If THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Profoaoionala A nln Take Ohnrgo or the Whont Pit , A VERY DULL SESSION IN CORN. CoiiMldcrnlilc .Slren 'li Shown In Pro- Ylnloii Trading A Large In- crcaHO In Iho Arrival * * uf Cattle < jnolatluii8. CHICAGO PllonUCK MAIIKKT. CHICAGO , Jan. 5. ( Special Telegram to the UK.J. ] There was u continuation of ycstor- ilay'B battle In the wheat pit , with Hi-uni and llloom the boar leaders and llutdilnson tlio htrmiKest bull. As far us these leaders were concerned , the light was rather less furloiis , und even with considerably more outside trading the market wan dull for a laro part of the session. May wheat opened at Wi o nnd there apjicared tolx ; some bullish feeling present which was left over from jcstcrday afternoon's short session. The price held be tween Sfi c and Nc ) for home time and then droppeil to Me and later to 84 ( MS'iC , then advanced to MJfc ( and Illietuated between that price and KiJifc , advancing to S.V.'o when news of the Hour exports became known. Just before the 1 o'clock adjournment there came a rush to sell and the price dropped almost without a pause to t4e and rested there at the close of the morning session. February wheat opened at 78c usked , sold up to TSJ < and down to Tbjiji ; , where It closed t 1 o'clock. The strongest bull news was that concerning Hour exports. New York re ported exports of yf > 70 barrels and li'-ViMi nacks of flour , mid Haltimore gave exports of 27,4 I" barrels. The corn market wim particularly dull dur ing most of the day and the course of prices seemed to bo more inlluenced by the alternate weakness and strength of wheat than by any other came. Fluctuations were within a ran o of y& and trading was light. May corn opened at Mtitfni and this was the highest price. The llrst drop canted the price to M c , after which there was a reac- t'nn ' to MJjJe and then another decline just before the clnso to ril\ii.'jt.1ic ( , the price resting atM-fc } nt 1 o'clock. Fub'mury "i-iirn opened nominally aH'.l'.jC ' and closed atI'.ii - . The last ilccllno In price was attributed to free solliiiK by liloom. The speculative oats market was rather dull but strong fur most of the session. January oats wore bid up to IWc and that rather helped the moroactivo delivery , which was May. That delivery opened at : Cic , im mediately dropped to ; itj)4c ) and then ad vanced to ! ir > ( ii.i.Vfc : , declining towards the close with the other rain markets and rest ing at 1 o'clock at : MJ-H : njje. ; l-Vbrunry oats opened at Ul c asked ami closed at UlU'c. Tl0 | provision trade showed considenihlo strength , Increased arrivals of ho s reported nt the stock yards induced the bear element to inakfl another raid at the opening on lard und pork , but their operations met with rather poor success. The market com manded much better support than was ex pected and on the withdrawn ! of the depress ing Inilueneos pork reacted sharply , with a moderate following by lard. Short ribs were comparatively strong thronuhoiit. Based on last night's closinij the actual decline iu pork at 1 o'clock w.is only Gc , in lard .Vii'JjO and Hhorl. ribs' ; } , ( if. * : . ArTinsoox : SESSION- There was only n nr.ihruto activity on tlio lalo board. May wheat sold oil to fsljfc , which was the lowest point of the day , but nt the close S4X * ' was the mf.rk. Corn was steady and firm. Oats Htiady. Pork for May closed at $ ir > .f > 5 , January - uary giri.0."i , Peurunry iiri.15. Lard was 2V ; tnsicr , closing at $7.W'tf ( ' for January , 4f7.i"i ! for Vjix-bniary , t7.75 for March and f i'.OOW'.ii'J1. ; .1- " May Short ribs for Jaiiuary closed at VI SO , Kubruury 4-7.65 , March it.'Jj and May CHICAGO lilVK STOCK. Jan. -iSpwlnl Telegram to the Bci.l : CATTMJ An increase of (5,000 ( , cattle over a liberal run of last week seems to be more than the trade can stiind , this week at least. Although values were prob ably no lower than yesterday , the general market ruled slow and business from llrst to last wns unsatisfactory for salesmen. The whole troubb is that there are too many cutVo coming to market , as the chances are that there will ho nearly 48,000 for the week. Texans are scarce , barely u sufficient number arriving to make a market. Good cows and heifers arc selling a shade better than hereto fore , but old cows and common canning / ( ode remain at nearly low water mark. fJood Hirers , 11150 to 1500 Ibs , * 4.40 5.15 ; l iK ) -to K < ftO Ibs , St.SOi4.40 : ( : l 50 to IS * Ibs , W.S5 ( & : ) . i ! i. loekers ! and feeders , $ ilOjii.4 ( : ( ) ; cows , bulls and mixed , $ l.SO(5r ( : .00 ; bulk , 1.70 ( HSJW. Hoes Trade was fair , with little or no change in values on best heavy , but medium , esneciallv light mixed , say lots running from 1M ) to 'J1U Ibs and along there , were fiS ( > lo ( ) iCAVcr. Prune assorted light sold about steady , but poor and common ruled dull and verhap : ) lower. A few lots of fancy heavy tr.ado $ ri.t > 0gB.Sr ( > ; prime packing sorts , Ki.iUKg 6.75 ; medium packing sorts , ? 5.15@5.40 : light , & .lutf5.25 ( ; pigs , . * 4.7U@5.05. FINAXCIAIj. NEW VOIIK , Jan. 5. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I STOCKS The turn in stocks was upward. The whole advance gained at the IIst part of the day was not maintained , prices receding subsequently } ( < & % per cent. SM1I the advance on the general list was de cided , extending in most cases to ? @ i > or cent , whllo in it few stocks , such as Jersey Centt.v' ' , Louisville St. Nashville , and North ern Pacific preferred , it was J < @l ( f per cent. The opening prices were generally the lowest of the day. The market opened steady , but business was very light. London appeared to bo doing nothing , and traders wcro selling sparingly under the impression that the Chicago cage bear party would renew their attack on ( rangers , inlluenced by the prospective cut ting of rates. Later the market became very strong and under the lead of Delaware , Lackawannu & Western rose 1 ' 4 ( < ? ! ! per cent over yesterday's range. The buying was largely by professionals , who seemed to have formed a pool to drive out the short in terest in the Coalers , the Grangers , Western Union and the Vanderbllts. The total sales were 130,000 shares. fiOVKii.NMUSTs Government bonds were dull but steady. Yr.STEHIUY'S QUOTATION'S. MONET 3 ( 4 per cent ; last loan 3 per 'iit ; dosed otforcil ut U < i 3 per cent. I'liiMiiMKHOANTii.i : I'Ai'iiu ( KitT'i per cent. STr.ni.ixo KXCIIANIIE Dull but linn nt for sixty tiny bills , ima tl.6tlf ) for de- 1'ltODUClai.VUKKTS. Jan. 5. Following arc tha 2 :30 : closltiR prices : Flour Unchnnfred ; | 3.504.00 per bbl ; pprlng wliwit , * a.VOJ4.ROperbblryn ) ; , f..TSQ H.OO per bbl ; buckwheat , t.VM@ti.ia per bbl. Corn Quiet and steady , prices fluctuating within ( 'JX range nml closing > f < 3&o below cash , 4b o : February , W'o\ \ , . Oats Steady and firm and lo better Tor Wayj February , 'Ji ; < c ; May , Rye Quirt nt ftp , 'c. HarU-y Kinn nt r.w I'llinn Tjnoth.v-t2.-lla2. | ( . \\lil k.vUO. . I'ork Moilcrntcly nctivobut steady ; ca li , fl.va'.i Kobninry , tK'ir > ! Mny , JJ.V.V ? . . Lard Wt-uk and Hnmcwlmt lower ; ca h , tr.fW' ' , ; May , t'.UXii' JViif. Ury Kaltod Meitts Short ribs , tr.Hi ; nliouldur ! * , ( O.tUu'n.l.'i ' ; short el nr , tS.HKK b.lft. b.lft.Huttcr Slow ; civnincry , S3T(31c ( ( ; dairy , Chc o StcnOy ; full cream chcdtlnrs , 11V" Hut" ! Il'4illj4 ' ( ! ; youiiu Anicriens , IPtfitlSll. Hides Wcnkcrj firtcn hides fi'j'oj 'preen frozen , w : ; heavy green salted , ( 'On ; ll 'l't ' irrcon salted , lljf ; salted bull. S' r ; prren bull , 4 < 4'o ; preen salted enlf , be : dry Hint and dry cnif , I'.Va life ; brnndrd , 15 jvor cent off : deueoim , 30c each ; dry salted , lOe. Tallow No. 1 , country soliu , ajt'c , No. 2 , 34' ! ! cake. 4. Xggs-Uull ; fresh , 22'4(524. ( Kecelpts. Flour , bbls . Al K ) Wheat , bti . 4TIK)0 ) Corn , bii . ax)00 ) ( ) i : 5WK ) Oats , bu . lliJKiO ( Hve.lm . rK , ( ) 1 Jarley , bu . (1T.WX ( ) Ht. Loiilw , .Inn. 5. Wheat Lower ; cash , Sa QKIUi ! ? Mny , sr.J .ibO' . Corn Weak ; cuili. 4bVi4SJa' ( ' " , M J % W c. Oats -Easier ; cash , 3iirti32 > ic ; May , 33V./I- . l'ork-ir.2 : . \Vhiskv-fl.05. 1 ( utter Firm ; crrnmcry , 2l@30o ; dairy , Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firmer ; Janu ary , b2j c asked ; Fe.bniary t.'ijc ; May , Stlc. , ( Corn Irregular ; January , 4V ; February , lyre ; May , 60te. Oats Quiet ; May , y3Vo bid. Uvorpool. Jan. n. Wheat Quiet ami steady ; demand poor , holders offer moder ately. Corn Quiet but steady ; demand poor ; now mixed western , 5s Id per cental. MlmicainllH | , Jan. 5. Wheat Tlicro was a moderate amount of wheat offered on sample tables , and se.llois were holding for another advance : receipts , \'A \ cars ; shin- incuts , 'M. Closing in store : No. 1 hard , January , "ft1 .jc ; February , ili'jc ' ; May , Si\c : ; No. 1 northern , January , 77c ; February , 77341- ; May , 82e ; No. 2 northern , January , 75.i'c } ; February , itl c ; May , bO..je. On track : No. 1 hard , 77e ; No. 1 northern , ib ( < i' ' Tile : No. 2 northern , 77c. Flour Patents , sacks to ship , $4.15ii4.2.1 ( > r bakers' , fcl.'Wii.i)5. ( ; ) ) Milwaukee , Jan. 5. Wheat Steady ; cash , ? i > Kc ; May , bi'c. : Corn Higher : No. ! l , 4c. ! ) Oats Firm ; No. U white , 31c. Hye Kasicr ; No. 1 , l'i > ' 4i- . Hurley Lower ; No. 2 , 77s.j'o. Provisions Quiet ; pork , January , $15.12 > i Cincinnati , Jan. u. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red , IKJc. Corn Dull ; No. 2mixed , "i22.i'iiW. < . Oats Strong : No. 2 mixed , . ' ! . ' > ( li-V e. Hye Finn ; No. 2 , Hoc. Provisions Pork , lirm at $15.75 ; lard , quiet ut J7.40n ( 7.1)5. Whisky Active at $1.05. Now Orleans , Jan. 5. Corn Strong and high nt rtifrttlc. Oats-Steady at 42 > .ftMr. ; . Corn Meal-Quiet at f i.7.r > . Hog Products Quiet but firm ; pork , S14.S7'.j ' ; lard , $7.1(1. ( Hulkmeath Shoulders , ? G.25 ; long clear , $7. 7'3 ' ; clear ribs , $3.00. Now York , Jan. 5. Wheat Hcccipts , 21,200 ; exports , X2nK ) ; options opened linn and closed ' { ( ifi e higher , but subse quently eased oil > ; j ( ' . , c on realizing , clos ing little steadier ; cash grades steady and moderately active ; ungraded red , Mn'.t-l'c ) ( ( ; No. 1 red , nominal at idc ; No. 2 red , S2f IKJ' c in elevator..IH'sOZ'.KI c delivored'JI ; OdllJai- . o. b. ; February closed ut W c. Cora Keceipts , r..IHM ) ; exports , 17fKX ) ; cash steady but quiet ; options dull and 't ' 4c lower : ungraded , i'o1.Ciiii4c : | ; No. ! l , m No. ' . ' in ' delivered ( yilDke : , tvyic elevator , IH'4C ered ; February closed at ittj c. Oats HeceiptsH.lKKl ; exports , 20S ; .V(3'4C ( ' lower and moderately active ; mined western , y10e ( ; white western , 40 Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio nominal ; options depressed and lower with fair business ; sales , iy)00 bags ; January , S15.0 ; ! ( 15.70 ; February , ? ir > .05 ( . < 15.45 ; March , * 14.b5f 15.45 ; April. ? 14 > ( ) ( Ti15.0 | ! ! ; May , * 14.H > ( i 15.30 ; June , \-\M\a \ \ \ lfi.25. I'etroleum Firm ; United , 04i : . Kggs In fair request and steady ; western , UOC''tie. . I'ork Moderately and easier ; mess quotci ; lit J15.25dtl5.50 for one year old. Lard 10 < W12 points lower ; western steam spot , f7.00rf7.tcJjf. ( ! Hutter Finn but rather quiet ; wcbtcru Cheese Quiet but firm. IilVK STOCK. Union Stouk Ynrtln , ChlunRO , Jan. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; market strong ; good steers , $2.S5ii.'i.l5stoekers ( ; and feeders , fc.MO < 3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , ? 1.50i ( ! > 3.K ( ) . Hogs Receipts , 32,000 ; market steady and closed RC'MIM lower ; mixed , ? 5.15f 5.55 ; heavy , * 5.IOU5.S5 ( ; light , $ -l. .lO ( < ? 5.45 ; Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market slow nnd 10 ( 20e lower ; natives , * 2.75 ( < f 4. Ml ; western , l.50.i'4.fcO ( ; Texans , $ ' . ' .50 ( < :3.75 ; lambs , M. 50 ( ii5.50. National Stock Yards KiiHt St. I.oniH , Jan. 5. Cattle Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 1,700 ; market slow ; choice heavy nutivo steers , $4.40@i.X ( ) ; fair to good na tive steers , $ l. ( ii-Mii ( ; butchers' steers , med ium to choice , l.lOGfl.tH ) ; stackers and feeders , fair to good , gl.KXj { i.00 ) ; rangers , ordinary to good , f 1.20 ( < ? 4.10. Hogs Receipts , 5t , K ) ; shipments , 1,4IX ) : market lower ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.50(25. ( < J5 ; packing , medium to prime , S5.15i55 ; UghtiTades , ordinary to good , .SOiir ( . .U OMAHA MVK STOCK. Cattle. The receipts were heavier than for some days past and although there were no strictly llrst-class cattle hero tlicro was a liberal pro portion ofjfair stock. The market was at least 10 cents lower on all grades and moder ately active at prices quoted. HogM. The receipts wcro moderate. The market opened from 5 to 10 cents lower in all grades , the top price being $5.50 , and closed l13c. ( lower with nearly everything taken. Sheep. The receipts of sheep were very light , and the market quiet. Prices remain about steady. oniclal Iti-cclpts. Cattle 720 Hogs r.ir.i . , : Sheep y i Provailliifj Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on the market : o Choieo steers , HUH ) to 1500 Ibs , . $ , ' 1,00 ( ? 1.2. ! Choice steers , IKK ) to lUOOIbs. . Il.tu in 1.15 Fat little steers , IH.H ) to lo,0 ibs. a. 15 ( a.3.75 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1ROO Ibs ar,5 ( TM.-J5 Good to choice corn-fed cows.J.25 ( u2.M ) Common to medium cows 1.75 ( it.tKi : ! \Vestcrncows 1.75 ( ji'J fiO ( iOod range feeders 'J.IJO ( < < , ' 2.l > 5 Good native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 'J.iO QO.OO Fair to medium native feeders , DOO Ibs and upwards ' 1.25 ( Jf-J.N ) Stockei-s , 400 to 700 Ibs LMO OJ-J.C.O Pi line fat sheep JJ.25 ( it..75 ! CJood fat shccii , lXiJlOO ) ( Ibs 3.00 ( i ; ! .75 Fair to medium sheep i.'J5 C < ( -'l.lH ) Common sheep 1.60 ( " 2-00 Light and medium hess 4.50 C' < " ' .W ) Good lo ehoico heavy hogs 525 rt.l.flO Good lo choice mixed hogs 5.15 Wj.UO Itepri.'spntntivc KAT1VC STCKIIS OiE.V. i..iroo 3.w ( TOtKF.MS. 13 ; irj 2.'A ) lion" . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 10..115 . . $4.KI 111..2211 40 Ci.30 ar..i si 4.2T , r.s..2tw 2w f. . : s m..154 . . 4.1-0 ) . . . , s > 'i 40 r.tfi : ' ' . . . . ! " 240 5.HI ( 52..ICI 40 V35 * . . . . ! so : , . ) iv.272 c ) t > .Xt 5II..11H1 2fK ) 5,05 f'J. . . . * M 240 ft. ! W..WM M ) f.05 W..273 120 Mlft , .1..lhT 120 . ' . .111 i2.'i-W ; 240 5.35 K..20.1 ! ICO f > .15 Mt..320 2H > 5.3J'i 7. > . . . .213 iO f..15 l'.2..254 40 fi.4l ( ' II. . . . 103 SO f.,15 fcl..24l ! 2 0 5.40 73..214 120 5.15 K1..201 20(1 ( 5.40 < ; . . . .2iKi iio 5.1. % .v.ai , ire 5.40 fi2..VlXl 24(1 ( 5.20 " 27..2K1 40 540 77.21 ! ) ItXl 5.2(1 ( M.05 : ; 24(1 ( V40 77..2111 100 5.20 ! , V.-y.rl 11X1 f..45 70..257 L'4l ( 5.25 Cii..2Sl ( 40 5.50 (17..245 ( 11X1 5.25 M. . . . : ' * 240 5..V ) fa..257 irxj 5.25 Mi..2t : i 40 ri..o WJ..2.VJ . . 5.30 & . . . .3 % 240 5.50 Mrr Stock Sold , cmi.i : . O. II. Hammond ft Co 313 Iyibinnn iV Roth child > 7 StoveiiB. Hamilton & Co 2(1 ( C. H. Williams * . 10 Hairis it Fisher 10 Total . 440 nous. G. H. Hammond ft Co . 871 Armour A : C. Packing Co . 2,151) ) Swift Packing Co . 04t ! Squires ft Co . C77 Speculators . 1K ( ) Anglo American Packing CnmpTiny . . . . < " > 7 Stevens Hamilton . 03 Total Two loads unsold. SIltllllKMItH. 7attle , 5 ears , H. . "i " M Chicago Cattle , t'i cars , N. W Chicago "logs , 11 cars , R. I Chicago ItaiiK * * < > ! ' I'rlcoi. Showing the extreme highest and lowest rates paid for lu.uling grades of hogs on dates ' neiitioncd ' ' : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Date' | Iffiivy. j Jllxcd. | Light. Dec.UD. A' ' . ' , ffW Ml r , is CIA 'v , 4 " , < V , 10 Dcc.ai. o 'i ( ir < r > ai ftw : 4 7fi ( < ' - ' < VI I ! > ( ? . ; I.in 't'i f.lJ } , Vi fi i : , ( < ( .j ; r > 4 "i Wi 10 ie'e.ai.u-i ; ) < & > * : > r , tr , ( ( & . " > .jo r , tii fell 20 Jan. 1.1 Siiniliiy. Snnilny. Sunday. Ian. ' .j New Vear. New Vrar. New Year , Jan. : ) . "i : r , 105 iV > ft Id ( d' < > Jan. 4.f ; > : Li ( n'i 1 1 5 l. " ( Tto ! ITi 4 iVI 6.tt 10 Ian. r"i , : iJ ftfi rn 5 m < ari r. 4 ; r. < & > a DnKkngi ; anil Public- inspectors dock pregnant sows 10 lounds , stags bO pounds each. Head hogs * < ! Ibs and over , $1.75(52.00 ( nr cwt , less than bO Ibs , of no value. Yantago : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , be , sheep , 5c lerhoad. Feed : Corn , $1 per bu ; timothy lay , 10 : prairie hay , (20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , SOe per head ; calves ind yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $5 ; public Inspection on hogs , I5e per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per W ) Ibs live weight. Ijivc Stock Notes ) . Hogs lower. Cattle lower. J ; P. Nordcn , Te'kamnh ' , came in with cattle. K. J. Miller , Lincoln , was looking over the market. Hen Frazler , Wayr.c , Nob. , was on the market. Joe Hoyer , Craig , marketed a load of hogs at $5.50. Kmily Hros. Wi'iicr , marketed 45C. hogs yesterday. DJ. ( i. Hall , Gibbon , came in yesterday with ii load of hogs. G. W. Hoyer , Lincoln , was in with two loads of cattle. Langiii , Ncola , la. , was on the market with n load of cattle. T. Van Alst , Elkhorn , Neb. , was on the market with hogs. Joe Ellis , Dewltt , was on the market with two loads of bogs. Philip Dougherty , St. Peters , was on the market with cattle. J. .Spielman , Tekaniah , had two cars of cattle on the market. Alva Smith , Wavcrly , was among the visitors at the yards. S. 11. Lichtenberger , Hradshaw , was in witli two loads of hogs. I. Manion , Wabash , was on the market and sold two loads of hogs. John A. Kidd , Ong , Net ) . , came in with load of hogs and n load of sheep. A. D. Warner , Ainsworth , was on the market and marketed a load of hogs. W. J. Hurger , Uoniphan , Neb. , was at the yards with two loads of cattle yesterday. T. C. Tagg , Waco , was at the yards with four loads iff cattle and two loads of hogs. James Couway. of St. James , was in yes terday anil marketed a load of 1,000-lb. steers at $3.50. .1. L. Armstrong , president of the Keya Paha Horse and Cattle company , Springview , Neb. , was at the yauls yesterday calling upon old friends. W. H. Jackson , a conductor on the Union Pacillc suburban train , was presented yester day with an elegant nickel-plated lantern. The presentation took plaeo in the ofllco ol the H. & M. at the Exchange building in the morning , the donors being the live stock agents of the different roads. Mr. Jackson is very popular among the patrons of the roail and the presentation was a testimonial of the regard in which he is held. OMAHA AVJIOM'JSAtiK MAJUCKTS Produce , FrullH , Ktc. The fiiUnwlmj nrc the } > rt < : cx nt which run nil lulu < > f i nnlucc itrexuhl nn tlitu lct. Fruit * or other linen tifijooils ( ) lulinr of jiiiclilnij cannot ulit'tiiii lie KUi > iiltal on uuMilcnnlcrt uttlic same prices Himtcd tlic local tiwlc. HCTTIK : Keeclpts fair. There is a good de mand for a llrst-class article , but the poorei grades llnd slow sale. Wo quote prices un changed. Creamery , solid packed , 22@2c ) choice dairy , I" ® 1'Je ; medium , 15@17e ; low grades , 10 ( < gl2c. ICtios Demand moderate and prices un changed. We < ruoto21g22c ( for cold storage and an occasional sale of strictly fresh al 2V : ; limed very slow at 17c. l't'i.TUY The receipts are light and so is the demand , though the latter is as fair as could be expected.Vo quote dressed chick Ciis , li'i7c per pound. Turkeys , b'@Ue. Ducks 7Qsc. Geese. bSOc. ( SAUUII ICitAVT Prices remain firm. Choice per bbl of 3I > gal , $ S.g5a9.00 ( ; K bbl , f .57@ 5.00 $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. C\KKOTS $2.25S2.f ( > 0 per barrel. PuisNirs Nowstoek , S2..10 per barrel. OYSTIUS : Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , ! Wc ; standardIOe ! ; extra selects , 35o ; Now York counts , 40e .Hulk oysters , counts fl.115 per 100 ; selects$2.00 per gal ; standard , $1.25 per gal. S KKT POTATOES 2@-J } < fe per lb. , with ex tra at ; lc. CAUMPI.OWEU Good stock $ -2.00u2.SO. ( HIHX The demand is gooiland prices flnr at good stock , f2.00 2.30 ; fair to good. Sl.CO < n.bO , and California beans ut$2.25i ( < 2.40. Cii > nit-ChoicoMieuigancider , ? < j.OO ( < 0.50per bbl. of 3-3 gal. QUINCES -Choice California quinces , $2.00 ® 2.2. > per box. C.uiauii : Prices are unchanged at SI pci do/ . , and 2 ( < ? . ! e per lb for California. CiuNiiBUiues Hell & Chorry10.00 ; < TMO.r 0 HclKSc Huglc , JIO.SO U.OO ; Cape Cods , $11.00 Gii\l'is-Malagas$0.r,0@7.00 : pcrbbl. , will some extra line sold at f 7.Mtf ) ( xUO. ONIONS Homo grown , 75&ZS5c ; Spanisl onions , per 50-lb crate , $1,50 ( 1.75 Pee \ Toif 1.10 for Utah and Colorad stock and choice homo grown at &Oyi.S5c common grades at CiOc(70e. lloxcv lUc l2lo for Mb frames ; cannci1 honey , 10iT12c ( jier lb. POI-COUN Clioico rice corn 3 } (21opcr ( lb other kinds , 2 > < il ( < 3c per lb. AITU : Ixiw priced apples cannot bo hai and we ouote. eastern fruit , fair to choic stock , 1:1.1061375 : ; fant-y stock fi.75if-l.oo. ; ( Cui.uiu Choice , 3TiiiOe ( ; per dozen ; laney iJxi.iroHNU FitfiTS Pcar.s , $2.50(32.75 ( ; extra line , $3.00 , LUMON-S Are in fair demand with stocks of Malaga almost exhausted. A car of Mes sina Is expected to-morrow and will bo placed on the market at $5.50 to $0 per box. The Malagas on baud are marked at $5. OiuNoi- * Are in good demand , with Louis- ana about out of the market. A car of Valen cia Is expected on Thursday , and will sell for $7.50@S.OO per case of 420. Wo quote Louisiana - iana oranges at fl.00@i.25 per box , and Florida at iW.2.1(34.50 ( ; with a sale or two of extra line at B-75. HASANAAre lu better supply owing \n \ he receipt * of ear of good stock. No poor lock Is now offered. Wu quote prices linn mil unchangc'l at choice bananas , $2. 7.V33.50 ; iiedium bum-lies , fJ.OOxi 'UX ) . Ni'Ts The demand is fair ntvd the supply notlcrote nt peanuts , 7tf"IiO ( , raw ; Hratll aits , ! 3c : almonds , Tarralrona , 22c ; English valnuts , 15iUSc ( ; lllberls , 12c ; Italiau chest- aits , 10c. ( JroccrH * List. Pnovi tnss Hams , HMll-\'c ; breakfast iiicon. llOf'll' ' ' c ; bacon sides , ' . ' ( a'.i' ' c ; dry alt , 8 4i.s ( fo ; shoulders. O' , ( . 7c : dried beef RKPINKH Luii > Tierce' ' , Pfe ; 40-lb siituro ans , 78if ; 50-lb. round ; 7jJe ( ; 20-lb. round , -iaf ; KMb. palls , 8Wc ; 5-lb. palls , b e ; 2-lb. iails. b' ' c. DIIOOMO Kxtrn 4-tle , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. CANIM Mixed , Mlllo ; stick , S't'OTO o. Sviii'i'-No , 70 , 4-gallon kcus , * l.f > 0i ( < 1.55 ; "Vew Orleans , per gallon , ! h ) U'O ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " i > er gallon , No ; gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon mis , per tloz , $ tt.25 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAHCH Mirror jtloss fij e ; Gsaves' corn , J'ii'i ' Oswego gloss , 7cTswego ; ) corn , 7c. Hiii.iAMi Hiniiiisos 73 70c per keg. CIUCKKHS Garneuu's soda , butter and pic- ilc , 5c ; creams , "c ; ginger snaps , So ; city soda , be. WOOIIENWAIIK Two-hoop palls , per doz. , $1.45 ; three-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , W.MIs Mo. a tub , $ .V5i ( ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wnsh- Doards. $1.40(1(2.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ; Fo. 1 churns , $9.11) ) ; No. a churns , $ --00 , No. Uchurns , $7tH ) . PiCKi-Ks-Medliim in bbls. , $7.00 : do in half bbls. , $4.K ( ) ; small , In bbls. , $ )3.)0 ) ( ) : do In half bbln. , f4.Wi ; gerkins , in bbls. , $ ' .1.00 : do In half bbls. , $5.1X1. Comic Ordinary grades , 2i < 320' e. ; fair. J0' < ( ( i21c ; prime , 21li22o ( [ ; fancy green ami vellow , 23525c ; old government Java , 2 $ @ Ulc ; interior Java , 25d28c ( : Mocha , 2)c ) < ? 30c ; Arbncklo's roasted , 24/e ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 2JJfc ; Dilworth's , 24Ke ; Red Cross , CANNF.D Goons Oysters , standard , per case , ? 3.25 ( < t 3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.00(113.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00 ( < 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.7lK ; 4.bO ; apricots , per ease , $4.30f1.35 ( ; peaches , per ease , $5.bO@.S5 ; wliito cherries , per case , t.IHI ; plums , per case , * l.004. 10 ; blueber ries , per case , $2.30(1X2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , $ i.2l ! ( ( < ? 5.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , $1.75@1..K ' ) ; .Mb gooseberries , per case , $ : t.25g3.35 ( ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75il.N ( ! ) ; 2-lb Lima beans , per ease , $1.001. 05 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.00if2.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.b5 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30i2.40. ( ! JKI.UIIS 30-lb pails , $1.IV.1.75. . ( ! TIIAS Japans , 20 ( 55e ; gunpowder 20 ( < B OOe ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 20 ( < $ ( i5e. i5e.Dm Dm ill ) FitriTs Apples , news , 7@7'/c ' ; evaporated BO-lb ring , 'JK lOe ; raspberries , evajwrated , 27i2Se ( ; blackberries , evap orated , ( Jf ( < f > 10c ; pitted cherries , 2fl@2lc ; peaches , new , bOiS' ' e ; evaporated , jicolcd ] ) eaches , 2U@30c ; evaporated , unpared , WJOt1 ; new currants , 7C'7'fo ; prunes , ( ( < x4c ; citron , 25c ; raisins , London layers $2.40 ( 2.45 ; California loose musca tels , $2.00 ( ; 2.10 ; now Vnlonela , S@S' ' c. Rom Seven-sixteenths. UMllV. ToitAt'C'o Lorillard's Climax , 44o ; Splcn did , -lie ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett & Meyer's star , 44c ; Cornerstone , 3 c ; Drum- mond's HorsoShoc , 44c : J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 41e ; Catlin's meerschaum , 31e ; Cntlin's old style , 23e. Sriuu Granulated , i 7ii'C'17-V. conf. A , 1 < C' ? > > < rrc ; white extra. C , ( IVOlWe ; extra C , 'C'ill' ' c ; yellow O , s ; @ 5 * < c ; cut loaf , 8i ( 0.5 powdered , SlgS. ' t. : ; New Orleans , 5 > 4 ( ig 5'iC. ' Wry DI-CK West Pohft 2Mn. ! S o10 > c ; West Point 2fl in. 10 o-t. I2i in West Point 111 in. 12 oz , Lie ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , Ki < - . Checks Caledonia X , ll'rfc ; Caledonia XX , 10 , ' c ; Economy , ' .I'-j' ' " , Otfs , irt. c. ICisTi'i-Kv : JiJASs Memorial , l.lc ; Canton , l c ; Durham , 27' ' c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming ton , 22''c ; Cottswold , 2. > e. CIIASII Stevens' H , lie ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A , 7' < c ; bleached , S } < jc ; Stevens' P , SUj'c ; bleached , D' ' c' ; Stevens' N , 9 > io ; bleached , lUc ( : Stevens' S UT , 12 , > rfe. MiM'iii.vNmt's : Table oil cloth. $2.8.1 , { 'lain Holland , 8 > o to 'Jo ; Dado Holland ; CHMimics Slater , 4K'c ; Woods , 4tfc } ; Stan dard , 4' c ; Peacock , 4J < fc. COMFOKTCUS $ tt.00r / > ; inn . . HIANKIITS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored $1.10 @S.K ( ) . SIIKKTINO Uerkeley cambric , No. IK ) , OVtfe ; Hest Yet , 4-4 , O' c ; butter cloth OO , 44'e ; Cabot , 7Kc ; Farwell , b'c ; Fruit of Loom , Oc ; Greene G , lie ; Hope , 7c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , lll , < fc ; Lons- dalc , SJ c ; New ( Jerk mills , KlJ c ; Pepperell 42 inch , 10j o ; Pepperell , 40 inch , lljtfo ; 1'cp- pcrcll 0-4 , Me ; Pepperell , 8-4 20c ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , 8 < c ; Canton , 4-4 , ll } < fo ; Triumph , Oe ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. FI.ANNUI.S Plaid Uiiftsmaii , 20c ; Goshen , ! 12J < c ; Clear Lake , 32kc ; Maple City , 3GV , ' " . White G H No. 2 , Jf , 21c ; G H No. 1 , , 27hc ; BHNo. 2 , % , 22Kc ; H II No. 1 , % ! (0c ( ; Quechoo No. 1 , % , 42c ; Queeheo No. 2 , Jfi 37J c ; Qucchee No. 3 , % , 32) e : Anawan 13).io ; Windsor , 22Jic. Ked C 24-inch , l.lkfc ; E , 24-incli , 21c ; GG , 24-inch , 18c ; HAP , } ( , 25e ; J U F , / , 27' c ; G , f , 35c. PRINTS SOLID Coi-oas Atlanta , fij e ; Slater , ,1c ; Ht-rim Oiltije ; Garner Oil , 0 ( < i7c. I'INK AND Uoaus Hichmond , lie ; Allen , Co ; Kiverpoint , Be ; Steel Uivcr , Oe ; Hichmond , tic ; Pueitlc.UJtfc. iNDifioHi-ci : Washington , tic ; Century Indit'o blue prints , lOo ; Amer ican. ( IJifc ; Arnold , ( ifc ; Arnold 13 , 10j < Jc ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO.itfo. DHCSS Charter Oak , 4 } < c : llamapo , 3Jfc ; Lodi , 4-c , ; Allen , 5J c ; lUchmond,5 > , 'c ; Win dsorie ( ; Eddystone , Oo ; Pacific , Oc. COTTON FIANNKI.S 10 per cent trade dis- No. 10 , 8) ) e ; 40 , lOJ-fc ; W , 12K" ; 80,15i ! : : W , colored , Ulc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Hristol , 13 ! < c ; Union Pacillc , 18c. CAIII-IIT WAIUHibb while , Ib'JijC ; colored 20 > c. Uiiow.v SHBHTINO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7 0 ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantiu D , 4-4. ( ! > < re : At- IcnlicP , 4-4 , 5c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5o ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4' e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O c ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , 5J4'c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 e ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , SJfe ; Old Dominion , 4-1 , 5 0 : 1'cpperell R , 4-4 , Jfc ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , Oc ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pepperell , ! M , 20o ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22c ; Ulica C , 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Wachusclt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , 0 c ; Au rora 13 , 4-4 , Oo. HITTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOi c ; Beauty , 12 > fc ; Hoone , 14e ; H , cased , $0.50. GiNon.un-Plunckctt checks , 7j c : Wiiit- tenton , "J c ; York , 7J4e ; Normandi dress , 8l , < o ; Calcutta dress , 8 > ifc ; Whittcnton dress , Uc ; Renfrew dress , 0@12) ) c. TICKS Lcwiston , 30-in. , 12J c ; Lcwiston , 32-in. , 13Kc ; York , 32-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7ltfc ; Thorndiko , OO , 8 } ; Thorndiko , EF , S fe ; Thorndike , 120 , O o ; Thorndiko , XXX , 15e ; Cordis , No. 5 , OKo-i Cordis , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskeag , 51-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz , 13c : Haymaker , 8' < ie ; Jaffi-ey , XX , IP-fo ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12)fc ) ; Heaver Creek , A A , 12c ; Heaver Creek , U1J , lie ; Ueavcr Creek , C.C , lOo. General Markets. FI.IXSEED Steady nt $1.15 per bushel. Gu vi N Wheat No. U , OOo per bushel ; rye , none on the market ; corn , 40c : oats , 30o ; bar ley , 55MO.V , accordliiR lo quality. HAV Common , course , $5.00a ( < i.OO ; upland prairie , $0.K7.00. ( ) Straw , -iO.OO. COAL Prices remhin llrm iind unchanged with a fair supply on hand. Wo quolo : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; walnut block , $1.25 ; Iowa 'lump , $3.75 ; Iowa nut $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50@4.75. IliiiiiM Green butcher's , fi ( < X5J c ; green cured , OfifO''o ; dry Hint , Oc ; drysnll , 8c ; green calf skins , 7c ; damaged hides , Iwo- Ihtrds price. Tallow S'/c . Grease Prime wlilte , : ii ; yellow , 3 < r brown , IJ c. Shcej pelts , 25 } 00c. ' ' FL-HS Qiwtallons are now as follows Raccoon. HKijOOo : mink. 15@40c ; musk rat , fall , 2f ? .V ; striped skunk , 5@25o mountain wolf. No. 1 , $ I.50f < i2.50 ; No. 2 , prai rie , 75W We ; No. 2 , 25I"Lbeavvr ( ; , No. 1 , peril ) , $2.00 ( ' ( 3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00r < ? l.-Jh ; oiler , $1.00fO.OO ( ; dry deer skins , 20 35c per lb ; dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15 ( < (25o Ditrtis Steady ; Ammonia earb lie , cam lihor rctined 30c , copperas I1/1' , cream tarlai 45c , cream larlar powdered 2'Jif5Uc ' ( , India Mad ras 75c , morphia sulph $3.50. Soda hi. carbO'lc ' VOuico turpentine 40c. Gum opium $ ! . ( . " quicksilver 75e , quinine , German per oz , Sic Wax , ynllow purolVic. OILS Firm ; cnrbon,12'i725c ; linseed , boiled 5'Jc ; linseed , raw. Mkl ; castor , No. 1$1.20 ; No 2 , $1.12 : hpcrm whale , $1.00 ; lish , bank 35c nealsfool extra , 55c ; nentsfoot No. 1 , 50c ; gaso line , 74 degrees , 15e ; W. S. lard , 05e ; No. 1 lard , 50o ; Nn. 3 lard , 50V ; W. Va.oro , 14c ; W Vu. summer , 12o ; golden No. 1 , 4tic ; golden'No 2 , 25e ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1 degree , 14c ; head light 150 degrees , 12o ; hvudlight , USdcgrees 5o. .NIS White lead , pure , 0 > ic ; whlto ead. fancy. OUo ; putty , lit bladders,3o : Paris vhlt ? , 3o ; Whitlny , common , 2'gO ; red lead , c. c.WINPOW OI.A ? Single. 70c per cent' loubleu 70 nnd 10 per cent discount. LEmiF.it Steady ; oak soles , 3Vu"'jv ; : hem- ock slaughtcrsolc. ' . ' ( ( ' Ifcmlockdrysolet ; l ( (27c : hemloek kip , 05fSH ( ( > c'A. : ft. H. runner kip. MK i7V ( ; A. hemlock calf , WcgM.05 ( ; A. V. hemlock enlf , "backs , " 75e ; hemlock ui > - jHJr , Uiii24c ( ; English grain Ui | | < vr , 2.1c ; hctn lock grain upper. 21rf24 ( ; Tamplco H. L. Morroco , 2y ( < ltV ; : ; Tntnplco pebble , O. D. Mo. , 2l > o32c Curaeoa It. G. Mo. , 35c ; Simon O. 1) . Mo. , $2.7503.U > ; Dimgola kid , .W35c ; X. M. Kangaroo. 40c ; Amcricnn calf kid , 32c ; ( ! rivsen kids , fc'UXi.gtf.BO ; French enlf kids , 1.2,1 ; oak kip skins. bO ( < 7l.OO ; onk calf skins , 1.00(11.25 ( ; French calf skins , $1.250$2.00 ; 'reneh kii | skins , $ l.UX < M.f > 0 ; KusMtt llulng * , 4l.iXHit < t.fiU per doz ; pink cream and while lln- nga , $7..KKiC10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , 'J.tXH ' < ? 11.00. SriiiiTs There is no change as yet ilthough one is anticipated noon. Cologne spirits , 1S8 proof , $1.10 ; lo , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual- ty , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 183 proof , fl.oy. Mcohol , 1SS proof , * 2.10 per wine pal- on. Kedistlllcd whiskies , $1.00@l.f > 0. Gin , blended , $1.MX"2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens , fcJ.00@fl.tX ) ! Kentucky and Penii- \vlvuiiln ryes , $2.00 ( < J0.60 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50(33.00. ( Hran- lies , imported , fo.XXffS.50 ( : domestic , $1.3005 1.IX ) . ( Jins , imported , tl..10Stl.OO ( ; domestic , : l.25Tf3.X3. ( ( Champagnes , imported , per ase , $23.00(333.00 ( ; American , per case , $10.00 lVtX ( ) . HEAVY HAIIDWATIE The following prices ire standard : Iron , rate , $2.X ( ) ; plow steel , special cast , 4l e ; crucible steel , Otfiv cast eels , do , 12it ( > 15c ; wagon spokes , per sot , $2 , < X.T5. [ > 0 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes , tawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , "Be ; axles , ? ach , 75c : square nuts , per lb , Cftiic : ; ojil -liain , per lb , O OWe ; malleable , 8@10e ; ron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , Icvspring steel , 4@5c ; Hurden's ' horse shoes , M.TO ; Hurden's mule slices , $5.7.1 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $ -1.00 per 100 Ibs ; Iron mills , nites , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. Dry liiiniber. 1MMKNSIONS AND TIMIlC.HS. lift ) 18 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 24ft. 7"fin aToTiiT" -j-Tro i Jxil . . ice 20 ) -Ji wi.si msi m 'XK , . n raj ) miJi i iiiv-ja tin as i 'xlO . 17 Wia ) ( I21 ( KlilSI W'.ZI ' ( ) . 18 ffiLtl m'2l ' ( l,24 l l 24 ( ) 4x4xS. . , it * ml in M M uyon \ \ z\ \ No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50 No. 2 com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 cam , sis. 13.50 FCNC1XU. No. l,4&Cin 12 & 14 ft. , rough $10 50 No. 1 , " " 10 " Hi W ) No. 2 , " 13 14 " 10 W ) No. 2 , " " 10 " 1800 SIIIINO. A , 12 , 14 , & 10 ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15.50 13 , " " 20.50 | D , " " 12.50 FI.OO1IINO. A 0 in While Pine $25.50 HOin " " 33.50 COin " " 30.00 IBin " " 21.50 EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) 10.00 0 in. Drop Siding BOo per M. oxlra. C1III.INII ANI > I'AHTITION. 2A com % in White Pine Ceiling $34.00 " " " " 28.00 Clear' in " " . % Norway lO.Oo 2nd com. ; \ in " " " 14.00 STOCK1IOAUD3. 12 inch sis $15.50 H12 " - . 311.20 C 12 " 30.X ( ) D 12 " 23.00 No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 " " " 14 ft lll.X ( ) " " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , 18,20ft 21.50 No. 2 , " " l'.l.K ( ) " " 12& 14 ft 1S.50 " " 10ft 17.50 12 in Grooved rooting , $1 per M. moro than 12 n Stock Hoards same leugln. 0 in. (5roo veil Rooting same price as 12 in. Stock Hoards. SHU1 I.A1' . No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in ; . $1.00 ! No. 2 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , OG , Sin VJ.50 riNlSIIINO. 1st nnd 2nd , clear , 1 , 1'finch , s2s $51.00 " " " 1H'J 51.00 3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s 44.50 " IK , 1inch , 40.00 A , select , 1 inch , s2s 40.00 A , " I ! { , 1J4 , 2 inch , s 2 s 44.00 H , " 1 inch , s 2s ilUX ( ) H , " l.V , Prf , 2 inch , s 2 s 37.00 S-OI'TIIKIIN TKU.OW I'INK. Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.00 Six-inch 50c less. Clear % inch Ceiling 21,50 Clear ( inch Partilion 25.00 Clear % inch , Pnrlilion $2 above % icnh Ceil ing. Clear Finish , 1 and IJf inch , s 3 s $20.00 Clear Finish , IJtf and 2 inch , s2s 80.00 Clear Corrugated Coiling , 4 inch 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Uaso. . . . 27.00 rori'Aii I.U.MIIKII. Cl. Poplar Hx. Uds. % in , , s 2 s $35.00 " " } in. Panel , s 2 s 27.IK ) " " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50 HATTBNS , WKMTUIIINO , 1-1CKETS. O. G. Halts , 2K in. 05c ; Kx3 , s 1 s. 40e ; 3 in. Well Tubing , D. &M. and Hev.$23.X ( ) ; Pick ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $31.50. SHINOI.CS , I.ATII. XX clear , $ .10 ; extra * A * , $2.85 ; * A * stand ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. I-OSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , } { a. 12 > e ; 0 in. qrs , Jio ; white cedar , 5K K . lUio ; 8 in. qrs , lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , 10j c ; Ten- nessco red cedar , spill , 14e ; split oak , lOc ; 0 in , , 7 in and 8 in. ( % each ) S It. , round W. C. posts. * FLUSH TIMESIN "FRISCO. " WlieivJlnck Drivers Made $5O n Dny nml Theatre Boxes Were $ liOO. San Francisco Examiner : Colonel Mike Branniffnn , the celebrated { juitlo und haekmun of Kl Paso , Tex. , in on a visit to this city. Mr. Brnnnipin said yesterday : "I Imvo coino back to San Francisco for the purpose of seeing some of my old friomls of the Arfronaut days of 1840 , that is , us many of them us arc alivo. I ' can toll you s'onip intorestinp ; things about early times in this city. I owned and drove the llrst hack that over rumbled over the streets of San Fran cisco. In 1851 I got $50 n night to drive Catherine Hayes , the famous singer , and her mother , between the litizotto house und Tom Maguiro's tlie- atvo , which was then situ ated on Washington street , be tween Montgomery and Kcarny. I also got the same sum from several others at the time for the wimo trip. Those wore good old days , and 1 as well , I suppose , as very many ethers , would wish to sco thorn buck again. I saw $1,200 paid for a box in Maguiro's thea ter on the opening night of Catherine Hayes' season. A Limerick butcher at Sacramento paid $1 , : < 00 for a box when she went to the capital city to &ing. Dollars in these days were more plenti ful than nickels are now. When the mail steamers would arrive I have scon a gambler give a man an ounce of dust ( that is $10) ) for his iilaco in the long line of anxious peoiilo waiting their turn outside the old postollleo , which was then nt the corner of Bronham plnco ami Clay street. Then you would liavu to pay $12 n dozen for articles to bo laundered , and men Ubcrt to throw tolid underclothing away and buy now ar ticles rather than pay for washing. I remember when LoltiiC'rabtreo first appeared in this city. She used to play a banjo nnd ilanco jigs at Gilbert's Molo- ileon at the corner-of Kearny and Clay streets , and got ? 0 a week. I think that was in ISol or Ifio-j. She went to Vir ginia City in 1S0 ( ! , and made a hit. Twenty-dollar gold pieces were show ered on the stage for her bonolit. My charges then as a hack driver were ? .rU a day and all expenses paid. 1 would like to see that state of things again , and wo would have loss complaints about capitalists and the like. Kvorybody was u captallat in the old days , and if only u few of the wealthiest exist now I don't know why they ought to bo blamed.Vo all had a chance lo become millionaires , and if wo did not , it ciui't bo helped , and there is no use repin ing. " Agriculture ) ! ImplomontB. CHURCHIUL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons. CurU t * and llatilf | . Jon Street , llctwccn Mb. and - . Wia. . Omaha , Nebraska. " A METCALF"c6n _ Wholr l . Omahk , " P A R L I N . OR E N D O R F WA RTN . " " . . W0M | ! D lrr In A TI cultural Implements. Wagons & Bo iei 01. OB. M nj W. Jomit Slre t , Oniht. P. P. MA F&'cb" Mannfaclurers of Bnctoye Drilli Seeders. u' wi N o N AI N P L E'MMENT co Wholwl Artlits * Materials. A. HOSPE , Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs. 1611 tMnfllMBtrMt , Omaha. Boots and Shoes. W. V. MdKSE & co. , Jobbers of Boots anil Shoes , Jfll r rn m 8t , Om h . N b. Mtnuficlorr , * _ Ktr t , notion. KIRKENDALL , JONES A CO. . ( Rurreiun to Ilc0 , Jonci A Co. ) Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots and Shoes Attnt * tot Holloa Babb r Hbo * ( te. 1IUI , 1104 A 11M Il rn r 9t. , Orotht. N hr i > . _ Cqffess , Sploos , Eto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Om b Coffo * nd Spire Mllll. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , DtTOMng Rllrftctl , Caumlrr niuo. InJ.s , Ktc. 141MIII ll rnoy HlrMl. Om h . Ntbrinkn. Crockery and Olasawaro. W. L. WRIGHT , Anent for the Mkuufftcturnr * and Impnrteni of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys. Ktc. ORH-H , 317 H. 13th J > 1. , Oiuabik , Ncbrikn. . Commission and Storago. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing , tUr.RcRi anil Produce. Connlnnmenln tollpine Btaoquarten for Stoneware , llfrrr lloivi anil Orapu Haiieta. 1414 Dodge St. , Omaha. RIDDELL & RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Metallic ! nutter , Kg . Cheese , I'cmitrr. ' Ojsleri , Ktc. . Bio. ill South 14th SUeeU WIEDEMAN St CO. . Prodnce Commission Merchants , Ponltrr. Duller , Uinie. Krulti , Ktc. ' ) South lllh PU Oumlia , Ncbrank * . CEO. SCHROEDER Si CO. . ( Bncc * or to McStianu A Bchroviler. ) Proflnce' Commission and Cold Storage Uruntia , Nvbrnika. , DMAHfA COAL , COKE & 'LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , Xa South 13th Street , Omaha , Nebranka. J. J. JOHNSON Si CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois While Lime , Lnd ulilpperi of Coal , Cokn , Curnont , I'l.islcr , IJra Drain Tile and fewer llpn. OBlcn , 1'aitnn HoUl , Karnam Ht. , Omaha , Neb. 'IVlcphouu 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cote , 311 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Dr _ Coe daiand _ M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Fnrnisliing Goods and Notions 1101 and UMDouglai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotioni , mrnlthln aoodi.Cornerlllhand llan Omaha , Nebratka. Furniture. DEWEY It STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , rarnamBU-Mt , Omaha , Ncbraika. Groceries. FAXTON. GALLAGHER * CO. . Wholesale Groceries and ProraoBi tot , TOT , T0 anrt 111 8.10th 81. , Omaha , H b. McCORD. BRADY it CO. . Wholesale Grocers , Mk and Leavenworth StrceU , Omaha , Nabmkas D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ma , mi and ua Bamtr Btr et , Omaka , Mk. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , lilt and 1118 Ilarnar Street , Omaha , N b. Hardware. LEE. FRIED * CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tlnwarr.BheH Iron.Rtc. Actinu for Howe Hcalea.and Miami Powder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Toola and Buffalo Scalei. leX Douilant. Omaha , Nebraika , RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Ilarner Bti. , Omaha , IHeb. Writern Ajrc nU for AuitlD 1'owderCo. , JvfTeraon Hteel Natlf , Fair- bank ! Standard Hcalc * . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , IprtDgi , Wagon Stock. Hardware Lumber , etc. IXN and Ull llarnej Htreet. Omaha. JAMES A. EDNEY , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wat on and Curriaue Wood Stock , Hear ? Hardware Jttc. 131T aiid UU LeaTenwortb St. , Omaha , Neb. Hats , caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Harner Street. Omaha , Nob. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines&Lipors Eait India Dltteri and Domestic U'imjr ' . 1113 lltirnur Lumber. ' OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All finds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale ISta Street and Union Fadflc Trac * . Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD. Dealer in Lumber , Lain , Lime , Sash , Doorf , t . Tarilt-Corner 7lh and Doogbu ; Coroot Mk and Douglas. C.N. D1ETZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , _ Uthard California 811. , Oreaha.Neb * " " ' FRED W. GRAY. - Lnmber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Comer tth and IXmjlii Bli. , Omaha. ' T.W. HARVEY LUMQER CO. , ' To Dealers B. 110) ) Karntn Rtrtet , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , ' " ' " Wholesale Lumber , Elc , ( ported and Amertcan Portland Cement. Btau ait a UJLUIIA -i Lumber. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Woo * Carptti and ) 'ir < ] uft flooring , Pth and Donftaf " MnjIneryjand Notlona ODERPELDER ft CO Importers & Jobbers of Millinery & Notions M , 110 and 111 Pouta llth Street. Notions. J. T. RWBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Good ] and KB ? outh 10th Plrvet , Omaha. VINYARD it SCHNEIDER , , Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Goods , 110S Uarner 8ret , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO * Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , ' All * Grtaae , ( to. , Omaha. A. II. Blihop , Matagur ) Paper , CARPENTER PAPER CO. , ' Wholesale Paper Dealers , Chirr ft nice Block ot prlnllnf , wrapping nnil BrUlfll V p r. 8prUl attention § t cn to cmt load virtora. . Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOr * . . Auxiliary Pnblishers , Valfrt l > trr , pri ea and t > rtnlni' iupnllta. Kfl Ikiulh ism Ktr t , Omaha Ruboor Coody. OMAHA RUBDBR CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Ooodi OH Clothlnir n < l leather Bolting. IUH Knnmin Strai-jj SteamJFIttlnga , Pumpa , Etc. A. L. TRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , FtP mw liir. railway ml mlnUm Kiipi'lli" . clc. 9li nml YH V' rn ln Hlrvrt , Omaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. . ( Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings , ' ? tcam am ) Water SappHt-s. lleatlquarlt-ra lor Mull Koo l A IVo BOwln , 1111 Farimm M. , Omnlm. j ) U.S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. . Sleain and Waler Supplies , Wind Mill * , 918 nml Ml Karimm St. , Omaha , Q. V , HUM , Arllnii Munnuer. BROWNELL A CO. . ' Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bhccl IroD Work , Steam I'umpii , w Mills. mJ-llll Leavouwurth trcol , Uuinlia. Soods. J PHIL. STIMMELi. CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field anil Garden Seeds etl anil SI3 Joiici St. , Oinn'm Storage , Fyw r lng A ornmlBBlojr | ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & Co7T [ Storage , Forwarding and Coniniission , llimioli linusa of the llonnor lIuggT I'o. lliiiiulcsal ' ' and tuall. l.M > , mOnnu ; 'il3 lianllTlrett. < a. IVIvphuno No. & Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. f Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Juhn Eiii'iielrr , I'roprlflor IW ) Doilistnnd linnnil 103 North loth Mreut. Omaha.- Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc. H. K. SAWYER. Mannfacturing Dealer in Sinol e Slacks , Ilrlli'hlnxi.Tankn nnil ( ionunl Duller llcpHlrlng. 1318 Diuluc Street , Umnliu. Nob. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERL'NG. Wronglit and Cast Iron Bnilding Worlf , ; Knglncn , llraix work , eoutiral fonnilrjr , machine a ; lilackimlth work. Omfe an < 1 worka , u. IMIr. ant 17th Street , Umaiia. OMAHA W1RE& mN WORKS. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Deik ralli , window guard * , flower ctnnJ" , w etc. , 1X1 North ICIh St. , Omuhn. OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS.1 Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes' Vaults , jftll work , Iron and wire fencing , ulitnfl , etc. O Andreen , I'rop'r. Cor. 14th and Jnciiou Bin. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co Miimifncliircm uDilJuhLum in Wagons Buggies Rakes Plows Etc , Cor. lull a.1,1 ! > , , , i tic Hli. , L.niiliH. , .Null MEACHER A : LEACH. General Agcntn for lllcbolil S fp A Look Co.'fl Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Tiine . Locks. Vault * and Jail Work , 14I& Karnam utrcut , Oiualin. H. M.aiS. W.JONES , biii'fi'iKiiriilo A. T. Ken ) on , V ( 'o. , \VhnU Hl > > nml ri'lull Booksellers and Slationers , Fine Wt'UilliiK Miitlnncrj , Cuiiiiiii'ii lul ! > tAlk > nerr. liWIlIIKln ) M. OlllKllll.Nub. OMAHA UKANCII. J. F. SEIBERLING \ CO. , ( Akron , Ohio , ) Haryesting Machinery and Binder Twine , \V. K. Monil , .Mnrui cr. K'l" l.cuvciiHoith H. , Oiimhn 3 ' ' ' ' Overall . ' _ _ _ T IH CAN'FIE'L'D M'ANUFACTUR'fNG co. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeaui I'auU , Shirts , Etc. 1102 nml 1101 DouKlaa Street , Omaha , .N 'b. ' 8aeh , Doors , Eto. ' _ . , , M.'A. DISBROW & . co. , Wholesale Maiiufnrtiirera of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch Office , 12th nml Irani Stroctn , Omalia , Neb , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding. , Stair Work and lutcrlor llurJ U'oo.l Klu lib. N. K. Corner Htli ami Leavtrnwurtu btreuta , Ollltthri , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. . Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And llllndn. Turning , PIMr-wnrk. Hnnk nml ( Jflics MltliiKi. anh and rupplcton Aveuuu , Browora. STORZ & . ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North KlKhteenth Street , Oinahn , Nob. 0. It. PALMER. N. P. llirilMAN. J. II. LI.ANCIUIU ) ] , PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Lie ? Stock Commission Merchants , Offloe lloom 24 , Opponltn Kichange Ilulldlntf , Union block Yardi , houth Omiilia , Neb , MoCOY BROS. . " Lie Stock Commission Merchants , ' Market furnlihM free on application , ptorkpr * and fettrtrr * furnlshoil < > < udul Icrnii. Ili'ti-reiicvii : Drni- , ha NaUonal llauk andKouth Uinuliit Nulluual , Uulod Block Yards , Mouth Oruaha. LORIMER , WESTERFIELD Si MALE ) < * Live Stock Commission , iloom 1& , ICiclmnne llull.llnu . , Union Block Yard * . South Omaha , Nob. - - ; ALEXANDER A FITCH. r Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Room 22 , opiionlte Kxlmnpc Ilullillni ; , Uatoa fitOCH YurcH , boulh Onmlin , Nub. UNIofTsTbcK YARDS CO. , OF Omaha , Limited , John if. Bora.Haperlntendent. A JU.IICIQUS . AND PERSISTEHF AOvuitisliiK Imi nhruya provoa successful , llcfoio pluclniranjr Nowtpupcr Advcrtlilntr consult LORD & THOMAS , . JMIKTIMNG JOtMB , | II U l HuiiUk ait.tl , CHICAGO *