Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In any part of the city at
twenty cents i > cr week.
II. W TILTON. Manager.
fll'PINKFS OlTICr , NO , .
No. 2) ) .
N. Y. Plumbing Co !
Hcitcr , tailor , Full goods chcnp.
A single marriage license \vas prantcd yes-
tcrdny. The Assessors arc Peter Fuchs iintl
Llzzlo Meyer.
It Is rather cold weather for prosecuting
out door work , tint for all that Ninth avenue
grading Is being pushed rnpldl } forward.
For several days pait Christ Jncobson , em
ployed by A. J. Mandel , has been danger
ously 111 , but ho Is now recovering slowly.
The contracts for the county prlntlnp ,
Btatlondry , bulldlnc bridges mid furnishing
general supplies will be let by thuboiudof
supervisors to-duy.
Ida Washington's place was raided by the
police about U o'clock last evening and two of
the Inmates , Including Ida herself , were ar
rested and locked up.
The great social event this week Is the re
ception of President and Mrs. MaeConnell at
the club rooms this evening. The affair
promises to bo both elegant and enjoyable.
The Apollo clulvconcort at the opera house
to-morrow evening will be a musical treat
Indeed. If sufllcient appreciation is shown
by the patronage , other choice concerts will
follow during the season.
A citizen suggests that the street railway
company should enlarge Its barns to as to ac
commodate Its street scraper. This was
left on I'earl street last night to the jjreat
annoyance of travelers.
Arthur Smith , son Of Peter Smith , who re
sides at fi'J. ! Main street , was the holder of
the lucky ticket which drew the organ at the
Mueller Music company's prize distribution.
The Instrument was delivered to him yester
The proprietors of the hardware stores of
the city have agreed to close their places of
business during the winter months at 0
o'clock In the evening. The claim is made ,
and It Is a good one , that the trade after that
hour docs not pay the expense incident to
keeping open.
William Lewis has a largo sleigh fitted up
finely for taking out parties of fiom fifteen to
twenty persons. Those desiring accommoda
tions of this sort can llnd no better , and
should leave their orders at Lewis' oflice , nt
Moore & Kiplinger'H , 419 Uroadway , or call
him up by telephone.
The estate of the late Stephen Dunn was
found to bo In unusual condition , there being
but ono claim against It , and that for a little
over $1. This was paid at once , leaving the
estate clear , a pretty good iiuantity. Mr.
Dunn was very prompt and careful In his
business matters and never allowed bills to
bo hovering about.
P. C. Miller has added one to the line of
elegant delivery wagons which are now seen
daily upon the streets. The Improvement is
this class of vehicles has been very marked
hero during the past two years , and Council
UliiUs shows up well in this respect , making
quite a metropolitan appearance. The new
one of Mr. Miller's is ono of the best.
Some changes have been made in the fire
department in order to equip the new truck.
There arc now twelve full paid men , besides
the "call" men. Council Bluffs , can go on
record as having the best lire protectionwith
the least number of men. of any city of
any city of similar size In the country. As
soon as the weather is favorable the aerial
ladder force will have n few practice drills in
handling their apparatus.
In connection with St. Paul's church an
organization for the young girls has been
formed , to bo known as the St. Agnes guild.
The object is to Instruct the members in
the confirmation exercises of the church , the
requirements of church members , and for the
purpose of doing general church work. Mrs.
Joselyn Is chosen as warden of the guild ,
with Miss Franklo D.iily secretary , and Miss
Nellie. Ilaldano treasurer.
There has been some wondering why the
weather signal flags remained unchanged for
about a week. Ono of the boys in the oflieo
was asked if they didn't get any more re
ports : "Oh , yes ; wo got the reports all
right , but it's been too nwfully cold to raise
the windows and hang the flags out. It
chilled the rooms too much. " Now that it
has moderated somewhat the flags nro
changed occasionally.
Ex-Coroner Faul has been hunting up the
relatives of the unfortunate Kelle.v , who was
recently killed by n falling bluff. Ho received
word from Stuart la. , that Kelley had for
merly worked there and that he hud relatives
living in Peoria. Mr. Faul wrote there and
has received a letter from un uncle of Kelley ,
who says that if identification Is made com
plete ho will see to it that the body is taken
up and carried to Pcoria for final Interment.
There Is more soft coal being burned In
Council Hluffs than In any previous season.
Many who have heretofore used hard coal to
some extent have abandoned It entirely.
The price of coal , ll.50aton , makes economy
necessary. It is difficult to see , however ,
how it is any economy for the county to use
soft coal In heating the new court house , for
the building is having its exterior smoked up
in a manner which causes mote damage than
the extra price of hard coal.
Mayor Itohrer. Is the fourth mayor sworn
In during the present term. Colonel Chap
man was elected for two years , but had
served but a short time when death took him
hence. Then J. F. Evans was chosen to till
the vacancy until the people could elect u
mayor , at which election Mayor Groneweg
was chosen. Now ho has resigned and M.
F. Hobrer is called upon to fill the vacancy.
Ho will probably hold until the spring elec
tion , ami there Is a strong probability of the
voters then insisting on his continuing.
Sometime during the month of Juno , 18S7 ,
n young girl left her homo In a town Just cast
of the city and come to Council Bluffs to seek
employment. Her parents were fairly well
to-do and eminently respectable , and pro
tested against this move , but consented at
last , supposing that a few weeks experience
of this kind would satisfy the child ( for she
was but sixteen years of age ) , and that she
would return homo. Arriving hero she ap
plied for work at ono of the hotels of the city ,
After working until October she told her em
ployer she was going to learn the barber
trade in ono of the shops of the city. She
left the hotel and little was known of her
movements until her parents appeared hero
yesterday and took their daughter homo with
them , The affair has created some street
gossip , but In the Interest of all parties concerned -
corned as little publicity as possible should bo
given the mutter.
Opium , morjihino hubits cured. Dr.
Bellinger , 014 B'wuy , Council Bluffs.
Mueller Music CO.'H Prizes.
The following numbers have drawn
prizes at the store of the Mueller Music
company : Ticket No. 4,3)8 ) drew the
organ. Smaller prizes as follows : 0,27(1 ( ,
these tickets nro requested to cull und
claim their prizes.
Two Pair , Queens Up.
Yesterday two applications for divorce
were Hied In the ofllco of the county clerk.
Fannlo Walker states that she was married
to Samuel Walker November 27 , 18.V1 , in
13oono county , Indiana. She has been a resi
lient of Council Bluffs twenty-four years.
The said Samuel has deserted her , hence the
petition. Isabel Mott charges the same act
uguinst the- Inconstant Kira. They were
married July 15 , ISO'.t , at Nebraska City. Neb.
She has been a resident of this city for
twenty years. The cases will come up for
bearing at the next session of the district
Onus of nil kinds at Odell & Bryant's ,
604 S. Main St.
A ilnorcsidonuo tor sale T. B. Bald
win , _ _
Every ono making n cash purchase , o
25 cents nt T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
store gets n chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant pruos.
Cross-cut BIVWS. Odcll it Bryant.
The Demand For a Union Depot
For Local Purposes.
Progress Mnrk tlic Year's
llccord Ijnrgor HOOIIIH Askrd For
The Youthful Urmocrals
Htrcct Car Accident.
About tlic Union Depot.
Little 1ms been heard of late nbout tlio
union depot project. It is understood thut
most of thu land required has been secured ,
nnd It remains for the roads ccntei Ing hereto
to co-operate In the enterprise , nnd push it to
completion. This seems n very opportune
time for such n move. Tiieio Is not u local
depot In this city worthy of n Rood country
station , unless It be the Mllwaukc & St.
Paul , nnd even that Is not In keeping With
the size and Importance of Council Dluffs.
It is n neat little depot , mid would answer
well for sonic country town , or for some su
burban station. Most of the depots nre old
shells , n disgrace to the companies which oc
cupy them , nnd u shame to the cities In
which they arc located. Lack of local de
pots has been patiently borne , because of
the belief that ere long n grand union depot ,
centrally located , would bo built. It la un
derstood that all the companies with two ex
ceptions , are heartily In favor of building an
tip-town union depot , nnd the delay Is said to
be owing to the backwardness of UICHC two
companion , who do not openly oppose It , but
nro not enthusiastic enough to hurry. The
cltirens who belong to the union depot com
pany should get their prodlng stick in hand
and stir u little life Into those who arc hang
ing back on the project.
The Public ; Library.
Tlio annual report of the trustees of the
public library shows an Increase In the num
ber of books during the past year of 1,078 , the
total number now being 7,1(51. ( The total ex
penditures have been140. , . The number of
registered book takers is 2,100 , an increase of
J'.Ci during the past year. The number of
books taken out was 'J7W.l. ( Of these the
classification shows fiction to bo still In the
lead , with 115,031 volumes ; poetry , ! I,77J ;
history and geography , 3,01travels ! , 1,700 ;
natural science , l,0ir ! > ; theology , 4IW ; philoso
phy , U7ii. In closing their report the trustees
say :
In addition to the foregoing statement It
gives us great pleasure to note the continued
prosperity of the Council Hluffs free public
library. leasing our judgment upon tbu
steady Inciease in the number of
books on our shelves and the
number of people who resort to its
rooms , and improve the advantages it offers ,
we are satisfied that our free public library
s a useful and potent factor for the cdtica-
ion of the jouth of our city , as well ns of the
ntellcctual pleasure and improvement to all
lasses of our citi/ens. Although the amount
af money received from the city treasury
icen very limited , falling even below that of
he two preceding yeais , we have by careful
economy been able to mid more than 1,000
refill volumes to our list of registered books.
" eluding public documents , we now have
'ully ' 10,000 volumes of the best nnd most
i&eful literature on our shelves.
The rooms now occupied for library pur-
loscs are steadily becoming too small and
ramped for the accommodation of its many
Kitrons and its steadily increasing propor-
lons.We cannot refrain from expressing the
lope thut ome way will be found by which
nir city will in the near future provide quar-
ers more adequate for the use and nccoinmo-
lation of this most bcncilccnt institution and
ts natrons.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Splendid Business Opening
For the right man who has a capital
of $1(1,000. ( For full information call on
: > r address Forrest Smith , 11 i'earl bt. ,
Council Blufls , In.
Street Car Accident.
A horse belonging to the street car com-
> any was disabled yesterday afternoon at the
sixth siding in front of the Western house on
upper Uroadway. Car No. 4 going cast was
considerably behind time , and the driver was
eying to make it up. No. 2 , westbound , was
waiting on the biding and as the other approached
preached the horse attached to it , doubtless
excited by its hard run. swerved to the left
und struck head first against the waiting car.
The momentum of the moving car was so
'rcat that when it struck the horse it com
pletely doubled him up and threw both cars
from the track. As a spectator expressed it ,
'The horse was shut up like a jackknlfe. "
Dr. duly was called to attend the animal and
see if its back was broken , as scented proba
ble. It was removed on a stone boat to the
company's stables and may recover. The
speed with which the car was driven just be
fore the accident was so great as to attract
iittention. The horse was running furiously ,
und many supposed that the driver was una
ble to control him. Fortunately no passen
gers were injured. It looks as though a little
interference by the police would prevent a
repetition of such an offense.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Gleabon , lG ! Pearl btrcct.
Young Democracy.
The young men's democratic club has
elected as oftlcers. the following : President ,
J. H. Dietrich ; vice-presidents , Charles
Walters , Wade Cary , Patrick Lacy , D. Glca-
son ; secretary , C. M. Maynard ; financial
secretary , P. II. Guanclla ; treasurer , J. M.
Shea. Ono of the rooms in the opera house
is to bo fitted up for their headquarters.
Arrangements nro also made for the old
hickory dance to take place next Monday
evening in temple hall , and the canvass for
the sale of tickets has commenced vigor
St. Peter's Donors.
The work on St. Peter's church Is being
pushed rapidly along toward completion. The
plasterers are smoothing up their work and
will bo through to-morrow. Next week the
frrscoers will begin operations. The stained
glass windows are the gifts of private indl
vlduals , and the names of the donors appear
ut the bottom of each. The givers are as fol
lows : Joseph and Anna Mueller , Anthony
and Barbara Itosncr , Leonard and Paulina
Scubcrt. Magdalcna Weber , Pcternnd Emma
JJeck , Herman and Elizabeth Kohling , Mrs.
Kva Hicktermaier , Mr. and Mrs. Jacob , Mr.
and Mrs. John Emlg , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Uowarth , Anna Leutzineor , Emclln Mergcn ,
Adolbcitaiid Veronica Sehott , Edward and
Anna Stockcrt , Thomas and Wilhelmina Cal
ler , Joseph and Thcrcssa Schmitt , Henry and
Elizabeth Teller , Henry and Anna Paschal ,
in memory of Frank Wickham , Peter and
Mary Hartcl , and Oliver and Mary Laucr.
The edifice has been in course of erection
but six months , the cornerstone having been
laid on July 17. It was expected to have the
building ready for dedication about the first
of the year , but the lion-arrival of material
caused the delay.
For bargains in real estate , go to
Johnston fc Van Patten , 33 Main bt.
The County ISonril.
At yesterday's session of the county board
of supervisors the petition of the Council
Bluffs Driving Park association for remis
sion of the taxes since- and including 1SS5
was granted. The action of the city council
in reducing the assessment of J. D. Edmund-
son on manufactures was concurred In. The
official bond of S. V. Pratt , Justice of the
peace in Norwalk township was approved ,
ItctwciMt Two Lovcrw Ho Stands.
Jake and Ida Washington are a dusky
coupto living in the western part of the city ,
but their family relations for the past few
weeks have not been of the plcasantcst kind.
Jake has quite n yearning after some of the
frailer females of lighter color , and for some
time Ida has entertained serious doubts as to
his fidelity. The loilcstono that
seemed to draw him from homo with
the greatest ixwer was Jcuulc Armstrong ,
an Inmate of the Coyhouocon lower Hroad-
way , and Inst.evening Ida wended her way
thither with blood In her cyoand n dub In
each hand , to exterminate the destroyer of
her domestic hnppincso. Hrtlcl not tnke long
after her arrival for the row to begin , and
nir was soon full of hair , howls , clubs and
darky. 'Iho whole colored element of the
city seemed to bo prwont , when the police
appeared and conveyed the combatants to
thestntjon. After Being July booked they
were Uitn to Uio couiify Jail mid locked , up.
\VlillerIdiiig along Broadway In the patrol
wapon , the dusky warrior indulged In
language much tnoio forcible than polite ,
despite the efforts of the officers to keep her
quiet. The parties will appear before Judge
Aylcsworth this morning anu explain the
full details of the rupture.
List of the Imcky Ones.
The holders of the winning tickets nt T. D.
King & Co.'s holiday distribution are as fol
lows :
1st prl7c No. 120 , George Kttinger.
Snd pritt ) No. 1.44H , J. Cachran.
! ird prizeNo. . 11'J4 ! , J. U. Fitzgerald.
4th prize-No. i/.W ! , F. II. Guanclla.
Mh prlzc-Nd. 1,044 , , J. Johnaon.
Oth prize No. 1,070 , Joe Howorth.
7th prize-No. 1,003 , C. A. Farlowc.
8th prize-No. ! 2tXJ. John Cianny. ,
Oth prize-No. 1,075 , , John Schmitt. * J ? ,
10th prize-No. l.Bia. F. TJrltton.
11th prize-No. 7ui : , J. Hill.
12th prize No. W5 , Bob Oliver.
18th prize-No. I , ! > ; . William Test.
14th prize-No. l.OO'.VJ. M. Hhodes.
15th pric No. lei ) : , John Oleson.
10th prie No. 578 , C. H. , iBroadway. \ .
17th prize No. 1,405 , blanlr.
18th prie No. , Nick O'Brien.
19th prize No. 1,2S ( . Anton ? Hcizcr.
yoth prize No. 117 , F.U. Merrill.
Cnncd My n Hoard.
Last evening H. F. Jones was agreeably
surprised by his colleagues of the board of
supervisors. Ho Is the outgoing member this
year , and to commemorate friendly associa
tion and show the esteem in which ho held
by his associates they purchased from Bur-
horn and presented him with n beautiful
cane. The ebony and the head gold
and beautifully chased. Upon it appears this
Inscription : "Presented to H. F. Jones , bv
the board of supervisors. " It is n worthy
gift worthily bestowed und It will bo appro-
elated not for its intrinsic value alone but for
the merited friendship which it represents.
Pci'Romil I'liragrnpliH.
Miss S. D. Hehsc is confined at home by
Hobcrl P. Foss , an attorney of Harlau , is
in the city.
Kllcy Clark. Ncola's ex-major , visited the
Bluffs yesterday.
Dr. C. B. Judd has gone to Chicago on a
short business trip.
Mrs. S. C. Key has returned from a visit to
friends in St. Joseph.
Mr. Ogden , of the Ogden Iron works , is
confined at homo by illness.
C. II. Harris , of Bartlett , la. , was in the
cjtyycsteiday the guest of John B. Chris
Mr. Thomas Berry is suffering from severe
indisposition and is confined to his loom at
Kiel's hotel.
Henry Weise , of Selffert & Weisc , Avoca ,
was here yesterday wi business with the
county board.
H , T. Jones , of Carson , the retiring mem
ber of the board of supervisors , was in the
city yesterday.
Miss Kmma L. Morse has connected her
self with the business department of the do
mestic parlors. *
Miss Florence Root , of Keokuk. will ra-
rivc in the city to-day and remain for a time
the guest of Mrs. George Metcalf , on Second
B. F. Wadsworth , of the firm of Wads-
worth , Etnyro & Co. , is visiting with rela
tives in Oregon , 111. Mr. C. D. Etnyre , of
the same linn , and located at that place , is
C3tpcctcd to arrive in this city to-day.
W. M. Danner , assistant state secretary of
the V. M. C. A. , is assisting the now local
secretary. Mr. Baker , in getting the work
here well in hand. Mr. 1 taker is forming
acquaintances rapidly und is making a favor
able impression.
The following representatives of bridge
building companies are in the city : J. B. , Kansas City Bridge company , DCS
Moines ; P. H. Everhard , Canton Bridge
company , Kansas City ; H. S. Wethcrell ,
King Btidgo company , Des Moines.
Wfiukcs > ha Water , by the gallon , 35
cents , at Troxcll Bro's.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chnttel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. OIllco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Ono thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Grccnamayer , (523 ( Mynster bt.
telephone 121.
Squeezing the Crooks.
The examinations of Quirk and Hall , the
confidence swindlers , were completed yester
day , and their trial is set for next Tuesday.
The testimony given is not positively
to other than the court officials ,
although it is generally understood
to be very damaging to the
lirisoncrs. Hall's attempt to prove an nlibl
ilid not result as ho expected , and ho will
probably go to the pen.
The Central drug store , under the
management of J. D. Stuart , has been
enlarged and refurnished with a complete -
ploto stock of fresh drugs. A fine holi
day line of books , stationery , cutlery
and musical goods at very low prices.
If you desire to get a new Hall typo writer
cheap , drop n postal card to H. A. P. , BII :
oRico. A great bargain for the first who
Kicked By a Horse.
Yesterday morning Harry Smith , the
eleven-year-old son of C. H. Smith , who re
sides on Graham avenue , was severely
injured by being kicked by the family horse.
The little fellow was playing in the stable ,
und on approaching the animal while at his
nluy , the beast let out n vicious kiek which
laid the boy senseless upon the floor. Ho was
soon discovered , unconscious and bleeding
profusely , und taken to the house. Medical
attendance was summoned under which the
lad revived. He was badly cut about the
face , but it is not expected his injuries will
bo permanent , although they are severe.
For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110
Main street , CouncilBlulTs.
A Slick Man From Chicago.
Kansas City Journal : "No. they don't
play poker at the clubs in Kansas City , "
biiiua woll-known club man yesterday
afternoon as ho removed his cigar to
give moro freedom to his hilarity , "or ,
rather , there are some few club men
who won't play poker for many days to
como , " and the audible smile was once
moro renewed.
"Why ? What has been going on ? "
"While it is a joke , it has boon an
expensive joke to half n dozen gentle
men who were ) taken in. If you had
boon around the Coateo house abouf
four weokb ago you would have noticed
a woll-drcsbcd. middle-aged gentleman
who arrived that evening from Phila
delphia. If you had had occasion to in
terview him you would have written
him up , in all probability , as an eastern
capitalist , and who had arrived in Kan-
pah City to look around with a view o
invcbting. "
"What was ho in reality ? "
"You are not thu only ono who has
asked that questlonbut the great trouble
with the others was that they did no
ask it BOOH enough. IIo inquired o
many ot the agents for rare bargains
enjoyed rides to many now additions
was trotted over elegant pieces of property
orty , partook of numerous superb din
rnirs and was continually receiving fa
vors of various kinds * . Among other
things ho was introduced into ono of the
clubs. Of course he had played tome
[ UHOPEHI nESUUfiillll
John Allen , Prop.
Kntrnnrea , 112 Main
Mul 113 Trnrl St ,
Open from On. in. to 10
p. m. Council lllufls
iazard & Co
Pole irent for
totnrj SbtiUlePtamlAnl
Sewing Machine
Kor Nebraska A We it
em Iowa.
Office , liUMMn M.Coun
cil Uluff > , low * .
Avrnt wantml.
Nenmayer's ' Hotel
J. Ni'urnnjcr , Prop.
$1,00 1'KU DAY.
Street car connections
In nil ilpiiots.
Fire front ctndlo In con-
bectlun.Nos 206 and
2IU llroiwtwajr.
Opp. ( .igdcn lloune ,
Council Illuffa. liiwa.
Mrs , f , B , Unto
o. 337 tlrotdwi\yCoun
cil Bluff * , towa.
xikor. at homo , in his family circle , but
uul little conlldouco in himself in a rog-
ilar game.
"Ol course ho was persuaded , you
enow they nlwnys are. and lost slightly
n u few hands. The next evening ho
encountered a slight run of luck , auch
is might be attributed to a beginner.
Good poker players played against him.
A city olllcial studicu in vain to annly/.o
omo of his playa , and hit ) ingenuity
cost him Sl.UOO. Ho fared bettor
him n well-known rcal-estnto agent
vho lost in the neighborhood of $10,000 ,
though ho claims it was much lebs , to
, his eastern gentleman during his visit
of ton days to the city. In all , I sup-
rose the alleged Philadelphia capitalist
ook ivway with him about $2-5,000 , in
spite of the poker players. "
"Who was ho ? "
"Ono of the smoothest card sharps
that had to leave Chicago when the city
uithoritics closed down on them. Ho
night have been robbing that club to
this day had it not been for the city
ollicial and a detective on the polioo
brco. By chance the olllcial and detec
tive wore" standing at Eighth and Main
i week ago when the Philadelphia man
lasscd. Both spoke to him. The detoc-
ivo appeared burpriscd. and asked the
city ollicial how ho know the man.
When the ollicial told him that the man
wan So-and-so , aPhiladclphiacapitalist ,
the detective laughed heartily and told
who the man was. The city ofllcial then
told the club experience , but before
any action was decided upon the Chicago
lontloman had departed with the
joodle. "
laulwlR'H Cast leu.
London Graphic : Thc o palaces ,
jitilt with an evident feeling for pic-
; urebqucnefcs and beauty , wcro every
where marked with evidences of the
ung's wandering senses. During his
ifetimo the interiors were kept wicred
'or his own person , and it was seldom
even that descriptions of their peculia
rities got abroad. Now , however , they
ire opened to the public. Even a guide
to his palaces has been prepared. In it
wo are told that "Even at Fornstcin wo
ilnd traces of the eccentric Icing , for in
.his homely place , bituatcd amidst the
akes , woods 'and mountain peaks
if the bleak and wind-swept border
land of Tyrol and Bavaria. Ludwig
kept two rooms furnished in rococo
style. " IIo wad wont to bwcep.down
on the village tavern hero with his
suite , by torchlight or by moonlight , all
of them attired in the costumes of the
time of Louis XVI. From Fornstoin it
isnot far through the park of the IIo-
lioiibehwiigan to the Royal park , where
the castle of Ncuschwtuibtoin rears its
pinnacles and bnttrcsbcs high in the air
: ibovo the precipice ami waterfall. A
iiirpribing view is had from the windows
pf this unfinished royal retreat. Look
ing beyond the crags thtt surround it , a
vast tableland strcatches before it , dot-
Led with the hcrnes of the hum
blest of Bavarian peasants. The
interior of the castle is profusely dec
orated quaint waterfalls , endless' stiar-
cabes , artificial grottos and ponds , Moor
ish miibquca , artificial caverns , swan
boats and so on. The residence itself
is "filled with coquettish cabinets and
boudoirs , with mignon ornaments and
furniture , rare mosaics , China peacocks ,
silver swans , everlasting statutettes of
Bourbon kings and pastels of their fa
vorite beauties. Sometimes the curios
ities of Luderhof verge verge upon the
fairy like , for instance the magic table
which , by touching a spring , rises from
the kitchen , covered with all the
courses of the dinner. " The famousBluo
Grotto is hero. It is modelled on the
grotto of Capri. The visitor passes both
through a long subterranean passage
lined with artificial stalactite , after
which the caverns with its dome with
old Gorman legend , the notes that Wag
ner used for all his groatcbtonoras. On
ono corner of the castle is n high toffcr ,
200 feet from base to apex. Hohcn-
schwaugon , another of his castles , was
really the creation of Maximillian , his
father. It is less imposing , but moro in
teresting , artistically. Tempera decora
tions in it deal no longer with my'hs ,
but with actual German history , repre
senting series from the life of
Luther , Pepin , Henry the Lion
anc Conradin of Suabia. A little dis
tance from this is the sequestered ca&tlo
of Linderhof , what a correspondent
calls "a pocket Versailles lost in upper
Bavaria. " This cattle ina reminiscence
of the pomp of Louis XIV. , a collection
of shaped vault is reached. A water
fall dashes into this from above the
lake , while the background is a largo
painting representing Tannhausor in
the Vonus's grotto. A fourth cabtlo be
longing to the mad king , is at Horrcu-
chieiiibco , in southeastern Bavaria.
The cabtlo , formerly a convent , was
purchiibcd in 187) ) ) , and would eventually
have been transformed into bomething
odd like the rest. It remains vmtin-
ibhcd , however ,
Corned Heel'OH Medicine.
Boston Budget : A well-preborvcd old
citizen is Mr. Scth Bryant , now eighty-
seven years of ago , who is quite as ac
tive as most men of sixty. His remin
iscences of old businessmen are very en
tertaining. Fen 'many years ho was of
the firm of Mitchell & Bryant in the
Bhoo and leather business. IIo tells the
story of an old Middloborough man who
died at the ago of one hundred and seven
years , who at tho-ago of ono hundred
and upward was > vibitcd by the family
physician for borne tritlling ailment and
pronounced to bo 'in a dying condition.
The doctor departed from his bedside
early in the evening , after leaving a
dose of medicine , and informing the
family that the patient could hardly
survive until morning. After the phy-
sicician's departure , the old man woke
tip from his nap , and requested his at
tendants to bring him up a dish of
corned beef and cabbage , also a mug of
hard cider. This substantial meal
being stowed away , the old man enjoyed
a good night's rest. Next morning the
doctor called and inquired * "Is the old
man yet alivcV" "He is. " was the
reply , "go up and take a look at him. "
The disciple of JEbculapius was very
much surprised to see the old man sit
ting up in his chair and quite jolly.
"Ah ! " bald he , "my medicine worked
wonders for you didn't it ? " "I guess
not , " replied the centenarian , "I didn't
take a bh o ! it. "
Don't Forget
The Great Bargain
Isnt 100 Mnlu Street ,
Council HlulTs. la.
B. A. 1'lfrce , Prop.
WnFitzgcralil ,
* * r In
Staple and Fanej
New Store , Now mock.
21'J Main Ft. , Crvston
House Illock.
Council niulTn , la.
Teller & Egan ,
Wholcalo and retail
Brain , Flour , Feefl
Baled hajr.cto. Agent *
for Walnut Illock Coal
VZI Main St. Council
Bluff * .
We ore now prepared for the
Our Immense buildings nro packed full of
the most
In our line , and nt prices tlmt will defy com
petition , we guarantee our goods to bo just
as we represent them. Pleuso give us n cnll
whether you wish to buy or not , und brlni ;
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
sbow our goods. Respectfully ,
SPECIAL nclverttscini-nts , such us Lost.Fotmil ,
To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wnnts. lloanlfiiR ,
etc. , will be fnsorted In thin column nt the low
rtiteofTBN CUNTS 1'Elt 1,1 NM for the first In
sertion nnd Klvo CentH 1'cr Uno for each mibso-
ilttcnt Insertion. Leave advertisement- our
ofllroNo. 11 ! I'earl Sti cot , near Jlroiuhvay Coun
cil UludH , Iowa.
FOll HENT A good new seven room house ,
liooil location. Enquire of W. T. Cole , 601
Peail &t.
WANTED A boy v 1th pony to tnKo earlier
route on thu lieu.
WANTED A flrst-clius cook nnd baker , ono
or both cnu obtain permanent employment
In a Hut-class hotel In u hiiKO city lu Iowa by
addressing , with refcreuces , P. O. liox No. u
Council muffs.
fTlOK HUNT The pleasant rooms up stairs , UK )
JL1 Uroadway ; also for Mile numerous articles
of household gooilH. Apply early.
FOHSAIjK I'urnltiiiuand Mo\es ut u .sacri
fice to reduce stock. Voucau buy ut your
own prices. A. J. Mandel.
FOR KENT A six-room house. No. 007 Myns-
ter st. Apply toA. Louie , KZi Ilroiidw.iy.
" \SrANTKU First class gardener , without
" capital , to work exteiislvo garden on
dhares. first class chance. Address Joseph
Smith , Council lllulls , fa.
EXCHANGE Omaha nnd Council lllults prop
erty and western land for stocks of mer
chandise. Cull on or uddiesM J. 1) . Chilstlan ,
6-0 Hroadwny , Council Illnlls , lu.
flOH SALE Second-hand Columbia blcyclo
very cheap , 62-Inch , at Hue olllco.
> U1LDINQ lots and acre property for sale by
> F. J. Day , b I'earl ht.
The deslrnblo residence or business property
nown as the Powers Place , on Upper Ilroad-
way opposite the M. E. church , will positively
bo sold within the next thirty days. Terms :
One-third cash , balance lu ono and two years ,
Address bids to
Omaha , Neb. , 1317 and 1310 Douglas St. J
GOODroodway Council Illuffs , loua. Established
O Bl SS r 4 ] y [
D&Y Bi
L 5 N
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturers of
Mil Kinds of Steam Boilers 4 Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mall for repars promptly uttene
to. Satisfaction ffiiaiantoed. 10th Avenue. Ap
dress Ogden Holler Works. Council Uluff , lewd
ss Line ,
Telephone No. 03.
All calls from District Telegraph Office
promptly attended to.
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KM and 823 Main Street.Council Hluffs.Iowa.
In Amber , tor-
tolso&hcll , etc.
H u I r orna
ments , as well
as the newest
novelties in
hnlr goocla ,
Hair goods
Made to order
Mrs. C7L. " Gillette ,
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Out of town work solIcited nnd ( ill mailer
ders promptly attended to.
But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor'could
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each nnd every one of our departments will offer thousands of useful and
ornninenttil things
SVe hivvc mndo every effort to plnco on sale the most nttructivo nnd useful irooda
nt tlio lowest possible prices , and wo invite inspection nnd eoinpuribon.
Special Handkerchief sale this week at
He , Sc. lOc , 15c , 2oc , un to $10. Each
and all go at about half price.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufllors in
largo variety. Laces , KmbroidoricH ,
Fichucs , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric
Gloves. All must go at this great sale.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Dressing Gowns and (
Ladie's Slumber Robes , Japanese
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted
at $ .5 , $ ( ! , $7.50 to $10. Each a very
suitable present from a lady to a gen
Special bargains In our Art goods do *
pnrtmcnt. Stamped Linens , Knifc
goods. Underwear. Everything must
be sold this week.
Como to the People's store first and see )
what wo can do for you.
We know wo have the goods and that
our prices will save you money every
With every ! 2 purchase you will ro
ceivc a ticket for one chance in our
100 grand free presents.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,
so , is
We Defy All Competition and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and I'rlce *
With Any HOUHO In the AVost ,
Will sell you groceries cheaper than you can buy
them anywhere else on earth. Mail
orders solicited.
DR. C. B. JUDD ,
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both Domestic and Foreign.
Trotting - Stallions
WADE CARY , Council Bluffs ,
i --a
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway. Council JJluITs , Opp. JJummy JJepott
Jlom-6 and mnlos conxtantly on lituiJ , tot
gala at retail or In car load lots.
Oidfru promptly filled by contract onsliyrt
H toe k sold on commlsMon.
Telephone 114 , hCMMITl'.tt A I10I.KY.
OyposUo Dummy Depot , Couucll Ulutff.