Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    * & - * * > * Hi nj n if .m
\VlIjl ) I'liOI'liK.
1 lie Wooden NiKincK Stnlo 1C n Joy I up
nn Aliundniioc ofTlioin.
Noiiwiai , Conn. , Jon. 5. This season has
been prolific In wild people In Connecticut.
First a wild girl appeared to n party of
hunters in n nwnmp near Mtidlson. She
leaped out of n tlilokot at them , jKilsed her
firms stlflly in n 'Bo gone , rHlnln , " gesture ;
laughing hysterically "tee lite" thrco times ,
nnd lied Into the fastnesses * of the woods.
The hunters went the other way with cor
responding ulncnty. As she has not been
Been since , the Madison people suspect ttint
the villain Btill pursues her.
A day or two ago a well dressed wild man ,
who was nbout forty years old , nnd who had
black hnlr ailtl eyes utid smooth face , swung
ut full spued into Jackson street , Wllllmantlc ,
nnd yelled "Chloroform. " _ Several lleot-
fooled cltlicns gave clinso to him , nnd nftcr
ho had been caught ho said that ho was
"JohnMullin1 , " that ho had deserted fiom
the Italian navy , und that the authorities
were chasing him with a tc"nm with the in
tention of chloroforming him. Then he
broku away from-hm captors , ran across lots ,
leaped into the Watchnrog river , was pulled
outibj'his pursuers , taken to the police sta
tion , and luU > , r released. IIo hroko Into a
tun , yelled "Chloroform , " nnd vanlslied out
of town. .
Nightly n wild person appears in Prospect ,
High and West Main streets , In the village of
Stafford. JIo Is very tall , garbed In funeral
black nnd ho i tins noiselessly up to women ,
touches them , starts back and silently van
ishes Into the engulling darknoss. Ho ran up
to Mrs. William Brown the other night ,
touched her und she screamed and fell In the
road. Mrs. Hrown is u small woman , but her
shriek was hoard distinctly u mile undn half.
The wild man has not been seen since she
At Cow Hill , near Mystic , there Is a wild
man of the woods. IIo wears n big black
bear skin , and ho looks hideous. His other
clothes arc not worth much. Ho says not n
word , but ho glares with u wild , determined
stare. IIo advances on a man who approaches
preaches his lair In the forest of Cow
11111 , glares straight in the man's eyes
once and then runs. George Dunham was
chopping wood In the Cow Hill region ono
day recently , and had foiled u chestnut nnd
sat down 16 rest on the trunk. Thu wild
man rushed up to him from.Urn brush , his
bear skin bagging In the wind , halted ut the
distance of n strldo from him. nnd then tlxcd
n strong passionless glare on him. Mr. Juti-
1mm did not like his looks , and ho sprung
from his seat , reversed the nx hold in his
bands and whacked the wild man three times
over the head with the handle. The man In
tilt ; bear skin got away fiom Mr. Dunham us
quick as ho could and plunged into the woods
with n sore head und ho has not been seen
Another wild man tenants the woods in
Massapoag , u lonely region thrco miles south
of this city. On the wooded bunks of the
river in the Mohogan Indian reservation , is n
methodical fellow of nocturnal habits.
His favorite prank is to appear with u lantern
in the woods , a stono's throw from Wlllard
Church's house , at midnight , set down his
light , dig n holoin the leaves nnd earth and
yell "MurderI" until ho wakens the neigh
borhood. About a week ago ho paid his lat
est call to Mr. Church. Ho screamed "Mur
der 1" until Mr Church hastily nwoko from n
dream about totn codllshlug , und then ho kept
on screeching. Mr. Church arose , partly
dressed himself , lighted his lantern , got a
cart rung , drafted n neighbor into his ser
vices and advanced across the Held in the
direction of the . A '
outcry. will-o'-the-wisp
glimmer among the boughs of the ad
jacent forest guided the men. The yell
"murder" was again heard , und the men
hurried , They dashed into the outstanding
fringe of underbrush. The light glimmered
n few paces in advance ' of them , and they
haw n brawny ni'iin with n wild-oycd look
delving with a spade by lantern light in the
leaves und unrtli. The man saw tiiem , too.
Ho stopped yelling "murder , " caught up his
lantern with ono hand , threw his spade over
his shoulder with the other , and without an
other word dashed madly into the depths of
the forest. The men found a smooth hole
nbout two feet deep in the sod where ho lind
dug. They returned to the house , nnd are
Btill in a mine of wonderment in attempting
to pierce the mystery of the occurrence.
Lonely , isolated Hlock island is also
troubled by a wild man this winter. Ho up-
pours at dead of night in a wild , untcnunted
hollow of the hills , , to which the throbbing of
the ocean comes with n witch-like murmur ,
nnd ho digs n hole in the the brittle pent.
The swinging of u spectral light is seen iu
the drifting mists. The Islanders go out to
find him , und they stumble upon the hole , but
the swinging light dances nway over the mils
with the illusions of un Igni.s futuus , and no
ono is any wiser about the strange visitant.
The spot that the wild visitor loves to haunt
Is locally known ns Moncts valley , and the
people are divided in opinion whether it is a
Wraith from the phantom ship Palatine that
wus benched on the island 200 yo.irs ago , or a
ghost of Captain Kidd's ' crow , who came witli
the great pirate to bury an iron box of gold
with n blblo ut desolate Sand's point.
A FninoiiH Murder in Stockholm Rc >
called nt Milwaukee.
MII.WAUKCK , Jan. 5. Lnto in the ' 70's the
world was startled by u daring crnno com
mitted in Stockholm , Sweden , where the
Janitor of a bank wns murdered nnd the bank
robbed of gold nnd securities to the amount
of $1,000,000. The burglar escaped , and so
far as hoard no traces which would indicate
the direction ho had taken were loft. Thrco
years later n Swcdo located on a farm in
Waukeslm county , from which point ho often
mmlo visits to Milwaukee. Ho seemed to bo
well supplied with money , which ho spent
lavishly. His nurno was 1C. A. ICrona ,
nnd was often inscribed on the
blotter of Central station. Among his asso
ciates ho was known us the count. When
searched ut the station largo sums of money
in gold und bills were invariable- found on his
person. At ono time fti.OOO ; ut anotherwhen
his slumbers on nn ash pile had been dis
turbed by a blue coat , fe-j.MK ) . For two years
Kronu made periodical visits to Milwaukee.
On ono visit , in Ib&t , ho met u young woman
limned Matilda Thuroin , whom ho subse
quently married. The part of the hon
eymoon was passed nt n South-side hotel ,
where .Kronu's . lavishncbs in the purchase of
silverware for his bride so startled the pro
prietor that he notified the police ho hud n
gang of thieves in the house. The detectives
whd wcro sent over to the place in answer to
thu uotitlcation found u whole wairon-load of
silverware , but thu proof that it was ull hon
estly come by wns indubitable. A tew days
later ICrona und his wife lolt. ostensibly
for St. Paul , und that was the last seen of
About a month after Mr. and Mrs. ICrona's
departure two men arrived in the city , and
then went to Waukeslm. They returned ma
few days , nnd then called nt the police station
nnd asked for information in regard to ICrona.
They wcro referred to liust.ivo Krellson.
The men Informed Frollson that they were
members of the Scotland Yard force , anil
were looking after the Swedish bank robber.
They hud Information that ho had come to
this country , and they believed Kroiu was
their man. The two men went on to St.
Paul on the trail of the ICrona's. A few
weeks later n rctxirt was received thai ICrona
had been captured. This wus followed by
nnothcr that the man had boon taken to
Stockholm , tried , und sentenced to lifo
Then the matter dropped until Monday ,
when Inspector Heiinor received information
from Lognnsiwt , Ind. , that Krona was living
near Lawrenceburg. Ind. , mm was now
serving a term of imprisonment for u pro
longed spree. Agent Vrellson says ho knows
positively Mint Krona is the man wanted for
the Stockholm affair. It is stated that in the
past three yours ICrona has dissipated $20,000.
besides investing f,10,000 in Kansas , Missouri
mid Iowa lands ,
During Kronu's stay hero ho bo.mlcd with
Mrs. Caroline NeKon , on Clinton street.
Mrs. Nelson says Krona is no bnnk-robbcr ,
but a real , live count. She claims to know
his family In Swcdon , Ho was rich himself ,
mid his fortune was added to by the death ol
Ills first wife , who loft him : i largo sum. His
full name is Kuul Adolphof Lion ICrona , the
order of the lion having been conferiod on
his family by Qunon Christina. It Is Hinted
licro that the case has boon given into the
Imnds of the PJnkorton agency.
ituuxKi ) WITH viruioij.
A Wronged Glrl'tt Terrible lli-vcngc
on Her Betrayer.
JUt.TiMor.ii , Mil. , Jan. 5. Mary Hroplicy ,
comely girl of nineteen years , in company
with her mother , went to the. residence ol
J'arry Colcinan , her former lover , asked hi'u
for the last time If ho was going to keep his
promise and marry her , and ho , refusing ,
she threw n tumblerful of vitriol In his face.
She hud tho-dchdly acid concealed under her
cloak. The young man wns horribly burned
about the face nnd neck. Ono cyo is entirely
destroyed , and the physician Ih Inks ho will
also lose the sight of the other. Miss Hrophey
was arrested , am ! tus morning was released
on .ball . for thn criminal court She
did not attempt .to deny the charge.
Kho stated that she and Colcman
had been lovers for two years , and that last
June , after ho had solemnly sworn to marry
her immediately , she became his victim ,
When he found that she v.'as in trouble Coleman -
man ceased to visit her mid sent her word
that ho did not intend to marry her. Coleman -
man had been rcpeatudly asked to fulfill his
alleged promise , both by thti girl nnd her
father. Tho. latter went o far as to offer to
provide for his daughter for a year after the
marriage. Colcman then consented , and the
father went to considerable expense , prepar
ing n home for life young couple. Colemnn.
however , again failed to come to time , and
has ever since turned a deaf ear to all en
treaties. .
The story Of last niplitls assault was told
by the girl's mother , Sarah Hrophey , as fol
lows :
"Mary had boon at me for some time to go
nnd sco Harry again , but I told her It was
scarcely worth while. Last iilght , however.
she begged me to go with her , and at last I
consented. Wo mid been refused admittance
to the house before on the plea that Harry
was out , so wo waited to sco him go In from
work. Ho was already nt home , however ,
and after waiting some time wo saw him go
out. He caino homo again about 10)0 : ! ) o'clock
nnd wo then went to the house and asked for
him. Ho came to the door nnd I asked
him If ho was not going to marry my
daughter as ho had promised and as ho ought
to do. I used all the arguments I could think
of , but ho dld'not answer. Mary then asked
him to make her his wife but got only a
sneer for -answer. . Then with a rapid
motion , and before I realized what she was
about , she dashed the contents of a tumbler
in his face and threw the tumbler in the
street. "
Mary , when asked why she had inflicted
such terrible punishment on Her lover , said ,
ns she sobbed violently :
"So that no other girl would marry him
so that he could not take advantage of any
other girl as ho did of me , nnd for spite , be
cause ho would not marry mo. "
"Had you any reason to fear that he would
not marry any ono else ! "
"Yes , I had ; my father was present when
ho got a license. Ho had gone there to got
ono to marry mo , but ho got ono to marry an
other girl Instead. That was about four
months ago , but ho has not married her
yet. "
Colemnn does not deny being responsible
for the girl's condition , but claims that im
mediately uftor it was made known to him ho
offered to marry her , and she refused , saying
ho was too wild. Since thin ho has refused ,
believing that ho had done all ho should.
The girl's mother is also under arrest.
HOSTO.V , Jan. 5. The house and senate met
to-day , lioth branches went into joint con
vention at 12 o'clock and Governor Oliver
Ames nnd Lieutenant Governor J. Q. A.
Urackett wore sworn in and qualified. Gov
ernor Ames then made his inaugural address.
Filed Schedule1 ? .
Nr.w Yonic , Jun. 5. The commission house
ofD. D. Decnslro & Co. , which recently
mndo nn assignment , has filed schedules
showing JliJMli04 : liabilities , J1G'J1,427 '
nominal assets nnd ? I,000,75S actual assets.
Four Men Killed IJy H Blast.
Wii.KiisAUHitc , Pa. , Jan. 5 , Reports just
: it hand say by u premnturo blast four men
, vere killed and seven severely injured while
nt work on the new branch line of the Lcliigh
Aillcy railroad near Laurel run. The men
ire said to bo Italians whoso names could not
bo ascertained.
A regular monthly meeting of the Nebraska
State association of general passenger and
ticket agents was held at the B. & M. head
quarters yesterday foronoou. Every road
was represented with the exception of the
Missouri Pacific. Only business pertaining
strictly to the association was transacted.
Assistant General Passenger Agent Lomax ,
of the Union Pacific railway , departed yes-
" .onlay . for Chicago on business.
H. A. Johnson , first assistant general
'roight agent of the Union Pacific railway ,
lias returned from a trip to Chicago.
United States Court.
Yesterday the Union Pacific company filed
n bill asking for a writ of Injunction against
the board of transportation of the state of
Nebraska. The plaintiff charges that the said
board claims the right , power and authority
to fix and establish rates and tariffs for the
transportatl6n of persons and property over
the Union Pacific rend , nnd is now in delib
eration upon u schedule that will reduce to
two cents per mile the passenger tariff , both
inter-state and domestic , through the state
of Nebraska , making besides a correspond
ing reduction of tariff on freight. The com
pany claims that this will so disable them as
to make it impossible to pay their operating
expenses. Judge Dundy granted a tempo
rary injunction and the data fixed for hearing
the case was January 1" .
District Court.
Duhmo & Co. brought suit against William
E. Coburn yesterday. They estate that
they hold a chattel mortgage on thu stock of
Walter Sams , nnd that the sheriff lias about
&il , . " > 0i ) worth of the goods in his hands and
refuses to turn them over. Duhmo & Co.
also asks $500 damages.
County Court.
Stevens Uros , , the real estate agents , filed
an action yesterday against Joseph W.
Hishop to collect 4' with interest , the
same being duo as percentage for the sale of
real estate.
A .iL'DGMiiNT isExnnncn.
County Judge Shields rendered a judg
ment yesterday iu favor of Frederick N.
Ten-Ill In the sum of fUK.aS against Curl
Hr.uulols ,
Police Court.
Hucgo Sfihushardt , Tom Anderson , Ernst
Meyer , Joe Uauer and William Gremawald.
for disturbing the ponce were lined 85 and
costs each yesterday.
,1. W. Tooey. W. F. Dorsoy and James Mo-
C'.utTy engaged in n triangular tight in the
rear of the Continental clothing house yes
terday evening , and tnoy knocked each other
about in the SUDW ut a lively rate. Five dollars
lars and cost each.
J. U. Hupgy , August Wcstlort and M. Cun
ningham , drunks , were sent up for five days
Lindsay A ITCH ted us n Vagrant.
Jlinmio LIusuy , who is distinguished in
Blurting circles aS champion middle weight
pugilist of Nebraska , and who holds the
Klchurd 1C. Fox medal , was arrested about
midnight last night by Captain Cormuck.
Ho is charged with being n vagrant nnd was
taken to the central station und thaust into n
cell with the other common drunkards and
Low Johnson's "Hl.Ick Huby Hoy" minstrel
company at the People's this week is uu ox
ccllent organization nnd Is deserving of large
patronage. The fun is constant nnd of i
high order whllo the singing is superb , Tin
specialties are new and unique. In fact tlu
performance is first class in every way.
An Over Ofllcloiis Copper.
Yesterday Deputy Sheriff Houck went t <
the liou&e of John Shannon on Capita !
avenue to levy on u piano in the name o :
Woodbrldgo , the musio denier. An over
oUlelous policeman ordered the plucky maloi
to get away from the premises , all of whicl
ho did not do. Ho , however , reported tin
meddlesome copper to Chief of Police Seavcy
nnd it may cost him his buttons ,
Another SnloouiHt Arrested.
The police lire waging an unflinching wa
against the saloon men who Iravo violated tin
law by kc , l > lng'open their , saloons after mid
night. The latest r.rr'st is that pf Henry
Marsells , who wns lnko i Into cuslodv sister-
day by onicers Horrigan nnd Musty n. Ho
will have Mi trial this morning.
A special meeting at the board of public
works \viis held yesterday afternoon. Mr.
M \ , no wns absent. The following estimates
we I'D allowed :
Final Kstlmatcs-C. E. Fanning , grading
California street , Twenty-seventh nVontKl to
Thlrty-sixth street. fS.iXB. Same , ( { riullng
Thirtieth street , Cuss to pinning , & , W1.
ame , curbing Lenvenworth from Seventh to
I'lghth street. WHS.
Miscellaneous Harbcr Asphalt Paving
ompuny , repairs on Snundors street near
fuming , * I2. C. L. Davis i Co , , watch
louse and coal box , Sixteenth strict viaduct ,
' 10-1.
Colonel Floyd Fined.
E. O. Floyd , the proprietor of tha Diamond
uliicc saloon , on Douglas street , was tried
icfore Judge Hurku yesterday afternoon for
: ccplng his place of business open between
ho hours of midnight and 4 n. in. Ho was
'ound guilty nnd , in common with the othqr
lolators of this ordinance , the colonel was
tied $100 and costs.
Special Services nt Trinity.
Special services of Trinity cathedral chap-
.or arc Ui bo held this morning and evening.
Some fifteen clergymen of the dioccso are to
> o present. The morning service commences
it 10 : : ) with un address by the bishop. Jn
ho evening Kev. John Hewitt , of Fremont ,
vllt deliver an address.
TheyAVIII Marry.
Jeremiah Lewis , aged thirty years , of
luccdonla , la. , and Miss Imogino Crampton ,
nineteen years old , had the honor yesterday
f being accorded with the first license to
ivcd that lias been issued by Judge Shields.
They were the only ones that applied.
Pei-Nonnl I ar .murilis.
T. J. Mitchell , of Sloan , la. , is at the Pax
F. E. Abbott , Aurora , Neb. , is at the Wind-
Joseph Ellis , Do Witt , Neb. , is at the Wind
C. B. Allen , of Lincoln , Neb , Is nt the Pax-
J. H. Pratt , of Summer Hill , Neb. , is at the
. 'axton.
S. Downey , of Kenrnoy , Neb. , is at the
F. H. Hoblnson , of Kansas City , Mo. , is nt
-ho - Puxton.
John J. Cagncp , of Plattsmouth , Neb. , is at
.ho Paxton.
H. C. Kellar , of Leavcmvorth , Kan. , is nt
ho Paxton.
J. K. Longnccker of St Joseph , Mo. , is at
ho Millatd.
Robert McDonald , of Burnett , Neb. , is at
ho Windsor.
F. E. Hrowster , of DCS Moines , In. , is ut
bo Windsor ,
Douglas White and wife , of Now York , nro
it the Millard.
J. 1C. Sully , of the Dan'l Sully company , is
: it the Millard.
Ex-Congressman E. K. Valentine , of West
Point , is in town.
F. E. Balrd and wife , of North Plattc.Nob. ,
nro at the Windsor.
W. F. Scott und J. H. Hamilton , of York ,
Neb. , arc at the Millard.
W. H. Fulweiler and wife , of Clay Center ,
[ Can. , are at the Paxton.
Messrs. B. F. Selknittcr and G. W , Mcr-
ritt , of Centcrville , In. , are nt the Millard.
Mr. S. S. Benan , the well-known Chicago
irchltect , was in the city yesterday. Ho left
for homo last evening.
J. W. Keeney , wife and two daughters , of
Pocatcllo , arc at the Millard. Mr. ICeovey is
the manager of f'.o Paeiiio Hotel company's
hotel ut Poeatello , and is largely interested in
Stock raising.
Crushed to Death.
CLEVELAND , Jan. 5. A portion of the Cen
tral viaduct , in course of erection on the Hats
in this city , fell this afternoon. H. C. Burton
nnd Daniel H. Oukel were killed and five
others were more or less seriously injured.
They Searched in Vniu For the
The cnr load of spociomons Bocurod by
the expedition sent to Montana hint Oc
tober from the American Museum of
Natural Ilistory is daily exacted to nr-
i-ivo in this city , bays the Now York
Times. It contains u number of valu
able additions to the Central park col
lections , und the trip mny bo considered
a success , although no bulTaloos wore se
cured. The primary object of Sending
a party west was to sccuro i number of
bulTnloes for a herd group ut the museum ,
and the entire expense of the expedition
was berne by Mr. Jcsuy , the president
of the Museum association , and Mr. Con
stable , vice president.
A full account of the expedition was
secured yesterday from Mr. Jenesseo
Richardson , taxidermist at the museum ,
who , with D. G. Eliot , two guides , a
teamster and a cook , left Miles City ,
Mont. , on October 5 , for the headwaters
of the Big and Little Porcupine rivers.
It was through thisrogion and the "Bad
Lands , " 200 miles northwest of Miles
Citythat the Ilornrday expedition wont
lust your. It was surmised that some
remains of the buffalo herds scon by
that party might bo found , but in that
the museum pai-ty were disappointed.
The bleaching bones of the great ani
mal wcro found in hundreds of small
white bunches dotting the plains ns fai
ns the eye oould reach , and bones
enough for ten complete skeletons were
secured from about ono hundred and
fifty carcasses , hut not a live btillalo was
seen. The bones secured are remark
ably good specimens , owing to the dry
climate of the region where tlioy wcro
found. They are white and well pre
served. The best will bo selected for
Central park ; the rest will bo sent to
other museums in cxchnngo for speci
mens of other tilings. Two skins were
brought back , but they were bought
from guides and were from bufi'alocs
killed last year. It was learned that
purtios of Crow and Assiniboin Indians
had boon through the "liad Lands"
'during the summer , and what few buf
faloes were there were probably killed
or driven south by the savages.
In seeuringspeuimonsof other animals
the expedition was unexpectedly buc-
cessful. A very large and intorcating
series of nntolopes were found at the
head waters of the Big and Little Per
cupine. Great success was mot with in
shooting the pronged-horned "antelopes
of the plain , ' which is very swift nnd
ditlicnlt to gut at. Some time ago it was
discovered that this animal , sciontillu-
ally known as the antilocapra Ameri
cana , sheds its horns in n manner ditTor-
ont from other door , and intermediate
between the horn-shedding process ol
the solid-horned and hollow-horned
ruminants. The specimens of horns ol
all ugos and in all'stages which are now
on their way to this city show this pro
cess clearly , aud prove that as the old
horn splits at the unso and prepares to
fall oil the hnlr growing up around the
pith of the now horn goes to form the
now horn. Valuable pralrlo wolves
were killed , varying in color from brick
red to ono so gray that the cowbov guides
took H for u gray wolf. Blackbirds , sago
grouse , prairie larks , pintail grouse
liawkb , and magpies wcro uhot in largo
numbers. Some wildcats , Canadian
lynxes , and red lynxes wore killed , also
a small sago rabbit , unlike anything in
the museum , nnd , probably , something
not heretofore classulod. The party also
got n complete series of white-footed
' From the "bad lands , " tit the bead
valQi-s of the ItrgTuul Little Porcuplmi ,
the CLXpodltion w | it thirty-flvo mllod
south to the Muscle-Shell district. This
eglon has beeii'bul ' little explored , nnd
hey found gn'nt' ' . dilnculty with the
the maps , whieHSvpre very inaccurate.
At the Pomtpiiio river camp the
voather had bcun.yory cold and stormy ,
vhllo tit the new trump it wiw dry and
nlhi. At this place a large unmoor of
nulo door wuro killed , The mule
loot-is ono of tftv" fargcstt and finest of
\iiiorlcnn deer ivhA is fust becoming extinct -
tinct , because litr'gf numbers are killed
inmmlly forthofrbjtdes.whleh nro made
ip into gloves. Shipments of live hun-
Ircd to ono thousand hides are fro-
iiiontly made from Miles City by ono
lealor alone , Tfio ordinary Virginia
leer and the wliitc-tniled animals tire
lot uncommon , nnd the last wcro found
n great numbers. Half a dozen would
un out ol almost every willow patch ,
mil they could bo shot as easily as
shoop. Birds were very numerous.
Bohemian waxwingS ) which were very
scarce a few years ngo , and were im-
lorted from Rurono at considerable ex-
iciiso , are very plentiful in the noigh-
) orhood of the Muscle Shell river. They
were found in Hocks like blackbirdsand
an many as twelve were killed in two
shots. A number of badgers nnd wild-
: aU and ono largo gray wolf were shot.
Those wolves nro fast disappearing.
Thev run in small packs behind buffalo
lords , living upon the injured nnd the
stragglers. They are becoming quite
is rare as the bullaloes. There is no
.specimen of them in the museum nt
Central park at present.
Humors of buffalo in the north started
.ho party hack to the Big and Little
Porcupine rivers just ns the thormomo-
, or shot down to zero and a blinding
BIIOW storm set in , which had to bo
'need for thirty-five miles. The rumor
> t buffaloes scorned to have originated
n the mind of an unemployed guide ,
who wns quito as ready to guide the
: mrty utter imaginary animals as after
ihe real. No bulTnloes.woro found no
tracks , ovon. Unwilling to give up ,
the hunters searched day after dny for
: wo weeks , camping on the snow all
ilio while , with the mercury ranging
'rom xoro to iM degrees bolow. At the
end of that time they started baclc over
tli 200 miles to Miles City. The expe
dition supplied itself entirely with
fresh meat. Some provisions were taken ,
of course , but there was a great plenty
of venison , with an occasional duck.and
the party fared well. Over four hun
dred pounds of fresh game were loft at
the Porcupine river ramp.
"Tho way in which the buffalo is
oiiig is something frightful , " said Mr.
Richardson , in speaking of the failure
to find even a track of the animal in the
Bad Land" districts. "Wo hunted
Lho country most thoroughly , and were
led by McNannie , the guide who con
ducted the Hornaday expedition last
year. Ho knows the country thoroughly
well , and is a very conscientious follow.
If there had been any buffaloes I think
wo would have found them.
In answer to a question as to whether
further attempts wonld ho made to se
cure buffalo hides , Mr. Richardson said
that it was not at all likely that another
expedition would bo-sent out expressly
[ or that pupposo. There nro bulTaloos
in the Yellowstone park , protected by
law , nnd there is a fetrong popular preju
dice against poachers. A few men do
hung about the outskirts of the park and
kill whatever game' strays beyond the
limits. An occasional buil'nlo is secured
in this way. 1
"Although we did not got what wo
wont after , " said MV- Richardson ; "wo
secured so many otn/r / things that the
trip cannot by any "means be called a
failure. Wherever a large number of
species can bo examined at once and
compared , opportunity is' given for dis
covery of something new , oven in well-
known objects. Take the discussion in
regard to the horn-sheddingof the anto-
lope. It has long boon disputed whether
the now horn was growing while the old
one was going to pieces. By getting a
great many horns of ono typo of the
antelope , and in all stages of develop
ment , we have settled the question con
clusively. Again , it has been claimed
that the pupil of the eye in the nntolopo
was vortical. Wo examined a largo
number of antelopes and found that this
idea probably came from the fact that
the angle at which the pupil is plncod in
the eye vnriesi just ns _ the pupil of a
horse's eye varies. It is never vertical ,
As soon as the car of stulT arrives from
the west its contents will bo classified
and arranged , and the public may hope
to .sco among other results of the expe
dition , a line group of antelope added to
the other groupsnt the museum.
At the village of Telex , near Malaga ,
a peculiar sect has been distributed by
the interference of the authorities. The
chief tenet of the believers is that every
kind of covering of the body is displeas
ing to God. Why , if the creator had
wanted man to bo covered , Ho would no
doubt , hud supplied him with fur or a
coat of feathers , or .scales , they sav.
Man has no right to improve upon God's
management of creation , and , there
fore , both ho and she should adodt the
dross worn by Adam aud Kvo previous
to the fall and the adoption of the fig
Instantaneous photographs of birds
living are valuable for physiological
u-os. but are certainly not artistic. The
British Journal of Photography says of
a collection of such pictures : In some
the wing tips are high in ui , in others
quito low , and beneath , and , indeed , in
front of the body , while again in still
different views of the same bird wo
seem to see nothing but wings appar
ently extended to imitate an umbrella.
The pictures of the pelican are particu
larly ludicrous. "
A Maltese cat belonging to n farmer
in Goneseo county , Michigan , for some
strange reason was led to share the nest
of a hen which wns trying to hatch out
a half-dozen eggs in aif old shed. The
hen resented the intrusion and had
many a light with the cut before she became -
came reconciled to her. The two are
now fast friends and have by their
united elTorts , despite the cold weather ,
succeeded in hatching two little chicks.
The cat shares all her food with her
feathered companion ; } ami seems to en
joy their company.
Ex-Ministor Taylor , who recently re
turned to this country from Liberia , in
speaking of missionary work in Africa ,
said the other day : "I boarded with a
civilized man who had , three children
and a wife. The man 1 > elongod to ono
church , the wife to another , and each of
the three children to a different ono.
WhvV 'Oh,1 ho said , 'when the societies
send over good tilings wo can get some
of all. ' That father had only one re
gret , and that is that ho hud no moro
The IMoncot- Livery Si a bios.
For funerals the best heaives and car
riages , $2 each. Carriages for calling ,
opera and party calls , $ 2. Best car
riages for depot rails , 81. Other livery
equally low. The finest hor&os and
sleighs in the city. Horses boarded
nnd delivered at $15 per month. Terras
etrlctly cash. UOMAN & TKKUY.
Ladies can attend the Eden Musco
without an escort.
Return to Olvlllztitlon After Four
Months lu the Wilderness.
Difference Iletweuti thn West nnd
Knst Then nnd Xow Miu-voN
onn Changes In Hall'
u Century.
Dubuque Herald : Now for Dnhuqno ,
and then for home. The first bottler's
liotiso wo came to , after our cold hath
In the Turkey river , Mad boon occupied
during'tho summer , but abandoned for
the winter. It being evening , wo took
[ > ossesslon for night quarters. Wo found
potatoes and onions in a little pit be
neath a trap door in the lloor. Tlioso
were the first vegetables we had seen in
four months , and , of coin-so , soldior-llko ,
wo "foraged off the country. " The
next place was the Ilowlts' , at the big
spring. Wo found them at homo. The
ground had boon frozen and there had
bdon n little snow , but it had thawed
some that day. Wo pitched lent , and as
usual spread our blankets for sleeping ,
and built a llro. Mr. Howit , seeing our
tent , came down nnd gave us a warm
greeting. Soon after ho and Mrs.
Howit came down , bringing some fresh
beef , a pan of honey and a bottle of
whisky now luxuries to us , indeed.
The next day wo arrived at Dubuquo.
Wo put up at n boarding house nnd tav
ern kept by Cannon. The landlady
Boomed to run the whole business , the
kitchen , dining-room and olllco. Here
wo rested up for a day or two , made a
sale of our ponies and wagon , to Colonel
Hompstond. I believe. Our boss was
destined to Cincinnati to muko returns ,
while the boys would skip on foot via
Chicago back to their homo in Michi
While in .Duhuqiio there arrived a
steamer from below , and would soon re
turn. Wo engaged passage to Fulton.
The captain of the boat wns a young
man , and wp were told ho had gone to
Mineral Point to see his girl , but would
bo back in the ovonidg , and
the boat would leave on his ar
rival. So wo took berths ; but'
lo ! in the morning were yet tied up to
the wharf. .Wo waited that day ami at
evening the captain arrived and wo
wore soon on our way. Arriving oppo
site Fulton a halt was made and a yawl
lo.vered , manned by two boatmen , nnd
wo were soon at the landing. The
waves were running high , and wo were
told to jump. Part of us did jump and
made out to got clear of the swells , but
ono wns a liltlo slow and when ho
jumped ho broke down and a big swell
dashed over him. The river steamers
did not make regular trips at that time ,
I beliovo. They came up when they
pleased and went back when they got
While in Dubuque wo learned of a
tragic affair which happened a short
time before our arrival. It appears that
the men who worked in the mines were
getting their supplies on credit ill pay
day , which was once a week. A man
had run an account at Dan Down's sa
loon , and on calling to settle up ho dis
puted Down's account , whereupon
Down dealt him a blow upon the head
with a billet of wood , which may prove
fatal. Wo did not learn that there had
been any legal proceedings instituted
in the case. The most wo hoard said
was that Dan would probably lose con
siderable of his custom. That was
thought to bo punishment enough for a
crime of the kind at that day.
At Fulton wo put up with n man who
was having his house fitted up for a
grocery store residence above and store
below. The lower room was furnished.
A carpenter's bench and tools , with
plenty of shavings upon the iloorn litllo
box stove and some green wood consti
tuted the furniture. Pointing to the
floor around the stove ho said : "Here ,
boys , this is all I can do for you ; bo care
ful about the llro. " Wo took lodging
and put in a good night's rest. At day
light in the morning ho came in and
told us ho could give us no breakfast.
Ho did not expcct _ another boat up the
rivpr until spring , and his supply of pro
visions was scant ; ho was afraid ho
would not hnvo enough to carry his
family through. But if wo took that
cattle trail live or six miles wo would
find a settler who had lately como in ,
and ho guessed ho had brought provi
sions with him , and wo would probably
got breakfast with him. Accordingly ,
wo struck out.
After some two hours brisk travel wo
arrived at the house , ordered breaklast
and it was furnished. The bill of faro
was hot corn broad , fresh pork , wild
honey and coffee , a good wholesome
meal for footmen to travel on. The next
duy wo called for breakfast at a settler's
near Sterling. The woman of tliohouvj
said aho could give us breakfast , "but
what kind of money arc you going to
pay inV" Our cashier produced some
bills upon a New York Snfty Fund bank.
She gazed at the bills and called to hoi-
son , a young man , and told him , "Go
and toll Harry to ( pine hero , " an older
son. Ho came , staring at us suspiciously ,
and closely scrutinized our money , ques
tioned us us to who wo were and what
was our destination , and finally told his
mother that ho guessed all was right.
And soon wo were served with the best
meal wo had partaken of for many a day.
Our next point of interest was at the
Widow Barry's tavern , about ton miles
west of Chicago , where wo were told
that wo could not got to Chicago , as
there had boon no communication for
four days. Recent heavy rains had
Hooded nearly all of that big Hat prairie
immediately west of the city , and the
hard cold had frozen ice too sorong for
teams or footmen and not strong enough
to bear up either. Wo told the folks
that surveyors had no such word as
"can't" in their dictionary , nnd we
struck out for the little town over the
tender ico. The habit of running lines
caused us to take a boo line , which soon
led ts into tronclo. Where the
water was but a few inches deep
the ice was strong enough to bear
us up , bat as soon as wo came whore the
water was considerably deeper the ice
broke und lot us down sometimes to our
waists. Sometimes wo had to lay down
and slide to keep from breaking th rough.
Wo finally reached the sandy beach of
the hike , fatigued and heated in the
upper half , but chilled and benumbed
below. Wo hurriedly made our way
homeward , which wo finally reached
the day before Christmas. Wo brushed
the dust of the prairie from our gar
ments , and procoodcd to celebrate our
safe re * urn by taking in the holidays.
The young people seemed to fairly
lionize us on account of the journey wo
hud made "away lo that river and upon
the boundless prairies inhabited only by
wild beasts and savngo Indians close to
the betting sun. "
Few of the younger people of Iowa
and Illinois can now realize the won
derful change that has taken place
since 1837. Michigan wiw but npnrsoly
settled at that date , and northern Illi
nois was only surveyed into townships ,
and as for Iowa , the Indians hold sway
over all except the Black Hawk fran
chise , and I believe that wasoilly a strip
along the river about fifty miles wide
'Seeing- such a vast amount of vacant
country , wo naturally tlirught it impos
sible to become settled and fully inhab
ited in our day and generation. Where
could the people i-omo from to fill up
this itinnonso void of three great terri
tories ? These wore reasonable conclu
sions then , but the experience of the
last forty years holds up to our vision a
very different history. In this connec
tion wo are led to inquire where the ter
ritory is that shall supply the west
ward-bound emigration for the next
half a century , if emigration continues
anything like it has been for the past
fifty years ? I would hero further say
that Indians wcro numerous upon that
part of Iowa at the time wo were sur
veying. Wo met with detached parties
of WinnobagOL's , Monomlnccs , Choro-
kces , Sacs , Foxes , Osages and Sioux.
Thev appeared to bo hunting in small
parties : The game was plentiful , es-
peeially in the vicinity of the Turkey
timber. Wo faw deer , elk , geese ,
ducks , brant nnd prairie chickens in
fiooks too numorousto mention. Indians ,
wolves and the bald onglo had a line
Hold of game lo feaot upon. The In
dians did not molest us , but wo could
see that they did not like to see the
"shemnkumnn" measuring off their old
favorite hunting ground for the white
man to convert into cultivated homos.
Four Years In America Becomes n
Tutor and Meets Ills Destiny.
Clemonccau , the French lender , was a
physician , and ho once lived in Now
York. Ho was well educated , says a
New York correspondent of the Phila
delphia Press , of fine address and a
manly-looking man. Ho hung out his
doctor's sign , but succeeded only poorly.
A medical practice is not to bo picked
up in a day hero , or in any other city ,
and so Clemanccau found it necessary
to turn to other work. Ho advertised
himself as a teacher of the French lan
guage. In this ho succeeded bolter.
Ho bocamp the professor of French iu a
young ladies' seminary. Ho was young
and talented , and boon made hosts ot
friends. Ho continued the practice of
mcdicino , too , and so made a respecta
ble income.
Ho never wasted a moment. Ho ppr-
celled out his time bo that ho could devote -
vote so many hours to teaching , bo man v
to study and so many to literary work
and the study of our institutions. Ho
wrote , on all sorts of subjects. Ho cor
responded regularly with ono of the
Paris newspapers. Ho wrote essays and
speeches , and ho also translated into
French John Stuart Mill's "Augusto
Comto and Positivism. " Ao quickly became -
came accustomed to American ways.
Ho took a deep interest in all
our institutions. Ho visited the
courts , the prisons , the forts in
the harbor , and studied with great
diligence our system of government. Ho
was particularly interested in studying
the condition of the poor. Ho was an
omnivorous reader and in the four years
ho remained in this country ho gained
a very deep insight into the American
plan of conducting a republic. Ho wont
as far south as Richmond. lie told mo
the recollections of the war haunted
him and he could not qear to go further.
The west impressed him deoply. IIo
spent a month in Chicago , und the
bustle and activity of the busy western
men and women impressed him favor
ably. His visit west and south were
taken during brief holidays.
He found the practice of mcdicino so
unromunerativo that ho finally took
down lits doctor's bhinglo and devoted
himself to leaching and writing. But
he spent many hours in the big hospit
als , and I remember a largo and inter
esting' letter that ho wrote on the sub
ject of hospital management for a Paris
newspaper. Ho praised the system
highly. Ho was particularly impressed
with the proceedings of our government
in Washington , and ho spent many an
hour in the house and senate galleries
listening to the debates inthoso stirring
days. In Inct , there was no branch of
the government that ho did not take a
deep iatorcit in. I remember ono night
as I sat with him in his room , how elo
quent ho became on the subject of the
future of America. Ho was and is a
great believer in destiny. Ho told mo
that ho knew ho would ono day bo presi
dent pf Franco. Who knows ? Perhaps
ho will.
Not the least interesting part of his
visit to the country wi& ; that in which
ho became interested a beautiful and
wealthy young lady , Miss Mary K.
Plumner by name. As I remember the
circumstance now , it was a case of love
at first sight. The young lady's father
did not look with approval upon Ole-
incnccnu. The lady referred to was a
pupil in Clomenceau's French class.
Finally the lady's father took his
daughter from the school , and the
lovers wore separated. Clcmanceau
took the matter deeply to heart. It was
his first love affair. Ono dny ho sur
prised mo by announcing that ho had
decided to leave New York and go to
Connecticut as a school teacher. IIo
could not boar the thought of
remaining in the same city with the
object of his love without seeing her.
Ho did go to Connecticut , and taught
bchool at ( Jj-eeiiwich for a year. Dis-
tivnce , however , rather increased the
love on both sides , and the lovers corre
sponded. It ail oud"d as such tilings
usually do. The lovoi-s triumphed. The
father relented , and thov were married
in ISO ! ) . A. Oukoy Hall , then mayor ,
performed the ceremony. They took a
journey to France on their wedding tour
and have never ipturned. Clenienccau
fo nd a way to utilize his Uilcnts , and
his pretty wife with her fortune helped
him in many wcys to gain the fame lie
now enjoys. Ho established himself as
a physician in handsome quarters in
Montnvxrtrc , of which place lru rose to
bo mayor at the outbreak of the Fran co-
Gorman war.
Since then ho has lived in the fierce
light 'hat boats upon all great leaders
of the people. In all thu scenes that
have stirred Franco ho has taken an
active part. lie has been arrested time
and again for disobeying orders of im
perial superiors. IIo lias made a record
as a duelist by lighting with the famous
Paul do Cass.ignue. In the duel neither
was hurt. At the time referred to
Clomonceau had thrown over medicine
for politics and had become a leader of
the people and editor of the Justice.
CasMignac did not like Clemonconu and
ho again challenged him to a duel
Clcmoncoau agreed. IIo notified Cas-
sagnac's second that his principal would
never again light a duel. This news
was carried to Cassagnao and ho
s > [ ulkcd out of it , for Clomenceuu is a
dead shot.
Ho takes the liveliest interest in
American affairs , and two years ago ho
bccnmo connected with thu Hoiiubliquo
Fruncnlso ho wrote editorials from
America without leaving his editorial
room in Paris. Ho likes Americans
and is never so well pleased as when ho
has some prominent American to his
house to dinner , and they discuss al
ways in English , the feeling of our
country. In appearance Clomoncau is
rather small , slender , and well built.
His hair is cropped close ana
is quito gray. The eyes are black
and shiny. The nose is large. Ho
dresses neatly and in good tasto. Ho man
ners are thoio of a polluhcd gentleman
of the world. Ho is a great smoker , a
moderate cater and a great believer in
water. Ho never drinks liquors of any
kind. He is a splendid orator. When
ho rises in t.ho assembly to speak ho U
listened to with jrroat attention. Ho
believes in the future of the republic *
Aa a leader of Urn loft ho is a man of
great power and infiuonco , as has bcou
shown by his frequent defeats of ministries -
trios and the success with which ho'
forced his demand that Grovy should
HTf ryl-uly who < lf sltci perlcctinn In tl vie tmltotm
ihouM Wf r llirm. Mamiftcturellnnly b th
Wet lcr , Mats. , u J i IS llilVel meet , Cliicagot
: : os ST. ,
CAPITAL , $300,000 $ ,
Loans Made on Real Estate ,
School. County ami Municipal Iloiuls Negotiated
\VM. A. I'AXTON. President.
\VM. 0. MAUU Vlet-Vreslilent.
IIOUT.t , GA11UC1I.H , Secretary.
V. 11. JOHNSON , Treasurer.
W ( . A. 1'AXTON , llKNUVT. Cr.UtKE ,
W. (1. MAUL , i , . II. WIM.IAMS ,
Hour. I. . O.Mit.icns , S. it. JOU.NSON ,
! > ' . 11. JOll.NKO.V.
510 North IGtU Street , Oinalia ,
, $100,000
QEO. E. MAltKKK. President.
K.ll. JOHNSON , Cashier
muncToits :
SAMUF.I. it. JOHNSON , Guo. K. ItAitur.n ,
KOIIT. L. GAiii.iais , \VM. SEIVKHS ,
A flpnernl Hanking llnsincss Transacted ,
interest Allowed on Time Deposits.
Funeral Director and Embalmer ,
111 North ICth strco
Itunnlnp between Council lllnjlrt and Albright
Ini addition iTTtfio htainmN nic-nUoiiPc Tralns
utoii at Tttuntieth and Twenty-fourth streets
and at thu Summit In Omaha.
Ilnsl wnril.