Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In ny part of the city at
twenty cents p r wc k.
IT. W TILION , . . . Manager.
JttHKrfis Orricr , No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co !
Itclter , tailor , Fall goods cheap.
The banks of the city will bo closed today.
Good coal. Full weight pnrantced , C. H.
Lumber company , WX ) Main street. Tel. 237.
Fifty teams wanted to haul Ice from river
north of fair grounds , Monday morning , Jan.
2. Mulholland & Co.
M. F. Ilohrcr was Informed of his election
as mayor by the band going to Ills residence
for a pleasing serenade.
To-day , after more than n week of rct and
recreation , the children of the city will reassemble
semble- their various schools for study.
The city council meets this evening in regu
lar session. Matters of Importance will come
before that body. Mayor Ilohrcr will pre-
Those persons who have edibles to donate
to the Y. M. C. A. arc requested to bring
them to the rooms as early as possible , this
The iwstofllco will bo closed to-day. Du
ring the evening , between the hours of 7 and
8 o'clock , the windows will be open and car
riers present to deliver the mall.
The drawing of forty acres of land offered
by J. M. Phillips as a prize to his trade , will
bo made at his store , this evening. Ticket
holders iiro requested to bo present.
Hall , the confidence man , has been put
under $ T > 00 bonds for his appearance tomorrow
row at o'clock p. in. , and not being able to
furnish ball he now languishes in Jail.
The annual meeting of the W. C. A. will
take place to-morrow ( Tuesday ) afternoon ,
itt 2:1(0 : ( o'clock , at the residence of Mrs. John
T. Baldwin. Officers to servo the coming
year will bo elected.
The Chautauqun circle will meet this even
ing In their new rooms over the ofllco of the
gas company. An interesting programme is
arranged and a full attendance uf members
and others Is desired ,
Tno city postal service accepted an Invita
tion to dlno nt the I'oeille house yesterday
noon , also several members of the city press
and twenty sat down to a feast of good
things. It was a merry party , to bo sure.
A 'bus belonging to William Lewis broke
down yesterday morning at the corner of
Droudway and I'earl streets. The leverage
of the street car track was too great for the
Btecl of the axel , hence the accident. The
driver escaped with slight bruises.
"Messcrs. Fred and William Spetnmn , mer
chants on Main street , were each presented
with a hnmlHomo gold-headed cane by the
clerks In their employ , as n Christmas re-
mindcrof good will.'Tho gifts are duly ap
preciated by the recipients.
The young men of the city and these visitIng -
Ing hero are glvon a cordial Invitation to visit
the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. , this afternoon ,
nt 4 o'clock. Entertainment of u substantial
order will be for all who come. Mr. G. D.
Uakor , the now local secretary , and W. M.
Uanner , the Into secretary , will be present.
Hut two names appear upon the police
record as the result of Sunday's work. Will-
lain Criss , arrested on suspicion , will appear
this morning before Judge Ayleswoith.
Charles Concry , when taken in , pleaded
guilty to the charge of being drunk and left
on deposit the regulation 7.t'iO without wait
ing for the usual legal processes.
Yesterday , being the first of anew year ,
was a fitting time at which to celebrate the
events of the death of Christ , and at the
Congregational church the communion of the
Lord's supper was administered , together
with appropriate remarks by the pastor. In
the evening Hev. Mr. Thlckstim preached an
nblo discourse upon "Tho Hequisitcs of a Uo-
vival. " This being the week of prayer re
ligious services will bo held at the church
every evening , At the other churches also
services will bo held not union services , as
in other years , but each denomination hold
ing its. It is probable that these services , at
Homo of the other churches , at least , will bo
continued after this week shall close. It is
the usual revival season , and it will bo freely
utilized by the churches of the city.
Wndsworth , Ktnyro &Co. loan money.
I Residence lots for stile by Johnston &
i * Van Patten.
Every one making a cash purchase o
25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cipar
Btoro gets n chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
' E. H. 'Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All Duaincss strictly
conlidontiiil. Ofllco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Personal Paragraphs.
P. J. Gallagher , of Wcston , la. , is in the
Elmer Smith and wife , of St. Joseph , Mo. .
arc visiting friends in the city.
Messrs. M. V , and W. M. Sparr , of Corn
ing , la , , spent Sunday in the city.
J. 13. Christian loft for Hamburg , la. , yes
terday to spend a day with his relatives.
T. J. Jolly , proprietor of the Park house at
Malcomb , 111. , Is in the city looking for a
locution for a hotel.
W. A. Turner and wife , Iowa City ; Charles
Bcckwith , Ottawa , 111. , and T. J. Jolly ,
Macomb , 111. , Sundaycd at the Hccntelo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glover , of Grand
Island , Neb. , are spending the holiday sea
son with the family of T. E. Cavin , of Park
H. J. Adams will sever his connection with
the local ofilco of the Wells , Fargo express
company this week and go to Glenwood
Springs , Colo.
J.V. . Johnson , of the Manawa motor line ,
has returned to the city. Ho has arranged
for moving his family from Newton , their
present homo , to this city , and this will be
done during the present week.
One thousand head of one , two and
thrco-ycar-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Grconamayor , 023 Myiibtoi * st.
telephone 121.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Glcason , "G Pearl street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Insm-o with Wudsworth , Etnyro & Co.
Ncolu Notes.
NEOIA , Dec , 31. Tim Foley , of Grccly
Center , Nob. , is In town on a visit.
H. T. Irwln. of the Reporter , Is spending
the holiday's In Nebraska.
Miss Annie Shea , of Council Bluffs , is
spending the holiday's in this vicinity.
Some of the business men are. making a
move for5 the formation of a social club with
rooms over Harvey & licard's drug store.
Illand Illshton is making preparations to
remove to Council Hluffs. Hlanus departure
will have a very depressing effect on "high
live , " experts.
The Uock Island Is having a very largo
elevator erected at this place. This gives
Neolu two of the best along the lino. Under
wood is also to huvo two very largo elevators.
uncle Joe Ellis Is going down to the Old
Hickory ball , but declares it to bo a great
mistake not to huvo the celebration on the an
niversary of "Glnirll" Jackson's great battle
With the British.
To-morrow the merchants will Inaugurate
a now custom , that of closing their business
houses on Sunday. They stood out for the
Old custom for a long time , but the combined
efforts of three clergymen and three sermons
a week was too much for them.
Nicolas system of water works Is now In
peed running order , and wo expect in a short
tiino to enjoy all the comforts and conveni
ences of our city friends , but for some un
known cause no active steps have been taken
to furnish the town with hose In event of a
fire. Some should bo bought or borrowed fet
that purpose , for should n tire break out to
night we should bo in almost as bad a flx as
we over wore.
At the Strohbehn & Vogolcr drawing
Boo. 31 , No. 112 drew the state premium
harness. Holder of t > uid ticket can get
"bis prize by culling ou the above firm.
The Ooromony to Bo In the Club
Rooms To-dny Noon.
The Pulpit Given Home Thoughts nil
New ycnr The Week of 1'rnycr
Ncoln Notes Hits of
111 u ( H ) NCVH.
InnugnrntliiK tlic Mnyor.
.Arrangements have been made by which
Mnyor Kohrer is to be Inaugurated , nnd take
the oath of cilice In the club rooms nt high
noon to-day. The following correspondence
is self explanatory :
Cot'Ncii ' , Hu'rrs Ci.t'n ROOM" , Jan. 1,1SR8.
To M. F. Kohrer , Major Elect : My Dear
Sir : Inasmuch ns you arc a member of our
duo nnd you having been duly elected mayor ,
1 hereby , ns president of said club , tender j ou
a cordial invilntlon to receive the oath of of-
lice in the parlors of said club , and would sug
gest high noon , Monday , January 2nd , 1SSS ,
as n titling hour for the ceremony to take
place. Very truly j ou rs ,
S. P. McCosxni.L ,
President C. B.C.
COUNCIL Hi.urrs. Jan. 1. S. P. Mao Connell -
nell , Esq. . President Council Hluffs Club :
Dear Sir I hereby acknowledge the receipt
nnd accept your kind invitation on behalf of
the Council Bluffs club to take the oath of
office In the parlors of the club Monday
noon , January 2 , IbyJ , I thank you and
through you the members of the club for the
kindly feeling shown to me , and I hope you ,
or the city nt large , may have no occasion to
ri'prct the unmerited honor conferred upon
me. I dm , dear sir , yours very truly ,
M. H.
The city officials , aldermen , park coinmis-
sioncis , and the members of the club , will bo
present , und the oath will bo administered
by City Clerk Uurke. 'Squire liurko has
performed this service for every city official
for twenty ycai s or more , nnd It is most bc-
titting that ho should on this occasion be at
his accustomed place. As the retiring
mayor , Senator Groncweg , is also a member
of the club , it is expected that ho will make
a few remarks. Stiuit addresses will bo
After the ceremony Is over the doors of the
club rooms will be thrown open for the pub
lic generally. Mnyor Kohrer will during the
nftei noon receive his gentlemen friends in
the club rooms , and thus nn opportunity is
extended to all to greet him. The invitation
Is a biond one , embracing rich and jwor ,
white and black , young und old , democrats
or republicans
Splendid IJuslncsH Opening
For the rlfiht mnii who hns iv capital
of * 10 , < XK ) . For full information call ou
or ndilrcbs Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl st. ,
Council Bluffs , In.
The Ontrul drug store , under the
management of J. D. Stuart , has > been
enlarged and rofurni&licd with a com
plete stock of fresh drugs. A fine holi
day line of books , stationery , cutlery
and musical goods at very low prices.
The New Mnyor't ) Iloyhooil.
"ICnow Kohrer remarked '
, 'Squire Biggs ,
"I should s.iy I did know him , When I was
keeping tne Biggs house , i.ycais ago , there
came there n boy , who urged me so hard to
give him work that I concluded to try him.
It was work he wanted. I saw he was a
pusher und meant business , and when ho
told mo ho would work for his board rather
than bo idle , I was pleased. I gave him a
chnnco to work around the house , und paid
him $10 a month nnd his board. I told him
that when he got a chance to get a better
t-ort of a job I would help him into it if I
could. 1 never had a more faithful boy
around me. He worked like a nailer. One
day he came to me and said he thought he
could get a place in the iiostoftlco bookstore.
There wasn't quite so much in it on the
start , counting his board , but he thought ho
had better take It , and I thought so , too. Ho
kept boarding with mo nnd working along ,
undone night ho told me that he heard of a
position in the railway ofllco under Morse ,
who was then the agent. He thought he
would try and get it. I told him ho could go
to work there in the morning if ho wanted
to , and that very night I went to Morse , told
him what port of a fellow Kohrer was , and
he said for me to send him down in the
morning. Then ho went to work there.
Yes , Kohrer has worked 'himself up. He's
a pusher , and as faithful as ho is energetic. "
Guns of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's ,
604 S. Main St.
Cross-cut saws. Odell & Bryant.
If you desire to get n new Hall typo writer
cheap , drop n postal card to H. A. P. , lice
ofllco. A great bargain for the first who
For Sale Cheap Loth near the bridge
to parties who wilt build at oucc. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Rico , No. 110
Main street , Council Bluffs.
Thoughts for New Years.
The Rev. T. J. Mackcy delivered a very
practical , everyday discourse yesterday
morning from the text "Therefore for thy
name's sake lead thou me and guide me. "
"Life , " said the speaker , "with nil its mul
titudes of changes and vicissitudes , its stories
of joy and sorrow , triumph und defeat , can
bo summed up in n few short sentences. Life
is made up of a few criccs , nnd around them
are grouped the circumstances which form
the every day detail of existence. The im
portant feature in human life is Its lack of
continuity. Think over your past life and in
stantly there springs up a few events which
stand as figureheads of the whole. Your
first love ; your first temptation nnd fall , or
triumph. Your first great loss that which
rent your heart and soul nnd Hooded the fu
ture with tears and regrets. These mark the
epochs in your life and mine. It is nature's
law the plan of all existence , and there is
no cessation. The fiow is ever passing out
ward and returns not to Its source.
Wo Inherit a certain amount of force at
birth nnd this Is expended as we live and
meet the realities w.hich confront us. This it
is which gives us the victory or the lack of it
which dooms us to defeat. Wo are not the
architects of our own fortunes. Wo think
we govern our own acts , but Ho who rends
our hearts and witnesses our struggles
knows better. I do not mean to say wo have
no power over our own acts , but we have no
contiolo\ertlio circumstances which make
thcso epochs in our lives. All human experi
ence is not the same. U varys in nil liy&s.
hearts are like musical Instruments , The
same circumstances do not produce the same
vibrations in all. The hand of n great sorrow -
row strikes these strings and n discord rends
the air. Out of this river of te.u-s ono will
coino stronger and better , while another will
go down into destruction andforgctfulness.
To-day 'wo stand face to face with a your
that has gone. What has It brought to us *
What shall stand to our record as a result of
Its coming and going ) Do wo face u great
sorrow ! Bo strong to bear it. Do wo face
a great temptation i Ho strong to over
come it. Has It brought us n great fall I
arise , and in the strength of Him who was
more than man , and who has promised to bo
with us , wrest from the Imnd of failure a
grand success.
Once a year Is not too often to stand face
to face with conscience and ask what these
sorrows mean. Have they brought us nearer
to God I If not they have been in vain , and
ol no value to us , for whose benefit they were
given , At least you can raise a psalm ol
thanksgiving and a prayer for the blessings
you havereceived. . There- are wrongs you
can remedy. Do It. ' Do justice to all , anil
honor to whom honor is due. God pity us ir
our poor , human weakness ns wo Jostle
against each other in the pathway of life ,
Cod pity us all In our pitiful strife. Let us
nil determine to bo more human ; more loviiif
and kind ; moro considerate of the weaknesses
and fallings of our fellows ; more helpful t (
each other In our mutual struggle to wlr
from llfo the greatest things which It ant
eternity has with which to crown conscien
tious human-life ,
Prayers of the World. .
The week of prayer , which has just began
will bo observed by the religious people o
the city'In common with those ofthe clvilizci
.world. The Evangelical alliance suggests
the following programme ) which will fie fen.
crally adopted :
Monday , January C Thanksgiving : For
access to God ; for lilt goodness : for imst an
swers to prajers : for the growing spirit of
Christian unity ; for peuco ; for ever-widen
ing fields of evangelization ; for souls gath
ered to Christ.
Tuesday , January 3 Confession ! Of vices
in Christendom ; of great public wrongs ; of
luxury nnd wastes ; of hindrances to the sros-
pel by the inconsistent lives of nominal
Christians ; of Jealousies nnd rivalries among
brethren ; of personal unfaithfulness , Imper
fect consecration , etc.
Wednesday , January 4 Prayer for fami
lies and schools : For the hallowing of homo ;
for the blessing of the holy spirit on efforts
to guide children to Christ ; for Invalids ; for
servants ; for teachers and pupils In univer
sities and schools ; for Sunday Schools , Y. M.
C. A. , etc.
Thursday. January 5 Prayer for the
Church of God : For every branch ; for more
love and co-operation ; for the removal of
needless causes of division ; for the better
keeping of the Sabbath ; for increase of wis
dom and mil in labors for the conversion of
sinners ; for better guidance of believers Into
the true knowledge of the word ; for all
church afllcers , und n more faithful testi
mony ngnlnst error.
Friday , January 0. Prayer for Missions :
For the quickening of the missionary spirit
nnd the outpouring of the holy ghost ; for all
agents In gospel work ; for native churches
and converts , especially for the persecuted ;
for mission colleges , bible nnd tract societies
and Christian literature ; for the overthrow
of false religion ; for the conversion of the
Jews. Mohammedans nnd heathen , the open
ing of Africa to the light , nnd the destruction
of the slave trade ; nnd for a blessing on all
missionary conferences.
Saturday , January " . Prayer for Nations :
For all in authority ; for legislators nnd
Judges ; for the abolition of the sale of intoxi
cants , nnd the cessation of all forms of
cruelty ; for n pacltlo spirit between states ,
for soldiers , sailors , emigrants and travelers ;
for Just dealing nnd n Christian spirit ; for
help to the poor ; for good harvests ; for higher
morals- for reverence nnd a Christian spirit
in art science ; for u pure literature and a
wider philosophy.
Sunday , January 8. Sermons : lCor.xvf : > S.
A flue residence lor sale T. B. Bald
win ,
People Whose Jltilea of Ijlfe Arc Iden
tical With Those of Bible Times.
Providence Journal : On Sunday is
the best tiino to see this colony , because
then it otters the strangest and strongest
contrast with the life which Mil-rounds
it. East Broadway is the main thor
oughfare in this colony. The oneo
grand avenue of the rich Quakers of
forty years ago the street that led to
the houses of the progenitors of Henry
Bergh and Berry Wall and the now
aristocratic KooscveHs. The solid big
hoiiaos are there yet , with their high
stoops and broad fronts and inansion-liUo
appearance , but how changed , how badly
changed. Pillows and carpets hang
from their upper windows , what wore
once the dining rooms and parlors
are packed thick with workmen and
workwomen making clothing , and
the windows and walls are lined with
bales of the cheapest coats and troupers
imaginable. Queer , bloiisy women in
grca y wigs nnd very odd-looking men
in long beards are running hither and
thither. The roadway and gutters are
full of refuse and waste , the air is heavy
with bad odors , the breath on all the
window panes is the breath of squalor
neglect and indifference to appearances
and comfort. Very strange signs are
over the doors. The characters are
Hebrew. The only words we can read
are the proper names , nearly all ending
iu the letters "sky" or uski. " Sunday
to these folks , as to all but the liberal
Hebrews , is as Monday is to us. There
is only ono way in which they observe
our Sabbath. That is by closing their
theaters. They do this because our laws
forbid their being opened.
By mounting any ono of a dozen flights
of steps we can step from New York to
modern Asia Minor , almost to ancient
Judca. It is in the synagogue that this
change confronts us. They are bare ,
forlorn places mere rooms full of
benches but they are highly important
to this strange community. Hero the
rabbis preside , and the , ns ho
used to bo , the chief source of authority
nnd wisdom. He preaches here on Sat
urdays , teaches school all the week ,
holds court perpetually ns a judge before
whom all dissensions and disputes are
brought , marries , christens , confirms ,
blesses , advises , exhorts , chastises , and ,
in a word , guides and controls his Hock.
Like nearly all the men ho wears a vel
vet cap , and like all the refrains from
shaving his beard. His language is
sometimes Hebrew , but in most cases ho
uses the tongue of his people , a singular
mixture of Hebrew and Polish , or Hebrew -
brow and the tongue of whatever other
Slav race ho belongs to. All about the
neighborhood are bookstores and the
booiks arc all printed in ono polyglot or
another corresponding with the talk of
the people.
The young girls are moro or less fair
and pleasing to the eye. The majority
are swart , but some are very fair blondes
with golden tresses. All the married
women look alike , however , for all have
shaved their heads and wear wigs of
black hair , proceeding in their looks
from little stems of cord or horse hair.
It is said that this mechanism of the wig
does not show when they are now , but
I never saw ono that did not show its
secrets any moro than I over saw a
Chinaman's queue that was not length
ened with black thread or horse hair.
These married women are made to look
still loss attractive by their fashion
of wearing their waistband almost
under their armpits. The strongest
predilection is for rod dresses ,
and their next strongest is for wearing
them for lengths of time exceeding
human belief. Their wigs servo in
stead of other head covering , so that
one is next to never seen in a hat or
bonnet , no matter where or how far she
goes. Even on railroad journeys they
go bareheaded. They are not allowed
to cover while in church , where I'hoy
sit apart from the u\en , and I have
heard that amon.g the strictest of the
Orthodox tie women may not cover in
the presence of their husbands. However -
over , n. perusal of Deuteronomy and
Lovitscus ( which I beg to state are
books iu the bible ) will show exactly
what the strictest rules of the race were ,
and , in the main , remain to-day.
Life In Montana.
San Francisco Chronicle : Montana
must altogether a pleasant country.
Domooracy seems to obtain in a form
which would perhaps please the anarch
ist , if the anarchist did not want all
things and nil people to work for his
personal comfort. The gambling houses
there are all proudly labeled BO that you
cannot mistake thorn for churches or
private residences. 'Licensed Gambling
House' is there in full , big print , and in
those exciting establishments which
men and women , negroes , Chinese nnd
Indians gamble in utter annihilation of
race prejudices. Money bet levels all
ranks in race and makes the white , yel
low and red men brothers , perhaps with
the same difference in personal ideas of
value as the chips. The most prominent
hotel i looked upon ns a palatial. The
bed rooms are six oy four. One can under
stand why they gamble thcro. But
Montana is not any worse than Cali
fornia used to bo. There wore plncot > in
tills state whore woman's rights liad
reached a painful settlement by the
adoption by women of men's privileges.
A friend of mine tolls how once ho was
staging it through a rough mining
cguntry , und in , the stngo ' were twt
ladies going from one mining' camp tc
another in pursuit p change of .air. The
snow wan deep on ihe ground , and my
friend hauled out his ticket Hawk and
handed it vcrv politely to the other men
in the coach. Thry took a sip , and when
ho had taken ono himself ho prepared
to put it back in his pocket. The two
ladies had watched the proceeding
closely , and when they paw him pre
pare to put it aay ono of thorn burst
out :
" 'Say. Sal. get on to the son of a gun.
Ho ain't oven goin' to offer us a
drink. '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Time's > ytilrllfflK.
How those who once lived in the cab
ins of the "quarters" are moving on the
plantation halls is thus illustrated by
the Savannah ( Ga. ) News :
A great many of the plantations In the
different parts of the south , which were
once well known for their size , the mag
nificence of the residences upon them ,
the hospitality of their owners on ac
count of the prominence of the families
which possessed them , are now falling
into ruins. The reason of this is , por-
hapi , that the land has been worked so
long without being fertilized that it has
become poor , or it may bo that those into
whoso possession it has passed lack the
energy and skill which nro required to
make it pay under the present system
of labor. Ono of those famous old places ,
in Liberty county , this state , was lately
bold to a colored man for $2.500 , only
a part of the purchase price being re
quired at onco. It is known as Laurel
View , nnd is within two miles of the
historic town of Sutibury. It was the
homo of the gifted John Elliott , and a
very beautiful homo it was. John
Elliott represented Georgia in the
United States senate from 1820 to 1820.
The plantation contains 2,800 acres. It
was purchased during the war of seces
sion oy Linton Stephens , a brother of
Alexander H. Stephens , and was sold
to the present owner by his heirs. The
district in which the plantation is situ
ated was noted , from the first settlement
of the state until the emancipation of
the slaves , for the intelligence and
wealth of its citizens. It is now , how
ever , almost entirely abandoned to the
colored people. Its great plantations
have been divided into small farms , and
the superb mansions , once the homes of
men noted for wealth and culture , and
of women famous for beauty and refine
ment , are falling into decay , and nro
being replaced by cabins and huts ,
whoso chimneys of sticks and mud toll
moro plainly than words of the marvel
ous elmngo for the worse which has
taken place in the once rich and pros
perous district.
Cnuglit by a Devil Fish.
St. Louis Republican : "What's
wanted below thcro ? " called the mate
as ho loanedovortho rail , having heard
Webb's cry of ularm as wo were sitting
in the yawl , painting the ship half u
mile oil' the beach at Barbadoes.
"I I saw something go under the
boat , sir. "
"Oh , you did. Well , if you bawl out
again you'll feel something go under
your jacket. "
I began work again nnd had been at
it only a few minutes when the yawl
heaved away from the ship three or four
feet , and at the same instant the boy
screamed out ' agi'in. His voice had
scarcely reached my cars when some
thing Hashed before my o.vcs ; something
caught my arm and'pullcd it down and
pinned it fast to my body , and in five
seconds moro I know what had hap
pened. A devil fish had Hung ono of
his arms about mo. Webb was scream
ing nt the top of his voice and , as I got
a look at him , I saw that two of the
beast's feelers wore clutching him. The
arm or feeler which had reached mo
pinned my arm to my side as if in a vice ,
making a clean wrap around my body ,
and the extreme end of the feeler crept
long my neck and fnco.
Talk of pain. I never felt anything
iko it. It was a burning , biting , blis-
; ering sensation , as if a live coal had
jccn laid on the flesh. I added my
, 'ells to those of Webb , but before any
3110 came to the rail I was jerked to my
cnccs in the boat and saw the crca-
uro's object was to pull mo overboard.
. ' heard the boy go down and thrash
xbout , and throe of the men came to our
The devil fish had outwitted himself.
Io had gone under the ship and fast
ened to her bottom or keel , and ns soon
as ho began pulling on us of course ho
pulled the yawl close against the shin's
side. That closed the gap , and no
could not pull us overboni-d. Then the
men began to cut and hack and slash
ivith their knives , and cftor two or
minutes they had us free not of
ho arms , but of the creature.
Wo wore hoisted on board , howling
and groaning , with the feelers still bit-
"ng , and they had to bo cut from us
almost by inches.
The devil fish minded the loss of his
three arms for only half an hour , at the
end of which time ho clutched the
empty boat , half capsized her , and swam
twice around the ship as a defiance to
the crow. Two or throe musket balls
were fired into him , and ho sank out of
sight , to bo seen no moro Curing our
Three C's There are three c's that
seize the children and carry them off.
The three c's are colds , coughs , and
croup ! Mothers ! Dr. Bull's Cough
"lyrup saves the little ones' lives !
If men are suffering tortures with
toothache , they should not try to smile
and look cool and handsome. How
muclrwiser to cnso the pain with a bottle -
tlo of Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents.
Wo nro now prepared for the
Our immense buildings nro packed full of
the most
In our line , nnd nt prices that will defy com
petition. Wo guarantee our goods to bo just
us wo represent them. Please give us u call
whether you wish to buy or not , and bring
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our goods. Respectfully ,
e and Express Line ,
Telepliono No. to.
All calls from Dlhtrict Telegraph Office
promptly attended to.
CAKTEK A : SOX , Prop's.
Aanufacturcr- !
All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders \ > y mail for repairs promptly utteno p
to. Satisfaction Riiarantfcd. lUth Avenue. Ad
dress Ofc'den Holler Works. Council lIlutT , lowii
vra rcrit'iity rrrommtfui
youIt IS thebu icmedy
known to us ,1 Gcaorrhura
and ( .IccU
We htve soM contlder * evtry cue II
t Uifctita.
Alcott 4 LUk.
N. Y.
RilTerH'cmrnK such as Lost , Found ,
SPKCIAIi , Kor Hals , To He nt , Wants , Hoarding.
etc. , will be Inserted In thl' column nt the lo\r
rateofTKN CENTS I'KU MNKfor the first In
sertion and Vivo Tents Per Line for each sutxc-
( incut insertion , Leave advertisements nt our
ofllco No. 12 1'enrl Street , near llroadway Coun-
eimiiKIc. Iowa. _
FH HKNT A good new * even room lieu p.
Hood location. Enquire ofV. . V. Uole.WI
Pearl tt.
Fll HKNT The pleasant rooms up Mnlr.i , 100
Ilrondwny ; also for mile numerous articles
of household goods. Apply early.
TTIOHSALK Furniture and stoves nt a sacrl-
.1 ? tire to reduce stock. You c u buy at your
own prices. A.J.Mnndel ,
T710U NEXT A nix-room hou e. No. < W7 Myns-
J ? ter at. Apply to A. Louie. Ka Ilrondwny.
TOST Hoy's fur trimmed overcoat and kid
JLJ mitts. lleturn to live office.
Hrst cla gardener , without
capital , to work oxtouslve garden ou
shares. First clnss chance. Address Joseph
Bmlth. Council muffs , la. _
"IT'XCHANOK Omaha and Council niuffs prop-
Al < rrty nnd western land for stocki of mer
chandise. Call on or address J. II , Christian ,
tau llroadwny , Council Hluffa , la. _
Oil BALK Oil EXCHANOK-Ecmltyof 1 ! }
shares in Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of
Odell llros. & Co.
_ _ _
TOOK BALK Second-hand Columbia bicycle
J ? very cheap. KMnih , at Hoe offlco. _
BUILDING lots nnd ncre property for sale by
F. J. Day , 39 Pearl st.
The desirable residence or business property
known an the Powers 1'Inco , on Upper Hrond-
wny opposite the M. E. church , vrill positively
be hold \\lthln thn next thirty dnys. Terms :
One-third cash , balance in one and two years ,
Address bids to
Omaha , Neb , , 1317 nnd 1IJ1U Douglas St. J
In Amber , tor
toise shell , etc.
Hair orna
ments , ns well
as the newest
novelties in
hair goods ,
i Hair goods
Made to order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
29 Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Out of town work solicited nnd all mail or
ders promptly attended to.
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es
cape. Eloctrlo Call Bells.
Accommodations First Class , .
Rates Always Reasonable.
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
5 N
To each purchaser of $7.00 worth of poods
we give a ticket which entitles the holder
to ono chance on an
Worth $00.
Wo carry a nice line of goods , in the latest
styles , embracing Men's and Boys' cloth
ing , hats nnd caps , boots and shoes , gloves ,
mittens , etc. , which wo will sell you at
asked by other dealers , and give you a chance
on the watch besides.
Como and examine our goods and prices
before purchasing. Remember tuo place
G40 and 543 Broadway.
COO Broodway Council niuffs , Iowa. Established
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , Council Bluffs ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
, Council muffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses ami mules constantly on hand , for
snlo at retail or in rar load lot * .
Orders promptly "lll"l by contract on short
Stock sold on commlsKlon.
Telepliono 114. SCI I I.UTF.U & IIOI.KV.
Opposite Dummy Depot. Council lllutls.
But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every ono of our departments will offer thousands of useful and
ornamental things
Wo have mndo every effort to place on sale the most attractive and u cful troodfl
at the lowest possible prices , and wo in vile inspection nnd comparison.
Special Handkerchief sale this week at
2c5c. / . lOc , l/5c / , 2oc , up to $10. Each
and all go at about half price.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in
largo variety. Laces , Embroideries ,
Fichucs , Lace Collars. Kid nml'Fuhric
Gloves. All must go at this great sale.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Dressing Gowns nnd SmokingJnckcts.
Ladic's Slumber Robes , Japanese
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted
at3 , $0 , $7.60 to $10. Each a very
suitable present from a lady to a gen
Special bargains in our Art goods de
partment. Stamped Linens , Knit
goods , Underwear. Everything must
bo sold this week.
Como to the People's store first and see
what wo can do for you.
Wo know wo have the goods and that
our prices will save you money every
With every $2 purchase you will rc
ceivo a ticket for ono chnnco in ouv
100 grand free presents.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,
RTTPin ? Attorney-at-Law , Second Floor Brown
DUAJlEl , Building , 115 ] ? earl Street , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice of the Peace. Office over American
. UUnUlUJ , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluflfe ,
[ owa.
QTWQ Attorneys at-Law , practice in the- State
OlfllO , and Federal Courts. Office Rooms 7
and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
0 RJDMI7TT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway ,
, 0. DmlH lll , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank op
business house in the city. Collections a specialty.
Dentists. Office corner o
, Pearl St. and First Avenue1'
No. 201 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Both Domestic and Foreign.
DR. c. B. J u DD ,
No. 606 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary.
mO O
so , ETO-SKT is
We Defy All Competition nnd Challenge a Comparison or Goods and 1'rloef
With Any HOUMO In the Wpgt.
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
120 and K2 Main Strect.Council Blufls.Iowa. t
OWAr ! < s Vui.ii IN VOLUME.
Large Line at Reasonable Figures.
No.23 Majn St. , Council Uiuffs , Iowa.