Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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I IPTT'VTVP. Tlri \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1VTP
Yesterday's Proceedings of the State
Boar.d Of Transportation.
lnnn er IfolilrcKoHnyH Ills Company
Jinn llci-ii .MInroproHontotl I/ong
MM ( iil'diNi-H Decided liy tin )
frnoM TIIR ni-r.'s LINCOLN wniuc.l
The fltnto board of transportation mot yes
terday pursuant to notlco published to con-
wider ii rovlnlon of frelsht tariffs In the state
jind tlic propriety of putting In force a new
distance tariff. 'J'hc Hurllngton ofUcials
\vero represented hut representative1 ! ! of
ntlicr roads wcro not present. The injunc
tion case nrcparcd by the Union Pacific , re
hashing former utatumcnts thut the road was
fiitbjcct only to federal control , was dis
cussed Informally mid Old not appear to
excite the board to any appreciable extent.
Two cases of complaints against the U. & M.
were first taken up , cmo of them being the
question of orclerint * the road to put bruku-
incn on all trains. Manager HnldreRO tcstl-
lied in tlu ) matter mid thu board ordered that
the casu bo modltled requiring an air brake
on trains , brakemcn to bo employed when
more than than three cars comprised a train.
The complaint inado concerning poor track
ami crossings nt and in the vicinity of Adams
Htatiun was next considered and the board
ndjonrned at noon to visit the alleged
defective track In the afternoon but
failed to make thu trip on account of the late
ness of the train' . They resumed the session
ut 4 p. in. mid took up thu proposed que.itlon
of abolishing distributing a tarllT in tlm state
nnd the enforcement of a ono dlstunco tariff.
Therowcro priwnt at the mooting Messrs. C.
II. Puitrlch , A. 1) . Yoeuin , K. U. Webster , G.
] J , Hergcr and .1. .1. Wemplc , of the Hastings
board of trade , and I. M. Raymond and J. u , .
XJtt , of the Lincoln freight bureau. The ar
guments of all parties wen ; against the
abolition oT the distributing tariff , the com
mon opinion being thut such net would tend
to destroy commercial centers in the state ,
nnd to tlm upbuilding of wholesale ! centers in
Iowa and Kansas ,
Manager Iloldrldgc stated to thoboard thut
complaints of a character assailing the com
pany's road bed as unsafe were wholly untrue ,
and were Instigated b.y Irresponsiblu parties.
Further lnj stated that they were of direct
nnd poilllvo damage to the load creating an
impression of danger Unit did not exist. Ho
calh'4 on the board to suppress such complaints -
plaints from entering the columns of news-
] > ai > crs , and ilM uot think that the public
good demanded their publication. Mr.
Mnngor stated that the records in such
complaints were similar to court records ,
and had to ho HO treated. The. board there
fore took no action but deferred it until later
in the session and adjourned until 9 o'clock
this morning.
sui'iii'Mi : coniT DBCIHIOSS.
The supreme conrtyosterday handed down
decisions prepared during the holiday recess ,
the cases largely coming from the Tenth ,
Kh'venth and Twelfth districts , and which
\vcie heard at the close of tlio continued
luly term. Kol'owing arc the opinions Hied :
Andloy vs Pasahro , Appeal NuckollH county.
Lten of Templeton Bros. , hold superior to
inoitgngo of plaintiff. Decree of fore
closure , the proceeds of sale to be applied ,
ilrst , to payment of lien of Templeton
Kros. ; second , to the amount duo on mort
gage. and third , to the amount duo Van
, Gundy on his Hon. Opinion by Kcese , J.
1. A vendor of real estate , upon the abso
lute conveyance thereof by deed , has no lien
on the land to conveyed for mien portion of
> hu money as remains unpaid. Ed-
ininster vs Hlggins , ( i Neb , i ! < i , " > .
1) ) . The policy of our law is to discourage
Kecret liens nnd to require all instruments uf-
fcctlni/ the tltlo to real estate to be entered
, jipon Jicord. Id.
il. Tht 'doctrine thi.t the vendor has a lien
on the land conveyed for purclmso money re
gaining upald , is repugnant , to our statutes
in relation to real estate , and it is no part of
the law of this stiitc.
4. Hulo applied. A. sold mid deeded cer
tain real estate to P. on the 29th day of June ,
1885. On the samu day T. . by virtue of a con
tract with P. therofor , nold and delivered to
Iiim material for the erection of a building on
wild propei ty. On the 23d day of July , 1N35 ,
P. and wife executed a mortgage to A. to secure -
cure the unpaid portion of thopurchasoprico.
Held , That the mechanics' lien in favor of T.
was t uuerior to the Hen o A. created by the
Powers vs. Craig. Rrror from Cherry
county. Affirmed. Opinion by Hcesc , J.
1. In an action for damages resulting f torn
the destruction of property by iiro negligently -
, gently sot upon the prairies of this state , the
.question of negiljjeneo is iilono for the Jiiry
'to determi'jo.
2. In such case where It was shown that
the llro originated at the camp 11 ro built upon
the prairlo in the vicinity of a largo quantity
of dry grass at 1 o'clock in the day , when
the wind was high and blowing in the direc
tion of the defendant's proocrty , the ques
tion of the custom of the country in plowing
lire guards around such property is not a ma
terial inquiry , and especialy so when a
stream thirty feet in width was between the
proi-ort.v destroyed by the llro nnd the place
where the II ro was kindled. In such case the
failure to plow or burn llro guards would not
bo contributory negligence.
State VB ICcllner. Kxceptions from Madison
county. Kxceptious sustained. Opinion
by U'-esc. J.
1 , Defendant was arrested upon n complaint -
plaint , tried before a Justice of the peace for a
. misdemeanor , convicted , and appealed to the
district court. Upon trial in the district
court , testimony was introduced tending to
establish nil thu material allegations of the
. the close of the '
complaint. Upon state's tes
timony , defendant moved the court that the
cause bo dismissed and the defendant dis
charged , which motion was sustained , held
2. Where a defendant was charged with
Itecping and bavin ; ? charge of scales for the
purpose of weighing live stock , grain , coal
mid other articles , ami knowingly and will
fully reiKirting false or untrue weights ,
whereby another was defrauded , it was held
competent for thu purpose of showing guilty
knowledge , to provo that nt or about the
time alleged in thu complaint the defendant
used nnd caused to bo used in the weighing of
Block and grain a loaded weight , lieav'cr '
than other mid correct weights kept by him ,
thereby causing the apparent weight of the
stock , hay , etc. , to be diminished.
MclCesson vs Hawley. Appeal from Lancas
ter county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Ueeso ,
Ch. J.
On tlio 12th of February , 1ST2 , A executed
to U a tntst deed to secure the payment of a
sum of money duo April 12 , 1872. The trust
deed provided , among other things , that If
tlio notes were not paid nt maturity the trus
tee should advertise and sell the real estate
nnd convey u fee simple title to the purchaser.
The notes wcru not paidnt maturity. On the
7th day of Juno , 1S72 , tlio trustee advertised
nnd sold the real estate to the highest bidder
according to the terms of the tru ° t deed. On
the liilH day of September , ISfJ , the pur-
c'jaser at the tnistco's sale convoyed the
property to another by warranty deed. On
the 5th Guy of October , 1S74 , the property
wiis again sold and conveyed by warranty
deed , and on the IMlth day of April. 187(1 ( ,
plaintiff purchased the snmo and received u
; u.vllar conveyance. Defendant and her
gr.intors wcro in open , notorious nnd adverse
] i vsi'salon of the property for more than ten
years prior to the commencement of this
setloii , which was to redeem the property
iron. ' the trust deed. It was held that the
statute f\l \ limitation had run , nnd that plain-
tllt'j cause of action \v\s barred.
Holland va Conimorelal bank. Krror from
Sai'iio county. Proceedings in error ills-
m'jsod. Opinion by KCCKU , Ch , .1.
Defendant in error , bank , commenced its
nctlGii in the district court of Saline county
tigulnst defendant In error , Hollands , upon
a promissory note executed bysald Hollands
to plaintiff in error , and by him alleged to
have been endorsed to the bank. Plaintiff in
error appeared nnd presented his answer by
which hu denies the ownerMilpof the note by
the bank and alleged that ho was the owner
thereof and entitled to thu proceeds of the
same. He also tiled his application to bo ad
mitted as n party to the action. The applica
tion wus refused and ho was not permitted
to tile his miHwer. Held error.
3. At that time an action wus pending In
the district court of Cosa county Instituted
upihibt him by defendant bank. Afterhav
ing been denied the right to intervene in this pending In Saline county , ho tiled his
answer Inthe district-court of Cnw county In
tha cause therein pending , ' whore ho charged
thu punk with the conversion of the note
upon which the suit had been bronchi In Su-
llno 1 county , anddcmtinUed Judgment for the
amount thereof , nnd which action Is now
pending ; Held , n Waiver of the error of the
district ! coUrt of Sallno county nnd an nban
donmcnt of his right to prosecute error
thereuion | in this court.
Holland vs Commercial Hank. Krror from
Cass county. Hoversod. Opinion by Cohb ,
J. Maxwell , Ch. J. , dissents from the Judg
1. The written Instrument presented In evi
dence by the plaintiff at the trial In the court
bulow , as containing the articles of Incor | > oration -
ration of the plaintiff In laid action , though
certified by the secretary of state us a copy ,
contained Intrinsic evidence of being the
original articles , the sigpaturo thereto of the
corH | > ralors being proved us genuine ; held ,
admissible In evidence ,
li. On the trial of the nctlon , plaintiff's
Kxiks of nccount wcro Introduced in evidence
und It was shown that n greater number of
the entries nt specified dates were made by
: ind in the handwriting of a clerk In plaintiff's
employ who was neither called nor subKL'ncd |
.o verify such entries , nor was his absence
it-counted for ; huld , error nnd n new trial
! l. On the trial of n motion to discharge nn
irdcr of attachment to u Judga ut chambers ,
Jicro being evidence tending to provu the ab
sconding of defendant with intent to defraud
his creditors , mid that ho had left the county
of his residence to avoid the service of Mini-
uons , the same being grounds of attachment
iillcged In the affidavit for attachment , and
the weight of the evidence not being clearly
against the finding and Judgment of the Judge
of suld motion , the same Is upheld.
Campbell vs Holland. Krror from Sarpy
county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by Cobb. J.
1. The evidence tended to prove that the
ilaintiff purchased none-half Interest in the
iroperty In litigation at a certain date , ho
: hen being in possession as agent , and con-
; lnued In possession until a subsequent date
when he purchased the remaining one-half
Interest. The. question being the bona ( Ides
of both of .said purchases and sales. Held ,
that the declarations of the vendor as to his in anil ownership of said property ,
mule after said lirst purchase and sale , but
iioforo the last one. were admissible in
evidence for the purpose of impeaching
plaintiff's title , but that ouch declarations
nndu after the last purchase and sale , were
2. On an issue of fact as to whether an
assignment or transfer of pro | > crty was made
to hinder , delay or defraud creditors , it is
competent wlieio the assignor or vender Is u
witness to Inquire of him whether in mr.king
the assignment or transfer liu intended to
delay or defraud his creditors. See Suymore
vs Wilbon , 15 N. Y. K. . f.fi7.
It. The same rule applies to cases where
[ he assignee or purchaser Is called as a wit-
4. On the trial defendants cross-examined
thu plaintiff as to certain erasures in his no-
xmut books and u leaf of one of them which
jippcarcd to have been torn out ; ho answered
that the erasures had been made by himself
to correct errors , nnd the leaf torn out also
by himself because it had been accidentally
soiled and rendered unlit for use ; defendants
afterwards offered said books In evidence ,
which offer was refused. Held , mi error.
5. When upon thu examination or cross-
examination of n witness a curtain conversa
tion Is drawn from him In evidence , the oppo
site party will always be permitted to cross-
examine or re-examine him for the purpose
of eliciting the whole of such conversation.
The scope of such ox.imination is n question
peculiarly for the trial court.
(1. ( The plaintiff being a witness on his own
behalf was cross-examined as to the source
from which he derived the money used In the
purchase of the pro ) > crty in litigation , and
having answered that a certain portion of it
had been received by him in payment of u
loan previously made to his father , an at
tempt being made as well In his furlhercross-
examination as otherwise , to discredit hid
statement in this behalf , ho was permitted to
testify In rebuital as to where lie obtained
tlio funds out of which said loan was made :
Huld , No error.
7. The instructions given to a Jury must bo
construed together , and if when considered
as n whole they properly state the law , it is
RUfllcient. IJartling vs Hchrcnds , ! > U Neb , ,
8. When the law applicable to the pleadings
and evidence in a case has already been fully
given by instructions to u Jury by the court
on its own motion , it is > not error to refuse
further instructions.
' . ) . Where , upon a motion for a new trial
founded on affidavits , all of the material facts
contained in such aflidavito uro contradicted
by affidavits in resistance , the Judgment of
the trial court in denying such motion will
ordinarily be uphold.
10. A new will not bo granted on ac
count of uuwly discovered evidence merely
cumulative in its character.
Towno vs Sparks. Krror from Cherry
county. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb , J.
1. S. being a merchant engaged in selling
goods and supplies T. , W. U. T. , who was an
entire stranger to S. , drove into the vicinity
of T , a large band of sheep : having no oilier
known property or myans , ho applied to S.
for credit for goods and supplies. S. , for the
purpose of Informing him as to the desirable
ness of T. as a credit customer , asked him
how many sheep he had. T. replied that ho
had brought thirty odd hundred , that some of
them belonged to 1J. .t K , nnd 1,201) ) of them
were his own , which he was going to run out
on his ranch. S gave T credit from that
time on for goods and supplies , for which
judgiiietit was rendered and a part of said
sheep levied on. Thereupon Treplevined the
sheep as the property ofj , who had farmed
the same to him on shares fora term of yeard.
Held , that T is estopped to deny the truth , of
the representation made by him to S as to
the ownership ol the sheep , and thut he can
not maintain replevin therefor.
2. In an action of replevin : Held , that evidence
denco of matter in estoppel may be given and
availed of as n defense under a general do
mal and without being pleaded specially.
! ! . The evidence examined and held suffi
cient to sustain the verdict.
4. The judgment of the county court upor
which tlm execution on which the levy was
made was issued , having been for $190.4 ! :
and costs , thu amount of costs not being
shown in the record , nor the interest on tin
Judgment computed , the iiuding of $ o3'j.24 i
presumed to be correct.
r > . Instructions complained of examined am
0. Testimony contained In deposition ob
jected to examined and sustained in part , ami
as to the residue held not roversable error.
Warnell vs McConnell. Error from Hich
ardson county. Affirmed. Opinion by
Kecse , Ch. J.
1. Persons licensed to sell intoxicating
liquors , are jointly and severally liable fo :
all damages resulting from their traffic , and
actions may bo maintained against them
jointly for all damages to which they liav
contributed by the sale of liquors.
2. Principals mid their sureties upon 11
cense bonds are liable to nn action for dam
ages Jointly with thu principals and surctic
upon other bonds of a like character , whil
all the principals have contributed to HIL
same in jury by the sale of intoxicating liquors.
! ! . The sureties upon the bond of u licensed
vendor of Intoxicating liquors are liable 1101
only for the damages resulting directly fron
the nets of their principals , but for all dam
ages to which such acts contribute. Ant
where , during the existence of u luonsobasct
iiton | such bond , the principal sells intoxicat
ing liquors to ono who Is disqualified to crr
a support for his family , by reason of his in
toxicatlon , the liability of the surety attache :
and continues throughout the period of .such
disqunlitlcation , whether the same terminates
during the license year , or continues for a
longer time.
4. Where a married woman sues upon
license bonds for loss of support for herself
nnd children , occasioned by the disqualitlca-
tion of her husband to earn such support by
reason of his intoxication , she docs not
sue in the cnpncUy of a guardian or next
friends for her children , but the action may
bo maintained by httr in her own narno and
right , and thu damages , when collected , must
bo paid to her to be used as she may see
proper for the maintainanca of herself nnd
children. In such action she may join her
children with her , or she may prosecute the
suit in her own name for the whole damages ,
as she may elect , it being shown by her
petition that she has such children who nro
deprived of their means of support by reason
of the disqualification of thu father , or per
son ujKin whom such support devolves.
ItoUman v. Lucas. Krror from Knox
county. Reversed. Opinion by Cobb , J.
1. A witness in his examination In chief , or
ro-examinntion by the party calling him.
when on account of his possessing a ] > cciai
knowledge , skill or experience is permitted
to give his opinion or Judgment on a question
of quality or values , if ho is ixirmltted to
glvo the t > ourco of his social knowledge , ex-
| H.Tictico or skill , il will bo confined to gen
eral statem cuts. And when ho is permitted
to narrate the fucU and circumstances of u
special transaction , outside of the cnno on
trial , for the pur | > 08o of enabling the Jury to
compare the factn and results of shell trans
action with thee of the case on trial , nnd in
Mutt manner Impress them with the sound-
ess of his opinion or judgment , hold , error.
2. To nvoid n sale upon the ground that It
a fraudulent ns to creditors , the purchaser
nu&t have knowledge of the fraudulent pur-
> ese of the seller , orhavouollco of such facts
ending to show u fraudulent puri > ese ns
vould put n man of ordinary iirudenco on In-
lulry. Temple vn Smith , ll ! Neb , , MB.
Colvln vs Hepubllcan Valley Lntul associa
tion. Krror from t'urnus souttty.
Mllinucd. Opinion by Keesc , Ch. J. not sit-
1. In nn nctlon In ejectment it was ptipn-
tiled between thu parties that certified copies
f the record of deeds should bo used In evl-
lenco without proof of the loss of the origin-
Is , und that such copies contained all that
ho originals contained. Plaintiff
'ffercd ' In evidence n certified copy of n deed
executed by the Lincoln Laud association , a
'orporatlon , which was objected to for the
casnn that the copy did not show that the
iriginal deed was under the seal of the cor-
> oraton ! , that Is , that no Impression of'thu
eal was thereon. The objection wus over-
'tiled and thu copy admitted. . Held , correct ,
t being recited In the deed that the seal of
ho corK | > ration was thereunto afllxcd.
2. Thu statute of limitations will not run in
'avor of an occupant of real estate , unless
ho occupancy and jwssesslon are adveivo to
.ho true owner , and with tlio inUml end pur-
use of tlm occupanl to assert his ownership
f property. Ills possession must bo ns
iwncr , mid adverse to every other person.
ii. In mi action in ejectment by the vcndco
ignlnst the vendor , the only defense pre-
icntcd by the answer was n general denial
if the allegations of thu petition and n plea of
hu statute of limitations. On the trial thu
efcndunt sought _ to provo that he had not
> ccn paid the consideration for which he sold
ho land. The testimony was excluded.
Held , correct , as no equities were presented
.IV the answer ,
lays vs Mercier. Appeal from Chase county.
Reversed. Opinion by Kecse , Ch. J.
1. Where plaintiff Hied his petition in equity
n the district court , and to which defendant
resented n demurrer , the ground for do-
nurrer being that the petition did not state
he facts sufllclcnt to constitute n cause of
iictiun , mid such demurrer being sustained ,
t was held that neither a motion fur a new
rial , nor bill oloxcoption < i was necessary In
irder to obtain a review in the supreme court
jy appeal.
2. An affidavit for a mechanic's lieu In the
'ollowing form :
'State of Nebraska , I
Chase County. ( '
J , P. Hays being first duly sworn on his
lath says that the forego'ng ' account of work ,
abor and skill , is u true and correct account
> f the work , labor and skill done and per-
'ormed. and furnished by this afllnnt for the
aid Thomas Merrier under a verbal con-
racl for the erection of a storehouse build-
ng for thu said Thomas Mercier upon the
ollowing described lot , piece or parcel of
mid , viz : Lot number one in block number
'our in the town of Imperial , Chase county ,
Nebraska , according to the recorded p'.at
nnd survey of said town , now of record in
, he office of the county clsrk of said county.
And this afllunt further says tlu.t ho has and
Iocs hereby claim n lien on the suid premises
; is above descrlbod for the full amount of his
said account for labor , work and skill , to-wit ,
thu sum of $101.50 together with interest
thereon at the rnto of 7 per cent per annum
from this date , and furthei ntllant rfays not ; "
Held , sufficient when assailed by demurrer.
Judge Cochran , of the Twelfth judicial dis-
rict , was nt the capital yesterday tiling his
oath of office.
Speaker Harlan came down from York
yesterday to attend the meeting of the board
of transportation and its discussion of the
ate question.
Judge Samuel Maxwell , of ( ho supreme
court , tiled his oath of office yesterday with
the secretary of state.
Hrad Slaughter , of Fullerton , is in llio
city hurrying up the work on the house jour
nal that have not yet passed the printer's
Judge Applegate , of Teoumsoh , R. P.
Davidson , of Teciimsoh , and ex-Surveyor
General U. V. Steji cnsen , of Uichardson
county * , weie visitors nt the state capital yes
Klcvea Councilman Alert anil Trans
act Considerable ISiislncsH.
Kleven sharp-shod councilmcn slid to the
council chamber last night nnd transacted
considerable business. A majority of the
gentlemen were in n frisky and humorous
mood , and the delegation hi the vicinity of
Lee's , Ford's and Lowry's side of the house
were so ridiculously funny that Councilman
Alexander threatened to leave the room.
This involved the gentleman nnd Mr. Lee in
an exchange of hot words , which President
Hcchcl had some dilllculty in squelching.
Tlio committee on special appropriation
ordinances reported In favor of the following :
il. F. Baker , tnrce months' salary as super
intendent of city hull , SoOO ; curbing Leaven-
worth street from Seventh , S.llO.O'i ; grading
Calit'orniastrcct from Twenty-seventh street ,
ii3.40 ; : John C. Cowin and George W. Am
brose , W50 each for legal services in the quo
warrnnto cas ; payment of liabilities amount
ing to $33i(4.t)7 : ( ) , incurred during the month
of December , 1SS7 , and prior thereto.
A resolution to the effect that the city coun
cil meet as n board of equalization for the
equalizing of property in various sections of
the city to stand the expense of paving and
curbing , on Friday and Saturday , January 1'j
and 14 , was adopted.
An ordinance to regulate smoky chimneys
nnd smoke from locomotives caused consider
able debate. Mr. Hurnliam said that he had
beenrequestcd to draw up the ordinance by
respectable and law-abiding citizens , and he
disliked to hear Lee , Ford and others treat
ing it with ridicule.
lly a vote of nine to three the ordinance
was defeated.
The following ordinances were taken up
for third reading : Licensing employment ,
agents , rejected ; creating otHce of license inspector
specter , ut a salary of $1,200 per year , passed ;
providing for the issuanccof $ ir , > 00 city bonds
for paviug and curbing district 124. on
Cass street , adopted ; establishing
grade of Twenty-eighth street from
Dodgoto Farnam street , adopted ; partially
grading Pioreo street , from Twenty-second to
Twenty-fourth street , and npix > jnting ii | > -
praisers , referred to city attorney ; changing
the grade of Twenty-second street from St.
Mary's avenue to Loavonworth street ,
adopted ; establishing grade of Dodge street
from Thirtieth street to Twenty-seventh
avenue , ndoptcd ; levying n special tax on
property to construct a sewer in special sewer
district No. 53 , adopted ; levying a special tax
on paving district No. ( Vj to cover cost of pav
ing Sixteenth street from Pierce to Vinton
street , adopted. Several ordinances relating
to thu paving of streets between the tracks
of tlio street car companies wcr- referred to
the committee of the whole to bo considered
at their meetingne\tSaturday night ; levying
special tax and assessment on lots in paving
district No. 8.1 to cover the part cost of pav
ing Sixteenth street , adopted ; constructing
a sewer in sewer district No. ( X ) , adopted ;
curbing Fifteenth street from DavctijKirt to
Webster street , adopted ; constructing n
sewer in sgwcr district No. 50 , adopted ; con
structing a sewer in sewer district No. 4ti ,
adopted ; constructing n sewer in sewer dis
trict No. til , adopted ; constructing n newel
in sewer district No. 02 , adopted ; construct
ing a sewer in sewer district No. 43 , adopted
constructing n sewer in sowur distric
No. 4S , adopted ; paving California street ,
from Sixteenth to Twenty-fourth streetsv
adopted ; paving Twenty-fifth avenue , from
Farnmn to Dodge sticets , adopted ; paving
alloy from Thirteenth to Fourteenth streets ,
adopted ; curbing Sixteenth street , fron :
Howard to Lcavenworth streets , adopted : ,
paving Davenport street , from Ninth to
Fourteenth streets , adopted ; construction of
sidewalks , adopted ; construction of sewer it :
sewer district No. 41 , adopted.
On motion of Ford previous action on tin
ordinance regulating employment agencie :
was rescinded and the same was referred to
the committee on judiciary to have the itann
of the president included as ono of the licons
The council then adjourned ,
Postponed ID To-Night.
The conference of a delegation from th
city council and the board of police nnd tin
commission booked for last night to cousidc :
matters effecting the police force was post
jioncd until to-night , ns the councilmeu wen
engaged nt a special meeting ,
Schrotor , ono of Omaha's oldest drug
Cists has gene into business ; 1-120 Dodg
at. , ono door cuht Kolley. & Stigor.
A Newer rind Possibly n Richer Corn
wall Within tip United States.
Wlmt the Fnut , IP Proven , Will Menu
tO till ! lillslllCbB llllOrCHtH Of
tlio Country ; $ mo Interest-
li\K Idiots and Figures.
Writing of the discovery of tin in
quantities in the lilitck Hills , in
which ho and his nsjot'lnles , after most
thorough examination , have llio fullest
confidence , Lord Thurlow says in the
London Financial News of a recent ilato :
It represents the dawn of n new era that
can not fall to bo most unwelcome to the
favored mid very narrow circle that has
"iltherto handled the tin trndo of the world.
' 'a my mind , in place of there being anything
trango in this discovery , it Is amazing it was
ot imido before. All other metals have
icon discovered on the vast North American
'ontlnent ' under circumstances and in quantl-
les hitherto unprecedented , mid suitable to
lie unlimited requirements of the future cltl-
, ons of the United States. Gold , silver , cop-
icr , iron , and now tin , nro required by the
\merlcaii people and have been placed by
irovldence ready to their hands. No power
in earth will maku me believe thut all the tin
n this world has been placed on ono side of
ho Atlantic. That tin was not found earlier
n America Is duo to two circumstances :
'Irst. the American minor has only an eye
'or ' the precious metal in prospecting ; and ,
iccondly , this tin region has only quite ro-
ently been made accessible by Its exclusion
rom the Sioux reservation , Till quite lately
he Black Hills of Dakota were a scaled book
, o the prospector , who could only visit them ,
lot only with the risk , but with a certainly
f being tracked and scalped by rod Indians ,
sow all this is changed.
Ho says that the enterprise of devclop-
ng the tin mines of Dakota
others outside of the -
rom company c-om-
> ese < l of American anil English eajiilal-
sto and known as the llarnoy Peak
company. He says.
It was taken in hand after very careful in-
estlgation by men of business , able and
.villing to carry it out without any appeal to
iiitside Investor ! * . These men showed their
'tilth in the scheme by offering to invest sub-
itantlul sums of money and so far as I know
tever authorized any Invitations to the pub
ic to subscribe. It Is a new und great un
dertaking that is not likely to bo rushed by
llio responsible pcoplu who havu it in hand.
We believe in It implicity , and nro i > ot going
.o bo alarmed by criticism either friendly or
, he reverse , and whether duo to ignorance or
nterested motives.
PlielpH , Uodgo ft Coof Now Yorkaro
among the heavy importers of tin to
'his country , mul are naturally inter
ested in proclaiming the statement that
there are no tin mines in this country
of sullleient e.xtont to pay for working.
Mr. Dodge of that lirm is reported as
saying :
No doubt there are indications of gas there
> ut the general impression here is that the
ileposit is of no commercial value. Tlio com-
) imy established something of a plant two
ears ago , but 1 do not Jtiowthat ( tiny tin was
ever taken out. There have been n good
nany pockets of tin foiind in this country.but
none cf them has overpaid for working , but
when wo do get a good mine hero there will
he no need to go to England for capital to de
velop it.
W.hat Mr. Dodge anil other importers
nnd dealers in foreign tin "do not know"
of the existence of tiii deposits in this
country of suHieicntlv largo extent to
pay for working would make a respect
able volume. Tlio object T > f this article
is to enlighten such iih really desire ac
quaintance with the proven facts.
in the 131ack Hills'in Juno , 1883. Prior
to that time the ore had been well
known anil anathematized by gold seek
ers , who considered it a nuisance. Jt
was know by various local slang names
and generally considered worthless , or
worse , because of its interference with
tlio worl : of prospectors who looked only
for the precious metals. The true char
acter of this hitherto despised ore was
first ascertained at the date named.
Samples were sent to General John W.
Gashwillcr. of San Francisco , who had
them carefully assayed there , after
which he , through his agent , made the
first lode purchase of the Black Hills.
Since that time over three thousand
tin lode locations have been made in the
Black Hills.- Thousands of assays have
been made in this country and Europe.
Tons of the ore have been sent to Now
York and to England. One solid chunk
sent to England weighed 4,800 pounds.
Many old and experienced miners from
Cornwall have examined the mines and
tested the ores. Many are working on
the claims owned by the Harney Peak
company to-day. Over a million of dollars
lars have been expended in the pur
chase and development of tin claims.
The Harnoy Peak company now owns
something over two hundred tin lode
and placer claims in the Black Hills , to
gether with water rights. Over 3100,000
has been expended for machinery.
Many claims have been patented and ap
plications for patent have been made
for over a hundred more. Not only the
annual assessment work required by the
mining law $100 per year on each
claim has been done , but on some
claims many thousands of dollars have
been expended. For three years the
work has been tentatively experimental.
Since certain English capitalists have
become interested the work has been
most thorough , and yet wholly with a
view to ascertain , if possible , the extent
of the deposits. They seem to think
that as. the Cornwall mines have boon
profitably worked since the days of the
Phenicinns over two thousand years
that it was necessary to find a deposit
which could ho profitably worked two or
three thousand years more. The deeper
their diggings and the more thorough
their investigations , the more exten
sive the deposits are discovered to bo.
They now are found in
Lawrence , Pennington andCuster , over
nn extent of country in Dakota moro
than a hundred miles north and south.
There are four organized companies of
capital. One of thorn , is known as the
American Tin company , and is mainly
composed of Now Yorkers. Its mines ,
known as tlio Nigger Hill mines , uro
situated almut sixteen miles southwest
of Spearlish , in Lawrence county , in the
northern part of thq Ilaek Hills. Prol
Carpenter , of the Dakota school mines ,
&ays of this mine , iii a late report on
the mineralogy and geology of the Black
In the northern , or Nigger Hill district , as
it is called the bcst-kn9w'n claim Is the Cleve
land , owned by the American Tin company ,
who liavo sunk a shaft to the depth of UK
feet. At the 100 foot station , where a cross
cut has been driven the vein Is found to have
n width of over two hundred feet , und to
carry tin throughout , but /.ono about tldrty-
11 v feet wide near each wall is soinowlml
richer than the remainder of the lodo. The
company own about seventy claims , a mil
site , water-power , etc. , and oxjicct to operate
upon a largo scale.
Certain Chicago capitalists have
purchased the Tin mountain group o ;
mines near Ouster City , in the southeri
portion of the Black Hills. This is saii
to bo n veritable mountain of tin-bearin * .
rook. Some masses of it on assay at tin
Hchool of mines yielded -10 per cent o
Cassiterlto oxide of tin. It is claimed
that there nro many thousands of tons
of ore in sight that can bo worked at a
Recently an English company has
purchased a group of mines near Hil
? ity The licad of this company has
mil actual cvxporlonco in tin mining ,
lo expects to develop nnd operate these
ilnoH ns soon ns it is possible to oh-
aln tlio requisite maehtnory and mon.
The most promising and important
ill district , PO far as can now bo do-
ermlned , is that located near liarnev's
leak. Hero the largest discoveries
uivo boon made , the most work been
lone , the greatest amount of capital
won expended. Tills region is tribu-
nry lo the Nourishing town of Hapld
Citv , on the Fremont iV Missouri Valley
ailway , to which point the Hnrnov
'oak tin company will build a rallroail ,
ho preparatory stops having already
icon taken. Tills railroad , a narrow-
gauge , will penetrate llio great tin ills-
rict , winding in and out through the
auyons. and leading to the pines of
'larnov Peak , Hill Oily and Custorrai >
ying in supplies and taking out ore.
'rofessor Carpenter in his report pays
hat the .southern section , including the
larnoy peak , Hill City and Custor City
nines , is moro extensive than the
lorlhern , but that both northern and
onthern sections would doubtless have
jeen found ono had the sedimentary
ocks been removed by crasion.
In reference to the geology of the
Mack Hills , Prof Carpenter says :
FYom Harney peak , coming down In nuy
Irectlon , ono would Ilrst pass over the
ipturned edge of the tirchn'nn , which con-
ains veins carrying tin , gold , cop | > or nnd
liver. Next would be passed thu rocks of
hu Potsdam , which in thu northern hills
nrry deposits of gold and silver , and In the
outhern portion copper. The base of it Is
verywhero auriferous. The gold In it Is de
lved from the sauiu source ns the material
omposlng these rocks viz. , the archil-mi
irea , so that the base of the I'otadmn is in
enhty an ImmeiiMO ancient placer cousoll-
lilt wl to rock.
In geological language , the Hlnck Hills
mlift is as quaquavcrsal of singular regular
ly that Is , the sedimentary formations dip
way from the centre In all directions like
ho sides of a volcano.
Tlio Hartley peak tin district extends
ilong the easterly and northeasterly
lanks ol the granite range above rcfer-
ed to. It is about twenty miles in
ength by six miles in width. Within
his area several thousand miners'
hums or tin lode locations have been
According to the authority quoted :
The tin-stono is found in granlto veins or
likes ( true fissure veins ) in thu earlier or
chistosc urcluvun , shown upon thu map , nnd
vhlch vary in width from a few inches to
nindreds of feet. The percentugu of tin
stone in the greisen varies , but there are
nany veins carrying rock yielding from 2 to
per cent. That this is by no means n small
lercentage may lie seen by the following :
In Alt en berg , in Saxony , the yield is from
/t to 1 percent. In Cornwall , as shown by
ho government statistics , the yield of black
.In for the whole country Is less than 2 per
. cut. In the 1'ulburro district in Cornwall ,
ho average of nil the ore crushed m live
years was . ! > ' . > of 1 pcr.cent. Yet these mines
, 'icldcd a fair prollt.
The tin mines of Cornwall have been
worked for hundreds of years. Tlio
niners now go down under the sea at a
listanco of three thousand feet from tlio
surface. Tlio expense of lifting ore and
lumping water from sueh a depth must
> e enormous , even with till the aids of
nodern machinery. And yet when the
ore is extracted llio per centum of tin
stone would seem to bo very small less
; han 12 per centum. The tin ore , cassi-
Lerito , of the Black Hills is near the
surface on lofty and rugged mountains.
The per centum of metallic tin lias been
the astonishment of Cornwall miners.
On this point Prof. Carpenter says that
lie has made at the school of mines many
assays of Dakota tin ore , such as scalings
taken across veins , averages of dumjis ,
sample lots of ore , etc. , and has but in
ono instance found less than 1 per cent ,
while the average of the ore essayed ,
after excluding the evidently picked
samples , which ran 80 , 40 , and ovci CO
per cent , is about ! { per cent black tin ,
an average far exceeding that of Corn
wall , which is , by government reports ,
1.03 per cent , while the yield of the
Zwilter , in X.inwald , according to
Bruno Korlis about 5 per cent tin.
The English stockholders , as Lord
Thurlow intimates , are going slowly
but safely. With ample experience and
abundant meant * , they yet take nothing
for granted. They have had the ablest
experts in the world-to make close , per
sonal surveys of the Black Hills tin dis
trict. They have employed old miners
to do their development work. They
have expended largo amounts to ascer
tain both the guantity und quality of the
ere , expense of mining , reduction ,
freight , etc. After all this it is quite
evident that they have slowly reached
the conclusion , as Lord Thurlow says ,
that Cornwall's long monopoly of twelve
hundred years is near its end.
If this is so , our whole country , and
the world , in fact , is to be congratu
lated. Tlio manufacturing of metallic
tin into sheets nnd plates must prove a
vast business requiring skilled labor of
thousands of men.
Head the Death lloll
Which the bills of mortality of any
largo city may bo fitly designated , und
you will find that renal and yosical mal
adies' , that is to say , lliosc that affect
the kidneys or bladder , have a remark
able prominence wo had almost said
preponderance. Bright's disease and
diabetes in the chronic stage are rarely
cured , and gravel , catarrh of the blad
der and cnuresiss'lay many. Yet at the
outset , when the trouble merely
amounts to inactivity of the organs in
volved , the danger may bo nullified by
that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic ,
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , which im
parts the requisite amount of tone to
tlio organs , without over-exciting them ,
and thu use of which is convenient , and
involves no elaborate preparation.
Dyspepsia , a usual concomitant of renal
complaints , and debility , which they
invariably produce , are remedied by it.
So also are constipation , malarial , rhou-
matiu und nervous ailments.
Story of nK \ Steal.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch : "Tlio his
tory of the Denver & Rio Grande road ,
untie r its former management , shows
moro clearly than any other the way in
which a railroad can bo manipulated in
the interest of its officials and at the ex
pense of its stockholders. This road
was completed from Denver to Pueblo
in 1874 , and did a good business , A
number of tlio directors , however , saw _
u chance of making a fortune , and laiil
their plans accordingly. The ilrsl
formed a construction company , conceal
ing their 6\vn interest in it , but officer
ing it with mon entirely controlled bj
them. They next represented to the
stockholders the great advantages thai
might bo gained by buililing into Iho
mountains , and induced them to do so.
Contracts were lot to the constructioi
company , and building on a great scale
began. No mining camp wis ; too obscure -
scuro for the road to build a branch to
and the projectors of the scheme secured -
cured properly at these points
and mndn enormous profits. O :
course Iho railroad was soon
deeply Involved , but the conslructioi :
company was most prosperous , nni
General James Palmer , president of the
road , erected a magnificent house neat
Colorado Springs. This state of allairi
continued for tome years , but in 1870
was suddenly checked. By some means
the particulars of which I do not recol
lect' the Atchison , Topeka fc Santa Fo
managed to get possession of the Den
ver & Hio Grande , by an order of court ,
and run it in the intorcAts of that road
The Atchison , Topoko & Santa t'o know
that they had no vnllil claim lo Iho
Denver &Kio CJrandu , but hoped lo bo
.nblo 16 hnng tlio I'liso up-ln the court fern
n year or two , In the meantlmo retain
ing possession of the road. The case
was tried , utul decided in favor of the
Denver & Hlo ( .St-ando , but it was at
o.ico appealed. When it came up before -
fore the higher court , n band of men ,
mtpposod to bo in the employ of the
Atchison road , endeavored to kidnap
the judge , Senator lliiwou , of Colorado.
Bowen escaped , and delivered a most
scathing opinion , denouncing the Santa
1'V road. Hut H was again ajiealed | ) ,
and the trial scorned likely to last for
At this juncluro , General Palmer do-
termlned upon a master stroke. Care
fully laying bin plans , ho employed
( evoral armed men , and at an agreed
time the stations along the road were
taken possession of , the trains captured
ns * they drew up , the Atchison , Topeka
A- Santa Fo employe-1 * replaced by tlioso
of the Denver V Hlo Crando , and the
tralnn went on their way under the now
management. The attorney of the
Santa Fo at Pueblo endeavored to pro
test , but. wan run out of the town anil all
opposition put down. A moro eomploto
capture' never never took place in time
of peace.
From that day the road had no further
trouble with its former antagonist , but
the stockholders' troubles bad only be
gun. The ntoek rose from 58 to over $100
and many bought in at this price. At
this time the road was greatly extended ,
many mining camps being reached by
the line , not ono of which had money
enough to pay the running expenses * ,
but the construction company grow
very wealthy , while the mines , readied
by the railroad and owned by Us of
ficials grow very valuable. At last people
ple began to grow weary , prosecution
was threatened , and the directors and
ollieers very generally withdrew , leav
ing the road in the hands of those who
have since operated it in the hands of
the stockholders. Hut those who took
hold of it feathered their nests most
luxuriously , and could well all'ord to bo
content with what they obtained.
is undoubtedly caused by lactid acid iu
the blood. Tiiisacid attacks the llbrons
tissues , and causes Iho pains und aches
in the buck , shoulder s , knees , ankles
hips * , and wrists. Thouwinds of people
have found in Hood'H Sarsaparilla iv
positive euro for rheumatism. This
medicine by its purifying action neutra
lizes the acidity of Iho blood and also
builds up and strengthens the whole
Tlio Happy 1'aekcrs.
Chicago Herald : All the big packers
lave private loops running from their
ulllces to the main Western Union oltlce ,
: ind arc switched on to the trunk wires
when they want to send messages to
Now York , St. Louis , Kansas City , Cin
cinnati , or other points. There is a
jood deal of fooling in a business way
between all the concerns , but between
the Armours and the Fowlers the rela
tion is fierce enough to wovoko a per
petual fight if the Fowlers were not such
[ jood Methodists. The Armours , the
Dtlier day , got their "loop" on to a
Kansas City wire and talked in a sacred
ly confidential way to their house at
that end of the lino. The Fowlers hap
pened to have their loop on the same
line , and quietly listened to tlio family
chat and business secrets of their rivals.
A man not familiar with the dust two
packers can raise when they got quar
reling can have no idea of the muss
raised when the Armours found that
they had been piped off. The Western
Union people have been put to some
trouble to keep the bucket-shop mon oft
the board of trade connections , but the
precaution1 * taken in these cases wore as
nothing to those taken now to make
sure that when ono packer is talking
over a wire another has not got his carte
to a key "taking it off. "
Its superior exrellcnco proven in millions
homes for mortt than u quarter of : i century , o
isused liy the United States tlovuinmunt. Ku
dorseil In- the hemln of tlmreal ( iinlvcrsltloH , i
the KtroiiKost , 1'urent and Most Healthful. Dr.
I'rlru's the only linking 1'owiler that does not
contain Ammonia , I.lmu or Alum. Sold only In
cans. 1'iiiCK IUKIN'11'owuKlt Co. .
Now York. Chicago. bt. Louis.
I'orchorona , Clydesdales nnd Flilro , nlso homo
nri'd c-oltH. Hvery animal guaranteed u breeder
Our stock has lieen selected with rofeniucuti !
both Individual merit nnd pcdlurvo. Home of
those horses have taken I'm prize nt the No-
lirnska State l-'olr. ItMT. All our horses nro no-
climated , nnd coltw of thiilr not can be Hhovvn.
l'riri'8 reasonable und easy terms. Is accessible
by thu tliri'u JtMidlni * rnllroadK of the utate , II. ft
M. ; F. , 1 ! . & M. V. . and K. C. A : O.
rilV A : FAHIUJAII , Vorlc , Nub
11'uiiniruTTcureaTuCOuajs bV Ur.
'Home' . uf lie licit.
' ! > ! , combined. Guaranteed tLo
'only one Intni * worldfronrratlnflr
arontlQuoui Xleftrie * ttagnetio
-rvrrnl. HoUntlflc.Powerful. Durable ,
- , . . _ 7Comforl > bo ) and EtlMtlTB. Arold frauds.
* OTST'I.OOO cured. Send Ht rnp f ol pamphlet.
TouHi atlhetrtt icine-ly
J 'a ° " * * *
fciul Gleet.
We hive loM contlii
able , and In every ett l |
jiven litikfactlca ,
Alcolt ii I.lsk ,
Hudson. K. V.
tt-M ! > r Drue r llU.
frlca 61.00.
ir. J.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Ollico N. W Corner 14th uud Douglas Bt. OIIIco
telephone , < > w ; Itcaldimco tulephono , Ml.
Who Is WT.AIt. M'.UVOI'N. lir.lltMTA.
I'Klt. who in h ! FOIiIiY nnd H'NOHA.\
lm TRIKIKI > ( Mfnr hl < VUJOItof IIODY ,
Upon tlio FOI'XTAISN of I.IK if ,
1IKAUAC11R , HACK ACHE , Urondlnl
Drcumii , WKAKNP.NN of Memory , HASH.
rtti.NKNNiii N < MIKTY : , i iMii.r.Nupnu
tlio t'AI't : . and nil the F.KI MTN leRdlne lo
KAHI.Y ItRVAVntKi | > orhMn 'O.\M'.M I' .
TtON nr INSANITY , uliouM coliMilt nl onoj
the VKI.rilRATKI tlr. ClnrVo. KMnl.lMicd .
IBM. Dr. Gloria ha < mnda NK.ItVOI'N III' .
Ill MTV. < 'HH H1 mid all DlKMri of
the UKMTO HHI\AIIY Orpin * n Uci (
I'Muly. ' It mftltc.1 NO dltli'ivnrii WHAT you
iBTc tnkrn or WHO hn < i failed to euro you.
ir * 'KM A I.KN jmncrlng from dl t'iiM'i poctl *
liar to their aex can commit with the fiMuranro
of ipcrdy relief and cur . Eend - cent ! inutngo
for works on jour dlsofuci.
j > -8otHl 4 cento poeUKO ft > r tVlohrnted
Works on t'hronlr , Nrrvoit * nnd licit *
rnt > IMsenjcJ. Cormultntlon , 'H'ruoiml'y or by
letter , fac. . Consult the ol l Doctor.
Tliouiniulu enroll. Omcr niu1 lint-Ions
private. ftrThoto contcinplittliiR Marrlnuo
u-ml for Dr. 'lnrko' celebrated Riildo
Mule nnd Friiinlr. encli 1 * > C. , both o.
( itAtnra ) . Before confiding your cn p , eoimilt
Dr. Cl.AltKK. A friendly letter or cnll utAjr
lave future .utlerlnciind utinino , nnd ndd coldcii
years to life. i-Brxk l.irr'sj ( Secret ) Kr-
r < ir , " doc. ( sumps ) . Medlclno and writings
lent everywhere , iccuro from cxiioBiir * * .
lloun , R to ft : Hlimlrtys. U to 12. Addir-m ,
180 So. Clark 8U CHICAGO. ILL.
Important to Spectacle Wearers ,
Jl V/JJUUlllliUl
Direct from I.ondou. Nownt
3.512 2Tcxm.cua.-2. Street ,
iVIll ttiornuclily font your
'Vee or Clinrw , mill show you whom
icccssnry tlio UlnsscH nioHt MiltoU to
your condition.
Tliwo ere thoiiinnilH of pornoim pprniiini'iitly
njarlng tht'lr cje.-t liy thu UM' of Inferior niul
ll-llttlng ( ! IIIH.XOK , who n'Ki'tlitn too Into their
nlstiiku. Wovuiilil Invltn the it piTMins nlniilt
o tioKln mul thoM ) uho think tlioy cannot bo
iiltoil to sco u . Hi'iiioinber ' , It costs yon
but i\ few mnmiMitH1 Him1.
Tin proper iiiljustmi-nt of HwTtnolos Is a
cli'iuuvhlili none but thu HktlUul optician or
oculist , should prartlco. Wo liuvo thu moM 1m.
proviMl utul KclentllU' inMnimi'iit * and icxt-H for
letormlnlnc thu defect * of vision and prom.
> u to remedy wlieru po nlblo by the ut > o of Spec <
Wousummc but the most perfectly ground
.ml uoonriiti'ly ccntereil Jensen , mul inakn mime.s
o lit tin1 fiii'u. No fancy pileux. Our ( 'ryhtiillnn
i'laH nt fl.lHI uru for comfort
anil casu to the wcarnr.
HMO n niucijuiixTxn WITH TII oinoiuriiT or rml
Pr naion ot It * central position u'.o o relation to linn
Cut of Chicago , and contln.iMu Untt at tormina !
point ! Went , Korthwmt and Hoathwvit , U the tni *
ml.Iillo link In that tran rontln ntai njrsttm which
IntUo and facilitate ! travel and truffle between tu
Atlantic and 1'oclflc.
Tha Rock Iiland main line anil branch" lndud Chi.
cage , Jollot , Ottawa , I.aRalle , rorla , Otmpaeo , fttolln *
and Hock Iiland , In Illinois ; Davenport , Muicatlnt ,
Washington , FalrlUM , OUumw , Oskalnoin , WMtlJk-
artjr , Iowa Cltj-.DoiMolru-i.Incllanola\VInlp not , Atlan
tic , KnoiTllle , Audubon , ll.irlan , Outline CVntro anil
Coancll UluITs , In Iowa ; Gallatln , Trunton , Bt. nieph ,
Cameron and Kanaaa City , In Ulxiourl ; Lcat..iworth
and Atobtion , In Kanian Albert Loa , Mlnnuapolli and
"ft , Paul , In Minnesota ] Watortown and Sioux
Dakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and tuwna.
. ' 'Tho Great Rock Island Routo"
Guarantees § peed , comfort , eertalntj and naMy. ( ti
permanunt way iMdlstlomilthril forlUeicullt'iice. H
Lrl-Igt * are or itone and iron. Jti track Is of solid
Uel.lta rollingfttock perfect. ItspAiiengerequipment
bai All the latat/ appliances that experience h AH pro rol
nBcful , and for luxurious accommodations In u < >
pmsfifd. Its Express TraJni consist of superior D-iy
CoftclifS , lgnt Tullman 1'alace Parlor nnd Mooplug
Cars , superb Dlnlnff Cars , proTidliitf delicious mtals.
and ( between Chicago and St. Jonenh , Atchison and
Kansas City ) restful Rvclinlnfr Chair Cars. It * mau-
vfreraent U oonssrrnUre , Its discipline ex acting1
"The Famous Albert Lea"
tletwesn Chicago and Minneapolis and fU , l'at Is tha
favorite. Over this line Solid Fast Kxprea * Trains rnn
daily to attractlvo retorts for tourists In Iowa and
Ulnnesota. and. via Watertown and Sioux Kail * , to tha
rich whrat and grating lands ot interior Dakota. Via
Seneca nnd Kankakoo , the Hock Island offers itupcrlor
inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian *
npolls. Lafavetto and Council UlutTs , St. Joseph , Atcht *
fan , Leaven worth , Kansas City , fit. 1'aul , ami Intermo
dule points. All patrons ( cspfctall/ ladles anil chil
dren ) rtcelvo protect Ion , courtesy and kindly attention.
Kor tickets , maps , folder * , copies of WoHtern Trail , or
any deslri'd Information , apply to principal olllcrn la
the United States and Canada , or address , at Chlciffo ,
AJil OwlUuutr. Gin. TkL * Tut. Aft
Carlii'lic StniilHi Hill ( ; D. ( ion
'IttiutMi. ' 1 tKkti ifii'iit plt'imiro In
stntlni' Hint I hnrii lined tlm Car-
bnllc Sinoko Hull. 1 niiuld nut
be without ( inn. Fur n niiilili-n
coldorllirnnt troulilo ItHlnviil-
iinMn In furl vrorlli tm > limes Ha
WI-IL.-IU In cold. Vouri truly ,
i \v. i. K. four , ( liniraio lull. )
1 CatHrrh , Anllitim , HrniirhHIi ,
Nt'uruli'lii , Cmip , liiina Trnut > lufl
Ciililn , t'lr. , Itntnntly rHluvi'il
nnd npriMlliy curi'il. Onn bull
( t'liornllr nufllclent. Mull iirdcmi
hmciko llnll by mull Knud Iro'nU
iinstiiKi ) . IMiullntor fur tlio blond
\ \ Kdilltloiml , A I-'UI'K TKrtr
ulvc-n nt iiur dfflco purluri. Hold
\i )
114 South Fifteenth Strict. Omaha. Neb
uumll natiuiii
Paid Up Capital , $2BOOOO
Surplus , OO.OOO
II W. YATKS , President.
J.UYVIK H. I'KKII , Vicn-1'renldent.
A. K. TOUZAI.IN , 2d Vlco-l'resldeiit.
W. U.S. IluoiiK.s , Cashier
w , V. MOIISK , JOHN S. Cnf.i.iNU ,
Hanking OfDco
Cor. 12th nnd Knrniun 8ts.
A General llunklnc lluntneas Transacted ,
Proprietor Omaha Business Collage ,
Book-Keeping , Penmansliip ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Ccnd for College Journal.
S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Cai-Uul Avo.
M ii.tlviilljv OUiUttlli-o
Incomparably the Bast >