jj gfflfcgjMSEij i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JANUABY 2 , 1888. SAVIDCE'S SUNDAY SERMON. The Dlvlno Preaches on a Season able Subject * LESSONS FOR THE NEW YEAR. Advice to Young find Old Alike Recollections of tin : 1'nst and PrcdlctloiiH nnd Hope * or the Future. Hcv. SnvldRc'B Sprmrw. ' Last evening Hcv. Cliailcs W. Savldgo pastor of the Seward street M. K. Churcli , preached an Interesting sermon. Ills subject was "A New Stnrt , " anil ho took his text from II Corinthians , V-17 : "Old things hnvo passed away ; behold all things nro become now. " Isnlnh MG-17 : "Ccaso to do ovll ; learn to do well. " Our subject to-night Is , "A New Start. " First , wo learn from this text that the old has passed , away and the now has come. Tills is truo. nt two distinct times , namely , when a soul Is converted to God , and when the old year dies and Ihc new year is born. At midnight last night , God buried the old year , The same hand that buried Moses on Nebo burled 1887. God laid our old friend to rest In the Bcpulchro of the departed years. With ono hand the Almighty closed the eyes of 1887 nnd gently laid him to rest while with the other Ho swung open the door of. wel come for 18S8. The cradle and the grave nto close together. To-duy wo say tenderly "farewell" to 18S7 and "hail" to ISNJ. While it is sad to part with the old , it Is pleasant to welcome the new. new.Take a hasty glimpse at these two the old und the new. As wo take the last look nt the face of 1887 let us throw something Into his grave a sprig of evergreen to show our love for Him , but let us throw in , too , our failures and mistakes and sins. I only want to remember enough of the past to make mo wiser and better for the future. Ono hasty glance nt the past makes mo lift my face to my Heavenly Father with the prayer that Ho will help mo start anew for heaven to-night. I have always liked these words out of the best book , "Forgetting the things which are behind , I press toward the mark for the tirizo. " It wllltako ussomo tlmo to get acquainted with our new friend. Moro than once wo shall wrlto 1887 , then craso and write 1888. Look nt this baby year. Ho comes with silence. His lingers nro on his lips. Ho will not tell what ho has In store for us , whether good or ill. Ho comes enveloped in a flame of light. Other years have been wrapped in u mantle of darkness , while he , like Elijah , rides in u chariot of flro. On his chariot arc Jesus' words , "Light is como into the world. " Never did men know the difference between right and wrong as they know it to-day. Ho comes bringing in these chubby childish hands of his marvelous blessings blessings that great true hearts have dreamed of and prayed for. Try to count thorn. They nro moro than you can number. Ho comes to us bearing precious opportunities that touch body , mind and heart , and will affect other Bouls for eternity. I am glad , too , that ho will help us in the making of manhood , for this child reaches up and places on our shoul ders grave responsibilities. Have you ever Been u man who did not bear a burden ? It expect great things of this new year. I nm sure ho will sec for us the greatest suc cesses or the greatest failures , but if God bo on our side , wo cannot fail. Wo remark in the second place as wo look into the text nnd Into" the face of the New Year , .that God lays upon us all , ono supreme duty , namely this , that wo should "ceaso to do evil and learn to do well. " In a word , Ho wants us to take n now starf for the right nnd for heaven this Now Year's day. And why not ! Men often make a new i beginning in other lines of effort. Though they have been beaten once and again , this docs not deter them from gathering up their scattered force and facing their enemy. Kobert Hall , while 'ct a student , was ap pointed to deliver an address. After proceed ing for a short time , much to the gratification of his auditory , ho suddenly paused , covered his face with his hands and exclaimed. "O , I have lost all rny ideas. " His second attempt was oven u greater failure. But this sumo man , afterwards for nearly half a century , excited universal attention and admiration by the splendor of his pulpit eloquence. Wo know business men who have lost all they had in the awful flro that swept away the earnings of years , but the next day they went to clearing away the rubbish and buildIng - Ing anew. When Sheridan rode back from Winchester that day ho saw his splendid army In retreat. Ilia mind was quickly made up ; ho rode the black horse down the broken and terror-stricken lines nnd hurled thorn back Into the very teeth of the foo. Many of us Have been beaten in the bat- flo for right and wo almost fear to enter the lists again , and well wo might if wo went alono. But this text is God's tocsin , calling new recruits and old veterans and the deserters on to duty. God singles us out nnd speaks to every class nnd to men of all ages. Ho asks every ono of us to mnko a now start who huvo in any do- grco failed. I want to bo the Utst man to make this new start. I sco so many failures In the past. I sco such a deep signitlccnco in this short life. So I say to all you about mo. "Lot us make vows to God to-day that shall never bo broken. " The voice of conscience , the mercy of our Heavenly Father and the truth of the Divine Word all unite to urge us to cheese God now. Bomo will ask I trust many "How can I make this now startl' This truth will help you : When you start to meet God , Ho starts to meet you. And mark this , Ho will go moro than half way. Ant when you ask , "How shall I ilnd Him , " His spirit is sent to direct you , and divine power is put into your head to enable you become - eon. eon.Start then by kneeling down nnd giving yourself to God in prayer nm self-consecration , and God will lit' ' you up and mnko you his child. "Him tha comcth unto Me , 1 will in nowise cast out.1 In Conclusion , I would urge you to nuik ( the now start for hcavon. Two pictures an before you your worse self and your bctte : self. You can even read your own features you know It is yourself. Your choice wll 11 x the soul's destiny cheese the right cheese God. "Ccaso to do ovll ; learn to do well. " Y. M. c. A'MKKTINO. An Interesting Sunday Service at Their llnll. The 4 o'clock meeting of the Y. M. C. A. nt their hull yesterday afternoon was largely at tended and interesting services wcro ncld. George L. Plowman , the young evangelist , spoke from the following words : "Thcso ( the Boreans ) were moro noble than these of Thcssolonlca , in that they re ceived the word , with all readiness of mind , nnd searched the scriptures daily whether these things wcro so. " The world's idea of nobility is generally connected or associated possibly with high position , culture , etc. , coupled with n gener ous disposition and a "big heart , " but God enys that the man who receives and studies His word is the noble person. An Individual may have a heart as largo as a philosopher's , nnd yet might not In God's estimation be uoblo for the reason that bo would not believe Ills word. Let us look for a few moments at what Cod's word Is , what It docs , and the results derived thorofrom by these receiving It into the heart. Let us trace the operation of that word upon the soul of a man from the time that it llrst lluds him , in his sinful nnd cor- nipt condition to the period when ho stands nt the right hand of ' Him that slttcth on the eternal throne. " Hero is a person steeped in pollution , nnd who does not know even that lie is so corrupt until the word is applied with power to his heart uy the mighty influence of the Holy Snlrit , for r'\Yltli ° ut the law thcro is no transgression. " This blessed word that reveals to him his own nlthlnoss then pro ceeds to lead him to the "Fountain opened In the house of David for sin nnd uncleiinncss , " whcro the blood of the everlasting covenant is applied bV faith to his heart , cleansing him from his tilth , and enrobing him with the divine righteousness of Christ , leaving him "without spot , or wrinkle or any such thing , , ' What next. Well , when this work is done thcro is at the same tnuo infused into that oul a now life. It is not the. turning over of pew loaf. It is not Joining the church. Not educating the carnal mlndn for you might tnko 'ho carnal hentt ) > ollsh U tin , educate it , ocnil it through a theological seminary nnd put it under the most favorable circumstances for its merits , td bo established , but God's testimony of that nature would be the same as In the day when ho said "Thcro is no good thing in thce. " "Thou are corrupt , even from the crown of thy head to the soul of thy feet there Is no good thing In tttcc , thou art full of wounds , and bruises nnd puti cfIng sores. " Nothing short of n new life will ever sec God's ' recon ciled countenance. Oh , then , dear friends , let us examine ourselves hero this afternoon , let us prove our owii'-flvcs , for "know yc not that Jesus Christ is in theo except thou art a reprobate , mid that If any man have not the spirit of Christ ho is none of his. " Well , then , since the Implantation of a new life has been effected that life must receive food. And whcro dors Its food come from ! From the giddy pleasures nnd airy past-times of this world ) Oh , no , dear friends. When n child of God , n man who has been regener ated by the power of tie ! Almighty , bepins to seek satisfaction in thu trivial things of this woiltl , ho makes a sad error. That which is heaven born can bo satisfied by nothing but by that which comes from heaven. Hence the Apostle tle , Peter , R.IJS : "Have a sincere dcslic for the word that yo may glow thereby. " This scripture wns addressed to these who had not been convci ted but n short time , nnd were therefore "Babes , " und the Blessed spirit , under whoso Inspiration the Apostle was writing , Instructed him to desho the "milk , " for the reason that they had not become stiong enough In the Lord and the poWcr of His might to receive meat ; us the Word says in another place , "Meat bolongeth to those who by reason of use have had their senses cxccrclscd to dlscoi n both good and evil. " And there are mnnv of God's clear children who have known Him long enough to bo cat- ing meat , but who can rccive searely even thu milk. Again ; not only is the soul convicted , re generated , cleansed , and fed by the Word , but when this new life from above Is received there begins a warfaie against sin , the world , the llcsh and the devil , and the man requires outfitting for the light ; as Paul Instructs Timothy to "war a good warfaie. " What docs ho use as his instrument } Docs ho equip himself with education , talent , culture , with church disciplines , creeds , doctrines I Ho may. Ah it is to bo feared that many Christians arc using this sort of armour , but if ho begins his warfaie with these , or any thing else of human origin , the "Prince of the power of the air" will often overcome him , nnd while ho can in the name of the Lord of hosts s.iy : "Uejoice not against me , oh mine enemy , when I fall I shall arise again , " still he will bring dishonor upon the cause of "him who hath chosen him to bo u warrior. " What then is to constitute the Christian's armour ) Let this blessed book answer. "Whcreforo take unto you the whole armour of God that yo may bo able to stand. Stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth , und having on the breastplate of righteousness , and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of pence , and above nil taking the.shield of faith which is the word of God , wherewith yo may bo ablu to quench all the llcry darts of the evil ono , and take the helmet of salvation. " Then , dear friends , let us sec to it that wo are armed with the armour God has prepared for his children , nnd wo shall be ublo to say with the bold apostle : uWc nro moro than conquerors through Him that loved us. " What next. Well , if you will open your bibles , you will see that the Hovclator de scribes to us n scene which is yet to tnko place in heaven , and in which this same Word is to occupy n prominent place. That is when "tho Lion of the tribe of Juda" shall take the book ( the bible , or book of redemp tion , as shown by the connection , ) out of the hand of God , and loose the seals and break the bands thereof , and give the saints a study into the details of the glorious truths of re demption , while the cyles of eternity roll. Dear Christians , wo ought to be under con viction , for the way wo have slighted this word. Let us hereafter seek the hidden truths therein , and when God thunders forth from some deep sentence , or wo Und "Jesus feeding among the lilies , " wo shall bo able to understand and appreciate what David meant when ho said : "Moro to bo desired are they ( His commandments ) than gold ; yea , than much fine gold ; sweeter , also , than honey nnd the honey comb. Moreover , by them is thy servant warned , and in keeping of them is great reward. " We can also have fellowship with Jeremiah In the words found in his writings : "I searched for thy word , and I found it , and did cat it , and thy wora was to mo the joy and rejoicing of uiino heart. " Let us ask our Father to give us a heavenly appetite , and then to satisfy us early with the fruit of his word for his name's sake. Aincn. . _ AMUSE1MKXT3. THE GT.IIMAN COMPACT. "Lnmpaci Vngabundus , " ono of the most entertaining of German comedies , was pre sented nt the opera house last night. The piece requires an immense cast of characters , and makes liberal demands upon the versa tility nnd ability of each. As n whole , the plcco wns produced with possibly greater success than attended any previous play of this company. The plot is simple , the tramps dreaming ol becoming wealthy suddenlythcn spending their money and returning to their former wretchedness. The close of the play witnesses the disenchantment of the heroes nnd is attended by a hearty all-round dance. The vagabonds were Messrs. Kraft , Koch and Baureis. Mr. Kraft played his part ex cellcntly. Mr. Koch displayed great vcrsatll ity in the conception und delineation of hi < character , giving a sketch such as ho line not before given hero. Mr. Baureis was tin center of attraction. His tramp wns ono o : the most dilapidated imaginable , and his character work was superb. It provokei peals of applause and many of these were it response to work which was unattended by words. Mrs. Puls Ahl , Mrs. Lindormann Miss Steinhauscr , Messi's. Puls , Lindorinani nnd Mouselike furnished excellent support On next Sunday the company will appear It "Dio Karlsschueler , " when the iirst appear nncowill bo made of Miss Elsa Hoemoram Mr. Mooitz Eiscmann , from the Thalia thca tor of Milwaukee. Thcso will remain mem bcrs of the company. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. A. Hodges nnd W. J. Gould , of Elam Creek , registered at the Exchange hotel yes tcrday. G. ft. Andrews , of Weaver , la. , is at th Exchange. C. M. Saltgtvon , of Curtis , Neb. , is stop ping at the Exchange hotel. Although to-day Is n legal holiday th school board has decided that the tchools must open. The B. & M. will commence work on their now station at L street this week. The number of cars of stock received at South Omaha last year amounted to 2r,4iJ. ! About a dozen of the stock yard employes received cards bf dismissal as a Now Year's gift on Saturday. Now that the year is ended , stockmen nro going over their books for statistics , and among other things , they say that the largest receipts of hogs for any ono day was 10,514 , of caltlo 5b02 , of sheep : i,001 , and of horses nnd mules -10. The railway men add , that the greatest number of cars received was 23 ! ) on September 1U , 18S7. Now Years services were held In all the churches yesterday. The city council will hold a short session to-night. They will Just meet long enough to adjourn. Jcwluli Charity Ball. The Hebrew Knights of Charity , organized about a com pie of months ago , guvo their first ball last night at Gcrinanla hall. Over ninety couples were present , and about $100 was cleared , which is to go into the fund for indigent Israelites. The rlrst feature of the evening was the opening address by Prof. J. D. Nathanson , of the Omaha business col- lego. It was a sensible talk , showing the object of the association and the work already accomplished. The dancing whlcn next fol lowed lasted until about Vi o'clock , with an intermission at 12 for supper. The heads of the two committees wcro B. S. Polzer and William Cutlin. Knocked Out liy a Woman. Saturday night the Maunerchor gave a concert and Christmas tree at Kessler's hall , and had Invited the Lk-derkranz und other Gerniuu musical organizations of the city to join with them. Through the mistake of the doorkeeper a number of uninvited guests got In , Among these Wcro Thomas Anderson , Hugo Scuuhardl und Charley Mils , who neted * o disgracefully that Ernst Myers , the chnlrmnn of the committee on arrangements , hncl to. reprimand them. To get even with Ernst they decided to waylay him and plvo him n pound thrashing Accordingly about 0:00 : in the mornlnp , when the festivities ended , In company with n dozen followers they Inld In wait for him nenr the corner of Thirteenth and 1'ierco streets. Ernst wan In company with his wife at the time , and when they assaulted him Mrs. Myers , who had re ceived as a present a combination steve hook and can opener , Immediately came to the rescue mid knocked out nu less than three men with this harmless looking kitchen Im plement. Krnst drew his revolver and fired in the nlr a couple of times to scare hh as- siillnnts , and Officer Vansa * , who heard thu shots , came running up In time to capture Anderson and Schuhardt. The remainder of the rowdies escaped , Ice plows , markers , nooks , tongs. FIVWS , ' etc. . nt Jnmcs Morton & Son's , 110 S. loth st. . Hole atrunts for Wood's ice tools. Bend for catnloguo. A Narrow Etacnpc. Lnst evening between 0 and 7 o'clock street car No. 7 had n miraculous escape while crossing the Union Puclflu tracks on South Thirteenth street. The car was crowded with pcoplo at the time. A sudden Jar was felt followed by frantic exclamations from the driver. The windows were too thick with Jrost for the passengers to look out and sec tliocmisoof the commotion and a general rush was made for the door ; it was then discovered that the back platform had been Just grazed by a passing railroad car backing down the track. Jt was a pretty close call and the street car driver blames the crossing llagman for not giving the pioper signals. Jnmcs Morton & Son , 110 S. 16th st. , all kinds of leu tools in stock. An Error in the Market Kcport. Throuch an oversight the prevailing price list in thu Omaha Llvo Stock column , as it appeared in yesterday's BEB , was Incorrect. The prlco on light hogs. Instead of reading , $4.Tf > C' ? . " > .70 should read $4.75@3.00. Heavy hogs at e woi th $ j.JO@3.-15 : , and uot $3 30Q5.G3. The following talilo is correct : I'rcvmlliiK I'rfces. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on the market : Choice steers , HUH ) to 1.WO Ibs. . . . $4.00(3)4.50 ( ) Choice stceis , IlOOto 13001b . . . . 3 7504 25 Fat little steeis , IKK ) to 1030 Ibs. . S.fiOQSH 03 Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 3 54.30 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2 30 ( 2.60 Common to medium cows 1.75(42 ( 00 Western cows 1.7f2 ( 50 Good range feeders. . . . . JJ.30Q2.05 Good native feeders , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.50(33.00 ( Fair to medium nativofeeilers , 900 Ibs and upwards 2.25M ( 50 Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs S.lOw'J.uO Prime fat sheep 3.250S3.75 Good fat sheep , ( .K100 ) Ibs 3.00@3.75 Fair to medium sheep 2.25 ( 3.00 Common sheep l.SOdf'J 00 Light and medium hogs 4.730500 Good to choice heavy hogs G30 ( < t5.45 Good to choice mixed hoes 5.200535 Orrtcr Number Two. Order No. 2 , of stationary engineers , was organized at Plattsmoiith yesterday by State Deputies J. K. Bailey and J. K. Perkins of Omaha. A largo delegation fiom the order In this city were in attendance. A Card. My years contract ns mnnnpor of the advertising tlcpartiiicnt of the Omaha Republican for 1887 1ms expired by limi tation. My interest in the Corrugating Iron Works , Omaha Marbling and Casket Co. , and other manufacturing in dustries , will for a while require my en tire attention , therefore , my connec tion with the Republican is ended. I can bo found for a few days at the Re publican olUco. After this I will bo lo cated in my office , 1400 Farnam , Btrect , ( opposite the Paxton hotel ) , ground floor. Telephone 298.V. \V. H. Seidenberg's Figarothe1 /only lOc cigar for 5c. Ask your dealer for them. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot. Personal Paragraphs. F. Boss , of Kansas City , is at the Paxton. AV. S. Slagh , of Alton , la. , fs at the Pax- ton. ton.A. A. DIckey , Dos Moines , la. , Is at the Pax ton. ton.Geo. Geo. A. Pcrcival , of OrdNcb. > . , Is at the Millard. W. II. Brown , of Lincoln , Neb. , is at the Millard. C. L. Halt , of Central City , Neb. , Is at the Paxton. Henry F. LIcb , of Oberhn , Kun. , is at the Windsor. K. C. Palmer , Grand Island , Neb. , is at the Windsor. M. C. Keith , of North Platte , Neb. , is at the Paxton. Gco. W. Stinson , of Phillisburg , Kan. , is at the Millard. S. B. Ueymond , of Grand Island , Neb. , is at the Millard. James Porter and wife , of Kansas City , are at the Windsor. M. C. Crawford , of Lincoln , was at the Windsor yesterday. Lewis Prclsnuiu and wife , of Red Oak , la. , arc at the Paxton. L. L. Gough and wife , of St. Joseph , Mo. , are at the Windsor. T. E. Jones and wife , of Des Moines , la. , nro at the Windsor. Dr. Georg < j L. Miller has returned from his trio to Now York. r Joseph Meyer and wife , of Plattsmouth , Neb. , are at the Windsor. C. H. Frank and wife , of Des Molncs , la. , are registered at the Millard. Mrs. Allison and Mrs. Thompson , of Falls City , Neb. , are registered at the Millard. Juan Boyle , of Kearney , Neb. , who has been spending the Joyous season at the Paxton - ton , returned to his homo yesterday. The Nellie Boytl dramatic company are at the Windsor , where they will remain a few days prior to resuming their tiip on the road. road.Marion Marion Abbott , Mabel Elliott , Kato E. Howard , Little Maudu ThompsonJean Hous ton , Hobt. A. Fisk , Owen D. Jones , S. J. Forhan , manager and J. A. Solomon , of the " Farmer's " ut "Only a Daughter" company are the hotel Barker. Frank Hull , for a number of years head clerk at the Paxton , will henceforth give moro of his attention in assUtlngtho Kitchen Bros , in conducting the hotel in superintend ing the business on the outside. Ira P. Higby has been added to the force of clerks. Ho is an old hotel man , and has a wide spread acquaintance. Clerks Fit/gcrald and Holmes remain at their respective posts. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdflr never varies. A marvel of puri ty , HtjenKtli u.ndviolei . ) > omeness. More econom ical than thu ordinary kinds , nivl cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of tow cast , fibort weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold only In cmw. IttAul Uuklut' Fonder Co. , 1M WtttlBt. , New York. LOOKING BACK Upon the year just closing we cannot help expressing our deep gratification at the result. It has j been the most satisfactory since we are in businessand has far overreached our most sanguine expectations. We pride ourselves that this result is mainly due to our style of doing business and to our efforts to give the people at all times the most value for their money. Perfect satis faction must go with every sale made in our establishment. If we have failed to please in a single instance , we are always anxious to repair. The people should know that they can come to us with the utmost confidence and rely on being treated fair. Our advantages are many and our methods are right , and cannot be excelled. The steady growth of our business from a small beginning to its present vast proportions proves that the people appreciate such meth ods. We are thankful for past favors , and are sure to give more every year. Prior to our annual inventory , we will offer this week , several notable bargains which we can confidently say will be the greatest we have offered during the past year. Some of the best goods in the different departments , which have not moved so freely , will be marked down re * gardless of cost in order to close them out before stock-taking. The following.bargains will be offered in underwear : One lot fine striped shirts and drawers , very heavy weight , marked down from 75c to 5Oc. One lot genuine camel's hair shirts and drawers , regular made , marked from $1 down to 70c. ' These goods are sold elsewhere for not less than $1.25. One lot fine all wool fancy striped shirts and drawers , full regular made , seamless side , satin front. These goods we sold all season for $2.25 ; we have marked them down to $1.50. The goods are elegant and nothing the matter with them except that the stripe did not hap pen to take so well. We guarantee them to be as good goods as are sold in other houses for from $2.50 to $3 each. Sweeping Reductions THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK THIS WEEK. All goods marked in' plain figures and at strictly one price. Nebraska Clothing Company , > .Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. Htnlioily tliehlgheit rxerllcn- ctestnliiiptniirtiea\nfortand duraliilltti "ml < tre the rrtgning favorlteslufviltlonablectrct . Our .nine is IJ .AT.COUSI NS , on e-.ery sole. ) NEW YORK. For Sale by H award Brothers. AND Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strictly Flr t'la , and among the Urgent , fatten and ttnesi In tbo world , Saloon , second duns and eteerapo Pnurngrr Accommodation * Vnrxrelleil. Kvery regard for the comfort and convenience of pat- sengers atudlouely contldcred nnd practiced gtenmers t-Terjr Miturduy lor ( IhisKQw. city of Homo mils for Liverpool October I'- . It U tlio larKett und Onvrl pa icniiT Bteamor ailont. Hntu of imii'o ! lor All clB9ea a.i low as by any other tirst-class line. Sa loon excursion tickets at reduced rates. Drafts for any amount at lowest current rnu * ' . Kcr books of tours , tickets , or further Information , apply to IIKNDK.KVON IIUOTIIKIIS , cbicasu , or niA.NK E. MUOHKa , Umalia. Neb. IMPORTED SXALLiIO.VS FOKS rerclicrons , Clyrtcsdnlos anil Shlro , also homo lired colts. Kvcry anlninl Kimranteed n breeder Onr stock lias been selected vith reference to botli IndlUdnul met it und pedlurce. Snimiof tlieso horses lime tuken 11rH prize nt the Ne braska Stnto Ftlr.aiW. All our horses uro nc- oHmnteil , nnd colts of their uet um bo Miown. J'rlccs rensoimble nnd cusy terms , l s nccesslblo by the three leading railroads of the Mate , II , & JI.J t' . , K. Si M. V. . nnd K. ( ! . .V O. V & . KAHUUAH , York , Neb WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of th Ilody enlarged an I ilrenctbrncd. full lurtlcu- lari lent itkltd free. KKIK MKU.C'O .llurmo. N.V. remit of cttr-Work , Indiscretion , etc. , addrcti abe ? . SteekPiano JtematLabio for powerful gytnpa- thellc tone , yllubln action mul nb- solute durability. SO yearn record ? the best unarantee of the excel lence of tiieti * Instruments. WOOD tjfilDGE BROS. MEDICAL 0 ° SURGlcAUNSTITUTE. N. W. Cor. I3th & Dodge Sts BR.AOE3S , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Dest facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for MIC. cebbfiil treatment of every form of disease requir ing Medical or Surgical Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; best hospital accommo dations in theucst. \VKITI : I OR CIRCULARS on Deformities and Bracts , Tmeses , Club Feet , Curvature of the Surgical Operations. Diseases of Women a Specialty. HOOK ON DISEASES or WOMEN Fate. ONL7 EELIABLS MELIOAL INSTITUTE HAKINQ A ei'tCIU-TT OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illood Diseases successfully treated. Syph ilitic 1'oisou removed from tlie system without mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol Vital 1'ower. Persons unable toisit us may tie tientrd at home by correspondence. All commu nications confidential. Medicines or Instruments sent tiy mail cir express , hecurely packet ) , no marks to Indicate contents or t < ciider. One per- botial Interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of jour case , and ue will send ill plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon PrUate , Special or Nervous Diseases , Iin- potency , Syphilis. Gleet and Vancocele , with question list. Address Omaha Medical and Surgical Instltuteor DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th and Dodge Sti. , - OMAHA. NEB. S. & D. BATON , 1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. l.onlK , Mo. , llnUemlty College Hospital , Lou- ilon , ( ilo-SBii , Uermuny und Now York. lUvl dootcd their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF 1 Jl VSUl. UJUU UUU * Jll DISEASES. More especially those arising from Impril- ilenrp. Invite all no surferlm ; to correspond H 1th- outdeluy. Diseases of Infection and contusion tnreil wifely ami speedily without use of ilon- Kt'rous drug * . 1'fttlenta \ > ] iono cases have been ueKlected , badly treated or pronounced Incurable - able , should not full to wrlto us coucernlnK tuelr f-yniptoma. All letters rccelru liumcdlato uttea- tfon. JUST PUBLISHED. And w 111 be mailed KUEIS to any address on ro- c-flpt of onu U-cent stamp , "Practical Observa tions on Nervous Debility and I'hvslcal ttxhuus- tlon , " to wlikh Is added un "Essay on Mar riage , " with Important chapters on diseases ot the Reproductive Orleans , tlio whole forming a lalmibla medlciil treatise which should bureau by al ) young men. Address DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 1707 Ollvo Street St. Louis , Mo. only one til * world KtneratUul contlnuoui I'ttftHe tt Maontttt rcurrtft. ScientlDc , Powerful , Durable , rccmfort M ai l rrftctUe. Xrold fraud * . r- OT rlooncnr.d. h.udKt.rnpforptmLbKL ALSO ri.Kof BIO lltLTU KtU liUKAHEV. B * . MfllML UYUIBi. IRi WMWUYb. CHIOAfl * Display at their warerooms , 13O6 and ISO ? Farnam Street the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tha highest class and medium grades , Including PIANOS LYON & I fil V < xns2 * n Kir- * BURDETT , ORGANS STANDARD i m J-ii , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at tha lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 * 1307 FARNAM 8TR * T MASON'S PATENT RUNNER ATTACHMENT Light , Strong and Practical. by tholr use your velildo can lie quickly trnn formed Into u comfoit- iible hlelgli. Slade at MASON'S ' CARRIAGE WORKS DAVKM'Ollr , IOWA. For Sale by Dealers Everywhere , Pianos , CHICKERING , KNABE , Vose&Sons Instruments exchanged , rented and cold on Easy Payments , fcelow FACTORY PRICES. Instrument : slightly used at GREAT BARGAINS Max Meyer & Bro , , Omaha , Neb. ir. Surgeon and Physician , N. W Corner Hth and ifotiKlns SJ. Office , , ICO ; lU-blduncu U-lviihout ; , ( C8 , r U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Fold Up Capital , - $2BOOOd Surplus , - BO.OOO 11 AV. VATrfl , PrcMdent. Ltnis S. Jtfctu. Vlce-rrcsldent. A. E. TOU/AUN , I'd Vlce-1'renldent. W. H. 8. HUUIICS , Cashltr IIIIIKCIOIIH , w. v. MoitsB , JOHN S. COI.MNS , Ji. W. VATKS , I.MVIH 3. UIUD , A. K.TOtliTAUN. llankimr Oftirc- THE IRON BANK. Cor. 12th and Kurunm Ms. A General Uauklnu llublucss Transacted. WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILEBEIHQ Wo Hvery U'ly vrli'i doltci perfection In Hyle anil loria tliouM wrtr them. Manufactured only br IM WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , WoiccUcr , Mm. , tflJ 3 ( ! { vt Ut lUttt , CtW