( i THE OMAHA DAILY' 1U3E : SUNDAY. .lANTAKY 1. 1BS8. in : ir.Air.s niiHtm I.MI\TS. : : Oxi-r'I xxe-lxc Million Miillm * . Hie following Is a eiirefilllv eomplleil e\ bit of the' Improxemelits miiiln III Omahn ring the xe'iir I f-7 'I hentatlstlesrehitlxn pnblli Improx emeiits are mile lal , and n s relating to prlxnte torporatl ins and illxliliint Iim stmi nts In fai lories , store- n * s risjiieiius tenemi nt , etc , haxo nn In iienrlx evry Instmiiiprouired by i IH K fremi the- parties ceim e-riled : I'll III lo Improvement' ) , I ho city of Omnha hns n world xvldo rcp- atlon for Its mngnlikent Htrei-ts mid nn- rtuiHsiil soviorngi ) ( tstem , 'Ilin leading illness and rnilili nco thoroughfares ex uding In elery ellrectlou urn pm ed xi Ith ther granite , t'olorndo Hatidstono. ceiVir oi knur MheU asphnltum 'Ihls xvmic Is Ing rapidly piMuil forward every jear nl during ISM hex-era ! miles xxlll be added tlm alre-aily great extent of pavement. 'Iim total number eif nillos of pnvcil ri'i'tsnp to the present tlmo Intwe-uiy-two id n half miles , of which nix mid a half lies \xerei iiddi'd d Iring Iss7. 'jio , total nnbf r of miles of H'wiring Is now-fotty- ght and time quarter miles mid the syn- mis miu ( if thu Ilin t In tin * country. A act amount of mono ) has bun repent lu ailing during thn past in jears and up tlm pn e it l in * son nty-txxo miles of nets hlM ) been lompleli'd Win k III irblng h n also progressed and the ei g n- THbo k iHhuix'u total of tint ) four mid n nirlir nillos. 'Die fdloxxlng table sh > xvs ie am unit e-xpi' d d eiuilngtho ) ear In ! > important , public improx emelits. lilna mul uuUcrliii ; ! Tfl.TM * ' < -nx IIIK , .lii..iul. " i ixlnuilmin lijf Oiuiilni Iliir-n llillnny ( oiiiiiiny | , , . 40010(1) ( ) li'tid ' . 7 ! ? ; < I..I'J 'I he total amount cxpendi d dm Ing I"- ' ! . I thesn s line impioxenn nts was } iJ.77'l , hns showlngi n ini'ii'iiso In IHs7 of { . 'if'- 17 .PI. Ill addlt l n to Ihe above illv llnplove- cuts oldind bv the bonnl ot jinhlli otKs the en ml ) i ominlsslmiels haxo lie- 'ptide Hlliates em the lolloivlng xxmk In IIM It ) , xihii b xxns all nimpletid dining Him - M nin \ i InltiliiL' wan ill i a I lniii e t.11'r.1 in nrliliiit lid II nllfllin ; 1 tin ill niter II HI " ri 11II If" lunrt IIHIIM' JIM III Oillniz uml urnilliur ( .mil limi-e ill t } ilev\iiiks . ' j.i ; M Illtlll l'l J. ' , IS 'I Ills , taken xvlth Iln Inipiovenn nts made the i Itx glins a tolal of tl.OII.I is. sllll XI XI Ks. est ol Ul miles of sidewalk fmtx mlli H laid b ) the i llx and eight ) miles bx pillule p II His. the t itnl xnllin being T INI.nno n xx bit b should be nddid the xnbleof neivsto-ie sidewalks 71,1 nil I iital -ilium l IIV II II I , he i Itv hall , now In i 01,1 eolion- stun It m. xxlll ( est xxlu n loin- plileil. i.'s , < Hii | 'I hen-has In i n ex pi mh do it his building } .H. i he grand tolal of all the above Impioxi inentH H I . . . " , | Cm pen-nil * I n m i ox i'mi-ins. don Pa llli Inldgo i iml.ltll iniha Cable 'limnxxa ) t links , i i\ver h nue an 1 nipllpiu 'lit IJU.VH mihli xxatiixxmks i mnpanx 1m- inoifmi nts . .ro.dio ih HM > \ltnni npolls. St Paul .x , inm'ia iiillniad Improxeini-iils. onslstlng of loinnl nmise , nddl- lon to fn Ight ili-pot , guiding. inilin ( Ensimnpanx , xmlonsnevx liulldlngs , extensions mul ie- mlis UI.KI m iniha Motm stri'it lallvviiv l."i.o > o miiia llmse Kailxxax lompanx , iih'ltlmial ' stables , tinikcxtcn- dons , iti , trniui , tiiini width .iilitiiul il'MHli ' tm paxlngb-- xxi en tun ks whl h Hi m Is ; lx en elsexx henh ax Ing 110,000 iniha llelt Urnlallxvax , Inipioxo- neiits , liu billing addltlmial link , ntenslnll imind house , ddltlon to In Ight depot , eti SI ilOO Iniiska 'leli phone i iimpinv 1m- .iioxomentH , .lo.oo liison Motm bin 20nnO ' otnl t..Id 1,171 anil lliislne * > st i mupleli' list of liu Idlngs of this elnss , ting oxei f. MH xv ill hi Imind below I A I'axton bikk blotk. tilth Ind I'm nun i , ! . ' ) , ( ) st National bank , s H imnei j'.th and rmnmn -u haul i National bank , I'm nn d Ann s , In tik. Jones and I'th ' I. Caldvx.dl bil < k. Ulh and main . Sliei'l ) bikk llowmd mid D Miliei. In lik , Ilih mid ixx'ard OH I , llveis , In h k , l.'lli mid , \Voulwuiih. In It k. Uth and tnr I i' ' ' " kei Ilios , luhk , rmnam and u , ulOUl lie. M 111)11 ) ! 11 \ stoddmd Co. . lek MO ) ' smith In lek , U'th mid Hm ? Hi i. brie k.ldth and .laeksmi. f.l'.doii I' l.lntun. bile' ; , I Hli and ison . T'.ooo ' to of i/ia : M I m 1. bile' . , Hill Hill III' * , I'l.OOO ' Mniiu lnlik. lit i and I.eax- xx i r h I'M ' > 1 , Moses , bikk , llth hi t \xll- in mid Pli'len f , HIOVVII , lnlik , IMIS Capitol . i e- 1.1,0 e * Low e. bile k , Ulth and liar- x .11.00' ' euse'i Iliiseh Illi xxei ) Co , lik 'Hli stieet . ! V1ioi , ( , ; ( h oil bihk , IHh and Call- ruin liie lln s Inlik. I.eaxiuxxoit l d 2lib lillman llth and I'auimn , lek addition 2iU < l lls.xltshei btlik , 1Mb mul I hibriil , llowmd and Kith 2i'snil ; l-ls , X risliu lnlcK. lsh | mid hohiH 22,111 Us r Mandi it-oil , bill k. I np- linxe mid llth 2Kl 'n I' .M mule rseill , bilek , MMS I'th -M11'1 In'illke , lu lik , 2711 < inning 2lnitl ( .Naglnmir I. Ii.ngn.Ml.U- nigt.bilik , llth mullac kson 21,0 ( 1 I loxd \ t o , iiioiisliniHoii nulldlng and Iminoxi meiits 211,1 "HI ismindeis , bikk. Ull Hm- Test nor. lulik , I i7'i ' serlni Hii'gmilillik | , llthnud HI , . 1K2IHI 1 B llmaii , I Ith mul Dndi.'o Is.dnii 1 Miuuau , liame , Uith near i ( x \ lluison. In iik , ( inning t 17th . , " ' . " i PoxxolU.enveiiworthbt 111th ' . llth < 11,1011 I Kolbe , IM.'S , l.lth H.fol i ami.I Kllkennv , brick , Ull I .MauiH lnlik. 2iitli unit Cum- 1 l"ltih brie k-Nth mil Weiol- ih ll.ixfl I linings , bihk III N llth ' ith \ MIU , I l s I.eaxenxxmth l \ llenson , bilek , ' | | . | | s lug II.UV 1 , C Downs , bikk , IU'-1I N. 1 ligemul.l .Nngle , lu lik ndd is S. I tth 11. w 1 Hiuisen , bikk , loth mid ' nil ) A. < o , name , 2.1th mid upon , . , , , . ' inn . . ( iibson , frame , 121.1 I south Pith JJ.-JJ \akelleld.timne.mih stieit 11,20 r Ilios , addition , .Uls-Ul-U' S f ' a Milling and I'.lnxator Co. k N. Pith opposite sliei man 10..M1 Ispllng , Mill bet Ohio ami A * \NH \ 'Callahmi , bikk , llth mid ' ' N' ' ( nun I'aliouei. In lik add. I > Ui K " ' ' "ilalne-s \ Cei.brk'k. 21th , . . > n i II.NH bristle . . ( o , 20th and . .alllo ItaHroad 0 i.i I Hli' Chh ago mid Cuss H.ldi i | . ( i.Jiuobs , brick , 1117 Par- ' mm , frame17th and Cap- ' r llnw. brkk.li.1' X. tilth ' , ' "d H. nspllng , In li'k , lMJsl4sHl tii ' " " ; nln , frame , 21th m.d l.o- i.iO 'l ( mmlilotll. bikk. lsi-l2 | ) , y . I,2H sitiiim l.numli ) , brick ildd , JS Hedge 7.U1 > min , bilek. IISI Dmiglns . . 7.00 x mis. brkk. 2n7 S. llth 7l i .Keiii-ll ) . brkk , lull and sou ' _ Audiexxt < , fiame , 21th and ! Zi 7,011 Mlltlon to the iiboxn tbero 111 buildings costing less , mi eaih , of till" clas-s , ed during the ) iar , thn _ Jcost of whkh was . , < ll.v- * ? | N < eit list : C-ONSTUIH-IION. . Nirk l.ifn IiHiiuuice building , n s or ) , tire proof struitim' . . ; J when , comphti-d , W U " . nexpende-el . liMN 1 .Mcii'it hrlstian assoe latlon Illlg. Cost xx hen complete ( l , ' 'Ihe lit hbullillng.i'orni'rof 17th mid Tnrinim ntrepts , sK st iry. tire pretof striu lure. Cost > * , lit-n < in * lileteil , f.ri" l l .Niiu expended Danish ns oilatlon hall. Cost , when lompleted , fll.llll .Sim expended HU < H Total JI.Ull.liM | I'aclot'lrsi , Appended Is a ll t of I artotls new fai lory buildings , additions mid linproxetnetits sliRe.lmiinirv I , Is7 : Sim King works , Improvements mid additions 7'i.lim I'nd Kriig , improxcme nis In bievxerv .V I.I Ml . ' . M He-mis , bag file tor ) , brkk . . iVI.miil \ \ illovv Springs dl tlll' iv.lmpruve meiits and additions " /itMl I'axton.x. Vlerllm. ' . bikk. I7tli mid I" I' ( rossing r1i l Mi 17 llrothers , blower ) . Improxe- | mi'iits mid additions . 2V" ' Stoi/V Her. Improxninmts and addlttmis . ' 'il.iimi timihii linrli Win * Co. brkk , N. llth north of Mi hulas . ll.nun I'oinx \ Segelke- . I2M"I l Trid Miller llelt ralluii ) , N. .Ulth 1.21111 I Mann Kri'bs. x-lue gai factoi ) , .Mel- lose Hill . MMI II Stoxe'iiH.x.soii , flume-Jllh mid Daxenpmt John I'ovxets , lialiie , James be- twi'in ntli midi.th . il.in1) ) J Slrlckler. I lis llowmd 2.KHI \lnegar wotks , frame , llth ! mid ( nsii llnr , 2.11m ( J I'o n'lis mid C I ! l'i u ) , luiskit fin tm ) 2 inn s > . Collie. HUH liming I.I II I , i : Ha- , bill k < iUN titli l.-'in 1'red Silnif. fnunendil. I.MsS llth I.ICO Uoiiilnnin linseed oil works , ' 17th mid Mihohis ! | ) Omaha Plauliu Mill , frame. 2nth un 1 Pi pl ton M Jann-s Itnhmds \ Co , irmiie. s' 1Mb and Mason .ID I' H Mnynard. liame. IIU Ohio 7i"l \ H lltltkle ) flame , Salllldeis and i liming . 7nn o Pan's u addition. ( Irani bet. 'Ith mid -r.th .INI I ! Miller , trame. ( iralid nxe mid 1'ienih 'l l A. .latlsen.Inline blai ksmltll shop , saiindi IN and Lake . Ml s < Johnson \ ( o neai I'lth ' and I halles rjll John ( milgan. tiatne. Smiudois lie-in I nl Ivv ell "ii.il . Vlitm Wolll. poll tm Imx I-II I'ldflllx oil Co .name. U'l Hi mid I' . P. K II 2-0 llamlllou Ilios. impeliter sUop , | sth mid IImno W II. Viindtonl. frmne. S Slid mi 1 Jones 'I olal J .lT,7s > Sclioeil I 'Illi * flllloXxlllg Is II | | of 111111110 slhool bnlidlngsi H i 'i d and In i nurse ot c mist me- t'on dining 111" xeu under the dbfi Him of ihe boa id of i d n itlon \\ilisteiniiil2sHihlik - ! IV-"I Cmbx and 'Und , bill k "ii.HUl llaiiilllon and -"nd. Dame l.hMI Amblei axe . triune ISIN1 Cmbx bit . " 'inland Ud. flame I.V'U rimikllubit . .Itli and rth. liame 1,70 \ st he ! Hill st and I'.ast ax inline . . l.vk- I'laiikllnav and l.'ithsl .flame 1 , 2 s. IU i bet.ulliv and Muua.x , lianif l.sM nth , smith ol llnmnitt , tninii- lhS2 1'thmil Daxnnpmt. fiiuiie- l.-'b- Spun e and IHth , liame l.ssj : ( e nte'i st . flame I.S--J la axenxvmth and 17th. Irmneadd 7(0 ( orm u s < noiii. in ii.nivis. Aeailemx Sat nil lle.irt , In lik si hooi h mse , he'iid of St. Mmy's axe , K,20ll lie if and dumb iislnm. wmk- shop , lloul'xmd nx "iiiiii ) ( lelghtou nnlxeislty.tr.imesi litiul i house , 27th and Dee atur 2.210 > Cliuic'li anil I'm SIIIHIKIItnililinus , I'lilloxvlng an * the i him lies and pal son- aties built and In iniiisnot en i tlon dining II-S7 Hut Cmigi egntl uml ihnnh f wi.noi l lelKhtmiunlxi | slt\ chine h ( est xvheii loniphted - , : , ( .Now expunled .101X10 s-aind lleait cniix ent , bill k add tosihool Keiimdx \ Unit -111111 'I hlidCoiiL'ieL'atlunali linn h , In It k i Inn ih Speniii lit nl'ith Swedish mission soilit ) iliuiih , Dn-xi tipmt and 'rid U'.liiKI 'lllllltx I athedlid. nttoiv IMh and ( npltol axe IJ.hOO \ \ eslmlnslei I'll sbv tei Ian sod- etx , fi line i Inn oil , ' " th and Ma son II.TJI lleth I'di n 11 iptlst soiletv , flame iliuiih and lu tine loom , 2'ith axe and l.eav enwoi th st 900 | Sew mil stn-et M H e him h , liame- mid to i him h. I'M mid Sow aid 7l l Danish laitlieian soiletx , frame ihnich. 2"il s , of I.inxouwmth . ' , , ' ( } i Itum in Catliolle i liuirli. bast ment toiliui h. llth and Castell ir I..INI TlUHtees St Joseph's ihlllili. name ihuiili and se heel , S 17th and Cent 10 l.'no I'xange'lkal iissodntloii , Iran e e bun h , Mmcv mid "iith . ' 1.741 Pmk Avenue I nlted 1'n sbxterlmi ihnieh. fiame p.usouage , 2ith axe and Jin kson si 'l.MKI 'lilnltx M I' ihuiili , fiamei huiih and Su idax si hool. Illnnex and 2sf | , iost xvhen imnpktfd ill- mio , now expiudid : i.IIO ( llohnmlau ihuiili , fiamepaisou - nge 2siKI s > t. .luli'i'sihuii h , gulldiooin'llth mid I'ninkllii 2.MHI 1 Pmk PlanCongifKiitlonal soi 1- etx. fimiiiihuiili , Caltlmnla and .mill 2.HKI , Ilirisfom Paik M I' soilely. 1 fimnn pnisonagn. 'Mil st. mid Woolxxoith axe 2,1011 Illllsldf f ongr.'gatlonal ehiilih. fn.jne pm-mnige. Ohio and N. : i Hi 2.1 ( 1 M r ( linn h , fimiie lesldeiicn 2,11 St Minks r. | , ihuieh , tiame. 21st and Hindi tie I.R.SII ( ii i man M. II iluinll. fimiie put- sonnge. llth bet xv en .Mmtha mid t'astelhil 1,100 M. H Ilinnh , fiame elmiih , IHth aud I astellai 1,111) ) ( mign iratlmial iliunh. fiame ilnnih I'axton mid Mi ( mulli'ss 'i ' 0 Illshopmtlilngtmi. . liame inls- slonmx cliuich , Ciissmid t't\ \ s--2 del man I utheiaiii hnieb.Utllh. be tween Hamilton mid Chmles * iiii ) \\e'st Hamilton Pieshx teilan so- i letx , li i tuii' loom , On h. ud aud I oxxe nx e . * 0) ) ( ii'iinmi Catholli i bun h. lemodil to i bun h , Douglas , betwi en H.tl : l and 17th I'M ] Total * , itls77 ( Ili'slilciie'eIHui'Ks anil Dxx I'llln-js. 'Ihe folloxxlng list of ti'sliloneo blocks and dwellings Includes thetsi * eo-tlug oxe-i . "i.HllllMllh- II T Clmke , luhk. 2:111 : lo ' 'tl' Cnss . M.lIlK ) M. I' Mmtln. liame , > l"th be tween Ilium * ) nt. mid St. Xlmy's axe * : Vllri , l S llelehe-nbeig , lulck , IMh and Callfmula . 2sl Hl U C .Mome. bikk..Nth and Pa- ( I tie . SV-tui M I'Jguttei. tiamn , HUh and Pa- ( III. . 2.12IO II W Withnell. bilek. Hmneyst 2V 1 C I' Hnrrl-ou , Cente-i si 2V > no II MeCemm-ll , fr.ime. 1Mb and ( Since . 2la < 0 Samuel Kat hrle' ; . 2107-11 Doug las 22.100 .losejih llatker. bile km thing- ton and eighth . 22.10(1 ( i : . II IMson , Inh k , Dnxenpmtmul 1Mb 21,0110 ' I , V Mmso , fiame.SI. Mai'snxe ni-ui 2tth 21.0UO > 1'iod Nxe.bikk , William and 10th 2I,0I ( 0 \ llmnsex. brlik , Cuss and ' 2W. 2iorn 1 Tied Hmilsnii tiamn dwelling. Mmlndamid luth 21.0(41 ( I I.ldxex Smith , frame * . Woolvxoith axe mid2iltli st 21,000 * .lames J. Me hoi. frameWool - worllimnii.lthst : . Sl.ftHl ' T. lingers , fiame , llanie ) st I .UKI John T. I luck , two frame , Miami ' mid ' 'sth 1'1KOO C ll.Ciulou. brick. I'ms-lO-U ' Cnpl- ' Inline H > .sOO , C Oieutt , fimne.2ilth near How- , nrd . . 1 , NK1 1 M. I' . Martin , frame , llth and Chi- " I-IIL'O . . M.Mfl , M. 1" . Mnitlii , frmne , 17th and W.'bster IH.WH H X Withnell , brick , Howard II uml .17th . . . KL-sK ) lleiietla ( ienlus. Hurt mid Sth . l.\7Ci " D II Itowmiiu , frame * , 27th and I Sexxiird . . K.100 C. I'leiodman ( , lnlik , Dmcas II mid loth . . . 11,1110 James Cietghton , fiame. I llt-Hi-ls 11 Daxennort ll.ooil P. T. Duke , frame. Dodge and 27th " nx e 11 OHO Max Me\x er , frame'JIM Dmiulas ll.Pml " Win Wallace * , brick , llmiiey and " 21th , . " 1' H Iliown , frame , 2iith near 1 llowmd. . li.riKl 11 Ang llenson , brkk , Nieholas and I lutli " W \ I'axtou , frame- , Douglas mid 2.Mli . HlKl Oeiinlo K. Stew'iis , fnune * . De laturantl.'iilh I2.mil , II. A Dmul. frameI07 : V Sltli , JS.fiuii ' I ! Ii Ille-rliower , brlck.raninmst , ' I. i hnd It'll live . M P. A Hamule. brick. fsXip.Sftth . , IV'.fiOH . ( ' J D.l'eabody , frame * , llni'lCa.- . l Italavo . , , . ' .l-MVil " P A. Dean , finmi * . .lonesmuiith..MLVOii ; ( ie-o fleivsou , brlilc , Doughm and ' " " ' fftth . Louis Si brooder , frame , Ilk ken x mid Kith I M" " DT Mount , brkk. 2011 Douglas | | ,2)l ) C A. DHIII , frame-.lone-sand37th. II- " ! 'Ihos , | . I ( Hirer * , frmiielloxxarl anir'7tli . H."nO M. I' Martin , flame21st and lixoliuo 11.2011 I , . C ( Irlswold , fiame.oolworth axe. mid22d st 11.200 W. A Wile ox. traine.Hoix mil near 21th ll.2 l Ollxe Ilimnh. ( ottnge sliolliiull axe H. " " .lohn I' I liu k , frame , ( orbv and 17th 1 .k-i' ' T..I Andrews , frameWi ! : S'.27th lo.suei I' W li s.entrln brkk. Cnss and pub lo.'m .1. II VmiClostei , framela'axeii - weiith near 2st | ln.'i l .lohn Hreissimin , frame17th neai Charles . lo.i i , liu \\lllhitns , frame , -Mb near .lai kson . lo.ioo HhriiorA Wlliox. frame , at i be tween Paul and Sin riiimi 10.2-0 M.I' Mnrtln. brii k.U'ii s. mh lo.om .lames .Mi'Ki'iina , liame. ( ass and 20 loom V A 'lha.xor. frmne , Pmk mid Held . 'I Mil ) I ) M I'll * , tiame. I.IH list and | 7tll H.sOO Alh e O'Donnhue , frame , Caplte > l nxe mar2.1th t . n.sm It W. ( llbsou friim * . Vxlrt mm- 2st | ' ' 0 Win M. null , flame. K.th lit ill- Lake l.atex .x. Hi n.on. fiame. ( irntit anil . ' 1st " .mil IS. I. Pom's , fimue.oolworth and 27th . 'i.'Ol I'n d llarils. Mb nom ( buries H.Km Ce-mge \ \ Kmflame - . 17th near ( hm les 'l.'iOil M A. rpton. fiame , | , i axi nxvmlh mil 2ls | li.inn . ! . ( ! Sinllh brie k. 1211 sjlth H.-tKI It II ( Snllil , trame , (21 ( s. nth ' 1.2-0 C \\.aiiiH ; . i : 'Ihmnp-on fimue , Houglas and 21th ( hm les Olson , li.ik. XAlit mm 22nn Lite' ) A Unison , tiame , ( Slant m-ar-'lst D shoifs.limno 2"ith m ar Pop- pleton . .iV .1. \XHiox.lloiilexmd axe * ViW ' .I \\esi.-J2daild s.evxaid Mm ! Dan Doiiiilioe , fimne. hth mul Paul . Moo i > C Miephenl. tr line. I'latit Is anil I Diet s.llill I U .1 Pall , fimne. Patiti k axe I and fib MUD I II M Mi holsoii , flame- . Maple mid2'd . s.ino I' H SelXsun , f i nme. 22d nem lloxxnid MOO P .1 oiiealx , fiame. ( lelgliton and 27th Mid I ! O Iliiikns 17111-7 17th . 7'H ' ) K V I e ixi nxxoith , flame , Cald- xiellini'12iilh 7'IK ) l.ntex llenson , fimii'-.Vnles mul 2-1 h 7.SIO I. . P Puixn Inline. Cmbx and 17th ' 7.MI1 1. P Piiun fiame.Coilix and Pith 7.MII H I , Dnndx , fiame. Popph ton mid .fuel 7. MIO , lo Cmln. tinmillmintv mid 20th 7.700 C \ \ \ ( ! I' 'Iliompson , fimne , 21th mid Donglns 7lno Nels Xlndsou , fimne. Hint and ikth . . 7.rnn Max Mexi l. flame.hi Ixvi on Julius midChilstlan 7.100 llenson A Maxiif , tiame , Dodge mil Dextu 7.100 K D. Van Conn , liame. \ \ lit mid 21-t . . "mi .1 P Ilix fimiif. Illinifx anil2st | TA'OI do and I'loik , tin no. Cmbx and ir.th . 7-00 John. ) I hit k. fiame. ( inint and 2sh | 7.IIMI C.iistax xndiison , bill k. Doui'las unit 20th ; . 7.000 ( linn lloeilei. fiame. 17th In t ( Inrk mid Sheiman ; . ( ( ! ! P. VX nssi inimi , fiamo. I eax i n- win th and li.tJi 7,000 li. Iliadfonl , liame.Douglns , m m 2Is ! . 7.IHIO M Hendllx. linme , Howml mai 21th 7,000 M M Hnmlln , finine. Mill nem Pith . 7N'0 ( ' D I , shnii > hi | ik IM'i Cnss 7KKl ( Hi m x I Ixi'sex , 11 mne. Capital axe mil 2Mh axe 7.IHK1 .1 .1X llnllniiViamc.MIllnmsniiil llth 7,001 llemx Mi'xei , Inline.How aid Heal 2-M 7,000 ,1 ( Piliison , tiuiiie1 , 2 > th nem I e.ixi'iivvmth 7.000 .1 II PI mwalt fimne''Jlsclilcniro 7,100 M I' Mattln frime-.Polire unit'Ith 7.IHIO D ICennlston. fiami , Illnuex ' mul Pith fi.MO A \ lexotranif. . Dint mul .lid (1 ( Hi ) W .1 Paul , fimiif. Miami mid Corln fi.700 ' C V ( iallaghei. fimne,2-.MI ) Webster - ! ster nrnn Hnnn Voss , fnime.Wlit and IMh ( line Cobb , x lloixiuil fiame.s , --(11 ( li.100 Patilek I'md , tianiiDaxenpoit and HUh ( ! .Sin H C. .lenkliisou , fiame. ( iillils I'lono n 100 A M Collett. fi.ime , l.ocus mul 21st ( ! , -'ilI ( C. liiginm. frmne' . ( iioll and 21th fi200 Cmileshlnn. fimm , Decntnr and 27 ! h fi.2iH1 I , II Koitv , fiamePopph tonavo and 21th ax n 1,200 laitex A lluison , fiiimo , Spemer and 2-M h 210 It. Mi Conuell , fiame , ( Since * mid IMh IV.TO I ) III vnut fiaine.lllunev and | l th O.JH1 .lohn T I luck , frame. Illuiiev ' mul -1st , . ' , ' ) W IIVootl. . fiame , 2Mb mid Illmido il.lM ) I' Manme ) , liame , Hamilton and 2"lh fi.lMI M Mmleiison flame , s , IMh . I. OHO K iinlililns. finme."id nnil rsiiui * fi'iin .1 ( Hlisoii , tiameXlit bftxvccn 21st and 2'd ,1'r.M Ionxitt | Hninham. fimne , 20'i- | ' | | Hiimllton il.ssii T 1' Illemian. flume , Illmii X , be- txxu n Pit1) miil2tth ) fi , MI II. M Nicholson , fimne , ith and ( lion .HO fit it 1 > Paul , fimne. Hint N ISd fiAI ( l.atex A llensou , flame , 21nl ! mid I'niioe nwm D C 'I iiniiti lllf. fiame. I low aid nem 22d " fiOO P Millcixcin finmc , HsComcnt st > , ) M Mmteiiseii , liame , llth ueai Vlnton "i iiOd .lohn I'll Ids , fiame , Coxeitnnd Mi hot is .I.CAI A 1 Ilibiock fimne , S 20th near s-t Mmx'snxn ,1 ( iiTO 'llm 1'oh x , name , llth mid Will iams "i.nno M M. I'litseher. frame * . Chillies lie-ill ' .Mill il.f'll \\m S Illih. frinne. ireiON" li'.th il.WKl \ I'l-mbuton ' , fimne , Ohio near 2stll IIM * "i.lXKl I , P Pi 11x11 fiame , I7th betxieen ( 01 bv and Ohio il.iOil Smnh Hivxxs , timne , 17th neai ( Since il/JK ) W II Mnrohimstfimne , Snencei and " 1st "i.hOO A. P ( SioM's , fiame , Maple mid il-'nil r-.iiOil l.elimmi \ Hnnsen , fimne * , fiJ7 s 17th axe . ,1 , Vl llemv llolln. fimniICmiute plnee . fiiVtt M 1' Vnitln frmno.Doilgomid fllh .1/00 C W Tlllson frame * . outh * jsi | , fi.MKl I , ! rsmilner , fimm * , I.eaxen- xx i nth . . "i.iWl SA McWheiite'r Pleiisint axe fi.finil C Illnini'i fiame.s , - > tii fi.VHl .1 Herlltehka frame.Jiith fiHH ) M w * sHn , , | f i nine * . Illnm-y mid 1Mb . . fil0 Vnl Nock , fimne. 2-ith axe . f.HO : C How oi frame , s , inn , r'M It W CIb-on. frame , \\lit and J-'nil n,3.M .lohn I.lpps , fimne , MiuUsnn and imii r.--n I Hmnlln. frame Maple . . i1.200 Charles Hioslns. fiame. 17th be tween Clink mid ( Srncn 1.-JO n I. llenson. f i aim- . Hint : > , H1 W It Mnthls. finme.2i > th mid De- cntur fiji'il II Hi nlui' frame 17th and Cuitle * . Ii Ui ) 'Ihos i | nHey Wlit uml intli. , n.too II T ( Sates , fiami' , Caldxxell mid 27th .1.010 IVterO'Malloy. frame , Cass mid 2Mb . r.,010 C P Miixne , frame 1'inlt and 2ltb B.OHI M llellimin. 21th mid St Mnr's axn Imnroxemelits K.onn P. W Mount , frame * . Mmilo st f . ( M1 v \ Vcliert. frame. Kgbert axe. fi non Cnt Cttv l.aml Co r-.0"i1 Hush , x Selbv. fimne S 2iith . 1,001 . . 'lliere were Imllt 1ft. " ' dwe'lllni'S cnstluir less than V''O each , the total x-alueof whkhwas 1,111.111 Total * 2U17t'7l ' ! Itrcniiiliilatinn. Public Immoxemonts } iT.-i.1H Corporate Improvements , 2.llii7l ( : Stores , wnremouses mid misci'l- Inm-mis buildings . nl l ( KI Churches , etc Ite-sldenio blocks and dwellings 2.'i',7.Mn ( Irmid total of nil linprov piuentH In Omaha proper * ll.U.t South Omaha bnlMIng Improve ments and imbllc iini > rove > - ments. nxishoxiji In iletnllluthe statistics of South llmnliH f 1.T0.1.VO llesldencex , block unit duellings lt , | * Kiirtorlm mills ami patklnuhou 4 W I I'Xexv nnd enlargi'il slores and business i i linlldlngs . * . ' . ' \ . , ' . 27'J 1'iibltcnori ro'Ion ' Imlldlnirs 1" itiiAh I.STATI : : itivn\\\ : : 'tinItcconl iil'n Vi-nf. Tile rccoiil of leal estate ilenls , n how u by the \\nrruiity dieds tiled xxlth the ( ouuty dork , xxlll lie found In-low 'Ihe Miitement pe ents notuo ItltiTestn u IlK tires mid hoxxs that Millies Inixe teadll ) Increas M ! mid that the market 1ms laeti n steady one. In the sprlm- there was n lit tin exi-ltrliient m il julies xxere ailxnnced pomi-xxh.it , hut this Ilinry K ion t ttleil bilk Into the solid mid healtlix state tlmt has nlxxaxs cliafiK terl/ed the Omaha market. Here the x allies ale in dial and In timuv cn es n > o lower than they should lie \\lilleotln-rrltles hnx'o mmht to attract out-ddo lapltal by n-ndlli forth state- tnelits of imirx clous "booms" Ounilia liai Mmplv polntid out her Heady and rapid growth , The enormous nmnnnt of lenity sold dlitluc IHS ; shows an expelidlturo of IIT,4-i,7ii"i | more than lu ISM ) . This Kreat Itu reuse was InrKPlv duu to the extenslxo ptibllo Imprtixemeiits made. Immense mnonntsof outsldu uipltalliaxo also been attract ! d toOmaha mid tint liberal retuins paid bx'tho linfstiiifiits liaxohein most L'ratlfxitiK to the purchase ! s Kolloxxlm ; is a detiilled Ktatuui'Ht of the business done : Ininmnr.Oirili'dM { ( liriuir ) , I'll ill ul < . . . . Mimli , I --i.l ill-ills - r , lu Jileeil Jane , ' . "I ill eili . , lul > .7ii ili'etl * AlUll t.Viilieilt ( sii'ieintM'r | | , 7.M ill oil * \lcliituT , ISO ileeil * Novenit'pr.iX'l ' ileeil * Tntid The realty de.ils In issi nKitreit itcil Jl- KMls , and thus It Is shown that the silo of piopertv durliiKtho jc.ir lsS7 was ox-er 1UO j > er lent Kreat er In addition toth fiSil U-l 1 leimded In die's dm IIIK lski theie was oxi r ' . ' 'i.t 0 1 n l ofpiopetx Mi'd on i ontiai Is , xxhli h haxe nut In i u lei m iled Tin-South Omaha Iand Company. The last ji-at has been a mt'inoiableonn lu the hlstoi.x of houth oinaha It xxus with a lull liallzatlon of the tut me KI out h and Impoitmiie of the toxxtl that theSuUth Omaha Land lunipauv was tormid mid laiKf tun tsof i Itx and suhuib.in pinpoitx puiihasid b.x it I'or thn p.it > eai the opeiatlolis of this tuteipilsliiK tomnaux haxe In en onounoiis oxir I.Mmlots liaxii been bold , mi xxhlth imiihaseis liaxe al leadx iiallzed fioni ilil to.nilpei lent piufl ! 'Ihe.x lime lettntly plalttd the iMlani e of their lands adjoining the mlulual plat of South omaha and lompilsluK tiom nm to l.il Dm us of laud Iiipfndid In this is thi benit II ill hill Jus ( uoithof Ihestoi k.xmiN , mid also thu stiip of laud lunnlm ; xxest to the extent of tlliee iiualtels of a mile 'Ihlspionuitx islnilliated in the pktuie of the stoik > iinls mi IMKLS I and fi LIUKI- amounts , ami in nninx tases tmluues. h ixe bit u n all/i d oil pun liasi s mnde hum the Ninth i mmli.i I and i omp iu\ , and the Indl- iiillous me that thi'ie me just as liHfje piotlts to be made lu Ihe tutuie on sui h jinn liases as hue betii imide in the past 'the lompanx has a KM at iiumbti ot lots and blinks snpi.llid with tiai UIIKH on the I'lilou I'm illi , xlissouil I'aillli. II \ M mid riemont \ Klkhoin Vallex lalhoads. In thow.ix of lesidenie lots the } liaxn them lei sale at tiom f.'intoJ.'iHHi ' | hey oiler this-on the s iiiieie.ison.iDki teimsaud at the same low late of Inttlest at xxhlrh the ) haxo nlxxaxs bun sold 'Ihey me noxx makliiK mianmnients to supplv the de- m mil tor ilxxellliiK houses , whli It xxlll IK- hold x\ilh the lots on the same ti-inis us tin- lots haxe hi i u disposed of Ihfie IIH-still qulteu niimbi i of xtix desli.ible lots lelt lu Ihe mlKlual plat ot Ninth Omaha i\fixthliiKlndli : ales that the ilNtili t will h.ixoa laiKi'i Kiowth In the iiimliiKje.ii than at any time lit letolme , and it Is le.ison ible to suppose that the liu lease In the xalne of the piopeiulll lull ) iiiuil | , if not sin pass , that o" pioxlnns M-IIIS. I'.Utles xv ho me inakltli ; pun h isisliiMiuth Omaha should hem In mind that thex can pun h iso piopt'itx lleai the btoi k jaids tin less mmif ) tiom the South Omaha Land ( ompan.x than thf ) imiln moie distant additions m tiom parths xxho pnuh.isid mlKlnill ) limn Ihls ( onipanx \ notli n of this tumpii- nx s tiansiu tlons would be liuoni- lilete without SJHM lal mention of the spitn , ; I ake p.uk whlih inashoit time \\111 be a It ai'lu ' f atnieol Minth liniaha A I.Hue pm tlou of the lompanx lands has 1 n mtistliullx laid out , and x.hen tinwmk is iiimpli lid will niiitalii tlnee lakis u numbi i ol msHe bildn-s. be- Oldis bi liu inti linn d xxlth muni ions n-i- puitlne walks On this land thiiewllllu some beinlilnl sites lei homes , 'llu oil- ! ceis of iie i mnoiatlonaie A. I'axlon , piosiiknt I1 1. llei , senutary ; ami C I , , ' 1 M. A. Upton. Tllo real estate business ol M. * . . t'ptoii Is ono of the Imgost in Omaha , lie uilos ilieionliikuioof miuiv of tlm hading cup- Itallsts and inaki s lux i stments tor them In cltyaud sxuith Omul.a I'or a emisldeia- ble length of time he was secretmy of the i South Omaha laud smllcato mid has tak 'ii u piomlnent part 111 all the laigei rial estate deals in that dlstilet. Dining tliepist je.ir ho has sold oxer $1,000000 woiihofpnipertvand has alvxaxs given satlsfaitlonto hlspaUons 'I hat his tit ) business is on an extfiislxo stale max bo gathficil Irom Hitlaet that on rmnam stuet alone ho has sold ox ei $100,01)0 wolth ol real i state sIniiOtolei I ] SN > . Ml. L'p ton being tlimoughly lamlliar with the x ablation e > f lealty Is enabled to do just liu alike ! to buxer and seller. I'll st-class piopeitv Isoulvhmidlid by him , mid ho has a liugu nmoiint 1m sale In nil puts of time It ) Mi. rpton Is a thorough busi ness man as xx ell as n courteous geutlo- man , ami ho taxoniblx Imptessts nil xvlth xvhom ho comes iniontact. Ills cmnmoeli- onsollliesmosltnate'd at .101 South Six teenth stiei t , opposltn thei hambt l ofe.mil- meice , while hu Is piep lied toliliv or sell real estate oil terms satlsfiutoiy to all. 'Ihosowhohnx-o pionortx for sale en are desliotis of tin } Ing should not full to call on , him. A Slice css | ul I ii'in. , \ \mongtlu- usstnl leal estate uu u of the i Itx none ligme moii piomlm ntlx than thi'111 in of I'ottei \ ( ebb , xihose pkiisiur ollhi s me lotnltd In the ( linmbii of < mil- mine building 'Ihe' ge ntlemen me m t d tm thill sagailtx anil linsine-s ipialillia tlons. lor theli lionisandsiiinie | | dialing , mid foi theli sti ndtastiu ss lowunls Huh i nstmneis Messis. Potu i \ l obh me ge n- ei.illv e hose nlo m gotl He huge tiansfeis nt leal istnte , and dining the past xear thex haxe llgiind tu manx ot the ton most dials Hint hixi hi en mane I'lie Insinanie Is anoilni of theli speiliillles , and Iln this ibex haxo assoiinled Mi \\ehsiu doing business un lor the llr.n name of I'otter.ebstu \ Co Most m thel ailing and snbsiiiutiat lusuiamei oin- punle s mi n Jin si me d. A 1 nge Ihe pioof \ault contains a iimplite mid coin-it nb sti.ut nt titles to iioputx In Diingl is count ) , plepaied b ) exputs In this line. Ml Mi'Iklo Is mi iittorne ) at law mulls a ptitnti in this In am h , the Him boliu known as Pottii. Cobb \ MelklCom - nli to alistiaiis of the deilslous of the loxxi'i and rutted states mint nlliiting all land iim sllmis me also in tile. M. P. Scars. i Mr. M. I' . Seal s tarries on a real estate andloinbiislmss In the Williams llleuk , jilt the tmnei of rifttinth and Dodge stnots Whllo ho 1ms lnvis.li cl largo amountseluilngtliooarfor luuil capital ists. Mi Seals makes a spo laity of hand- llu , : eastcin money , and In that line has made Img * inollts fm his illents The sic-lit ot .Ml. Si-ills' smtess Is duo to his sound knoxx ledge of ion ! es latex al lies combined xx llh st i alght forxv aid dialing. Money eutiustid to tills guitle- man has alxxaxsbee-ii inxesled to the besj ud.image. . Mr Sear--has mi e-xtenslxe list eif Omnlia prop ity fm sale , and spei n la- tots will Hnd it to their mix milage to eall upon him Holmsalirgo amount of his ownnioin-v lux esii d lu Omaha iially , and will keep It theie , tm , ashos.iys ; "Omaha is bound to ndxunio. " .Mr , sears does a large loaning business , mid Is agent for the I-omhaid Inxvstment e ompany Hi-own * 1'iii-k. This Is situ ited In South dmaha , only Blx blot ks from the now I'nlon I'ncltlc depot , at xihlih 10) ) trains arrlvo and ele- p.ut every di ) , glxlug half-hourly com- munkation with Omaha. It Is two blocks east of swifts puking house- , and the most ax allablo property In Smith Omaha , Tills park contained VM lots less than uye.tr ago. 'Ihree'-fourths of Hie-so xxe-rosoldln loss than fomte'iii days after the opening of the sales No other property in the vi cinity of Omnhi oxer hold 1.0 fast or In- I cre-nsod bo rapidly Inalue. . The leason of this Is because tllo land sold on Its mer its Ouei xx eek ago a lot-owner there xx as offered W.OOO for a lot for whkh ha had paid but ttoo ! u foxv weeks ago. Them am noxx but thlity lots remaining unsold , anil Hies * will hi ) dispose.d of at tiki same price that tlieyxveio otleied onn ) i-ar ago. Foi particulars Impilm of IoulsS < .hroeder , . ' 11 South Thllteenth street Percy Snjili'r. A very considerable portion of the real estate silis whlih haxe taken plncu In Omiiliu during the pint ) eur were trans- uited tlnough the nit ( Hum of Mt Snder. i Inside mid outside proper ! ) haxo alike been bought and sold on n large se-alo , and purchasers xxlll Mill find a gre-at number of deslrablo leits on this gentleman's beioks. I < n n. Cnkc. Mr , Cake combines his professlen of laxr with u large business , iu real t-stuto anil lounk at 1UI rariinm stre-e t. llu sa > s ; , Come mid see me ; . - * , ! ' Not to fen me. W. C. Allii'luhl. 'I | ie name of \ \ ( I Albright Is not onlx a household one In Omaha tint in nil s-i- tlons where the newspaper Is leadi the t.xpo holds fm th , mul the 1 rush of the painter die i Its work of putting together the name of Albilght A m In of em ivv. n limn of good jndgiuent , and n nuin to he til s id and bellevid III. Is .Mr Albright Anv thing he snvs tan b relied ttpo'l , mid theie me man ) lupp ) men In Omaha mil elsexx hi re to day xx lit ) inn thank htm tor their allliienie , and hupp ) h 'tnes obtained In following his inn lie in tin- selec tion of propel t ) As mi adxirtl-u Mr Al bright lias but tew iqlials. nn 1 he does not lontlnehls Hbeialltv in the dlstln tlou of printer s ink ! o his own praNes , he doe-i not torgt t Omaha , and everv time he sends fm than edlit It Is fm Omaha s hi milt As a later dav Instame le * tin maulillli ent i al- eiidars of | sss , whkh me being sent thronghmtt the east mid all ox ei thestate seixe as a sample of Ills enterpll e "Albright's eiioke , ' Is one of the ge.itle- m nil's1 gilt edged and most aueplable pli'ii-s of propeltmi tinmiiiket to da ) It Is situated 111 the southtiu putt of the ut ) of south Omaha and Is so lot ated that it Is available mid iiiiept'ihlc to all i lasses of people Tin land Is lu t n-midst of the vast enti tpilsi s or whlih Omaha bus begun to tinikehef ho isis , and so hi- eatid tllllt It Is i-ns\ ol ai i ess for those xxho haxe made and imitemplato making their homes tneie Ihe subuiban si rv He of thel nlon I'm Illi nius touitten tialnsdall ) t > It. ami tlielme isliut live tents i mh wax xxhli h Inxolx e < nip d timi- sit , mid i lean and ionf utuMe mis IV snmmmlye "Allnlght si hoiie Nthls. li Isa pliueof luxestiiieii ! elthei loin per- inaueut home m lor piotlt. ami the ad- xl lblllt ) of tiiistlng bn lness tiausaitions mid phu Ing ot inmiex xxitli u move of es- tabllslnd npnlatloli bin has Mi Allnlght pOSsfssfs K. A. Iti-nson. 'Ihf gieat patklm ; Int tests atti.uted to Omalia iiintilbnle trleatlv to the ilt.x's ] iiispetlt\ , mil In the poi inn- mncx ol its puolle Institutions and its thousands of piixate Indiistilei , Omnh i has hi i mm out of the hi st points nt xxhli h a xming man tan s , tile and build up his tot time \Miei- fauns wue i nltlxnted a texx ) e us i K i , eosth and clomint buildings mm iihounii In Hie west put or what Is uou thfilt ) of om ilia lived Judge Ililggs i This piiLo of gioniidxai pi limps the most taxmabl ) loialid of mix about the ill ) Ihe iltx ent mat In il upon It , and It xxa < 1 pnnhasedbx Ki.istus \ lit UMiti.ot Hav i n- poll , la. It lax In the itlnit Urnof the live pilmlpil stmts HmiifX , I'liiiiain , Dodge. Douglas , llaxeneupmt and lapltal axintie 'Ihi-se sin ets xveie 'Initiated mid the plat liminil Ililggs Plan- Judge Vaiigluin , of t ie Hi pnblli an , xxns the Hist to build a Hue lestdtme lu Ililggs Plate 'Ihe Illlggs Plaie Iliilldlng as-otlatloii imnposed ot txventx llxi of tie leading business men of Omaha , o ganl/i d to eiei t txxent.x-llxe elegant ami nistlx lesldenus on rmnmn siieet 'I he Douglusstiiet i lull aletoileit tlolll tv\i ntx-llxe to Imtx ami the business nuns i lub as iiianv Mi Ililison has plans lui a M'.Hii ' iisldime mulothei Impioxi nn uts too niinnimis to mention , nil xxluie a tew xims In tmea imnlleld existed Ml Ililison also laid out the subll.b kiiovxu us "llinson and lon-linitid a stiii tim line to the sumo planted It with ( lies , mid laid o it a paik m pliiisiin gionnd of Imtx ai its "Ittnsun N. ami plubahlv ahxnxs will be thi mils ! lie Ultlfill siibuib to Omahn. Mr llenson s iiilet. | pnshliiK pollix is Inllx apprei latiil bx the bt st iltl/insot Omiilin , who me bt ut upon a biibstmillnl and lellable Klovxth to the iltx Instead of spinidle uiov i mi nts that otti n dNi milage sate Inxt'simenl Mi Hi nson has hiuini Onnilia one M at mul has tuiiud a llxt d lodument in tin tontldt m i of the ill ) s best people Ills olllie Is No 1'd'l ' I'ai itiiill still 1 C. i : . ll.it no. 'IheC.i : . Max lie Heal I st He and Tuts luiiin.inv. xxhlt M has done nunt ) boom Omaha than mi ) oth 1 a-soi l.itlou ot the km I In the dlx , Is making mimiKcmelits f i i a imitimiatlon ot tile piospuous I bin s xvh'ih the iltx has sic u the p ist two xems 'Ihex st 11 haxe sol , , ihaiM-ni' tin * south Omaha l.nnd lompanx , ot xvhlih thfx have sold tholis mils of lots , upon xxhlih some pnnliaseis have made thousands ot dolliii . 'Ihe In si ot thi * pioptilx lemaliisto le sold and xvlll he disposed of f.illx In the m w xi m , beimise It is noxx going xi ix i.ipldlv 'I his piopi itx is posltlxelx Hie btsi In the mniki t It has e in x lli Malm dallx wlthomahi. Is I oiind to be the me it mmintneiiiilng n uti i , as nlso the h nn slti ot thousands ol fmnllliH , and with this i nil in vltvv.the i onipanx haxe novx ace p ed plans 1m INil I1 ttagi-s , xvhleh It pi opuses to build on easx ti mis 'I hose cot lives x\ ill i inge lu pikes tiom Mini toil , ( in mid 1 esmh us xvlll af- li td exenbi dx mitxnllenl oppmtmilty It , sei-nie a pe ! is.uil plan of tiliodf lei lin spiinlatoi , business man , ineilmule and Inbmei Sonih oinnlut olliis adxnn tagi s vxhli h i mi ho exielli d novx lit ie Call on ( . K. Mnxne.at Iliunex and I'itti euth stiei | s , ho shown thcpiopeitx , and 1 ' ( elxe all the lulmmatlon neiis-mv to make a mt me i : . r. ini-i- : . n I' . Illimer , th-1-al is alt-age it at III ! .North I lite-nth sheet , has sold oxer t'liKl.d ( I of Omaha leal eslate dining tin- past veir llx uptight dealing with the Inner and sellei , this gentleman hns bull ! up at ade xvhlih is a 110 lit to his em igx and iutigilly Mi Illngei has now on luiiid a IIIIKI-list of la ms , wild lands , di ) and subniban piopeitx fm sale m ex- ihinge He itliis bx pumission lo tin Omaha National bank and S It Johuson , pn sldi nt ot the ( ab e Kailxxax i onipanx lltsextenslxeiKoualntauie with lealtx of this siiilou makes Xi ] Itlngi i's opinion upon Hint siibjut valuable , ami all who ( onsiilthm max diptnl upon bf'iiK ai- imde I Just and honest tio.itmi nt , and ie- leixt the eillllvaknt tel theli lllollev > luii * < Vr Cajloiil. 'Hie above Hi m , loiatul at IV , rmnam hlruet. Is imnpo'-e I of Mi I' 1) Mull and Ml It C. ( axlmd 'Hull business Is hiIng ) ami selling ie il t s.ieon lommls- slmi , m u'otlatlug loans , making inxisi- nii'iits , examining tltli s , in hhrni. nil mat- ti Is uoimi ite 1 with leal estate 'I he ) also doa gem lal the Insuiani > business , H pie seiltliigsexer.il old mid substantial easti m eompunk's I he long lesldeme ot both Iln MI gi iiileim n In this i itx and stnie their wide niiiiialntani i , tlit'lt bnslne-B expi r- lent i and st indlng , Insiiie intlto batist IL- tlmi to all xx ho dull xvlth them. ( Iriirui- l. I.ml. Tin-eight ) inrs expt riein.oxvhlchJemgo J , Paul , ihe leal estate man at lliii'l ' 1 iirnani siieel , lias had in Omaha , intitli s him in the p itrmnign ot those xvislung to pun huso or dispose ot land Ilo is Ihmoughlx iicimiitntiil with ixeixditnll oi the linsf. ness , and Is lionorable and upiight .Mr. I'.ml lb also a notarx pnidli and mikes n sptiinllix of conxi ) am Ing , a'istiai ' ting , lire Illinium collet tlon- , mid mgotlatlng loans Ali-xiinilt-i- Itriylui in. 'Ihe xvondttfiil giowlh of Omaha hns In t n a fruitful sointe of inollt , both to In- vi stoi sin in 1 estate anil totheaimv of de ileis xxho havi i nulm i led Ihe tiaiisli is Spi clallx in live seasons fieimenllx mil tinth a gieattt n imbi i ot ngenls than siendx gi'oxxth di maud- , but in this , as ( n othei lines of biislm ss , ihe "sin x h nl of the llttest ' lesulis Mess s Ah'xnudei A 111Iglinm 11 present this latteiilns 'Ihex antii'igtlii , populai and lellable Uh.it mine need be bald' 0atp ! City Ijaiiil Conipnny. The Onto City Land lompativ has a fa miliar i Ing to it , and is onn of thn recog nized leal estate institution * , of tllo clt ) . lh gentlemen connected with the com- pan ) are hhrewd , jtllve and honorable , mm through square de illng and honesty haxe built up a business of considerable Importanco. Their olllces mo located op- posiln the Chamber iff Common e bullcllntr , w here c in be found a compli In list of b ir- gains In Omaha and South Omaha property. fJi-or o .V , Hicks. There Is no ri al estute broki r In Omaha kliuvui lietti r than ( n'oige .N. Illikb. He denlb JirllH'Ipall.v lu gilt edge resident o projertlis In Hmi-om I'hue , West Oinn- [ la.aiulln ihotie Inside business aud resl- ilcut lots in South ( n.alni Ilk Kb dealIngs - Ings nex er full to glx e the moHt mihonndi d Miitlstnctloti He Is ludldous imefiil and nexer fallb to keep lu bight the best Intel- tuts of his patrons He dials lu rial IH- tale of all kinds , imd houses , lots , farm lands , urn rented , bought , bold anil ex changed. His olticn ! > atl'i South I'lf- teenta street. Marshall & l.olx'ck. Tills firm has during the past year worked wonders In the hiilo and purchase of real estate , and hundreds of Omaha property owners will bear testlmoii ) to the inreful and straightforward manner In xxhlih nil business entrusted to them has been transacted Tlm Him s hooks lire filled with lists of desirable properties for hale , unil purchasers will Hurt th.it Marshall \ I/ibeck run lux tut their money to the very best admilage. . I > . V. Slioli-s. I ) V Sholeis Insurant e , real oMnti and noitKUgo limns , room I Itnrkei bl.nlPit - LOHiuh stree- south of 1'aniaui. ha. ' an en- x table reputation for the promptnvxlth xxln h lie n lends to all tmslw ss entniMti-d to hims.l > irllcs xvishlug to mvns' in Omaha rt-ui nst.Cin c unnot po slldx do bt ttt r tnnn h ) ( ailing nn him. Itouus A Hill. 1 UH olil reliable r.'aJ estate llrm Vif Hoggs & Hll Is lookid upon us lu-liiK about ac I'nited st Urn treiUury 'I lielr I'ojoko Mrtitliori. 'I he splendid bitlldlng on the northwest eoruerof I'.iexi nth and Unwind Miei't * * , w hk h N i middered one of the most beau tlful men autllf stniituies in the iltx , h is lieen ereited at a fust of JVI.IWI for 1'exiki llrothers cotupanx This linn If the result of thi-iotubluiitloiiof leike liotln isnnil \ \ ledeunin \ I o , nndlslntorpornted xxlth a uitiltal of * li < i , ( i The tlrm will enter the building on the Ist of next rebiumj. uml lontlnne tlm 10111111 1011 business. which Pe.xikn llrothers haxe nulled on lii-rn tor the I u > t M-xctitoeii ) enrs. 'I he 0 up my w 111 handle all kinds of domestic. * iinl foreign clgms , units uml piodme , , aik fresh o.xsters for western and home trndf , unintlfiu tureextinslxel ) all kinds of lonfeitloueiy mid In this bimnh of the business the ) mm emplo ) titty experleiiK d men. Knch of tin so liriini lies Is lu the hauiis of a competent supi rluteiulent , lids f.ut tomblmd with the supttlm fa ullltles si ciiiul lu thenevx building , xxhlih Include it filgeiatlng looms of the most modern and approxed stxln % , xxlllenable thn llrm to c u ry on u most exti nsl\ business and lu th i most satjsf Kt ir ) maunci. The hoi ! e novx emplo ) s a bunt ten men on the viad and this numliei It proposes to In- i re.iKtshmtlv iitti r New \ ears beiiuiM- tlu Inereasoot business which It expects to i njo ) , riiii'lciiltiirc. -Ituaie on the Institute biinlexmil.ini mi'dlatilx adlotnlng the Deaf mid Iliiinb asvlum Is the Itlxeixlew nuiseiv and leading Iliiial taimot Omaha. .Mi. T N Pmkii Is the oviiiei Iteie on n sloping mid plituiesipii site , this giutlemnn has ertiltd hothouses mi the most exlenslxe senle , and no pains hns been smiled to miikn the establlsinenl complete lu exer.x n-spec t. It Is no exaggeiatloil lo state that mi Itillnlte and exinhnngiug xarlet.x of I'oxxi'is liotn the "xn e timid violet ' tnthe line oxollis. Hilled In tiopual i limes , llnd a iilmo In xi | Pmkei's i oust ixatmles Hoses ol exerx color and s n i les , hello H opts. ia-nnlioiis , hxblsiiis , mmeiilns , lug nl is , anthill Inms imiiellns. inla- dlnins mul guilt uliis , all In the blub est stale of inltlxatlon me up senled , mid i omblne with the ol i bids , dim ends i mllns nndothi i deim atlxe plants , in pnseniliiK a pit t me of gmgemis splondoiXhllst Mrl'mkti 1 nn till n out n biimiiiel seiolul lo none , he has.ilieadx estnlillshed a sound lepnta tlou lei his skill lu dei million , and mauv me Ihe diaxxliiK looms and halls tithe iltx that haxe lu en ndm mil hx thiM nth' man inn wax to exi lie xvonih i and adiiil- latlnn Ml Pmkei s iltx olllee adjoins Ihe xi'sllbule of lloxd sniiin hmi'-i' Maiiiil'iict urliiK .li'xx I'liTH anil > Iu- siu l > i-alcis. Max Mexir \ Ilio , the lonllng liousc * . who established theli business in Omaha In Hiii , an- too well kiioxvn to net d mix ex ( emit d mention 'Ihex i.uiv us hugt mid line a stoi k of diamonds , xxatihes and ievv- ohv as c in be loiinil in anv ot Ihe iiisleui ( ilies. 'I nex me also laigo impmleis of biini/es , I'lent h cloi ks and mtli les of mt mid x irtu Their iiiannt.iitui ing establish Iiient Is quite extenslxe. Anx m title of jevvilry stamped "Max Mijviltni Is known lei its iinalttx , Intneli milsli de- piitmeii ! they i.inx n lull Hue of Iviiabe and Clikkeilng pianos , sevital makisof oignns. mid me thnonlx Impoitus lu the west of band and stilus Itistiutin nts shut mnsli boxis 'I hex xxlll i moxe In n few xxeiks Into the bianlllill building en tied foi them , count Mxtteitli and I arn 1111 sin t Is , mi Illustiatlon ol xvhlih Is given onaiiothi'i pigeot this issue 'Ihev will then liaxe us tompleti an establlshnient as inn be found In Hie I lliti dMates It will rep i ) aux one to visit tin 1 _ stores .Vurii'iill iiral luipli * i i-iils. Among Ihe Ills ! ! o iiiogul/e Hie in- souiiis of Nebiaska as an auilinllui.il state MC ie Mfssis li oigf \ \ l.lulngei , Joseiih M Mftnill and II. P Dexiiliin , wheat at tlmt time wue lepiestntlng sexual eastiui ngikultiiinl Huns In this tlt.v Kqiiallv linpii'ssul w lib the adxanlagts oileinllix Omaha as a dlsti ibutlim point. Ihex dei lilt d lo loim the now will known l.luliigei \ Mttiali Co . and to dex ote theli attention to snpplx ing Niliiaskn tmineis w llh Iln lies ! and ihenpost 1mm Imple ments the mnikct lUloidcil So suillsstlll haxi ihe ) been that theli mammnlh estab- llshmenl now loxeisnemlx llnin in res at the i mm i ol sixth mid I'm lilt stiei ts. mid tluli business inns up In to hundreds of Hums mils ot dollnis aiinua'lv Ml Ihe leading nmnnlai Inn i -ol tin imintix Hnd it iidxmitii ) . ! mis lo sei me the siixliesol tlu ( ompinx as mlddlitmii while ihe fall di nllii-s ot the imnpmix has seemed fm It the patiouage ot the tanning lommnnltx Tlio Omaha Cm-pet Coniiany. | 1 lixnry foi o , , 1 i the xvakn of MU i ess , and fit ie li no lie tei gauge of the glowing wta Ih of a iltx , than the number i f mei- i limits w ID catt'i to t o i 'tlm d xv..i t > o lincltl/in . rmi-most amongtiif hiltei in Omaha is Uio Omaha ( mptt ininpan.x , 1 II Douglas stieet , xvhoso man : go s lo'its.nv the gnixxlng immrtiinio of i 1-t i Itv. ami laino li'ie to grow up with It 'Their \entiun pioxed a s id ess , ni d todiu thex am i ai i ) Ing a line ofeaii e a. nil cloths and di ipoiit s , cnli iilato 1 to suit i 111 wants and ( lie pins sof evei ) liou-eli lUrlith iltx riom t o e leapest of he npeu in ] s to the mno ele ntiilou , nail ilih oileiilnl , iiukl-H and I'nnlnuh lextnn their sin Ix os anilllul with u x nletv onh iiinalledb ) i u exit-Hence. Ivn I ( hinnhas bee n eliiiw neil lo luiiilsh tun cltlrens if Om. iln with mattlng-i , mil Hi looms i t both Cinopo nnel Aim-lit , i siippl ) ih ilih draptiles mid lace cm tains olltted lei snlo. 1'nj lor. 4 Messis lllmebaugh X Tujlor aie en gaged as hmdwaie me-ichantsat lllio Doug- lah stieet , and tiansact a laige-i Inislness than u-.iv other slmllm fslabllshnit'iit in I Nobiaskn llestdes having the must torn- I pkte stoik of linlliliis' haidvxme , they keep all kinds of mei hunks' tools As Mate ngints fm the cilebiatid lliitTalo , Males the ) ( mixoxer IK ) xmiitles. and I haxe a shop fm the lepaliingand n lining ot si.ilesof exuy de-si ilption. ' | hicom - I panx ' - , also piepuid .lo till lugnonkislii i manilla and who mpe. Dining the last i XLIU thf ) sold the w lie table to the Omaha Cable'l i.imxva ) eonipan ) 'I he business of | the Hun has In en lapldlv glowing Hie past loin , ximslthastiiiilx dslie tomiet i the best Intcii-sts ot ( lull lUstomeis , Illmibmigh \ 'Inxloi keep only the bettt-r i la s < i stoik in iheli establls'iment and ( iinnot tall to meet xv lib pnblli support. Cuiinninus V .Ni-ilsuu. i Messrs ( ummlngs \ .Nel'sou , the xxho'f snlf deale is In paints. glas mid xa 'iilslii s , No. Ills I'm mini sin el. h.ixi In eiin-siilents i of Omaha about mm ) fiu ami me h ghlx please d mulatlslh d with theli pnisporHx 'Ih * gent h nr n i nine henfimnlhleigo i u lu n llu'x weie lilentllli d tor xeais xvltn the biani h house tin ie ot the limn d C 'I' Id v nolds paint in iimfai tmx. tin Imgist Inmeiiia , and are fullx aeiiialntid | xvlth i i xi ix In , mi h of the business ( iimmlligs \ Ni ilson dial In all kinds of pulnts , oils , xmiilshis. wlndoxv glass and palnli is snp lilies , and tliell goods go Into Nebiaska , \\voiulnu , I oloiado and Dakota 'Ihex 111 ike a spi i laltv In lllllllslilng huge bullil- i IIIKS and Inislness blinks with wlndivx glass. Dn-xi'l A : Maul. Diexi'l \ Maul are In a direct line of tlosunl trmn the eniglnal undertaking is. tabiishim ut In thliclt * , ' 1 lux haxe , b ) tar , the tm gust house In this pan of the uouiiU ) , tlm largest tiade. unil the Huest Hue of goods 'I he e m f i iiial | to mi ) thing imiltd bv anv iiisleui hmisf 'I m ) haxe In sidenn assortment Milte d to nil taste's , e-xinoi the humbles ! kind Thex attend to all oiders.dax and nlgiit , with dispatch and eare 'I heir house Is on Tarnum hiie.it , opposite Ilo ) d h opera house- . C. W. lie-nil. C. W Heill \ Co haxo been In the general - oral commission buslniss at liu ) Dodge Ktriet for the past jem mid liaxe bun most sun i ssfnl , 'l hex are know n through- Mil Omaha 1 sides inning an ixlmslxo a. illalutanii | 111 the stale 'llils togetlli r w llh tlu-li reputable llnauclal and honest st iiHMiiu' hns iiimmi mh il tin m to piodm i rs In thevM-t und hns ri suited 111 the mi tsntufiKi , v of returns to their ship | rs. 'I he ) hiindlo all kinds of prod ice , mm mid pune C. II. .Moon * < V Co. 'Ihe Hire e ) ears during which ( II Moore > V ( o. the popular n tall gnu ITS have been doing business at .No Illi Dodge tliet. i tiny'lino prospered and built up a sub stantial mid llrsl i hiss trade Theli s | a i Ions .tornIs tilled tluoughtiut xxlth a largo I and i nrefiillx si lei ii d stork of staple mul fani ) gnu i rle.sof evt rj di'M rlptlon Memo X. I o.'s patluiis embrai e luanx of the Huest fmnlllis of tllo ill ) xxhlih IH sulllilint pr iof of thu iiuulit ) of tin Ir goods HIlMniri * V Sht--aclf n. rifteen ) ia-s pni'--- ' of rt.ti ' - ) In DJhn , h H of ri hi hi I 01 util- of lr Itllltn - .th tin 1 und 1' ' i imis lu 1 ic ichvd proportion i bejc i l t i > unit. ItvrfoH m n to contr-1 ( o" iKii'ly lie tin ft-soi lute \\lth h'l 11 r P rniirn , u " " .Me'iiilrlssuhn V liiixxrlc * . The rcmlirtof tlu' IU i , who \\lll iiiur\l gieatlv HI tlit'iiiiint cr.nte hit % i tnralbeautv nllil solldltx eif tlu * buildings of Ollliillii ei ei ted during mill shmtl ) pieiedlng the past .xi-ar. iii siuivxn tu Hit1 Illustiatloiis of Ilili eelltlon , will eloubtlcss 1 o sin prised to loam tllllt lUllst < lf thl-lll him * IIOCII de signed and erect i < t iniilir tlu > tipt txlshm or Omaha nnhlteets , mid of tin-so build ings b ) fur tin- greatest iiiiinl or I * tin- work. of tlu' an hltt itnral tlrtn of Mm dl'lssolm , V I.IIXX lie 'I Ills full " 111 lie ll'llllll ) llppme'llt Xllll'll It Is stilted tllllt aiming tinme minimi ) lug Illustratleins thN in in lui" desiuned mill supei Intend * d tin- clot tlnii of tilt- following : Tinbenutl - Cut lion mill bihk llmkci building , south- xxost coiner ot rmnmii mill riflti-iitli stieets ; tinin imilllt nit she o'y building of In lik null stone. iiiiithcast i-mnor of lloxx- mil mid I'ltt 1 1 lit li stie'i'tsj tin- nit at Piixtim building of hi h k , terta-iotta mill gt anile. on Hi- inn tin ast ioiin'1 of rmnmn mill Sixteenth sinUSthe | ia1iitlnl Itmngo hleii'k. on tinNiwtheast i orm r of llainev unil I'lfti'i'iitli stn-etsj the. lu-iintlfiil re-si- ileme of \ \ .1 Contii'll. southwest ( i rni-rof St , .Man's iiMniuanil 'Iwontx seMiiud -tntt : tin- Imposing bihk unil term- i iittn i luni.li of UKi i Ir-t Congiogatlmial socli't ) . ( oinu of .Nluoloonlli mul Daxcu- pint studs. tintliopioof , In lek. lion , nun lilt' mul .mmilti' I'lr-t .National bank southi'iist ioi HIT of limirm mul 'Iliti- tci'iith stin ts ; commodious mul eudui Ing xx holes ile building mul wniehouso ol \lo onl. llradv \ i o. , I.eaveiivvmth and 'llilili ruth stioots ! tin' beautiful mul at- trie tlvtMlllmil In t1 t , niiitlu-a-t lottui of Douglas mul 'Ihliteenthtiri'tM tlieeeim- inoi IOIIH mul dimmer lal UKilionioof the- lioiitil ot tinili1 , southvxcst corner of I'm- limn atiil sixteenth stinets ; tininngnllh > -nl and uotli eable bill \\aichiiu-i' nl tin.Mo lint' , Mllhuin \ sic dd ml cottimm | , on Pa- i HU sine t , Itiinit'illati lv south of tinI'nloii 1'ailih depot : tinpictty lnlik ciimli ot M Peter's Catholic palish , mi I.eaxen xxmth stint lii'iu Phil Shcildan nxi'iiuo ; imnmodlons mul mil iur llolrl llutki i , on tinnmtlii ant toini'i ot .loni's mul 'Mill- ti t'lltll stioi t , till' extensile' mul Imposing lonvi'iit of ( litSMI i rd I | t > , nt , In I'.uk iilair. tinniaimiioth wniclimisc of II I' smith iliummul 'I \\i-lttli stioots , anil the tapa i lulls building nt tin' .Ninth Amol It an ling lomp.im , on the loinii ot . a kson mid iii'Miilh : sin i ts No Him of mi hlti its en ei liuiili- IIIIKI i , llnt'i oi nioiisiitlstnitoi ) showing In Ilii' tlmo glxi'ii It le'iinsints ana Unilaliiiitlon of J..iUi.Otm. lint the-se- stiitituii's hx no IIU-IIIIH emnpilse nil the \\iiikot this Hun 'Unitmo si-xoial linn- ilri-ilol thi'li dostcns elected luotlit'i putts ot Omaha , us well us In all the huge 1 lilt's ot tinstall' , \\lili li lonlilnot npii ] ar In ir , llu > Miltii' ol xx hli n , xi In 11 aililul 10 the Mini nhoxe mi ntloiit-il , puts thtxxmk of this Hun nun h tmthi'i Into tinmillions. . It whims. iH'jniul tiltposslillll | \ of a ilonlit. Hint Muidils-ohn , \ lanvilo hint' lii't'ii \\lllioiil ihnls ami that thi" . mi- ii'ilit * d with , li > tm , the Imgi'st , heaviest anil Iliu-st aiililtiitni.il stun tun-s , not aloiitIn ( iiiiiilia , lint also in tlirIi.t 'I his mm- M lions ii'snlt Is Hit' n vxmd of moil- than eight .Mills of nnii'inlttliw lalioi anil pho- iiniiii mil sntlstniilon anil siiim-.s. ihi < TIH I ul this uiaml it-suit llrs In Hitliu t that tlif Him has I'inploM'il anil still i m- ) > lo\sniih ilu > best ill miuhtsmi'ii anil Mipri- inti'iiili'iits tooik out ami put In sliapi- thi'liliasot tininastoi mlnils ol tht'pim- tip tls lint n .it as has In t iitlitoik anil tin' iithlt M'liu nts o | this Him In tin past , t alms at Hi" mi oinpllslinifiit ol ii'iiti'i lilnirs In thi' liitini' lor Ihls nmpo-r , on lit Hist ot .laniiHM , | s s | i \\lli annul to ( silt ana riiit'i Into pmtni'ishlplth llroiKi- I , I'lshii.ulsorli kno\\n in this ltami Ihiuimlii ut llii' latc as an IIK lil- li1 t ot t'\pi i.i'iu tami sin cfss. tinmimiot 'litm \ \ in in lii'lnu .Minili'lssohn , I'lslit'i \ l.a\\ It'I hiolii | 1 1 ol this filial m mi nt ot tinHi mis to i mihlitlif ( 'txlnu'of jjn uti-r mil lifttfi si i \ h ( > . unil to oiu'iinl/i- all Milntfh tinlust Klml \\oiKaniltottun iM'i tin- satinlth tilt- most satisliuti i\ pioniptni'sstofU'M palm i 'I hat tht-tlini \\.ll fiialilt'il to ilo this \\lll ii'iiilll\ up puir uhrn It Is loiislilfifil Hint It will at In tin- ilattnifiitlonfil , ha\f tlneiiiipalilt - aiihlti its to atti-nil to nllln' ilk. Insttail ol tuoasiit pit'stnt Mi Mian . ulio has hfi'ii iiililiKttillth Ml MfiiilfNsoliii lei \riis.uilli intlmif assiipi'i liili'iiih nt 'llu- Him li is nlso niailf aiianu-i mt nts th Mi Ilioun , ot t hlcauolio has IOIIK lift n known as oniof tlif ln-si suiii'i Inlriult'iHs ot i onstiiu tlon In thf i oiiiiti ) , anil uhn lei a ipinilii i of M aisMIS assoi latfilltli Ml I pjolin. mil' ut tin'uatfst ( mihltiMts of his t mius also \\ith Mr Mali h , tin- ui'll-kiKiu u auhtiitof Nf elk lor tin- lust h Htaii . lu > has lit t n tinman - UK iirf snjif Intcmlfiit ot s s liffman ol ( nli HM' ' , anil lias h ul i liiiitri'dl that n < ntln man s inii-t Imp iitantoik Dm , n that tllllf III SIlJHI.lUl Illlfll tilllOllstllll tlOII Of tinPnllnimi linl'il UK In I hlnmo. toKithfi \Utli ail tin- uifatoik of thf Pullman uinipany al i nllmiin Ills , In addition m tlif iiiiiK'iillli nit liiillilliiK of tin.Ninth Hfstfin I Insnimiif lomi'ain at Mil- iuiknVN 'Mils fiiliiiK.-mtn' ol thf Hun.lth 1 he i m ut ion In n ih of tht- ion sollilatlni : mtliltu Is of iliaiiKhtsnifii \\alih IIIIMhi fii trlul. ami tinifiumnfil siij u intt nih nts i-tiiifil to. makis thf ii u ollilatlon ot MfiHltlssohn. | ishf i \ l.aviilf jioslthflv lh > uifiitist II i m of ai i li lt -i ts In thfrst XntultllitiimllliK. hllf lt posslhllH | | .s in tot tinK vatt-st kind , tin- linn lll iftfhf onh sin uwi r : as It111 In1 ahlito ai 1 1 miillsh ami tompli'ti- thf Mitlstac Ion ot uM'ij patron \ \ thin thn tllllf Kiiaiaiiti e 1 : anil lip n this t'calurn anil in omlsf . ( ls \ \ f 11 as upon t ittst i-llf in i- of tin Iroikln thf past. Mfiiilnlssohn , I'lslui , \ | , \\rlf piopotIn u.iltfl to stakt- thtli imputation On ami atti i 'hullist of .lannan , 1K S , tlui olllit's. iliaiiKlit-ioonis ami sniii i intt'itili nth' In .iiliinm t > > s of t ils Hi mtll Inloiiiul In Hit ) iiniuiiltli flit Pax- Ion liiilldliiK. ilfslxiifil 1) } tin-in , on tlti : noithtast ( oini'i of I'm mini anil t-l\tfi-iitll sin its , Omaha The Diiunoiitl. ' 1 ho Diamond is the appropi late name of tin- most tlK.int ( and costlv t-aluon in Omaha. Mlnaliil on tlui most iiroiiiliiLiit Mttlimof DoiiKlas htu-et , this ustuliilsh- nit-lit , ii-ii-rtlylltttil tip hyJIi-ssis i : . ( j. 1'lcjil , Vo ( , isoiii ) of the hl hts of the cltj.hilstthoftulor of tuo linllillm ; is of tinmo,1 flt'nant dfslKii , the iiisido llttin aioamaiM'l in Illinois and ma in Kony .No llm i i-.sample of the \\oou- \\otkt is ait Is to ho toiiiid In thiMM'st. 1'1f hnndit il and tlili ty mlrroi s of % m \ Inn Bltsun. . an thfvnlls mid colllntr , nhiut thf tllo Hour is thkkly httnlik-il with Ml\ tr ill ll.iis. Ali-ssis llojd .V Co. II.IMI In- MSi-d * M.lii ) in the InillilliiK amlluuo iiinilu tlnii itstalillshiiifiit voiihj of this Hio UK iltj , T o laimi nih 101 1 alone ( ist il"ii ) and an aim mil ol omvMlll shoillv bo iiddtd at a costof tHJO , To tinifiu ot the saloon thoio Is a 1 1 inmodlons pool loom , in ihmtjoof 5Ii. 1 ltd .liuolis. 'Jhu Diamond isa well con- din toil honso and pi ides itself in Itsliraml ol wine * and Illinois. ' | ] io public will always itcfhn .ihtiiitj wHcoinn trom Its l inopiii tois Colonel 1'loj d Is iiian- of this pojiular teaoit. 'I lie ( loodnian Dinu' lonipmi ) hiinifdn ( ' I ( imdmmi to daami tlif\ lll tiom tills on loiulliit 1 o li \\liolf-ali' and le- lall nnsiiifss It Isoiii-of tinliisl kiinwn di UK hiin-fsii , thitilt\ 'Ihi-s diallmufh In iliiics. i hi-iiili ills , iNiinteis' suniiliut , pl.ilf anil window Klass. Miicinit and matin nmtltal tustiuiin nts , plnslilaiis hiiiipllfs , siilidifs ] | , i'ii , , , .ii 'i hi' i . us Illii I aiiimii htu-i't urn lif.intifnlU llttid nn , anil me MU iituuitlxf 'Ihf iiipiiiltv of tlit-i siiiiiihlm.nt | | lei thf fiisnliiK jim h IK l fii uii'iitlx fxtemkil , and t o mm- lianx h tlnllt and enterpilsf iiinnot fall to 1m ii-asf thi-alieadx xi-n liirpi hnsliifss i \V. ,1. Ili-uiilcli. | Mf Illiistritlon of Iliilldlu' , ' ) Nil \ \ .1. Ilioitih is xxoll knu\ui as inn of the li adlm ; lli-ax > hulduain di > ilins of tinxxtst Mis I'Mn'islxi xvaifhoiisf on llainex t-tnetls hi'iidiiiiailftK lor tinsain ot thf lifst makiM of xxiiKon slu' k and all kinds of he.ix x hmilx\mi < Ills luislnt - * f Mends t > all points t noiuliiui ! thf x\es | xxlu-ie Ills coeds me le/.iidi'd as thu ln-st III tin' nun ki't Mi Ilioatilin in intatlon Is that ol an entupilslm. . piumpt and n- llalilf llllslnrss mall. l\j' \ has established a tiadf of xxnli h he mil ) XM-1I fei 1 pi mill Sloan , .loImMMi At Co. I'lloi to.lniif , IbMi \ \ < ! . Sloan and. I P. Johnson xxi ie a monkth > pioiiiliu nt liusl- in ss men of l'i 01 la , hut mill/Inn the many fai HltltK oireiud lij Omaiia as a dlstrilait- IIIK point they jolniil liands and toimeil \\hoIrsalnKruiirj Him of Moan , John- him \ Co of thlsrlt ) . All e.ntj tlu > ' lank ninoiii ; the li-mllnu IIIITI hanU of Oin.ih.i , their sales exci odliiK f l.Unl.vXKI per miitim. | mul tin li stall numlierini : KHIID txxi ntj-lhf men , xxho draxx saliirk's to thu ainuunt of about jumj pi r mouth. I A Womlci-l'ul l si-oicr > t "Jo-He" Is t'te xxillknoxui name of a ] fopiletar > muu'Ui'tii oil , bold hy T H low , whose olllii' Is at lorner of 'Hill- tientli and Oodce stnets 'Ilin diiiHliy "Jo lie mexondci fill , UK Is fnllj ti-titllleil tn In M OHM of testimonials In Mr l'oiuy possession ' | 'ho lia > U of the rimed1' ! miiKiutli oil e\ti.u teil from them inntali , nx ks In Texas I 'or lam 1 1 , horen. rlu-iima- tlnin lime . ijilal IH. ! In fait , for un.x dl - I-IIHI. "Jo Hi Is luxaliiahle [ 'iiriiitiiri' . Dew i X \ htone , t.ni xxholesale anil retail furnitu e deakrs on 1 iirnam strett. ln- txxmn I , lr\fiuli and \\elrtli. . ant luix'.nu .1 woudi-inil ami uioHt pro pi'ionn trude Nexei liefure did a liexv ) ( ar open lit ) With MI much that li -i.'iiiitlieuiitftll | i < nd uo\i 1 In the xx a > of furniture ut this rellahl < d hoiist xxho.it popnhirlty XXHH well attn t I hx th ' foud.-i and irouOhor patron * tli.it viblu d thfiu durlim the hollduy HI aion , ( llllllllTN. , .M. HulJiiiDii A Co. OUM prlro clothlcrn. tor Miillhf , 'Mllliiitii A .siinlilniil ( n. ISee Illiuliatlon of llnltillnu 'Ixxo Years upi this lonipmix' XMIS iitioi- ponited unili r the mo t faxoralile ilntim sliim.es It XMIS fonuili'il li.x thu-e fasti-ill linslm-s Urnis that had alteiilx estuli IMieil a lepiilallon seiolul to untie III tilt If sexual lines , xlthe Mollne l'lomm paux of Molliio. Ill , the Mill urn \\auoii lompanx o Toledo o , and the Modil MannfaitiirliiK rompmix of Dixton , o \ \ ttn sin h a deux x t uml { tuition It Is not to he xxotiilereil that llu iiimpi nx tiau iu ts an enorminiH lin lness or th it tlu > toi koriiiiK- isles iiiriliL'es , spiim ; xMi ons , ploxxs , liniiims , mkes ami iiih > r ami eultntal lniileuients | is must mm ineheiislxf mil iiiniptitf 'ihe iiipltal of the linn Is * i.i mmii smil | ( | 1(1 ( liiiorpoiatliiii two xems n ii ihc lonipmix has mnde Mist stildes mul Its piosietltx | fin the jt'-ir J'l'l ' past hns evieuled the most siinmilne e\pei tatlons o' Its found ets i-ommeielal tiaxeleis me ion stantlx < u 11 e mud mm do a IIIIKI' business tlnoUk'liout xxesteili Iowa , Nehiaska , sonthein llakoia and Vx xomlliK 'I he ( 0111 pmix's hutldhu.s on Ninth mil I'm ttli si eels , eost * < iiliiil , ( | , mul Is a model of ton xelileme Inexer.x respet t Ml. S \ \ I m.x Is the lesldfiit niiiliiiKi'i. { ' . \vinii-iiiun ; | , . anil Co. This Is the IIIIKI si windmill and tank tminnfaitnilmriomtianx In the xxoild lt > home ollli e Is llalax In. Ills It has lualiih hoiisislu Kansas i \ \ \ mid Omaha Us ptlmlpal hnslne-s iou lsts In the ilislv.li ItiKiiiiil piitllmor\llliiKe mid il % xxat i works sx stems , the eleitlou ol lullxxin xx ater Hiippl ) stations of all s/i | s mid ol the most appioxed nixie. 'Mils ei mnaiix iiiriles a full stipplx of pipe of all iPam , eteis , xxlndmllls steam mid xxatel- ipplles andexeix kind of plumber V supplies 'j he ulllie Is next on rmnam sine ! n m IN nth. Alter relnum.x I theiompan.x s supplies and heailiiimteis | xxlll lie In the mammoth ttxeston Ami's Inillilli'K .Ninth an 1 .lorn sj xtlei Is. IheihmiKi- IIIKIlliule beiail-e ot ? want ot loom to inrrx tlu-li siiik w hli lij IsthehiiKesi west ot the .Mlssoml s , | v- . 1'elton H tiled hum the manaieiiient Hi lu hit I and xxas suiitided in li r lloss , fioni the honie ollli e llataxla , xxh > is one ot the most ] iiai Hi al mi u In the luisliifs- In the i omit ! x Ihls loinpam luis done a most lemal kable business | u nil this wes lei n uiiinti.x and Is sill ) dolii U Its wmk Is In he lonud all ox er tills and i oiitlL'iiou- , stalls , xxluie It has IOIIK In en tiled anil Ul\i 1. .he Kieate-t siitl < ta lion Alloideis x\lll piomptlx honineil tiom the oiiuilm huiisi mid siitsm | | tlou Kiimaiitu d II. Ilillilx .V Co. INtabll-h 1 foi tfii , x fins a' 1. 1 'i I'm mini stitet. us tlif If iillin ; xxholfii'f m d letiill ili-aleisin tamx Kouds , loxs. no ! nis it eti 'Illex lull \ til i holies' st ] , .i t oils nl impinli d and dunu-slli Koods hli h Iheh I'aillitles enable them to ollei at in-tilli in lies i lid lei spiln i i i-tiiloKlif sui n I i lie Issued Till- Hull ) r Xsplinll Co. 'Ihf p 1st lluMais has xx Hues i 1 u u HI deiliil Impioxeimnt III the i onditloii i-l Omaha M'lt t ( s , tm xxhli'i a lame amount ot 0 e lit Is i.n the Hal In I As ih ill torn pun Pi lei to the Ilin - who i th x made ihlselu thel wesiiin liu iilni alii is tin onlx pit tension t i p ixe 1 s | i et , In On a' a XXHS u poi I Inn ol Imuim xxhlrh xx is pm tlalh miuadaml/i d NX 1 en ( lie Pai 1 1 r eompmix establlshel tluniselxos luie the.i hi'Kan a peilod of paxlm ; xvhlih Is vet In Its liilam x.anil as ) hall , the KMitest ot all knoxMi pax ements.as laid on all the pilmlpal liusmss stiielsoMho iltx .MIoid'iiK'a Mlilali' oxi i x\hli h tin hi ax li st tia'lli e ill hi tl unspotted x\l i | el fi it i use , po-sosslm ; eMi'llint xxeuliiK ijllall Ill's , it Is not to b" XMi'iihled i ml the iiimpauj haxe laid oxei liki.uuanls o" iispluut in Omaha , and Ilia4 dip-Inn the siimmei siii on ( hex kiep oxii IMi mm toiistan Ix impoxiif 'I hf paxiimnt has he'll sulii | e ed to ixirx ( inn elxalile list , and h is lu exei x lustame inoxi-n UN dina hllltx K. < : . Dun il Co. Thn meicantlle aneni x of U ( > Hun ACe Co is the oldest and Impost onIn the woilil ! t was esiiilillslieil In | s | | mil at thi' piesnt lime has llh Inamlies lu tin I'liltid M lies , Camuln. Kiiiope midiis tiall.i Tilth lefeieme h inks , ue pnh 11-hed lu .laiinan Mmih Julx and N plenibi i ol tuili xem.aml loiitiln tlu ilium-sot oxei I hi i.n m nn r li.iuis , tin li i s ele In the I ul'ed Mates and ( mala MX million lepoils me m ule mm ui'lx ' leimli ( UK the emiiloxmeiil of 'i.nu pi | stllls In t ludliU'iiTUlafan Ispu 'alioiifspondi nts 'Hull lefeiini-i- books also i mtilii maps ol ealh state and ti-iiltoix , i oir ittd tin exe x Issue ; a digest ol toni'ii'iilal hixxs , dates ol the wll tint-tor mnrta complete list of all nii'loil il. Male and private bank' , mil the names of their ollli ers , an I all maiti'i lela'lu ; tothe biisi ni'ss of sin h Institutions Misiis | ( i , | iun \ Co 's XMik is thin iliulllt sxsti-imill/di. aidthelr lolleitlon dep iitmen' Is o'n of the Kieatest i ouxenleiK ei kniwil to mei i hunts. Ijllllllhlll'lllll'l * . 'Ibe.NiMvoikl.lfe llisin.iui e i onipanx of Nexxmk Is one of the oldest and sti.im/iNt iiimpnnles I i the xxmlil It has oxei fV > (111)11 ( ) u In iissel.s. and | s peifntlx sale. It Is a pinelx mntuiil toni'innx and Its jiollili-s me non-tin felt ililn and I 111 n lisiible to bom st iipplliants It Is this H -at iinianx Unit Is noxx ireithiK tin milKUllli ellt ti ll-sloi v tile | l ml linllilliiKa s-exintiiilth mid I'mnim stnets ih iiimpnnx Is also en i tm'slmllai ! stimtni | III Kmisiis Citx , M Pan' and Mlnni , i | o is' " " 'I his mm leilinvol i stahls | | | iiKuneii les on a solid 1) ) Isis Is due to the Ki'liiiiH ot XX II lit i is , piesidi nt ol tl f ( ompinx I In M-I ttlou of Omiilia a a site tm one of its mimnlhiillt buildings \xas * liioiii ; ! , ) about hx Iheexeitloi s of XT lloolh. of Nix\ Voik.auiK 'I' la\loi , ot Hi s , In 'I h , s , iii nth nn u satlsiltd Xh Ilifi4 that the iillslnts il tin loiupmi } uolild be me.itlx IlKle.ihfil III tills stale. In sldi s i lx luji a hiijTiinleiest on the Invest mi nt \Ulen.\ou xx mil tile bi st Ule Illsllliini pi to llu ollli i of I T. Tax lei and lakt a polli \ ill the New X. oik Lite Ijinnlicr. ,1. \Vakelltld Is one of Omaha'H enlei- jnlMiiKnii u limits , xv ho. like many otln-i" , liaxe I im.d It u i oss u > to extend theli InisIIKss piimlses dlliiilK the pa1 1 Mai .Ml. \ \ akefleld M establishment uou io\eis tuo lines and a half on Clislitn-nili and 1 leioo htii-i ts , and eoiisl-ts ot a mllillj tonstriii ted ImllilliiKof maiiiinotli illmi'ii jlous. Mr.akelleld has thus m ule pie \ Islon for Keeping one ot thn laipist ; him In i stoi ks In tint illy alwajs undet mxei 'Ihls pentli man is piepand to llllonlMS lorbiish , iloois , xxlndinxs , monliluius and all othti bulldliitr m.iliilals in the ] iloinptist manm i ] io-slhli < Minke - lleld'H name has hfi n lei some tlmt < IKSI 1 iibsoi latfil with Oniah 1 1 nli iprlm , mul thu luminous business xxhlih no turn torn mauds Is a yood linlli atlou ol fair and ( itralKhttorxxaid lie illllK. Mlal.illeld isaut'iit lei thn Mllvxanki o liyiliuulu re- mint , of whlih he lias Mild Ill.iuiO linrrt-U during IH 7 4 Ci-nrtnl lnsni'nin-i AKI-IICJ. Whu-lei \Xheelu lepiesent till of thn Imirest In-uranie mmpanles In the woilil 'IhilriiKi-nij Is dillid ' I he Old llell.ihli , ' as exiilonipmix lepitMtitiil lix tin in pilddull.il tm doll u lu thonieat ( hleano iln- s , , . , mit \ is the lust i oiisldi inilon In Urn liisiir men 'Iln relon , win n In mi il i f Insiii.inie , link' up tfli'Ph me IMI , m i.ili a loom I , ( nl 'htmi him K , i orm i ol | ioiii.ki- and riftii mh htmts , xvheie Ihex will i iileised to sn ) on and l\e Neil the advai , t.iue of twintx-llxe > iaib t'Xpeik m e il ) Iliouudtrxx riling , M. A. IlUlirow iVr Co. The mm workm.iushlp and nuallt ) of the harilxxond llnlsh Inlerloi dec orations MI nxtenslxtly Keen and ad mired In m. HO of tlinpiomlni ut Inilldiii.'s , ( hurdles and pilxato iesldeu < es thioiiKh out thn i-llv ts fiom.the lar e mamifai lory of M. A. Dlhliroxx .V Co . l.xons. la , on'e ed throiiL'h their larwo Hloreiooni loi.iled lu Omaha at Nos. IJU. IJiil and um I/mil streit , win rot hey haxn also on hunt u l.irun btock of Hash , doors , blinds and moulding. T. .1. Iti'iuil .V Urn. I'or artistic p.ipi r ImiinInK this llrm h IK fora IIIIIK tlmiM iijojul am nxlahln ripula- Hull T.I Iliaid , V Ilio make a spe < lalt.x of ilnlim Hue w ilk. mid ki i p ill Mork the best class of guilds In the nniiki t 'I ho firm iilMi cmrli s a IIIIKIami well-seletted htm k of window Mi.nlts I'nxltui Ar I'axton \ ( iiill.iKUer me pioprh tonuif an inmmons lnl k xxmihoiii-e , xxlnnIhex handle Kri" i rk'Hof i xeix' Mini elxahle kind llx momiitatti ntlmi tolinsliessandf ! > inari di nlliiK " " ' > l" ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' " " ' "v I'1'1'1' ' ' ' ri I"1' tatlou mthexxliolesiili-Krofery trade ( ) 'liiiiilni- ; Klii-i I' ) . O'Donahotiln rfy , the do Koudu nn r cluints at HI South riftienth htrm t , h.ne had a prosi > erons jeai , and thn outlook for IKMU lull ) in promising T/ioj / i ; irrj InrKoaml xxell > e'ecK ' > l ftm k of h" > ods and it pi ken to Milt pun IIHV rs 'Mlitlanil ( Jiiniiinlri' mul Trust ( o. I'arthH pnHlni InKiiul | uaklm { ' < ' 'i on re.U t state i-huilld in all ( list x di mat d ah tract of the .Midland ( iiiaruiltie and 9Stj fjfj ff t r yft f ff > i n""J