THE OMAHA DAILY : -HfcE : SfX-DAV. .JANt'AKY 1. ; 1S88. THE OMAHA BEE , D.utiV AMI WIKKIV. : KSTAMLlSl'IKI ) IS7I. Nos. 914 and 91O Fnrnnm Street WMM-it Coni.cll lilnil- , NIL r. PoirlSirt-ot. Now York oillcc. 11 % Tribune ( funding. Washington , ! : ) I'oiirtt ) ntliSt. THE BEE PUBLISHINGCO. l-IIOI-llllrrillls. p.DWAHD iinsiiw.vrr.ii , r.iii-mii. STII-TIIU'rltlN II\1K < . Dally Morning IMltlim one year till' ' Dallv livening f.dltlon. oni1 year . IIHI Siinmiy f.dltlun. inn' yu ir ' , ' n Weekly , i ) li1 year I 'J Weekly , nut' ywir. wItli | iri'iiiliini - u sr.NDAY. .lAM'AUV I. OMAHA. Industrial Development of tin Metropolis of the Missouri Vulloy. DETAILS OF A YEAR'S GROWTH Dulldliiy Improvotnoiita AJWO ynto a Gnincl Total of $12.413,530. BANK CLEARINGS SI47 , 414 , 140 Whllo Pork and Boot' Packlni Interests Aiwoijato $13.703,214. WHOLESALE TRADES44 , 210,001 I ' n nl tint < . $ - ( > , 7 'Jr > fs t.C Knlli-iKiil Trail It : and Ollit'i'i > iiuiifi-- elal llraiiclifs C IMiihit. Omaha lias Just closed the most pro' perona j-i-ar in pronri'ssivL1 histor ; No other city of KHl.diMi popnlation nt point to sncn an exhibit of uxtL-nsiv nnd solid improvements within twelv months. Tlie most suhstautialproofof Umaha' marvt'lons jrrowlh. is furnished by hi I'xhihit of pnbliiimpriivt'iiients an tin' year's building reconl. Omaha has expended for public in provemt'iits , packing houses , factorit1 ! banking ; and business houses , sehoi bniltliiiKs , chntvlic-s and tlwi'lliiiK1 * , LM-aiul total of > 1'J , IKI.V..i as apiim ? 7'Jiti,7W : ! tlnrinn l SH. Of this amonn SIllirlclrL'presontpnblifimprovt'mcint | : ! both h.V the city and i-orpoi-atlon.s whir hold pnblif fraiit-hlses. Tlie city's tiiol | of these impiovements for pavement- sewers , t'radinj.ftf.foots nf. si-Jlll : ! I- Tlie expenditure for bank hniUlinp stores ami business houses , school liuili inns , chnrehos , fai'torios , mills , pai'kin houses ami dwi'lliujTs , anK' ' 't-'ntc , ( , ( | > . Tliert ! were i-onstrnctod i Omiihii cliiriiiK thu year 'i , . " > II1 building of every deseriplion , of which -.17 woriMlwullilit-'sniul resiili'iu-e blocks ; ' . ! ? bank buildings , hotels and stores : t pnblif corporation build m ; : : faetorie- mills , packing houses ami nianiilactor i-nlai-Ki'inents ; 'JS I'linrehes nnd parsoi HMO buililiiiKs , and IS school buildings. ' 1'hat Omaha is justly riititled to ran ns a metropolis is shown by our Hill' tratlonsof thestiporb and snbstantii public buildings , banking honso an btistncss blocks , hantlsome and coinint ( lions sectarian and public school bnih iu s. and extensive industrial cstablisl ments erecteil and enlar eil ilnrlni ; th past year. Omalm'ij lommeivial Ki'owth is prai tically oxbibilt'd by her wholesali1 trail lianU clearings nnd industrial statistic Uy lominirison with our animal rovic for ! > > . " > , wo llml that the whol sale tradeof Omaha In nearly doubled within three years an her bank cleariiiKs have moro thu doubled within that period. In lss | t | wholesale trade of Omaha , uxelnsive < sales of i-ommlssiim houses , coal dealoi and aKi'icultiiral implement house which nru not strictly wholesale , IIKKI- plted ' 'O111'1" . 'mil ' includiiifreoal , eon mission and implement sales , &J l.ils'J.Ml DuriiiK I s7 the wholesali1 trallli' t Omaha , exclusive of eoal eommissii nml implement sales , a rrpiti . * : iN'lfitK ! ) , and Inelndlnj. eommissio eoal ami implement sales , fll.'JIll.lHi This repicsents a train of 1'ipereei over sales of ISMI. The I'leatInjj house reeord and stati ties of the respective/ banking instil tions of Onnilm present a very fair litili of the volume of bnsim-ss transacletl 1 our banks , which have made this tl leading liniim-ial center west of Chieu ) this side of San l-'raneisco. The Omul bank eleariiiKs for the year nuKropi f 147,411,14 .71 nsnpiinst flK ,7IK , sn dn ins ISNl. Manufacturing in Omaha Imsassinm very rospectnlile proportions. The a invKiito proitnet of Omaha indimtri establishments durintr the past year e elusive of the product of packing hunm is eoniiutea ) at S.ti.ii.'i.lHH ) . A caref istlnuitc of the numlier of workmen ei ployed in Omaha mannfaeturint , ' estn lishments | > liu-es their number over 7,21' ' . This does not inelut Jn'0 workmen employi'd during tl past summer in our brick yanK Omaha now ranks as the third larp1 jiork market In America , mid her be inn-kill ) ; industry has reached a nni'i ( tudo that wnrrants the prediction Hi within ten years she will outstrip i rivals. The number of eitttlo , lunis and she handled in the stockyards during t j-oar is i-umputeil at lii'llii. : : wliieh an increase of moro than an ) | u-r re over tlio the pm-eilin ) ; year. J i-oidltiK to the otlli-ial packers' sta mom , there ; were slauKhtered a .converted into meat produeJs , ' "I , ! | IOK J \T23 ) ) iH've.H , . and 52.MH ) shei ii.7IWl'.M ; : ' 5. Tl WHOLESALE TRADE. ' The territory tributary to Oinalm us r Jobliltij. renter extends not only over- tin state of Nobnukn "ml the western luil of loiva. lint ratiL'es also tlirouirli Hit territories and Mate * between tin Kooky mountains ami the 1'acltli1 eonst The velum nf tins triilll-1 has i rnwi steadily and kept p.n-e with thu t-rowtl ( if tin ; city and rr/lon. Dnrini ; thu pan year twenty new jobbintr houses am I'lirltt eommisHion llrms were added ti the list of Oiimliii wholesale dualers while only .seven of the old llrms havt wound up or relocated duriiiL' thu saim period. Nearly all tin- Jobbers have In ereased their trallle by from l.'i to 'j ; per eent dnrlinr lss * . A earefully eiinpllud sumniary o Omaha's wholesale traftlo lorli s * 1' ' embodied in tin- following exhibit : iniiii runMI ; rniiv I > KI.\ . Tin1 ] obbiiii ; trade In roi-uMen am provisinns is curried on by the followini llrms : I'axton , ( iinlui.'her.'i : Co. , McCortl Hniil.v.V Co. . I ) . M Steeli-.S : Co. . Allei I Jros. . Meyer & Kulipko. Sloan , .lohnsoi . \ : t'o . and Uladstone Mros. .V Co. Thel -ales au't-M-ej.'iite for thu yuar ss..lio.diiii an increase of * | . | ' .MI.HHI ! over thu sale : In Issii. l.l'Miinu. During Hie year ls 7 the lumber deal ers of Omaha have handled anil soli jr.lliMI ear ! "ads , representing ir.'r.MII.Otn feet of lumiior. Their sales av'KreRiiti * 7.KMI.plil. ! ( ( ISIovcn linns are eniranetl li thu wiiolesale lumber trade at Omaha l'redV. . ( ir.iy. John A. U'ukulluld , tin Cliicin , ' ! ' Lumber eompany. the Howel Lnmber eompany. ( leoive A. Hoa hind Lewis itraillord , I'V. . Harvey Lnmbe eompanv. 1C. S. Newt-omb Lumber com IMII.V. C. X. DietV. . M. liurlltiKlm amlCi. I ) . U'yntt. Uiiriii ) . ' INS.'I the up U'l-u 'ate sales of lumlier dealers ii Omaha amounted to s | . d'.il , ( ( INI. reprc sentinj ; I'.UI.IKKI.IIIHI leet. which shows ai Increase of nearly si ( , pc.ieent withii two years. The lumber sales for l" si were i-ompnted at ? ( > , I'.Ci.dt ' . ) , ) . Inereasi in ! Ss7 , . * ; ! , - , . \oiniii.rin\i. IMII.I'.MINI'IIUIMII c : AMI W VtlllN- . ' 1'en llrms are ennam-tl in tlie a rienl tnral implement tr.nle at wholesale namely : Thu Lininjjor it Metoulf com pany. I'arlin. Orendorf & Martin Churchill Parker , \Vllliiiin \ Deeriit ) ; . Co. . tlie McCormiek Harvester com pany.Vinona Implement company Moline , Millhnrn X Stoddard i > om | > .tn\ , Avei-v I'lanter eompanv. Armstrong 'I'etlis.S ' : Co. . 1) . M. Osbornu .V Cc Then- sales for the year nicreiat < s,77. . " > . ( ' ( M. an increase of .SW..dlln eve the preciiliii ) ; year. inn IKMIIISMI SOIKIN- . Tlie sales of dry fronds and notion durimr the year atrnre ate ; t.MlliilHKi. b , the following llrms : M. H. Smith ' Co. . ICilpiitrlclc-Koeh Ury fioods Co. Viiiyard .V Schneider. .1. 'P. Jviibinsoi Notion Co. , L. ( k-nsbui-fr KC * Co. , am Livinston Mrothers. sii\\i : , w AinuM > n\n.w\ i i-i'i.n- : , Dnrinir the year lss7 tintrallle ii steam , water ami railway supplies ha awroiratod M.i7.ViKin. : Tintollowiiii llrms are enj/ap-d in tills ti-allle. A 1. Strait ; ; Co. . Crane lros. Mannfactnriiij eomp.iny. and United States Wimi eimine and I'limp eompany and II.V Cremer .t C'o. IIllll \ \ Mil ! . IIIIIN VMl W MlliN slot K. A jrrrcrato ; sales during ls > 7 wi-re > ' , 1 aULIHill , through four linns : Lee , l-'riei A : Co. , RectorVilhelmy comiiany.V. . .1 Mroalch , and James A. l-'dney. i IIM. AMI t OM : . The traOlc in eoal and coke dnrlii ) ; Iss was carried on liy tlie following dealers Nebraska l-'nel company , Neln-aska Con and Lime company , Omaha ( 'mil. Cok and Lime eompany , Omaha Coal an 1'rotliice rompany , Contant .V Siiuirey Union I'neille Coal eompany , lien/.on v1 Co. , . .1.V. . Medford , C. H. Havens.1 Co. , ,1. .1. Johnson .t Co. . .1. K. Ulley . ' Co. , Howell Coal company , llavons , ' Hhoads , K. T. McClellan .t Co. Th year's Hides foot up J.Mi..i.'ii ' ) tons of al grades of coal. a Ki'iTatin > l,7-7ddll. IIIMMssIIN | | AMI l-lilllll'ri : . I'e.vcke Hros. company , \Viedinan . ' i Co..Troxell & Williams , llinvrham . < : Son > Hranch it Co. , I ) . A. Hurley , Kirseli i braiin , t Sons , Miirtvn Hros. .t Co 1 Hobert I' , Kiddull & Kiddell , I Koeeo Hros. & Co. . K. li. Clark , C.V Heall XCo. . , Whitney itCo. . , Rosso . ' Co. , Charles 1'inseh and Hates , WJlco i .t Slieeter , comniission ami fruit deal 1 ers , report sales during Iis7 i 11001vMisinii : - . I Kirkcndall , Jones .t Co.V. . V. Mors i A : Co. , American Ilnml-Sewed Hoot am Shoo company , Williams , Van Aernan ' .V Ilarte , dealers in hoots and shoe.-- A repite sales in iss7. . - ? ! , liViHHi. WIXiVMl l.llM-tllts. i Iler t Co. , Klley tt , Dillon , Hoeekhol , .S : Mack , A. Kriek .t Co. , I' . Connelly . < 1 Co. , Frank Dellone & Co. , Atller A : Ilel ler , L. Kirscht .t Co. , L. ( irote , repor sales during the year of'd.dllO. ! 111(111M ( > IHU ( ililsl's M'Mlltir.- . Hlake , Hrnce.tCo. , lUchardson Drn eoliipany. | .1. A. Fuller & Co. . C. I- ( loodman. Total sales dnrin ; . ' yea mni > . iriiMI wnui. . Obenie , Ilosick&Co. . L. C. Hunting ton it Son. ( ! Hrandeiihert ; .t Co. , C. ' 1 Northrop .t Co. A repite busines- .s'.l'.Ci.lKKI. ni : . riirrr.iMI : srn i- : . 1 Clark Coffee Co. . Win. A. Wilson i Co. , dates , Cole & Mills , T. S. ( Jripir J Co. Ajrrrorale ; sales , SMLVlHlO. I IIIMtKMI 1IIIIM CO. , West .t Frilscher , ( i. H. Mack .t Co O. 1C. Pelleeker .t Co. , Max. Meyer . Co.V. . A. Wilson .t Co. , Hoilser , Woodman , ICrlick .t Lan stadtn. Id ward Kahn , M. Toftl rnttk A. Moort Total sales , jssHKXI. ! ) ( II. 1. 1 MINA11NII Oil.- . ( 'onsolidated Tank Linu company , Ir JatiiL-s .t Sons , Fidelity Oil eompan.\ \ I'enn Oil company. Their artrroat ; ; sales In Ib.s7 were SJMI.IKHI. , rruNin in : . 1 Dewey .t Stone. 7VidlMI. I MIIIII.I'.IIY IIMIIIW Mil : AMI FIMUStls. Omaha Saddlery company , I' . 1 Sharp t Son. Marks Hros. Saddler eompany , O. H. A : ,1. S. Collins , Lam rock & Wood worth. Arnropito ; sale : $ iii.\HKi. : ( I ri.urn AMI riin. : : I Oskamp , Hainus .t Co. , Win. I'resto & Co. , Marsh , t Smith , date City rolle mills. Sales > 5lddiMI. 1 in mult VMI i : < ios i-.u'i\ins. : I Hvtler , Yuuit ) ; & Co. , Schroeder , Co. Sales HO.tHHI , I'AINTs , till.sMMII.ASS. . CuniiniiiKS A : Neilson. IConnard ( Jla > ami I'aint i-ompany , C. ' ' . ( ioodinui Ulchardson Drn Co. Sales * iilKlO. IIATs , I'Al-s AMI il.OVI > . i Turn--r Ai Jay , \V. L. 1'arrotte A ; Ci Sales * 4wlHXI. : ' 1'eyeke Hros. Co. , ICopp , Driebus , Co. , II' . Fay & Co. , Voi-Kle A : Dei nlni ; . A repite sales tiriixxi. Mir.\i.s , TIN i-i.ATi : AMI TINXIXII sr 1'I.IK.i. i Milton Kojjira & Sons. Sales l7.riK ( > sKKIIs. Kmemoii Seetl eompanv and Holln Siovers. Sales , KUl.lxxi. i llOtlKs AMI sTATIINKII\ ( . John S , Caullleld , Omaha Kepubliiii einnpany , ( Jibson , Miller & Ulchardso H. M. A : S. W. Jones. A repito sale ' MII.I.INKIIV AXII r\N-v ( riotiiis , . I. Oberfelder & Co. , U. M. ( Jenius Co. Sales , S CitXKI. Ill I1I1KII OOdlls. , / . T. Lindsay A : Co. , Omaha Knbbi , company , Sales during 4'ear , Wit.'i.lHl 1 JKwr.i.nv. 1 1 Max Meyer & Hro. , Kdholm & Akh , Sales , yif > , lKX ) . rl.tirillNtiV.OOI.I.NS. . Ciltnoro A : Uuhl. Sales , * -MlHo. ) ) ; \ \ vi. i , \i'in. i : . . ! llenrv Lehman , T. J. Heard A : Hrt and Heard & Otis , Sales j'Jld.lHXl. ' i MWS VMI Jon i-vi-r.n. l , Carpenter 1'aperCo. Sales $ | NIXX ) ) . riiot MKV : AMI oi.vsv vni : , 1 Sam'l Hums , Hliss , v Isiuics , W. 1 1 WriKht. and Perkins , ( latch .t La ) man. Joblilnsalc ; $ I40KX ( ) . t 111 Ns AMI st'llllTlNI ! ( SOOlls , , Ccllins dun Co. , Max Meyer , t C 1 Aroregutu sales t > iuxx : ) . Ml stl.Vl. INsTlll MI'.NTs. Lytin vt llealy , Max Meyer .t lire j and A. Hospe. Sales Sl'JA.txx ) . At'lTIIlN AXII C < IM > ls | > llS , 1 Kolin A : Well * . Four months , sail 1.IHP TO1IACIO. Wedcles .t Co , Sales 8125.IXXI. new ; -Missouri Klyer Vlntvar1 'ami Pickle 'works. Atr rreirnte lUslnes | ut'f' . l-'nrrell & Welch , syrup refiners Males , four months , . Louis Heller. Sale * , * .V ) ro\s VNII \\n.l.tiw-\v ( in : . Omaha Hasket manufacturing coin pany. Murdy A : Co. Sales , s4. ' > .dim. Siiiniiiary. tlrocerles utitl provisions . * I umber . 7.CH.i ; Agricultural Implements , car- rhm''s and wagons . tf.775.ll I 'ry KOOI'.S and notions . | . ' .i M Steam water and railway sup plies . < Hardware. Iron and wairon stock tfA'ill.'ki ' , Coal and e ike . I.7--7.UK Metal * tin plate and tinners' supplies . Commission ami produce . . Hoots and Mine * . . . 1. 4tf5.t ll Wines ami liquors . I.IJ'.iU llrtl' s anil ilrmKlsts' iroods . . .'O.lllk Leather , hides and pelts . Ul',111 Teas , cell ees and spires . ' Cluars irnl tobaccos . furniture . Illnmlnatlmrolls . . Si'.ddlcry , hardware and ICI.i.1 II I- lour and feed Mll.lM Mutter mi I fees I'alnts , oils nnd ulus-s . . Hals , caps and irloves 4:1 : i.o i Conft-tloni'i-y Seeds Hooks ami statlmieiy , Millinery and lancy Hoods ill 1,110 , Kllbbi-r Hoods tf IV j Jewelry tf 1 5.1 i Clot him ; and woolens Wall paper Paper I.MMK Crockery and glassware IP. Ik ( inns and sportlnj ; u'ooils Vlneitar and pickles Musical Instruments Leaf tobaccii . Auction and i ommlssinn II , III It Ill-lined . " I.I * llnlchers- supplies . "l ' . UII Toys ami willow wan- . Hanks and Hankers , Omaha has always t.iken trreat iirlde in the soundness and strength of Its bunking Institutions , as \ \ ell as In the Immense limit- iiusscunteri'il hero and transacted by them. Slnct ! the da.vs nt "wild-cat ' currency , the hanks of width tlmu vele speedily ami thoroiiKhly extiTinlnated liy tlie panic of 1K > 7 , there has ot been a single insuince ot tiank tallure In Omaha. Tht-rearenow oruunlzed and I'.olm. ' busini-s in this city and In South ilmahu twenty-one one strong llnanclal Institution- this number nine are national banks two state Kink- , four prlvuU- banks , two savings banks and four loan and trust companies The year just clo-ed has been a remark able onu In sumo respects , 'linemuR - nlllcent edifices I'mhanking piniio-e h-ivo been ercctttlhlih , with the twu pie- vlonsly lii lit , make live as elewint struc tures as t-.ui te , fmintl In anv city of theM"t. . The b.illdlims rel'erretl to are those of the Nebiaska Nutloi al , on thu northwest coiner of Twelfth and 1'arnam streets ; the- Omaha National , on thu west side of Thlrtcenih between I'arnam and Douglas ; thu Knifed States National. on the southwest corner of Twelfth and I'ar- mini : tlio Hirst National , on the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Farnam , and thu MeiThiints' National , o-i the northeast cor- nerof Thirteenth and I'arnam. Tne hi-t three namei' were elected la-t year , anil the cost of Hum was us follows : first National , ftfMiili ( , : Merchants1 National , ilTli.imi ; Knitett States National , if I.Mi.niKI. Another notubl- event ot the year has been the .selection of ( iniiihn as a national re-erve t > lty. In accordance with an act ol congress passed last winter. Prior to this , tht ) re-ervo cities , tmtshle of New York ( the one central reserve city i , were Phila delphia , llo-ton , llaltiinore. Chicago. Cin cinnati , Nuvv Ol leans. St. Louis , San Fran cisco , 1'lttshurg. Milwaukee , Cleveland , Detroit and I.oulsvlle. Kndcr the new law Omaha ami Kansas City have been math reseive cities like New York. ThecHcel of this Important change. Is that banks li other than reserve cities can counl balances dun them by banks In Omalui as a portion of Hi.- lawful res , rve the.v are reijuired to have on hand. 'I'he iismi ! reserve required is l" > per ci nt of depo-ll liabilities , tliree-llf tils ofvh ch may be h : oalanco In r erve city banks. There inalnliiK two tilths or ii p.-r cent must be In lawful money or specie on hand. naUona bank notes not i minting as such. A re-erve city bank is reimlreil to holt' tf.'iper cent on hand , one-halt of which nuij consist of balances dim from central it- serve banks and the remaining one-half 1/1 Itf'i percent must bo kept on hand In speclt antUawfnl money. It wilt thus bo seer that the re-er e o { money reiiilred | to hi tin hand Is more than doubled for iv-ervc cities anil It will be interesting to note how well the Omaha banks have met the new requirements. The total deposits of theOmnli i national banks i according to the October statement- ' were tl l,7-til : > ' II j I'.lpcr cent revervu required tt..eiti..X'O ' ' , one-half of this to be In specie 01 lawful money , jl.4iiS.iHM ; actual amonnt held by the banks , it.'l.'ini.tit ; amount ot spt-clt ! ami lawful money , f l.s.i'l. ) : Another Intesestlng statement slowing thu condition of the national banks In tin city Is contained In the following table ol deposits and cash assets taken from Oc tober reports : lt ll A-t < Vlr-t Nntlnnul . t.l.l'.il.-'x-i SI.IH.ikV immlm Niitliiinil . : . ' . | - . . ? > , i'.U,7r. Mert-lnints' Nnilniial . l. ' lT. o : il-i.t > li fulteil Slnti-sNiitliinnl . U'Kl.sti vi.itr Cniiiincn-liil Nnlliinal . KH..l'-.i 871,71' irnliin Nntliiiiul . Mlil -T.-.TI S-tntu Xmlmml . 7.'inr ' : un . ' - . ' . . - ' ' Ttitnts . fll.7ll.iM t-V.-.i.-J'- Itatio of cash aets to tit-posits 4."i pel cent. Daring the year the Merchants1 natlona' bank has incn-a-ed its capital stock b\ f.lltl.i ) . id nml all banks have added mater ! ally to their surplus fund. Deposits haye Int reaM-tl from J1 * . 17.1.1 Ml it October. ISMI , to-:11.7iMH.O : In Octoberlss7 a gain of nea-'ly two n.llllons. Oinalia CloariiiK lliinse. llelowwill be I'ounil a tabul.ittd state incut showing what the business of the as sodatcil natlunal banks has been since tin founding of the clearing hon e , Oc-tober-7 IM-I. The llgnres given are absolutely cor rect and have been carefully comparet with the records of the clearing house Comparisons show what n wonderful In cna-u theru has been in three short jears 'Ihu Incieaso In hi-Miics" Ill's not only beei rapid , but has continued to steadily monnl nnvv arils until November , I s7 , sliowsagah OiT'.l.Ji'il. ' 'lovertliocorrespontllngii'.ontho ! IN-'I. 'Hiosuarv tremendous figures utnl com inand the attention of the entlro country It Mitely bt ) said that such a magnltl cent showtug t annul bu made by any othei city in the cnltcd States. 'Jht-atlalr.sof tin clearinghouse under the maimrement o ; William Hughes are most ably conducted Mr. Hughes Is well known In thu Imnklm. circles of thu country anil his concise uni uccuratofetatt'incntK are accepted wlthon dlspnto. A careful stinly of thu followlm tablu v-lll give readers ot the llir. : u betn-i undurstandingortho wonderlnl buslnes : career of the city of Omaha. It must In rumembered that tlii-ellguresonly tnclntlt the business done by elgnt national bunk : In Omaha. South Omaha dues not tit business through the clearing house. This is unfortunate , for the volume of Imnklm done there is enormous. Neither do tin Srlvato banks , which uro numerous am Natlunal Hank * . Klr > tN tli > iml r | iliil | , J.VD.ini ; i < urila | , Sin Ull ; iluHi | lla , jJI.1'- . ( HlH'crs , II. Kmiatzi i > rtlili > at ; .1. A. Crt'liililnn , vlci-iiri-ilili-nti F.I lluvU. cushlur ; W. U. Mi-pukT | , u l tui att-r. Diunliu Xutlnniil-riipltnl , f.Vll.mi ; mrplu f : iluti ; il-o-ll | . f.U'lll.lU..f. ' . tinli'i-r-- J. I lllurvl , iiri-i-ltlt-at ; A. U. Wi'iiiua , vlte-prt-9 il leatt Wllltum Walliu-i- , ra-hU-r ; K. K. link - luwi-r ? . t iit-jin sun in , lien 11 , i l.utlu-r Unite , ussl-itant casbler. t'nltt-il ' states \utlniml ( 'anltnl. fi'O.flll ; mi plu . FJiUUI ; ileixnltii. HT.'l/ni. Ollli-t-rs ! 0. V iliinilltoiiiri'-lili-ut : M.T. llnrluw , cii > lilt > r ; I Will llunilUtiiii l luiilcu bli-r. Comuierclul Nutlnniil rnplnd , 1.1)1.111) ) ; BU . t'ri.uil ; ileio.ll | . MM.Ui. tllllcen. . A.I npklni , preslilenl ! VVIIIIiuii ( I , Miiul. Tin lirlili'iit ; Allreil .Mlllnnlcit lilerj K , ll.llrjiin n lntant t-ii hli-r. Ni-brU3kii Nnllonal rupllul , Fr .lKl ; nurplu n ; , ' < ii : iupo.lituu.i u. oiiuer n. v Vutt- > , pre.fill-lit ; I. K lti-t-tl. vlci-prei-l-Ienli j _ UIiiiLmin.Lgoml vlet-l.ri-lili'nl ; W. II. l ra.r i ! ib-Ki | n . MS.J.VI. ( mict-r- w.w.Mnr-ii pp-l-lellt : .t. W lt > , | , . > r.II 'liter. Mule Nntlunnl-Ciipltiil.Jlul.Uil : * a'rihi | , M.I ) | Oi'lKillS.U' . ' . IMllierv H , 1. . I. ) tin , | > ri--l < ilvntt A..V. MrKiiiMoM.eii'liler. -uiilh linmlin .Nntltiaitl I'npltnl. 'o.nii : ur- plu , ( unknoMrfoi ilttntltoniKiuitrto. . oillcer : * : A. f. Vv > niin. : jin'Miieiiti .NV. . \ \ ollslcu - ) ire < liluliti II. C. llii < lili < r. III.C.VrtTI-I.ATIOX. Tiilnlcnpltidnr nnllcinal Imnk * . . . . I ! .liil.fa"J ) ( T < itid iirfilitonf nntlunnl liniik" . ilu..Vl7.u Tiiliililt > | ui ll of nnlliiiin. tunik" . * llHIi-l V V-outli I'auilia Nntli'iinl ' not InclinU-il. I'rlviiti' anil State Han Us. MrCnmiK l'iulln-r i : tutill'lietl M-pieinloT , Iss'l. ll'ihllllr ii > iiiniiteili. fuioil : tle"i-ll | . f.\i ; l. ( hllier- Julia I. Mtnik-uu , firtliliuti Thiiiaii- .MH'ituiie. cii-lilt-r lloik : nf ( iiaiilin Cnplliil , C.'O.IH' ' , imn ; , * . 'iim ; - - > ltrliii. . nilliiiA. . lienrj , ) iri-lili-nti II. r..le i'n. ni-liliT. f liltin Muck Viinl * ll'ink.mill ( lnn\ii-CMM- \ | ] | till , J'Jii.mi : ur'lii' | . n , : ill | > i-u , u-ii- kaunni. ( Illlier.tulia : A. .M-liiitie. pu-Mi e : ti W. A. I'a.Uon , vl < c-ii .Milcnti K. fi. llninch , cii'lilt-r. Itaak of ( 'oniini-rco-C'apltnlipnlil uHfln | > . o ; uri'lii- . . r-.u < i | uci'ii-H" . r.'i'i.ioi. uiiii-ci : Iteurm * I' . Hnrkt-r. prt lilt-nt ; lititiert li llt-li- , vltt- > | ire lili-iitt Krnak ll..tnlin on , t-a hlt-r. I'ltl/eiiV flunk I'npllnl.11.1111 : i1cll.n. . - ( III. imii-er * ! ! , f-reiliiuiiti l ; . M. Mii'kMcy. la-lih-r. Douuhio ( ' .i , uily Ilink-Cnpltiit. ' ! ' > U"i : ile- IMI | | , ( HMiil. TIM-t l.i. nl ; uhl he IneiiriHinili" ) us u tate linak ,1na- dry t. wllh 111" lolen-.lnu nii eer < : C. f. Piiiiotte , i re-lilunt ; x ( ' . * -iitiiilc | , > llicvi'tTfl..VTIox. : TtilnlcHpltnlol firlvute tiiinki Trust < "tiiiianlt-s | , HiuiiliM Loan nml Tn : t ( 'i > iiiinnv | Mili > crlbetl'iil.uo. ( iriet-r- : A.I.viiuin. . ine. l- ill-ill ; Tliiiiini- . KliiihiiU , Mii-fin- * > | : W. II , .Mlllanl , -et-n-titry uiul treie-uier ; di-tir u It. Kike , conn el. 1'iiliui Trn-t Cninpniiy Capital. $ .nimi. oni- ceiVVIIIIaiu : A I'n.vtiin ' , pii"-lilenl , William li. Maul , vlii-prc-Ml'lit ; llnlielt l..l.lllllrll .yci- rt-lar > ; f. It. , lnlih ( in , tn-if-arerj Keaaeily \ ( lllliert.i-iiiiii-.el. Kililllalile ' 1'ru-t riiinpauy Ciipltnl. S'.IH.Ki ) . Otlk-ers : l.t-ul- > . Id etl , | iie lilent ; . .IniiitsV. . savaue , vlei-.pre lileiil : C. It. si liinldl , st-ere- tary ; II. W. Yiite- . , tn-a-iiu-ri Mivimu \ Altirrl-t , COIIII'l-l. .NiiittivM stt-rn Loan \ Ti-11-.t rtiinpany uli- crllit'tl ini.llul. ( . ' 4iii < * i. onici'is : i.i"it'illav - ter.iiieylilt-at . Mt-K. St. .Inlin vl . pn-l-lcnt ; A. K. Itlley.eirt'iiiry ; II. I. l.jtin. ireii-mer. IIICVI'III I V1IO\ . TotHlciifilliilot tru l i-otiiiiiiili's | . SavinH ; ; lianUs. Oinalia suvlnirsCaplliil. . t7Jl ; . luua On leal t.-stute , sUTs.l'jj.iiUi loans un culluteral , M3.V..TO.Mwiirrunn , KOsiVi.Mi ; tiii-k-i ntl boiuK S-irViH-Xii ilt-iiiaail Inniio. J.S , iili III tilllk ! , S-i7S.N ! | cil ll , tl'l.tW.S7 : lllcri" ( t ( it- CDiint , r. > . ' .ll , .l'.l ; ilepi. | | , Sl.lkU.iVi.1. ' ! . oiilcern : day C. Ilarttin , iiroMilciit ! .1. .1. llninn , vlcu preililei.t : f. W. We i.'ll , iiMnaubnt tllreituri liilia \VlllH-r , cn-liler. NebniKi ! Nivltms-UMaMMictl Octnlior , l-7 , Papltalili > M > n : ili-p.i . n , f.'m.mi ; lunii , s'.m.u-ii - Ollleers : .1. ! . Mlltx , pre-lilenti Anilfew ltu c- water , vkeireliltat | ; DuMur li. Tlioma * cnofiler. nrc.vriTt'i..vriox. Total ciifillnl of Kiivlnus bank" . ? tT.'iJKHUI 'I'otnl ileiuisitiof > : irlnii banks . Ull.iViT.y. Total loans of nuvliiKs banks . ! IJ'.U : Total Itank-liiK Capital. The fulliiwliii * tablu shows tlio ttitnl aianiinl tit cnital | | Invested In Uumlm's Unaiielal hull tiitluns : National bank * , . . . . . wnm \ I'llvatu anillutu banks . liTO.uit s-ivlaas iiankt . , . 4T.'iM ( Iiuaaimtl trust companies . lMmlM Total . , ? . -iiJMX ; ( inialia National Itattk. Among the strongest banking Institu tions In the w. --iii ul ii. i. > , tlio Omaha National nolils lirst planIts line ot de posits Is an \c-ptii nally large one , and on 118 list of coi'i'i-sponilents m.i.v be touinl the names of leading li.inks In ull parts of the world Tlie oil ) ers are as ti lluws : ,1 , II. .Millard. president : A. I' . WyiMin. vice president ; \Villlani Walli-ce. ea-hler ; IM. . ll.ileh anil II. Carrier , a-sistnnt cashier.s. The above names give asurunctof tin- bank s solid ami conservative character. Act-on ing to the lusf pnbll-h Matcmcnt , dated Dect-mber 7 , Iss7 , the condition of the bank Is as toUuwb : Ke-oarces Loans and dlMounts. 4""dl- 7tl.iil : ! | ; overdrafts , jij.'d1I ; I u.t-d States I'ondsto seciii'o circulation , > . " ! . . , i ( ) and tn secure deposits , f li , > , ( niii ; oilier sto. ks , bonds ami moitgagi , sm.sni I , ; dco fiom reserve agen'K a nil other ba' , ; t > ii ; ; ri-ul e late , furniture , specie , legal tu-idi-r noteetc. . , t-sll , : l is.s i. Tt 1 resources , . . I , ialillitles Capital stock.Ti'lMHK ' ) ; surplus - plus , isii loii.l , ; undivided prollts. v7.1M.i lj national bunk notetuttandnnr. . ft .IKII ; total deposits , ? : i..MI-i".V-s : retli-eounts , J-.ll.tMil. ( Total. * 47II1I'1 ! > : . I'nitod Statow XaHc.tuil Uank. ( Sou illustration. ' ] The tlnltetl Matt sNatit'i-al bank which isthuoltlost llnanclal InMltntlon InOmaha. occupies ono of the finest bnlltllngs in thu city. The magntlli i nt structiiro wus erected for the bank by the Caldwell estate and Is a sort of memorial of the late S. H. Caldwell. This gentle man was for many years prominently * con nected with the I'nstltntlt n und the new building was c n-tructcil In arcon'jincc with the Ideas whleh'Iie hntl intended tti carry out. To .Messrs. Hodgson \ SMI * ar chitects , belongs the credit of having do- Hlgucd the structure. The huildlnt ! is hix stories high. lir..Mili feet in dimensions , and all details ot extorloi adornment and Interior finish are. to saj the least , a marvel of the builder's cralt , 'I'ho bank room proper Is elegantly fin ished in oak , and the columns llool are of Italian mrrble. 'Ihs mom wa- al-o designed by the an hltec-s. - | he sut'e ! ure biirglur pioof ami of the most 1m proved designs , liullt of Ohio sioiiu fion thu Amhiirst iuurrlt-s | , thu entire Imlldlnt is Ilie-proof unil 1 > u vulnable uddlttun t ( tin- many boautltul strnctX'.veK on I arnan strt-i t. following Is i. statement of tht bu : k's resoiirt t-s and liabilities compile ! on October 15 , Jhs7 : ni.soi-iicr.s. I.oansnml ll ) ci > iinti > . ? ' .I7.l.i ; 0 1' . y. Itoails to set-tire Clr ill. .linn . : mi ( l-iXpeii't-s nml Taxes I'atil . -J.\I ' . * l-'ai aitiiiu anil 1-tM lire- * . 7.4 > 'J 61 Premiums 1'alil . . U.niUUi SlMtit li\t linnet- . ° 'l4i ft ; Iteilemptliui 1 nail . .V.'JMO U. X lltmils . IIII.KII ml Cash . s.l'Jl S-.1 I.I.V1III.11I1.S. riifiltal Stuck . ; * Ull n Surplus rand . - 'iMi llnilHIilcil I'nillts . : i.s.-4 ' . ' ( Irciilatlnii . 4-"i.iiHi ( ' Ttitnl . U.IVA174 I' ' C. W. Hamilton Is pre.sldcnt of the bank M. T. llurlow. cashier , ami < J. Will Huuill ton assistant cashier. McrcliaiitH National Itank. ISua Illustration of the lliilldlng.l This prosperous institution hus made great progru-s during the lust year and has materially added to Its ll-t of deposits and the amount of Its resources. The last statement , issued December 7 , ls"7 , Is a- follows : IIESOt'IlCKS. . l.naasniiilill'wmiut.s . * ' ; ' ' " , - ' . " . ' , " , ' , IJ.H.tHniils In seeuru clrt-atntltui . O.IMIIKI U.S. hiiiiiUtoscciiruilcpiPsllsi . ' ' , " , ' " ! ! ! , " iilbt-ri'ltK'kaniiil bomls . , \\-.l \ \ , . . . Heal estate , furaltiiio ami tlxturt-s. . . Hv'J. . J.-- rum-lit exi'i-iiscs ami lutes imlil . .A'f.'i' ' " Pmmlaiiis piilil . . . . . ' . ' " ' r , 'a li mi liiiiul ami slitbt oxc-liunKii. ' ' ' ' Capital s-tiK-k piilil ni. ! . . . . . . . . . . . f 4 ( l. ( ll ( Mirnlii-iuiiil pnillls . , Nntliiiiul lliiiiileio | limiK llur < . "t'tes . l-MUtiU. ' ; ' , . ! ! S-l.MI.-i4l.5l During thu year thu bunk hus en-ctutl n magiilllcent bulltlhigon the northeast cor ner of funium and Thirteenth streets , at u costofjl.Vl.KNI. AboiitWilii liloro ) will In expended in furnishing It. 'I his strnctiin Is the only lirivato absolutely llre-nrool building In thu city. It Isuxpected that II will bu ruady for oecitpancy by l-ebrnary 1 It contains the most complete set of vault- In the west. The capital of thu bunk was doubled MuV n. 1 87 , und is now * lui.iM4l. II has thu third largest c.ipltal und liHslnes > In Nebrusku. The list of correspondent lu this country and Kuropu is very large andthubusliie-s of thu institution is con ducted on H most conservative plan , 'llu stock Is owned by ten wealthy gentlemen and slnco the organization of the bunk hut paid liberal dividends. None oftliohtocl can bo pnroha-fd except nt a very hlgl premium. The officers ami directors art us follows : frank Murphy , president Samuel H. lingers , vice-president ; lien H Wood , cashier ; Luther Drake , usslstnir cnxhler : .lohn f . Goad , Charlua C. House ! Ueorgu W. Doane. 1 Nebraska National Hank , This safe and solid banking Instltutloi was organized In April , IN-x'.and Its grovvtl and success uro solely cine to the intelll gent business methods with which It ha been conducted , It begun business with i puld up cupltnlof ri'ril.uoil.w hlcli was large than that of any other bunk In the state n thattlmo. The Incorporatots were : A. K Touzalln , II. W. Vales. H. It. Johnson W V. Morse , .lohn S. Collins , I , . S Heed am .lames M. Woolvvorth , President Yatef Ir onu of thu best known bankers in thu conn try and camu tlrst to this city In pill , fron Ht. Joseph. Ho was at hat tlmu connect ei with Navu , McCoriKVCo. , anil was aftet wards connected Yflth thu banking houm of Konntzo llrothers. Mr. Vatus gav-o Id personal uttentlon to thu organizing of tin first National ( successor to Kountzo Hros , and remained with that bank until thu or gunlzutloii of thu Nebraska National bant lii INS : ; . In addition to Its- paid up capital the bun ! hus accumulated a surplus fund of f'ji.ix making thu capital und surplus i.'IO , dun. Thu bank's llrst published utatemen In May , IhsV , showed us follows ; Inillvlil unl deposltd. fcM.l 1 ; bunks und hunker * fcXH.iiin , total. fcStl. ! < i l. Its last stati-men of December" , 1N-7 , bhow.s the followini ru-.nurkiiblu increaun ; Individual deposits I ; iHiuka and Culted .States bomb : total. ( irr.'i.n : ; i. Tnu present on nd directors of thi ) bank are us fol lows : Henry W. Yutes , president : Lew I tl. Herd - ' , vice - president i . . - \1 _ * ; \ A.K. - Ar. . . . , , . .u First National Itiuik. I See Illustration. ' ! Tito first .NiUio.iml l < the oldest bunking lioii.itIn tho.Mate ( if Nebraska. It was in- gnnizcd lit tlit < year INSI by Messrs. Kountze Hro ami the lute P.dwunl Clt-lgh- ton. The bank i > t > < > nc > tl with miiltiil of i.lUHUaiid has bI'll Increased front time to ttnutllltll now It lias ten times that amount. It * snrpM.s ami nmilvldi-d 1 rollts now exceed . "Ml. 4 i. Tito deposils dill 111'tinpast tall I'.xoeeded the enor mous sum of"1. 'Hie first Nutlciiiiil loolin ( if till" stroimost Illianclul tll-tltll- t lolls and has the unreserved conlldelK'C of the entire public. It * policy Is a safe and conservative one nnd > et Its la.slne s has rapidly Increa-ed. 'Hie tini-nlllcciit new- six story erected at the south east er lor ( if 'riilrteeiilh and I ariiuni streets \Mll IM occupied In aliont sixty days , Tins Is onu of the most ma n llcent ( milking h nise.s In the country Its In. terlc rn eon-tuctod : with u view to abso lute safety as well as beauty. In Its up. polntnients It wfl havti no snperli r In thu country. Tlie oillcers or thl.s tlttitlnn lire as lollows : II. Kount/o. president.I. ; A frelghton. vice president ; I- ' . II. D.ivls , cashier ; W. II. Mogiinlor , assi tnt cashier. Commercial Nailoitul ll-nk. On May 1,1M | , the Commercial National ba'.ik was established with Us pre-ont cup- Hal of j.Mt : ( U. and one year from that date the deposits reached the. Mini ot KPil.Mil , while the loans and discounts worof.'iil.-J.lsl. 'Ihu succeeding yi'arseie prosperous ones for the Institution mid by the state ment Issued December ? . KxsT , It Is shown that tliti di-po-its nt present lire $ ' ! , while the loans and discounts amount to i i'.i.10r.ll. : Thti management has always been condnctetl on the most conservative principles and Its olllter.s arc all men of .sound financial knowledge and experience. Mr. A. P. Hopkins Is the president of the bank. Itu Is well known throughout the country as a far-seeing and careful llnan- cler. Mr. Alfred Mlllaid , this cashier , Isa son of lion. l-'zru Mlllard , the llrst | ires | . dent of the bank , who died In August , If-Hl. Thu hank Is located oil thu southeast cor ner of Thirteenth and Douglas streets. A full list of Its oillcers anil directors Is an follows ; A. T. Hopkins , piusltleiit ; William (1. Maul , vice president ; Alfred Mllliirtl. cashier ; ! ' . II , llryant , assistant cashier ; .10-oph narnean jr. . I. . II Williams. Clark Woodman , I ! . M. Morsi'tniinAndrew llenr * , Samuel II. .lohn on. All of the above ill- rectorsare well known men In Omnha , and give to thu bank much of their tlmu. MAiNUf AC TORES. Onmhii is now the leading industrial cit.v west of Chicago , lior marhliiu shops , I'oniidrio.s , lirowi'rios , distilleries , white- load works , silver rollning works , factories , anil meat pu-king houses give employment to 7. " lit tnon anilvoiuon. . Ui'ilifort-od by"il ! laborers em- plo.votl last Minimer in tin1 Uiiiiiliu brick yards , this army of industrial wngo- \vorkors would number ! iHHl. : Omnlm now contains several ol tin1 most oxtensivi niamifiii'tiiriiij ; establishments - tablishmonts in all America Her silver smelting works arc tin' larg est works of this class in tlit > world , , her linseed oil works rival in niagnrttitU- witli tin- largest oil mills in America and her distillery ranks as tin- fourth largest in tin- United States. Her beef and hog product packing hnusos are onl.\ second in t-apai-ity to those of Chicago. 'I'lK * I'nitin I'uclllf Shops. The largest mechiinli'al establl hmeiit In iimaha Is the 1'nlon I'adllc shops. They cover an area of forty three acres. 'I he total illinium expended In the construct ! in mid Impiovement of tl.e > e shops up to the present time Is about i-.MUil.Hiii ) . ( employ ment Is ( 'lven to over one t lousand me dian e.s 'I ho works ( , ro under the man- ant-mem of .Mr. Clem Hackney , superin tendent of the locomotives and rolling stock of the entire system. All of the loco motives that have been built for the line dnrlniMlie last two years have been de signed by him and he has also Intiodliced Into the works malty new ami Important improvements. Mr. Hackney is assisted by John Williams , muster mechanic of the Nebraska division ; Thomas A. Davles and John K. O'llearne. foreman of the motive power ; A. M. Corlett , finimin of the car department ; C. A. I.etry. fotvnian of the locomotive loil work : C. II. MeKlbbim. chlefof the supply depai-tlilellt ; Thomas II. Dally , chief clerk of sup ; y department ; ( ieol e I' . Clalldall. chief clt'i k ot account ing ib'i i rlment , and C. A.t'oons , Mr. Hat K- ney s private secietarv. Tim montlilv pay-roll of the shops ex ceeds tT.'i.tKHi , Al Unds of railroad \\ork are tltiiie In thesn she ] s. from the smallest rt nail's to the bnllilliiK t f the heaviest loco motives. The wi rks include two tltst- cluHs foimdrlt'S , i'iie of brass nnd one of iron. The capacity of the Iron fonndr.v.nn- der the foien unship of Mdward Klchellcii , is.seventy car win els per day , and oxer twenty tons of other < astlniis SinnltiiiKVorkH. . [ See illustration , ! Omaha jio-scsses tlie most exteliNlre sniclUiu : anil rclliilliK estublishincnt In tht ) wnrld. The Omaha > v ( irantork.shundli3 n lurnu proportion of the ere produced In the mines of Montana. Idaho , Colorado. Dakota and Arizona. Thu works areMtn- ated on the bottoms east of DotlKU street and every known facility lor the prompt dispatch of the business is brought into play. The plant covers over ten acres of Kround 111111 thu machinery Is costly and in tricate. Duriticthu past year thu company has nlven steady employment to ovcrf.U ) men and has paid out no less than f.Ml , < mO in wanes aliniu. Ite.sides the. crude oru no 1 < ss than "INI carloads f base metal are received each month for rcllnliiK from other smelting works throughout the west. line ted in the vorks ami a handsome dividend Is iennlarly de clared. 'Ihu business of the company is moie clearly shown by the , following state ment for eleven months of thu past year- December not belnt ; included ; Oold SS.WO ounces $1.HI..470 Silver ! i.M.ii-7 ! ounces l'S,7i ' | < 7 Lead : il.Ki , < ii ) pounds . . . _ ' , ! ! HI , I in ) Cuppi'i' ; u , iimi Ulnoitiinl IhT.ll 0 Total value * 1 l.atMn" The improvements made during thu yenr 1SS7 n > st thu company ; " , ( and dniliiK the in-esent year thu iilunt will bu Breatly enlarged. Thu olhcers of the company are. as fol lows : Cny C. Hill-ton , president ; .1. II. ( irant , vice president ; ! ; . W. Nash , treas urer and secretary ; Kdward Kddy , general r ; Charlua llulbachsuperlntunde.ut. Ili-U'k. The munnfuctnie of brick I-carried on quite e.xten-lvcl.v In Omaha. The brick made hern are all u-ed In Omaha and are not snlliclent to supply tin-itemand. Asa conseiUonei' | a largo quantltv of brick Is Impoilcd from various points tosnpply the dellclency The followli g uru the numi-sof the principal brlekmukers. with the work done during the year : -Wlthnell llros. . ITi men , output ' .i.lmi.iXNi ; Nebraska Tile anil Potterv company , output : iiiimn , i , monthly payroll -l.-ll- : A. Johnson , Vi men , S.IKKI.OOII hrlil ; Mlckel , Itlley , V Co. . ii.tV4l.anll. 8,1 men employed , monthly payroll W.imi : H. Deiss emplovs | , lii men , il"i'o ' i , montlilv payroll r--N-o ; Hit-hard Smith. r > .iKii.uiM , 4 i men cm- ployed , monthly payroll W.HD ; Cunningham - ham \ Hyan , ; i.0 - . ' ii' , 4'l men einploytd , monthly payroll il.iCiii : poor iiirm brick yard , u'"i m.ini , 11 men employed , monthly puyroll jiiii | ; : Dworuk llros.j.iini.niiii , em. ploy * i"i men ; I-Vllp-u Pn-sscil llrlck com- liany , : . ' .i > ki.iiM. ! li men employed , monthly jiayroll ill > < i ; The Omaha Hru-k and Terra Cotta company manufacture brick by the Hoeliti'-ke ' .v. llohwer patent kiln process , output "i.'l ' > ' 1.'l < l'l. ' HI men employed ; Kluwltt .V John-tin , ; IIHIINI. ( ui employes , monthly payroll MJiiil ; llalley AT Olson , li i.i n. ill men employoil , montlilv payroll + l,7i ) ; Nels Snroe. U.uai.llNi , U"i men eiiiploved , monthly payroll ? ! , * ! Hi ; John Hunter. l-iio.- mil , 31 employes , monthly iiuyroll tl.imnj J. Klockni-r. ltiiiiii. ( HI employes , monthly payroll tm ; ( latn City llrlck company , l-iViiiii. Ill employes , monthly puyroll tl.4111 ; Pettey \ Stanley , I , 111,11m , monthly payroll H,4mi : f. Hallev , ! is men , payroll fl.4tll ; brick U'.H 11,1111 ; Ittner llni4s men. iiayroll Jl.iid ) ; brick H.uu.iidil. In addition to the above there are two brick yards It : South Omaha , Kggart \ Co. . and the Nt > - braska llrlck anil Tlio company , which have manufactured over duriiiK The total manufacture of 1 rick for tin year amountetl to Mi"iiiii , , i -a large In crease over last yearanil the total nnmbei of men employed was U'.u'd. The month ! ) iiayi oil hus amounted to over am } 'i7.s7l ' ; has been expeitdt-tl In new building * and machinery. .MIIIIiiK Oskainti. llulnes .V Co. uro extenslvo mlllt-r.i ilolng business at Twentieth and Plerco streets. Thesu gentlemen somti tlmu ago purchuseil thu mill formerly ownetl by W. J Wulshaiis. but found thu premises mui-li small. They accord ingly sut about it-modeling thu defect und havucon-itnii'teil a warehoiisti of largo di mensions. Thu latest Improved machtneiy hub been Introduced , and other Improve , nit-nts , Including Ihu cementing of thu mill basumetit , aru thu work of thu past year. Thu firm manufactures buckwheat , rye. Hour , hominy , pearl grits , and sulf raising buckwheat , and Its tradu in thcsu products extends throughout Nt-liniska , Iowa and the territories as far west as California. During the coming yeir thu llrm will spend ilu.iMi lu hutting up new hulling and ilcgcr- minuting machinery for making pearl bar ley , out muni , gurmullne. und ull tiuclcugu cereal goods. O-kamp , llulnes .V ( o 'n MIE- ctB-i Is founded on thu production of llr t- cluk- * goods , nnd thulr."Ondiha . Superln. live" briitnl is unsiirp.isseil. Thu company comblmis milling with thu cuttle biislnen and algu.deuU in fruin , hay and leotllug llrevvet-les atul Dlstlllot-les. The brewing interests of Omaha an most extensive , und cotistlttlto an Import ant factor In the city's commercial pros t'erlty. Dlirlnu the > eur just ended then bus been cotnldcruble advance ninde ill e famishing the ropntuthm for Omaha a- being onu of the leading brewing cities u the country. The beer tminttfactnrei here is of a superior quality , and there b u grout tletmind forlt. 'I he tax paid bv tin threu leatllng brewers-Kriig , Met ? llros and Storz A Her- during the year was a : follows ; tleeeail > erM < ! j .Iniiiiiiry ( iNsTJ. ; Mtiri-ti UjlU . M . III.IH inly . II.IK . \iiitii-i . ni.i-.i- - . Nori-titbvr . ( ; , ui Total . l The loregolng table shows that 111.7s' barrels of bet-r liuv-e been manufiictiirei during the year by Ihe three llrms. the tin b.-lngjl p-rbiiriel 'lids Is an Increase o ; " 1,711 barrels ovtr the same period of flit tircvlotis year , llcer st'llt at Jt per bairel hence the Mi'uoot Ih" year's nnitii f ii-fttn was t w.or : \ \ an Increase of ji7i.cs ; , m ei the torus iomll > g ) ierlo.l of I . Thi three firms etnjil . .v Hi men und have ovei funi.ii u invest .i ( m tin. business. 1'retl 1C nig Is the pioneer brow or of Oma ha , and his present establishment is oni "f tlw best in the count rv. 'llm plant covers threo-qtiarti fs of a block. and tliu buildings at o from one to seven stories In height. During the past vent Mr. Kriig s sales have amounted t StlO.lHio , Many Improvements have been made , not ably that of purchasing a new ice nmchlno having a capacity ol thlrty-llvv tons per tlay. This < o-t Wltm and -n ithcr one of the same capaeltv will be purchased during this your. The total COM ot Improvements made will amount teat at least It is Mr. Krng's intention to expend u like sum in improving Ids plant , during the prestnt year. The cup- acltyof the l.iewety Is f-.dn 1-arielsper year , but It Is expcc.'cd that tills will bu doubled Inside ot the next six months. flytv men art-employed about thebrewerv. Mr. 1 red f\ rug and his son William manail'o the establishment , an illustration of which is given on another page. Tnu extenslvo brev.eiy of Metn llros. - an Illustration of w Idch Is given on anothi r pagu Is another of the tin st prom ttent manufactories of this citv . The bon-e vvrs establl-hcd In IM1I , and w..s then a verv small allalr , but the evell. l c of their proilm t has secnretl them so ma-iy paii-uns that limltetl tniaiteis wenentln'lv out of thu question. The capacity ot tli'-hrewcrv is at present barrels pr annum , but this will bu gru.itly iitirenvii during Ihu present year by the erection nf a n--w ele vator and brew lionse. The pl.tnan I spcclllrations have alrea-iv been acceptcn and work wi 1 begin ut an early day. These nowimp'-uvements will cost ijiM.iW. During tin- pint year many costly changes have been nrule. In increasing their st ir.igu capaclly , and building a new fermenting -liar the llrm has expended * 5VlKi. ! ( Thirty-live men are cmplojetl , all of them pract cal brewers. 31 r. fioderlik Metz is the general numnwr , and the success of the llrm may l-o at tributed to his able sup.-rvlmo i. A bottling tling worl.H Is also connected with the brewery. In which a tine grade of beer Is put up for family use. TheStor/ \ Her brewery Is imo of the best known establishments of the kind In wofct. It was formerly owned by Joseph Mailman. Tlie brewery III.H a of MM ) Nl barrelti per year , and Improvements are conti"r-plited : oiirlng the coining year which will Inereusu the epiclly : f inler ! - ably. During the ye-r : p.s ; the proprietors have cimstnu to.l a n w boiler hous and a substantial nddillou has also lie n in ; de to the stnre The.e ImproVeuionts cost W.I.D i-'i. 1rt y-llve men are employed by the firm. During tinyeir jn-t ended KI.UIII bushels of liarley were con ni"etl. Thu Slora & Iler beer Is onu of thu must popular nii-kes in the we t and comnt- 1 a ready sale , both at home and abro-id. 1 heir motto has always b' en to mrnnl'ai- tnru an excellent qnrllty of beer , u'ld that thev have succi-etk-d no one will tlnro to dispute. The Store > V Her b-er will Keep fresh under ahno-t any clrcinii Ounces anil In any cllmatu. The pa-t year has b-jon a most prosperous out lor the llrm , and if buslne-s energy and hoiu-t endeavor Is ull that Is necessary , their fntero will bo 111 moro prosperous. Omaha should bo proud Unit It possesses such a firm as Storz & I lor. WII.I.OW Sl'lllMJS lllSTlMXItr. [ Suollluslration. ] The Willow Springs distillery li the third lai-KU-tt In Ajtturlca and by far the mo-it uxlenslvo In the west. 3ir. 1' . K. Iler Is prusldunt of the corporation ; J. 1) . Her , sec retary und treasurer , nml II. tinc-s-.cntuch , Biipurlntendent. Tno bul'dlncs envoien area of nearly eight acres , m d uro not oulv Kiib-tantlally built l.ut are ennlpped with the Uitesf Improvid imu-hinory.T 'I'lto up c.ipltul ol the company Is WVMJIl ) . ally if i Si-11" ! hv been oxpundo 1 dnrlinrthi ) past year In iniprovemonts. . \ new smoku stack | : I5 fet-t high and a new r.etllo of iO biu-rel cup iclty are the most notable ad ditions , I'ho company's sales lor 1 * < [ imtiunted to nearly St.iiH.fiO ' , and thu ruv- L-nuu tax iialtl by them was Jl,5u > , W i. Thev [ oiisutnoil 4lXtMH ) iiushels of corn , Wtl ) 0 liushulsof rye and rill.ixi ) bushels of wheat [ luring the year. Thu cap.ic ty of the dis tillery Is ll.U ill gallons per tl.iy. Onn htiu- ilretl and twen'-llvemen aru employed. Thu toctlfy ing llrm of lie'A ; Co. , which Is Connected with thu Willow Springs dlslll li < ry company have * ( nn , ( I i .v . - . < ted In thu [ titorprlsoiiiid occupy ox'o1 ivopromb'S in llarm-y street , waero th-y als i curry nit u large wholesale 1 qitor establishment. I'he past your has been the ino-t siccu- ; still me slnci > Its Inltlatio-i. Tiio 11 T goods recommend themselves , and tlnil a ic-idy sale throughout thu states und turrltorlos. I'axioii & Vicrlitif ; Iron [ Pee Illustration. ] Tlio I'axton \ Vlurllng company niuku a > puululty of the manufacture of architec tural Iron , maehlnu work anil heavy blacksmithing - smithing , and slni o tln-y commutteed luisl- liuss , fobrnary II , 1- -ti , they have been impelled from time to titnu to enlurgo thulr plant , at the corner of Seventeenth it root and the fnlon I'aclilu railroad cross- lug , to keep JI.IPO wllh thu ini-reu-lng tlu- inands imidu upon tln-m. Thu past year has been a busy and pro-porous one with the tlrm , who have added buildings and inai-hlnory amount ing to Wi.dO ) . They uru lit preseni : giving employment to Hlnn-n , nnd at times during thu jxarhuvu bad l names on thulr pay roll , which bus been us high us KJKH ) a month. Their year's busi ness amounts to between * iiniiiiu and tnhoni. : and the capital stock hus bt-on In creased from JVi.UOD to tt.VMi ) . Thu com pany is now caturlng to oulstdo tratlo , and samples of its excellent work is to bu seen In Lincoln , Ila-tlnus , Mcl.'ook , Chadron , Nebrnska City ami Cen tral City. In Nebraska. Norton in Kansas Hupld City In Dakota ami I'liwlins In Wyoming. The oillcers of th < J compnny aru ; William A. Puxtoii. president : Hubert Vlerllng. vice iireshli-nt ; Louis Vlerllng. secretury untl treusiiror , und A. J. Vlurllng. manager. Ittilui Maiiiirac'ttii-lni ; ( 'tiinpany. Thu Helm Munufaetnrliig company , whose o'licers art. Conrad llohn. president ; ( ichhurd Helm , vice iiresltlent : John A. Seeger , secrelury , anil ( it-orge W. llohn , treasurer , makes a specialty of lun.b , building and Interior llnlshlng. Tln-lr busi ness extends over a wide area of territory , and theli Omiihu headquarters , ut Klghtli street smith , und Leuvenworth stio-t.urt numbered among the Important ones , Here they keep in constunt employment twenty -live men ut all seasons of the year , III turning out sashes , doors , blinds , mould ings and all kinds of mill work anil hard wood finish. Tl o Irinl wood finish of tin Interior of tln > ( Irimb'i- Commerce , si much admired , I- the work of the llohn Manufacturing company , who refer wltli special pride to the tact that thelrhuslm S has Increased Hi p-r cent during IKs7 in comparison with ( hut done by them In P < HI 'I hey are making arrangements to pn-t.-nt a better showing at the end ot Isss. Uinalia Uiu-b Wire " \Vorkn. [ See Illustration , ] This is onu of thu most prominent Indus tries of Omaha. During thu past year thulr business grew to such dimensions that it was found m-cess-tiry to build u new plant. Thu buildings ute located on thu corner of Fourteenth nnd Nicholas Htrct-tH , und uro most commodious anil convenient Mructurei. The lots and buildings cost ovo.rf.U.lHio. The capacity of the mill la four carloads of barb wire und H > 0 kegs ot nulls pertlay , which Is double that of the your previous year. Thu compuny also lininutticturcri wooil fence picket. 'I'ho cai- ital of the company IsTlU-Mim. Ono hundred men aru given Meady employment , anil the pay roll bhows un expenditure of J'l.odf per month. The company la fur bt-hint ] its orders , ami thu works aru running day anil night. M. M. Marshall Is thu president of the company , M. S. Mllburn vlcu pres ident , and o. N. Hntnscy sucrctury unO ticasurcr. Iriin AVork-t. This company It doing * mi t-xteiKlvtt linsl- nens In tliu nnimifattiiru m' iron lire-proof shutters , rooting , siding , e ! ' . It has a puld- iiicapltul | or > . .lii/iil : od nples a Mthstuntlul brick bnililing , inix.ji. li lledfo.-d place , iitnl employs twentv five meji , 'Ihu officers of tl.u compiiiy : ar'J ' : C. Hegan , prenl- tlrntj W. H , Vungan , vlcu preslilunt ; S. W. llusltyrotary und treasurer ; It. W. lIuHcom , busliii-ss mnnuger. Tim .Vortliwcntci-11 Shut Company This tmpor'unt miinufactnrinx o > myall ) turni-tl out tlurlng thfi year 4. ) toils of Kim : vulnetlati ) . The cnpltil iiivehteil I' ' MVMl. < Jl II. fati-r i jv-0-iVdent und T II. M'-T.amot St 1'iul. bf-crotury. 'I1i < comiiany hru m-vend olh'-r vhut tower- liilin I1 , ( 'nut- * . ISeilllnHfrntion , f shop * . ) With a sfijii nf J.MJ „ „ , , , , .oi , | unll.V em liloyed , Mr J. f. t oofs | . one of ( he tnosl extensive cotitl-actors In thewc-.t. Ills operations orations have In-en eonllm-d for the tnosl p.itt to the erection tjf the more Imi.ortani bu.l lings in tin , , . | , Vi mil , „ „ „ , . , „ tmM illu'fated In tills I.MIthe following an tiib'cretlltedtoths | genlleman- l > outlu > county coiiri-hoii e. fnlon Paclllc head iiuarters. Mert-hants1 .Vatfonal am lv rkendall. Jone * . . c-s warehonse. It addition to thev. Mr Ct ols has Jiisf ( om pie led the m-iv depot bulldtm ; for tin i n on I'aellltrallroud ut Clu-M-imo , Wvo. und u number or other coMI'y structure- throughout \t-b-uska. Iowa and Missouri I he manufacture of bank ami oillco fixture- on a hirge sciuNo , , forms mt Importunl brunch of Mr. Conrbiislnes < . During tin past year over f. ' .oki , bus been e.vp.Midetl ot new bn idiiigs and machlnerv. and tin estubl.shment on sixth and Jones street * s one of the comp' of Its kind wo-t in the Missouri. I'sltei.V lltissfll Iuniliv. . l > 'ee llhlst.atloii. ] 'I he f sher Kitsvll t ompany Is eligageil eMeiislvoiy In a general foundry , machli.i and blitcksimthliig bnslm-ss. Tlio shop- cover an area of three and a half arroV and allord eniilii.vim-nt | to over one hun dred men. Co.iitnencltig . work In April , I'M .the I r.n has been gradually Intivas tg : Is operations until at the present time Its business e.xeeeiN * ' . ' . tt.tmi per annum , I lie foundry proper mei suros l-.VixTn ; ma chine simps. 1-'ixjij blacksmith shop. Mlv I' . ami carpi , tr t shop. KAMI. It was ut this toumlry Unit the. vi-kes for the cable tar company were cast Carnoati Ciatketl'autiity. . One of the tnost prosperous of Oinaha's imhislrlos is tlio .losoph ( iarnean cracker company. 'I he concern employs M.I inoti , boys and girls whoso wages amount to over MMim per annum. The capital In- M'stcd Is 7fim ; The establishment has a capacity < u ; ui liarrels per day and the \alnoolllsprodticts has exceeded SI.MMHK ) diirhu the past j ear. lroin eight him- ilred to ono boxo.t of crack ers are manufactured and shinned o..t of this ostabllshment dally. SLmtilitliltWalks. . John Cram the slagolllhle' paver has during the year | > 7 laid ita.tW : square feel of this pavement. This required HUH ) barrels of cement , fll tons of crushed f-hig lor topplm ; , ( i.-j | tons of crn-hcd f-ig and stone lor the him1 ami.Htm cubic yards of sand. An aveiage til'MI men and ( I teams have been constantly employed. Ibe 'o'ai ' cost of walks hil'l during the .vear by Mr. Criint was i-s-ii.ri'.l. | : ! ' llyilraiilit- Drain Tile Cti. Tintapitil ol this company H 'jH-i.ll.'fl ' ; th.-ir biisine-s Is the maiiutaelnrlng of ma- - lilne- for making clay ami cement tiles ; th--y i oniiiunced heieonly u little over u veai-jii-jo , and now thev have a substantial mill-ling l.uix'li , \v hit h with the plant of machinery Is valued at tlld.fim. The olll- c-i-s are : A II Soner. president ; Jell W. secietary ami treasurer ; W. D. She1 mii , snp-rlntenilent. Woodman Iilnseetl Oil AVorks. Thu business of the Woodman Linseed Oil company is nearly ifl.ifcitl.iiiKi per year. The entlro plant Is anoxponslio one , anil Is considered outof thu tincst in thu coun try. Tlit ) mill comsumes ! . ' , iiil ) bushuls of llax seed per day , and mnnnfacture.s over 1,1'IH ) gallons of linseed oil every twenty- four hours. Sixty thousand pounds of oil cake Is al-o turned out ouchtluv. An aver age of fifty men are constantly employed , and tlio pay roll Is f.-n. ) per week. Carlt-r White Lead 'o Tinal eve t omtianv employs .orty men. mid the p.iy-ioll Is over Jill per week. During the year Imp. ovenitn's have I oi-n made ci sting tl , i > . 'Ihe capital invested is Jirn--itKi. i I.e mill bus a ejpai-lty of "Jjimi tons of white 1-ud p r veal , and tlnriug 18 7 munuractniod and' sold tons , tin- value be 11Z ' , 4l. Vinej-ar anil I'lckllii \\'ii'lis. Mes-rs. A. llr.'cht's Sons are the siitces- s us to the Omaha c , lining and 1 resfi-vlng c mi any , and the bu-lness under the t. tie of "ihuA II : oi-ht's Suns' Vinegar and Pli kllng company. " 'I In plant n-pru- s -tits an outlay of tl > , .n1 , and the business during IHs7 has been very hu > o. Tlie Omnli : Lt-ail I'ipo Tills ( ompar.\ nin m oiinuectii-ii > ft llu Noithwe-tei-n Mint t onipiin.v mid on ) of ? ; - ' , ( HI , Nur hnnilnii tonsof leail pipe v\cro niaunlicturetl dnu- Ing MS" , atitl valued at lll.liiiil. Th oillcers are the samu as In tlio'Ahot lout- pany. This progressive Institution has n kept ii.ieo with t-.o city's Improvctin nf- > / and din-In1 ; the pa-1 year It has d lie i-vei iiuiro than thli by antlclpiillni * future growth ton certain degree. The company JNIII.IIIKI invcsteil In the Omaha plant. Thoolflcrrsnrii : VrnnkMnrpbv.president ; C.eorgo 15. llarker , -unitary ; Isuao Uattln , treasurer and pupei-'ntendrnt. 'Jhu works i-ovi r throe-quarters-of a block ut l-'levelic-tlt. Jcncs and luiv < u- worth streets. T..o uptown ofl'ecIs ut pn s- ert 1'icnteil ' i t UX'-li-'omh 'IM-tvuth hired , but before thu 1st of .Mill'-n tjo company w'll ' o.-cupy nuwoll'ces in t"-e rcla.nts' bjn { . Thu improvements m > tl ' thu past year have been numerous ami costly. 'i lie machinery hiisbcenremoileli-tl.uin1 the ( eiierutlng hoitsu has been nnitlo lire-proof. Now apparatus hus been purchased , und thciMnillty of the gas lifts been gror.tly Im proved. A new two-story brick ImlM'ti" , ( UxiUlci-t , was eiuitcd durip.g the year , and is used lor the sta',1 s , metei- repair hliop. machine shop , yervi "i jejir ! Kilop , Mi-cot main doimrtinor.t. street 1 mp de- partine'it , and nhiik m.t'i slirji. 'Ihe total co t ol't'ioso impr vcmi-LtH wus1"n. ! ; ! ' . 'Ihoco.npanv has , durlntf I' ' ' " . , 1. id 1-e- t ' , v n twenty thrco and twcJit' nil. s of i.ia.ns j-u-'gln lu bl.o : 'from ' f < \\r \ \ ti t.i-o'vi ) I' iii-t : himdnd -rv'o. s ha.-o been pi iel , (1 ( of which wr - - bl.ii-1 - s"i-vlces , tlrit is , M--vices run I'rtim thu mains let i vacant builOIng lot i. The imil s t .vit-nd soimiwhat bijytml tho'linuof pros i t nei's , but the co"i"au.v Is assured tli t i.-.auy more inlli-s wl I h-ivo to bo laid tlurlug I s. ( mi ) hnndreu thousand dollars lars has been the cost of these Improve ments , Thorn are l ovvH7"i > tri'ot lumps. 1711 of which were erected dm lug l > * 7. Tl ese lamps are ovvno 1 by thu cl'y , and cost it K3 for each one. Thus t.Hlihas ht-cnspi-nt in th'i manner. ThobuslntH- the company his In- rre.iM'd . " ) per c.ent over | s > ii , as tlunon- ; htrated bv the unmb.-r of new im-trei placed , which was in II. 'lids elves a totr.l of U'.f u In the city. I'nrlm * the jeir past l'MiBIi(4'tlcilbli' : ( ' feet of gus wus con. timed , showing ml Incrcuso of . ' per cent ovorli'Ni. Tlio uverugu dally mimber of employes tlurlug I' ' 7 wim luj , ind thu pay roll was aim it livV1""per month. Thu business of thu compuny Is con ducted r 11 tliu most generous plan as t im proving t'm service , In thu city and its tlnanct-s are carefully controllo-l. giving to Ihu stockholders a fulr dividend. In con nection with thu abovu It Is an intt-restlng fact to know that morn capital is Invested In the manufacture of gas In this country than any other buslnuss , oceptlng only railroads. The t itul cost of ull Improvements imidu In connection with thu Omaha Cas Mi nil- fact iirlng company's business WUS JIIKi.'SI'l and other additions will bu made as fast as thev bet ome necessarjV Ml 1 Mr. frank Mnrnhy , president ( if the com- Kiiiv. is ono of the hcbt known and ublu iiislnes men In Omaha. He Is flu- founder of gas manufacturing In this cltv. Mr. ( iiorgu I ! Itartcer , the > eretarIs nlso a wull-known capitalist and an emi nent tlnancler. .Mi- . Isaac ll.tttln , thu treasuier and snp- f rlntetnlent. Is a comtmratlvulv new comer hero anil Is u most thoroiii.'hlv learned man lu thu details ot the Imslnes i. .Itili Printing ; anil Kiii-avinu. | ; These IndllHtrles give employment to u lurgo number of men und women as will bu set n bv the following statement ; f. C. feslner Capital Invested , K1111" : number of employes1 , H ) ; weekly puy roll , 1 17,1. lleiltleld Printing Co. Capital Invented , l.nHl : number of employe * . 5 ; weeklv pay roll , lli.1. f. A. Manger-Cuiltul ) Investeil , } IIHIII , ( : mimber of employes , H ; weekly payroll , tm ! Klonp , V llurtlettCapital Investeil , il .i'ii : number of employes , II ; weekly pay roll , ifl.VI. ( iln-on. Mllh-r \ Itlcharson Capital In vested. * li iikai , ; number of employes , I'J'i ; wet-Kly pay roll , tl.imi. Kees Printing ( o. Capital Invested , tio.ui ) : numbt.-r of employes , ) s ; weekly pay roll , * . " > . Hepubllc.inPr nllng Co. Number of em ployes , , * ii ) ; weekly pay roll , iwu. Ttiomus II. Cotter Cupltul Investeil , * ; 'lii , l ; mimber of employ us. ! ( ; weekly puy roll , i-'Ci'l. llcchiold Hros. Cupitul Invested , tl"i < il ; number of employus , ; ij weekly pay roll , lillnn \ Kusck Cupltnl Investeil , f.V ] l : number of employes , ; i ; weekly pay roll , Chu-e \ I'ddi" Cuplllll Investeil , f ) . ( > ' I ; number ot employes , , * i ; wu-kly pay roll. t f > We-tern Printing Co.Cupltal IllV'e.stcd , ti\H l : number of employes If ; weekly puy roll , iu'ui , i ; , II. Craliam Cupltul Invested , .liiti ; mimbi-.r of employes , ( l ; weekly pay roll , * : > . D. C. Diinbar .V Co. I apltal luvested , PUiKl : number of employes 31 ; weekly pay roll.'IS fllduyson. \ Douglas ( upltal lifvi-htetl. h'.imi ; number of employes : . -weekly I 'pay roll , 411. nplojes , | weekly puy rt.ll. . , . . { . I"1' " tht'se nri < the | | rm of llu-kcll and .1. i , . ( ii Icon. \ < , on an avtr ugo employ three hi mis each , and win i 4 ' ' ' ' " > Nl" " ' ' ' ' " " ' "l""m" " .Mn million i In- * Ili-lt-iv. Chicago llnlldlug supply ( o. Mlllti i , , , ' ' ' " " " ' ' " - < ! muuufuilurt i'Vi' . " " ' "I'- ' ' ' ' > ne hundred men on ployed t ; monthly puy loll tnuM ' " ' " ' { I'loiii " . ' mill. 'I'hlr'tv men em , , I'l ; ycd. Monthly puy roll , < | . , * , . , . o. J.titb - . show case munufuctnrt'r hreemen emidoyed ; monthly puy roll A. Iluseiibui-y. doors , sashes , blinds , elt employs l. . " m-n ; monthly pay roll. Jvv ) . l.\cesi- | | Planing mill , James Klchartls .V Co. . proprieloi-s. 'ivvelve men i r - e , ployed ; monthly pay roll Km . . . ( .ll .V..n.t'V.'tlvt ! ! < ; " " " " ' ' 111.mas ing Mill i ; , . , mouldings. „ , ) , Championnil'lls ; maimfactiire rve Hour meal and buckwheat Three men em ployed. Weekly pay roll * f.'i I no I. M. lluiso Maliress r0. Mamifa tire tnuttri'sses , betiding and parlor ttirm " ' ' . . ] l > ' . ) ' ' | H1uen empioved ; nioutiilv pay roll Omaha .Mdrt factory i fifteen men an , glrls employed ; monthly puy roll Jimi \ehriii05ii Marble anil (111111110 ( work- l.lght emphijcs ; montlilv pa v roll Jlsi Novelty Planing mill ; Sash' , iloiirs.bliiiiN scrol sawing , turning , etc Thlrtv men employed , monlhly pay roll f I , KI ' Omaha Kindling jlanutacturlng Co. \ Unploys llflt-t-n men ; monthly pay ro II. W. Stiyder ; maimfuctttres soda aru mlllcial water. Twetitj mcti cmplovod monthly pay mil. { ( .Am , .1. M. Wil-on , boller-niuker and sheet Iron worker , employs twenty-threo men. It. n. llat-Kus , munuracttiros ornamental Iron ami wood fencesix - six emnlovi" . monthly pav roll f.'iiio , It Stevens .v Son. Planing mill. Twentv four employ cs > j nionihlj pay roll tl.--ii. ' ii ' ! ' ! . ' ! " M 1" " ' "OI-KS. Ma nn fact tires ! mum lulls , doorc , store Ironts , mouldings roil , " ' ' " " ' " ' ' "I11"-1"1'1' ' ' " ' ' . ' I' " ! Omaha Coppersmith Co. Manufactures Mia and mineral water appliances , etc. l-tve men employed uthly pav roll n Nebraska Ihooni factorv. I'lvo tnt-u etuplo.yeil : monthly pay roU' < ! . ' " -lonlhl.v pay roll-t.MII. | - Omaha' Milling und Kievaimeompanv i ami ucturcs finest gl.s , , , , f Hour , tie I , . . . , , , , , ; . , , , , | . . , . , . .m'fiVtloi v'gi ! ; ; , 1 ; ' , 111'11'1'1 ' . , ' ,1 ' . ' ; " ' ' ' ' ' " ' , * ' ' " - < > " "Ud greit-u l enduring ; P > employes. A. S.nip-on , muttresses. spring beds imy KlWi1"1' ! ' - ' " ' " I'1' ' * ' " My ( 'unlit-Id . .Maniifaclurhig comi'iuiv. over alls , shirts , punts , etc. ; T : . emiilovos . , * monthly pay roll , .limi Novelty lion Works ' . * , monthly pay roll , Jlim : ; .Meli'lllsf\.It | Hi's Cut stone o'llitraeloi-s ; : .i men I'mplovetl. Cornice wtnks Tenth .V Dm'g' streets- Illmen o.nplo.\eil ; monthly pav roll. Minio ' ( ii-nlce works -s | | fartiam ' street : i-al' i-unl/.etl tin , Iron itnd slate f.tctorv ; Is1 em liloyes ; monthly pay roll , K.II Vearen \ llros. . lion and nruss fonmlrv. I it.leoi iployes ; weekly pavroll , Will. ' Novelty < iii-riage works , | ; . ( | , Jleatllmber noprletor. Ihlrty men cniplovod ; vveeklv fayroli . ' iil. - Acme iron ami Wire works flltoon em- ilo.ves ; weekly pavioll , jo. | Omaha Siifeworks.c , Andrew proprietor. ! | | * > ' ! | " " ' ' 'I'1"1'1 ' ' * ! weekly pu > . lirext-I.V. foil.cut stone contructors. Sev ' ! ' " " ' " I'l"l'1V ' ( ( ' < 1i monthly payroll. .him Powers , cooperage , foniti-eii men MlVi * * ' -'l " " . "lllll-v ' " 'yi'oll. ' t'.lillj capacity. I'omy \ - Segelk'e , mineral wafer matin oil Vi'n' ' V I'I"1'I" > < 'S : monthly pay e'.V'1" ! ! ' ' wll' ; 1 "I"1' ' " 'x ' fuclory. 'I hlr ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A' . 'Sltifken.iiirk'lm | ; 'boxes'ii'tldi 1' . ' * lUlker.s' "supplies. Twi-lv. . " ' * uiplo\l noiitlily'iia.vroll. iflMi.,1 Davis \ covyglll. Iron works. ' Twintr ' lien employed ; miiiithly payroll , tl.1. ! ! . Kopp. Drolbus A Co. . candy factory. I' . I''fuy Ar Co./iniimiruct'uim'g co'ntec- knicr.s. 'fwenty-ftiur emploves ; weekly ' irt.Vivil | . Will. . .1. S. Craw ford , manufacturers of nrtl- Icial limbs. , . - . Oiliulia Marble works , M. J. l-'eenan 'mploVH eleven men.i Omaha Ha'-ket. .Maiiufiictnrlng eompanv. / ' A III employ over fifty hands during li NS. Mi I.earie .V Oehrle. bun and hrass molt. , ling , employ ten men , monthly pay ro'J Viii. a Viii.Mid Mid Continent boiler works , Wlllsor. Ininner , proprietorsemploy twenlv-thr lien , v.eekly pay roll } 3 n. Clark ColletCo. . , manufactures itivvdei- and flavoring eacts. t . Thlj our einploves. Montlilv puy loll W.flll , .1. II. Sullivan A" Co. , furnace works , , lien employed. Monthly pay toll 1 iuu.4 liltiii-oe mills , Marsh , V Smltli pri -tors , munnfiicture coin meal , liuckuf ind feeding stiillK. Six men cmpli Monthly i > uv loll j-iui. * 1 ( ieorge Stiles. Overalls , Jeiin and L lotlilng. iightllvi : > employes , WJ my lollfill. Tlii'Omiihu wire works H MrMil ! "ii , proprietors foul1 men emu IVtokly pay roll t7fi. Andrew .1. Slinp-un. i-urrlugi' ' mil Hirer , employs forty carriage imiM lolsterers and palmers , weekly iwn. Henry ( irube miinnl'iii'tmes hay ' ' mil wu'gons , I'llltenili anil lluim-yj ,1eymour. . coupi-r. miikt-sa sp llgln tooperuge , butter tubs , Hit mplnys eight men. weekly puy ro Andivw Mover , sush. door anil I lory , fmployc Ihlrty-live meji iveekly pay roll Isfl.mll , T , M. Trev tt manuCai tares halchwav ' elevators , three men , w - roll fl. II. II. .Muiholl , trunk miiniifmturcreni iilovs live nicn : weekly pav loll t7li. I W. H. Qillntun n akes a i-pri laity of mull iifactnrlng .stonecutters' , tools ; employ ! him-men : vveeklv pav rMi"i. t William II , Siullli , stair builder mil liiinlwood worker , bus fifteen employes , r P , J. ( Juealy miniufiii tiircs fil.ii4i potiiiiu if soup per weekul hlssoap 'aclory.vvhlcl ulves employment to It'll hands. Capltil Invested , f Ki.l'm. ' I M. K. .Smith , thu wholesale dry good ! ileiiler , munufuctnri s overalls , slilrts , t-tt-j ' ill an extenslvo si-ale , t lurk llros A-Co , condiiel an exIeitHlvi Hpii'B mill ami manulacturo linking. ( "Tnl iler. 'I hey employ thirty men ; monthl | I my roll fi.Mio. TIIIIVII'sO.N IIIII'HION The biislnetsof the Thompson Hiiilstnl Mlcctric lilglit comiiany hus gieutly In ] i-ri'iised tlurlng Is > 7. 'Ihe capital of till omiany | Is tlHi.ipiil. Sixteen men uru mil -tanlly cniployed. 'Ihu company has If ipenitlon at piu cut ' . ' .Mure lights und Tiif Incuiii'txcent lights. This n-ipilres one -if liorsu power enginu und iinotlu-r of till vVcstlnghonso make. Two hnnilreil mil Iwenty-llvo tons of coal were used durliif Ihu year. Ten dynamos are now In oiieri lion , live of which nave bei-n put In dnili liltyear. . New HIII-H have been added ail the business of thu company during , " " iv-us nearly double that of isstt. I M VIU 11,1.1'MIN.V-ri.Ntl roVII'ANV. This company has u capital ofH.i < l ui it prtKunt l operutlng six dynamos. 'If illlcci'H of thu i ompany are P , C. Illni laugh , president ; frank Wurr'-n. setj lury and treasurer , l-lxtenslvo Impro * ] incuts lire contemplated for HIH | year. I ill lit ( Ktallisl It.-H. Thu following statement showH thu n , it-rof men engimed III fie .ovi-nl trud hroughout t ii c y ; HrickluyerH , WH ; pi ereiH , ll''i ; stoii.intterH'M \ : cornU nukersu il tln-mltliH , : . ' ; lumbers.sttl mil gusitn-rs. ; I'd ; lulckmouldcrM a d * em , 11(1 ( ; p ill-tern und pupi-rliiingern' , fj iirpeiitiTH. l.dfl ) : m iclunlst.s in fnlon I Hie Khops , 4M ; otner muclilnlslM. : il l ; II nouiili-rri. Ill ) ; liin > esljiers. ni ; \lr \ imltlis. 7,1 ; bakers , li'i ; liariiesBiniik III ) ; tatlorn , I7.i ; shiit-miikers , fll ; ciirrl nuki H li ; currlugu Irot ors. id ; i-urr iiilnters.r-'i ; Hiatus l.'i ; collurmliktcs. atliciH , imi ; clgurmakerH , I7'i ; I'undjr 1-1 s , IHI ; coi p-rs , IM- laborers , l,7f" . The fnlon I'at-ltlc Hhops employ l.iiiltu mil Ihe hunthInn ( hi packing homes If Iliid-l l-'acllliii-H. Omiihu Is well p ovldcd wllh lid Among tie Hrst-choix hi tines uru the ard , I'axton. llarkerMntlsor , Ctr/.z Men-halt u nl tl u Arcade , which. ! g .vlllt thonumerotiH thln'-clussho H-s , | itciimmodiileover fii"l gili-HtH. ; ' h - Mlllard Is oneof the m H elcgiu Ihu I'nlletl Suites. The building H ti n Mime livet iry n I 'k ' All of the iiiti ippolntinel ts uru THclam. . And'i lion o t lu Hot I win bu found on ' " ' "TI'IU llurkor hotelulthoiigh but luj liullt , hiiH already uciinlred u great rt ? lion , it with fonnil neci-HKuiy to in- VI Illlon d irlng 1 7. tut A Illi tii'idlnl fact thill thu house was bllbt lenstli yi-ar ago : Thu Marker IH Hrnt-cluhH In i tsici't , and Is at lv munuged by M. llulch. An III s. railonoftln h iiiso-wlll