Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    irrn T TT .JHBV i IBl' * . 1r " " " * * . '
1 Artr TttK > m nt n < 1"rlhli . 10 rM * per
HP for the first mi rtloii. 7 N > nt for earn mib-
ro.uent Insertion. nnd II. f < 0 nllnppprtuonth.
Irfndvertli'eniput Inken forleM tlmn Sfi cents
r tli' tlrtt Insertion. Bcvrn words wllllm
nted to tkn llnpjtlipy mimt run conrrn >
lv Mid muM I'ppnld In ndvnnrp. All ml'
lfointnls mud \m \ Imnded In lieforn ! ) .
PPfork ii. tn. , nml umlor no rlrrumKtnncps will
iirr 1m taken or dlfroiillmied liy lelephonp.
Irirtlcn advert IMnp In thei > o columns and hay-
tizthp answers addreNpd In rntf of HIP HP * .
Illl plenup auk for a rhpck topiinlilp them to
M Ihclr letters , as nonn wilt IK- delivered P -
hitonprpfentntlonof check. All answers to
idrortlM'nipnta should I > P enclosed In puvelope * .
All advertisements In them columns are pub-
Mitd tn Itolli inornlnp ami ot PIIIIIR olii lonn or
IP Ilpp , tb * flmilMlon of wlilrli nKni cn' ' "
| > or tlmn 14.XW pnprni ilnlly. nml cUp tlip ml-
fprtli > rrn tlio t < cnpnt. not only of Iliorllyplmi.
lnnof IbPllPp , but nl < o of Coimrll IllHlTK.
Vnroln nd othpr rltlf nnd tow thro Rbout
mmrtof tlip wpat.
l"fANTKD-SUiintl.ulliy liuly M li
N. inth nt.
ImiATION wnntptHiya yonntf (71ilnntn n In
nnrtvntn fnnilly , ! W yi-nwof IIUP. iqtpnka mm
IrllPs KiiRllMi. ( IfXMl rook , wiuitipr nlul KI-II-
1 Kcrvant ( l Kx1 refcnniccH , Slnto liinploy *
ut parlorH , KIT Karnain BU
VANTKD.-iWtmllons for 4 peed men cooks
nnd S women fcooks. first rlnsH , ) girt * to
lo general housework. 0 chuinbf rtualils. 8 sew-
girls and f > dlnlmrroom girls. Our office In
. .I of girls. Cansdlnn Kmp oHIcc. Mr * , llregu
i bon , Sl B I'.th st , tcl H > 4. 7P _ .11 *
irA NTttr > Situation on conchmnn liy Her
man. 2f > .two years In last place : m > olllco
n. Oaiuullan Ump. OHIcc , Mrs. Ilrcea 4Kon , Tel.f84. & > : *
COMMIIIICIAl , mnn well known all the way
. to Unu Prnnrlseo would llko n position. Ca-
dilo of handling any Rood line. Address H < ! ' ,
leooftlco. Will *
VANTED BltiMtion for sIcK nurnos nnd
sewing girls. Wo linvo n number of up-
pllcnnts nnd will till nil orders frep of rhnrgc ,
'nnndlnti emplovmpiit onicc , Mrs. Ilrtfga * Son ,
8. IMh , Telephone WJL W. W *
MAN thoroughly nrqunlnteit with tlio work
I- would nccept employment in n county
Icrk's olllco in Nebraska fur three or four
AddressSUd , lleaolllce. * 28 ! H
rANTI'.D-llnrbcr , 111980th st.
ou no *
[ AN Wnnted Driver ; must be careful
driver and used to milking ; best refer-
nct-H1. Apply S.I'.Morse. Wl
VANTED-fl bildgo moil fur Kansas. J2.75
per day , CunaUiuu Ump. nflke , Mrs. Iliegu
, th. U48 ai
TANTED Typewriter nnd Menographor ,
lady or gent , out of city , good wagon. Can-
nilinn oHlco , Mrs. llrega , V Son. Mill S. ir. ,
V ANTED ta te.imsti'rs for Rrnde work ,
ship to-day. Albright's Labor Agency ,
| )4.i ) 1'arnnm st. 1MO-1
VANTKU Young men lo learu shorthand
Valentino's Shorthand Institute to mint
hrrcnslng demand. Send for circular. 1515
( lodge st. WO 1
VANTED-A good , nblo lioy from Illsh
BChool to entry tin evening route on Dally
lee. Kk'5
-I bell-boys at onre : good wage.s ,
TT good place. Apply Canadian Kmp. olllce ,
IOS.lfitbst. IH-.KW
r ANTED Hey with some experience In
bakery business , llilN llthut.
r ANTED A few experienced tree men.
White llros , Aurora , Nob. UI4 ! I1J
. .D A man to solicit. Must have J2i
T > nnd nblo to give bond. Salary } 75 per
nonth. Address S. 41 , Omaha llee. KS2 2 *
VrANTED- boy nnd horse to carry n route
on Evening Hco. 8t
tl\TANTKD A blight active boy nt Kulm's
drug More. 15th St. hC3 i
WANTED Paint nnd color salesman In lown
for St Louis house , grocery nnd liquor
npu tor eantorn house , grocery xate.suiau to
nmllles for ( Viuucll Illuirs , I for Llncoln.cracker
rlmker , rail nt Grout Western bureau , tint oldest
iind most reliable lu America , 15JU Farnam .St. ,
room u , tor. ; i ]
RATiESMEN- trnvellng salesmen ; salary
nnd expenses ; no experience nece.s nry.
Address , with stump , Palmer A ; Co. , Lu Crosbe ,
Kll 15 *
\rANTJD ! 1 must have three petsous tc.
learu booXkeepIng to meet demand for
Icoinpctent Imokkotpers tn January. J.
fBmltli. room MH. Hiuncu block. &tt ! '
INStJRANCK Agents Wanted TnoMiilunl Ko-
servo life Insurance connmny of New YorK
I desire to engage twenty good t-peclal nnd gen
? rnl ngents In the west on extrn liberal con
tracts. 1'or terms nnd territory call on or nd-
Rlress. H. H. Hohlson. general man'gr , Omaha
* nt. bank bl'dg , Omaha , Neb.
L\\7"ANTKO Four men to pollclt In the smal
I T > towim and country of Iowa , Missouriuni
L > 'obraKkii : muHt Imvi fJo , ulvu hond , nnd will
[ Inctowork earnestly ; salary JUO per month
AddrehS 1' IVI. Heo olllco. Mi
WANTED Men for rnllroad work. Al.
brlght'H Labor Agency , 1120 Farnnm. C91
7 ANTED 1(10 ( meu of goo < l appearance to
' try our Ifc meals t NurrlH ri > 8laurnnt , Illl
ImndniaSouth llth street , ( old Live and Let
ir ANTED Nine dining waitresses , H17 Far
itain st. Oi."i oOJ
I G G1HLS wanted nt 14171'arnam street.
U4.CO *
Cook nnd second girl forolllcers'
family ; 2 girls to do light housnwork , v 111
lie treated its oiiXt of the family ; dining room
Is ; 20 girls for hontow ork , W to W per week ;
imd and seeing girl ; 4 nurse girls ; girls to
iolp ; InuudrehS und cook. (1 $ cnch for same
kihitv. Uits of nice places. Canadian Employ-
Snout olllco , Mrs. llrega & Son , 310 a ir.tli , tol.
T8I , UIO 30 *
I\\7ANTED A good girl for gentfrnlhouso-
ITT work , family of three ; n girl that can
preferred. Jmiulro of C. Ii. Krlcksiin , iia
. WlW.
TANTED- : Middle aged Swedish woman ns
housekeeper fur to gentlemen , wages f20 ,
s. llrt-gn & Son , HHI B. 1.1th i-t. U4U ! IU
17ANTED- wo kitchon&lrls. nt Itosemnund's
1UM and 1015 rarnani .st. D2S 1
WANTKD competent cook In small fain-
. . , lly , * ia weektoe.\p.Tlonced girl. Mrs.
\ A. J. lluuscom. 1H24 Douglas st. U17 31 *
I " 17STANTKDOne llrst-class woman cook , nnd
W T 0110 c-xpetleiiced end girl : references
\ required ; gooil wnu'en. Apply to 221'J Dodge.
AFIKS'IM'I.AHS phi for seueral housework ,
wanted nt 735 a Ibth bt , cor of l.cavenwoith
c'JU 1J
T\rANTRD A Rood plrl for housework , wash-
i IIIK ml IronliiK , In biniill family. Oood
V-aKVM. tti4 H. 17th ht. Q8 |
irANTKD Comiietent girl for Beneral hoiiho
T woilc. Jim. UooV. . Hull , ttW 1'nrk avo.
mo uo
V\TANTii : > linniiMlhttPly a K < x l ulrl for Ken-
r T oral house.ork coed wages , itpcrmau-
' cut place , Oerman or llohemlan preferred , MTV
: corKMand Ipa\enworth xt. uooal
k " \\rANTIII ) llmt-class girl for genera ! hotiBe-
I T > work , 5pervccktotho rltjht girl. IV.'l
Javcii ) irt- 8U1
WANTKD-Anrst-rutogltl. 1811 Cast.
DU7-31 *
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
" \\rANTED-At 1'liiuters' house , ono llr t-clas.s
Ji > dining room girl. N UIJ
17ANTKD-A good ylrl , MM South SiHt hired.
* B74 .IIJ
, " \\f ANTKlv- , ' ' ' ° r ladles to nollclt In thin cltv.
! 'Y . Jf * < * wr month. Addiew B. it ,
Omaha lieu. 8S32 *
WANTKD-nirl , Hiiutll f.mliy , ui.ply after US
° icl < ) ck' M" Jl11- . aid
i m ' ' - y M.4W t. ,
niuir Chicago. T2i
rANTISIi-OIrl forKeneralhoiiiioworic ; must
bo u guoil cook. 1M3 Dixluu bt. 7C
\\rANTKI-Klr t clum girl for cook , KOCH !
' \\Ufeipaia. ill * . H. C. Paltoruou , to N.
ITANTliU-CIrL N. 17th ht.
_ _
AljADY of iilvnslfii ; innnniTH , nirii looklnx ,
K < > od funvoniutloiialUI , ahlo to tilvu u Ixuiii
or niako a 1-anli depoalt , can II nil Rood poMtlou
nil a good ul ry by ddrebhlng 8 41 , Omaha
lleo , 8X2 S
\ VAN'llilillnlua room ( jlrl ut Occidental.
In every town wanted to Introduce
, . . - - til I'ennyroyal ruin , "Chlchener'a
wh. Orlclnal and only Ueuulno. Sen.Ho
ivViil' ? ! , r I' rtl > > itr . Chtchoster Clivintcol
' >
Co. '
, I'lilladulpliU I'd. CT
\VAJN.TKI'Two I dle to ire to Mlanoiirl.
| TBalwT T l" " r month. AMnst * B. 41Oma.
Yotinir InrtlMilpstrom nf ( food po
WANTnn , will do well to learn shorthand
t Valentine's shorllmud Institute where the dp *
liuind IsalwayltUi cxcew o' tlin aiipply.l nU
rANTWi-AR'VKl jilrl for housework , Mrs
I \V W.Itiufiliam. Man ir.Hi Hi.iwi m ! ) J
LTANTBD ( llrl forKPtiernl housework , must
> o Hood CDiik. apply U4 H Hull st JW HJI
T AINTO arn offeMMlrmbroldery ncrdlmrork nt
JJlhclr mm home * itnwn or countryl hy w hole-
sain liounc , 1'roniatile , irniiuliio. flood pny rnn
IK ) made , , livrrythltut furnished. Particulars
frre. Addrem iArttsUdNi'edleworli Co. , ITliHth
tit. , New Vork City. 874
"VVANTii : ) - l.ndlpR in city nr ronntty , for our
T1 linlliliiy Iniilo , to Ink" lliilit , plenKanl Work
nt ther | own homen. II to 1:1 : per ilny can lie
intlptly made. Work pnt by mull nny illstnnrn.
rnrtlcnlnrs freo. No cnnviywlnir , Addrens nt
once , Concent Art Co. , 117 A Milk * t , llimton.
Mnnii. I1. ( ) . box MTU. NX )
fANTRI ) ffllddlrs tolry onrlfto inenU nt
Norrl.s * rpstnurnnt olA UvonndLct 1,1vol.
nllnndJIUB. MtliHt. J i rta
ANTKI > lly yo"uiiK lady. wltliToom near
business center , n huly room-mate. Ad
dress B. f - . , Hco onico. 1V.8-1
W To liny n good cutler. Co-opcrn-
Uvo Land and l.ol Co. , SMS N IClh t.
WE ! Ill
A\T ANTKD-l'utnp repairing to do. LPBVO
TT orders with Churchill 1'iimp Co. , tele-
llmn mn , lloyilcn llroa. Wia *
WANTKtV-OmitTpinen to try our , l rpiit
meals nt t < chollcr rcMuurnnt , lot H. inth.
210 J n
STATE Employment r ilont-l4l7 Farnnw ot.
U45 ! 0
ANAIHAN Kmploylncnt olflco. the IICHI
] ) laro In Omaha lo ( ; i > t lioln or nlnmtlons.
Male and femaln. llefcreiice , Omaha National
bank , Mrs. ilrcga * Son , 1110 8.16th. Tel. HHI.
ANT11I ) 'iSVo or'thrpp ' furnished rooms for
houFckcepliig on Jan. 1st. Must bo located
near street car line nnd lu good neighborhood.
Address , staling U-rins , H 4. " ) , Dee. KU M
" \A7ANTED A nmnll furnistied cottngnortwo
T > or thren furnlshtd rooms on llmt Moor for
light hoiihekeoplng , convenient to cur line. Ad
dress O Rl , HPO olllei' . 7W
IJOAHI ) w llh rooms for four nt 2118 Hurt st.
P1UVATU bourdlug , $4 n week. 1015 Dodge.
120 J7
> H1 VATE boarding. 1015 Jodj ( st ,
TTIIHST-CI.ASS table hoard , served In homo
J ? htj le , for II or I gentlemen. 1811 po.lgo.6SH
MUII HT5NT ISivom houio. nil modern 1m-
JU provoinentx , lents forfiiO , " ( iWCupItolave ,
Immlro A. eplgle , 711Siath htoron titpmlses ,
VM fij
YjlOlt IIENT.-llouso II21I N 15thst , furniture
JJ for bale , address 11. W. Cramer , Omaha ,
IJ1OH HUNT 2 8-room hoii'-e.s , all modern 1m-
C provemenlB. Inqulro Kdholm If Akin.
. for Heiit Sternsdorir fc McVleker
. have several houses for tent at reasonable
terms. 150J Fnraam. , UJJ 1 *
710H HENT Cheap for winter months , ! seven
J mom house , Sid .VSewurd. II ten room tints ,
IbthiVCharlcs. Inqulro 1517 Dodge. b'.O 31
fTUXH HENT Six room lint , city water , bath ,
-I * closet , etc. , Cumlng btrcet , opp oslto 20th
nvenuo J2."i.
7 room Hat 1017 Howard street. Hot and cold
water , gas , bath und closet , tfi. C. E. Mayno
Heal Estate nnd Trust Company , N. W. Cor
15th and llarney Sts. IHM-II1
171OH HENT Furnished cottager , rooms , ono
JO block from ear line , npply 2711 Hlondo st.
Mil liOJ
T71OII HENT "Four new 8 room houses , cast
J- front , in Windsor place.
Nine lODin house , sw corner Pnrnam nnd Ellis.
City water , electric bolls , speaking tubes , etc. ;
Four room house , 2521 Parker st , now , nicely
papered and pnlnted. $ is\
Six room house , 3H18 Miami St. . new , ? 20.
Three ( ! room houses on 2jth street , north of
Lnke , each ! fU
Seven room bouse nud stublo for C horses , No.
ill N. 21st street. WS.
Eleven loom new house on Dorcas , near Ifith.
City w nter on both floors. Can bo arranged lor
two families , J40.
.Five room house , lot 3 , blo6k5. Ambler place ,
$15.Five room house , lot 0 , bloclc 5 , Ambler place ,
Nine room house with bnstmsnt nnd cellar ,
city water , gas , bath nnd closet , 4011 Convent
street , 5U.
Two new nlno room houses , with city water ,
gas , bath , closets , ctc.,30th Street , near Leaven-
w orth , each $50.
U. E. Mayno Heal Estate and Trust Co. , north
west corner 15th and Haiuey. IWJ 31
FOH HENT 8 roomed house , all modem 1m-
provoments,2218 Chicagos > t , 400. J. H. Itlng-
wnlt , 218 S 15th. 65S
nil K house 1 now occupy will lie for rent , .Inn
Jmiry 1st ; contains 10-riini3 nnd all
modern Improvement * . 2UU S.Ith bt. Morltz
Meyer. 5H |
TjlOH HUNT 2 new 7 roomed houses , well , els-
JU tern , largo cellar , luth near Clan : ht.V. .
O. SlirUor , opp postolllcu. K !
riO"irr.NrTlmnll iturnlshcd cottage , rent low ,
ia4SOthst. ) 87U aOI
blOUH good cottnges for rent cheap until
spring. Goo. l.Uilbert , Withnell building.
T7IOH HENT 0 now 7 roomed houses , city
JC water , cistern , collar , 20th st near Paul. W.
O.Shrlvcr , Frcnzcr block opposite postonice.
"Ijl OR HENT 0-room house , 1409Dnvonport.
F ° IR RENT And fnrnlturo for sale , 8 room
house nud t > arn , cistern nnd city water.
'Will Imvo to sell us 1 nui broking up housekeep
ing. Enquire nt my oftlcoIn Ilovd'aopera house
block , second lloor. P.3. Creedon. bfi'J-3
"VTO. U09 7th nve. , 5-i com House , in good re
-1-s pair , largo yard , cistern water : will ren-
to responsible person with not more than2 chil
dren for } 25 per mouth. 4O
4IHIOSiSKorrctit : , JlOto $75 per month , 3 to
10 rooms each and from r. blocks to 2 miles
distant from poRtolllce. F. L. Uregon * , Rentul
Agent. HOilS. Itllhst. 478
T710H KENT Houses. A Hit of over 100 to
JO cheese from , ranging In micofrom $10 to
JI25 per month. Also a Hut ot furnished nnd nn-
furnUhed rooms , nil prices. H. E. Cole , lilt ! So.
15th st. (112 ( III
F OR lir.NT A 5 loom house cheap to a small
family , IKSJ S bet Center and Dorcas st.
412J 14 *
. . . HENT-2 tUMVll room houses on 8 : Wth
near Leaveuwortli. C. E. Mayno. ! M1
T71OR HENT New r. room coltnge In Ambler
JC plaeo ; good 7 room 2Mory house. Orchard
Hill ; good 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E.
Mnyne , N. W. cor. 15th and Hnrncy st. VII
FOR RENT A new ten-room house with nil
modern improvemento , large nttlc , Douglas
nnd2l tHtrepti. ! Not n basement lioiue. AI > -
ply Jlorltz Mover , cor 11 nud l-'amnin , 747
FOR HENT Now house. 6 rooms , etc. , largo
grounds , corner 2Sth and Capitol avenue ,
Iiumlre2i)2t Dodge Bt. 687
TOOK RENT-New 4-room cottage , 112 per
aJ mouth. Apply room 2 , 1511 Dodgn st.
_ _ _ ] _ 7WJ2J _
FOR RiNT-8 : elegant lirlck residences with
nil modern Improvements , 12 nnd H rooms
cnrli , plenwint und convenient location. O. ! ' .
DavlH company , 1502 Purnam st. lu
OR ltl'.NT-8-room nnnsp. MM H 2Slh nvenuo ,
1 block south of Leavenwortb. J , D. Cowlu ,
at i'alconer'ii. 'MS
FOR HUNT 0-room house n w ror. Howard
and 27th st . I'M
TTJ10R HENT 1 nnw hnndeome fl room cottage
JJ well , cisterns , ete.JI5 per month Kd ami
Calirornla. A. U , Wakeloy , Omaha Null bunk
bid. W7
_ _ _
FOR RENT Severn new 7 room nmiso-i
block from Rtrvet car , ready for occupancy
November 1 U. ! ' . UnrrUon 41H8. 15th at. 6'J5
H HINT-llousu { 1 1 rooms , w. M. Hush-
man. N E corner llith and Douglas. b < 0
) lf RENI-Nlrply rTirnlbliPd' front room
Clieup ; hiilluble fnrt o gentlemen or mar
ried couple. m N. Ibth St. IHU-IJ
IjlOH RKNT-A uic < ily"hirnt hTM room wltirall
.1. ' modent ImprowmeuU for out ) or two gentle
men , MI H. Aitft. uia
171URNt | IIKIroomiiwlthb'iui-.llfdp.slredal30 ;
J- u few day bonnier * . 1811 1'urnam t.
Ull 6 *
_ '
"ITMM ' HENT-Sfunil hiHl roomi.807 Hnrnpy.
L' un 6 *
K10H RENTnirnlshed roonu , all modern
JJ convenli'iKi , 401 N. IMh > t. ' W8 I *
FOR HE NTFuriiUltril room * wllr all mod-
eru improvement * , tlU bo rd' If deslrud ,
2207 Uuutflus. W4 4 *
Ii HRNT-Furnlshert rooms and b
_ rnrimui.
ljXH HENT 3 hatidoome parloriT , "furnlnlip'l
Jor unmrniMuMl , nnwhoutp , nit tuod rit ton-
tchlcnces , In prtTHlD family , lUltUnss st
122 * I *
TjlHONT parlor for two gontlamcn , Irtil Dodgo.
'ijlOR HtJSf'F riitnUlipd riKiin iTuf o re u n fgTi"E7
JJ ror , inth nnd Dodi'vstA. Inquire ut v > . It.
I nK Mlllnrd hutPl billiard romu. r,77
HEN'T- Newly furnished front room
\\ltlii\lriivenncl liny nlmloiv ; all moflprn
ionrcnleh.eNl | > onrd If duslred. No. CZMJcnrg'tn
uvo. KflS *
NICKLV fnnilslii'd trximn with 'or ullhont
iHiniil , In prhntp family. Rhom hcalpil
llli HtcMitn , Hot nnd cold \M trr nnd all mml-
rrn ronvenlpurps. Term * rvmuiirtbln. Ittnulre
nl Wi Hontli Cltli nud Jnrkson , up ntulrfl. IUI it
Ill Itl'NT Tinriro handsomely lurulshed up
per trout room , stenm hunt , 11 III DonglnH ,
OH IIHST nirnMiedfront ronhi , li r window -
dow nnd modern conveniently ( HI H ll'tli.
rpwo nicely furnlshe < l front iroom with
board. 1S14 Capitol nwnii < > .
"II1OR RENT I'lonsnnl front tobm very clicnp ,
UL1 UH7 Chicago streH. ' ( BW ) I *
KO.M8-Well furnlHhcd , wlllt UH IH tiliino.
IW Knrnnm. ( KX'l
TJ1UHNIHHED voolns to Indles-or gonH
JJ week or inolilh , illl N 12th st ,
HKNT Kurnlshed rooms cor I
. .linings , lit , Ininilio meat mar .
nud CnmlngH , H :7 : 4J
ft nut room , twnlvo nltintel
wulk from postolllcp , Milt4tbl for tw o , with
Htove and light , Slo.uo. KK2 llnrtu'ynt. ' | _ V873U
ll HENT .lanunry 2 , nicely fiirnlslyd front
avPtuip. room hentcd aim llglitod. "i ! ! 10 , ( ! npltol
J- TT1UHNISIIED room , Hlesm hcuf , lt H
" / bHENT Furnished room , ipu * lu th nnd
JL1 bent. - > nMiiitMt. ! nj
Fill HENT FurntfihiMl nnd unTin'iil.slied
rooms with gas , bath nud furnace. U-l Cass.
Kill II *
ItENT.-dood room nnd board. Koom
Manned. Call t 11)15 N. 20th street or 215
HJBthjrtrcut. . , KtM\
"VTEW furnished warm fiunlly undKlnirlo rOin' (
JL > for winter. I block from P.O. , llr < mvcn-
leucesjniti Cnplloljiyis . 8112 *
irHKTfT For one or two geutlomrn it fur-
ntshed room within I ) blocks ot court house ;
npply 018 8 17th st. h2/i ,
molt HENT A argo loom 1W5I Dodge.
IJ 701.71
roll HENT Furnished rooms , with or with
out board , 1118 N. 15th st. 7H7-JII *
CO rooniH anil board , 1KI ! l''arnam.
"VTICF.LY furnished rooms , nil modern convo-
-L > nlcnco.s , wllhor without board. No. raw N.
17th st. KG 1J
171UUN1SHED Hooms-Wlth or without board ,
JU nnd heated by steam. In private family.
Inquire nt we S. Will , corner Jnrkson. 7iX ) III
T71OII HENT Nicely furnished rooms at 33J7
Ju Dodge. Gas , biitit and furnace heat , C2 ! )
"ITIUHNlHIIEDrooms-ll to $1.60 o week , ceil-
JC tral , 602S. 18th , up-stalrs. KXIIW *
FOK HENT-NIcoly furnished room stiltabld
for 2 gentlemen , inquire 2011 St. Mary's nvo.
N1 ICELY furnished front room with or with-
-Li out board. 1812 Dodge st , 67'J
NICE large front room , furnished and heated.
Suitable for two geiitlomon. Also small
room. 1017 Cass st. lit :
TTIOH HENT After 1st of January desk room
X1 lu n centrally located olllce heated with
steam. Call at Room 4 Crelghtou block. COO
7IOR KENT Furnished room , nil modern con-
- veuleuces , huge enough for two. UUM Dav-
onpojrt. 557
T7KIR RENT Nice furnished room , f'J per mo ,
JU 8. W. cor. Ifith nnd .Jackson. . 7M
FOR RENT Fmntshed rooms , 1MO Dodgu bt ,
711 .1 1
FOUR elegant rooms all modern conveniences
1701 Wubstcr st. 418
" 17\URN1SI1ED \ rooms for rent , 1013 I'lirimm bt.
JO 810.I.2J
LARGE south trout room , nil modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
first-class tnblo board for three or four ; refer-
ehces.l _ 814 Dodge St. 7B4
I7IOR RENT I'lca&aut furutsncd rooms , mod-
V cru conveniences , reasonable prices. 414 S.
15th St. , Knrbnch block , 'M lloor Hat , No. 2.7U230
"I7W1R HENT Furnished rooms In nil parts of
X1 the city , by the day , week or mouth. City
Intelligence office , Crelghtou block. MM
FOR HENT Furnished hall for lodges ono
night n week. I. O. U. A. M. Inqulro a t
1321 Douglas bt. WO it
710R HENT Store basement and boarding
- houe III rooms , basement sultnble for
store , snloou or restaurant , ono block South U.
I' , depot. Sirs. Flanliery , Old S ICth bt. 850 30
FOR HENT Ground lloor oDlco room , cen
trally located , heated nnd lighted. 0. F.
Harrison , 418 S. ISth st. 602
T7KR ) HENT nasement btoros nnd Hats with
X1 all modern improvements , corner 13th and
Jackson sts. CiK )
iriblfllENT-OIIires on Farnam st. at ? 10 to MO
X1 per mouth. Ono olllce furnished. 1012 Far
nam. IBS
FOR RENT Ofllco room , tlrht floor , nt.116S.
15th st. ( KM
FOR HENT Two unfurnished front rooms ,
separate or cnsiiUc , with nso ot bath room ,
suitable for two or four gentlemen , 1W7 Howard
M. , ilrd lloor. 111OJ !
F OR HENT Desirable unfurnished teem , six
blocks ft om postolllce. 23 S. loth at. 770-2 *
3 rooms Iflir. N. 20th st.
n rooms 101 N. 21st st.
II rooms 1122 N. 21st st.
6 room 2IU3 Nlcholnsat.
3 rooms 1412 Pierce.
II rooms 701 Pacific st.
4 elegant unfurnished rooms nt 1704 Webster.
Nice olllce nt 31U S. 15th st. tM5
TjlOR RENT Farm of liM ncres 4 miles from
JO clty.sultnblo for farnilng.gnrdenlng or dairy.
The O. F. Davis Company. 853 II
T71OR HENT-Good barn cheap 1921 Chicago st
F L.GREGORY , rental agent. 3098.IGtU St. ,
ground Hoor. Telephone 854 . . --t84
SPECIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unfurnished roomv List with
us. W.M. Harris , over 320 8.15th stV. 874
TJ1OR HENT If yon wlf-h to rent v * house call
X1 on Douawa 4 Co. , loth Ht. , opposite P. O.
FOR furniture nnd boxed goods 415 S llth st. ,
Omaha. Nob. 168 31 *
VTEW YORK Ktorago Co. have most oxtenslvi
-l- > facilities for storage of furniture , nluuos
buggies , general merchaudlso , west of New
York. Cash advances to nny amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building fire-proof ; spoelal arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New York Storage
Co. , Cnpltol uvo and N. 15th St. , Uounctt's block
MME.Amlo of Chicago , gives magnetic am
masK.igo treatments , vapor nnd hand biths
421 N 10th St. . upstairs. BOO 31 *
I3KlSONAIi-J. ( L. Hlco & Co. . real estate am
. loan agents nnd notary public , take this
method ot thanking their friends nud the public
for their liberal patronage In the year jui >
closed , believing wo can iMiint to u clean rocori
in every renltistnte transaction passing throng !
our hands. We tender to all our best wishes fen
n happy and successful now year , nnd call you
attention ton few hiK-clalbWu have to otlernsa
atarter. Respectfully. J. L. Rlco V Co. i'12 8
MRS. E. M. foSTMVIll giro MU ngo treat
incut to those who prefer to rome to her of
flee on Mondays from I ) a. m. until U p. m. Othe
days ftoiu U p. m. to U p. m. Olllco and residence
southeast cor. Sewnrd nud 2Mh hts. 7K'i I'.IJ
IERSONAL Students cnn enter Valentine'
Shiirlhand Institute at any tuna. U'ny niu
evening st-sslond. 1515 Djilgj KM 30 *
1" > EHSONA It Engagements to no dresstnaltlns
lu families solicited. Call on or nddros
Miss Jcbslo Sturdy , K.'l U20th st. 1I7J7 *
" 13F.H80N A I/ Private home for ladies dnrlns
X ronflnemcnt , strictly confidential. Infant
adnptrd. Address K 43 lleo offtco. 167 J ii *
STHAYKD-From Union luclllo car shoju
John English , ugpd about twelve years , ills
appeared on the evening ot the nh. llu wor
round rap , Jeatw p nts , overcoat , and rec
handkerchief around h ! neck. Any informa
{ inu will bo graiefully received b/ hit f th r a
Ulfl Cnlirorulii iUeot ,
r { ) -Onnlilnrklipnvpriuiifr , Imitation onnl.
IJ Wlioorrr retnnis tliti Bjino to tr.17 Dodge
or 1911 Cumlng will receive ITsiiltabto tpward ,
( _ _ _ r _ wiiii
] Ot' Monday tnorn. goW\lb < ut rhulli nu
' Vnrnntu ( liberal luvurd , J , T. Mulr. H ,
&M. headijunrtors. .1
$ r > qlin tlonH nirkiiil , for while bull
dog. n months old ; otioTrUrlc nr , ono dark
spot on Mt uliliMinil ono duflt npot on mitip.rnrs
rropt , M.xnd up , Him itlpkPl plnln rollnr nn ,
. "ft Dec Mlnthfl nftcrnootulr HrthB t < ( 121 N
i ! t. U. T Humors. m ill *
I' ORTnrntdleii , ( * 1irlntmni/tlhprnooii , fmnlly
ft Illble , llnwnrd nnd no qunntlons nskcil fur
return toMI Ho , 10th st , Mrs , W. A , 1 1 mm.
J _ sun ) *
1OSTA bnv pony with snddlo nnd lirldle ,
.i Lcnro word nl lleo ollicfljj HM
] ' OST Many young ppop ] .fy\ve lost nn oppor-
- * Utility lo secure a RoodimylnK slttiallon by
lot ImvliiR nknoHlpdi'iiof shorthand nud typo-
\rlllnir. Li'iirn nt Ynlunllno'H siiorthniid InstU
lite. iVir.DodRdSt. „ HWI30J
T OST- I ft on Rpd Him car to , depot about n
U o'clock1 Thursday , n leather Covprnd lowelry
lox about Hxll ) tnrliPN Hixl 4 Inclini lilili ! Ill"
Under will be. liberally rownrdpd tin relurulnR It
! o I ) . 0. llrooks , room I , UrticnlR block , s n cor *
ipr Illth and Dodge Bts. 7KI
1JEWAIIWI1I ! be glvim' ' for return of bay
I * mareini0 Ibs. , lialti'r'bu. . Strayed from
.vJK'umlnist. < ! .H. Oitrc.m. I MH
rilAKEN up A roan cow , white horns , auout
A H years old. CRII bp Imd at f.14 WoOlworth
nvonne by pnylng charges , 'I' , M. llnck.
That It Is n geeS thlnR to ( ttteild'tho
nveiiltiR feislons at Valentino's Uhorthnud
und Typewrltlngliistllutp , 1515 J > odgn strpct.
TPOH HAM' Hlds will bo rocoivrd till to .Inn-
JJ nary tot It , IKHH. for nil or part of the buildIngs -
Ings on lot 7 , block 1W ! , known an the Ht. Charlns
Hotel , on llarnoy Htrpot , liAtivcou l-thuml i : h
His. AddiotiH II. W. Cicnior , Omuha. wa 8 *
I710UH room Hut In tlxi licit location In the
JO rll v , fni nlturn nnd lease of ft years for snln.
HentJIO , this furniture Is cxcollmit nnd will bo
( old cheap. Co-operative Laud nnd Lot I'M. . 2Oi
N lllth st. ICIO 1
"I/HM SALE The followliiR llrst mortgages on
X1 Improved city propel ty nre ollered for snlo.
All bearing Interest nt 8 tier cent payable semi-
hnminlly : } I,2HO , payable In.olie , two and thtuo
years from October , ifs7. fire | ( , , pnynbln In llro
ypnrs from July , iwt" . ( 'Km , payable In two
years from June , 1P87. Addiess S. 48 , llcooflko.
"I JOHHWOOI ) pianos , ' .r , . $ .1 ppr month : 7 oc-
IV lave , rosewood rasp , carved legs. Cnllcor.
Capitol uv. nnd Ht. U01 : il
"IJ1INK bltio Joint grnss hay fH , corn 4HcontH.
J oiil.siU cents , at Korgnn & CO.'H , itlM : iinu
llririiny. H7ii HIJ
TjUnFSAU : A thoroughbred , icglstered , red
JU Irish setter pup , 3 months old. Address F.
K. 11 , . fjock IIOXJ47. ItBatliijM. Neh. " ( gj 5
TjrAJfb ntgieiit nitcrlllro. oniy $ 7" ' , coit Jixm.
1. A miiHlc teacher leaving the city Is com
pelled to sacrifice mi plegantlv carved "H octavo
trlilo | string upright plnuo ut less tlmn one-half
cost ; must bo sold ntonco. Call I'tofoHior of
B 11,1MID Tnblo nt half prlcp , Jlrunswlck
Halke Co.'s make , luqulie Leslie Ic Leslie ,
Ifith nud Dodge sts. 218
C II. JOHNSON , clHt.-rn builder , wells bored
utiddug , 40UN UOthbt. , Oiuaha , Neb.
Mn : ranio for lot 22 , bfock Jn' , II. & M. Terrace
addition to South Omaha , occurs next Satur-
dav evening , Jec. 31 , at HaJdwIn's store , Hth
and Hartley st , tickets Me. Edward Parker.
1117 III *
1MOHE carload of stoves wjll bo sold nt cost
of Iron for III days to pay storage charges.
New York Storage Co. . 1503 Ovjltol nvo. 1)01 ) 31
STANDARD stock liniment is one of those
happy combinations which will stand the
most severe tests. It w 111 do i'lM ' what Is claimed
for It. Keep a bottle about the stable or house
t have reauy In case of ntvldeiits. Cures cuts ,
Mr.ilns , bruKes , harness galds. The most per
fect liniment mndo.MnmifiicJured by F. E. San-
born \ Co , Fur sale everywhere. b'JU 1)0 )
rpoiigents : All property/if or sale by us is
X withdrawn. Lovett& Wpodmati. M7 IIIJ
ELEGANT bran now Portland cutter for sale
cheap. Inquire Phil fciurretbou. Arcade
hotel. , . 0311 *
SHOHTHAND-A knowledge ot this valuable
. _ Hit is.n guarantee of u Uts-t-class position.
Bcuflfor circular. 15H Dodgg 8 . SM 30 * _
ATTEND the evening wessons lit Valentlno'd
shorthand and typewriting institute. 1515
Dodgest. S50 lillj
T HIE name Standard Is not n misnomer as re
gards the Standard horse and cnttlc food. It
has become a standard article In the stable of
every well ported horseman. It Is not n ounck
cure-nil , hut a carefully prepared tutlcleot food
whlgh will do more In ono month to make your
horses nnd cattle free from disease than all trie
doctors extant. Htiy a box of It and try It. The
most thorough trlaVis invited. Manufacture. !
by F. E. Sanboru 1:9) . , 1703 St. Mary's ave. For
sale everywhere. KM 30
"PARLOR sofa and upright folding beds , all
X latest styles and patterns , will bo sold nt n
great sacrlllce , for 10 days. New York Storage
Co. , 1508 Capitol. P30 I
HORSES WINTEHED-I Would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Omaha that I
have better accommodations for wintering
horses at Omaha fair grounds than can bo found
in the west. 1 have 1H1 largo warm box stalls ,
with four large yards for exercising during the
day , the walls nro 8 feet high ' nud nro warmer
than most stables. Wo have facilities for feedIng -
Ing wnrm bran and oats U times a day ; horses
wintered this way are ( It for .work at any time ,
M Idle horncs wintered In the old w ay of Marring
nnd freezing in the cornstalks takes half the
next summer to get in condition to drive. The cars run to the grounds every 110 minutes.
Parties having horses nt the groilndscan see
them at anytime. For particulars nnd terms
address , A. Thompson. 777-J2 *
EVERYIIODY call and tnke n stove. Another
carload going fast to pny storage charges.
New York Storage Co. , 1SU Cap. ave. Wl 31
C paid for second-hand books and Libra
ries. Mb N IVth st , H. Shoufeld.nntliiuarlan.
W4 J 22 *
N'OTICE If you have any property to trade
for city lots or lands in Nebraska call upon
W. a. Albright. 218 8.15th St. 49U
"NOTICE First class bank 'sand furnished by
-i-si the carload lu Oman * or by wagon load In
South Omaha , upon short notice. Leave orders
w 1th W. o. Albright. 218 S. 15th strept , or branch
oOlcent Albrights station. South Omaha , telephones -
phones 7R" > nnd Mil. Stover Hros. 242 31
SHORTHAND offers pleasant nnd profltnblo
employment for women. I earn ut Valen
tine's Shorthand Institute , 1515 Dodgest.
. KiOIkr *
THE cable line Is running and the New York
Storage Co. , are selling another car load of
stoves 10 per ceut les than ever. Call oeforo
buying elsewhere. New Vork Storage Co. 1508
Cap , ave. . POI31
MRS. DIIHANT < 71alrvoyant from Hoston is
reliable in nil affairs ot life unites sapa-
ruled lovers. 322 N lllth st. room 1. 7 OJan2 *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical , business and tent medium. Diagnosis
free. Telltale diseases a specialty. ll'J N. 10th
bt. . Hooms 2 A-3. / ail
WANTED To buy the furniture of n small
or largo house centrally located , Cooperative
tive Land A Lot Co. . 2Q. " < N ItHlxt. US
WANThD TO nuy snort fUme paper , J. W.
Gross , at C. E. Maynt'n olllce , 15th unt
Hurney. 285
M ONKV to Loan O. K. DnyU Co. , real cstato
mnl loan ntt > nte , ! MT l-'nrtiftin st. Gltf
MON'KV to loan 1 ran now.placo nome tlrst
class clly loans lmnuHluituly , Callatouco
If you destro to lie accommodated , D , V. Sliolea.
room 1 llarkpr lil ck. entrance In alloy. M4
MOMKY loaned on piano * , ; ftiriilture. horses ,
organs , etc. , low rateW (1 , H , Zimmer
man , room 0 , Arlington block , " doom of
poatolllce. C77 Jil
LOANS inado on real eMatQ Cash on hand.
W. M. llarrla overJaal5tli : ) } at. KM
1l4ONKYto Loan lly the undersiBtied , who
ML has the ouly properly organized
agency lu Oinalia. Umns of 111) to tUK ) made on
furniture , plnnos , organs , horses , \vrgons , ma.
rlnnery. etc. . withoutTemnvnl. No delays. All
Imslnosa strictly rontldentlal , Ix us m made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the coj-t pro rata. Advmico-i
made on flno watches and diamonds. 1'ersons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , us many new concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Hhould yon need money call and
see mo. W. H , Croft , room \VlthnnH building ,
1Mb and Hartley , e.ti
MON BY TO I.OAN-On fnriiltnriv. liomoja -
onsotherpersonal property , without rpinoviil
or on amirovfil collateral Hecurtty. HiulutMj
confidential. Jno. W. Hobblua , ICiaVoruam.
m [ K43
MONKY to Ixian on city property and al o on
fanns In western Iowa and eastern No-
lirasVa ; IIrut mortKagf noteii Imught and sold.
Oilwll llru.i. A IM. , l.VJI l-'urnam Bt. , Omaha ; 1W
1'oarl t. . Council Itluffa. IVJ
' .OAKS mado. on real rststo and morJirage *
ht. Luwt * S. lU-ed & Co. , 1U1 rarnam ,
, . . TU-
\fONKY-ToJoan , . lxiffp t rntpn. No flol r.
, J'L .1. I , . Itlie ft Co. , over Commorclal N -
lonal bonk _ _ _ _ , * PL-
11 o"KK\r to limn , m n on tmml , mi" illR ] r < '
JW1 W , nnd K. Bqulrti , 141.1 Karuaui Ft. I'm-
on hopl liiilldlng . tea
I'KH I'KNT Mttnpy.
1'atlerson * Vawcett IMh nnd llam y. fit *
vjlfollf tlm limns"msilo'on" nny avatiablo
i security , In reasonable amounts. Hpt tired
totes liotiuhl , sold or i < xciiatii ( d , ( Ipupral
Innnclnl Ini'liti'M of any kind trnnsactnd
iromptly. quietly nnd/nlrly nt the Omnhn ! ' !
inncJiii Kxchahgn. N. W , cor , If.lh and liar-
icy sin. , ovur Hluto Natlenal band. Corlwtt.
TriTo.SrKY lonnccfoti rurnituro , plnnos. oru
J'l horses , rtc , low rates. J , J , Wilkinson A
Co. , 13-J4 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket otnco ,
W U i to loan In nny ftinniiiit nl lowrst rnlp rif
II , II. troy , VrpnriT block. < &
f/inWO To Itmn onHnmlin rlly | irn | > prly nt 0
MT cent. U. W. Dny , 8. K. tor , Kx. Jltil.
MONKYt'i loan on Improved real pstntp ; no
t'oihmlnslilil clinrgod , l.oavltt Hurnbam ,
room I , rrnlgliton block , f 13
O. K. llupil A
Offlcn.-pn fniliHurr , plnnon , liom * , ago ,
pornnrml ptom-rty of nil klniU , nml nil ether nr-
IlclM of vMUo wltliout removal. 8I B. 1.1IH ,
< iTcr lllnttlinm A romtnlBiton ittor * . All luisl-
tiPMMrlctly conndtntlnK Kit
I/OAN l/oivns . . . .
TO / Money / placed on -
proved Ma ! csMto In city or county for
New England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas
tonnty bank , 181 h and OhlcaitosU. 61. )
B7MMHU to loan ntr. per cent. Ijlnnhau A Mv
to loan on city property , ixnd ( v >
fnrtnNln Nubrniknnnil Invrn. Odnllltro .
A Co. , loan , renl iHtutn npd Inmirnnrn nKcntfl , 1(11 (
Ponrl 'WtMitt ; Council Illtiffs , la.l 142) Knrn m
Btrcet , Oinnlia. aiS
M ONR V to Innn.'mortKBKn ' notc tmiiRlit , lonni
jnrxrto on cliiittcl Hcnirlty : ii'i delay .1. J ,
. lUimn 10. llutkor lllocjt _ SB1
M ONKY lo lAnil. MolM nnn it. H. Mrknt.
bouttht nbQ nulil. A. Fornmn , 21,1 B l.tth ntn
BASTKHN'imHJr JnM locntlnu r , Inlics position
ItiKooil Bminil Jobbing liiiMlnoKH wltlivlcw
of luYOHtliitf.llest ot rcrcrcncci. Address 8.
r.l , lloo.
AIuMtriK. ploninnt Htoro room for rent , onn
of tbo licit. jidlnlM In the rlty for rctiill
liooln and I > IIOI > H , ImtH ami cnii" . dry ROO < IR , utc. ,
wltliln linlf block of roriK > r lllli nnd Knrtinm.
iKJtiRlvn u , Uit'iip rout. K. K. Bcnvur , Iflin I'ur-
11HI11 ftt. tCJ
WANTKD-Artlvn yonntc bnnlnesi iiiiin to
Invent ? ir l In coed olllco biiHlticsi. Cull at
Great Western lluruuu , 1SOO i'nrunm , room 0.
A.TUIIIIINO bouso In this rlty whoso Inrrcui-
Inc InmliiPis rundurHnn aildltonto Its cinil-
till ilptlrnblc , blfprH nn opportunity ton niiprlnl
partner to Invest from M.'KO ' to Jin.OW. llfuhcst
references. I'or piirtlculnrn npply to our nt-
tornny , C. \ \ ' . Hnller , Vffi rurnuiu st. DM 1
[ 71OK SAMl Stock of Hardware A well no-
I ? lerteilHtockof Imriwure in ronnty scat of
never falling rrop conntry , l i inllps n w of
( imnlin. In iClkliorn Valley , InvolcIiiK nliout
RJ.WK ) . ilils Is n rnro cbnnco. Omid pnyliiK triulu
CHtnbllslipd , Clieup rent , ( lood rcriHons for
pollhiK. AMrc H Ilnrdwnro , care of Itector &
Wllln-lmy. Omuliu , Neb. b7M
WANTKD Apnrtnnrlna Rood pains busi
ness , established for four years , nnd union
for tliln year will bo over MO.OIX ) , location Rood ,
rnnst bnve nho t . " > , OiiO to Invest. Aildruss
AV. T. It. , P. O. Hex 310. OWJ3 *
Foil SALE An established nnd paylnc
wholesale business , will tnko part pay i
renl estate. Address 1117 8. Kith t. M'
riMIi : pntent-rlRht for Nebraska ot two of the
JL best domestic machines In use. WO.W"1 'nn
bo rlcired In this Htatu on uuch machine. Room
a , llarker block. Wl 1
" \\7'llOIiSAM : : confectionery business for
> f sale. I'nylm ; trade cstabllsbed. I > ok
this up. Apply ; I17S. ) Bt. ir-'l
" 1X7E linvo a llrcwster IHIKRV toexchniiKO for n
V cutter. Co-onorutlvu Land and Lot Co. ,
an X 16t hat. WKJll
IT'Olt BAMJ or triidp-S shares In the 1'opnlc-
-I ? ton I'urk Ilulldliu ; ussoelatlon toKctucr
with two choice lots. Kiiulty $1,100 , owner KO-
IHK nway. This Is gilt edgo. J. L. Itlce , V Co. ,
Hole ugenta. IHJ-2
rilO KxchaiiRe-Gpod lots In Minneapolis Minn.
JL for stocks of Roods , nlso n ilret-clnss lot for
team of delivery homes and wagon , nnd some
cash , S47 Hee ollica. U12 :
FOHExclmnRC patent-rlclit for .Nebraska
of two of thebc' ) ! domestic machines In
use. I"i0,000 can be cleared In this state on each
machine. ItoomJl , Marker block. WU 1 *
mOKXCIlANGi : ( lood east trent lot In Hnns-
X com I'Incn to exchange for clean stock of
dry gooda or clothing. C. 1' . HarrlsonllS S. lutli.
CO !
rpo KXCHANGE Improved farm In Iowa
JL for Omnhn residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson , m Famnm. til
FOH pxclmnsc First-class Omaha and South
Omaha property for Rood NebnisKa and.
Iowa laud. W. G. Albright , 218 S. loth ft.
FOIt SALE or Trade-House nnd lot in Council
Hinds , on Hrotulwny nnd car line , J1.7M ; will
take pure Rood driving horses lu as part pay.
.1. L. Hlco .V Co. , tola nRunts. U42 a
Foil Exchange The best bnplness property
In n yoniiR and KTOwliiR county f-ent In central
Nebraska for a dniR store ilolnr- good business
In some live town in the bonthern and eastern
part of thu state. Address A. M. Schumaker ,
Fullerton , Nob. K.'U3j *
WANTKU Unimproved residence property
In exchange for houses nnd lots in good
residence location. The O. F. Davis Co. . 1W5
Fill-mini st. 7U2
TO Exchange 1'or unimproved city proi > erty ,
three fi-rooiii houses lu Ambler Place ; one 7-
room house in Alamo I'lazatfour fl-room houses
on S. 20th st. W.O. Albright , 218 S. 15th St. 409
TX7ANTED Houses and lots to exchange for
TT improved and unlmproued landIn Ne
braska and Iowa. Charles C. Spotswood. G05-5 !
S.10th. 1S5
rpo trade propt'rtyof nil kinds for good farms
JL W. Q. Albright , 2IS S. 15th fit.
WANTED-Good family horse in e
for lot , McCulloch Ic Co. , cor 15th and
Fnrnam. 077
rpo TltADE Tivo improved farms in iowa for
- 1Owftha property or Nebraska lands. Mo
Culloch & Co. . cor ; 15th and Fni-nam. C34
1J1OH Exchange. If you have farms or lands to
JL1 sell Or trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If you have nny kind of property to seller ex
change , lUt it with us : wo can furnish you u
customer. 8. S. Campbell A : U. W. Hervey , all )
Hoard of Trade , Omaha , Scl
WAN'TKD A fuw more Rood farms in Ne
braska for which I will trade llrst-class
Omaha and South Omaha properties. W. ( J. Al-
brlRht. 2188.35th st. 4''J
I'llAVE for trade Improved farm tn Cass Co ,
near PlattMuoutli , w 111 trade for improved
inside property. Address M 33 , llee office.
"VTUHHAPIvA and Kan as farms to exchange
-Li for Iowa nnd Colorado lands , and view
versa. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 2tV > N
IGthst. 091
mO exchange T\vo full lols in Wnlmit Hill ,
X together with 5-room cottage , Rood bam ,
tine east front , spU-nilld view. . Want South
Omaha property. J. L. Itlce & Co. , bole nRenta.
\\7ANTED Stocks of merchandise to exT -
T T change for hinds and city property ! C. C.
SpoUwood. M S. 16th. Is6
"WANTED Omaha property to exchange for
T fanns and wild lands , ulso for city prop
erty. C. L. Brown & Co. , llooux 13. Frt-nzer
bloclc. 213 J U
FOU SALE Or exchange , good Omaha prop
erty for Rood stock of boots and hlun-s ,
clothlnjf. furnishing gooda or hardware. Si-hie-
singer firos. . U14 a 10th Bt. 7J. J 3
TIO Kxvhanc * 3 choice Inside lots , corner
IHki < und2 : > ttit. . 1U It on2.ithst..l > l ft front
on lAku and Etvkln streets. Want 3 small
houses null lots. J. L. Itlce & Co. , bole HReuts.
Vl'.i - '
WANTHD Good ranns tn exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spot oud. tticii
B IBth. U
"I VTANTKH To exchange , choice Insldo vacanl
T T lots tn Omaha for gunxl horses and cur-
rlagea. J. L. Itlce Sc Co. Uli
lOLAND oiiarnnte nnd Truut Co. . 150f
Kixniuni vtrevt Complete abstmcta fur-
nl hHl , and titles to real c tatu ? xamlued , per-
ftctrd and miaraiiteed. 13
B lNNlNT-a\UMlCHAKL furnish completa
and guaranteed abntracta of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Uouglu county upon
short notice. Tlio most complete set of ubstract
books In the cttv. No. 151U Farnam st. an
" | 7HH 8AI.K Tlio tlnpst and clie i > r8t rpsldence
-L' lot * In Omaha InO IM > S add , opp. Kountze
1'lace. J , L. Hlce JL Co. . tola BKeut. t'U a
BALE lluslne-oi property la South
" " - - -
; . 4W
lil'Jlt PA 1,15 I room hou nd full lol on
JU llnnillton Mr-vt , only HWO. II ? at tlil If TDK
rnn. J , lu lllco A Go. pi/
lloii itnd lot In Arlxrr nnto , , ( ) , t rtitj
fnrfS ) t > * r nicinth.
ii"Rfint ; tropknttn lol nf nr PI. 1'nnl rtppo'i
llouip nnd lot htnllnwrRtol r.O.only31iloek.q
from cur linn , ImrcAlti ! rn r pnjTnfiit * .
I'lnn rnit front lot In ! ifock ft , West fuming
. .
Uitn 1.1 nnd U , M'M-kl. Marna plnr * . ( ; > .
7 ronni hounp , full lot , llaincom placp , only
Ixiok Into ttipsn for lmrffnln .
I' . K. \ Howard. P'.73
iilOU BA IR 110 nrrps of land four mllcn from
1 Rtorkynrdi , ntlliU tioracrol thll In a Imr-
Knln. MC < > KIIH , Opp. I' , O. Rll
1 0 THADlf-lti'lOc proprrty for crtod hnn i ,
rlttlit or nln room , nnd full lot. Mr ( , " 11 1-
oeh A Co. . cor If.tli unit riinmin , % Ml
.i : 2 nnldl * nn N inth ft. Illlllkr nd-
only IW path , J. J. , Hlco * Co , , eel nipnts.
Uti 2
SOUTH Onmlm , tlin plfico to mnko l > lg monpy
liy Invpntliiisiiow. I IIHTO for snln ntSU" .
nud up lots within I. , minutes walk of Armour'M
inrkliut hotisn , on mw-quartrr rash , t/filnnci
parly , from nrnt ImridR , t'otnn in > oti nrfd gpt n
; nrtnln. ; Ii. I ) . Hm-'utiin , Dodgont. Oirmtm.
ANInvc"ttiiPnt- , ( ) wlll liny nrornpr prop
erty paying 17 pbr cent , D , D , Hflicntau ,
7J !
Ij Mf * < AT\-rour lion IPS on 8. iWtli
X ? Allirlglit , ZI1B. If.thHt.
FH BAIn-(1ie p for f-anh Z fine loin on I.ako
nl. un wir line : don't fall to luvcitlcatA tlilt.
1. 1 , . Hlco tt Co.w > lo nKcnts , W3 2
NA I HpTcnd Id corner In Bhlnn'.s addition
l with Miiall liunw , MW 1.
Hnnp-ICantHiid north corner SSth lit , fXxl2l ) ,
vat ant , on urndo , U.IUI.
SnapivMra , Hhlnn'B mid , front Ins Chariot *
t. plenty of trees. 11.310.
Hnap-tfi footcornpT on Kttli Rt , 1'Atrlck'ii add ,
Ino lot for cottnuns , H.HX ) .
HnnpMx I.'G corner on Howard fct , on Krndo
and n Hiiro ImrKaln , | 2 , ( .
I" . I , . ( irrKory.nwBoiitlilBth st. f.M
Tjl OllHAI.K-Cholnfl noutli front lot In
JJ InKton wiunro iillyj,7H ( ) , IIAWcnuli , owner
Callttooli , J. L. Hlco ft Co. , Hole
"C10H IJAI.K Plnest location for n homn In
J ? WMtUmnlm , adjoining the mnimlnn hnmns
of Klrkcadall , Ooo , Hrady , Kanson and others.
Nothingflnmr In tha city. Onn na IMfi.-ixlK7 or
< 'M ; for price * and terras sco H. A. Slomnn , Ul )
Karnamat. , BJ1
CVHl BALE Hwldetice propffty ti Soutli
-T Omaha. W. O. Albright , 218 S. 1.5th lit.
CTOH HAIF- trade. 8 lotion Hth and IfJth
J At. , Illlllko add , PITS each. J. L. Hleo Ic Co , ,
ftolo RKonlK. DC "
LIHTI3N , look , net. Wo have the lx > st
tiitrRalu In Houth Omaha , gilt edge builncafl
property. M. A. Upton le Oo. 7V1
FOIl HAI.K As line a plpco of trackaRn nn
thuro Ii In the city. Vf. U. Albright , 218 3.
1.1th st. 4W )
TT10llHAIK-Mxf/lfuotoncnlilollno. rtplcndld
X1 insldo location for four Hats K..JVW. Must
l.o sold ut once. Marshall & Iobuck , room 9 ,
Chamber of Com. ItfC
FOll SAM ! Cornpr lot. Just off Hroadway , nil
car lino. In Council IllulTH. $700 caHh.
Owner going away. J. L. Hlco & Co. , solo agents ,
WHV pay rent wlieu you can buy a furnished
house on n nlco large lot , 60x110 , in the
finest reslnenco part of Omaha , near the irtreot
cars and within ono block ot where the Metro-
r illlan cabin will run , by paying n small sum
1own und the balance monthly. Address O 19 ,
Uee. H57
fjlOlt SALE < IXM | brick business property In
JO centre of Grand Island ; greati-st bargain
and best terms In the city ; but little cash re
quired ; long time , low Interest nnd easy pay
ments ; other real estate fcr sale. Address .1. H.
Woolloy , attorney at law. Grand Island , Neb.
TilOK SALE-Wn olliir as a special Dnrgaln 1 < V )
X1 ncres ot land four miles from stooic yards ,
nt S12 * . per acre , on lineot U. P. It. H. McCaguo
Opp. P. O. KH
TTIOIt SALE A few more cholcfl residence lots
JO in disc's addition , opp. Kountze Place.
Jl.r/O to I1 . ' , ( < ) each ; purchasu now nnd you will
uot regret it In DO days. J. L. Hlce , bolu ugnnts ,
7710H SALE LotfihlkKA.P. Patricks nd ; will
J. sell for few day.-j at tlUf ) , I'M cash , bal.
easy. 8. 40 lice olllco. 017
SOUTH Omaha Heal E-tate llargami-Syndl-
cato lots , fti'i to * Ii' , . A few Mnhonoy i
Mlnaban's addition lots left , nt ? .V ) , on easy
teinn and monthly payments. Ilu.slne < s prop
erty In South Omaha a specialty. We will buy
some more Ir.s'do property nt reasonabla prices.
See us before helling or buying. Llnanan &
Mahoucy , Hooms 11 and 13,150V 1'arnnm st.
M'.l 3
SM STICKNEY & CO. inuice n specialty of
property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
at Citizens' bank , 2W Cumlng st. TO
FOR S A LE Lot 13 , Windsor placa extension ,
three blocks from Haincom Park for tl,4V ) .
Easy payments. Address S. 50 , lleo olllce. IO3
FOH SAT < E ? . - > , fifX ) , a modern 7 room new
house , lot , " 1x110 , cast front , on car line , gas ,
city water , bath , swr connection , cistern , pos
itive bargain. J.L. Hlce&Co. MJ2
IN South Omaha , by cnlllntnt my ollico be
tween now and January 1st. you wlllflndn
few bargains In business and residence property
nnequaled anywhere , owned by parties who can
not meet payments , some will sell nt less than
cost of a year ago , 4D per cent under price. D.
I ) . Smeatan , lCj ! Dodge st. Omaha. G70 31
T710H SALE Or trade beautiful home , 7 room
JO modern house , south nnd front , corner
on car line , . , will tnke part of equity in good
unimproved property or merchandise. J. L. Itlce
A : Co. , solo agents. W2
F I OR SALE Ono 7-room house in Alamo
Plaza. W.G.Albright.218S. 15th. 4'JU
FOR SALE fa ft front on Sannders St. , paved
In front. Choice Inside business property , on
easy terms. J. L. Itlce ir Co. 1)42 ) 2
FOR SALE Three six-room houses in Ambler
Place. W.O. Albright , 21 $ S. 15th st. 4'J9
Your Eyes Examined Free.
Our Alaikft Crystallna Spectacle ] anil
nre the best
One Dollar Glasses
In the market. Our nrmllllitn AxltCut t'obble * , nro
the bet mouer cnn buy. l'arl lKii. Tiiiteil Ixn e
tor weak eyes , nlve es < o ami couKurt. Lila9 oi to
tult nil slthta. CALL AT O > CK.
Mannion & Hughes ,
Opt lean * .
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Th only road to Uke for Doi Molnr * . .Marlilltown ,
Cedar H rld , Cllutnn. lluun , l'hlr t-o. Milviuke <
amt all poliiu roil. To Ibi people of K br la. I'olo-
railo , WjruiuluK. Ut'ti , lilabn. N * Ua. Urrnun.V h-
Instou anil CiUlturnU. U c'Ctr tupculor < iTUita M
or I pot slate by any other lint * .
Among a few of the nnmnroui point ! of inperlortty
njuroil \ > r ilio patroni of Ihl * ri > aJ between Omit. *
and Chicago. ar 111 two Ualri a il r ot DAY COACH-
K ! * . which are the Onrtt Ibal Human art antl luvvuut *
IT can create. Hi 1'AUAUtt tU.EKI'lNU CA1L1 , wt.lcS
ranuHleltot romiurt - and eUitanca. 1U rAiuxja
IWAWINO 1IOOM CAIti. uniurp wt by aoy , an4
lu widely rvlebntted I'Al.VI I AL , Ill.MNU CAltA. Ite
equal of whlcb cannot t > fouuU vU wbero. At Cuun
ell HluH tbu triUni ot U > Uu'on ' 1'aclOo lUIIwijr , roo-
n cl tn union depot with tbi of the Cl.lcnio Jk
Morthwnmrn llr. In Ctilraxo the tralnt of thl > Hue
n > ak clo e coautctlua wlUi Uo of all uther vaitero
for rjtrPlt , Columbnt , IndlanapolK. Onrlnnatl ,
Kails. UuBalo , lllltaurc , 'lurvntu , AtuntnukL
Bgara Nuwot . fbllaUclphla , UaUlmore. Waib-
UQ , aua all polat * u > tin vail , a a fur a tlckut TlA
If T * tih th t > * it accomuodatloa. All ticket aitoU
ticket * > l thi U .
rl llt'limiT. K. I . WILSON.
U < uLUaca ( r. . Ucni. rtn'r Aftnl
* ° '
. BAnoocK. lu
wim ii wr.AH , irr.nTorn , nrniMr-
TKnwhnlnhl < roiI.TMllf WnllANVK
hoTNiri.r.iiikwor MI viMnnof no Y nd MAMIIOon.r ii lnr ih iilln *
< lf lrn upon Dm rtU'NTAI.IW ' of t.tff ,
Hff m , wr.AHWr.4N r > f Mrmnrr , RANM.
rifi.Nri iin Kenir.TY. rfMii.MtttK > n
the rA < ! K , and nil thu KrrKCTfl iMdlnf to
nroAT * nii MrhRM rowmiMP *
INMANITT , hmildnnMnltltnne
\ > r
1MI. tr ( ,1 rk h mud *
nil.ITT , CIIHOWK ! unit all MitMM of
thn UKNITO IfMIWAlIT Offuni A l.lfw
Kiudjr. It ronkr. NO dlfferrnr * WHAT jott
& * T * Ukn m WHO h failed lo nir * ym.
liar U > ttirlr > ei can coniult with tin MnurMcO
fip e < lrtll rand r r . dencl 2 ceatf poiftM
for work * an jour dlteaiet.
* -Hend 4 r nti tK tiir for C > l br *
Work * on Ctironlr , Nfrvntm and I W-
* ( DI dMa. CoMiiltatlon , prnnM.'f nr t > f
latlfir , fro * . Coniult IU * nltft J ext r.
Thnniknrf * fnrm , OIHr * > and
ftrlvnt * . VThnto Pont rnpUttn
MDd for nr. f nrke'a celel.n
Mai * and remntr. f ch lie. , '
( itamiM ) . rVfnro cmin Inf jrmr cmM ,
Br. Of.AMUK. A frlemllr l tt r T
MTO future urTerln ? and ahamp , and * 44 ( *
yf m tn life. * rBr < ok Mr * ' * ( l8rii ) mr * '
rmn , " too. ( nUtata ) . MudlPln * Bi ill WlMMp
cent oTprywlxre , "four * from mptBtm
Bourn , 8 loft : Rundayn , 9 toll. AdrtteW , '
F. t ) . O1.ABKB , M. 1 > 7 '
100 Bo. Clark BU CUICA9O , UM
Have the larffcrt nnd cemflttt
A/uorhnrnt of
Fire Place Furnishings
One Hundred & Se hty-Fri
Different design * of fire placed ' <
be seen all act up In
rooms. Also complete
Bath & Toilet
Room * all filled up wllli
Brass Goods
Of all the choicest
Headers of this paper requiring
goods In our line should c H j M
vourU ai ( hct ft r M < l *
' - " " -
'Turwla fcnowatouff-
TTO liT8.1 _ aid Gleet.
pGurutMil D6l t l We tore I
eaoM Strlaurt. aU , ind in errt i
Vrd ol > ty IS. Alott A
inai cie = i ai e * .
, CtaclnnatlJ
Ohio. r in j rniiiiji ,
Leave Arnro
Omaha. Oraatuu
Depot 10th nn < ! JIarcy sts.
Pacific Express 9ffl : p. rn.
Limited Express 12M p. m. p. m.
'Local Express 6:00 p. m. p.m.
'Except Sunday.
Depot 10th and Mn = onHt .
Chicago Express , Nos 2 i ; 1 3i > p. m. to ,
Chicago Mall % -Jf > a. m. . m.
Chicago Local li:41 : p. m 9:10 : a. m :
Denver Express Rl : > a. m. son p. m.
Denver Mall 8to p. m. 9:40 a. m ,
Nebraska Loral 10:10 a. m 6:46 p.m.
Kana-i City Express 9UO : u. m. 6-M p. m.
Kansas City Express. . 8:50 p. rn 7OU a. m.
C.St. P. M.iO.
Depot 15th and Webstcrst
Sioux City .V Ill'k HUb Ex 15 a. m 7:40 : p. m.
llaucroft Express. , 5:30 p. m 10:30 : a. m.
tlorence Passenger , " 15 a. in
Except Sunday.
Depot 15th nndWebsterst
Day Express 10:4. : < a. m. 6:25 a , n.
Night Exprasa Uaj : p. m. CIM p. m.
Running between Council Hluga and Albright
In addition to the stations mentloued , train *
stop at Twentieth nml .Twenty-fourth streets
and at the Summit In Omaha.
AlI I tsiuth | She ly , Omaha Trans
bright. | Omaha. | depot. fer. way.
A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
r > : fi:5S
GU : ) ( iUU 0:43 : * :50
7lU : 7:15 7 : Tta
1M 8JB M
8tJ5 UJI :
v-ja 10 : W WJ5
1HAJ 11:07 11:15 11 H 11:35 :
l1. M. I' . M. * JM *
I' . M. P. M. 13.117 13:15 liiH
w o 1U7 1:15
2.U7 2:3.5
a.07 5:15 : am
4:07 : 4:15 : tun
6:15 :
& : .V. :07
7:07 7:15 7SM
7A5 8iS : :
:07 : U:15 :
oua 1HOXI 10:15
li ) : V , 11:07 : irllt5 :
11.55 11:5 : ! ) UMHim IvlluM
- . Arrtvo
coNNKirma UNCS. Transfer Trun.sfe
depot. depot.
0. 1L 1. Jt l > . : : tOa.m. lUa. UL.
AlltrTilmruu Dally. < J : to p. ui. 7:00 : p. au
C. * NV.i .9:15 : a.m.
All trulus run Dally. .in. 7:00 p.m.
C. II. 4. Q. : J:13 : a. m. D : W a. m.
All truluj run lulty. Jaiv , ui. 7 : WJp. ui.
C. M. i St. 1' : J : 10 a.m. 9:13 a.m.
All train * run Dally. U p. m. 7 : ( XI > .lU.
K. IL.SI. J. * O. lUj 9iSa.ra.9iJia.ra ,
All tralai ruu Dally.
, . . .
All tralui ruu Dally. 3:15p. : m Ui'Jp.ra.
S. U. Jt 1' . : :
All tr ju4 run l.Wfc- .