Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1888, Illustrated Supplement, Page 2, Image 10

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2 , THE .OMAHA BliJE :
A Conductor's Mlatnko Oauaos a
Frightful Wreck in Pennsylvania.
One Cnr Telescoped and Its Scats ,
, With tlio 1'jwni'nuors , .Swept From
the Floor The Dead nml
A Conductor' * Kntnl IJIundcr.
MBAUVIM.K , Pfi. , Deo. 31. The details of
' the wreck which occurred on the New York ,
Pennsylvania & Ohio road , flvo miles west
of this city this morning proves the disaster
to ho one of the most horrible tluit has oc
curred In this vicinity. Tim colliding trains
wcroth'o through New York express from
Chicago mid the double header west hound
freight train. Both trains were over two
hours late , mid the express being entitled to
the right of way , was running without
orders. Conductor Murray of the freight
train , takljig It for granted that the express
was in , pulled out for Geneva. The two
trains the express running forty-five and
the freight fifteen miles an hour met on n
long forest-hidden curve with a terrible
crush. The engine of the express train and
The first engine of the freight were raised
bodily In the nlr and stood on the furnace
ends , the pilot pointed upwards and the driv
ing wheels locked. Both engineers and lire-
.men were pressed between the Iron ruins.
The sight was sickening , but was soon
covered from view by friendly blankets. The
baggaco car , express car and smoker of the
passenger train were completely wrecked.
The baggiigo car telescoped into the smoker ,
splitting It open , and sweeping every seat
from the floor. The total number of passen
gers on the train was fifty-three , fifteen of
whom were in the smoker. All. of these
were moro or less Injured , and William H.
Stephcnson , of Toledo , died shortly after
being taken from the ruins. The
crash was heard for a great distance
'J and soon the neighborhood were aroused and
people living In the vicinity cuuic to the scene.
The passengers who were not Injured , seemed
dazed and for 11 few minutes everybody stood
speechless. The groans and cries that came
from the ruins soon brought them to the
realization of the situation and innshoit time
n largo force of men were at work systematic
ally doing till they could. Two wrecking
trains soon arrived , followed by a passenger
train on which to transfer the passengers and
bring the wounded and dead to Mcitdvillo.
Tito wrecking crows worked with a will and
BOOH a portion of the mangled remains of
ilrcuian Hume were taken from the week.
They were In an almost unrccogniz-
Table form and presented a sickening
sight , limbs and lower part of the body huv-
[ ing been ground to pulp. Hume's aped father
Siad arrived and his cries and screams when
ho gazed ipon the mangled body wore heart
rending. The body of Engineer Swan was
exposed but It was so tightly wedged in the
wreck that no attempt was then made to
move it. A portion of the body of Engineer
Googo and also an arm and shoulder of Fire
man Irwln could bo seen. The work of clear-
ling the wreck was prosecuted in the face of
u driving storm of sleet that lasted the entire
afternoon. Those of the passengers who
were not injured were transported and sent
forward , while the dead and wounded were
brought to this city. The railroad officials
ulia everything In their power for the comfort
of the Injured. Following in a list of the
casualties : ,
KH.T.F.n' '
ENGINEER SWAN , Meadvilla.
' ENGINEER GOOGE , Meadville.
FIREMAN HUME , Cambridge , O.
' iNMtmr.n.
II. E. HOIIK , New York , leg crushed.
Auor.rit WAoxr.n , Hnffalo , leg broken.
Anoi.i'ii HOIKS , 1'utcrson , N. .T. , leg
'H. MAI.VIU.H , Middlcflold , O. , one leg
crushed and the- other broken.
MiciiAr.t. O'BniuN , Buffalo , leg broken.
F. N. NKWION , Shinglchouse , Pa. , leg
DAVID Bn.vri.Axn , Titusvillo , leg broken.
CIIAIII.KS E. Fituxcii , Sterling , Muss. , leg
FOHKST GitAHVM , Kent , O. , hips crushed.
M. F. WYMAX , brake-man , feet crushed.
JoiniMi BocoNoN , baggageman , leg cut and
body and face badly injured.
PIIIMI' FOUI.K , San Francisco , arm Injured ,
J. M. WOODS , Grccnvlllju , Pa. , badly
F. A. MAI.ONI : , Salamanca , leg broken.
ADOI.IMI Brsiiii , Cincinnati , leg crushed.
Fiur.MAjt CiiAiti.cs CHUM , bruised about
hend and shoulders.
Another Fatal Wreck.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 81. Two limited trains
north and south bound , on the Cincinnati
Southern collided this afternoon near Green
Wood , Ky. The officials of the Cincinnut
'Southern ' road hero say the accident was
cause'd by the conductor and engineer mis
reading their orders. None of the passenger ;
I were injured on the south bound train. The
bagpugomustor and mall agent were killed
'On ' the north bound train the bagpagcmnstoi
nras killed and the fireman badly injured
The mall and bapsago curs worn destroyed
. ( Later. ] No further particulars of tin
Cincinnati Southern wreck can ho obtalnci
there. All telegraph lines between this cit ;
and Greenwood art ) down. Notwithstamlini
nil statements of the Cincinnati Southcn
officials , thu opinion prevails that seine pan
M.'iigors were injured. Tlio news will b >
LOL'ISVII.I.K , Doc. 31. A s | > eeUil fron
' Somers , Ky. , corrohates the official advice
, ubout the Cincinnati Southern wreck , stat
lug that no passengers were seriously injurei !
Accident 011 the KlcvntcU.
Jiw : YOIIK , Dec. 31. Two trains on th
Thi\t } avennu elevated road collided tills ovi
Yitng. Ono car containing fifty people wa
thrown from the truck. At u point where th
collision occurred the tracks are conneclc
by tics and this alone saved the cur from fnl
ing fifty foot to the ground. A punlo ensue
with only ono person seriously hurt.
* "HO" On the 1M11 Pounder.
' CIIIIVESXK , Wyo. , Doe. 31. [ Special Teh
gram to the BIK.j : C. S. Erwnll , a tolegrap
operator , nnil William Winters , a drug elcrl
light weights , fought nine rounds with fou
ounce glove * this evening. Winters had th
best of the tight for live rounds , but in th
rcmulnlng-four the telegraph operator force
the lighting and thu pill maker fulled t
coino to tiino on the tenth roum
The light was under the 'Marquis of Queen1
bury rules and witnessed by a number (
local hpoi'ts and new.spai > er men.
They Did Not Strike.
, Pa. , Dec. 31. The employt
of the North Pennsylvania railroad paid n
f attention to the order of the Reading 1-91
W volition to strike. They have withdraw
from the knights.
It la stated on good authority that It Is m
wic that Rev. Henry Is in any way held r
sponiiblo or that thorn is any blunio wha
ever attached to him In connection with tl
appointment of F. H. Parker as collector f (
Castcllar street M. U. 0'hurcb. It has hoc
almost live months slneo ho was trunsfcrrc
to the pastorate of Trinity M. K. Church all
Castetliir street , had bet'n without ft pastor
fnouth when the ticublo with Parker uros
The * Order to Strike on'the IlcndlitK
Not Generally Coinpllod With.
Pint , umf.i'iiu , Dec. 31. The action by the
local assemblies of the Knights of Labor last
night endorsing the order of the Heading
convention for a general s'rlko of railroad
employes did not materially effect the busi
ness of the Heading company to-day. The
men did not quit work with the alacrity
which the leaders anticipated and , In many
cases , they refused jKiInt blank to strike , pre
ferring to renounce allegiance to the Knights
of Labor. At the freight depot of the Wil
low street wharf several hundred freight
handlers and laborers struck. ThU delayed
business for u time but In tho'courso of a few
hours thu company had gathered a largo
number of non-union men from vari
ous joints und put them to work.
The movement of regular freight trains was
but slightly effected. There were many a\t- \
pllcants for work ut the main office of the
company. Kvcrythlng remained quiet nt
Port Richmond. But the strike continued
with unabated vigor so far as the men of
local assembly No. O.'Js.'i were coiiccrnctl.
"I nin simply giving my own opinion , "
said Secretary Huycsof the general executive
board of the Knights of Labor in dlscuasing
the situation , "but It is my impression that
the executive board will not Interfere In the
.malter. It hasn't been asked to yet , and I
don't believe it will be. The strike Is In the
hands of the Reading employes themselves. "
Tlio Hltimtlon nt Other Point * .
HEADING , Pa. , Dec. 01. Thu most extraor
dinary efforts wcru made by the strikers In
coal regions and In Philadelphia to-day to in
duce the men In the shops In this city to
strike. Telegrams Innumerable were sent
hero making nil sorts of promises of support
nnd pledging that if the Ucadlng men would
Join In the strike It would extend to every
station ull over thu Heading system. Thcsu
telegrams were all answered with stern re
fusal , the small ] > orcciitugo of those in favor
of the strike not during to go out.
Advices from the coal regions this after
noon say the mrtst serious difficulty is on the
Shutnokin and Mahaney division where
hardly a do/en mon uro ut work. In the
Mahoney valley thorn arc standing 4,000
loaded curs unable to bo moved.
Want i\tni : I'uy For Overtime.
Pmsm no , Dec. HI. A committee reprc-
cntlng the freight employes of tlio Pcunsyl-
unia company presented u demand to-day
or an advance In wages and pay for over-
ime. The comiultteo was informed I'
etitlon would bo considered and an
oturncd In a few days.
: Coal Operators.
Pin-sumo , Pa. , Dec. at. W. H. Bailey ,
f the general executive board of the
iishts of Labor , has decided to fight the
'uilroad ' coal operators who have refused to
iay the Columbus scale. Ho left this morn-
ig for Scott Haven to call out the minors nt
.Villiam . L. Scott's mines. This action will
ravcnt the strike of several thousand miners
ii this district.
Another Inflammatory Appeal.
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 31. A conference of dele
atcs from the local Knights of Labor asscm-
ilies of the Reading railroad system was held
.ere to-day and issued an appeal "to the
vorkmcn and workwomen of America nnd
utsido of it , " to support the Reading strik-
rs by contributions declaring the flght theirs
.s well. It is very bitter in its denunciation
f thu Reading management , charging it with
eueption , bad faith nnd plunder. It declares
hat telegraph wires were manipulated to
rcvent the managers of the strike from
lommunicating with their men at other
> olnts , nnd that the agents of the company
icnt out .forged dispatches , causing an tip-
caranco of demoralization among the cm-
ilo.vcs ; that the management of the
oud.hud been In negotiation with the Brothcr-
lood of Kngineors for two weeks to supply
inginecrs in cusc of a strike ; Hint they sub-
.iducd . employment agencies und kept hun
dreds of Men on hand to tnko the strikers'
iluccs , and being thus fortified , forced the
.ssue. The employes are appealed to to cast
asldo petty Jealousies and quarrels and con
sider that it is a fight to disrupt the orgunlza-
' Ion of the Knights of Labor.
The circular further invites "trades unions ,
socialists , anarchists , Knights of Labor , and
all others interested in bringing ubout a moro
equitable condition of society to Join hands
with us In striking down the system whoso
representatives ut ull times combine to
rush us. "
It inveighs bitterly against the various
newspapers which they quote as showing
that thu press is against the Knights und in
favor of capital and culls on thu workinginen
of the country to pit themselves against these
The circular concludes by asserting that
the workingmen owe nothing but vengeance
nnd says : "You , Messrs. Corbln , Gould and
Company , who uro representatives of "so
ciety" to-day in your madness but succeed in
arouslni' the slumbering demon. We have
nothing to lose but our chains. "
They Need Aid to SlnkArtcNlan , Wells
Ono OH n DclcKUle.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 29. [ Correspondence
of the Bne. ] Not only will the territories
ask for admission to statehood during the
coming session of congress , but they at least
a number of them will ask congress to
appropriate money to bore artesian walls at
various points within their borders. Of
course , if they succeed In securing statehood
they will not press the request for artesian
wells , as they say they can furnish their own
money under n state government , although
they believe it is a work tlio federal govern
ment should ao.
Theru arc expanses of country , especially
in Arizona , covering hundreds of miles where
the soil is tlvo feet thick nnd black ana rich
as can be , and not u foot of it is productive of
either wild or cultivated vegetation. The
land belongs to thu government , is known as
"desert land , " and the herders have aban
doned It , as their cattle perish from drought ,
These who huvo looked into the subjecf
bclluvo that it is wise for the government tc
ui.iko valuable what is now its deserts.
There appears to bo u very strong combi
nation in thu house to stop thu universal cir
culation of gold and silver especially the
latter and to issue instead coin notes , Sil
ver has bccomo very unpopular with mcr
chant. ( and bunkers , and under thu present
law its circulation is forced. It is proirasct
to continue silver colnago Just the sumu , bul
plla It up In the vaults und circulate certill
cutes representing It. The certificates an
pronounced moru desirable in every way.
coxiui > s.\nN ( IUIKNIII THAN uiuss.
Martin , the unsophisticated congrcssmat
from Texas , who succeeds .ludgo Ragun , bj
bio wing out the gas ut a hotel here , a ie\\ \
nights since , has attraoted attention , to tin
ircncral verdancy of many members of tin
lower housu of congress. During the past
ton years there has no doubt that the average
ago character of congressmen has degen
crated to au alarming extent. An old Wash
mgtonlan , whoso memory runs back llfli
years , discussing this subject to-day said :
"I bcliovoiin lunemlimut should bu mndi
to thu constitution , prescribing additloua
qualifications for members of congress
Civil service examinations are re
quired of pel-sons who are to hi
appointed to thousand dollar ehcrkshlps , thu
would puizlu a college graduate. Yet mem
hers of congress uro ulcctcdtouvory congrcs
who could not begin to pass such cxami
nations who do not know how to spell com
mun words or cauiiut formulate a dozen con
sccutlvo sentences correctly , and , what i
still worse , know absolutely nothing of tlu
science of government and have not an orlgl
nal Idea on the economic , financial ami othc
questions that conn.-before them. How snui
men who come to congress of late years gc
elected passes understanding. Some o
them were evidently never outside of the !
districts until they started for Washington
Think of u member of congress blowing ou
the gas or trying to pat on thu rcgiste
or attempting to light his cigar on an oK'cti-i
light. Yet all of these things have bee :
done by men elected to help make laws fo
sixty millions of people. And cjc !
congress is gutting worse. In point of h
lellcctual capacity. Look in the prescn
congress for.tho Webster , Bouton.Claj'
Culhoun , Douglass , Cm-wins , Wudcs or Lin
coin. Or oomo down tooven , u late congress
tho. forty-third , und com'paro a few names o
members of the lower housu alone , euoU a
James O. Blalnc , Jamas B. Bock , Benjamin.
F. Hutlor , L. Q. C. Lanmr , William Ii. Nib ,
lack , James A. Uarlleld , Joseph H. Haw ley.
Kppa Muntor , Lymun Tremuln. Jeremiah M ,
Wilson , William A. Wheeler , Alexander H <
Stephens , with the names of members elec
ted to the fiftieth congress. This certainly
shows the truth of what I say. Each con
gress shows n decline In the intellectual ca
pacity of the members comprising It , and of
course it follows that the character of the
laws enacted shows a like deterioration.
"This Is not the lament of nn old man ovrr
the decline of the times , " added the octogen
arian. "There are as many big brainy men
now as then , if not more , but the trouble Is
Unit they nro not sent to congress. In the old
dy ; J it was an honor to be a congressman ,
und the giants were elected , while now the
honoris so cheap that the pigmies get them
selves elected. Very few of the members of
the Fiftieth congress represent the Ititclll-
gencu or the character of the respcctlvo dis
tricts. They have succeeded in trotting the
endorsement of the wire manipulators and
wind | Hlitlclans and are pushed through Uic
primaries over the better und abler men. "
"I heard a good story ubout a delegate to
congress from ono of the very fur western
territories , " said Commissioner of Civil Ser
vice , Oherly to somu friends the other evenIng -
Ing ; "and for the relation of it we will call
him Voorhees , of thu territory of Washing
ton. "
"During the vacation preceding the conven
ing of the lust congress , Voorheos was mak
ing a heroic effort to have u poUmnstur u | > -
pointcd for ono of the principal cities in his
territory. Ho laid his man's numo before
the ixjstmustcr general , together with
proper endorsements und recommendations ,
und returned to his homo on the Pacitlc. A
short time after going homo Voorhees re
ceived word from Washington that the post
master general hud concluded to appoint an
other man than the ono recommended by the
delegate. There was another application on
Ilia In the department , and It hud been pre
sented by very roputublo men from the terri
tory , nnd those in opposition to Voorhees.
who , as soon as ho heard of the likelihood of
this upiKiintment , hustled off to the telegraph
to stop it.
" Voorhees wired tlio
"Delegate postmaster-
general to not make the npiralntmcnt of a
postmaster at tlio city where the contest was
going on till ho ( Voorhees ) could arrive-here ;
that he had something to say ; that ho didn't
want the appointment of the niun likely to
bo given the place.
"There was a good deal of agitation going
hrough'tho brain and veins of the young del-
gatu. 'Could it bo possible that the post-
nustor-generul would miiku that appointmeirt ,
igalnst the expressed wish of the delegate
rom the territory , and a democratic dolo-
; atc , too1 ! ho asked himself ubout every half
lour during his first day's journey towards
ho national capital , for the took the first
rain for this _ city. Nervous over ttio
natter , tlio delegate got out ut a tele
graph office and wired the postmaster gen
eral to not make the appointment till he
ainu ; that ho wus on the roud hero. Early
he next morning the delegate , having
studied over the matter during the night and
icing still moro nervous , sent another mcs-
sage to the iwstmastcr general , asking that
ho appointment bo hold up till ho arrived.
At dinner that day ho duplicated the iiics
sago. During the afternoon the delegate
tad the train wait long enough to permit him
o file another message to the postmaster gen
eral , asking , in moro positive language , that
ho appointment bo hold up till ho arrived.
"Tho telegraph offices along the route of
hat delegate did u good business for four or
ive days on franks. Finally the train bcur-
ng the delegate reached Washington. All
agony has an end sometime. .
"Without waiting till ho visited a hotel to
do his toilet or rest , the delegate from Wash-
upton territory called u hack at the depot and
old him to drive direct to the residence of
ho postmaster general. It was then utter
.ho hours % vhcn departmental business is done.
Cho postmaster general was ubout going to
"Have you mudo that appointment yeti"
nquired the delegate , almost out of breath ,
as soon as ho entered the room.
"Yes , " was the reply.
"Then I um too late to have it hold up I"
"Too late , " cumo the answer.
'But didn't I telegraph you. "
"Yes , many times , " replied the posmaster-
generul. "I had your papers and recommen
dations , and I could sco no reason why I
should wait about appointing youiunan , and
J did so yesterday. " The delegate .looked .
sort of dazed , und moved out with mingled
iride und embarrassment. He had been
vorklng against himself.
Knllwny Trnfllu Generally Interrupted
" "Tlirotiitlinut the Northwest ,
Dec. 31. The snow storm
ivhich has prevailed throughout 'tho north
west for two days shows signs of breaking
to-night , though all western points report
snow still fulling in greater or less quantity.
During tills afternoon the wind , which ,
throughout the storm , has been from the
south , shifted to the northwest nnd it is
growing colder. Ruilwny truftlo is generally
interrupted nnd several of the 'less
important western und southern roads
uro entirely abandoned , while the trunk lines
are moving trains with difficulty. The storm
is most severe through northern Iowa , south
ern and western Minnesota and Dakota. In
the latter section it is regarded as the worst
for many years and a repetition of the fam
ous blockade of 1SSO is looked for. This even
ing the mercury ranges from 10 to 130 degrees
ubove , throughout the northwest. The snow
fall is from one to two feet.
Blown Up By n Blast.
MAUQUETTK , Mich. , Doc. 31. Two men
, were killed in the Jackson mine nt Ncgaunc
this morning by being blown up with a charge
of blasting powder. They were working
near an old charge that had been put in s
week ago und which had fulled to explode ,
It went off without warning , killing both
men instantly.
Ono of the problems that puzzle childhood :
How the iingels get their night-dresses ovei
their wings.
When a church sewing society meets at a
member's house , the session soon develops
in to mi English-speaking nice.
Jim Woods , out in Kansas , rebuked u bias
phonier , and was immediately struck dead
with lightning. This rends like a Sunday
school story turned wrong ends on.
When little Meg sawu picture of Christian.
with the burden on his back , she looked at ii
curiously for a minute , und then asked i
"Mamma , what makes the manny wear his
bustle so high upon his hack ! "
A little eight-year-old , who was asked 11
she believed in what she road in the Bible ,
said : "Well , 1 don't know ; I think some ol
it true. " "Do you believe in God's being ! '
"Well , I don't know. They told mo Suntii
Clans was a being , und I found they llei :
ubout it , and now I don't know whether tc
believe thorn about God or not. "
Ono day a little girl about flvo years oh :
heard a preacher praying lustily , until thereof
roof fairly rang with the strength of his sui *
plications. Turning to her mother und beck
onlng the maternal car down to a speaking
place , ha whispered : "Mamma , don't you
think that If ho lived nearer God ho wouldn't
have to talk so loud I"
"Well , my son , what did you learn at Sun
day school to-dayi" asked Johnny's mamma
' Oh , mamma , sick lots of things the teuchei
told us. She told us about a man what
preached so long the people went to sleep
and ono of them fell out the window am
broke his neck , and they went and gatheret
up the fragmonta.und they wore twelve bask
ets full ! and and they fed 'cm to a herd o
swlno that ran violently that run uw.iy ! '
An Austin colored pastor , named Whang
doodle Baxter , has mudo himself very un
IMpulnr with Jim Webster , Hu was passing
thu house of Jim Webster , on Austin avenue
when the proprietor culled him in. "Conio
parson , and hah a gluss ob wine. Dis heal
um my hulTday. " Tlio reverend gentlemai
accepted the invitation. There was a largt
uncut cuke on the table and the clorgymui
was urged to divide It. "Where shall I cu
ill" he asked , taking -up the knife nnd look
ing at the c.iko In u bewildered sort of way
" \ ou camcss cut It where yor pleases , par
son. " "Which ! Say dat obor onct more.1
"Jess cut it whoreber yer sees lit. " A smili
lit up thu dusky features of the humbli
toiler In the Lord's vineyard , nnd ho re
marked , fervently : "I'so much oblecgod to
ycr , Jcoms. I b'lecve do best' place tor eurvi
dls hcah cake am in deooluslon ob my owi
house , " and wmppini ; up the cake in n news
paper ho carried it off under his arm.
ffhs and colds oomo unf nvltci ] , I'm
you cun quickly get rid pf these , with i
few dose-d of Or. J. U. McLean's. Tti
Wlu'o LUHJJ Balm. .
Ihroo Democratic Senators Solootod
to Gonfor > ftlwtllD House.
in j _
All of them of tffc Oplnltm That the
Tnv nn Toliaccj ) Should Ho Abolished
ished and W-liisky Muterl-
1,1 , ;
Ad.lnstlnit the Tariff.
filil Foi inr.r.NTii STIUIHT ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec. ill.
I learn that the democratic senators have
npitolnted a commlttco to confer with the
democrats in the house In the compilation of
n tariff bill. The committee consists of Mr.
Kcniia , of West Virginia , Mr. Hearst , of
California , and Mr. Jones , of Arkansas. It
was appointed nt a secret caucus several
days ugo. Considering the views of thuso
gentlemen on the subject of turlff reform ,
the composition of the committee- slgnlll-
cunt. Mr. Kcnna is a radical protectionist of
the Handall school. His stuto has developed
into a turlff protection state by a largo ma
jority. Mr. Hearst Is by no moans a radical
tariff reformer. Ho boHoves that the tariff
should bo revised , but is In favor of pro
nounced protection to many of the industries.
Mr. Jones also entertains moderate
views as to the revision of the
tariff. All of the gentlemen
arc against the internal revenue system and
believe that the tax on .tobacco should bo
abolished and that the whisky tax should bo
reduced very materially , while the tax on
fruit , brandy , etc. , should bo repealed. , The
appointment of this commlttco shows that
there Is "no such u thing as an "udmlnistru-
ion tunff bill" nnd that all that is to bo pro-
) oscd on the subject Is yet to bo compiled.
The idea in selectlngthlskiiul of u commlttco
s said to bo to effect * a compomlso on the
tariff bill a measure which will not be ex-
.renicly radical and which will udmlt of mu-
erial modification of the. Internal rcvcnuo
The publication to-day of the official re-
Krts of the Pacific railroad commissioners
ins brought out a great deal of comment
upon the subjects they trout. I am told that
, he president wus extremely nnxlous that
Mr. Crisp , of Georgfu , should bo chairman of
.he-house committee on Paclllo railroads be
cause hu is an ardent advocate of the po < I-
.toii assumed by the administration on the
debts of the Pacifies. The president is anx
ious that the Outhwalto bill , which is prac-
tlcully the sumo us the recommendations of
Lhc majority of the Pacific commission and
telegraphed the BEE lust night , should bo
> assed by congress. It wns to secure the
success of this measure that ho desired tlio
selection of Mr. Crisp as chairman of the
committee. Mr. ; Crisp is u good
.uwyer . and Wa ? second on the
committee in . 'tho' " lust congress.
When the house sclccted'Mr. Crisp as chair
man of the committee''on elections , taking
jverythingout of the hands of the speaker ,
10 was. of course , taken out of the line of
possibility in relation to'tho Pacific railroad
lucstion. Mr. Outhwaltc. of Ohio , who was
Mnon the committee last year , is to bo
made chairman in the place of Mr. Crisp. The
president endorsed 'Mr. ' Outwaltho , but be
lieves that Mr. Crisp would be a stronger
man. The president'may not make any re
commendations to' ' congress on the subject ,
but it is known beyohd any question of doubt
thut he is taking a very active- interest in the
debt of the Pacificrallrosillsand that lie is ad
vocating the proposKto'ns'im'adc by Commis
sioners Anderson mill Littler.
Senator Culloni says Ijo thinks the amend
ment lid will offci' to Ills postal telegraph bill ,
reducing the tariff .he proposes for press
matter , will bring to the supjwrt of his prop
osition nearly all of the newspapers of the
country. Hu acknowledges that the press
rates In the bill that ho has introduced nro
considerably higher than those paid at pres
ent. Ho proposes in the amendment whicn
ho will offer to make the rate 25
cents per 100 words within 500 miles , 30
cents per 100 words between 500 and 1,000
miles , etc. Where the despatches are dupli
cated and "drop copies" nro made , the post-
mastcr general may flx the rate , which is to
bo very much less than the tariffs named.
Senator Cullom bus taken the suggestions In
his amendment from the tariffs charged in
England. The senator finds that the press is
pretty solidlv against jwstul telegraph and ho
is going to try to do away with its opposition.
Secretary Fuirchlld sent to the house com
mittee on appropriations to-day his recom
mendations for the urgency deficiency appro-
priution bill. In it is 1111 item of 815,000 to bo
expended in completing the government
building at Kcokuk. This Is in excess of the
limit fixed by the existing law. It also has
$ y,500 for the surveyor general of Dakota.
The supreme court reconvenes on Wednes
day next. Ncbrnskans hero oxjoct a de
cision to bo rendered then In the Lincoln
habeas corpus case. None of the defendants
arc hero now.
Tlio Bancroft-Carroll and Hillycr-Bulkley
elopement , in which the brides wore engaged
to marry other follows , und the Melbourne-
Wull elopement , huvo been supplemented by
the elopement of Miss Nclllo A. Colton und
William P. Vandegrift. Miss Colton was to
marry another man in the afternoon nnd
eloped In the morning. 'Tlio curds were
issued by the other follow , the confectionery
wus bought und spread and the minister wus
in wuiting , when u note wus received from
Miss Nellio. ut the Bultimore & Philadelphia
depot , saying : "Tho wedding is off and so
ami. " She was wedded in Pennsylvania.
DR. C. Cushinp and wife , Miss O'ICcef and
John O'lveef , of Omuhu , are at the Ebbitt.
Senator Paddock will go to New York to
morrow for a couple of days.
Senator Munderson is expected here on
The absence of the Nebraska delegation
during the holidays has put u good deal of
work on the Junior senators.
Army News.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE.I Captain Rudolph G. Evert ,
assistant surgeon , is rclcived from duty at
Fort Custcr , Mont. , and ordered to report for
duty at Fort Pembinu , pak.
Colonel James Mil Whlttomore , ordnance
department , is ordered "tV'i report January 4
at the department of Ju'stil-o for tlio purpose
of giving testimony'in 'ccytnln cases pending
there. . ,
Major William T. Tucker , paymaster , is or
dered to pay the troops'nolv on the rolls at
the Washington barracks' Fort Myer , Vu. ,
Fort McIIenry , Md. , fyid.rortMonoro , A'u.
Nebraska and jio\\.i ; Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Dee , gl.ntSpccIul Telegram
Jo the BEE. ] The fdlhnving i > enBlons have
been granted Nebrus.Un'nH ! Mexican war
Charles C. Hedmortf 'L'jncoln. Original-
David W. Hopkiiiiij'ii .J3twitt. ! Increase
Thomas Kirk , Reynolds ! Charles Jenkins
Barada ; John Regan'Hlatispn.
Pensions for lowaVis : 'George , father O !
MuthcwP. TcnnuntJMt. | Ayr. Original-
Leonard Denccn , Adol ; Alexander S. CIs
uey , Extra. Increase George \V , Creatli
Agency ; Ellas Hoffman , Vlnton ; Francis M
Kmith , Leon ; Peter II , Lout' , Ottumwa-
James Steele , Ostonville ; Abner Allison
There were 15,000 applications for increases
of pensions tiled this month , the greater
number ever tiled in ono month.
National Capital Notes.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 'II. Tlio receipts of the
government from all sources during thi
present month wcru $20fi5,2ST : , and the expenditures
penditures flO.-ttKVlSS , leaving n nc
gain of receipts over cxi > enditurcs
of * lS.rMGOt. : Out of this .the tic
gain , however , must bo paid about fa,500OOC
for Interest U | > on the public debt , which wil
luavo the actual .surplus , for December
Tuo publi-j debt w s'al o reduced
during-tho month ) o thoftmouiitof J15'iV,000. )
' 'or the entire calendar year of 187 the debt
va diminished by * 117,010,000 , the largest
reduction being made In June and November ,
vhen payments on thftt account aggregated
10,8.YJXX ( ) and 1ISCI,000 ! : respectively.
Naval circles have been thrown Into n state
of consternation by recent rciwrta from Coll-
ornlii relative to the discovery of graVe do-
octs In the steel Intended to bo used In the
onstructlon of thu cruiser Charleston , now
( olng built In that state. While an attempt
vas being Hindi ) recently to bend
lightly heavy eight-Inch steel deck
loams several of them snapped in pieces
inder the strain of the hydraulic
aek , to the great astonishment of the con-
slruetlon ofncors. The steel was from the
cast and has been thoroughly tested accord-
ng to the requirements of the stool board ,
msslng successfully all test as to ( ensile.
ilongatlon , elasticity , etc. Much of this steel
ins already bci-u used In the construction of
ither cruisers and the gun boats now build-
ng and an alarming feature of the accident
nt the California shipyard Is that It casts a
; rave donbt uiKin the strength of the mn-
crlal that has already been built Into ships
ind which may fail unexpectedly at u critical
Owing to the prevalence of a disease of an
'pldcmlc character which has attacked hogs
n Denmark , the government of Norway and
Sweden has established a quarantine
igalnst thu importation of Danish hoi ; pro-
luct. The treasury department has been in-
ormcd that behiff thus deprived of their
iriucipal market , Danish hog raisers will en
deavor to find u market in the United States
and the department has taken steps to pro-
rent the Importation of diseased pork from
Denmark. '
Our Wool Trade With UusHln.
WASHINGTON , Dee. 31. The United States
consul at Odessa , Russia , has made u special
eport to the department of state In regard to
ho wool trade between southern Russia and
ho.Unlted States. The conclusions of the
eport , which is contained in a pamphlet of
'orty-flvo pages , arc briefly stated us follows :
That the wool trade between south Russia
and the United States has been carried on for
.wenty years , greatly to the detriment of
ho revenue of the United States. All of the
wool shipped from south Russia to the United
States Is the property of four'American hn
lorters. These importers , in combination
witli shippers , have conspired to prevent the
recognition of the market price for so-called
donskoi washed wools at Rostoff-on-Don. All
of these wools art1 , and over have been ,
scoured wools. These wools have in
many Instances entered the United
States at low the duty limit Sjtfc. ,
others again at high the duty (5c. ( ) when all
mould have paid duty as scoured wools.
The fraudulent designation of these wools
lias benelltted American importers and been
a corresponding loss to honest wool mer
chants and to the United States government.
That this loss will reach between $15,000,000
and $20,000,000 is very probable. The report
further says that the charges in the invoices
of wool shipped from Odessa and RostofT are
false and arc introduced for the purpose of
defrauding the revenue that is , the
omissions charged are never paid us com
missions ; that the legitimate and proper
charges have been excessive ; that the gross
weight in an invoice has caused great loss
of revenue , and been successfully practiced
for many years ; that the interests of the
United States requires the permanent closing
of the Rostoft" consular agency , and that
a salaried consul should be scut to Rostoff-
Hoiurich Betel , t'tio tenor , has returned to
Russian styles are In favor , and there is a
rage for furs.
Quite n number of women are engaged in
fruit-growing in California.
Fashionable favor is about equally divided
between long and short wraps.
Boston has a female supervisor of public
schools , Mrs. Louisa Hopkins.
Imitation furs in the form of seal Astrakhan
and other plushes are much wont.
Wings and quills are the favorite trimmings
for seal hats , cups , and turbans.
All' short'wrapi , whether of seal or cloak
ing stuffs , have longe tabliko fronts.
The circular , fur lined or wadded , is only
used nowadays as an extra carriage wrap.
Striped fabrics are In the ascendant , and
vivid colors on neutral grounds the preferred
Henry Irving-ami company drew ovcr21.-
000 at their last week's performance in Phil
We've known several women to bo out
spoken , but we're still looking fos ono that's
been outtalkcd.
flic creditors of Hartley Campbell have
compromised their claims for twenty-live
cents on the dollar.
Soft India silk , China silk , surah , and
crepe are the proper materials for the useful
tea gown or matinee.
Belts , ] x > ckets , bands , collars , cuffs of seal
and other furs are seen on rich peuu do sole
and other silk dresses.
Anton Rubinstein has endeavored to fuse
into the operatic and oratorio styles in u now
work entitled "Moses. "
A Brooklyn inuid servant threw up her Job
the other day because- the parlor ornaments
were too "orful vulgar. "
'Ladies' pockctbooks are getting larger and
larger. That's good. If they keep on they'll
bo too largo for u thief to get away with.
Most dinner dresses for American women
arc made very high bodices , or opening only
in V shupo in front , but high in the back.
Striped fabrics look best when cut on the
bias for the corsage and sleeves , all the
stripes running in points down , not upward.
Black lare dresses bid fair to never go en
tirely out of fashion. They only change
their shape and under dress from season to
Ho ( at a very late hour , with deep tender
ness ) : How can 1 leave theol She : Really.
Mr. Stayer , I can't you. I wish to heaven I
The red slipper , with black patent leather
tips , like the black satin ono , is worn in the
house with any costume , no matter what its
color may be.
Mrs. Jenness Miller's plan of combination
undersuits docs not make much progres. but
the short-ribbed silk and mixed wool .shirts
are all the rage.
A lady has been appointed medical exam
iner to tlio Postofllco life insurance for
women proposers in the metropolitan district
of London , Enp.
The keeper of the lighthouse at the mouth
of Romlout creek , N. Y. , Mrs. Catherine :
M unlock , has kept the light burning brightly
for thirty-two years.
The latest agony for bridesmaids is u >
sweet little satin slipper filled with pink
roses and brown foliage. It is hung on tlio
arm by silken cords.
Miss E. Elbe Is the name of a charming
young Swedish dentist. It IH so nice to have
u tooth drawn by her that young men come
miles to get 'em extracted.
The fashionable brooch Is either a moon
stone set round with diamonds , oval In
shupo , or of the faintest pink coral , also
having the small diamonds set about it.
Miss Story , the daughter of a clergyman
in the north of Ireland , has won the litera
ture scholarship of .flOO u year for 11 vo years ,
awarded by the Royal university of Ireland.
Gloves with rvevlng gowns are not worn
much above the elbow , and they uie not us
heavily wrinkled , but pulled tip plain and
smooth if the arm Is plump enough to admit
There is n fad for bags of all sorti. Shoo
hags , stocking II.IKH , shopping bags , lurgnctto
hags , and all these are made as dainty with
decorations of one kind or another us poss.1-
Augustus Evans WiKon , "Houluh , " wcs a
Florence Nightingale during the war and no
nameIs moro revered in the south. She win
the friend of the Hick and wounded and beloved -
loved by all.
Miss Skcrrett , once private .secretary to
Queen Victoria , readied tlir age of ninety-
five. The last thing t.ho did was to stud.V
Icelandic , but she caught a bad cold over it
and passed away.
Very many of the nrwe'it tailor go\\ns
show two colors of the sumo cloth , the
darker , strange to say , forming the accessor
ies collar , cuffs , and so on and the brighter
the bqdy of the gown.
The wives of Clemehceau and Rlbot , tlio
French statesmen , nro both Americans.
They first hailed from the stuto wheiu
wooden nutmegs sifi inedo : the original meg
and the lattpr MUV the. light in Iowa.
The. wife pf Pi\y.idt'nt Di.u , of Mexico , has
established in Uc- city of Mexico u Urge
"friendly homo of the ; Worklngwomcn , " at
which small children will bo cared for dur-
ng the day while their mothers are at work.-
A granddaughter of Robert Morris , of
rcvloutlomiry fume , Is very jwor and Is now'
seeking udml lqn to a womoti's home in
ashlngton. Had It not been for Morris
our beloved republic would have KOUO Into
bankruptcy. '
The smart gloves are of undressed kid ,
rather heavier than those usually worn ;
irfvo eight imttons , very largo ones , are
icavlly stitched ; on the back In the same
color , and are very much on the belgo rather
.ban the tan shade.
The women's union In Vienna educates
, 'onng women for bookkeeping , drawing ,
dntcrgardcn work , dressmaking , needle
work , and short hand. When they are com-
letcnt In any department the union proceeds
to tlnd employment for them.
The heavy cumbersome bands of fur which
for two winters past have been usclesslv laid
iround the foot of the long cloaks , ulsters
xnd Newmarkets are wholly dispensed with-
n the formation of the .stylish Russian rcdln-
jotes and polonaise worn this season.
Nearly all the young ladles of White Cloud ,
Cas. , have signed a solemn pledge that ,
'God helping me , " they will henceforth ab
stain from the use of gum and slang , and not
< ecp company with young men who use to'
bacco , strong drink and profane language.
Fashion has gone color-mud. The wild'
iursult of change , which grows to n iminhi
when given rein , has developed a craze for
mhcard-of , unknown , unnamable colors ,
namely In themselves , hldcoim In comblna- '
: lon , mid positively fiendish in their effect on
the sight.
A queen was crowned Saturday night nt
Old Fort Pierre , on the Sioux reservation , in
Dakota , before an Interested crowd of In
dians , many of whom traveled for miles to
witness the ceremony. Her roval highness
was presented with forty buffalo robes and
two horses.
A young lady who was formerly one of the
Wells college girls , says : "Mrs. Cleveland
was the greatest favorite I ever know , for
when mending day came every girl in the
collcito would gladly have darned her stock *
Ings. " Could good will or philanthropy co
beyond this I
Mistress ( to cook ) Why , Bridget , what In
the world are you dolncl Bridget Khuro It's
the docthcr thot tould mo Ol must take olrou
for mo blood , an1 Ol'm' to melt down
the poker , bad cess to 111 Mistress But ,
gracious , Bridget , yon can't ' , drink hot melted
iron 1 Bridget Thin Oi'll lave it till It cools.
Rev. J. T. Wightman of Baltimore , says :
A part of a woman's education Is to make a
good loaf of bread. Wo men must eat. A
girl is not lit to bo called a girl unless she can
make- good bread , and the world is finding
that out. Every girl ought to Do a good house
keeper. If she is not the young man who
marries her will have to keep house himself.
Mrs. J. N. Gushing , secretary of the
Women's Baptist Foreign Missionary society
of Philadelphia , was for years a commissioned
captain In thu United States army , under full
pay , during the war , and sent a well drilled
and efficient company to Colonel HiggiiiRon's
regiment. Mrs. Cushlng was but twenty-one
years of ago when she received her commis
The dancing gown grows shorter , rather
than longer , as the season advances , and
there is more and moro a tendency to make it
full and undruped in the skirt , low or V-
shuped in the neck and sleeveless. Debutan
tes , however , and brides wear their gowns
high , or half-high in the neck , with half or
thrce-quurter length sleeves , and debutantes ,
like brides , wear while , cream and ivory-
tinted fabrics.
In nn envelope recently opened nt Wash
ington was a * . " > bill , which the sender said
hud been exposed to contagions disease , and ,
although fumigated , hud better receive care
ful handling. When the young woman who
received it read tlio warning , It is told she
dropped the bill with a screamwhich brought
lifty other young women in the division
crowding around her.
In the channimr array of opera and theater
bonnets and hats uro those of cream-white
velvet , trimmed with golden brown velvelt ,
or witli willow-green ostrich plumes mm
gold cord pipings and ornaments. White and
gold and pale-blue and silver are still favorite -
ito combinations in dressy evening bonnets
this season. Directoiro bonnets , edged with
fur. are worn en suite withliir sets of Alaska
sable , which Include A large Russian mulT
and an immensely long boa.
The largest cow in Dakota is reported from
Cuss county. She stands six feet high ut
the shoulders , and , though thin in flesh ,
weighs 1,800 pounds.
During a heavy gale a few days ago at Mos
quito Inlet , Fla. , a few days ago , moro than
100 ducks wore killed by flying against the
glass in the tower of the lighthouse ,
The oldest two trees of the world nro sup-
ixised to bo one In Ciiluvoras county , whick is
believed to bo S.WM ycarsold , mid the cypress
of Sommn , in Lomb.mly , Italy , which is 1'Jll '
years old , planted B. C. 4'J.
Farmer Licsman , who found a spring on
his farm near Holland , Mich. , that will make
hair grow on most anything , 1ms the cow and
calf on which ho hud raised long whiskers tea
a Chicago museum for $ ltOO. ! Ho will ship
some of the water to the animals each week.
A flock of about u hundred crows , passing
over Cnmmlnsville , O. , were attacked the
other afternoon by thrice their number of
English sparrows , who completely routed
the big birds. Several crows were disabled ,
and one was found with both eyes pecked
A shark following u Rooklund lime vessel
recently , ami eating up the garbage thrown
overboard , gulped down u blur lump of lime
thrown over by ono of the crew. The lime
ut once began to slack , mid the shark
thrashed ubout in terrible agony and finally
An npplo tree on the farm of T. J. William
son in Plcas.mts county , Vn. , which has
berne fruit for a number of years , has never
been known to blossom. This year the tree is
again full of line , liuyo apples , the strangest
thing ubout which is that the fruit has no
core or seed.
Mr. Andy Fleming of Hartwcll , Ga.caught
a white squirrel near his resilience last week ,
after cutting down several trees. Ho ucci-
dently set his ax on it and broke its neck. It
was entirely white and had pink eyes. Mr.
Fleming's father killed a rabbit several years
ago thot was as red us u red fox.
A Mucon inuli ! has an artificial throat. Ho
was sick with something Ilka laryngitis , and
the vcterin.iry surgeon seeing it would soon
bu Impossible for the uniinal to bicntho
through his windpipe , u portion of the pipe
was removed mid a silver tnbo was inserted ,
and now the inulo breathes ficelv.
Last Thursday a hunter in Lincoln , a town
twenty-five miles south of Bangor ; Me. , shot
a white otter , ono of the rarest animals to ho
found in the United States. Thcso Is an
other uno somowhe'ro around Lincoln , with n
handsomer coat than that of thu one shot ,
and the whole town Is now on the warpath ,
for it.
Ono of the strangest couples ever wen in
this city were buying toys and Christmas
things ut the stores yesterday. The peculi
arity was thu great difference in sue. The
man was 8 feet 4 indies in height and only
weighed 1IW ) pounds. His wifo's height was
4 feet 'J inches , while her weight was exactly
that of her husband They were buying
presents for eight boys and cloven girls.
They lived near the headwaters of Blndsoo'.s
creek In the Twcnty-slvth district of Now
York state.
A Philadelphia family , living near the
church of St. Alphonsus , own a very bright ,
parrot. Every evening the bolls of the
church ring the "Angelus , " ami recently
one of the litttu girls of tlio family was
taught to recite the appropriate prayer nt
the sound of the boll'i. The parrot watched
her carefully , and the other evening , at the
first sound of the chimes , dropped to the
bottom of the cage , put down his head , and
raid the first few words of the prayer. Ho
has kept this up over since , ami Is adding
other words of the prayer usthellttlo girl
teaches thorn to him.
HtooktduKcr to Succeed Kpurks.
WASHINGTON , Deo. ! H. | Si > eeial Telegram
to the BKE. ] It Is reiwrtcd to-night that the
president will appoint the present deputy and
acting commissioner of the hind office , S. M.
Storkslnger , us successon to General Sparks.
Postal Chance * * .
WASHINGTON , Deo. Ul. [ Special Telegram
to the Bin. : ] Postofficos wore established at
Hulscy , Blufno county , and Llnscott , Blulno
county , to-day.
Hunk Sliiloiiiunt.
Nn\vYom \ , Dee. ai.-Tho weekly "bank
statement shows the reserved decreased
JM77.000. The IjaiilM now hold $559,000 in ox- rc'iulrcmeuts.
So Snys the Ooronore Jury in
ICiugloy Onso.
The Malignant Course of the Accused _ , ]
TowimN i ho YCMIIIK Imwop
IOWII'N liOKlNlatlon l.axv Declared
Illegal IIuwlccyo Item * .
The Crimp of Onln.
W.vvnui.v , la. , Dec. ! ! l.--Tho coroner's Ju
has brought In a verdict against Kdw.i
Billings of murder In the first degree foi
Hhootlng W. S. Kingsley.
This case Is ono of the most sensational and
has more peeullarfoatures In It than any which
Was ever developed before In the state of
Iowa. Billings , a man of fort.s live years of
age , was a respected lawyer of the to\\n of
Wavcrly. His wife was a woman of Him'
flguro amfwith many charms of feature and
manners , but a good deal younger than her
liusb.itid. Will Klngsloy was but twentv tlvo _
years of age. but brilliant to a degree , a law
graduate and so well read and popular that
ho was , easily successful in being elected
county attorney. Thu two men ut one time
hud mi office together and business relations.
Ono day , two weeks ngo , Billings culled at
Kingslcy's olllce. Suddcnlv passers bv or
the street were startled bv the report ol
pistol shots and Hilllnus came running dowi.
the stairs crying out that Kingslcy had shot
him. Citi/ens ran up stairs mid on entering
King.sley's office found him dead on this floor
with n bullet In his brain.
lillllnu's claimed that the dead man had
shot himself. A month previous to this HU
lings had hint the young man arrested , thu
warrant charging him with seduction , It
being sworn to by a girl In poor circum
stances. She afterward confessed that the
charge was not true ami that Billings had In
duced her to swear to the warrant. Frouitcs
thnouy adduced at the inquest of Kingsley it ,
developed that Billings had set about effect
ing the ruin of Kingsley in the most systema
tic manner. Ho had forged hi- * own wife's
name to notes directed to thu lawyer , the
contents of the notes being full of loving
terms and asking Ivingstcy to meet her at
her own house while Billings wamiwuy.
Kingsley replied in good faith declining to
muku the assignation mid warning the sup
posed feinulu writer to desist from her
course. Of course the reply fell into the
hands of Billings. Later , ho oven went so
fur us to prepare notes of hand , it has been
found out.coiivoying nil of Kingsloy's property
to himself. It is believed that on the dav of
the shooting Billings wont to Kingsluy's
ofllce to try by blackmail to get him to put
his signature to the notes. The evidence us
to the uluckmull and forgeries wus direct ,
but there was no witness to the shooting niul
that part will have to bo proven by eircum
stantlal evidence.
The Iow KcKlstry I/aw.
Ci'.iuu RAIMIIS , la. , Dec. ill. Judge Stone-
man , of the supreme court , to-day declared
the registry law unconstitutional , Tlio case
was ono brought by Colonel Chirk v.s the
election Judges of thu Fifth ward of this city ,
who was refused the privilege of voting on
election day , not being registered. The com
plainant averred that during the
time when under tlio law ho
huvo otherwise became registered
ho was ' absent at DCS Moines
In attendance upon the United Slates court ,
in which ho was u practicing attorney. The
defendant demurred to plaintiff's petition.
The dc'murrer raised the question of the con
stitutionality of the registry net. The de
cision of uiiconstitutionality which was ren
dered was based upon a Massachusetts cane.
Capon vs Foster and similar cases In Penn
sylvania , Ohio , Michigan , Wisconsin , Ne
braska and Oregon , thu court holding that
these decisions the legislature could enact no
law which would deprive a voter of a eonstl .
tutlonal right. _
The Storm In KnHlcrn Iowa.
Sioux CITV , In. , Dec. ill. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bui : . | The snow storm now
raging has placed the railroads entering this
city hi n bad condition. The Illinois Central
passenger train , due here this morning was
II vo , hours Into , and the Sioux City mid Pucltio
train , ono hour late. On the. St. Paul line
the night trains have been pulled off. The
day trains loft on time to day. If the storm
continues much longer u blockade will fol
Warden's Alleged host Will IN DC-
clnrcd to Bo Invalid.
Ni\v : YOKK , Dec. 81. The famous tontcst
over the estate of the late James H. Pulno , u
miser of refined tastes and extraordinary In
telligence , who lived and died In a Blcckor
street attic , leaving over 100,000 In cash , was
decided to-day by Surrogate Rollins. Ho
declined to admit the will , of wnlch Jumcs
H. Wardoll was solo legatee and proponent ,
holding that Paine was incapacitated. The
victory is won by the Cleggutts , of Boston ,
the old miser's relatives who opposed the
attempt to prove the alleged lost will.
ArchhlHbnp Piircoll'H Case.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 01. In deciding the
question of J. B. Manning , lust assignee of
Archbishop Purcell , us to how much of the
assigneo's dofulcation belonged to the , cstato
of thu archbishop and how much to the estuto
of his brother Edward , Judge Schroeder to
day for the first titncmuUo Judicial announce
ment of the defalcation. It i cached the sum
of J ! ) . " > , lHKl. Of that sum fMMK ( ( ) belonged to.
the estate of Archbishop Purcell.
A Chicago Jud o'H Fall ,
CIIIRAOO , Dec. .11. Judge Williamson ,
while walking in front of the criminal court
building this afternoon , slipped on BOIIID lee
und fell to the pavement , striking on his
head. A gash that bled badly was cut In his
scalp , nnd it is thought that Ills Injuries are
very serious.
Apaches Unnnlng Loose.
NOOALIIS , A. T , Dec. 111. News has been
received stating that a small band of Apaches
are roaming In the mountains In MontO utru
district , killing und stealing. A numbc ? " '
travelers have been waylaid und shot on
roads entering U.ivispe. A few days ago
Clements Kopsu was killed at Los Nogales
ranch , just across thu line in thu United
States. A troop of federal soldiers started on
the trail but fulled to find the Indians. The ,
plain of thocustom house guards utlluvlsp.i
the other day found u number of cuttlu which
hud been killed by thu marauders.
The beat and Barest Remedy for Cere of
all dluuci eaned bf any derangement of
the Llvtr , Kldneyi , Stomach and Doireli.
Djripepilm Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Dllloaa Complaints and llahuia of all klndo
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It la pltawnt to the ( Mte , tone * Dp the
a/item , reitorei and prtMnre * fcetltb.
It U portly YegcUbU , nd cannot ftll to
prove ttncfldjO , both to old wd jouag.
A * a Blood rurltUr It U superior to all
otkere. BolJ ereirwhtr * t 11.00 * bottle.