THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , .SANtJABY. . 5. 18S8. .NOTICES. AilTcrtl meilts nndor tlilnbenit , 10 rent * per line fur the Ilrst lanojtloiL , 7 cenU for each sul > - pf-nuonl Insfrtlon , nndia \ n llnepor month. Nd [ ulvcrttxuincnt tnkun fur \vn \ tlmii 23 cents for thn Hrst liwTtlon. PCVI-II words will bo counted to the line : they mint run coniccntlve- ly nml inu-it bo iiiild n advance. All ndvcrtUc- JiitntH mutt 1)0 Iiandcd In beforn 1 : ; ) > ) o'clock p. m. , nnd under no ilrctnnntniiceH will they betaken taken or dl' coutlnu > d by tclfiihoae. 1'artlvs uilvertlMnu In tlic coluium and tiav- liirthonn ( ers nddri'doed In caroof tliu Jlce , will plenw nik for n chwk to ennble them to K < * i their letters , n none u 111 bo delivered except on iireieiilntlon of rlirck All unsworn to Hl ( viTtKetnentH nhoiild bo enclosed In envelopes. All nilvrtl einctiti In the f rolntnn arprrub- Halted In lxlli mornltiK uml evening editions of the lion , thrrlrcnlotlon of which nRKreKiito * inoro tluui 15,101) PIIJMT.I dully , and Klvr.i the nd > M-rtlxcrt * the iM-nullt , not only of the city rlrcu- latlon of the lice , but also of Council lllillK Lincoln , nnd other rltlet und townn throughout thU part of the n eiU SITUATIONS WANTED. \\TANTKD A position ns tearhr-r. e.Tpcrlenco "T gcven years. Rood refs. npply ut the At lantic hotel to-morrow morning. 2(2 1 * COMMERCIAL man wishes a position , - best of reference. Address S 07 , Heo olllce. 214 4 * ANTED lly n young man. a place ns baker or pastry couk , OU5 N. ICtli at. WANTKD-Sltuatlon by experienced man as cojj'hmmi or cnrlntt for horses ; well rec ommended. Address G03 N. 18th st. 219 ! WANTKD-yitnntlon for sick nurses nnd sowlug gills. Wo have many appllcanta nnd fill vour orders free of charge. ( 'aiiAdlan l-iiiii. olllce , Mrs. llrcga & Son , UHI H. 13th. Tvl. W4. V4 WA N'TKD Situation by n yount' man expcrl onccd In bookkeeping and otllcu work ; willing to make himself nsefnl ; can glTe IM-RI of city references. Address , S DO , Ilee olllce. \\rANTRI-f > ltlmtloI"-I'ni1l ( > < 'ln TT ini-ntlc help will tlnd It convenient to hn\o n room full of girls to select fromthus avoiding nil delay , and tending to better satisfaction. Piich Is tlie case at the ( 'mmdlan Kmplovment olllce , Mrs. llrega & .Son , 'Mil H. ir.tli. Tel. KSI. sas 4 * WANTED-MAI.E HELP. WANTHD-At Mddlcotfs shoe store , llca trie. Neb. , 1 shot-maker to do rapalrlng mostly. None other than steady hand need ap ply. i.1iir.J WANTKD 2 head waiters ; 1 cook fofhotcl ; 1 ( lerman waiter : 1 Ocrman porter : 1 farm hand.i Steady work nil winter. Omaha llmploy- uient Bureau. 1 111 N. lUth st. 'Ml 4 \\rANTr.D Kxperlcncetl butter worker to T i workpvcr old butter ; state experience , where last employed and salary wanted. Ad dress S IW , lieu olllce. Sid flj WANTKD Paint and color salesman In Iowa for Ht Louis bouse , grocery und liquor salesmen tor eastern house , grocery salesman to families for Council Illuirs , 1 for Llncoln.cracker linker , call at ( } reat Western bureau , the oldest and most reliable In America , 1WJ 1'nrnam St. , roomy , f/na 4J \A7ANT ! : ! ) .Man with 1100 fora good paying T T oillco position , 1500 rurnam st , room . 210 5 * W ANTED A Jewelry engraver ut Kdholm i : Akln's. 2518 WANTED Live men or women to Introduce a new article , lllg Inducement. Canadian Kmp. Olllce , Mrs. llrega X- Son , J10 S. liitu. WANTED An OTperlencod dry goods sales man. Addiess J. ( JoldOcrg , IS Main St. . Council IllullH , la. 20.V4 W ANTED boy and horse to carry n route on Evening Ilee. tw ) SALESMEN- traveling salesmen ; salary Jiul expenses ; no cxpi-rlenco necessary , Address , wltn stamp. Palmer St Co. , la Crosse , Wlfr MlV WANTED Men for railroad work. Al bright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. IMS " \\7ANTED-100 men of good appearance to' tiyour lfc meals nt Norrls restaurantill ; nnd U ! J nouth 14th street , ( old Live uud I."t WANTED--FENULE HELP. WANTED-Glrls seeking employment , who , ue thvd - > f running tlown advertisements , to call at ou.-olllce and meet the ladle , ) who nro in need of help. Weino \ a waiting room for your especial benellt. Wo need pvntry and dln- Ingroom girls , laundresses , cooks , A urses and rei-ond girls , and girls for general hou ework In iionvly all parts o' city. Canadian Kmp. olllce , MM. llrega & Son , 310 So. 15th. Tel. 8S4.2i' 2i' > 5 6' WANTED 25 girls for general housework ; 4 dining room girls ; I chamber maid ; 1 dishwasher ; I pantrv girl ; 1 cook for restau rant ; 2 second cooks'l ; cook for boarding house. Omaha Eiiiployment-lliire'iu. Ill ) N. IClh. gi > 14 \VANTED-Ohlet cook. MO ; second , ! 2.1 ! Iwth T for lama house ; coachman , white or coloi od , VSi. Canadian Einp. olllce , Mrs. Hromi * gijon..lISo..l5th. : . ( Tel.biil. 200 i WANTED An experienced cook and laun- d.t'ss. must bo thoroughly competent , liest of refen-ntt" ! ivfnilred , good wages. S. W. i-orlMh and St. Muty's avo. 210 7 * If TYfANTED-Good girl at 1010 N. _ competent B'rl ' at 2101 Capitol 250 I * VVTANT.ED Tw o ladles from 25 to 15 years of T T ugi' , of good address and business tact , to Mild-It oitiers for the easiest selling book : in the liuiiket. Tall on J. M. French .V Co. , room 10 , jr.ishnmn block , Omaha. 252 10 WAWTTCD-Woman Ilrst cook , $50 ; second , t3D , both for Same house In Idaho ; pantry Kills $20.dliilng room girls if 15. Canadian Kmp. olljco. Mr. llivga if SHU. 310 S. 15th. Tel. 884. 22.S-4 * M'- ' W ANTED-A girl. Ii-qulro ut 1112 S. 13th 222 Ij flt. "VtfANTKD Oood gli'l for ttoneral honsowoik , T > ( lermiinpreluried , apply 1101 riirnnm St. , lip btulrs. 22J 6 * WANTED Cook for bonrdlnif school out of city ( middle-aged woman ) , $10 ; 4 dining rnoniRlrls ; 2wnltcvs ; 3 kitchen girls ; : ; latin- chesses ; 2 secor.-l girls ; 20 girls for general housework In all parts of the citv ; truvellng i-oiiipanlon California. Goto City Emp. Olllce , 1114' , S. 15th st. All 6 * W ANTED-Glrl to work In kitchen. Doran house , 422 S. Ibth st. , near St. Mary's ave. 231 w ? 'ATSTKI1-A' ulrl forlto.isoworl : . C20 S. VJth st. 210 w ANTED A good girl for general house work , fnlnllv of three ; n girl that can cook pn-fi-iled. liuiulro of C. L. IMckson , 212 N. 10th st. U > j WANTED Ono Ili-st-class woman cook , nnd ono experleni-ed second gtrh references required ; good wuge . Apply to 221U Dodge. ins WANTED First-class girl for general house , work. J5 per wvek to the right girl. 1721 I Davenport- wl ) WANTED first class girl fur cook , gooil wages paid. Mrs. H. C. I'utlerson. 62(1 ( N , jlrTT Intinlrc SIS N. 17th st. " \ \ 7ANTED-Dlnlnfjroom girl at Occidental. 4'JO O NElndy in every town wnnted to Introduct nnd fell Pennyroyal PlllH , "Ghlehebter't lsh " Original anil only ( iennlne. Seud4 < ( stamps ) for particulars. Chtchester Chcmlca Co. , Philadelphia IM. IAD1ES are offered embroiderneeuiework a1 Jthelr own homes ( town or country ) byawholo cslo house. Prolltable , genuine. Good pay cat IH > made. Everything furnished. Particular1 tree. Address Artistic Needlework Co. , 1.15 St ! At.N w York City. Vs7 it * t\T ANTED - Ladles in city or country , for ou Tl holiday trade , to take light , pleasant worl At their own homes. | 1 to fl per day can to rtnietly made. Work sent by mall any dinanru , .Particulars free. No canvassing. Address a once. Ccscont Art Co. , m A Milk st. , Hostoii WRSS. P. O. box517U. 9.-M \VANTED-M ) ladies to try onri.Vi mp ls n T Norrls- restaurant old Live and Let Live' ' 811 and 3D S. 14th st. ' .Ml "MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \VANTRD-Toknowlhe. oddrr-w of II. A , , \ > Decker. Address boi la. ' , Scotia , Neb. . \ Crunie. S-otl , Nob. 255 6 * ) Information as to Joseph y Hurdwell's whereabouts , left at tlm olllci Vrlll b appreciated. 2.VJ-9 * ANTHDUrntlemen to liy our 10-cer UK ah at Bclioller rettanrimt , 101 H. ICth. 210 jt ) tf- - - EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. . , _ _ - r - - i i .J. 7 iANAWA } TT.mpToyment : olllce. tlm Iw * W place In Omaha to got help or slinatlor.1 llnle nnd femala. Heferenrp. Umalia NuUmu Vauk , Mrs. Ureg bun , 810 . 15th. Trt. * l. 1KIJI1 BOAItalNC. _ _ L BO AHD with run ins for four at 2118 Hurt st. 1QJ "I1H1VATE boarding. Jl a week. IBM Io < lge. P HIVATE boarding , 1615Dodge"st , ' 1301" 171IHST-CLAPS table Imard. cerved in homo JJ style , for3 or 4 vnth-mcn. lfl Dodge. IW WANTED-TO RENT. W ANTED-A furnished honso until July mint be centrally located. Addresf , S ( A Ilee ojllre. U15-4 * \\fANTED- lly a young mnn , well heateil T > room with Imnrd , central location. Ad dress with terms 8 ( II this olllca. 2US 4' FOR RENT-HOUSES. 3J1OH HENT Furnlslied hoiKoorBilltof rooms hiiltable for small family ; light hmise- keeping. Address S. 71. Itae oillco. FOH HENT A 10 room house tin Jones nnd 15th st. . nil mtxlern Improvement * . 3 blk from opera hoiMe , fa per month. H. A. Leav- cnworth , 15W Farnam t. 2,11 4 HOOM house. South Omaha , Just north of Btnndplpc , Koodwcll etc. , 115 per mo. F . A. Lrnvf iiwurtli , Vai Farnnin st. 254 1J10H HENT Nice 0-roomed cottage nt 013 S , J. 10th Ht. Call at 1IXBI toward St. 204 1OK HENT Hou'p of 0 rooms with all con- venlenco * . 2012 Harney. " 2J1 6 Poll HENT 3-rooin < iqus < > , cejlhr , hard and soft water , 10 , cor. 15th and Pitcillf. Hef- erenci-s reimlroil , 1U.E. Copson. W G * H HENT-Small cottage ; inquire 422 . 1 th St. , near St. Mary's nve. 2rill Hie nicest , newest and best llnlshcd houses In llanscom place , eight rooms each with all modern Improvements , for rent nt very reasonable rate to gnniparties. . Jrnrulrn at Iil3 S ! Kd st , I. . C. Know old. ' 211 5 rill ! n housn I now occupy w 111 bo for rent , Jan. X nary ; honso contains 10-roonis nnd nil modern improvements. , 209 S. 21th st. Morltz Mryer. Cull at llth und rnrnnm or nt 3U7 H. 24th St. liHt TjlOIl HENT One seven-room house , hot nnd -T ? cold water , gas nnd heated by furnace , sit- uKfilonPamiiler.s nena Iakn. Also , four siJt-room houses sltuat d on Kins st , mirth of I.akeet. .Vatrlck llroa , Arlington Illock , Koom2. W)7 13 "IJlOlt HKNT IS room honsp , nil modern Inv provements , rents for ffiO , 2 iO Cnpllol nve , Inquire A. tiplgle , 711 H Kith star on premlsns. "IjlOll IlKNT S 8-room hon es. nil modern Inv JL1 provciueuts. Iminlro Kdholtu & Akin. IKM TTlOlt IlKNT 2 now 7 roomed houses , well , els- JC tern , large cellar , I'.tth ' near Clants-t. W. n.Slirlvcr , oppjiostoinco. 823 FOIl REST fl new 7 roomed houses , city water , cistern , cellar , 20th st near Paul , \V. O.Shrlver. Frenzer block opposite postolllce. OHI * "VTO. 110 ! ) 7th ave.,5-room house , n good re J-i pair , largo yard , cistern water : will ren- to responsible person with not moro than 2 chil dren for f- > per month. 4411 J3 HOUSES For rent. $10 to $75 per month , ,1 to T' 10 rooms each and from A blocks to 2 miles distant from pohtolllcc. F. It. Oregory , Kimtnl Agent , ; ms. llithst. 478 FOR KENT A new ten-room house with all modern improvements , large attic , Douglas and 21st streets. Not a basement house. Ap ply Morltz Merer , cor 11 and Farnam. WO FOH HENT Now house , 0 rooms , etc. , large grounds , corner 2Sth and Capitol avenue. Inquire 2H24 Dodge st. 091 TT1OH HENT A 5 room honso cheap to a small -L1 family , 1539 S 21st Dot Center nnd Dorcas st. 412j 14 HENT 2 new ! ) room houses on S Mth FOH near Iea\enworth. C. E. Ma ) lie. IHl FOH KENT New A room cottage In Ambler place ; good 7 room 2atory house. Orchard lllll ; good 4 room cottage. Oicl.nnl Hill , O. H. Mayne , N. W. cor. 1.1th and llainoy Kt. 1U1 FOIt UENT rieTegant brlck'rosldoiuoTs with nil modern improvements , 12 nnd 11 rooms each , pleasant and'convenlent ' location. O. F. Davis company , lOUi Farnam st. BUJ FOH HENT 1 new handsome 0 room cottage well , cisterns , el c.f 15 per month .TM and California. A. C. Wukeloy , Omaha Natl bank bid. tw.1 F1 I OH HENT-Houso 11 rooms ; \V. M. Hush- man , N K corner llith und Douglas. * . 'J94 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TTjIOH HENT Nicely furnished second story -iv largo front room : largo bay window , south front , smiill bed room and closet , bath and waU-r oloset. heated by furnace. .Half block from 20th and Snunders st. car Hue. Terms $33. Address boy24i ) , poslolllce. 200 10 * FOR light honsp-kerplng'two fnriilsbel rooms at MM Howaid St. , near Cozzons IIOIHU. t > * "ITUJHNISIfED sleeping rooms for pentlemeii , J2 toy Howard st. Cars every live minuets. o * FOH' HENT Well furnlthed front room ; price reasonable. Private family. Inquire 2310 Capitol aye. 201 J [ ) Il HENT Pleasant furnished room , $5 per month , at 005 N. 17th st. 23 j o OH HENT Two furnished rooms at 1021 Howard , tip and ? 12. 241 7 * UHN1SIIHO front room for two , board if de sired , 520 N 18th St. ' 215 b NICE furnished rooms cheap. 1018 California ISO CJ FOH RENT Furnished looms with steve J5 and i7. R'O South . ' 'M. 135 8J " | jHH HHNT- Largo handsomely tumished np- J2 per trent room , btoum heat , 1013 Douglas. 700 5" Foil HENT Nicely furnished fiont rooms wttli bent , * 7 und and $8 per mouth , . 100 Wil liam st. , S minutes wnlk southeast U. P. depot. 221 OH RENT Nicely furnished front room , with board , lor two gentlemen or gentleman and wito ; references required. 2501 St. Mary's aye. 212 5J TjlOlTllliNT Furnished room lor two. ? 10. 1318 JJ Cap. live. 215 7 * EaiiNISHED or luifurnlshod looms with nil conveniences fiUnuco heat at 811 S."Otli. . TTliniNlSHED rooms and board , llttl Farnam. 740 j 22J "VTICELY furnished rooms , all' modern" convo- - lnlences , with or. without boaid. No. OOsN. 17th st. Kti Ij 1G1OH HENT IMeasnnt front room very cheap , JC 1U17 Chicago street. KW 4 * TT10II HKNT Nicely funiished room , suitable Jl for two gentlemen , at 170SDouglas st. 197-7 * TTIUHN1S1IED rooms , with or without board i ! for two or three gentlemen. 1017 Howard , IBS "KlUHNMSHEn rooms with llrst-class board. L heat gas and Until. Nem- cable line , 201U Douglas st. 15(1-7 * F OH l HENT- Furnished rooms with all mod rn Improvements , wlth , board If desired , 2207Doilgjas. Rit 4 * 1 TCTOlt HENT Furaishea rooms and board , IKX1 - Iinxninin. . 208 j a * FtONT parlor for two geuUamcu , 1023 Dodge , v iVJ FOH HENT Furnished rooms InUreunlgblk , cor. Kith and Dodge sts. Imiulroof eo. It , Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. UH.1 TT10H RKNT-A nlceiy furnished room with nil J. modern linpruveiueiita for ono or two gentle. men. 501 S. SUth. U2.1 IJIUHNISUED rooms with board if desired ; als < J3 a few day boarders. 11)11 ) raniaih st. mi 5 * TTt IOU H ! > : r'ix-2furnished rooms , b07 Harney. -13 03.J5' 13N s N 1CELY furnlshedrODUis , nil modern conveiv il iences , 1110 S 10th st. U77 VTICELY furnished rooms with or withon r -i. lH < ard , In private family. Hoom heatet K with steam. Hot and cold water and all mod 4 ern conveniences. Terms reasonable. Inmilrt , at t04 South 13th and Jackson , up stairs. Wl 3 ' " 15OOMS-Well furnished , with use of piano -IV iDul Farnnm. W5 FR HENT Furnlshed rooms cor 18th ani Cumlngs st. Inquire meat market U i. nnd Cumlngs , . b77 4J TflUHNlSHEDrpoiu , Ptcnm heat , 201 S 24th. TOH RENT- For one or two gentlemen n fill - a.1 nlshed room withinj : blocks of couit house apply 1118317th st. ttt > _ l OR HENT- Nicely furnished rooms at S -L' Dodge , ( las , buth and furnace heat. 8M Vj ICELVTurnlshen front room wltli or wltn -L > out boar.l. 1812 Dodge st. W ! "ICE larot * front room , furnished and heated i > Suitable for two guntlmuvn. AUosmal room. l'J17 CasD st. ftCi "IjlOL'H elegant rooms all modern convenience J ? 1704 Webster st. 458 I A1U1E south tnmt n > om. all modern conver iences , nuluiblt ) for two gentlemen ; nisi tlrst-class tabln board for three or four ; refei clices. 1B14 DoJfo st. VI ) AMD. OFFICES. TWirTtENT SuTtabTc location for fetil storei JL1 bnrberihop ornlnillur buslntsm Ummlru on premise * . 5. e. cor. 10th nnd Douelns.ots. _ _ tr U ' "I71OH ilEM' Oltlce loom , nn.t Boor , ntuie'sT JG 15th Bt. 102 _ ' 'lilOH HENT ( irountl lloor oihce rortm. cen- JL1 trnlly located , heated and lighted. C. F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th at. i U ) _ _ T7H3II KENT-omccs on Farnam st. nt Jiolo fn i ? per month. One omen furnUhcd. 1012 Kar- imm. MI UNfURNfSHEDT TT'OH ' HBNT 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms , mf > d -L ern conveniences , s w cor Uth and llomml/1 Inquire room 2. | I'.ij 5 FOjt gENT--MI3CELANEOUS. , , . , OMAHA lodging HouseToiO VndlnilltackMm st , bet. nth nnd 10th sts. Hents-slnple beds at < l perweok ; ilenn beds. ( ? 5 feb3 * STAIILE-North 16th st. Will nccpnimortato 13 lionet. HO per month. E. A. ( Leaven- worth , 150i ) Farnam st. tj , 254 TJ1OH IIENT Good stnulu , soUtlufiL- l corner -U California and 20th st. 3. J-eJiman. Iron bank. - ' . | 220 "K1OH HENT-Oood barn clicap- RENTAL AGENCIES. F I , . OHBOOHY , rental ngent. 3. 18th st. . Kroundtloor. Telephone DM. . f 434 SPECIE L attention given to renting houses , furnished and unfurnished momB.Hst with us. W. M. Ilarrls. over 83) ) S. 15th st. Itfl "fjlOH HENT If you wish to rent n houaj citr ! JL on Uenawa It Co. , 15th st. , opposite P. O. 104 \TK\V YORK WornjroCo. have mirrfpxreltflve J. facilities for storage of fumUure.-plauoH , buggies , general merchandise , west of New York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware- hoiiKn receipts given ; goods Insnredi orlck building fire-proof ; special ari-anevmonts for commission mercliants. Call Now York Storage Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th Bt. , liennett's block. . 105 PERSONAL. MMB. Anile of Chicago gives magnetic inns- sage treatments , vapor and band bnth * . 421N _ ICtL St. , up stalra. _ 214 4 ' PElfSONAIr EiiKagements to oo dressmaking in families solicited. Call on or address Miss Josslc Sturdy , 821 a 20th st. _ MHS. E. M. POST Will give Massage treat ment to those who prefer to como to her of- Ilco on Mondays from H a. m , until n p. m. other days from 0 p. m. to U p. m. Ollleo and resldwnco southeast cor. Seward and 28th sts. 7b5 10 | TDEHSONA l < Private hem for ladies during J. confinement , strictly confidential. Infants adopted. Address E 42 Heo omco. 107 J br LOST. STHAYED From cor. Grace und Saunders. 1 Imy mure. 3 white feet , and spot lu fora- head. Howard will bo given for same. Henry Iletturman. 2flij T OHT-Contracts for lots 8 in 3,20 and 21 block JU I , Crelghton Heights ; reward ; 100 ! ) Far nam st. 247 4 LOST A bay pony with saddle and brUllo. Leave word at Heo olllce. 881 TOST Loft on HOd line car to depot about ( t J o'clock Thursday , a leather covered jewelry hot about BxlO mi-lies and 4 Inches high : the tinder will bo liberally rewarded on returning it to D. ( J. Ilrooks , room I , Ornenig block , so coiner - nor 13th nnd Dodge sta. 7SI REWAHD-WUl bd given for return of bay mare , 000 His. , halter on. Strayed from 2 ! JI Cumlng st. G. 8. Ostrom. 5iw FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. " 1710H SALE Five dwelling houses and one X1 store building in llrst-class condition , must bo moved by April 1. Inoulro atN. IV. corner Kith and Webster. a.'I OJ FOll SALE A good pool-tnblo anil other saloon Uxturcs nt half price , 712 S 10th st. 220 ii WOOD-I will soil willow poles by the load at my place , live miles north of Florence , on tlio Iowa slito ; willows half dry : good road. Price 50 cents per lo.ul : also dry nnd green cord wood tor sale. ,1. F. Lyons. 200 t * 171OH SALE-Fresh milch cows. Hill & Smiley , -I ? opp. Exchange building , Union Stockynvys. Telephone 08. IBl-feb-l T71OH SALE A flrio Portland cutter ncw | J \ \ ortn SCO for W7.50 , J. L. Hlce & Co. 101-5 FOH SALE Bids will bo received up tri Jan uary 10th , Ib-stf. for nil or pnit of the build ings on lot 7 , block IKJ : , known as the St. Charles Hotel , on Harney street , between 12th and 13th sts. Address H. W. Creiner. Omaha. 053 hv F I OH SALE AflnoPortlandcnttor new , worth $50 for $37.60. J. L. Hlco * Co. 101-5 "ICTOHSALB Ailno Portland cnttei new , woitll J3 ? M for ? ii7.M. J. L. Hlce A : Co. 101-5 ( 10H SALE A thoroughbred , registered , red Irish setter pup. ! l months old. Address F. LJJ > ) cklIoxJ'J7.tnstlligSiNt'b. (27 ( 5 FOHSALE A line Portland cutter now , worth KO for J37.50. J. fi. Hlco i ; Co. 161-5 1LLAHD Table nt half price. llniiiswTcTc Italko Co.'s make. Inqulru LesllU ft Lesllo , 1 flth and Dodgots. , 100 LIST your property for sale or exchange with L. P. Iluinmund , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. -S5l ( i ) S ) or 3 horses and buggies calibe accommodated -J ut private burn of L. C. Fnewold , aid st , bet. Poppleton and Woohvorth ave. 211 5 I INSIJHANCE-H. E. Cole , u. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 21i ( 12 TIHE banjo taught as mi art by (3eo. F. Oellcn- 1 beck , S. e. cor Kith and Douglas , up stairs. 11. JOHNSON , cistern builder , wells bored C nnd dug , 109 N 30th st. , Omaha , Neb. CC 051 j-ai * C ASH paid for second-hand books jmd Libra ries. 'Ml N 10th st. H. Shonfcld.nntlnunrlun. 721 J.22 * _ "VTUTICK If you have any property to trade i-N for city lots or lands In NcbiiiHUi call upon W. O. Albright. 218 S. IMh Ht. _ 4)9 ! ) CLAIRVOYANT. D l ITNTNN I irvTwlirren , clairvoyant. leal , business nnd test medium , Diagnosis free. Female diseases n specialty. 119 V. ICtli St. , Hooins 2 & 3 , Tel. 944. ' 107 WANTED-TO BUY. T\rANT15D Property on Fnrnum st. eastot L. P. Hammond , room II , Chamber of Commerce. 23d U > ANThD To nuy snort time paper , J. W. Gross , ut C. K. Muyne's olllce , 15th nnd Harney. 215 * MONEY TO LOAN. MOHTOAHK Louns-H. E. Cole , n. e. oor. JJtli mUouglas. 210'12"i " _ _ _ M"ONEY to loan on fiirnltnro , nyrse ? . > vagpns nnd other ] ) orsounl propsrty , or nppioved collateral , lluslness contlaentlal. The Fair- bank Investment Co. , comer basement under Puxton hotel. 11597 * M ON EY to Loan O. P. Davis Co. , real estate nud loan numUs , 2505 Karnaui st. 1CH MONEVtoloan 1 can now jilace some llr-st class city loans Immediately. Call at once if you desire to bo accommodated. I ) . V. Snolos , room 1 Darker block , entrance in alley. * 109 ' ; MOMEY loaned on pianos , furnltitrtt , torses. , etc. , low rates , G. H. Zlininer- man , room % Arlington block , 2 doors west ol . _ _ _ ( MONEVtoloan on Improved real estate ; no commission charged. Luavltt. llurnlmm , room 1. Crelghton . _ MONEY to Loan Ry the undersigned , whc has the only properly organized loan agency lu Omaha. Loans of $10 to I1UO miiile or furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgous , inn. chinury , etc. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans DO madt that any part can be paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance- made on One watches ana diamonds. Person- should carefully consider who they uro dealliu with , a.s many new concerns are dally cotnlnt Into existence. Should you need money call ani ! see mo. w. H. Croft , room i Wltan ll building 15th and . _ " MONEY"LOANED at C. F. Jleed * Co.'s Lear Olllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon * personal property of nil kinds , and all other nr tlcla of value without removal. 31S. \ > . 13th over Illngham's commission store. All busl ness strictly confidential. 123 LOANS tnada on real estate and mortgage : bought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1621 Farnam _ _ 111 MONEY To loan. Jxiwest rates. No rteln ; J. L. Hlco * Co. . over Commercial Na tlonxlbank _ _ 114 ' G'l'EH CENT MoneyN il Patterson & fawcett 15th and Harney. 119 HOHT tlma loans made on any avauabl 13 security. In reasonable amounts. Securei notes bought , sold or eichanged. Genera financial business of any kind transacts promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fl nanclal Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and liar ney sts. . over&tato National band. Corbvtt manager. Ill "IMONEY toloun-ca h'on"hShd. no delay. J. IH W. and E. L. Sautre , VU3.Farnatn st. Paxton - ton hotel building. 1M 115 EOAN. made ou rent p.'tatit , 'Cash on hand. i W.M.Jllarrlg.over220 , . .Uith t UP TVTON'BY lonueii on lunitlure , pianos , organs , Ju. horsesetc , lowrfttes.'JJ. J. Wilkinson * Co. , 1324 Famum. over nufllnton ticket omco. ni't i18 LC < XfX ) to loan lu any Mnimut nt lowest rate of $ Interest. II. II. IIBV. Fmuer bltxk. : ll "ATONED * to Loan-On "TTi-nlturel pianos 111 wagons , or other porsomrt property w Ithout 'reniovni ; also on collateral * r urtty. Low rates. Hustnrs confidential. Chas. H. Jacobs , .7S ) S. 1'tlmt -mi 1W , To loan on Omahinlty property at fl $500,0110 cent. O.V. . Day , aM cor. Ex. Hid. , ( iff 120 _ _ _ _ rilO | jlAN Money LoiltM. placed on Im- tJL proved estate ln'cuy ' or county for Now England Loan St Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. 16th and Chicago sts. 12:1 : ' $ 75oToi to loan nth per cunt. Llnalmn A "Ma" honey , IfffJ Farnnnii- 124 _ MONEY to loan on city property , nnd also farms in Nebraska nnd Iowa. Odclt Hros. * Co. , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 10:1 : Pearl street. Council IlluffsIa. ; 1523 Farnnin street , Omalis. ; 20H to loan , mortgage notes nought , loans MONEY on chattel security : no delay J. J. Cummlngs , Itoom 10 Barker Illock "TVroNEY to loan. Notes ana it. U. ticket. iU. bought ahd sold. A. Forman , 2133 l ; h ts 125 BUSINESS CHANCES. - meat market ; good location , on AFIHST-class reasonably. Co-operative Land jt Lot Co. , 20u N ICtli Bt. 208 0 VVANTEn-To sell the tools nntj good will oC T > i growing ment market ; suitable for u grocery store In connection ; will take n half In terest with n good man If desired. Inmilro cor ner IBth nnd MandcROn st. 22 ! 4 * WANTEl * Partner with $1,51X1 In n well pay ing business to go to Mexico or west India. Address S 01 , Ilee. 213 5J RARE Chance for Speculation Necessity compels th Immediate sacrltlce of the entlro contents of a private residence. consistIng - Ing of elegant antique oak chamber suits , mar ble top center tables , superb plush parlor suit , richly upholstered crushed plmh cash chains , divan , Turkish ottoman , cholllnlers , beds , bed ding , mattresses , lumps , magnlllcent triple Rtrlng cabinet upright piano , celebrated make , ptool nnd cover , and box for shipping ; the entire - tire lot only$4S5. cost I.SOl ; tlmo If desired ; inust be sold nt once without regard to cost or value , Call or oddress H. E. Cole , N. E. Corner 15th and Douglas. 2185 W ANTED llargalns for cash customers. II. E. Cole , n. o. cor. Kith and Douglas. 216 12 HAUDWAltr Stock For S-alo-A well selected stock of luxrdwnro in county seat of never falling crop country. ! - ' " > miles n w of Omaha , in Elkhorn Valley. Invoicing about { 2M)0. ) This Is a rare chance , flood paying tindc established. Cheap rent. Good reasons tor selling. Address Hardware , care ot Hector & \ \ illielmy Co. Omaha. Neb. 102-0 . \ T'ANTED-lly n phylclun , U Interest In a drug store where ho c.inld attend to oillco practice iii town not le"s than 2 , : > 00 Inhabitants , only. In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa. Stile amount of stock. Address D.,2117 I.eaveuworth st. , Omaha. lin " 1710H SALE At n bargain , nil the IKtures of JB A No. 1 restaurant , with prlvlledgo ot the stand , in oneot the best parts of the city. In- qnlie nt 1205 Douglas st. 2l2 Ii * TnoTTSATjEItestanranteverythingflrstrla t , JJ dolmrgtiod pay Ing business : Jl.Otfl CHBI re quired. Inquire of Kraus A : Foster , 310 S. llth st. _ OS2o _ _ A LA HOE , pleasant store room for rent , enc of the best paints in Uiu city for retal1 boots , tmt shoes , halK nnd earn , dry goods , etc. , within half block of corner Jlth and Farnnm. l.ouiflease , cheap rent. II. I. Seaer , 1HI3' , Far- until M. 4' ' ' tt.1) ) FOREXCHAWCt. FOH TKADU two lots In fCountra place for Impi'oved ov unimproved piopeity. Address in2iiNi rthlttUtr-ct ! - 710 * _ _ _ _ _ _ FOH exclwngP-CasnJl.OO'f'S ' lots iniloydfl- ( ! > ) . personnl property yf , 110. Total , ifi.oyo. Will exchange for improv/cd / ilty pioperty. Hoomfl , llnrker Illock. 2T > | l-S * _ HALF section farm neur C'larks , Morrli-k county. Neb. , to exchange for good Inside Omuha property. I. . P. HUnimoml , room II , Clnunbei- Commerce. , 2j : t ) T'O ' THADE Inside property for good house , eight or ulnn rooms , mul full lot. McCul- lM-li ( jfc Co. . cor IStli and 1 unjiain. . . _ 128 AN elegant corner In flnnnrlglibovhood , lOOx IKi 1'eot ; Just the ] ) jnrffl'or a Hue block of bulldlnijs ; for sale at ; i > lilA-Knin , or will ex change for improved property. Call and In vestigate. 1 , . P. Hammond , loom II , Ch-imber of Com mere e. _ 2TJ8 * SOME good lots for horses and land , Hitft Far- _ namst. _ _ 211 t STlivF.N'S llros.-ir F.minin. will give you a good trade for any kind of property. _ iit1' a FOIt Exchange-Interest J7.000 or part thereof In n very Hue Improved lesldeuoe piopoity ( n Hunt-coin place , near t ho park , IV. r some In terest In an established wholesale or rcttll busi ness , manufactory or an v other respectable pay mg busbies . Adihcss SHI lieu otllcu. 211 o \\7ANTED Stocks of merchandise to ex- V ? change for Inrnis , II. U. Cole , n e. cor. ( Mil nndlonglas. _ _ -lli 12 _ oTUADE Al lots In town of 1SVK > ) inhab- -I Hants for stocks of merchandise. Address , ftl , Ilco _ 171-7 * L1ST > onr property for exihango at Stevens llros. , I Ml Farnam st. 2IU 8 mo KXrilANfJR (5ood ( east trout lot In Hans- J. com IMiico to oxeluinge for elt-an stock of dry gootls or clothing. C. if. llarrlson,418 S. Kith. _ _ _ 120 rpd EXCHANGE -Improved farm In Iowa JL for Omaha residence property. J. J.V11 - klnson , ISMJjirnnin. _ 127 FOHoxcliitngo Flist-class Omaha and South Oinnhn property for good NobnmKa and Iowa land. W. (3. ( Albright , 218 S. 15th st. 499 _ hfft ) Exchange-- unimproved clt v property , ,1- three li-room houses in Ambler PlHeeono7- ; room honso In Alamo'our ; U-rooin houses on S. 20tlit. W.G. Albright. 218 S. loth st. 4'.r.l tiT cxciTnTigo call on or II. E. Cole , n. e. cor. l&tll nnd Doug las. 217 VI _ TO THADE-Propertv of all kinds Including city proyerty mid wild and Impioved kinds. Stevens llros. , IR-J1 Fnrnnm st. 2Ii ! 8 V7AK'rT5THouse.s and lots to oxclmngo for ill Improved nnd nnlmproued lands In No- nraska and Iowa. Chailes C. bpotswood , :305 : S.JUtlu _ 1B.-I rpo trade property of all kinds for good farms ,1 W.J. Albright , 218 S. 15lli st. 413. "I"\7 ANTED Rood family Horse m exenungo V for lot , McCulloch Si Co. , cor 15th und Farnam. 123 rpo THAI ) ! ? Two improved farms In lowti for JL Omaha property or NebinsRii lands. Mc Culloch A ; Co. , t-or : Ifitli and Farnam. 128 " 1IHH Exchango. If you have farms or lands to JO sell or trade send for our descriptive blanks. If yon have any kind of property to sell or ex change , list it with us : w can furnish you a customer. S. S. Campbell * 0. W. Harvey , 310 Hoard of Trade , Omaha UJ2 WANTED Houses and loU to exchange for farms. II. E. Cole , n. e. cor. 11th and Douglns. 21U 12 WANTED A lew moro good farms In No- T T braska for which I will trnclo llrst-class Omaha and South Omaha pruiwrtlus. W. (3. ( Al- bright. 218 3. Kith st. ) , , 499 HAVE for trade improveU , nrm in Cass Co , near Plattsmonth , will trade for Improved insldo property. Address M 'M , Heo ofilce.osa osa "VfEIIHAHKAnnd Kansas furjiis ( o uxchungo -Li for Iowa und Colonido lands , und vlcn versa. Co-Uporatlvo Land uud Lot Co. , 205 N Itith at. 1 94 ANTKD Stocks of nierchandlse. to exchange - change for lands and city property ! C. C. Spotswootl. aav S. Itith. , 1CT WANTED Omaha propelly to excliango for farms and wild lands , luso for city prop erty. C. L. Urown it Co. , Itoom 13 , Frunzur block. I 213J 9 WANTKD Gooa rarms 'in ' exchange for Omaha property , C. C > iipotswood. n 810th. 129 ABSTRACTS-OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee nntj. Trust Co. . 1503 Farnam street Complcto abstracts fur- nlshrd , and titles to real estatu examined , per fected and guaranteed. \M \ EN5ONCARMICIIAEL furnish complete nnd guaranteed abstracts of tltlo to any real estate In OniAha and Duuglas county upon short notice. The modt complete set of abstract books in the city. No. Hill rarnaui st. 11T FOR8ALE-REAL ESTATE. "ClARMS , lands nndToti for block in good pay- X ; Ing concerns , 1007 Farnam i = t. 217 4 R SALE-Four houses on S. 20th bt. W. G Albright. 218 S. 151U 3t. 499 SNAP-Splendul corner In Shlnn'd addition with small house , HWO. finap East nnd north corner 25th st , fXxl21 ) , vacant , on grade , 12,000. Snap 100x1 % , Shlun's add , fronting Charles St. plenty of trees , 11,200. Snap 60 footcorneron25th st , Patrick's add line lot for cottages , ( .1,000. Snap 54x132 corner on Seward st , o grade and sure bargain , KU. ) . If. L. Qregory , 3W South ISth st. C90 TOR SAT.te Finest location for a horns In J. West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homci of KlrktndnlU Coo , llrady , E\sjon anil others. Nothing fmerlnthis city. Can BO maiil97 or IMS ! for prices anil terms sco 3. A. 'Sloiunn , 1301 CJ3 FOR SALE UeMdnnco property' South Omaha. W. 0. Albright , 213 S'l.1th t. " 1710H SALE-Or exchange , lots m North JL Omniia for houses. House nnd lots In Coun cil HtuITS. shares in Lowe , nvo Hnlldlng nss'n. Lots in Ilntisrom and Ambler places. Plenty of other property. Uoaworth & Joplln , 41S S. 11th 8t. 17 1HTEN , look. act. We have the best { 20.WO bargain In South Omaha , gilt edge biolnesj property. > .l. A. Upton \ Co. 791 "ljXR-8AfiVi-Asnn ) n piece of trackage- J ? there Is In the city. W. O. Albright , 218 S. 15th st. 4TO 171OR SALK-CflxWl feet on cable line. Splendid J. Insldo lucAtlon for four llats-,5HO. Muse Iw sold at once. Marshall ft Lobeck , room I' , rhnmlH-rot Com. 332 SALE Three good lot1) on corner of Do'lgt'Ht , onoblot-k weU of Low arn for M.iXX ) . Addrc 31 for u few days S 61 lieu oillco . . . , . . , 'i P71. . . . . TTIOK SAIiK 160 ntre's of land tour miles from J ? stock ytwiln ; ct 112.1 per aero ; this W bar gain. McOagntvOri'-l'.O. 1,5 ! SOUTH Om'nna , the ptacn to make bis money by Investing now. ' I have for sale ntt.U.1 nnil tip lo(4-with ( in ISiulniltes walk of Armour's packing house , on one-quarter rash , balance yearly , from tlrst hands. Oomn soon and get a bargain. D. I ) . Siuotitan , 1003 Dodge st. Omaha. , C71 WELSIIANSJt LOW ( W. J. Welshnnsi. T. V. Low ) llenl cstato Investment brokers , San Diego. Cnla. , Invest for non-residents , per fect titles , attend to all Business , taKe tltln lu In- vestoriin.une forilUro of profits when deal 13 closer ! . Sertd stamp for our Investment Contract. San Diego in IRtt hail fiui , ) population , has now 25,01)0 ) ! we predict UW.nirj before I R . References : Omalm Nnt'l ll nk ; FirNat'l Hunk , New York City ; Nat'l Hank of America. Chicago. 257-17 A N Investment M.Oilo will buy n corner pro ] > - -ii. erty paying 17 per cent. 0. D. Smcatan , KWJDodgOSt. 072 " 171011 SALE Oood brick business property In JL ? centre of ( Irand Island ; greatest bargain and best terms in the city ; but llttlo cnsh ro- qulrod ; lonu time , low Interest nnd easy pay ments ; other real estate fer sale. Address J. H. Woolley , nttornoy nt law Grand Island , Neb. FOR SALE We oiler ns a special bargain 180 acres of land four mlles from stock yards , at $121 per acre , ou line of U. 1 * . 11. R. McCague Opp. P.O. 34 FOR BALB-Lot blk H A. S. Patricks ad ; will sell for few days at $1,500 , $000 cash , bal. easy. S. 40 Hee onice. 1117 EM STICICNKr & CO. mane a specialty of property In North Omaha , for sale or rout at Citizens' bank. 210H Cumin ? st. lM ! Lot 11 , Windsor plao extension , , three blocks troui Hanscom Park for (1,4V ) . Easy payments. AiUli ess S. 50 , Heo olllce. VM FOH SAI.K One 7-room bouse In Alamo Pltt7.a. W. O. Albright , 218 S. Ifitli. 4U9 H 3AIjE Tliree six-room houses In Ambler Place. W. O. Albright , 218 S. 13th st. 499 Stockholders' Meeting- TIlErjgulnr mooting of the stockholders nf the Omaha Knlr& Exposition Association will bo held In the Hoard of Trade building , in Jho city of Omaha , the second Tuesday of Jan uary next , viz. , Tuesday , January 10th , 1KSS , at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the election of a board of direr-low , IT serve during the en-mlng year , and until their snrcessors are duly elected , nud for the transaction of such other business ns maybe bo necessary. J. II. MorillANK , Secretary. OMHA , N'eb. , Dec. S ) , 1SH7. deoild-39 SRAM5n Proposals will be received at the olllce of the underslged miMl Til M lay , January loth , IHSS , for the workmimlilp nnd material required for the brick hotel and theater to bo built lu Dean Ice , Neb. , for Hon. A. S. Pad dock. Drawings and speclllcations can bo seen at the ollko of Andrew Miller lleutrlce , Neb. , and at the oillco of the architects. The right is ie erved to reject any or all bids. MKNPKI.SSOH.N & I.\\VIUK , Architects , Omaha , Neb. Omaha , Neb. , Dec. 2tith , ls&7. dJ7-13t SEA F.ED Proposals will bo received at the olllto of the county clerk up to 12o'clotk noon of 1'iiday , January ( Stli , IhS1 * , for furnishing new vault In county Ueik's ollice , with book Hhelve" . tiling oases. Speclllcations can be seen at county clerk's olllcn. A deposit of tV-nll\ ) required with each bid. The light Is reiervcd to reject any nnd nil bids. lly order of the Hoard of County Commissioners. 0. P. NEKIHIAH , County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. . Dec. 29.1S87. ttKldlit THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. i PLAYING OFF WFJITE , Stilt HcRimletl AS a Crlmo'ln the South. CuHous llcmlliiK. A CnrrolUon ( Giv. ) Special to the At- iniitix Constitution says : CiiiTolHon had qulto n sensation thtmnftoruoon. About ! l p. m , two strong looklnp wagons tlrovo on to the public square , and stoppou" in front of the Commercial hotel. : They were double seated vehicles , oxcoptllmt where the rear seat should bo was ti liu-jjo square box with slues and endi sloping outwards , sotuotMiitf MUo a mill hoppor. In onoli vqhlelo wns sonted t\ man driving. Doth pot out lit tholiotol , had their bnpgnirt ) sent in and their teams carried to the livery stable , lloth men were young fellows , one rather dark complectloned. It wns soon learned that their business was that of "feather renovator. " They proposed to take an old feather bed And in nshorttlmotnako It as good as now. Soon Mtor their arrival the dark man entered a harbor shop and soeurod a ilrst-chiss slmvo , As ho oim'rgod porno one noticed that ho was rather lee dark for n white man. The suspicion circulated rapidly , and finally , ho was asked the question as to his raco. Ho appeared excited , but s ctnjr the deter mined faces about him luunply acknowl edged that ho was a negro. Mr. Hill , proprietor of the hotel , \vits informed of the fact , and the African was immedi ately bounced. For a few moments all was quiet , but hero and there were gathered knots of whlto boys in close consultation. Their topic of conversa tion was "tho nigger , " and their unani mous verdict was that ho should bo thrashed for playing himself olT as a white man. They centered around him and would have soon cut his hide to pieces had not older heads counseled otherwise. As It was , they permitted the offender " ' ' and " " to "git , "git" on short notice. Two initiates later ho was out of sight and has not boon seen by a while mim since. The boys then waited on the white man and ordered him to leave , under penalty of a cow- hiding. Had not sober counsel prevailed - vailed again , ho would not have nad time to get his team hitched before his punishment came. As it was , both got olT , a negro hero driving 'tho negro's toiun out of town , where ho was met by the rightful driver. All was quiet for awhile until it was reported that the negroes hero were enraged , banding to gether , and determined to protect their brother in blaok. Several groups of thorn wore seen , and in thirty seconds the boys were all out armed with shot guns and starting to charge the dark masses. The square was crowded with people , all excited and the majority en raged. Again , though , the swaying , restless , shouting mass was quieted. IJolh parties dispersed , and the whole sale slaughter that seemed imminontat once was averted. The white man gave liis name as Coggins , and said his head quarters were in Nowman. No doubt I hey have often imposed on people as the'v attempted to do bore , but there is stilt loss doubt that this will bo their la-st attempt. For ( Jniifghn nnd Throat Disorders use nitiiwx's liiioNCiu.u. Tuormiis "llavcnovor changed my mind respecting thorn , except 1 think boiler of that which I began thingiug well of. " ncv. Henry \\\inl \ \ needier. Sold only in boxes. HORSE STEALING. Facts Hroiiftht to Mind l > y the Dis- ulmi'KC < > ' ' on Illinois Convict. .Toliot , 111. , special dispatch to the niobo-Democrat : The greatest hocso thief in the west was discharged from the prison to-day , after serving a sen tence of nine years from Henderson county. His various names are cata logued as Glenn Vanskout , alias Frank Hradshaw , alias George Vanxant , alias .Tames Green. Ho has served six terms in the Joliet prison , and is the most in veterate th lot of his kind known. Ho is a very venerable-looking white- haired man of sixty-eight years , and has had his neck stretched three times on suspicion of horse slcal- ingto force information from himwith out avail. Ho borved thirty years in the Joliet pribon , and his total sentence was seventy-two years. lie was first sentenced from Will county in 1S51 $ for six yours , and in Mason county in 1802 for one year ; from the same county in 1801 for'one year ; in 18(55 ( from Hancock county for seventeen years , and from Pew-ill county in 187 ! ) for thirty-six years on twelve indictments of thrtfo years each. Ho was released , after serving the ilrst three yoa.r . on account of a defect in the indictment , and went to Henderson county , where he washout up on his last stretch for nine years. lie says ho will novel- steal another horse , but it is ii mania with him , and he can not heli ) it. Warden McClaughory bays all horse thieves acquire a iniuiiii and thoru are numo'-ous instances to prove it. Old man Miller , the silver tongued prayor- maker and devout Methodist convict who prayed hiinMlf out of pi-Uon , was a saintly man-in every respect , but ho would faleal horses. Another horio- thief assured the wardcnon the expira tion of his eighth term , that ho would reform. His idea of reform was to steal enough horses to start u livery btablo and then atop , but ho was back in prison again , to the warden's astonishment , before his reform plan could bo put in operation. VuntiUout operated on n largo bcalo. lie had a number of con federates. They ubcd to take from ton to twenty horses a night in western Illinois , put them aboard a big scow on the Mississippi , and ship them to Memphis - phis and other southern points and re alize handsomely on them. Many of Vanskout's confederates wore lynched , and Vanskout himsolt narrowly escaped that fate several time.- ' . THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Lino. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Th * onlf raid to take for Tca Molnei , MnrlallUmn CecUr lUpliH. Clinton , Dliun , Chicago , Mllwaufce nil all polnti oast. To llio pi-nplo ' nubranka. Cole radu , Wjrumlne , Utah , Mali" , N vuila , Ort'KOri , Wast ) InKton ami California. It itttuti ( ujicJlor udvauUno kr t poislale bj any ulbcr llnu. Among H f w of ll" numerous points of attpcrlorlt unloved by Uo patrons of tula ruail between Orniili anil Cblcago , are Its two trali-i H Oar of DA V COAUII Kh. which are tlio driest that aumnn art anil tntfrnu tj can create. Hi I'ALACK bMiKl'INO CAHM. whir are models of comfort and elcEancu. It * 1'AHIXJ ; IWAWING UOOM CAIIH , n urpa i > il tr anr , an III widely c l < ibr > ted 1'Al.ATIAl. D1N1NU CAItS , th eqtial of which cannot tu f > imil p.Huwhere. At ( Jour ell lllurfj the train ! or tb Union I'aclno Hallway , rui nccl In union depot with thnte of the ClilcaKn , Northwestern llr. In Cblraco the tralni ct thla lln rnakn cloie coonecttoo HlUi those cf all olbcr caster llnoa. Kor Dftrnlt , Cnlnrabui , Indlannpolli , Dnclnnat Klaear * Kallt. ilulTalu , I'lttinurif , Toronto , Mnntroa JlwuToD , New York , Philadelphia , Ilaltluiore. Wail InctOB , * Dd all poloK la tbe vast , uikfura tlckulTl "NORTHWESTERN. " If you wish the belt accornrnoJatlun. All ticket agtnl Mil tickets TU tbl Uu * . K.IIUUIIITT , K..p.wiU'ON. Ucul.l bsgcr. Uunl.l'asi'r Ageot Chicago , Ills. V.U.nADCOCIC. U U. I1OU.K3 , ' ' Cit ' 'r : 165-137-M ' . . . .In Intercut luff Jtowbf ( i True Explanation Thereof. From the Uaion Pacific Depot to Soutli Omalia by Snail Line Wilt That Thriving Part of the City Ever Have Rapid Transit ? "TliproRop the onn man vim N mainly r < s spdiKlblo for tlu > present rondltli > n of IliosUnV tninslt car Korvlro of South Oinnlin. " The upenkrrvn * n well-know-n Otrmlm inor- rhnnt nro Ini ; ruy In the net of tinilurtiiK n lx for n mmrter rldo ' Southward ho. " nud onrlni ; tlm wlll-wt"-ovi > r-pet-th'ro Mylo of onmtennn o which dl tliuulahe thu South Onuihit cur jiat- roil from his follow rlderxon the other roads. "Who Is ho ? " oHRcrly demnmlod hlscompnn- Inn , it ri'ivnt KnuVmto from tlio position of mo-i Hi-iiKt'r boy. io whom the car iippcarvd to bo Kolns ninety mlles nn hour Ittrlitiiliitt stops. ' "Ho Is thn meanest man In Unmhn , nnd hl.q uiitno in " "South nmnlml" shouted" tlio conductor , drownliiK thomerchnnH reply , nml ftt thfSrtmo I line wninliiK the reporter that ho hful KMclieil his Joiirney'H end. 'Ihnmnno of omnha's ntrnncst man M thu < lost to history through the rloso Attention t duty of the houmMuimod conductor. Innulry' mmlo at the losldenco of Mr , fi , Cnrpcntor.tlm iMl eMato ilpnlcr residing on H street , Iwtwecu Twouty-llfth iindTwenty-Hlxth uttoets. fnlli-d to thiow any Unlit on tliH HUbJoot. littt Mast r liarry Curpentor knew all iiliout nnothcr matter of moro InieroM to outroador.s , and very kindly tlio icportor nil the Information In U4 MASTKU IMI1UV RAIIl-KNTKU. , "I linvo , " Mild he , "bet-nninirtnl with a rtlacm of thn luxo nnd throitt. My nose would Htop uu mull wnnld illsi'linrpd hnrd wnbh or chmikH which when pies ed between the llgnnrxflmltteil n Imd odor. Tor nuhllo my nose nnd throat oeemed to bo dry , and appeared to have a. burn- inn sensation , but after iiwhllo the dlscharen be came moio ftco nud 1 would frequently mul two or three handkerchiefs ! In n day. Tim sensoof Hinoll 1 boaian to notlco was beKlnnln to Icavo me , nndmybiortth bt-came very offensive and siH'int'illo bo t-lioit. 1 luul lit times dldlcuUyof breathing ow ttip to the stopped tip condition ot my nose , would have MWIUI of coughing and would spit up considerable. Noticing thn ad vertisement of Dr.s. McCoy .V Henry In the dally p pnrn I was advised to consult them , which ! did anil Ih'Kiiti treatment at once. I am now free fiom tlio offensive breath , my hond fools perfectly clear , nnd I am entirely well. IPSO , TURN VOU I1A.VK CATAltUH Fotv Symptoina or a DlManao IliMt May 1'rovo Sorlotin to Yon. Do you have frequent Ills of mental dcpros * Eton ? Do you experience ringing or buzzing noises in your ears f lo ) yon feel an though you must suttocata wlu-ii lying do n ? Are you troubled with ix hacking conghnnd geneial debility ? Are your eyes generally weak and w atery , and frecmently IntlamedV Uoo.s jonr volrn hnvu u husky , thick Bound , nnd n sort of twang ? Is your breath friMiuently otTenr.tvo from sorao nnai'cotmlablo cause ? Have you a dull , oppressive headache gener ally loeated over the e > os ? no you have to huw k nml cough frequently In the eirort to clenr your tin oat ? Are you liming your hoii'-o of smell , and Is your Bouse of taste becoming dulled ? Docs your nose nlwnys feel stopped up , forc ing vou to breathe through your mouth ? lo ) you frequently leel dlz/.y. particularly when htooplng to pick nil ) thing oil' the lloor ? Does e\ury llttlo draught of air and every Blight change ot temperature give you n cold ? , Ai'oyou nnnoyed by aconstunt deslrntohnWK . nnd spit out an endless quantity of phlegm ? Are you always tired and Indlspoiod to exer tion , w liother of bnslnesa , work or amusement ? IH great etrort reqnliud to keep your thoughts fixed upon untteis that formerly were easily performed. Do you rise from bed ns tired and weak as yow \verotho nlghr before and feolua though you wanted to lie there forever ? Is your throat llled \ \ Ith pholgm In the morn- Ing. which can only bo discharged nf lor violent coughing and hawking and spitting ? Do you occasionally wako from n troubled Meep with n Mart and feel as If you had Just craped a horilulo death by choking ? llu\u yon lost all Interest In jour calllncror business or former pU'itsures , all ambition gone , and do you feel Imllllerelit whether to morrow llnds you iillvo or dead ? Are you troubled with n discharge from the head In the throat , sometimes watery nnd ex cessive , sometimes muroiiH , thick , .btlckliig to whatever 11 ( ouches , sometimes bloody , uud. mjnily nlvrnys pulrld and ollenslvo ? The above iiru some of the mimy symptomi of cntnrih and the beginning of lung troubles. Not onii case In a htmdred will Inivo nil of them , but i-vuryonii alfecteil will have n few or many of. them. The ginator or more MTlous your Hymp- loins , the moro serious your symptoms , the nun o dangerous your condition. This class or diseases Is treated very biiccessfully by Dr. Mel'ov mid his. associates. The ninny cases re ported through the columns of the dally papers prove thlnnd each statement published is sub- t initially the s imo as given by the patlnnt cured. Dr. Mi-Coy and his associate. , Dr. Henry , USD no Hocret nostrum , but cuie diseases by thfllr skill ful combination of the best known remedies , applied In the most approved manner , nnd by using the latest and most highly recommended appliances known to thnlr profession. They thus product ) results which speak for them- milvos In thn ninny patients cured , and wo us- sure our readern that these eminent physicians have nchltived a Miccovt in curing illst-obo Vrhlcu few or no other doctors can duplicate. GAT A HIMt CAN UK C1UUEW. The Successful Methods ns Used by Drw. McCoy fk Henry. The treatment for catarrh , lung trouble , asthma , ilieumntlbin and other chronlo diseases can only be applied successfully by one who has investigated and made a life-long study of BUCK diseases. Careless doctors and those who nro not thoroughly acquainted with those troubles am liable to fall , w lien a skillful specialist who has devoted years to that p.ullciimr bnslnoHg , as Drs. McCoy & Henry , will succeed. Nothing but the very best trentmunt known to medical BClt-ii'-o is given to all patients , and It can bo hnfely said that IhcBO gentlemen 1110 milstcr.3 of all that Is known ot consumption and other chronic diseases up to date. With thorn it 18 no longiu- speculation and cixporlment it Is htralghtfoiwiud treatment , rosnltlng from high Intellectual ami wlcutlllc attainments , added tea a thorough medical education In the greatest Anu-ilcan hospitals and nniler the greatest American niHstvis of medlclno and surgery. These gentlemen have nddml to the oxliaustlvo knowledge of their specialties a reputation for modi-rain charges , as tliulr consultation fee Is but TI , whether ut their ollJce , or anoplgloq ilven by mall , DOCTOR J , CRESAP McCOY , Late of Bellcm Hospital , New Yoit , AND Dr. Columbus Henry 1 ( Late of University of Pennsylvania ) HAVE OFFICES No. 310 and 311 IN HA.MOE HtW.DINO , [ j Corner I'icteontlfauiulafhoybtiil'Oinuha , Nub. , whoru all curable cases ace treated with succoss. Medical diseases treated skillfully. Consumption - tion , llrlght's disease. Dyspupblu. Uliouamtlam , and all NElt VOL'S DISEASES. All diseases pft. cullnr to the soxoa a Bpcclulty. CATAUUU \J\ \\\4\'t \ \ \ J.'d.NSIJLTATION nt odlco or by mall , II. Ollico hours-y to 11 a. in. , 2 to i p. in. , 7 to 8 p. in. . Sundays included. OorruNpondpncu receives prompt attention. Many diseases aru treated successfully by Drs , AlcCoyand Henry through the malls , nnd it U thus possible for those unabla to liintu , v jouiiioy to obtain successful liuspltul Ircutmout nt their homes. No letters answered unle-i.i accompanied \ > y 4c in stamps. Address all letters to Dra. McCoy nnd nenry ( ItoomsllW uud UU lUmio bulUlUli , ' , Owulll ,