dare to go into that district and take
testimony. " Thocbo's aflldavit was
next read where ho accuses Wood of delay
ing thu taking of testimony and with telllni.
lilm ( Thoubo ) , there might bo money in il
for both of them if ho would withdraw tlu
contest. Sypher declared that there wa'
enough evidence in his brief to warrant tin
committee in seating his client , but If it dii
not think so , certainly there was at leas
suftlclent ground for thu reopening of tin
case. "If Carlisle-Is the honest man I thlnl
ho is , " said Sypher , l'ho will come down on
of his seat and ask for the appointment of :
committee to go to Kcntuc-ky and search tin
case. With what Is he , ( Carlisle ) , hero be
fore the committee ! Nothing ; not even eer
tllleatu of election. Eiiher liu knows that hi
lias no case , or hu is going to throw hansel
UIMHI the mercy of thu court. Ho has trillci
with his election or ho would have beei
elected , " In conclusion ho told the conimittci
that it was known to these interested thu
both of thu old parties had been coiuettlit | |
with the Industrial party both seeking id
votes for the next campaign and the com
jultteo could not afford to refuse to Invest !
gnto the claims of this workingman ( Thoetici
in the t'aeo of the dibi'.losuro ho had made ti
tlio committee' .
Constant Thoeho was next allowed to maki
n ten minutes statement to the committee
After the election ho had told Wood that ll
Jio had not enough votes he did not want tin
beut. Ho would not rely upon teehnicalltioi
anil if Carlisle had onu more vote than h <
( Thoobe ) had , ho ought to take the scat. Soci
after the election the Inquiry was gencrnll ;
licard upon the streets of Covlngton , "Can
not something bo done for Carlisle I" In om
county witness was lnforn\ed \ that ho hat
received thirtyliveotcs , but In a tow days
when Wood went down there , ho was in
formed that no votes , had becu east for him
It wns some time In July when Wood , referr
ing to witness' cusc , Mild : " 1 don't knov
\v hat can bo done about It. " This , to wllnes
mind , "Incited as if hu wanted to let nu
ilown easy ; to lot mo know sty case wa
gone , " Wood also told him on Severn ! occa
Blons Hint money could tm madi
out of the case. Other per
kens Ir.ul told him the same thing
Two iltkiocrnllc workers , one of them wit
ness' brotheiinlaw had called him
- - , ui > on am
had remarked that if Jie would not push tin
case ho could make money out of It , nnd $ I,00 <
was a good thing to have. If the ca o won
reopened It would bo found that ho wa
elected by COO majority. When ho bad let
the factory on Wednesday , of the MO cm
ploycs. there had not been n man who hai
not said ho knew ho ( Thoobe ) was elected
mil that It was no good ; that the democrat
would not give him the seat as ugixiiibt such i
innu us Carlisle. Ho ( Thwbc ) had not b < vi
ha sUvaj ; a democrat , buv for tUo hm thic
or four years had been nn Independent. If
the committee refused to reopen the case the
worklnguien would say : "Had Thoebo
been a democrat or a lawyer they
would have listened to him. " Let the
committee show the tolling millions either
that Thoebo wns elected or was not elected.
If the case was decided against him he Would
go back to his factory and work , but would
not quit voting.
Cooper If things arc as you say , what's
the use voting I"
Thocbe That's what I say.
Sypher presented a resolution that the
papers In the case bo printed and referred to
i select committee to bo charred with nu In
vestigation of the congressional election In
hi ; sixth district of Kentucky.
The committee then wont Into secret ses
sion. In secret session thu proceedings were
confined to the reading of several of the
affidavits and without an attempt to come to
an agreement upon the propositions submit-
"ed by Thoobo's counsel , the committee ad-
ourned until to-morrow.
Tariff'and Hcvenne Hcfortn.
WASHINGTON , Jan. f > . Chairman Mills , of
: lie committee on ways and means , said ho
will call the committee together without
ilclay and proceed at once to consideration
and formulation of a tar ill reform bill , having
.11 . view revenue reduction as well. He says :
'The condition of the country and the treas
ury Is such that it requires Immediate action
upon the question of reduction of revenue.
The president asks it and the secretary of
thu treasury urges it and I shall do all 1 can
to carry out their wishes. "
The Sioux Heservatlon.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 0. The senate com-
mltteoon Indian affairs listened to argument
in favor of opening a portion of the Lyons
reservation In Dakota , between the White
and Cheyenne rivers , to settlement.
A Frightful State of Ami Irs Develops
At Dulutli.
DuLt'Tii , Minn. , Jan. ti. [ Special Telegram
to the Hin. : ] In hopes of securing the money
and arresting all those participating , the
police have kept the particulars of a fiendish
outrage from the public. The Evening Her
ald , of this city , published the Item and u
rigid Investigation confirms the statement
that Mrs. S. E. Davis , wife of a respectable
veterinary surgeon at the west end of the
city , attended a dance at John A. Anderson's
saloon Saturday evening , drank repeatedly ,
became Intoxicated and was taken in tow by
Anderson , who outraged her. Ho was fol
lowed' by the bartender and she was kept
in confinement until early Monday
morning , when she maclo tier estapo. !
During the time , she was visited by over
forty men who paid Anderson $ J each for
' use of the key to the room. " She was
stupefied with liquor all the time and reached
homo in a serious condition. Her record is
that of a drinking woman and rumors as to
her bad reputation have been frequent here
tofore , but the husband has condoned her
faults. Hu is generally respected by all. A
largo number of the men interested have left
the city , but officers are on their track.OEx-
cited west endcrs talk of a lynching bee.
Mining Suit Oroiving Out of
n Defalcation.
Cilic.\no , Jan. ( i. A suit for $3.10,000 was
begun in the superior court hero to-day by
the Horn Silver Mining company against one
of its directors Augustus D. Hyrnn , who
lives in this city. This is 0110 of a number
of suits , all the rest of which were begun In
New York against the directors there , to
make the company's directory responsible
for a defalcation of $150,000 by G. Prancklyn ,
former president of the company , and one
Hrown , who was vice president. Fianeklyn
was general agent of the Cumird Steamship
company and his shortages in the various
concerns with which ho was connected ,
were reported In the New York dispatches
some weeks ago , to be nearly $1K.000,000. ( )
The directors under the by-laws of the min
ing company , which is a Utah corporation ,
are liable for the acts of the officers elected
by them.
Nathan Suttou Admires Governor
AVaternmn's Fir in ness.
SAN FiuNcisto , Jan. C. Nathan I ) . Sntton
was hanged at Oakland to-day for the murder
of Alexander Martin , a ranchman , in Septem
ber , ISfcU. Strenuous efforts were made in
Stilton's defense for commutation of sen
tence , but Governor Waterman refused to
interfero. Since Waterman acquired ofllco
four months ago , six executions have taken
place hi the state. Strong efforts iu behalf of
tlio condemned men have been made In every
case Governor Waterman has refused par
dons. When Sutton was placed on the scaf
fold to-day he made a speech. Among other
things hu saUl : "I admire the firm stand
Governor Waterman has taken in the matter
of granting commutations and pardons. If
he holds his grip , hu will have but little to
complain of as regards thu showing of exec
utive clemency. "
JnnuiiHclick Wins Her Suit.
PROVIDENCE , H. I. , Jan ( ( . [ Special Tele
gram to the HEE.I The case rf Mine. Jan-
auschek against Henry Hull , Jr. , proprietor
of the Perry house , Newport , for i'0,000
damages for injuries sustained by falling
down stairs , was resumed yesterday in the
United States district court in this city.
Haiubridgo Wadleigh , of New Yord , ad
dressed the Jury for the plaintiff. Thu jury ,
after being out an hour and one-half , re
turned a verdict of fl'J.OOO for Mine. Jim-
auschek , who appeared deeply gratified at
the successful issue of her suit.
The Conductors' HarvcHt.
CHICAGO , Jan. > . [ Special Telegram to the
HEB.J The West Side Street Hallway com
pany have ceased selling its new Issue of
tickets , after having lost over ? 2,000 in less
than a week bj the conductors making
themselves bcnetlciaries to that amount.
When the Yorko syndicate opened the road ,
coupon tickets , twenty-two rides for $1 , were
introduced , the conductor- ! being instructed
to "ring up" as cash , every coupon taken.
The conductors studied the subject and have
since been tinning in all coupons and no cash ,
thus harvesting 10 cents on every dollar.
- -
The Northwestern Sleets the Cut.
Cnicuin , Jan ( V The Minnesota & North
western to-day announced its Intention ol
putting on sale at once : i similar thousand
mile ticket to that of the Illinois Central ,
namely , at the price of23 , with rebate of i
when the cover Is returned to the company.
Other western loads will take no action until
n meet lug of managers , which is to bu held
Siituulay next.
A Comedian Ilecomcs n Count.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Jan.Comedian (
Jacques Kritegcr , has Just been notified by
New York attorneys , of the successful issue
of a law suit by which ho comes into the
| > ossesslon of u valuable estate in Franco and
becomes Count do Cartier de lu Hals.
The Fire TCecord.
ATCIHSON , Kan. , Jan. rt.--Tluj Atehisou
union railway depot was destroyed by fire
this afternoon. The upper story of the build'
ing was occupied as a hotel , All tl'o depot
nnd hotel furniture wns faved. Loss ubout
fcWi.WUj insurance , .MlXio. )
Swindled IIU Creditors.
HtFfM.o , N. Y. , Jan. iX K. Wilbur , ono ol
the most widely known grain merchants Iu
this city , has gone to , Canada. Ho lo.ucs
ci editors , owing them sums of from f-5,000 to
The Death Ucuotd.
Uoitr , , lnn , U. ( Jcncrul Kanscllcr ,
fonnuly tUo UeaU of the uoutiikal uvniy , h
dea.L .
Description liy 10yo Witnesses of
Wednesday's Mlddleton Wreck ,
WfXNtrno , Jan. 0. Canadian Pacific pas
sengers who arrived from the west to-day de
scribed Wednesday's accident at Mlddleton ,
Two freight trains met on a trestle eighty
feet high , between 1 and2 o'clock Wednesday
morning. The engine of the west-bound
train became fastened in the trestle work and
stuck there , while the tender and several
cars Jumped right over the top and went to
the bottom. The engine coming from the
cast went through the trestle Immediately
after the collision and took down a number of
freight cars , Two engineers , one fireman and
ono brakcman were killed outright. Ono
man , wedged under the wreckage , was
noticed to bo alive , and one of his comrades
undertook to remove him by grasping his
hand. The rescuer wns horrified when ho
broke the man's lingers , which had been
fiwcu while ho was In this deplorable posi
tion. Another man wns seen underneath the
\vrccknU , his body being visible except his
head , which was horribly mangled. Nobody
seemed to know the cause of tlio accident. It
was thought the men had been too long on
the train going east ami had fallen asleep.
A Prize FlKht For A Girl and Its lie-
BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. ti. [ Special Telegram
to the HER. ] George Hrown , a barber , and
rVnthony Thompson , a clerk , aged respect
ively nineteen nnd twenty years , became
enamored of an attractive young salesgirl in
the establishment of Jordan , Marsh & Co.
The young woman Is the daughter of a well-
known west end grocer nnd bears nn excel
lent reputation. The % arbcr , thinking to ad
vance his cause , told talcs to the girl reflect
ing upon the character of his rival , and she
put the latter "on probation. " A collision
occurred between the men in the street , but
without decisive results. They then de
cided to settle the matter by an ap
peal to listle arbitration , and each went
into training for two weeks. Last night they
met in the rooms of a west end club house ,
and the usual preliminaries of a prize fight
were carried out. The men were evenly
matched ns to weight. They fought by
Qucensberry rules with two ounce gloves.
Ten exciting rounds were foucht , nt the con
clusion of which neither was "able to respond
to the call of time. Kach was "knocked out"
in the most approved fashion. The young
woman feels greatly mot titled , nnd will have
nothing more to do with either of them.
A Young Man Struck Down Ry An
Incoming Passenger Train.
ST. Josm-u , Mo. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the lict : . ] This morning about 7:1)0 : )
o'clock Charles Lynch , a young man about
thirty years of age , was struck by an incom
ing passenger train and died within a few
minutes. No bruises were noticed except a-
slight wound on the head and death was the
result of internal injuries. Lynch stepped
off the Hunuibal track to allow the eastbound -
bound passenger train to pass him nnd In
doing so stepped on to the track of the Hock
Island Just as the west-bound train was com
ing in. Ho was on the south side of the
track and the fireman of the Uock
Island , being busy firing at the
time , did not see him. Ho
was apparently watching the Hannibal train
and was struck by the Rock Island engine.
the collision throwing him up onto the pilot
and throwing him to the left stdo of the
track. Just as the engine struck him the
engineer caught a glimpse of him and stopped
his train as quickly ns possible. Whether hu
saw the Hock Island train and stepped in
front of it purposely In order to end his life or
whether ho was totally unaware of its approach
preach , has not yet been determined. Lynch
was a married man and had two children.
Glass Workcrn Sue. For
PiTT.snuuo , Jan. 0. Members of the Amer
ican Flint Glass Workers' association unem
ployed at the Central ami other glass works
at Welbburg , W. Va. , will enter suits
against the firms next week , claim
ing damages for breach of contract. The men
signed a scale last July , which , they claim ,
was to be in force for ono year. Yesterday
they were notified that the works would bo
shut down unless they accepted a new scale
prepared by the Manufacturers' association.
This was rejected and the factories were
clof-cd. The first suit will be instituted on
Monday against the Central Glass company.
An IncreaHc of Westlnflioiiso Stock.
PiTTsBi'iin , Jan. 0. At a meeting of the
stockholders of thu Westinghouse Air Hraku
company this afteinoon the plan of the board
of directors to increase the capital stock ol
the corporation from $ . ' ! , ( KX,000 ) to fi.OOO.IXK
was adopted. It is stated that 1.000,000 of
this increase will go to the stockholders in
dividends , and the flthcr ? 1,000,000 will bo
available for subscription at par by railroad
corporations which adopt the improved Westinghouse -
inghouso freight brake.
A Mystery Cleared Up.
Nr.w YOISK , Jan. (1. ( The committee of in
solvencies of the New York stock exchange
has been requested to examine the books ol
Datcr & Timpson , which were found in the
Hackcnack river. The mystery regarding
the books has been cleared by a statement ol
Alfred Sidtnan , former confidential clerk of
Datcr & Timpson , to the effect that while
laboring under mental aberration he took the
books , put them in a sleigh , and , driving to
the Hackeusack river , throw them in.
A Noted Mexican Handlt Killed.
NOOAI.ES , Ariz. , Jan. 0. Information of the
killing of Eraclio Hernal , the famous Mexi-
ban bandit , has Just been received. Hcrna
nnd a portion of his followers had a desperate
light yesterday near the town of Cosala , Sin-
aloa , with Mexican troops , during whicl
Hernal was killed and his mother and three
or four followeis captured. The fight was
short , but desperate. The loss on both sides
is unknown but is supposed to bu very heavy
The Heading Strike Unchanged.
Pim.uuamiu , Jan. 0. The situation ol
the strike Is unchanged and the end seems to
be as far off as ever. Coal is becoming
scarce and the prospects are of an advance in
price. At a meeting last night of a local as
scmbly of Knights of Labor composed o
Heading railroad employes It was resolvec
that in the coining election for congressmen
they would support only those men who are
pledged to vote to repeal thu tariff on coal.
The Pacific Uailroad Debt.
NEW YOUK , Jan. H. [ Special Telegram to
the HEC. ] A special to the World fron
Washington says : Senator Culloin , of 1111
nois , says ho docs not see how clso the Pa
cltle railroad debt could bo collected save bj
the proposed plan of granting an extension o
time. If the roads are economically managei
they can , within a reasonable time , pay the
debt. *
Tlio Imst of Timber ItaflH.
Sr. JOHNS , N. H. , Jan , 0. Hugh li. Hobert
son , projector of a big timber raft , says
there will bo no more timber rafts con
stnu.tcd , but a timber ship will bo built will
sparb and steering apparatus and provisions
for sixty days. Work on the ship will bo begun
gun ut once at Jogyfius.
The Weather Tn-IIay.
For Nebraska nnd Iowa : Colder , fail
weather , fresh to brisk northwesterly winds
For Dakota : Generally colder , fair
weather , followed In the northwestern parl
by slightly warmer , light to Iresh variable
winds. Cold wave signals are continued h
Wisconsin , Iowa and in the eastern part o
Minnesota until Sunday morning , Thu snou
will drift heavily In Wisconsin , Iowa am
.MJuucbcU cm Suturduy umi Saturday u if lit
His Chances For Holding It Down
Looking Bather Doubtful.
Member * of ( ho House Election * Com
mittee Given Good Chairmanships
in Order to Capture
Their Votes.
The Kentucky Contest.
WAMIINUTON. D. C. , Jan . 0. )
A largo crowd of'-congressmen and private
citizens hovered anrand the room of the house
committee on elections to-day to hear the ar
guments in thu contested election case of
rhoebo vs Carlisle , involving ttio scat of the
speaker. Intense Interest was manifested
and eagerness was evinced In the promised
sensation In the form of affidavits showing
.hat there were bold frauds perpetrated iu
: hu returns which gave Mr. Carlisle his scut.
Mr. Thocbe was present and followed J.
Hale Sypher in presenting his caso. Mr.
Thoebo is a mechanic mid was run against
Mr. Carlisle by the labor organizations of the
Sixth Kentucky district. Ho is probably
5 feet 10 inches In height , has steel eyes ,
light brown whiskers on the lower part
of his face , is very slender , probably
thirty-six years old , a bright fellow , full of
energy , and Is an honest-appearing man. Ho
did not make n speech in his own behalf , but
contented himself with plain statements of
facts and answers to Interrogatlvcs pro
pounded by members of the ; committee. He
declared that he was elected and that If it
had not been for the most outrageous frauds
the speaker would not have received his cer
tificate of election. He said that on the night
following the election the speaker admitted
his defeat by over two thousand majority and
was called out of his bed ut 1 o'clock by dem
ocratic strikers and friends , when u confer
ence was held and telegrams were scut
out asking that the returns In the
outsidu counties be withheld. It was
shown by the testimony that the returns
from many of the precincts were made and
certified in the same handwriting. Ho
charged the speaker with direct participa
tion in the frauds , ami did not , as heretofore
held by Mr. Carlisle's opponents , simply lay
the frauds to friends. Mr. Sypher made a
very able attack upon the speaker , charging
thu grossest fraud. Ho offered a resolution
asking for the reopening of the case , and
that a special committee be sent Into the dis
trict to take testimony , or that the case bo
reopened in such a way that the testimony
could betaken by the committee In Washing
ton ; also that time bo given for taking the
testimony and making a new case.
There is a great deal of talk to-night about
thu exposures made in connection with the
election of Speaker Carlisle , but it is gen
erally conceded that the party lines will bo
drawn and that all of the democrats on the
committee will report in favor of the speaker.
In fact , a democratic member of the commit
tee said to-night that tbo majority intended
to cut the hearing short when the committee
meets to-morrow and report for the eontcstoe.
A majority of the democrats on the committee
have been given chairmanships of committees
by the speaker , while the others of the
majority have been veil provided for in the
formation of the committees. It is probable
that democratic gratitude will be overlooked
In this case and the speaker will have the
benefit of reciprocity. It would not do , as a
party matter , to attach much gravity to this
case , and so the democrats will try to cut it
as short as possible. Judge Lymantho mem
ber from Council Hluffs , who is on the com
mittee , Avas present and is taking an import
ant part in tlio hearing.
Many members are much dissatisfied over
their committee assignments in
the house and the con.sciiueneo Is
Speaker Carlisle is coming in for a great deal
of abuse. The speaker delayed the announce
ment of his committees several days longer
than ho did at the opening of the last two
congresses , and longer than did Mr. Keifer ,
his predecessor , or Mr. Hundall , the speaker
before the latter , and as a result there is
dissatisfaction than has been shown for
fifteen years.
Hut while Archie Hliss , of New York , is
roaring mad because ho was not made chair
man of the Pacific railroads instead of Outh-
walte , of Ohio , Stnhlneckcr , of the same
state is very hot at the speaker because ho
was not given a place on appropriations and
others say they will not servo on committees
to which they were assigned , the Nebraska
members tire congnitulatingthem.selves upon
their good fortunes. They are all well
pleased and are much uioro fortunate than
thoaveiage. Mr. McShanu was assigned to
places on public buildings and grounds and
Indian affairs , both committees being import
ant ones and giving him an opportunity for
much needed local legislation. Mr. Dorsey
was placed on territories and private land
claims , both Influential committees in this
congress , the first being especially important
on account of the. proposition to create four
or five states out of the territories. Mr.
Laird was equally fortunate. Ho was as
signed to the committee on military affairs ,
where ho served in the last congress , and an
agriculture , both affording an opportunity to
legislate for his constituents.
It was a disappointment to his friends when
it became known that Mr. Fuller
would not bo given a place on the
ways and means. It is not true , however , as
reported , tnat ho was not recogniml for this
place because his views wcro too liberal on
the question of tariff revision to suit the
strict protectionist republicans , for Mr.
Fuller , although notns extreme as Mr. Kelly ,
of Pennsylvania , or Mr. MeKinley , of Ohio ,
is a protectionist Ho thinks , however , that
there can bo some good done by modifying
the present tariff laws , and this fact was pre
vented by some who wanted others given the
place. Mr. Fuller , however , was given a
position on the committee on Judiciary.which
is ono of the best in the fist. Thu other
lowans were provided for us follows : Wea
ver , chairman of patents nnd second on pri
vate land claims ; Holmes , Pacific railroads
and enrolled bills ; Henderson , appropria
tions ; Anderson , commerce nnd reform in the
civil service ; Conger , agriculture ; Hays , ac
counts nnd territories , and railroad and
canals ; Strublc , territories and pensions ;
Kerr , claims and expenditures in the btuto
department ; Gear , military affairs.
Mr. StuUlnceker , of New York , who feels
so badly over not being given a place on thu
committee on appropriations , will have nn
opi > ortunity as chairman of the Insignificant
house committee on library to got even with
bouiebody. IIu cannot , however , open the
phials of his wrath upon Speaker Carlisle for
appointing him on the committee on library.
Mr. Stahlncckcr will play un important part
in the purchase of furniture for the new li
brary building. Some time ago the members
of the library commission , including the
members of thu senate and house committee
on library , the architect of the
building , etc. , had sketches mode
for a largo oil painting of themselves to
be placed in the now library building. When
the photographs and sketches for the paint
ing were made Mr , Stahlnccker was at the
tail end of the housu committee on library ,
and such men as Senators Merrill and
Vorhees , Secretary Liimar and Speaker
Carlisle were placed in the foreground ,
whllo the present chairman of the house
cominitlco on library was to bo seated in
the background. Mr. Stahlnecker Is
over six feet high , magnificently
proportioned , wears burnsido whiskers und
is referred to us the ii | > ell ( > of tha house ,
being of handsono phytiiquo und stylish In
dress. Ho was considerably cut by being
left out of tha oil painting und Mr. Carlisle
being put In his place and was not slow to
make liia complaints. Now that ho is chair
man of the house committee and will l.avo a
loud voice lu accepting or rejecting tUo
painting from the artist , It Is said that ho
proposes to have some revenge and steadily
refuse to accept the picture.
Mr. Lyman , of Iowa , introduced In the
house private bills mostly for pen
sions , as follows : For the relief of E. J.
Aldrich , Nancy J , Lucas , Wlllani McGrath ,
Arlington M. Harrington , Wells O. McCoul ,
William Kandall. David H. Thompson , John
S. Hcrwiek. William Heed , Hansom L. Har
ris , Sarah K. Myers , Ellzu Hoyd , John W.
Duncan , Wilson H. George , Emerson F.
Kales , Mrs. H. N. Campbell , and Euiuia An
Mr. McShane , of Omaha , Introduced a bill
to pension Mrs. Lopan , widow of the Into
general and United States senator , John A.
Logan , at the rate of $ J,0 < )0 ) a year.
Mr. Dorsey Introduced bills as follows :
For the relief of D. L. Utilnurd and others ,
and William S. Hall. Ho also presented the
Joint resolution adopted by the Nebraska
legislature requesting the state delegation In
congress to vote for the report of the limita
tion of the arrears of pensions nnd the me
morial adopted by the legislature making the
Same request us to the passage of tl bill to
give a silver medal to the federal soldiers In
the late war.
that the nomination of Mr. Stockslagerof In
diana , to be commissioner of public ! lands In
the place of Sparks , resigned , will be sent to
the senate within n very few days. The
president Is now looking about for a successor
to him as assistant commissioner und lnus
offered the position to Mr. Hugh Wallace , re
cently receiver of publio moneys at Salt Lake
City , Utah. The aspolntmcnt of Mr. Stock-
slager will bo in the line of promotion and
follows out the president's well known views
on civil service reform. Hu has been a faith
ful and able ofliecr , is popular on all Imnds
and deserves credit for honorable and faith
ful administration.
Shorbourno G. Hopkins , the callow news
paper correspondent who sent the bogus in
fernal machine to Chief Justice Waite shortly
before the execution of the Chicago anarch
ists , aud who has figured In the courts exten
sively since on the charge of attempting to
fraudulently obtain money from newspaper
correspondents for a sketch ho wrote of his
prank , plead guilty In the police court to-day
and was lined $101) ) . The young man's father
appeared us counsel and stated that his client
realized and deeply deprecated the wrongful
act which ho had committed , and was willing
to receive punishment therefor. The father
stated that his client , being n newspaper
writer , was led most naturally to complete
the hoax by writing it up and that he may
technically have violated the law in disposing
of the information ; that ho deeply regretted
the thoughtless act and was willing to plead
guilty. Hopkins has been completely ostra
cized by tlio legitimate newspaper corres
pondents and hu seems to havu had his day
in newspaper writing. He has been denied
admission to the reporters' galleries in con
gress and is a habitue of newspaper row no
I.lMUl'3 AGE.
It was ascertained to-day that Secrclary
Liimar is sixty-three years old , Ho was
born in September , 18'-5. ! Tlio inquiry which
led to this discovery was brought about by
objection being made to his confirmation for
a place on the supreme bench on the ground
that ho was sixty-six years old and therefore
too ancient to assume the judicial ermine.
A letter has been received from Prof. George
W. Strong of Oxford , Ga. . in which ho says ;
' "Yes , I remember LuciusLamor well. When
he was nn urchin of nbonttwolvo years old
in the manual labor school near Emory college -
lego , in 1&(7 ( , he was under my supervision
as one of a number of small boys known as
the "drop sheet gang , " I being put
over them as an older boy.
But there is better evidence
than my personal recollection. I have refer
ence to the matriculation book of Emory col
lege , a public record , In which each student
on entering college has to have his name re
corded , that of his father , time of birth ,
residence , etc. It is now before mo , and I
copy the following from a long list of names :
'Date , 1841. August ; name , L. Q. C. Lamar ;
father , L. Q. C. Lamar ; when born , year ,
Ib25 ; month , September ; date , 17th , ete. ' Ho
became ut once a member of one of the lit
erary socictic.Sjthe Phi Gamma. The records
of that society report identically the same
as to the time of his birth , September 17 ,
lb-5 , with other particulars , place of birth ,
etc. "
There is a good deal of talk hero
over the action of Speaker Carlisle in ap
pointing Mr. Clements , of Georgia , to ttio
chairmanship of the committee on reform in
the civil service. Clements was a member of
the civil service committee in the last house.
Judge Seney's bll looking to the uncondi
tional repeal of the civil service law was re
ferred to that committee and within a very
short time an mlverso report was brought in
signed by every member of the committee
except Clements. Thu Georgian brought in
a minority report in which ho howled ubout
the Inequality of the civil service law and
said Unit it was enacted .solely in the interest
of keeping republicans in ofllco. This made
Clements solid with his hungry constituents
who were but on the hunt for loafs und
fishes. Now the question is asked , why has
Carlisle placed at the head of the civil ser-
uice committee a man who is not seriously
opposed to the enforcement of the civil sor-
viculawf Has thu administration changed
huso ? Has Grovcr Cleveland at last resolved
to east aside his mugwump allies and train
with the spoilsmen I At any rate there aru a
good many very mad mugwumps in Wash
ington to-night over the action of the speaker
in placing in the hands of Clements a weapon
which might Unock the mugwump's hobby
Mrs. Senator Paddock held her first recep
tion at her parlors in the Portland.
She was assisted in receiving by her two
daughters and her niece , Mrs. W. E. Annin.
A very largo number of the prominent so
ciety people of Washington were present dur-
lug thu afternoon.
Chairman Weaver , of Iowa , has appointed
his son , A. C. Weaver , clerk of thu house
committee on patents.
Stnr mail service from Stoekvillu to India-
nola , Neb. , will bo discontinued after the 14th
inst.Postofllecs In Iowa have been discontinued
as follows : Garllold , Appanoosc county , mail
to Centervillu ; Kirkwood , Appanooso county ,
mail to Udell.
Agnes Thomas was to-day appointed
postmistress at Nora , Nuekolls county ,
Nob. , vice Mrs. Alice E. Whitney , super
seded. The postofllco nt Dana , York county ,
was discontinued to-day.
A strong effort is being madu by the Ne
braska delegation , and especially by Senator
Paddock nnd Congressman McShane , to Insure
sure- the placing of the railway mail service
on the Hastings line of the Elkhorn Valley
road. Mr. Paddock yesterday held a long
personal interview at the postofllco depart
ment on the subject. Mr. McShane put in un
hour to-day on the same matter.
Mr. und Mrs. Cushingof Omaha , nro In the
Nebraska and Iowa P < ; IIH | on * .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 0. [ Special Tologrdm
to thn HCB.I Pensions were granted to thu
following Ncbruskans to-day : Charles M.
Wittroek , Firth ; Charles L. Hall , Paris ,
Thomas P. Longstrcct , Edgar ; Alvin D.
Homier , Cambridge. Original Mortimer G.
Taylor , Jcssup ; John H. Edwards. Hcnklo-
man ; Albert G. Parker , Nebraska City.
Increase James M. Mctcher , Seward ; James
M. Heymcr , Grand Island ; Amos Quoin ,
Pensions for lowuns1 Eliza J. , widow of
James Holister , Hellevuo ; minors of William
Whishnrd , Hloomfleld ; Surrilda , widow of
G. P. Hritta , Clarindu ; Dora S. , widow of
George L. Hcycrs , Davcnjiort ; Josephine ,
widow of Ellhu G. liurth , Montroso. Mexican
war William /.wick , Cherokee ; Frederick
Hecker , Waterloo ; John L. Harbour ,
Prairlo City ; Sarah A. , widow
of Abraham , H. Heber , Sioux City ; Cor
nelius 'Anderson , Klngsley. Original-
John Gardner , Lcumto ; Joseph Muttocek ,
Council Hluffs ; John Peflcr , Peoria ; Lewis
G. Howe. Grandy ; S. Hewers , Newharo ;
William E. Morhaus , Mitchell ; William H.
Marlow , Kuthven ; H. C. Ferguson , Story
City ; James R Adams , Durham ; Hobert
Kaidull , Hamburgh ; Jolm 1' , Kobs , Milo ;
James A. Dunnan , Mount Sterling ; James
Helllster , ( deceased ) Hollevue ; James Etters ,
Kellertoii : George Egbert , Council HluflV
William H. Crown , Faruilnpton ; Dennis
Myers. Charlln. Increase John Hanstnan ,
DCS Moines ; Jared Strauser , Foiitanollo ;
John K. Madison , Manchester ; Henry H.
Houtzong , Henderson ; August A. Dran ,
Scranton City ; George W , Deardosff , Newell ;
Hlclmrd Gonrales , Allison ; Isaac Saundeis ,
Delhi ; Hobert MeCllntock , Charles
City ; Jesse Clint , Haxtert John
H. Printz , Ottumwa ; William A.
McCrcady , Fnrmliigton ; William 11.
Falrlleld , Sanborn ; John H Park , Grlnucll ;
James P. Lennlngton , Centervlllo ; Adam S ,
Carper , DCS Moines : Martini , l-'lesher , Pal
myra ; Alexander Church , Wedell ; Haiulln
H. Williams , Olenwnod ; William S. Harris ,
Ottumwa ; William J. Dorman , Herr.v ;
Andrew Hoover. Fort Dodge ; Grandlsun
Able , Mason City ; Charles H. Franklin ,
Koekford ; James M. Hepland , Nevlnvlllo ;
Charles H. Harr , T , union t ; Martin I. Lang ,
Stunner. Kotssuo David A. Johnson , Monte-
zuma. Restoration and reissue Laudon
Taylor , Kinney , atlas Tuylcr , Kceucy.
Army Orders.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram
to the DEE. ] Captain * Chandler E.ikln ,
First artillery , having been found Incapaci
tated for active service by an army retiring
board , is ordered to proceed to his homo and
rei > ort by letter to the adjutant general.
Thu leave of absence granted to Second
Lieutenant L. W. Carnlsh , Eighth cavalry ,
October 24 , has been extended one month ;
the leavu of absence granted to First Lieu
tenant G. H. Walker , Sixth Infantry , August
U , Is extended two months ; the leave of ab
sence granted to Captain John U. Guthrie.
Thirteenth infantry , October 13 , Is extended
ten days.
Clerks of House Committees.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 0. Among the clerks of
house committees chosen this morning were :
A. C. Weaver , of Iowa , patents ; J. P. Hume ,
of Wisconsin , expenditures. In the depart
ment of the Interior , Alexander J. Jones , of
Illinois , territories ; Henry Talbot , of 111-
Inols , principal clerk of the ways and means
committee : George 15. Parsons , of Illinois ,
military affairs.
The Osnjo Chief and Interpreter
Going to See the President.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. ( ! . [ Special Tola
pram to the Hn : . | Mr. J. V. Chotcau , the
interpreter of the Osage Indians , In company
with Nehejvahkopah , the president of the
nation , and Hlg Heart , thu chief of the coun
cil , arrived in Kansas City to-day from the
Indian nation , en route for Washington. Tea
a reporter Hig Heart said , In very peed
English : "We are going to Washington lo
get the surplus money In the treasury belong
ing to our nation. I think the amount is about
$1150,000. If we get the money wo will build
school houses with some of it and invest
the remainder in farming lands for
the poorer Indians of our nation. The schools
have been doing us u great deal of good. A
number of tine houses have been erected by
the Usage Indians und wu expect in a few
years to get along entirely independent of
the government. Wo have enough corn and
wheat to last us all winter. Our horses and
cattle have nearly doubled during the past
year. The squaws learn the civilized ways
much more quickly than the men. The people
ple of the Osage nation tire the mostcivllbcd
of any tribe of Indians. Wu
work all winter as well as summer. A little
more help from the government and we will
bo able to meet thu white man in business.
All the Indian boys und girls go to school. "
lilg Heart IB u largo man with pleasing
a countenance as tin Indian can possess and
is a rapid and fluent talker. Chateau , the
interpreter , is a cousin of the late John
Choteuu , a pioneer settler of Kansas City ,
The Stewart AVill Contest.
Nr.\v YOUK , Jan. 0. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] The contest of the will of the
late widow of A. T. Stewart was begun yes
terday. Tills contestant , Hosaliu Hutlcr , is
the daughter of Mrs. Louisa C. Uutlcr , late
wife of E. C. Uutlcr , and sister of Mrs.
Stewart. The accusation against ex-Judgo
Hilton charges that the will and codicils were
"procured by frauit and undue Influence and
circumvention practiced against and upon
Mrs. Stewart by Henry Hilton. " She fur
ther charges that "subscriptions thereto and
publication thereof respectively wcro pro
cured by fraud , deceit and undue influence
exercised upon her by Henry Hilton. " The
case is set down for the Kith inst. Judge
Hilton denies nil the allegations.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Jan. n. | Special Tele
gram to the Hue. ] A sensation was created
hero hist night by the report that John E.
Clark , amemberof a leading grocery house
in this city , had been cowhidcd by Mrs.
Kobert Talliaflero. Mrs. Tullinlloro arrived
iu this city a few weeks ago from New York ,
in search of her husband who had deserted
her , she claims , owing to Clark's influence.
The husband , who had been in Clark's cm-
ploy , got wind of her coming mid disap
peared. Clark , who was related to her hus
band , had a grudge against her , and since her
arrival here has persecuted and slandered
her. She stood it as long as she was. able and
then cowhidcd him in his store.
American Progress In Hawaii.
SAN FitANCiseo , Jan. ( i. A private letter
received hero from Honolulu , dated Decem
ber -I , says the cabinet has made a demand
that Judge Jonathan Austin , Honolulu-
American , shall bo offered the place of God
frey Hrown , recently resigned from the cabi
net. The cabinet has also demanded the ap
pointment of Snnford Dott , a prominent law
yer , born hero of American parents , to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of Judge
Fornadcr of the supreme court. At last ad
vises the king had decided to accede to the
cabinet's demands , knowing that the reform
league would otherwise place Mrs. Doinlnus ,
the king's sister , on the throne.
Kansas Miners Strike.
LEVVENNOUTH , Kan. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tel
egram to the HEI : . ] There is trouble at the
Kivcrsido mine , south of this city. Three
days ago thu superintendent discharged an
old minor for dishonest weight. Ho was a
favorite and half the force have struck. This
morning new men wcro put to work and en
tered the jilt under police guard , the strikers
manifesting u disposition to interfere.
The Itlue and Grey Clasp Hands.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla , , Jan. . At the annual
camp lire of the local Grand Army post to
night Major General Suhoflcld made u pat
riotic speech to the assembled federal and
confederate veterans nnd had a dramatic
meeting with General W. S. Waller , of thu
confederate army , who was In the Mexican
war with Suholleld ,
NEW YOUK , Jan.Tho ( ! suspension of E.
W. Timpson , the remaining member of the
firm of Timpson & Co. . has Just been an
nounced on the block exchange ,
PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 0. Hamrlck fc Son ,
Jewelers , are temporarily embarrassed , with
liabilities estimated at f'JO.OOO.
Anti-Administration K. of I ; .
PHILADELPHIA , Jan , 0. The provisional
committee of the nntl-adinlnlstratlon Knights
of Labor has decided to begin suit In equity
against the general ofllcers of the order for
an accountlnc of funds and to determine
whether any of the ofllecrs have been guilty
of criminal acts.
IiX-Govfrnor Purker'H Funeral. , N. J. , Jan. 0. The funeral of
ex-Governor Parker took place thin morning
from the Presbyterian church. A large as
semblage of distinguished cllUcDs of the
ud uullou wcru prc&cut ,
A Doctor nnd n Hotel-Proprietor * ! !
Sou Commit Sulcldo.
They Offer $1OOO Howard For th <
Canttiroof InccdlarlcH
cyo IjOKlidatlvo Fl ht So-
hraokn nnd town New * .
A Doctor Hiiluiiloit s
FIIKMOXT , Neb. , Jan. ( V [ Special Telrt
gram to the Hr.B.j Dr. T. W. Street , an old
oltl/en of Dodge county and a regular praeJ
tltloner of the medical profession In the wcstj
cru part of the county , suicided yesterday ba
taking laudanum. Ho was loeked lu his bed ,
room In the residence on his farm where \ \
was boarding and was nearly dead before hq
was discovered. Domestic troubles caused
him to perform the rash net. Ho was elected )
coroner of Dodge county hist fall on tha
democratic ticket.
Arthur Opclt'H Sudden Death.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram
to the Hr.n ; ] Arthur Opelt , oldest son ol
the proprietor of the Opclt house , was found
dead lu his room at the hotel about mldj
nigh' , . At supper ho .was apparently In goc ( {
health and the best of spirits. Ho retired to
his room early , and the Inference is that hl
death was caused by nn overdose of morl
phlne , taken cither accidentally or with suU
cldal Intent. An Inquest may probably shcil
some light on the matter.
Fremont's Progress. j
FIIHMONT , Neb. , Jan. 0. [ Special to the
Hun. ] The Tribune , last evening , printed t )
handsome holiday edition , In which the
progress of the year 1SS7 is elaborated. The ;
figures show thu city to have experience ! ]
the greatest growth in Its history. The to <
till value of permanent Improvements for the )
year amount to . .1S00. . The value of the/ /
jobbing trade for the same period amounts to
SK > , r > 'jrMK ) , while thu value of manufactured
products reaches to STiu.OOO. Among thd
mctroplltaii features acquired during the )
year were a line packing house , vleetrio
lights , street railway and free mall dellveryf
while three new lines of railway have been
built into the city. Altogether the showinrt
is a magnificent one , of which Fremont eltlf
zens are , nnd may Justly feel , proud.
A Howard For Incendiaries.
Lour CITV , Nob. , Jan. U. [ Special Telegram
gram to the Hnu. ] The citizens of this place/
have become thoroughly alarmed at the rcf
pealed attempts to burn the west hide of th *
square and to-day a purse of $1'JOO was raised
for the apprehension nnd conviction of this
person or persons who have made the at-f
tempts. This purse Is open to thu world and !
thn citizens feel that the amount Is BUfHcjcmj
to bring good workers who will soon succeed ?
In bringing the guilty ones to Justice.
A Hahy 1'olwoncd.
FUM.EUTON , Neb. , Jan. . [ Special to the }
Bun ] The six-months-old son of O. It. Lumr *
wns killed Tuesday by a dose of morphiniyj
accidentally given. Conflicting reports are
about as to where the blame rests , nnd a cor * '
oner's Jury is investigating the matter.
The lown LoBisdutive FJ lit.
Dr.s MOINES , la. , Jan. 0. [ Special Tcley
gram to the HKK. ] There wcro no newdcj'
velopmcuts in the legislative light to-day. A
number of now members arrived , nearly anew \ \
now being hero. The opposition to Senatorf
Wilson is still uncrystallzed and lacks leader *
ship. Colonel Hepburn's friends arc enthusl *
astic for him , but an analysis of their figures
doesn't show good , solid ground for their on *
thusiasm. The Wilson men have the orgauW
zation and nro using it with great effecU
Hepburn's friends hope to gai by delay ami
trust to capturing many Wilson men if given
time enough. The light for speaker goes oil
with increasing Interest. Hcirryhill , of thin f
city , is thu eiiididatu of the leading anti-
monopolists and feels considerable nssurancd
of success. The caucus for the speakcrship
will probably be held Monday night.
Will Decide To-day.
SinirxCiTV , la. , Jan. . [ Special Telegram
to the Hun. ] Chairman Sloan says that In
all probability the board of supervisors will' '
render a decision in the liquor permit cases
Just before an adjournment , which will likely *
bo to morrow afternoon. There is consider
able speculation as to what the board will do ,
the prevailing opinion being that thu permits
will be refused.
Veterinarian Ktalker Ill-appointed.
DusMoisns , la. , Jan. . [ Special Telegram -
gram to the HUE. ] Governor Larrabeo
to-day rcappointcd Prof. M. Stalker as state
veterinarian , With the following deputies :
W. H. Miles , State Center ; J. A. Campbell h
DCS Moines ; H. M. Nicholson , Sao City ;
Charles H. Flynn , Deeorah ; M. 13. Johnson ,
Ucd Oak ; C. A. Cary , Keokuk ; John Tillle ,
An Old Ijady Burned to Death.
DniftjrK , la. , Jan. 0.Speelal [ Telegram
to the Hr.i : . ] An old lady , aged ninety ,
known as "Aunty" Pcndergast , was burned
to death abouto'clock this morning in hep
shanty , where she lived alone. Her body was
brought in and an Inquest held at the court !
The Secretary HuporlH Nearly Flvo
Hundred Thousand Enrolled.
Pim.ADKi.riiiA , Pa. , Jan. (5. ( UcspoiiBCS to
the notices of General Secretary Litchman ,
for the payment by local assemblies of the
Knights of Labor of the January tax , are
pouring In to the several ofllccs of the order.
Secretary Litchman says the showing Is ex
cellent. "Wo have" ho bays , "nearly llvo
hundred thousand members now , and all iu
good standing. Wo are ready for the new
year under the veri brightest of prospects. "
Hlown From the Train.
Kim : , Pa. , Jan. 0. A remarkable accident
occurred on the Lake Shore railway thin
morning at Westtield , N. Y. Dr. James M. y
Casso way , n surgeon in the United States I
manna hospital service , and his son James , a
boy eleven years old , were passing from tlioj'
drawing-room car to the dining-room catf
whllu the train was running very fust nnd u ,
high gale blowing. The boy was lifted off ;
the car platform by the wind and hurled to
thu ground and killed. Mr. Kuton.of Buffalo , '
who attempted to catch the boy , WHS also'
thrown from the train , but not seriously in
N'cwH From the Tonawnnda.
NuwYiwu , Jan. 0. Tlio captain of tha
bark Levanter , which arrived hero to-day ,
reports that on the M inst. ho spoke to the
disabled steamer Tonawunda , at anchor sixty
miles east by north of the northeast light ,
and supplied her with provisions ,
MlilllHlH Hanged.
LONUON , Jan , 0. A telegram from thjJl
Russian frontier states that eight nihilists In
cluding the Cossack , Thchenioff , condemned
to death for making an attempt upon the lifo
nf thu czar during his visit to the Don Cos
sack country , were hungud ut St. Petersburg
January 'J , _ _ _
Cholera Increasing nt Valparaiso.
I.IMO , , Jan. (1 ( A pnvuto dispatch from
Valparaiso sjys cholera has Increased ut
Jhat port to un alarming extent , the number ,
of cases daily rcachlui ; ISO , of which
u.i.cty prove fatal.