Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The Question of Contesting Judge
Shlolds' Citizenship Raised.
Dual Affliction In tlic Ffttnlly of Ir
JI. W. Hyde-Two Hllvcr Orny
AVolves Hliot In the
Judge Shield1 Cltizrnfililp.
It wns rumored In town yesterdny that
ccrtuln people In this city Intended to apply
for n quo wnrrnnlo to test the eligibility of
Judge Shields to the county bench. A re-
jiorter for the Hnr. snw that gentleman mid
naked him If ho hud heard of the contem
plated move. Ho replied that ho had heard
rumors of the hind , but not lately. They
were based , ho said , upon alleged doubts as
rcpards IIB ! citizenship and consequent eligi
bility to the onico of county Judge. So far as
ho wns concerned , Mr. Shields said ho would
prefer that the question raised should bo feet-
tied In the courts. Ho was prepared to meet
It , but did not think it would ever
bo raised. Ho was born In Scotland ,
ho snld. His father had served in tlm
nrmy In the late rebellion. That fact entitled
tlio son , the JudifO-eluct , to citizenship. He-
sides , In 1W17 when there were no records in
this city , his father took out his second
palters , and although thcso can not be found ,
neither can any record of them bo had , there
is no doubt at all that they were procured.
Mr. Shields also claims that even If ho should
act as judge before the taking of the proposed
action or pending it , ho would bo
acting as judge dc-facto , and any
act of his would bo valid.
This question was passed upon in the contest
between K. 1C. Valentino and Judge Griffey
Bourn time ago In the fourtli district of the
state , which resulted in the former securing
possession of the hitter's scat. Hut the court
held that every act of the unseated ofllcial
was valid. Mr. Shields ascends the bench to
A AVcll-Kiiowii Indian Spy niul
John Whistler , n famous old Indian scout , '
of trio Sao and Fox agency , Indian territory ,
is in the cily , en route to Ogalalla , where ,
with W. H. Norton , hu is interested in a rat
tie ranch. Whistler came up from St. Louis ,
whit lice ho accompanied a couple of half
breed daughters , who are In school there ,
and who have been at homo on a vacation.
"Old Scout John , " as Whistler is familiarly
known to all old army ofllecrs and all along
the south west border , Is a Pottawatomle In
' dian , and for years has been a representative
man of his people , as well as one of the most
thrifty stock-raisers in the territory. Ho is
a man of magnificent physique , and although
lie IMS passed through fifty years of trying
vicissitudes on the frontier , ho displays but
few symptoms of the ravages of time. He
acted in the capacity of scout and spy in
many of the Indian wars of Arizona and the
southwest , and during the late rebellion
ho was the leaning scout attached
to the famous Kansas Jayhawkcrs. Ho
brought in the ilrst tidings alter the battle of
Wilson's Creek , and rendered the United
States forces valuable service in the hunting
flowu and destruction of the atrocious Quiin-
threll and his [ gang of house-burners and cut
throats. In a talk with him at the Paxton
this morning Mr. Whistler told a lir.i : re
porter that just _ subsequent to the close of the
war , ho married the daughter of an uriny
oOlccr , and giving up the lasso , the rlllo and
.tho trail , ho turned his attention to stock
raising and farming and bus boon very pros
perous. Meantime , however , at the earnest
solicitation of the United States author
ities , ho lent his assistance- running
to earth the notorious Hello Starr gang of
horse thieves and desperadoes. He arrested
13111 Wade , the most dangerous of nil thcso
lawless spirits and brought him back to
Wichita hand-cuffed , behind him on his horse.
Wade got three years. The gang were all
cither captured or killed with the exceptionof
Hello Starr herself , Sam Fesscnden and
Buck Hniloy , who are still at largo , and as
inimical to law and order as In the palmy
days of Wade's leadership. Mr. Whistler
loft for Ogallala last evening.
Second only to the bereavement of the
Rov. John Williams and his wife is tlmt of
Dr. H. W. Hyde , the well-known physlciaon ,
wi > o to-duy mourns the death of his two
children , Fred and Harry. They were
attacked with diphtheria a few days ago und
though for a time , it was thought they would
bo able to survive , yet Tuesday night , Fred
aged five and one-half years dlcdnnd his death
was followed in the morning by that of
Harry , aged two and one half
years. The doctor and his wife have the
sympathy of hundreds of friends in the city.
The date of the funeral has not yet been an
nounced. The family residence is at533
Dodge street.
coi.oxni < ciiAMnnus.
Colonel Alexander Chambers , the brother
of Major William Chambers , of this city ,
who died recently in San Antonio , Tex. , was
u resident of this city in 1808 , while
ho was attached to the Twenty-seventh in
fantry , lllllng the position of Judge-advocate
for this department. Colonel Chambers en
tered West Point in 1849. Ho graduated four
years later , mid the greater part of his time
was spent on the southern and western fron
tiers until the commencement of the late
war , when ho assumed command of an Iowa
regiment. Within u short time ho was brev
eted brigadier general for gallantry , having
several times been wounded in engagements.
In 187Sho ! ) was connected in a military cap
acity with the legation of the United States
in Constantinople ! . At the time of his death
Colonel Chambers was colonel of the Seven
teenth Infantry , and will bo succeeded by
Colonel MUucr , in command at Fort Hus-
A- man named Joseph Miller , wno was
brought to St.Joseph's hospital Tuesday night
by Kiehnrd Hogcboon , of La Platte , died
there yesterday Thy remains are at
Uiirrutt & Heafy's.
Vaclow Jirak , the man who was killed on
the H. & M. track , near Fourteenth street ,
Monday , was yesterday burled by the
county. The verdict returned by the coroner's
jury was that the deceased had beno
killed by being struck by U. ft M. engine No.
110 , and that the railroad company had done
nil in its power to prevent the accident. The
Jury recommended that the council take
Fomo steps to regulate tlu pced of all trains
entering the city. The train at the time oC
the accident was running twulvo miles an
' ' Itcauty null 1-VdKi'Ancc * !
Thcso are both attributes of the love
ly. Beauty of the tooth , fragrance of
tlio breath , are twin benofuctinna con
ferred by So/.odont. The queens of so-
ciuty , the brightubt ornninents of the
lyric and drnnwtio fatiijo , the rellued
everywhere command it.
GreyVolrs in Oinnliii.
Tuesday night about 12 o'clock , Henry
Ehrcnpfort , the well-known llorist of i'-'S
south'Klovcuth was in his green liouso flring
up when n er.ish ixttractcil his atten
tion' to iho vcgeluolo hot house.
Tlicro ho found two grey prairie wolves Imd
broken through Iwo paia'.i of iho glass roof
hnd wore maUin Ihonibulves ul homo with
his vegetables. Hu broushl his revolver to
bear on ihcm , nnd two well directed buUvlu
killed them instantly.
Ice plows , markers , hooks , tonga , saws ,
etc. , tit Juntos Morten fe Son's , 110-S.
15th St. , fcclo auonts foi1 Wootl'b ice tools.
Bend lor catalogue.
Uradstrqet repotts that Owen Cook , a Jew-
clor nt Ha1 Springs In this state , has been
'iittuohcd by local creditors for i70& , although
' some dealers in this city have claims upon
Mm. His liabilities are In the vicinity ot
11,300 mid his stock Is not ouO'ideu' . to satisfy
United Htiitcm Court.
A motion for n now trial In the cnso of
Huby Hugo vs. . J. . S. Kvans.of the City Steam
laundry , which was tried some two weeks
since , nnd resulted in a verdict of t'MK ! ) for
Miss Sngo , wan submlttpd before Judge
Uundy.yestcrday. _
DlNtrict Court.
' A Mr.iAi.i.iA.s'ti : .
Margery A. Hakcr brought suit for divorce
from her husband , William T , yesterday.
She alleges adultery , and states that since
her mnrrlago to him , cloven years ago , at
Miiscatlne , la. , ho has acted the brute. She
rays for divorce , custody of her three clul-
ren nnd such other relief as can bo given
er. She claims that her husband is now u
ugitlvo from Justice.
A wiiiow WANTS lUMAfin.
Mrs. James Delaney , through her hus-
i.ind's administrator. Patrick Ford , began
, ult yesterday against the Union Pacific to
ccover $ IC ! > 0 damages. It is claimed that on
October ( i. VA7 , Uchmoy was crossing the
defendant's tracks at Q street in South
Omaha when ho was instantly killed by one
f the defendant's trains. The death of Ue-
iincy deprives the widow of his support and
cnco her prnVcr.
John Hull brought suit against the Pnxton
. 'Icring iron works yesterday and claims
laimiffes to the extent of $1IWK ( ) . Ho states
hntjwhilu worklng'in the company's foundry ,
n iron mould , into which ho was pouring
ot metal , exploded causing him the loss of
Is left eye und badly injured thoother.
County Court.
Mrs. Ellen MuNannira was yesterday do-
loscd from her position as administratrix of
ho estate of her late husband Mathew
iIcNnmara. William \V. ICeyscr was ap-
lointed administrator. Tills decision of
udgo McCulloch was duo to the fact that
'omplalnts ' hitd been received In court re-
nrdlng Mrs. McNnmani's discharge of her
utles and nho was ordered to appear before
lie court and make a report of her steward-
. She failed to appear and was removed.
Police Court.
In the court yesterday Mrs. Maria
Cohlman , for disorderly conduct , was sent to
all for twenty days.
F. Sherman and Jerry ICernnn , for raising
row in a dfsicputtiblo house , got fifteen
ays each.
What Is GotiiK " in anil Around the
County liiiililin N.
To-day tlio newly elected ofllecrs as-
ume their trusts.
The bill for boarding Ihe inmates of the
county Jail for thu month of December , 18h7 ,
vns $2,101.80. Of this amount 5370.03 was
or Ihe insane prisoners.
Mr. C Y. Long , ono of Ihe most popular
lerks in Ihe county court as well as in Ihe
juilding , left last night for Lincoln , where
10 has accepted a position with Iho county
udge of Lancaster county. His duties will
be .similar to Ihoso ho so well performed
vhilo hero. During his residence in Omaha
ilr. Long has made many warm personal
"ricnds , who greatly regret his departure.
The new county cleric's ofllce will not be
completed for borne three weeks yet. A vault
ms lo bo built and doors cut Ituough Iho
olid walls.
Mr. Charles Ncedlmm retired last night
'rom his ofllcial position and lo-day en-
era upon his new work in connection with
he C. E. Mayno Heal Kstatc and Truct coin-
mny. Mr. Needhaui's successor will lind
everything about the ofUco in "apple pio"
irder. The friends of the retiring ofllcer
visit him every success in his now career.
Mr. Dave Wellswho retired from the clerk
ship of the board of county commissioners hist
night , was perhaps the most popular young
nun In the building. Ho was the friend of
ho reporters and oft times went out of his
ivay to furnish them with statistics and in-
'ormallon. Mr. Wells has had several posi-
ions offered him but will not decide until lo-
lay which ho will accept.
M. S. S. Auchmoedy , Iho genial deputy
county clerk , will remain temporarily in his
old position lo adjust the affairs of Mr. Need-
ham and assist Iho new clerk. Mr. Auch
moedy has not yet decided what business ho
will engage in in Iho future.
nids for county printing nnd blank books
were opened yesterday by the commis
sioners , but decision was deferred unlil to
Go to the Eden Museo and hear a ma-
ihiuo talk.
Pianos ' and organs at wholesale. Buy
of the ii'uititifaeturors and save dealers'
prolita. NKW Youic PIANO Co. ,
Capitol uvo. and 15th st.
Police anil Fire Commissioners.
The board of police nnd llro commissioners
met yesterday evening. All the members
were present. Ofllcer A. C. McCrackon was
reinstated-but resigned { o accept the mur-
shnlshlp of South Omaha. Ho gave a satis
factory reason for leaving his beat without
iV communication from the council com
mittee , proposing1 n conference to adjust the
differences between the two boards was read ,
and the proposition acceded lo. The confer
ence will take place nt an early day. The
council coinmitlco consists of Messrs. Ucchcl.
Leo , Uailcy , Hascall and Alexander.
The p.iy roll of the police department ,
amounting to f,100.CTi. ! aud tire department
amounting to 4 ,859.03 , for December , ap
Tlio charges against colored policeman
Newman were dismissed.
The resignation of Policeman Crawford
was accepted.
DieboUl Safes.
Call and sco the largo stock Meap-
her & Leach , Gon'l Agt's. have on hand
at 1415 Farnam st. , Omaha.
Cold Wnvo Coming.
Stoves at co t of iron.
NEW Yoiiic STOUAOK Co. ,
Capitol ave. and loth &t.
Only the best porlormors and most
curious people uro over booked for the
Prof. rranko'H IlciiRflt.
A bcneilt concert will bo tendered Nahan
1'ranko ut Hoyd's opera house Wednesday
evening , the llth. Mr. Franko is surely a
deserving beneficiary. During Ills year nnd
a halt's residence hero hh > cue aim has been
to build up a higher and better grade of mu
sical culture , and no ono can deny
that ho 1ms succeeded most admir
ably. Ho has givou several concerts
here , always entertainments of a high
artistic order and musical worth , and patro
nized by the city's best people. As n violinist
linist Frunko ranks with the most skilifu
virtuosos of the country , while his genera
knowlcdgoof muslo is thoroupli and complete ,
Ho leaves hero about the 20th for New Yorl
his old homo. This is to bo regretted. It
would certainly bo bcncilcuil for Omana's
muslciul advancement if this talented artist
could bo induced to rcmnin hnro , and if some
guarantee of remunerative employment could
bo given him , this desirable end might bu at-
A preafc sta o porfornmnce at the
Eden Museo this week.
Cold Wnvo Coming.
IIoutinR anil cook stoves , cost of iron.
'Cor. ' Capitol live , and 15th it.
Assistant Cljy Attorney Smith.
O. S. Smith , Esq. , has been appointed city
attorney , anil assumed the duties of his oftlco
yesterday with a.vigor that gives prouiiso
of most vfllcient service.
Ladles can attoud the Eden Museo
without an ubcort.
A llorto 'I'rninur'ij Trouble.
X'cstoiday Ooorga Plowing caused the
arrest of a tier < "i trainer named Frank
Thompson on the charge of stealing from
hlin ( I ( uroveiuoat valued ntj : 3. The pris
oner wus icleasod on bonds to appvar for
Continental Clothing House
Unprecedented Attractions in Fine Satin Lined Overcoats , The richest and most elegant overcoats
ever shown on our counters.
All tailor made garments , nothing cheap about them except the price , An offering never before attempted of the finest and most elegant overcoats ever
manufactured by us since we have * been in business. Our unparalelled sale of the famous Sawyer woolen Go's. , line all wool double and twist
heavy winter weight suits.
ber the price , only $16.
LOT No.2 We-offerabargain of equal importance , being 400 of thevery finest quality London Seal Brown Kersey Overcoats goods
made by the famous Worumbo Mills of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Kersey Overcoatings. ) Those goods are the
new shade of London brown , which is so fashionable with young gentlemen everywhere. They are made Avith lapped seams , cut single breasted , fly frontand
lined with the same quality of "Win. Skinner's satin throughout , body and sleeves , the best satin made in the world anywhere for service. We have thcso
vercoats in all sizes , from 33 to 44 , and offer them at the extraordinarily low price of $19. "Wo have no better overcoat in our stock at any price ; w
could not make a better one if you should give us $30 for it , neither could we use better materials or bettor trimmings , and we do not believe that theo
Kersey Overcoats , lined with satin , can be purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. Wo will send a sample garment by express , to be returned
at our expense , if you do not. consider them worth $30each .
LOT No. 3 We offer TOGO pure Indigo Blue All Wool Chinchilla Overcoats , lined with heavy serge linings throughout , with silk
Aelyet collars at the extraordinarily low price of $12 each. This is a coat sold at $20 in October and is the last of a very largo lot of these fine coats ,
which we now offer to close at this ridiculously low price. Remember , these are fine all-wool indigo blue Chinchillas , made and trimmed as well as any $20
overcoat in our stock , and we now offer them to close at $12. *
LOT No. 4 We offer 15O pure All Wool Cassimere Suits , cloth made by the famous Sawyer Woolen Co. , Dover , New Hampshire , the best
manufacturers of line all wool cassimeres in New England. The suits are made in single breasted sack coats , are new regular goods , all sizes , and wo offer
them now at the extraordinarily low price of $12 per suit. The lowest price for the same suits in September of this year was $20 per suit , and they arb
worth that price to day. Send for a sample suit by mail and you will not regret it.
We will .send samples of these genuine Sawyer Cassimere Suits to any address with the understanding that they nre worth fully $18 to $20 per suit , ns retail houses usually sell them. If not
und so. Uioy may be returned at our expense. They are the most tlforoughly reliable and honest bargains we have ever-had the pleasure of offering the trade.
We hi
returned to us at our expense.
Wo also offer at the same time rIVE HUNDRED DOZEN FINE ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS , the usual retail price all over the country for these goods is
$1.00 pach. We oiler them at this sale at 40 cents each. All i/.es from 34 to 44.
Send for our catalogue , giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self-measurement and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store ,
end to us aud see how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Freeland Loomis OMAHA
, & Co. BOSTON
Proprietors : DES MOINES
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River.
T. D. Pcrrino of Geneva , is n guest at the
Thomas U. Acorn of North 13eml , is nt the
The contractor grading H street wus paid
$100 on account.
T. M. Trimllo of Arcadia , Neb. , is in with
two loads of cuttle.
Charles Carr stopped m the yards on his
wny to David City.
C. G. Cunningham of St. Louis , registered
at the Exchange hotel.
Colonel Pratt of Summer Hill was visiting
friends at the Exchange.
W. II. Beagle of Loup City , is on the
market with cattle and hogs.
Acting City Marshal McCracUcn will bo
required to furnish a SoOU bond.
John liutler of Hutlcr & Hough , Crescent ,
la. , has a car of hogs on the market.
.T. M. Cox , of Hampton , brought in three
cars of hogs and sold at the top prices.
Alex Pcrnatt , of Miles , City , Mont. , was
looking up his old friends ut the Exchange.
Colonel J. It. Conklin , ono of Lincoln's
heavy feeders , is buying cattle for the Chicago
cage market.
The now Fourth ward extends west from
the railway track , and north of Q street to
the city limits.
The city treasurer was instructed to issue
warrants for the payment of police and city
ofllcial salaries.
Ono shipper from Inland , Neb. , found thir
ty-two dead hogs when unloading. They
were killed by over loading.
The finance committee reported that bills
to the amount of fcSl.GO , to persons having
done work for the city , bo paid.
Another day passed without nn arrest , nnd
people are begining to think that it must bo
the calm that pieccdcs the storm.
It cost $13 to bring Jim Snodderly back
from Iowa , on the charge of arson. Of this
amount the state pays j37 and the county
The report of Treasurer Hunt shows that
on January I , f'.Ml stands to the credit of the
school fund , and $ J3M to the general
The American District Telegraph company
has now an ofllco in the yards. It is in the
Missouri Pacific headquarters directly op
posite the Exchange.
The now postofllco is receiving the finishing
ing touches , and will probably be occupie'd
to-day. The police section will not bo
ready for n day or two.
Ordinance No. 11 dellning the limits of the
old Third ward was lo&t , nnd Ordinance
No. 8i ( which repeals it , was reported to the
council In an uulluishcd state.
The charges preferred against Judge Rcu-
ther have been dismissed , , nnd the Judge com [
plctely exonerated. Councilman Loosener
moved the adoption of the report.
Twenty-four thousand cubic yards of earth
Imvo been removed by the Twenty-11 fth
btrcct graders nt n cost of twenty-three centj
per y\rd. : At N street l20p ! yards have been
leveled at seventeen cents par foot.
The Nebraska Tclephono" company asked
the city council to grant them permission to
erect poles in the streets , but forgot to s > ay
for how long a time the privilege would ex
tend. Councihnau Smith thought twenty
years long enough , and the ordinance was re
ferred ijueV.
The Dec-ember report of Police Judge
Iteuthcr shows that forty persons came before -
fore him for trial. Of these twenty-three
paid fines , nine were dismissed , six went to
jail , ono war. sent to xho county commission
ers , and ono gavn a note in payment of line
nnd costs. The latter Item was referred to
the llnance committee.
A Hohomian named Kaanuro has been llv
Ing at Sheely , and had under his protection n
fellow countryman named Leopold Sellak.
Thov occupied the bnmo shanty , and Sellak ,
who" is a marrled'mnn , owned a few worldly
possessions that Kasmtro longed for. Consequently
quently , when Sollak intimated that ho was
about to start in the world on his own hook ,
Kasnuro produced ablll for services rendered
as an interpreter at the time when Sellak was
unable to speak AmorJoan. Horofused to let
him remove his furniture , nnd this morning
Judge Levy Issued a writ of replevin to recover -
cover it.
Ail present sympathized with Mayor Savage
when he put n motion mudo by
Councllunin U.irk , and not oven that gentlo.
f ? < r "salust it.
fish or cut bait , " said the Irate colonel ; "I
lon't propose to be made a laughing stock of
my longer. You must act like men
mil not like hoodlums , or I'll
resign. " Yesterday the mayor told a
Uii : : reporter that ho what ho
said , and if he had found a dci'cnt picco of
paper ho would have resigned then and there.
It lucky for the reputable residents of
South Omaha that paper was scarce.
Go iiiul hnvo your spciHuelcs , put right.
Muunion & Hujrhes 151U Fimiain.
llcnl Kst'ite Transfers.
UII Smith et nl to I H Andrews , w 21
ft of o1'J ft lot 7 blk 74 South
Omaha , w d . 2,200
South Omaha Land Co to .lames M
Wilson , lots U and 12 blk C'J Soutli
Omaha , wd Sit
Gee Osborno to F Lewis , s JJ sw II. ,
1(1 ( , .l , wd 2,020
S S Campbell to L H Uock et al , blks
1,2 , : t und 4 Urcvont Place , w d 40,000
G S llciniwii and wife to N 1) L Hiles ,
lot 2 blk r > Heed's ! trd , w d 1,400
Chas E Keller and wife to S Mc-
Clas-e , lots 1 , 2 , ! ) , 10 , 11 and 12 blk 4
linker Place and lot 1 blk 10 Clifton
Hill , wd 3nOO ,
T Olsen and wife to Win II Hunn ,
lot 7 blk H South Omuha Park , w d. , 500
Joseph J. Mcgcath et al to T. H. Tay
lor , lot ( H Windsor place , wd 2,481
P. Cassady to Morris Morrison , trus
tee , 10 acres off n side n w s c 5 , 14 ,
13 , wd 0,400
E. Dennis and wife to William Hart ,
lot 5 , blk 8 Mayno's 1st add to Val
ley , w d 250
C. E. Mayno and wife to E. Dennis ,
samu. w d 100
A. Phillips and wife to Chas. E. Spots-
wood , lot 11 , blk 17. Ucdford place ,
.wd. . 2,700 ,
L. A. Linquist and wife toll. M. John
son , lot 13 Linquest's add to Soutli
Omaha , w d 730
M. McDonald to Flora M. Phillcs , o y
lot 0 , blk 1 Isaac & Setton's add. w d 500
Cora Sliter and husband to N. H.
Hrown , o 30 ft lot 5 nnd n 20 ft lot 'J ,
blk 1 1'opo place , w d 3,000
Same to same w 30 ft lot 5 and n 20 ft
lot 8 , blk 1 Pope place , w d 3,000
Gco. F. IJogps and wife to Jos. P.
Kralsche , lots 0 , 10 , blk S Arbor
I'laco extension , w d 415
Jas. M. Swetman to Lilllo Cook , lot 5 ,
blk 3 Hartford place , wd C75
M. J. DcGrofT and wife to I.T. Clark ,
n y lot 4 , blk bO , South Omaha , w d 2,200
D L Holmes to A J Clark , w 25 ft of o
7o ft lot J3 and 14 blk 70 South
Omaha , wd 2,300
Chas Impsey anil wife to F Sonnen-
schcin. lot 11 blk 2 Idlowild , w d . . . . 7,000
Low W Hill to John A McShnne , lot 4
blk 1 Hoggs & Hill's add , w d 3,500 ,
J A McSlmno to Lew W Hill , lot 1 blk
4 Hoggs & H ill's 2nd add , w d 1
South Omaha Land Co toDaniel K-if-
forty , lot 0 blk 4S South Omaha ,
wd 330
Jlio A Pearson to H F Pearson , lot 7
nnd 8 blk 1 Pruyn's sub , wd 1,000
Snmo to same , lot 3 and 4 blk 1
Pruyn's Mib , w d tOO
Win P Stevens to G W ICunstcr , lot 17
blk 2 Stovt-'ii's Place , w d 1,000
A HutchliiBon and wife to Kobt H
Yeoman , lot 8 blk 1 Hyde park , w d. 750
D H Hanserman to Samuel N Hell , lot
0 blk 3 Kirkwood add , w d 1,000
Twenty-nine transfers
The superintendent of buildings issued the
following building permits yesterday :
Wilson & Hrunner , addition to boiler
" shop , Nineteenth near Piereo . f 000
E. G. Floyd & Co. , addition to btoro ,
rear 1313 Douglass . 1,500
Two permits aggregating . f 2,400
Como to the Eden Museo nnd pet n
card witli your iinino written on St by
tlio armless ami legless wonder.
Jnmcs Morton & Sofi , 110 S. loth st. ,
all kinds of iuo tools in block.
Culil Wave To-morrow.
Got stoves at lets than cost of Iron.
Capitol uvc. and
The business of the clcariiifr house
yestordny amounted to $8K,0)8.0t ! ) ! ) ; , the
largest ever known for a single day iti
this city.
The annual mooting of the Press club
and election of ollicors takes place
tiiis afternoon atI o'clock in the
rooms of the club. A full attendance is
Yesterday a number of Japanese
students passed ea&t ever the Union
Paeilie and Chicago & Northwestern
roads to Ann Arbor , Mich. , where they
will attend the celebrated university at
that place.
The Metropolitan club , a now social
organization , Illetl articles of incorpor
ation yobtorday with the county clerk.
The ollicors are Simon Oborfoldor , pres
ident ; Andrew Haas , vice president ;
Samuel Schlessingor , secretary ; David
Kaufman , treasurer ; Jacob Hobinson , Gladstone and Iko New , trus
Mr. A. C. Van Sant will commence
next week to instruct the Y. M. C. A.
class in phonography. This is a rare
opportunity for young ladies and gentle
men. Mr. Van Sant is probably tlio
most expert reporter in the city. Tu
ition free.
Something new every day at the Eden
llobblc'n Day.
The Burns club of Omaha will celebrate
the 123th anniversary of the birth of llobcrt
Hums on the 2.1th of this month by u banquet
in Exposition hall.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never vnrfcs. A mnrvcl of purv
ty , strein'tli.und wholesoniHnenH. More econom
ical tlliin tlm ordinary kinds , nnd cunnot bo sold
In competition with tlio mnltltiidii of low cost ,
fhort weight nlnm or phnstihntn powders , bold
only In cans. Itoval linking J'owder Co. , 1M
Wall St. , Now York.
Third Judicial District.
Pianos ,
Instruments exchanged , ranted and cold on
Easy Payments , below
Instruments slightly used at
Max Meyer & Bro , ,
Omaha , Neb.
Or the Ltonor Habit , Positively Cnrcdby
Administering Dr. Unities' Gulden
lit It can be plven In a cup of coffee or tea wltho
n-the knowledge of the pet-hon tukliiK It ; al > solut
illy harmless , anill \ \ effect a permanent un
1't.pwdy cure , whether tliupathmt H u modcrat
filrlnker or an alcoholic wreck. ThousamlH o
drunkards have been miulo temperate men who
havu taken Uolilcn Specific In their coireo with
out their knowledge niul to-day bellevo they quit
drinking of tholr own free will. IT NKVIJIt
KAILS. The system once Impregnated with the
Speclllc , It becomes an utter impossibility for
tlm llijuor appetite tn exist. For xalu by Kiilm
& Co. , 15th and Douglas sty. und IHth and Cum-
Ing t > tn. , Omaha , Keb. ; A.I ) . Foster Ac Uio. ,
Council Dlulla , la.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for College Journal ,
S. E. Cor. 10th and Capital Avo.
M vntioatbo
The tet known and moit popular Hotel lu the
tale , location cenlrul. appointment HntrlaM.
llrttlqimrtori ( or couituertlul men aad nil political
ana public filming. . . . , . .
fc | UO1W ] .ru.rletor
N. W. Cor. 13th it. Dodge Sts
De'it facilities , apparatus niul remedies for mio
ccssful treatment of every form of disease rtqulr *
iiiK Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and attendance , bcbt hobpltal accommo
dations In the west.
WKITI : I on. CIRCULARS on nefonnltles anil
Jlraccs , Trusses , Clul > 1'eet , Curvature of ( lie
Spine , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Cntnrrli , llrot.chltis ,
Inhalation , I'.lectrlcity , Paralysis , Hpikpsy , Kid
ney , llladiler , Kyc , Kar , SUiu und liloou , aud all
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All lllood Diseases successfully treated. Byph-
ilitic I'olson removed from the hystcm without I
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Tower. Persons unable to visit us may btf
treated at home by corrcMioiidcncc. All COIHUIUTJ
nlcatious confidential. Istedlcincb or Instruments ,
sent by mail or express , hecurely packed , nci
marks to indicate contents or t-emler. Otic uer >
Konal interview prefer icil. Call aud consult us'or
tend history ofyour cusc , and we will send in
plain wrapper , our '
Upon Private , Special or Nervous nlfeanes , Ira *
potency , Sypiillis. Gleet and Varicocclc , with
question list. Address .
Omaha Jllnllcal and Surgical Institute , 6 %
Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , . OMAHA. NEB. '
IlcnutrkabUi ' for powrrf tdj
Uiutlc'lonp. pllublu nctlon und ab-
aulutn iiuralilllty. ! IO ycara record.
thB best uuiiruntee of tlio exci-1-
lence of tlicHo Instrument.
Health is Wealll
rtnU'fd specific for llj terlu , JHzzU
ness onvus. Fits , NITVOIH Neuralijl *
lleaAach" , N.--VOU1 1'rostrntlon runsed by tli
u o of iilcoliol or tolmcco. IVukefulnesi. Mental
) BoMenltiKof tha llmln jehultluif la
Iiwuilty Kiid iBidlnc to mlicry. decay und death ,
I'rMiintnru Old AK" . llarronnosH. Loss of power
in either tex. Involuntary l.oHtoH and Spermijt.
orilui'ttcium-dbyovpr cxurtlon.ofthobrulnsolf.
abiue or oviT-lndulK nc < " . Uiich box contain *
ono month' * treatment , tl OOa box , or six bniea
for IS mi , sent by mall propnld on > fc lpt of prlcej
Toctircany CBEO. With * arli order rorolved ttf.
us for six boxHS , accompanied with . ) .lAt , wo will
bend tlio purchaser onr written cuaranteo to r
lur.d ( no money If Uio treatment does not effect
a cmo , mmrantuefi Isiuioil only by } ; . I' . ( JOOrn
MAN. J > ruKKlst , Sole A emt , lll'J 1'arnam Bt. ,
Omaha. Net )