THE OMAHA DAILY HKK : SUNDAY. .JANUARY 1. 1SS8 ' KDUCATlO.VAIj. 'I lie I'llllllo SichnoN. The gOX'criimellt Of tllP public Olnuhri U looted In n iKiiirdof education , tOIUK > lslof IKtl I'll Illl'tnbor * , IIX t' Of XtllOIll nro i leeti'l 1'iuli year fora tt nil of tlneo jeiirs. Tim sthools uro nndi r the Iimno- tllalo control of n utipcrliiti'tiilont , eloitid by tin1 board for a period not exceeding tlitee\onr . Tli'iUlti | > Ipilsnf tlm HOX trul xchools iiinl tint teudier * of tliu vnriou * jrrntli s nro i lei ti il iilinuiillj 1 tin xalnry of tlui Hiipeiliitomli nt It t IKO per iinnuin. The prliidpitls melM ) from 4 u > totl.lU ) 1 > < r iitiliiuii , except HID principal of the. I llgh school , xv ho ici oil i ' . ' 'i' ' ) . Trui In rV Knlnrlftiiry ft oni flu ) t ii * I.UM. 'Jhunggre- Katoof ciil irlos palddiirlng tlii'juarriiifitiK .lul ) II , l" 7 , toHupi.'rlnti'iidi'iit and leathers xuiitllT.iilii.7H. Tin ) amount paid for Jani tors dnrlllg tilt ) H.1IIIII period MIIS tll.HH. Iho ) stitn of gr.'de I Instruction hntiit- tallied a high dejiii > of ellltli ntollerltig to all i hlldrt'll of tint illy botw ei n the ages of lit ! iiml tw i tx OIID } ours a thorough. iimitlm ! tours ) ( f lustrut tloii. TinHist lour ) turs are ta li'iltlio primary grudi-s , thn in M four Xoms tingrutnmur grade , iiml t'lirctMaliiln , ' four ) ear f are given to tin High M hool. St IlllOt , III'II.IIIMH. Tlio High school build M f occupies the mint pi iinlniMit position In tliu i Ity It has n In aiitlful tampus of ten IK res , xvhhh Is known nt ( apltol upline , ftom tint fa > t that tin ) tirutoilaliupltol Mas funnel r lei ted thoiooii. 'lliu Hlgli HI heel building hits been pronoutKul by tithool nun ami tourists to boxxlthout a Klipi i lor among till tin ) public scmool build ings In tliu t'nlli'il Stalis. It xxas torn- pleled In IS71 at it uist of tJVi.titi ) , anil tomblnos tliu .idvatitag sof uimfott , urn- vi'iili IK i ) anil nn hltri turitl be ml ) . Tin * xnliu Is . ? ) lent ahuxi ! tliu lixrt of tin ) Missouri ilxor , ai il iimimmuls u x'lovv of thn ontlrn ( Hv of Oniiiha , tin * ( ity of ( iniiii II Illutis , ilxo mill's illsta'.t , tinilxir bottoms Ini u dis. tnmu of Illtri'li mill's , anil oxi'iliioks tint Httrrotimllngiounlr ) luexeiy ilhuitloti for many mil . 'I ho building Is four stinks lilgh.iim'u.iilnglwi ntx'-elghtsiliool-iooms , width MI i in commodutu H pupils. ISeu llhistint il Of HID Ihlity-thieosihool InilliUiiKs , "ox1- cut > i'ii itrn liand-o no lirli k Htrm lures , well llnlshod and lu uxoi ) wuyoiinal to tliu host si Iiool buildings ot ot'ii r lame i Hies. Dm- . luit Hi" milling M'ni * will hiox - pi'iided 111 tliu eitttl * nof in' " public si heel buildings. value of sthool sites Is ox-ir . { 7(11.1X1) ( ) Tlictotall.iloeof school Imlldlllgsls 'I In- total ainiiunt pild lor tthool f in nit iiriappai itns.globos.niaps , ill. ill , text bonks , i-ti .tsiilioilt 'Ilit-i- iiiu noix In tliu ] illillc sthooli I * > It'll ! Ill I < llllXKIKIf I III'CXIKIS ISNi-lSST. llnii ) l.lxcsy , llngli ( ) . ( lull : \\llllain Cobiiin. l\ \ \ ( Ir.iv.V \ . Killy. \ \ . I ) . Coin-liiiil. T W Illiikliu > T. II Milou- ni'fl. Morns \lmilson , II \ I'anni lie , II. T ( ln-1 h K IVln n. S h Aiiihmoidv , .1 .1 -.Mill- . I ) V. SMoli.s ( Mllieis II. T. Hin1 iiii'siili-nt ; p. \ \ ( ! i u , x Ini'-pri'sl- li'ii j I II I > l ] n r. i'i mtnij ; Ili-my % . .Iain - . npi.'rliiti'nil'nt. i HIuiooi.1 * . lloiini I' Li'xxNIs pnntlpalof the lllKh Mliunl i idl ii7o M lli < nsiiuxx isasiNt.'nt pi , IK 'Hit ) hihnol has II ihcholiilri i n- iiilliil. It has niio than tour times as manx HI helms as It hail * lji'iuiiiKo , anil ni'iiiiy txxlii ! as many us tx\o jeiisiino. Wllll mis. Dntnio ith , Wi'llcsli'Xanil Vas- MII mil lit tinMinleiits on tfitllli-atuxxltli- < int fiiiiliiatloii. . 'I ho IliKh w hoiil ] iie- [ i.iri'Sh nil nt > Inllx * tin * Viilo mi'l llm xanl tilliK . 'llii'ii'iiioiioxvoljlilr nti'iiolijn In tlu > Illgli s' ' ln > il. 'Mm m iniial ti. lining M liiiul m tin' 1 1 lull sihoil hiillilli Kl ii xt i ) os-t'tit .il iiml iivf il ilo mitiiit i t lei the jiinii Mill1 i anil hens. Itliistin tstlii'inlu ihi'il l"i eit In ,1111 lies for xx hit h thev are li" > t a l.ipli'l.aiul hi'-thi'm tlieh Ili-th - sons l.i-o 10 iisi-'ul and l > nem Inl timU. 11 . an' no\x In th'p.i tmrnt , iiml r IMiift-M > r A. .M. llnm.i u , Illty. txx j > , plls. In thii'o ilis t-s \\tioil tin ni i , txxi nt\ six In tvxo 1 1 1 sos ; d m - lilt' . 1 -I il.ills , t i Miss I'minlo-M. Wotuls' unil I \M n l.i'xls'oii In diaii'i' . Ainl > li r iiool tt lei ie l ntmlilir 1'lu i It Isu tiiuni ) hull Unit ni'itcd 1 t A MI It his tvxo minis , 'lliu tuului Is ill'iinli ! ( ' . Salmon , II n i ill Mhool , lo ati'il on N'lnth , inr ll.ini oft stui't. Is u txxo-i im xxnoilMi Nliu tin . t'li'i ti'd li .t \ M It has txxo ti'.K hurs. Miss r.inmu It Hhr. piliu pal. I I'litnil sdiiKil , loiatul 111 t o Uli'h w lie 1 liullililiK , lias m 10 ti'iilurs. Miss Pi inn M. Hi Ires , pr'.ni'lpil. Cass iliiHil , ( 'ass hetxxioti lonittenlh mill llftiuith Ktioots , hus txxo liiiildln s , 0110 hrliK. eieitud 111 IS I. and o le fr.inu' . 'I his school has ten teutheis , Miss ( liacu 11.Vllliur , piini'lpil Casti'llm si heel , at I'.ln'iteenthsticet ' and C'u tt liar axciinc. Is M limlc hull il ' utul \x .s en i tnl In IK-- ' . . I hi s flKht lenhi'is , JHss M N exit on , Jiilm p I ( 't n't'i Hihool , to H i of Kiel until mid ( Viitt rMiiets , hastxxoliiilldliiKs. on-luitk ami one Inuno. The hrlrk liullillni ; xxas oretli-d In I W 'Hils HPI ! ) < il has slte.u h- eis ,'iiulo Ii. UedlU'ld. ( eiitnil I'ark Hchnol , In Contrnl 1'ark ad- illtlnn. Isa fiaini' bulldluu. fieiti'd In l' ' < Ki. It hrs txxo teachers. Miss Kllle Head , prin cipal. DIM upoi * xtliool , totni-r Thirty llfthaml Dixi'inioit xlifits. i a new ixxo-ioom hnllill n , . Just holuj , ' llnlshod. H has ouu te.icln r , Diipmit Mliiiol , on ( ii niulii ax emit ) and Ihipont sti.'ct Isali'li < liiilldl in. i'ii i toil tu ISO. It luis foili ti.itlieis , Mlss.Maij \ \ , liar , pilniliiil. , ItDil i M heel , corner of Klerenth mid Dolluo wtiii Is , Isu bihk InilldlUK , etertiil In | Hs | | M Ins eljilit nii'iiH anil flKhtU'iuh- eis. Ml'iiiuo x | Mi | < I.IH. pilntlpiil. Kike uiiaii M liool , at Kikcuniui 1'l.ite , Is HIIIIU rtitim fiiinio'lmllillu andx\ahi'ii tted B 111 H'.F. 'Iho teadier Is .lames I , Allison. I'atimm sihool , Twenty-nlutli and I ar- niim uets. a h-lek hnlldliK em ted in hs-i. Ins nine teathcis , Aiiulo I' . 'Iruland , pi ( in ' . ' il Pi inklln sihool , Thlitx-thlid and Pr.tnk- lln stuets. a fi.tmo Inilldliu ereiteil last \eir , has txio teatheis , Miss .Miigli ( ) J. 1 , itey , pilui Ijial. 1'oit'st h Park 1'oient txxoiii'lii friuie Imlldltn ; , eieil I tills je.u , has two te.itln is , .Miss M.i y I ! , Kent , pilurlp il. lliitmmi Rclioo ! , Sixteenth htieet , lie a- Williams. Isu lulik liullillni ; , itmoilellei lu lss\Mltli u limnu addition , has ten Uuth- us. Miss iileu : l White , jirlm Ipal. MII | ol , I lull anil Illtkoix- xtietits n fi.iniol ) illdliut'iectid tills , xt n. h.istiMi looms and two tu.ithiis. Miss Pan- nlo M Nexlns , ptlni Ipal. I/aid i > i heel , Miieteenth mid 1/ard Mtieets. .1 hrli k liullillni ; en i ted In I TS. has fonitun teutht'is , .Miss Ann.i Pees , pt in- .liiiKson s ( hoiil , .Tin ksoil htieet hetxxet'll 'Iwelflh and Thlileentli , uinslsts of tx.o frame linllillnus , mid luis txxo teacheis , Allss i'minlu llntteilleld , iiilnilpal. l.akt ! sihool , lointror Ninth Nineteenth unil l.akoHtnets , lonslstsot ululiK build- tut ? , eieited In Is-i'i , and tlimi fiaino addi tions. 'I hem m D twelxo teutheis. Miss P.mniii Uhltmine. pi hulpal. l.eaxeiiwoith hiliool , l.eai'enxxorth be- tuiell M\tnntli and Sex eutt mill hlieits , IsiibiltkhulldlnKeiei'tidiii 1SM It hasu frame aildltlnn. 'llute mo elKht rooms ami txxelxutiaiheis , MNs Mlnnlu.l. Wood , prim Ipal , I.OIIK MliiHil , himlhxie-t ( oimi'of Mm ; mul KianUlln htu ets , lias 0110 lull k build- ill ) , ' , em ltd In I11mid : ! olio fi.une. Thuo are fouiteuituithtrsMlssS.M..Mi ; Cheaiie , prim Ipal Oinah.i Vlexxschool. . In Omiiha \ lexx- ad dition , Is a new brlt k ImlldliiK xx 1th a Iriiinu addition. It foiirteatheis , Miss Small P Thompson , piliulpal. P.ullli M hool. Tenth mid I'm lllohtieets , Isabiiikbulldlni ; eied.'d in IM * . H has olKlit rooms and txxelxo teathars , MUs M. > IcCarihx , in I'leiisiint M hool. Mil Vleasaiit htreet , Is n 1 brick ImildliiKUiorted In IM.'J. . ' It tlxo ' rooms and u fianm adilltlou , Them aiu llxo toai heiN Miss Maiy Plti h , pilm Ipal. 1'ai k si heel , 1 01 tier \ \ oolxxorlli and ( ii-oi- ulaaxenues , isu txxolxe-ioom lulik build- Ini ; , eiet ted In It-M. 'llieio moelnht tenth- is. Miss l.llllmiA. l.ittlelleld. prim Ipul. 1'anl sihool. Txxentx.thlid and I'aul htreets , txxo frame bullilllilis eieited hist jear. 'lluri ) are four rooms and four leathers , MM CiurloM. Hartley , principal. Siirati > nu si heel , corner Sannders street i mid Ames axenuo , erected In IsM. has txxo rooms and two teachers , Jumts II , 1 errls , i ' ' ' 'Vt Illir'nabas school , California street , botxx-eon iiKhtetnth : mid Muetienth. es. tuhllshed In 178 by the St. Iliinuihas ! churcU parish , mid rebuilt lu If-M , 1 now- leutetl mid used as n public sthool. It has , txxo looms and txxo teachers , and is a part of the Cuss si hool. Vliiton Mhool , a txxo room brick build- ln . Twentieth and Ilimlexmd. xiaseretted i lu ls < ) . It has two leathers , MUs I.ldiv Minllenbiii per , print Ipal. Walnut Illll Mhool. a f i nine InilUUnK at . Hainlltgii street mid l.oxx o ax eiine , has four ID mis unit four tencheis. Miss llene 1. . llnmlltim , prim Ipal. West Omaha nhiHil. TnUty-ceventh and i Mason stitfts. U 11 fiumu Imllillug , Miss Jessie 0. Scott , teiitlu r. West Side si hool. In Went Side addition , Isa fiame bulldlns ith two rooms mid [ " "nfei'o'me. ' Inside the rlty limits , thirty. throe pnblle sdiool biillillnes , nnt lucliid- ins the ti.imo additions to hiuiii ) of ; them. and tlilrtei-n J Sox t'liteen mo hilek buildings fi-.ime. Txxo lulik buildings xxeroeiecttd j last M-iir. The sthool utteiidmice em oil- ment'lsoxer IH.rtH ) : attendance , 7N ) ; ichoolpipulatlou , li'.U'T. ' ' ( , , , , , The icliools me In a IlimrWiInc rondl- tlou. The eutlio management relletts Ki . rreillt tipon Mr. Henry M. James 1 th present Miperlntendeiit. C'litliolio ColloKcx tniil SoliiMln. rnridiiToy roi.i.Mi * : . TlilK imiunlllcent Iwilldlm ; . on Capitol 1 hill , notthwestof the lllBh school , U ono of the principal huulmutks of Omiilni. commnndliiKmi excellent Mexv of tlia tlty nndsurfonndliiKcoHiilry. ' itwuHuoKimln Is77 , till I thn inulit part MiisfompletiMl In i < s njisu three-story brick strutture. 1-1 3 * ! Minus are jiiM''d ' thb building xxlll Jiave a frnntitirii of iV ) fei t. Till. inMttutlun xx as erotted In U77. In nrcordmue lth HIP ixlll of thi ; Inte Mrs. Mary ( . 'relirhton , as a int'iuorlnl to her Into hn band , IMxxard Crelchton. after ixhom It Is mimed. Itxa ? Inmrporated br an act of tholeitM.ituri of the state of Nubraskii , I'elinniry 'f > , ls * , , "with jxixnr to coiitu mull di , in n as aru lisuallv toiifen.'U lu colliv. .s and untxersllles In thn I lilted States , ' mid In tlu muo jmr It xxns tn- trusted. b ) tliuldulit Kev Illshopui onnoi , l I ) , to tin * latheis of the boili't ) of JtSlls. bvxxlioin It Is totldlli ted. Itt'V. Jl. I' . Dow IliiK , h. .1 , Is thi ) presliient ! Hex * . P. II. lllllman , S. .1 .lire preslilent , pit feet of Hindus and illrettorof inusli ; Ilex * . Jos. P ItlKx" , S. J , cheiiilitrx' , astronomy and ( lerman ; James , I , ( I Meant , S J , toilith leaf , poet i y mid evldtlitus of lelllon ( ; M. A. MtUlnniBi , S. J. , peiotnl jeiirj P. X Mm j , H. J . third juefoi t of ills- ( Ipllno and phsh ! Mr John. ) . Douoller , S .1. , ptnmmishlp mid diitwlm : : T T. Dnitiey , Itndlment A ; W. 11. o f nesiev. Rudiment II Tin ro Is no charge for tuition , and pupils of all ullulons denominations mo mlmltti d. ' 1 ho iiilli'Klato KIIII M ; of Instruc tion. xxhkh Isdimpleted In lour jeiirs , ( its the. student for a piattlial Inisfuess lite , xx hetliiT In literary or sclentlllo pursuits. There m o now 1H ! tliilents In attoinlalite. 'Iho tollen'o library iintulns iiu.u xol- nines , 'lliu ( 'reater part of this rollettlou xxns pun h i eil from the. Iliidstoxxn ( ol * li'Ke. Kentucky , xxlihh xxas broken up dur ing the elx II war. Of the \oliiinei , 7KI xolmiR's u. u set r.-jiart for thullsool tliu studi nts. I lie piesldent mul faculty of rrelKliton colleuo oxxoa histlm ; debt of platitude to Mr. John A. ( 'relKliton , xxho has supplied tliu colli'KU xxlth a lomph to unil peifect chemical , physical miilastionimilciuoutllt. llu IIIIH tin ii'by done u Kreat suirtinto tliu city of Onmha. pliuJm ; within tlicreuh of 1H peoploa tlioroiiKli and prnctltal fdil- tmlon in si leutltlu pursiilts. Tin ro Is at pit sent In i onrse of erection on the tolh'uo ground" , u i olleKlato thiirih. 'Unit pot tlou noxr liultnt built will cost not less than fiil.Wll. John A C'relKliton has Biibstrlbed iMi'.fin ) toward the uuc- lion of this ( hiiKli , whkh xxlh Imai the name of his patron saint It Is tohetalled St , b h I s Collig atn fhlliih. The rust of tliu funds Use I in this xxoik r.unu from u silu of propoitx , ixhlih Inoimht * 1 > , ! . T h lei atlon selei ti d foi tliu t liuri h Is i onx enleiit ami xx 111 nut Intel fei u \x Ith the Kencral plan , w lileh calls for xx Injrs to tliu present collerobulldim ( ; . Thi'i htiiih Is llfty tiet west of the collect' , fin Ins ; Cull- loinllkstiei t The extia i osts xxlllbitor all irs , joj | ; oivii i , il. M\ \ mid xxlndows , " " , . ST. IMIII.OXII.S x's xcxiirxiv. St. I'hllomena s Ai ademy building , cot uer of Ninth and I lim m il t i rots , \xns en ve in K I. Ul4ofbllik,7"ixrifei'tiuiilthiei hto- lies In height , with asi > i > 'l ins b I-IMIH.III. His heated bv stuam and ll htid h > Kas , and cost , tompli to , SJ. " > , < NM It is a ( nthollt' parothhil sihool and Is under the i-nnie- dlato cliurno of IleX' . P.itlu 1 | ( 'Jlt . 'Iho tli s looms tan a minmoil ite 4iH ) linpIN , and at piosont tin re iiii < ! Muiioi- ) | iiiK the benellts of th sin tltntlon I'mir Slsteisof Men X" utt as I aiho s. All the bfiinthes nsu ulr tmi/'ht / In a e in mm school aii > tanuht theie. This Institution Isdolntra ( 'ood xxotk amimv tliu immbeis of the pmtsh , and Isxoll conducted. 'I lie npp 'i story Is 01 tuplod its a h ill foi i hurt h sodetv pin poses , and has a seatlnj ; tapat- Itytif W ) . tiriiru \TIIOMC SCHOOLS. St. rutheilne's Aiailemy Is a selett nay m heel lor Khls ami Is In i liaise of thnIs. . tersof Meny The faculty of this liislllu tlon consists of seicn teatliiis , and the pupils immbi i eltjlitxllx'o. . The si heel Is loc itd at Mt North l.lKhteenth stieet St Wenci'slans Isa paioi hi il sihool i Ilo- h-mlmiMiMilis In rhniK"ol thoSlsteis of Jloiev , with two e c iei it 1 nln tysexen pipl's. ' 'Iho billlliiKix i-i i v'i 1 In 1 'T. i ml Is Ixatul lit DC ) S tl'li riillte-'iith strei t bt I'atihk pmoihUil xhool condiH trd by tliu .s-tt'isof | Mi n J. It Is loiati'd at 1 ourt emlimuK astelli rstu'ets. iuablllld- liiKir it tl In PK'i , whiih lu Ih87 WHS en- lu Ki'il to accommod iti'iheliicieasedsilmi. nrs'ilp. ; ' 'JU slnstltntlo ill is tin en teat hi is and I J pupils , mul if nctcssiuy tan. itroni- m ul ito-4 uchlldien. The Aiademx- the Sailed Ilemt is locittil Inonnof the most beantltnl ] ioi- tionsof thucltx' . This "thool Istoniliicted bx- the I , idles of the Sacred Ilemt ami has fourteen teiulu is mid elKhtx-si it n boa id liUpniills , Thn imlldlm ; , enc'ed lu PM , Isa Mibit.intlal mid tominiiilliuis tdlllio. On N'oxember " \ IHSan addition to the stinitme wus conuileteil. This addition , fills' ! i toet.xas iiiadu at a cost of UVmu.'on ] St Majhirfd lit lie Isapirothlal 'chool In ihaige of the Sisten of 'lie I'lttions Illooil This sihool has txxo tiaihus , and nlnotx uxeu pupils mo Inattenihiiue. Tliu bnlldlin ; was uieited In ] k4mid \ Is Inuitidit ! II iMiiulashtltot. The Hul ) I'amlly Is u paiochlal sihool , located at'iDN'oith Klilit cent h stieet. The building w as eiotti din IKS ) . The M heel Is co idncied by thoBlstt is of Jltiej , mid Ins llx e to ichei s mid BK pupils. St. I'etti's isu pai och'nlsi heel tntluieu of thu Ladles of the Sirred Ilemt , with threu tt'jtheis ami l" s pupils. ' 1 ho building xxas completed lu I" ' 7. St. Stanislas , In chamoof 1 10 Sisters of Metcy , Is a pamihlal ( cioil , with two teaohtrs and ulility-iluht pupils. The bulldlmxxiis eiettedlni h7. St. Joseph's Is loca'ed at Ci liter anil South s ' .eiiteenth Ktieit , hi u ImililhiK eri'iti'dln I47 This pmoi hi il si heel Is lu chartni of thu Slstois of 1111 1'ncl us Illooil ; has three teacheis and llTiiiitls ] ( , St. IllliUet Is t'le ' school of South Omaha. 'I hi - institution is InclmiKU of tlloSlslusof Meny , Mltll tMo teatlieu aim seventy onu pupils. 'Ihu building was euctcilinlKST. St. Mary'aorphanasjlnm and parochl il sthool Is In tlmiuoof the Sisters ot Meii.x. ami lias thito teacheis ami llftjslor - ph ins. The Poor Clue convent Is a sold t dar luademv omdiicted In * the I , idles 01 thu Sacied Ilemt. A lawu adilltlon has le- tently boi n i ompleted to their building at it uist of f7K ! l. ' 1 1m Slstei s of Mercy w 111 this jeurtakn tli ir/o of a miiKiiilleent < mix out mm 1 Ini ; muted on Caslellai stitet , at a lost of KO.II ) . Various Prhato The oinahii ( Ity Mission Mhool , 111 A'oithTi nth street. Is a Sntniilay mul sunday - day school. Ilex A P. bhurillllspiesident ami A. ( i. ( hailtou Is Mipurlutondcnt. Them mo in thn Sunday HI heel Ullpnplls , and In thn sexx hi1 ; i hiss on Saturday liii. The Pplsiopil iliuiih M Iiool. on Nine teenth stieit , hi twi'i'ii Cass and Cnllfm Ilia , nudertliosnpeiilsloiiof Illshop WoithliiK- ton and Hex. J. M. Hates , lei tor , has two teacheis. Institution Is j-lxeii lu Latin piepaiatory totolh'Hi' . 'I [ in ( ii immi l.ntheian sdmol , jroi South Txieiitlethstieet. has two teatheis and l-'l , pupils. All pupils mu tmiKht thu IhiKlMi and ( iennan laiiKiiaces mid the element- myumiso. Mills sthool has two blanches , one In South Omaha , with ono teadier ; mul thirty pupils ; the other nt Ul Ninth i Tnentv-slMli btieet. It has onu ttathur ami thlity-llxu pupils. The ( ieiimin Ann i lean school , located on t llaiitev stitet , Is a tlnu and commodious i blltk bulldlm ; , eietted In the jenr iNvl , at ; a test of ti'i.ira ) . The sihool has thuo i looms. Adjoining the si heel bulldlm ; Is a Himnaslum. used by thn cdiolais ami i > y tfiolinnastlu ( society of Oinah i. Thohall I Is also used for social ex out s and meetings. The bo.ud of illieitois Is i omposed of t el ht membtis : 1-mls llelnnod , presi dent ; II : . 1. ( iitibe , i h e-pri'sidi nt ; Chmles Met ? , tieiisniei' ; Phil. Auditieoipu Anthes , DiIt. . 8 l.lH'ke. P. KKiesser and I P. lliaiidels iilm fatuity : Mr. llempel , pilnclpal , teathfi' of ( iermiin hiiunauo } mid llteratuie , natmalhlstoiy , Kcneialhls- toi valid phlloscmhx ; l.ouls ItUh- mdsoii , ( list assistant , l.n llsb laiit'H.ini' mid llteiatnre , Pnltid Statts hlstorj and iimstltutioii. mathtmiitlis , elocution mid I draxxhm ; Miss M. A. I.utke , piimaiyde- pin tineiit. ( iei man mid PiiKll'li liimjmiKes , translation , needle woikmid music ; lltniy , Kumeioxi , lallsthenhs mid Kxmuastlts. Mho number of attendants at pieseiit Is ninety. The Omaha KlnderKirten , 111 South : Txxenty-thlulbtieet , Isiindir thutllii ttlon of Miss Ida Isaacs , of thn Homo and Colo- nlal Institute , London , P.iiKland , with the follow init assistants ; Misses Carrie How - ell , Mamie sheai * mid l.ltty Stone. The number of attendants is twentv-tlxe , rung- Ing fioni three to sex en j ems of age , Itroxini'll Hall. I See lllust i ut Ion ] llroxvnell Hull Is mi liicoip natod school iinderu bouiil of Itftecu tiustees , of which ; the I'.ptscopal bishop of Nebiuska Is ox- ; olllclo presldtnt. Thnsthoolxxusopeiiedat Saratoga lu p-ul , mid was Incorpoiateilmul moieil to the comer of Sixteenth and 1 Jones streets in Hi * . A pi miiyschoolMus erected in ISNI , mid u normltoiy MUS built In lv-1. 'I lit sn buildings Mere all noiMleu htriittuies. 'Iho cornerstone : stone of the ue building \xaa laid June 1. . IVN ) . 'Iho sthoolxus opem d , roin- ; pleted mul fuinlshed in exeix part , Janu ary I , IM7. 'Ill' ) building is of stone , brick and tnm. It Is fomposetl of throe parts ' , each 1U\IO ) feet , mid joined touetlu rin the shape of the litter 11. Tnero mu thieo main stories , an elex ateil b isniiient. a sub- ' basemviit and an attic. Tut interior is piouimiited by all Mhohuii ) setn It to bo a model of perfection , htxliu the latest ImproxementK for tonvenlento aul tom- ! foil. The M Iiool Is iUsl'iied for thu fdi | ' . tat'oii ' of gills mid joiing ladles. 'Iho building anil uroumlsuro valnrd uUI7u.uiiO. ' oiiiTTrs ami fatuity : Itl/ht Itev ( it-oico Woithlngtoli. S. T H. LI , Ilsltorj ) Her. Kolieit Doherty. S. T. D. reetor. iimlhe- matli's mid sutred subjects ; Ilex- . James , Patersoii. M. A , seirt'tary ; Henry W. Yates , treasure ! : Mrs. s > . H. \ \ indsor , lady iirludpal ; Miss K. T , Lymanicc - prlucnial. nnliiriil science and Latin ; MUs Virginia II. ( lllbert , KnglUh history , Ian- cnage , llteraturo and tx > mi > ostlim | ; Mis. ! Iihert } % contholocy ; I'rofi'ssor ( i. F. W. Wlrsey , modern Intijsuuut'N and art ; Ms | $ Jonule May and illsa tKlulu Itotkmun , In- strum n . ( i. iniiiMi , s knur I liouo o ifl ' ( uinpl , Miialiiiuslt ; Miss \l \\alhue i : , ' " - ntory di'iMitment ! Mlvs A M lo\t'e. ( assistant j Ml'si ; van N Voumt and .Mi s Dmlly Dotihelly. ii--l tnnt matioiiH. v | | s Carrie K llroadt , mt , Xlr and Mi's I hmles A. I'otter. stenography mul type-writing Iheie are now in attendance i Hi pupil * . ( Jtnaliu MeillOnl Tliu Omaha \Iedlcal college xxas estate llshid lu I 'V'i ( llnlcal unchllig Is a promlmtit ft attire nf this i lion ) Lust yeur cvti'iiilxo nlteiatlons mid Improxe- ments xxt ro tnude In thu tollei e 1 nlldlng. 'Ihe en mli al laboratory has been t n- hit gul mid tanks with any In then u itti. It Is mull r the personal stipuilsloii 1 1 tao professor of i hi nilstrj lloard of trii'tcis : L. P Vctxonnn , M. D.pio'ldent : . P. Mllioi. NI D.SIC.H. tarx ; II ( Moore , M I ) , tna uti r. .Members of the board : \ \ I Vilrny. M. I ) , ti nn expires bss ; Domilil Mutiue , M. I ) , termexplrts isss ; u. II. I'leblts. \ | D. ttrm expires | s > 8 ! .1. C. Di ul e. M. 1) . teltil exjilies I'S'i ' ; I' . S. Lelseiirlng , M I ) , term eiplies l\si ! ; It. C. Moore , M. I ) , tenn ex- plres Jss'i ; I , . P. McKtnnn , M. D . Urni ex1 lilies IS'KI ; W. S. ( llbbs. M. D .tenn expires I * ! ) ; Uwlng llrown , M I ) , ti rm expires htm. 'Ihe tilt'lllty consists of J. C. Utilise , M. 1) ) . , tlemi ! P. S. Lelsi nrlmr , M. I ) . i cretury , and slxUou othtrph.x li lulls uiidsiirgeotis. Coninii'ri'lal Collcni"I The Omiilia ( nmmerclal uillegoxus opt mil iinilei the piisent miimigement In thefallof Illi P. llohlbouuh 111 os , ptopiietois Patilltx Mr. M (1. ( llohrboiigi , pilmip l and In- Ktruttorln book-ki ivlng , mt-jiieidal luxx' ami ill II goivriilneut ; ( ! A Itohibnni'h , siipcrlntendeiitof pretiarutoi i depmtmeiit and Kughsli hi , itn Ins , ami assistant tt.'urhcrln tmithi'iiiatlcs nnil peiimunsliip ; I'lofessorJ. L. Wotley , mmliemaths. bookJ kt oping and superintendent of m tual bu-d- ntss depiitment ; I'rofesvir I , J Kohr- bough , Hiipeilntendeiit and Instriutoi In plain ami oinmueiital iieninmislilp ; J'lo- lessor Wiely and Mr. PX . Mosher 'Ihu deli tilmeiits me : Hegiilur business. llsli , ( ! i iman , Hhort-hund andt.xpe-xxrltlng , mul liidiiiti Inl drawing bv l'roi' | ser / r. Met/gei Thn attt mlalito is MTi ; } early atttndanif. oxer W tl 'IheOinuha lliislness tollege , < uintlienit coiner Capitol ax emie mid sixteenth street , Was established Mm "I , Is71. bv ( Jeorge U. llathbun , the prest nt piopiietoi , and was thu ( list of thu kind In thu til ) 01 stite. Hundreds of loung inn xxlm me in business or tilling impoitmit positions In huge Mholesaln hoii t s and b inks as book-k epeis and telli rs , me glad- tiates tnnii this Instltutton. In this school mo taught book-ki eplng , peiim m- ship , column i Itl law , ti legi iphj , shoit- liiiiid. t\pi' xnltliig ami the tommon ling- ll h Ilium hihi th rollimlng teaeheis : (1. A. Ostiom W II Tuubuian. Mt and Mis L. J lll.iku mid L Km kw oil Thu number of attendants Is L.1 II RtatiDcaraiul Diinil ) Dmliii ; Ihn xi'ir Ufi'i this noliible tnstli tmlon wus tm ml d. mid Inoiilutt tlmu has don a j.ieat thai of n t d , 'Iheio 1 , pi ih MIS , no s iniiur Institution lu tlio Pnltnl States \xheio the iiieilsnt tin Inmates - mates me so fun fullv looktd at el Inti 1- llgtnt mid compittnt mamiReis seek to extend all the aid i noxxn to the sdi ntlllo xxoild. a ) d 111 th i tieituient ol theuii- foitunutes ( iimn It ted to theli i l.aige haxo bi i n vmi miitlx sin i e stni 'lh"i'st.ililshiinni.IM | o It loinditliiu , hasbei'iifiom tlinu d tlm inlaigul and the bullilltu Is now o e of he most 1m- posing public eilllhes n ho ihy 'Ihn piopeitx Is \ allied nt illl.nii 'I lit liiMitlt- tlonh sto t the stiito dull g the p ist.xear oulv f sii u for m tuil sn ] , oit iinds"uu lia b i u expi ndod In Imp oxi ments. Ihe iixtiage numb r of pi p Is ilmlig the pa t , \iiir hits been I. 'I. of x hi h > i weie lemalis 'Hi- institution 1 < n o-t tlio.on h 'Iho linn ids me taught ml ol' the tlemeiitmy Inamhes kn > xx n. inl lu iiddltlon to this inn liistinctid In th fo'- ' loxxlng trades. ( alpi liter xxork , pilntlng. ilic'ssinakliii ; . an 1 x\ood tngi.nlng mul inrxlng. 'I here Is an \iellint 111 run on- ntcti d with the Ii stltiite. couta u ng oxtr l.iniioliimes ,1 A ( .Illestile Is the piin- flpul and h's xxlfe Is th- tuition 13. 13 Smith Is ton-man of th - p luting tie- pmtmint and J 11 stelnuil is the In- stun tm In titpenter xxoik Di J C Denl o Is the phjslclmi 'I hoothei teat hi time mo P I Hied. W D Mi I urlund , C L XmbaiiRli. P M. Hendi ison , o. 'J' . Plum , W. i : 'lax lor mul M Jmno-on Liitirarlcs. DM in v i.imixnx. Tlitroiuunoxi over 17HKi ( xolnines in the Onmha pnblli llbiavj 'Iho xxork demo lor the xt m t mliiig Ilui umbur 1 , Ibb7 , la hhown b } the tollowingBtutimint : Hooks Issitid lei linllle use . ! > U,7lfl Hooks tor leteituce . fi.cHK ) Magii/lnes Issntd tin nso or in the ruullngioom . . . . 45110 Number of book-boiioxxers' tiutN Is- bind . . . . l/'tt Niimliei of xolniin s added . . . . " , l.i lOielpts triun llnis. iill.lul. At tl uilutoor the last lluanclal bilniico of iho iihimy UK omits on Juno 1 , 1SS , ihu inalntinanii-aiionnt stood an folloxxs Hook ationnt tl.1 hi17 llnllding " . . . . . . . ' .0 ii l sulaiv " . . . " , " " 01 bupply " & 1.J M s'l.l'IS ' , s ( , 'Iho luidliu loom Is mi impoitunt ad- juu t of thu llbiaij , mid It Is t-stlnmttil that iho iluill attendunto has been --n , making a total of lmllii 'Ihls tli p utn c-nt isMlpiilledixlth lIHitellals , IHof will li.uu liuicmisi d mid I'uloiiutid ' ottloi i > me ] itiloilkals aiil.iinewsp.ipeis ( fill lat ter , " 1 urn iiii llo < . 17 wioklles , 1 sciul- Weeklr ami I m mtlllj 'Iho peilodliuls lomiulsu .11 mon lilies , ill wtekllts 1 tort- iilghtli. Mil monthlies mid l qiiaiti illi s It Is in i oiitemplation to tin m a museum of cnuosltli s pi it lining to taili Mesti in hlstoij and piehl-toiv munmt tol- lection too , Is also taUu I of n d so soon us pro , or moms mo punned w H no doubt b mailomi lealllie lie 1 hi uy has giown u piUilu laior e\oi sun o It was stailt d ami it is bi.t talr losa > that Its ollli eishaxo dounalllnihi ir poxxei to add to Its nsi fnlnt'ss and piov Tho'following mo the olllceis of thu llbiaix Jan es XX S.ixau' , plisiduiti Will ! \\allace , xi i-pit suit nt , Lim-S. lived , > e n tali ; James X\ s-ava-i.T K. Sndlioioiigh , ( luliu Itiist n llx .belli I ) 1'oppleton. John \Mlson , Dli.iali Dunn , William Wnllaie , 1' . L. I'trrliit , I ewls s. Hud , dlltttois ; Miss Jessie Allan Ulna- liiiu. Miss MiiKglo o id leu , Miss Illanche Allan , assistant librmlmis. i m 11,11.11 i 01 i 11,1:1.1mi : xitx Thullbiaij ot tiilsiollivoiiow lomprlses fi/iiK ) xolnmus , of whldi niinibi r .iiu huxe In en ailtlid dm n ; the p IM > ear. 'Iho books mo nil ot th Uglier thisof lltoiu- tine , and main xiilna lo xxoiksi u am lent and model n duni snbje ts , sdm o , his- toix , ait , ttt. . u o to bu touiid on the shelxes TUo mo t .ilnab'o xunk in the collei t on. piob-b } , is thn I'atnlo.'X , M hti h n nslsts of "nu x oliimi s , m d is a ol- lettion 0 ( tloxxtltlllts of tne dliek and Latin fathers ot the diui.ll fn m the lie- glnmugof the Christian ei.i down u > the iire-tut time. Dr. Dowlhg h ul-o i - teiitly "u urtila ruio hlstoix i f ( hilsthu art , whldi is n xahmh'o ailditlou. 'I his llbturj Is piimlpillx for the USD of the piofds o sof ti oiollego Porthestudi nts mil iiitit l gllbnuj ot Mil \olumes Is pi o- 1 > ldid 'Ihu xxoiis In this lollettlou mu 1 pllndpnll.i of the tdiicatlonul oulir and mofrouix used Di. O'Meaiu Is the llbiu- 1 rlun of tfio tel ego. THI , i.xxv i.imunx. In Is70 the atloinexsof the city Instl- tnttilthu Om ilia Law i.lbian association , uhli h hud foi its objci t the building up of a law lllnuiy In a u > id with thogiowlng mugnltudoof t 10 1'vnl work tiansaitedl * . the ill v. 'I Into k wasfnelj stibsiillml > foi amtanuml 01 i f xaliiab o wmks xxeio 1 pmihas d fine o then the as-o lat on Uus 1 bien giudnnlly piojiesslni ; , und n xx'thn 1 llbimv itiiupilscs" . OJiolumt sof stmiduid I \xinks'ou JinIspindenie , reports , i'tt. 'Ilia > books mo not for cliculutlon ami noxer leaxo the lllnaix' room , extent Minn le- onlird lunc tuitof ucoiil 'Iho inemboi- felilp consists * of some llft.x law j ITS 'Ihls liliinry Is limited In the comity comt hoii-o ( ieoige II I nke Is presl- dent of thu association ; A ( \\akelyls > setietmx ; Uuue Aduins , tuasmoi ; and I Mrs. C' . & . Perkins , llbiiirlmi. Till ! 1)1)1) t M I.OXXh' l.lllll Xlt\ . With ri.nni ) standiirdolumes on Its , Hhelxifl , the Odd Pelloxvs hud , before the Onmha public llbrnr.x gioxx into piomlm nee the most Miluublu clniilatlng llbrmy In i oinaha. With the Brim tli of the former , hoxxexer , the books in the Odd Pellows'iol- lection i amo gtnduully Into disuse , mul at t iirei-cnt they nto lery seldom i nlletl for. I he books urn mmIn t harge of the Janitor ut the Odd Pt Hows' hall MM.IIs | | | 1,11111X111 Six hundiid volumeof Sxxedlsh mid 1 Ntu xx egtan , as \ \ ell as Amerli an litei ature , form the neat llttlo lllnaiy of the Scundl- iiuTiiins of the city , 'lliu assot'luUou has oxer IK ) memliers , and the bi iks are In gooU demand. Tht' Cliiirt'lii's. Next to her e uculmil institut'ons i , Dimlm JiiKil > limit's her-elf upon hoi lellgloiis oigiiuzutioiis ami iliunh edl- tlt-es With Mxent-st\ i onomlmitlonal I longiegiitlons and llftj-t'lgut ihnnlus i , Onmha tit'onls ampin opm rt unity for w or khlp to members of ueml.x ever ) need ami 1 ne't , Tne thuiches of On aha w U torn i ii.lie aiorallv ill point ot anliu-it nl I beuutj at d innxtnlelite xx Ith those i f mix often It ) of eiiual popnlatlon. Thei hurili pn perty oil lied by On aha iei gltmt > bodus ix Hi not fi 11 short of 01 e million dollars tu value , of xUilch fullx one-halt Is mult r control of the Utiho.lf iliunh. Kver.x congiegatlon In the ttty id oxxs eih'enceof ' htulthy growth , whtdi keeps puce with the rmild Imria'o In tiojiulatlon and wealth. 'Iho Metbodl-ts ale nnmerliallv the largest dei.tmilmitloii , followed ilosely bi J' the 1,1 tVriin and Hommi Catlicllcs. 'Iho auung-Ue diii'ih attetidunto In omul a will exifolMIOilO. limlig th past jenr miirked progrtS'i l.'isbtei ititeil among fjie laHotn church t r 'iiul/i t oils , ami senral jiew thurehes j'jM-ri 'jeiJ [ ijiil eiiumlHietl. . 'I In * Onuitia I'lt'ss. , I hen- are pnbllilli il In Omaha six dull . ) new Jpaiu rfour Iti Cnallshatul txx.j In lii'linan 'Die llngll-h tlUIJIfs are Hie tin , ' , Herald. HcpuhllcHti and World. ami the liermmi dallies ure the N'ebraskn 'Irlbnlieand Westlliher ( onrlel. Tilt nxil.x mi Is H mt'tropolltnll paper III exerx resjiett , utul ' has a llrst-da-s eiiulptm lit thloiIKh- out Its two welcpi rfietlng prt's es haxe iiiapiulti ' of Ji , ill lompli te elght-pagi pa 1 pi r > per hour , or mi u u lonr-pmte iiapeis ptr I hour Ihe III Y Issues two editions. morning ami erenliiu thn tiuhout the wetk. mid nl on Slltuhi.l edition. Itsie'e- graph si rx he Is not t \c i lied bx iinr dull ) outside ' of Nexx \ ork , ( hhiigo mul St l.ouls Atiitim ; Us sjiei hil ft atures are tin- New Vork Hi raid's i ablegratus 'Ihi'llM. has spec aUoiie-pollilentH at all the ptlll i Ipal nexxs lenteis of the touiitr ) , mid tlioroiiL'bl.v itixeis the xxesttrn Held II maintains I spot ml Imrouus lu New \ ork. CI ' I 'ago. \ \ iishlnu'ton. lies Molnis. Council llhillsand I l.lmoln Ihesiim of * ll."i | was paid 1 foi teligiaph tills dmliig the . \ earls ls 1 7 I'he 1U f Is leeoimlzi" ! as the leading ilullx i bt txxeeii Chin g i mid sail Pranelsio ami is tin onl.x omuna piper make a i swoin exhibit ot Its i lu ulath n Dnrlm ; tin' t M. u Iss ; theaxeragedallx elli Illation of thi' III ) , wan as f dlows hmmirx I li.Jitt Xiivii-t lll'l helirinir ' ) II 1 H i > ptiMnlit'r Illll XI'lMll II HUM > < Ilihl r 1I.UI Xprll II ill. Nnteiiilier I > .ti\ \ Xbii II.1 ? Dei ember mill linie llti ; Menice fur h'5 II VJ lul ) II ( "I 'I he aielUKe i In illation of the U t eklv III i I ilmlmtP .Mii * fi.l-'i. ' 'Ihe inmillig ex penses of the Institution for the , xeu i foott d npoxei J t Ull u 'I lie III l. N e mdut ten bx thelliel'ubllshlngtompunx i : llo-ewutu thei'dltnr.oxxnsMpel J l ellt of tlli'stoi k. Tin- i oinpaliv husbeuuii theeu i tlon ofu sex en story ; Hit-proof building wli c'l xvlll i'ost } P.-i.u i It will beiompleteil and on Uilnl | emlx ; 111 the spring of I ' nun II lixil II s . The llepublnmi xxhldi xxas tsablshed In K > . is the oldest d.itiVpapei in Ni- liniska Itbiimiu a dallx piiblh atlon hi It has pissnl thioiiun imlousiul mlnlstiatlons ' , and Is noxx oitiied bi the llemiblltmi I't luting ( emi irix Ihellti aid whldi was ronndi d us a dnllx In | sit > . Is lioxx tie piopoitx of n stoi k i iiinpanx Xli P I , Miriltt Istlieidltoi 'Ihe Ilieli- tngoilil. , ! . publlshitl In u stuck lompini. was estubilshitl In | ' 1 Mr d. M Illtdicoik is tile i dlt. u. 'Ihe Klin Ing Ni'btiiska 'lilbtnu ( ieiniain Is puli llshidbi P ( listiei tin nltloi bilng P I Sdinaike 'Ihe Hit ning \ \ i still hi l I our- hi , il.eiimitn -tiibllshul in I si. Is owned In n stoi k ioiniiix. | ) Ihe odltoi Is I do Illiuhiogel A'l ' the ilallli s mihlMi Wit kll Illltllllls wt n > l.x i-xi'i Us Omali.i hastinlte a nnmbei ot xeix tied- Itnbh in'klx iiapeis , amongwhich me the lollowlllg I'lie Ixit'lsloi lliloted t . t leti nialti is publl-hiil lix ( luisf \ 1 tldx ( i lennnt ( hnsi. ullioi. lidgm ( snulu. assiidale i I \Xmdinmn jmbl s ml and i dlted bi Mix I'ohuk 'I lu ( llionlele II M ( law told ' d tin. Is d. ml id pi 111 Ipalll i * . ) miitti is Tin I'likiokapadii John , llosli KI pnbltsln r and ulltoi.lsu lloln niimi p ipei , Inn iim the luigi st c lu n- latli.'iil i am wci klx In that language In this i country Din Danske I'loluil. Mmk llan-i'ii ulltoi und piopili toi. was estub llsheil ] In | s ; _ ' Dim e'nog ' Is iiiiotliei Dan Ish | wtekli. iillted und pill INned In Otto \\olll Omaha Tinth Is diluted tolnhni Inttrtsts i , esjii iiaiii ot the oniulia xuuk Inumeii i 'lluie me two lallwux pupe s , the Hallwii ) ows und the llallwax He- pi r ei 'I he Omaha liiuh Hexl-w is ] inb tlslnd bi the Itees minting i ompmii ' xillskii Piisti n , a siiiillsliiMipel. Is id t d bl ( \ .laiobsiii 'I In' Niiiodnl I 1m. a lloln inlaii p in l , Is h piopeiti of Kasp n , ' \ HospodsKi. and Is eilltid bx the lain i mix linn' 'lluestun Mel hunt s pnbllslel bi Dun ) m \t. ( 'the ( linn n ( , n > iidnn ' Issnul nnilii tin aiispli i sof tie ) co ihniih. llei .lames I'ati'i o its tl e i tl.toi Tneebiaska ( nllliutoi Is mi agin nltmal ] i ipei Itobeit It -'il.- ! ! ! ! ! IIHIII | It'toi Ihe I'ltlilun pm. i dlte 1 il nail ) Mil- limn. Is dexotid to tile 111 e ests ol tie Knights ol PUIihs 'I lie l.diotsa dei- man papei bi XX illlam Dulilli mi 'Ihe ( , hilstian I'D i al'it'thili'i an papii.xius n c i nth i ' n oliihited xIth the Intel lei ViiH'i'it'.iii fifsss.soi'iatiiii. . I b , ' i oinpmn lias Us giiuial lnadiiiui- | lets In N i w \ i ilk ( it l , and Its Omaha olliie is the 11 lognl/i d hiiiniiimteis | tit the en tile west 'Ihe papi i tuinlshes a l.uge immbi i ol loiinlii pipiis with plates m whit h teligiailiii | mwsaii glxtn lint u tew houis lull i tin n pnhlisheo In this i Ii v Ml.M ( > I't iklns l the n sldent muuagcr 'I t u men ale tiniiloitd , the wteklx pax loll being Tin \ \ I'sti-i'ii i-xi siiii'f Union. The xeai Iss ; has been a most ptolltable one totheaboie toiuein 'Ihe lonipuni now fnin'shts , in unintri paptis with "patent Hillsides' ' ' iii.iKiii is the entire tapltal of the t oinpani. and one eighth of tills amount Is lllMMid ill the Oniuliu hiiiluh ( ! ioii.'e A Jos yn Is the loial miinagi i nun hus nndi i Ins dimge orti nn u , 'lhewid.1) pai mil Is t > r > l Hospital. St Joseph's II ispttal , under the -npc'iii- slon of the s.m I'laudstaii Slstt is , Mlth Slstei lltdwlgas lad ) suieiloi | , is a thai- liable institution , but all who me able to p iy me ch.ugi d ilpei link. . In ward mil lllpirweek in ] ii hate looms , and me al lowed to eniplo ) thnli lamlli phisUlan I lli > building tsUMinreet , two stoi ley and b isemeiit , und loiattd at the iinnei of Ixxolftli and Mason sin ets 'I he folloxx Ing me t le phisli iaiis I dimge : Di llailofr Di. , I. X\ ) ) , smeltlm ; xxoiks ilt p u- > nmt ; Dis. \ \ . C. liallu ilth undo tli ff- mau I nlmi Padllc latlxxax dr ] > utiiicnt ; I r. 13 W Lie. II \ M lallwax department ; J. C. D "ilse. 01 ullst east wing. I ) C Hi ) . ant , H illst west wing. The number of pa- thus now lu the hosplt il is eight ) ( In and tlrio ban- bun oni eight hundred caio 1 foi dniing the p 1st 10 u 'Ihhlld s Hospital and Home. 17 n Dodge stH ef. Is a h iiulsome luiikbnlldlng and was fonndt d hi th late Ilishop Clan sou in IsM It is ih s | 'lie I tin the tieut- mentof Indigi nt and lio'plt ' ss chlldiui of nil deiiomln itioiis thiomlumt the stule whoiannotbi inopeih i uiilfoi ut home. 'Ihebl-h m of Nebiaska , Iti l ( ieoige \X.\Xiirihingtoi ) , Is i x-ollii 10 the head ot the Institution 'Ihe othei olllrlaluri" Mis H II I laiksini , muna ei , Mis P A Mooie. miition ; Mis \ .1 1'oppletnn. sec- u tai ) and ttiasniei , dliei lois. Mis IIV. . Yates , Mis He mm Koiintzi. Mis C | | . Pu dei hk. Mis J. \XoiilWinthnndMis. . S s ( aldwiil Dis w O Hi Idgeh mul John H s.nmmeis aie the attending phi si- clans mid snip mis The aieiuge number of bit ween eltlit and nine hun dred per ) ear. A i iiu omit ) el 'i tlou held In Noum ber IS" " , Una ih dded to sdl lift ) acies of I mil inclndi d tn the pool taim mulxxlth thu pun ends eieit a t mint ) hospital. 'I his pioiosltlnnxxus cuiiled bx an inerxx helm ing majoilt ) . the xote being l.'MJ tot. and , ) iiH against it. The lomml sloncrs thai adieitlsid foi iilmis to be MiuiuittMl , and uuhltiitsln ( liliago , Di tmtt and uinali.i lespondtd. AJtirdne ( oiislih i atlon the plans snhmltted bv 13. P Meisson , of Detiolt , Mich , weie aiupted , The Hft ) ni us set aside foi s iU > wiie platted am'l called "Douglas addition. " The lots wein sold ut mu tlou ami Inoiight liom f vi to fllVpei ( ) lot. 'Ihe ( ommlssliiiu'is then nil- leitUul for bids on the building ami thn lowest llgureotleied tin the em tlou of thn hospital utcotiling to plans was * l71mu. ( midthf hlghist tiVMHHi It xius dodded that onh .ii ) i tlou of thn hospital should bu built during the coming and the contrut was uwuiih d to Ilian \ \ \ ulsh of this i ill. thtlr bid being Mli I , " ! ) . 'Hio building w Id 1 e , M hen i ompleted , mi lin- posing strut tine of bi iik , lion und stone , two mul till ee stoi h s lu height abox e tllo basement 'Inegionndsaieainpli andtlm site Is one of commanding position Tim bnlldlngsmetolieentlieli mepioof undto be heated thioughontb ) stiamuud tohaxo ullof the latest model n c mm nlentes 'iho eieithmof this hospital will sain Douglas i county a huge sum nnminllr In the ftes paid to the state for the tare of Its Indigent : slik. 'Iheterms of thoiontract are that ; the building shall be completed before the 1st of N'ovumhtr , I'M. V. 31. C. A. One of the best knoxxn iihllanthroplc In- Btltutlonsin Omaha IH the Young Men's Christian association , and the practical I good uctompllshed by the members la worthy of unstinted praise. 'Iho jear Just closed has been an eventful one for thefcoclity. A magnltlceiit new building at the corner of sixteenth and Douglas 5 strettslsiapldl ) inuring completion. 'Jhe lot on which it is In ing in ttt d cost Wi.doo and Is now mined at thnu tlme.s that amount. 'Ihn structure Is a xery hand-omo one , inmposul of stone , brick and Iron , and xi 111 lost oxer Hm.lM ) xxhen tompUtt'd. 'J ho furnishing of this abode ix til cost the association not less than tlu.txi. 'Iho liquidation of this lurgu in- ! ilebttdnt'ss Is nut promptly by popular FUlistrlptlon , mid great credit Is duo Mr. 1' . C. Ilimtbaugh lor the intercut ho has manlfesti d mid the time ho has devoted In bdiairof the association. .Mr IHmebaiich pax oJI.IM ) himself toi the enterprise. Uho mm off o.UMhasl ei nsiibstrlhtd and Mr. Hlmt'l augh piomls H to subscribe * „ ' ( ) inorolf ) is raised bo- toio the budding is completed. 'Jhe association Is In a most prosperous condition , mid the j eur PSs proniUts to bo ono of Im leased sncctss. Ihu pit-Miit olllceis nru as tollowsp C , llltm bangh , president ; O 1 > . Sewartl , xlco prtkliltnt ; L'.J3. He ) nolds , leiordlngst'cretar ) ; C P. Harrison , tnasiirtr : ( ieorgu A. Jopllu , Keueral setretaiy ; Wing H. Allen , as- Distant secretary , and Jumts 13. P.nslgn , secretary. I'nlli'il Stall's Cuiii I-- . Two tei ins of the federal iiinrts lire held In Omaha , one on the first Monday of May and thn other on the seumd Moudu ) M No- Miuhtrof vach ) eur. A third ttrm l held , In 1.1m olu , the tapltulof the state , nil the tlr > t Xlomluyof , .nnuar > ' " 1 ht'se ilrcult and district ourtH are c > m- , lie ] i'ias follows ttoii Mtnuiil P , Xliller. iissnclale j Jnsti.Hof | the I'lilt-d snate * * ! ! * liretiiecoutt ! Hon. Iliivld J llrt wer. Jndue , if the Pnlted Mati i Ircult i ourt , mid Hun . IllluerS Ditmlv. Jllttge Ptllteil state * 111- trlit'omt , 'Iheotliiersare. (5 ( i : Prlti h- ett Omaha , I tilletl-t lies attotnel , Itoht PItriik.omaiia. iissi.tutit : i.uis i , nier- . bower , oiuuhii , tiiatshall , I'.lmei D 1'iaiik. Omaha , derk of the I'lnult uiiit. Klnn't s. Dimilx , Jr. Omahii tle-kofthe dMrlit toiirt Illi : U MTU It STATIC AllAIY. Ih'pnrlincut of tin * I'latto Tilt' Ollli'i-rs in Ciitiiniiiiul. Per nearly tixctit.x-olie ) eurs the dty of Omaha has bun theimlitai ) luailquuitir- < of the Di'liattmetit of the I'fatte. lt ceo- graililcal ) position niaki lt one of the most Important point * in the West Hullioud faitilth's plain It within easy suppmtlng illstmuo of seleli states and terrlttules. dim nil ( ieoige Crook Is In command 'I he following tioops me now stationed In the deiiurttniiil : LtKlit batti i ) D. Plfth aitlllt'iy. iiexin : tioops or the Ninth tiixalrx. TneMcond. sixth , M'Xenth , P.ighth. Sex- uiiteeiith and'1 went-Hist toglments of In- fanti ) 'Iwoiompaiilisoftheslxth lulmi- ttvmeoiidnt ) at tin Infiiutiy and ( mull ) " < heel ut Pott Leuxi uxxoith , and txxo torn-'s of thesaiiin i oiiimand aie on dntx nt the new iiost leiently establlshetl at High- wood. Ill The foils intlmlid In the Diparttnent of the I'latte are as follows. Pint Omiihu , Nebinskii. htiidip.iaiters nud ten i omp ink's sttoml Intuuttx , ( .olo- ml I lank \X iieutoii , Sctond Infuntix , com- munillng Poll Nlobima. Nebraska. headiUiirtcrs. | six tomjianlt's Kluhth infuuti ) m > d two troops Ninth tax air ) , < olonel A V. Kant/ , Highlit tnfniitty , tommuiullng. 1 ort Sidney , Nebrusku ; hemhinaiters and four ( oni ) miles Twt ut-Hist lutaiitiy , ( olomlll A Morrow'lwtnt-tlist Infau- tiy. lonimumllm : roil | { i biiisou Nebraska ; heudiiumtcis ami tour tioops Ninth i avail ) , and four comiimih's Eighth Infantix , Colonel I'd- waul llatdi , Ninth oaxali.commanding. . Pint D A Hlissell , xomlug ; heuilijiim- teis and eight lompames sextiitemth lu- fault ) Lieutenant ( olonel Itobeit H. ( Mile ) , Seienteeiith lutaiitiy , nmitnand- lug I'oit Dnnglns Mali , light hattux D , Plfth mullet i mid six compunh s Mxth In- fantii i ( emi am K stutlomd In ' alt Luke ( It ) i , Lieutenant Coloni 1 N XX. Osboine , lxth intantix lommaudlng lint Ilildgii XXxtiiiilng , two companies Sixintien h mid two tomiiniis ] 'Iweiit.x- llrst Intantn , Major John N Andiews. 'Iwentx-llist lu.until , tomniandlng Poitilnl hi'siie. l tali two tun ps Ninth raxah ) and loin lompuilcs 'I wt nti-liist inlamix , Mnlm .Inniis p Hmullttt , Ninth taiahx. lominunilliig lint l.aiumli.Xxoming heudiimiiteis und lout iompanless , ( xentliinlantii.i olo- m 111 ( Men lam , .eientli Inlanti ) , torn- iminillng. I'oit MiKlniii'i , U.iomlng , txxo tioops Ninth iiixahx and two lonipunles .seienth llilantii Lleiitenaiit I olontl.l S llilsblu ciimmuiulliig Pint XX ushukle. Wiomlng. one tioop Ninth caxah ) nud txxo mmpiinles Sixentli intanti ) . Majoi A T Smith , Sexcnth In- tuntix , commundlng ( am ) ) I'llot HntteMnui txxo com- panles Sexenlh infanti ) . ( up. Hi mx II rii cman. Si xetith liitunttx , u , _ amudlng Pine tm get laiiges huxebeen coiistiucted atmnilx nil tin posts , and both oMIins and nun t ikogiiat Inteiest in the pi ait Ice of III Ini' 'Hi' ' In idiiunitiisof the depiitnu nt me 1m utul uthe lonimodlons Miang bnllil- Ing on imnum and lenth stuets , Omaha und tollowlng Is a list of the olliieis : Ointial ( ieoige ( look , lommandlng. Peisiuiiil Stall Sicoiul Ih ntt mints Lewis ! ) C.iune. Sexenth littunti ) , und L. W \ Kiunoii. Sixth Infill tix Dipaitmont Stall ( lemiul Samuel Hiei k , assistant adjutant gi nt nil , thlel of stall xialor 1 ! II. Hall. . Twint.i-setond Infun- tiy. actingluspc.ctoigeneiul ( aplain I' lltniy Hax. I S. A luting Jtitlgi adxoiate. . Main \\illlamll Hughes , tlih f lommls- sai ) of subslstt mo Coloni 1 I' A Mil'mlln medical dluotor. Majoi ( XI 'Itnill ihlef piiMiiasttr Phst l.nntcnunt II M. ( hlttemlcn , engi ne ei olhcei. Captain Mmctts . Lion , chief ordnance ollli ei , istatloiitd at I heienneXio l ( oloni I d \ llimx.Nintii caxalix , In- spei tin of lllleplactiie 13..I Di\is , thief tltik assistant ad ut- ant LreiH tal s olliie. 'I he 1,11 , uti minster's depot Is a coinmod- loUHstim tine , and Is lliulu thethaign of Mujoi Hughes ( ajitaln John s > lmpson is his assistant , and the latti r is also i harged xxlth tliiudjnstlng of teltgiaph iictonnts of t'lo ' dep irtment. < uptalu I K. IhiinphU'V , asHlstant ( piar t irnastei , ihpot iiuaitirmasteiCheenue , \\xo I ( uptuin J L Clem , assistant ipi.uter- inastet , depot quartet mustei , Ogdcii , I'tah Captuln Wells Wlllmd , C. S , will sluutlr lissiimt the duties of pnrchasliu'and deiot ) ( ommlssnry of subslstente at Caextnne , X\xo. Major \V. 13. Cruary , pi > master at Omaha. Dining the rear pist the iniaitorinastoi hus tin nlslit d supplies and tniiisiortatlim ] ( ii tioops , as tolloxxs ; nilUo H nnil nn n in Ho s s mul mull s . * tt iJuirleriuusttrHstun. * IMIUIIIS | | ) 7.1IH IIU t-ali | seiuei lnri * ( pimml * * ! 4 ii-M > " Orltiitiun stnus iioiniilsi | l.Ui.Ts'i Mi'clli ; il Mnri'H ini.l MIIII | ] | i M'lU'luN ) Jill NI Xtt t dlnili oils stoies ijiiiliiuls ) s.1 ] Jl I turt Oiiiahntnanilfnini ipmmilsi 91is.M2 Omiiliii Mm Oh Itl I'lllsHNrXlll I Illll s | s I II SI N XTION XI. H XNK 01 OM XII X. Nl UK XSK x I l lltd Stat s I e ; slimy IIIHM nuts II Konnt/e. A. Kount e. J X ( it'lgliton. .X J I'll ) ) ] li'toll. XX A Paxton J I ! led ! .1 M XX oolwtilth , I II. Davis. J A. MiMimio. IIIINIHH.\SKA : : NATIONAL HANK , Oni'ih i. Ni b Capital paid in , - T. ' I.KIII ! stn puts , .MI.IIKI II XX Xutes , Pn-sldint L S Hi til , Yl u Piesidilit X 13 Ton/alln , seionil X'lie-I'li'sldi III XX H S Hughe , ( a-llli I Plank Xluiphl , Pies , > annul I ) . Huge s \ " Pits , l Hi n I ! XXood ( ii > lili l , l.utlu r I iiike. Ass t ( ash IT I VI'll XI , XXII sl'ltl'l fs , IVNI.IIIIII Till : MI3III II XNT.S * NA'IIDNAI , HXNK , i Oniuliu. Neb Dhe tus I'nink Muiphv. Siimm 1 13 Hi gels Pen H XX oid , Jno P Coud , I has C lloiisel , ( e i XX Doaile , Llithi 1 Diuke. | < OMXIP.HCIAL N XTIONAL I ! XNK. , < apltal and surplus. * ! . ' .IHIII oilliois X I ' P Hopkins , Pns ; XX'm. < i Maul , X Pies i Alflid Xllllanl.l ash : P I ! lltient. X ( imh sr.X'IP. NATION XL I ! XNK I N XX t in nei llni lie ) mid Pith stun s I NP.I'HM < A SXX I.Nds I.VK I ! , llounlof Tiatle llulldii g s XX nn Pmnum und P th 0X1 XHA s.INdS II XNK. I s XX tor of 1) ) mglas and I Ith stn i | s Cap'lil'iil.iNNi ; liublhtx sto kh i'ors f lnn.i l. XX ( ! Temploton , Pies i ; M stit kiiex , ( ush ( iri/.lINs' H\NK'lust liming bt MlCAdfi : IIHO-S , 'Ihe Oldest I'rlxale Hanking House In dim 1m 11 ii vi' the largest i npltnl and do the Hoax lest lliislness of mix prlxute bunk ing house In the stute Coiiespoud wit hus Trust Companies , Ciilon'Irmt Co.omiihu. Neb Cupltal , Mui.nm xx m A. I'axton , I'res ; | , H XX11- Hams , liie-Pies ; H. L di rlldis , .see ; P. I ! John nn'I roas Dlredois. XX m. A I ax- ton , H. L ( iiirllths , xxi ( i xtanl.Jos llurkei , The l3iutnbli'Ti | | list ( o of Omaha. DID- CITS. I , .s Heed , Pies ; .I. XX' . SIUHKO. X'h I' I'res ; c. H , Si hmlilt , SVi ; H. XX. Yates , Treus. ; NixageA XloriIs , Counsel 'lliu Provident Tlilst Co. Honm 4 Ut Itmiigi'IHiMk , Omaha 13 13 sin age , I'res Insurant' ! * . I'drillll.ViiSnH : ! : ACO. IMII Pmnmu. I \X P. ALI.i.V. : g'liiral agi ut for Neb , Dak . l ole , XX'o mid I tub , fin 'I MI. xirrru. Liu in NMX Yintk. MPHPIIY A I.OYI3TT. Ollh e' ) soutli Ilth t-itt I.i adlng Xiner- han and Porelgu I ompmiles Hop es ntei ] TPTII.i : A ALLMIN. liiHiirmue. Hi al i : tiitound Loans. NATION'.XL LI PI ! I.V.S.PH XNCIKO , M L Itoetler , Xluiiager. llmktr Hloik. omul a Neb I'iKK.NIX LIX 13 STOI K INsPKAM 13 ( O. . ( Miitnub , of Omaha ( It'll XV. XX' . I owe. Pies , C. A. I'uttt rson.Sec. C T TAYI.OH. ( Jelieiul Xgent Niw Yiirk Life Insurant e Co Assi tx , oxerfM.iiiii.iiiii. Ollli n i or Ilth and Douglus stnets . AliMiriicli'i'M , IMM-II3-JI. I'OIHI A MI3IKLI : . Abstr , ttirs mul Title i\am1ners : , lull I urniim Iti'al Kstatit Hint Iuuiis , < ( ImdiierA . < uund'is , lit. ) | Pauullt st . nn : iix HON iiiin : ; iu.iri.'Ni nth * ! . Omaha , Neb , ko-ps tlm oldist mul mos | iiuuploto Xbstradsof | 'ite | m the state. Ili'i ' 11 sjati anil Hotl e AKI-III I Loittls. t i : M xx si : IIP\LI > I.IIATIIISIM : o ( lelielill He lie s In Heal ( .stati st i it XM' its tor the Ninth ouitthi Lund Cotnpaii.i N. XV i in tier Ith and llmiie ) sts. HP.MlNdroN A XlttuHMU K. , S.M south 1 th "trett JNo. JOHNSON , lliallMatomid Pmelgn l.xihange I st , anisiup tic K , tto mul fioni I.ill I ope. ( 111 e Ilth ami Pmmim stieels. xx. n. ( ! iui.v : : , Itial I I.statand Loan ilioker. Mrldlv ( ommlssioiip , s. i , tii t , Omaha , Neb IIX'ANS A III , \ ( KIIPHN , Heal llstut .Xgoi.ts , lulu Doilge suei I ) Y. SlIOLCs. Itisutmue , Heal Csiate , HoiIgige I.i mis , Hooni I I , llutkei Illoik , um h i , .xeniasku. p. L CHI : : oiiY. Heul llstatii and Komal Agent , .l.'jMintn i an si. Jim T. DI Ion. Alt ) . A ( i IIilwiuiKNi tT. DlliLON , i.DXX AIIH , \ id , ' He il I'.statomul l.i an Ilioku-i , . . oni in i U'li/ei' Him k. MPIlt A C\\ , . , , „ , . . Heal l.sti t- , Loans , , nvo tiuei.ts ami Itlsunillie , 111 ill I'm mini st eel.timahu , Neb. ( iio : J PXPL. Im" I'm mint st s , . , . Mon \ page il , ' ' Ctimmeidal . I3xi nmigtllu .sou'tn I ith st. sivt-ml iitleiition j.iii-n to ext hunting ] tiiim liimis , st UK , of meidi iiulise unit I It ) pi Opt'l t ) IIHOXXN A ( IIKH.II ION. Hull I.Male mi I i.oaus. Am tione , l' < . Miutheast im m i Doug m and Pith sts , Omaha , , M b -1lXIAJ.\'l.t-\r. * ' - \ .t | > - > | msl Xlomb is ot Ue.n i.stuio ilxdiungo ami' Omaha llo.udoi liutle. X\ I. | ; | , | , PiM Pmnam stio-t , oiim'ia Neb 'I Hi : o. P D\\ | s to" 0.alois in Heul 1 stat ami uuil i s ate Mm t jugut , ' ( o lo-poudi u oiilu .to I 1'iUi i iiinam t , turn h ioh. i . It ) mill A MACLI30H. Hull IMaliami l.o uis , | KI-I i ai nam st , niiiiina , .xeo ( l.X I i : ( I'Y I , XM ) ( i ) Illtoijioiatiil l apllal. tlMi H ) ( Ity Pmiitiix , i.omis aim invi simeuts hu . - nth st , timuiia .M'O Opposite ! namiiei or i ommene AI.I.V.\NDIH : : A HHiciixi. . Hull 1.state unit Loan Xginis , | ui- < Dodge stiei t. omiiliu , .MO. iteitniuis i mail.i xut I lluilk , iiiuilsiit et s , nun s. Hem v Illll Pub i o , .Notvvh ui t , t vv iieanl , iniston AM 13s , Iiml p.stute and Li uns , | n * | at nam si . Omiiliii. .M Ii Hit uiiiaiiu Nut I Hank NVIIOLKSALM. Aui'li'tillui'.il Impli-int-nts. I'\HLINOHINDOHI : i A xiHIIN. . \X holt sale DIM ers in . \K , u uitmui Imp ! ts. I.ININliKHA MIIK XI.FlO " ( IIP1K HILL PAHKIIH , XV lioiisnle Xgi.tiilttnnl Impiemenis. Xagons und i mil iges < ! i m nil Xgeut i in Hand XX agon ( o , KOI K Isluiui i low i o , Hi i ilk A iiell ) ( o , Olds XX iigon vv oiks , Tllliu Amitiiltmal vXmks , 'oui's st , li , t um , m , | | m | , _ ( inialia , Sob. At I anil .Music. A. | ; , XX IKII.I s d i V.MI in t \ | , , tiniitha , Neb AlH'tlllllfl'l s. lioii.N Ai ni.i.s , -lls-'ll'-JU.siniin lltn stieet , umuha , Neb Itoiils anil .SliDi'N , lilHMIND.XLL. .IO.M3.S A. ( O , Hoots and Hi n s , .xgei tiiosti n and liar -t ite Ituiiiiiis lln.-lln 1 K. iiuinei st. ' \\ILLIAMS. YAN ALItNAM .X II.XHllT viuniitiii tun is .xgi nts , iloots mul Mines , U'i.i , | Jis imiiBl is sliei t. XX. Y MOH . | 3\ I O , XX llolesale-lloots. Mint s mul Kilbbel s. Itnoks anil Slatiiiiii'i'j. II XI \ .s. XX JON IN , l"i.J noughts M. Ill asanil linn ( iiinils. ( HANI ! IIHOXLXNI I A ( II HIM ; ( O , i Imago. ( Inialia blanch U'.i. . , Dougiussi ( 'iillllllis-.luii. . 'I HOM.I.L.V XX ILI.lAMs. .111 and .it i Sontn i lianeet. . n.x'i is ; , xxii.iox , \ sritiii : : in : , ( om- misslon , tX lu lesale liloii is , \ mn .igiliiS. D. A III KI.KV , Pggs. Iliittti. I oiiltij , i.umc. 111'lgiimid i omt tli i in.toiinir ot nut n iiiiits , ] l lovlsuilis at d nxst -tinewuttia spu- lull ) . .MI im lionet st t iinmiia , .M n dll.XIOHIlA HI III. , Xlauutai tun is ami iv hole-mo ( lotliltis , llu'i inline ) sin et ( ' ' . ' s. JOHN P ( (101.- ( , Coiitnntoi ami iimidti , manufaitnni of all Kinds 01 naiil Wood i IIHMI iixtmos lei Hanks , Ulllies , eti . ( m. lith A Jonessih. I'llHMN's. ( , AI ( H A LAP MAN. ( lilnn , lioiM'i ) , dlasswme , Mlvt ivvuie , I amps , in , I | | . | laiimm st Cigars anil Tohaci-ii. Max | ) A Co , col pith ami I mumusts. CtHlon , Iji-ailii-i- IliililiiiHiIts. . OMAHA Itl ( u.lims Imnum stn d. Drills. IILAK13 , IIHP ( i.V : ( o. , XX hoh sale Ding- glutsanit impoiti is , man i , m mngglsii , aliilMatioiu is Miiulin , ' [ , | , , , , i U.'ni , ' .ilii.X'il''i.tuxtuwoitlist ' , umuna. HICIIAHD-UN DHPI , ( O , ImiT , lim'i , lull Joins st , Omaha , - . . .xomuskii. St I onis , .xow X oik , Omaha , limmmtpolls. ( .OODXIAN DHPti ( o , Illll Painmust , \\liolosuu liiiggist , .lubiieih of l-alnts , oils und ( ilass , Dealeis in Mughal nun xiathematiiiil iiistiiimenis unil I'hjsl- thins supplies HiJimils anil Niitions. M. 13 SMI III A. ( O. Dry ( mods mid Notions. Mmiiuai tun iwof oxeialls. Jeans runts , Miiits , etc. 'Hum Kllpatrlik , Pros , Alien Koth , X . I'ns , Hobt ( owull , See. , . . . , , , < has .1. LoomlH.Trens. KII.PATHICK KOillDHX dOUDX u. ImiiiiituiH and Jobbtrs 111) lioodrt , Notions , ( ii nttt 1 ninisiihig deeds , (01 ( mi ilth mm Hume ) > tnots , umuha. IIIMlIHAPIiH A MKHHIAM , ( italn He- iclxeis mul Hitppeis , oieiatlngnt ] iillgraln stations on 1 mini I'aiim.umamiA iitpuh- Hi an X i.lleOmuhuMobrma A Illiuk iilll.s uiulst.JoeA XXesierii H Its , umuha Nth. I'iiriilliu i- . ( ii. Di.whi. i : i , SIONJ. DI3XXI3Y ASIUNi : , XX hi li'Mile di aleiM In I I lixui m , I amain stn et , Umalia , Neb ( IlasM anil Oils. CP.MMIMis A NI3II.SUV , Jnhllt Is lit I'oli-liod I Into and XX Indovx , ( atln drill and uiiiumenti.l ( , lai-s Paints , Oils , X am sin M , Him-hes , t tt. Ills Piiinam st , umuha , .M < | > . . - D. M.S'I P.III.i : \ Co. \\IIIM.lsvlK ( illllliu.s , Nos U' | . li'l mid \ H llm nej street , Omaha , NebniMka M(0D ( | ( , IIHXin \ C ) . ( tuner nth mul .lonen strtetst ' AI.LI\ : . XxrllDli'siiln. drm l Is , II ami UP ) ilirn ) streut , uniajm , .Ntb PXS ION. ( ! XLLAdHP.II A to. ' XX'holtj-ixlo ( iroterles ami Pioxls o-a , , Wl , iitinml ; ils InlUst . OlHAhu , Nep ( MliYlill \ H X XPKI3. ' lime1) ( iKMerlis , iVi s splces. robaeco und. ( Ignis , l ( kit i Ili'i ' llatnev st. lli'ai.l llat'iliiaii' . , I XV..I. IIIIOAICII. Heal ) Hmdwme. lion , Steel : , springs , XX agon slot k , eti , j | JAM P.A. . P.DN'P.Y , I XX holesule lleavx I llmdwme ' mul XXmon ; s'ock. I''l7aud I.'IH I.eaiinwoith sttet't , Omaha , Nebiaska. Mai ilxxai-i' . , iir.crnii , \ xx II.IIP.LXIX i o , i XX hoii'sale H Xlllitv xin , Ci ii i in , i ixvHis'.sriii K.P.te XX estem Xgelits Austin I'ovvdel , Jellt 1 oil Miel Nulls. 1 an nmiks Maiuiiinl scales , I I ) ix is x upoi MOM'S , ( It mi i uppi l l.d > .eToidsee. | tnthund Iiuinei stieets , iimunu , .xibm-kii , _ I ' LI3i : . PIIII3D.X ( O.Jobbelsof llunlwme mul Nails , lluvvuie , Mied lion. Agents tor i I Ion o Males A iituml i otiili I i o , umaliu. ' ' i anil Caps. I i XX. L PAKKom : A 10 , Hit' , taps unit .stnivx d oils. lion I'lpr. CHANi : IIIIOs M XNI I ACTPHINC CO. ( hleugo. Omaha lu mu h IJuil l-Msf ' , ' ' Leather anil I ( ) MAIIA s.XDDI IH I O.UMT Douglasst. , 1 wiioh'salo minima and demeis in -atlillei ) , Hlilinu'suiliili s , itiir.eColims.ete. I , Klll-i H I' A ( O ( tit an I 4 . 'iouiii Mill ftieet I liiiinlii-i' . III3KMN I ) XX V XTI' , XX holts tie ami Heta 1 Lumber , ' . .Mill unit mini smi ts , umalia , , xib , I ' CMKU ; > II LI3I3 , I II xiiiiwiiini i.i vim u , t i ami Douglas. I i ( ! l3i ) .X Hi ) Xlil.AN I ) , I Um.ilia I XX'nin.i su i IMI to | MI i.i'vnti n , Diy laiinlu i , good giudi s and tmr prlees III ) spe , lames. 'Illi : K S N PAX l OMI ! LPMI1I3II ( O , I vv mn i s ti i , i.i vim n , Oiuiilii , - - - - .Xtlnaskii I i OMAHA I.I MIII3K CO , Allklmlsot llu I ling vlateitiilut vx'holesule. I C N DIIIIV. . Ifin l it , ' Ilth and i mitoiniii ftn i ts. T. XV II.XhYIM LPMIII3II ( O , i.i vim u ut XX holt s ue on ! ) ( lllh e , 11 il i m Hum stn et , I linaha 1.01 Is HH XDPOHD , Dm 11 in l.umbd , l.iith lame , sSi , | | , Don s 11 ' X ants im . lutnaud DotlMiis imiana , , xt b | PIIP.D XX ( IIIY , laimbi i , I.Inn' , i i ment. it' , Cm net nth mul Hough s stn ets , iiinana , xeii. JOHN x xx XKHPIP.LD , XX'lllll l.s tl h 1,1 tun | l , | , | , , Impoitod and .xnu ill in i oiiiuud ( enient , Siule .xgem tin vil.vvaiiMO llxtliaillli t cmcnt mm tjuliu v vv lute iline. I Milllni-r.x anil Notions. i oninpii.Diit : : : A ( o , Jis , Ulii und 'i : --uili , , inn sti.-it Nntlniis anil I'lii'iiisliin ( Minds. | J. T. HOHIN.ON NOIIOX ( O , IIU und Im south ii tn si i eel , ( linmiii , Neb X IN YAHI ) A s ( IIM3IDI3I ! . XX holt sue .Xotli us ami dents' I I.Mll-lllllu munis' , Illll IllllllOV stn-ul , ( -malm 'Xlncliliifi'.l. HHOXX.NILI : , A i o. xiauntiii tuns or and Di uh i s In lIXIIIXIs , HllllMis IXII dlXlllll , X | I- > I i HIM ill , si 01 t-lnin \ \ oik , MI n in i limps , .saw Xlllls , Mime Hinting , Hi dgo vitol .split riilles , i oiling , ii Also wag ons , Mi.ipus m d Hale lies. Ul I Ul i i.tuvoiivvoitn nt , omuiia , Neb I m ion at Havt n , u. Oils. | CONSOI.IDA'IIID 'I.XNK LIN 13 ( O , xi mini m i m 11 sot unit thaieis in I All diiides or i.ninumiug oils , 1 Hi lined I'ctiolcum , dasoiiue , .Miptha , iioii/lue , I mpi litlne , Xllta .Xxlodli use.'i gi table A Animal i Ills. .X. II. llisiiiit.Muiiagi i , Oimiliiit n. < ) .X.sli-rs , I'ish anil Cainii'il ( iomls. A HIIOI ii p xi KIM ; i o , I l * l.t lilt I1WOIIII st Thn mill I'xiliisiieoisti i Utilise In Omaha. Xlalci'inl. ( HANI : nnos M XM i ACIPIIINC 10 , Sluim Pumps. Hdtmg l.'iNi-l.'iisDoiiglusst. I I'nnilis , , ini | I'iitinns. i CHI HI HILL PI Ml' CD. \\holisile rumps pip , , ami titili s. KllllllllilOlls , . / . I' LINIsx ) | ; A ( u , \Xholisale Hnbnei ( ioods , Illi Hmiit ) stici t OMAHA HCIIII3H ! ( O , luis Pai mini stieeT , Siti-ani anil II-ilranlir ! A. I , SI'IIANC ( O. Omiihu , - - Niilnaska. HlllllVU ) Supplies , sti mn Hi iitlng , . ii um Pumps Engines and llolleis. XX'utiioiks , ll.vdiaullc Illtnatois. .st fa in ritti'i's anil I'liimlici s' Sup plies. P.S.XX'IND i.NilNiA : ( : I'PMP ( OSteam amiatoi smiu , | , s , XX lud xillis , pumps. Pipe , T.iiiks , iieitllig , Hose mul Iliassdooiis ol nil kinds , tils A , _ , | m nam nimalia. \ . Si'i-lls. .1 KYXNs , XX holesale and Hi tail Di ult i In Agllciiltuial , X i geiub o , I lowi i anil ( iiuss Sot us. Odd Pellows Hall , Umalia , .Nb. Sj nips anil .Aloliihsi's. PmiellA XX tilth , K ( Illictx and XVholt-saln Di nh rs ; MupluMifriir , Holiex , lliu DongliiH. Salt l''isli. J. IIAHULD , XXhnlesuleSalt Pish. N.v , 101 nil lltn mul Lt ax oiixxoith HIIOI ts. hlnni- DHI3M3L A POLL , Cut Stoiin ( ' imtlii'toiH llstimales Bit i u on all kinds oi stone woik. iilllc eau .HI ! ) mul X mil , i m Mli and Jones MH III3N.I .MCLgi'IST , Stonol nt tn and i out i ad oi , 101 in r Till und Padllt stiiits.umahaNeh. _ _ | Teas , Spiers , Ku- . ( i.XTi.s : , ( ULi ; \ MILIIs. JohherHof Ions , spiles mid I KOI'P , DHKIIII .s \ ( o. . ! Pmnum stint. Onmha , Neb. iirt'ti ; L XV. XXULPII.X. ( O. I3li-i ttiial Supplies. Mullcal lluttoiles , s-p , aklng Tubes. ILICTHIC : : IIIII.LS , M , , , , , , , r.ut-mw Co , , U'I.I llarilf ) st Hells , Illllglm AluiluH , Stoiklug 'I nb s , iii-iui : | das llghllig. lUtlirlf. Plio Alarms fur llmmlng * , UllllHIIIIll 'IllXVIIS Otcrallh , I'ants , lite. CANI'llll.D MANHP.XCTPHIS'd CO. , Oiurulls , JIIUIH mul Pants , shlits , i te. , U'i-1 and I-Ms Douglas HI I'aii'ini'in. JOHN ditxvi1 drant H Slag a.nd .voiie l'ax < ; nu t /imulia / ollli.e , roijtn U'd , Itumgt ) noi ) : . Ititlibi'i- . OM xii x ill mniisT\.Mi'co : seiils. Mumps > ti ip i s III ! anil IUi > fiirumu strut Ti links , c. II PotlllV. Mmi'ifu 11 nn of I'riiii's , sample l uses mil ( raiding lings , ln l D.uiJ'nsstHiet I | Omaha Sib ' IlKTAIL lllllliii'il Tallies , itf. ; . i in : IIIIPNSXX K K IIXLKI : ( OLLIN : Diil(0 ' : ( Illlltmd ami Pool a lies. Hill mil \leri ; haiiili-e of ev.'i v desi tiptton. Mil. ion I Ixtllii's and Hi'i'i Cooleis , l en-pin Xlievs , Olliie , Hunk mul Ding -toie iKtnns , eti. Itai lii'i'M , I.OI'ls I PXIsf AND ( C IlilClillOt .sl3. Notlheast coiner IMhaiid Doiiglussts Cliillilng. CAIIN ( s ( loniliil : XND PI t II I i am. im s re-t IIOIIINsilN \ ( i XllxitiN Pine | Clothing , Ha s all I I m n s iiugdontt'i , Mil i amain Mrt et imiiih i NIMHI.XSK x i i.oi'iiiNii ( o. s. I ! , i ni net lontteenti mid liollgiaists , M ITCH. Xlmiimolh i lothlug House , I < d Piiinum si M IIP.LLMN \ ( o. I lothleis , vle.-di ml lalo.samK oils' Pnrnlshets KPIIN A ( O. Pn-idlptlon Phut mar sts Pta mul Douglas , also i thaudCumlugsts , DH J T KINsLIl ! ( , I Hi Piiinuiii st l , xi > Works. C T. P XI l.siK. PIIIII- Ollko IlKiil Pmnum stieet. Omaha. Neb. I'liinat'i's anil Honllnir. HIINHX P. ( IV Hoollng ami i m unit's. Ill > .nii l , nth st. l-'liriltl Ill'l' . noxx i : A MHH : IMn DongnisI o t CIIAHI.I s s\ | | | ii : | | ( K I'llinltliie , Heiuling. i ptiolstci v Xu | nils , ete I'.Mi i , l.'H , | : i , i aiua n stn et I mialia , Mi NCIIHSK \ l I HI ( i Miipl ei < ot I u XI v\n l UM , -11 South I'li.i e 'iilb sin 11 timuiia. eb IIOXX Kl.l. .X I o. Coal und Coke ilonldei ( 'mill -I , s < im | , Mill stieet ( iriU'l'l I I'M. XX XI , Pl.nxilNll A ( o. Loading III stilusl tlinlo , ix lulling Itipioi's vgenis Ulvenlalif I omp. l east ( oi Inn mm Douglas. ' III3NIM PI MM' , Hclall I.IIHI i ami xx Ii o Hen hut t. i.iri'i.i : A xx ILLI XMS Maple unit i mi ) 1,101 , nes , Iliii liouguis stiet t Hals , anil I'lii'iiMiln . II II IIPDsoN. Hu t r and I uiulshe Agt X nun mi s lints , in. | nil Helm Hlnc ! HINHX : i , IIOIM ; , limit i and iients i uiiiish r , , Illll I mn nn st i ut oinaha , .xeoiuska. | ll.ii iltxai c. Jus. Xloit 111 A Son , I ine llulldiis Hun ! vvaionlid i ai'iienieis tools I. I DI Ki : . llmdwme , i iiib-ii , nn , s i ti , I Ml Illill ll Stl ( l t Hai'k Stjililes. OMAHA CAM ( O , Stepheiison A XVI Hams , i-nips , Mil nainov , i m imh * t , ll'lll-lt-l's , . xinx Mejei A llm .mi imhmul I'mmnnst | c s KAX XIOND , .II.VV I I.I II , Coinei Douglas and i thstn-its , i malm , > lei elmiil Tallin- . . C. SCIIXIT/lliHdl3H | ; , Impinler I ivill and l.ngllsiivoolt us , im s iiinm d ANSON A 10 , Mi m il xxi I in mis. Illll I m nam , lit t iv ton lltn and i-lhstiei i III ) II XX ILLIX | . - , I'nlloi and vieii s i 1,1 , , islit i , . IHN I miimii st .opposiit , aitn - ilotc-ll .Munlels anil ( 'rotes. IA XX SON A I O I lie lia ! > s i.oot.s ami i I plat ii Xppi es , inoiiiii , , t , MII/ION III H.I nv SONS , X'antels , < , imlH , nun mass tmoiis ' III i in i i u u s I l.'l u d i i i a nam st Meal Market. MIX XI Xltlll.l ii II i niiviiii I can i m Push mi i r-an X n ts III I IIOIIKUIK Slllt t I'lantis anil divans. XluxXooi | A'III o.i oi Hit h mul I iiinaiiii LYON A HIIALX , 11C , Pmnmu sln | Olliulm. ( Steinvvii ) , iisiliel , MuulT I'luiios. ( Iliuudi tu I Imago , nls. ) PAY A IIX UN 13 , I'luln and Oinunii u ai i lasteiois , I ! . „ i/oiigo h teet , on a in , , M > O Slnies. .Ml I/I ON HOdKhS A SONS Stoics , t m nil os , Kaiiges , , . , llouso i nil- , , , , , , s. I til and Uii i muuinht. ALinitr : \ XST , ( ookliig mid HImnig Mines HIM I ainun stio t oiiiuna , jxebl MlI'l'N. P. nox 1:11 : AID , i Agents toi Hall H Mitt and i.o ( k Co. ' and Ilingim i toot . > ates , n , , , , I.OIKS , laultsanilJuii vioik. lir.1i I m nam stnd ' , oimilm , .x'i Tj ( icurlti'iN. Heinlugtou stuniluid riewrlteis ) IVXHilhilll.Solo Dealei M.ituhi 101 , | { | | llnilei'lakei'N. II. K 1IPHKI3T. fiiueiitl dire , ti ran bulniei , Mi , N. p.tiiHt . npuiniKnin , , , , i/i- , ' " ' ' ' " ' " ' "akeiHiim - i. Illi I nrnnin st oldest Uitul . lu the , It ) , oillio of cm oner light mm da ) spi ( mi attention gv. | . bodies i onslgm d lo Hit n c m e | , | . \ , Wall Papei-aml Li , III3AHD A Oi'ls , uiixii DMHUXIOMN 1117 ami I l'i | Do'il/l'us ' / Viut.1 ! I a'ntois ' ami ' a' ' t'oiat Dt UM , XX | | VUIM \ \ imiovx sfiiules I'KOKKSSIONAJ , . A ItOI'lll'j N , W - \ hACNDIIH.S.IIirj . Pnimiiiut , SIMIIHAL A. 111. IIK K 1111 larimmstiiet. Omaha. Nobi Ylttor Llnle ) , Hooni l , larkorlilk- ! . , ( ) . JOHN A MIIIITIIiNU : llini5li : , llooill II , , Iluuinu Hull , , inJ ' " " ' " 'V/A'-r1 ' / " ' " < 'IITlltl ( ) HIM liirnam HIM it. anil Sin ,