SEVENTEENTH YEAtt. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING JANUAKY 2 , 1888 , NUMBER 198 A GLORIOUS SUNDAY IN ROME , Enthusiastic Thousands Participate in the Popo's Jubilco. GREAT CROWDS IN THE VATICAN The Occasion Appropriately Observed TliroiiKliont tlioVotltl Foreign Comment on tlicIluadingStrlko Xlic Holiday * In i'arlH. In Iionclon A ItoininlHcnnco. | C | i/rl/ht | / | / WS tu Jittntt Gordon HtwieK.1 LONDON , Jan. 1. [ New York Herald Cnble Special to thu linn. ] While in nearly every Protestant church the services and sermons to-day related to New year hopes and lessons , those in the Catholic churches were connected with the pope's jubilee but without any Incidents doubtless different from those In the New York churches. After witnessing the Impressive services at the pro-cathedral where Cardinal Manning officiated In part and delivered nn eloquent address upon the Jubilco I encoun tered n veteran barrister who Imparted the Interesting fact that ho had madetho present pope's acquaintance hero in London , "In 1884 , " said he , "my chambers were near to St. James park not fur from the temporary lodgings of Monslgncur Peccl OB ho was called although ho had rccentlj been made an archbishop in partlbus. He had then been a year n papal nuncio in Brussels sols und was In London for a few weeks of holiday. Making n casual acquaintance will : him in the park we fell Into conversation am afterward exchanged visits. Ho spoke ex ccllcnt English with a fascinating sweetness of the vowel sound. It was during Peel's ' administration nnd at a time when will Aberdeen ns foreign secretary wo were ul very anti-papal. I do not think hi received much , if any , attention but ' heard him remark ho had been at tlu Austrian ambassador's dinner party. Mj memory Is that ho was much Impressed will English Institutions. It was during Marcl nnd parliament was in session. Ho had beet to the lords and commons both and roferrci to a line speech some peer , whoso name doc : not recur to mo , had made , but ho was prai.i ing a speech made by the then chancellor o the exchequer , Gouldburn , ns being remark able for its marslmllingof figures in n budget Tlio pope , you may know , always was fond o mathematics und by the way , step with mi into my house and I will show you the pope * Latin pocrns. " Wo wcro soon there and the volume pro duced. "It is n volume. " resumed the barrister , "Interesting also in mechanlcu creation for It was both printed nnd bound n a training school nt Udino in Venice , stnrtci by Abbe Brunelli , who sought and obtalnci permission of the pope to collect his poem and sell the volume for thu benefit of th school. Hero It is. " Ho produced a superb volume of 127 pages Each page was bordcrcil with gilt columns with a scroll and figures nnd printci on parchment paper In bold typo nnd aftc the old , style was unpaged.The till page Is "Leonis , XIII. , ICarmlni. " Most o these , are of a religious vein , nnd are of hu gpr subjects. Ono , entitled , "Do Loipso , " i slightly autobiographic , in which the pop compares his early life with that of u flower The metro is almost wholly Horatlan. 1 cop led out ono verso , which is not altogether in appropriate to this Jubilee day : Pandltur zcmplum : facibus rcnldoU Arn constant ! ; celebrate nomen. Dulco pastoris , mcrnoresquo fastes. Dlcltc cantu. Upon putting away the volume nnd my bii tllng him n happy Now Year the barristc nddcd : "To-morrow I shall paste Into th volume all the accounts of the Jubilee whlc I shall cut from the morning newspapers. " V , A Magnificent Spectacle. " * fConj/r/0/iU / / SS li\i \ Jamts Oonfon JJniiiclt.V KoNic , Jan. 1. [ Now York Herald Cabl Special to the BBC , ] I watched the con niony of the jubilee to-day , remaining b special privilege within a few yards of th pope during what must be culled ono of th most marvellous solemnities of the ccnturj Shortly after day break the Italian troop took their stand in the long thin diameter c the great circular piazza. Before half a hour had elapsed there were at least 20CK , pilgrims and ticket holders shivering in tli gray morning. Ladies in black veil1 bcardcil Armenian clerics , Polish priests I top boots and Astruchan coats with a fa : sprinkling of American , Canudluu nnd En | llsh clergymen , all pushed on in a way thi in London or Paris would have caused injur nnd loss of life. At the sam-isty door nn bnssudors , prelates and bishops followed tl same methods in u inoro refined way. Instil the vast basilica cardinals nnd distlngulshc Invited guest went slowly to the seats , whllo along the colosal im\ the papal gendarmes , with their plpi clayed breeches , opcratlo boots and tn toppling bearskins , kept the line of the pn cession clear. Along this narrow space In conducted by a courteous prelate to n rathe shabby staircase , by which the pope was 1 reach St. Peter's. Hero I found Mg O'Connoll , president ot the American co lego , with Mgr. Stotor , the pope's Englls chamberlain and a butch of purple priest from all nations. Shortly after 0 o'clock Leo XIII wi brought down in u small chair into tl chapel of th o Blessed Sacrament which wi hidden from publlo view by huge orirnsc damask hangings. The pontiff there kne for n few moments at a prio duo nn immediately proceeded to the adjoinit : chapel of Plltea. Ho then blessed the go gcous lockoys with n smile nud a few mu tered words nnd was raised slowly on tl regal scdl gcstalorla with the ostrich fans i each corner. The pope were a mitre , a precut cut of the emperor of Germany , nnd not tl tl'ara , but ho looked every Inch a pope wl had walked out of n book or who had stcppi down from one of the papal tombs around. As the choir majo Its first appearance , tl vast multitude scorned to lift thousands > hands to their foreheads to make the sign < he cross. Thoncnuioutliundcrofoxclamutloi [ Press. ] The pontifical mass to day wi a success. Thousands of people throngi St. Peter's square early In the mornli awaiting the opening of the cathedral. Six thousand admission tickets had been Issui , and thu cathedral was packed. The pope c tcred at SIX : ) u. m. , fc-llowed by the cardimi in procession. His holiness was rcceivi with a loud aud long continued shout c "Long live the pope ! " Thomusicof thomu wus deeply Impressive nnd many persons the audience wcro effected. The pope blessi nil present nnd left the cathedral nt 11 a. u the whole audience expressing its Joy 1 clapping hands , waving hats and hanuke chiefs and enthusiastic acclamations. Later In the day King Humbert express ! himselfkto n deputation from parliament being himself satisfied with the smoothnc of the ceremony which , ho said , was the be proof of the pope's liberty In "ffome\ Fortyjclght cardinals and KM archblshoi and bUliops were present at thn imm m it 1 caUuiuicd thut there wcro io cou pcrscr In the nudlcnce. The pope prayed for a long tlrno In his private chapel and then received the homage of the court cardinals In the sala ducalc. Whllo assuming the sacerdotal vestments the pope was overcome with emotion nnd fainted , Strong salts wcro administered nnd ho returned to con sciousness. Ho then ascended the gcsta- torlal chair and was borne on the shoulders of the pcdtanrl , attended by the cardinals , Into St. Peter's cathedral. Just before he was fully vested for the altar ho again fainted , remaining unconscious n few rnin- utrs. Muss occupied twenty-eight minutes. After pronouncing the benediction , the pope again seated himself on the gcitntorlul ehnlr nnd wus borne completely around t4ic nltar to Capcllu del Sacraments , where ho offered up a pruyer of thanksgiving. During the cere mony the pope wore the triple crown pre sented him by the emperor William , At St. Piuil. ST. PAUL , .Tan. 1. The cathedral was packed to the doors to-duytbe occasion being the celebration of the jwpe's Jubilee. A sol- mn moss with orchestral accompaniment was celebrated by the pastor , llev. Slmnlry. An eulogy of Lee XIII. , by Bishop Ireland , , vas un elegant and masterly effort. Thcro rVero special services and eulogies of the pope n all the other churches of the dioeeso to-day , by order of the bishop. At Inilliiiinpollf ) . INDIANAPOLIS , .Ian 1. The Catholics of the city held n mass meeting this afternoon In mnor of Pope Leo. The great hall was Backed by 4,000 people , and other thousands were unable to gain admittance. The ex ercises consisted of addresses , interspersed with mufjlc. Bishop Chnturd wus the prin ciple speaker. FestlvltloH In Mnilrlil. M.umin , Jan. 1. The quren regent , ac companied by members of her court und cabi net ministers , attended Jubilco muss in San Isidcro cathedral to-day. Allot the govern ment offices wcro decorated and at night brilliantly lighted in honor of the pope. At Phlliulclpliin. PniLAT > iii'iii.Jan. . 1. Tlio golden Jubilee of Pope Leo XIII wai celebrated wllhclabor ate ceremonies in the cathedral Saints Pclei und Paul , this city , to-day. THK UHAD1NG STIIIKB , Comments of an KiiKlish Newspaper on the Situation. [ Copi/r/u/il / / 18S3 bu Jiiincs donlon Ucnnett. ] LONDON , Jan. 1. [ New i'ork Hcrali Cable Special to the HKC. ] The Kcudinf railway trouble has excited marked uttentloi n the dally press and business circles While Btrike.s in this country are well knowr when directed against private enterprises nnd businesses which only indirectly affect the public , yet strikes immediately nffectini the comfort and safety of largo masses an substantially unknown. Direful cables hav < been sent to London , both to private busl ness men and two or thrco newspapers ro spcctlng the Heading strikes. As a sainpli of the feeling of the English public on tlu subject as produced by the reports , doubtlesi partisans , Knights of Labor or many busi ness men may bo interested in the followinj comment In to-duy's Observer , n rcprcsenta tivo newspaper : "More importance thur Is Justifiable is attached to the distance be twccn the Heading railway management am the Knights of Labor in the Uuited States The knights have decided to organize a strike and predict the entire stoppage of the miuiny works In Pennsylvania dependent on the line Threats of violence not , however , Issued bj the knights have provoked from Mi- Hewitt , the mayor of Now York , retaliatory menaces of an alarming character and om would almost imagine that a small civil wa was imminent. It is necessary , however , ti look beneath the surface in this dispute When we do so wo find that for some reasor or another probably because the workmci nro not suffering from any clearly demon stratblo grievance-public opinion in the state' is against the strikers. That , of course means that not only will the railway com pany triumph in the end , but the advocate of the torch , bomb and bullet will bo she down ruthlessly by the state troop ; If socialist wing strikers earrynthel ideas into practice. In an uffair of this kind it is prudcnco for us at a elistancc to b guided by American public opinion. As wa shown in 1SS3 , during the great tclegrapl strike , popular opinion in America is vcr ; fair and Just In industrial disputes , for in thn business it took the sldo or the workers , Jus as in the present controversy it seems to bi against thorn , The feeling In America i ; that the employes of the Heading railway have very little to complain about , that the are as well off as their neighbors , and tha they are making themselves a social mcnnc < by disturbing public peace and unjustiflabl ; interrupting passenger traffic , which is rcall a necessity of social life in u co untry of mat niflcont distances. " The New Year in Paris. I opurtu1it ISS3bu Jamm ( lortlon Bennett. ' ] PAIIW , Jan. 1. [ New York Herald Cabli Special to the Bcc. ] Another bad old yea died last night ; a year of ministerial upsol scandals and anxiety. It died unregrcttwl Paris saw it go without n sigh and hopes but tcr things may come of the now your. Thre cabinets have been demolished since the las' ' now year was rung In , a president has fallen le bravo General Boulaugor hus been extii guishcd and Franco bus come within un , ac of rupture with Germany. But politic have , for a few nights , been put aside nm Paris is .armed with light and revelry. Th boulevards are aglow with the glitter o counters and shops and the illumination o the booths of the Christinas fair. Al the theatres and cafes are bright will gas , and the streets nro thronged with mo\ Ing masses holiday seekers getting read for to-morrow's festivals. Bachelors at wondering how they can content their lad friends without being ruined. Fathers o families are groaning over the prospect of th expense they will have to give their cor cicrgcs. The president and his ministers nr busy receiving congratulations and prcparin political pardons. The skaters are rejoicing over the wclcom prospect ot a week's sport on the ice an getting out their furs for the nightly fete which are being arranged by the Circle dc Patoncurs. There have been two brilliar gatherings already on Ice n though it is hardly In good conditioi Among the many other skaters noticed wor Lndy Lyton , Lord Kiiebuworth , MBS Pos' ' Mine. Ephrussl , Mr. and Mrs. Fulkenci Mile. Juliette do Hotlischlld , Mrs. and Mia Williams Freeman , Countess Bcrgcs an Lady Balfour. Lighted brosicros added t the plcturosquencss of the scene. Coqucttis toilettes of velvets and furs seem particular ! fashionable among the lady skaters this wii tcr. Blue fox beaver Is much la fashlo among the elder ladies whoso younger beat tics showed a decided fondness for scalski and ustrachan. The Duchess Marie de Saxe-Mcunlngei mother of the reigning duke , nnd Joseji PMuzii , the painter , died here yesterday. Tlio Qnccn'd New Yoni-'s Honors. LONDON , Jan. 1. Numerous New Year honors have been conferred by the queci Among the persons thus distinguished ni Sir Charles Warren , cummlssloner of rnetr politnn police , who U made n civil kuigl i-ommur.der of the Order of the Bath and M Browning , Hal four's private secretary , wl became civil companion of the same order. A LIVELY DEBATE PROMISED , Senator Sherman's Resolution Re garding the President's Message. THE COMING WEEK OF CONGRESS I'robablc Discussion of tlio Records of the Administration and Ex- Secretary Ijiuiinr The Kc- ccptlon To-day , To Open the Campaign. WASHINGTON Utmiuu Tiin OMAHA Inn , J 513 FoUKtuc.NTit STHCET : , f WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 1.1 Senator Sherman Is the center of attrac tion for congress this week. Ho la expected to open one of the most exciting political de bates that has been heard nt the cupitol for n long time , when ho calls up his resolution to refer to the committee on finance the presi dent's message. It is understood that he has prepared n speech that will not only puncture he tariff bubbles blown by the president , but he entire financial and commercial policies of the administration. Ho is expected to refer to the appointments of the president , also , and the general overtures that have been made to those who were the enemies ol the union during the war and who have nol relented since. Ho may make an obsorvutior or two upon such appointments as Mr Lamnr to the bench of the supreme couri 'and the effect such appointments have upor the body politic. The speech is expected t ( be n general review of the failures of Mr Cleveland and the weakness und hypocrit leal pretensions of his administration. CONOHKSS1ONAL FOKKCAST. If Mr. Sherman's speech is what his friendi believe it will be , it will net us a fire brand 01 the democratic sldo of the chamber and ex cite n debate which will open the cnmpuigi of the year and bring him to the forefront The debate may occupy two or three days , o the whole week. If there is opportunity Mr. Bluino will cal up his education bill and push the dlscussioi of it. Ho has the floor and can call it up a any time each day after the morning hours. The bill to refund to the states and terrl lories the money collected by direct taxes ii 1801 , to raise troops etc. , for the war , um known as the "direct tax bill , " will likely b taken from the calendar and passed. Mr. Mitchell , of Oregon , intends to speak if opportunity offers , in support of his reso lution to investigate the feasibility of cstab lishing a naval station on the Pacific coast. General Harvey , of the First Indiana dia trict , intended to introduce in the house a bll which will give a pension to every soldie who served in the late war for the union 01 the same bases that pensions nro granted ti the veterans of the Mexican war. Ho say ho does not believe in dependent pension which place the soldier in the attitude of i mcdicant receiving alms , but ho insists thn all pensions should bo given ns honorable re wards and that every soldier should be proud bo ho rich or poor , to bo honored by his gov ernmcnt with such a reward of merit. Th general says it is better to give the surplus t < men who fought to preserve the union thai to let it accumulate in the treasury and bo i mutter to conjure the brains of statesmen He proposed to cut all the red tape that sut rounded the pension department , and mak an honorable discharge proof of the soldier' claim for a pension. Speaker Carlisle told mo this evening tha it was likely ho will announce the committee of the house when it convenes at 11001 on Wednesday. "But there are so many requests bein made , " said he , "and so many conflicting ir terests to consider , that it is just possible tha the committees may not bo announced til Thursday. I cannot tell what the house ma , do during the week for it commits man freaks. The first thing to bo done , howovci of a positive character , is the adoption of th rules. Wo will find oursulvcs | without , an rules to govern the house , and I presume th report of thn committee on rules will occup the time of the house during most of th v. cck. TO-DAY AT Tim CAPITOL. All the government buildings will bo close to-morrow. The employes of the elepart incuts , as well as the army and navy an the people in private life , will call upon th president. The White House reception i not anticipated with the usual zest. It ha been raining for twenty-four hours , and pal ters this evening , and although the weutlic bureau prediccs clear and cold weather t ( morrow , it will bo icy and disagreeable. Onl a portion of the cabinet will receive wit President and Mrs. Cleveland. The numbu of culls which will bo made by the musses however , will likely not bo fur below the u\ erugc. Mr , Ryan , of Kansas , has , upon the ndvlc of the slate delegation in congress , rcqueste Speaker Carlisle to not tuko him from th committee on appropriations and place hh on the committee on ways and means. It I stated thut Mr. Fuller , of Iowa , will bo give the place on ways and means , und that Mi Ityunwlll be retained on appropriations. Mi Fuller voted steadily against the consider : tion of the Morrison bill in the lust congrcsi and is a moderate protectionist , although ei roncously classed as n radical reformer. Hi friends say ho will stand firmly with th body of republicans , in whutovw Ithey pr < pose on the " tariff question. ' IH1ILY TAlliri' TALK. There is going to bo a skirmish on the tar ! question before the regular bill comes up fo discussion. Tlio bill pssscd by the last coi grcss providing for some new steel cruiser contained u provision that the shafting should bo of domestic manufacture. It : claimed at the navy department that tli shuttings cannot bo supplied by America manufacturers under two years , while tn cruisers must bo completed within cightcc months. A Joint resolution istobointn duced for immediate consideration amend in the law so as to admit of the importation c the shaftings which can bo procured in En ) land within u very short timo. This Joii resolution will , of course , provoke a genen tariff discussion and give those who ha\ already prepared tariff speeches an oppoi tuntty to have them printed. COMPLIMENTS OK THE SEASON. To-day's New York Herald has these so ; son able compliments in editorial purugnipl distributed on us many columns : "Tho compliments of the season to Senate John Sherman. May his fences prove to I horse high and pig tight nil the Now Year. "Tho compliments of the season to M Blaino. May the New Year make him moi mature and less premature. " "A happy New Year to Senator Williai 11. Allison. They might do worse and the probably will. " Penny S. HIUTU. Prospects. WASHINGTON , Jan. 1. [ Sjicclal Telegra : to the Bii : : . ] It seems that the uppolntmci of Deputy Commissioner of the Land Oflli Stockslugcr to bo Sparks' successor will 1 distasteful to both the present secretary t the interior und the next. Heretofore M Lamar has been thought to favor Stocl slager's promotion , but since the latter in recent case made n ruling in opposition to recent opinion of the former , the secrctat itocs not take kindly to the cx-congrcssmn from Indiana. This is what cx-Senut < McDonald learned u few days ago in an intc : view with Lumur , whom no visited for tli purposu of influencing hi in in favor of Stocl singer's promotion. Vilas has also rantl some remarks showing that ho take no stock in the present deput land commissioner. Senator Voorhet claims the president will appoint Stockslugt on the theory that ho is capable and tlu Indiana is entitled to the place. It is ccrtai that Voorhccs is a very big man at the whll house at present , beottuso.tho president cor aiders him the favorite sou und guiding spir of the democracy of the Hoobler state , will ; out whoso electoral votes , ho thinks ho carnet not remain al the white liouto a cecond torn Voorhecs Is fully aware of this and his natural modesty does hot prevent him from making the most of It. Tlio president. It Is suld , begins to understand that the democ racy of Indiana craves many offices and that the family of Senator Voorhces Is very largo and whenever the tall sycamore of tlio Wubush makes his appearance ut the white house , Mr. Cleveland knows that some' other office is needed for a Voorhecs man to inako Indiana n sure democratic state. Our Southern Commercial Relations. WASHINGTON , Deo. 29. [ Special to the BUB. ] Few people In this country have any idea of the Importance of the parcel-post treaties which have recently been negotiated between the United States on the one hand and Mexico , the Bahamas , the Bermudas and Jamaica on the other hand , and of the similar treaties which are uoto In process of negotia tion between the United States and the Cen- ral and South American countries. These reaties nro exjiccted to largely Increase the retail trade between the people of the United States and those of the countries to the south of us. That this expectation Is well founded is demonstrated by the fact that since the Mexican treaty was signed the business nt lie custom house nt Paso del Norto has in creased to n wonderful extent , showing : hnt American goons nro fast flnd- ng their way Into the hands of the Mexicans through the post. As a further evi dence of this fact the following advertise ment , which is displayed prominently in n paper called the Two Republics published in the City of Mexico , will testify : "The Mexico-American purchasing agency bus been established at the capital. It offers its Invaluable services to the Inhabitants thereof. This agency , which hus Its headquarters for the present nt the office of the Two Hepub- llcs , Is prepared to purchase anything in the United States that is i > ermltted to como through the mails under the terms of the latest postal convention. Catalogues and price lists for nil the Inrgo houses in New York , Philadelphia , Boston , Chicago , St. Louis and other cities in the United States , nro on hand , and ready to bo shown to per sons wishing to purchase the Innumerable ar ticles of necessity and luxuary which nro to bo hud botcr and cheaper in the larger commercial cities of the American union than elsewhere on this con tinent. The Mexico-American purchasing agency will receive the orders and send for the goods elesircd. It will pay the duties , und attend to the business of seeing the arti cles safely through the custom houses. It will charge its customers n small commission for the work. The advantages of this agency must bp nt once apparent. Tlio formalities of clearing goods in the custom houses are usually nn annoyance and vexation to the or dinary assignee , and this agency will there fore bo an invaluable nld in securing the full benefits of the postal convention between Mexico and the United States. The agency is in such n position that it can transact busi ness at a minimum cost to the purchaser and to his satisfaction. The trouble of buying small drafts on New-York or the risk of los ing remittances in the mails will also bo en tirely avoided. " If tlio monitary convention , which is talked of between the United States and Mexico , produces the result which is expected , namely , nn international silver certificate which can bo used in transacting business be tween the two republics , the prospects of the United States monopolizing the Mexican markets will bo almost impossible for any other country on the globe to compete with us in supplying the Mexicans with the pro ducts of our factories , our machine shops and our looms. The Revenue Marine Service. WASHINGTON , Dee. 29. [ Special to the BEE. ] Another attempt will bo made during thiVscssion of congnws to secure the trans fer of the revenue mnrino service from the treasury department'to that of the navy. There are some excellent reasons why this should bo done. In the first place , the revenue marine officers to-day , although they are to all in tents and purposes naval officers , have no standing as such. They have no retired list , and after thirty years or more of faithful service , In which they encounter as many dangers and hardships ns the regular navy , they are simply dropped from the rolls to rust out in private life. This fact spoils the spirit do corps of the service to a great extent - tent , because vacancies occur so seldom , nud never except through death , that thoyoungcr men who secure appointments as lieutenants have little hope of promotion or advance ment. Againtho navy Is anxious to take charge ol the revenue marine son-ice , and the revenue marine officers are almost , without exception anxious for the transfer. Perhaps the most important argument in favor of the change is the fact that the naval academy at Annapolis , annually turns out far more graduates than can be accommodated with places In the regu lar navy , while tho. revenue marine service maintains a school ship at u great cost , in which its officers are trained. There is no good reason why the surplus graduates from the naval academy shoulel not , bo commis sioned in the revenue marine service and il the transfer should bo made this would doubtless be done. Uevcnuo marine officers who rnlglit advance more and better reasons for the change are kept quiet because the treasury officials are opposed to tlio pro gramme , and If any of the officers who are subordinate to the secretary of the treasury and the chief of the revenue marine service should advocate the transfer their places would bo in Jeopardy , and they would bo lia ble to find themselves private citizens in short order. To Enlarge the Supreme Court. WASHINGTON , Dee. 29. [ Special to th ( BEE. ] A proposiflbu will likely be made ir congress this wiiiter for the increase- th ( bench of the supreme court of the Unitct States. At present there are nine members of the supreme court , Including the chief Jus tice. The proposed increase is on account ol the largely increased business and the grcnl delay in trying cases. The docket is two 01 three years behind , in some instances , and I : is believed that if four or six more members were added to the supreme bench that bus ! ness would bo greatly facilitated , especially on the circuits. In discussing the increase o the supreme bench reference is never rnadi to fewer than four more associate Justices This would increase the number to thirteen but as thirteen is an unlucky number the In crease will be , when it comes , to fifteen , h all probabilities. THE IIAYMAltKET 1IEKOES. A Proposition to Erect n Giant Shaf to Their Memory. CHICAGO , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram to tin Bic.1 Much Interest has been excited her < by the lastest suggestion regarding the pro posed monument tq the memory of the polici slain iit the Huymnrkct riot. Edwin LCI Brown , a prominent member of the Citizens association , soys in nn interview to-day thn the plan Is to purchase a mammoth rougl shaft of granite , now lying nt the quanta near Hocklund , Mo. , and fashion it into tin tallest obelisk in the world. The largcs obelisk now extant , is the one nt the latoran in Koine. It is 105 feet high and weighs 511 tons. The ono in New York is sixty-nine am u half feet high , weighing ' . 4 tons. The pro posed obelisk would 115 feet high , not count ing a sub-structure thirty-five feet in height Its weight would bo CM tons. The cost o transjiorting hero by way of the St. Lawrence renco river and the great lakes und placing i in position would bo not less than * 1HIKX ) ) It is thought efforts will be made to curry thi idea out. Hadn't Heard of It. SAN FIUNCISCO , Jan. 1. Hcgarding the reported ported dUcovcry of grave defects of the stco intended to bo used in the construction of tin cruiser Charleston reported from Washing ton. George. W. Prescott , president of thi Union iron works , suld to-day that ho hm heard of no accident of the kind mcntioiici and does not think there is any foundatloi for the report. WHAT WILL THEY DO WITH IT ? The Question lowans Are Asking Concerning Tholr Pot Bill. THE APPROACHING LEGISLATURE. Organization of the House The V. 8. Senatorial Contest Opposition to Senator Wilson Kxtortlon of School Rook Publishers. Iowa's Imw Sinkers. Dr.9 MOINT.S , Jan. 1. [ Correspondence of the Bun. ] The mnlu topics of Interest In Iowa affairs now nro those related to the approaching preaching legislature. People want to know what that legislature Is gains to do In several Important matters. If it came annually , as In a few states , It might not attract so much at tention , but being n biennial affair it assumes considerably importance , and for the time being is the topic of general interest. The first thing for the legislature to do will bo to organize Itself. The constitution provides that the lieutenant governor shall preside over the senate , so that body will have no concern In this matter. Lieutenant Gov ernor Hull , who is serving his second term , has already shown what a capable and cfll- clcnt oftlccr he can bo. It was a matter of general comment two years ago that ho was one of the best presiding officers ever seen in the chair. Ho is very quick and ready in his decisions , a thorough parlcmotitarlan , and possessed of sufficient tact and good nature to keep the senate from unpleasant situations and to guido its business skillfully and expo- dltiously. Tlio old senators will bo glad to sco him again in the president's chair , for they have tried him and found him very cfll- ciont in that position. The house hasn't such good timber for n presiding officer as thesonato affords. Peonto are not as careful in selecting members or the lower house us they are in choosing mem bers of the upper houso. Just at present there seems to be fewer strong representative men in the house than usual. Hut this fact has not prevented a number of candidates from coming to the front for Till ! OFFICE OF SI'DAKEK. But it is singular how quietly the canvass is being conducted. Perhaps never before has it been so difllcnlt to form any prediction as to the result so near the opening of the legis lature as now. Thcro is no candidate of the half dozen who has any reason to fcol any degree of assurance with his prospects. Thcro is no candidate that seems to the gen eral public to have been projected in popular estimation very much beyond his rivals. In consequence the issue is veiled in complete uncertainty , and will continue so until very near the time for the election. This week will probably help clear up matters a little , us many members will arrive during the latter part of the week and begin the active sklrmishishing in the spcakcrship light. The candidates at least will bo careful to avoid the mistake Hint was made by some candidates two years ago who did not leave home until a day or two before the opening and then were snow bound on the way. It is probable that Mr. Weaver owed his defeat for the spcakorship then to the fact that himself and BOIIIO of his most active supporters were compelled to view the situation from snow banks up the roud instead of being at the hotel lobbcys at DCS Moines putting in their hardest work. It Is believed that the contest for speaker will narrow down to Mr. Riley , of Louisa county , Mr. Roach , of Lyon , Mr. Wilson , of Cuss , and Mr. Wilbur , of Floyd. There are two or thrco other candidates on the outskirts who in certain contingencies might slip in. But it is doubtful if the contingencies arise. After the legislature has organized the next Im portant work will bo tlio ELECTION OP A UNITED STATES BF.NATOB. to succeed James P. Wilson. Mr. Wilson is the leading candidate for his own successor. Ho has the advantage of a creditable record for one term , and the fact that precedent is in favor of giving a second term unless there bo some strong reason for making u change. Ho is besides a very able and astute politi cian and effective organizer and leader , and is supposed to have kept his senatorial fences in pretty good repair nil the time. Ho cer tainly has not neglected the matter of the succession till this timo. Senator Wilson is n very strong temperance man and has been prominently idcntllicd with the prohibition movement. That element of the party there fore is inclined to support him for re-election. But ho is in u singular position in another im portant mutter , one clement in the state halls him as a reformer and a great anti-monop olist , quoting his attitude on the interstate commerce question and other measures for corporation control. Another clement led by the Homestead of this city vigorously attack him as a monopolist , oven impeaching his personal integrity as a legislator. The principal amunition for this attack is sought in his record twenty years ago , when ho was a member of the house and the matter of the Union Pacific grants came before it. As fur as that is concerned it is all burnt powdcrtho old charges having been thoroughly dis proved years ago , when they were periodi cally made by General Weaver on the stump. The people of Iowa believe thut Senator Wil son is a pure and honest man. They take no stock whatever hi these sensational charges against him. The fact that ho is now being personally attacked by slander by certain blackmail papers is already creating sympa thy for him and approving his chance for re election. The senator is expected in DCS Moincs to-morrow or the following day , pre pared to meet any charges that may bo made against him and fully explain them to the satisfaction of any inquiring members. The OPPOSITION TO SENATOll WILSON that is worthy of consideration at nil Is based upon entirely different grounds. It docs not arise from any distrust of Senator Wilson's character or any feeling that ho is unworthy of the honor that has been given him or has betrayed the party or publle Interest. It is rather the feeling that after having served six years in the senate he might appropriately retire in favor of some man who would bring different qualities tc the position and in a different way honor the state and its people. If a man could bo fount who is as strong intellectually as Senatoi Wilson , as capable in debate and ns prudcni in council us he , and was in addition a rcpro scntativo soldier who could stand for that great interest which has never been repre sented in the senate from lowa"thoro are those who think that such n change would be desirable. It is in this way that Colono Hepburn's numo is being suggested for Sen ator Wilson's place. Ho Is in all respects as fully equipped ns a legislator and in some respect , especially as a debater and speaker ho is the superior of Senator \Vil son. Ho has long been the favorite orator ut gatherings of the old soldiers' and is u great favorite with that ulemen throughout the state. If any change tit al is to bo made Colonel Hepburn would seem to bo the man. If the state docs not care tr avail itself of those qualifications in which lir seems to bo superior to Wilson , then Mr Wilson is likely to bo his own successor despite the slanderous attacks of his do- famcrs. The same men that are now pur suing him with calumny would also light Colonel Hepburn and are not willing that ho should succeed Mr. Wilson. But it is not likely that any other man than a good soldier will bo selected in place of Mr. Wilson. There Is no disK ] > 3ition to slip m dark horses on the plea of anything to beat Wilson. He is worthy of fair treatment from the party and if ho is to bo defeated it should bo foi those reasons which are outside his control and in no way affect his personal honor or integrity. After the preliminary work of the legisla ture is disposed of there will bo some Impor tant matters of legislation to bo taken up. One of the first concerns what is known as the school book monopoly. There is a gen eral outcry all over the state against the ex tortion of SCHOOL HOOK PU11US1IER9. "Why is It , " says the farmer , -'that I must pay two ur three times as much as the book ! H worth simply because it Is a school book I" Tlio lobby of this powerful monopoly liuti been on hand for several yours to uefeat auy lostllo legislation. It will bo ready ngaln this winter. But If wo mistake not the tern- > or of Iowa people It will moot with more ban Its mutch this session. It Is u grave > roblem how to correct this evil and secure relief for the people without doing Injustice and without involving the state in unwise and expensive measures. There Is this slight measure of relief proposed at least. Namely , that each county bo made n unit by tself In the mutter of uniformity of text jooks. That there bo a county board com- x > sed of the superintendent and two others who shall select the books to bo used In that Bounty and require them to bo useel a certain length of time. This would do away with : ho frequent and expensive changes which now harass the average school putron. The county board might also receive bids from different publishers awarding n contract for the school books to the lowest bidder , and thus materially reduce the price of books. Some legislation is most likely to bo adopted on this subject , for the people feel that they liave a right to demand some re lief from this Intolerable monopoly. In a few weeks the term of iHiLiteun cuXMismoNKii corrix will expire. The question of his successor Is now being agitated. Undoubtedly ho would bo willing to succeed himself , and ninny hope ho will. However , there Is a movement on foot to secure the appointment of Mr. Her man E. Willis , of Clinton , who Is u practical railroad man. Mr. Willis Is n loconiotlvo en gineer on the Chicago & Northwestern rail road , und Is Haul to bo a thorough me chanic and thoroughly familiar with rail road matters. He Is the second grand assist ant engineer of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers , and Is recommended for this now position ns a representative of that class. His claims are strong , and ho Is being urged forward by the railroad employes of the state , who feel that they ought to bu represented on the commission by a practical railroad man. Tlio Growth of Dos Moincs. Dns MOINKS , In. , Jan. 1. The Register pub lishes an official record of the public and pri vate improvements and the volume of busi ness curried on In DCS Moincs during 1867. It shows an expenditure for improvement oi $1,093,603 during the year. Eight hundred and fifty-seven residences and thirty-one business houses and factories were erected. Real estate transactions amounted to $ -iiS.v ( XX ) ; manufacturing products amounted tc ? l4-4ri5i , > tx ) ; the wholesale trade amounted tc $ ' . ! ( > , f > 51SCO. The population , us shown by the last census , is r > lU5u. THE CLICAHANCE UKCOUD. Tlio Financial Triinnuctlons of the Vast Week. BOSTON , Mass. , Jon. 1. [ Special Tele gram to the BKH. ] The following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the leading clearing-house ! of the United States , shows the gross exchanges - changes for the week ended December 31 , 1SS7 , with the rate per cent of increase or decrease crease as compared with the amounts for tin corresponding week last year : * Kot Included In totals. THE YEAH IX WAIjIi STHEET. Low Prices in StockH NotwitliHtniulInt the General State ol' Trailo. New YOIIK , Jan 1. [ Special Telegrai ] to the BIE. : ] The year 1S8T will bo re mcrnbercd as n phenomenal ono in the stocl market , the special feature being the almos continued decline of prices during the las seven months , notwithstanding the most fiat tcring conditions of general trade , and th most profitable traffic the railroads have hai for many years. The arguments which pro tiuccd the despondent sentiment in the stocl market were apprehensions of the opcraticfi of the inter-stute law , fears of tight money ii consequence of treasury absorption of mono ; by reason of the excessive revenue and th continued tnlk of a rate war among railroad both cast und west. All of thcso condition have passed away , and yet the prices 6 stocks have recovered scarcely any of the ! great decline. The average of the prices o of the year. From this there was a cor tinuous decline to the middle of October when the low average of 59Jff was touched decline of 18-polnts , or'J3 per cent. The re covcry in November was very small com pared to the decline , and at the end of th year the average wus only ( ir > , being only i points above the lowest In October , while i is 12 points , or 18 per cent bulow the big ! point in May , and iij points below what i was a year ago , when all the feature's of th railroad and general trade situation wer much less favorable than now. In lookin over the experience of the year month h month , it ix impossible to flni any circumstantial fact that war rants a continuance of the present lo\ range of price , but on the other hand every thing to warrant tlio expectation thut som time in 18S3 prices will bo higher than ii cither 1SSO or 1SS7. The total sales of stock at the New York slock exchange during th past year wcro sr , ( Kil,0-2S shares aguins lOO.SO USO shares for the year ending Docom her al , 18SO n decrease of ll,8SI,0i share The sales of stuto and railroad bond amounted to rSMXJ.l'iJO.ii.V ' ) par value , nguiiiH u decrease of tC,140-iOO. , Parnn Stovonw DofVntoil. NEW Yonic , Jan. 1. [ Special Telegram t the Bun. ] Surrogate Uolllns has rendered i decision in the suit of Mrs , Purnn Steven against John L. Mclchcr and Gcorgo F Uichurdsuii , of Lowell , Muss , , and Cliarlc C. Stevens , of Clinton , Mass. Mrs. Steven is co-executor and co-trustee , under the wll of her husband , Pa ran Stevens. The surro gate decides against Mrs. Stevens nnd ills missed her application to linvotho other trus tees removed. This decision leaves tilings n they wore , and permits Messrs. Melchei Klchnrdson and Stevens to prosecute n sul which they , on their part , are bringini against Mrs , Stevens , Bloody AflYny at a XCKI-O Iaiiin. : FULTON , Ky. , Jan. 1. Las-t night tw white boys , Hays and Bruce Eddlngs , mlsbc havcd at a dance of black people and wcr put out of the house. They returned an while Hays huld open the door Bruce lire both barrels of a shotgun loaded with buc-I- shot Into a round of bevcu negroes wouuiUn two GOULD'S ' HASTINGS DEAL , Why Ho Polled to Build Through the Town. A QUESTION OF AUTHORITY. Norfolk HavltiR Sonic Tronuto With Her Street. Hallway Mr. Sprochcr Illn Interest In the News Alnswortli Itcnm. and the Missouri Pacific. i ) , Neb. , Jan. 1. [ Correspondence of the HCK. ] This city has been stirred up 'or the last week over the refusal of the city council to grant to the Missouri Pacific rail road the right of way through the elty. There has been n misunderstanding between : ho city and the railroad relative to this mut ter. Early In the spring of IS37 n committee * of citizens , including the president of the DOiml of trade , went to Superior and met the officers of the construction company with n > view to having the Missouri Pacific build to Hastings. The negotiations which followed resulted In an agreement between the rail road company anil the people of our county mul city , the company exacting $125,000 , hi county bonds , and the right of way through the city. The county bonds were duly voted. Afterwards there was us the- company claims n demand made by the Missouri Pacific or oGould for addi tional ground , .sooxll.WU feet In the city for n. depot und terminal facilities , and about Sep tember 1 , 18S7 , the construction company came to the city dating the facts ns above. und asking the city to vote S''O.OOO , In city bonds to assist them In the purchase of such additional ground. Those bonds were voted- The work of building the road commenced , the right of way was pun-based Bontheast. mid northwest of the city , and the company was ready touso thestri > < ! twhentlio difficulty arose as to the grant by the city. The coun cil refuses to donate the street , dairying that the president of the board of trade and his committee hud no authority to promise It HO- as to bind the city. On the other hand the company Insisted upon a compliance with the terms of the original ngrccinnt , which was to give the street. The largest property owners hero are very much disappointed and seriously injured by the loss of the road , it. being a very great drawback and hindrance to the sale of real estate. A number of pur- ties have been making inquiry relative to- making investments here , during thu lust ten days , und gone uwny without doing M > , simply because the Missouri Pacific Is build ing its line five mill's south of the city. Tho- writer , In talking with n prominent business man e > f Kearney , learns that they have nr- ranged with the company to build the Mis souri Pudlio to their city , at an early date irv 1SS8. and that their city is promised n division on tlio lino. This Is it great acquisition for Kearney , which , with her developed water power , will glvo her a prosperous year. Dakota City DAKOTA CITV , lice , ill. [ Correspondence of the Bii : ! . ] The northern-bound train from. Omaha on the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omuhu railway was a couple of hours late- yesterday caused from a snow-blockado. All other trains were on timo. A largo number of young folks assembled nt the hosnitablo homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hausc , to pay their respects to their- daughter , Miss Li/.zle , who Is one of Dakota county's most intelligent ma'ams , and who is spending her vacation at homo. The even ing was spent by indulging hi games of differ ent kinds , music , etc. Shortly after 10 viands were passed which quieted the crowd somewhat and refreshed the inurdman , after which the party dispersed , and were nil ot the opinion that they hud been right royally entertained. Miss M. V. Morinrily , principal of our high school , has been enjoying her holidays with friends and relatives at Wayne anil Omanii. Shq will return Monday and assume her duties Tuesday morulng. Tlio scholnro nro making marked Improvement under Miss Moriarity as principiil and Mrs. A. E. Frozer as teacher of the primary department. A number of the fanners in our county nro being supplied with new windmills and water tanks , which not only makes u marked improvement in the appearance of their places , but shows to the outside world , that our county is sullied with a rich and prosper ous class of citizens , A merry crowd assembled at the residence of Mr. Mr. Curt Bllven , three miles west of this place , on Thursday evening , and whiled away several pleasant hours with games and amusements of dlffe'rent sorts. Tlio firm of Ayres & Schriover , of this place will , as soon as they can secure the ser vices of u competent pharmacist , add n line Of drugs to their already well stocked store. The out-going county officers are actively ul work now-a-dayb arranging their office affairs , HO as to have all things in readiness to turn over to thrir successors next Wednesday. The foljowing is the list as 16 will then Ktand : Superintendent , .1. J.-Joncsi sheriff , N. H. Braslluld ; coroner , FrunM Lawyers ; Judge , E. B. Wilbur , present Incumbent / . cumbent ; clerk , J. P. Twohig , present in cumbent : commissioner , William Urown ; present incumbent , and as the vote on treas urer was a tlo between Dr. Wilkinson , ro. publican , and present incumbent , and Frank ) Duvoy , and ns proceedings of n quo warrunto ouster nature have been commenced and thc | case hus been taken to the supreme court , by whom that official will bo billed , is still rt leading question. It is reported that Duvcy'd friends will , if the office is not turned over to him ( Davoy ) ut the time appointed by law , proceed to put him there by force , und the law-abiding citlrons of our * country are preparing , if such will prove tha case , to petition Governor Thnyer to call oub stuto troops. It Is very foolish on the part ol Mr. Davey's ' friends to think of such a thing , as tlio case is now in tlio courts , ana tliura only is the place where the constcst and the beat of office will and can bo settled. i Old Mr. Holer , who is nearly ono hundred years old , living about eight miles west of this place , Is seriously ill , and being of such un ago doubts uro entertained as to his re co very. J Jonn Urr , a heavy cattle feeder and stools buyer of this place , who was thrown from a * horse some two wocks ago und received n brykch leg and u bad bruise on his foot there * from , is improving rapidly , and ore long Will be seen on our streets again. It. L. Withers , general ngont for Fairbanks ; it Co. , St. Louis , Mo , , was u visitor at this place yesterday , and while hero invested M. M. Ueain with the necessary power to euiif viiss this county in the company's interest. Will Myers , having received the necessary number of names to his petition , will , ut the next meeting of thn town council ask for a license to sell distillcil corn and rye. Soma trouble will no dqubt bo experienced as u re monstrance has been circulated and received quite n number of signatures , and ns our town for the past eight year * has led u prohl * bltion life , the people us n mutter of coursu , are greatly agitated. Affali-rtat Humphrey. HtiMi'iiiinv , Neb. , Dee ' ) . [ Correspond ence of the Bin : . ] Humphrey , situated In the north of I'lulto county , during the few years of Its existence hus enjoyed a sound and steady growth , Tlio people nro thrifty nud enterprising. Many of thorn are Ger mans. The merchants are substantial unit financially sound. Tlio grain and stock puy- crs give the hlghast prices , and general mer chandise Is sold ut the lowest , living rates , so the farmers for miles around find it to tholr advantage to do their trading nt homo. Two railroads now have trains running regularly this way the Union Pacific and North western , giving ample facilities. The lant named Is to build a depot soon. Business Is brisk , and there Is an ordinary supply ot stores and shops In all thu different traded. The only wuiit. is roller mills. Any ouo fctaitij : : { thebo ' wou'ld meet , with