L - - - . - r' , , , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T1TIOMII'IAILY BSUND1/iA&tJAitX l.188a ' ' . . ' : ' . B - - IIENRYSCIILENCKER'SPARDON ' the Author of the ' 8to o Jug" Tragedy Free Ouco Moro. HIS GOOD BEHAVIOR DID IT. Ifl4tory of the CrIme-1II.IlntetI CoupleM Asking Legal Mepiirnt Ion- } 'acte About the Court House fld-IjIIIC(1fl NCWS. IrnoM THI Z31fl'S LICO1. ? 1flJICAt ! Governor Thayer yesterday pardoned HenrySchlenekor froni the penitentIary , who ya' ; serving a fourteen ycar5 ontcnee for murder. In 1879 Schieneker shot and killed tL iriniath of Moillo hall's place catted the tone Jug , In thI5 city , named Florence Booth. Sehienekur came to LIncoln a onto. ber of years before the tragedy from St. Louis , where ho Mill ) ia a wife and child and promInent rclatlvc. ills residence In Llncoln'Icveloped into a long serIes of do. bauchery and he continued downward , grow. j ing Into a common drunkard and a frequenter of houses of Ill fatne. The girl ho killed was his mIstress. After the killing there was rierlous throatt of lynching. He was siteedily brought to trial before Juilge l'ond. George S. Smith was the prosecuting &ttoriiey nod with him In the prosecution was Dwight G. hull. Courtntiy aunt Philpot wore .Sehleneker's attorneys. The trial followed ftiiincdlatoly titter the murder trial of Charles Viall and resulted In conviction and a seii tenon to hang. On aPleal to the SUIrettIO ) court tli&decision was afllrxned nod the ( into lixed for lihn to hung. The gover. uor was titeti appealed to nod ho extended the time of cxccution. In the meuntitne , the supreme cotu't , on a ie hearing , sent the case buric a for a iiew trial , vlticli resulted In his being coiivictctl 0 ! 111U1- der in the second degree cml senteticed to fifteen years In the pcnitentiur.V. Do. duetlug the good time Ito had served lie hitid twcnty.two months yet to servo when ( lie liariloti wits granted.Vhiic In the petilteit. tlar.V ho was In thu laundry dt'partuieut and In charge of the books. Yesterday ho iviis around In ho city calling upoli those Ito lciicv in eontpiuiy with l1Lries vlio liuvo becti active in securing his itrc1oti. lie expected to leave for Icaintits City lust evening. Vhitlo ho viit under sentetico of death .me lionglanil , i'hio vns sherhlT at that titite , in tije fitl expectntwy of bawl ug Seliheticker's . exectitilI1 to Perform , visited Minden at the lUchiarti's hinoging t o get pointers on the con structiin of a sciiffold tutu the mode of iro. eeturc ( , and lie tilso ViSit.Xi a Itiingiitg at Sew- tii il itt ( bitt tinie on a like inissioti , An Incidetit , of the day when Schlonckcr M'as in the ( 'ity yesterdity was it meeting In a saloon of Souileticker with F'itzsltnmons , a I ' hunt ptriloited several mouths ago by the gov- I tj . etuor within serving a sentetico in the hielit. SI tetitiary for exactly the same crime that Seliheneker committed-the shooting of a girl i U Lincoln house of lit ( auto. tW1IiCT { C9UIIT CASI. 'rho following are among the eases tiled for trial In the district court : Catlterinc } 1' Layne has sued her husland , Watson Layno , br divorce. 'l'lae couple were married at hanging Itoek , 0. , Itt 1SS. They lived together until Deeontber , ISS7 , when the defendant left Iterwhtohiy destitute , descrtlttg her and leaving her without food for hersolt Rod child , The petition recites that for a year past the defendant lots hecu a drankard utid has abused her , throwing her agtltist : tito leer witlt gloat. itijurv to herself nOd that ho has ftiilcd to provide food anti clothhrym for her and their child , Clark S. ICnthtitn sues for divorce from hits wIfe , Eva L , ICathan , setting forth that th'y were iiiatricd in lilT' ) at Saratoga , N. Y.- , that shtortly alter that the shin wt.s guilty of adultery , and In May , ISS : ) , sItu dcsei ted hint vithtout tist ciiu'o or hirovoitli1 : atid shricethitit time IiVCl in a stati of adultery. Some weeks since tite ilrin of ( malta & I . llarphiniit obtained judginoitt in jntIeo court itgaittst. tInt Missoitri PacIhic Pacific railway for nit overeltaurgo in freight. Ott the trial the justice and jury vent Into the question at I , tito rousonableitess of the rate aitd brought In J n.verdlct . for the firm on the ground thtnt. the j. to was toohigh. 'rite company hits filed its . 'ieti : to the district court unIting that the 4 giiieiit be dlsitiis'ed on the ground thuit to justice court did not have jurisdit'tioii lit C iniittci' and that error was conitititted in owing certain evidonro to be Introdticed. 'J to petition , therefore , asks that the jutig- I itt of tito justice be reversed mid a new I . al grtintod. . .n ahipeni hits been filed In the case of Post S. llerpolshtelnier In viiic1i the ltlthtti : ye- C 'crcd PO5SSSiOti of a house which ho C' lined by ii live year lease and which , lie I egos , the tiofetidiout took ( rout hint by force. 0 lower court found that l'ost. was entitled tite lwcntlsos , IIEI'AII'O { NEW 11105. At the tlititt. that bids were received a inontlt ago for the erection of the Lancaster C unty court house itono wore accepted , as nil 'uve'o above the cstiiniute. New bids were at ( I advertised for and they vl1l be received l ) peiiCil On 'ruiestlay , January 8. Yostcr. Architect Meyers , of Detroit , whose 1 were accepted by the commissioners n.rired in the city and will remain until 't : 'aday. There are several lirms and con- t. . tots actively at woric Ilguring on thto plan a . i it. is generally believed that the present t , uo htids vill full under the estiutiatoti ii' outut attid ( lint a contract vihi be itiude so ti it vork on the new structure can iotn- 1UCI1'O itt the early spritig. coNCEIiNiG TIlO COVRT 1101750 ItO1) . An anonymous correspondent nsls the liFt' an exhaustive list of tiuieSthons concernIng ( ho bonds recently voted and isuod for a court house in Tutneister : county. Atitong the qutes. tiotts are these : Are I hey sold , anti to whouti I \S'hat will lie tiono with ( hue iiioito.v until it is isedI Can't some of It be loaned to tax- hutYCIS vhio give sccurlt.lVlty should some pay to iioi ccitt and others 8l A cull 111)011 County ClerIc 3ehl brings iou answer to the question of sules. : That ofticlal says the hoiid were sold to John II. Clarl thuirluug the full , to ho delivered In blocks of 5OIXX , ) each 1111(1 ( lint the first intttitliiiit'iit was turned over to the luuuu'chiasor on the 1st of October , others to ho turned iii the coming Api'il and Jtily. Mr. Bell states that tlto booths do not commence to thi'utw interest until tlto. % ' tire transferred. to where the money is , tim county trt'ns- urer , as cttstodian of county fitnils , has it In charge auth the baitic ou banks that have the ti'eastircr's business could hirob1lI.v tell 'vhtort , it 15 tutu lust hiov littielt gooti It is doing theta , No one probably thinks that It could ho tiseti for liutllvltltiat loans utitil needed even If II ) iei' edit was tiald fou Its 1so. 'rita tOCTit I1000F CASF oil trinithis svcek exhibited sonic bad blood exlstiitg. rhto llnthiitgs were tinder agree- nent iutid will be Ilnahiy handed down by Judge Chatuitafl on Tuesday. Otto questloit Ijivolvod was wluothter the ci'ctlitors of 11cr- old shall recover ( cciii the hrovorty of Dogge the tunount , with Interest , witich % cus proven 01 whether ( ho enttro property shah go to the creditors. The ease bids lair to go to thu sutprelnGeoulrt. One olDie latest fennrcs ol the case is the filIng of an attorney's hen against the Doggo's by A. W. Field and hut & l'ouud , the nttorneya for tim creditors , The attorneys are cvldonti.y going to get their slinro for they call for TOonuuil ( ) llo Ito tico Ott the Dogges not to settle with tht creditors , or iy money to thextt out thitt juuig. meat until theIr cialni is first satisfied. AItTIcu.Es 01' iSCOItt'OitkTlO , Of ( hoVasp printlug coiiipny , of % 'ahoo , voi.o tiled yesterday at thooflhi'o of the score tary of state. The object of the corporatior Is to itlhlishi the \ \ 'uhiooVnsp tinti truiisar.t s gtutieiaI job irIntiuig until iutiiishhuig business .I'lto capital stock Is $ IDOtN ) ituuil the incorpor aloes arc : J , A. South , .lohuui Schmitt , 11 ; 0 Boatty , F. A. Scovihle , H. 11. Dou'sey ami George I. Wright.1'F 1'F RONA n. Senator Conger , of LOttI ) City , who It b saul lung a weather eye on Cotiguessiunie. 1)or 5L'5 shoes , was In Lincoln yestuurilay on i 1cu1 ti'lp. Senttor Snehl , of Jefferson county , rhu mittlo an excellent. record fortlto corporatlonu lust winter , was In Lhncolti vt'sterdny. It h stateti ( lust 1tnu'ties wliotu ho has itiost ssitct hiuvo hung a ldacurd before his eyes svithu ( itt 'woruls "abtoi'ney general" dtitaycd itt larg letters. Calitaln J. H. Stickle , of hiebron was ii Liticoln yesterday , on a business visit. Jnulgo % Vihhlann Marshiiil , of Freniont , wit ! S vlsitor at Ilto capitol city yeswrdtiy fihini hits otithi of 0111cc with the secretary of stale . - ; 'rho bos.rd of trath-T1w clerks behindtbu , rouaters. . . l . OMAHA iIYE STOCK. . . Cattle. The 'reeiptS yesterday were light. The market vas very quiet 00(1 bitt hitto was done. Rrlces were abopt sicatty. . Hogs. There vre very few Itogs on thte market ycsterilay and It Ii not easy to glvequotatlouts. Time inaakct. sva slow , time receipts hot beluig able to ( lie demand and the puckers ilid umt desire to imrchia'o lit small qtmnntitlcs. Thtu toll iu'ieo , for good hogs was $ i.4. Neatly everything was takeut. ' . Sheep. Tltere were no sheep on the inuirket nut ! uiottiiutg % vmts done. Prices remnuiti as usual. Ofliclal lteceiptq. Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11og . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,10 ? l'revnlhluig I'ricas. Light and medium hogs. . . . . . . . . Ileavs ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Piovniliig Vi'lee't. Showing time ltrovathlutg hirices hid for lire stock out the uiinrkct : Choice steers , 1300 to 1t'OOlbs. . . . Choice steers , 111K ) to 13txJlb . . . . 1"at little steers , ( tOO to 1O ( ) lbs. . Corn.fed ritngo stt'er , P2X ( ) to.lr. & * ) ( loot ! to eltoice ( o1'n-fed cows. . . . Cointnon to inediutu cows. . . . . . . . l.7qt2X ) Westerit COVu4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l.7(3,54) ) Good range feeders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10f9M5 Good native feeders , 000 lbs and upwnt'tl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5O3.0O Fair to niediunt nativetceders , ¶ JOt ) lbs anti ! tiiavartls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stou'kers , 400 to 700 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . I'rime fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good fat shtcep , tO&JlOO ) lbs. . . . . . Fair to tnedlum sheet , . . . . . . . . . . . Cointuinut hiccp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light amid medium hogs. . . . . . . . . 4.75tt.lt ) Good to ohoice htt'uvy hogs. . . . . . Coot ! to choice mixed hogs. . . . . . . Iteprescutatlva Sales. NATtVit sicotus N'o. Av. Pr. No ( tv. Pr. 3 ? . . . . . . Iit0 3O0 IS. . . . . . t'4 ' $3.10 cows. I . . . . . . 7O ; i. ii. . . . . . 10:31 : 2.20 I . . . . . . lOUt ) 2.00 14 . . . . . . ll4 2.0 iunjIu.s. : i. . . . . . l2UO l.7i : I . . . . . . l0. ( ) 2.25 1100 . No. Av. Siuk. Pr. No. Av. . Slik. Pr. . 40 114. . . . - $3.25 td ( . . . . . $ . .25 3t1 119. . . . - ; t. ( ; S 2nd. . . .l(0 ( 5.2. S 211) ) . . . .121) ) I..4) ) ' 64 294. . . .400 t.25 . rtl ill . . . . 8t ) 4.00 fit 2uhl . . . . .I ) 5.80 t. 25. . . . SI ) 4,54) I,6 l . . . . 40 s.t : 8 12Xt. ( _ , . SO SIX ) t' , . ' ; 2 I I . . . . 40 s.a , 64 ; 211. . . .120 5.1)5 ) 04 272. . ' . .lth ) 5.3 70 93. . . .28 . ( ) 5.0.i 5' 2fll . . . .2S1) ) s.t : 70 2t.,4) . ) 5.i : ( t 20 5.85 tp ' , 24th. . . . i ( ) 5.15 Ii. . . . . . . . ) ( ) 1211i..3' .0 5.15 t0 297. . . .8' ( ) 5.41) ) ( II 28' ) . . . . 40 5.2) ) ) 6. l2'5. . . . SO 5.41) ) 75 20T. . . .2R ( ) 5.21) ) 61 2t17. . . . - 5.45 75 234. . . .2S0 5.25 73 2. . .200 5.45 IsIve Stock Sold. Shippers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'O Local. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO 110(15. Armour & Cutinhay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Squires & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70' ) Swift l'aekiiig Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Speculators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,641 , Onto load unsold. Shilpiuicuits. Cattle. 15 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hogs , 15 cats. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago Itanige of Prices. Showing the cxtreiurn hiighict and lowest rates p.ild for leading grulc3 of hogs on date mentioned : Date. Heavy. Mixed. Light. Dec. 113. : ti ) Qt. ; I-i 15 1115 4 8' tJi 2 Dec. 21. 5 :5) : ) 61.i lit r. hi ) t5 10 4 71 1.5 IC. flee. Sutn0ay. Suiiuhay. Stinilay. lhtc. 20. Ctit'Istniia. tfluri'ttriias. ( 'hiristunits. 1)e.27.C , 25 illS IT1 C. Ii ) 1(5 25 4 00 1(15 ( ItS lec.28.1S 5 ( , O C ) 15 5 : Is 4 75 ( fS It ) Jec. 20. r , 4 C. usi 4s :1 : , . 4 5 5 it ) Jec.tI. : s : t GC. . 55 ii IS . ' , : ts 4 tI ! Pt iec.uI.C.aS S4S 515 1sio : & ( O eJS2IJ Dockage anti Cosimitlsslon. Public In3peetors dock trogntiit : sow3 40 pouuids , stags SO pounds cacti. Dead hogs , 89 lb nuol over , $1.75 lr cvt , lest titan SO lbs , o no value. Vurdago : C.ittlc , 25e ; hogs , Sc ; sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Corut , $1 ict bu ; timothy ita3' , $30 : nr.ilric luuiy , 20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , SOc pcr.hcatl ; calves rind yearlings , $10 tier car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $5 ; Imbue inspection on hogs , ISo iiet car. All sales unless otherwise stated lcr 101) ) lbs hive weight. Wcokly Itecelpts. The following table will show the number of head of stock received during the six days emiding December 31. Cattle. flogs , Monday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christmas. Tuesday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( II 2,31t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , ) 2,275 Thtitrsthtiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rj9 8,256 Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252 2,249 Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10'J 1,407 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,403 13,506 Live Stock Notes. hogs lower. Light receipts. No sheep here. Dead hogs utdvanccd to $1.75 yesscrday. J M. Coo , of Sloan , In. , was at the yards . yesterday. Chiai'lcs Greemi , a wcht.known shipper of St. I'&ul , was at the yards. P1ODUOF MtItKETS. t : Liverpool. Dcc.31.-Wheat-Firun ; do. mattil fair ; holders otter inodei'uttely. Cot n-Steatiy and in fair demand ; mixed vesiern , 45 1 1d l'ct centutl. New York , 1)ce. 51-Vhieat-Rcco1pts , 80,000 ; e'vorts 71,000 ; options opeuted about 3c higher , hider settled back to closing r.utes of yesterday , leaving off flu'zti , after moderate busIness ; cash grades higher ; uugradttl roil , SSj'fl1)5u ) No. 1 red nominal at 9tk ; No. 2 red , t'2i4c ' in store and eherutor Tnuuuuury rye ciosett at O27c. Corni-fleccipts , SS,000 ; exports , 62,400 ; spot , ® hiiglwr ; ungraded , fll6j633'e ; No. 1 , 60jc ; No. 2 , 033@63c ; January closed at fl33e' . Omtts-fleceipts , 60,0(10 ( ; exports , 64,000 ; 3o htiguier ; mixed western , 'diJtj40c ; white western , 4t)61 ) l5e. Coffee - Shot , fair ; flio steady at $15.75 ; Ohtitii4 ! :1 : sliidu easier tumid quiet ; sules : , :1r,250 : bags : January , $ lO.15@I6.25 ; F'oh- ruitry , $ l6.tt'IU.20 ; Match , 1tJ.00l0.05 ; Juuie , $ lS.90@15.95. Pott'oleunt-.l"irm ; United S0c. Eggs-Quiet nitil firot ; western , 2l6.25c. Ptn'k-.DulI utunt utemuttuinl - ; mess quoted at l5.5Oild.X ) ( ) for one year old. Lard- . trifle hIgher , firm but quiet ; western stenni , spot , tI.05. fluttcr-Firuu imuid deuuuuuid light ; western , Cheese-Quiet and firmly held ; western , ll@I1c. _ _ _ _ IdrE STOCK. : Uttion Stock YartlsChlcago , Dec. 31. -rhio Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle-hlcccipts , 1,000 ; market strong ; contmuoti to good iiceyes , t.0tk34.05 ; cows , l.4)2.t)5 ( ) ) ; stockers umuid feeders , 12.20@3.TA ) ; Texas stet'rs , 2.4tY3.40. : Hogs-Receipts , 7,000 ; market strong ; otixed , $5.20'5.fl0 ; ligtt ) , 5.oocZs.t5 ; Iteavy , S.45j5.95 : skips , .75J460. Stn'ep-Recetpts. 1,000i market steady ; natives , * 2.7st.50 : ) ; litmUs , E4.0O@5.75. Iusnsas City , Dec. 31.-Cattle-Receipts , Osu ; shuipisienits , tilt ) ; inaricet slow aunt vcatt for all classes ; goon ! to choice corn-foil steers , $1.154I.bu ; coutimout to medium , $3.2.i @ 4,20 ; stockers , 42 fl02.60 ; f'cding stecr * 3.6Z3.l5 ; cows , fl.50l8.60. ( hogs - heceIpts , 4Ii0t ) ; shipunents , tISO ! mnitrhwt strong tumid act ire ; good U. choke , 3uttjl.4U ; cotnniout to medium , $ -4.1'djC..2U ' skills and pigs , 2.50tI.60. i Natloital Stuck Yards East St IoitlsDct' . 31.-Cattle - Receipts. 200 ! shipments , noun ; market stoatly nod un 3 chumungied ; heavy utativo steers , 14.85t5.1O fair 'lo good native steers 3.SO4.40 butchers steels , uneihituin to ehoica , $3.iOt 4.00 ; stoctsers and tecdcrsalr to good , 41.11' ' S ratugers , ordinary to good , * 2.204.20 Hogs-Receipts , 1,000 ; shIpments , none maiket higher ; choice heavy emit ! butchers selocUons , * 5.ti5.so ( ; Yorkers anti lacking mediuut l.a choke 4&2Od,5.7U ; light grades ordInary to good , , 'tID\VINTER \ BASE 1ALL TALK A Now Pitcher Signed By Quo Omaha Managoment. PROSPECTS FOR NEXT SEASON. A Big litailget oF Iutcrestltig Gossip Cotieertilttg ( lie Dlainontl , time iting , time Wltcet , and Forest , 1"lehtI nut Stream. flase Hall Nowni. Although thto winter is not half over the base ball lovers arc already pining for the balnmy days of April , when the voice of the unipi cc vi I 1 be huenu'd cal I I a g 'ilmy ' : I' ' I There .uis tI tlune last fall when the base ball fever Was at , a very low ebb , and It was iircdicted thttt : big etTot'ts wouhil be required to revive Interest iii the noble sport. This status of thiitigs hind becum brought about by the miser. able work of the local team , who were scar- lug defeat on top of defeat. and deporting tlueutmscives generally iii such a listless uttd inuhifterent way as to knocic all time cntthiusiasnt out of even ( ho mutest uirtlemtt supporters of the game. 'rae attendutnee dropped otT to the nierest httndful until the .seasoui cattie to an iiiglorioiis end , unit ! the band that started out in the ' tlte ' amid ulisbumnded spi'iumg , city's joy Pride and scattered to time four winds. hut it is an Ihl-wiuid that blows nobody good. l'robmibly a hotter thing for thegiune tltaiu host season's experience could not have htuippened for Ounaltut. It vuis a salutary lesson , by which thtoe who nu'o ideuttihleti with tIm fostering tutu ! itrotutotiout of tito short lucre , and those svhto tltrow into it both time amid utoney , have laigely hiriltel. , This is all limeomitrovortlhl attested to by the splenthid lrelim1iinar wor thtutt hiatt been : ti'cotumhishued for tIm conilng season , The euugagelutcuit of the mmagnitk'cnt teitut svliichi % % 'ill do battle lit behiuihf of this t'4ty the eomniuig season hits restored all the prestige the gauumo hits lost , and aroused such ami cuithusiasin and wide- sPreaul interest us these months ugo woulni humivo been tiechuireul Impossible. Everybody set'nims to ho of tine opittion that Omunihia umcxt season will be right up anmomug the top-tnotthuers. Loch mut , the array of tnlemut that is to represent thihs city iicxt scasout , aiid coutiptt'e : it. with the tennis engaged by m'ival cities in the association utttil deteriutiute whether thtcre is any jtistilicuttloti for the ox- Pectiutiums ( lint are cxiii'e'ssed on all hiamtuls. Cooncy mid Wilson , catchers , are its skillful ' o'ited club outsde the a palt' as nra hy utity Nntiouiuil league or American association. Lovett , Ilurdick , Ciussian aini Flyuun are the hiitchiers. Flynn was just sigumed hiust imight. He ivuts a member of ( lie old Chlcagoes hum their chiamtipioumshiip scasoits of 'S5.'S0 , anid Is a sti'omig : ucitiisition. Lovett , It is vci1 knovui , hasn't many superiors , mid but few equals hum the whole country. Such a do- siruiblo imimun is he that IJaston was willing to give 4,000 for lilumi. Ommihia was weak hut the box last year , lamentably so , but this year site will be a hiost. O'Connell , first ) iuse , is rmted by such men as Spaulding and Aii'Oni its oncof ( lie nmmo.stpromiiisingguumr'iaius of the first bag in the profession. O'Connell was hiorit in Lewiston , Maine , in 1863. ITo first began to pIns' ball at l3iddeord , in his native state , anti his team won the state's chmatupiomiship that year. flo led in bath batting - ting and fleldimig. it was lucre that 5.1nimtnger Frank Selco first saw hihm , mind so favorably struck was lie with OConneil's general work that lie secured him for the Lawrence team of the New Eumgland league. Ho led this league in the field and helped. win ninny a gttmnuo by his hard and timely hitting. The season of 'SO found him with the Portlands , in svuiiclt team lie stood first as fielder and second on the batting list. They also voit the ciiitmnplonsinip. Last season ho was with the brilliant Oshkosh crowd , and accom- ihished great things for the champions' the Northwestern league. For four consec. utive seasons has lie been wth champion. shili winners. lie Is a hard woi'lcor for his club , temperate in hii4 habits , and a tremeii- dons left.hianded hitter. HO stands five feet nine , and weighs 150 PoUnds. For second base there is Miller , Walsh amid Messctt to choose front , nIl fine men Dortmn for third , amid Catnpana , Aminis and one of the extra atoll for the outfield and shortstop. Such is Omaha's rosters for 1888 , amid' with such a mmiamiagcr as Seheo unquestionably is , and with such club ofileers as J. S. MeCorniack , J J. Hurdin , Dr. H. A. Worley , Jack Morn. son , J. J. Phtilbin , E. 0. Braudt and John M. Dougherty , nothing but success can possibly be graven upon their escutciieoti. Tim managemument has about closed dates for two games with the Dctroits , the chiam- h'iOflS of thto world , to be played hero some ( line in April. Among the first games of ball that vii1 be seen hero the coming spring is a series of five mxhmibItion gaines with Kansas City. By the signing of John Flynim , of the old Cliteagocs , last night , the baby deal ha of ! . This will ho satisfactory news to a legion of the locsl hattoas. Tue grounds at the bail iutrkwihl be thor. oughly leveled up and rolled as soon as ( Ito winter breaks up. ' 2ho sodding tif ( ho din. mood , too , vill likely be concluded upon. New seats will bo put up both in the grand stand aumd the bleaching boartls , and asepa- rate departmnent , with fo1ding chairs , for tim ladles Provided. Miller , the new short stop or second base- nina , has returmtetl to his home at Wheehiiug from Hot Springs. He reports that he has completely recovered his lost health and was never iii better shape in his life. Tue management is in receipt of numerous drafts for advance money. The average bail- Plal'et' is always "dead brolce , " no niauer the munificence of the lrevhous year's salary. Rourko , last seusoui's locul thmii'd basomnnmn , will lIUY with the Columbus , Ohio , league teans next season. Miller will cahituthti mini ! loire fiuhl control of the omen cmi the field next seutsomu. Ho has good qitalities for ( tie position , is strict , but always htleasaumt mmmiii gentlemanly. Shauinon , butt ! lie been eiigagod , would hiavo been cutm. tam , as hue Is said to be most efficient in this cnhtacity. However , the deal Is ott with him , Mamiager Scion having concluded that It wotilti Itoh. be advibablu to iay out aiiy money for hint. The Detrolts will play in Omaha Sunday , .AIit il 21. Fi'aolc flantllo's application for appoint. mont mupoum time stat ! of westermi assoclatiomi umpires , hims : beemi before the aplmintimig board for several rceks , but iiothlng dull. ititu has yet beemi hward about IL However , mto hews Is good mic'ws , and the probumbihitics are that. Frauuk will get. tim Imsition. A better - ter ZilltOlntntcflt coultI mmot be mmmdc. It canimot ho known when the westonut league season will ototi until after ( bum macct- ing at tim schedule committee In March. John Flynn , sigmicml last night , is.to receive 42,500 for hIs season's work. Manager Frank Solco is managing a tobog- gnu slide at Waltham , Mass. , during the s'iiitem months. liomitori inns offered the local management a good roummd lirIzo tot- the release of Miller. lint Ounnha is hiinlttg lthayers , not sellimig thment. Base bail on roller skates Is the POPular cntzo in ICaimsas City. TIme Chicago western mtssociumtioii club has siguted a youngbrother of the great Clark- son , who hitched for Pot'thiitl last season. Swift , Omnahiuu's last year's second bmiso- immimmi , hums slgnued wltlt the Zancsville , Ohio , league cltib. "Peck.iu.lloo" Veach has gone to work In ( lie butcluem"s busiutess at Des Molites. Krciinueyer goes to Iluffulo next season. Whitit a shorting Climb Is For ? The Om.iha Cuim club yesterday imotitled all tlmo comunlssioui iticicluants , atumrket lumen omit ] game ulealcra that they must dlscontlimuo time traffic in ganmie after the 1st day of Jautuary 1SsS. All gaumie found in dealers' huanls nftci tluim' t1mtq will be seized and tlte offenders against ( hue law be visited vitlt its severest lieuiuitles. : This is a niovo In the right direc thou. Gun atmil sportiitg clubs without thit itresci'vmttlomi and propagmitlout of game itn ilshi iii view aroinstitutions hmonestsportsmttem sluoulu.t eschew , nod the stopitmg , of thiit wholesale trade In game , fowl and amiimnlmt out , of season , which Is amtd always huts been 000 Of the curses of all states . 1 a times , : iii tli , ) i'ightt directlon It time dealers iti . , allowed to Imaudlo it , conscIenceless poachicni and pot-hunters will slaughter it. With no , market for thouuuiiawful wares , they titus necessarily desist. Maintain tim lair , gets . , _ - r - - tlctimeui , in tbiefimrd , ammdyouwlhlb tmstow- lti'g a iiriceless boon. upon not only yourselves bUt all 1egitimten dhonest _ sPortsnmeui. Mlscehlakitiffits Sport Imig Nesvs. ' Mr. Framik Pormhco huts be'eoune one of the Partuicra lum the Collins Gutti eompaum S. 0. Whittakor the ehuimniion , cyclist , left for Mlnmmemipofi1t. itight to be iii readluiess for his great 'im'sic with MeCturdy , vhmk'ht conies of ! on tio.Sthi. Jtick Prince , vhto is to hamidlo him during the chase , goes up next veuk. There will be a'raee , otto utIle , best two in three , emi the t'l uno trimmer" itt l'rlmtte & Kirby's sportln.g ! , eumdqtiartei's next Wcdtios- day evenitig. "ihie winner vihI rcelvo a himitudsomne golihi'nt'dal giremi by the vroitric- tons of the bov1vsort. it lots been aboit settled ( lint I'rlmtco am ! Dhmighey vill roil it 1X ( ) imdlo uaco at 1.llnmic. apolis soon for $100 a side amiti all of the gate receipts. No maim In the world camm beat Prince in a liundretl tithe cltast. Although these tirear , dull winter days ProVeiit ului , % ' wheeling in the rouid , the atom- hem's of the OnimtliuiVhieel club hass atuilty 1.leitsuitit evemihiigs itt their snug club roonts hut : tlio Geoutig block , recounting the glories of the luast summer amid tmtttieipathmig time slsrt of the semisout to coilit ? . Atm6 thou too , they oc. casionahl.v Ititlulge in it social ' 'sutmoker. ' ' J. S. Prince received us letter from his oh ! atuimuiger , W. 3. Morgati , frommu Newcastle , l8iglamid , yesterday , tolling hiumm to be on ( Ito tiuL vivo for scum startling cycle evetmts dur- imig the coinIng year. Dick Mcrtz , ( Ito skillful trap shot , who lutis boon conitected with ( ho Peumyoso .S Ilardium's sporting depot for ( lie ltuUt suntlner , leaves for hits home itt Escanoba , Michi , to-ntorrow ilartloy Clarke the clmamtmphoum wing shot of Moline , Ill. , has ieeiu him the city during the pastwcek , leavinir forlcnnsimsCity lust night , lie cmumio hero for the turose of getting on a iitatchi shoot wIth sonme of ( ho local cracks , bttt after a survey of time gronmid , Ito comi. eluded the compaliy hero was entirely too fast for hint. _ A few wild geese yet himtger along tue icy Platte , amid two gumimiers , at ( iotiienburg out Fi'ithii , last , hutgged seventeen front a blind near a bmg air-lmol iii the river. TIme spring tiucic shootintg getmerally 011005 up itt Nebraska about March 20 , The gun. mmci's are all expecting great sport ( lie coimtiitg scasoui owimug to thte umicommmiiion leer shoothmig of time past fall. iohimt .1. hluirdin amid H. A. Pemtroso go to New York unid Bostoit ttcxtweelc on business amid vloasuro coumbimied. George Seddomis , the Peoria fcatiuer-weigitt , is imi ( Ito city. He commies tosee about mmmaking a mniimtchi vith Touttiuty ? tliller. Charlie iliumi. dmill , ammotlier bamitmuim fronm luidiaminpolis , Is hero. Be says lie will challenge the winuier of ( Ito Miller-Wok bout. Pugilistics are again upon tIm vamio. Icnrs' Homburg received from Troy , N. "I yestorlmy , 6 vu beautiful-breasted red cocks. 'l'hucro lsbuio amomig ( hue lot , a "stag , " and a cross between a Troy uttid aSlinuitucek , that is amit excCltiOllally flue bird. Time live imird niiitcitbetwceui J. 3. Hardin and H. 11. Kennedy hits been set for next Mondity imfteriiooui. The shoot is for $50 a side , iiiodiiied Euighish rules , Kominedy to shoot at twetuty.six birds mud Hardiui at twen. ty-ilve. There will be an all-day blue rock shoot at the Oimmahimu gull club gt'ounitls to-nmmorrow under the auspmces of Poiiroso & Ilardin. , At their shoot Chiristmmmas day there was 1,500 shells shot tLWil3' . The twemmty.llve blue rock race between Messu's. Petty , fltmghes and I'onrose on one side , and Mesirs. Hardin , Wertz and Htmlett oil the other , will take place Monday titter- 1100mm. m , i ChICAGO L.TVE STOCK. CuincAoo , Joc. 3.-1Speclal Telegram to the Bapi.1-CATTIs-Out of the light receipts there wore eight 1bds of cattle to go to the Swift conmitati' , which left outly a satall nuns ber for the oeiu market. and those were easily tlisliosell ofns , shippers wanted to take advnittnge of'the shipping facilities , ( ho ship. 1)11mg tlIvlsion'closlntg on Monday. The week closes on a firnhmd steady market , the only serious brca1c'occt1riimg omm Friday under a run that astomlhed the veterans in the trade concerning theseimson , and the last active day of the tvecic amid year. Good business and fair ; iriccs are anticipated for tIm next week and 45,1)00 ) amid 48,000 cattle can be disposed of at steady prices in this market at lrescmtt. , Good beeves , $ t.25@4.fl.3 ; muiedluxmt , $8.80iJ ( 4:10 : ; commtmon , $3.00t3.75 ; cows , S1.409.O5. Stockers and feeders , * 2.2001j3.50. Texas steers , $2.4O3.40. Hoes-Trade was active to thto extent of the suimply , with lrices about the annie its yesterday morning , but a strong nickel higher than the ( 'lose yesterday. A few faitcy hieitvy sold at $5.80@5.85 , and otto lot at 45.1)5 ) ; packing and good mixed , 45.iiO@5.75 and coln mon * .3@5.4U. Light sorts , averaging 170 lbs amtd thereabouts , were wumuted to-day and sold at 45.25@5.35 ; averages of 140 to 160 lbs at 44,9Qi5.05. CONNUBIALLTIES. Tue best hand in the game of life-tim hand of a good and loving wife. Popping ( lie question would be just as light and easy a imiatter mis popping corn , if It wasn't for theittomiement. r Mrs. Book , of Detroit , has secured a dl- vorce. Probably Mg. hook didn't prove very cmttortaiuing on a secomid reading. A boy and girl , aged fourtecum and tsvelvo years i'CSheCtiVehy , were recently married at Shelby , Ala. , with the consent of their htat-- ents. ents.At At a recent marriage of the daughter of the great rabbI of Paris , Zadoc Icaito to tIme Rabbi Israel LevI' , fourteen bridenmalds up. neared , A Pennsylvania farmer has asked the corn- missioner of emigration for a tvile vhiO calm boo aunt do fairmu work. Sante 1)001)10 ) arc very easily satisfied. Mrs. Ehizutbethi Colby , of Biutghtam , Me. , eiijoys the dlstinctioui of being ( hue omuly wo- maui iumtltis county llcemtsed to solemnize nuar- riages. Others are only uutluoi'ized to make mnat'lmes. Sturggling Iiusband-"You were always foutti of books , Minnie. Wlmat onus I give you for your Chvistntuts I" Imimiocent Dear-'G Ire time a check book , ditihing. Whiemtevci' I sigit yeul' limmme I shall tltiimhc of you. " The ngeney column of us Genmuami paper t'omt- talus aim advertisonuent of which this is tIme trammsiutlon : "A youmtg amid , in her own esti- nmatIoui , uxceedtmigly i'rctt- ' lady withimmmmusical tuistes and of good educatiomi , without means , seeks for her cllngiuig nuitut'o a strong , heat oak , mm that shape of a juimior civilservke clerk. " At Cuirrollton , 0. , Miss Linda Martiamtd was to be jimmied to .Tmnncs W'righit of Ghuotoia , , Kan. , to whom she hecante emigmiged throimght corresl.olidence , lint whtemm he ar- mired she tieclutreti site would mievei wed him and Ito left svitlt ImIs sister , viuo hiati ncconn- puttied hiun ( roam Ciiiciuttitti. : lie is sutid to be mvorthi 450,000 aiid lwoposes yet to win ( Ito girl. girl.The The mitarriago o Miss Freentan , late presi. demmt of W'ellesley college until Prof. l'alnmer of Harvard , tooh .jlaco , last Friday iioomi at ex'Govermior Clpflin's whiter residence itt Boston , Mr.Itimttl Mrs. Puulnner wiil spend time winter at. jils cottage iii hioxford , amid viil niami a F.vmpeumu tour iii ( lie spritigaftct' which Prof. l'aluier trill resuiite his voik at Caunbt'idge. , Aut iuitlrm aM mami ium the somitlt of Englauid the other by Lady llountimul whether lie m'l45 ipanried.Vchi , ito , I ammt riot-at preseut'was ( lie t'cply , "hut I laive been , ntuuim-1 csflve timitos. I've burled live wives iii thi& 'uorth-ituud three of 'em wus benutiesi Hutt'uddcd , ' time old fellow , "how can a ntaum look. out ( ot it unissus when lie's laid UI ) like this ' m'eh" Ott aim Island In the Pciiobscot ulver tvoive tubs above hiunmgor. llve the m'cunutumnt or ( ho 0(00 great trIbe of Tarrttiute ; Iutdianms. Thuoy L tire civIlized atid most of thetmi prosherous , , At L a roccuit wotlilhtug of tvo of thiimi the bride wore a robe of delicate blue brocade , satium , tritmiummed with cream Spautishi lace mmuud creutmu satimLjIhboms , immitl one of the guests wore a icncoc'k sur.mhi sihlc mmnd satin , with overdress of Oriental lace. Judge 'riirnsiior of Oconeo Gt. : , tells of a case of muameyhiug ( lint tvo think beitts the record. On tiuo 7th duty of October lust hmo : issued license for ( lie mnitrrhiuge of Smut Hey- alit and Julim : holmes , ltoth colored. Smun Bryant was the uuegro ( lint wits shot at Coohu- I mum's store several sveek ago , On Motuihumy last tim judge issuel , license for ( ito saute wonmmutlt to be mluarrei ( to hiyheoVatson , And thus It is tltimt the same wonsauu Is lawfully itmarnied twIce tvithiin slxty4lve days. 'I'hue S judge says lie tvill Issue luer next licemiso tut reduced rates. S Buder Haggard's lraim , , laity aptrotnintehy . be called a itovul appatatUs. ECIIOES FIIOI TilE ANTE-RI rowa and Gossip of' Quo Various Secret Orders. A CONVENTION FOR OMAHA. ProbabIlIty ot' ( Ito Supreme Lotige , K. of' P. , Cottvenlug Elumewtmerim TItan Clitelmitiati-Mnsonlc News-The A. 0. U. W.-flemtera $ Gossip. A (7onmvent bit For Omtaliis , Time Pythhimns of this seetioutwhli be aimt' . iwised to hearni that there Is lto' somne doubt of ttueir Sumpreum Lodge beitig hick ! Iii time city of Clucinimutti. lii Proof of this ( lie Hr.n ( iuotes froun the Cimicimttmiiti Conintercial Gazette of recent datas follows : ° Aet'ordiiig to tiitttoUiicuiit'lit , tb , immet ing for ( hue purpose ot eollt'ctimtg sutseripttomts to. vard securimig for Cincittutati the bietmitluil session of time Supreme Lodge Kuigluts of Pythminut tanmie oil yesterday at noon itt time elitumihier of coiimiuierce. It was a cold affair. thin titemcltants taking little interest iii the lrocccdimmi. Mr. 110w- ard Douglass wuts selected ehmitirman. and re- . hated how the coiivemitiomi hind becim ittduced to hold tlmolr sessIon hero by reason of tole- grants from ( Ito Cinciimmiati Street Railroad commipatmy , the cmimmber ) of comumerec , board of ( ratio , mid builder's cxehamtgo , these var ! . ous corporations agreeing to subscribe to a tuunimitec fund of * 10,000 , mind imow that ( lie money is uteetied all going back on thtoir agroemneuuts and failing to subscribe a dohlnr Mr. 1-I. 'ilsoii Brown ntoumited time stand , nut ! its a stirring speeclt aupemmled to tim busi- hess muon of Cineinitutti to subscrIbe aid keep UI ) time icimututiout of the Queen City for en- tcrltrise. Next year , ss'ith ( lie ccmitemiiilah , May iuiusical festival , a sere or more of coti- vetttioiis , tumid with time opemiiimg of ( lie now cltatmiber of coummimmerce mind the t'OlOhmlCtiOmm of the granite streets , the year 1558 ought to be boouner for time old towmm. "Come to tlmo front , gemitlc'nten , and subscribe liberally to this gmimmtunitco fmiuud. Do plenso conic iut.i do witttt you agreed to. " After thIs earnest nutd eloquent ullucmll ) ten persomis and iirums , rehire. senting the liberal mmicrcliitmits of Cineittnnti , cutmuto to the ( lesic and subscribed $ i50. Thie , ' were : Iork Packers' association , $101) ; F. A. Bradley , $ rq ; George Slimmuer , 450 ; Star Utmion Liume. $100 ; Albert Netter , $25 ; Michtael llymmn , 410 ; D. C. LutfTertv , 45 ; .1. W. Fishier & Co , , * 5 , uumd Jiimmies idorrsotm & Co. , $5. Oni niotiomi It was decided to adjorn tim meeting over mimmtll to-clay at 1 :30 : p. in. , vhieit it last otportuiiity wihi be given to raise suf- flclemmt of a guutraimteo to secure ( coin Chicago the convention. The doors of the clmammiberof eomtiuimeree will be thrown opmi to the lniblic at that hour. " The progress of Pytinanism in the junisdie- tion of Nebraska ituts beemi simply wommderful. The facts anti ihgmmrcs have beemi Itublishmed milton several occasiotis , and arc vell known to tIme reuhi'g : , Itublic. In view of the to- mnnrkable growth of tim order in timEs sectlomu , mid the inuterost the chtizemts intro token its Its welfare , it seems just mmd proer that they should be recogmtlzod In any reasonable demand they nmmtke on thiepomversthumt be , lIt the event of this Important eonveuttion going elsewltere than Cincinnati , It scorns irooer that that clalmns of each junisdictlout should receive just and vroor recognition. Of all the I'ythmintn jurisdictions 1mm America , nomme is more entitled torecogmiltion thiami ( lint of Nebraska. It Is no idle remark to state that the progress of time order iii this state has beent greater In proimrtion than that of any jurisdiction in the union. For proof of this , 1-oferencois made totho factsand figures as shown by time oflleial records. Entitled as it is to Pythuiaa recognition In this instane , the Gate City of the west has other claims tot' titis convetmtiomi. ' , Vithi its ample accorninodatiomts , its liberal facilities , its generous people , It can extend a welcome to thia assemblage which cmi not be excelled by that of any other city. Omaha did Itself hroud In its application for the republican national coiuvcmitloms ; It can be depended pou to afford the saute cordial welcome to the supreme - promo lodge of the Knights of Pythias. The call as Published 1mm this column fora meetIng Wednesday night should be rospomided to by the Pythians of this city and practical steps should be taken to secure this convention. STATE LOIMIE No. 10 , I. 0. 0. F. will emi to. morrow evening iimstall its officers for the conming terat , and also confer the Initiatory degree omm omue cammdidatc. Members should all be 1)teSOIit. Tim FOTLOVING ordiias been Issued by Grand Cliamicellor Richard O'Neill , of the jurisdiction of Nebraska , K. of 1' . : lily Order of time Suprcmmme Chmmmncehior of tim World-I hereby Issue the following orders. ' .rhuat you malce the followIng changes hut your grand and subordinate lodge constitutions to comply with supreme law : Sec. 20. Separate time supreme ropresenta. tires from the grand lodge officers , by stnlk- lug out supreme relresemttatives. Sec. 82. Amend to read : "An alpoal wiU lilt from any decision or ruling of the G. C. during ( lie recess of the grand lodge , and in case of an infraction of the laws of time su- remo lodge a welt of eor mvill lie to the su- hiremue chmauicellor during the recess of the grand lodge. " Sec. 16. Amend to read : "Any vacancy oc- currimig ins the oflice last chamiceilor shall be filled by the jumtior past chmattcollor present. " Sec. 18. To be stricken out. Sec. 48. Amciid to road : "Any withdrawal ennui ntny be revoked by ( lie lodge granting It , ot ordered vacated by the gramid lodge , or granud chancellor , at any time for the purpose of lmnpeachimutcuit , or trial , mid whcmt so re- yoked titus iovson holding said card shiuthi , los- come subject to the lodge which Issued It. " See. 51. Aniemid to road : "aumchu Icaight of a lodge , vtto Is itt good stammdiiig , who shall be disabled by sickness or iumjury to his ierson frounm followIng his usual vocation , or some other legitintate business ( provided said sick- tuessor iumury shall not have been occasioned by lmis own innproper conduct ) , and hot in nr- . . i.cuit.s for duos , shall ho entitled to receive fromii ( lie funds of thmo lodge not less tItan 81 per week during the ( into of such sickmtess ot disability , which nuiiount shtimil ho drawn and haul weekly to sick brother by the chancellor comrnaimder or vice chancellor of time lodge. Sec. 53. Amemid by adding the following clause : "A brother while sick may pay U , his urrears , ttiid his funeral bemmohits must be hiaul itt that cvemmt. " A SlovrSmnNT of niuiimiiportaneo Is mmow on foot. in the ranks of time Auiciemit. Order of Fom'cstera. As iswcll kuowmi this secret so- cicty owes its birth to tue iresotit order its Enghutmmd , utmid Is yet subject to dictates front that cotuiitry. A step is to be tukeit locally to test the feclitmg of withdrawing every comm- nection with tIme foreign brauichi. The order itt Eui'Ole dates back to time sevcimtccmitht ccii- tury. * Tuua l'iLssoxic fair , York city , has netted - ted 470.001) ) for the asylUum tumid of ( Ito gu'amid lodge of New \'orlc. Time. MASONS in timIs'tirisdictiomm who have so bitterly anud successfully fought thuo sa- loom.keetimig question for five years hitst : arc itot yet satistlcd , says the St. Louis Globe. Democrat. Thie' proioo to carry ( hue fight still further , mtutd trill use all theIr efforts to Intro time gm'uumtd lodge enact a law prolmibitiuig lodges of tIme fraternity in this jurisdiction front htoltihttg their mneetiuigs over or adjoin. lug sutloons. 'rise matter so fur has becum dis. cussed only itt a few lodges , PrimicilitllY : in the mortht , roil of ( lie city. The idea Is not a new onto , for it , hits long bccim talked of , hut has only m'eachied tIme iiblic cute vithmiti thin 11:1st twenty-four hours. Had the saloon- lceepiuig questioim bciuig decided before , this subject wouhd have bectm sprung at thie October sessiomi of ( Ito grand lodge. 'l'hmo leaders him the mmmovemsteumt umro wcll.knownt Muster Masouts are dctcrmninmcd to vushi thu light to a sut'eeesful issue , evemi though it ra. qutires lIve years , us It diii iii tue s.mioont ttgltt. ' .l'hie saloon keehtors until owuiors will doulitless iso surprised , mis tIme suijc'ct has hover before beets talked ( if hut hiUblI , amtd iy thuoso far. orahlo to saloon keepers vuss probabhy ntovor tleomtmeii a h'OSSilJilltY. 'J'huc ttmnietatice Vot'KCm' $ feel jubilant over tIme defeat of thin sulooui : keepers and will be additionally troll hilemised when they lucite of the uiew c.jtutest. Some of ( lie best hcimowmi of them A , F. nun ! A. Id. lodges in time city are belt ! in halls over saloons , mutt souite of time himills arc owued by the Mitsoutic lodges themselves. The Masonite society in Missotirl wIll musk ( lest In the Ummited States or ( lie world 1mm this mmmovemneumt amid will also lie the first society mit the world to tty .t. 'I'hie Itutcmest to thmu publIc will be t fully its great ium tiue result a it waS in tIm saloon leeplng : struggle , amid t'ihl be just as hard a battle. V Time A.'cmuT and ceptcd Scottish Rite is thus niostvidosjrca and i.olular secret or- . . - . . : . _ - - ---ms.---V- . gnnhzatlon in tue wr1tl. lit the Olti eoutuitrks time crowimed Itenils are rnommmlosrs mmutt ofthio order , TIm best edut'uutetl nuol mimost iii- hlttctmtiuul amen Of nil nuttiomis 'mire lovers mmtl aditiirt'rs of this order tlmmtt forums mm hmalversar brotlicrimood , umiuti teat'ites toleruitlout amid roe- ogtmizes the rehigiotis beliefs of mull true miiemm , 'i'lt ' rite is grumultuahly gnowiumg in favor ammiong time best unfonmimed tmicnnbers of tIme York Rite iii tltis st.mtts , as its toauties tuitti imre&'oiits , tt'iI'tS itutul teiwltimigs becenie kmtowmi ttmtt ! tip- lit'CCiited , ' [ 'ula mw.uue.sTmox ot'h1n itew Mmisonlo tern. 1110 at hlimstltigs Nub. , svhik'hi took iihmtee itt thtiit city Ikeenitier 27 , wits decidedly iumtt'r- estimig , Five htutitired guests repotutled to ( Ito imivitat itmuis setmt otit , motul utmitommg I liosti true attended were ntanv ' of time imuost i'romni. nemmt liroft'ssloiiml inn ! 'bttsimtess imucum of ( ito state , and several of the mutate oftuc'Inls. 'rite halls were exqtmistely decorated and time muiustc of the eveuihumg wits exceilemmt Tile ex ercises consisted of tIme usual tietiimtoriutl : fortums , very itiiprcsslvo niid imiteresting. 'rho address of sveit'ouiiis was delivered by 11ev. George Viliiimttts , of Uratid Islammul , umid tlto orimliomi by Dr , L. F. llritt , of htuistings. Tue Masonic tonmpio craft are the m'et'lpieumts of mostly commgpatulatiomis tmmim the comiipletlomm of this grauitl stnuuctui'e , whukht is ii cri'hit hot only to ( hue emicrgy of those who intro butilt it , himtt to hastings amid to the state of Nebraska. Tue ittimidsomite new struc'ttmre stxutds itt tue heart of the city , and is omme of the most mmt. tractlve and substauitial buildings in ilast- iutgs. It covers nut urea ( itixllO feet , ttttd rises sixty.fivo feet above time basemnemit. Time building is commtposcd of nit excellcuut quality of lmrossed brick with hinmtdsonmo tumid stmbstami. tin ! stotte btsoumont mmd trirntniuigs , tumid cost iii the neighborhood of * 30,000. The first floor is devoted to store rooms , which brimtg hi a very good rental , while time second floor is tlte hoimme of tIme Masotiie fnimtcrmilty mmnd is 0mm of time niost convetmient mid ricity furn. ishmed suit of hutills and other tthmmrttiients : that can be found in ( ito vest. A large , elegantly furttished recoptiomm room , um bmtmiquetiuig hall , utnd contmmuodious kitchmon a library , two huurgo mmd beautIfully decoratei halls , with closets and wartirobos nil canyon k'imthy arranged , uiiahco up this shIcnditl ? dutsoumie hueadquartc'ns. The lnmildimig mtitd lot upon wliieht it stands are the property of the 'retuplo crumft of this city , the tresoitt tiirt'ctors of which tu'o : Edwin C. ' 1 ebstor , Enttuiuol Fest , .hieob Fisimer , Oswald Oliver , C. I ) . Rittonhiotise , I ) . M. Mc- Eliuony , .1. .1. Wumnple , F. J. hleumedlct mind George II. l'rntt. Tna mjNipommtlmtuj riik of time ICmiigiuts of Pythilas colebrateti Christiiits : night s'itli it graimd ball at EXIOsitlOtt Itall out istonday uiiglmt. All ( lie kntights ss'ere in full uniformut ammd gave a brilliant effect to the scetto. AT T1E regular mnctig of Omahia bilge , No. 18 , A. 0. U. NV. , hick ! lcc'emnber 29 , 1557 , tIme followIng officers were elected for time first six imioitthis of 1855 : Past twister work- utuitum. F. C. Ayer ; fluster workmniuum , ihi. 11. Beebe ; forc'rnamtV , J. C. Puttmmimn Cramer ; overseer , C. 0. Roomer ; guide , W. .T. Crc- zier ; recorder , C. W. lmigrumm ; receiver , 11. H. lit'ighit ; llmtancior , N.V. . Chmmrlcs ; imtslde watchtmnummm , .1. hail ; outside wustchimmitn : , G. 11. Ilauniltoum ; trustees , P. llostetter , F1. C. Aycr , G. 13. Ilanmiltotu. * 5 * ATTItTIOt-A meeting of the Knihits of Pytlmimis of Nebraska 'u'lll be hold Wedmios- day , .1nuiuum' : 4 , at 7 o'clock p. nt. at ( lie lodE of Nebraska lodge No. 1 , for tIme purpose of tukinig Practiciti stels , toward sccurimmg ( tie Oiitimhma the session of the Suremmtu , lodge K. of P. iii Junte , 1555. E. E. Fmiuicti. PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENTS. DoIngs of' time I'tmst Week in Omaha Society. L SST TiUut.SiAV ovenittg at 5 :30 : o'clock Mr C. \Voodwortim , a lroniincmtt citizen of this city , was married to Miss Kathtcnine , yotimigcst daughter of Dr. and Mrs. 3. N. Kuhit , also of this city. The ceremony occurred at ( hue bionic of time bride's 1mtt'Cmits : , at 25343 St. Mary's avenuo. Only ( Ito nearest relatives and imeigimbors of time contracting parties were hresemit. 'rho list of prcsomtts was large until ebegatmt , many of them mnag- nilicont. Mr. and Mrs. Woodworthm left on tIme fast ( mimi for California on their way to old Mexico city. Titoy expect to ho absent two months traveling in the south , after which they will return to make Omaha their permanent home. \VEDNmSOAT mvrxmo Doeombcm- , E. IV. Ball and M. F. Ramsey were married at 1010 Webster street. S * 5 Tima rutsr social of time Trinity It ! . E. church was lucid out last Thursday evening at Mrs. J. J. McLatms's residemico iii Koumitze Place , and was an unqualified success , A large eoiotany was present and time eve- iting went merrily with gummesand music mtnd Pleasant cotiveisatioti until ca late luour. Light rcfrcshimuucnts were served at about ( I o'clock. Thtc first servIce of Trinmty M. E. chstrcit was hell about six weeks ago , and sluice tiimtt ( line the society has experleimeed a wonderful growth. * AT A mu&calo givenat time residence of bum. amid Mrs. C. C. litmrr , in Lhumcoln , Wednesday ovemtmng , Mrs. H. Lewis hmuker , of this city , teed quite a prominent hart , rent- derlng vith exquisite taste , " 0 Mb For- namnia , " from Favorite , and Sulltvmtnm's "Birds of time Night. " A duct fruits Mer- cadanto'soporn "Giunumnento" was also ott tluo prograuminmo , and s'm artistically sung by Mrs. Baker mmd her sister , Mrs. Adolph Weber , of Lincoln. Tus ItiramurAt. , , was to liavo given a reception at No. 0705 Saunders street , Saturday oveuimg , owiumg to tim lii' tenmso cold weather , has hiostltonted Uts uttair until Monday evening. FlimnAr NIGHT a very ltletsant Pat'tY took itlace at Forest lull , time home of Mr. uuutl Mrs. A. Kouutze. \Vutnsrsn.sv AFTnX4o Mt. .Tnnmcs M. Bucitititumim amid 11iss Nellie Robbimis were married at tluo bride's home , S2 Georgia ttvemtuc. A KlsxsuNoToN TEAva54 given by Mrs. Judge \Vakcley Thursday evening. Mb ; . I'oprsrrox a.'e mm dumicltmg : htaI't' Timumrsday oveitinig at lice home itt huoimot of Miss May 1'OhjbetOtt. ) Mmss MAuOAInT : : B'rmN mmiade htem debut at a lileasamit social given at the Milhtrd hotel Tuesday ovenhnig. Trim : isnums of Triuitt catiueilrnl will give a receptioui itt tIme chum-cit jiarbors Tiiuesilty : aftornieomi , Jmmmuury : 5 , ISSS , front 3 o'clock to 5:30. : Tits MttiiIAOF of Ctlmto Bhitek nuiti Di. , .T , M. Smvctmialn took pmnmco nt 622 North Nimue' tcCnlthm street Wcdmmcsdmmy ovcmiiiig. lIar. PALm. MsilTi ( , a iromnising youmulg Presbyterluui divine of New Yorlc city , has hecit visiting in Omnabuns durIng tine iitst week. ITo trill preach to thom Lake stm'eet l'resbytts- riumts tIil forenoon itt 10:30 : o'cbock,4ulnl this eveiminig will occupy 11ev.S. . J. .ilat'slma's 1)UlPit itt time First chturcht. Mint. F. C. hiuvnxmtt.5froni Boston , Mass. , daugluter of lIon. U. IV. Ammibrost' , is visiting btcr , am'cnits at 1990 Fau'unamu. Tmis IIAnm'Y hours ! b gave ( lick seeommd varty fur the seasons at Masomiic hmumit omm'ctl - nesday evening. Fourteen minim Ott's were danced and it pleasaumttitnle enjoyed. Tum : Cowoitun.t , cimbcc'hcbrated Chm'istunas itight with a commt'tmrt at ( ' , eumnuuitia huh. 'L'ime musical umrogrammnie was funumisited by thu Comicordlu stuigmirmi anti the .lmmsioa1 Umiiomt oi'chiestra. Before tIme mlmtmieo lrcsemtts wei'e tlistt'ibutc'd trout time Clmeistmnnus tree. 'i'mnF I)10N It1 socictd'vcnt of the liast week vui5 4\lrs , ltlagrtno'tu : iarty tlontula3P uift i'mtoout lit Exiiosttlon hull. It % 3 atm elegtmmt : tmffalr ituud mu large nuummthcr of iit'rsomms preaoutt. Onus of thin lcudltmg features of the occasinut t'as ( Ito fantry dtmices : by the little Peolile. Anumong thmcsti vcrti tIne hligluhanti tliumg by ? tintmtiit' % iugraume : , lva iCeuiutntrti numd ii utstut ( ioodwiui , miii time castmmmtetts iy May ilomnuit nail Mmmstcr Viut Camp. 'I'hests were svnrnmly apphituded. Tar Sai.r.cT Iiunnlrd"gavc their first ctrty of the scitsuni mit the Zdihlnrii lIimudit' evcumiuig. Some of the bailing socicty amen and ladles oh the city were jmresonit , immmtl ( lie occasion was iui every vumy a swc'It affaIr. - - * , DiEl ) . MORRIS. WiiburD.son at David and MaggIe .Moriis. toe 3 years , 2 mnuonthis , Decemmmber 31. Fuuicral Mirndimy at 2 p. in. fronn titeir residence , 1011) ) Ilarnuy. t'1ricnils InvIted. V . - _ - - _ SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. S What a Reporter Lcarne WI Roccat Visit Thore. The "Meftncst" Man In Onitst-Iii Nntme Iiniknown to the Scribe , t Ills I'auo FamilIar. I "Titeri , get's tIt one mmmmmfl who Is tmmatuiiy is 51)OtiS tide for t h. ' Iirtlssti ( cotitl it Intl of hit slow tnitlislt tilt' service of tititht , I ) utuniiutm. ' 'l'he si't'akt'r ' mm it't ii tm , 'lh'kttin a Ituilm sr- ehmiutt gmwiumg , gray lit the act of' t'uthumrlug , asia for a quuartcr ruth' "Souttinvitnil lie. " mititi lit , ' wIil-wt'-ey'r-g't.thmt're st'lt , of c'ohmuit'nmsire . tiiielm tiiMtiumgtmlahtt's tIme Stttttlm Omumutha ear pat. i.ott trommi hti' . relhiur rltlt'r emi thin , it Im'r rus. ( ' lVhio is ho ? " . 'iigt'rly .ieimmnmuoltsi . itts tonupan- Itili , a reet'mmt grodttutti , froimu tIme lsiMitioltOt.1ii5 ' V st'tigt'r hey , t ) SI htiittt thm , ' , ur mippensr'd to be guimmg iiimmt'm y mmitht' nit Imotu r iuiciunil mug sois. S "lie Is liii' muutatiest uuait lit ( ) mnmmims , RIU1i * naimil' is - ' "Stiuthi ( ) miimtltP.i" shtommtsi , tint comithurtor. thmowumitmg lit , ' immcrt'hmatits t'hilY. ittii at 'time ' santa tluumti tvarning ( lie reporter thtttt Ito had'rsmaeitett ' V lit' ; jouimllcys cud. 'I hit' umitmittl ( , f Omtmahas meanest maIn is thus host to history thiromgh , thu close attemiUnit It ) ( lmiti' of thm uotmmtti.huungt'd coiuItieton. Inquiry . Iiinutht , lit tl ruiidtit'imce of M r , 1 , . Cmurpemmter. ths rc.iml etitto tleder resltlhmmg mm hi stn''t'hu'twsv'n ? V 'i'wammty.ftfthi mmmiii 't'm emmty.sixtlm streets. ! aild 10 ttt11) % % ' iIIi' hlglut on this snimject. lint Master himurry ( 'arpeumter knt'w all mubomtt ammoihter ntatter 1.V ( it moore intei04t ti , maIn rouniers amid very kfnfll gave tIn' reporter mull tIme itiirmtiiuttou In k4 lSOSbCSSI'ti. . V V MASTFII muiuumtv CAIlt'KNTEII. "I have. ' sitii imt. 'hic'ennhthicteml witlt mu diseass of thin ttis't' amid throat. My mmo"e wttttl ! stop up uimuti I womilil , Lisihuum , go hunt staSis or c'hminks w hilcht whic'n hir'cd Lit'twt'mm ( lie tigmism's smhtotl a hitti , , d at' . Vor muwhttie , iiy 111)511 and tIn'u $ . , t4c'lfled to 1St tlry , mutmti iippoared to hist'e s burn- haL : Si'imsOt bitt , but itfier ntwhtilo thaI dfachmart W- ' caumme : tiote free amiii I voitItt fmequuotmtly so two or lure , ' hiumttiikerchmI'ts lit a , hurr. 'rhie sense of , smmtell I begntmi to tittIt'u wits bt'giminlng to IVa Itie , anti nur bmc'mtht : in'ramiuti very otrensirsatil st''mmi'd to ic short. I huuii : at titttes dlltieUity 0 k bre.mhtiuig owtnm ' to thus sb ' iol tip eondlt.io * of ' Iii ) ' mioti' . ViuItt. liav , s , eils ( 'f rottghtng 'aad ' s'otthth spit itt ) etmmsltlenttlilti , , Noticing thi , - Vcrtiiteimteiit of Irs , Mccoy & henry in th dahv ' , ' I was atlviMoh , to , 'onsimlt t emit , whtet ill , mtimii liegitim trtatmimt'mmt itt oncu. I am aw fit' , , from tltis , , fft'uusivo Iitc'ittim , mity head ledla' lerfeeth3 cletr , amid I ant tmutIreIy u alL IL , SO , TliI'N YOU HAVE CATMIMII 4 Few Syrnptomnsof' * 1)lsaase Ti , May I'rove Serious to You. , no you itavo freqimemit fits of macrita ! depreaV 5 siomt ? ' Do you oxperiommco ringliug or buzzing noises in your omits ? 1 > 0 rou feel as thomtgh you must snifoeMe p wluen yltig down ? Are otm triuihiied , with a hacking coughad genera thebiiity ? Ar. your . .yes generally weak anti wateryan frequently imniitnmc'd ? Io.'s your ytIeo have a husky , thick sound , nntl a nuisiml stint of twitmig ? is your breath frt'qmmommtiy offenstye from some unnmccoumitmtble ciliate ? have you a tittil oppressIve hiesdacite gene. ' . I mdlv locateti over ( u,5 eyei ? lb yott have to hawk mmmiii cotigis frequently in the el0rt to cl'au' your throat ? mo yomt bosng your semiot of smell , and Is your sense of (11410 oscmtiiimg niuuilt'd ? V Dot's your itose always feeb stol.p.d up , torc- jag yost to breitthuc- through yommr miioutli ? lii ) Oti frequently feel thizy. p4rtlcularIy Whmc'n stooping o ltic auythilug elf tne flooxi' . hot's every hitt 0 dramighit of air an. ) syary lighut t'hmango of t'niiltertttumre give you ( P. colns..5s'is , ' . _ _ Iti 4i YOU ttimioyei , by a comtstnnt miesiroto hawk5 amid spitout nit mtthls qmlitmitity of pitlegtn ? Ai'e 31)11 alts'ays tired miuitl iunilisposetl to exet'- tion , whether ci mtisinit's ' ork or amusement ? Is gre'nt t'ttort rcqtilreti to Intel. v'ur thomughts ilxei milioum utattors tiunut iommiitrly ms'cru easily ImCif0Imiei. V Do yont rise ftons bed as thOu mind weak as you S'ci'u time muighit ) JefIVI mmliii feel as though you . % vmtiitetl to lie there forever ? I .t 3tituL thmi"tEt ftht'ii tIt Ii iiiuelgnii in time morn- , lug , which nih omilv be diseimiteged after violent ; comtgluhuig ant ) hiatt king ttmmti spitttitg ? ' it , yont , tcas1iuuimlIy wmtku tu'ommi a troublsd sleep mtltiu a start mutt ! feel at if you had Just , escmthc'I , ( a hmirrlbln , tiettht : miy i'imokiuig ? I' . hItti , you lot mtll interest in your cmmhihIgor V bimstute''i or fontmt'r ltci1sur' , all amb on ' ; gout' , nmuutl do ou feel intiitleidut whether to' . ' Imnorrolt' limids you imlive or , Lenuii ? Are you tt'onhiol withm mu dlsehuntrge from the lmetsl , lit this thiiitt. i.omnittlnuies , vmster7 sad si1i Ccssir , simmtietlimias ittUcOtts. thIck ' atieIo vimatever it tomiclieit , monimtlmos 'bloody , * iic'anhy nlt'nLys himitriti aitil olteumsivu ) O'hie above iiru sommie of tIme Initny 9ymnts s V : catamrhi utiiil tttts beglmuning of ltmng tromi , , * .t (1110 cast' in it Inmmtiilrei vull have uthl of thum. I V teVyonit atft'ct'tl , will have a I tiut.uti. 'flit , greater or moore seriomis year tomim't , ( its iuiirlt serious your mtympto * , V , itioro thimitgt'ron'i your coitditiofl. This I tlist'ases s trenitetl very successfully . se McCo muiti Ills mtSSOhtttims. 'I ito mitany asse. rs- I hiortt' thm'oimghi tint' cohiumnns of the tin Iypies I vrve this anti citcit statammteuit 1imhhished , Isaib. , s. ' tmtntially the saute as giveut by I me patient'e4. Dr. Mccoy anti lii asi'ociate , hr , tear ) ' ii secret nostrum. iiuit citi'e disi'ao4 hj thulrsI. s I fiml comttilnutttolt of time bnt kiiowa ttl,1iCii , in tbo hitiSt ttliliii'tl ( Immanner , smie I tig tIn , luti t'.t tutu inmost highly i ucoi I ttpilitmflCeS 1muowim to tiett' ) ilttttmsion. 5Sf t' tOils prtlmmcu lOV4tiIt'i whulcit simi'uk for thee.- ehVO'4 lii thu 1tiait' patiinmits cmit'ei'i , itad we a . ' sitnu our reailt'nit that thieti c'tmmlmtnt , hihtyst * ' 1. huartm utchiteted a SmicceIi , itt cuirluig til'tetii.U wh1s , . few or 1:0 : otlter tioctois C lit tIu1iUcte. OArAftatu cN ( In ( jUItEW - - TIm Successful leihoi1 as Us.d ' Dr. ' . McCoy & Ifoniry. , 'line ti'eatnit'mtt for eattniii. , lumug ttu , amutimitia , I htemumiutt isitt aitih ci liar clirotuic tiise.Il . ralt omtly lot ntpplinh successfully by onowbo kee imivostlgatel , utumib mimtlo : mm hlte.liimmt atunhy at ek tlhentses. Ctr'l.'ss : doct.irs iui thotu who to ' V not I itoitnigluly aettaimut itI tnt lu I hose troueI " at' ' , HabIt' to fitii. ' icit it kl1Itmml specialist Wto has devoted ytitrs ( I ) that \itrticiu nr bfli,3e. , , I lii's. 31cC't , & lleimu'y , 'S II \ stice'ol. , 3 I butt ( butt 'er' " 't mrt'ttmiti'mit kuiowni tO l2i I mtci'micu , ii. given it ) mull littii'iits , ttutii it c'atbe I i.mttt'Iy said liat : these gemittoitteit tire e.w4s of mdi that is kmnvmi of ( iut'tumutptlomi unit Otksi' ehiromile mliMemu.ns III ) to , luit , , . \1 itli thicm it 1 * ii. himmgor , sla'lmlmtic'tm ) autil exiiortmuicnt-ft stt'itlglmtorwttm 0 t teitmmmommt. ; resitltlng fromgh lmtt il t'ctunal mtuntl seit'mtt I lIe itti ahmiunuc ni ' , * 4 a thouougli mmicit heal tmittciltiout 1mm ' tu 4 greateSt Amimerlenmmt hio.iititlit nimil tuimmer tii' greatest Anmm.'nlcami mmmi's ' ( cis of mmmeillt'lumo msmmii t'flt'7. 'Ihese geuttlenmut'ti ) mavti aldtl , , , to thin oxbau4iv i kumoa'u'mgo , ( if tluchu shalti , , , mm remnmtntttmi for mmiotlit atti ctmargt's. as their comismiltation e'oo ' is " ) imt ; tu , whether mit thlr olticu , or an opiates glt'en by tumahl. : DOCTOR JI CRESAP McCOY , ti. Late of Bc11ac llosita , gw Ti k , ' l AND Di' . Columbus Henry ( l.ate of tJ'niverslty of I''mimtsylyanla ) ' - flAYS Jl'FICIS No. .110 and ihl IN ILAM6uI 11U114fINU , Comnur l'itteeuuttt tutu I lanmiiiy mits. . Ounalme , , J * 5 % liars mtli cuunmtiile cases a'm tretuto with suictuss. MedIcal illspee's treated sklllfuiICO tiout , Iinighits , hi'.cate. Ib's4wplhs autO mdl t EItVOIIt4 1)1511.1. ) i'H Ru diseas ctmllur Ps thu sexes a slIecltIATAaII ! , V CIltII ! : ) . CONStIl.Tt'I'ION at ohilceor iy tush , IL (11micu hmotiuit-9 1' ) 11 a. mit , , . to 4 ' . In. , I (01 p. ' V no. . Sumnthi4)'s inic'luiletl. ( orrnshiutt0uncu recolvt's prompt at , ltseasumi aru ( yea t.tl 51tcc1 ) I5TifV eCoy niumil iicnry timrottghu the muM it is tiimu'm ptssmhlo fur tito , , , muusnmbla to ai a journey toomitaint successtutl hospital trsals * , mit hum iiOTimeI4. No lottens answered unless accomupsatM b , 40 in stttmnhis. AdnIrc'its mull hatters to liu3. McCo ' hloonuislhO : anti : jI anmago bui1&h'C . Nuti. . , . . . . V , , ' . . . , , , , , , ' . ' . ' ' _ k : . . . ' . . ' . . . . . . ! V 1 , . V V