Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1888, Image 1

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rir > J- T -I / jHjpp j-
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Nnmea of the Men Who Will Head
the Moat Important.
representative llolinan TatUn on the
fjovcrnnii-nt Inclcliteclncss oT the
1'aclllc Hoacls Slicriuiin's Com-
IIIK Turin * Speech.
A Dc'Kcrtod Capitol.
V/.viiixoTo.N'Ht'HPAt. ' TUP OMVIII Urn , )
fild KofiiTPi.NTii STIU.KT , >
WISIII.NOTOV. 1) . C. . Jan. 0. )
There wcro lint many indications at the
capltol lo-day of the near nppioach of the ic-
assembling of congress. Not a senator was
seen In the chamber of the upper hi. inch and
scarcclj' u member ciossed the hall of the
house of icpiesenlativcH. Tlio speaker was
In his private , i oem nearly all day , won j Ing
over his committee , which ho told mu ho
would announce in all probability to-mor
row. Archie Hllss , nn ornamental member
from Now Yoric , wlio paints his vvhlskcis ,
drives fast hoiscs and spends the income
from his large estate , and who has . ervcd
fcovciul tciniH , called Mr. Caillslo cut of his
loom nnd had ( pilto an animalcd talk wilh
him over the position vvhUh he is to have on
committees The New Yoik mcmbur Is
nellher a woiker nor a l.ilkor and seems lo
have entered veiy little into thu
consideration of Iho speaker in
tliu makeup of the committees ,
but , notwithstanding , ho has uigcd the
speaker inoio foicibly than beautifully to
place him ut the head of the impoilant com
mittee on Pacific tnllioads , and ho was not
able to understand whj * Mr. Outhwaltc , of
Ohio , who figured so conspicuously on the
committee In Iho last congiess , and who is
the ailthoi of the bill which received the en-
doisemeiit of the inajoritj- the commission
mid thu adininistialion , could not bo over
looked for him. The speaker did not want to
tell Mr. Hllss that he was not eonsideied for
tliu place , but he tried to makolt plain to him
thai the chairmanship of foreign affairs for
Helmont and census for Co * and impoilant
committee places to other New York mem-
beis was all Unit ho could do for the st.itu.
Mr. Hllss was not al all < alisllcd with the
explanation. Thu ehaiiinanship of P.u ilic
railioads will bo a powciful lovci.ige In New
York ciicles during this xesslon of congiess
anil will especially wield an Influence in U'all
HOL'Si : ( OMMITTI 1 1.
When the speaker announces the
lees of Ibo honsu tomoiiow , it will
bu found that the chaiimcn of
the committee's will bo about
as follows , Wa\s and means , Millsof Texas ;
uppiopil ittons , IfunduU of Punnsjlvnnl i : ju
dicial j' , OateH of Alabama ; elections , Cnsi |
of Geoigia ; banking and cuiicncjWllkliis ol
Ohio ; coinage , weights and measures , Hl.ind
of Missomi ; uveis and h.ubois Jlaneh.iid of
Louisiana ; agruultuic , Hatch of Mlssouil ;
foicign alTairs , Hulmont of New Yoik , mili-
tiny affairs , lovvnsliend of Illinois ; naliomil
nllaiis , Heibeit of Alalianiii ; postolllees and
post roads , Hlountof Geoigia ; public lands ,
llolinan of Indiana ; Indian afiiiis , Peel ol
Aikans.iH ; tciiitoiial , Spunger ol
Illinois ; lailvvujs and canals , David
non of Plot ida ; public building
and giounds , Uibblo of South Caiolina ; Pa
cific i.tilroads , Outhwailo of Ohio ; education ,
Candlcr of Geoigia ; labor , O'Neill of Mis-
honii ; Invalid pensions , Malison of Indiana ;
Dislnct of Columbia , Hcmphill of South
Caiolina ; accounts , Dockcrj' of Missouii :
commuicc , Claidy of Missouri. Theio is ii
icport that Mr. Campbell , of Ohio , will be
made chaiimtin of teintoiics , mid that Mr.
Spunger will bu let. line. d at thu head ol
claims , but it is not gcnei ally given weight.
Representative Holni'in was talking to daj
about the rcpoi I of Ihu Paelllc com
missioncis. ' The question , " he suid , "is no ) the ( onimlssioneis say about
the matter. Tills might bo well enough if il
were not for the fact public know
nnd thu mcmbuis of Uic house know bojom :
question that the assets of these lailioad'
grcatlj' exceed their li.ibililics , and thej' me
limply able to discharge their indebtedness ti
the govcinment. They could paj' off the en-
tiiocleblof JlHKHltKH ( ) ( ) that they ewe the up their stock
which amounts lo about IM > | . ( HH ) , ( > K ) , without
the least injury to their eoipoiations
Potmcrly thcio wcro six distinct ions
Now thej' are consolidated into four. Tliu
whole icglon of country is dependent upoi :
these main ti unk lines. Tlio s.vslem is an
immense affair. Thu.v will never let go of II
to Ihu government. They can Issue now
bonds for the p.ijincntof their ? ltHKKXK ( ) , ( ( in
dcbtedness as easily as thu Haltimoro A
Ohio hero could issue y.\KK ( ) , ( 00 Theli
bonds would go light up to par. The tiling
is lee obnoxious to inguo about. Thej tin
nblo to pay the government and as n meio
business piopnsitlon tlioy ate bound to do so
The uiitumd men want the bill passed ux-
tending the time for pajment soventj
That would bo eqimv ilcnt to p.iv Ing nothing
as the actual ics flames will show. "
Ho was asked what ho would do.
" at all " ho icplicd "
"Nothing , "They are
bound to pay it when the time comes. Anj--
ono who studies the question with bufllcient
cato ought to bo able to see thai. "
I foi ceasted the proceedings likely in Uic
Fcnute this week in my dispatches lasl night
Thu foithcoming speech of Senator Shcinmi
on the t.u 1 11 and llnai.cial policies as well n ;
political of the adminisUalion is expected to
moiiow and is anticipated wlthuiealintciesl
by | Klitlcians and statesmen in both p.utics
It is understood that the speech will be veij
Mgoious. Mi. Vooihccs.of Indiana , Intends
to speak in leply The sieech | of Mr. Shoi
man will bo hi enough in all piobalnlltj
to open up the political campait'iib of nevi
i oar.
MHS Pitof , Omaha , and U. Hatch am
Ml s Hatch , of Poit Kobinson , aio ut tin
Thucomptrollcrof thocuricncy to-day np
juoved the Pimt National bank of Chie.igt
us icsci ve agcnl for Iho Piibt National b.ail
of Chadion , Neb.
This evening's Ciiticsavs- Miss Nellii
Kosowator , of Omalia , who has been tin
guestof Mrs Colonel Stowint , dining tin
holidajs , lofl Ibis moining for New Yoik l <
icbiime her musical sludics.
1'PUllV S. HUVTll.
Army OiderH.
WASIIINT.TON' , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegian
to Iho Hi n ] Lieutenant Colonel Edwau
Collins , Seventh infaiitiy , bj' the direction o
the picsldunl and al his own icquost , has bcci
ret It eel fiom actlvo set vice , the lulircinci.
taking effect January 1 , iSss.
Special Order No. TO , April 2 , lbi)7 , diicct
ing Second Liculcnant Lcioy E. Scbiec , sly
mil corps , to icpoit to the commanding oMic
of the nep.utinent of Texas for duty In con
iicction with the telephone and signal sjstcm
on the l llio i ango of Unit department at S.u
Antonio , Is i evoked , and Second Llcutenan
Julius H. Webber , slumil coips , Is ordcicd ti
n suino that duty in connection wilh his olhe
. .ultcs.
The Icavo of absence granted Second Lion
tenant William H. Wassell , Ninth inrantry
December 1 , is amended to include Jan
uary 31. _
lovxn and Nebraska Patent * .
Jan. 3 [ .Special Telcgi-nr
lo the [ Urb ] The following patents wci
granted Nebraska and Iowa Inventors , to day
Jol-u E. , Sioux Citjla. . , road grader
James C. Ellis , assignor of cue-half to L. M
Doctor , Reel Oak , la. , cigar tuck culler
pcorsro A. Evcnsoti and P. Yocum. Pincli
loid , lu , slock vvatcicr ; AlficdJ. Gilllsple
Atlantic , la. , card fastener and la'Mjl ' holde
. ( or mull bags ; Henry I. ! ! / ! luul \ \ .
.Ickfoosc. Wnvnc , In , nut lock ; Jens H. Jon-
em , Mlnden. Neb , dic'ck row planter ; Her
bert M. Lauiic , Keokuk , In , hoop log.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions.
W\sniNiTov , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram
0 the Hup.l An original pension was to-daj *
grunted to Phillip Klllot of Port Omaha.
Pensions granted low ans : Nancy , mother
of Jacob A. Peaicc , Homer. Mexican war
Innurd Crlnnlgan , ' ! Hayard. Oilglnal
lames H. Kdwnrds , Kcddlng ; Hcnjnmin I.
Waj' , Dcller ; William H. Huinham , Kings-
cj'i Wilson Mtithlas , Morno : Gilbert Laton ,
nieddln ; Lev ! W. Mills. Newtnn ; Koss S.
J'hompson , Mondamlii ; William P. Wlmmer ,
Joining ; Jacob Tragar. ( old win ) Now
bhaion ; Valentine Htllz. Corjden. Keisdiled
John A. Harrington , Hloomflold.
Public Deht Statumrnt.
WASMINOTOV , Jut. . I ) The following Is a
recapitulation Of the debt slalcuient Issued
: o day. Intuicst beating debt piInelpal * ! , -
( Ml,7illr42 , Interest ? rJ,001S01 , total 91,0j- |
ilil,5IJ ; debt on which Ititciosthas accrued
nlncu imituiltj' , $3'UJM7 ; ; debt bearing no
Inteicst vilV-Til.blfi. Total debt piineipal
$ lr'llsoriU ( ; Intcicst , * PJIS,10J ( ) ; total < ! , -
0'JlW,70"i ! ) ; less loservo fund and cash items
available for thu i eduction of the debt f.i'1'i-
.IKM-M ; tot il debt less available cash Items ,
tl.'J'.r , tll.'Jsl ; nut rush In ticusuiv ftti'
hill ; debt , less cash in tieusuiy Jiinuiiiy 1 ,
IhNj , llJ"iVi ! 1,102 ; debt , less cash In treasury
Dei ember , l T , ? IiJtllSriJ ) ) ( ; decrease of
debt dm ing Iho month ll,5bi rr > ( l ; elect case
of debt , since June ! i , ls 7 , r.'i ls.l , ( ) . r >
Cash in ticasuiy avail iblo for icdlictlon of
the public debt S."npj,4JI ! ) ; resoivo fund
$1UOIKKKK ) ( ) , unavailable for i eduction of debt
> 2I , h , W. ccitirtcati'S held as e-ash 7.7l. ! . -
UH. net cash balance on hand Miis4Jtjill. (
Total cash in tu-asury us shown by Ihu tieas-
UIOI'B general account ? .Vjr , ( > ' n)5t .
The Itrcl Ulvcr Controvi-isy.
WvsuiNtirov , Jan. 3. The picsldcnt has
issued the following ptoelam.ition :
Whcieis , The title to all Unit territory
Ijing be'Uveen Iho noith iind south folks of
Iho Kcd liver and the 10lh ( ) dcgico of longi-
ludo and the Jurisdiction over the same n
vested in the Unilcd States , it being pait of
the Indian tenitoij' , us shown by suivejs
and investigation made on behalf of the
United States , which leuitory Iho Slate of
Texas ulso claims tillo lo and Juiisdiclion
over ; and ,
Wheicas , Said conflicting claims grow out
of a contioveisy existing between the United
States and the state of Texas us to the point
whcic the 100th degieoof longitude crosses
Iho Keil iivei us desuibed in Iho liealy of
Februiii v UJ , Ibl'J , between the Uniteel States
and Spain , fixing the line between
thu Iwo e'ounliies ; and ,
Whereas , Thu commissioner appointed on
the pait of the United States under act of
Januaij'31 , lbsi ! , authoii/lng the appointment
of u commission by the picsidcnt to mail :
bonnd.ny llne- > between a portion of the In
dian tciiitoij' and the statu of Tex is , in con-
ncclion with a similar commission to bo ap
pointed bj' the state of Texas , have , by their
icpoit , dutcimined that the south folk is Ihe
tiuu lied liver designated in the ticalj , the
cominissioncis appointed on the part ol bald
slate retusmg to concui In said icpoit.
Now , thoieloic , I , ( tiov or Cleveland , pies-
ident of the United States , dohcicbyud
monish and w.u n ail pet sons , whether c lalm-
ing lo act us olilccis of the county of Giccr
in the state of Texas or othei wise , against
selling 01 disposing o Cor allcmpllng lo sell
01 dispose of unv of said lands , or liom cxei
cising 01 attempting to cxciuscunv luithoiily
ovci said hinds , and I also wain , mil admonish
all poisons against puiehasing anj' ] ) iit of
saul leinitoiy fiom uujpel son or parsons
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused the seal of Iho United
States to bo affixed. Done ut the city of
Washington this HOth ilaj'of December , in
Ihe jcai of our Loul lbs , and of Iho inde
pendence of Iho Unilcd Slalcs the ono
bundled and twelfth.
Gi ovi H Cr.r.vnvn. .
By the president , T. K Hayard , soeiolarj.
National Notes.
WASHINGTONJan. . . ) . Senator Aldilch ,
( .hailman of tlie senate committee on lules ,
has piepaied a icsolution which ho will offer
In a few dajs and ask lo have icfcircd to his
committee , pioposlngcoitain amcndmcnls in
the inles govcining cxcctivo sessions. Ho
proposes , in icg.nd lo iiominalioiis , that
icfeicnco lo a commitlco icpoit of the com-
mlllco vvhcio favoinble or advei se , and Ihe
uclion of the senate , shall bo icgaulcd ns
secicts ; and wilh icspcct to olher mailers
Ircalics , etc that the subject of debate , and
the netlon of the senate , shall not be so 10
g.ndcd as a secict unless bj' resolnlion an in
junction of sccicvj be placed upon such sub
ject or such action. Tills , In effect , should
the icsolution ho adopted , will make public
poi lions of Iho scn.ile Jam mil as aio not eov-
cicd by the special injunction of secieey ,
but will icseive to scn.itois the piivi-
le-go of discussing and voting upon
all cxeeutivo mallei s vvilh their picsent
ficcdom fiom public observation and knowl
edge. The existing lules me b.isnil upon the
thcorj' that it Is nccessaij to keep evcij-
thing scciet , because half a do/en times , per
haps , in Iho session , snbjccls como up which
should not bu publicly mentioned. Scnatoi
Aldilch ftvvoicd the opposite thcoiy that
eveijthing should bu public except when
thcio is somoullitmalivo icason for sectecj' .
Thu unfinished business of the seuato is
Iho Hlaii educational bill wnlch comes up to-
moitow. It is expected It will bo in-
foim.dlj'laid aside to give Senator Shciman
nn oppoi limit j'to make a speech upon the
piesKieiit's message and that it will be again
infuimallv laid usldo em Thin bd.ij to ufloul
Senator Vooihcc" uu oppoitunitj' to inaUo a
tauft spec-ill.
Senator Mitchell ; has given r.otico of his
pin pose * totnddic'bs the betiato tomonow
upon his losolutmn piovlding for a commis
sion to select a Mto foea naval statiot1 on Iho
Paeille eoasl. Il ib possible * Ihat the speeches
of Senatois Shcunan and Vouihccs m.iy bo
the beginning of a long tariff debate.
Speaker Catlislo was busllj' engaged this
meaning in finishing his commitlc'o usign-
nicuts Althouch tin eomnutteo list is pine-
lieally completed , and v\ ill , in all piobabilitj' ,
bo announced us soon ns the house assembles
to moiiow , Iheio Is a possibility of n post
ponement of the announcement unlil Iho fol
low nig daj The committees having been
announced , thcie will bo an elToit made to
have a "bill dav" immediately , but us
n motion to this eftect would icqimo unani
mous consent , it is Impiobablo that the clforl
will sliceced. In the event of its fulluio the
house will aeljouin unlll Saluidaj' , and Ihu
ical woik of the session will begin next
Mondaj' .
The meeting of the repioscnlallvcs of the
Unilcd Slates and Hntish govcinmcnlK ap
pointed to consider the fisheries question ,
which was to have been held ut the stulo do-
pal Uncut to monow , bus been postponed un
til the ith inst.
It is icportcd that the Italian government
is endeavoring , through its minister in till"
cuuntrj' , to inuko airangements with Ameri
can manufacturers of steed for fuinishiiifi
aunor plates for Italian war vessels , the in
tention being to secuio u source of steel sup-
plj' outside of Liuopo in the event of war.
Death nf ficnrral AloxaiicU'r.
Wvs-niNciTON' , Jan. 3. General H , H. Alex
ander , of St. Paul , Minn. , died In Ibis cltj
lasl ovcntns , aged eighty-six. Ho was u
graduate of West Point in 1S.1J. In 1S47 he
was bievetcd major for pallant servicesnt
Ccno Gordo , during Iho Mexican war. He
was In Iho rcciuitlng service during the lute
wui and was breveted brigadier general.
Postal CliiiliKCH.
WAMIIXOTO.V , Jan. 8. [ Social Tclogran :
to the HUE. ] Enuiia Utta Keel was to-daj
upK | > intvil j > obtinibtii > ssat Kcol.Pottovvattuuiic
county , Iowa , vice L. H. AUel , resigned.
Accidental Dentil.
NnYOIIK , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegram to
the lice. ] August Sauterback , brolher ol
Iho w ell-known attorney and railroad man ,
xv hllo horscb ick riding in Ccnlral park , j es-
tctdnyufteinoon , was thrown to the ground
and killed. ; , .
Hon. James F. Wilson Already on
the Battleground.
Cnncllclntcsror Olllce In tlio Iowa IJPK-
Swat niliiK in Ore-lit Nuiii-
IJCIM at the- Capital Miuu
Senator AVINon on Hand.
Drs MOINI.S , In , Jan. n. [ Special Tele
gram to Iho Hi P. ] Senator Wilson aiilved
to daj-nnd has opened his scnatoihil cam-
pilgn nt the IClikwood. So far ho Is in ad
vance , not only of any rivals , but piuctlcallj'
of any inembcts , onlj three or four of the IfiO
having icpoi ted. The senator docs not seem
lo bout till w 01 lied nbout the question ol the
succession and thinks that his chances mo
all tight. He tcgiets lo bo uwajfiom con-
gloss ut Ibis lime nnd sajs it is the first time
since ho cntcicd the senalo Unit ho 1ms
missed the opening of the session after the
holida\s Hut it is lather ncccssaiyIbis
liniu foi him to bo in DCS Mollies. While ho
feels an ussm.inco that ho will be 10 elected ,
he ic'.ili/es that it is ncccss.uj to bo on the
gtoiiml readj to explain muv
need e.xpl.inatiem and to sustain his candi
dacy cm the giounds on which his fi lends
have placed It.
Tliu opposition , so far , have not united on
nnj candidate. Theio is now anil then t ilk
of a d uk hoi so to bu ol ought enit at the last
moment , but the lele-a docs not meet with gcn-
eial favor. The opposition eeituinlv will not
take up the foolish cijof "anj thing to be it
Wilson" and attempt to spring some now
name on the * caucus for that put pose. Sen
ator \Vllson has made lee good a iccordund
stands too well with the people of Iho state to
bo set aside on unj- such pietcxt as that.
Colonel Hepburn has not jet put in an np-
pc.n.nice and theiu seems to bo no effective
head to the opposition to Senator Wilson. Ho
is so fur in possession ol the field and w ill
stay hcic until uftci the bittlo is ovei and
fiom the picsent outlook Is vcij- confident
that ho will bo his own successor in Iho
United States senate.
A Swarm of Candidates.
Dr.s MOINI s , la. , Jan. n. [ Special Tcle-
giam to the HiiJ Tlio candidate's for the
various legislative positions arc beginning to
urrive. So far they outnumber the mcinbci s"
In the proportion of three to one. Thcio was
a dismal-looking spectacle in the Kiikwood
- - when Iho for
lobbj-to dajwhen vauotis aspiuints
office sat gloomily ai ound wailing for some
unfoitunato member upon whom they could
pounce uud piescnt their claims Hut the
wise member , if he weio in town , leiiiiilncil
in hiding and left the eamliilate'3 to entertain
themselves as best thejcould. . The contest
for state punter scmins to bo veij-ovcnlj
divided , no candidate us v el having veiy much
of assinancc us to the icsult. Mi. Hngsdulc ,
ol LoMais , has been heio for a dav or two.
Mi JUnkin , of Paitlicld , and Mr. Kajmond ,
of II imptoii , ui i tv cello Kachlseuiiously
watching Ihe other to find out his uval's
sticngth and know whcie to woik most ef-
fcctively. In Iho speakei ship contest theio
are no new developments. Mr. Koach , of
' lived lo - and feels eniito
Lj on countj' , in dajand
confident that ho will bo suppoitcd stiongly
bjnotthwestcin Iowa. Mr. Head , of Jef-
feison , is alicadjhcic , and has opened head-
ejn.utcis ut one of the hotels. Ho is ic.-.son-
alily coniidcnt of n liberal showing
of sticngth on Iho llrst ballot nnd is
hoping to be a winner later on. Thcio is n
feeling among some that Captain Kcdman , of
Powshiek county , will develop as much
strength as any , it not the most. It Is claimed
bj- his fi lends that ho lias the suppoit of the
stiong element that favois Senator Wilson's
ie elect ion and is hoping lo make an alliance
of that soil that will cuiry him into powvr.
Mr. Wilson , of Cass , who has a lingo field to
himself , is being picttj- generally suppoitcd
by southwestern low a , especially m what is
know n us the disaffected distiiet , including
llio more violent mill monopolists The other working cjuictlj and , so far ,
have largelj- concealed tnoir strength.
A Flooded Coal Mine.
Dns MoiN'i s , la , Jan.Special ! ) [ Telegram
to Iho HLP ] The leading coal mine at Altoona -
toona , on the castcin edge of Ibis countj' , is
Hooded w ith four feet of water lo Ihe extent
of about eleven ucics. Pi idaj evening at 5
o'clock the miners in Iho west end came to u
fault in the coal vein. Thu supcimteiidcnt
believed that onlj' a foot fuithcr in good coal
would again bo found. The inineis diovo Iho
cntij- twelve feet thiough sinel uud soft
stinta , In which was found driftwood. Sud-
denlj water began to pour thiough an open
ing and has been lllling in ever since at the
rate of 10,000 gallons per hour. Thu miners
hastily ie.tte.ited and all escaped. The supei-
intcndcni thinks the old shaft will bo ubin-
doned and woik begun on a now one. The
accident throws UK ) out of employment. The
Alloema Mining company puicliascd Iho mine
last September.
Jnelge IjC-llingwcH'K SuccesHor.
DisMoixrs , In , Jan. 3 [ Special Tele
gram tothoHl.i : . ] Abir convention of the
four counties composing the Seventh Judicial
distiiet today icejunmeiid Mr. Andiew
Howatt , of Clinton , for the vacant Judgslnp
caused bj- the death of Judge Lefllngw ell.
The petition will bo sent to the governor.
Mi. llowatt is well icspuelcd and is u demo-
ci at. _
Kehniidt'H Execution Fixrel.
Drs MOINKS , I.i , Jan. II Tlio governor to
day Insliuelcd the uttoinej to pio- him u new death wan. ml in Iho case of
Henij Schmidt , the Pajctto county mur-
dcicr , llxing the dulo of execution at Janu-
uij IJ.
What Sonic Notc-cl Past AVuIkers anil
Athletes Aic * DoiiiK'
KvvsvsCiTr , Mo , Jan , 11 [ Special Tole- to Iho HIP ] Hoagland , the winner
of Iwo medals for rapid walking and iem.nk-
ublo cnduianco in Kansas Cilj' , Is icsling
to day and picparing for the walk which will
probably occur nt Topcku next we/Me Kalph
Johnson will return today fiom Topuku ,
w hei oho has about completed in i angcments
for u Unco da\s' walk al that citj1. The race
w ill consist of u Iho boms' wulk each night
of the race , and Hoagland , Eddy , Messier
and Hint aio expected to com
pete. After the nice nt Topcku
Uio pedestrians will go to Wichita
and other wcstcin low us A raeo is also
arranged lo lake place al Denver , mid Hoag
land will , no eloubt , enter. EtToits aio being
made to ai range ) n between Litllowood ,
of England , Scolt , of Auslialia , and Hoag-
land for $1,000 a coiner and the champion
ship of the woild. The i.iee , If it occuis ,
will lake place ) al Philadelphia or New Yoik
in May next. Homeland said this aftci noon
that In case ho won the championship bell
ho would icllro from thu tracK. Ho docs not
piopose , ho sajs , to gtow old In Iho sci vice ,
but will ictiiu while hu has n iccoid to bu
pioud of.
A KaiiNiiH Meteor.
JUNCTIONCITV , Kan. , Jan. 3. [ Special
Telegram to the Hi K. ] Word comes fiom
Milford , n tow n in the northwest corner ol
this county , that a meteor fell about SW : !
o'clock lust evening. The countj' was illuml-
nntect for miles nbout and hundreds of people
have be-on going to the spot where ) it fell. It
Is almost buiicd in a miimuioth hole created
by the teirilio full.
Ilrnkcmun Killed.
MILWAUKEE , Dec. 3. Dan Crowloj'a brakeman -
man on the Milwaukee & Northern railroad ,
w as run over by u freight train nt the West
Milwaukee stockj nrds early this morning and
badly mangled. Ho can not survive.
He * .InmpH HU Komi at Kansas City
and ( Joes to Canada.
Kcvvs CITV , Mo. , Jan. Si. ( Special Tcle-
pinm to the HPE.J Smnucl C. Shacffer ,
whoso many controvoislcs with John I. Hlalr ,
the New Jersey millionaire and ralhoad
king , have mudo him widely known , has de
parted , to what point Is onlj- know n bja
select few , but it Is generally bellov ed to bo
Cainuhi. In the criminal court Ibis moining ,
Iho caoes of Iho slnto vs. ShaclTcr for cmbev-
rlcmciil weiu called , but the defendant failed
- . His bond of declined
to-appear. of1,000 was
foifcltcdand a writ Issued for his inicst.
The crime for which ShaolTer was indicted
consisted of thu umbe/xlcmcnt of ? , ! > ,000 fiom
John 1. Ulalr. Shaeffer was tiled over n
jcar ago for llio offeinc , found gullfy
and sentenced lo eight jcars tnipilsonmcnt
in the stale penitentiary. The * , case was
taken on appeal to the supiemu couit , which
reversed the decision on thu grounds that , us
the checks for the money wcio proven in the
trial lo hav o been Issued in Now York , Iho
eourls of this slulo iicciulrcd no Juiisdiclion
over Iho offense. . The e-.iso was then re
manded and Shueffer was indicted bv a new
grand Jin j-and the Indictment modified lo
incut the icipllrcmenls of the decision of the
snpicino court. A special Judge was as
signed to tty the case , and itwus continued
fiom time to time on vaiioim grounds and
excuses bShaclfcr. . The main put pose of
Shueffer , it is sniel , was to await thu issue of
thu civil action commcm-eel bj John I Hlalr
in the Uniteel States eil cult com t , In which
ShaclTcr cxpecled n f.ivot able decision. The
decision of Juelgo Hi ewer , icndeied a
couple of months ago , dashed SliaelTci's hopes
to the giouud. Judiro Hievver oideicd
Shaeffcr to liansfer all Ihu land and money
obtained fiom Hlalr nnd scoicel him for dis
honest practices. A few w ccks before Juelgo
Hievvei's decision the cusu was culled in thu
iilminal couit , and , after e-onsldciable ob
jection on the pait of Judge White , it was set
clew n for the liist dav of this tcim Shaeffer ,
it will boiemembcred , was the man against
whom a heavy Judgment was icndcied in the
United States circuit com t u few weeks ago ,
and who was chaiacteri/ed bjJudgu Hrovvcr
In h < s opinion us a scouneliel of the ( list
water. This Is believed to bo the end of Iho
now famous Hlair ShuclTcr war which has
bce.ii waged foi the past four j ears.
The Standard Forces Up the Price of
NPW Yomc , Jan. 3 There was great ex
citement in thu oil market to duj- and Uic
ciowd mound the oil img is one of the luig-
estcvcr seen there. Thu first snlcs wcio
made ut ! HV , which wns J above Satin el ij's
closing anei Iho advance was accompanied
w ith the w ilelest excitement , which cat i icd
piiccsup to'M , ' hcfoio there was a reaction
extending to ) { per cent. At li , , y
thcio was a slight pause in
Uio advance and the pnco fell
' 50. The lange of prices now Is the highest
for over two ycais. Hrokers geueiallv
ascribe the aelvancb to the manipulation of
the Standard Oil companj- , but ono of the
rcpi esontatlvcs of that company said Iho uel-
vance w as simply caused by Uio success of
Ihu shulelown movement , icsulting fiom the
pioducc'ors union , nnd the fact that the stock
of oil is being icduccd 120,000 bbls pei month.
Tlio sales of oil made on the way up ftom 7
wetc lngely sales of shoit stuff and the
opciators in Pillsbuig and the west aio
hc.ivilv shoit. There is also u big short in
terest in the market.
Indications of a corner in o becoming moro
mai Kcd. The pi ice advanced to IH c bofot o
l'JiO. : Some trouble is expected fiom Iho
i.ipid use. Tlio pMco has advanced H c
since Snlmdaj's clt c.
PiTTsiiuua. Jan. iVTho excitement in oil
to el.iv has seldom bleu equalled. The mar
ket opened sti OUR at ( K ) mid m twenty min
ute's advanced to tU,1 . A gcncinl rush to
cover was then made by the shot Is , but In
Uus many of them wcio unsuccessful , owing
to Iho scarcity of certificates In the mean
time pi ices continued to advance and at 1
o'c lock s Ues w cro reported at 0. .
The news of the advance cicated great ex
citement among spcculatois and in u shoit
time after Iho opening thu lobby of Iho ex
change was cioweled wilh outsidcis anxious
to eloso Iheir deals. About Iho iinguscono
of pandemonium prevailed. The shoits wcic
wild and shouted themselves hoaisom thcit
elToils lo secuio oil lo cover.
Death Banishes a ConvcMit Shadow.
PiTTsniim , Pa , Jan. 3. [ Special Telc- lo Iho HUP. ] Jacob Gibson died at
Lei otto icecntlj'and bequeathed $1,000 each
to lifteen widows and liftj- orphans of Iho
tow n , and $ 0,000 to u convent tliote. This
last bequest has bi ought to light the fact that
for six jcars Gibson had been madly in love
with a beautiful nun of the convent , Sislcr
Guiliude. The Inllcr is well known heio
us Uio sisler of S. A. Cosgiovc , u bioker.
Gibson saw Sister GelIruelo walklnsin Ihe
convent giounds ono summer moining six
joins ago , nnd fell m love on sight. Ho was
infatuated and haunted Uio convent , though
foiblilelon the piemises bj-tho mother su-
peuor , compelling the sisler lo seek close
see'luslon. He said ho would i un uvvaj- with
her if ho could get her out of the convent.
Death onlj- ended his devotion. Gibson
nmdu a fortune m Califoiuia during Ihu
gold excitement.
r' Death of an Kccoutrlo Widow.
KPMIINO , Pa , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegram
to the Hi'E ] Mrs. Sarah Himlon McConkcj' ,
a rteullhj- und ccccnlnc widow , died quile
nlono amUl woallh and splendor. She was
found dead j eslcrduy In her elegant mansion in
Wcstchcsler , Chester county , with her faith
ful cat bhci side. No ono was in the house
when shodicdsuddenlj- hoait disease. Her
estate Is estimated to bo wcuth about fsOO.OOO.
She wasoightj'-Unco jcuis of ago. When
last seen she was appaicully In Iho best of
health. She lived lo an advanced ago be-
foi o she mai i led. Per jears she luboicd
under the diead of eljlng in n poor house and
was exceedingly economical. She used to
sleep on an lion cot , because she did not do-
siio to disluib the elegant appointments of
her bed chamber. Hci homo was the finest
In Wcstchester.
A German Dramatic Star.
NnYftiiK , Jan 'I [ Special Telegram to
the HI.P ] Frau Hcdwlg Nieinann Kaabo ,
the popular German uetiess , v\lfo of Heir
Niemann , the leuor , made her American
debut at the Star theater last night and
uehicv ed marked success. Piau Kuabo chose
for this lirst iipjicaiiuico llio role of Ihe peas
ant girl , Lorle , iuMino.lilrch-Pfoiffer's well-
worn play , "Dorf und Stadl. " Thouudlonco ,
cliiefljof course , of Gcimun spcuking citl-
zens , was of good but not laigo size. It wel
comed the actress'varmlj- her liistenlij-
nnd lew aided hurbj- many honois and cur-
tutu culls duiing and at the close of the play.
Sawyer'and IMaluo.
Ciucvno , Jan. 3 [ Special Telegram to
the HPP. I Senator I'hllclus Sawjcr said tea
a Tribune icpoitcr lust night : "Theio Is no
man w horn f love moro than Ulainc , nor is
theio a man for whom I would spend so much
money , but the fact Is the utlucks of the
nowspipois of his own parlj- upon him je.irs
SIKO led Uio public lo foi ma wiongimpicssion
of the man , and this wiong cannot bo eradi
cated. Wu did our best for him four j cars
ago und I believe wo must now take up some
oilier man. Who it is to bo I cannot sajnow. . "
Missouri Pacific HediicliiK K\l > cnsch.
SMHI.IA , Mo , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hn : . ] The reduction in Iho
working force of the Missouri Pacific shops
went into effect Ihls inoining Fifty Unco
men , mostly helpers , w ore Intel off. The dis
charged men are feeling very sore , although
it Is given out in official circles thai Iho lay
ing oil is only tcmporarj. The i eduction
embraces about 10 per cent of the foico In the
machine ) shops , blacksmith shop and tounU
- a
Very Rich Gifts Presented to Him
By English Admirers.
A Diamond King Prom Mitchell Sul-
llvan at CardllV ItlKinarck on < 5cr-
niau'N Strength A Piirious
Gale ut ( Jneonslouu.
Itlch OlflH for Hauling.
ii/M i'vS.s/yj ' / ; Jdinco ( innluii
LONDON.Inn. . a [ New Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the UPC. ] The Cantor-
buiv theater , vailetles , Westminster bridge
load , was crowded to night with spoils to see
the advertised pi escalation from English
icpicscntatlve spoitsmen to Win. K. Haul-
Ing. In the stalls s it Chailcy Kovvcll. Scott ,
the Austialiaii thainplon walker , Prof. Clal-
pin , and a gieat number of Cambiidgo under
graduates , f i lends of Kowell. When the cur
tain rose It disclosed a table fiom which Kil-
Iain's colois and on which the picscnts were
niiangcd. GeoigoA. Pavne , piopuctor of
the hall , said :
Ladies and Gentlemen I mil sure .von all
appicclato the amount of pluck shown by
both man in the iccent light. " [ Ciics of
"Yes , wo do , wo do. " ] I have now to Intio-
ducoto.vou.Mr Haidlmr , the icpioscntativo
of Hichud 1C. Pox , Kiliain's backer ,
f i om New Yoik. and the pio-
meter of the light. "
Hauling came modestly to the fiont.
The band attempted to play -'Yankee
Doodle" and Hauling stood still over
taken by stage fright. Then Mr. Pajno
continued : "I now piescnt Hauling with a
massiv o gold pelican 1th diamond e.3 . and
also four gold vest buttons , also bcaiing u
pelican , from thu members of the Pelican
club. With them is this lettei :
Dcai Hauling I send jou a little piescnt
which 1 hope jou will wear in mcmorv of the
splendid stiugglo between Smith and Kil-
lain , 1 would gladly como mjscU to nigh ,
but 1 am too 111. Youi s sincei ely ,
A U Wrus
Propiictor Pelican Club ,
the reading of which was diowned by
cheers for Smith and Kihaln. When they
subsided Mr. Pavne proceeded : "This heavi
gold locket , with ahngo star In the center
composed of diamonds and rubies , the whole
capped by a veiy l.ugo pcail In
the ecntic is fioni that well known p.Uion of
the tm fund spoils , J. W. Haw lings. The
diamond is from George W. Atkinson , editor
of the Spoiling Life. The diamond i ing is
from James Locke , paten of the puzo ling ,
two gold pencil cases fiom J. Addlbon , mem
ber of the Victoiu spoiling club ; a gold-
mounted umbiella handle and a valuable
Atistialmn cat's ejo fiom Cliarlos Kowell ,
Kilrain's liaincr , " Heic the applutso was
deafening duiing which Kowell whlsieicdto )
the Herald correspondent : "See what It is
to bo a popular man. "
Hauling said : "Ladies and Gcnllemcn I
shall never forget the kindness I have ic-
ceivcd cvcrywhcio since I have been hoi o
and shall never the , when in Ameiica , of
telling my friends how you , kind English
people , trout your Amciican. guest * , uud I
shall surely fall lo lltly cxpieas to Kichard
1C. Pox the way j ou have one and all i cceiv ed
mo in Kugland. "
Kiluiln and Mitchell vvcio unable to ap
pear lo night as they had to jouuicy else
where to box u three round match. Ch.uley
Kowell said when I was leaving ; "You
might tell fiiomls that I have
to-day decided not to go to New Yoik for
the coming six day's i.we. I asked forjCfllM
expenses on llio Pnday but h.ul no icply un
til jesterd.iy according to my terms , but in
the meantime concluded to i cumin hot o and
tiain Charley Milchcll and probably ICilrain
for another light but-whom ho will light I
cannot jet say. Still I am a filend of both
andpicfer lemianing with them until their
engagements aio over. "
As picsonts are now llio order of the day it Mitchell has picsented
Kiliain , as a Now Ye.u'H gift , with a diamond
mend ling valued at $1,000 and Mis. ICih.iin
will bo pleased to hear of Mitchell sending
her , by her hubbind , an elegant pair of diamond
mend solitaiio cariings Kih.iin and Mitchell
together have piesenled Charley Kowell
wilh a diamond img and pin , thelatlcrof diamonds
mends , lubies and cmcialds foimcd as a
Sullivan at C.udirr.
[ Cojiyi lulit ISSSliiiJumcM Giinlmi llcnnctt. ' ]
CuiiiuJan. ' . ) [ Now Yotk Heiald Cable
Special lo the 13nu | Sullivan arrived here
this evening lo begin a thieo nights'boxing
entertainment with Jack Ashlon at Phllar-
menlo musie hall. Upon the tiain steaming
into the station , Sullivan met with a most
cntlmsialic icccption The appioachcs lo the
phitfoim woio ciowdcd. The ciowd loudly
ihceicdtho imgillst as ho diovo away to llio
Kojal hotel. The music hall was ciovuled.
In introducing Sullivan , the manager men
tioned that 500 had been staked
for Sullivan to flght Mitchell. Theio
had been a gi eal deal of talk about Smith
nnd his challenge , but bullivan would light
Smilh the week after ho fought Mitchell if
Smith liked and iSOO would bo placed down
at anj moment. This announcement was received -
ceived with chocis and Sullivan and Ashton
then sparred four i omuls of two minutes
each but did not appear to cvcit themselves.
In ono or two instances , however , Sullivan ,
who is clcaily the supeiior man , gave
his opponent homo vciy misty
half arm [ strokes and while engaged Inn
close struggle managed three or four limes
to plant a tickler in his antagonist's ilbs.
Sullivan , however , did not appear to bo in
very good health and was evidently out of
ti.lining , but his magnlllc'cnt phjstcuowas
much admired by the audience , who [ heeied
him frequently. After the second roiind Sul
llvan seemed much blown and was any
thing but nimble on his feet. To night
Smith and ICilrainill'box at the chcus
not far distant , ariivlng in the morning some
lime. People fear an eneounlor and bad
blood If Iho Ihreo chaneo lo meet , but it is not
likely that they will spoil thu money making
now going on.
Annual Connies * of tlio National Ko-
uict > ol' I'rolcihlonal Musicians.
[ Copin I'jM J&-SS lin Jama ( liinliin llcnnctt.\ \
LONHOV , Jan ! i [ Now Yoik Herald Cable
Special to the Hrr ] To day the fourth
annual congress of the National Society of
Professional Musicians began its session with
nn Infoimal conference In thoSnllsbuiy hotel
off Plcct street which is under the shadow of
old St. Hi ides chinch , and mound which
fort j newspaper ofllccs cluster. Tomorrow
will begin its leal business of discussing
plans for llio Improvement nnd advancement
of musical art at the largo hall of the guild of
diapers under the chairmanship of the lord
major. The Unilcd Slalcs is lo bo given Iho
lK > bt of honor. After sundry business
details are cared for , the open
ing addt ess is to ba mudo
by Prof. CnlK.i Lnnibbee , of Hov
ton. His theme Is the advancement
of music In the United States , a subject little
known In Knghmd. His address will bo u
lesume of the rise , development and progicss
of music as a profession In America with
especial icferciiio to native musicians and
composition and the wondciful development
of musical taste among thu people , so that ,
vvhllo hlthuito Americans have founed huge
audiences for Kuiopeaniutlslsiindcomposcis
to piollt by , the Amei leans me sending l.v i ie
artists for lUiropean audiences and in.ij' soon
pioduco a successor to Verdi and other com
posers pissing oft the stuio. Tomoiunv
evening Iho incmbet s of Iho Congi ess giv o a
giand conceit , liistinmcnlal and vocal , at
Pi luce's hall of unpublished compositions by
Parnell Traveling
lOijii/i / tulitss / In Jumn ( iiiiilnn Hi n iif ( f.1
rum.iv , .Ian. ; i [ Now Yoik Heiald
Cable Special to the Hi p. ] Paincll in rived
at IClngstown this inoinlngon ihe rojal mail
steamer. Ho icmtilncd a pai t of the day in
Kingstown and then took the tiain for Avondale -
dale The Hist Intimation of his niiival was
contained in n telegram icccivcd this
evening piper stating that Paincll had
been lanvassing. Hut little cicdenco is
pl.ued in the icpoit. Tlio Herald eouespond-
cut heio isintoiined that Painell iseniouto
to Cot k. The lush leader cvldentlj sent no
woul as to his movements and IH ajip.uentlj'
tiavclim ; so .H to escape obioivatlon. Sev
eral of his fi lends heio think this evening
that Sj\ton's illness as well as the iccent se-
veio comments on his absence duiing ciitlcal
limes have compelled his rottun ,
A Grout ( Sale nt Qiiot'itstnwn.
[ Ciiitut lulit IVtSbyJitinfilltiiilimJiiiiifll.1
( JiLiis-jTovvv , Jan. ! l [ New Yoik Heiald
Cable Special to the Hi pTho ] Hcuild's
lucdictcd gale bnist with uneiiing aceuiacy
ovci this poit cailyinthe foionoon today
and gieatl.v incicascd in fuiy as the day ad
vanced. Piist it blew from the southeast ,
then vccied lo Houlh-sonthwest and now , at
10 p in , It is blow ing wilh bin iic.ino violence
fiom the south , Tlio bnoineter jeslculay
icgisteicd . ' ! ( ) Is , now it iceouls is ! 10 , and is
still goinir down. Pour coasting schooneis
thai vvunt to sen at dnj bicak jmt back again
and mil row Ij- escaped going on the
leu shore. Two English eioss-
channel passenger ste.uncis which
left Cork this afternoon had to como to
anchor in the inner haibor. Suvcial ciaft
along this shore have been swamped and the
seas have Hooded Ihe Ijnehes of the qnaj on
which is the custom house and many shipping
oftlccs. Heavy seas have done considei able
damage to Iho exlcnsion w oiks of llio Gieat
Soulhein & Wcslein inllwuy. The gale is
increasing and is attended with an incessant
down i
liNmniok on Gofiuanv's S
lOipi/i l < ild l S Indiiirx liHnlim Itcnnrtt.
Hi HI iv , Jim 3 [ Now Yoik Heiald Cable
Special to the Heo ] In an interview w ith
Coiineellor von Ladenbcig , the German con-
bel at Paris who has called lo express Iho
feais of Iho Gci m m business people for Iho
immediate futuie , Hisiinuck made an inter
esting statement w ith icg.ud to the abilitj of
the cmpiio to icsist foi cign aggression. After
listening lather impitlcntly to what his vis
itor h.ul to say , the chancellor lem.uked :
"Will iieoplo never slop bolhci Ing me about
the atlitude of Franco and French prepara
tions ) Geimnny is stronger than Franco.
Wo have nothing to fear , e\ccplnn unforseen
and unjust attack , fiom any quarter. I > en
then Gennarj' is htiong enough lo icsist a
simultaneous attack on two , or for that mut
ter tin co sides "
"Hut , " added the chancellor , smiling , "tho
best gu.uanteo of pcaeo is the bad powder
used for the Lcbcl rifles. "
Tlio Pope and Pilgrims.
Kovir , Jan. f ! . The pope addicssed the pil-
giims to daj' in Iho picscncoof Iho whole
couit. After e\piessing ] oj' nt the cohesion
of Catholics , Ihe pope said : "You have not
given faith to Ihosc who with voice of C.i-
lumn j ti v to pei smide j on that the pope is an
enemy of Italy , Popes have ulvvujs been the
gicatest li lends and benefaetois of Italy.
You , like oui selves , are convinced that the
chuuh , bj' her holj * mission , ought to bo
independent of whatsoever tei restial authot-
itj' , that the chinch is a divmo institution ,
and thai totiv to icdueo its intcicsts lo u
question of the laws of Ilaly can onlv bo the
icsult of the most dcploiablo blindness "
The nddicss was gicctcd with enthusiastic
applause. At the conclusion all piesont liltd
past the pope and iccclvcd his blessing.
Why County Mcath AVnM I'roclaliurd.
Di m iJan. . it The Telogiaph deehues
that thu opposition of the fai mei s to the plan
of Loul Londcnderrj' to hunt in the county
of Meath , was the onlj ic.ison for its being
pioclaimod under Iho n lines acl. The
viceioj , it sajs , iccenlly icntcd u hunting
seat in that county. The fnrmci s' conven
tion icsolvcd not to allow hunting over their
fauns , and the county was theiunpon pio-
claimed. In icgnrd lo Iho piochunallon of
Dublin , the Telegiaph sajs the obvious in
tention of the govcinment is to intimidate
Iho pi ess. _
ST. Pi n iisiiuiin , Jan. ! 1 The imperial
family w ill leave Galhschnui palace at the
end of this week nnd will como lo SI.
Pcleisbuig to icsido ten weeks. Spe
cial measuics have been lukcn to
piotcct the Suveral hnmlicd
special dctci lives watdi Iho slrects along
which Iho c/ar is likelj' to piss. The coining
fetes at the palaeo pionnso to bo unusually
Allah H.
ST , Jan. 3. Disoiders at the
univcisity heio continue , owing to the expul
sion of iiOO students. The officials willie-
open the univcisitj- the end of Iho month
II is icpoited that the c/ur oxpiessed dis-
pleasuiuthat aimed force had been omplojed
m bilppicsslng the lioublcs.
The Czui-Oppose-d to Wnr.
VIINVA , Jan. 3 Official declarations of a
dccidcdlj-paeillc chuineter are expected at
an curly date Colonel Xueloff , who has re-
tinned to his duties as milit.n jattache to the
Kussian cmbassj , sajs hu found the evar ab
solutely opposed to war. The emperor will
receive Colonul Xuelolf to-moiiow.
A Master 'Mechanic l
ST. JodH'ii , Mo , Jan , 3 [ Special Telo- to the Hi i : 1 K Stcppjof this elly ,
who has been master mechanic of the Si.
Joseph & Grand Island for a long teimof
jcars , huxicslgncd , the icslgnatlon lo lake
effect Pebiuaiy 1.
Mnij * Anderson'h Success.
LONDON , Jan ! ) Miss Mary Anderson
made her ono hundredth appe.uaneo in "A
Winters Talo" al Iho Ljceum theater this
evening anil was welcomed by a Jaigo and
illliunt audience.
Hit mlngham Canal
LONDON , Jan U The liiiinlnglmm canal
burst to cluy nt n | Kint near Dudley. Hun-
dicds of families uio rcndeicd homeless by
the anundallon.
Killed It ) n ItlaM.
AI.IIH , la , Jan , 3. [ feiHJClal Tcloginm lethe
the lite ] John Hrccsc , a miner cinplojod
in the Jack Ouk mines , wat killed bj a blast
while at dinner to day. The miners In Iho
adjoining room placed a blast which broke
tin ough Iho w nil Into Iho room occupied by
Hieoso. A largo fragment ( if oul s'.ruUc him
on tlio head killing niui instantly.
Lincoln Sots the Example For the <
Coming Gumimifjn.
A Itrllllnnt Social i\oiit-Alto\oroinI :
lnl Who Will Hear WaU.hlng ;
lulttCIJ Ticket PrOCe-l-llH tlO
Ul > In Smoke * .
Tiincoln Ke'iiublle-ntm
LINCOLN , Neb , .Ian.3 [ Special Tclcgiam
to the Hir. : ] A piellmlnary meeting was ;
held ut tliu cotut house to-night for thu pur
pose of oigaul/ilng u icpubliean I'lubith
some soventv-llvo lepubllcans ( u attendance.
The debute was active over making It it
Hl.iino eliib but as the call was for a icpub-
lloau club , It was so organl/cd. The Mlultio
men intern ! to oiganl/o a sop uato club In tbo
futmo. L.V. . Hlllingslv was inado tern-
pointy chuli mini and C. L. Hall tenipeuiuv
sceretuij , with a e-oinnilttco on by laws and
lonstltutlon to icpoit at a meeting calleet foe
emu week fioin to night. A meat deal ot lu-
teiestas manifest In the organisation.
Tin * Conductor's Hull.
Piti MONT , Nub , .Ian. 11 [ Special to the
Hi i , ] The giandest lull of the season \\.ia
given last night by riemonl Division No.
! ? JO , Older ot Railway Condnctois Owing
to the binning of the opcr.i honso on Saturday -
day evening the ball \\as divided , ono portion
tion using the now town hall iinii the other
the elegant iip.utnienls of the I'leinont club.
Tlio attondamo v\as fully MX ) nntl the Jolly
e'oneliictois scoicd a big sodal success In Its
management. Theio vveio pie-sent dolcgii-
tiems 1 torn Noifolk and intoimeellato points
and fioin Missoiui Vullov Among the guests
fioin Neufolk weio Supoiintendont Phllbln ,
of the Pic-mout , UlKhoin te Mlssouil Valley ,
vvlft1 and t\\o daughtois ; A Mow and vvlfo ;
Tiain Mastci Seallos and wife ; H r. Loeko
and uife , of the I'.uillf hotel. Piom Mis-
soiui Valley \\eio nntiied ( 1'assongcr
Agent Hiu liiinan and wife ; Siipoiintendeiit
Looke , wife and dunghtei , and ftom Omaha ,
Superintendent Uouul , of the Union Paeltlc ,
and wife.
A Catholic Ciithc'dral For Iilnrolu.
LtNe oi.s , Neb , .Ian. : t [ Special Telegram
to the HPP ] At a hugely-attended meet Inn
of pioniinont Catholics in this city last eve
ning , Hishop Honacunipiesentedthueiueslloii
ol the election of a Catholic cathedral In the
city the picsent jour. The bishop spoke of
the need of a eiithcdi al , now Unit Lincoln had
been roleeted as the lioadipmiteis of the
( lunch in the South Platte ionntry , and tlia
pioposition was reiolvctl with favor and the
bishop was unthoii/ed to select u building
committee and pieicocd at onto in selecting
plans mid a suitable location.
A Wll
Lot i * Cm , Nub , Jim It. [ Special to tlrif
HIT ] An educated and oily tongnod celes RrWk
tial tiaveling under the inimo of Hev. Osato Wk
II. Tang , of Shanghai , China , attempted to
impiovo his llnancial condition at thooxponso
of soveial citlrciiH of this place by delivering
a loctuio , the piocceds of which were , us was
icpievented bhim. . foi the benollt of a for
eign mission usoclutj. . Itnt a dipping from
the V. M C. A. Watchman , dciutinclng the
"Key , " happened to fall into the hands of a
citl/cn , who exposed him. liiund Island 1ms
ulicady seen him , and other towns should bil
iv ainetl.
A Imimdry Ituriioil.
Nrwi'oi.K , Neb , .Ian. .1 [ Special to the
HI.P. ] The Hlkhoiii Valley steam laundry of
this city , owned by ( illicit i\s Davenport ,
burned at an e.uly hour this ni'irnlng. The
stiuctuio was u two story , equlpiwd
with the most impioved machinery. The loss
Is estimated ut * J , ( > 00 ; insmanco , 5-3,000. Mr.
ri.uik Gillett was the giocei's ( lork who re-
evnllj diew "i.WMI in the Louisiana lottery ,
and was thus enabled to go Into thq laundry
business in compinv with Mr. Davonport.
Tlio tii o is thought to have been of Inccn-
diaij ongin.
No Kee-esH.
FiirviosT , Neb , .Ian ii [ Special to the
UI.P. ] At their school mi cling hehl last
evening the ricmont school board decided to
adopt the no iccess plan in the city schools
iluung the winter toiin Just begun.
Fiinkc's Ope-iM House Cliiinccs Manila.
LINCOLN , Neb , Jan. . ' ) The Punko''opera
house to day ( hanged hands , Pied Funko ro
til ing and Messis. fi aw foul anil M. C. Rcy
nolils assuming contiol.
Death ol' Colonel Chamber * .
Cmni.NMWjo , .Ian. i < [ .Special Tclo- to the UPP ] Wo id was iccelvcd here
to clay of the death at San Antonio , Tex. ,
jesterday , of Alexander Chambers , colonel
of the Seventeenth Infantry and commandant
of Poit U. A. Husscll ut this place. The death
of Colonel Chambcis piomotcs Lieutenant
Colonel Mistier , of the Tenth infantry , to the
( omnmnd of the .Seventeenth. Colonel Cham-
bei s has been on Kick Icav u for the past ydar
and his d < nth was expected. Ho was a grrtd- . , ,
uato of West Point and sei veil with dlstiuo > 3
tlon during the lebellion. * B
Cult Ing PiHKht Hates , '
Cmcu.o , Jan. 3 The St. Louis & SJuj
Pianclseo uj.iel to eluj- sent notice" to the
Southwestern association that on January 15
it would reduce thu late on corn lo St. Louis
5 cents fi om nil stations in Kiinsas. The
ehaiunan h is notified Uio association roads
on that elate gialji iiilcs fiom Kansas City lo
Cliie ago will bo fenced deivvn ii cunts per 100 ,
or to 15 cents. Omaha rates imiBt follow , so
that u i eduction in giuln i.ttes In certain *
throughout thu teirltory belweon Chicago
and the Missouii iivei. Tlio Hurlington/ ,
filed notice to daj that It would iclallulo with ,
uU" > per cent reduction of i. lies llvo block In
common when the Hock Island on Jan-
uai y 1 begin shipping live stock In Improved
cuis ul Uio same iiiles us feir common cars.
Officials agree that thcru Is every rcmon to
believe that live Htoe-k i.ites from Kansas
City und Omaha lo Chicago will bo whittled
down to nothing.
A IMnc-ky lie-cture-r.
Puosn CT , O. , Jan. 2. Colonel J. Holmes
Groves , who has been advoiliscd to deliver a
war leetuioln the opeiu house hero to night ,
nnirowly escaped death this afternoon buforo to go out. Ho donned his
hat , when nlmost thu cntiio celling ubovo
gave vvuy und fell with Hiieh weight upon
him that the chair upon which ho sat wns
c lushed to the floor. Three laigo gashes
wcio cut In his skull , fiom which blood 1.111
profusely. Although sulfoilnt ; gicut puln ,
rather ihan disap | olnt a lingo audience he
appeared as aiiiiounce-a.
StoaniHhlp ArrhalH.
Oi.itinovv , Jan. 3. [ Special Telegram to
UioHi-i : . ] Airived-Tho State of Punnsyl.
vnnla , fioin Now Yoik.
Hosrox.Jun 3. Al rived The Iowa , fiejm
Llvci pool.
LONDON' , Jan 3 Anivcel The Holland ,
fiom Now Yoik.
( , HJi iiNsrow N , Jan. 3. - Arrived Tie !
Hntish Queen , fiom lloston.
LONDON , Jan . ) . Aril veil The Pcisiau
Monaieh , fiom New Yoik.
( ilvc-n HID Mcivlc-an
PON iiu Lvc , WIs , Jan. 3. Gcneinl
quietly left home Saturday In responbo to a
message fiom Picsldcnt Cleveland , ami l.e
is niobably at Washington to daj % It Is cem-
snle led coi lain that ho has been lenduicd tha
M'"Yic.m mission ami that hu will