Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Iho Labor and Patience Nccoeenry
For Hot Proper Mako-Up.
New Ynnrn Cnll n Thing of the 1'm.l
flown New Fnilt ) A Novel Hnticc
A 1'retty Conical Clara
Uclle'H better.
NKW YoitK , Dec. 30. Correspond
ence of the BEI : . ] It has been oh-
fccrvcd that several ladies of the
exquisite class carry their hands out
stretched , as if bestowing a benediction
on the empty air. The secret is out. A
notion prevails that this attitude will
keep the hands youthful in appearance
by preventing wrinkles. Therefore ,
the fashionable hand is worn much of
the time extended , palms down. It is
to be feared that benevolence is not on
the increase. The position docs not
admit of the hands holding much. But
Just think of that ever present f-olio
tudo that lives in the female soul , en
abling women to go around hour after
hour with their hands in a straight-out ,
open condition. , At night a preposter
ous invention must bo worm Maria
came to spend the day with me. She
got through it , paddling about with her
Dappers still as pokers , actually be
grudging the necessity of wrinkling
her lingers in order to grasp her knife
and fork ; but in the evening it came on
to rain , and she was forced to
stop. Then , indeed , she was mis
erable , lest the care/ul work of
the day should bo undone by sleeping
at our house. Finally , she sent for her
hand extenders. What do' you think
they wore ? Mittens made of wash
leather , the inner side fortillcd with
three strips of steel , that kept the hands
fiat , level and outstretched ; and these
articles were tied at the wrist with pink
Maria began to go to bed at 10.10 : , and
really readied the sheets at 1U sharp.
Her hair was taken down , brushed , and
done up to wave at the sides and curl at
tlio top. Her face went through a won
derful course of treatment. For twenty
minutes it was carefully rubbed upward
by the tips of the lingers under the eyes.
Then the mouth was hold open in the
shape of an exclamatory O , while the
cbeoks at the sides were rubbed from
the ears towards the nose. A tremendous
deus uiTort'wus made with the treacher
ous sp'\ just under the chin , that will
get drawn lines with the coming on ol
years. For twenty good minutes Marin
smothered her gullet. Then she brushed
her tcetli carefully. She wet a lock ol
cotton with rose water , and put in hci
mouth at tlio base of her hind window
tec'h. between the cheek and the teeth.
Thlb isd o-ealled wonder for pro venting
any wither on the part of the cheeks.
All this time a decoction had been stew
ing in a small silver plated vessel over
the gas. This cooking utensil had come
over in Maria's bag of toilet tricks. A
hot and resinous smelling poultice was
l the result. Maria daubed her face
tl'Jckly with it , and applied a llannol-
fin'en mask. Great Scottl She looked
like the veiled prophet in that mask
. . . . . and her nightdress. Outside lier whole
PI * ' paraphernalia she laced an odd sawed-
off sort of corset. It was hist a very
wide bolt , flaring at ton and bottom , but
it lushed up her victuals and vitals like
a relentless vice. Then came the hard-
tolcd mittens with their Spanish insteps
f Into their grease-smeared interiors she
plunged her hands and got mo to tie
them around her wrist.
"What if you want to scratch your car
i in the night , " said I.
"Don't suggest it , " she replied ,
bore a mark for a week when I musl
have dug that centre steel into my eye. '
Then she wont to bed. I took a look
at her an hour after. Those wash
leather mittens wore stiflly crossed
on her breast. Her flannel
swathed face was upturned in the dim
light. She was for all the world like
the ofllgy in stone that lies in West
minster Abbey over the sarcophagus of
Anne Bolloyn. The hammers of the
relic hunter luiv ) carried away much of
An no's iipso and several of the lingers.
The mask and mittens had the same
general clTcct. It was reassuring to see
nor turn up at the breakfast table after
her martyrdom a general flavor of mild
decay pervading her person , but yet a
living friend. Some night Maria will
surely swallow her cotton quid , and then
good-bye , dearl She will never survive
that accident. But just notice the dow
agers and their daddies. As George
Thatcher says in his song :
"Sho carried her hands just so ,
And the villain still pursued her. "
While the reader is perusing this
letter the swell dandies of Now York
will not bo ranking Now Year's calls , as
might bo supposed , but arc leaving that
old Knickerbocker custom to the very
common fellows. That manner of
spending the holiday has gone clear out
of fashion. Neither on Sunday , nor on
the ensuing legal Now Year's , will a
single Fifth avenue residence bo open
to callers. A few will have little
baskets attached to the boll handles ,
for the reception of cards , but oven
that recognition of u once-honored
usage will not generally bo made. The
tioublo with Now Year's calls is that
anybody and everybody can make them.
So .michasa hansom cab is not essential ,
. and if the maker of calls is too poor to
ride in street cars ho may plod around
afoot. The intention of the top 10,000
is to do things that are impossible to
the rabble. Therefore they have
abolished Now Year's calls ,
and instead spend the day out
of town , as a rule. Murray
Hill will bo depopulated , and its people
will bo scattered among the country
seats of the families , parties are made
up for these excursions , the departure
to bo made on Saturday and the return
on Tuesday. Tobogganing , if weather
and snow permit , and dancing anyhow ,
will bo pursued where no intrusions by
the common people ehall molest or make
The most regarded bride in the wide
world , I think , has this week boon the
new wife of Berry Wall , the king of the
dudes. The pair have been to theaters
nightly , they dine and sup at Del-
moiileo's , Mid they keep pretty gen
erally in public view. Mrs. Wall is not
beautiful , but she 1ms a delicate , ro-
Jlnod face , a good , tall tlguroand a very
distinguished air. The strange fact
about her is that her toilets show none
of the accuracy and cure which are scon
in the apparel of her celebrated hus
band. Her gowns have a stylish cut ,
and are evidently made by sqnio clover
ranker ; she wears them with some of
Iho pfeturcsqucncss of an actress ; but
there i a slouchiness in them than that
ono might suppose would grlovo
her spick-and-span spouse. You'
could search the visible fa
brics on Berry with a magnifying
glass without discovering a blemish.
But as 1 sat behind his bride I saw her
gloves were soiled , her bonnet was of
unseasonable straw , her collar was
pinned awry , ono button at the back of
her dross was missing , and altogether
the lacked that scrupulous nictity of detail -
tail which , t-ccmlngly , the king of
dudes would exact in his wifo.
I was in company with u man the
fe ,
other evening who couldn't have told if
the fj'irl of his nb cr-ltlng Inturcst were
pauze or three-ply carpeting. Ho was
the Venerable Luther Colby , editor of
the Banner of Light , the Boston spirlt-
uallvtic journal , and he had come on n
visit to Now York to witness tome liow
marvel in spooks. On this occasion ho
was at a seance given by Mrs. Stoddard
Gray , at B2J West Thirty-fourth street.
Her exhibitions' arc transparent enough
to an unbeleivor , but Brother-Colby has
faith unlimited , and the medium made
a special effort to satisfy his longing for
marvels. A shadowy form came out of
the cabinet and announced herself as
his deceased sister , and ho
vowed that ho recognized
her ; another was his half-
sister , and ho declared that ho know
her instantly ; a third was pronounced
by him the materialized spirit of a
woman whose portrait ndorneil his sanc
tum ; and so on until the particular
demonstration of tlio evening was
reached. That was a novelty , 1 think. '
From the cabinet into the dim light of
the long parlor emerged the liguro of
what seemed to bo a man garbed in
black. He shook hands with several of
the party , said that his name was Dr.
Baker. Ho glided slowly off toward the
darker end of the apartment and ap
peared to settle down into the floor.
Instantly there arose in his place a
feminine spirit in white robes , with her
draped arms waving and her fcot as
light as a ballot dancer's. Shoswoopcd
like a veritable apparition upon us ,
whispered mysteriously , made my blood
curdle for a minute , and then retreated
into the cabinet.
Free masons are jubilant over the fact
that , in their recent great fair , in this
city , a great many in the guild con
quered the prejudices of their wives
against Free masonry , and got those to
jo and assist there who had vowed them-
'elves ' life long enemies of an institution
passcssing secrets they never mastered ,
tnd a power over their husbands on cer
tain nights greater than their own in-
lluenco. Now another strife has arisen
between the fair sex and its protectors ,
and this seems not , likely to terminate ,
as that of the worthy mason's did , in a
masculine victory. The now warfare is
merely a phase of the old contention.
The women are banded together against
i rumseller. His name is George Hil-
lon , and ho is a typo of that largo class
: > f Germans who began life hero by
keeping tlio corner groceries , and who ,
when the law forbade little black bars
behind stores , abandoned the trade in
necessaries almost in a body and
became tlio founders of the
then now order of showy bar rooms.
Ilillen is the nabob of thorn all. His
chief place is in August Belmont's old
family mansion in Fifth avenue. No
sooner did the great banker move than
Ilillen got the property , and outraged
gilt-edged society by converting the
lirst floor into a palace of drink. The
establishment did a great business from
the start. That is the principal artist's
quarter of the town. Ono who cares to
enter a groggery nt all may see the ar
tists dropping in there to order wines or
cigars sent to their homes , and to enjoy
refreshments for themselves. William
Cliaso , the exquisite of the profes
sion , and the man who made a mint of
money by a recent sale and exhibition
of his own works , sanctioned the choice
of Hillon's as _ the artists retreat by tak
ing a few friends there from some of the
frequent gatherings in the grand mu
seum that constitutes his studio.
Well , Hillon comtomplatcd a still
bolder move than thatof planting a bar
room on the very spinal column of swell
existence. Ho determined to establish
another drinking house at the corner of
University Place , a block west of Broad
way. Now Fourteenth street from
Broadway to Sixth avenue is sacred to
the ladies and their shops. Every build
ing is a retail store , and the sidewalks
from dawn till after dark are crowded
by women and girls , not of this city
alone , but from every place on the con
tinent. The word sacred applies
peculiarly to this stretch of four blocks ,
for no man has over had the hardihood
to attempt to utilize a store or oven a
sidewalk booth for any masculine inter
est , and not a drink of liquor was over
offered for sale there since the street
was captured by the fair sex. Excito-
incnt followed the news that Hillon in
tended to start a bar-room in this Adam-
less Eden. This was what ho had aimed
at , and ho spent $40,000 in decorating
and furnishing the not very large room.
The Mooring is a crazy work of imported
mosaics , the bar is uncqualed in cost
and beauty , and the back bar , with its
great arches and alcoves , each backed
by enormous sheets of mirror and
framed by the _ most delicate carving , is
beyond anything in the city , so far ns
magnificence is concerned. Bronzes ,
stained glass , polished brass , bric-a-
brac and curios are fairly heaped in the
placo. But the stir that the tidings of
what Hillcn intended aroused has
proved more than ho courted. The
women have massed themselved against
the desecration of their region , the
merchants have backed thorn and the
excise board has been so besot with the
agents of the women that they have re
fused a license. For weeks 'the place
has boon ready for business , but the
doors are still barricaded , and tlio
women laugh as they trip by. It is a
queer struggle between a power not
often excited in Now York and this
most influential of all trades. All who
know of the situation are waiting
eagerly to see whether or no the poli
ticians dare to defy the women.
The worst feature about catarrh is its
dangerous tendency to consumption.
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by
purifying the blood.
Wo Are KiiomltliriftH.
Knowledge : In two states of the
union alone ono kind of accumulated
earth life , the petroleum and uatura
gas store , lias been FO rapidly used up
that within ono Ronoration alone
stores which were millions of years ac
cumulating will have been almost wholly
In Great Britain 150,000,0010ns of real
are yearly brought to the pit's mouth ,
though it has become clear that that the
elleotivo supply will bo ex
hausted at the present rate of consump
tion in the course of ton or twelve generations -
orations at the outside.
The forests of the earth , at any rate
In all civilized countries , are being
steadily destroyed , tho'ugh it would bo
quite possible so to arrange matters
that the supply used each year should
bo replaced by now growth during the
same timo.
Like a spendthrift , Iho human race of
to-day , boasting itself "tho heir of all
the ages" in intelligence , is consuming
at a rate fully onc-hundrcd-fold beyond
what is just the supplies which , as heir
of all the geological teens , it has re
ceived in trust partly for future gen
"Good deeds , " once said the celebrated -
ed Richtcr , "ring clear through heaven
like a boll. " One of the best deeds is to
alleviate human sufferings. "Last fall
my daughter was in decline , " says Mrs.
Mary llinscw , of Monti'o oKaiisaSj "an.d
o very body thought she w u going into
consumption. 1 got her a bottle of Dr.
It. V. 1'iorco's 'Favorite Porscription , '
and it cured her. " Such facts as the
above need no comment.
Lolund hotel , Chicago.
Career of o Western "Klllor , " Bald
to Have a Record of Sixteen.
HIM KxploltH with the Knrp Gnnft In
Arlxona Ills Arrest mill Hubsc-
iiucnt Ijlfo In Denver Clos
ing Hoc ni-s.
Denver Republican : When "Doc"
Holiday died nt Glen wood Springs a
short time ago one of the most cele
brated characters in the western coun
try passed away. Ho was known as a
desperado und had a record as n
"killer. "
Holliday had gone to Glonwood for
his health. Pneumonia overtook him
and the grisly rider BOOH after smote
jlm down. Thus departed one of those
characters formerly quite co'mmon in
the west , but now , like the Indian and
the buffalo , becoming quite rare. Many
people who have scon him in Denver
or the past four or five years never re
alized that they were looking atonuof
those men familiarly known as "kill
ers" and sometimes designated as "bad
men. " Ho was formerly a dentist.
Hence his title of "Doc. "
The homicidal tendency was already
strong within him ! The doctor had an
enemy. Ho wsed to toll the story him
self and say that ho had every desire to
the man. But the doctor was al
ways a prudent man. Ho feared ho
wouldn't bo legally protected if he took
the man's life. The doctor wanted re
venge , but ho was in a dilemma. An
event occurred , however , which gave
the doctor an opportunity ho had hardly
expected. His enemy came to his olllco
with an aching tooth. The doctor put
the patient under laughing gas and be
fore his enemy had left the chair the
quiet doctor had extracted nearly every
tooth ho had in his head.
This feat of dentistry had a tendency
to injure the doctor's business and the
climate of Texas began to disagree with
him. Ho went first , it is supposed , to
that paradise of tough characters , the
Indian territory. Later on ho emi
grated to Dodge City , Kas.
It is a little doubtful , it would seem ,
whether the doctor went to Arizona
from Denver , from Dodge City , or from
Las Vegas , Now Mexico. The latest-ac
counts bay ho emigrated from the labt
named health resort. Cowboys bent on
having a , little fun would swoop down
upon a town , getting drunk , shooting re
volvers in the streets , quarrelling in
bar-rooms and terrorizing the inhabi
The Earn boys do not appear to have
bee i models of all the virtues' but their
assistance in protecting the chief
cities in the territory from cowboy inva
sions was not to bo despised. Their as
sistance was rendered all the more val
uable by the fact that they were very
earnest in rendering it. In fact , they
found as officers of the law the strongest
means of gratifying personal rancor and
revenge. A deadly feud existed be
tween the "Rustlers , " which was the
general name of the crowd to which the
Earps and "Doe" Hollidaybelongcdand
the cowboys
The Earps and "Doe" had been ap
pointed deputy United States marshal ,
and ono day they settled the question of
cowboy rule in the streets of Tombstone
very effectually. The Earps had organ
ized a strong posse of men. Ono day the
cowboys came riding into town on their
very spirited broncos , shooting revolvers
vers and declaring their sanguinary in
tentions towards the "rustlers. " But
the "rustlers" wore ready for them , and
from behind dry goods boxes and other
daces of shelter they poured many
murderous volleys into horses and
riders. "Doc" Holliday used to say
that his crowd killed thirteen cowboys
at that time. At all events the "rust
lers" won a great victory , and Tomb
stone was a much quieter place after
that. However , the cowboys vowed
vengeance against Wyatt Earps , and
they meant what they said.
It was about this time that ono of the
younger members of the Earp family
was killed. "Doc" Holliday had vowed
that for every ono of the Earps killed
two of the crowd who opposed them
should die. The doctor was a man of
his word and two citizens of Arizona ,
soon after the death of young Earp , per
manently disappeared.
In those days the Enrps combined
their positions as United States marshal
with other occupations not quite so re
putable. They appear to have con
ducted a gambling house in Arizona ,
and it was not a very respectable gamb
ling house either. According to pretty
authentic accounts "Doc"
, Holliday was
a bert of "capper" in this establishment ,
and "steevcd- ' the sucker with lots of
cash towards certain brace games , to
the great benefit of the house of Earp
Brothers. But the killing of the two
enemies of the Earps broke the strength
of their reign in Arizona. The doctor
and Eurps are said to have been 'in
dicted. The law was evidently not al
together on their side this timo. Wyatt
Earp and his brother lied to Trinidad ,
Col. , and "Doc" Holliday came up to
Michael Spangler was then sheriff of
Arapahoe county and the late Freder
ick W. Pitkin was governor of the state.
Bunco-steerers and tin-horn men were
pretty plenty , but afterwards made un
comfortable through the efforts of
Sheriff Spangler , and the same lead in 11
lights in the confidence fraternity left
Ono day , while Charles T. Linton ,
now of the city detectives , then a dep
uty sheriff , was seated in the sheriff's
olllco , a man who was evidently greatly
excited came in and demanded the ar
rest of "Doc" Holliday. Ho said ho
had arrived hero with an order for the
doctor's arrest. Ho said ho had seen
the doctor on the street and wanted him
arrested at onco.
Mr. Linton wont out with the deputy
sheriff. They encountered "Doc" Hol
liday near Daniels and Fisher's build
ing on Sixteenth street. The doctor
scorned in a peaceable humor , but the
Arizona deputy , much to Mr. Linton'H
disgust , drew a pair of revolvers , and
throwing them under the doctor's face ,
commanded him to throw up 1is hands.
Ho then began to abuse "Doc" Holliday
in what ho consided a very indecent
manner. AItorttho deputy had cooled
off a little the doctor was taken to jail.
Hero ho remained fourteen days. Mr.
Linton is still of the opinion that lie
held at the time , that the crazy headed
actions of the Arizona deputy precipi
tated the troubles that followed , and
which resulted In Holliday's never
seeing Arizona again , but in making
Colorado bio personal residence.
After arresting the doctor Mr. Lin
ton telegraphed to the sheriffs at Tucson
and Tombbtono. Replies came back
that the "Doc" was wanted at both
places. The telegraphic connection be *
twccu Denver and Arizona has perhaps
ijcvcf boe.n so fully utilized. Day after
day the Arizona authorities telegraphed
that they would come hero. In the
meantime the doctor's friends were not
idle. IIo had a certain strong following
among the sporting clement. Ono or
two "bad men" from other parts of the
state dropped in hero. Verg Earp
came up .from Trinidad , The doctor's
friends represented tkvp thing ? . Ono ,
was that "Doc" Hollluny was a respect
able citizen , friend of law and order
and a much-abused Inan. The other
was that If ho was tatten bock to Ari
zona ho would surely JxJ taken off the
train by a mob and lynched. The news
papers took up the euHp and urged the
governor to grant a inquisition and
have "Doe" taken back to Arizona.
"It can bo sot down as a fact. " says a
man who knows "Doe" Holliday well ,
"that the doctor had killed at leant six-
tccn men. Ho usually looked out to
have the law on his side and then blazed
away at them. The doctor was a pecu
liar ono and was a trifle deceptive in his
methods. Ho would seem to back out
and hesitate and net as if afraid , then
suddenly ho would rush on his antago
nist and before the latter knew what
was coming ho was perhaps laid out
stiff with one of the doctor's bullets in
his carcass.
The truth seems to have been that the
doctor seldom lost his coolne-s. His re
venge was not thwarted by a blind yield
ing to passion ; it wassomctimesslowand
studied und always merciless when it
The case was becoming n celebrated
ono. Thvro were delays in getting the
requisition from the governor of Ari
zona. Deputy Sheriff Linton and the
whole sheriff's otllco were at their wits'
end. Two Arizona requisitions had
been found defective and the doctor was
having the best of it. After about two
weeks of suspense , Sheriff Bob Paul ,
came hero from Tucson with the neces
sary papers for "Doc" ' Holiday's arrest ,
Sheriff Paul was cool-headed and deter
mined. Had ho come hero at first in
stead of the imprudent Arizona deputy ,
Mr. Linton believes things might nave
ended differently.
In the meantime Colonel Dowocsc and
the friends of "Doc Holiday were bring
ing all the forces of the law , sympathy
and pursuations to bear on the base.
They were making their strongest ef
fort'with the governor of Colorado. But
the strongest representations were
made to him that if no gave "Doc" Hol
liday up ho would deliver him
into the hands of a gang of desperadoes
and murderers. The authorities en
deavored to calm the governor' fears.
Sheriff Paul , who seems to have acted
with perfect good faith in the whole
matter , offered to take "Doc" Holliday
back to Arizona with perfect safety.
Not a hair ot the doctor's head , ho de
clared , should bo injured during the
trip. His plan was to take the doctor
lo San Francisco by the Union Pacific ,
and then to take him to Arizona by the
southern route. But the governor de
clined to grant the requisition. He Mild
there were water tanks and other places
on tlio railroad where a mob of cowboys
and others could easily attack a train
and take the prisoners from the authori
ties. It was in vain that Sheriff Paul
Paul argued that he would take the doc
tor to Arizona on a special train , and
that there would not be the least dan
But the shrewd lawyers and about
equally shrewd friends of "Doc" Holli
day had other weapons at band. The
rebitlt of their efforts led to the coining
of a new word in Colorado ' Ilollidav-
ing. " Probably the scheme that was
worked was not an original one. At
all events similar ones have boon em
ployed in criminal cases binco then , and
it lias frequently been tried with pris
oners who have been demanded by
Deputy Sheriff Hollings\yorth when he
was armed with requisitions. The
charge of prncticing.a confidence game
in Pueblo was brought against the
doctor and a writ of habeas corpus was
asked for in order that ho might betaken
taken there. The scheme worked.
Judge Dawson , of the superior court ,
granted a wriJ of habeas corpus and
"Doc" Holliday , instead of going to
Tucson , went to Pueblo. There appears
to have been nothing in the bunco
charge. At all events "Doc * ' Holliday
was boon at liberty , and SlierIT } Paul re
turned much disgusted to Arizona.
After the doctor settled in Denver his
life became that of the ordinary gam
bler and ho did not always play in the
best of luck. Frequently the Denver
police arrested him for vagrancy. For
the past five years his life has been a
rather colorless one , relieved by ono
"shooting scrape" and ending with
death nt a health resort.
Yet the doctor had some warm friends ,
who speak of him with tenderness and
put forward the usual sporting phrase :
"Ho come of good people back cast and
I won't say nothing in him. "
"Tho doctor , " said Colonel Dcwccse ,
"Had just as lief kill a man as not. All
ho looked out for usually was to have
the law on his side. I said to him one
day : 'Doctor , don't your conscience
over trouble you ? ' 'No , ' ho replied ,
with that peculiar cough of his , 'I
coughed that up with my lungs long
ago. ' "
Ono little episode broke the tnmo cur
rent of the last five years of the doctor's
life. The scene was Lcadvillo and the
characters were the doctor and a Lcad
villo bar-tender. The bar-tender was
Billy Allen , a pretty well known character -
actor about Lcadvillo. Billy was also a
special policeman. The quarrel was
over a loan , which is something which
the ordinary gambler , when in hard
luck , frequently has to negotiate. Billy
had loaned the doctor $5. Some days
elapsed and the doctor failed to return
the money. On a Sunday morning
Billy told the doctor that ho had waited
long enough and that he had promised
to pay back the money.
"I know I did , Billy , " said the doctor ,
"but I lost what I had.last night and 1
can't pay you.
Billy replied angrily that he wanted
his money and would give him till
Wednesday to pay it. If lie didn't come
to time then he ( Billy ) would bo "lixed"
for him.
"Doc" Halliday knew what that
meant , and was still more enlightened
when Wednesday came round. The
"Doc" had not como to time with the
money. Ho was told by a friend that
Allen was looking for him. Putting a
revolver into his ppckct and throwing
a light overcoat on his arm the
doctor started out to meet his man. Hemet
met him. It was in a well-known
Lcadville saloon and sporting resor
Both men drew their revolvers. BilH
Allen dodged in some way and th
bullet from Holliday's revolver wont
through his wrist , narrowly missing his
head. ' 'Doe" ' Holliday was arrested and
taken to jail. But nothing came of it.
The parties seemed to have agreed to
fix the matter up , arid the doctor was
soon after released.
The event above narrated occurred
about two years agd. Last winter and
spring "Doc" was in Denver. Ho
figured , though rather indirectly , in
one or two little scrimmages between
sporting men , was arrested for vagrancy
and released. The latter months of his
life were passed in Lcadvillo and Glen
wood. After two months' illnc&s ho
died on November 8.
For fear of losing a day's work , many
persons put off taking physic until Sat
urday. The better plan is not to delay
but take it as soon as needed , it may
save you a hard spell of sickness. If
you want the most benefit from the
least amount of physic without causing
you any inconvenience , loss of uppotlto
or rcbt , take St. Patrick's Pills. Their
action on the liver and bowels , are
thorough , they give a freshness , tone
and vigor to the whole syatem and act
iu harmony with nature.
A Peculiar Story.
The pension department hns un
earthed the following peculiar ctory : A
veteran in Pennsylvania applied for a
pension ns Daniel Tcnney , of the
Eighty-third Pennsylvania volunteers ,
company F. A woman in Stanton ,
Mich. , applied about the -amc time as
the widow of the same soldier. An in
vestigation was instituted , and resulted
In showing that the woman was acting
In perfect good faith and believed that
she wa a widow , and that , furthermore ,
she wa n good and honest person. Her
husband was a worthless man , who ono
day started out for n hunt and never
came buck. The neighbors of Stunton
concluded that ho had perished in the
woods. When the snow went off the
next spring they found the mangled
body of a man , a black bear and a cat
lying in the woods near Oarwell. It
was supposed Tenney bad boon killed by
the bear. It is now found that Tcnney
was not killed by the bear , but had
gone to Pennsylvania ; where ho took
up life with another woman , who was
his first and lawful wife , of whoso ex
istence , it 1s presumed , the Michigan
woman know not.
Finally the Pcnnsylvnhia wife went
to Nebraska to get rid of him. Then
ho married another woman. Now the
question arises , wbo killed the bear and
the man who was found dead by the
bear1 Tlio man certainly had on Tcn
ney "s clothes. Suspicion looks toward
Tcnney , and the natural conclusion is
that ho may know more about the mat
ter than anyone else. Meanwhile no
ono has got the pension , and there arc
three women who think they have an
interest in the husbamlship of Daniel
Tcnney. Mr. Tennoy is in Pennsylva
nia and saying notlung.
Relieved oTKidney Trouble.
Dec. ( > , IbSo.
I have been troubled with back ache
for some time past , and great dilliculty
in passing urine. Three weeks ago I
applied an Allcock's porous plaster , and
have done so every five days since. Al
most immediately I had partial relief ,
and now I am entirely free from pain
water passing freely and perfectly clear ,
without burning. I owe my great re
lief to Allcock's porous plasters and
heartily recommend them in any case
of kidney trouble. S. J. C'ltoxiN.
mo 11 rjicqciiKTin WITH TB axnoBinrr or mi
ty ! reMcn of It * central petition cluse relation to llnrf
Kttt of Chicago , and contlnJ VH line : , at terminal
points W t , Koithwett and Soathweit , I , the true
rolildlo link In that transcontinental pyMem which
1m ltd and facilitates travel and traffic between the
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Rnck Iiland main line and tranche , Include Chicago
cage , Jolict , Ottawa , LK Elite , r rrla , Oenctco , Molina
and Rock Iiland , In Illinois ; DaTtnport , Muncatlne ,
Wtthlngton , Falrfleld , OUumwO > Valoota ,
trty.Iowa Clty.PriMc.lncn. Indlanola.lVlntei n t , Atlan
tic , KnoiTllle , Audubon , Herlan , Outhrlo Centre and
Council Dluffi , In Iowa : Uollatln , Trenton , St. * .reph ,
Cameron ami K ni s City , In Hlnouri : Leal , iwurth
and Atchaon,1nKanati ! Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
4t.I'anltnMlnneiotai Watertown and Cloux falli , Jp
Dakota , and hundred * of Intermediate cltlei and towni.
' . 'The Croat Rock Island Route"
Onaranteei rptcd , comfort , certainty and lafetjr. It *
permanent war 1 , dlitlnguUhrd for Iti excellence. It *
bridge * are of ttone and Iron. Itfl track Is of solid
teel , Its rolling stock perfect. Itspasicngerequlpmunl
feas all the safttT appliance * that experience has proroJ
vseful. and for luxurlou * accommodation * 1 * unar *
passed. It * Express Trains consist of luperlor l > ay
Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Bleeping
Car * , superb Dining Car * , prorldlng delicious meal , ,
and ( between Chicago and St. Joeeps , Atchlson and
Kama * City ) restful Reclining Chair Can. It" man
agement It conservative. IU discipline exacting ;
"The Famous Albert Lea Rot-re"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis end Bt. Pa. * ' I * the
favorite. Over this line Solid rest Expreis Trains run
dally to attractive resort * for tourist * In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the
rich whnt and crating lands of Interior Dakota. Via
ttneea and Xankakee , the Rock Island offer * superior
Inducements to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. Lafayette and Council Bluff * , fit. Joseph. Atchl-
eon , Leavenworth , Kansas City , Bt. Paul , and Interme-
ellate point * . All patrons ( especially ladle * and chll-
< lrtnrecelveprotectloncourtesy and klnilly attention.
For tickets , maps , folder * , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal offices la
the Vnlted Elates and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
I. R. CAIIE , I. IT. JOHN , E. A. HOUROOI , . AnicniiUMnF. a. * nt. a rw. nt
OF inn
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
Bluffs to
- = = THE EAST = = = -
Chicago , AMD Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Freeporf , Rockford ,
Clinton , Pubuqae , Davenport ,
Elgin , "Madison , Jancsrille ,
Beloit , Wlnonn , La Crosse ,
And all other Important point * Eiit , Northeast and
Tor through tlcketa call on the ) ticket agent at 1401
rarnam atreet , In Paxton Hotel , or at Uoloa Padua
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Care In the
World an run nn the main line of the Chicago , Mil
waukee * Ht. Paul Hallway , and every attention I *
aid to passengers by courieous employe * ol the
R. M1U.KH , General Manager.
J.F. TUCK Kit , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. It. CAIll'ENTEH , General 1'iiisenger and
Ticket Agent.
CJEO. K. HEAFFOBD , Assistant General Fauenger
nd Ticket Agent.
J. T. Cl.AHK , tlcneral Superintendent.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tae only road to take for DCS Mnlne * . Uarlalllown ,
Cedar haplds , Clinton , Illion , Chicago. Milwaukee
and all points enst. To the penpln of Nebraska , Cole ,
rado , Wyoming , Utah , lilah" , Nevada , Oregon , Wuiti-
Iniaon and California , It offer * lupeJlur advantage *
BI t pusslale br any other line.
Among a few of the numerous point * of tuperlorltf
njnrcd br the patrons of this road between Onmha
and Chicago , aru It * two Iralrs H da j of DA Y COACH-
KS. which are the rlnett that numan art and Injienut.
IT can create. Its 1'ALACK HI.KKriNU OAKS , which
arn models of rrtmtorl und flCKitnre. Its i'AKUJIt
1HIAW1NL ) KUOM L'AItri , insurpa ; cdJ any , and
It * widely celebrated 1'AI.ATIAL'DlNINW CAU * , the
equal of which cannot to found eisewhcro. At Coun
cil Hluffs thu trains ot the Union 1'acltlc Hallway , con *
nvct In union depot with those oftuo Chicago &
Northwestern Hy. In Chtr KO the trains of this line
tea y closi ) connection with thoic of all other eastern
> 'or Detroit , Columbus. Imllnntpoll , Cincinnati ,
Niagara rails , IlurTaUi.l'Uttaurg , 'loronto , Montreal ,
lloiton , New York , rhlladelphla , Italtlmore , Wash
ington , and all point * In the east , ask for a tlckut la
If yon with the best accommodation. All ticket agent *
tell tickets via this lino.
.HUJI11TT ( , B. P. WILSON ,
( .col. Manager , < lenl. I'ata'r Agent
Jkgrl cu I tu ra Mm pie m en tii.
Dealer in Asricnltnral Implements. Waps ,
Oarrlat * * and Botile . Jones ftrvet. Dctwveu Mb and
HUi , Omaha , Nelnatka.
Africnltaral Implements , ? ap Carrianes
jSuitle * , * * * Wholesale , Omaha , Netratse ,
Manufacturers of Bncleye Drills , Seeders.
WholMal *
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ftBngiiei
_ Cof n r Ulb and Nlcttola * glr U. _
_ AMji W M a te rials. _
A. HOSPE. Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs.
UUDouihMBtf t.Oin h , N bra ka.
Boots and Shoea.
W. V. MORSE * \Waf
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
MU iamBtOmaha.Nib. Manufactory , *
Ilr t , DoiUm.
( Bucc Mor to R * d , Jones A Go. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
AfleoU for notion Bnbbar She * Oo. Hot. 1104 * UN
Ilirntf St. . Omaha , Nabratta.
_ Coffeee , Iplcea , Eto. _
Omaha Coffte and Bp'c ' * Mllli.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Crockery andOlaesvvoro.
A tnt for the H uuf cturcn and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Etc. Office , an S. 13th bl. , Oaiauit. Nubraikn. '
_ Commlaalon and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing ,
. nml Produce. ConilgnmcnH inllelted.
Headauarttri for Stoneware.
Ueirr HOIPI aud
Qrape D l > cli. Hit Dodge tit. , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
fOBltrj. Butter , ( ismn. Krulli. Ktc. ZJU South lUh St-
Omatia , Nebraska.
( Hucceiion to Mc&bano A Bchrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nobrmka.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
JtO South 13Ui Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
" J. J. JOHNSON Si CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And ililpprri of Coal , Coke , Om nt , flatter. Urn *
TKralnMlo and Sewer IMpn. ORIcr , Vailou Hotel ,
Faniam Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811.
Shippers of Coal and Cole ,
2U South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Dry Cooda and Notions.
M. E. SMITH & CO. .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
110R and llMDoudai , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Notion.
Qentt1 Furnlihlnn Ooodi.Cnrnerllth and Harner Bt * . ,
Omaha , Netiraika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
raroam Street , Omaha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
T06,707 , TW and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Net ) .
Wholesale Grocers ,
l and Learenworth Street * , Omaha , Nebraikh.
D. M. STEELE & CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
, 1171 and 1223 Ilarner Street , Omaha , Nek.
Wholesale Grocer. ,
till and 1116 Barney Street , Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shon
lietbanlc * ' Tooli and Buffalo Scalci. UOt Douglat-it.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Ilarner SU , OmahaTNeb. Weitcrn Agontf
for Auitlu Powder Co..Jeffenon Stool N ilt , lair-
bauki Standard Scale * .
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Iprin , . .
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carrlaue Wood Stock , Ueary Ilardwarfx
Ktc. U1T and 11U Leafenworth M. , Omaha , Neb.
Mats , caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1187 Uaroej Street , Omaha , Neb.
" ' " '
Liquors. .
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers of FineWines & Liprs
Kill India Bitters and Domeitlc Llquori. Ill ] Ilarner
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
Utk Street and Union 1'iclBo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , etc. Yardi-Coraer Tin and Uouglai ; Comer Ma
and Douglu.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
Uth and California Sti. . Omaha , Neb.
> CV" > FRED W. GRAY , *
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner ( th and Douglas SU , Omaha.
U" *
" " To Dealers Onlyf
Office. 1433 Kirn in Street , Omaha.
T * "JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , ' ' ' " '
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
{ ported and American Portland Cement. State > | eal
' ( or Mllnauiee Uydriullc Cemeq } laj l Uucj
* .
j' " i
Dealer in Hardwood
WoodCarrtliandI'arquel ( loorlnt.J
rs& Jobbers of Mill
KB , 110 and 111 ( loath 11th Btreel. . *
Notion * .
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishini
03 and * South ink Street , Omaha. '
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing OoeJl ,
llOt Harnr Bireat , Omaha.
Oil * .
Wholesale Refined and Lnbricatini Oils , '
Ail * Qr a * , tte. . Omaha. A. II. UUhop , Maaaf
Wholesale Paper Dealers , \
CWTT a nice stocx of trlnUnf , wrapping aa < < rmtaf
paper. Special attention § lcn to car load orttr * . *
Printer * ' Materials.
Aniiliary PnWishers ,
Rupjoer Coodji. _
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Good )
Oil Clothing ami leather netting. 1tt ( ) Fnrnam Street ,
flltoam JFIttlnga , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Stcitm , water , railway and mining ouppllpi , cUS.
VII anil VH I'ttrunm Mrci't , Oiuuha.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , , '
Steam unit Water PumillcK , llcnilqunrtcrs ( or Mail.
hiioit ACo'igooJt. 1111 k nruntu St. , Omaha. J
Steam and Water Supplies , '
Dallldar Wind Mlll , 918 anil tiai Knrnnm St. , Omaha.
U. K. lion , Acting MuiiHKur.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bhcot Irou Work. Steam Tumps , KMT Mill * . "
LeaTcnworlh btrrut , Oiuahu.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seed 1
I and 913 Jonns Ht. , Omaha
Storogo Fjorvyti rdl rig AjCom ml salon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission , * j
Brunch home of the llrnncr HUIKT Co. IhiitKlpB al
wUulusalo und rutnll. 1TOM IIO nnu im liard StreetTt
Omaha. Telephone No. ! SO. _ if
Corn joe.
Mannftctnre Galyanized Iron and Cornice,1
Joliu Kpuucter. Proprietor. ICO Dodgu nndl09andl (
.North linti btruet.Omaha. ;
Smoke Stacks , Boilers , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
Brltchlngs , Tank * and ( lensral Holler llcpalrlng. 13.
Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob.
Iron Works.
WronEut and Cast Iron Bnilng fort
Knglucs , lirass work , general foundry , machine an
blacksmith work. Offlce and work * , u. V , Rr. and
llth Street , Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window guards , flower stand * , wilt Algol
etc. , in North 16lh St. , Omaha. i
Man'frs ' of fire & Burglar Proof Safes
Vaults. ] nl | work. Iron and wire fencing , signs , etc. O
Andreen , Prop'r. Cor , lith and Juck on fit * .
Mnniifucturera amlJubburs In
Wagons Buggies Rafces Plows Etc ,
, ,
. ' . ' . . . .
Cor. 'Jin ii.iu I'l.llllu bu. , o.nnliu. Nub
General Agents for Dlcbold Safe & Lock Co.'i I
Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes-Time Locte ,
Vault * and Jail Work , HIS Farnain Street , Omaha. J
H. M.&S. W.JONES ,
huctcsmjrsto A. T. Ken ) on i Co. ,
Whok'siild an-1 rctnll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
FlnoYcdrtlMx Stationery , Commmlul btutlouerr.
ISa Douulun HI. ouiuha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Oreralls , I
Jean * Pant * , Bhl/U , Ktc. 1KB and 1104 Dougl'a * Street , '
Omaha. Neb. ,
Sagh , Doora , Eto.
Wholesale Manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , , -
Branch Offlce , 12th and Iiard Street * . Omaha. N > > .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding * . Stair Work and Interior Hard Wood Flv
lib. N.E. CoruurStli and.LuaTcnwortb Street * ,
Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sasb , Deere ,
And Blinds , Turning , Stair-work , Ilank and Ofltcsf
Killings , autli and 1'oppleton Avenue.
' " *
Lager Beer Brewers ,
Ul North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. J
o. R. TAiMtn. N. I- .
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Omoe-noofern M.
Live Stock Commission Merchants , [
Market turnlshe.1 free on application. Htooker * anf
ftcdcirs furaUlioil oa e.iod i nu . ItoteruDctii : OBUM
ha Nailunal Ilank nuifBomU Omaha National , Uolo3
Block Yards , Synth Oronha.
Live Stock Connnission ,
Room 14 , Bxcbaniie llulldlng. Union BUMk TardJV
South Oninha , Net ) .
Cominission Dealers in Live Stock ,
nulldlDir , Uulon BtoeM
UNION STOci < YAn"DS CO. , 1
Of Omaha , Limited , >
John F , UujU , Buperintondent.
The licit known anil moit popular Hotel In tha
stal , 1-wnUon triitral , apiuilntin nts Hrit-class.
lluail'iuarteis lor coaiiuertlal wen and all politic * !
aod public vatheiliigs.