Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1888, Illustrated Supplement, Page 7, Image 15

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Advertisements tinrtT tint Itfnti , ly ccntt per
line for the llrst insertion , 7 rents for rach stiln
Fcqiicnt Inrertlon. and ll.rfl a line per month ,
No advertisement taken for less than 25 centt
for the first Insertion. He\n xxords wllll j
rfiiuitcd to the line ; they mustnin confecii-
their and must bopald In advance. A I ! tut-
Trrtlncmeiits must be handed In before li'n
o'clock p. m. . and under no clrcttmstnnc.cs will
tlii-y bo tnkon or discontinued by tcleph6n < > .
Pai tics advertising In these columns and hixv-
ansxxcrs adilrpM > e < l In euro of the lleo.
vlll plrafo nsk for a check toenabla thorn to
pet their letters , as none \xlll be delivered ex
cept on presentation of chick. All answers to
cfvcrtl'Mnrntd should bn enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements in these columns are pul -
llohed In both morning and evening editions of
HIP Dee. the circulation of which aggregates
tnoro than ll.txn papers ilally , and glx i s the ad-
vi Hirers the boiu-nt. not only of the city circu
lation of the lice , but also of Council llhUTs ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this part of the xxcst.
WANTED- by n Ixiy to work for his
board while attending school. B M. lice
olllce. ' 117 1 *
* | 3IiACi'.Sixanted by txvclxo domestic glrlCone
I. Welsh woman , four Sxxeeds , two Irish , olr ,
flood help alxvays on record for prlx-ate fami
lies , hotels , etc. Btato F.mploymcnt parlors 1117
Farnam t. , room II , 15-1'
\\rANTKD Pinmtlonby young man going to
IT school , xx hero he nui xx ork for his board.
Noolllcofoe. Canadian Kmp. olllce , 310 S. 15th.
Tel.KSI. If 1-1
\V AN'rl'I-f'ltll"tlon fora reliable Dnni > ns
' era linmn. or In a store. ; xxus fi joirs
( lerinan Austrian cavalry. Mrs. llrega & Son ,
! ll S 15th. W-l
WANTKD-Situation as coachman byder-
man , 28 , tun yiaru in last place ; no olHco
feeUiinadlan Kmp. Ofllce , Mrs. llrega iV Son ,
.1103. l.-.tli. Tel , f 81. 1H4-1
WAN'lKn.-Sltuntlonsfor4tood men cooks
and 2xMinen cooks , first i lass'JO girls to
do general houscxxork , ( I chambermaids , H sexx-
ing girls and fi dlnlngrmnn girls. Ourofllcols
full of gills. Canadian Kmp olllce , Mrs. llrega
A Mm , : ilil S st , tel 4. IHI-l
SITUATION xx anted by n stationery engineer ;
can ulx-c gMMl ii'ferences and holds chief
engineer llcenso for thostatoof Minnesota. Ad
dress 8 K , lleo nlllcB. 1512 *
WANTKD Situation ns stcnograperand typo
xviIt r by > 01111 , ; lady , best references
glxon. Address SMI lleo olllce. IMI a *
Y\AN'1KD Nixeriil thoroughly llist-class
TT salesmen for the sain of lubricnt nt oil to
the consuming trade lu the state of Minnesota
and elsexxhere. ( lend salarv and permanent
position to ho right men. Previous experience
in this llnei not osseiitlul , but nutsr no good
halesmen. Addiess glx Ing age , prex Ions busi
ness cxiierleiue and lefeientes. Vacuum Oil
Co. . Hoche ter , N. Y. 1M 2
" \\rANTKD A joung mull xxho Is not "afraid
T i to xxork , to open and sxxeep the stole , puck
goods und no general xxork. Apply In oxxn hand
xxrltlng. Adilioss"W."ilraxxori'l ) P.O. 1IK-1
\\rANTKO-Twcnty men nt Prof , lluitholo-
T mexv'M Paluco car V. P. di pot Monday
morning to lead tno horses for thostieet iiarado.
ll'IOa. : m. sharp. MM
\\fANTKD-Mmmgcr at Omaha by rollablo
T > publishing firm. Will control li.OlX ) , stock ,
goods und considerable money. tl,8l ) cosh de
posit and leferences required. 172 Washington
Ht. , Chicago , room 5. 180 aj
WANTKD YotinK man about in jears old nt
lleo mall room ono \\lio can get up at
! 1'JO. : ! )74
VV'ANTKO-Kxperlenced mllkornt Saiutogtx
VV dull y. 138 ! !
MAN Wanted Drlxcr ; must bo caieful
ilrlxeriiml used to milking ; best lefoi-
cnces. Apply S. 1' . M01 so. till
\\7ANTI3D H ) teamstois for gtado xxoik ,
TT ship to-day. Albright's Labor Agency ,
11JO Furuam ht. lUO-1
WANTKD-A good , able boy from High
school to carry an evening route on Daily
llee. KB
\\TANTKD A mim to solicit. Must have } ' . " >
TT und able to glxo bond. Balmy tt'i per
mouth. Address S. ! ! , Omuhu lleo. Nfl 2"
WANTKD A boy and horse to curry u route
on Ex enlng Hoe. 8bO „
\\7 ANTKD Taint and color salesman In loxx-a
T ? for St Louis house , grocery nnd liquor
halesmen tor eastern house , grocery hiilesniuu to
lamllles for Council Illuirs , 1 for Llncoln.crackcr
baker , call at ( Ireut Western bureau , the oldest
and most reliable lu America , 1AUU Farnam ht. ,
room 1) ) . KC5 ; 1J
SALF.SMKN Flx-o traveling hiilesiuou ; salary
and expenses ; no expeilenco necessary.
Addic&tfVwlth stump , Pulmor A Co , LuCiosse.
Wis. MI IV
) Four men to solicit In. the small
toxxns und conntiv of loxxa , Missouri and
Nebraska ; must haxo $25 , glxo bond , and xx ill-
ing to xx ork earnestly ; salaiy 565 per month.
Addiess 1' 61. lleo olllco. 200
Men for lallroad work. Al
bright's Lulrar Agency , 1120 Fuinum. 6V1
WANTKD 100 men of good uppearonco to
try our He meals at Norrls restaurant , all
and HID South 14th street , ( old Live and Lot
Llvo ) f > ' .C )
COMPKTKNT girl for general housoxxork can
get good llboruHxages. Call early Monday
morning at 110 S. 2.1th ux o. , near Dodgo. 175 1
ANTKD Oood girl for housoxxoik , MM ) to
JI.OO per xx eok , 1 Jl ) Cass street. 173 3J
" 17 ANTKD A piano pin ) cr lit VU Douglas st.
T 187-1
ANTKD-At once , good girl , ( iB N. loth bt.
11)2 )
" \\7"ANTKD Agood girl at 1812 lake ht.
> T Small fumlly and easy xxork. VIM -J
\\T A NT K D A r.uod girl for geueinl house-
T x\oik , family of three ; a gill that cun
cook prefeired. Inquire of C. L. Krlckson , , ' .12
N. lllth st. | li-iJ
\XTANTKD Txxo kltchon'glrls nt Hoscnmund's
TT 101II and lUl.j I'arnum st. U28 1
One Hrst-clas * xxoiuun cook , nnd
TT ono experienced second girl ; lefeiences
lequlred ; good xxugcy. Apply to 22IU Dodge.
AFIHST-CLASSglil for general honsewoik ,
xvantod at ? 25 b IMh ht , cor of Louvonxx-orth
\VTANTKD-A good gill forliousox\oikv.ish-
TT Ing and lionlug , lu small fumlly. tiood
% xages. U24 S. 17tll St. HIS
WANTED Vlrst-claEb girl for general honse-
xvviik. W per \xcck to the right gill. 1721
Daveupui t- SOI
WANTKD-Four ladles to solicit lu this city.
Salary $ tti per mouth. Addieaa B , U ,
Omaha llee. liL ! 2 *
TX ANTKD-Oirl , small family , apply after 12
TT o'clock , Mrs , J. II. Hajues , 4utN. ) 2ldht : , ,
near Chicago. 723
ANTKD-Hrst class gill for cook , good
w ayes paid. C. I'nttcrbon , WIN.
aid. me
W ANTKlGlrl. . Inquire 315 N. 17th ht. -
A LADY of pleasing manners , nice looking ,
good conversationalist , able togtxoubond
or make a cnsli deposit , can Und good position
and a good salary by addressing S 44 , Omahu
ileo. bSJ2
ANTED Dining room tlrl at Occiaental.
ONK lady In every toxvn xxnnted to Introduce
and sell 1'cniijTojnl Pills. "Chlcheiiter'a
English. " Original and only ( lennlm ) . S nd 4o
( stumps ) for partluilurs. CltlclieMer Chemical
Co. . Phlladolphlu 1'a. ; ej
\\rANTKD-A girl to do hou > oxxork In a fnm-
TT ilyofthieu. Apply 427 Convent st.
\\TANTEIV-Txxo Indies to co to Missouri ,
T T salary J75 j > or month. Adtlrchd S. 4t.Onm-
hs lleo. bt < J s
LAD1KS are ottered embroidery ncedlexvoi k at
I heir o n homos ( tow n or count rv ) b v a > x holes -
s lo houso. 1 > 1 olltable , genuine , flood pay nu
be made. Kvciythlng tnintshed. Partlculurti
free. Address ArtUtioNi-idluxxork Co. , i : < . ' > Mh
St. , Nexv Vork City. 271
" \X7ANTKD Ladies in city or country , for our
T holiday tnule , to take light , pleas mt xxork
at their own homes , tl to Kl per day can b-j
quietly m de.ork mint by mall eiiy dbtauce.
Particulars free. No r nva8.slug. Addii- at
one * . Ceiocnt Art Co117 A MltV at. , llnnton ,
Jlnsi. P.-O.boxClJV. f0
\\rANXKD-7-6Uladle4 to try our lie meuU nt
TT Norrls'restaurant olii LhuundLct Live ) ,
H nod 813 H.14th St. KO
\\rANTKD-Allmontoknow that Lo
TT son's ml ustrels x\lll bo at the Pcojilo'ti
theater to-inori xv nleht , 1W-1
irANTED Ily young lady , with room near
TT business confer , u Udy nxnu-uiate. Ad-
tress 8.65 , IJeo office. VJ3-1
repairing to do. Leave
orders vlth Chtirchlir Pump Co. , tcle-
phom-Vi.'i. ( Bojden llros. _ b803 *
"WTANTKD Kvcry man xx-omon and child to
TTrr ail People's theater amusemetit notice
ttKyy. ' _ lsM
\\rANlKD-Oemienien to try our P > ceiit
T T meals at Schollcr restaurant , 101 S. Ifith.
STATP. Kmployment Parlors Tlio only sys-
temlr.ed agency In the city. We have on
hand , constantly , all manners of male ami fe
male help. Mall orders lo'lclted. Olllce. 1417
Farnam st. , room 11 , t'p stairs. _ 1SV1 *
K KmployuicnT Paifors-1117 Furimm st.
KNOW all men. that the State Employment
Parlors furnish more situations for able
men than nil the other oillces combined. Como
and register. Ollice , 1117 Furimm St. , room II.
- Kmploxment olflce. the best
place In Omuha to get' help or situations.
Male and femala. Heferonce. Omaha National
bank , Mrs. llrega & Son , 310 S. 15th. 'I el. fs | .
\\rANTKD-Hy xvldoxv. ' nlcely furnished
T room , south or east exposure , modern oou-
xenleuces. xxith board , betxxeen 30th nnd 20th
sts. . Farnam and Cass. Address , stating loca
tion and price , box 3K' , Nebraska City , Ne-
braska. lAa *
WANTKD A small furntsncd cottage or txx-o
or three furntshtd rooms on tlrst floor for
light hounekocplng , com enlent to car line. Address -
dress O til. lleeollFce. 757
B OAHD w 1th rooms for four at 2113 Hurt st.
ritlVATK boarding , $1 \xcck. . 1015 Dodgo.
120 J7
PH1VATK boarding , 1013 Dodge st ,
120 j 7
TimtST-CLABS table board , served In homo
X ? st ) le. for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1814 Dodgo. Ml
rilHK house 1 noxx occupy xxlll bo for rent. .Ian.
-L nary 1st ; house contains 10-rooms und all
modern iuiproxomouts. sou 8. 21th st. Morltz
Jtej or. Call at llth and Fat num 01 at 207 S. 21th
St. 6H4
_ _ _
FOB KKNT Nlco six-room hou'o near 27th
and Dodge , close to nexx Cable line. Kent ,
only $20. If taken quick. Knqtilio of fleo. N.
Hlcka , 215 S. Ilithst. Ill ) I
FOH HKNT A nexvli-ioom house , east fiont ,
> xlth good xx ell and collar , suitable for txxo
families , 2th ami Cielghton iue , ptiie , Jll. 2 ! , ' ,
blocks f i om station ot South Omaha dummy
ami U blocks from llanfccom Paik. Apply ut the
house. 11721 * _
"T71OH HKNT One box en loom house , hot nnd
J. cold xxater. gas and heated by fmmice , hit-
un'odoiiSanndeisneaa Lake.
Also , four six loom houses situated on King
st , noithof Lakost. Putilck llros. , Aillngton
Hlock. lloom 2. Ki7 ll !
TOOK HKNT Txxenty-llve houses llcro the
, * . ' ruinltuiolsforhulo cheaj ) . hoxou flats , lents
und prices veir reasonable. Call unil xxo xxitl
hlmxv you our list. Co-opeintlvo Land A- Lot Co. ,
2DftN. ISthbt. 1.17 2
FOH HKNT The finest 7-room modern Huts
In Omuhn for J23 per month , to good ten-
nuts , byj. L. HlcuAcCo. Ilia
FOH HKNT--12room house , all modern 1m-
proxcments , rents forfto , 28.K ) Capitol ave ,
lliqutio A. Splgle , 711 S Uth storon promises ,
I710H HEXT-6-ioom cottage , rent J.W ; JMX )
JL'orthoffiirmtuiu for $ 5J. CoOpeiatlx-o
Land A Lot Co. , 203 N. lllth st. 1U2 2
HKNT.-Houso : KO N 1Mb st , furniture
for sale , addicts H. W. Cramer , Omaha.
HKNT 2 8-room houses , all modem 1m-
piox eiueuts. Inqulro Kdholm AAkin. .
.1C2 4
H'OHSF'B for llent-Sternsdorir IK McVicker
have sex einl houses for lent ut reasonable
terms. ICO ) Famam. 1WU 1 *
FOH HF.NT 2-ioom flat , lent $15 , furniture
> 00 ; this furiilturo is nexv and elegant. Co-
Opcratlx o Land A Lot Co. . 2ft' . N. loth st. 1'I7 2
OK HKNT Modern 7-ioom Hats on car line ,
inside mile cliclc , $ - ! < " > per month. .1. L.
lllco A Co. 1I5II
TI1OH HKNT (1 ( room honso In first-class neigh-
JJ borhood. ltentS.J5. Vuniiture for snlo on
easy payments. Co-operative Laud and Lot Co ,
" " " ' " " '
- -
" 171011 IlKNT 8 loomed house , all modem 1m-
J ? prov meuts,22ia Chicago st , 50. J. H. Iling-
walt, 858
Foil HKNT 2 nexv 7 roomed houses , well , els-
tern , largo cellar , lutnneur ClaiKst. W.
G. Shrlx or , opp postolllcu. t \
"IjlOUll good cottages for rent cheap until
JJ spilng. Goo. 1. Gilbert , Wlthnell building.
FOH HKNT 0 noxv 7 roomed houses , cltv
water , etstcin , cellar , 20th st ntar Paul , \ \ .
G.Sluixor. Fieiuer block opposite postolllce.
_ Ktl
FOR HKNT And furniture for sale , 8 room
house and barn , clstoin and city water.
Will huxo to sell as I am biaklng up housekeep
ing. Knqulie at my olHcolnlloxd'sopora house
block , second Moor. P. J. Creedon. HlKl
FOH HKNT-.1 room Hat , rent J7.r,0 , fill nit ui ft
$175. Co-OpeiatlvoLaud & Lot Co,2lk1N.
llith st. 1,17 2
NO. 1101) 7th ave. , 5-i oem house. In good repair
pair , largo yard , cistern xxater ; xxill ren-
to responsible person xx 1th not moio than 2 chil
dren for $25 per month. 44-1
A".l HOUSES For rent , $10 to $71 per month , II to
t 10 looms each and from 5 blocks to 2 miles
distant from postolllco. F. L. Gregory , lleutal
Agent. ilOU a. ICth st. _ , _ 478
Foil HKNT V 5 loom honso cheap ton small
family , 153U S 21bt bet Center and Dorcas st.
_ 412 J 14 *
"IjlOH HKNT 2 nexv ( I room houses on S 30th
-C near Leavenxx-orth. C. K. Mayne. 341
Fill HKNT Now 5 loom cottage in Ambler
place ; good 7 room 2 story house. Orchard
Hill ; good 4ioom cottage. Orchard Hill , C. K.
Mayne , N. W. tor. 15th and Haiuey ht. Ml
FOIl HKNT A noxv ten-room house w 1th 1uT
modern improvements , largo attic , Douglas.
mid 21st streets. Not a basement house. Ap
ply Moritz Mevcr , cor 11 and Farnam. 747
"ClOU HKNT New bouse , II rooms , etc. . largu
E grounds , corner 2Mh and Capitol avenue ,
Inquire 2a24 bodge st. _ OS7
TTlOlt HKNT Noxv 4-iooin cottago. $1. per
J ? month. Apply room 20 , 1511 Dodge st.
_ 753 JgJ
FOIl HKNT A 4-room flat near postolllce ,
Hist class fuinltnre , lent $10. ! 1 years lease ,
prlco uxx-ay doxx n. Co-OpeiatlxoLaudA : LotCo. ,
2 ' 5 N. Kith St. 137 2
OH HKNT 8 elegant brick residences -with
all modern Improvements' . 12 and 14 rooms
each , pleasant and i onvenlont location. O. F.
Davis company , 1D02 Farnam st. 11-
FOH HF.NT 8-room house , OOrtS 25th axcnue ,
1 block south of Leax ouw orth. J . D. Cow le ,
at Falconer's. UttJ
FOlt HKNT 6-room house u w ror. Soxvard
and 27th sts. < I50
FOH HKNT I noxv handsome 0 room cottaga
xxell , clsteins , otc.15 pnr month 32d and
California. A. C. Wakeioy , Omaha Nutl bank
bid. -MI
T7 < Oll HKNT House 11 rooms , w. M. Hush-
JL' man , N K corner IBth and Douglas. s40
FOH HKNT Nice rooms for rent , one , txxo or
three and bforo very reasonable. Inquire at
dmi ; store , bhcrman uxontio and Corby.
1-iKto *
PUHN1SHKD or unfurntnliad rooms with all
convenience * furnace heat at 811 S. jltli ,
" 1IMJHNISHKD rooms , with or without boaid
J. ' for , twoorthrcu gentlemen. 1017 Hawaii ) .
nitlllNISHKD llooms-Wlth Urst-class tablu
J. board ; IhlJ St. M ary'n ax euue. 1 77-2
TOH light house-keeping two furnishel looms
i1 ut tOJ Howuiil at. , near Coizcns house.
Ui" '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
FUIINISHKD looms for rent for hontekcep.
. _ Ing. three blocks fiom llo ) d'a owwu heuso ,
607 Ponth Itth st. m yj
ROOMS to rent-Largo and small. NoTlla N
15th St. , up stairs. Also small stable txx'o
blocks tiom iKist olllte. VandPicook. r.s-1 *
"GVm IlKNT IMI go pleasant furnished looms.
J Heat loxv. ITU. Cdss at. 107-J
FUHNldllKD 8leeplui ( rcomi for ceutl mcn.
HM Howard ht. c r every nxw inlnuot. .
_ _ " _
TTlUllNISHKn looms w Ith"HrstcWs boonL
l.1 heat gas nnd bath. Near , cublo line. 201J
Douglas st. _ 150-7 *
1 0 It HKNT Fiirnlslud rooms for houtekevik-
1 lug ; ube , day boauloi xvauted. 802 s Via st ,
It4 ) 1J
_ _
TT10K llKNT-rurnlshed rooms , all modern
J convcnlfiicis. 401 N.15tlM _ t. KM 1 *
TT10II HKNT- Furnished looms xvilh all mod"
-L1 rru Inlpioveui utd , txltli boa id If denlred ,
FOlt URNT FilrnUh * * roWnl nd board. P03
I'nrnam. < * ' SNJO
FOH HKNT 2 handsomu pnriors , furnished
or unfnnilshed , nexv house , all modern con-
\cnlcnces , in prlxate family. Will Ca st.
, 2P _
"T HONT parlor for two gentlemen , IffJl Dodge ,
TTHK IlKNT Furnished rooms in ( IrfUnlgillt ,
JU cor. Hth and Dodge sts. Inquire of to. H.
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard n > < im. tar
FOH HKNT Newly furnished front room
xx Ith alcove and bay windoxr ; nil nuxlern
conveniences ; boaid If drslrcd. No. KiJdeorgla
1J1OH HKNT Furnished looms wlthrtoxp ti
JU nniU7. Kll South I8d. 1K ! HJ
NICK furnished rooms cheap. lt13 ! California
i.iii nj
TI10H 11KN1 Nicely furnished fiont loom
JU cheap ; suitable lor txxo gentlemen or mnr-
tied coi pie. IJOi N. liJth st. Mj-lJ
T710H IlKNT A nicely furnished room xxlth all
JU modem Improvement * for ono or txvo gentle-
men. MIS , aitli. 23
Tjlt'HNISIIKDlooms xxlth board If deslred ; lso
JJ fcxv day boarders. Hill Fnrnnm st. _
OH UKNT-2 furnished rooms , S07 Harnoy.
HI ) 6 *
HKNT Pleasant south front room , reasonable
Foil to permanent occupants , J720 Capitol
avenue. IK12
H HKNT-Nlcoly furnished loom xxlth
Btoxo for S gentlemen. 2011 Harneyst.
J'ICKLY furnished rooms , all modern conven
iences , 1 HUB lOtlist. t > 77 G *
FOH HKNT Txxo furnished looms for light
housekeeping , 1WM Dux onport st. W70 1 *
FOH KKNT Itoom. nicely funitshed , modern
conxcnlcnces. lull ) fapltol ax-e. INI 2 *
N1CKLY furnished rooms xxlth or xx Itliout
board , In prlxato famllx * . lloom heated
xxlth steam. Hot and cold xxater and nil mod
ern couxenlencos. Terms reasonable. Inquire
nt t04 South IJlh and Jackson , up stairs. H218
"IJ OH HKNT L'irgo handsomely furnished up-
J2 per trent loom , steam heat , 101J Douglas.
FOH HKNT Pleasant front loom very cheap ,
11117 Chicago stioet. S'R ) t
ROOMS Well furnished , xxlth use of pluno.
1UOU Fainnm. M"i
T71UHNISIIKD rooms to ladles or gentlemen by
Jj _ > xeok or molilli. nil N 12th st , 5"ji !
TjlOK HKNT Furnished rooms cor ll < tli and
JL1 Cumlngs st. Inqulio meat market llith
and Cumlngs. 877 4J
F UHNISHKD loom , steam heat , 201 Wi7J27J S 21th.
171011 HKNT FurnlPtied room , gas , bath und
| J heat. 201,1 Hurt st. f4 ilj
T71 I OH HKNT Furnished and unfurnished
J rooms xx ith gas , b ith and furnace. JWI Cass.
"VTKW furnished xxaim famllv anil single looms
Jfor xx Inter , 1 block from P.O. , iillronvenv
lonces. 1015 Capitol ave. II 2
TjlOH HKNT For ono or txxo gentlemen n fur-
JU nlshod room xsltblnII blocks of court house ;
apply U1S S 17th St. K23
"IJIOH HKNT A arge room 1923 Dodge.
JU 703J1
NICKLY furnished rooms , all modem coux-e-
nlcuces , xx 1th or xxithotlt boaid. No. fiOS N.
17th st. sa 1J
Fill KKNT Nicely furnished rooms ut 22J7
Dodgo. Gas , bath and furiiuco heat. 629
OH HKNT Nicely furnished room suitable
for- gentlemen , luqulio2Cll St. Mary's ave.
"VTICKLY furnished front room ixith or with-
- lout board1812 Dodge ( ft , & 7U
NICK largo front room , furnished nnct heated.
Suitable for txxo gentlemen. Also small
room. 1U17 Cuss st. r > u
T&1OH HKNT Furnished room , all modern con-
X1 vonieuces , laigo enough for txxo. 2000 Dav
enport. KJ7
OH HKNT-Furnlshcd rooms , 1810 Dodge st.
711 J 1
I'UMIK elegant rooms all model n conx'onionces
1704 Webster st. 458
F UHN1SIIKD rooms for rent , 1V13 t < arnam st.
810 .1 2J
L Alter south trout. riKim , all modern conx-en-
lences , sultablo for txxo gentlemen ; also
first-class table board for three or four ; refer-
ehces. 1814 Dodge st. 704
IjlOll HENT Pill iilshed luill lor lodges ono
.1 ? night u xvook. l.O. U. A. M. Impilieat
1321 Douglas st. ( vKiil
| 7Ult IlKNT Oiomul iloor olflco room , ceil-
J trally located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Harrison. 41S S. 15th st. 002
171O11 KKNT Hasoment stores and flats with
Jall modern uupi ox emonts , corner Utli nnd
Jackson st-s. OIK )
FOR IlKNT Oltirtifl on Karnatu St. at $10 to $ .
per mouth. One olllco fui nlshed. 1612 Far-
nam. 188 _
FOH HKNT-OllIco room , nrst Iloor. at.UBS.
15th st. 001
"ITlOH'HKNT rice looms , one. txxo or Ihree.
JL1 and stoi e ; xery reasonable. Inquire at di ug
store , Sherman ave and Coi by. 170-3 *
T7IOK HKNT Dcslrablo unfuinlshed room.six
JU blocks from postolllce. 02,1 S. ISth st. 770-2'
TT1O11 HKNT Farm of KiQ acres 4 miles from
clty.sultablo for faimlng.gaidcnlng or dairy.
The O. 1' . Davis Company. N > ) it
FOll llENT-Good barn cheap 1921 Chicago st
F , 1 , . GIIKGOHV , rental agent , 3098.16th st. ,
, ground floor. Telephone 854. 4S4
SPKCIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished rooms. List with
us. W. M. Harris , over 22U 3.15th ht. 874
loll HKNT If you xxishtorent ahouse call
on benawa ACo. . , 15th st. , opposite P. O.
N KW VOHK Storage Co. hax-o most oxtonslvn
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , genet al merchandise , \xest of Nexv
York. Cash advances to any amount ; \xuro-
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call Nexv York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N. 15th St. , llennett's block.
IJKHSONAL A lady of business experience
xxhocaiiiommaml&iOO cash can hoar of u
profitable position by addressing Cash , lock box
. ( O.I. city P. O. _ IIKKI *
KHSONAL A. U. am going to see Lew John-
son's minstrels at Peoplu's theater to-moi-
roxv ex enlng. J.A. , IWH
I ) KHSONA1. If jou x\ant n dinner set be sine
and cull at Mooil > 's china store , 302 n. Iftthst. ,
xx hero jou xxlll Und \c\y lingo assoitment and
the lowest prices. Illustrations and prices sent
by mull upon application. IR'-l
P KHSONAL to lnx'ostorn ami speculators In
Omaha property. Wo aio sole iigents for
M > mo choice Inside business and trackage pi op
erty that xxo can soil cheap for cash. J. L. Hlce
ACo. . 1442
P KHSONAL Kiigagements to no dressmaking
in families sollclti-d. Call on or address
Miss Jesslo Still dy , Kl ! S20th bt. 147J7 *
-lf you hax-e anything to trade.
houses and lots , horses and buggies , or
mercliuudUo of any kind , call on J. L. Hlco A ;
Co. 1412
" 13KHSONAL J. L. Hlce A : Co . leal. estate and
JL loan agents and notary public , tuko this
method onlmnkliig their ft lends and the public
for their liberal patronage lu the your ju t
closed , believing xxo tan point to a clean record
in every realestato transaction passing tluongh
our hands. We tender to all our best xx Ishes for
| iy and successful nexv j ear , and call your
attention to a feiv specials xxo liaxu to oiler us u
starter. llospcUfully. J. L. Itlco ACo. . 042
US. E. M. POST-WliTgtvo Massage treat-
inent to those xx ho prefer t J come to her of-
tlcoon Mondays from 'J u. m. until 0 p. m. Other
da ) s fiom ! ! p.m. to lip. til. Olllce and lesldonco
southeast cor. Snxx urd and 2Hth sts. 7b5 yjj
TJKHSONAL Private home for ladies during
J- confinement , strictly confidential. Infanta
adopted. Address K llee office. 107 J 8 *
LOST Uist night , black and reTl "plaid liorH
blanket and seat cushion ; got rexxaid by ro-
turnlng toH. P. Morse ACo. . 1MH *
STUAYKOfrom U40 Paundcrnlaigo red and
xvmte spotted coxVoVJ bub Uilu llexvuidfor
return or Information. ItO 1 *
I o.iT A buy | K > ny wnU ailUlv and brliTlel
Leave-word at tlueollica. ' sol
LOST-Left on lied line wr to deixit Hlwnt fl
o clock ThnrsU y. a loath r coviireil joxxelry
box about HxlO iiiclics and 4 inches high : the
tinder will be liberally rewarded on reluming it
to D. ( J. 11 rooks , room I , Gruouig block , secor-
nerJ3lh and jodRa sta. _ 7x1
IJKWAJtU-WIll bo glvtn Mr ivfurn of buy
ii-ma7' " ' ' * ? ) lVs'i l'-aUlr ' ! VU.btraypd from
- -
2921 Cumin GS.
, st. , . Ojtrom , 6W
FOt'ND The cheapest place n Omaha to Inly
stoves , funilturt , pianos and organ * . . Nexv
York StoragSttr. , Capital ave. an 115th st.
TilOH SALF.-A fine Portland cutter n'V. .
K worth n < Hm-rf.50. J. L. lllco A Co. 101-5
Foil SALtS vlve hundred tickets. Call at
People's flitcer to-morrow cx-eiiliig. I'd 1
rpo LKASF.tYJT.nblkP Pattlck'sSd add.forn
X termoto or 10 jenis. Addiesi , W. W.
Lemo i , Oat3 City Land Co. W.1 sj
FOH SALK-Jllds xvlll lie tcreived up toan
nary 10th , INS.S , for all or pait of the build
ings on lot 7 , block l.lrt , known as the 8t. Charles
Hotel , on Hamey street , between l-'th and 1.1th
8ts. Address II. W. Ciemer , Omaha. 1'Y. ' H
FOH SALK Allno Portland cutter nexxxxortH
fa for SIMM ) . .1. L. Hlco A Co. ll > l-5
_ _
C1OU H room Hat In the best location In thoU
-U city , furniture anl lease of It > ears for sale.
Hent $10 , this furniture Is excellent and xxlll bo
sold cheap. Co-opcratix o Land and Lot Co. , 205
N ICth st. UJO 1
TTfoH SALI' Uhe following llr t mortgages on
J-1 tmprox ed city property are olleied for sale.
All beailng Interest at per tent payable srml-
annually ; Jl,2on , payable In one , txxo and three
years from October , | s$7. fl.ffiO. payable In tlvo
jeais from .Inly , Ivs7. ? ( J ) , pajablo In tx o
jeais from June , Isft7. Addioi s S. 4 S , Heoolllco.
1101.1 *
F 1HSALK A line Poitland cuttct nexx % xxoitll
or $ . ! 7.&U. .1. L. HIce \ Co. 1(11,1 (
TTO It SALK-Span ff year old IIambletonlin
J- ' males , drlx'o double or single , together xxlth
spt double harness and tliieeiiuaitor seat cat-
rlage , prlte.m CO-HIHH , tlmeon part of pin-
chaHemoney. J. L. Hlce & Co. 141 if
lilOU 8 ALK A thoroughbred , registered , led
-L1 Irish setter pup. 11 months old. Address F.
K. H. . Lock lloxj47. | Hostiiigs , Neb. _ tar fi _
PIANO at great"sacrlllce , oniyii\ > est * i " 0.
A music teacher leaving the city is com
pelled to sacrlllco an elegantly Carved 7VJ octave
triple string upilglit piano at less than one-half
cost ; must bo sold at once. Call Professor of
Music , 1SK1S. l.lth st. MM
OltSALK A fine Portland cutter nexxwoith
WO for IM7.50. J. L. Itlco .V Co. 1HI-6
Kl LLAHD Table at half price , Hruhwlc'c '
Halke Co.'s mako. liuiulru Leslie Ic Leslie ,
ICth and Dodge bts. _ 21U
fllllK banjo taught us an art bv C.eo. F. flellen-
JL beck , b. e. coi Ibth and Doiiglns , up stalls.
"ICO PKIl TKNT to agents. Send 0 txxo cent
J stamps fet terms and sumplo of goods. Car
rier A Co. , Woodbine , In. 1BBS *
"VfOTICK to real estate dealers : Lot 7 block 10
-i- > In Jerome Park Is xxlthdruxxu from the
market 101-1 *
KW YKAH3 Presents at Cost-Klegant parlor -
lor milts , bcdioom hulls cost of miiterlnl.
Utty noxv und pay In tho.sxxeet bv-iind-b ) c. Noxv
Yoik Storage Co. , Capitol ax'c nnd 13th st. 1S11
have all kinds of business chances , such
WK as icstaurants. all kinds of stores , tlxt ly
barns , etc. Call II-4-IJ buy. Co-operatlvo Land
A Lot Co. , 203 N. Iflthst. 1372
II. JOHNSON , cistern builder , xxells bored
C and dug , 40U N 30tu st. , Omaha , Nob.
1 > 3I j-Xl *
ELKG ANT bran nexv Portland cutter for sale
cheap , liuntlro 1'hll Garretson , Arcade
hotel. , 0341 *
AHHIVKDIoo Late for the Chi Istmas Trado-r
One car loactof elegant upright and square-
pianos , xxhlcll txfn be sold at tno cost to maun-
factuio with "Arlftht added. Call and nee them
befoio bu > ing ; all goods guaranteed. Noxv Yoi k
Piano Co. . 15U3 Capitol live. l-3 1
fii and upright folding beds , all
latest styles txnd patterns , w 111 bo sold nt a
great saci lllco. for 10 clays. Noxv York Storage
Co. , 1698 CapUol. , _ P30 1
HOHSKS WINTKHKD-I would lespectfully
announce to the citizens of Omaha that J
hax'o better accommodations for wintering
hoi sea at Omnha fab grounds than can be found
in the xx'est. 1 hax c 1M ) largo \\mrn box stalls ,
xxlth four largpj arils for exeiclslng dining tha
day , the w alls are 8 feet high and aio warmer
than most stabler. Wo have facilities forleed-
ing w anil br/an and oats : i times a day ; horses
wintered this way me fit for work at anytime ,
\xhlle horses Wlnieiedin the old xxav of starving
and ficezlngliiiUip cornstalks takes half the
next summer to tllu < : otidlton ( to drix-e < The.
horse cars run to l\w \ groumls every ! ) minutes.
Pai ties having horses at the grounds can see
them at uny time. For particulars and teims
address , A. Thompson. ,77-J2 *
OH SALK Piano at gieat sacrifice , only 8271 ,
cost Kill ) . A music teacher leax Ing the cltv
Is compelled to R.ICI lllce an elegantly carx ed 7l
octave triple strung npilght piano at less than
one-half cost. Piano must bo sold at once. Call
PiolosMU-ot Music. 18lb8. Mthbt. 1611 '
CASH paid for second-hand books and Libra-
lies. Mi N loth st. H. HlionfeldMitlquiiiluu.
721 .1 22'
"VTOTICK lf you have any property to trade
-I.N for city lots or lands In Nebraska cull upon
W. G. Allnlght , 218 S. 15th st. _ 40-J
MADAMK Anna Alplanulb. the celebrated
Hungarian gypsy palmist , uses the "old
gypsy w ax s" in reading the lines of the hand.
Hax Ing n largo pationage , she sees no gentle-
men. FeoMcts. Mil N Slith st. Take 20th and
paunders car. ! IS11 , *
MltS. DUHANT-Clairvoyntit from Boston is
reliable in all affairs of life unites sapa-
rated lovers , its N Kith st. room 1. 700 Jan 2 *
TV'NANNIK ' V. Warren , clairvoyant. Modi
JLleal , business nnd test medium. Dlaenosli
free. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 16th
St. . Hooms 2 A-8. Tol. 044. Oil
ANTKD To buy'tho furniture of a smaller
or large house centrally located. Cooperative
tive Land AL'ot Co. 203 N 16th st. 1,18
" "
ANTKD To ftuy snort time paper , J. W.
Gross , at C. B. Muyno's olllce , 15th und
Harnoy. S5
rpo LOAN Two und a half hours of genulnq
JL fun for evi rybody. Call at People's , theater
to-inoi i ow evening. IMM
MONKY to loan on furniture , horhes."wagons
and other personal property , or appio.-eil
collateral. llusliiu-s toullilontlal. Tim Fall-
bank Inxestment Co. , corner bubement under
1'uxton hotel , liVi 7 *
TYfONKY to Loan On furniture , pianos ,
a I wagons , or other pei.sonal proieity ) xx Itliout
lemox-nUulsoon collateral seem Ity. Loxviutes ,
lluslnefs confidential. Chus. li. Jacobs , : wi s ,
15th st 170
M1 ONKYtoLoan-O. F. Davis Co. . real nstato
. and loan agents , ! 50Ti Fariiam st. OI'J
MONKV to loan 1 can noxv place some tlrst
class city loans Immediately. Call at once
If you doblro to bo accommodated. D. V. Sliolos ,
room 1 llurker block , entrance In alley. H81 >
MOMKY loaned on pianos , furniture , homes ,
oigans , etc. , loxv rates. O. II. 7.1mmor-
man , room 5 , Arlington block , 2 doors xx-est of
postolllce. L77 JJI
I OANBmaito on real estate. Cash on hand.
J W.M. Harris oxer220S. llth st. U2U
MONKY to. Loan Ily the undersigned , xxho
has tire folly proporlv orgnnl/ed loan
agency In Omaha : L'oans of JIO to tlOOinudoou
furniture , plnnoi'orguns , horsesxrgons , mn-
chineiy , etc. , wJthout removal. No delays. All
business BtriqUy confidential. Loans so made
that any part'con oo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider xx ho they are dealing
with , as many nexv concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. , , Should you need money call and
BPO mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 Wlthin ll building ,
15th and Hnrnflv : ' * KM
MONKYTOl.l , > AN-On furniture , horses , xxug-
ons other I'iRrspnal property , xx Ithotttremox-al
or on upproVedicolluternl : security , lluslneas
conlldetufal. Uno. W. Hobblns , 101J Farnam.
i in tHJ
MONKY to'Loan on city property and also on
farms lit'xxeBtcrn loxva and eastern Nf.
braska ; first mortgage notes bought and sold.
I Well UroH. & Co. , 1 1 Furnum sU , Omuhu ; ItW
I'eailst. . Counplllluffs ) , 1XI (
MONKY LOANKD at C. F. Hc-ed & Co.'sLoan
Ofllcfl. on furniture , pianos , horses , \xugons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other ar-
tlcles-of value without rcmox-al , 31'J S. nth.
over Illnghnm's commission store. All bust-
ness strictly confldcntliil. li2J
LOANS madn on real estatn and mortgage-i
bought. Loxvls S. Heed it Co. , 15J1 Furimm. '
. 718
MONKY TiTloan. lx > xxest rates. No delay1
J. L. lllco & Co. , ovur Commercial Nu-
tlonul bank Kf !
MuNK rte loan , cash on mind , no delay. J ,
W. and K. U Squire , 141J Farnam et. PUT-
ton hotel building. K i
PKIl CKNT Money.
Patterson & Faxxcett 15th and Harney. 618
SHOUT time loans mauo on any available
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bougnt , sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial KxchaiiKe. N. W. ror. 15th and liar-
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbott ,
MONKY loaned on furniture , piano * . * organs ,
her t's , etc. loxvrntc . J , J. Wilkinson *
Co. , llCi. Farnnm. over llurllngtun tlckot onico.
$500m ) to loixn In nny nmotint nt lowest rate of
Interest. H. II. Iroy. Frenger block. Kit
OJJCO.COO To loan on Omaha city property nt 8
n > percent. 0. W. Dny , S..E. cor. Kx.
ca )
MONKV to loan on Improved real estate ; no
comml slon charged. Leavltt Uurnhani ,
room 1. Crclghlon block. 01J
rilO LOAN Money Ioain placed on 1m-
JL proved real estate tn city or county for
New Knglnnd Loan & Trust Oo , by Douglas
County bunk , 16th nnd Chicago sts. CKt _
375tiooo { to loan Htbpcr cent. Llnalian A Ala-
P honey. Itua Farnam. GJl
ONKY to loan on city property , and also
farms in Nebraska and loxxa. Odoll llros.
A Co , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , lul
1'earl street. Council muffs , la. ; 1523 F.irnnm
8treetpmaliri. axs
MONKY to loan , mortgage notes Ixniclit , loans
made on chattel security ; no delay J. J.
Cunimlngs. lloom 10 llurker Illock ail
ONKY to loan. Notes aim it. II. ticket ,
bought nhd sold. A , Fonnnii , 213 S Uth sts
HALF Interest and mauagnmcnt of llglit
manufacturing business open to goodllxo
man In Denver , Col. Pays immense protlts.
Small capital loqulied. Particulars at A. F.
Mujne'.s olllco N. W , cor ICth and Fainani
IffiM *
OH SALK-A Ilrst-classhotel In Strong. Neb. .
for sale on easy terms. This house is doing
n good buslnes and xx 111 pay to investigate. Co-
opcintlxoLand and Lot Co. , 203 N. llith st.
FOH SALK--Kestaurnnt. ever ) thing llrst class ,
doing good pax lug business ; $1,000 cash re
quired. Inquire of Klaus A Foster , 31B S. Pith st.
ANTKD-Partncr xxlth fHX ) In good pa ) lug
buMuess. Apply H. Mnninxcller , 414 S llth
St. 7B2
H OTKL8 In the city and county towns , cigar
store , feed stoics , bakeries , drug stoics
nnd all kinds of chances ran bo had at onr of-
lice. Call and see us. Co-operative Lund A
Co. . 205 N. Ibth St. 1.172
PAHTY thoroughly understanding pioduco
commission , with large juqualutance ,
xxlshes P.utucr , elttier active or silent , xxlth cap
ital. Address S. 52 , Iloe. _
EASTKHN party just locating wishes po-ltlon
In good sound Jobbing business wlthxlexv
of Inxestlng. llest of lefereuies. Address S.
fit , lleo. IKtO-lj
ALA 11(1 K. pleasant stole room for lent , one
of the bcsUpolnts In the city for letall
boots and shoes , hats and caps , dry goods , etc. ,
within half block of corner lllli mid Furniim.
Long lease , cheap lent. K. F. Seiner , 101 1M Pin-
naiu st. lc."j
WANTKD Active joung business man to
Inxcst JUKI In good ollke business. Call at
Great Western llmeau , 150U Furnum , room ! i.
1U1 1 *
A.TOHHINd house In this cltv xx hose increas
ing business renders an nddlton to Its capi
tal deslinble , oircis an nproitnnltv to a Hpecial
partner to invest Horn $5.tmO to $10,0 0. Highest
rofeiences. For paitlcnhirs applx' to our ut-
toiney , C. W. Haller , 1VB Fainam st. OH 1
Oil SALK-Stock of Hardware-A well se-
locti-d stock of hardxvuie In county seat of
never falling crop country , 125 miles n xv of
Omaha , in Klkhoin valley. Invoicing aliout
12,500. This Is a rare chance. Oood paying trade
established. Cheap rent , ( looil reasons for
soiling. Address Hardware , care of Hector Ic
Wilhclmy. Omaha , Neb. 872.2
WANTKD A partnei In a good p.ung busi
ness , established for four years , and sales
for this year will bo over $40,000 , location good.
must have about J.I.UOO to invest. Address
W. T. H. , P. O. llox .110. _ 075JJ *
Oil SALK-An established iuid paying
wholesale business , \xlll take part pay 1
real estato. Address 317 S. 1.1th st. ! I05
rPHK patent-right for Nebraska of txx oof the
Jbest domestic machines In use. $50,000 can
bo cleaied In this state on each machine , lloom
8 , Harkor block. toil 1 *
WHOLKSALK confectionery business for
tiilo. Paying trade established. Look
this up. Apply ill7 S. 13th st. rot
0 KXCIIANdK-Aflno upright piano , neaily
lie xx' , lor a lot. Address 8 5'l llee. 157-1 *
TO THADK-A1 lots In town of 1H5.000 InhabIt -
It nuts for stocks of merchandise. Address ,
S , ( V. IKo. 171-7 *
WHAT Inn e you to trade for a share In Low o
axe. Toirato Ilulldlng association ? F ,
llai rott. 1)17 ) S 15th. nt 2 *
GOOD Inside vacant lot.freetiomlncumbrance ,
wanted by f finger A : Co. , IMS Dodge st. In
exchange for house on mile fiom postolllce ,
tlosu t J txxo stieot oar lines. Strlngei A Co.
FOIl KXCHANK A llrst class steamboat has
been miming on a pleasure lake , making
good money. Will exchange for roil estate.
Co-opeiatixu Laud A Lot Co. , 205 N. Ibth st.
p OIl SALK ortiade-2shaiesln the Topple-
* ton Paik lIullillUR association together
with t\xo choice lots. Kiinlty 11,400 , owner KO-
iugaxxay. This Is gilt edge. J. L. Itlco Ac Co. ,
solo agents. ou-2
OllKxclmnge The patent-right for Nebraska
of txvo of the best domestic machines In
nso. $50,000 can bo cleaied In this state on each
machine , lloom ! ) , Darker block. WU 1
TlO exchange Kqultv In 2 choice lots in Giso's
addition , for good house , on leased gioimd.
J. L. Kite A. Co. , solo agents. 1412
rpo KXCHANGK Oood east Iront lot In Hans-
- Icom 1'laeo to cxthango for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. F. Harrlson,418 S. 15th.
. C03
_ _ _
rpo EXCHANGK Improvea farm in loxvn
JL for Omaha residence property. J. J. WIN
klnson , IJ24 Farimiu. . UH4
TjlOIl exchange First-class Omaha and South
-1- Omaha pi operty for good Ncbrasua and
loxvu land. W. G. Albright , 2ls s. 15th st.
_ _
FOIl SA LK or Trade House and lot In Council
HlutTs , on llioadxxny and cur Hue , $1,750 ; xvlll
take pure good di Ivlnghorsos In as pait pay.
J. L. Hlce A' Co. , sole agents. DU2
T1O Kxchangc For iinlinprovpilrltv property ,
tlueo It-room houses in Ambler Plucoono ; 7-
toonihouso in Alamo Pluzafour ; II loom houses
Oil 8. 2Uth st. W.O. Albright. 218 S. 15th st. 4'JU '
" \\rANTKD Houses and lots to nxchango for
TT improxedand niilinproued lands in Ne
braska and loxx a. Charles C. Spotsxvood. IWoW
8.18lh. 185
ri O trade property of all kinds for good farms
JW. . G. Albright. 21H S. 15th st. 4iJ )
WANTKD Good family lioiso m excliango
for lot , McCulloch Si Co. , cor 15th and
Farnam. an
fTlO THADK Txx-o improx-ed faniis in Iowa for
-I Omaha property or Nebrasica lands. Me-
Culloch ACe , cor ; liith and Faniim. iat
Kxchange. If you have farms or lands to
- - Hell or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you hax'o any kind of property to Bell or ex
change , list It with usxxo ; tan furnish you a
customer. S. S. Campbell AG. . W. llorvey. 310
Hoard of Trade. Omaha. _ ; tti
\\7ANTKO-Afexv mme good farms In No-
TT brusk.i for whlth 1 xvlll trade first-class
Omaha and South Omaha properties. W. G . Al
bright , 21H S. 15th st. 493
I HAVR formula Improved farm In Cass Co ,
near Plattsmouth , xxlll trade for Improved
Inside property. Adure&s M ! W , llc-e oflice.
_ 03H
NKIIHASKA and Kansas farms to excliango
for Iowa and Colorado lands , and xlu >
% ersa. Co OperatlxeLaud and Lot Co. . 205 N
llith at. , " B'Jl
rpo exchange-Two full lols in Walnut lllll.
-L together xxlth fi-room cottage , good bain ,
line east fiont , splendid xloxx- . Want South
Omaha property. J. L. Hlce ACo. . , sole agents.
WANTKD-Stocks of merchandise to ex
change for lands and city propertj ! C. C.
Spotswood.IKlHJS. lOtlu ibfl
) Omaha jironerty to excliango for
farms and wild lands , also for city prop
erty. C. L. llrown it Co , Hoom 13. Freiuer
block. _ 211J ! )
FH ) SALK Or excliango , gotxl Omaha prop
erty for good stock of boots and shoes ,
clothing , furnishing goods or hardxvare. Schlo-
singer llros. , 014 3 loth st. _ 7 i ja
TIO Kxchango 2 cholco Insldo lots , coiner
Lake and 2,1th st. . I Cl ft on 25th ft front
on Lake and KrsUn stieen. Want 2 small
houses and lots. J. L. Hlce A Co. , sole agents.
_ _
WANTKD-Gooa tanns in exchnns * for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood , "i < * 5Vi
\IfANTKI > To exchange , cholco Inside vacant
T ' lot * In Omaha for good horsoa and car-
rlagos. J. L. lllcd & Co. 915
MI D I. A ND Guarantee and Trust Co. . r/f
Farnam btrect Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real cstot examined , pur-
fecttnl and cuaranteod. u U
IJIOH SALK-Or excliaiige , lot In Noith
JOmana for liotiHoh. .Hoiuo and lots In Coun
cil Illuirs. Shares In 1/iwo ax-e Iliilldlni ; ass'n.
Lots In HaiiKcom and Ambler places. Plenty
of other piopc-rty. llosxvuith A Joplln , 4l B.
BKNSON k ciAmAcHARti furnish eompleto
will Rtmnmtecd nlrstrnctsof tltlo to any
real citato inoiiiahn mid Doiiitla.i county UIHJH
short notice. The most comr > lott sot of abstract
books lii the city. No. IMH I amain l. H7B
FKW'cholif' Investments in South Omaha.
For mile 'Jo lux esters ; splendid corner lot
72xlfiO foot : corner 11 and Helix no st.s. The key
totl.opatexxay of South Onmun , Immediately
adjoining the tiininililcotit new park to l > o
opened by the South Omaha Land company ,
W.WO ; only { : W cash , balance one , txxo ami thrco
year * .
trl'ur ni to- Coiner lot , M and TxxYiity-soventh
Ms. South Omaha : nnlr Itnlt a block from new
U. 1 * . passenger ilej ot. This Is one of the Ix-st
point In South Om.Um to start a ictiill business
or to put up buildings for retail purposes. A
big bargain If taken imlc k.
Per Milo Corner inu feet , east front , on Hollo-
xuo it. , South Omaha. Will iimku sU good busi
ness lots. Pilro.f4.2tU.
CTor sale U > tM 1 iind H , hlock 61 , South Omaha ,
corner 1 nndTxxcnty-llf th f-ts. . each 00x150 loot ;
thetxxofoi S-.MX ) .
Tor Sale- Lot V , hlock 40 , South Onialin ,
xxlthlntxxo 1 1 > cks of Junction of four great linen
of railroad , tl.lUO , only W73 cn li , balance I , S
nnil ! t J cai s.
For Sale Lot 1 , block M , South Omaha. llvo
Mocks fiomilciMit ; ciiu easily put tlvo cottages
on this lot. Price fL3jOi4A ; > c.isi ; b.iluuco 1 , 2
ami lljears.
For Sale One of tl.e best business lot1 * In
South Omaha ; Just the place lor retail liquor ,
groccrv or ImrdXvaro more. Price &J.500 ; t'tW
ca h ; balance 1 , 2 , a. 4 anil 5 j oars.
For Salo-Lot il , bloi k 41. S\nith Omaha , f l.av ) .
For Sale- Lot 10. block IV , South Oinalui , UOt
l.w feet , only * 72.- > .
Per Sale-Lot f > . Mock 01 , South Omaha , 00x150
feet on liellox lie stieet , only JI.IV ) .
For S'lloLot 11. block : w , South Onmlm.Jl.lOO.
For Sale Lot 7 , block 1W , South Onialin , cor
ner , WlXlfil ) , &I.200.
rTopart'e Untying any of the alxivo lots anil
putting up small cottages I will gimrantco to
tent them for at least 13 per cent on their In
Ilnrgalns In Ilaiiscom Place.
Lots 1 and S , block 4 KtlxlWI feet east front
anil cottier on Paik n\e. ami Mt. Pleasant st.
This property is all Rraileil , on two car lines and
Paik axe. will bu paxed at onco. Splendid pluce
for block of four houses , fall anil got prke.
Uns SI nnd2 , block 4-102xi.0 feotcoiner Mt.
Pleasant and Catheilne sts , , elegant x-lew , one-
half block fiom ear lino. One of Uiu biggest
buigalns in the city at fr.MO.
llcutitlful south fiont lot comer Popplelon
ave. and : tld st. Popplcton ave. Is noxv graded ,
and this lot Is just Unlit for grade. PilioJ2,7r > 0 ,
if7iw cash , bnlance one , two , thiee and four
) ours.
I.ot2l , block < l--KIogaut xx est front lot on Dola-
watti st. ; niiignlllcent vlow , splendid ncighhoi-
hood , Ono of the finest west Iront lots In Hans-
com plm i\ only JJ.7H ) .
Lot 2 , block 7 front lot on Oehxxxarn st , ,
sut lounded by elegant residences , spliMidldxIoxx- ,
Ow nor is out of tow 11 and must hnx'o money. Call
and get pi Ice.
Lots 0 , 7 anils. Mock 0 1M ) foot cist f ion ! on
Duanest. , Just i 'glit for grade No liner plain
In thocltv for block of hou-es or lingo rest-
ileiue. ( 'au hell 10 feet or iiioio. Submit olTer.
Lots Hand 14 , block .I-100\I50 feet , tinner of
Woolxxorth ave. and Dolaxxaro it , facing anil
ox ei looking the pink ; one of thollnest lesldeme
Hltes In the tit } . It hold soon , only if7fOJ for
Lot 11 , block 17 lleantlfiil taU fiont lot on
Oeorgia ave. on grade , and only one block from
new .school undchurch. Cheapest lot on ( jeoigla
live , at J.i.Ilio.
Lot II and K , block ft-lOlxl.V ) feet south and
o tit front , collier of I'oppletiin uvr. and Diiano
ft. The .street has been guided in Ir nit of these
lots , a ul they in e about t xo fe t abox o gi ade.
The opposite cot net n arc all built up and occu
pied by elegant homed. Can oiler this pioputy
at a bargain. If taken soon.
Any onuof theubovn lots are flrst-clns" ! resi
dence Hltes , hlgli and xlgntly , commanding a
magnificent view of the city and pats. Water-
mains and gas are alieady laid In trout of these
lots. A beautiful paikorMMyiiures. a splendid
neighborhood , natural elevation , glx Ing perfect
drainage and pure atmosphere , quick and ill-
rei t access by txx o lines of htrcet cars , all combine -
bine to iimKi ! llan cum place a healthy and delight -
light fill place for a homo.
llargafns In ncio property , etc. , for sale at a
baigaln , hoction 1 , In township 10 , llowaul
count v , this state. Splendid wjll , can ploxv at lonr-llfths , nexen miles from lllba station ,
and about the sumo distance tiom II. & M. sta
tion. Pi It o I1U per acre , one-third cash , balance
one. txxo and three years. Also U40 acies ot
good land , being section li'i , toxxnshlp 10 , range li ,
xxest , llowaul coiintx' , i lese to Union Pacific and
nexv htatlon on the II. \ M. branch. Can plow
at least tluee-fonrths , bahiiuo excellent pastur
age. No better boll in the Mate , a rock bottom
cieok runs across the oxtromosonthwi st corner.
Splendidly adapted for general fanning or
Btock-ialslngpui poses. Pilco j" ( peracie , one-
third or more cash , balance long time. The coin
ciop ami grain gioxxn this season In the \lclnlty
xx as never better , and Is the best adxertlsement
ot it soil.
Tor sale orexchiuiKO Illghteon acres. Junction
of two main streets and M. 1 > . llelt Line Itx- . ,
only ten minutes' ilde by rail to South Omalia
ami the stock ynrds and txxontv minutes' rldo to
the biHlnc.-.M center of Omaha ; coveied xx 1th
splendid shadu tieesjllnest place aionnd Omaha
for summer garden : w 111 plat Into eight v i holcu
lots ; land all around It is dlxldfd into lots and
selling for UIOJ to t'M > ouch ; price ! , OJO ; buyer
to assume1 Incnmbranco of t'i'-MO ' , due in one ,
txxo , tlueo and four years ; xxlll take f'.OiKI cash ,
bahnuo i.KHl in good Improved farm piopcrty.
1'or sale or exchange Txx enty-four nit e lotH in
West Omah.i , close to llelt Line Ity , within txxo
blocks of largo manufactory Ju t st.u ted. Lots
in addition immediately adjoining aio selling
for Sl'iO and iNOJ ; can sell these lots lor W.t"1 * ) ;
only Si'O per lot , J4.WIO cash , take mortgage on
piopeity fortl.nou , and the balance , if.lllUJ , in
good farm land.
ForSalo roity-four feet on Douglas street.
near 1 enth. Call and get price.
For Sale Three nice east fiont lots In
enworthTorraie , onlv fcl. 110. This propel ty is
situated on a gentle rise betxxeen Leavcnxxoith
and raiimm stieets.jind Is soxeral hundied dollars
lars less than lots across the btieet and In the
vicinity. Don't let this llp.
Per Sale-lUO feet south front in llartlctt's ad
dition , near comel of Park axe and Lciixcn-
xxorthsthonlyitJOO. Tills property Is worth
to-day t'.Ml
For Sale T\x o lots In Tabor Place , corner
Loxxoavo and llowaul st. . Just Ihreo blocks
w cst of the elegant noxv houses erected In'est
Omaha. This xxlll make a splendid situ for txxo
residences , only J4M > 0. Car Him within tlueo
blocks. Call and let us shoxv you this.
For Sale Choice coiner in West Onmlia. on
Lowe avo. , KlxlKi feet , only iM.OOO. Thora is Just
11 , IRK ) clear profit in thl forborne one.
1'or Sale Lot 10 , block ' - . Potter's addition ,
east fiont , Just the pluco for a home , only J1.70U ,
$000 cash.
Koi Sale Ten aero Iract for gardening pur
poses close to the city ; small cash payment ;
xeiyeasv terms. Call and get pi lie. George. N.
nicks.iMr.s. ir.thbt. isr , i
Fll SA LK-Pplendld Inx-estmont , Insldo proji-
eity , leased for two jeai.sat tit * ) per month.
Pi ice $1.000 , f-MHHj doxx n , balance I , S and ! l > ems ,
M per cent. A lain chance good for It days. l\
i : . Meagher. Heal llstato Agent. H. 13. cor 15th
and Douglas sts. , loom" , over Itaymond's jew-
flryntoiu. _ 17 1J
" | 71OH SALP. ZZ ft on rarnain nndSM , can olfer
JL1 this at less than \altio. Must bo sold at
onto. ALA. Upton A. Co , Ooa I
Foil BALK Tlireo good lots on corner of
Dodge st , one block weit of Loxx-o axe for
$1,500. Addioas for a fexx days S 01 lieu otllco.
Foil SALI3 Tim finest and cheapest irstdenco
lols In Oni.ih.i InClsus add , opp. Kounlro
Place. J. L. Itico A : Co , bole ngent , UW 2
TjlOH SALK lluslness ntopurty In South
-i-1 Omaha. W. ( i. Albright. ai 8 _ . 15th at. < uu
17V1K SALK 4 room hoiiso and full lot on
J- Hamilton street , only If..WO. Heat this If yon
can.J. L. lllco i. Co. 01IJ
2 T.TyrsTn"jetTeis's add to So Omaha. $1 1 00. '
House and lot In Albor Place , JU.UW , rents
for ? i per month.
Klegunt tiaikagelot nenrRt Paul depot.
llonso and lot 'imilewehtor P. O.only blocks
fioin car Iliui ; b.irgalu ; ea'iv payments.
Fine east fiont lot in block fi , West Cumlng
odd. , tra.
Lots Hand II , block I , Jlaj no plate , tlWO. !
T room hoiibo , full lot , Hauacom place , only
Lonk Into thesn for bargains.
K. 1C. Hurling , IVB Howard. _
TjAOK SALlI'-inOacrcsof lanil tour miles from
L stock yards , at * li"i perucru ; this Is a bur-
gain. AlcCaguci. Opp. P. O. _ ICU
rpo TltADE Insldii properly for good house ,
- 1eight or nine rooms and full lot. McCul-
loch A Co. . cor 15th and Karniun. _ t4 !
SALi : 2llnolnUonN IfilliKt , Illlllkoad-
only frIOJ each. J. 1 , . Itlto A : Co. , bolo agentbi
SOUTH Omalia , the place to make big money
by Inveillngnoxx- I haxo foi sale at J.K.1
and up lots xxlthln I' , minutes xxalk of Armour's
packing house , on one. ( jiuuter cash , Lilanco
xeaily , from first hsinds. Como soon and get a
bnigaln. D. 1) . bmtutan , PXCI Dodge st. Omaha.
A N investment tl.UKJ will llnru coiner pie ] > -
erty paying 17 per unit. D. D. bmeataii ,
iixiu nojae st. _ un
FUirSAIilJ I'onr holism on b.Jttli st. W.O
Albright. aiHH. pjthitt. V.H
1710U SALK-Chcap for i ash line lots on Lake
X ' , st. on car line ; don't fall to liive tl ate this.
J. L. Htcii ic Co .solo agents. uu a
SNAP-Sulfiidld comer In Hhlnn's aildltlon
xx-lth smnll lieu .fi.Mn.
Snap Fast and north torner 'MtU st , Mx21 ,
Vacant , on ui.ide , f.imo.
Sn i > lOilxlW. Slilnn'a add. fronting Ch.irlos
st , plenty of tr HS , 1 1'JW.
Hnap-CO foot corner on SStU st , Patrick's add ,
flna lot for cottages , f.lm ( ) ) .
Snap -MirtSS corni-r on Seward st , on grade
and a mire bargain , 4J.UIO.
I' . L. ( iregory. > J South 16th Bt. 600
FOIl 8AL15-Cholco south fiont lot In Wash-
ington wiuaro add. ; ,7 ! . SI.'iVJ cash , oxvner
going away , Call soon. J , L. Hico tc Co , holu
agents. _ 4 { 8
1J10H 8ALI ! Hrsldonce property n Hotith
-L1 Uuiahu.V. . 0. Albrlglit , u'h S. ISth t.
TfOH SALK finest location for k homo In
4-1 West Onmhn , adjoining the mansion homw
of Klrkvndflll , OCHX , llrady , Kusson knd others ,
Nothing finer in th * city. Con no lllMxlST or
ln s ; for prices and terms SOD S. A. Sldlunn. 1301
Fanmmst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RM '
l0ll SALK -Or trade. S lifts ml 14th and'lMIl
-I ? t. . lltltlko ndd , f.175 each. J. L. Hire * . Co. ,
solo ivRvnts. M3 t
_ _
LIST-KX , look , act. Wn hnxe the be t Klt,000
bargain In South Omahn , gilt edge Inisliuw-s
projxerty. M. A. I'pton \ Co. m
171OH SALU-Atllno a pleco of t
JL1 theioUlnthoctty. w. O. M. 4'.I9
1J1011 SALK-nlxstl feet on cable * line. Snlendlil
JU Inshlo location for four Hats tfl/iOO. Must
b * sold nt once. Marshall * lobeck. room V ,
Chumber of Com. its }
"irK'H SALUCorner lot. Just off llroatlvrny. on
JU c r Hue. In Council Ilium * . ITUOcash. .
Oxx nor going axx ay. J. L. Hlco A Co. , solo scents ,
"WHY pay rent xx hen you can buy n furnished
TT hou o on n nice large tot , Mxl 10 , In tha
finest residence ) part of Omaha , near Mio street
cars and xx Ithln ono block of where the Metro-
liolltan cabin xxlll run , by iwjIng i\small sum
iloxxnnud the balance monthly , Addre4l OilV.
llee. 837 ,
TUJK SALi-ood : ) brick businest property in
JL1 centre of ( Irand iMlaud ; greatest bnrqaln
and best terms in the city ; but llttlo
ilnlred ; long time , loxv Interest and entynny. '
meiits ; other real estate fer sale. Address J. H ,
Woolley , attorney at la\v , Uraud Island , NqU
VOIt 8ALIJ Wo ofler asu special li.tignUl 100
JJ aciea of land four miles from stock yard * ,
at Jl-'i per acre , on lluo of U. P. It. It. McCacuo
Opp. P.O. _ M4' .
FOU SALU A foxv iiioio cholco resldeurri. lott
In ( Use's addlllon. opp. Kountze Plftce ,
H.WO $ _ ' , Moaih : imrchiiMi noxv and yott will
not regret It In Wi days. J. L. Itlce , solo ngcuts.
> 4
TT Olt SAI.K-I.ot r. blk A. S. Patricks ml ; will
JD sell for few da ) s at ll.WO , MUD cusli. 1ml.
easy. S.40 lleo olllce. tH7
( ui'ioiiwhiiteal IMato nargams-Syiidl.
cato lots , tUjtoftV i. A foxv Mahoney tc
Mlualian's addition lot 8 left , at $ > ' , on ehsy
toi in < and monthly piymo.Us. Duslnom prop
erty In South Omaha a specialty.Vwlll buy
B HUP more li a do pro ) orly at icasonibla pilcos.
See its before sefllng or biixlng. l.inanan Ic
Mahoney , Hooms 11 and M , 150U Farnam st.
4li a
"IIIOIl SAL13 RiVM ; alliii' impiox-ed property
JL' In Denlse's addition , double model n 7-room
flat ; rents for $70 per month. Kxtra bitrgaln.
J. L. lllce A. Co , solo agentH. HJ
EMST1CKNKV A _ TnTmo a spt clnlty of
inoperty In irth Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank. SUM Cnmlixg st. T l
TpOU < ? AL13"l "l jot 1,1 , WlnTlsiir plara exUMislon ,
tlueo blocks from HaiHiom Park for fl,4'itl.
Kasy payments. Addi ess S. W ) , lleo oltlce. K.M
" 171OII SALI3- $ . " > .rA ) , a modem 7 room uoxv
JL ; house , lot ; C1\1IO , etui fiont. on car line , gas ,
city water , bath , sewer connection , cistern , pos-
itlvo bargain. .1.1. . Itlco \ dr. life tf
FOR SALi : Or trade beautiful home , 7 room
modem house , south and east tionr , corher
on cat Hue , M.VO , w 111 take pai t of equity in good
iinlmpi ox ed propel ty or nu i chandl-i . J , L. Jtlco
\ Co. , sole agents. ma "
SALK Ono 7-room house lu Alamo
Plii7ii. W. . Albright , 218 S. 13th.
TpOH RAM ! ill ft front on SanndeiB St.payed
Jv in front. Cholco inside business propertyon
casyteims. J. L. llico A. Co. 1 > I2 1
FOH 8ALI3 Tlueo six-mom houses In Ambler
Place. W. U. Albright. ! MH 8.15th St. 4U9
HUllUllltAM ' 1UAINS.
Htinnlng betxveen Council Illulfs anil Albright
In addition to the'htatlons mentioned , trains
stop at Txxentletli and Txvontj-fourth streets
and at the Summit In Omaha.
HnrniiKsliiL ; n Nnnuxlhln.
Aurny ( Col. ) liud ut ; Ciiitnin | u , .0-
Mnoft1iu ) Hullo of tlioVoHt , lins it
imvol idea. 111-'h , up in Full Mtwu
( , 'ulch , in a point almost imu'COnsibla to
nninmlh , the li < > lloof Iho Wcht people
liuvo Borured sonic tlinhor. In m\d-
wliitor this tfiilcli is n prolific ! brccdpr of
untiiincd snoxvHlidcs. Tlio cnptulh'd
plnn in simply to fell the timhor on the
uoxvly Mien KIIOW in the fjulch nnd k-t
ouch HiiccM'Sdlvo falido ciii-ry its but-daii
to the piifk bolow. Snoxv-filldou , like
lijjhtninp ; , hiivo often boon instruments
of dcbtriuitlon , sura and pitlloftu ua fate
itself , but this is the llrtt tlmo wo huva
honrd niun propose to their littont
] > ewer for useful ouds. Tlio next thing
wo Itnfjy ; sonio dnrinji Individual will bo
hoisting ore with a water-spout.
Block RnlcH. > , *
NKXV YOUR , Duo , ill. The total saleaof
stoclts ut thq Now York Stock oxchnngo fluV-
intr tlio past \cdr were S'i.031,000. u dcctca
of W,6S1,000 , btiurcs over last jear , ' .