Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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At the gate-way of tin. . tiloncer trans-
conUncntnl railway between the Atlantic
seaboard and I'aelllc const , Omaha Is the
center of nn extensive netweirk of rail
roads. Thirteen railways converge at
this point with their termini , while sev-
Till projected roads will In thu near fu
ture afford Omaha additional facilities
fortralllo In the territory tributary to
ber. Omahii is inosf favorably located
for tratisconlltieiital travel.
The shortest routes from Now York ,
Chicago , Kt. Louis , and other eastern
cities to Denver , Lendvllle , Kail. Lake.
( It.V , Kan Kraneisco and I'ortland , pass
directly through Omaha.
The completion of the short line be
tween Omaha and Lincoln by tlm Iturl-
iiigton road which enabled that com
pany to euter Into active competion for
overland passenger traftlo xvlth the
I'nlon I'lielllc by running Its Denver
trains through Omaha , has within the
past year revolutlonl/.ed railroad travel |
unil tralllc , A very marl < ed improve
ment In speed of passenger trains has
been made not only betxx'cen Omaha ,
Denver nnd San Krancisco , but all the
lines between Chicago and Omaha have.
Incivnscd their passenger train speed |
and reduced the tlmo botxvccti Now
York and Omaha to forty hours. While
Onmlm noxv enjoys compctitivo facilities
lo Denver , Cheyenne and Salt Luke ,
the rapid extension of the. linrlington
nnil Chicago .nnd Northwestern
.H.vtoins through Wyoming mid Utah will <
wilhlil less than two years give Omah'n i
direct railway connection to the 1'acllle
const by three : great trunk lines , The' '
thirteen railroads whMi converge at i
Omaha run 1 ! J passenger trains in and
out of this I'ity ' every txveiity-fourhours.
l-Vilir of tlieso railways couuei't Omaha
directly witli Chicago , viThy : Chicago
cage , liiirlington & ( Jiiinc.v , Chicago &
Northwestern , Chicago. Koek Island &
Pinjllle'iiml Chicago , Milwaukee- St.
I'ahl. Three trunk llnes-The Missouri -
souri I'acilie , Wabash , ami the Kansas
City , St. Joseph .V Omaha afford Onmlm
elire'ct conne'ction with St. Louisand the
south , The Chicago , St. Paul , Min
neapolis & Omaha r.iilxvii.has .
placed Omalia xvlthiu reach of the Min
nesota and Wisconsin lumber region.
The Chicago & Northxx'esteru ami
Chicago , Minneapolis .t Omaha give
Omaha two separate lines lo Sioux City.
The Arlington extension to Omaha of
the Fremont , Missouri Valley it Klk-
horn railroad gives this e'ity a direct , line
to north xvest i.'rii Nebraska , the I thick
illlls and cemtral Wyoming. The H. it
M , railway , with Its various branches
has for years given Omaha transporta
tion facilities to southern and south
western Nebraska ami mirtliern Kansas
mid Colorado. Its newly constructed
branches noxv alTonl additional facilities
to cenlral Nebraska ami the region
north of the Pl.itto river.
I-.VKIX I'irinc.
Tin ; Union Pacillc railway , the great
est trunk line on the American conti
nent , gives Omaha direct connection
with the coal , iron , silver and gold re
gions of Wyoming and Colorado , the sil
ver holt of Utah.Idiihoaml Montana , and
the bullion ami fruit exporting region of
California ami the Pacillc e'oast. The
headquarters of the Union PaciHe rail
way have ! been located in Omaha evOr
since : the ! rout ! was chartered. After
the consolidation of the Kansas Pacillc
railway with the Union Pae'ille1 , the
headquarters of the Kansas I'aclllc
were also removed to Oiniilm. All the
various branches mid leased lines oner-
nted by the Union Paciile imiimgeinent
now have the principal olllces in the ;
Union Pacillc headquarters in this city.
The company oivns mid the ; ollicers oi1-
cupyu handsome and commodious llvo
story building. ( Sen illustration. ) These
head-qunrlers were materhill.v enlarged
last spring by reconstruct ion at an expense -
penso of over ? tiliiii. ( ' (
The entire Unioif Pacilic railway sys-
m , comprising-IU'miles : ! of trunk line
V\ branches , Is eiporatcd from Omaha ,
Since tlm complotioiu oJLJts OiVgoti
short line , 'through ' tru'ltf * ' " ' be-
twcen Omalm unel Portland _ lwvo
oiieuwl. ! ! jargcj iu"t'tipnjof country to
.Omnhu truftle. Thlstlincr is 'madeapM"
thu orlghull'Union Padnc.-from .Omahii
to Oratlger , AVi'o. , 870 miles ; the Oregon
gen Short-Lino propor''Ornngorto.Hunt.
ington , Ore. , Mil miles , and the On-got. .
Hallway nnd Navigation 'company ' frou
Iliiutiiigton to Portland , -Mil miles ; muk.
but ' , ' ) mile's ,
ing this total distance 1,8''t
The Omalia route is ninety-two miles
shorter than that from St. Paul. The
distance ) freuu Omahii to San Francisci
is I.WKi miles ; Portland is , therufore
. jjroni'ht nearer to Otmitui than the ireat
Onlifornlii city by forty-lives mile's.
The folloxving statement shoxvs the bus !
ness of the I'nlon ' I'acilie. togotlirrvltl
the Iniprovemeuts made , for the year I"h7
This does not Include tlio new steel bridge
completed November f , IShT , costing ovei
iHHin.i ml.
Niniilior of miles nf triiekiiuu Decemlior
.Nlll'nlier of lliili's Ililileii ( ilirlliK Jss7 . . . Jj"
Tntiil iiillo'iao I.UW.I
. nieiitsiil | \ ( liiinhii Improve- . . . . . . , . .l.iis..i '
ol Kline ) Kleventh street vl- i . ,
> ( ( |
Xi-w | lin" i' ' | " > njli'ili M.l ) , | "
Clii' > i'nii \ Sortliorn r.illwny . . . . . . . . .lit
> I , \ W. inllnny iivli-ii'lnn Irnm . In
IVntro to Wiildo . : "
nnklry \ fiilliy nillniiy '
Tnlnl nniulii'mf inlU" . i 1 1--
I'ntiil iiiiiiilHT iif oimiliiyi" " . ; . . . .ll.i'l
Xunil'iT "f | M > r > ni < I'liil'l"1'1' ' ni Oiniimi
XniiiVM-r'iVr ' "i-n-nnV 'MiipiiVy'iVl 'iVroViiiiim
. ' "
HllllllH ,
AMTIIKI' iiiimtlily iinyiiill * . * ra.l.i
Iliillliitf "ti'i'k iiiMi'il :
l.K'IIIIUIIIVI'H. ( . , .
. " 1
' . '
Kn-liilit 'Hi -
piiv cnetT I'tlP * . ; "j" ' . i
Stati'mciit hhowliiK tomiiiKi' of freluli
forwiinU'il and m-clvi'd at Oinnlm an
South Omiihu for the year IW7 :
Tiitiil nnml.crof tons fonviinleil -WJ
Tnlnl iitiinl"'riiriin rcc"lveil l ' . -
sorm OMAHA. , . ,
Total luiinlierof tons for iir.le > l ] " : -
Tnttil iiiiiiiliernf Ions recelxeil Iss. "
forwnrleil from Oiiinlin ,
llM'sluck . . . . . . . ! .
, nnil Miulli Diniiliu. . . .sJll ' .s
M.ITO stock lecelveil ill Diniiliii iiml. „ . . . . , . . .
. .
Mllllll Olllllllll lu.-'S li.i
Tlio l . VM. . IH Nolii < H 'kji. '
The 11. .V .M. road , which Is thu jiubrask
system of the llnrllngton. operates froi
this city-mil miles of track of which ill
iiiiios\vero built elnrlng the year 117. I"
imxv lines added during the year y won
follows : Omaha to Asldiind ; Ashland t
schiiyler ; Ancolmo to Whitman ; Curtis t
Nebraska statu llnestatu ; llnutoriieyenni
Wvo. ; Central Cltxto St. 1'aul. l.ouj > '
mid Arcadia ; rainier to Cireeley Lenti
liurxvell ; Orleans to Ulackmiin. Km
The total number of men employed b > tli
road Is fi.MKI.or w horn fi'i-i aru located 1
h-s done consldc
Omalia. Tlm company
iiliui lirldBO building ( luring tlm year , tli
most important being llio ' "aKnlllcei
steel strui'turo at Hnlo. 'llm rolling stoc
inn-chased during thu past year was as fii
s locomotlvovi : ; iia-scnBor cars. 3
c-abioso cars. Ul ; freight cars. I.IUM ; co ;
MM : llatl-ars. lVl.bTho ( followingstat
c rs
inent will give the public homo idea of tl
.10ftlm 11. \ M. :
K\l , \ r °
Nfr\mi ln.Siu n.l
iiniiinrv I lo IVi'oinltt T.U , ISM . : ; '
il Vi""r > r ti'n of fn'lulit n-wlviHl ut
Oinnlm luiil Soiitli Omalm from Junuiir ) ,
lo oVinn h'MforwVrV ' iVVom
omttlm'i'ii'l'B' fr"m " " > " " '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' 15fi ,
" . St. I'nul , Mliiiioniolln
I'uiiotriitlnKtho vasit pint ) forest * of I
, Jrt thu "hfciiKo , W. > > . : Mlll" l > ol.1
ralliimil xI > 1 " " ' '
Onmlm - V , .
/ . ,
furlHtlP * . oa\tl
the most
lioon const met oil from tl
, KXVthou ? umtth , , . of
thus jnuklim i
DaKota ,
htato and into
? , . , . . nt ono
tv. .ii'lit or all olaxsi's. Notoul ) isiiiob"
liulk i f liiml ' r linniKlit Into
his eon 'any. but u .v" ' * . " "
htook oomos to till * f'ty ' over
. I'aclllo.
Tlio Ml'sotirl I'arlllc In one of the moit
Importni.t trunk lines tvrnilnntlnK hore.
Tltrocliowfiiisertralii" ! Ivavnllimdia dully
and lfi ( i-ame nunibiT nrrlvc. Two of
thecotriiltHKi ) direct to St. I-onl * . hllo
thu third rani to Lincoln , Tim bolt lino.
M hlrli cijnri li i tlm southern portion of tin ;
city , Unilitrollcd bytlm Ml ourl I'licillc.
nnil Ihli vnliiulilo jiropcrty tilves to the
( lould Kyiti-m one of iu limit Important
terminal * In tlm roimtry. Tim btHlni'M of
tin ) eompuuy has laruely tncrea ed ilnrlni ;
thop.i t M'nr and lntnii'ii o nmonnts of
fruluht liiiyi- boon brouuht Into Omaha , it
Is onuoftho moHt popular routes to St.
I.OIIIM. mid iliirlnit tlio punt year the pa -
HotiK'T trunk" has been Increased ncarlv
forty pi" ' cent over that of I'-Ni. Tlm roll-
inix stork M as line ns that uxcil by nny
railway in the world , and everytlilm ? that
canbiidnno for the convenlonrn of Its pat-
roni la ( jlvon thoiinlitriil attention.
Tin ; Hell Mni > .
The Oinidia licit line mopcratecl by tlm
MlfHotirl I'liiltle as a terminal cimvoiilencu
for all the rallroails interim ; the city , and
durliiK tin- > < ; ir IH T no lots than l.a l
loaded mi i em .ty ears liavu been hmidlpil.
The uvoriiio millibar or employes for the
year IW has ben U'i. ' DurliiK this tlnm
two and i ta-lialt miles of track haiebcen
hdd there urn In operation twenty
miles of m.iln trark. Ho lilesthlM there ar'1
boveiiteeii nidoH of nlil tracks.
DnrinK ISST ( hit company inailo ex-
toiisivu iinmovomontsat a co-.t or nearly
one liiiinb' d thousand dollars. A new Icn
ittall brli k round hoii-u has been built at a
cost of , , , \H \ addition has brcii
built to tin freight depot at an expense of
; l. In .iddltioii to this a newiujiot has
boon ereo'i'il nt I'ortal Ktatlnn , flm cost
bultiif J2..V"- t'pwards of ilimn yards of
earth w.i * removed from the silo of the
new rouid : liouso mid thlf ulonu
'Ihonmiilmrof cars of freight liandlod
ilnrlni ! tlie year , reeeliod via iln < .Missouri
I'aolilc VMS I.'I.MIT , and the number for-
Miir.led l.inl.
TheolllrcrBOf the Holt line are : S. II-II.
riark. piildeiit : .1. M. Kddy , vlco presi
dent ; 1'iMii * .Murphy , Beoiofary and treas
urer. Tlie capital Hock ot the companv Is
Tlio ItiirlliiKlon ICoutu.
A Hysten. . ulili-li lucliiilos in the territory
tributary to Its lines tlm vast areawho o
bomaliirlos HID ( lilniKo and St. l.oals on
tlm east. Kansas City on the Mitith , mid
'lli'iivei on tlm west , speaks lor ltnelf , and
needs no rei-iimniendiitliin other than that
which nil who travel on Its far-roiioliltiK
Hn s vohnitci'r. Tioni Its earliest Incoptlon
I It lias been unions the foremost to adopt
now faolllt o < lor traiisi ) rtiitlon , and to
; tiiiikn thut trmispoititlon as easy and an
1 rapid , or more M > . than any other of the
, lines walch i' impctowlth It.
The rupM Browth of the wei-t and the
pheliomi'ilMl development of the eltles
ailing Hie ilnuHoi this company liavo all
born ti'iullnn for some tlmo tow.uds 111-
i cessitatliiK moro rapid transit betwieu
these Krout commercial centres. " .Moro
fast trains. ' Is the cry which all our bus | .
IIOMN mtMi uro suttliiK up , mid. to moot this
phase of tlio Munition , the llnrlliiKton
Itoute. as OVIT , Is In the van. To run trom
Omah.itii I h.i'MKo In sixteen hours , to Deli
ver In li-s than eltihteen. loavliiK Omalm
I ono mornliu' and arriving In Denver thu
same illicit thi'M ! are one or two of the
1 now feature * of this company's train ser
vice. | lo lde < tliohe fast express Ir.dns , the
ci m < ian.\ runs t\\o additional trains trom
. Om rim to the Mast , West and South , every
, diy In tin1 year. Xor has tlm limitation
tinlshu 1 its work when It lands the passen-
Kor in or rniivej s till ) car or fi light to the
terminus of its hystein proper , wit each of
tliesu tonn til rnnnoctions are made , in
union depots , for all iiolnts In this country ,
from tin1 tarthest northern latltudus to thu
City of MexiiM.
So mni'u tor the pa-seiiRcr service. In
fr.'l h th ' cxhllilt Is no less amazing.
Till . Immeii'o s\ stem , oporiitlnu moro than
MX miles , and extending Its Iron
ai nuln eveiy direction , gra-plng all tlm
most linpoitimt bnslnrss centres of the
Middle West. and. with its connections
linking the imlltstiies of. the Kast the
products of tlio Wo-.t. . conveys dallv on Its
tliousnuds of ndlm of track , millions of
dollars' worth of freight , and Is every
where tlm fu'vorito of the intelligent ship
per.To Mich a shipper , and lo every Intelli
gent man , llio advantages ollcred by tlm
IJurllngto'i niv at once apparent , l-.very-
where Its ti'lmlnal facilities are mi-
i eiiuallid. lulliecity of Clilcngi'lilDluthan
seventy mlns of tracKiige are controlled
by this company , thus oll'orlng f cl.i is
for tlm hnnilllng of fi eight and
I passemr.r ! wlucli can never unmatched by
anyroad entering thut city. It i. < h .ntiy
jiloi'o uecesMin to point out to the Omaha
merchant , thtvdlrect lioutllt rueolvt. > d I
being Hltuiitei ) jou its UHHS.KvcrywliKr ?
JiiJV : - > i J Hm uiU-Jlu : ! ) more
ir7 ; < porou > .ii'tiio-Ma\gVr . .cltlna > inoro
irlvlng. t ) Un thosu on nny othorjtullroail
in vii api > | iontly cquully advuntageous
district , AiHttils Is but natural , for where
elg JTim b ' foitlid a s ton whlll pjnl'r"ccjt '
In Its own lines so largo mid so UoiirlQlInK'
a territory ? llrlng the nuitti r to our own
door what ether mud can deliver freight
In ( Ininhx haulfil the eiitlve dl itanre from
Chlcug > IT St Loutson ItBOtt'ii tra k ?
To say mon" on the subject of the equip
ment of this great company , 'or to dilate
on thu ihiracter of its oilicluls and thu
courtesy of Its employes , w ml 1 b. < to nur-
riito a more tl.nn twiru told tale 'I ho liar-
llngton Itoiiu u'lll depend in tlio futnro
moro on tlm w ll-morltod praise or Its
i.itrons tlnm on any unnecessarily pro
tel nged ( lo > crltlouof | its facilities.
Pullman Palaces Cur Company.
. Tlm locnl headquarters of the I'aclllc
' I'ullmau palacA car company Is oim of the
1 most Impnrtaiit bniucnes of the system.
- Over elgliny sleeping , bniret and dining
i cars tire sent out from this city , and aru
i , run over the fojloxvlug roads : I nlon I'a
clllc , II. \ M. , C ilcago , llurllngtoii A ;
t-.ill . oy , CliiciiKO .t Northxxostcrn. Chicago ,
.Mllxx-aukciUVSt. Paul , and the Chicago A ;
Itock Island. I'orty-four cotionctors and
ninety-six portilrs mo employed. The pay
roll averages H''ll IIT month. Sixty
thousand pleceMof linen use-l on the sk-ep-
' . ! ers mid butlel.ilars are laiindrled In this
city every month. Thu business or H-S7
I ! xx-as largely lu ( excess of that for l NI. .Mr.
- Skinner is theneneral superintendent.
it : ,
: ' Strvt Kullxvays. .
The Omalm ILirso Itnllxvay company con-
. - , Irolstweuty-scleh miles of track within
A tlm corporal u li nits or thu city. During
7 i thoyearsevenijillcsot'doublu and single
t . track have beci laid. Thu increase in pub-
I He carrying faemtles have been given to
| tlm folloxx lug neighborhoods : The I'lirnam
- i anil 1'ark iix-eiutu line has been Icngtlienod
r ; until the Cmoi'i I'aclllc depot is' easily
reached via \ lijjhilr avomio The rurinim
it and Txxenty-foivth street line has been extended -
- . ' tended IroniCajjltol avenue to C'relghton
- college , on Calif irnla street Tlm l-'nrnitm
, street Him has lijeu added lo. from Txvuuty-
- eighth stri'ut tn'Thlrly ' Ixtli street. Tin
Cumlng street 14m 1ms been extended from
Thirtieth to Tltrty sixth street. ] n addi
tion to the uhox > the company his laid 11
doublii trackoiijl'xxentli'thstnoi totho full
grounds , u singly t nick from Txx out loth am'
I l.aku to Capitol avemm via Nineteenth
n ' Nicholas , MMtenth , Webster and I'l"
i i teonth streets.
ii ] Thu number oTcarsoperaied by the com
a pmiyissixty-tlv ? , nrty-txxo of xvhlch an
s I leguliirlvlniisc ; All . .r the old ten-fee
D "bobtail cars have been abaiidotied , am
II nothing but txvufvu and toiirtoen-feet car :
> I aru noxv run. 'Ixvcnty nexv ( ars will hi
y added during tin * present vein , and will bi
0 ' In operation b fore April I At pros'
1 cut the company Is xxorkltit. M > > horses
o butbeforuiiext April this nni'iber ' xvlll bi
u increased lol'kVi. ,
Tlm company regular veiup'iys 1'iOmoi
0 . as drivers , barn fiien. olllce ,1 ploy us , etc.
it and In addition lo tins lu , employe !
k from txvelx-o to forty in. n ev. i \ , lny nuron
1stractlon ' and rebalrlng of Un- - during tin
I ; year.
> l The UrM car tut leavi-s th barn at
) , o'clock a. ni , an * the ui reache- i
10 ' shortly after lildulgl t Ti conipiin >
hoxvex-or.lsinak'ngiirruiigf.ii. ' nts to rui
all-night cars aftVr April i ,
Tlio running expenses of i u compan
' for I1- ? have boon not let than Jin
per day. awl it U oxpectei
.v that during the presnt year t > so expense
i will bo lnrrra lat least HI pi cent.
j.l During 1W7 new stables hux been bull
i at Txventy-slxth nd Lukeets | with Z\ \
hlttglo stalls , Iwides r K > m . r forty-tlv
rn e-iirs. ThecU of thlinewlml' .nKlsiitlicK
I feet.
i > Tlio company , by order of . . . cty | , ini
. ' pxpendiMl lie ) less , tlmu WMia during th
7 | year IcST in Briimte paving li , .xxeen thel
7 ' tracks. The totU expemlltn' of the con
I pany durlnK the year for trr i , extension !
4 paving , the erection of luliP , n a stable :
I and other ImprpTements fo up Jl.Vt.lW
. I The ollicers of _ thei c-ompn . are us fo
* lows : ITank Murnhy. pre lent ! nny (
Iliirton. vlcivpr"sfdent ; W xv. jursl |
treasurer : John \\lluvr. . . -tary , an
W. A. Smith , HU terlntemlci
il's 'I'heOmnhftcal.letramxxav
i > rnxxlnsu
operatlo' , . 'Ihe W ,
| lt , instill rk was roi
Us I monocd ' " > , , the nil tn , er , .lul
or ISNI. on Pouth ( Tenth nt-eu 111111111
-at - xvlthstumllng tlijo lltlgiitli.ii mmra \ , \
ly , bucks. eiiM-riitlui. ! hare t . , vc i , . , ,11 ,
' '
rn I forward until thiprrsnttiiu. . . , -1.
, ur two distinctly | | W the nrst lv | , | , g ,
.ry . , Tenth and LeaveIworth street and i-u
, li iiHigtoTw 'Uiretrta ILiruiy htrV.
'The other berfu t at tlm
; | . suiae place a '
ho "runs to Tweut ) pistil Btrot-t v a D/i'iu /
ty i Seven tullni of .ti Eclc.have bwn'c '
'lie IneliiiUiiK ue h Jf mile on 'r\vvntli.i
In , si root north af | liuulng , which win i
II * . JoliUHltothe.inaiullne during the yei
i. The power housefct. tha-rortitrof 'iVe
| IIL ItleUmnil HartmigilFig. . i. . . ) , MUniUlce
dcfll , 'Iho great lly-xxheel alone xvelghs-
twcnty-tlvo tons. 'Hie txxo cable * wolyn
forty-three ton , and are made of the tin "t
s-teel wile. All nveraue of IS I men have
boon constantly employed during the past
veiir. mill have received excellent xva Jos.
'Iho entire cost of construction eject eded
* ini."i. ' The i 111 'ors of tin1 company arc
as follows : S. K. Johnson , president ; I. .
II. William" , vice president ; C. II. llu-dln.
ecretiry ; I , A. Tucker , superintendent ;
and Hobtrt ( llllham. chief engineer , The
value of tin1 patents oxvned by the corpor
ation -Miniated at
Tilt ! MKTIIOI'OI.ITXN ( " .Xtll.i : .
The Metropolitan Cable company of
Omnha has a capital stock of H.OO > , di
vided Into ! , ( ) shares of fill each. The
companv xvus Incorporated May 17th. 117 ,
and Its franchise covers all of thu princi
pal streets of the city. The ollicers arc as
folloxxs : I' . 1 , . rndcrxxood , presidents
( leorge A. Joslyn. vlco presidents Itlchard
S. llcrllu , secretary. The directors are !
Messrs. r. I , , t'udurxvood , II. S. Ilerlln ,
( W. 1'atrlcK , W. II.
Craig , W. II , Clarke and W. D. Allen. The
company began the xx-ork of construction
during the month of November on Cali
fornia street , and by next August proposes
to linx'o 111 operation at least live miles of
double track , equipped In llrst class shape
mid running cars Into the business center
ot the city. The route lies through one
of the most beautiful portions of Omaha
and buildings aru being rapidly erected all
along thu Hue.
OM.XII.X Mine t I.IM : .
The ollicers of the above company claim
to have construe oil txxelve and nine-tenths
miles of track during the past your The
cost Is about MII.HMI per mile and would
thus make the tut ilexpeudlturo il'-M.Ml i.
Tlm rapid growth of Omaha as a busi
ness center ofcour-e Inert IIMJH the busi
ness or all common carriers and public In
stitutions established lor the purposu of
accelerating commeiie. The establish.
ineiit or the stock yards unil the large ad
ditions made to the city's population Imve
been valuable boons to the telegraph lines ,
and as a consequence their business ; lur
1S ! < 7 has been largely In excess or that
doneln ISMI omahaisagreatrelaylngpoltit
for the xvest. asnllbusliiessforthexxestern
states , territories , 1'aclllo cbast mid China
and Japan , must pass through the local
o'llces. Tin- Western ( * nlDncoinpiiify docs
the larger part or the business. During thu
txx'elve monlhs ending November : m , 1H-.7.
there xveru ' , -ci.iaaiocal : messages scut and
received , and .I'.tMnil messages \xere re
layed. Tlm above figure * do not include.
thox'iist amount or matter received and
sent by the press of the cltv and state. The
Western I'lilon employs ( ill operators in
the main olllce and tlio monthly payroll
exceeds * s , ) i. There are sixty-eight cir
cuits outside of the city covered by the
local ollice , and 4IKI : battery cells are re-
tiulred. The cash receipts or the company
during the past year have exceeded thosu
or the preceding twelve mouths by at
least forty per cent.
Tlm whole third district is under thu
charguor Mr. J. J. Dickey , xvlth > lieailiiinr-
ters at the Omaha ollice. Mr. J. l.evlnlstlm
manager or thu local olllce. assisted by tlm
following : Day .1. II. Txvlforil , chief clerks
W. J. Uoyd , truffle clerk : W. II. .McCain-
man , wire. Night- . J. Hustlaild , chief
clerk ; W. 11. Prltclnird , assistant chief
clerk ; J. 11. McCilmils , whealstoiis ; .
Tlm tided district over which -Mr. Dickey
presl.les Is the laigost territory under one
man's supervision in the Western Union
company. It comprises a part of Missouri ,
all of Kansas , Nebraska , Wyoming , I'tah ,
Montana , Nexv Mexico , Colorado and a part
or Iowa ,
Mr. II. ! : . Jennlson has charge of nil Htm
construction mid repairs In tlio third dis
trict and has Jliil ) men constantly at work.
During tlm past year Hues have been ox-
ten'ded to Ueadwood and the Illnck Hills
countrv. Direct connection by additional
wires , with St. Paul , Chicago , St. l.ouls and
a largo number of minor points are among
the other improvements ,
The telegraph business of Omaha Is
divided between the Western I'nlon and
the Pacillc , mid thu latter promises to bu-
come a formidable ilx-id of the former. The
Pacillc is Known throughout the eastern
states as the "Postal and 1'nlted Lines
Telegraph company , " through Manitoba
and Canada us the ' ' 1'acillc and North
American , " nnd throughout the wi-stivtho
I'aclllc" or "I'aellle Mutual. " While these
companies are controlled by dlU'erent
oxx ners they are all linked together to
make one great opposition to their o'cl
enemy , the Western t nioii. That thebtock
or the I'aclllc Is not on the market shoxx-s
tlm confidence of thu owners in it. The
hues of the company extend from
ocean to ocean and Us business is
rapidly Increasing , Mr. O 'orgo M.
Myev.i Is the g nen.l manager
wlui M'adiiuarteris nt'J , < uusas C.ity. Mr. W.
H.-Dlnimock is tbul''lnnnsr ' > i 'ot'i'll lines
north of Kansas and Is In personal chargq
of the Omaha and Coiiu-11 lllulfs olllces.
Mr. nimmockls a thoroughly capixbloman
and under his supervision the business has
been greatly increased. Cn3 year ago tlm
local onico was located tn-uj , mall room at
-IS South 'Ililrteenth street Noxvthe com ;
jiniiy occupies elegant quarters in tfm Mil-
laril hotel block. Thirty-nine employes are
uoxv reipilred. whereas only oae-tlilrd of
that number was needed a year ago. The
I'lilteil Press dispatches are furnished by
the I'aclllc. New lines have been built
during tlm year to Sioux City and Council
Illulls and work on u copper wlro line lo
Chlcimo will bo begun at an early date.
Thu business of I s7 has Increased over
that or ISSii nt thu rate or if J.ll H nor m mth.
AM Kit 1 1 AN Dis'iuirr ] ii.ini'Ai : : M.
Tills Important institution is onu or the
greatest or public i onveiilenees. Thu elli
cers of the company areas tolloxx-.s : M. II ,
Coble , president : I. . II. Korty , vice presi
dent : I , . M. Itheem , secretary and treasur
er ; J. Donnelly , superintendent. Thi ) paid
up c'lpltul of the company IsSVi.iXI ) and It *
bus nss c insists of iiirulshlng messen
gers , cabs , carriapcs and express wagons
at any hour or the day or night. The com
puny also conducts a night xxatch service ,
1 let ween NiO and ! HI call boxes are scattered
throughout the city and during the pre-enl
year tlm service xvlll bo extended to South
Omaha , wnere a branch olllco is noxv bolim
erected. The company gives employment
to nineteen men and forty-live boys. Dur
Ing the past year thu folloxving calls liavc
boon answered.
K.\ini"s wii ons . IJI.IN
Tiitnl . l--ill.il1.
The XolirnnUa ToloplioiiO Co.
This corporation has made extensive Inv
prim-mom * dining thu year Just closed
and has greatly Increased its facilities
lorthe transaction or business , ' [ 'ho com
puiy xvas orgmilzeel July 1 , 1W. with 11
pal.'up capital of irlil ) ,0i l. The olllcersol
thu company tire as folloxvs : K II. II
Chirk , president : . ! . J. Dickey , vlio-prcsl
dent ; [ , . II. Korty , secretary and treasurer :
I'lenion Drake , general malinger ; \ . r ,
Jlusslcmiin , cashier. Thu company oper
utes M-iin lies orwlro out sldu of the city
Kluvon nexvolliceshavu been establishee
in the state during is- ! : , linking the tola
number llttv-slx. llosides this , comiortlon :
are made 'with slxtx-ono olllces of tin
1'nlon Teh-phono company In l"wa. Him
Omalia Isdlreclly conncclcd xvlth II , out
side cities. Tlm number of employes II
Omalia is tlfty-txxo , nil Increiiso of Him
over ISN ) . Thu total number of employe :
in thu state Is IH. , , .
Tlm total number of telephones In use ii
the state at tlm proM'iit time is S.MU , o
which Omalm has Kll. 'l"ori ; 1in till ,
city 712 miles or wire. Over WI.OHI me >
sages have been tranoiiilttnl to outslil
points dmim ; Urn llr.-t cloven months o
the year mid the number ot city culls hax
exceeded lO.tinoporday. Tlm average cos
of each telephone to the company per yea
is about ill mid the receipts or IM , shox
an increase of About iil per cent oxer t
year IWil. There are nine public tclcplion
olllces In the city mid quite a revomm iseu
rived therotrom. The tollllues. of thu company
have boon extended afar west a
Vork and sotithxvest to I'a rbury. lliirlni
the ) past your the company has removed It
olllces into the Ituiuge block mid their nex
( iniirlors are simply elegant , ihu eli
BW Itch board has given lilaco to one , th
superior of which cannot bo found In an
exchange In the ,1'nlted States. Tlm in :
provcments made by the company dnrlii. .
the year represent an outlay of over .i0ixie
The Kxpress Coinpunles.
InOlnaha.iiH in many either cities tli
. American Kxpress company and the \ \ el
Fargo Ac Co. Kxpress compunjr occupy tli
bamo ollico and the business or both 1
under one management. Without doul
there is more business transacted throng
the local ollico than In any other city In tli
xvest. Nearly thirty men are employee ! i
tlm Omaha local olllce mid ten teams ai
constantly kept busy. The monthly pa
1 roll of the txx-o companies exceedsil.NO pi
month. Thu Wi'lls-l'argo people ow
't ' considerable property In the city and it :
'I ' statid that they will soon erect a commi
dlous building of their own.
Tills company is operated in conjunct lo
p. with the I'ucfllo llxpress company an
i. furnishes an eastern outlet for its frolg ]
f to the latter. Thu business Is under tl
t' management of .Mr. f. A. llnntooi
v. Twenty-four men are constantly employe
Iv In the local olllce. Thu Omaha business (
e this comyany is In the neighborhood i
it JIW.COJ per year.
i , TUB PAflFlP.
t The local , olllco of the 1'ticlllo Kxprei
.1 company xx-as established in INJ'J ' as tl
e Union IMclllo r.xpressrotnpany which opo
I ated then only on the lilies of the Unit :
! i'aclliorailroad. InliSt'Jit was organlz ;
i. as an independent corporation and at tl
present time operates over SU.Otui miles e
ni rallxx-ay systems. 'Hie business of tlm pa
jt war In the local olllca amounts to ovi
Oiniihii the Thlnl I'uckliitt Otiti-r
' lu the ; United Stale * .
Omaha , from her location In the very
center of the corn producing belt , xx-as
early recognized by those having confi
dence In her future as possessing
many iritural ndxMiitiigos for becoming
a great live stock market. Kurly In IN * ! n
number of gentlemen associated themselves -
selves tonetlier xvlth n view lo the develop
ment of tlioso natural facilities. The out
come xvat tlm organization ol txx-o separate
companies , compooed chiefly of the sumo
parties , and Including In their number
soluoof the most enterprlslni capitalists
of Omnha , Chicago , rlieyemio. Huston mid
St l.ouls. It xx-ut Intended that these txx-o
companiesknoxxnas the t'nlon Stockyards
company anil the South Omaha Land syn
dicate , should work In harmony with each
other , and they purchased a large tract of
land lying Immediately south or tin1 city
limits of i liuahii. The stockyardcompinv
commenced thu building of yi rdxxhllu
the land syndicate laid oat a toxxn site ,
giving It the name of South Omiih i , w h"ro
tlmemiiloyes at the yards nilgat build
themselves homes. The original e.ipllal
of the stockyards company was fTiM.mn1 ,
but , xxlth the rapid development of tlm
Industry , tlm car-mil has b MM ; Im ried to
S'.till.l.ixn ) , a'ld noxv stockholders have been
added to the list. The oiiicors of the com
pany ttro linn. John A. MeShaie. pri"d-
dent ; Win. A. I'axtou. vUo pnxldent ;
.1 C. Snarp , secretary mid treasurer : ,1. I' .
" 'v ' I. gen'ml manager. The board of
directors is composed of the folloxving gen
tlemen : Win. , x. I'.ixton.lohii A.Croightou.
.lonn A. MeShane , 111110 Wmxel , I1. K.
Her , II. K. Smith , Milton lingers , M. C.
Ixelth. and llobort D. I'oxvler. Tlio yards
M ere llrst openi'd for business on August
S'ltli. | ss ) . since which time a large force of
men hax-e been employed In building ex
tensions , and making other Improvements
diMminded by thu groxvth of the business ,
until at the present date the capacity of
the yards | nis been several times doubled.
During the vear lv > ; , , fliii-iri | \\-ns ex-
li.Miaed In increasing the facilities In
IhXI. * j.iiit ) ) xvas spent In the building of
addltl i ail hog nnd cull" pen- , alone ;
} lli.liH ) < i' moro on a syitom of water works ;
f.UIti'HI ' 11 llio CMiupletlou of the stock ex
change b'tUd'tus. ' l.argo sains were ul"o
expended In the erection of nexv packing
Great as were the-o Improvements , the
past year lias xiltnessed still
greater chang s. I'lfty thousand
dollars has been invested In
building nuxv pens to accommodate the
rapidly increasing receipts of live stock ,
until at present tlm yards covei txventy-llvo
acres of groundand have a yardage capac
ity of 1'i.U IMoWMhogs. M.tiiiU cat le , and
n.nUil to 10,11 l sheep. During the past
summer a large t'orcu of men and teams
have been employed In grading doxvn tlm
uneven grounds adjoining the yards to
make room for largo extensions to be built
next sprlni' . Soni" idea of the extent
of this undertaking may Do gained
trom the fact that frM.itOO has
been spent on this grading alone ,
and th work Is not yet complete , a largo
force t e'ng still employed in pushing the
lob as rapidly ns po-slhle. The stock
yards companv has also employed
another large i'orc" or men all summer in
gradliu and hiyinu .sidetracks In and
around the yn"ds. The xx-ork has already
cost over ( uUiU ( ) , and is far from being
The railroads running Into South Omalm
have made largo extensions- the way of
ynrdaiCiinilaltogether ! there were between
Jin ) and III ) teams employed during thu
whole summer within a radius of less than
a mile.
In order to supply b < tter drainage facili
ties for the yards and iiac'jlng houses the
stockyards company has been compelled to
build an expetiolx-o sexx-or. a distance of a
mile or more , to thu river. Thuconstrtftlou
of thU sexx-er , which necessitated the tun
neling through a ridge of hills at a depth
of a hundred feet from the surface , called
for an outlay or over iVi.nno.
TIII ; KIIIST i'.xcit.imrsK. .
The llrst packing house located at the
yards was that or ( ! . II. Hammond \-Co. ,
which wus oiened early In INM. The house
was built by the stock yards company , and
xvas leased to C. H. Hammond for a term
or three years. I'lioti the expiration of the
lease a foxy \x-eeks ngo , tno Hammond
company bought Hie house , thus shoxvlng
tholr confidence In tlio live slock business
at Omaha. The house- has been killing on
nn average about , H | cattle and nil ) hogs
per day. I'tiilor the management of II. II.
Modny the business proved u success from
the very start.
A great Impetus was glx'en to the live,1
stock business at the time when the Anglo-
American Packing company and Thomas
,1. Upton decided to locate p.u King houses
hero. Tlm former Is located Immediately
went of the stock yards , and is one ol' the
best equipped houses of Its kind In the
. couutrjv. There are txx-o largo brick build-
inBVfour to tlvo BtorloM. . In height , one of
them being about : wo feet sciuurc , and tlm
other ITuxlkK ) . Besides those buildings
there are several smaller buildings , in the
xx-ay of .additions , such as Ice houses ,
sinokp houses , eta. The house was opened
on November 10th , issii , since which time
f mm J.nnn to lymfl hogs Imx-o been slaugh
tered dally. Sox-oral hundred thousand
dollars linx'o been expended ill the
plant. An interest lug feature in the
equipment of this house Is the immense
Arctic or refrigerator machines xvhlch , by
tlm condensation of ammonia , keep tlm
building at an oven temperature xx inter
and summer , thus doing away wit n thu
storing or hundreds or tons of Ice. On thu
north side or this house are located thu
switch tracks where , almost any tlmo , a
large force of men may bu peon loading
cars xvlth pork and lard , tlm output of tlm
house , a train being loaded every day.
Tin : AiiMoru IMCKIMI mirsr. .
On the other side of these tracks Thomas
.1. IIptou built a packing house , having a
capacity of about l.nno hogs per day. Mr.
Upton , who Is the largest retail provision
dealer lu the world , having over thirty
great establishments in the leading cities
of Kngliind and Scotland , luilll this house
to supply his markets ; but the largu and
very tat corn fed lions of Nebraska and
loxva were not suitable for the I'ngllsli
trade , which prefers thu product of n
lighter and leaner animal. For that reason
the house xvas sold.l'hll Armour , of Chicago
cage , being tlm purchaser. Tlio transfer
i took place early in August. IK-T , and tlm
xx-ork of enlarging tlm hoiist
; xx-as commenced almost im-
i mediately. An addition was made on tin :
I north and the castor l.-JIxliSI led , fotti
stories lu height , xvhllu another IndUllng ,
'iKx ) : l.l feet , also four stories high , \viit
erected on tlio xx'ost. The cost of the im-
proveinonts was- about a quarter or a mil
lion dollars. Notwithstanding the ditlicnlt.x
of obtaining a sulHclcut number ol
bricklayers , Iho work was so fat
completed ns to alloxv the building
to bu opened before the middle of last No-
, vembor. I.Ike the Anglo-American house ,
' It is designed for the slaughter of hogs ex-
SWIFT'S t'xrKtxn iint'si : .
I'arly hist summer negotiations were begun
gun betxveen the Stockyards company ant
. ( i. V. Sxx'lft , the Chicago paiker. lor tin
location of a mammoth beef parking lions'
[ at this point. Thoyxxcrj soon com Indctl
i and the house was built. The establish
i meiit Is situated Immediately south of tin
) Hammond house , cnxi is thirteen acres o ;
i ground , and. xx hen fully completed , xvll
. have a capacity of from "HI to NM eattli
I per day. tint same number of hogs , mid tu
i many shcoii. Although Mill lacking com-
i plotlonthe house was opened oil the ITth o
November last , but will not bu operated ti
i Its full capacity for n fexv weeks yet.
i In connection \vlth thu stockyards then
. aru sex-oral smaller , though important
i establishments. The Cnloti Itenderhi ) .
C company and the Nebraska lciid ( > Tlug am
. ) Kelluliig company each have a hoii-u lo
t catcd at tlie yards and are engaged in ren
! derlug the animals which die there or ii
, - transit.
9 This house was built prior to the organ !
. zatlonof the Stockx-ards company , mull
. located about a mile and a half trom th
i ether packing houses , The Ilrm has boei
- doing a good business in supplying the eit ;
3 trade with fresh meat , and dm lug the srn
f sou slaughters a largo number of cattit
t hogs mid sheep.
f The houses ot nils m m are local e ion iiei ;
. entli and ( ! race streets , and their capaclt
. Is Nil hogs per day. The Ilrm do in
i ] slaughter anj- animals , but purchase the
meats in car lots nnd cure them for tl
market. It Is one of the most complet
lio-iscs of Its kind In the I'nltu.l States. 'I
.1. ( io.lmanln superintendent.
o Tills tlrm slaughters ilii l cattle. ri.O' '
s hogs.and 12,110) sheep per annum In add
e tlou to supplying nearly all the local trail
s xvlth meat tlm tlrm also ships consldcrah :
it quantities or meats to tlm south.
Ii niivn's.
0 The number of hogs slaughtered In.I. I
u lloyd's packing house , noxv closed , wi
e 4S.4Si , the total weight of xxhlch xvi
> ' i' , 77,7W pounds , value I at i-i'-'T.O ' K' .
n The report of the secretary or the Pack
s crs' association , given below , shoxv :
* morodelliiltely what theoo houses hav
been doing during thu past year , but li
looking over thi'BO llguros It must bu re
n memberod that thu Armour hous-o ha
d been running only a llttlo over a montl
> c anil that during that tlnm it bus not beei
10 handling Its lull quota of hogs on acconn
' of still being incomplete , also that th
d Kxx-ift house has been slaughtering only i
toxvcattluii'id sheep for the fresh men
> ' trade , and , like the Armour , has not bee :
able to run to it.s full capacity.
niiiKiiiN nfVKiis ox TIII : MAIIKIT ; ,
> s In iidilltlon to tlio local packing h > uscs i
10 number of other packers hax'o had buyer
r" here , the quality of thu Nebraska un <
' } loxx-a bogs being far superior to those o
( l tiny other locality , and in order to retal :
: " their trade this action had to be taker
II Aiming tlil'so are Squires Ac Co. o
* t lloston. Klngau * c Co. of ] ndluntpolU : , .1
r T. Stexx-art and Green A : Son of comic :
" ' ' -
punt ji-ar nil the hoi ; ooniltm li th1 nnir
Ki-t have lici'ii "olit hero , the c hlpliod
Citing direct lo 1'acklin ; hellos nt olht't
polntx , row , If nny lo.uK bolni : shliijioil In
iiist Imtul.
. - .
Tlio folloivniir ollk-lal statoinont of the
receipts at the stoi'k yards xiuoo tholr or-
iratilzntlon contains miieli lntorotliiK In-
formatlou ooncornlm ; thu KM. u tli of the
biiclnos-i. The Kivatoot llicroa o will bo
noticed In the n niilii'i' of ho s liamlli'd ,
iililchlsiliiclaruolytii the rnot that the
llrst hoa us o.stablNliod here were mainly
hoi : li.U'klni ; hoit-o < . While tlioro has iil o
boon a very onroiiraitlni : growth In the rnt-
llobuamoys tholl.frea o lias not boon as as that In hints owlny to fie
Konoral ik'pro slon In tltu cattle tn.ilo
all over the country.
The followllnr tables are compiled from
tlio records In tlio stock yards oitloo. t\
111 bo soon , the Moi'kyar.ia ' your bi'clns
on Docuinbor 1 and terminates Novomlior
10. _ _
.Mi.litli CiTflo riiuTr lii' ' ! ! H'rV
, \llltll > t . III.S.II
oiiteiiilier . ' 'i ; ) ) ' !
NcivemtiiT . IS.MI
21'flJ M7.V.'l ' 1UW I'l
Total 21W2I l.iill.TIi ; MJIIi : ! , ! ! . ! ' ,
coxii'AiiM-ivi : nnciMiT" .
s.s ! ; | , | : ln.i.,7 2i.V7-.ri
1:1 im.s. : i i.i i i.eni.7111
I \.w \ " : ijV\i ' : iun !
I 'Ihe folloxving tables for the years I -ii
, mul 1LS7 shoxv 111- ) number of head of stok
killed each year , the product made. It-
value , number of men employe ; ! , and
amount or wages paid.
cxcuuis M \ i i : > ns : i ron i in : vi\n : los. . ; .
.No. Killed. XVeluht. Cost.
iiui ! " -l-4 ! ! ? : ! l.-i'-K''s ! * ' . ; , ' . , ' . ' - ' !
niiuil'iT xi.x'm : . '
I'leces. Wllisllt
I on cut hiiiiis s.i,4- i 4'.H-7
s -i'i tiii'Xli'il hntiis ' . ' . ' .7111 : i.r.'l.ii :
short ill. . ses | ISUI.i 7. : i7.irji :
. . .
l-neil : li meals . .IITIIN : >
.Mi s iiiirk liiirreN . s,7M
I'rl ne leiiiu lar I. | .ounil . . IUMI.447
Tull'iw. vniniiN . I. ' . " ! " . . ' * ' . !
Tlie nuinbor of men employed during the
ye rs-iwas | | S77 ; amount of wng s paid
lor tin sime year , V-'ii,777.1T.
C\CKIIIS' : s-viiMi.vr | ; : loiiiui : YIIAII Ks7.
Nil. Kllleil.Vellllt. | . C < i. | .
. ' , ' . . .
i"i.i !"i,4' ; i ; iivvr.s..a
1,2117 ll'.M'.KI . 'I..TOI.7'.1
Tumi . srwisi.r.'i.i :
eiioiiriT MAIII : .
I'liM-es. Weluhl
Ijini ! rut lianis . liiiUKi l.ssHk |
MMM't plckll" ! Illlllis. . . : . l.Vi.V.I7 | I7.l''is-
Minrt rlti siili's . ! " > ; 2ii.4ir.M4 :
i inruls
, . . .
INlin * sicain lant. ( .itiiii Is
Tmliiw. | .i.iiii's . |
XniiiliiT ut men ciii | > ( } In
. ,
iniilM'r nt ineti einiln | > eil In reiiilerlni ;
linnscs . 241
Am unit otaues pahl lur llii > ; ( ear . . .H'-'
( Slgiiodl II V. II. UKDAV.
I hatrman I'acki'i's' Association.
In ailiKt'iin to the above , .1. li. lloyi
picked | S.s.hogs | , weight ' , U77.7H1 [ oiind' .
valued at fitt7.H ! HI. This makes ihtola !
number or hogs klllo 1 during IN-7 ll
Omaha , sTI.ii'.ii ! , and the total valui
Tlio Nt'\v Union I'ai-lllu I5riilfc.
Thu tnagiilllcoiit now steel bridge bo-
fwi'cnomalia.uul Council lllnlls , built by
tlm Union 1'aclllo company , was comiiloted
I'rlday , November | n , lsf.7 , and on that duy
was turned over to tne cump.iny by the
managliijO'iigliU'er. It Is one of the llnest
htnicturefTln the world as well as one of
tlm largest , llcsldo * two trucks tlioro is a
wagon road ami a toot path on either Mile ,
Thu work WHS common oil In October ,
IHM , a'ld trom that time until its comple
tion an average or l ' . 'i men were employed ,
The MOk wns doii'i under the dliect MI-
] iervsii | | , of Chluf llugfueer ( ienrgu S. Mor ,
I'lsoii , who in.ulu the ( iriglnal designs. Tin
bridge lsl,7.l ( loot In length and has ten
Hpaiis. Knur of iiosi.1 are "ni fiet In lengtli
aii'ltheremaiirii ' ; six , three at each end , an
dec k spans I- " ) Vet each In length. Thollooi
of Is ' above low
thu blldge sixtv-slx l > 'et
wiiler. The width over all is llfly-fom
feet. The width uf the ro.idttays' are sevoi
lei t c.ic'h , and of thu foot p iths throi
led. The fi main or central span i resi
upon colossal grmdto piers , tlmtoialheighi
of each b.'lng 1 1 1 lei-t , huventy-foiir lee :
1 being biMloath the level of low water. Tin
length or each pier is llfly-llvu foot at Hit
water and forty-three feet at the coping
Tlm thicku 'ss or tlm piers range Iron
twelve to eight foot. The bridge will Mam
upiO'suro of oxer four tonn lo the siniart
loot. The exai t cost ol' the itrncture is no :
yetknoxMi , but It xvlll appioxlmute , > lUOil ( (
Thosu who hud charge of the work wen
i asfolloxxs : ( ieorge S. .Morrison , desgnlii | >
' architect and elder engineer ; II. \ \ ' . Park
hurst , iisstMant engineer : deorgo A
, I.ederle , assistant engineer : II. Dnr > ea. a-
slstaut engineer : It. Modjeska , assistanl
i engineer ; o. ( iunki-1 , sturo keeper ; .lame :
' Saguln , foreman onrectlon ; Dennis Loon
--upcrlnteiiileiit of pneumatic work
> .1. A. ll.thlin. time-k > 'eper.
The old bridge , which xvus cons'ldcrod a
the time of Its erection the llnest Mructur
' . west of the Mississippi , was a .smal
> alliilr compared with the new one. Ve
Its' cost was over iN : lln , l , nearly Hire
times us much as the now one. The wor !
> of construction xvas commenced in Ni
, ' vembor. | M.I. ; and was not completed untl
; .March , 1- * " ! . Itxxas y,7. feet long am
I had eleven spans. It was built of Iroi
Tlm elevation was Illty feet abovehlg
water mark.
The Grain Trail c.
Tlm receipts and shipments of roreals I :
, Omaha , especially or corn , have , dnrlli
3 IW.greatly exceeded those of any provloii
I vear. The vast area of corn-producln
land In Nebraska have naturally mad
. Omaha thu receiving point for thoprodiic :
mill with the excellent elevator facilities ! !
1 thu cltv , and the prospect ) ) of addition !
ones , tncre is little doubt that Omaha wi
hoon taku a llrst phicu among thu corn cci
v tersot the country , ( ireatly Increase
't acreage has been ilevotoil durlngtlmpuf
r year to the groxvlug of wheat , rye , oat
t > and ether small grains. Omaha Is thu mi
i > ural distributing point for the entire wes
. orn country , ami has magnificent railroa
facilities for the quick shipping of a
products. Now rnllxvay Hues , termlnatln
, . at this point , have opened up u new , vat
i and fertile country , and while corn i
, , present is tlm loading grain handled , thei
Is no doubt that thin market xvlll soon hi
comn celebrated for its whcutiind othi
small grain hhlpments.
, Tlm distillers mid brewers furnish
' r.ish market of considerable nmgnltndi
1S They buy direct from country dealers an
IS Here the grain In their own warehouse :
Thu Willoxr Springs distillery dm Ing tli
past year used no less than n.VniU ! liushe !
of corn , and the three loading lirowerli
! malted : iV ) , W bushels of barley. Tli
3 Omaha Ilorsu Hallway company also buj
1 direct , and has ) during the year lr-87 pu
chased ox-cr KiO.utKI bushels of corn an
1 oats. Thu local Hour and food mills liav
1 jairchascd IXi.OOi ) bushels ofhent an
J corn , and It U expected that during tl :
1 present year this consumption will 1
] doubled liy the erection of two new mil
J of great capacity. lllmehauRh tc Jlcrrlan
[ proprietors of the I'ldon elox-ato :
' report an active trade during the pai
year. 'J ho capacity of their elevators
.nearly one million bushels. They haiidli
i 'during the year 1KS7 the folloxvlng : Cor
, 4,0li < ,3ii ] bushels ; wheat ' , &IW ! ! bushel :
J rye. ll.f-Kl bushels ; | | ax , 4wi : bushel
J barley , lbdliobusheU ; outs , 74 ,0ill bus ]
City lloiul i.
1 friio proceeds of th salt ) of a very Jan
fslliireof nniiilui , 'lly bonilH are inx'e.strd
Its ltllllll | ClMIXXtllTin -
Intercom or j | Tlirlvlnt ; Siiliiu-li.
During the month of September a OCIIKIH
xva < taken In South Omaha , which showed
a population of iiiwhich : | has inuca-cd
at least lt m since that time. On December
l.'l. by proclamation of the goveumr. South
Omaha xxas made a city of the second class ,
the requirement being that It" population
should IH < A.URI nml upwiinN. It litMiiclty
govorntnont of u m.ivor , eight
( oiuncllmeii , police jinlgo.slx | iollcemen.and
other city oIllclaN. It has a volunteer tire
department , which Is provided with a lire
engine , hose cart , I.MM t'ect of luno and
other eipilpments. South Omaha is now
the third pork'piieklngcontcr lu the I'nlted
State' . It is well supplied xxlth schools
and churches' , it has IXXM d.illv noxvs-
liapefs , the Dally Stockman and the Hoof
and Horn , both devoted to live stock Inter
ests and a weekly , the South Omalm
The South Omaha National bank Is the
only national h. ink In South Omaha , and
has in the la t jenr established a perma
nent. iirotltablo and growing business. The Includes aniouu' Its ollicers and stock *
holders. A. C. NVvinan , of Omaha ; I'redorlek
( . .Amos of Iliistou ; .1. II. .Mlllard , tiny C.
ll.irtnu , .I..I. ItroxMi , \V.\Vells and other
xtioiurmciKif Omaha. Located centrally
for tliemeiv.intllo interests and being im
mediately adjacent to the stockyards. It
oilers every facility for the tr.ilisactlonof
MockyardshiiMliio.oM.nml number * many de
positors among the best and leading com-
nilMsinn llrms The South Omaha collection
business or the Omaha National bank nnd
its largo clientage , together xxlth several
other lea-ling Omaha banks and a rapidly
lucre. ising eorrosiioiidoni e through this
s'ate aii'l xx'eslern loxin , eomblno to give an
Imnn tiseenllei t niibilsltiessMlllcll IvcelVoH
c ivftilaMciitlnii. It Is the Intention of tlm
dlivetors tn erect a suitable bank building
and double the capital of thu bank at an
curly day.
The I'ldim Stockyards bank , which Is situ -
u : ted in the r.xchan 'e building , and the
ii'ily bank at thostockxards was Incorpor
ated ami began business lu November , hul ,
with a capital or W < m.llit > , and authority to
lucre 'so as desired to a half million ,
Among the stockholders IIK < wmo of the
strongest and best knoxxn capitalists and
business nn n ot'om.ilm. tin Indlnga mim-
ber of tliiisecompi'ls-lng the ollicers of the
Stoi'ky.irds company ; in la t , the presi
dent. John A , .MeSliane.and Vlro-l'rosldoiit
V. A. I'aMon , ooeiipy eiirio'poll'lln ; ; l > n-l-
tlonslu the bank. The establishment of
this ban' ; xvas regarded as a necessity by
the originators , as the business or tlm
yards w arrmitt d it , and theeummlsslon men
and others demanded it. The result has
boon very gratifying to all concerned for
tlio baiiK Ims Kept pacu with the increiiso
in thu volume of business at the yards ,
On November "I , I-1 * I , bat txx-o men
were required to attend to all mut
ters connected with the Institution ,
while at pros-cut ilve aru kept busy. The
lli'st report to the state auditor , made In
Docombor. 1 S'l ' , shoxved * 15.l l , in depo Us ,
while the one for 1 s7 shoxxs fi'lM'im. ' 1 1m
dully tranaturns run from jliKHl ) ( to ) per day. and on 1'rlilny. Noxon b riM
i-M , l-.Twas oxer jl.miMDii. The is
heulqia-tcrs : f ir all llnanclal operators nt
tlioyard * , and no palm lire spared to trans
act all business w lih laclllty and dispatch.
Itemittances to correspondents In Omaha
for out -.idob inks are made through this , and nil deposits made before " p. m.
shoxvlu the business of the same day twen
ty-four hours In advance of all compet
itors. 'lids ariMiigement is made a spe
cialty. While the chief Im-Mue-ts or the
house Is that relating to stock a general
banking business is transacted , and the
.savings deposits are already assuming
large proportions. The concern also has
ncconnts trom dealers in general merchan
dise , lumber , etc. , etc Tlio bank Is on the
same Hour In the IN 'liaugo building with
the olllces of the live stock commission
llrms. Immediately across the hall from
the telegraph olllces , mid bus toloiihonu
connection xxlth Omaha ami adjacent
towns. The bank has three messengers
which make three dally trips to Omaha for
the accommodation or Its customers , and
is surpassed by no other Institution of Its
kind In Its facilities for trausactlugtt.sbu.s-
luess with great car. ' and dispatch.
South Omalm has n number of
these , tlm llrst oim established being
that of the South Omaha lumber company.
Their yards are centrally located tlm
business portion of the city on Txx-onty-
olghtli street Immediately north of of the
1' , I' , depot. Tiiu ilrm have ample facili
ties for carrying on business. have lltteou
hundred foot of trackage and are In excel
lent shapu to attend to "thu xx'ants of their
numcrouscustoincrs. la addition tohiind-
: ling ci'orythliiu connected with HID lumber
tradutliey nlsoiical la coal and hax'e an
! excellent wholesale and retail trade. The
vardsof the Iv. S. Xoxx'comb company are
| located In thu northern part or the city ,
! nnd the Star I'nlon northeast of tlm depot.
i The Chicago lumber company are estab
lishing a branch olllco and yards.
' , IIITSINKsS llll'si-i ) : AMI MDTIH.ol.
' South Omaha hay i largu number of
; business houses or all kinds. The princi
pal hotels are the Kxcliii.'e ! . , Heed house ,
i llcnson. City , a 1 1 Dos Molnes.
1 TIII : cxriiAvn : iini.iHNO.
This 1 uddlng , a large and substantial
brick structure , contains sixty hotel rooms
t xx only unices for commission llrms , telegraph -
' graph and railroad olllces. tlm Stockyards
' bank and olllco. mid an elegant parlor and
sample room. The number of commission
1 linns doing business In tlm building Is
' txxvuty.
Tlm Western I'lilon mid I'licltln Mutual
telegraph companlu each have an olllce In
the llxchangu b'.illdlng.
The lines of railroad entering South
Omaha are the Tnlou 1'acllle , II. A. M.Va -
bash , St. I/inlsvV I'acinc. Chicago Ar North
western. CM 'ago. Mllxv.inkei' Ar M.
I'.ml , Chicago Itock Island , V 1'aclMo.
Fremont , Illkhoni \ Missouii Vidley , and
Chicago , St. I'nul , .Minneapolis , V Omaha.
All t'lesu lines are increasing their facili
ties lu the city as rapidly as possible. The
11. Ar M. has increased its yard capacity
over txx-o-tlilnls since January I , 1 7. Tla
Chicago \ Nortlixvestern has now lu conrst
ofconstru tlou thirteen tracks , which xvlll ,
\xhcn comiileted. iillord t'uit ' compan >
ample trackage. The other roads are al-i :
making additions In tlm sha m of nexv siile.
The folloxvlng table will shoxv the nuinbei by each road dur
ingthtt year ending November ! ! i ) , 1HH7 :
The amount of capital invested in bullil
Ings and Improx'cmont.s during the pai
year is * l'ir > . . ' , no ; or this sum tlill.liuixva
. expended for grading mid * lUO.Kin lu xvate
: ; mains , four miles buing put down by th
u Omaha Water company. Improvements I :
! . tlm stock yards , consist Im ; of nexv pen-
, , grading and sexvers , J'iiij.iioii. Improvi
meutsIn buildings , * 7. > , ( i , i. Soxxersieity
f } s."ikl. ( The number or buildings erect ei !
i the coot of which isover Jlt i , is estimate. .
| j at .117 ; of loss cost than Jl.iMIHieru aru sll
lleloxv will be found a partial list of nex
I buildings , the co t of which is i-l 0 an
; npxvards :
; Swift pni-klnir linn.o . S13.1.0T
9 Aruiiiariiiicliliiiili . . . 2. " < > .ui
tHlKlihclioiil liiilluiiM . lll.o :
: Ncbruokii lli'inli > rliiiciiaiiiiiiy | . bUJ
il Miir Unldii laiiiit.iTctiiiii.aiiy. . . siiritu anil
i ! ulllcea . . . . : . . . . 8OU
. M. lliint.hrlck lilock. 3 utorlus. North
f Twenly-olxt sired . 8Xi (
; Welsh llrulliers lour fnuiKi mure bull.l-
> t Ini ; ! * . , . . . . . . 7fll
0 U. .I.Siioi , Tlmi.H biillillin ; .N Klrcet . li..V :
t. Itiichtnr.liiulM , hrick Hinrn liiillillin ; . .
r S , Hurry. lniiiiilni lin'8iliullillMS..N street fi.UI
J..I. .Maliiiner , friiinu lm lneko liullillin ;
Nxtreet . 0 , ( l
" A. MoliiviTk , iniinii Morn biillillnu , N
? . street . n.u :
d .M.lnlin nn , stiiru liullillni ; , Q street . 3DI
4 lluvlil lii liiiro , Imlel , Nurlli Twenty-
. : sevuntli . .V'l
" lliilnn I'ltfltln nillwiiy eoiiiinny | lerjHU . . . IVVJ
" AinlerHiin \ rookri. " > iiU'iK-i'l'iinil I'won.
' * tlilr.1 . utreetii . 3.UI
u A. M'l.lcl . , fruuiu hiiHni'sH tiullilink' U
5 klrei-t . 2M1
- . 11. . I. lizn : r. friiuie liuslnos kullilbiK ,
.1 Twentr-iDventli ulreet . 2,91
* Mr . lt..leltu , friinm ru'lilcMcu , XHret't . 2.'Ji
" W. It. llymiin. resilience , U flrcct . 2.11
U Carpenter \ llruln , llvury klnlile . 2,11
0 (1.v. ( . Mason , sloru. Tweiity-Hlxth undo
iu Ult-cU . 2,1)
' * .
. ' This IH thi- southern terminus of tl
, 't I'lilon Piiclilc suburban service , xvhlch pr
is x ides nineteen trains dally each xx'ay , x\lt
, i a live cent fare morning and ex'eiiiug fi
, the benellt of xx'iii'klngmen This statli
I is in Iho.centt-ror Albright's Clu/lce , whli
( ! is xvlthlh tin' corpoViitc llnlttsof Soul
il Omahii There have Wen erected fin II
Choice IIKI buildings .during tin1 year , tl
aggregate vUluo be.lng.t'll.U ii. The ( Mini )
Carriage and Sleigh factory has an I
MB iient of t.V'.im and employs 11)0 ) hand
; . The South Omaha roller mills , located <
in the Choice , xxerolmllt by lluriiio | > , t .V C
-I " . "SSa
the paeklug lion e o that the Choice N
mniloln exery xvay a most desirable pluce
for ro ldet c purpo eo. a fact which N be
ing taken advantage of by a largo number
of xvorktiignieil. The motor line survey
otvj'xxenty-fourtn street run to the northeast - 1
east cm m r of the Cholc . and thN road ,
which Is to be immcdliitoly constructed to
that p.ilnt . , will add greatly to the inisscti-
ger trans ] . .illation.
s TTH OM XM Cs 1 1' fin :
Next spring xvlll x itno.s the erection of
txxo miinufacturlnghoise | , that of Murphy
Itros , ami Hcrvhbrnun HUH , oC Chicago.
Work on those 1101104 xvlll begin as soon as
the weather will permit. These houses
will bo In no xvl o Interior to those already
constructed. "Nols" Morris , the great
beef canning man of Chlcago.w 111 also erect
a factory lu South Omalm. With the or
ganization of a board of trade this winter
othi'r manufactories \ \ \ \ \ be Induced to lo
cate , and the1-1 , together xvlth thee al
ready In operation , will glx-o a im
petus to tlm city.
Tlio Wa
The Improvements made by the Omaha.
Waterworks company during the pa t
year have been very o itouslx o. At pro ,
the company oxvns eightysixmiles of
mains , or xxhlch txx only-six miles xvero
built during the year Iss" . The o mains
are stretched beneath all of the principal
streets and reach Into a'l of th important
suburbs- . Six miles of small munisxvro
replaced by pipes of four t'.in. s t'.io fll'im v-
tor. Txvo uxv settling ha Ins , wllh a , , i-
paclty of 7.iOi.i m gallons have been built
dating the ye , r , and a new .Mils . u t'uo '
of iVHlMlnl gallons capacity per da.x has
been purchased. The txx-o new sitthng
basins cover all of the land that could bo
secured at that location. While the o ub-
reservoirs are built upon quicksand tlioy
are very slialloxv , and tire rnn-oqiiently
moro secure than if depth had been sought
for. Tlm wat.'i' Is drawn from basin u >
basin by means of a plpo near the sniTaeo
of cat li. and tins ! only tlo : jmro xxatorls
used , the settlings lemallillig at tlie bet
tom. It was ft mud llinl the site i n x.hli litho
the works n , v located at present xxonld ,
in a foxv months beoino ton small , i s the
city already extends m-yoii I the pumping
works , thus ng an oxtraonilnarv
outlay In the construction of sexxers wlileli
must empty Into thoi-iver beloxv the Mu
tton. It Isootlniati d tli it thl- > would c < st
tlm city from jmi.ti .n to JI.M.MI . i per j ear.
The company , therefore , decided t. . build
n nexv pumping station , and chose a s'.to at.
rioronce. 'I'lils place gives the nexv bu 1 1-
Ing a solid rock t'oiimiatlon , ii'id uniinflo
amount of laud has been secure I to.1
settling basins to be built us needed. 'Ii i
nexv pumping station xvlll bu a nnd ' . .f
architectural bounty.
Tlm architect , ( icitrgo Ti. I'l-Oier , wliosu
olllco Islnthoehamb rot' commerce build
ing , has been given Iho fullest treedom In
the dosiirii. Ills Ideas both as to iirchltei t-
ural beauty and c .nsiriictlvo details u :
being minutely carried out , Th. ' Imlldlntr
requires much eiulnecrlug sMll. The
trnosos hold up tlm steep roof nnd celliii" ,
besides the Immense pumping nriehl liey
which mustoltoiibususpeiided from them.
The fi o lu ; s of tlm timer aid building
proper require thu nlceni luljus-t incut to
jirevcnt unt'iu , il settlement , 'i'lm archi
tect has glxvn fie most ea refill attention
to all thoio 11 liters and the building xvlll
be a model i.l'nrtlstlcoxocllenccaiidstroiijf
The comp inv has also purchased three-
quarters of a mtlo of river front , nnd xnM
terrace and lay 1 1 , out Into a beautiful park.
The pumping engines will bo located in tlio
east portion of tlm nexv building , lonv-
ing Iho ciitlrn West for the acoum-
modallon of ni'xxo'lgiuos , Thu now
settling basins ! are nil th elevated ground ,
and can b ' oloaimd by tlm gravitation or
their oxvu xvclght Inl.i the river bcloxy the
xx'tirk1 ! . TlmiU'W station xvill bolnorktng
order during .lulj of this year , and tally
complet > d by January. ISMI. There is no
doubt that llm company has the llnest
works in the country.
The work ill South Omaha has been
pushed rapidly during lw-7 , and mains lit
Inches In diameter roach all tlm packing
houses ol that city. 'I'lm rate for supply Is
as cheap as In the city or Omaha. The ixx-o
Mimll works oxvned by tlm stoi kyiuds and
thu South Omaha Land syndicate x\ ere pur
chased by thu Omaha company.
The company m > w has T'.uh.xdrauts , 'J. > I of
which xx eru established during IssT. Dur
ing the year u pumping eiiglnu bus been 1 >
cntod at tl'O upper reservoir , corner or
1'ortleth and Nicholas streets , in or 1 > r to
give Urn and domi'stli' service to ivsl.lciits .
on tlm hills. Those now extensions give ex
cellent satisfaction , nnd Imxe been thor
oughly tested by tlio chief or the lire do-
The total cost of Improvcmcnls made by
tlm company during ISM- , < > i-e over lVi.i 'i.
Tlm nexv pumping station will cost (
x\heu complete. The company has suppled
" , ( H , < iin gallons more of xx nli'r dallv totlm
city and its suburbs than during | S8fl. It
Is stated by the president of the company
Unit the contemplated Improvements for
i.'is.S xvlll cost , not loss than J70ilmil ) .
The ; J.'iro Departnii-nt.
The lire department of ( ( malm Is one that
any city could well bo proud or. The ills-
clpliim'liiangnriited by I liter Oalllgiin while
suvoiu at times Is most praiseworthy , and
through hl-i I'llorts tlm employes or the de
partment have become as pioliclcnt as any
in thu world. Tlm e'ip.1 Ipmont of the paid de
partment is as folloxvs : Mvo four-xx heeled
liosu carts , one chemical engine , txx'o hook
and ladder trucks mid a roerx e stomi or of
the Aluen's make. Twonty-llxo horses ,
oxvned by thu city , are employed by tlie de
partment. 'I hero are six llroliouscslocated
asfo.loxxs : No. | , at Twenty-fourth mid Sunn-
eli-i'sj No. " , on Tenthhot xx ecu ramnm nnd
Douglas ; No. . ' 1 , on llarnuy , between Thir
teenth mid I'ourteentli : No. 4 , Klovclith
and Dorcas ; No. ri.l'hll Sheridan and IA-IIV-
euw.irtli : > o. li. Sixteenth and l/.ard. I look
mid Ladder i ompunli-N No. land , me
iiiinrturcil In houses No. II and No. 1 respec
This shoxx's eight coniiinles ) , comprised
of Illty-txvo men. us iolloxxs :
No. I engine , tlxeinen D.I' , llenril. caplilln ;
II. ( . .Clements ( Irlvei : ( i. XX' . I'atlon , .lame-
CJonnully unit I * . I'assldiiv. pliieiiien.
No. genuine , si v Tlioiimsicvi'ca.lahii ( | .
Jnines Tri : > , ilnv < n .lulin Murphy , . .lolmMe
llililo.-rul .Nouiinn anil.lolm I .link , plpetiien.
No. .1 , chumliiil , Imir iimiiljciiriieVliiilhelni
captain : XV..I. llinio > , ilrncri M. llionion , C.
( iallli.'iin.plpenien.
.No. I oiivlnc. tour men mii rroivh-v. cup
. tnln ; Ueow Miller , ilrivci ; Nelson Nelson
unit AiiiriiHt XVlnlimiH , iilpeinen
No. 'lencme , lunr mi'ii ileoigo < ' . Coilltel
cuptaln n.i'lciiKliii'cr ; . l'li- . ililver ; Mmrl
Turtle-oil ami , lohn Andrew , pipemen.
No. lieiiKlnu. fix iiien-l'iniil. Unive , eiiiliilii |
W.ll.l ion.ilrlver : I. . II. Wlnslmv , Muiili
.Mnlx'llilll , Julm .XlcNiimcra nnil Thomas Hiiuni
llouk a'nil IjiiMor No. I. ten men .lolm Hut
( INh , cnpliini ; Joseph | HinK. lieutenant ; IM
' xvar.i Innucn. ililvcr ; ( 'linries l'ilniel. illli'iman
Jncphnvrill. . I'lll Dempsey , .lilllles Cunillrli
1'iunk Me/iL.lulin Shiner ami VUlliamVclil
: Inilileriiieii.
' I look nnil l.n.liler No. 2 , slv men-.John Slnif
; tuncaptainM..I. . ( .HUT. ilrher ; I * . .MilinlK
li. Van AMmc. XViham Itu.lllel.l anil Thunia
' Tolitn , luil.lermen.
1 'llm heads , ol the ile-nrlliii-nt aru as ful
' . IUWH : ,
> ' .1. .I.CJallluiin chief.
C. A.-aller , llr > l assistant chief.
.I..I. Humes , "econil n > sstiint | chief.
Julm Muise , niiperliiteniluntul tile alarms.
J.C. I'mrloli , seeieiiii ) .
Tlm total cost ol tlieslv liouseo was $12.M
Dnrhit ; the pa t > car No. ( i engine house \\n < , i ,
imheil at a cost ol t'l.t'V. 'the new iippaiatn
pnrcliaseil ilurinu llm past ) i > arIIH its iillmi >
.1 Diiu turn mbhi truck , t.l.ui ) ; onu clicmUiil ei
1 ulno. > l. v"il ) ; two lin-iicinU ( mm for .No. Ian
I mm for No. 21 , IUH ; 2 , . ' l feet of hnse , fin .
7 The niiiiiliernl flies ilnrlim llm IHi'lvumiiiitli
1 endhn ; November Ul xxeiu as lolloivt. :
7 December , ls.sH I
1 January , lv.7 1
' 1 rcliruar ) '
- March. . :
U April I
. -i y i
.1 u mi
July 1
I AllUtlst I
4 S-eptember I
, October i
November j
1 Total i ;
. 'I'lm total loss XMIS ll''VO ) anil wase-overci
- iilth ? lr.Unl ! ) liiMiraiice.
Tliereiiru Illly-tix iiliirm hoxen ,
' am : nriiA.NT nosi : .
j This prlviilu company locateil at tin , 1'nio
1 I'uililu slmfis Is a most Imporlant faclnr In Hi
tire department. XVhlliilllsa vohinleer com
. ' pany tiirnoikat thohlmps , thu iiii'mbcrMiiuii
1 wi ! ) ii'ady loiis-l-UU any lite In Ilielrni'lulilnii
hood , anil h.ivu on iiiiiny OCCIIMOIIH renilerei
n valiniblu service. 'llm . > cnnsiMH ei
I tivcnty-llvc. . mi'inliers , tlmroin.'nly ilrlllcd unite
U llm command ut Clinrlen l'l i.-lier , forincrly Hi
j liirciiian ot tlie old I'lonecr hook anil laddu
coinpany , No. I. John Wll m and Jnlin Shenil
3 Icraru assistants , Thu I'Minpnit'iil of llm loin
puny confcUtu ( it one Anmskeaif hli'iiiner , on
j lour wheeled lmu carl , wo tivo-xs heeled ho *
cartti.laddero.and linokH.and l.umteetof hone. ]
i Ihu yanls aru sixteen prlvatu liydranlH an
j Hire. ) city hydrant * . In addllluii to this ther
I aru Hcatleri'd Iliroiiu'lioul tfm wtKiim , reudy fn
j liiAtantaneoii n e , man ) ' rccli ! nf hose , buoldu
picks , axe * , etc-
I'M' comimny niiliiliern thirty ineiiitiers wh
arulill einplo"int the\Vlllou s-prhii. dlHillllii
) I'diiiiiiiny , and are ready to render aid In CIIAU u
iiuhborliiutlreo. | Tlmcoiiipioi ) Inioii Him twi
xvlii'i'led hose cnrt with HM leet of host , , Th
otllcersiirii A. J. Unban. prcKldenti II. K.VH
rodt. ecret'iryichiirli's ' ; Abney , torunmni an
I'red rtlacuhiK , ii"l liuit.
D Oiiiiilia'n Hiinltary < "oiiclllliii. )
, Tlm health of the city during tlm put
I year has been fully us good us Unit of I > H
il mid tmtts > .a.xlnga great deal ftm th
il fact that Omnha Is noted as a health
place. Tlm national slat nil * shoxv tlui
II thu death rate In Omaha Is ao low us mi
Other city In the uiuntry. 'Iho splomll
soxx-eriiKo and paving sjntem is large I
' , . conduct u to this grutl tying state of all a In
I , 'I hero has been no epidemic during tlmyeai
; ' Tlm following table includes llm txvelv
' months beginning December I , ) frii , an
i , ending Novomberm ; , IM7 :
\ ' \ Deaths . . IK
Illrtlis .
" Alarrlngrs . . . . \f \
. . This kho'wri an IncreUso ovx-r ISMI yf itn |
: j. deaths , I'.U ' in blrlhs and i < ) Iif murriagui
H , '
ii The CjlyV ltcsuiirci. .
' 'lloactmil valno of Omaha realty IH i-ht
TlM' ell v comptroller , C. S. ( loodrlch. fa--
ftMies the lolloxxlug statement of !
vlty expenditures for the eleven moiit i
'of 1 7 ending November iklt
lloncral fimit--
Saliirle * IK1 * * !
liriulliii ! -i. . , . iVV.ui.
.Ml colliineon bltl > . .
sfe ! . " " ' : . aw.Tn .
.Ml celliincuii hill * . 27.IUI U
i'ollrit limit - . ,
Snl.irle < . , . RIJUIUI
.Ml celliincoiiotilll . . . . . Hi.lHUM
I'litilli'lll.nir- . . ' . . liv-u'i II
Urn Him. . . . f".1. " "
( iirtiliiitnmluiillerlnii . , | ; -'V' ; }
> ( . er . , . . . . ' . ' " -'JiS'S ' '
I'llvhall . I7..sft.ll
Vlii.lncl. . . , . lo.2 | ia
Sl.lewnlk. . . -l
Cleanlini lreel . 'l-W ' ! '
1'iivliiit otn.elo nnil idle ) . - " , ' ! } ! ,1. '
I'avlinz liiterscctluno Mli
Wnter rent - ' '
D.lllllllIOO plllil II.IHI
Total . lUH'a ' l ; i
City Cm i-fiiiiicnt.
I'olloxvin t Is n ll t of tlio city olllcor. :
William . I. llroalch , mayor : Isaac S. Ha
i all , Mlctinel I'nincis II. llnlley , Vila i
Miyler. .lohil P. lloyd , Charles \anCan ,
.liienb M. Ciiiinsnrin , .lellcrson W. lledfi i 1
and l.oavltt llnrnlmm , eounellmeu nt hint
In addition to t.hoal eve are the folloxxlng
xxar.l eounellmeu : T. ,1. l.oxxry. llrst ; K ,
S. Kaspar , second : 1'iit 'Ick 1'oid. tuliil ;
William r. llechel , fourth : Charles | i.
Cheney , llfth : C. W. Miunlllo. s\lh : Win
II. Al Minder , soxoiilh : A M Kltchi" ,
eighth : \ \ . I Klerstea I. nli.t i.
.iKlin I , . Webster , attorney : II. ,1. luv ) < - .
iissisiniit ; .h hn Hush , treiisnr r : Charli s
S ( ioodrlch. eoniptrollor : Joseph II. Sou n-
aril , clcik : l.onls llerkii. police .inilg. ' ! Job i
S. Wood , clerk of polUoeouit ; W.S. Senvei ,
chief of police : John J. ( Inlllgiin. chief i f
lire department : ( ieorgo W. I'lllsoii , emt-
noor : Ueorgo C. Whlltoek , Inspector > .f
buildings ; James ( lllbcrt. va < fnspocto ;
Joseph lledmiin. Inspector of weights mi I
measures ; J. It. Italpli , physician ; II. . .
Iliiiiui. eloitl. xeterlmirv surgeon.
Hoard of imbl e winks : St. A. D. It '
combe , chairman ; cllftou K. Mayno a > I
l.ouls llelmi'od ; W. I' . Wapplch , secret li y
of b mrd.
Police and lire commissioners : II. ' '
Smith , ( ieerge I. ( illbert. I. . M. Iteinn t.
I liilsthin Iliittmtin , mid Mnxor llrontch "
I'X'Olllelo clialinmn.
dimity l-'lnum'os.
The total countvnosessmont of the year
1SV , collected dnrliig the your Iss7 , xxi.s
} HV.)7l."l. ) : The total iimouiil collected wi s'.i : : , leaving tlm amount of dell c
iiuont taxes * .Mticri.l'j. Amount receive 1
liom state treasiu-cr lorseltool apportion
ment lor school districts. 5ilinin.7j' ' > .
Amount of school money collected , ( II-
IH7.VJ Amount ( oliectcd on lots sold
trom the couutx , In D.nmhis a.Mltlon , f'.i'-
l'.r.'il. ' Total lei elpts ol the eleven month i
ending November iUl , is.-7. J.Mf.i' : IS.
The dlsbiirfemonts for the sumo porlo1'
were us folloxxs : Amount palil out lu w.i'-- '
riints. Jsil.l7J.I7 | : expeudeil for ticasur'f
mid assistants. ii.iv i ; amount paid out ill
hospital liind warrants , s"4lll.,1loxpoiiib ; < 1
111 special school dlsli-l 11 , * .M.sVr ! ! | , ; lull 1
out lu tue apportionment fund , $ ll.ul.'l ! :
nmoiint paid state In usurer for school
land money collected. IU , " > M > 1 ; amoUMt
p lid state treasurer for collection of taxes
instate lands , ! Hisru.ii : ! . Total dlsbm-M-
mcnts for the llrst eleven months of 1 7 :
KV.I7,112.7U. thus sluixvlug a credit lialiinco
of iMll-i.ri.Ms.
The treasurer's statement shows thu In
debtedness of the count v as folloxvs.
Itunileil ilclit J fMSi U (
state tnlev > lor Iss ? . . . . 'l..sir.1 ; ! is
County la\ levy tnr Iss7 'Js'ir . | s' . '
OiiiiiilMiili'ilttiv li'vj.iss ? | , ! , 111
Total lax levy lor 1-S7 4 111
Total valuation ol laxnlile pro.crlj | . Jl'.lir.l,7U > >
( ' ( Illllt.X ( illVIM-llnil'llt.
Douglasco'inty , ill which iinnihii N tli'
capital. Is one of the mist r-rule In th'
s'ato II contains IT..nil acres , nearly a 1
of xvhlch Is cultivated.
'Iho "Ulcers or the county lire asfolloxxs
II. O'Keefe.V. . .1. Mount.'William H Til'--
nor. I. . M. Anderson and I' . .1 ( oriigmi ,
commissioners : \VIIHiun I'o'nmi.hciill
M I ) , llo he. countve'ei-k : T \ Mogealb.
register ol' deeds ; lleiiry Holln. treiioiirei .
( ' II. lloxxes , MilXe.xi r : .It hu ( lllo.Mi ,
coroner ; I' . S. Kcovh , comity physlchin
( icorgc Shields , ciniiilv .Inilge : .Inmes li
llrnimr. stipi'iititendent or liistrnctlon ;
.liiM'ph .xtlller. jiillei- .
( ' HInly riork'h Olllce.
Tlio business lu the county clerk H olllc- '
dnr.iig | ss ; xvas m'lc.i . gi-e iteth in .lin-lti.-
nn.x previous year The fees eo'lei ' to.I dur
Ing I lie year unionnted to ox-ei"M.uud. ! The
average num'-crof clerks xvus from 1'ito
: . " > . Among the Improvements-In t Ms olllco
lias liei n the making ol' n numerical Index
xxhlch xvlll prove of great hcticllt totlm
public. July I. IW , the clerk Issued WS ,
MHI of live per cent bonds to tike up tlm
old eight per cents. Tin so live per cents
sold at s'lght premium. Tne dlllorent
tnnds on xvhlch warrants xvero drawn worn
as lolloxvs ;
( ieneral .fluid tl'loVI7IU'- ' ' .
" ' . ' .
lload IU.'IO.TI
llrldgi' " lli.7ivs.fl
Insane H.ssi (
Total . . i.'r.'J-l I !
The hospital fllllll XVII I Cl'elli'd ll.V th
sale of 'iilaci-es and thu amount cannot ye
lie slnled.
( iiivcriiiiii-ut OIllroK.
' ' TIII ; ITSTOM lint-si : .
The Increase ill the receipts ofthncnMeitn
house during the txxelve monlhs ending
November : i.i.1SS7 , lias been narly 12 per
cent over that or the preceding jear 'llm
total amount locelved .vas U.i,77U.'CI as
slioxxn bv the folloxving table :
llcremlicr , Issit $ l.dl'.i lit
.laniiarx , I-S7 l..Hil
rchrnar ) l.uh..V >
March yfMM
Afilil , l.i.V.7l :
May . 2liM S
.lime 2.21 ; ( .1
, lnl > I.I.V.T ,
Allllst | SKi-M
September : . , ' 1'Jl'il 4li
( leliiher I.T.I4
NoxL'tnlicr 1.MIS ,
It is expected by the olliclals In charge
that dining Iss7 this port xvlll bo made one
ol'Imnicdlnto transortatlon. ] ) II will ben1
inembered that Senator .Mnnderson's h > h
providing loi-this change xvas passed by
longress hi-t year but XMIS voioi il by I'lost-
dent rlevi'lnnd. Senator Mini.lei-son xvill
again bring tlm bill up during tie prcscni
session audit isexpcitcd that the pro11-
dent xx 111 sign It proinpil.x. lly making
dm 1m a port of Immediate transput-lain.n
the annoying delays In recelxlim Import r
tlous xx 111 lie done tixvay xvllh Theo lec'o
or customs at this p'Ht is lion H I .Tor-
don. .Mr. Vinceii' lurkic ! > l < ! dopnt }
INTIIIIXAI , nivisri ; ; ; OITII n. t
'llm Internal i-oveunu distri. t controlled
by the local olllco Is the largest In the I lil
ted Slates so far as area N concerni d Tlio
district Includes the xvliole slate of "Ne
braska and the territory or Dakota The
receipts from Omahii alone , hi.xxovor , are
nearly us much IM the balance or thu dis
trict , 'i hu mamifactnrei-s of spirits taku
the load In the amount paid to thu govern
ment and tlm brewing companies conm
second. rotirtecn xvhi.lesnleaudJ.tH retail
liquor hoiious , Wi retail cigar dealers nnd
ixxenty-nlno wholesale and manufacturing
tobacconists , add largely to the receipts of
tlm collector. Notwithstanding thu largo
amount of collections made , the ollico
work Is managed by a small force , so per
fect urn urn methods employed. The en
tire number of employes Is but thirteen ,
( ir this number six aru employed In the
Omaha olllce and the remaining seven are
scattered over the territory mid tire kno u
as district deputies.
Thu district olllce Is under thu maniii.
mentor S. | | . I'alhomi. 'Ihero are th. o
deputy collectors us folloxxH : II. A. lloxxd ,
John ( 'allnmnnml w.c. | | , illumine , who is
also tlm cashier. Collector ( iilhoun as.
sinned control or thu district November I ,
Issil. Tin. following table shoxx's tlm total
collections for thu year :
I'ollectlotiN ( in | | HH IfiH IH
lleer Mump" l.'Ul'Wl' , !
Spirit Mam ps > \ n'ar. u
Cluiilmi I clu'iiietlehtamps Vis.v > il'i
Tobacco HI am ps K | ss 17
Special tat Ktamps | 'll Vi.Vr.i
Total t-iJiTi2Ai ;
Total collectloiio , fsSil . . . . 2I.V1I | | ' VI
lneri'iibu lor lsS7 -
Tlm Increase of buslimss at the Omaha
p > stollico Is a fair indication or tlm in
cr-asii In tint population of tlm city Thu
increase In rei elpts over the year ffNI hus
b 011:111 : per cent , and tlm expenses havu
been but slightly Increased. 'Iho percent ,
ago of expense to tint total leio.pts has
been decnsised during the year lh 7 as
compared with 18-ii. Tlierit Is a crying need
that the force of clerks and carriers should
bo greatly enlarged. 'I hit Importance or
Omalm demands that the postal business
should bo conducted more rapidly , and
there has been a bill Introduced mcongress
providing for this. The bill also asks thu
gox'ernment toerecta nexv building , t-ici.i t
at least l.Vli > , liw , Thi ) money order d'i. '
liartment business exceeded HUH Mm ilUr-
Ingtlmyoar.fchowlngan Increasu of Jri-
ii | over ] > -NI. Tlm Omahaolllcit receives aU
of tlio deposits of Neorasku and Wyomln"
one in KanoiiH , mm in I'Mb , and several iji
Iowa. Svveiitv-llvn clerks mo eniDloyed lu
I ' " I',1 ; " " ' ' ' ' ; Tll ° l' ll' > wliiB compar -
tl'-e table , xx III , bo of Interest ;