THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE ; FIffDAY , JANUARY. 6. 1SSS. ' SPECIAL NOTICES. < AilverilsomfntH ifniTer thlsTiead , 10' rents per linn forthe llr t Insertion , "contsforrach Mil * f - < iui-nt Insertion , nml fl.fiO n HIII per month. No advertisement tiikcn for k-sx than 23 wnts for thn tlrst Insertion. Seven words will be counted to the llii" ! they mint run ronvrullvo. ly and mu t bu paid n advance. All advertise- incuts must be FiamM In before 1 : 'U o'clock p. > n. . nml tinder no rlrrnmntann-s will they be tnkfn < ir dlwontlnned by telephone. I'nrtlpH advertising In th'-s < i columns and bar ing the answers addressed In care of the Itce , vlll plwiseji'k for n cherk to enable tin-In to Kt-l their IrUrra , as noun will delivered except on presentation of chcrk All answers to ad vert Icoments should bo unclosed In envelopes. All advi-rUmncnti * In these columns are pu ) > - * Mu' < l In both morning and evening rdltlons'of tliu llee , the circulation of which aggregates more tlmn 15'O ' ) papers dally , unil glvit * the nil- vcrtlserstlH ! iH-nellt , not only of the city clreu- latlon of thu llw , lint Kino of Council Hlulfs. I.lnroln , unit other cltleH anil town throughout this part of the west. SITUATIONS WANTED. l ANTKll I'lnc-i by a boy to work his board while attending school. T 2 , llc Olllco. 'IX/'ANTliD-Sllnatlon by German M coachman - man , good city references ; also liy col ored toartinmn , 7 years' uxpcrli-ncc. No olllco fee. Canadian Krnp. olllce. Mrs. Ilrega f Hou.ainHo. 1.1th. Tel. W4. ffM 6 WANTKD-Hltimtloh bv young man attend ing school , where ho tan work for nil lioard and go to mhnol. No olllco fee. Canadian Kmp. ( Jiricc , Illfl 8 l&tb. Tel. 81. 2WJ 0m WANTKO-Hltimllon by a yolini' man expert- ( inted In bookkeeping and olllco work ; V Illlng to make himself useful ; can glvo best of city references. Address. 9 C5 , llae olllce. WANTEU-MALE HELP. WANTlID-Ily Lincoln Hardware Co. . Lin coln. Neb. , two tinners familiar with furnace - nace work. ! WI-fl \\7ANTI1I ) Onii peeler , one oven-man Kn T > ( inlrp ntaai 8 Mlh rtt , or McClurg Cracker- and Candy Co. , Council HlutlB , In. 2M 8 "WANTED A good steady and reliable boy nt T T C. F. Whitney's Hook blndcry,112l Farnmn WANTKD An oxpurleuced cablnot maker , one to take charge of warehouse , llcst references iequlred. OKI N. 10th st. 'MO W ANTKI ) Two traveling salesmen for Neb , None but sm h as mean business and can cummand at least WO needapiily. Address ( Iroat * ltl"iey' ) " ® l l' " ' > go t , , Omaha. 278 11 * \\7"ANTnn Young man. Must have , cash , TT two hundred dollars ; take half Interest In business ; do olllce work. Address , T 1 , lleo olllce. a-a C * \VANTKD-At Mddlcott's shoe store , lloa- T trie. Neb. , 1 shoemaker to do rapalrlng mostly. None other than steady hand need ap ply. 2IB6J WANTUD Experienced butter worker to work over old butter ; state experience , where last employed and salary wanted. Ad dress 8 BK. lleo olllce. 258 5J WANTED Man with -MOO fora good paying olllce position , IJji/j Farnam st , room II. 24(1 ( B * "lirANTHD A Jewelry engraver at Edholm St T T Akln's. 2518 SALESMEN Flvo traveling salesmen ; salary and expenses ; no experience necessary. Address , with stamp , 1'almer & Co. , La ( 'rosso , AVIs. Nil 15 * WANTED Men for railroad work. Al- brlglifs Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 05 WANTKD 100 mon of good appearance to try our Ific meals at Ncirris restaurant , 311 nnd 1)13 ) South 14th street , ( old Llvo and Lt I.lvi'l sfl WANTED-FEMALE HELP. ITANTED .Mlrst-class dining loom girls ; M ) > per menth , for Wyoming ; tares paid. Canadian Employment olllce , UK ! S. 15th. oiV7 ) 7 ° ANTUD Several good lady canvassers on article of merit. Hoom II , 1401 Farnam. Ofi HJ \\7"ANTUI > N'ui-Mt girl 15 to 211 years of ago TT with rcferenu-s , MO S. IMh. IW07 * ' ) ( rplIN girls wanted. 4 cooks , (1 ( general house J maids. Illg wages. Applv nt once. 111" J'arnam .st. , loom 11 , omp't parlors. BiUfiJ " ' TvrANTF.lTSmall girl to take rare of chll- TT dron mid miiku herself useful , cor. 1G3 ! Soujh Kin st , , near Custcllar. 2-.i | 5J WANTKD Young girl to assist In housework. Apply 2-J12 Charles st. 277 7 V ITANTUD-Olrl. Call nt H05 S. 17th st. 2718 \\rANTUI-Jood girl at 20J2 California st ; TT three In family. 2NI 7 * ' ANTEDHespectablo single lady with cap- lUil 1200 ; partner in fancy dry goods and notions , by gentleman , the same In this or t-ouio adjoining city. Address , S. 72 , Ike Oltlco. " \\rANTKD-Olrls seeking employment , wheT T T afo tired of innnlng down advertisements , to < all Ht our olllco and meet the ladle : ! who are ' .n need of help. Wo luuo n walilng room for your especial benefit. We need inmtry and din- Ingioom girls , laundresses , cooks , a ursos and pocond glrl.s , nnd girls for general housework In iieailyall parts of city. Canadian Kmp. olllce , Krs. IlrcRB A : Son , yiu So. 15th. Tel. 81. . WANTKD An experienced cook and laun dress , must be thoroughly competent , liest of rt'f rencos rc < mlred , good wages. H. W. cor 20th and ht. Mary's ave. 210 7 * VyANTUD-Two lartles from 21 to 15 yenrsTf T T age. of good address and business tact , to solicit orders for the easiest selling l > ook In the jimrkot. Call on .1. M. I'remh & Co. , room Hi , Illishman Uock , 252 10 V\rANTKD-Oood girl for general housowoik , TT ( Jerman preferred , apply 1101 Farnam st. , lip otalrs. 22,1 5 * " \ATANTKD Coo'.t for bonrdlns school out of TT city ( middle-aged woman ) , , 40 : 4 dining room gills ; 2 waiters ; a kitchen girls ; 2 latin- clfo-sos ; 2 second girls ; 20 i/lrls for general l.imsmvork in all parts of the city ; traveling companion California. GateCltjUmii. . Olllio , ! 114 > iS. 15th ht. ill 5 * \VANTUD-filrl to work In kitchen. Doran T T' house , 422 S. IMh it. , near ist. Mary's ave. itll "VVTANTED A girl forhousowoik. BStlri. lath T T st. 2IU " \\rANTrin-Ono tlrstclaswoman cook , and TT ono experienced second girl ; refoiences required ; good wages. Apply to 221'J Dodge , DW -First class girl for cook , good T > wages paid. Mrs. H. 0. Patterson , KM K. Rid. OU2 _ ONK lady In evprv.towii . van ted to introduce and bell .IVnii ) royal 1'llts , "Chlchester's Knpllsh. " Original and only ( jFiiutne. Send 4c ( Htampsj-for particulars. Chlchoster Chemical .Co. . I'hlladelphla 1'a. _ ! 127 IAD1K8 nro olfored ombrolderj- > rtlework at Jthelr own homes ( tow n or country ! by a w Imlo- pulo house. I'rolltablo , genuine. Good pay can 1)0 ) made. Kvcrythlug furnished. Particulars Iree. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , HKMh Bt , , New York City. ' Us7 " \/\I ANTED Ijidles in city or country , for our TT holiday trade , to take Unlit , pleasant work nt their own homos. (1 to M per day can be quietly mudo. Work bout by mall any dlstuuco. Particulars froo. No canvassing. Address at once. Concent Art Co. , 147 A Milk St. , Hoston. Mnss. P.O. box 5170. IN * T\rANTED jOlrullen to try our IfW meals at TT Norrls' restaurant old Live and Let Live ) . Bll and 3IIIS. 14th M. Usil MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANIco , rvspcctablo single gentleman desires board and warm room In a private family near < o ixwtofllce or boanl of trade , where there lire no'othor boarders or children. Hoferonco.s. Address Chas. King , 1523 Farnam. 275 d * W ANTKD-Ti ) know the addrrss of II. A. Decker. Address box l'J2 , Scotia , Neb. A. ijcotltt. Nob. 255 ti Information us to Joseph M , \ > * rdwoH's whoreaboutB , left at the olllce , appreciated. 23tU > _ TTANTKD liemlemeu to try our 10-cont t meiils at bcholler restaurant , 101 S. 16th. 210 ii ) EMPLOY'MENT BUREAUS. / AY IIA ) : mploylnent olllco , tha best VJ place In Omnhu to got help or situations , M1u and fomala. Hefrrt-nce , Omaha National l-si.k , Mrs. Ili-egit & Son , 31BS. 15th. BOARpNO. B O.VHD wltn rooms for four at 2113 Uurt st. liu T > aiVATK boarding , u week. 1815 Dodge. plUVATB boardinp. 1615 Ood4' st , IJHHST-CLAPS table lK > ard , i > erve < l in honi ( I J- tyle , for 3 or 4 KI ntlemeu. 1811 Ikxlge. 01 i RENT-HOUSES. IJTOll IlKNT-Ho d a room house at ItttS ! Mtl JL1 it. tieurl'k'ice. IWO OJ H HENT-4 room flat unfilmhhrsl. N. R. cor Howard and lltn , 'AssAJ "TTIOIt HUNT rnrnMln-ihonxcbrmitt of rooms 1' nultablD for email fjunllyt light lmu o- kc i > lnK. AdclroM 8. Tl , le ) oflioe. 70-fij "filOH HUNT A lOroom liou'o on Jones nnil ,11'th t. , nil > nui1 rn Improruroents , 'J blks from opera lieu i > , | in IX.T mouth. E. A. l. v- f-nwortn , l.Vr. ) rnrnatn t. 251 4IXM ! ( ) liimic , fontli Omiilm. Jait north , of Htiinilpttio. iroortcll. . fctc , , 115 per luo. K. A. I.vnrvnwurui , ISO ! ) Karnntn "i. 2.M "lilOH HUNT Nlre ! i-rootncil cottncf nt 013 S , Jv IBlhut. Ollnt lOTi Jlownril t. ' . < Flt HUNT Houioof 0 room1) with nl ! con- venlcncM. until tartiey. ! M1 c FOH HKNT 3-roonl hons'p , cellar , hard and soft water. 110. cor. 15th and 1'aclllc. Hot- crencf-s required. H. E. Copson , 5IW 6 * Ml HENT-Smnll cottage ; Inquire 422 S. Itth St. , near St. Mnry'H nve. 2X1 n ; ui the nicest , newestnnd best finished . . houses in llanscom place , eight rooms each with nil modf ni improvements , for rent nt very reasonable rat * to good parties. Inquire at 121J He.'d ; st , L. C. Knowold. 211 B riUIKhotup I now occupy will be for rent..Inn. -L nary 1st : house contains lU-rnoms and nil modem Improrementn. IU S. 21th nt. Morltz .Meyor. Call at llth and Farnam or at 3)7 ) H. tilth ht. Ml T710H IIIINT One H ven-roojn honve , hot and Jj cold water , gas and heated by furnace , Mi ll atd on Saundcri neaa Lake. Also , four six-roomhotixes situated on King st , north of Ijikest. Patrick llrus. , Arlington Block , llooiu 2. mi" 13 " 1I10H HKNT 12room IIOUM- . all modern 1m- JL1 provements , rents for } ) , am Cnpllol ave , Inquire A Splgle , "US I3th storon premises , Kill fij "IJ10H HKNT 2 8-nxim hon es. all modern 1m- -L1 provemeuts. Inquire Kdholm & Akin.KS KS 4 FOIl HKNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , cis tern , large cellar , luth near ClarK st. W. (1. Shrlver , opp postolllco. Kil T710H HKNT 0 new 7 roomed houses , city JU water , cistern , cellar'JOth st near Paul , W. 0. Shrlver , 1'renzer block opposite postollioe. "VTO. IWt 7th ave.B-room House , n good ro JL t pair. Urge yard , cUstern water ; will ren- to responsible perfon with not more thiln 2 chil dren/or ! - " > per month. 4 LI POH HKNT New house , 0 rooms , etc. . largo grounds , corner th and Capitol avenue. Inquire'Xil I > edge st. ( Ill "I71OH HKNT A B room honsp cheap to a small Ifamily , 1539 S " 1st bet Center and Dorcas st. 4ISJH * FOH HKNT Unew 9 room houses on snoth near I.eavenwoith. C. K. Miiyne. 341 HUNT New f > room cottage In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2 story house , Orchard 11111 ; good 4 room cottage. Orcnard Hill , C. K. Slayne. N. W. cor. 13th and llarnoy st. 1 1 FOH HKNT 8 ulcgant brick residences with all modern Improvements , K and 11 rooms each , pleasant and convenient location. O. F. Davis company , l&ffi Farnam st. WW TfKMl HKNT- new handsome fl room cottagn Jj well , cisterns , ! per -month KM and California. A. C. Wakeicy , Omaha Natl bank bid. WJ H HKNT-House 11 rooms. W. M. Hush- man , N K corner Iftth and Douglas. V.H FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. "lllOlt HKNT Furnished front room up stairs , -K UK ! Douglas stitet. : "JJ7J f ) NICKIjY furnished front rooms , alsoil nn -J fui nlshed rooms , rent reasonable , luii Hurt , 3T011 * t ) FL'HNISIIEI ) south front roouii , also 2 un- i fiirnlshid rooms for light housekeeping. 121(1 ( Capitol ave. 274 7 * FOIl HF.NT--Hoomlfixl5 on second floor , Ar lington block , 1513 Dodge st. 2S1 7 "IJ1OH HENT Two looms for light housekeep- J Ing , 1HH ) Davenport Ht. 'ASi 5J TJ OH HKNT 3 elegant furnished rooms all -C modern Improvements , with haul coal burner , for 2 or I gentlemen or man and wife , call at room 28 , Vta Farnam , opp Merchants hotel. 281 7J "IJpOIl HUNT Front room for two gentleman JL' with board nil Douglas. 2fw 7J WOK HUNT Nicely furnished second story JL1 largo front room : large bay window , south front , small bed room and closet , hath and water closet , heated by furnace. Half block from 201 h and Suunders st. cur line. Terms if25. Address box 24l ! , postolllco. 2tiO ID * F OH light house-keeping two furnlshe 1 rooms at HU Howard St. , near Cozzens honsy. "Ijlt'HNISllUD sleeping rooms for rentlemen , JL1 tuu Howard st. Cara every llvo minuets. 0 * IpOIl HUNT Well fnrnlthed front room ; price reasonable. 1'rlvate .family. Inquire J210 Capitol uvo. 201 yj FOH HUNT Pleasant furnished room , } 5 per month , nt f i N. 17th st. 238 o * FOH HKNT Two furnished rooms at 1021 11oward. IMP and $12. 243 7 * I ED front room for two , board If do- Hliod , fi20 M llith st. 245 b * U furnished rooms cheap. 11S ( ! California TJ1OH HKNT Fiirnlshed rooms with stovo--S5 JL1 and 17. W ! South ISA. 135 sj I'Oil HKNT I/uge handsomely tnrnlshed up per front loom , steam heat , 1-113 Douglas. TO l R * FOIl HKNT Nicely furnished front rooms with heat , 7 and and } .sper month , 4W1WIU Ham st. , 8 minutes walk southeast U. I * , depot. 224 Foil HUNT Nicely furnished front room , with board , for two gentlemen or gentleman and wife ; refeiences mnilrcd. 2.VJ1 St. Mary's live. ' | 212 f.J FOH HKNT Furnished room for two , MO. 1318 Cap. avo. yV > 7 * ETHNMSlfKlTiooins.ind board , ISXII Farnam. 74. ! J 22J Foil HKNT Nicely furnished room , suitable for t o gentlemen , at 1703 Douglas s > t. 11I7-7 * FL'HNISIIKD rooms , with or without board for two or three gentlemen. 1017 Howard. ISA rooms with llrst-cl.iss board. L heat gas and bath. Near cable Hue , 201 ! ! Douglas st. IWi-7 * FOIt HKNT Fnrnislied rooms and board. UOJ Farnam. 2i > h J it * "U1HONT parlor for two guntlemen , itC ! Dodge. FOH HKNT Furnished rooms In ( Jreunlg blk , cor. l.'lth and Dodge sts. Iminlro of co. It. Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard Wi 1710H HUNT A nicely furnlslied room with all JL' modern improrenients for ono or two gtmtlo- mcn , )1S. ) 20lh. Itti lSuHNISIIKDroom.s with board If deslredalso ; JLJ a few day boarders , lull Farnam st. BI1 6 * T7UJH HKNT 2furnli > hed rooms , sW Harney. JD 1U15 * "VTK'ULY fnrnNhedrooms , nil modern eonven- > iences , 1110 S 10th st. U77 * IC KI.Y furnished rooms with or without J. > board , in private family. Hoom heated with steam. Hot and cold water and all mod ern conveniences. Terms reason.ihla. Inqnlro at OH South Uth.iiml Jnckxon , up stairs , lul 8 TOOMS-Well furnished , with use of piano. S.V luou Farnam. uu" > F UHNIS11UD room , steam heat , 201 S 24th. tsi7J 27J TTIOU HKNT For ono or two gentlemen a fur- JL1 ulshed room w IthlnS blocks of court house ; apply 018 S 17th st. tC'i FH HKNT-Ntcely furnished rooms at 2227 Dodge. Has , batn and furnace heat. 'JM TICKLY furnlsheu front room witli or wltn- > out board. 1813 Dods'o st , IM7 "VTICK large front room , furnished and heated. -L > Snttublo for two gentlemen. Also small room. 1017 Cass st. KB i/Hll'U elegant rooms all modem conveniences D 17t Webster st. 4W LAUUK bouth trout rixim. all modern conven ience ! * , suitable for two gentlemen ; also tlrst-cla.s.s table board for three or four ; refer enced. 1814 Dodge lit. WJ FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. DVFlCR'for ront. " Co-opefullvoTruuU anTTLTjt Co. 203 N IGth. gJOU FH HKNT Suitable location for feed btore , barbershop ornlmtlar business. Iminlro on prt m Ises , s. e. cor. luth and Douglas sts. SKI fi " itKNT Olllce loom , nrst Uoor , atillOS. 15th st. 102 TWOlt HKNT ( ( round rtoor otllce room , cen- -L1 trally located , heated and lighted. C. F. Harrison. 4US. liith st. 1W "I7KW H NT-Ortlces on Faruam st. at 110 to * 1Q JL' per month. Oun olllco furnished. 1812 Far nam. 101 FOR RENT-.ROOVtS UNFURNISHED ; TOH HENT-2 or 3 unfnnilshrd i-oom' . mod- JL1 era conveniences , s w cor 13th and Howard. Inquire room - 19V i * FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. O MAHAIxMglngllouse,91l ) uml M2Jackwn st , bet. Uth and 10th sts. It-cuts sln lu beds Rtllpcrvcok ; clean beds , IM r'el > 3 * QTAI1LE- North Kill ot. Will accjimmodato O 12 hones. MO JRT month. K. A. Leaven- wo th , l.VW 1'iinmm st. 254 FOH HF.NT-HoiHl Rtablo , southeast corner California and 20th &t , 8. Lehman. Iron bank. 220 _ TTIOH HKNT O owl barn cheap luui tldcago st J ? I4 RENTAL AGENCIES. FL. RHEUOHY , rental ngont , lioas. 18th st. , ground lloor. Telephone S54. 431 SPECIAL attention Riven to renting lmu es. furnished and unfurnished rooms , l.lst with us. W. M. Harris , orer 220 H. 15th ft. lay H HUNT If you wish to rent n house call on Beimwa & Co. . l th st , opposite 1 * . O , 1H4 STORAGE. 'VU'.W VOIIK HtornRB Co. Imvo mo t e xtenMve i > fnclllUei for ctoruKe of furniture , ulnnot , litiKKlcs , Renernl merchandise , wc t of "Now York. Oa li mlvmiri-s to any nniount ; watt-- liouso recplptd ( riven : cooJ * Insured ! lirlck building Ore-proof ; special nrrauKcnicnti for commission merclwnU. Call Nt > w York Storage Co. , Capitol nve and N. 15th St. , Dennett's Mock. IPS PERSONAL. MMB. AmTt'of ChlciiKo Rlvcs ntmnu'tlc nins. xugu treatment. * , vitpor uud hand liat 424 N Ifith st. , up Htjilrs -14 C * I > KHSONA I < KiiKiwnients to no rtres-smuktnij In families bolldted. Dillon or udilrusj Josslo Stlird- . K.'l S'JUth st. _ 1I7J7 * MRS. I ! . M. 1'OST Will filve Massage treat ment to thoio who prefer t o t-omu to her of- lice on Mondays from U u. m. until II p. in. Other dayxfromn p.m. to ' .I p.m. Olllcu and residence southeast cor. Sewartl and ! Mth sin. TS" > ] H | TJEUSONAIrPrlviitehome for ladies tlurlm ? -L confinement , utrictly confidential , Infants adopted. Addiuss K ileoofllce. 167 J ! i * ' " LOST. _ STIIAYIID From rnr. and Saunders. 1 bay imuv. ! 1 white feet and spot In forehead - head , lieu ard will bo given for same. Henry llelterman. StlWIJ LOST A bay pony with saddle and bridle. heave word at llee olllce. KS1 IOST fjff t on Hod line car to depot about fl i o'clock Thursday , a leather covered Jewelry box about Hxlll inches nnd 4 Inches high ; thu Under will be liberally rewai ded on returning It to I ) . C. llrookH , room I , GrnenlB block , s o cor ner tilth and Dodge sts. 7S ! KKWAKD Will be given for return of bay mare , WXI Ibs. , halter on , Strayed from ? 4 ruining at. (1. S. Oitrom. f.TO _ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. " 1710U SAM : Three O ) heavy draft mares milt- JL1 able for city hauling , together with ttruek > agons and two ( 'Ji bets heavy harness. Will be hold cheap for cash. Address S 70 llee olllce. CT U * _ RAHK Chance for Speculation Nci-esilty compels tin- Immediate acrlllcu of the entlu- contents of a private residence. consistIng - Ing of elegant antique oak chamber Milts , mar- bin top center tables , superb plush parlor cult , richly upholstered crushed plush cash chalis , divan , Turkish Ottoman , chetllnler.s , beds , bed ding , nnitttes-ses , lamps , magnificent triple hiring cabinet upright piano , celebrated make , stool and cover , and bov lor shipping ; the en tire lot onlylKI , cost f 1,20) ) ; time ff desired ; must be Nolil at once without regard to cost or value , ( 'all or address H. K. Cole , N. K. Corner 15th and Douglas. -IS 5 FOK SAI.K Five dwelling honsns and one store bullillnir In llrsti'lash condition , must be moved by A pi 11 1. Inuutro at N. 12 corner IBth and Webster. , ' 1 | ij T7\O.H \ SAIiU A good pool-table and other -U saloon llxtures at half price. 71U H lUth wt. aai f. ' _ \\70OD-I w 111 .sell willow- poles bv the load at > > my place , live miles north of I'lorence , on the Iowa slilo ; willows half dry ; good road. 1'rlce Nl cents per load : also dry and green cord wood for sale. .1. K. Lyons , 'M ) h * SAI.K-KiiHlnnllchcows. Illlx Sn opp. K.xchunge building , I'lilou Sto Uj avy.s. Telephone US. 1'Jl feb-1 1T1OU KAlI3 A line Portland cutter new , -U wortliMOforWUill. .1.1 , . HlcoA.-Co. IBl-o T7UJH SALE Hids will be lereivvd lip to .Inn- JO nary luth , ISSj * . to- all or part of the build ings on lot 7 , block liil ! , known as the St. Charles Hotel , on Hnrnuy street , between 12th and 1'Jth sts. Add"ess 11.V. . Cremcr , Omaha. ' . ' 5.J hv F I OH SALE- line Portland cutter new , worth * 5U for iSIT.50. J. L. Illce VCo. . IBl-Ti CpOHSALf : tlno I'or'tlTuidT-uHcfTiewfwovth 1 } : < > for f.)7.fO. ) J. L. Illco ft Co. 10lsr > "I71OH S ALU A thoroughbrcd , Toglsteredrreil JL1 Irish setter pup. 3 months old. Address F. _ _ _ FOHSAI.K A line 1'ortland cutter new. worth 0 for W7.W ) . J. I , . Hlce & Co. 101-5 BII.I.AIM ) Table at half price , llrunswlck Haiku Co.'s make. Inquire Leslie & Leslie , ICth and Uod o sts. ' 10(1 ( MISCELLANEOUS. H > rso and Cattle Food has STANDAHD stood the seveiest tests and Is acknowledged to be the best preparation of Its kind made ; nothing harmful In It. If von have not UM ? I It try a box now , 7 Ibs. for f I. nnd a box of It is worth a ton of hay. It will urudlraln all dis ease and lint new life In the animal Manufac- tuiodliy 1' . U. Sanboiu \ Co. . 170 ! St , Mary's uve. For sale every w here- . St'J 7 LIST your property for Milu or exchange with L. I' . Hammond , room 14 , Chamber o ( Commerce. 2 ! > iil f ) or ! 1 horses and buggies can lie accommodated J at prlvatu burn of I , . ( „ " F.newold , ii-'d .st , hot , 1'opplttonand Woolworth a\e , 211 5 I"NSrilANCU-lin Cole , n" e. cor7l5th mui Douglas. 211 ! 12 rpllH banjo taiiKht as an art by fieo. r. Gellen- J. beck , S. e. cor Kith and Douglas , up stairs , II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored and dug , 400 N 30th St. , Omaha , Nub. tfil J > 9 ) Htock Liniment Is the best 8TANDAIU inado for ruts , brnUes , flrruln-i or lame ness oilman or beast ever Invented. For sal * overyw hero nt We per bottle. M itnufactnred bj V , U. Stillborn & Co. . 170J St , Mary's avenue. 2 l 7 paid forsecond-hund booSs and Libra GASH rles. 30S N llith bt. II. Shonfeld.nntliiuarlnu ? ' 4 J 22- NOTICK If you have any property to trade for city lots or lands In Nebraska call upon W. H. Albright. I'lHB.l/ith / st. 41 > J CLAIRVOYANT. DH. NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis free. Female diseases a specialty. ll'J N. lUtl bt. , Hoonis 2 A 3 , Tel. l > 44. 107 WANTED-TO BUY. " \\fANTKD-Flrst mortgage notes. I can taki > T mortgage notes on tlrst payment on semi good Syndicate lots in South Omaha , ( leo , N Hicks , 213 S liith st , | 2 7 10 " \\T A NTUD Property on Farnam st. east o : TT school house. L. 1' . Hammond , room 14 Chamber of Commerce. 'JMU D To nuy snort time paper , J. W ( Jroas. nt C. E. Mayne's oIHce , 15th one llarnoy. 23 MONEY TO LOAN. MONUY to Loan On furniture , pianos w aeons , or other personal property \\-lthou ieniovalalsoon ; collateral security. HuslueM conlldeutlul. Chus. H. Jacobs , 320 S. 15th bt 171) MOUTH AUK Uwus-II. n. Cole , n. e. cor. 1M1 and Douglas. 210 12 MONKi' to loan on furniture , norses , wagon and other personal property , or nppio\-e < collateral. Huslness coullaentlul. Thu Fair bank Investment Co. , corner basement nndei 1'uxton hotel. 150-7 * MONEYtoLoanO.F.DavlsCo. \ ( . , real estati nnd loan agents , 1505 Farimm st. 104 MONEY to loan 1 can now place some llrs class city loans Immediately. Call at onci If you desire to bo accommodated. D. V. Sholea room 1 Harkor block , entrance in alley. 109 MOMKY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses organs , eta , low ratos. O. U.Immet man , room 5 , Arlington block , 2 doom west o postonico. B77J21 MONKV to loau on Improved real estutu ; ni commUston charged. Learitt Uurnhaui room 1. Crelghtou block. 121 LOANS mada on real ostatn and mortgage bought. Lew U S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam ONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No deln- J. L. Ulce Jc Co. . orer Commercial Nu tloniUbank 114 G I'Kll CENT Money. I'atteraon , V Kaw cett 15th and Harncy. 118 SHOUT time loans maao oil any nvauabl security , In reasonable amounts. Secure * notes bouRtit. told or exchanged. Oenera financial business of aujr kind traniactei promptly , qnletly and fairly at the Omaha Fl nanclnl Exchange. N. W. cor. lith and Hat uey sts. , overstate National bind. Corbett manager , 117 MONEY toloan , casnonhand. no delajri J. , W. and 15. U Squire , 14U Furnain- . I'ftx- ton hotel building. 115 mart * on real estatm Cash vn liauil , J W. M. Harris over 220tSv5tli st. 110 M ONEY loam-u on runuiur * , pianos organs , her es , etc , low rnte * . . , J. J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Hur\lngton ticket onice. ( JlWXl.niO to loan In any nmliiet at low est rate of P Interest. 11. 11. Irev. Frijiurr block. lltf MONEY to lx > an-"Ily UM untlersnmcd , who has the only proprtljr organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans " 5110 to IH'Mnadeon furniture , pianos , organs. Iiiifse' , writous , ma- cjuncry , etc. , without remdHl. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part cnn bo paid At any time , each pay ment reducing the co t lift raU. Advances made on fine watches nndjiOJamonds. Persons Mionld carefully consider w IM > they are dealing with , as many new concern ? ' are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and se me. W. H. Croft , room 4 WUhnnll building , Ifilhauil llarnev. _ 111 LOANKD Bt C. F. Heed * Co.'s I/oan MONEY Olllcn. on fiirnltnro , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value without removal , 310 8. 13th. over IHtiKhnm'B commission Btoro. AH busi ness strictly confidential. 122 UIMXWO To loan on Otnnha city property at 0 T > per cent. 0. W. Day , S. K. cor. Ex. Hid. rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on mv JL proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan A Trust Co. , by. Douglas County bank. 10th and Chicago sts. VSl ZL MU.lM ) to loan ntbper cent. Llnahau A-Ma- honey , 15QU Farnam. 1 4 to loan on city property , and also MONEY In Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odell llros. ft Co. , loan , real estutu and Insurance ugonts , 10(1 ( 'carl street. Council HlufTs , la. ; 1523 Farnam street Omaha. 208 \TONKY to loan , mortgage notes Bought , loans L.TJL made on chattel security ; no delay J. J. Cunimlngs. Hoom 10 Harkor fllock ail fONrKY to loan. Notes ana it. It. ticket. L bought ajid sold. A. Forman , 213 S 13th sts BUSINESS CHANCES. HKT-class meat market ; good location , on AFI . Will soil reasonably , Co-operatUo .and & Lot Co. , Sift N llith at. 2iW 0 \VANTKD 1'iirtner with t\W \ in a well pay- T T Ing business to go. to Mexico or West ndla. Address S 111 , llee. 213 BJ l\7ANTUD llargalns for cash customers. 11. T T U. Cole , n , o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 210 12 HAHDWA HE Stock For Salo-A well selected stock of hardware In county seat of never ailing crop country , 125 miles n w ot Omaha , In : ikhorn Valley , Invoicing about fc-ViOO. This Is i rate thaiice. ( lood paying trade established , 'heap rent. Hood reasons for selllmj. Address lurdwuro , care of Hector & Wilhelmy Co. ) maha , Neb. 1U2 < 1 , \ \VANTKD a phy i-l.ui , 'J Interest In a T T druir store where ho ciuld attend to olllco ir.icttco In toin not less than 2ww Inhabitants , inly IncasteinNebiaskaorwesteiii Iowa. Stito imoiint of stock. Address D. , 2117 Leavenworth st. , Omaha. lij : F SALE At a b.irgaln. all the ll-ctures of L ? A .No. 1 U'st.iunint , with prlvlledge of the ' stand , In oueot the bust p.irts of the'city. In- jul-ejiMJiV ) Douglas .st. 2"2ji * Ilcstiuu nut , e vervthhiK ol.ihS. - dolnc good paving business ; $ linio casli re- iiulrcd. luqutivof Kraus \ Foster , 31d S. Inthst. ( Wi _ ) _ _ AL.MICi : . pie.isant stons loom for rent , on1 ? of the best points In the city for n > - iioots and shoes and catn. dry goods , etc , within halt block of corner llth and Fnrnaut. l.ouglease , cheap rent. K. F. Se.ivor , Pll j'4 ' Far- nam st. trjy FOREXCHANCft. C MA : H property to ex.htfaito torlioi-sen. Cooperative - operative Land \ Lot Co. , 205 N liith st. , 2.U 7 _ _ _ \VANTr.D-A hotel foi > large plantatlun , stoi is of goods for reajt'-'ite , nu l pi op erty of all kinds to trade. Stevens HUM. 13'il Farnam Ht. IJAOIt THADU-two lots ip. ICoimt.plare for ImproM'it or unimproved propel ty. Address , W ) N..Uh 1Mb street. u i 2-i7 10' tnolt ctehanci' Cash tl.rtV ) . 2 lots In lloydil- 1 ( i , personal property } l.4iW. Total , "fti.WJ. Will exehann" tor Improved city property. HiMim alllHkeiIlloi'k. . - _ 2V.-s' ' lAliK sei-tlon farm near Cl.irks. Merrl'-k ' county , Neb , to eNclf.lnge for good Inside Omaha pmpei-ty. I. . 1' . ll.inunoiul , loom 1 1 , i hamber uf Commerje. | , _ 230 8 lO THADi ; Inildn property for coed nouse , . elglit or nine rooms , and full lot. McCnl- loch , V Co. . cor and Farnam. _ r.'i AN elegunt corner In tluiuielghborhood. HXlx li ) " > feet ; Just the place for a Hue block of buildings ; for sale at a birgaltl , or wlliev- < Inuutu f > r Improved propurty. Call and In- vesilj-ate. Ij. I1 , llanunond , room II , Chamber of Commevte. 2Wti ; Q TI'.VIINS Hro--lVil Farnam. will ivu you : i kj good trade for any kind of property. IPOlt llKi-haiigtf Interest IT.OM or part thereof In a very line Improved lesldenre property In llausioni place , near thu p.irk , for.soiim In In nn established'- ' retail buM- ni' - , . tiiiinufactory or any other poctable pay ing business. Addl ess Sill llee olllce 2115 -Stocks of merchandise to e\- chang" foi farmi ) . H. II. Cole , n. i. cor. l.'itn and Douglas. _ 2IH 13 _ rilOTHADK Al lots In town of lsWO ( liihab- J Hants tor stocks ot merchandise. Addrd- , y , tli. _ lite _ 171-7' LI T voni-prop-rlv for evch.inga at Stavens HIM.15JI Faiuain it. 21' ' S rilO KXClIANOl'-lmprovtMi f.irm in Iowa JL for Oiniilmiosldunco pioporty. J. . I. Wil kinson. I.i2t l-'urnani. 1-7 1j1OH -\Llianire I'lrst-i'lasi Onuiha-ind South - Omaha projierty for good Nebrasua and Iowa laud.V. . G. Albright , 21SS. 13th st.4M 4M rpo r.xch.inge For unimprovedrlty property , -1 three D-rooin houseIn Ambler I'lacoone ; 7- loom house in Alamo i'Uzafour ; it-ntiini houses on .s. ttlth st. W.O. Albright , 21S S. l..tht. . 4'D * TFyou have anything to exchange call on or 1 address H. 1 ! . Cole , n. c. cor. 15th and Doug las. 217 Fl rpo TltADK 1'ropcrty of nil kinds , Including J city property uud wild -ind Improed lands. Stevens Ilios. , 1521 F.irnam t > t. 21 ! ) S " \\fANTKD Holmes and lots tnpxclinngo for Improved and nnlmproued lands In Ne braska and Iowa. Ch.xik-s C. bpotswood. : iuj i K. Hilh. is- rpo tiade piopertyof all kinds for good farms 1 _ \ \ . C. Albright , giss. nth bt. 4'M ' \ \ ! ANT I'.D Hood fitmlly norse in exciiangs for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th and Farnam. 1-S rpo THADK-Two unproved farms In Iowa for J Omaha property or Nebrasu.i lauds. Mo Cnlloch & Co. , coi ; 15th and Farnam. 1M "IJ'OH ' IX'change. It you have farms or linuU tot -t ? sell or tiadH send lor our descriptive blanks. If you have any kind of property lo hell or ex change , list It with uwd ; c in furnUh you a customer. S. S. Campbell Ac Q. W. Hervey. illU of Trade. Omaha UCi " \\7"ANTKD Houses and lots to exchange for TT farms. H. U. Cole , u. e. cor. nth and Douglas. 2ii | 12 \\7ANTED-A few moro good f.irms in No- TT braska for which I will tr.ule tlrst-class Omahannd South Omaha properties. W. ( ! . Al bright , 21S S. 15th bt. 4'W ' for trade improved farm In Cass Co. near I'lattsmouth , will trndo for Improved Insldo property. Address M iVI , llee ofllce. _ _ _ _ _ _ lisa \rK""ASKAand Kansas > fanns to exchange J- > for Iowa and Colorado lands , nnd vice versa. Co-operative Land aild Lot Co. , 203 N 10th at. . (104 ( \\fANTKD-Stocks of merchandise to ox- TT change for lands andcty | properly ! C. C , Bpotswood. 305 S. 10th. Isfl " \\7ANTKD-Omaha property to exchange for T T farms and wild lands , ulso for city prop erty. C. L. Hrown & Co. , 'Hoom ' 13. Frenzot block. , 213 j 9 WANTKD Oooa tarm un exchange for Omaha property , O. Cv Spotswood. B16th. 1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee qnd Trust Co. . l.VK Farnam street Complete abstracts fur nlshfd , and titles to real eatata ixamlned , per fected and guaranteed. / 1JU KN50N ArCAHMICHAK 'furnUn complete KUd guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon short notlco. The mont complete sat of abstract books In the cltv. No. 1MO Farnam st. I'll FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. F IOH SALE Four houses on S. SMth st. W. U Albright , 21H S. 15th St. 409 H. COLE , removed to u o cot 15th ant r . Douglas. , 271B HK. COLE , removed to no cor 15th am Douglas. _ 273 FOH MALE Keshlencu property n st.Soutl Omaha. W. ( J. Albright , 2lrt S. 15th st. EOH 8ALK Or exchange , lots in Nortl Omana for houses. House and lots In Conn ell Illutrs. Pharos In Ixiwe ave IlulldUiK ass'n Lots In Hanst-om and Ambler places. J'lentj of other property. Uosworth i ; Jopllu , 418 S 15th st. 179 _ HI ! . COLE , removed tone cor 15th nnd Douuluj. 2TJS TT1OH SAIiK FlnoVI locution for a hem * In JL1 Went Omaha , adjoining the mallslon hems of Ktrkond.ill , Coo , HraUy , Uivuon and others. Nothing finer In UM city. Cn SB riSSxltil or loss ; fopprlco.aud termseo S. A. Hloman , 1.1J1 Faruam st. ' 1X13 . . . SALE AS line n piece of tracknpn as there is In the city. 'W.U. Albright , 2188. 15th st. IV ) TpOlt SALE-OtSxW foot on cable line. Splendid JL1 inside location for four Hats-W.'A ) . Must bo sold nt onco. Marshall fc Lobeck , room 9 Chamber of ( Join. Stg IilOH SALE Three good loin on corner of Dodge st , one block w e-t of IAJWO ave for f4 , U. Address for n few days S 64 llee ojlico. T71OH SALE-MHO acres of land four mlle.s from JL1 stock yards , at tl-'i per acre ; this isobar- pain. McCague , Opp , 1 * . II. l.O k LO\V-0\ T. Wolshans , T. F. I/w.Kenl ) Mlnte Investment brokers , Pan Diego , CaU. . Invest for non-residents , per fect titles , attend to all onslness. taKn title in In- % ostorsnumo for share of prollts when deal Is closed. Send stamp for our Investment Contract. San Diego In IsVi had fitiiW impulatlon , has now 2.'il )0 ) ; wopriMllct 10tU n before is-.rj. Iteforoncos : Omaha Nut'l Hank ; First Nat'l Hank , Now- York City j.Nat'l Hank ot America , Chicago , 2.VT-17 TJIOH BALK Hood brick business property In JD centre of Orand Island ; greatest liargaln and best terms In the cltyt but llttlo rash re quired ; long time , low Interest and easy pay ments ; other real estate fer sale. Address J. u. Woolley , attorney at law Grand Island , Neb , ' neglect to get one of these $150 lots. DON'T payments. Only a few more left. II. i : . Cole , N. K.'cor. 15th and' Douglas. 272 9 FOH SALE Wo otter as a special bargain IK ) acres of land four mlles from stock yards , at { 125 per acre , un Hue of U. 1 * . U. H. McCaguo Opp. 1' . O. " 34 SALK-Lot 5 blk HA. S. Patricks nil ; will FOH for few days at * l,50u , } W cash. bal. easy. S. 4tt line olllce. U17 MSTICKNEY & CO. maiso a specialty of property In North Omaha , forsalu or rent at Uftteens' bank. 2tOS Cnmlng st. 134 H H. COLE removed to n e cor. 13th and njiuu- TJWHSAIiK Ijot 13. Windsor placs oxtonslon , J3 three blocks from Itanscom Park for 11,4V ! . Kosy payments. Adilrcaa S. 50 , lleo olllce. ICil SAL ! : Onu 7-rooni house In Alamo FOH . W. H.Albright. 21HS. 15th. IW TT10H HALi : Tlireo six-room houses In Ambler JL1 Place. W.l. Albright. 218 S. 15th st. 4tO A western no\VHincr ) ] says that the ia a St. Louis her > o that chows tobacco ; but the greatest soiifeation IB Dr. Bull's C'oujjh Syrup. .Salvation Oil is the roatetii pain- ilct'troyor of the ajjo. It Hjiuudily until- hilato.spain , whothcr from a cut , bruise , scald , burn , frost-bite , or from a wound of any other kind. 1'rico only io ! cents. FLICKERED OUT. KiulliiK ofu Once Uonmntlu San Francisco Call : A few days ago tliet-o died in this city a man whoso life at ono time was a household word ind who was for a considerable period reco ni/.ed as a public benefactor. His fame was a short lived as the fieldonenJi of dame fortune , which ontlpwcil him with plenty but to rob him of it in later years. Without Icith or kin and .surrounded by none whom he called friends , ho led away to another world beneath the sheltering roof of the county poor- llOUnO. The man was William J. Rabcoek , known to the world as the inventor of n lire extinguisher , which was the fore runner of the in enius contrivances that American genius evolved for battling lire. For the past seven years ho hat been an inmate of the aluishouse. In 1S15 , when Illinois was but a spar.ioly settled state on the frontier ol civilization , Rabeoek was born. Hirf birthplace was a small far re moved from any city of consequence , The daily routine of his life was that ol the hard-worked backwoodsmen. This laborious existence did not fully aceoril with the sensitive nature of Babcock. Chance knowledge had fired his ambition and , tilled with a determina tion to attain a higher and better posi tion in the world , ho shook oil' the fot' tors that bound him lo the drudgery ir which ho WUH and sought Holds thai coulp satify his ambition. IIo was a man of much mental ability , and his capacity for such labor , as well as an in- fcciiMite longing for onlightment , event ual'y ' led him to Harvard college , frpn which he graduated. His attention was next attracted to the study of med' icitif , which ho pursued with suol : prolit that he was soon enabled to pruc lice that profession. Throughout his early life ho oyincci ii strong liking for mechanical inven tions , and this fondness , aided by hii knowledge of chemicals , led , after i number of years of unsuccessful export nu'i'ts , lo the evolution of his widch famed extinguisher , which had beei suggested by the inolllcieiieyof fire com panics to deal promptly with incipien conflagrations. So meritorious was Babcock's con trivance that it was immediately adoptei throughout the country. Success anc fortune seemed to turn his head. H traveled extensively in the Unitei States , collecting royalties and dispos intr of his state rights in the patent Wealth flowed in upon him rapidly. Ho planned a trip to the continent o Kuropc that eventually led to his down fall and ruin. In the gay capital ol Franco ho met a bewitching young American girl , whose beauty soon oceu pied his entire thoughts. The womai was , in truth , an adventuress , and shi realized that Babcoek was an easy vie tim to her wiles. They were marriei in time and spent their honeymoon , am several years besiuo , in traversing the European continent. All this time Babcock'a fortune , novoi extremely largo , and the royalties fron his patent growing smaller , graduall ; diminished. With the inoreasinj scanlncss of his purse the affections o his wife faded , and she finally dosortei him upon their return to America. Babcoek entertained for his bride- ! sincere attachment , and her cruel treatment mont drove him deeper into the pleasures uros of the genteel dissipations inti which she had introduced him. In 1878 ho came to this coast , wherein continued to drown his sorrows in tin con vivahty of saloons. Ho sank furthe into degradation , and his only desire be cumo to pacify the growing and cravini inspired by liquor. IIo visited variou parts of this coast endeavoring to sel his lire machines. This recourse fo money in time failed him , and he gin- up to the hunger for intoxicants. Oftoi ho was found in the streets Hcn.sole.s from strong drink. At last the day c retribution came , and ho was romovoi to the county almshouse an iinbocik Tlioro ho remained quiet , docile , un complaining for seven long yours until few days ago , when the hearty , vigor ous form of other years gave up th vital spark and was consigned to a pun por's grave. _ _ of the MiiKolcH Cured. John I. Wood , of Stratford , Out. , wa cured of cramps in the legs by wearin Alleock's Porous Plasters. Mr. Woo says : Some three months ago I was take : very sick with severe pain in the hinal of my back over the kidneys. Tho-pai was excruciating. I applied an All cock's Porous Piaster over the atlecto < region and had relief within ai hour. At the eamu time , in conjunctio with this trouble , I had n very gron nervous disturbance , affecting my log with cnunp-jso I could scarcely alooj : Meeting with such success with my bac I applied a plaster under the knee o each log , and in throe days was con plotoly cured , and have iiover boo troubled in either way blnco , ( lSAWDUSTMINNEWYORKCiT\T \ How the "Groon Goods" Oamo la Worked Its Profits. AN ARIZONA MAN MYSTIFIED. jylnis In "Wait l-'or Victims The Modus Oponuiill One Man Saved Uy a lete ttve A Sample Kxpcrlencw. Now York Correspontloneo of the St. Louis Globc-Domocrnl : "If I lost my > resent jKwitlon , " snltl n , Now York wllco tlotoctlvo to the wrltor n few lays npo , "I would go Into the sixwtlnst justness. Thcro'tf moro money in It nil less risks Uwnmiy similar ocoupa- lon. " The first imrt was spoken in jest , but hero was n deal of truth in it. The 'our ' best known "uroen jjooils" mon in hit ) city litwo mudo tv barrel of money n the past two yearn. They tire Uiu-noy IcGniro. Jo Little , Chnrloy Johnson intl Charles Parmorly. Kttch is the carter of a "tfiing , " for the business re quires a large force of employes. The minor rogues make only their wages , vith pickings and stealings , just as in ; > oliticrt and elsewhere , but the leaders grow rich on largo and frequent profits. There is the best authority for paying that MuGuiro's gains during the pabt two years have not boon loss than $150,01)0. ) The others htivo not earned 10 much , say 8-5,000 for 1'armcrly , 40,000 for Johnson and $50,000 for Lit tle. Altogether it is a profitable busi ness and bids fair to bo permanent and safe. The laws do not cover the olTonse , so that the sawdust man who lights hard can utmost always secure an acquittal. Many of those con victed have foolishly pie ulcd guilty when there was not the least need of it. The methods of UIOMO men have been exposed - posed without number , but the victims continue to pour in. Newspaper arti cles on the subject , though they state the facts in the clearest terms , tire only advertisements for the business , and are BO regarded by the sawdust men. When an ox'poso comes to the hands of iv man who is thinking of purchasing "green goods. " lie simply sneers at the idea that ho can be caught in such a not , and at once matures a plan to got the best of the swindlers. It costs him from $ i")0 to $1,500 to lind out that his plan is not reliable. HAMI'LK KXTKHIKNCK. Your correspondent was standing in the Pennsylvania ferry house , foot of I'ourtlandhtroet , early in the afternoon , Justus the passengers of a through train landed in this city. Among them was a man whoso appearance was so pecu liar that attention was attractpd to him at once. lie wasovorsix foot in height , slender built , and clothed in rather un couth garments , the most conspicuous of which was a very long frock coat of a military pattern , and of the color known in the south as "butternut. " He wore a round topped hat with a broad brim , His hair was long , and bung down upon his shoulders , ite bad a'sandy mustache , and he carried a va lise. He was a delightfully "fresh" sub ject.Two Two men , standing together in such a position as to bo somewhat withdrawn from genera observation , were vratch- ing the now arrival sharply though warily. As was afterwards learned , they were Jim Johnson and "Hat" Sweeney , known to the profession as "htcorors. " The intelligent reader may be coming to New York any day to buy green goods , and very likely will meet ono of these men , so it will do no harm to toll how they look. Johnson is a dark man , 5 foot 5 inches in height , of medium build , and ia 45 years old. Ho has curly hair and a dark mustache. Ho will bo found wearing a dark suit and a black derby hat. His countenance isnotan evil one , though his eye is somewhat furtive. Mr. Sweeney will greet the visitor clothed in a suit very similar to that of Mr. Johnson , for t-ucli garments are not likely to attract attention. Ho is 28 years old , 5 feet I ) inches tall , of slender build and light complexion. Ho is at present wearing a sandy mustache. MYsTIFYINd THK STHANOKH. These two gentlemen watched the stranger from the country. When the visitor loft the ferry house ho was fol lowed at a respectful distance by Messrs Johnson and Swceno.y. This sot- tied the question in the writer's mind , and ho joined the procession. After some delay wo reached a hotel on Iroadway. Sweeney and Johnson then withdrew. The stranger registered at once and went to his room. Shortly thereafter he received a call from a gentleman named Hrady. Mr. Brady is live feet nine inches tall , witli light complexion and windy mustache. Ho has a line physique , and weighs about ono hundred and eighty pounds. Green goods buyers will take euro not to af front Mr. Brady , for ho is a slugger. After a brief interview the unfortunate and Brady came down stairs , and passed out upon the street , the latter follow ing some twenty paces behind the former. In this way they walked up Broadway a block , then crossed to the Bowery and proceeded down that thoroughfare. While wondering what ho should do to wive the coun tryman from his impending fate , yom correspondent ran against Mr. L. A. Nowcomboformerly pgstoflico inspector , and now senior partner of Nowcombo A Travors' detective agency. Ho had como up a side street in time to sec Brady and the ianocont go by , and \vut looking down the street after them witli an amused smile. "Hero's a grand steal going on. " said he. "Como along , and we'll see if thi > gentleman ( pointing to Brady ) connect : with the countryman. " Wo accordingly followed the men They turned into Brooino street , um shortly aftoawards Brady joined tin stranger , and they proceeded a shor distance in company , when they agaii separated. "All this rigmarole , " staid Nowcombo "is simply to confuse and terrify the vie tim. There's no need in the world o trailing this man through the street mx leaving him shivqrlng on corners. Ill done to get him in a state of mind suit able to the game about to bo played 01 him. After a man has dodged iinagin ary detectives and gene through tin mystery business for an hour or two hi isn't in a condition to know whether he' being cheated or not. This man IK evidently dontly from the far west or south , don't Bympathi'/o with him at all , butl'l fauvc him if 1 can. " A KINDLY WAHN'INO. Accordingly we dodged Brady , win was retracing bin stops and caino ii ] with the countryman. "My friend , " said Nowcombo , "do yoi know that you're going to bo swlndlei out of all your money V "No , sir , I didn't , " said the country man. "Well , you aro. The man who jus loft you la to return with another who 1 to sell you some counterfeit money. An I right ? " "Supposin * you bo , " said the man , "i ain't nouoo'your business , and don' you forget it. That's niy/ftdvlco t.oyou , . v young man , can gamble on it. I n't n't no tenderfoot , imd I'm nil right. " "You think you nro,1'said Nowcombo. < "but if you buy counterfeit money pr ' . those mon you will llnd that you have . J been swindled. " I "Nobody don't pull any wool over my { eyes , " said the countryman , and he win * proceeding to give Nowcombo a history > of his many marvelous exploits when * Brady and another man hove In plglit j coming up the street. When they saw fc Nowcombo they turned about , walked , rapidly toward the Bowery , and finally broke into a run. The man from boyom'l civilization was surprised. f "Say , stranger , what docs yer mean ? " = said he. "Those toilers lit out like mad * the instant they laid eyeon yor. 1 < don't like it , anil If I thought you'd pre vented my dealing with them I'd drop ' yer in yer tracks. " At the wuno tiino | no reached for his pistol. ( "Don't take that gun out hero or' . < you'll got into trouble , " said Newcoliibo. f. "You're liable to arrest for having It t with you. I'm a detective. , ami have j done what I could to keep you out of \ bad company. Take my advice , and got i out of town. " ! To my great surprise , the countryman ' decided , upon reflection , that this ad vice was bound. , "This yer New York ain't Arizona , " } Bald ho , "and as long as you'ro what ' j ou say you are , 1 gucsa I'd hotter tlo to , ' . " , 'OU. Ho popmod to bo a decent sort of fot- j ow , and Nowcombo invited him down o his olltco , in the Benedict building. ' There the man from Arizona told Ilia I lory. His name was J. L. Mormady. i lo had been lured to Now York In the ' .isual way. ! "There's lots of boys out my way who i mvo boon roped In by these follors , " said ho. "You see out there wo don't ! ; nako much money , and when we do [ make any it comes in a heap. Just about he time ho rakes in a llttlo pile ho I icars from Now York. Somobodv wants o sell him a lot of green goods , and though ho can point to half a do/.en mon who have got left on that racket , ho is just fool enough to think lie can pot the test of it. That was the way with mo. I've got $1,000 in my pocket , and I o.x > poct 1 caino very near losing it. At the wuno time I wanted to make a winning irotty bad. They sent a simple of their nonoy out to mo. That's what catohos the boys. You can't toll it from the cnulne article.1 "Likely enough , " said Nowcombo , 'for ' it's as good a bill as ever was made. " THK BA\VinfST OAMK. He then proceeded to give Mr. Mor- mardy a few points on the workings of the sawdust game. Everybody knows how the first part of the game is played , The "writer , " as ho is called , sends out his loiters to addresses in commercial directories , or to men ho hears of from local crooks. The countryman comes to the city with all ho can raise , goes to a hotel and is mot by such a man as Brady , to whom he is induced to surren der the correspondence. The atTair ia then in charge of the "boodler , " a man wlio holds the money. When the deal is complete the writer usually gets 20 per cent. In this case Brady was the ' 'stccrer. " IIo takes his man as far as the "turning point. " BO called , where ho is left till ho is sulllciently nervous to bo run Into the joint and fleeced. Once inside ho is shown the money ( notes fresh from the treasury department ) , and by thin time he is so excited that his only thought is to get hold of them and got out of town. Hois invariably induced to express the valise to his homo , for fear the detectives will arrest him for having counterfeit money. It is needless to say that the vallgo which goes by express is not the ono that contains the money. There are various ways of turning the trick. Sometimes the change is made in the dive whore the money is shown. A sliding panel is arranged In the wall , and while the countryman's attention is attracted another way the substitu tion is made. The latest thing is the restaurant trick. The victim gets hla money in a bundle which ho carries In his hand. Then , accompanied by two or three of the thieves , ho goes into a restaurant and sits down at a table. Suddenly ono of the crooks whispers : "Look out for the fly copl" At the same time pointing to ono of the gang , who is rigged up as a detec tive. tive."Put "Put that money uiidor the table , out of sight ! " continues the crook ; and the innocent docs it every time. Sometimes ho keeps his hand on it. Then ho IB asked to take a drink , and while he lifts the glass to his lips the transfer ia made. His hand goes under the table again , but the bundle it grasps is not the same one that it held a moment be fore. Nowcotnboexplained a half-dozen such trick's to the man from Arizona , and then showed him Brady's picture , and various clipping ! ! in scrap-books which told of miccuRsfnl operations upon just such mon as Mr. M ( > rmardv. That gen tleman expressed his gratitude in fitting terms , and showed that it was genuine by leaving town the same day. Neglected coughs are the beginnings of consumption , bo prudent , and euro your cough with Dr. J. II. McLeans' Tar Wine Lung Balm. 2o cents a bottle. .TOUCH ol * Dmicilln. Chicago Inter-Ocean : The biggest man , from a financial point of view , is a man who revels in the alliterative name of Johnny Jones of Dnnedin , Now Zea land. Jones is not a name that com mends itself to any ono by reason of its oddity , but the Dunedin nabob , who is thus known , is a man with a singular history , and his phenomenal upward flight from a lowly toiler at the oars of a ferry-boat to the high estate of a mer chant prince will bear recounting. Formerly ho plied a lusty oar across a ferry , but ono dark night ho was taken in hand by a kindly fate and steered right into a mine of wealth. A largo robbery had been committed during the day , and as night came on the robbers appeared at the ferry landing with their plunder. Hastily they entered the boat and invoked Johnny to strain every nerve to reach the opposite shore quick ly. The detectives were close in their wake , and on touching the shore the gang of crooks bethought themselves of nothing but safety. Jumping from the neat they scampered across the country , leaving their treasure In the possession of Mr. J. Jones. That worthy win very poor , but very sly , and ho"f rozo on to the monoy-bags with all the vim of a , salty nature , and quietly waited until the excitement had suhbldcd. Then ho invested his little pile in a short steam boat line , and making a handsome profit on the investment , soon brought out a larger lino. Now ho Is fabulously wealthy and has an Interest , minor or major , in almost every steamship line that finds Dunudin a paying port to touch at. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalm At the olij stand , HOT Kurnura St. Orders by Ulf solicited ami promptly lit Vo. No. KM