Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1888, Illustrated Supplement, Page 6, Image 13

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    6 . THE SUNDAY BEE JANUAKY 1 , 1888. " -L. lAii *
Delivered by cnrrler in nny part of the city at
tuinty crntH perwe k.
II. W TII/ION , Manager.
TilMNrcs Orricr. No. 43.
NIOIIT Km-nm No. 21.
N , Y. Plumbing Co.
Keltcr , tailor , Full goods chcnp.
The bunks of the city will close to-morrow.
Mulhollnnd & Nicholas will put up this sea
son four thousand tons of ice.
Good coal. Full weight gnrantccd , C. H.
Lumber company , two Main street. Tel. 2T.T.
The dirt truimvny is completely blockuded ,
nnd work bus been suspended until the snow
is lighter.
Fifty teams wanted to haul ice from rlvrr
north of fnlr grounds , Monday morning , Jan.
S , Mulhollund & Co.
Yesterday S. Suundcrs sold to W. C.
Dickey lots a , 4 nnd 5 in Highland park ;
| lOK ) was the price paid.
The confectionery store. No. 91 Main street ,
has changed hands , Mr. Scarborough dispos
ing of it to William Wcirich.
Hugh Hansom , G. Lewis nnd J. Mnnko ,
were a happy trio before Judge Aylcsworth
yesterday. The song they sung was n merry
ono but they were liberally assessed to pay
the fiddler just the sumo.
Dr. A. J. Cook will remain In Council Bluffs
ftnd practice his profession as of yore. The
doctor Is a successful physician and surgeon ,
and Ills friends will bo glad to learn of his
determination to remain here.
J. J. Stork's new residence on Bcnton
fltrect Is ull ready for occupancy , but owing
to the illness of his wife he has been unable
to move. As soon as she is able the family
will take possession of their new home.
Thirty-live thousand dollars worth of
bonds were issued to various contractors on
city work yesterday. To the Omaha &
Council Bluffs paving company $ 'jr > , < KX ) , to
Wightmun it Miller and M. A. Moore $10,000.
"Only a Farmer's Daughter" held the
boards ut Dohuticy'B opera house last night.
The play is well known to all theater goers.
The company on this occasion was a strong ,
well balanced one. The attendance was fnlr.
George C. Boniface in "Streets of Now
York" begins the amusement week to-moi-
row night ut Dohuny's opera house. Tuesday
afternoon and evening Ilerr Andre's Alpine
choir nnd Tyrolcsc company appear ut the
nanio place.
Mrs. Simon Eiscman presented her hus
band with a Christmas gift which , though
much appreciated now , will bo more beloved
by its fond parents ns it grows older. A
bouncing boy came yesterday morning to
gladden the household.
While a party of young fellows were play
ing pool at the Manhattan last evening ono
of them put a ball into his pocket , for which
Olllcer Anderson arrested him nnd took him
to the station house. Here ho claimed to
have take the ball by mistake , and on this
claim ho was let go ,
The Pacific house has prepared n special
New Year's dinner for its patrons to-day.
The menu is u handsome ono nnd presents
the day's reelings very pleasingly , and with
courses which cannot but tempt the appetite.
Ferguson < fc Son never do things half way.
A change goes into cflect to-day by which
the Omaha mail will arrive nt 1 : : < . " > p. m. und
: ! p. in. The latter mail will be in time for
the evening distribution. There has been
much complaint about the mail communica
i tions between these two cities , nnd it is to bo
hoped that moru changes for the better will
The success which has attended Mr. J. O.
Tipton in his real estate business the past
year , demonstrates that what the people
want Is wise advice , honestly given. While
ho is wide-awaUo nnd ever rustling , he dors
not believe in Inllnting facts , or letting his
enthusiasm get away with his judgment. Ho
is posted in values , watches all the points of
the compass , und those who deal with him
speedily learn that in judgment and honesty
ho is to bo'rellcd on. This bus done more
than nnythingclsa to bring about his remarkable -
able success und Increase of business.
Personal Paragraphs.
Joel Eaton arrived home yesterday.
W. C. Potter arrived in the city yesterday.
Colonel T. McCissock , of the Wab.tsh , is in
the city.
Frank Hcndricson , of Langdon , Mo. , is in
the city.
Mrs. Millard of Union strcctv is reported
as quite ill.
George W. Head , of Oncida , Kan. , was at
Iho Kiel hotel yesterday.
M. S. Stout , of the Ogdcn , has gone to Denton -
ton , Tex. , on n four weeks' visit.
United States Marshal Campbell , of Fairfield -
field , was in the city yesterday.
W. E. Brock returned yesterday from a
visit with relatives in DCS moincs.
Alfonso Bruner. of Kansas City , was among
these nt the Kiel hotel yesterday.
John M. Dicrnctt , of Keg Creek , was at the
I Ci'cstqn on the last day of the year.
C. S" . W. Otto , Chicago , nnd A. Armstrong ,
K Sioux City , arc registered at the Ogdcn.
D. J. Fan-oil , of Glenwood , the old Mills
county sheriff , was in the Bluffs yesterday.
E. D. Fisher and W. I. Schinacdccko , of
Underwood , were * at the Crestou yesterday.
Captain H. U. Scaley is lying very ill , and
his friends are very anxious about the result.
Mrs. PethybridRO is reported as much
bettor , and hopes of her recovery are now
J. H. Parish , clerk in the ofllco of J. G.
Tipton , is spending New Year's day with
relatives in Chicago.
A. M. Johnston wus In the city yesterday ,
but returned to his mother's homo in Lin
coln , Neb. , last evening.
Mrs. Max Mohn , of the Creston house , is
! ck , and unable to attend to her duties in
connection with that hotel.
Mrs. J. G. Tipton has returned from n visit
with friends at Avoca. While there she was
a guest ut thollcevcs-Hlgbco wedding.
Dr. Kteo Is suffering considerably yet from
the results of a recent full. Ho is able to at
tend to his patients but is far from well him
Mrs. N.E.Ackcr is visiting with her friend ,
Mrs. J. H. Arnold. Mr. Acker is the head of
the firm of Acker , De Gruff & Co. , nnd is
moving from Chicugo to South Omaha.
George Ebcrhnrt , who bus been baggage
\ man on the "Q" for years , and is ono of the
best known of the railway boys , has been pio-
niotcd to the position of station baggage agent
at Burlington.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Uifenbcrick loft for
Denver , Colo. , last evening. They have been
visiting , for some time , the parents of Mt.s.
Hlfcnbcrick , Mr. und Mrs. George Parks , on
First avenue.
Mr. G. T. Baker arrived in the city yester
day from Newton , In. , to assist in the work
of the Y. M. C , A. in the city. Ho is a genial ,
scholarly gentleman and the BEE bespeaks for
him a cordial welcome by the people of the
Bluffs. _
Among ilio Churches.
Methodist Episcopal church , W. H. W.
Rccs , pastor. Preaching ut 10 : 0 a.m. and
7:30 : p.m. Morntng theme : "A Good Pur-
chuse. " Evening thumo : "A Leading Ques
tion. " Scats free. Public invited. There
will bo meetings every evening during the
week , Preaching by the pastor.
Preaching by the pastor of the First Bap
tist church at 10:30 : n. m. and TUO : p. m. on
subjects appropriate to the new year. Seats
free. There will bo meetings in the chapel
every evening during the week , with the ex
ception of Saturday.
Presbyterian. Preaching by the pastor
both morning and evening. In the morning
the theme will bo ono appropriate to Now
Years day. In the evening appropriate to the
opening of the week of prayer.
Services nt the Congregational churcli
to-day. In the morning the sacrcincnt ol
the Lord's supper will bo administered. Sub
ject of the pastor's address : "Tho Present
und Future of the Christian. " In the evening
ing the Uov. T. F. Thlckstun will preach i
Bxibjcct : "Tho Firt KcgnUlto ofaUcvival.1
A cordial invitation is extended.
The yearly meeting of the W. C. A. will b <
held Tuesday , January , at'J-.HO o'clock , u
Mrs. John T. Baldwin. Oalecrs will b <
elected for the ensuing year , and a full at
tendance is dvilrcd.
Services ut Harmony mission to day nt i
o'clock , conducted by Hcv. G. W..Ciofts
Subject : "A Good Beginning. " . Sabbat !
chool nt 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wedncs
day evening. Subject : "Wisdom. " Jauics
1. 5.
Singing a Lullaby to tbo Old and
Greeting the Now.
The Change In Teachers Xc\vspnpcr
I'llIVHUB The Programme of IMctjr
For the Day Dolnjt of
the Council.
Joyful Germans.
The Maenncrchor consists of the leading
German elti/cns , and is ns merry an orga
nization , with as much good cheer constantly
following us any such organization In the
land. Last even ing was onoof their special
occasions , and it Is almost needless to say it
was an enjoyable ono to all participants. The
hall was beautifully decorated with holiday
adornments. The early part of the evening
was spent with music , which forms so im-
l > ortunt a part of the society's enjoyment.
Then there wus dancing and refreshments.
The chief merriment wus , however , centered
In a Christmas tree. It was a beautiful one ,
brightly lighted and heavily laden. There
are about two hundred members and the tree
bore fruit for each one. The boughs were
loaded with mysterious packages , each bear
ing a certain number , and each member was
plvcn by chance a corresjionding number.
When the tree was all lighted , the distri
bution of the gifts was In the charge of L. A.
LJergumn and Antono Kink. There was
much fun caused us package after package
was given out in response to the calling of
the numbers , and full grown members found
themselves in possession of dolls , trumpets ,
and various novelties. Among those who
held a number which wus not called out was
Captain L. Kirscht , the president of the
Macnnerchor. Ho was most happily sur
prised on finding that a special gift was re
served for him us a closing. It was an ele
gant ebony cane , with a richly chased gold
head on which was very nicely engraved ,
"Council H lu flu Maenncrchor to Its Presi
dent , L. Kirscht , Jan. 1st , lbS8. "
The engraving wus done by Mr. Greyer , a
young man who bus much skill. Captain
Kirscht was taken completely by suprise.
Antono Kink made a very fitting speech of
presentation. He alluded to the fact that
Captain Kirscht was one of the oldest mem
bers of the society , and the manner in which
he had served as president had endeared him
to all.
A brief acceptance was uttered by the reci
pient , who was duly appreciative of the
honor conferred , and the good will expressed.
A season of merry making followed. The
evening was a bright ono in the history of
the Maenncrchor , and ono which will be cs-
spcclully remembered with pleasure by its
worthy president.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Glcabon , JJO Pearl street.
Money to loan. Cooper &Judson.
Wadsworth , Etnyro &Co. loan money.
A "nee" Mnn in Hot AVntcr.
The New York Plumbing company has
been making It decidedly warm for II. W.
Tilton , of the DEI : . The company has lilted
up his residence , No. J527 Fifth avenue , with
a complete system of hot water heating. The
use of steam is well known , but the idea of
using hot water , in place of steam , is com
paratively now. Many huvc been watching
the result of its introduction in this city with
special interest. The recent intense cold has
given a line opportunity for putting the sys
tem to the test , unit it has stood it grandly.
It takes a fellow a little time to get used to
the novelty. The old inclination still lingers
to rush up to some stove and indulge in an
enthusiastic poking of the fire. Ono wants
to see something burning to convince himself
that the cold is being energetically fought.
Then if ono leaves a door open into another
room there comes up the old inclination of
indulging in a shiver , and speedily follow it
by a sharp lecture of the culprit. When ono
don't feel any shiver and has no excuse for
blowing off his wrath , there is a feeling of
disappointment. There is no place for the
dog or cat to crawl under a stove and take
un ull day's roast. There are no warm cor
ners for anyone to selfishly monopolize. The
tired ncwsguthcrcr looks in vain for some
place where ho cun perch his feet higher
than his head , and toast them. All of these
little changes in one's habits are quite
marked , but ono finds much consolation for
their loss.
The heat can bo made Just whatono wants ,
quickly and surely , and can bo sent all over
the house. It goes where it is sent , and no
sudden wind , or treacherous crack , can turn
it from its course. It holds it own , and keeps
the even tenor of its way , day in and night
through. It's a moist heat , and there is no
keeping of tin cans full of water to prevent
the air from drying up. Then with coal at
$11.50 a ton it is cheering to know that all of
one's income is not going up the chimney. It
matters not In wliat part of a room ono is
seated , there is warmth. There is no need of
nervousness over defective flues , or falling
stovepipes. In fact , it comes as near the per
fect , silent , self-acting , safe and sure system
of heating us any that has been thus far dis
Llko steam It requires skill and care to
have the system put in , and arranged prop
erly. Hatched or cheap work , will make
much trouble. The New York Plumbing
company bus already established a reputation
for understanding its business , and attending
to it. The result is that the residences which
they have furnished are giving no trouble.
When once put In properly the hot water
heating is us simple to run ns an ordinary
stove. With the results of this season prov
ing so satisfactory , the company will find it
self crowded with orders for the comingycar.
Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co.
Guns of all kinds at Odcll & Bryant's ,
504 S. Muin St.
Real Concerts.
The Apollo club , of Omaha , Is making ar
rangements for repenting in this city the ser
ies of concerts which they provided for
Omaha. The continuance of this plan depends
largely on the support given to the enterprise
by the musio lovers of this city. The llrst
conceit is to bo given at Dohuny's opera
house on the Oth , Friday evening , this week.
The Apollo club has already a reputation
which should cause the simple announcement
sufficient to fill the house. As an additional
attraction , the St.Cecclla quartet.of this city ,
consisting of Mrs. Wudsworth , Mrs. Evans ,
Mrs. Mocked and Mrs. Ward , will assist. Mr.
Urigham will also take part , two solos being
promised from him. With such a programme
n rare treat is assured. If the enterprise la
appreciated as It should bo the other concerts
of this club cun also be scouted for this city ,
Sends Greeting.
J. G. Tipton sends greeting to his
many customers nnd business friends at
homo and tihrond , and begs to say to
them that though ho has handled a
great many thousand dollars of real
citato the past year , ho is prepared to
do a much larger business the coming
year , and that any business in the real
estate line will have the same prompt
and reliable attention as in the past.
Ton years' trial has proven Dr. Thos ,
JolToris' diphtheria remedy to bo infal
lible. Address No. 317 south Kiftcuntli
street , Omaha. ( Not ou bale at drug
Ncivhiiniicr Pilferers.
Since the coming of winter there beet
, quite u complali.t from the buslnes
men on Broadway that their morning paper
were taken from the places whore they wcr <
0 left by the carriers stolen , for they wen
never returned. Yesterday morning ono o
these news pilferers was caught in the act o
taking the papers from the door of Hudio '
Yenuwine's place on Hroadway. Ho was
taken inside and given a good lecture. H
said ho hud been put up to it by anothe
"paper boy , " who claimed he made a "hca
of money'1 by this practice. In the intcrefi
of the readers of the life the request ia mod
that any loss of papers or irregularity In de
livery which irmy occur bo promptly reported
at the office * It 1 * the duty of n paper to pro
tect Its sub crlbcrs 113 far as possible , and
this the Utr. : proitoscs to < Io.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Gi'ccnatnajor , 021 Mynster st.
telephone 121. _
Common Council.
The city council met last evening In ad
journed session. Present , Alderman Wells ,
Lacy , Hammer , Keller , Mctcalf and Dan-
forth. Chairman Wells presided m the nb-
scnco of Mayor Grovewcg.
Eleven sewerage protests were referred
without reading.
Bill of S. Thompson for dnmapo to team by
falling Into un excavation at the intersection
of avenue G * nnd Tenth street , * .V > . He-
Petition for opening n street from Lincoln
avenue to Vaughn avenue , right of way cing
given by property owners. Granted on con
dition that other property owners not peti
tioning give quit claim deeds to city.
Committee rcirartcd favorable on the bill
of Wlckham Bros , for &J.KI for work done in
front of property of J. A. Churchill ; also bill
of E. A. Wickhnm for $14 for work on con
tract and not embraced In previous bills ,
Kcport adopted.
The following resolution wns adopted :
Itcsolvcd that the city marshal , F. A. Guan-
clla , be Instructed to notify the gas light
company that the city will terminate its con
tract with them for street lighting after Jan
uary 1. ns no more gaslight on streets will be
The committee to whom was referred the
resignation of Mayor Groncweg , re | > orted , ac
cepting sumo nnd submitted resolutions of
regret which were ordered sprcnd upon the
records. A resolution was adopted declaring
the oflice of the mayor vacant , and as the
next election occurs so soon as to make of
ficial notice and election impracticable , the
mayor now elected will fill the unexpircd
Council now proceeded to ballot for mayor.
Informal ballot : M. F. Uohrer , 4 ; M. Keat
ing , 2. Formal : M. F. Kohrcr , fi ; Keating.
1. On motion the election of M. F , Hohrcr
was made unanimous.
Adjourned to Monday evening next.
Opium , morphine habits cured. Dr.
Bellinger , 014 B'way , Council Blurts.
School Notes.
The schools of the city open Monday. The
only change in the corps of teachers is in the
Bloomer building , and the full list there is
as follows :
High school Prof. Prcuty , principal ; Miss
Vining , assistant ; Mr , Coggshull , second
assistant. .
Principal of the building nnd of the First
grade , Mrs. Ware ; Seventh grade , Miss
Swan ; Sixth grade , Miss Dale ; Sixth and
Fifth grades , Miss Spooncr ; Fifth grade ,
Miss Baldwin ; Fourth , Miss Anderson ;
Fourth , Miss Anderson ; Third , Miss Clau
sen ; Second , Miss Moon ; Second and First ,
Miss Allbright.
There is in the high school probably the
largest class in virgil in the state , outside of
the colleges. The class numbers twenty-
three. The graduating class this year will
reach from eleven to thirteen. The average
attendance in the high school is 103.
The promotions in the different grades will
bo four weeks from now.
The average attendance thus far during
the year has increased a larger per cent than
the increase in the enrollment. This is ono
of the most encouraging features gathered
from the reports of facts and ilguros.
Every ono making a cash purchase o
25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Two Hearts Bent AH One.
On Friday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C.
Yancoy returned from a visit with relatives
at Creston , their former homo. While there
they witnessed the celebration of the nuptials
of Mr. George A. Yanccy and Miss Lillie
Shubcrt. The groom is a brother of C , C.
Yancoy , and from his connection with a
prominent Kansas City house and business
visits hero is well known in the city. The
wedding occurred last Tuesday evening and
the happy couple arc now visiting the cities
of the southwest. During this week they
will arrive hero and spend a few days with
relatives. Congratulations arc in order , and
these , coupled with the slncercst expressions
of the hope for future prosperity , will bo
abundantly bestowed upon the lmpj > y couple.
Residence lots for sale by Johnston &
Van Patten.
To Protect Their Coal.
The officials of the Hock Island road are
determined to put a stop to the taking of coal
from the cars upon their tracks. Tills petty
pilfering aggrates many hundreds of dollars
during n single winter. During the past two
days about n do7cn men and boys have been
arrested. The names appearing upon the
records ure Levi Hopkins , Alonzo James , J.
D. Alcxundci and eight boys from eight to
fourteen years of age. Thus far they have
been let off with n small line and a repri
mand so that they know what will result
from a repetition of the offence.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ofileo 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stnirs.
An Artist.
At the concert in the Masonic hall last Fri
day evening Miss Francis Smith made her
debut as n pianist. She * played "Consolida
tion" by Llzst , and the "Movement of the
G Minor Concerto" by Mendelssohn. It was
a pleasure seldom experienced to hear her
interpret these master compositions. The
phrasing , expression and execution was su-
l > erb. Miss Smith's playing showed an accu
rate and thorough training ; and Prof , Lip-
fcrt may justly feel proud of her us a pupil
and his success as a teacher.
If you deslro to get a now Hall typo writer
cheap , drop a postul curd to H. A. P. , HKE
office. A great bargain for the first who
Mnyor'M. F. Itohror.
The election of Mr. M. F. Kohrcr to the
position of mayor of Council Bluffs will meet
with the hearty approval of the citizenship.
Ho is a man well qualified to fill the position
with honor to the city and with credit to him
self. Intensely practical , business to the
core , and energetic ho will carry a spirit of
earnestness and solidity into the dclldcra-
lions of the council that will bo healthful to
all the interests involved. Being un exten
sive property owner ho will bo sufficiently
conservative , and at the same time bo ulivo
to every opportunity that is presented which
will conserve the welfare of the common
whole. There are many matters In which
the material and morul welfare of the people
are Involved , and the HEE expects of the in
coming mayor a feurlcsr execution of law
without fear or favor.
Cross-cut saws. Odell & Bryant.
Sunday SOUK Service.
Musical service ut the Congregational
Organ Prof. De Normandlo . Kink
Anthem "Lord , Now Lettest Thou Thy
Servant" . Warren
Response "Create In Mo u Clean Heart"
. . . . Gilbcil
Duct "Tho Sabbath Morn" . . . /Mendelssohn
Mrs. Wudsworth and Mrs. Evans.
Anthem -'Sabbath Evening" . Flotovi
Mr. Westcott and Choir.
Duct "Tho Guardian gel " . Gounoi
Mrs. Wadsworth d Mrs. Evans.
Mnrrlcd In Ten.
Yesterday was the tenth anniversary o :
the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. P. J , Hcnncss
and during tbo evening their homo ou Sov
cnth avenue was invaded by the Intimati
friends of the couple and the event was dul ;
celebrated. Many testimonials were loft ti
attest the friendship and good will of tb
Two Well Caned.
Yesterday the employes of the Now Yorl
Plumbing company presented Ed W. HOT
3 f
r I
Will sell you grpceries cheaper than you can buy
them anywhere else on earth. Mail
5 orders solicited.
For useful Christmas Gifts
call on the Council Bluffs
Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway.
so , is
Wo Defy All Competition and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and Prices
With Any House In the West ,
with a beautiful gold-headed c no. The in
scription tells who ure thdglr'ors.
Mr. George Gcrncr also received u very
handsome cauo from hisi son anil daughter
who reside in Colorado. 'Ihcy tire both
beautiful gift-s and are much appreciated by
their recipients. '
Another Syndicate Formed.
Yesterday a contract was r filed in the
county recorder's ofllcc , Which gives the details -
tails of a real estate deal which is to take
effect February 1. The parties tire Messrs.
G. T. Phelps , H , J. Chambers , A. A. Clark ,
P. J. Day. Charles T. Officer and P. M.
Hunter. They purchase of Josi.Ui Danforth
40-80 acres lying north and west of the Gclso
brewery property. $13,000 is the considera
The people of the territory of Dakota bo
licvo in n future state.
From the standpoint of the ousted parti
san public oftlco is n public trust.
It takes two months to prepare for Christ
inas and three to recover from it.
The gatekeeper at the railway crossing
should bo a man of signal abilities.
The man , woman or child who does not get
n free calendar must bo poor indeed.
A show spoken of as "a rare entertain
ment" proved to bo a performance not well
A great many people who are crazy to got
into the social swim ore drowned before they
can get out.
A Philadelphia man drank eighteen cock
tails on a wager and then died. What a waste
of cocktails.
"I didn't know it was loaded , " remarked
the mule when ho didn't succeed in pulling a
street car up the hill.
When jou speak of a man as "polished" bo
sure to specify whether you refer to his
boots or his manners.
The man who put a lead pencil in a girl's
stocking was a mighty mean man. It left no
room for anything else.
An oculist doesn't want an eye for nn eye ,
and 'a dentist doesn't want a tooth for a
tooth. They want $ - .
It is not the cloven foot but the cloven
breath that gives a man away after ho has
been out to see another man.
A western man named Pcttis swallowed
his false teeth last week , and can't lie down
without biting himself internally.
About the most miserable man In the
worla is the ono who is expected to laugh at
the joke of a story ho has heard before.
"You lie ! " said the ton of coal to the gas
meter. "You're another , " said themcter ;
"if you weren't so short I'd pulverize you. "
She Lan'obdolibcnl BrudderElll Did
you couio on do kyars or by private conwey-
nncol Ho Private conwcyunce , chile I
It is best for a young man to pay as ho
goes. If he has been stopping at a hotel
without baggage ho must pay Just a little
time before ho goes.
Suffering and sorrow ore good moral disci
pline. You appreciate the truth of this
best , however , when jou see some other
fellow getting the discipline.
An Irishman who had on u ragged coat was
asked of what kind of stuff it was made.
"Dedad , I don't know" , said ho ; "I think the
most of it is made of fresh air. "
A correspondent wants to know who the
Dryads wero. If ho will look into a patent
outside newspaper , ho will' RCO a number of
dry "ads. " and dead ads too
A person who speaks -three languages
really well is not commonly met with , though
men who speak four or ] more , all equally
badly , may bo found everywhere.
A Parisian duelist has beoiii "wounded in
the suburbs. , ' We don't know what part of
the anatomy the suburbs may bo , but it is a
great pity the other fel'oiv ' wasn't wounded
in the contiguous neighborhood.
There is a restaurant waiter in Lincoln
who deserves to bo honored. A patron said
to him yesterday : "Waiter , pass mo these
molasses , " and ho replied : t"How many I"
An Irishman , seeing a ve.ssel'hcavily laden
and scarcely above the water's edge , ex
claimed : "Upon my sowl' , if the river was
built a little higher , I do believe the ship
would go to the bottom. "
First gilded youth There goes that
Drown , who is constantly taken for mo.
Wonder what's the reason I ho docsn4 look
Ilka mo in the least. Second ditto No , that's
so ; but then you may look like him , don't
cher know.
"How arc you and your wife coming on I"
asked a gentleman of u colored man. "She
has run uio off , boss. " "What's the matter ! "
"I Is to blame , bossI gave her a splendid
white silk dress , and den slio got so proud
she had no use for me. She said I was too
dark to match do dress. "
A Colt With a Trunk.
Richmond , Mo. , Correspondences ol
the St. Louis Globe-Uemoouut : Mr.
< I Joseph O. Lnnuntiter , living nufthucbt
t 1 of Tultbville , in this ( Ray ) , county , hua
a colt eight months old thai is a most
hiiiciilur phenomenon of nature. When
foaled the only peculiarity about it was
that it had very little huir on it , and its
upper lip bucnied longer than usual
with colts , mid was of a singular shape ;
otherwise it was a well-formed colt.
The hair , what there was of it , was a
mouse color. When about a month old
tlru colt's upper lip hud grown longer
and assumed a conical form. Its upper
lip has continued to grow until it is now
eight and one-half inches long , nnd
almost exactly like an elephant's trunk.
t can pick up small potatoes and an-
) les with its trunk ( if wo may call it
such ) , hut it cannot bend it sufllcient to
enable it to put the apple or potato in
Is mouth. The mother of the colt was
t Richmond about eight months before
lie colt was horn , when Sells' mcnngerio
was hero , and got terribly frightened at
one of the elephants. Mr. Lancaster
ma written P. T. Burnum to buy the
animal. _
Snd Dcnth of a Star.
Ccntralia ( Kan. ) Guard : The "Uncle
Tom O'abin" show performed hero Mon
day night. As they forgot to give the
usual compliHientaries in return for free
uilTs wo didn't go. Their best actor
, ho trick jackass died before they got
icrc , and that's the only thing wo cared
ibout seeing , anyway.
QPECIATj advertisements , mich as T.ost.Fonml ,
O To Loan , Kor Sale , To Krnt , WantH , Hoarding ,
etc. , will be inserted In this column nt the low
rnteofTIIN CENTS PKIl UNKfor the nrst in
sertion nnd Five Cents Per Line for each subse
quent insertion. Leave advertisements nt our
oflico No. 12 Pearl Street , near Ilroadway Coun
cil liluDs , Iowa.
FOH HUNT A good new ( .even room honfep.
Uootl location. Uuiiulro of W. F. Cole , Ml
Pearl St.
FOU HUNT The pleasant rooms'up stnlr" , 100
Hiouclwuy : also for sale nnmerbui articles
of household goods. Apply early.
A NTKD--A dancing master to instruct a
cliiKH ot seven , one evening each week. Di
rect to llee , Council IIHilTn.
"IJWltSALK Furniture and ntoves at n uncrl-
JC flee to reduce ntock. You can buy at your
own prices. A. J. Mnndel.
WANTED Will pay girl good wages for
general housework. Address "S" , Uoston
Shoo otore , 417 Hroadwny , cliy.
T710H 1IENT A Mx-room house. No. fi07 Myns-
-C tor t. Apply to A. Louie , W5 Hroadway.
OST Hoy's fur trimmed overcoat nnd kid
1 inlttH. Ueturn to Dec ollice.
WANTED Place ns housekeeper in n re-
hpectnblo family In Umaha. Jmnilre at
Dee ollice , Council HlulTs.
\\7ANTEO-Flr8t < * * * * gardener , without
Tt capital , to work extensive garden on
pharex. First class chance. Address Joseph
Smith , Council HlufTx , la.
EXCHANGE Omaha nnd Council IllutTs prop
erty and western land for Htocks of mer
chandise. . Call on or address J. I ) . Christian ,
KM llroadwny , Council HlutTM , la.
FOIl SALE OH EXCHANQK-Kqiilty of 1 ! ' ,
shares in JelTries syndicate. Inquire of
Odell llroi. & Co.
BALE Second-hand Columbia blcycls
very cheap , KMnch , nt lleo ollice.
"D UILDINO lotsjand acre property for sale by
F. J. Day , < fJ Pearl Ht.
The dealrablo residence or business pioperty
known as Hie Powerx Place , on Upper llrond-
w y opposite the M. E. church , will posltlvelj
be sold within the next thirty days. Terms :
Onethirdu.h , balance in one und two years.
Address bids to
Omaha , N b. , U17 and 1U1U Douglas St. ,
( OOUroodway Council muffs , low a. Established
401. BROADWAY. 401
See the Beautiful Silk
Christmas Quilt
And Pillow Shams ,
We have a large line of
"Which we are closing out regardless o
former prices. Also a few more
Bargains in Cloaks !
But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every ono of our departments will offer thousands of useful and
oniuincntiil things
Wo have made every effort to plnco on sale the most attractive and uBoful good *
ut the lowest possible prices , and wo invite iiibpcction nnd comparison.
Special Handkerchief ealo this week at
2c , Sc , lOc , 15c , SJ5c , up to $10. Kuch
and all go at about half prico.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in
largo variety. Laces , Embroideries ,
Fichues , Lace Collars , Kid and Fabric
Gloves. All must goat this great bale.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Dressing Gowns and Smoking.laekots.
Ladio's Slumber Robes , Japanese
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted
at5 , $0 , $7.50 to $10. Each a very
suitable present from a lady to a gen
Special bargains in our Art goodi de
partment. Stamped Linens , Knit ,
goods , Underwear. Everything rfiiwt
bo bold this week.
Como to Iho People's store first and BOO
what we can do for you. ,
Wo know wo have the goods and that
our prices will buvo you tnonoy every
With every $2 purchase you will re-
eoivo a ticket for ona ehanco in our
100 grand free prcbonts.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,
, '