Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered l > y rarrlir In any port of the city at
tu pnty cents per we k.
H. W TII.TON. Manager.
ItVMiirM Orricr , No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
licltcr , tailor , Fall goods cheap.
The total general excuses of the city In
December' was 1,233. , ' . ! : ) .
A. E. Jones and Josephine Williams of this
city were granted leave to wed yesterday.
The Pall Mall club ROVO one of their do
pant parties last night in the lioyal Arcanum
The city jail was empty yesterday morning
n thing that has never happened before at
this season of the year.
Chief Tcmplcton draws a pair of new lines
over a new horse and Is as proud of his pos
ition as a boy with a now drum.
P. J. McOlnlty and Elizabeth Hudson of
Omaha secured a license yesterday and wore
tied by Justice Schurz within the same
C. Walker was arrested Sunday nlpht and
the charge of "drunk" placed against him
Ho left $10 to guarantee his appearance lu
The workmen on the now postofllco build
ing will no longer work in the cold , for the
furnace is completed and fire was started
yesterday afternoon.
There will be a business meeting of the
King's Daughters Tuesday afternoon at 5
o'clock at Mrs. Do Vol's ' , corner of Willow
avenue nml HlufTs street.
At a New Year's euchre party held at the
homo of Mr and Mrs. F. Grctzcr , corner of
Frank and Pierce streets , Mrs. Ed Mott and
Frank Levlno won the prizes , while Mrs.
Lcvino ana E. Huntltigton took the booby
prizes' .
A bar docket of the superior court of the
city for the January term has just been
issued and Is being placed in the hands of
lawyers and others having use for the satne.
For this the "powers that bo" will receive
the thunkH of all.
The annual election of the Citizens' State
bank were held yesterday , resulting us fol
lows : President , J. D. Ednmndson ; vice-
president , E. L. fjhugurt ; cashier , C. H.
Hnnmin ; directors J. D. Edtnundson , E. L.
Bhugart , C. II. Hannan , L. A. Miller , F. O.
Gleason , E. E. Hart , Thomas liowman.
Yesterday afternoon and evening the
rooms of the Y. M. C. A. were thrown open
and the public Invited to accept the hospitality
offered. The visitor was met by Mrs. Phelps
and Mrs. Montgomery , who introduced him
to the company and to a well-filled board
upon which was spread substantial viands of
every sort and innumerable delicacies as
well. Many persons availed themselves of
this opportunity to acquaint themselves with
the new Secretary I laker and upend an hour
In hospitable entertainment.
Yesterday the following real estate trans
fers were recorded : Josie 1C. Smith to Sanford -
ford K. Unrstow , of Cleveland , O. , lots 15 ,
III , IS , 19 and 20 in block. ) ; lots 14 , 15,10 , 17 ,
110 , 31 , ! , : > and ! M in blk 0 ; lots 18 to S'J in
clusive in blk 7 ; lots ; ) , 4 and S in blk Hi ; loth
10 , 17 , 20 , 27 and 23 hi blk 15 , Highland place ,
tf > , ( )00. ) Uarstow also purchased of J. N.
Huldwin cloven lotsin VanHi'unt&Hlce'sadd
for $ : t , : X ) , and of E. W. Hart four lots in
block 15 , Highland place for f 1,200. Gcorgo
Wright to William Moore and H. D. Harl ,
lots 1 and 'J in block 2 ; lots : i. 4 anil 5 in block
K. Curtiss & Humscy's add-2,000.
Opium , morphine hubits cured. Dr.
Bollingor , 014 B'woy , Council BlulTs.
WndsworthjEtnyro &Co. loan money.
Residence , lota for sale by Johnston &
Vim Putton.
Mr. Barbce Is off for Chicago.
S. T. French has gone to Chicago on a brie
T. J. Patten loft last evening for Nebraska
Dr. Crinklaw , of St. Joseph , Mo. . Is in the
city.J. .
J. A. Bones , of Woodbine , was In the city
Mr. Oeorgo Keelino has returned from a
western trip.
Samuel Haas has returned from'a quick
trip to Wyoming.
S. J. Swanson loft yesterday for a fcv
days visit at Crcston.
B. B. Smith and A. R. Pardun , of Crcston
were at the Bcchtclo yesterday.
Postmaster Cramer , of Avoca , was ex
changing greetings hero yesterday.-
Alex Malinroso has been spending a wee
in Chicago and returned yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Puscy arc visiting his
parents and their old friends here.
Geo. H Champ returned on Sunday from
a three weeks' visit In New York.
Mayor George E. Cole and wife , of Pacific
Junction , were in the city yesterday.
Milt Sears returned yesterday from a
weeks' visit with friends at Davenport.
Fred L. Boruff and Henry Spurllng will
occupy the position of assistants in the ofllco
of the new auditor.
O. O. St. John returned yesterday morning
from a protracted visit with relatives in the
eastern part of the state.
Mr. D. Sherman , of Chicago , pn route for
California , stopped over New Year's day
with Ills friend , Frank Yenawine.
E. H. Shcnfo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. OB'.co 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greonamayer , C23 Mynbtor st.
telephone 121. _ _
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Glcason , 20 Pearl street.
Their Bonds Approved.
The board of supervisors met yesterday
morning in regular session. S. G. Under
wood was elected chairman. Mr. Hetzcl , of
Avoca , the now member , was sworn in , after
which adjournment was taken until after
noon. At this session the bonds of the fol
lowing newly elected officers were approved
I. F. Hcnkricks , auditor ; J. H. Plunnner
treasurer ; Jerry O'Ncil , sheriff ; John K.
Cooper , county superintendent ; E. T. Waterman
man , coroner. Constables J. M. Meredith
Clavius Haas , IWallaco Bishop , C. A. Mc-
Creody , I. G. Carter , Valley township ; Christ
Hainan , Keg Creole. Justices of the peace-
August Hanson and Uoland Ward , Keg
Creek ; J. 11. Matthews , Washington. As
sessors J. M. Darton , Carson ; Uobert Me- [
Elruth , Keg Creek.
Money to loan. Cooper < fc Judson.
Infeuro with Wuclsworth , Etnyro & Co '
Splendid BusliiosH Opening
For the right man who has n , capita'
of $10,000. For full in formation call or
or address Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl at.
Council Bluffs , In.
Mtttit For Hie City.
On Saturday last articles of incorporatioi
of the Iowa Individual Gas company sro
lllcd in the ofllco of the county rccortlei
Thcso give the following facts : Priucip.i
pllico of business is Council Blufffi. The ap-
ital stock is f 00,000 , divided into 2,000 share
of $100 each. The incorporators arc A. rcsW.
Kitchen. Samuel Theodore , Williiim W. Kci
Bor. E. W. Pitkln , Ernest Htiill. M. N. Gabli
W. H. Trtylor , H. O. Do Voles , A. C. Powcl
G. H. Brown , F. W. Taylor , M. L. Parrotti
T. H. Titylorand John L. McL'aguo.
The Contra ! drug store , under th
management of J. D. Stuart , has bee
enlarged anil refurnished with u con
block of fresh drugs. . A fine hoi
ay line of books , stationery , cutler
aim musical goods ut very low prices.
Guns of all kinds ut Odell & Bryant'
101 S. Main St.
Bluflltcs Do Honor to Their Newly
Elected Rulor.
I''cenlc-Mln < lc < l Fugitives Recaptured
The New County lloiml New
Corporation Light lY > r the
City Notes.
The New anil the Old.
Yesterday at hlph noon there was a gath
ering of the city officials and prominent citi
zens In the elegant parlors of the Council
Hluffs club to witness the new mayor , M. P.
Hohrcr , take the oath of oftlco. President
McConncll , of the club , was master of cere
monies , and performed his part well. Ho
culled the gathering to order and addressed
them as follows :
Gentlemen : It Is with great pleasure that
I welcome you hero to-day In the naino of the
Council Hluffs club , to witness the adminis
tration of the oath of office to Mayor-elect
M. P. Itohrcr. who has been chosen from
among us to Jill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Hon. William Oronoweg , who
has been elected to the state senate , nnd to
whom this club extends Its good wishes
in his new capacity. I believe this
club was instrumental In bringing before
our honorable city council the name of M. P.
Hohrcr , and as ho Is one of our members we
feel Justly proud of him , and believe he Is the
right man for the place. While wo are not a
political organ i/ation , yet we will support our
honorable mayor and city council in all ,
measures that tend toward the up-bulldlng
of Council Bluffs. Wo arc now entered upon
a new year , and to mo It seems a year full of
great prospects of development of this city ,
and I believe that the social and financial in
terests of this club are more closely alllicd
to the interests of the city than any other or
ganization within Its limits. What wo want
to do Is to work and pull together for the
prosperity and up-building of our fair city.
Our watchword should bo Council Hluffs
llrst , last and all the time.
The retiring mayor , William Gronowcg ,
who has been chosen state senator , was then
called upon , and made a short speech. Ho
said he was glud of the opportunity of ex
pressing his thanks for the good will shown
him , and for the hearty support ho had met
on all sides. He was grateful for the har
mony of action that had been manifest , In the
council , nnd among the citi/.ens. They had
tried to work for the Interests of the city.
Ho had no nxcs to grind , no enemies to pun
ish , or friends to favor. Ho had simply
tried to do his duty. He had been acused of
violating his oath of ofllce by not enforcing
all the luws , If he was guilty of this , it was
because ho had simply followed the prece
dents laid down for him , and because he had
tried to comply with the principles as they
had been expressed as the will of the citi
zens. When he was in DCS Moines recently ,
trying to get some action taken by which the
assessments would bo made in accordance
with the law , the valuation to bo at cash
rates , instead of 40 per cent , Governor
Larabcc Informed him that whatever the
law might be , the precedent clearly
against such a mode of assessment. If pre
cedent was better than law. or as good , for
the governor , it was good enough for the
max or of this city. He was glad that Mr.
Kohrerliad been selected as mayor. They
had both come to this city as poor boys with
out a cent. The speaker hud lived hero
twenty-seven years , twice as long as he had
lived in his native town. Who could have more
interest in the prosperity of the city than
those who had thus lived hero fory cars , whoso
only all was hcroi
At the close of Mr. Groncweg's remarks ,
'Squire Uurko rose and administered the
oath of ofllco to Mayor Kohi-cr. The now
mayor then addressed the gathering as fol
lows :
"President McConncll , Members and
Guests of the Council Uluffs Club Gentle
men : The solemn duty just performed by
Judge P. A. Uurko reminds mo anew of the
fact that our worthy board of aldermen have
conferred on mo mi honor that I do not merit
and , I am fearful , I cannot sustain. The only
consolation I can find at this moment is that
my term in cilice will be short and I hope
will be to the city's advantage.
Tlio kind and thoughtful invitation of the
club through our energetic president , S. P.
McCouncll , to have the oath of ofltcc admin
istered in these pleasant , homelike rooms as
sures me that you fully endorse all the grand
public improvements begun during the
year 1887 by Mayor William Groncwcg and
Aldermen J. Uanforth , L. Hammer , S. S.
Keller , P. Lacy , George Metcalf and Lucius
Wells and that you desire them pushed for
ward to completion , and new ones inau
gurated , in order that our city may keep pace
with our rapidly growing population. Your
presence here , to-day , gentlemen , leads mete
to believe that you confirm the action of our
city council in my selection as mayor. This
to mo is extremely gratifying , and in return
all I can possibly promise , is that I will try to
do my best for the city at large , aided by the
wisdom of my able cabinet. The past few
days I found myself , for the first time in my
short life , in the hands ( unsolicited on my
part ) of our seven leading daily papers the
largest and most powerfuldaily press enjoyed
in the commonwealth of Iowa. I thank
them for the tender and , I trust , harmless
manner with which they have handled me.
I am fully aware of the fact that the mayor
of any city is by custom the llrst representa
tive on which to get service , and by so doing
reach the city itself. I am convinced that
your public reception given nio now , is not a
compliment due mo , but > on the other hand ,
duo to the city of Council Ululfs the coming
largest city in the state. I , therefore , on
behalf of our lij.OOO people , return you their
thanks for your presence. The members of
the club have kindly tendered mo the use ifs
the rooms the balance of this New Year's
day. The doors will bo open to the public
and I shall bo pleased to have you all remain
and to receive any other friends who may
call. In conclusion , allow mo. to wish you all
returnsof this . n
many hadpy prosperous year.
Other short speeches followed. ( J. 1.o
Harl , who has rightful claims to being the
silvcr-toiiKued orator of this portion of the
state , made an eloquent address.
M. H. Shepherd wns called out and made a
hit. Ho hit the croakers hard and expressed
his satisfaction that the growth of the city
and its numerous enterprises had givcd the
lie to the doleful predictions of those who
had no faith in Council Uluffs. Ho was full
of confidence for ISbS , and after paying a
high tribute to the now mayor , expressed the
belief that so long as Holier was mayor lots
in Uecr's addition would never drop a dollar
in value. . , ire
Hon.V. . H. M. Pussy was called for. Ho [
: said ho supposed that ho and others of the
old , gray-haired citi/cns had been invited ;
, there as frightful examples. They had lived
. hero for years , and all hud their turn in the
- council. 'They were hero when this city was
, a hamlet. There had been great changes
- since the days of the old , Jerky stage coach. I
It was probably the infusion ef so much
young blood that had brought these changes
about. Ho wanted to express his hc.irty co
operation with the younger men in their at
- tempts to make this ono of the foremost cities
in the west. The very opposition by which
the city had been surrounded could be util
ized to its good. The gray haired men were
seeing things they did not dream of thirty
. years ago. Ho wanted to warn the new !
mayor of the dangerous position in which hor.
found himself. It was rUky to bo mayor
' Cleveland was mayor once. In closing hon
spoke more seriously of the intent of govcnv
incut , and ho gave the now mayor some ' n7
, wholesome advice about'being stern in lis
handling of the disorderly clement of tm
city , anil yet not to become intolerant in ils
exorcise of power.
Colonel Sapp was next called , and made )
hnppv speech. He congratulated the counci
on having made the choice of so cnergetii
. and honest a man as mayor. He sooko o
the great changes wrought , in the city sine
- ho first came here , and expressed the belie
that the city was now on the eve of ich
. prosperity as was never dreamed of by its
most enthusiastic prophet.
Alderman Wells was made to follow. Ho
, had been of the llrst to suggest Mr. Hobrcr'
- , name for mayor. Ho did so because ha bo-
, licvcd that ho was not only full of oncrgj ,
but level headed. The progress made the
but but the bo- <
ho past year was great , it was
ginning , ,
on After the speeches informal congratuli
- lions followed. Mayor Hohrcr remained <
- the club rooms all the afternoon rccoivin
and hospitably caring for his friends.
He Was Well AVatclicd. '
, Yesterday afternoon a few o Sherlfl Pen
Reel's friends perpetrated a 'gcuuiuo tu
pleasant surprise upon him. As ho was Ink
ing n last , lingering look at the qua Hers Jio
bos filled , he was approached by Clerk Shen
and asked what time It wns. Perry knew and
pave the desired Information , but the ques
tioner diwntcd from the reliability of the
nhcriff's timepiece and tendered him beauti
ful J' . > 25 watch , which he said would keep
more time and do it In better shape than any
other watch in the county. The sheriff ac-
ccptcii the gift nnd neatly expressed his
Cross-cut paws. Odell ft Bryant.
If J on desire to get n new Hall type writer
cheap , drop a postal card to H. A. P. , Br.B
ofllco. A great bargain for the first who
A fine resilience lor sale T. U. Bald
win ,
The City's News.
Council Bluffs , ns a city , has Just closed
the most prosperous year of her existence ,
and with the public improvements now under
contemplation there will bo much more ac
complished during 1888 , but there is need ft
more vim nnd push with the capitalists of
our city. The new bridge will bo completed
in Juno and the motor railway will soon
be in operation to hike Mnnnwa. These two
enterprises of themselves will have n tend
ency to attract large additions to our popula
tion. Business men seeking to open up new
enterprises can be induced to remain here
and become citizens with us , provided proper
steps arc taken to show them the advantages
wo have here. Hut in order to do this we
must have an organization that will bring
about concert of action. Where is our board
of trade ! We have heard nothing of late
about It , further than the facts that the _ pro
jectors have no money , und that there is not
enough interest taken in the organization to
insure its success.
The board of trade should bo reorganized ,
nnd solicitations made for membership among
our young and energetic business men.
Matters of vast importance need looking
after , by them , and they and they alone as an
organization , can do it. Wo must have n
line hotel built this year. Wo must have a
line union depot. We must encourage manu
facturers and many other enterprises here
before wo can expect to attain the greatness
that our natural facilities demand.
Let us liavo a general reorganization of the
board of trade , throw plenty of new blood
into it and then let us all roll up our sleeves
and help to make the year lsS3 the grandest
in its history.
City Council.
The common council met last evening in
regular session , Chairman Wells presiding.
Present , Alderman Danfoith , Hammer , Kel
ler , Metcalf and Lacy. '
The oflicial bond and oath of ofllce of M. F.
Kohrcr were presented. Bond , with William
Gronewcg and Thomas Bowman as sureties ,
was accepted.
Bills for the month were presented and
took the usual course.
The following appointments of the chief of
the lire department were approved : To take
charge of hook and ladder truck , N.H. Nicks ,
James Lear , Charles Pfeifcr , John Bates , F.
Police report shows 121 arrests during
the month.
Report of the librarian of free public library
shows an addition of over 1,000 volumes dur
ing the past ycaiynakinga total of more tlmn
10,000 volumes. Balance on hand over and
above all expenses paid , $ . ' ! 05.37.
Ilcportof dtty marshal that he had served
notice on the gas company that gas bo dis
continued on the streets. Filed.
The following trustrces of the free public
library were elected : M , F. Hohrcr , J. J.
Steadman and Father McMcnamy. Ad
City Finances.
The report of the city department for the
month of December is as follows :
General fund S 72t.K : ! )
Police and marshal's , department. . 3,128.74
Streets and alleys l,0f > 3.2l
Fire department 0,322.21
City engineer 4S5.38
Gas and street lamps 437.00
Printing and supplies 282.00
Intersection grading 1.48
Policecash fund 027.19
Total general expenses $13,21)3.23 )
Intersection sewer $ 0 , nG.81
Intersection paving 5,150.00
Special assessment sewer 8'JOO.OC
Special assessment paving 34OOO.OC
Water works extension 1,200.00
Total special $50,020.81
Court Notes.
The superior court convened ycsterdaj
morning. The following Jury was drawn :
O. H. Lucas , Samuel Morrison , C. A. Ham
nier , Gcorgo Fairman , C. A. Pump , Henry
Fall , M. Keating and Fred Spurling.
The following causes were heard and clis
posed of :
The state against Joe Landcl for assaulting
Solomon Vance with a shovel , was continuei
until the Ifith inst , at which time the princi
pal witness is expected to be able to appeal
in court.
Harry Winn , the alleged forger , waived ex
amlnation and was held in bonds of $1,000 to
await the action of the errand jury , in defaul'
of which he was committed to Jail.
John Ealy was arrested yesterday for steal
ing a ring , and was bound over in the sum o
Escaped From tlio Asylum.
Sunday night between 11 and 13 o'clock
four inmates of the asylum for the fccbl
minded , at Glcnwood , escaped. Their absence
senco was soon discovered and ycstcrdaj
morning the superintendent came to thiscitj
looking for them. The police were notitic <
and during the afternoon three of the fou
were found at the Union Pacific trausfc
depot and taken to the city lock-up. The
will be returned to their quarters to-day.
Abstract Company Incorporated.
Yesterday afternoon was filed in the re
corder's ofllco articles Incorporating the
"Union Abstract Company. " The following
names appear as Incorporators and officers :
Lucius Wells , president ; E. H. Sheaf , vice
president ; S. B , Wadsworth , secretary and
treasurer. These form also n board of di
rectors whose successors are to bo elected in
one year.
Evorv ono making a ca&h purchase o
25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the annual pruo
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Fortune in Figures.
J. M. Phillips' store was crowded last
night at the drawing to sco which of his cus
tomers would bo the lucky winner of the
forty-acre farm which ho gave away. The
owner of ticket No. 10,755 is the happy man ,
whoever ho may be.
Sounds Ijikc a Fairy Talc.
Chicago News : The sensational story
told W Henry M. Hurd of his alleged
kidnaping Saturday morning hist is not
believed by the police. Captain Buck
. , ley , in whoso district the kidnaping is
said to have taken place , laughed heart
- ily when ho road the account of Hurd's
: btrango tale.
" old hair and
"Forty-live years , gray do
mustache , and ju t as ho was about to bo
married. That's hard. Left his homo ,
a i 75 "West Nineteenth street , Saturday
morning , stayid away three days , re
of turned to the woman of his choice yes
terday and was married shortly after
Well , that's a great yarn , " the captain
! said. "It's the llrst time I over heard
of the cnbO and I'm not inclined to take :
any stock in story. No report of nn.v
mysterious aisappoaranccs has been soul
- to this station , which , I think , would
> have been dono.had any man been miss
ing in any part of the city. "
- "Do you believe , captain , that an
organized gang of kidnappers exists ir
- this cityV"
Ing at "No , sir ; most assuredly not. "
"To what , then , do you ascribe tin
storyV" , ,
"It looks to mo very much like toi
irry much festivity , although ii
and his interview Hurd says ho neve
SO , IS " 2-OX733 ,
We Defy All Competition and Challenge a Ooinparlnon of Goods and 1'rlccs
1 With Any House In the Writ.
drinks. Ho admits meeting several
friends on Halbtcad street and then go
ing east on Twenty-second street , but
denies having drank anything. Then
again the man bays : 'When 1 arrived
at a point on Twenty-second street a
little west of State street I noticed two
men walking toward me , who were be
ing slowly followed by a clo.-o carriage. '
That was npout 11 o'clock , in broad day
light , and yet ho bays the men chloro
formed him on the street and pushed
him into a carriage. The story , to me ,
is very thin. Another point which
doesn't tally wjth the methods usually
employed by kidnapers is the statement
that when ho recovered consciousness
Hurd found himself in bed with his
boots on. Hurd'a captors may have
been different from the usual run ,
though. Well , he had to have some
story to toll , I suppose , but he got a lit
tle large. "
"Nonsense , every bit of it , ' ' Lieuten
ant Arch of the Twenty-second street
station said , after he had read Kurd's
story. "Sucn a thing as that couldn't
have happened on Twenty-second street
nt that time ol the day , and I'll tell you
why. People are constantly parsing
along the street atthc , , hour he claims to
have been seined.and any sucli act would
bo noticed and a noise made. Another
fact is that a largo number of men are
working -on a new building near the
corner of State street and they would
have seen any alT ir as noticeable as
that would be. We got a dispatch about
a , missing man , but wo have so many
that unless there' is some especial fea-
sure about it we do not investigate
closely. Wo have a tough district , but
there are no kidnapers in it. My judg
ment is that any man who will go to bed
with his boots on doesn't have to be kid
napped to disappear. "
' We arc now prepared for the
Our immense buildings are packed full of
the most
In our line , nnd at prices that will defy com
petition. Wo guarantee our goods to be just
ns we represent them. Please give us a call
whether you wish to buy or not , nnd bring
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our goods. Kespectfully ,
C. A. BEEBE ft CO.
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mall for repars promptly atten op
to. Satisfaction Riiarauteoil. 10th Avenue. Ad
dress Ogden Holler Works. Council Illutf , Iowa
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Oioadway , Couucil DluaX Opp. Dummy Depot.
TTorses and mnles constantly on hand , for
inle ut retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly nlled by contract on short
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. SOIII.UTEK & DOLEY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council UliiUs.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short U&9.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Th * only read to take ( or Dei Molnei , M jrlalHown ,
Ctd r Kapldi , Clinton , UUon. Cblciiao. Milwaukee
nrt all noinU ea . To th people of Nebraska , Cxlo >
radoT Wyomlnr. Ut h , Irtabn , Norada , Oregon , \Va h-
Ink-ton i ana California , u offeri lupeJlor adranlagM
MSS'Jtt.1 ? SIh other line. u. point , of .upcrlorlt ,
JS1aThtaJol.h.0rSttI0tnwio ! ° ttra ! " . Eft Sf BXIfcM !
KS. wh cl > are th * flncit that Buman art nrt Ingenue
tT can create. Its PALACK HLKKPINO UAW9. which
are models of comfort and elegance. lt 1'AULOB
DllAWINd ROOM CARS , nnsurpM e < 1 by anr , and
Si widely cel.bV edHAiATlAirDlNlNo'cArIfttn. ;
equal of wulch ranuot be found eisewhere. At Coun
cil Blntri the train * of the Union I'aelflc Railway , con-
noct In union depot wltli those oftbe hlcaO *
SorthweitSraTly. In CblcBKO the train , of thl.lln
- pake close connection with those of all other eastern
Vor Detroit , Colnmbut. Indlanjipolls. CtnclnnntL
Nl g r Falls. Buffalo. I'UUaiim. Toronto , Montreal ,
SoitonTNcw York. l'liU delihl | , Ualtlraoro. Wash-
file'on , ana all points In thecatt. asi tor a Uck.l Tl
It ran wish the best accommodation. All ticket a eaU
ticket. la thl. line.
SPKCtATj advertisements , siichns Lost .Found ,
To Ionn , For SoleTo Nirnt , Wants , JlosinltnK.
etc. , will lie Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS I'EH MNEfor the Hrst In
sertion and Five Cents 1'cr l.lne for each subse
quent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our
office No. K I'earl Street , near IJroadway Coun
cil llhiDs , Iowa.
WANTED A flrst-cla'-s cook and brtkor , ono
or both can obtain permanent employment
Inailrst-clnsH ' hoti'linu latKe city In Jown by
addressing , with references , 1' . 0. Box No. B
Council lllull.s.
FOU KENT A good new seven room honve.
Coed location. Uuiiulro of W > * . Colefi04
I'earl st.
EOH KENT The plrn ant rooms up stnlrs , 100
lirmulwny ; also for sale numerous articles
of household goods. Apply caily.
TIIOK SALE Furniture and stoves nt n sacrl-
-aJ lice to reduce stock. You can buy nt your
own pi-Res. A..1. Maudcl.
FOH IIEN'T A six-room house , No. GO" Jlyns-
ter bt. Apply to A. Louie , fiffl llroadwity.
OST Hoy's fur trimmed overcoat nnd kid
- mitts. Itetnrn to lice ollico.
First class gardener , without
capital , to work extensive garden on
shares. First class chnnce. Address Joseph
Smith , Council IlluUs , la.
EXCHANGE Omahn nnd Council HlufTa prop
erty and western land for stocks of mer
chandise. Call on or address J. 11. Christian ,
W llroadwny , Council IlluUs , la.
shares In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of
Odell IJros. i Co.
TJTOU SALE Second-hand Columbia blcycls
JC very cheap , 6S-lnch , at lice office.
"DUIt.niNU lotsjynd acre property for sale by
F.J.lay ) , 9 Pearl St.
The desirable residence or business property
known as the Powers Place , on Upper Ilroacl-
way opposite the M. E. church , will positively
lie hold \\lthln the next thirty days. Terms :
One-third ciioh , balance In one and two years.
Omaha , N b. , 1317 and Kill ) DouKlus St. J
0 B | S9feJ4 M
tr Y r * pi-nx/rc'i
L T 5 N
500 Broadway Council muffs , Iowa. Established
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY. - - Council BMs ,
Carriage and Express Line ,
Telephone No. Hi.
All calls from District Telegraph Office
promptly attended to.
D , H , McDANELD & GO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
SO and 22 Mflln Strcet.Councll IllulTs.Iowa.
Large Line at Reasonable Figures ,
No. 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
101. BROADWAY. 401
See the Beautiful Silk
Christmas Quilt
And Pillow Shams ,
We have a large line of
Which we are closing out regardless of
former prices. Also a few more
Bargains in Cloaks !
But it is well known that our liouse contains such a multitudQ
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could
the papers 'make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every one of our departments will offer thousands of useful tuiJ
ornamental tilings
We have made every effort to place on sale the most attractive and useful goods
at the lowest possible prices , and wo invite inspection and comparison.
Special Handkerchief sale this week at
L'c , 5c , lOc , 15c , SJ.3c , up to $10. Each
and all go at about half price.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in
largo variety. Laces , Embroideries ,
Fichucs , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric
Gloves. All must go at this great sale.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Drc&sing Gowns and HmoknigJaokcts.
Ladio's Slumber Hobos , Japanebo
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted
at $5 , $0 , $7.60 to $10. Each a very
suitable present from a lady to a gen
Special bargains in our Art goods de
partment. Stamped Linens , Knit
goods , Underwear. Everything must
be bold this week.
Como to the People's btoro first and see
what we can do for you.
Wo know wo have the goods and that
our prices will save you money every \ f
time. * }
With every $2 purchase you will ro- '
ccivo a ticket for ono chance in ov'
100 grand free presents.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,