Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The State Qrangro Expresses Its
Opinion of Attorney' Looso.
Report of Htijicrlnlctiilrtit Mnllnlloti
For Iho Mcinlli ol' I oooiiilcr ) Wnr-
tlcn } Ici-'N Klntniiiciit More
Court IloiiHO lllds.
frnosi Tiin riKr.'s ' LINCOLN nt'UKAU.I
At n recent mooting ol the stnto griinr-c ,
ticld nt Gr 11 nil Island , resolution * wcro
jinsscil , copies ol which reached the governor
Wednesday. Ono of tlio rcBolutlous Indicates
tliat the grntigo labors under the Idea that the
Rovcrnor had the iijipolntliif , ' of the secro-
tnrlcn to the railroad coiniiiisHlon , antl calls
upon him to appoint ono or tnoro farmers as
swrotnrlei , the fact Is that the ROV-
cnror does not npjK'lnt the ocerctarlcs nnd Is
In no way responsible for their selection.
AmoiiK the resolutions forwarded to the
governor nro the following :
Whereas , The ahlppcis nnd business tnen
of the city of Lincoln and other towns of our
Bin to , bolluvliiK they had grievances ngninst
the railway corporations of our state made
complaint to our state railway commissions
of unjust freight charges by said coriwra-
tions , and ,
Whoreits , The hriirittfr of salu complaint
ivas so ably ur ucd by the Ii. & M. and the
Chicago & Northwestern mllway attorneys
in behalf of the railroad sidu of Iho CIIHO that
the secretaries of our railroad commission
ivero Induced to agree to a , compromise of
freight rates ; and ,
Whereas , Our honorable Attorney Gen
eral Leeso stcpi > od In nnd Ignored said
compromise and curried the case to the su
firi'ino court mid secured u ruling In
Ills favor , that our state railway commission
liud the right und power , under the law , to
regulate Urn railway tarilT and corporations
of the state ; therefore , ho It.
itcsolved. That wo , as the State Orange of
Nebraska , in BChslou at Grand Island.most
heartily endorse the notion of our attorney
Kcncrul , believing that thu stnto of Nebraslcit
lias no to iniilfo with any corpo
ration within the boi tiers of the state.
THI : KriiiNir : : INIKTHTKIM , ncnoor. .
The monthly report and annual summary
of the reform school atKeunicy , as presented
by Superintendent Mallulieu , shows that
that Institution is working In n hMily satls-
Juciory manner. Tlio number received in
Iho school during December was four and u
like number wat dismissed or paroled. Dur
ing the year just closed the report shows
Hoventy-lhreo boys und eighteen girls com
mined to the school. These came fiom the
following counties ; Adams 1. lirtiwn 1 , Hut-
Ier2 , Uufralo4 , Col fax 'J , Gustcr 2 , G.ISS 1 ,
Jawes 1 , Dodge 2 , Ditwson 2 , DIxon 1 ,
lotighiss 12 , Fillmore 2 , Franklin 2 , Gage 0 ,
Oroely 1 , Hall 2 , Hamilton 5 , Harlan , 1 , Jotf-
crson 2 , Lancaster III , Lincoln 2 , Madison 1 ,
Nonutha 2,1'ollc 8. 1'latto , I'lielpsiJ , Pawnco
J , Ulchardson 2. Salinol , SowiitdS.Thuyorl ,
Valley 2 , Webster 2.
Tlio causes of commitment wcro : Disor
derly conduct , lewdncss , etc. . 48 ; emlC7zlo-
laent , 1 ; larceny , ( grand and petit ) , 31 ; in
toxication , 1 ; house breaking , 1 ; forgery , 2 ;
obstructing railroad , 1 ; shooting , 1 ; fitlso
pretense , 1 ; ntson , 1 ; vagrancy , 2 ; no deaths
ute reported for the year.
Warden Hyors , in his monthly report to
the board of public lands and buildings , fur
nishes the following item for the month of
December : Number convicts in prison December -
comber 1,1887 , li.14 ; number received from
courts during month of December , 21 ; total ,
: & V number whoso tiino expired during
month , 19 ; nunbrivardoncd by governor , 1 :
number released oacommutation , 1 ; number
oscuped during thiicnofif , 1 ; released on hn-
licas corpus in suptemo court , 1 ; total , 20 ;
leuin ? number rcmalr Ing in the prison Janu-
iiryl,18&S,3U2 ; ,
The BOOonJ nltcMnt of the county to secure
lilds for the erection of the now court house
that would coinu within the estimates made
by Architect Meyers , failed completelv , none
of the bids when opened coming within sev
eral thousand dollars of tlio estimates and
Homo of the bids , without ( jualllled reduc
tions , aggregated $100,000 above the estimate.
In addition sovetul contractors would not
Mil at nil , being convinced that the building
rould not bo built for the money. Six months
valuable time 1ms altoady been lost and it
looks as though the commissioners might as
veil abandon present plans und start on a
new basis.
surnKMi : count CASES.
In the supreme court yesterday the case of
Cleveland vs. Jnnson was dismissed. The
following cases was argued nnd submitted :
Kcnth vs. Lour : ' , ( J rimes vs. Canuell , Littlo-
Iohn vs. Pearson nnd Whltnot , state ex rel
Jurns vs. Hrown county. Stoll vs. Gregg ,
Motion. Court adjourned until to-duy.
The Kearney Street railway company has
filed amended articles of incorporation which
llx the samtol stock nt ? . " > 0l)00. ) The amended
nttieles nro signed by John Stewart , presi
dent , and A. II , Holtin. secretary.
V. M. KH's ' , of Omaha , superintendent of
construction work nt the state asylum at
Norfolk , hits Hied his bond In the sum of
10,000 , with T. 11. Taylor as surety , and it
. 'ris been unproved by the board of public
Zands und buildings.
The contract for the erection of the indus
trial homo at Mllford was signed and scaled
tit the office of the board of public lands and
buildings yesterday. Tlio contract is jnado
with John Laync , of Lincoln , the successful
bidder , and calls for the building to be com
pleted as per the plans anil sccilcations ) ! fur
nished by Ulako & Co. , architects , Omaha.
by the 1st of September , 1SS8 , ut a cost of
? 14,390. The contract has provisos for
Changes in tbd plnu of building if thu board
inav doom proper.
The bond of Contractor Layno , In amount
the same as the contract price , with A. J.
Hall und Charles A. Sweet its sureties , was
passed upon and approved by the board.
J. C. Smith , county attorney forSalino
county , has filed with the supreme court n
transcript nnd bill of exceptions In the Grant
Wright cuso , In which occurs the decision on
the ago of consent law recently rendered by
Judge Morris. The county attorney desires
the supreme court to give its construction on
the law and upcn the rccout decision ren
dered by Judge Morris.
The report , of the superintendent of the
state hospital for the insane at Lincoln for
the month ol Decemlwr shows the total num
ber of inmates to bo 409 , of which numboc
SiM uro mules nnd 180 females , During the
month two have been discharged and no
deaths have occurred. Twelve new patients
liavo been admitted , coming from the coun
ties of G'lgo , Kichuideon , Ilarlan , OtocLun <
rasti'r , Sherman , York , Saunders , Howard ,
Washington , Gosper and Dodgo. The liv
crease In number in the hospital line
been lu the month from 890 to 409.
The state board of transportation yester
day received n reply to the complaint of the
Farmer's union , of Oakland , from General
Manager Winter of the St. Paul & Oimihn
road , promising to Investigate und report nt
General Manager McCool , of the St. Joe
& Grand Island road , replies to the complain !
Of Mr. Hyde , of Spring Creek , Clay county ,
The Kuswer avers that tlm complaint Is Is
sued to maUo trouble and is unfounded , and
'that the road has strictly compiled with the
Hinging Noises ,
In the curs , sometimes a roarlnpr. bu7. <
" sslnjj Bound , nro caused by catarrh , thill
CKCoedinjjly disagreeable and very com
mon tlibawo. Loss of fainoll or hearing
result from catarrh. Hood's Sar-
, the great blood puriilor , id c
l > cculturly successful remedy for this
disease , which it cures by purifying the
blood. If you suffer from catarrh , trj
Hood's Sarsiipurlllii , the peculiar modi-
How Dlptliertu Is Sprciul.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Prof
Toisslor , in his annual report on diph
thcria , published'in the Lyou Medical
tivos the result of his investigations
* based upon a minute inquiry , pursuet
for live yoara , averaging nearly 1231
eases per annum , Firstly , there is m
evidence that the disease is over trans
milled by moons of water or other fooi
or drink ; tnuiBinibsion by direct con tin :
Is far from common , not more than in Ii
per cent of his cases ; diphtheria is par
Uculnrly nn infectious disease , the pcn.-
oruting cause of which is transported to
ikdiBtntico by current * of nlr , nnd Intro
duced into the orgivnlstn through tlio
breathing apparatus. A study of zvmotio
diseiiFe.s wliow that diphtheria- follows
exactly the wtino variations as the acute
difuitios of thu air pti9 wces. ;
But whence cornea the germ ? Pro
fessor Tcip.slur , according to his own rc-
senrchcH and UIOMJ of Klebs nnd Fran-
cotto , does not hesitate to conclude that
tlio dust arising from heaps of manure ,
from rngs nnd otraw , nro tlio ordinary
vehicles of the diphtheritic germ. Tlio
Bwcoplngfl of cities net In the wimo way.
Th is cause hns been found present in 40
per cent of nil his cases.
Ho next takes up tlio question of the
relations between the diphtheria of
poultry nnd of the human family. Ho
declares himself on tlio nlHrmativo side
of this question , nnd cites authentic ex
amples of transmission from men to
fowls , and nhows that tlio diphtheria of
poultry is more grave than is generally
believed. Finally , diphtheria is much
more frequent in tno country than
would at first bo supposed ; it is often to
bo neon in the court-yards of grentcltles
nnd in places especially devoted to Iho
rearing of poultry.
From all these considerations taken
together , Professor Toi sier thinks ho
is authorized in the conclusion that the
dust of dung-heaps scattered about by
contaminated fowls and birds is the
essential element in the spread of
Tlio great popularity and success o.
Salvation Oil , the great pain-dcstroyerf
have made it a target for counterfeiters.
Buy the genuine. Price 126 ctfl.
"Died of ammonia , poor fellow , " said
Mrs. Partington , on learning of a
friend's death from pneumonia. "I believe -
liovo 1 should have died , too , but for Dr.
Bull's Cough Stirrup. " Dr. Bull's
Cougli Syrup she meant , of course.
Tli Sequel to Two Mysterious Califor
nia Murders.
San Francisco Special to tlio St. Louis
Globe-Democrat : A romance of crime
which equals anything in Gnborinu haa
just como tolight hero through the dis
covery of Chinese In an old building.
About fourteen years ago a frail French
woman named Bonierwos found dead in
her room in Waverly place , in this eitv.
There wore marks of a fearlul struggle
in tlio broken furniture of the room and
traces of brawny lingers on her nock.
Ilor neighbors declared they hnd hoard
her talking the previous night with a
man with strong French-Canadian
accent. As usual with such
women , she had a "lover" who took her
earnings , and who was very cruel to hor.
This man was arrested. Tlio police be
lieved they had n sure case against him.
While the case was pending , however ,
another French woman of the same ilk
was found murdered in Sacramento
under similar circumstances , The of-
liccrs , after a fruitless search for the
murderer , wore about to give up the
chase , when by the merest accident ,
some of the stolen jewelry taken from
the Sacramento woman was found upon
a notorious woman of the town , named
Carrie Mortimoi't who was known as the
mistress of Charles Mortimer , a French
Canadian. Further search of this
woman's promises brought to light
other and very expensive jewelry , in
cluding a number of diamonds , and
when qucstionon as to her possession of
them , she said that Mortimer have given
them to her.
The oflieers arrested Mortimer , and.
after some good detective work , fastened
upon him not only the murder of the
Sacramento woman , but also of thoWav-
orly place cyprian. In duo time Morti
mer was tried in Sacromento , and his
mistress , Cnrrio , testified against him ,
and proved the two murders upon him
with many other crimes. After Morti
mer's conviction ho feigned insanity ,
and shortly before the day of execution
his brother , who hnd como all the way
from Canada to rescue him from jail ,
was shot on the roof of the Sacramento
jail while trying to rescue the con
demned murderer.
This ends the prologue of the romance.
The lover of the murdered woman know
she had property in Pal-is , also a son
whom she was educating. Ho wont to
Paris , succeeded in establishing his
claim to the estate , and lived their in
fine style on the rents. Meanwhile
Waverly place , the scene of the
crime , 'was invaded by the Chinese.
A few months ago a Chinese
tenant of the murdered wom
an's house , in makingsomo repairs , tore
down an old partition and found an old
tin can containing old letters and
papers. This ha showed to Captain
Bigago , a Frenchman , who is agent for
several Chinese firms. The captain
found to his astonishment , that the pa
pers consisted of deeds to property in
Paris from Marie Boniero to her son
Pierre Uonioro , with the address of the
latter in Paris. There was also n bank
book , fallowing that the dead woman
had deposited with Gustavo Msihp , pres
ident of tlio French bank of this city ,
who subsequently embezzled about &WO
of the tunas of the bank and then com
mitted suicide when exposure came.
The captain sent the deeds to Paris ,
and was gratified hist week to receive a
letter from the attorneys of the son.
Picrrio , in Paris , declaring that the
long-lost deeds had enabled them to
make good the claim of the son to hia
mother's estate , and to oust the adven
turer who hud deprived the rightful
heir of his inheritance.
Old pillboxesaro spread over the land
by the thousands after having been
emptied by suflering humanity. What
a mass of sickening , disgusting medi
cine the poor stomach hns to contend
with. Too much strong medicine.
Prickly Ash Bittors' is rapidjy and
surely taking the place of all this class
of drugs , nnd in curing all the ills aris
ing from a dis-ordorcd condition of the
liver , kidneys' stomach and bowels.
In Search of lllililcn Treasure.
Now York Sun : The treasure of which
the party is in search is undoubtedly
that supposed to bo contained in the
wreck of the Phantom , which was sunk
about twenty-live miles oil Boli/e many
years ago while under the famous buc
caneer Morgan. Numerous unsuccess
ful attempts to recover the treasure have
boon made.
Customs Inspector Van Brcmer yes
terday said that ho know of the plans ol
the party and had heard from them fre
quently since they loft. From commu
nications ho had received he was con
vinced that tlio party would return rich.
Ho stated that one place at which thu
party had been was Kingston , Jamaica ,
Two or three days ago ir was men
tioned in the newspapers that certain
bankers in this city had just icccivcil
8,000 Spanish doubloons , coins of n cen
tury or so ago , and of the value of $15.9
each. All the information that the firm
would give as to the coins was that thoj
had como from West Indies. The dates
of the coins and the largo number ol
them received indicate that they musi
liavo como from nn ancient hoard o :
some sort. If the Mnria went from here
direct to Belize , got up part of the
treasure nnil took it to Jamaica for ship
meut hero , and is now on her way bacl
for more , tno party has enriched itsol
already to the amount of $1127,000.
Political Scrambling.
Cincinnati Enquirer : Evufr man
who nccumllatcs wealth in Colorado
feels himself obliged to nspiro to the
United States senate. Ilx-Senator
Henry M. Teller , the last senator
elected , is probably the poorest man
Colorado hns sent to that body and ho is
worth a million. There is always a
scramble for the vacant secretaryship ,
and one is now impending , the term in
Senator "Tom" Bowen being about to
expire. A long list of millionaires ex
ists from which choice may bo made.
David II. Moffatt , the wealthiest man in
the state , who is president of the First
National bank of Denver nnd of the
Denver & Rio Grande railroad , proba
bly could have the place for
th'o asking , but docs not want
it. Ho will round up his career
of money making a Httlo later and take
Teller's place. MolTat is what the boys
call "a good ono. " Ho was In Now York
in 18SI with his bondm friend , the only
ono he over had or over will have , "Joe '
ChatTco , whoso daughter married
"Buck" Grant. ChrlToo wns chairman
of the republican national executive
committee. Ho got Cyrus W. Field ,
Sidney Dillon , Jay Gould and two or
three other wealthy republican ! * into a
room ono day about two weeks before
election to toll them that money was
needed. Chairman Jones , S. B. Klkins
and MolTat were prosont. Field aid
more talking than all the others com
bined. It seemed to Mollalt that
it was all talk , and finally lie
blurted out : "See here , Mr. Field ,
money talks , nnd I'll just tell you what
I'll do. I'll put up my check for double
any amount you will chip in. " Field nnd
MolTntt somehow had not been intro
duced. "Who might you bo , sir ? " asked
Field. "D the oiids who I am"said
Moffatt , "so my cheek goes through the
bank. " Mr. Field did not respond , and
Hushed in the face as his follow capital
ist laughed over his discomsoituro
It is MolTat who is backing for the
place "Ed" Wolcott , and has put Wol-
cott in the way of becoming widely
known , oven though lie docs not reach
the senate. Wolcott is solicitor for
MoiTatt's anil road , and accounted the
ablest and wealthiest lawyer in Denver.
MolYatt haa Now York connections ,
through which ho got Wolcott an invit
ation to speak at the Now England ban
quet. The annual banquet of the Now
England society is a favorite place for
bringing now men to the front. Last
year Grady took the applause Grady.
who sang the praises of tlio now south.
This year it was Wolcottand , his praises
have'been sounded quite widely. Ho
will not hnvo an easy path to the son-
atorship. Bowen will light to succeed
himself. Ex-Senator N. P. Hilt , who
owns nil the nowsnajwrs of Denver , and
is nearly aa wealthy as MolTatt , will bo
a candidate. So will Tabor of night
shirt fame , whoso fortune is looking up
again ; ox-Governor Koutt , who is a
cattle grower ; "Bill" Hammill , the
cattle king of the west ; General E. B.
Sofris , who has struck it rich in coal
discoveries in southern Colorado , and a
do/.en lessor luminaries.
Its superior excellence proven in millions o
homes for more than u quarter of u century ,
is used by the United States Government. En
dorsed bv the heads of the great universities , a1
the Strongest , Piire&t and Most Healthful. Ir.
Price's thu only linking Powder that dops not
contain Ammonia , Mine or Alum , old only ii :
cans. 1'lticn 1HKINO POWUKU Co. .
New York. Chicago. tit. Louis ,
Nebraska National Bank.
Paid Up Capital , - $28OOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
II W. YATKS , President.
LEWIS S. KKEII , Vice-President.
A. E. TOUZAMN , 2d Vice-President.
AV. II. 8. IIuaiiES , CasUlor
W. V. MonsK , JOHN 8. COLLINS ,
Banking Office
Cor. 1-th aud Faruam Sts.
A General llunkhiL' llusluess Transacted.
HBO i * viucqruxTiD vrini tns aioauritr or THII
I/ ) reason of lu central posltlox c".os relation to lines
Last of Chicago , and contuuauj haes at terminal
points West , Northwest and r > ojtuweit. Is th * time
middle link In that transcontinental tiystem which
Invltos aud facilitates trarol and trafflo between tbe
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Kock Island main line and branches Include Chicago
cage , Jollet , Ottawa , La Balls , J'eorla , Ocneseo , Molina
and Kock Island , In Illinois ) Darcnport , Uuscatlne.
Vrashlngton. Falrflsld , Ottnmwa , Oskaloosa , West Lib
erty , Zowa City , Des slolnes , I ndlanola.Wlnterset , Atlan
tic , KnoiTllle , Andubon , Ilarlan , Outhrl Centre and
Council Bluffs , In Iowa ; Oallatln , Trenton , Bt.sepn ,
Cameron and Kansas CltT1 , In Mlssonrli Leai.'iwortb
and Atchlson , In Kansas : Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
ft. Paul , In Minnesota ! Vfatertown and Sioux Falls , is
Dakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
/'The Croat Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. Iti
permanent way Is dlstlnffuiihrd for Us excellence. Its
crldees arc of stone and Iron. Its track Is of solid
BUSIts ) rolljnffstook iwrfect. Its passenger equipment
has all tb safety appliances that experience has prgr i
useful , and for luxurious ; accomxuodatlors Is uns-ip *
passed. Its Express Trains consist of u | > erlor l"r
Coaches , elegant IMlImau Palaca Parlor and Sleeping
Cars , superb I > lnlng Cars , prorldlnff delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlson and
Kanias City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. In maa-
Rcement Is conserratlTS , Its dlsclpune exacting
"The Famoua Albert Lea Roirre"
Betwsta Chicago and Ulnneapolli and St. l'a.J Is the
faTorlte. Over this line Solid Fast Ei pruts Trains run
dally to attractive resorts for tourists Jn Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Walertown and Sioux Palls , to th *
rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Tla
Bneca > and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers scperlor
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. Lafayette and Council lllnSs , SL Joseph. Atcht-
ron , Ltavenworth , Kansas City , St. Paul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladlis and chll-
dr niecclrepro ) tectlon , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal otrkes In
Iho United State * and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
B. R. CABlt , I. ST. JBril , [ . A. MtllaOea ,
' " '
- - - -
Who Is WKAK. NKRVnilN. DmiMTA-
TF.l .vrho In hlsFOI.lJY Rti rtlUNOItJH'K
h sTRirif.l wiiv UUTIflOKor IIO1 > V ,
MINltnnd.if AMIOO ! > .rnu < lnicxhMimlni ;
rlmlns upon the t'OirNTAINN of I.IKtf ,
IirAI > A 'lIK. IIACKAClli : . Drradml
Ircnm , WKAKNKSS of Mcmnry , 1IANII-
, .
the FA4'I' . and all the KFFKtri'H Irndltiirto
EAHI.Y HK 'AYnnd pcthnps fOXSUJIP-
TI ? r or IKHANITV. should conntlt nt once
the Cr.lF.IIKATKI > lr. Clarke. F.-lnMl-lird
1M1. Dr. Clarke ha < mhde JVF.HVOl'S ' III : .
IIIMTV. 4'IIIt ( M ( ! nnd all Diseases of
the OKMTO lini.VAHY Ortrnn. a 1,1 fo
UMidy. It makes fin dltrcrenre mi AT you
it ve taken nr W HO has failed to cure Jon.
MrFF.1t All KSsurTerliiK from dlfea cspcni >
liar to their nez ran consult with the nmirance
of ipccdy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage
for work on your diseases.
* sT"Sond 4 cents postage for t'elrl rn < r l
tVorlin on Chrnnlr , Nrr ui i and llrll-
cute Diseases. Consultation , | < er ntmVy or by
letter , free. Coniiilt the < > l l Itorlnr.
Tlinn nndM cured , onicmand iinrlnm
prl\nte. J syThoso contemplating Narrlnco
end for Dr. t'lnrke'ii cclcliratcd RtiUlo
Mnln and Feinnlc , each 16c. , both :3c. :
( stamp' ) . Bcforo conndltiK your cose , consult
nr. tI ! < AHKi : . A friendly letter or rail may
tare future KUllcrlngnnd ihainc , and add coldcn
years to life. * d-Book " Iir * 'n ( Secret ) I'.r-
rors , * ' Me. Clamps ) . Medicine and rltltiRS
cnt everj-whero , nccuro from oxpoiurc.
Hours , 8 to R ; Hundajs , a to 12. Address ,
P. D. OLABKB , M. D.
100 So. Clark Bt. . OUIOAQO. ILL.
a man for groaning when he
Rheumatism or Neuralgia. The pain
is simply awful. No torture , in the
ancient times was more painful tlian
these twin diseases. But oughtn't
a man to be blamed if , haing Rheu
matism or Neuralgia , he wont use
Ath-lo-pho-ros , when it has cured
thousands who have suffered in the
same way. It has cured hundreds
after physicians have pronounced
them incurable.
"The skill of five physician ! coulJ not
cure me of KhcumatUmwhich settled
in ( lie hips , neck nnd shoulders. So in *
Icinc w > < the ruin that sleep wa < almost
Impossible. The first ilose of Athloplioros
gave me relief , and the third enabled mete
to sleep for four nnd .1 half houn n llhout
waUng. I continued its me , and am now
well. Usv.S II. TROVER.
New Albany , Ind. "
It hat stood the Test of Yean ,
In Caring all Diseases of the
ETA0. It Purifies the
Blood , Invigorates and
Cleanses the System ,
disappear at oneo under
1KIDNEYS Us beneficial influmce.
STOMACH Itli purely a Uodiciae
AND as its cathartic proper
ties forbids its me as a
1BOWELS beverage. It is pleas
ant to the taste , and as
Sfitf easily taken by child-
rail as adults.
1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , SI.
Louis , Mo. , t'nlverslty College Hospital , Lou
clou , Olosen , Germany mid New Vorlc , llivl
devoted their attention
More especially those arising from Impru
dence , limte all bo suffering to correspond with
out delay. Diseases of Infection and contagion
aired safely and hpcedlly without use of dan-
Kerous ilrtiKM. Patients whoso CHKI-S have been
neglected , b.idly treated or pronounced incur
able , should not fall to wiitu tw concerning their
symptoms. All letters rccelvo immediate atteu-
And will bo mailed FUKK to any address on re
ceipt of one lucent .stamp , "Practical Ohiorva-
lions on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaus
tion , " towhich Is added an "Essay on Mar-
riant' , " with Important chapters on diseases of
the Iteproductlve Organs , the whole forming n ,
valuable medical treatise which uhould be road
by all young men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAViESON ,
17O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
Manufactured by Moline Scale Co , ,
Iloline , 111 ,
rillST The Independent connection
of Its levers with the boamrod , Insures
to each entire freedom of action , enables us to
dispense with thotrui-s rod , build with a shallow
pit ( an Important savliiR ) , and diminishes liabil
ity to annoyance from water and ( lunger of
freezing in winter.
SKCOXD Tlie novel manner of suspending its
levers under the frame , .and application of our
new Improved pIvot-Ruard , affords a
more complete protection jp the pi vot-adgos
or bearings than la found , In any other scale.
Other scales protect their bearings , only ,
by the timbers used hi hulldluir , whllo the
Victor , alone , has a special contrivance , In
Its new pi vot-Ruard , which keeps its bear
ings free from Ice and dirt rendering the
ficalo accurate and sensitive in all conditions of
Wcstorn Ai ents ,
c-ou.vciL , HiMjrrs , - IO\VA
vre cordlnty rtcommeM
TourU st thrj * < t tcmcdy
knuvn to us f ! Coaoubcca
and Gleet.
We blve loll cootlder.
able , snd In eYery cue U
til glYen tstiihcUcn.
Alcott Jk Lisle ,
cM by DrujjUtt.
Piles tl.UU.
Incomparably the Beat *
A principle of our business not to carry over one dollar's worth of goods
from one season to another if we can help it. This season we have a
much heavier stock and to close it out we know that extraordinary e ± -
forts have to be mado. Having taken inventory , we have gone over
our entire winter stock , and propose to make a peremtory clearing of
the same , Beginning today , we will inaugurate the great est clearance
sale on record. Cost will not be considered in this sale , and we will cut
prices to mere nominal figures ,
First on the list are heavy overcoats , and we mention for this
week the following extraordinary bargains :
One lot good Ulsters , made of an excellent quality of Friezelined with
plaid flannel ; a perfect storm-defyer , at $9 ; the coat is fully worth
One lot of eleprant cassimere overcoats , cut very long with good astra-
chan collar and cuffs , a good looking as well as a good wearing
coat , which could not be bought under ordinary circumstances ,
for less than $16 ; we have marked it $9.50.
A small lotpf very fine chinchilla Ulsters , fancy back , collar and cuffs
of good fur , elegantly made ; a splendid garment and as good as any
other house would ask $25 for ; we offer them at $12.75. This is de
cidedly the cheapest fur trimmed overcoat ever shown.
"We are marking suits and all our winter goods in the same proportion
tion , and will announce through the daily papers the special bargains
we will have for every week.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
-DKt.lVr.nKl > TO-
-nr CAUHIKU Foil-
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a week. Send your order to tlio
olllce ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
IVrcUorons , Clydesdales aud Shire , also homo
lireil colt . Kvery anlnml Kunranteed a breeder
Our stock has lieen selected with refcrcncnto
lioth imllvliluul merit nnd podlirou , Roma of
tliesw horses havu taken tlm prize at the Ne
braska State I'clr , 1887. All our horses uro ac-
rllmnted , and rnlts of their net can bo shown.
1'rlci's reasonable and easy terms. IH ncccsslhlo
by the tliroo Iciiillug railroads of the state , 1) ) . It
M. ; I' . , E. fc il. V. . and 1C. 0. & O.
& FAHllHAIt , York , Neb
Chicago , Milwiiukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omalia and Council
muffs to
THE EAST = = -
Cliicngo , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis ) Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , ' Frccport , Ilockford ,
Cllntou , Dubuque , Darcnport ,
Elgin , Madison , JancsTllle ,
Ucloit , Wlnona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points Eut , Northeast and
For through tlckeU call on the ticket went at 1101
farnam itreet. In I'aitoo Hotel , or at Uuloa I'actUo
1'nllman Sloepori and the finest Dlnlnff Can In the
world are run on the main line of tlio Chicago , Mil
waukee A bt. 1'aul Kallwar. and eyerr attention U
paid to pauoug by courteous employe * of ton
11. Mlf.IiKn , Oencral Manager.
1. F.TUCKHll. AKsHtantUenernl Manager.
A. V. It. CAIU'KNTKH , General 1'aisenfer and
TIcKPt Agrnt.
OKO. 10. UK AFFORD , AuliUnt Central PuMocer
and Ticket AKont.
J.T. CLAUK , General 8ap rlotend nt.
( Succesbors to Juhn O , Jacobs. )
At the old stand , HOT Farrmm St. Orders by tele
graph solicited und promptly at to.
iTulelepbonu No 3
Epps's Cocoa
"nr s tlioroiiKh knowledge of the natural laws
wlilUi Kurcrn thu npcratlnni of digestion and nutri
tion , and by careful appllnition of Ihutlno prupiirtlus
of nell-selectiMl Cocoa , Mr. Kpps lias provided our
bri'UkfHst tables nlth a dcllcalulr llaroruil bevurnue
wlilchiuaT > HTU us many lieuvy doctor's bills. It II
by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a
constitution may bo gradually built up until strong
enough to resist im > ry tcndoncy to dlnuasu. Hun
dreds of inutle maladies uru floating nround us rvadr
to attack wliuruver tlieru In a ncnk point. We mny
, ' ( pmnanr a fatHl shaft by keeping ourselTCS well
fortltled wlih puri ) blood and a properly nourished
IramB.-Cl II Service ( Jututta.
Mnilc simply with tolling wntor or milk. Sold only
In lialf pound tins by ( Jrucurs labeled thus ;
Advertising has ulwuya proven
successful , Ileforo placing nnjr
Xewipapcr Advertlalng consult
illlinTISlMJ iGUTS ,
il t t Umloljii tirxt. CHICAGO.
W. J. OALlllUlTll ,
Surgeon and Physician ,
Offlco N . W Curlier llth and Houghis St. Ofilce ,
100 ; Kesldcnco telephone , Ki.
Display at their wararooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
A magnificent display af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Eteclrtc Science
flentltmti'sBtlt Beit Sthitiffl Scltnl"lca"y Made and Practically Applied. *
With Electric
* Ufll I tflllDt ? Vf > l I " > TO P lm In tti Ttiok , Illpi , Ilrad or Dmtl ,
II WILL OUKt TUU Nrrn.u. I > t > lIIIIT. l.umbi. o , uVnrVul I > rlllllr , Ithrul
mtltlm. r r > lril > , Neuml lo , SrUtlrn , IMM of Kldnr } > , CplnBl IllM > r > , Torulj l.lfcr ,
Uout * Klliaiiitlen , mMlon ) . Afttlimil , llcvrl Illvriivr , l > Titn4 > p l t CunKlluvllon , KryAlptlM ,
lmtl * tl n , WrkWM. iKpoUnvir , Citcrrh , 1'llri. Epll p r , Dumb ' - --r - U/drooole
lllood DlMiM * . llreu > 7. * t - , then tkli belt ft Jult whmt you net * .
rtrtoOliiutanIv Ww Cm Le orplleil . . . & A
to njr part of tbe WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
ana tumiH&ndf orothtra.
fir UrlRUC'C Cl CPTRO UlftMCTIf * BCI T ( npriorta lloth re-enrT ntiorelectrlo | .
UTi nUnHC a cLCwInU MAUnClIU DCLI ty rB tronB or uilldm ttie wc r rm y il -
slrei produces a rontlnuoui current ) COIITCTI electrlrltr through the boil 7 on tlio nurre . It euro dlicatoi
LT iceneratlnK & contlnnoui current of olocfrtcUr ( 10 or 111 hoursont of S4) ) Ilirouahout the tinman > r
allayliiff allnerTousnoM lmni MlUt lr , and producing new circulation of tlio llfn forces thn Mood , - -
cirtlnirTlKor , itrcLgtb , energ-y and lieallh.when all other trcatmrntliai failed. Tag merit * of tbufc -
tlflo Prlt ar belnt ; reeoirnlzM an < l Indorsed br ttiouiandu wnom It has cured.
hhKKKKNCKHi Anl nUronimercUI attency or wboleialo liuuie In Chicago ) wbolciala
Ban Kranclsrn and Chlc > irn IT-Hnnd damp for lit | npo Illuitratecl pamihlrt. )
"W. jr. XXOXHYXJ , Inreator aud Manufacturer , tVl Mubub ATeaue Chlcogo.
Light , Strong and Practical.
by thrlr use your vehicle can bo
quickly transformed Into n comfortable -
able Klolgh. Made nt
DAVKM'Ollr , IO\V.\ .
For Sale by Ecalcrs ETorywhera.
( ) ( tlii Itod ; cntarcM and itif i.ctl.f neJ. full | < a > tlcu-
larssrntSF led ( rce. KI1IK MKII. CO. . llnrniu , ii. Y
reiull of OTir-VTork , InJUattUu , tie. . aJJreo abort.
. HOW 70 ACT.
' " ' <
RTbnpjf5K" ' ' " ' " ' 'i'lf' " "ii't''lcl''u' ' '
MlHUlll ? MA S10H e .mi.iir : imK