1 * n 2 THE OMAHA , DAILY > BERr .TUESDAY. ' < JANUAKY < 8 , 1888. nnd American red wlntcs arc fld(39d ( bettor. -lilvcrjiool prices nro Idof'-Jd tidr cental higher. Corn Is stronger , un seed , ho * rivm Is. There nro two arrivals of wheat cargoes. Ono was withdrawn nnd tlfrccremain. . At to-day's market both Eng- llsh nod foreign wheat were held for Is ad- voneo nnd M ty ltd wlvonrfl was readily ob tainable. Flour was Cd higher. Oats sold nt 3d jjd vanco. Knghsh barley was Is dearer. Uoutis wcro Gd cheaper. Tlic Oorti-7.'Opened. ' Ltnn6K , .Tan. ,2.--Tlio king In hln speech opening the cortez to-dnv , referred to the agreement with China regulating tbo political and commercial relations ; to the prospect of n settlement with Zanzibar ; to thu progress nnd prosperity of the Congo territory , nnd to the rapid development of the Hnlugoa Uiiy colony from Its ronnoctlon by railway with the Interior. Ho snld Unit the Jlnauclal posi tion of the kingdom was sound. Significant'Utterances. . JjBitus , Jan. B. The National Zeltung Btntos that Emperor William , during his re- ccptlon yesterday of ofllccrs of the guards , briefly od ! ! "I would point out that this year your chief attention will bo claimed by the .Juancuvies which the guards nnd tiio third army corps have boon -ordered to execute. " The emperor afterward 'bestowed ' the order of the Hlack Eagle npon the court chamberlain , Count Stalberg Wcrnolgerado. The 1'opo Bxtonnlvelr KOME , Jan. 2. Yesterday the pope received 8,500 oongratalntory telegrams. His high- nois has Informed all special foreign envoys that ho will grant them audiences for their leave-taking whenever thry desire. Ho In tends to send autograph letters to all sovereigns eigns who have Avrittcn to him. Gladstone nnd the Vatican. HOUR , Jon. 2. Italian papers say dludstono WIlL-trout with the Vatican for its support in the efforts being made to obtain autonomy for Ireland , Persieo having commenced nego tiations. _ KmjHsror AVIlllarn Avoid * Politics. liuitUK , Jan. 2 Kmpcror William , in his re marks nt his Now Year's reception yesterday , nvoldcd open political allusions , but In con versation with Ills military chiefs ho referred to the impiovcmcnt in the general political situation , The HeronloH Sinking. LONDON , Jan. 2. The British ironclad Hercules touched the reef oft Porrol , Spain , to-day , nnd knocked n hole in her side. All efforts to stop the leak failed , nnd the ship with difllculty readied the harbor of Fcrrol , whcro she is gradually sinlang. Russia's Movements. VIKNXA , Jan. t ! . The Friendonblatt denies , on authentic information , that the movement of Knsslan troops and war material to the frontier continues. The latest news shows that recent repot ts concerning Russian move ments i of erred mainly to displacements effected within the frontier provinces. Kx-Srnyor Sullivnii Honored. LiMEiucK , Jan. 2. The municipal author ities have conferred the freedom of the city upon Sullivan , ox-lord mayor of Dublin. AVAKU1NO SPOUTS. The LiAtonln nnd St. Ijouls Jockey Clubs nt War. CINCINNATI , Jan. 2. The Lntnnla Jockey club officers deny the statement published by the St. Louis Jockey club to the effect that the latter gives moro money than Lntonla for racing purposes. This year there nro thirty- three days of racing proposed. The spring meeting begins May 20 nnd continues until Juno 0 , Sundays exceptcd. Thus horsemen will be enabled to rnco continuously , begin ning at Now Orleans in April , then going to Memphis , Nashville , Lexington , Louisville nnd Latonia. After that they can go to Kan sas City , Chicago and Minneapolis , going cast in time tor the great Shccpshcud Day meeting , which begins Juno 14. At the full meeting Latonia pro | > oscs to glvo 10Q races in honor of the centennial celebra tion and will probably close the meeting at r , the sumo time ns the close of the exhibition , The , stakes of the Lalonin club for tins year ns well as thu spring meeting of ISh'J and 1890 have been announced to close January 15. The sum of $33,000 is offered in stakes alone. The purses wil bo accordingly liberal. The club claims thu distinction of the first in the west to offer $ GOU purses , and usscits thnt it will continue to ho liberal , especially thin year , for its pooling privileges have been Bold for * M,000. , Secretary Sutton on O'Connor Power. LINCOLN , Jan. 2. [ Spoci.il Telegram to the UCK. ] John P. Sutton , secretary of the Irish National Lcaguo in America , expressed .in vigorous language to-day his opinion ol O'Connor Power , who stated on landing in I America a fuw days upu that there wns nc difference between himself and the Irisli nationalists. Secretary Suttou nays the com ing of O'Connor Power to America has nc connection whatever with the Irish National Lcaguo in any shape or fet nny purpose accept aid or countenance from him. Ho states that the Irish of America ica know O'Connor Power and his treachery that they know him to bo a traitor not aloiu to his jwhtieul party but to his country unite i to those who took him from obscurity uiu f" made it possible for him to exercise his ahll Hy In treachery. Ho will not bo given an other chance to soli his country. Ho is dcut f"r nnd buried insofar ns Irish politics are concerned i corned and will not bo rcsuriccted by Irish men In America by any such plausible state ft- r tncnts as ho has miulo to thu eastern pi'cs - einco landing In this country. Mr. Sutton also commented upon tlio cabli dispatch alleging to como from Hurrlngtoi which stated that America contribution ! since 18S5 hnvo been very small. Mr. Suttoi refused to believe that Harrington wns th author of any such statement , but it ho wtv ho must have exalted ideas of what const ! tutes largo financial aid ftom America. Mi Sutton buliovcd that the Irish in Amcrio rurried constantly heavy , self- imposed taxa tlon for churches nnd charities in Amorlei und for support of the i cut burdened Irisl Jn the old country ; this support without reference oronco to years had been unfaltering and lui largely foiced the liberal policy toward lie land. ThoSohuylklll llmming JIlKh. UruuiNo , Pa. , Jan 2. Owing to ycstor day's heavy rain the Schuylktll river wti Boven and n half foot higher this aftonioo than twenty-four hours beforo. Hugo cuke of ice came tloaling down the river all mott ing and if these puss oft without forming gorge no danger Is apprehended. The watc Is so high that , the river and tha Schuylkl and Union cmmls appear as onu body c water. Above Heading many small crocli overflowed their banks and did serious dan ago. The witters nro now receding. r Moro Chicago Hoodlcrs. CniCAfio , Jan. 2 Dan Duggan. the Soul Chicago contractor indicted for dcfraudin the Cumming's school district out of a lai > num of money , was arrested to-day. Si Thompson , another of the boodlors indictc for the same thing , gave himself up to-dn The other four men under Indictment , wl probably be arrested before night. - . . . _ Olilo'n legislature Meets. COLUMBUS , O. , Jan. 2 The sixty-eighth gci era ! assembly convened at 10 this motiiin 'Xhe house organized by electing A. L. Lum Bon FH > ukor. The son a to organized by elcc luff T. T. Davis president pro tcm. The io cruor's message was presented and road : both branches this afternoon. IllsliiR lllvcr * . PiTTsnuita , Jan. 2. Notwithstanding tl sudden cold spoil the rivers are still rlsh lowly and rivorinen expect suftlclent wat to send out u barge uhlpnicnt of coal to Cl clnuoti und Louisville. The rivers are 110 running lull of Ico. * i The Atlanta at Pnlmero. ICopt/ritfM / tS37 In Anna Ooitluii Hciuiftt. ] PAUIJTIIO , Jan. 9. [ New ifork Uoru ! Cabin Special to the Dm. ] Gould's yacl Atiuata .arrived hero to-day. A DAItINO nODDlSUY. A Cntltollo 1'rtaflt ilta no Exciting llxpcrlenuo lit Ponttsylvnnln. New HnioiiTO.v , .Ian. 2. Ono of the most daring robberies In. Heaver county occurred this morning at the residence of Uov. Father Bighorn , pastor tit St. Joseph's Cath olic church Of this place. Mrs. Cristy , the houskccper , bos been sick and was occupying a room with Miss Mary Mo- Nally , who acted In the capacity of nurse , nnd a young nloco about fourteen years of ago. At the hour mimed Mrs. Cristy nwoko and discovered two masked men In the room. The robbers then drew their revolvers and de manded her money. She replied that she had tiono. At this Juncture , Miss Oortlo Clarke , the niece , awoke and , solng the men , began to scream , and Mrs. Cristy , Inking advantage of'tho confusion , pressed an electric button which rung n boll in-Father Hrlgham's room. The priest , suddenly aroused , confused and half asleep , rushed out into the hallway , thinking that the women had been taken violently ' 111 und that his services wore required , i . Ono of the robbers rushed to the hall nnd forced the reverend gentlemun Into hl room , where ho nt once bid his valuables , money and watch. -Tho burglar then told him to open the door or ho would batter it down , und Father Ulghpm replied , "I will shoot you through the door. " Hut 'the villain had prepared for this by" taking the young lady out of bed and holding her before him , whcro she called to the well-nigh frantic priest tenet not shoot , as she .would surely receive the shot. The priest then , hid the re volver and opened the door , when the burglar made a search of- the room , but failed to find anything of muoh value. Ho bcctime so exasperated that ho dealt Father Uigjinm B. blow wjth n revolver , which foiled him to the floor. . The robbers then forced the four occupants of the house to walk down sUtlrs and nt the ix > lnt of a revolver compelled ttio priest to open the nafo nnd give him the contents amounting to $111) , which had been taken In the collections. The pair then departed. Several hours later detec tives arrested three men whom were posi- Ittvoly identiilcd as the men. who committed the crime. The Tlolc Observatory Tolcscopc. SAV Josr. , Gala. , Jan. 2. The great ob jective or thirty-six-inch lens of the Lick ob servatory telescope was fully mounted yes terday afternoon. As hoon ns nn observa tion is made a photographic lens will bo mounted nnd experimental photographs taken to determine the work required to finish the telescope. Accepted the hot. Los AxoBi.n , Gal. , Jan. 3. General -John Fremont has written a letter to the ranch company which recentlypresonted him with a lot nt Seaside , accepting the gift ftnd an nouncing his dtitonriinntion to settle in south ern California. Conl Miner * Will Gb Out. , Pa , , Dnni 2 , Advices received hero to-night from.interior towns of the coal regions , say the eoal minors will undoubtedly strike to-morrow morning , when all coal trafllc will of course bosuspcndcd. The Itock island's New President. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 2 The Journal will an nounce to-morrow that M. A. Low has been appointed president of the Itock Island sys tem west of the Missouri river. The Death Uncord. Jan. 2. Tho. funeral of Judge Joel Parker , war governor of New Jersey , who died here last night , will take place at Fieehold , N. J. , Friday morning. V. 3 > f. C. A. Entertainment. The Plcnsnnt Manner In Which They Pnsied the Day. Yesterday the Y. M. C. A. celebrated New Year's day in royal st j lo nt their roonn on the corner of Fifteenth and DoOgo. From noon until 4 p. in. a reception was given ; the rooms wcro thronged with people nnd n pleasant time wits spent in social chat , games nnd singing. Four until 7 o'clock a substan tial supper was served , nnd nn army of mem bers nnd their guests were fed. The eve ning's entertainment commenced nt 80 : ! ! nnd continued until 10. It was opened by chorus singing of gospel hymns , which was followed with prayer by the llov , J. E. Ensign. Next the solo by Mr. Lee Kratz was -warmly en cored and ho graciously responded. Mr. W. W. Sluybrook then gave the boys a most sen sible talk , urging upon them the necessity of some llxcd aim in life. His speech abounded with many npt illustrations and loft a marked impression on his auditors. * Bv request Mr. Leo Kratz ptvo another solo , after which the Ilev. Mr. Wilson gave an eloquent nnd Im passioned address on the subject , "Saloons on Sabbath. " After a solo by Mr. McDon- uld and u duet by Messrs. Henderson and Grotton , the Hov. J. K. Ensign gave n brief nnd witty speech. The entertainment ended with another duet by Messrs , Henderson and Grotton. THE liAIlGKST LilVlNQ BIRD. How General Sickles Saved the Ijlfo of a South American Condor. Now York Sun : "Just after the war of thu robollloii , " saMGenomlDaniol E. Sickles this morning , as ho sat before n looking phiss with u mzor in his hand and a hither upon hlsfnoo , "I was sent to Bogota by the United States govern ment on u dlplouiutio mission. While there , in one 01 my numerous oxoursionn about the city , I saw n condor and was instrumental in Ntving its lite. The man who owrncd this -bird hwl captured it while Very young. It was flattened with a chain around one leg to a stnko driven into the ground. The sight of the bird rau.de u great impression on mo. It was about BOVOII feet in length and the diatanre between the tips ol his wing * when outspread was about aixtcon feet. It stood nearly three foot high. Itt talons were as long as ray .ilngore. Its wore as largo as pigeons' eggs nnd blazed with a light which no captivity could subdue. I saved that coridor'b life. Ono of its legs had been attacked by o little in boot peculiar to South America. which had a hubid of worming its wnj into human nnd animal llesh and mul tiplying with such frightful rapiditj that the victim dibs in a few days in ox- cruolating agony. I have seen natives Iving beside South American roads their bodies swollen as lai'go ns n barrel from the inflammation producot by the „ ravages of thia in sect. One * of the condor's ' logi had . been badly lacerated bj the inroads of this insect. I told the owner of the bird that I could ollect r cure , but lie laughed at me. . Said , lie You dare not go near him. Ho hai killed three dogs. J have seen him take n dog by the purult of the iiecU with hii beak , and then tear a pound of men from his ribs. I told his owner that ] weld take the risk. I wont into tin forest and cut a strong , withy sapling From thia sapling I mndo a yoke uucl as is used to put over the necks of gecEi to keep them from getting througl fences. This yoke I succeeded in put ting over CTTo condor's neck. The con dor was thus unable to use his for midublo beak , although he tried him to do so. Two men holt his sound log while I doctored thi dibcabcd one. The tnoatinont 1 ndoptei \\iia to I nui clii go the condor's leg in cot ton beaked in oil. Three davs later paid another visit to the condor. Thi time I cauterized the wounds , and th' ' vobult wiih that the log became com ely cured. The owner of the bin had doubted my surgical skill , nnd htu Bald that if I cured the bird I could hav him. I began to inuko preparations t have the condor transported to Contru park. I found , however , that the ox would bo enormous , involving re lays of homo thirty natives to carry th condor to the coant , Iwaldos his care 01 shipboard ; nnd 60 Central park \Ui \ probably end of the flnCbt spocimt'lis i 'he ' grout South American condor whlc' . has ever boou taken alive. " 11. WHAT WAGE WORKERS WANT They Aka the Removal of Chairman Balcombo. THEY SAY IT WITH MIGHTY VOICE nnd EnthusiastIc Gathering of Workers nndJUrcnd Win ners at the City Hall Linst Night. The Meeting , ' Detwecn four and five hundred represents- ' lives of tlio trades organizations of tlio city assembled in the council chamber last night for the purpose of entering a protest against the letting of contracts for any kind of work on the city hall to convict labor , or the em ployers of such. Mayor Brontch , a member' ' of the city council , the trades committee ( fluT the ofllccrs nnd representative men of the dif ferent worldngmen's trades unions occupied scats Insldo the railing. Mr. Nat Allen , president of tho'Plnsleror'B union , was clmson to preside nnd stated the object of tho'meptlng. Mr. James D. Green acted ns secretary. Mr. Con iLynch , n mortibor of the omer- .goncy committee , was the first speaker. Ho referred to the hid of Novins & Co. , und snld It was n Well known'fact ' that "Bill" Stout , the employer of convict labor , was ono of that lirm. That firm 'had ' bdcn awarded the contract to do the work on" the city building , but was afterward re scinded by the council. Ono of the objouts of this meeting was to thank the council for their action , nnd nt the same . .tfmo'nssuro them that if the wishes of "worklngmcn wore 'not abided by they would demonstrate their displeasure through the ballot box. Mr. Smyth was hailed with nu nlan < lo. Ho sold that convict labor Was nn iniquitous system nnd should bo condemned wherever found. There are to-day within tho'Vnlls of the Lincoln penitentiary 8'M convicts. They are compelled to produce nil they can in the ten hours they arc'watched ana dogged over. The.contractor docs not pay them. 'He does not hnvo to house , feed or clothe them. What ( iocs ho have to pay ? Simply n few overseers nt an annual cost of $ ! M,000 , On the other hand n manufacturer or rcspccta- ble contractor employing u lko | number of honest workingmcn lias to support their homos , clothe them , pay them u living salary and Insure them the happiness that be- 16ngs to nil honest wage work ers. Prison labor competes unjustly with honest labor , and the speaker gave in disputable figures to cairy out his assertion. Mr. Smyth maintained the convict should bo mndo self-supporting. Convict employment is a most profitable one , and is fostered and supported by legislators who vote for it. These legislators go to Lincoln , for n price , nnd nro bought up for that price td legislate for these convict employers. They are slick fellows , smooth talkers nnd will drown n legislator in wine and dine him on oysters. Thcso fellows who are trying to get the t'on- ract for building the city hall aru poisoned vith convict labor , nnd they nro not safe icoplc to allow to get a foothold hero. The penkcr in conclusion said that if the worlc- ngmcn would stand by the city council it vould thwart convict labor on Iho city build- ng. [ Cries of "They arc doing it" and 'They'll have to. " ] Mayor Hroateh was next called out , and .aid . thai he was heartily in sympathy with ho objects of the meeting , adding hat ns long as he could prevent it there hould bo no convict labor within Iho corpo- ate limits of the city. Convict labor is not Vhtit il is credited to be. The mayor said ho md it from contractors that convict labor was i loss to them. Mr. Hroateh even know that ho work done by convicts did not-tomparo n no w Iso with that of honest labor. . Vhep 10 ran for mayor the laboring men stood by ilm , and ho would never abuse1 that confi- Icnco. Mr. Hroateh affirmed thai he nor the' wuncll would ever do Anything that waS in- mieal to the laboring classes of Oinaha.r. Councilman Hasrall pitched intolhc chair- nun of the board of public works , and told its hearers that ho would stand by them cverytimo. It would be a disgrace to , the city to have their city hall erected , by convict nbor to the utter disregard of honest laborers , vhoin the city had invited > to come icro and live. The council would stand firm nnd do all iu their > owcr for the working class , but ho thought .ho mayor ought to bounce the board of mulio works if they don't stop writing to Vho icwspapcrs and training with Ncvins & Co. Tlio aichltcet , too , was to blame. Ho put n city hall on paper that , ho said , would cost ? 1H,000. ) Now ho comes and soys It will cost $300,000 to build , and if ho keeps on itsit will cost $500,000. Mr. Hawaii said the way the construction of the building was being mani pulated the architect and board of public works were looking for margins , and wound up by chancing the remark that himself ami liis associates Iu council were holiest and above reproach. In response to loud calls Councilman Ford came to the front. Ho said that ho felt nt homo among.workingmcn , and nt every turn of tlio roud us a coal digger , railroad section liand , policeman und councilman he hud stood by the laborer. ' The contract drawn up in favor of Nevins & Co. , was llio most rotlcn ever put in force , "Boss" Stout was a state conuptionist and si bad man to have any dealings with. The speaker acquainted the audience ; witli an in tcrviow and broken promise ho had with Mr , Hcimrod , u member of the board , of public works , when the revoking of the Novins & Co.'s contract was brought up. All tin frauds in the city had endeavored to force tlio Novins & Co. contract down the throat' of the council , but they would not swallow it. Mr. Ford expressed his ; full synipathj with the worlciuguiun. Mr. E. Welch was opiroscd to the employ ment of convict labor , as was ovary ta'x payei nnd laboring man. If the contract for com pletlng the superstructure of the city hall was lot to Novins & Co. , "Boss" Stout , whc is the tail end of the firm , would run in hl < convict labor to the disadvantage the honest laboring men of Omaha , * -All tin stone , the speaker said , that would'bo iutio duced in that superstructure would ho cut and carved in Lincoln nnd- Louisville villo , this state , at the quarries ol "Boss" Stout. The bricklaying nwould .be done by convicts , and the .plastering by * tin same Iniquitous class. Mr. Welch urged hit hearers t < > bo on Iho alert , as the city Ifal bids were again open , and urged them to.lbol out for King & Co. , ns ho was positive thej would scud in the lowest bid. , . "Boss" Stout ho further alleged , was the power bolflnd UK throne in this Ilrm , and ho will work In , tlu convict labor. Tim object of the meeting ii to forever banish "Boss" Stout from getting u foothold in Omaha , and Mr. Welch plcadei of the workingmeu to sec that that was thor oughly fulfilled. Councilman Ford said that ns long nsMayoi Broatch was such n friend of labor , let thi meeting pass a resolution calling upon tin mayor to remove St , A. IX Balcombo Iron thu chairmanship of the board of publii works , for as long as ho remained in the oflli'i Stout fi Co. wt3uld get the contract. Thi suggestion was hailed witlt an outburst of ap pluuse , and an attempt was mode to givi three cheers for Mr. Ford. Councilman Lowry excused himself fron speaking as hu was hoarse. Ho made the us portion thnt Mayor Broatch had said to hin that ho ( Broatch ) told Hoitnrod to vote will Hulcoinbo In defeating a reconsideration ol the Nevins ft , (3o. ( contract. Doctor Lavandcr warned the councilmcr not to enga < n in any schemes that would bi detrimental to the working classes , or thoi would bury them under the mlro so deei that they would never again como to the Bur face. Councilman Mnnvlllo had heard It assortci ttiat there wns rt ring in the council whei this Nevins contnvit was under connldora tlon. There was a ring , if ring to down Nov Ins ft Co. , for whom and their convict labo the city Of Omaha has no use. Councilman Snyder and Mr. O'Kecfo mad addresses. Thu latter said ho was a men : bar of the emergency committee , and ex pressed sorrow that they had not madu an el fort buforo thl to remove St. A. D. Ba' combo. But they would do it , and In a slmpi thnt Mayor Broatch could not Ignore. On motion the president then uppolnte Messrs. Oowon , O'Keefe. Mahoney , Oreo and Lynch , n committee- draw up a in < mortal requesting Mayor Broatch to roauiv Mr. Balcombo from tuo chairmanship of th board of public worjcs , after which the meeting tendered th4iJlmnk3 ( to the speak ers and adjourned. < , / A CotnitftkAlcntlon. OMUIA , Jan. 2. 'Jjo tfjo Editor of the Ben : A few plain facts ng lijst the uttoinnco of the alleged orators ol > Mio city hall meeting InAt night , may not be Inappropriate. A flue scnso of Justice on 'VficV-j part of the public toward the man actqrwned ] to staud to his rights ns already dojlrubd of public record , will excuse this comMUiiication in the public press , ns a plain stat&rffcnt of the facts of record , ns against h ujs band strains nnd oratorical skyrockets./ , destined to dazzle worklngmou. U , , Until Kat Allen , pf.lSp Plasterers' union , took the chair at thito bnliig of the meeting , no one knew under what or < whoso auspices the meeting was culled. Hand bills nnd dodgers were circulated throughout the streets , It is true , by order of the committee , as vague-nnd.indefinite as the call itself , and the bost.proof of the want of sympathy on the part of the workingmcn with the object of the tncctin'g was attested by the fact that four men nominated for secretaries declined nnd the two first spcntfero , Hon. J. C. Cowln nnd HornE. . Kosowuter , wwero not In the audience. Con Lynutv.wus probably the best exponent of the mooting , because , turning to Messrs. Lowry , Ford nnd others of the city council present , ho threatened thorn with the 'failure ' of ro-clection by the votes of the < workingtnon if they sustained the previous action for building the superstructure of the city hull. Kow a few words to the very workingmcn Whonttendcd thoineetlng-lnstTilght nnd np- pluuded the generalities nbout convict labor. If there was any ono thing insisted upon , it wns that convict labor would defraud them of honest wages nnd thereby a continuous supply of work. In September , 1880 , the contract for the building of the basement of the city hall was awarded to the Uegntt brothers and tlio express conditions of tlio contract were that the basement was to bo completed by the following July. Tills is the year 1SS7 and tlio basement is not completed yot. The private enterprises in the sumo vicinity nro going ahead , and yet n great public improvement is to-day n hole in the ground , Surely some worklngmen have been 'deprived of daily labor and daily wages. Whoso fault Is it ? Inquire for yourselves nnd bo not deceived with oratorical whirlwinds in certain interests nbout your deprivation of work in Omiilm lias come in. Kevins & Co. hnvo no light with cither the Koguns or the Bronnnns in the work bid upon by them , no convict labor direct or Indirect in nny shape , manner or form wns proposed to bo used. If it were , the express conditions of the contract would prevent such convict labor. It will bo found after very little investiga tion that this row has been raised by rival and disappointed bidders , and that the work ingmcn are being used to rake their chestnuts out of the fire. And , in the meantime , the taxpayers are getting the worst of it. J. S. AMUSHMENTS. Bartholomew's Kqiiino Paradox nt lloyd's The Other Theatres. At both performances at the Boyd opera house yesterday crowded houses greeted Prof. George Bartholomew's celebrated Equine Paradox , which has como back to Omaha after an absenco'Of two years , greatly enlarged and Improved/ . , There is so much tilajf' is pleasing in this entertainment , that ono hardly knows where to begin , sufllco it to say that n set of moro intelligent animals doesmot exist , nnd the feats accomplished by tMfni are indeed mar ' ' * vellous. The drill , in which tlfq , whole troupe pnr- icipate , Is executed { 11,11.wondci , fully perfect nnnner and it Is doubtift ) ) if n company of ; rained United State's regulars could go through the exacting maneuvers moro pcr- 'ectly. Little Kellio js > he favorite of alw .ndies nnd children n ifl the cute way in which she walks down to the foot-lights , bowing continually until the audience c\- "nibits sufficient recognition to please her ladyship , ulwajs brings Toithloud and enthu siastic applause. ThOjh.orscs all bear charac teristic names , such asJJucOphalus , Brutus Casar , etc. , etc. . V > j - The , black horso.'vSpri\o" ' is n marvel jump ing u iictncndous distance in the air , over 'our full pi own hori oj "PABMBU'S lAL'OIITUl" ) ; AT TUB OllVXn. "Only a Farmer's Daughter , " which was iroduccd at the Grand opcr.t house lust jilght , has long survived its author. Barnes died some time ago , but his principal piece ' .ives . , and appeals not less strongly to popular appreciation than it did when it was first pro duced. The performance last evening intro duced tlio third scusbn 6f tho.play in Omaha. This season will include Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings. Mr. Barnes was far from being a great playwright. Kcverthelcss. his works display considerable. knowledge of human nature und a deep insight into the methods and manners of people of the present time. "Only a Farmer's Daughter. " while possessing scenes and situ ations which savor of the serial story , con tains a number of features which picture al most every dav life. They do not display the delicacy and finish of thewoik of other writers for the stage. They aio distin guished , rather , by a roughness , which lacks but the polish of n more experienced hand to make them almost universally acceptable. Singularly enough , this polish has been gen- oi-.tllv applied by the people Into whose hands tlio rein escalation of the piece has been com mitted. Of all these people , the company which produced the play last night , nro un hesitatingly the strongest. They guvo an admirable representation of the piece. Ma rion Abbot In the dual role of Lbzie Stark and Mine. Luuront easily won favor with the au dience. Keither character , in itself , is to be commended. It is that of a woman blinded by nn inordinate love for u worthless crimi nal , who , to prove her unholy devotion , stops not oven nt \\recklng of n home in whicli love and happiness uro supposed to dwell In n woid , it is that of an unscrupulous adventuress , nnd well does the hubj play it. Last night , even against the sympathy of her audience , Miss Abbot ! evoked applause and secured recalls. Jus tine is the pretty charactcrtho heroine of tlu piece. It is against her that adventuress husband , almost everybody sins , and mecklv carefully vet forcibly docs she declare her j-olf against it. Naturally , the situation1 which the story of her trouble suggest , make demands upon the audience , especially the Indies ; but these are strengthened and ad mirably worked up by tlio acting of a littli girl , Maude Thompson , which , with that ol Miss Elliott , strongly appeals to the fcmaU portion of the audlcnco. Kato Howard a : Molly made an excellent soubrette , acting with care and good effect , though it might bt remarked , In passing , that young womei who are in the habit of wielding feather dusters tors tire not , as a rule , prone to wearing rlcl velvet drosses. In Mother Stark. Miss Huw- atxl had a hideous mukp-Tup und mnilo th ( character us repulsive midhideous us tlio au thor over intended It. Mrs Houston ns Her old Lennox scarcely replied the Ideal of i successful novelist. Thlsiiehnractor has nl ways been n weak onerj ami the fault llci somowhut with the draiiiiUist. Mr. S. J. For ban as Jack Hartley made-just about as vil lainous an aid to the advuilturess as the plcci demanded. Mr. Flsk a Sftinmy Green glvci promise of fair work asu-FCpinedian. Ho ii still a young man , and mspcnowlcdgc of mnk Ing up is somewhat defective. Mr. O. D Jones scored a success nsr Jligglns the butcher The picco was beautifullv costumed. SOCIAL CIAJJfr DANCES. The Hyperion nnd-Ksmoralda Kov Ycar'N BiVlls. The fouith ditnco of tljojlyporion club thi season \MIS hold at Masonic hall last ovonin , and was tlio Jlnest party'thby have given thi winter. A few person ? not members hit been favored with Invitations and there wcr present over fifty couples. Many olegan costumes wcro worn by the ladles , and th scene in the ball room was a brilliant one The playing of the Musical Union orchostr wns complimented by many for being model ntoly slow nnd nearly jwrfect In tltno. Mos of the muslo furnished by the dlffcrcii orchestras for the various dances has bee entirely too fast , the only object of th players evidently being to hurry throug with the numbers regardless of the wishes c the dancers. This has resulted In ruinln the poetry of the dance , milking it spasmodli fatiguing and utterly devoid of grace. Tli Hyperions welcomed the gracious inuovatio il the Musical Union last night. The third dunce of the Ktmcrnlda club wo held at tUu Hakcr hotel'lust evening , an vas a social event of which they may well ell feel proud. Fifty couples wcro present , .nd . the Esmernldas , who are distinguished or .thoir oc.ial traits , , had n most enjoyable imo , Eighteen numbers wcro danced , nnd nt he end of the ninth , the members of the club lied out to the llnlng room , whore n sump- uous nnd tempting army of viands were prcad. Tlio party wns voted the best yet ; lvcn by the club tills season. A FltHAK MAKES A KICK. Bxclilng Tillies nt the Kdcti MUBCO Vostordny Afternoon. Between 2 and 8 o'clock yesterday nftcr- noon n mixed assemblage of men , women and children stood lit front of the entrance to the rdcn Muscc , at the Corner of Farnnm nnd eleventh streets , nnd clamored for udmlt- anco. The box office wns deserted , and there vas no ono on hand to accept their dimes. Jurnoy Baldwin , the man with n broken icck , who tlgurcd among the freaks of lust veok , stood in the center of the crowd and appealed to them to stand "by a railroad man vho wns being imposed upon , and only asked its Just deserts. " A little woman enveloped n a big seal ekln cont. nddcd excitement to : ho gathering by shouting "Baldwin" at the .op of her -voice without receiving recogni tion. Officer Cullen , guy in blue cloth und brass buttons , pushed his way through the door of the main entrance , followed by Bald win , -whoso fractured tieck was done up 'in n tarncss. .As the latter wont In. Muhugdr Lmvlcr came out and sx | > ko savagely to Bald win , who ugain said something about getting his ' 'Just duos. " Tlio llttlo woman enveloped 1n a seal skin : oat , nt this juncture walked out on the pave nnd unmercifully scored Manager Luwlor. She quickly received an audience , and told llio crowd thnt Baldwin was her husband and that ho liad attached tho'box receipts of tlio inusco for his salary of tSOO , the sumo being : ho consideration he was to have received for ills last week's exhibition. Mrs. Baldwin's narrative had its effect on the crowd , nnd , hcy nil seoinod very sorry. Inside the buMd- ing another exciting transaction was being indulged in. A deputy sheriff hold an iron Imnd on the cash box , and stood parleying with Baldwin and representative men of the nusce. From hot words tc whole crowd Inally settled down to bus essmid Baldwin grasping tightly in his hand * Sl 0 made his way , accompanied by his wife , to the depot , nnd took a train for Chicago. A HUB reporter in a talk with ho management was informed that : ho whole trouble originated from Baldwin's fractious conduct. Every em- > loyo of the Museo is subject to the rigid ulcs of the establishment , which imposes ines for misconduct. One day last week Baldwin boutino enraged at one ol the iMnches , dt-cw a revolver and thrciHcncd to send him to the realms beyond. Tins orcneh of the decorum of the house the inunnccineni , considered sufficient to line him ( 0vKh , : was deducted on pay day. Baldwin rcOi ed to comply with this , and therefore the oicco of yesterday which finally ended in a calm. I'crHonnl 1'nragrapliN. N. Biles , of St. Joseph , Mo. , is nt the Pnx- .011. .011.M. M. Goodhard , Elkhom , Neb. , is at the Mil- lard. lard.F. F. P. Smith , of Kansas City , is at the Mil- lard. A A. Iloosc , of Ncligh , Kcb. , is at the Mil- lard. v lard.G. G. I ) . Whaley , of Loup City , Kcb. , is at the Millard. L. AV. Hussell , of Glenwood , la. , is nt the Millard. L. W. May , of Kansas City , is nt the Millard. 0. M. Fold , of pcs Moines , la. , is at the Millnrd. O. C. Sabin , of Beatrice , Kcb. , is at the P.ixton. Fred. Fuller , of Fulleiton , Kcb. , is nt the P.ixton. E. L. Tlicit ? , of Murshalltown , la. , is at the Pnxton. r M. M. White , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the Paxton. C. C. Hulett , cashier nt the Millnrd , is very seriously ill. L. Oppenliclmcr , of Nebraska City , Neb. , is nt the Pu\ton. Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Pratt , of Summit Hlli , Ncb."hre attho Puxton. .lames Slicing , elcik nt thu Millnrd , has returned from Sioux City , In. W. C. Hulsey , general superintendent of the F. E. &M. V. railroad , is in the city. .1. E. Murray , business manager oi the "Around the World in Eighty Days , " is at Hotel Barker. Air. nud Mrs. U. M. Galbraith , of Des Moines/after u short visit with fi lends in the city , n'turnod homo yesterday. The Andre Alpine Choir company break fasted at the Millard yesterday , and after wards proceeded on their way to Iowa. Mr. A.'J. McNair has returned from Ante lope county where he spent several months uixm his ranch in that county. Mr. McNnir will rupioiu in Omaha until spring when ho will urobably retain to make Improvements upon his faun. JoliitiSehenk , the leading musio dealer of Daj ton , Oiiio , With his wife , neo Miss Wutc- liam , nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cichzhton. They will remain hero for sev eral weeks , ami then , with the latter lady und gentleman , will take a trip of several weeks to the Pacific coast. Hoard of Education. The board of education met last evening to fotmally adjourn until this evening. WALL STREET GHOSTS. Financial AVreoks That Frequent Their Old Hnimts. Wall street , being the place of dear hopes , there nro naturally borne ghosts floating around hero. The Wall btreot ghost , however , differs from the u&uul variety of supernatural phenomenon of fevered intellects They look neil fed ; some of them have complexions' sug gestive of purplo-hued and comfortable Burgundy , Perhaps they don't dress quite as nattily aa before their financial dissolution , the diamonds and dit7./ling carriages and line mansions of the old days are lacking , und there are other hcrious evidences in their daily routine that mark them as. relics of linitncial activity and hardihood , but they are un mistakably there and to bo seen any day in a stroll.through the streets near the stock exchange or upon the marble tics in DclmoniCo's. There are big ghosts nnd little ghosts in that neighborhood of millions , and for every shadow of a financial Crcsar there are hundreds nnd perhaps thou sands whoso immateriality and financial disembodiment are known only to the brokers , or nro food fop the twaddling gossips of thobuckotshops. Ittacurioub to note that in a. travel through the country , nnd parlioularly in western farming districts , Homo insignificant relics of financial expectations are occa sionally mot , but the great ghosts of the Btreot remain to haunt their precincts until they expiate finally their financial sins and go to some financial heaven via a material graveyard. The explanation of this is that the little ghosts are hope- lead Of rehabilitation in golden llunh , while the big ghosts are occasionally buoyed up with the hope that the shadow of their former financial greatness will materialize and they bo restored to at least a competence. At present there are seven great Wall street ghosts. They are Sam Mills , John A. Tobin , Ilonry N. Smith , Htifns Hatch , John Pondlr , Alden B. Stockwcll nnd James R. Keono. At one time the collective fortune of this group was estimated at J25,000GOO. There wns many a stout struggle before finiin- cinl dissolution overcame them , and at occasional intervals there have been indications of spasmodic resuscitation for bomu of them , but these hiivu flick ered and waned almostbuforo they were perceptible to the quick eye and keen attention of Wall street graveyard watchmen. Some fool born to puzzle wise men with questions has nskod how a Wall street ghost lives * A lit answer would bo that ho doesn't ; ho merely oxlbls : but ono of the host known men on thi street gave a more serious answer : "Ono or two iu their palmy duys , " he . "stowed away n little in their wife's name. The interest of that money not * n comfortable living to the family , but leaves the ghosts no funds 16 revel in the enthusiasm of their Lives stock speculations. When the desire to take a flyer becomes insupportable , and the mania does not como over them with ir- resistablo force often , they ask some old broker friend to give them a cha-noa , that Is , to take the Ksk for tliom , giving them the profit if any accrues. Such a request is generally backed by what the ghost "considers Bound information ns to the course of the stock ho asks the broker to tncklo for him. You BOO these ghosts lloat around nnd HometlmoH corral early in formation , particularly of bobtail pools , and sometimes , especially if their old broker friends uro in generous mood , thep rake 810J ) or 9200 out of the battle. Some of these brokers made fortunes from these ghosts in the day when each ono of of the ghosts swung from r > 0)00 , ( ) to 100,000 shares of stock in n week. As a rule , wlion the broker declines tolw gonormis ho tolls tlto ghost that lie , the broker.ivlll limit his loss on the flyer to 1 per cent , or 8100. Sometimes , I am sorry to say , brokers have refused the modest requests of old patrons who put hundreds of thousands into the brokers' pockets. Some of the brokers look upon the requests of the ghosts as a faro- dealer would \iixm a player who had goiio broke nnd wanted to borrow a sUick of blues , to buck against the bank ami possibly win. 1 have known of brokers flatly refusing to grant the modest petition to buy 100 shares for an old patron. "Somo of these ghosts may not have n cent's worth of interest in the mar ket , but they jabber away just as in the old days about earnings nnd possible dividends , and dibscct tlio financial nnd railroad news just as carefully us in the flays when they were on top and ad mired. Wall street is thoroughly sel fish , and perhaps in the main coldly heartless a winner is a trump , n IOMM- is neglected , nnd so , on the whole , the ghosts are looked upon ns hangorb-on , and are often spoken ot us bores. " A glance nt the record of borne of these ghosts recalls the days when Sam Mills was the favorite broker of Jay Gould. Mr. Mills wits then head of the great house of S. M. Mills & Co. , and at ono time could draw his check for $8,000,000. George Staynor , Henry S. Ives'partner , wns once special partner in MrMills' firm. Ton y nrs ago Mr. Mills forsook the chance for additional millions as Mr. Gould's favorite broker , nnd with Mr. Keene arrayed himself against his old jjatron. Mr. Mills lost the bulk of his fortune in a deal in Western Union against Mr. Gould , and the odd thousands , at his command wcro swept away later. Mi1. Kuone wns bailly singed , but ho did not succumb until five years ago. When Keene came to New York b.6 had $4,000,000 that ho could command at half an hour's notice. Ho plugged in and rolled the $ -1,000,000 up to $12,000,000. Ho then crossed bwords with Mr. Gould , bpeculaled heavily in wheat , lard nnd opium , and later in puts , calls , and all ports of privileges , nnd became HO ex tended that ho went down strangled by his own complications. John A. Tobin is one of the most in teresting ghosts of the htr/oel. At one time lie uas president of the Hudson River rnth'oad company. He engineered the famous corner in Harlem block for Commodore Vnndcrbilt , which pushed the block up from 9 to L'oO. Mr. Tobin is now a frequenter of the bucket Hhops in New street and Broadway. He has a small farm on Stntcn Island and soils the produce of it lo the rostaimints in the ncighlibrhood of llio htouk oxchnngo. His great fortune was lost in block spec ulations. Henry N. Sihlth ' is btill dapper and neatly dressed'but laeks the snap nnd vigor of the days , wheh , with Baron WoorisholYcr at hif side , lie made the bulls quake. His failure for u million and over , which leveled the old house of William Heath & Cq. in the dual , is slill vividly remembered. Kufus Hatch and Alden B. Stockwcll were each in their da\-president of tlio Pacific Mail bteamshjp company. The stock of that company did the business for Mr. SlockwcH , and ho is now a broker on the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum exchange. Mr. Hatch was numbered among the ghosts of the street when the unhappy outcome of his Yellowstone p.u-k enterprise was fully appreciated. Mr. Hatch reaped n fortune in Northwestern stok < along with his old friend Henry Keep , and even when to-day , though with vanished fortune , lie. enters the street ho is heartily greeted , and is spoken of as the most goilial of gh sls. * HOW BEER IS MADE. Sonic 1'olnters With Itoforcncc to Its Manufacture. Kansas City Times : There has been no material change in the process of manufacture for many years. Tlio same operations are gone through with that our forefathers for centuries back thought best. Improved machinery , however , has boon nddcd to facilitate the making. The processes are distinct , and are as follows : First the malting ; second , preparing the wort ; third , fer menting , and fourth , clarifying. To properly follow the manipulation it is necessary to ascend to the ton story and from there gradually follow the pro cesses of sleeping , couching , swenllng , flooring and kiln drying. It was a hard climb to the seventh story to a long room containing a row of vast iron and porcelain lined tanks , having each a capacity of 000 bushels , into which , from wooden' spouts , were pouring steady streams of grain from an adjoining ele vator. Hero the grain is expanded by moisture to prepare it for germinalion. Jn making malt the greatest care lias to be given that the right temperature in had. Tlio work of making mult Can not be carried on in hot weather. In the manufacture of beer n largo amount of water is used. The barley during steeping Imbibes about 50 per cent of its weight in water and increases fa bulk about io ; per oont. The "couching" process is host scon on the floor below. From an opening in the tank above the swollen barley is poured. The pile mndo is immediately attacked by a lot ot bturdy follows who spread it out iato beds about eighteen inches high. At the end of twelve hours it in turned over without being spread. Twelve hours later the grain has attained its greatest bulk. The grain is then removed one floor below and again spread. Hero it is noticed that it begins lo heat and the temperature - turo gradually increases. It is now in the sweating stage. The grain in Hero- fore turned into the lloor below and spread out eight inches thick. The tempornturo is now about bO dog. It is desirable to keep the grain at this tem perature and in order to do this the grain is farther spread. The barley is now turned four limes a day and shifted from floor to floor and spread to the depth of three inches. At the end of the ninth day the object of the maltster is accomplished In causing generation. The operation is then arrested by kiln drying. A hot air is produced by a fur nace bttlow. The temperature la gradu ally increased to 110degrees. It in never dried for lees than two days. The length of time that the mult is subject to the drying process depends upon tlio color of'tho boor to bo mado. For the making o ! very dark beer the heat is increased. In making mall for porter some of the kornubj are chared. Now comes the "racking" houso. The process which the grain here undergoes is dilllcult to describe. Mounting to the fifth story of the malt house and elevator - vator , to n narrow foot bridge sixty feet in the air , supporting a long box In which was a revolving 8crowwhieh ent ries the malt to the house whore It was to meet with hops and rice , the clutso was resumed. When tlio infusion is complete the leaves are shoveled into a largo prose , not unlike n cldor press. Pressure is npplip.l to thu same and the clear juice of the hops run off , through a copper plpo ihx ! > a basin , only to bo pumped up into a vast urn-llko tank which extends through the building. In the meantime the malt pours steadily into a rapidly revolving mill of stool rollers , from which it drops into water at 105 degrees. Water is constantly added to the boiling IIULSS. At the same time ground rii-o Is furiouslylioillng in vats for that purpose. The mlxtura in the mash tub is called wort , and when done It is drawn oil into a large copper boiler , which has taken the place ol the primitive copper kettle. Here the ' wort is joined by the hop juice from below and the rico juice froth abovo. After boiling for the proper length of time the contents of the tub are pumped to nn upper story , where shallow pans of great size await what is almost beer. Hero it is allowed to slowly cool off until InkownVm , then it is allowed to cool rapidly by flowing down over the face of a huge table of copper pipe , which now contains cold air made from ammonia by machinery. From hero the fluid flows into immense tanks on the lloor beneath , where yeast is added and the process of fermentation is begun. The bocr at this stage re quires constant watching , as the least inattention my result in tlio souring of the mass. Afterward the beer is drawn off into the storage vats and kept from three to six months in a tomperaturs of 40 ° before il is ready for use. Tlio process of hogging is simple. Connection if made with the particular vat desired and its contents pumped direct through "pipes loan open air shed whore a single man ( ills with two flexi ble pipes , t\\o kegs at a time. When the keg overflows from the bung hole , the man from the bovattno side puts in a heaping tcaspoonful of carbonate of soda , This is to give the beer life and cause it to foam up so that as many as 200 glasses may 1 > c filled from a single Keg. A single blow ftf a mallet serves to place the bun 11 in place , nnd the keg is rolled on slides direct to the cars. The interior ol every keg is lined with pitch. A's each keg is returned empty it must bo cleansed and ropitched. This is done by means of passing steam through red hot pipes. A SnitUo in IliH Stomach. A Halifax Special to Iho St. Louis Re publican says : A wonderful mirgicnl operation has boon performed nt Elks- dale , Prince Kdward island. The pa- tiont. a young man , wiib suddenly seized Insl May with severe pains in the stem ach. The complaint did not HCOIII like neuralgia , and certainly it was not in flammation. The palicnl also experi enced creeping1 , crawling sensations in the stomach. Alternating' ' with the pains thoie were violet convulsions. Altogether , the case wun"a most violent ono. It was pitiful to behold the terri ble sullerings of Ihc patient. The doc tor did not at lirst understand it , but nftcr carefully considering the symp toms ho siid : "Thoro is a living animal in that manV stomach , and I wil tike : it out. " Accordingly on the fitst of July he piocecdod to operate. Ho had dingnoM'd tlio unlmal to bo located in the right plcaric extremily of the stomach. ' An incision was miidd ncrciss tlio opi- gruslunl. The stomach , being con- ( ' . traded. wn > overlapped by Iho liver. J Accordingly the latter first presented it'-olf. Tlio liver n as drawn up and cure- fully stitched to the under surface of the abdominal wall. The stomach was then ' uVawn tip to the edge of the incision and neatly stitched there. After a few dnys , to nWow the hlonuu'h lo form a connco- lion to its now locality , ho opened the organ. Then n mol Vomnrknblo sight was presented. A snake fully twelve inches long lay coiled up in the sub- peeled locality. Having observed light through Iho stomach wall il was i catty for action. As soon as Ihe opening in tlio stomach was made il"sprung nl the hand of Iho operator. Missing its aim it changed its tnclics. Tlio attempt wns made to escape by dashing through the nyloric oriiicu ; but in this it was foiled , for Iho gallant npoialor soi/i'd it by the tail and drew il buck. Having eluded tlio grasp of the forceps , nn attempt was made to o eapo into the a ophagus. Finally il cmorgfd through the mouth , and Iho patient was llris relieved of liis lormcnl , and has I'omplolcly recov ered. _ One Hundred YCIII-H ARO. New York Mail and Express : At the Ilollmau houu ln-4 night a party sat nl a table in the nrtgnllery making wngor.s each on his own particular trick. A younu biokor , who spiml last summer with liin gitindmolhor iu Jersey , won n pocketful of greenbacks on a trick taught him by llio good old lady. Ho had losl considurnblo mimy on catch bols when lie ottered to wager any ono in Iho parly that he could cat more eggs than any other three men present , piovitling ho WIIH permitted to have the last turn. A doctor , a coroner and a bank tcllor took thu bolt After a brief discussion Uio llirco gentlemen decided to laclclo fried eggs. He re paired to an all-nighl restaurant In Sixth avenue , famous for Iho encounters : which men afto.it town have had within ils portals and ordered a butch. Every man ate and Iho waller handed a check for several do/an. Then Die \nuiig broker that had learned a thing or two from his Jordey grandmollior directed the cook to crack and spill into a largo pan KMIfrosh eggs. Before putting llio eggs into the pan , however , ho ordered thatitbohalf filled With vinegar. Hln inhlructlons wcro chr- rlnd out. After allowing Iho mixture to cook a reasonable time the cover was lifted nnd and llio eggs placed in n big dish. By ponnisHlon of the proprietor , the gentleman interested had watched the cooking. When the eggs wci'o bought forth every one except llio man with the Jersey - soy grandmother gave vent to ejacula tions of astonishment. Thu 100 eggs could be conveniently put into an ordi nary teacup. Then Iho owner ale them in half a dozen swallows. "Thore'p a hole in tlio pan , " yelled one of Iho thirty , "No there ain't. I'll explain. The vinegar him eaten Ihcm. It IB a fact. Yon can drop n thoui > and eggs into a boiler with o littlu vinegar in U and yoir will find that when cookoil in It the eggs disappear as If by muffle. " Don't Full to VlMlt. Art and MtiHie store for fine- artists' materials , etchings , engraving's and elegant frames. K. J. lUvls , heavy hnulliift4 , safes , hollers , etc. , office with Measlier It Sprout , 1115 Farnam. Dr. Hamilton Warren , Magnetic Phy sician and Bilrgoon , Itoom.3 , Crounso , block , cor Kith nnd C'UpUulavo. Chronlo and nervous disuasos u specialty. Tolu- phone 914 , , <