Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1888, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA-DAILY. BEE : /mURSDAY , JAISFUAKY 5 , .1888. GENERAL BATCITS MISSION Working For the Better Protootlon of Nebraska's Frontier. SHERIDAN PROMISES SUPPORT. JUIIlH Introduced Ily Members of tlio Nebraska nnd lown Dele A Public nulldliiK Hioux'cily. Shcrtnnn'H Viiniinwrrnbli ; Argument * WASHINGTON Dimr.AU TIIK OMAIU DEE , Bii : I'oimTEiiNTiiSTiiPRT , WASIIINOTON. D. O. , Jan. J. Senator Sherman's speech ou the tiirllT this morning was listened to with grout Interest , both by the members of the senate uud crowded galleries. Republican senators pio- noundo It ns a remarkably stlong ami abio pi emulation of the arguments for protection of American Industries. Senator Paddock vrus seen by your coricsiondent | uud asked for his opinion on the subject. "I consider , " said he ' 'tlmt the speech was one of the strongest which I have heard delivered hi the Semite. Its arguments are practicably unanswerable. Circulated among republi cans and In districts where thutarilT question is certain to be considered with more than usual Interest In the coming campaign , I be lieve that It will make many votes for the rcubllcan party. " An unusually l&rgo edition of Mr. Sherman's speech will bo printed , nnd thu demands for copies f i om senators for distri bution among their constituents will bo un precedented. NEllltASKA'S FIIONTIEIl rilOTECTIO.V. General Kdward S. Hutch , Colonel of the Ninth cavalry and commandant at Port Hob- Inson , Is In the city. Ho Is accompanied by his daughter , Miss Uesslo Hatch , and Miss Fitch , daughter of W. F. Kltch , general manager of the Fremont , Elkhorli & Mls- BOtiri Valley railroad In Nebraska. General Hutch lias for tlio past ten days been In Now York prostrated with a threatened attack of pnctnnmil.i , which happily succumbed to medical treatment. Tim geuoral to-day culled nt the war department to urge Inere.ised ap propriations for frontier protection In Ne braska. Ho had u long conference with General - oral Sheridan , In which the needs of posts bordering ou tlio Sioux reservation were fully discussed. General Shcrlduii pronounced himself us fully cognizant of the necessity of t io case and us being more than willing to co operate in any movement towards completing the posta nnd placing them in u condition to maintain suniciont garrisons in this most Im portant and exposed scutum of the frontier. General Hutch will leave on Friday for Onmhii , from which ixiint , after u fuw days stay in thu city , ho will rujoiu his regiment. OUIt J > KUUTION IN CONOIIESH. Congressmen Dorsoy uud McShune arrived in the city this morning und were iu their scuts at thu opening of congress. Mr. Laird is oxpcetcd this evening. General Mandi-rson wus detained u dav in Omaha by thu public meeting called to con sider thu wagon and railroad biidgo problem and ttio necessity of co-operation on the part of the citizens of Omaha uud the congres sional delegation in lofereneo to the removal of Fort Omaha. Ho is expected in tlio city this evening. llll.I.S lirXRIIIIASKt MKMIIRII8. Mr. Dorsoy introduced a bill in the house to-day authorizing John S. Tough , F. M. Dor- soy , Duiloy Davenport , S. 1C. Hittcnbciidor , J. W. Uadboum , J. G. Massie and D. 1' Sher wood to construct , under the conditions uud limitations prescribed , u railway , foot and \vugon bridge across the Missouri river ut or iicur Pouca City. Neb. Mr. MeShano iutroduccd a bill to pay John Little and Hobart Williams $ J,000 expended in purchasing a lease and prospecting for couli-mineral , fireclay-etc. , which lease was nullified by the government ; also u bill to pension Andrew M. Jordan ; also copies of ttia' bills introduced lu thu sonata by Mr. i Mundersoii appropriating $1,500.000 for u new government building at Omaha , the sale efFort Fort Omaha , and fixing terms for United States courts in Nebraska. He also iutro duccd bills appropriating $ -10,000 each for public buildings at I'lattsmouth and Hcatrico and $100,000 lor Grand Island , and placing sugar on the free list. FlIOrOSEU l.EOIHI.ATION FOB IOWA. * , Iowa members iutroduccd bills us follows : Hy Mr. Gear Making an appropriation of $80,4'.IS for the improvement of the Des MoiiiL'H rapids of the Mississippi river and the completion of the dry docks ut the Ues Mollies rapids of the Mississippi river and amending the status in regard to the comple tion of n flouting boom i-oniifctlug the wall of ttio ciinnl witli tlio bridge nt Keokuk , In. ; authorizing the construction of u railroad , wau'on und foot passenger bridge across tlio Mississippi river nt or near Hurlingtoii , la. , by tho.Uurlliigton Ac-Illinois llridgo company ; for" 'tlio'rcllel'.of T. F. Marshall , Klislm Wil- ItlnsY JJ. F. Moody & Co. . William F. Mummy , James M. Morgan , Khoda Williams , Juno Smith , Louis Kolin , Thomas C. Mitch ell , William Walsh , Patrick Nanuy , John C. Heinmun , . amuul M. lieiiuett. Thcodoro Krmip , Henry Simmons , John 13. Croekoy , Luiirottu Luekoy , John Uennott , K , Toppiu nnd L. J. F. Jaeger. IJy Mr. Strublo Granting a pension of $100 a mouth to Henry U. Fuller , of company F , Twenty-eighth Iowa volunteer. Hi'Mr. Henderson Granting pensions to Lcwm Fiehthorn ami Sarah M. Jewell. Hy Mr. Conger For the relief of Mrs. T. W. Wilson. IJy Mr. Weaver To correct the military jrccord of Charles Owent , George W , Moss und Nicholas Holt and to pension Simih A. Campbell. Henry Barton , Claiboriio Cullison , Nathaniel Hrory , Kcbi-mi 13. Uushoy , Whip- 5ilu Handy , Samuel Hanson , Simpson Sparks , ulia A. Cornell , Mrs. A. J. 1'opc , Hannah K. Wilson and Gcorgo W. Foster : granting u condemned cuiuum to the G. A. H. post ut Montcrumu , la. IJy Mr. Holmes llemovlng the import duty ou sugar ; quieting title of settlers on the DCS Mulues river lands iu Iowa ut u cost of $100,000. " IJy Mr. Gear Prohibiting the pun-huso of goods which uro in whulo or iu p.ut uuinu lucturecl by convict labor. Hy Mr. , Aw1crM > u Amending the iiitor- atuto commerce luv by making sleeping car companies and oxpi ess companies amenable to thu law us . ciiriiurs ; to pensions OrpeuUolds , and for tlio relief of F. M. \ nuiMMxn rou sioux CITV , A bill introduced by Mr. Strublo appro priates $200,000 for the purchase of a site and the construction of a government building at Sioux City. Mr. Strublo introduced thu bill Ju the last congiebs uud It was favorably con sidered by thu committee ou public buildings und grounds , but action was not taken ou It by the full house , us measures uf this char < ucter wcro strangled by wholesale. MIL I.YMAX'B riiorosinoNs. Mr. Lymun introduced bills appropriating 9ftOOU for the purchase of thirty foot of ground lying immediately west of the ground now owned by the United States In the city of Council HluiTs. on which a United States public building is now In the process of erection , to extend from Hrpadway to tht first alley south of ttml street. Thu grount to bo used in connection with the build ing ; providing that no part of the imbllo lands of the United States for the benefit of or to aid in tlio construction oi"uu. \ railroad nuule by the United States to uti.v tttto or direct to any rail mad company suul bo valid us against bauu-lldu buttleia ou the imbllo domain within tlio limits of sue ! grant , unless , prior to such settlement , tin. railroad company to which or for who > > o petiutlt such grunt U made shall have Hied n the general laud ofllcu ut Washington am ul o a duplicate with tlio local land ofllcer o thu United States lu thodistrictwhureiubucl land is situated u map showing thu dollulto lio.ijerr.oiy for the union in the Into war : to credit and pay the bovoml states and terrlto- riea und the District of Columbia all moneys collected under the direct tax levied by the uctof congress approved August 0 , 1MH ; rcgulutluR the effect of Judgments und de crees of courts of the United States lu the several sUtvs ; repcullng the limitation of the arrearages of the pension act. MONKY fOK TUB FOUHTH IOWA. IMMNTHT. Conger retutroduced his bill from Uie last congress which nixivkle * Utat urcry volunteer ion-commissioned- , musician and pri- Hto who enlisted into the military" service of ho Unltcd.StaUjs-pfioT to July 22 , 1801. under ho proclamation of the president of Muj'3- bOl , and the orders of the war di' | irtiin-nt mil actually awaiting muster under such en- Isttneiit us n inomberof the Fourth Iowa In- 'untry and was thereafter lionorubly dls- -barged and lias not heretofore received the ( ounty olTeri'd under that proolamatioti and jrders , ahull bo nald the full bounty of $100 us provided for soldiers w enlisted nnd mistered In boforq Aumist 0 , ISfll , by the act entitled "An not In relation to bounties. " m > irovcd April ! IbrJ. TllOUIll.n OVEIl C niMlTTBBS3inNMEXTS. . Contrary to the expectation ns well ns the dtled purpose of the" spuuhcr , at nn curly iour this morning-tho Jiousocommittees were not made public , When Mr. Carlisle went to tie capital morning-he had the list pro- i.ired for publication but he was so beset by nembors who.had learned of their assign- neiit und who we'ro dissatisfied therewith lint ho was forced td i > est | > otio the publlc.v Ion in the hope that' ho might bo able to nuke u ievlslon daring tht > day that would cud to produce a greater degree of harmony. When congress tuljourncul for tlio holidays t was orrangcd.thut Mr. Cox , of Now Yoric , hould bo u member of ways find means. Ho rus anxious for service on that committee uud his assignment "was uiado lu ibcdicm-e to his own demands mil the dcslro of the speaker tpjiavo a Now York member on that committee , it seems , lowovur , that Uwu | returning to Now York Mr. Cox discovered that the-vlows expressed n the president's message did not reccivo he hearty endo'rsenlent front the masses unit Vom the leaders that-he hud been led to ex- icet. Ou the contrary ho found that It was he general belief that any effort to give iructleal effect to the sentiment of the mes sage would ha likely to endanger the success at the democratic national ticket lu New York state next fall and bring defeat to hose representatives in Congress whoso ifforts would bo devoted to passu blll'.frained , n accordance with the messago. Therefore Mr. Cox telegraphed the1 speaker yesterday hut ho hud reconsidered his determination , nul did not desire assignment to the ways mil means committee. Mr. Scott , of Penii- ylvuuia , was thereupon reflected to take the ilaeo of Mr. Cox. Mr. Scott learned of his arrangement ui m his return to Wash- nglon this morning. Ho was wirprised and > eggcd tlmo to consider the matter nud Mr. Scott lias also been among the people slnco ho issuance of ttie message and he also seems -o have learned thattho proposition to reduce ho annual revenues to the extent of $ bO,000- 500 or $100,000,000 without touching sugar or obueco docs not meet with popular appioval. L'hcroforo Mr. Scott hesitated about nccept- ng a place on the majority cud of a commit- eo charged with the revision of the tarift on the basis of ttio president's message. Mr. Seott would have cheerfully and promptly .cceptod service ou tlio committee a month igo. Ho now hesitates , but It Is believed that 10 will finally consent , rather to relieve ttio speaker from further embarrassment and lu obedience with the Wishes of the president ban lu accordance with his own desires. There was trouble also over the constnic- : ion of the appropriation committee. Mr. lllss , of Now York , wanted to bo chairman of the Pacificrailroads. . The speaker hud good reasons for not giving him tlmt place , ilthough Dllss was on the eommlttre ti the congress and is now first for promotion To econeilo Hllss he wus assigned to appioprla- lous. Other members of the Now York Iclegatiou wanted Stalilneeker for appropria tions , ami that gentleman and his friends In- cud a vigorous protest against ttio profer- nent of IJHss. There wcro several other MSOS of discontent us great as these herein lied , so that the speaker , who is u good- nutuied man und desires to please ull the numbers as fur us possible , was forced to ake refuge in further delay. U is now stated tlmt the committees will certainly be an- lounccd to-morrow. KXALTEI ) HUI.KII FHANCIS. Dr. Hamilton l cuch , the exalted grand ruler of the order of Elks , has appointed Mr. lohn Francis , of Omaha , to bo the exalted 'niud ruler of the lodge for the state of Nc- n-aska. PEIWY S. Himii. [ jtiiiuir'0 Confirmation Very Doubtful. WASIIIXOTOX , Jan. 4 , { Special Telegram o the Lint : , ] Until to-day the confirmation of Mr. Lamar as associate justice of the su- in-ome court has been looked upon as u fore gone conclusion. To-day there is talk of re jection. It is said that there bos been a strenuous effort made to keep tlio republican party iu line. Senator Evurts , who was ex pected to vote for L'amar's confirmation , has ilcolarcd his intention to vote with his party. There will bo a republican caucus upon this question , and Senator Sawyer says that , while ho is-inclined to vote for Lamar , he considers his first duty to stand by his party , nnd that ho will abide by tlio caucus. It is now asserted that tlio only senators who are lu doubt are Mitchell , of Oregon , and Uiddlcbcrgor. The latter will vote for Lainur. and republicans generally believe that Mitchell will bo peisuaded to vote witti his party. This would produce u tie , which wpuld be. a virtual rejection. Lamar may bo rejected after ail , and in that event Senator Sawyer will not report tlio nomination of Mr. Don M. Dickinson , the judiciary will not report the , nomination of Mr. vilas , and there will bo no cabinet jiist yet unless Lamar should conclude to retire voluutui ily from the cabinet. Nebraska nnd lown Po nslons. WASHINGTON , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to tlio Dun. " ) Pensions were granted to the following Ncbraskuus to-day : Mexican war Uuchel A. , widow of N. W. UMur , Newark. Increase Cyrus Small , Tygho ; Alonzo Lowes , Stocklmm ; J. W. 13akOr , Liberty ; A. J. Richmond , Cowles. Pensions for lowiins : Mexican war Eliza beth , widow 'Of Adolpli Matties , Iowa City. Oiignml Jacob Free , Eddyvillo ; J. C. Hupp , Gutin io Center. Increase Kufus L. Blair , DCS Moines ; , f. M. Mctz , Mt. Pleasant ; J. 'M. Nowcomb , Moingonu ; Samuel Kiplinger , Creston ; Franklin Smith , Knoxvlllo ; C. C. Jackson , Corydon ; G. W. ilobinsrm , Murray ; N. H. Pentium , Algonu ; Johir Ware , Villoseo ; G. W. Palmer. Monroe ; John East. Klrk- man ; N. S. Doyle , Urough ; C. A. Mat-ton , Dubuqtio ; Allen Mney. Moutezuma ; J. H. MeDowe , Muehuehirock ; S. P. Moon , Co lumbus ; John Johnson , Swodesburgh ; J. D. Dcunison , Clarion. WiiHhliiKiorrGernians Aroused. WASHINOTOX , Jan. 4. A mass meeting of about six hundred Germans and oilier citi zens of Washington was" hold to-night to take action concerning the invasion of their ceme tery by the District commissioners for the purpose of street extensions. Hesolutions were adopted denouncing the nets as unwar ranted , Illegal am } criminal and calling upon the president of the United States to take cognUuucoof this misdemeanor , and In case lie fails to do so , they will appeal to congress to enact such legislation as , tthull make an ) further Invasion of grounds where dead uro burled Impossible.- 4 Army News. WAaiiiNfiTOX , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to tlio UKK. ' ] .The retirement of "Lieutenant Colonel Collins , ordered yesterday , will promote mete Major Ar S. Hurt , Eighth infantry , to lieutenant colonel of tlio Seventh infantry : Captain C. J. DIciey. Twenty-second in luiitry , to major , Eighth infantry ; Firs.1 Lieutenant C. Cusick , Twenty-second In fantrv , to captain , Twenty-second infantry and Second Lieutenant F. Jones , Twenty becond infantry , to first lieutenant. Sonic Ancient Nominations. WASHINGTON , Jan. 4 The president sent to the senate the following recess nouiina tions : Henton J. Hall , of Iowa , to be com missioner of patents ; to be inter state com mereo commissioners , Thomas Cooley , o Michigan : William K. Morrison , of Illinois Augustus Sehoonmaitor , of Now York ; Al dace F. Walker , of Vermont , ami > , VSncr L. " - T , of Alabama. Tlio Coir.c of Lust Itesort. WASIIU.TI-TOX , Jan. 4. [ Special Telegram to tno HKK.I Tlio suuromo court reconvened at noon to-day , but rendered no decisions. The decision in the Lincoln Habeas corpus cose is expected next Monday. . National Capital N'otos. WASIUXHTOX , Jan. 4. No decisions were rendered by the supreme court of the United States to-day , but the chief justice read an order appointing John Montgomery Wright marshal of the court in place of-Mr. Nlcolay. Wright was sworn in and qualified. The president toloy transmitted to. both bouses of congress the draft' of a bill to authorize the secretary of the interior to fix Lho amount of comi > cnWon ! to bo pnid ( of Lhe right of way for railroads through . tlio Indian reservation In cases whbro such rights nro provided for by treaty or act'of congress , The deimrtment of state Is unoftlcinlly ml- rlscd Hint owners of Hntlsh vessels seized In ' Uchrlngsoa ny American revenue cuttwrs 'nst summer , for alleged violation of the seal llshery laws , huvo prepared claims against : lils government for damages amounting to sVXl.OOO. So far , however , no claims have been filed at the department. Senator Sherman to-day introduced a bill appropriating ' $ ' . ' 00,000 to rclmbersc depositors 'or losses sustained by the failure of tuo > ccman's Savings nnd Trust company , no > nrt of the money , however , to bojiald to the isslgnees of depositors. The annual ball of tholirltlsh minister was riven to-night at the legation and was'ut- * 'ended by nearly everyone prominent ) in IVushington society , BY HIS 1JUOTHKlt'8 KVIIBXCK. Tim Uarrett Convicted of * M.urdcrliiK Driver Tollcson. Jan. 4. The Burrclt'.trlal ms ended. Erwin , attorney for Ihe ilefcnse , undo nn able argument , nnd nfter the charge iy Judge Lochrca the jury retired. Aftcran , absence of two hours they roturncd'wlth n crdict of guilty of murder in the .first do- ; reo. Sentence will be pronouncud , i'hurs- lay. The penalty is death. On tucvSOth of fuly n street car driver named Tolleson was 'ound dead on his car wltti two bullet "holes n him , und tlio change box gone. Howards iggrcguting $3,500 worooffered for the dctcc- ion of ttio murderers , but no clue was /ound intil about two months ngo. Tiln nnd Polo 'Jarrett were nrrested nt Onmhu for the ; nme , nnd brought to this city. Another > rothor , Henry , or "noddy , " who was with ho others the night of the murder' , turned state's evidence. Tim was the tlrst ono to bo riod , and was found guilty ou testimony fur- ilshcd by his own brother. MOUi : It ATB CUTTING. Other Roads Following the Lend of the Alton. CHIC\OO , Jan , 4. Chairman Mtdgoly to-day notified all lines in ttio Southwestern associa tion tlmt there will bo a reduction in grain rntcs from southwestern Missouri rifcr mints to Chicago of 5 cents per 100. Ho also mnounccd that the action of the liurllngtonln. keeping up a difference between the rates on improved and culinary live stock cars ns against the Hock Island , will reduce nil llvo stock rates from tlio Missouri river 25 per cent. To-day the Alton slashed off $3.50 more from rates on live stock from St. Louise , o Chicago. This makes u reduc tion of $15 a car since they first aegan. The Wabash has withdrawn from the light on the ground that rates do not cover expenses. The Illinois Central makes tlio same rates as the Alton. The II- Inois Central announced that , beginning to morrow , it will sell 1,000 milo tickets for $25 ivith n rebate of $5 to bo paid within n year from date of issue of ticket upon return of ; he cover. This action will force all western lines to adopt the sumo rules and is u reduc tion of $ o in the price of tickets. Wontlicr Indications. For Nebraska : Snow , warmer , fresh to brisk northerly winds becoming variable. For Iowa : Colder , snow , followed by fair weather , fresh to brisk northerly winds. For Dakota : Local snows , followed by fair weather , colder , with a cold wave , fresh to northerly winds becoming light and variable. A cold wave is in direct for Dakota , Minne sota. Iowa , Nebraska nnd Wisconsin. The thermometer will full 13 to 23 degrees by Friday morning. Ilrutal Murder in Arizona. NOOAI.IS , Jan. 4. Particulars of ihe brutal murder of Dr. Urady , an Englishman , by an American named Baggott , near Durango City , have been received. The former had bought a ranch near Uaggott , which Haggott claimed and demanded the deed. On the doctor's refusal to give the document , up , Haggott shot him nnd then escaped to ttie mountains. A posse followed and had n sharp light , resulting in the killing of ono po liceman and the wounding of others. The murderer was captured. Alabama's Itcl'orni Policy. Tex. , Jan. -Intelligence reached hero to-night from Mudisonville , the county seat of Madison county , that n body of armed citizens calling themsolves"Reform- rrs" shot nnd killed "Bill" Bolo this evening and then hanged "Ked" Paige and another man , whose name is not known. Alf Whit- ten , n friend of Bolo , was attacked and driven from the town. Hole and his friends wore in favor of maintaining saloons * Sher iff Black has applied to Governor Hess for troops. Astato o Itcrror prevails. Gnvo Him More Time. SvxFutNCisco , Jan. 4. The creditors of Gcorgo W. Meade to-day agreed to allow him four , six , nine and twelve mouths to make payments in full with 7 per cent interest. Mr. Dalton has reassigned to Meade , who will continue the business. Ho has turned over bis property to creditors. lluckct-Shop Koopcrn Fined. Cmcino , Jan. 4. Henry C. Wiley and Ed ward Patiana , indicted for bucket-shop keep ing , to-day plead guilty and on promising to leave the business were let off with susptti Jed flues. The Flro llenord. Los AXOCI.RS , Jan. 4. Tlio work-shop of the Los Angeles Furniture company burned yesterday. Loss f . " 00,000. < Tlio Oil Market. Nn\v YOHK , Jan. fi. Tlio first sale of oil \b \ day was made ut OOc , % o above ycstordnyts closing. It was afterward quoted ut Uti c. _ A Wedding Fount and Dance. Last evening at Masonic hall Mrs. Mary McCarty gave n reception in honor of the recent marriage of her son , J < ) hli Shannon , to Miss Sadlo McGnvoclc. About sixty guests were present. After the recep tion n dance followed. At 12 o'clock an ele gant table was spread for the refreshment of the guests. Before the dancing was resumed , Frank Solon , on behalf of friends of the young couple , presented them with n handsome - some- plush upholstered chair. Mr. Shannon replied in a brief speech. II. Y. M. C. A. There was n very pleasant entertainment given at tlio Masonic hall last night , by the Hebrew Young Men's association , which was largely attended. A recitation wus rendered by H. Hosptiborry. Mr. O. Fritz , rendered nn excellent cornet solo. Mr. Friedman read nn essay. Mr. L. H. Hear also delivered a recitation. Mr , H. Ehlcr played n flute solo , Julius Meyer delivered tno unniversary ud dress and Hubbi Benson closed with pleasant remarks. The most during feut ever produced iu Oinnhii is the Grcok impalement act of Kallia Boy ut the Eden MubeO. Liquor Sellers Arrested , E. G. Floyd , proprietor of the Diamond saloon , and Scth Cole , proprietor of the Olympic saloon , were both arrested yr ler- day for keeping their places < ; j n nftcr mid night. Cole was tri ; i found guilty and lined $100 und/ Floyd's ' case was continued until to-morrow ut 3 p. m. A Defective Flue. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the flro department was called to n small blaze In a dwelling house near the corner of Tenth and Center streets. The flro was caused by u defective flue , but the damage wus slight , not being over # 10. Union of Union Typos. Night before last ut Trinity parsonage Mr. Harvey Long was married to Miss Hattie Hyarlay , Ilov. House officiating. Until bride and groom are compositors on the Uin and inuuiuors of the Typographical union. Internal Ttoveuuo Collections. Yesterday Mr , Dallanttnc , the deputy In- tcrual revenue collector , took lu f 9,090.00. STAKe , The Sulllvnn nnd Kllraln Oomblnn- tloua Both Exhibit In Cardiff. A TORNADO AND PRAIRIE FIRE t Unique Features Added to tlio Wild West Show I'l Wrecks On Sen Niul i-Imt Other Cardiff Overrun With fCoro'i | ( ' < tSPS by Jamts Oonloil Htnnrtt. ] C.MIIIIKF , Jan. 4. [ New York Herald Cable Speclnl to the Hnu. ] The three Americans nnd the one Englishman among the exhibiting pugilists showed good judg ment in selecting this town of coal and Iron for their shows. All day special trains have iicen arriving crowded with minors , farmers and idlers Intent upon .seeing Sullivan nnd Ashton , Kllniin nnd Mitchell. At nil adja cent stations were tlio flaming bills nnnounc- ng Sullivan and Ashton nt Philharmonic .lioatro nnd the other two nt the Star music tall. Sulllvnn Is not much admired by the jrnwny Welchmcn because Vulcatis like him ire common lu the Hhoda valley nnd moun- : alns. The reception given to-day to Kllrnln nnd Mitchell on their arrival was equally re-arm with the one to Sullivan described in yesterday's dispatches. A fondness for the P. [ { . is seemingly as strong among Wolchincn ns In the olden times. Kllraln and Mitchell's nudlenco was very much the largest. This , vas perhaps partly duo to the fact that Sul- Ivan made his first appearance last evening. Ho and Ashton gave nn exhibition similar to ; ho descriptions already many times cabled. The Herald correspondent , who hod seen iliem in London , noticed , however , that Sul- Ivan greatly panted after his exertions. The rounds were so much applauded that nn encore round was given entirely of light sparring nnd scientific attack und defense alternated by either , us an arrangement of the wogramino at both places allowed. A large number of Sullivan's audience loft for the other exhibition. Kllrnln and Mitchell , botli nttircd nil in white , stepped into the ring , the band ployed "Yankee Doodle" and the people roared their applause for quite two minutes , when Kilrain was introduced by his manager with nn allusion to ttio recent fight. Then turning to Mitchell he said : "I introduce the favorite - ito of nil Englishmen , Charley Mitchell. " The applause was now deafening , ladles waving their handkerchiefs. The remarks on all sides wore "What u beauty Kllraln looks. " "What a dandy Mitchell is. Isn't ' ha quick. " Hound ono was light arid scientific. Kilrain doing all the loading , Mitchell cleverly dodg ing his blows. Hound two Mitchell began to hit but pre ferred to act on the defensive because suffer ing from a cold. KilrfjM , won now friends by his free hitting wiu ls | | right. This was the first time ho had used it in exhibition. Hound three was a fhir show of science , both hitting and dodging in turn until time was called , when the hilh'orto quiet audience broke into n roar of delight , but nothing would pursuado the combatants to give un eucoro round. They wcro compelled , how ever to go into tlio rtfft 'thrco times to bow ' their thanks. Afterword's the Herald correspondent pendent called upon both parties and found them like two Siedlitz jiowdcrs ready to llz on meeting , but the Interview resulted in nothing new. Jack linrko ClmllciiKcs Kilrain. 1SSS bu Jiynjpunion Bennett. ) ' , LOXDO.V , Jan. 4.-J ! ( uw ) . York Herald 'Cable Special to the 'BEE. | The Sportsman - man has the following special from Melbourne - bourne : Jack Burke wishes to meet Kil- raino. He has authorized mo to issue the fol lowing challenge to the American : Ho will meet Kilraino under London prize ring rules , or with gloves , for i'500 a side , the match to take place in England six months from sign ing articles , the editor of the Sportsman to act us stakeholder , whilst Burke will require 100 expenses for traveling from Australia. BUFFALO iiifiivs TJ.VTKST. lie Adds a Tornado and Pralrlo Fire to Ills Show. s Gnnlnn licnnrtt , ' ] MAKCIIESTCU , Jan. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Bni : . ] Colonel Cody made n now departure to-day In his Wild West show by adding to it a realistic scene of a prairie on fire , threatening horses and in habitants , and a tornado. Ho effects these latter by means of a powerful wind , pro pelled violent enough within a certain radius to knock down horses and blow over a coach. Some twelve thousand spectators hailed tlioso novelties and all tlio old favorites , with un stinted applause. After the performance Colonel Cody gave an entertainment to in vited guests or , as ho phrased it , "took broad and salt with tils white Manchester allies. " The mayor of Salford presided at the council flros nnd Sachem Tom IJurnside , a nephew of Simon Cameron , took charge of the firewater and pipes. In response to tils health , Duffalo Hill related frontier anecdotes and sK > ko feelingly of General Cnster. The United States Consul , Nate Salisbury und Ited-Shlrt mudo short talks , ttfo latter assuring tlio mayor that tils braves would refrain to-night from painting the town red. Twonty-Fivo Sailors Drowned. LONDON , Jan 4. An 18,000 ton bark be lieved to bo un American vessel , has boon wrecked ut the entrance of Wutorford ( Ire land ) harbor. Her crew , consisting of .twenty-five persons , wcra all drowned. The vessel is supposed to bo the ship Eureka , Captain Southard , which sailed from Sun Francisco August 10 for Queonstown , with a cargo of wheat. Mexican NotoH. CITV OF MI.XICO , Jan. 4. A fight occurred between citizens and lobbers near San Angelo - gelo , which resulted in ftj'o killing of three 'men nud ttio capture erf ,0110 robber. The robbers have taken refUgdMn tlio neighboring lava beds , and uro surrp'ijodcd by national and native troops. ' , , An earthquake of throe seconds' duration wus felt last uijht ( at S ij'Qiock ' in Mixcalm , 'Guerrorro , uud ono or two seconds this morning ut 8 iu Tenant-ings , in the same state. > ? Mexico's MlnlnfJllntcrests. CITV or MEXICO , DcoJ4.-f-Tho government is giving special encouragement to all mining enterprises which may ai'f hi augmenting the gold production of ib ? country. Liberal concess - . , | , nvo iCCIl niaflo for mining ex- Inorations and working f gold deposits , etc. , 'in ttio territory of Lqvvfjr California and state of Chihuahua. > ' . , Cur not Conciliatory. CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 4. According to di plomatic advices hero President' Cnrnot lias instructed Herbetto , French cmbussador nt Herlin , to assure Emperor William that while ho remains at the head of tlio republic no French government will bo allowed to adopt a warlike policy. Perforated in Paris. PAIUS , Jan. 4. An engineer named Mil- mand to-day shot and dangerously wounded M. Huynuud , director of u telegraph school in the Boulevard St. Germain. Collision iu Lovnox , Jan. 4. Two express trams on the Dutch State rallroid collided near Meppcl to-day. Twenty-six persons wore killed und many others injured. THE 1MUNCK. Tlifc Truth About III * Highness * Coil- vorfmtlon With Sulllvnn. Lo.MHxv Jan. 4. [ Now York Hcriild Culilu Special to the HF.F. . ] The Sporting I.lfo this morning 'contains H dental author ized by the Prlnco of Wales , of the statement cabled the ,81111 , Wflrhl nnd Star about his conversations with Sullivan nnd Smith and Ills hobnobbing with them. In the course of tlio article it says Captain Drummond nnd Mr. Fleming , Smith's manager , authorize- stntetncnt that the conversation represented to have taken place between the prince nnd thO'Amcricnn pugilist Is , If not n tissue of rnlsch6od4 , ' nt nil events full of gross , Impudent .und unwarrantable cxnggcrntlons. They deny Sullivan indulged In that vivacious , free nnd easy style of speech when talking to .the prlnco With which ho was credited by | ho journalists wtio professed to describe tliquiccthiguf tor the formal introduc tion , It wiw n fact that the prlnco had n short chat.'not . only with Sullivan but nlso with Smith , , but It was-'n deliberate untruth to state that Sulllvnu offered to show tlio prince rouutl Boston stinuld ho ever visit that : ity and to say that the prince asked Sullivan to use Smltli gently should they over meet in the ring nnd'tbnt the American replied that If Smith stood before llltn ho would do big best to knock his head off , nud a score more remarks of a similar uaturo. Then follows n statement of what did occur and this exactly tallies with the short report which was cabled to ( he Herald. FonlanH Defeated by Clericals. Dum.ix , Jan. 4. The meeting of the Gaolie Athletic association at Thurles to-day was n stormy ono. The clericals defeated Lho Feulan members on every vote and the latter were so djsgustcd that they proposed Ualfour as secretary of the association. A resolutioirwas unanimously adopted asking Mr. O'Brien to become u patron of the as sociation us a protest against the govern ment's treatment of him. An American Honored. LONDON , Jan. 4. Iu consideration of the ijreat service rendered tier majesty In respect to both colonial nud foreign relations , she lias conferred the knight coinmandership of St. Michael and St. Gcorgo upon John Pen der , president of the Direct United States Cable company. AH Hnnds Lost. LONHON , Jan. 4. A violent hurricane is raging in the Irish channel. Great damage has ; been done to property nnd shipping. A portion of tlio Fastnct rock lias tumbled into the sea. The light-keepers are terrified , fear ing the sea will undermine the rock. It is impossible for boats to approach the rock. A largo vessel lias been wrecked off Duncauuou nud ull hands uro believed to bo lost. Sc.vton Dunnoroiisly III. , Jan. 4. Thomas Sexton , member of parliament , nnd lord mayor elect of Dub lin , who lias been suffering from an attack of typhoid fovcrv has had a relapse and is in a dangerous condition. Collision On the Canadian Pacific. WiNNii'Eb , Jan. 4. A collision occurred last night on the Canadian Pacific between two freight trains. The railroad officials are letieent. but it is said the engineer und fire men of both trains wcro killed and others injured. Condemned to Dentil. ST. Pr.Ttnsnuuo , Jan. 4. A secret tribunal has condemned to dcatli the nihilist Tsclior- nolf and seven other prisoners charged with an attempt on the czar's life during the jour ney to Don Cossack. A Changed Press. ST. PETcnsnuito , Jan. 4. Tlio newspapers of this city publish u Russian translation of the forged documents sent to the czar. The tone of ttio in-css toward Germany has com pletely changed. Floods In Spain. MAnnin , Jan. 4. Disastrous Hoods are re ported in Seville. Six lives have been lost und many persons injured. Now French minister of Marine. PAUIS , Jan. 4. Admiral Gcrvais has been appointed minister of marine. ENDORSED THE ACTION. The Efforts of the Freight Bureau Delegation Ilatlflcd. A public meeting of the board of directors of the Omaha board of trade was held last evening nt the chamber of commerce to hear tlio report of the delegation of the Omaha freight bureau which appeared before the inter-state commission at Washington. Com mlssloncr Griflltts read first the complaint of the Omaha freight bureau , which charged the Chicago , Burlington & Quiticy , Chicago & Northwestern , Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul , and the Chicago , Hock Island & Pacific with making the city of Chicago their initial point for west-bound traffic nnd since July 11 last , making unjust discrimination against Omaha on the first five classes of west-bound merchandise from Chicago to Lincoln , Fre mont , Wuhoo , Beatrice nnd Blue Springs , stations on the Union Pacific railway system In Nebraska. This was followed by tlio reading Of a number of replies from these railroads , which were mainly distinguished for the manner iu which they evaded the charges. Messrs. Gray , Griflltts , Gibbon nnd others cited instances not named in the complaint in which Omaha was discriminated against , one of which was that the rate per hundred from Minneapolis and St. Paul to Omaha v/as IS cents , while from the sanio points to Kan sas City , which is 200 miles further south , it was only 15 } cents. Mr. uosewutcrMiid thot the great trouble would bo to convince the commissioners tlmt the laws had been broken. He thought that the best remedy in tlio case was to appeal to the Union Pacific for lower rates. Ho advo cated the unity of the Omaha business men in this present fight and was strongly In favor of patronizing only such roads as did not dis criminate against them , Ho was followed by Mr. Griffitts , who warmly endorsed the course of action out lined by Mr. Koflowutcr. Mr. Grlftltts also gave some other cases of discrimination , as did Mr. Eason. Mr. Kiison was in favor of taking steps to secure the best of legal talent to help present the claims of Omaha in pre senting this matter before the national com mission. Messrs * . Hitchcock and Griffitts also advo cated such action , Mr , Hosowater was op posed to such expense , as the matter was not ono of law but of fact. Mr. Gray and Colonel Chase botti agreed with Mr. Uosewnter. A flora few other" speeches the following resolution was passed : Kcsolved , That this meeting fully endorses the report of its delegates , and pledges itself to do all in its power to further the interests of our city as indicated therein. The Clmutnuqun Circle. The first meeting of the year of the Long fellows Chautauqua literary nnd scientific circle was held at the residence of I' y. cien- dcnnlng , pastor of t > 3 South Tenth street M.CtCult ! : Episcopal church lust evening. The circle has been in existence about two years and is beginning to exert considerable Influence. Among the studies for the en suing year nro United Stntcs history , Amer- icau literature , physiology and hygiene. Manager King. John B. King , ono of tlio best known nnd most capable young newspaper men in the city , has temporarily abandoned the profes sion to accept nn excellent offer rondo him by Mr. George B. Lcucrer , the confidential manager of M. H. Lcavitt's attractions. There uro eight of the latter on the road now , every ono of which is drawing greatly , whllo tlio proprietor personally superintends the conduct of the Bush Street theatre in San Francisco , of which ho is proprietor. Mr. King leaves lieio on Sunday next for the Pacific coast , where ho will assume the management of Washington Irving Blshon , the celebrated inlnd reader , and travel witu him from British Columbia to the City ot Mexico. Thcrq he-will nndertnko tho" manage ment of Kcllar , the fatuous eoiriodlaii , nml piny him until miminur , bv which time hu will have reached Now York City. Mr , King \ \ 111 then return to Omaha to accept n position which will then bo vacant. Mr. King's selection ns n manneor , without tlio customary apprenticeship of advance ngcnt , is a compliment io tils abilities und at the samotimon recognition of the adaptability of the members of tits , profession , which , It Is generally admitted , tins given to the theatri cal word some of the brightest and most sue- ccssfull managers on the road. It I * there fore not un unusual one , but it is ono of the best that could bo made. AMUSEMENTS. TIIK l-AHADOX. Bartholomew's , Kqulno Paradox continues to delight largo audiences ftt Hoyd's. oiuxnorriu not'SE. The third and last representation of "Only a Farmer's Daughter" took place ut tlio Grand opera house last night. THR KDKX MttSKR. There Is no more pleasant plnco to spend ihe winter evenings than the Eden Museo. The crowd present last night Is ample proof that the efforts of the management are ap preciated , und us long as they present n bill similar to that of tills week , so long will they command public patronage. In the museum the wood carving nnd writing Of Walter Stewart , the armless and legless man , Is in itself n wonder and the knife and tomahawk throwing of Knfilo Hay is n constant source of astonishment. 'Jho talking machine , Punch and Judy , the glnss blower nnd flower makers help to pass away the first half hour nnd prepare ttie audience for the excellent show given in the thcntorlum. There for three-quarters of an hour Hobby Nowcomb in his character impersonations , nnd the Nowcomo family in the oho net comedy of the "Love of n Newsboy , " kept the audience constantly nmuscd , the Juggling of Prince Toklo , the dancing of Miss Blanche Boyur nnd the ballads of Miss Gertie Thornton and the Putnam twins calling for repeated en cores. The show is n good one this week nud deserves to be patronized. LOCAL- SPOUTING CHIPS. The King , the Quu and the Dia mond. Jlmmv Lindsoy nnd young Jnck Klllctt signed articles lust evening for u fight to a finish , two-ounce gloves , Quecnsbury rules' to como otl within three weeks , for tlio mid dleweight championship medal of the state , which has been won ouco each by Lindsoy uud Killctt , the latter being compelled to for feit it on uccount of ill-health ou the uvening of the last contest. Tommy Miller and Iko Weir will do battle with each other , twenty rounds , hard gloves , for 73 and 3u per cent of the gate receipts , at Minneapolis , January Jit. Miller Is in active training under the guidance of Prof , llanley. The Omaha and Lefevor gun clubs held n shoot under the auspices of Penrose & Hardin on ttio Omaha Gun club gronndsj.vcs- torday afternoon. The most interesting event of the afternoon was a team shoot , which resulted us follows : Hughes 0 0101110111011 1-15 Kutohmu 1 1101111111111 O-llI Krng 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 01) ) Icken 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-11 TownMJiul 1 - Field 1 00 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 I ) 1 0 0II Small y 1101110111111 1-U ! Total 77 Oross 0 1101110111001 1-10 llurdln 1 1 0 0 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1-1.1 Petty 1 I 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 1 1-1.1 Miller 1 ( I 0 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 l-ll (1Ili 1 1100111111100 1-11 Nmon 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 II 1 t 1 ( I 1 1-1(1 ( Nolsou 0 01100110110111-0 Totnl 77 In the shoot oft Hughes' side won by n score of 1'J to 111 , thrco birds to tlio man. McIIcnry Johnson , tlio "Black Star , " formerly of this city , now of Denver , is matched for a fight to a finish with Gcorgo Godfrey , of Boston , who claims to bo the champion colored pugilist of the country. It is for 1,000 , , and is to como off some time next month. Tlio Detrolts play two exhibition games hero with the local team April US and 20. Frank Handle did not get nn appointment upon the Western association umpire staff after ull. Ono Fessonden drew the pri/o. The players of the coming season's Omaha ball team will reirort here on or before April Hnrdln VH Kennedy. John J. Hurdin and H. B. Kennedy shot n live pigeon match ut the ball park yesterday afternoon for $ . " > 0 n side , Hardin to shoot f nt twenty-five birds nnd Kennedy at twenty-six , thirty-one yards rise , modified English rules. The day was cold and windy , and the ground being covered witli suow , made difficult shooting. Hnrdin having shot at twenty-one birds and killed eighteen , und Kennedy at twenty and killed eleven , tlio latter realized that ho was clearly out matched , and that the day wus lost ; uccoid- ingly tlio match was not shot out. Kennedy used his second barrel sixteen times and Hardin six times. Mr. W. C. Woods was referee. Frank Parineleo stakeholder aud S. G. V. Griswold scoier , Bobby Nowcomb , the best dnncor on the Vuudovillc stage , nt Kdon Musoe. Pei-Honal I'ltragrniilis1. H. W. Lowry , of Lincoln , is in Omaha. T. J. Gardner , of Lincoln , is in the city. C. L. Mielenz , of Wuhoo , is ut the Millard. H. M. Campbell , of Grand Island , is in the city. city.F. F. Hen-man , of Plattsmoutb , is nt the Mil lard. lard.W. W. A. Hankins , of Sioux City , Is at the Mil lard. John 13 , Hawley , of Fremont , is nt the Mil lard. John R. Clark , of Lincoln , is visiting in town. H. J. Lee , of Fremont , is spending a day In the city. Attorney G. M. Lambertson , of Lincoln , is in the city. F. D. Hollingsworth , of Hastings , is visit ing iu Omaha. Thomas II. Acorn , of North IJcncl , is In Omaha on business. C. A. Parker and G. W. Faddin , of Topehn , are ut ttie Millard. N G. Franklin and C. W. Cook , of Lin coln , are at the Millnrd. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith and daughter , of Denver , ore at the Millurd. F. A. Crum and wife , of Sioux City , are visiting friends in the city. Dr. Galbrulth left last evening for David City on professsionul business. O. II. Suingly nnd O. M. Stonebrakcr , of Beatrice , are taking in tno metropolis. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stanton , of Valparaiso , and Miss Cora Clark , of LJlnir , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G , W. Logan. Railroad Not PH. TWO THOimXP MEX D1SCIInOliD. . A HEH reporter yesterday saw S. II. II. Clark , general manager of the Missouri Pacific , and nskod him what effect the re duction of working forces ut other points along the line would have upon the Missouri Pacific men engaged here. "It will result in the cutting down of tlio force by n'jS7c ' 10 ] per cent. Hut this wi" . nru affect the regular willing men. Sometime ngo it was found that the rolling-stock of the roiid had fallen into bad condition and needed repair ing ; the roml , by moans of branches , had to bo extended into various sections , and , besides , had to be improved in various ways. All this work required extra men. Thatwoik has now been completed. There Is consequently quently no moro need of the extra force which accomplished it , nnd It is that fnrco which It is proposed to dispense with. Wo have about 20,000 men at work on tlio sys tem. The reduction will there require a dis missal of about U.OOO men. AIUUsTIMI KVNSAS IHTK . Freight agents rcmescnting lines from Chicago nnd St. Louis to Kansas points met at the Millard yesterday for the purpose of cine , I'urKer oi ino cjamu r u , uu ( UUIH.-II m the Chlrngo , Kansas & Nebraska , Smith of tlio Hurlington , Lincoln of thu St. Joe , t Grand Island , and Crook of tlio Southern ICansaa. IlKTIIIRS. Dr. H. M. Carpenter , who for c'lghtivn months 1ms been uctiiii ; as assistant to Dr. Gnlbralth , Union Pacific surpeou , Jlias re signed and retired to private practice , thoiuili he.has not yet determined whether or not no will remain In Omaha. Vlco 1'ic.sldent Potter of thoUulon Pacific , returned joHtunluy from 'a trip to Chicago nud Burlington , COLONEL SMITH'S PLUCK. How He Persuaded Jay Gould to Tnko 801110 Tribune Stock. Townse-ml In Uoston Glebe : In Kuw York during Chrintmnrt week , J spent almost n whole dny with Nleholns Smith who mnrrlud the oldest iltuijrhtliors of lloraco Cti-ooloy. Colonel Smith hns boon Mjvoroly treated , or 1 urny pay nit- Hod , for aomo time piist on account of iipparaut llnnnclnl dilemmas. JUit U 'is u cpock's of uuvMiiuik'u which notfloct.s or iittueks h , goiitlonnui fortiispocunlury straits. Much tlmt ImppoiiH in this world becomes - ' comes confused in our minds by confus ing the Unit's , which often explain oc currences in their Hfquonco and cutn- uory. Snid I to Mr. Smith : "How Ion j ; nftor Mr. Grcoloy tiled did you niiirry thu daughter of Mr. Groo- " ' loyi" 'Mr. Cirooloy hud boon douil almost three years , " tuiil lie. "It was about three yours after Hint when I Bold the Tribune slock Mr. Greeley owned. " ' "How much did you got for that stook'i1" "It may be Interesting to you , " wild ho , "to know the circumstances under which 1 ( li iHsed of Mr. Grooloy's Inter est in the Tribune. When I married his eldest iluughtor she had been re ceiving nothing whatever from that i stock for about three years. Finally n iiotiliciUion was received that they w'oro about to double the Tribune stoolj and make it liOO instead of 100 shades. Tlio penalty upon thoau who owned the un fortunate btouk was to pry $ . > ,000 v in order to como In on the now distribution. I then called upon .Iny Gould at his house , and told him that the family of Mr. Greeloy would' not pay this assessment ; that they had to bo kept out of their duos long enough ; that I would go anil heo nobody else who represented this stock. In- , iine , I told him that I had como to see the matter and not the man. Ho said tlmt ho had nothing to do with buying Mr. Greely'rf stock. Said I : 'Yes'you have got everything to do with it. You have paid $10,000 a share for tlio con trolling interest in this stock , but have been very careful not lu buy the stock of Mr. Ureely's family uud his children. The stuck of all other kinds of people has boon uUondoil to , but not the dtoclc of the man who created this newspaper. I tell you that you shall not play any fiu'lhoi * tricks upon this family ; wo olTor you our slock , and expect you to buy it. ' " 1 wont to Mr. Gould's house the next morning. Soon after I arrived there two mfll.inly-looking men made their appearance. I understood the meaning ; of their bohi brought in ; it was notu'o to me that Mr. Gould would have mo whipped if 1 preyed conclusions upon him. They made no impression , how ever upon me. He then said ho did not see how ho could buy this stock ; that ho hud all the stock he wanted in the paper , enough to control it , and that ho was not obliged to buy Greoly's block. 1 said to him : 'Air. Gould , you will have to buy that stock of Air. Greely's family. \\ra are not coming into this new ar- riingiiiiMit. You huvo no alternative but to buy this stock. "He then siid that he owned some bonds in the Northern Central railroad of Pennsylvania , which wore worth CO cents on $1. He said that he would take the oiglit shares belonging to Air. Greo- loy , provided tlio Greeley family would take ttio Northern Central bonds for 60 cents on $1. This would make th6 oiglit bhures ut5,000 como to . ' 0,000. I said. 'Air. Gould , wo will take your bonds. ' And that is all the Greoloy family re ceived for Air. Greeloy's eight shares out of 100 in the New York Tribune. " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby ivds sick , wo Rave her Castoria. When slio Y as n Child , she crleU for Cutorfa , Wlien nbo bocnmo Miss , she clung to Castoria , \T2ieushobad Children , she gavutlicm Caatorla. JI 1V'Hill to IXIUUIKI OF OMAHA. Northwest Corner rnrimm nnd ISIli SU. PAID UP CAPITAL , $100,000 SUKPJiUS 1'L'MI , 80,000 PUANK MtMII'FIV. President. HAMlini , 15. ItOdIIllS , Vlce-rroslden UHNll. WOOD , Cnshlor. liUTIIRIt DHAKH , AHslstnnt C.islilcr Arcounts HolUlti'd mid piompl atU-ntlonglvun to buslnt'ss entrusted to ItH c.ire. .0 U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. CAPITAL , . . . . $500,000 SUKi'LUS , . . . . 100,000 IIHUMAN KOl'NT/.K , I'rosldeut. JOHN A. CHIIIOliTUN , Vice-l'resldcnt. K. II. DAVIH , Cnshlcr. W. H. MKGUIIIR , AKSlsfnnt Cashlor. Dll. U. NL'NN , M. IX , H. Ch. . Trinity Cullouo , Dublin. Oculist , Aurist , Throat Diseases , LutusurKiiiii nt Wolern Oiilitlialnila niul Axlutunt ut lto > nl ( ) | ililli ilinlo llo i > mu , Ixiniloii , OtHco - 1 loom IH , It irkrr lilnck , IU n. m. to 1 1 > . m. i , .Suhni k.t. . . Pujsician and Surgeon , GffiroSHS. l.'ihbt. , cor. r.irniiiu. Uuhlilonce , U S. 17th hi. Olllce tek'phoiu' , Wti ; iculdunco tt'lcjilion'1 , t'J7. o. .s. noriw.iK , M. n. , Physician and Surgeon , Office , N. W. Cor Ilth and Douplns. OHIoo telephone - phone * , 40.1 , ' Hi'i'iilenta tuk'jihoni' , 1" . j.i.s1 , / / . I'Kjrionr t i , Physician and Surgeons , Hoslroncii Xn. 1(07 ( .loius R. oilltc , Wlthnell Jllk Tuli'jinoiic , i iliLilin' , UJ.'olllci-.iJU. ! ' - ' ' Physician and Surgeon , Ci.rUMtli und I.nkoStx. Attorneys. A K. CIll'ISClllLlj , Attorney at Law , .ms , trthBt.Oiniilm. Music. CLINTON A. CASK , Teacher of the Spanish Mandoline WltUMvx/