Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 31. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE NO. 12 , I'KAlUj KTHEET Delivered by carrier In nny part of the city at twenty cents per week. II. W TltTON. . . . Manager. TELKPIIONKS : riiqirr KuiTon ! No. zi. MINOU MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Ilcitcr , tailor , Full goods cheap. Stoves for the street cars are In demand now. It takes four tons of coal a day to heat the court house. Public schools open again Monday morning , after n week's vacation. Mr. Norllng is decorating the Kcll hotel oftlcc In very attractive shape. Walter B. Scott and Etta C. Fowler wore yesterday granted leave to wed. Good coal. Full weight guaranteed , C. B.- Ltimbcr company , 000 Main street. Tel. 257. The city auditor yesterday issued tlO.OOO worth of scwcr bonds to Welghtman & Mil ler. * The funeral of Charles Maglnnls took place nt 0 o'clock yesterday morning from the Catholic church. , ' Anton Kink Is entertaining as guests for the holiday season , Henry Griggs and brIJe , * of Milwaukee , WIs. [ \ The newly elected county ofllclnls will toke their scats on Monday. The board of super visors open their January session on the same day. The board of supervisors of this county will meqt next Monday , at which time the new member , Mr. H. G. Hctzcl , of Avoea , Will take his scut. The Manawu Euchre club was entertained on Thursday evening by the Misses Hanson , on Washington avenue. Tlio occasion was most enjoyable. Philip C. Hctrlck unil Josephine Johnson , of this county , tuid Walter B. Scott and Etta C. Fowler , of this city , have been granted marriage licenses. A telegraph polo has been planted right In front of the new court house , just inside the curbing. It may bo useful , but it is by no means ornamental. A meeting of all those favoring the enforce ment of prohibition in Mills county is culled at Malvcrn on January 14 , and another at Glen wood on the 21st. It must have been a pretty lively Christinas at Silver City. One young man was com plained of for striking another young man ut a church entertainment. Much annoyance is caused nt the big ele vator by small boys who hang around the cars , and watch every opportunity for filch ing grain anil small mtieies. On Thursday next the members of the Council Bluffs club and their Invited friends will bo entertained at the club rooms by Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. McConnell. Yesterday Dr. Burroughs added to his list of purchases four lots In Highland Park. viz. : 5M to IKi inclusive. They are 'J5 feet front. The price paid was $ l'MO cash. It is feared that the black smoke from the court house will not only ruin the appearance of that building , but gut into the works of thu big clock and cause it to stop. The county board of Mills has settled with A. H. Kindig for injuries received by a fall w oft the Farm Cicck bridge. Ho was paid } > 11.17(1 ( , and the county is to pay bis doctor's bills. bills.Nearly Nearly everybody is Invoicing nnd prepar ing for u general financial cleaning up on the beginning of the now year. The merchants are finding the figures for the past year very satisfactory. There are no further complaints about the turf in Bayliss park bolng cut up by the feet of these who decline to use the walks pro vided for pedestrians. Snow hus more power than threatened prosecutions. " The German Catholic ladies give an enter tainment this evening ut the Masonic temple. They have prepared un excellent literary and musical programme , and will also servo a splendid supper during iV/s-CYenlng , . - . § Justice Barnctt guvo his decision yesterday afternoon In the case of the state vs. James i Keller , who was arrested and tried on the charge of assaulting Charles Jones. Keller was given the benefit of u doubt and was dis charged. Mr. Charles McGlnnis. died last Wcdncs- night ut U o'clock at his home , corner of Six teenth street nnd Seventh avenue. The funeral was held yesterday morning , nt 0 o'clock at the Catholic church , Father Mc- Mcnomy officiating. The Union Puciflo track Is laid on Ninth Btrectjto Main , except the intersection at the canning factory. Sldo tracks uro being laid as rapidly as the weather will permit and bc- fore many days trams will bo running from the Main street depot. The common council mot last evening and adjourned without doing and business. Al derman Dunfortb , who is out of the city will return to-day ami a full council will be present to-night ut which time the ( jucstiou of the mayoralty will bo sottlcd. The recent order for the cleaning of snow from sidewalks should bo made to apply tc the sidewalks about Bay lisa park. If private citizens are to bo compelled to keep their walks clear the public should certainly hayo its walks setting n good example. Justice Barnctt yesterday rendered a do clsslou In the case of state vs Keller for as sault and battery. Ho discharged the de fendant , giving him the benefit of the Uoubl as to the authority held by him as un cm ployo of the elevator company. There are several big projects being planned , and some are rapidly approaching t condition when they- can bo made public. Among them uro several building projects ami others involve rcul estate deals , till indi cating that the new year Is going to bo an un usually lively ono for this city. The married ladles' social knittingolul meets this evening at the residence of G. H Brown , OlM Mynster street , where they wil bo entertained by Mrs. F. B. Warner , Mrs C. H. Warren anil Mrs. Brown. The bus bands of members are invited to join in this closing entertainment of the year. State patents were recorded ycstcr day granting Hugh M. Uoynqlila. oni Logan M. Hcynolds eighty acre1 cacti. The first is the west } sec 10 , township 75 , north of rnngo 40 , wcs of p. in. The latter is the westf ; of the nortl : west j of seo. ID , township 73 , north of mug 40 , west of 67th p. in. Yesterday n deal was closed by whicl Henry Eiscman & Co. become the owners o the Geismun property at 5WI Broadway. Th price reported Is $8,000. This is but ttio be pinning of the plans of this energetic firn : They have determined to muko their end o the string boom , and within u few days , a , most , ether deals moreimportuut thuu till will be announced. llev. Mr. Hecs , of Broadway Mcthodis church , recently delivered at Malvorn hi lecture on "Epitaphs , " the proceeds being fo the benefit of the homo of the friendless c this city. The cold and stormy weather It tcrfercil so that the proceeds were only 911 The lecture was very favorably received an pronounced most excellent. D Judge Loofbourow has gone to Denver o n short trip , expecting to return in time to n sumo his judicial duties tlio lust of uui month. Ho has not yet decided what he \ vide do about resigning , but if ho concludes t step down and out It will not bo for soni months yet. Ho has largo Interests In Cal fornia , and It Is supposed if ho resigns it wi bo for the durposo of going there. The Union Park company have elected tl following officers , who will servo during tl ensuing year : President , J. W. Pcrogoj vice president , Dr. D. Macrae ; treasure lan ) Etcher. A committee was appointei consisting of D. Macrae , John T. Stewart an J. W. Peregoy , to arrange for the races c the coming year. These will probably occi during the months of May. July and Septet ucr. The feasibility of holding a fair Is ah under consideration , to bo held in conjunctic with the fall races. It is said that Mr. Mcrrlam , of Omaha , hi decided to go ahead In the spring with tl building of u block upon the property pu chased by him , where the old Cathollo chun stands. The plans huvo not been fully d cidcd upon , but It is too valuable a piece i property to bo allowed to. remain unoccunU longer. Tiicro are whispers of the ixjsslbllli of a line hotel going up there. With frontai on three streets , and centrally located , tl Ito seem * admirable adapted for such a pu pose. Opium , morphine habits cured. DI BELLINGER , OH B'way .Council IllulT THE VACANT MAYORALITY , The Aldermen Moot But Transact No HuBlnoss. ANOTHER MEETING TO-NIGHT. The Catholic Entertainment Last KvcnliiK The Ice Hnrrcnt Open ing Gambling HonacH Must Close Minor Mention , Put Up the Cards. The gambling houses closed a short time ago , rather suddenly and mysteriously , close upon the Issuance of an order of Mayor Oronewcg. Soon after the grand Jury com pleted its labors and adjourned , the doors were thrown wide open again , and the chips were rattling as lively as ever. It sccuica that the fact of the grand Jury being in ses sion must have had an oven stronger influence than the order of the mayor , or the supiwscd order , for thus for no formal order on the subject has been made public. Now comes a notice from the county attorney , which will probably bo speedily heeded. This Is especi ally to bo expected as the grand Jury will soon bo in session again. Between the two millstones a vigorous prosecuting attorney , and a grand Jury it seems as If the gambling houses would have to least for a short vacation , or elie be ground through. The fol lowing is the ofllcial notification of the county attorney : NOTICE TO fUMm.r.iis. Notice is hereby given to nil persons who on or after January 1. 13S8 , shall keep n house , shop , room or other place resorted to for the purpose of gambling , or who permits or suffers nny person in such house , shop , room or other place under his or her control , care or management to play nt cards , dice , faro , roulette , equality or other games for money or anything of value within Potta- wattamio county , lown , will be dealt with summarily by the seizure of all such gambling implements , or gambling devices , and the ar rest of the keepers or controllers of such places and otherwise prosecuted to the full extent of the law , as provided by statute. D. H. DAII.KV , County Attorney. J. W. mid E. L. Squire- lend money. The Central drug store , under the management of J. D. Stuart , has boon enlarged and refurnished with a com plete stock of fresh drug * . A line holi day line of books , stationery , cutlery and musical goods nt very low prices. CONSKUVATOIIY OP MUSIC. No 12O 7th St. , Council Bluffe , lown. Mr. Charles Baetons , late of the College - lego of Music , Cincinnati , has the honor to announce to his friends and the pub lic that ho will ho ready to receive pu pils at the above institute upon tholstof January next. Ho will teach the violin , voice , piano accompaniment , ense nblo playing , harmony and composition. Ladies coming from a distance can bo accommodated with board at the house with the comforts of a home. For terms apply nt the above address. References : L. W , Tullova , Oilicer & Pus-ey , George Champ , of Kimlmll & Champ , Robinson Bros. , C. H. .Unison , V. Badolet , Lyon ft Healoy , Omaha , Mrs. Dr. Brown , Fort Omaha. Oh , K ts ! In starting up the new steam heating ap paratus for the court house but few difficul ties arose , and these were such as would naturally occur in such an extensive and complicated system of pipes. One section of the steam heating bothered n great deal , however , and there was a great mystery ns to why that section would not heat properly. I The water stood in the pipes , . ar.i\ the steam I would iiot circulate. It'took'somo time unu \ no'littlo labor to learn the cause. It was dis- covered that a rat had got into the pipes in some way , and had there met his death , and his body had become lodged in one of the elbows where it proved a complete cstoppal to n flow of waterorescupcof steam. Where he was going , how he got started , or got stopped , can only bo conjectured. The only thing certain is that he was there. Residence lots for sale by Johnston & Van Patten. E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Office 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. 30 bars of Poisian soap , $1.00 , at Troxell Bros , ' One thousand head of one. two and three-year-old btcers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Greenamayer , 023 Mynster st. telephone 121. Every one making a cash purchase o 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'a cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes , tL Before the Bar. Police court business was not of a startlinf nature yesterday. Three drunks Join Woodman , William Uradwcll and Franfc Workman were taxed the prescribed $7.d , each. SovcrnJ boys were arrested for steal Ing coal from the railroad companies , am were fined $5 each , but the Judge remittee their fines until the "next time , " when tw < Assessments will bo collected from them The case of Hall , the con. man , was con tinned at his own request. For best quality coal and wood , call on Gleasonb" Pearl street. Holiday Rates. The Chicago , Hock Island & Pncifli B. railway will sell excursion tickets to al it stations at ono faro for the round trip h on Dec. 24th , 25th , 20th aud 81st , alsi 'o Jan. 1st and 2nd , 18S8 , good to return 01 or before Jan. 3rd. hjf jfm T. B. Baldwin sells lots. e- Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. 11. Tlio Ice Harvest. The Ice on the river Is now a foot thick an the ice men will at once begin harvcstin st' their supply for next season. The tools fc is the WQrk are already on the ground an ji- plowing will bo commenced to-day. Team jinf will begin hauling to the houses on Mondaj nfn Januarys. The work was begun last yea n1. . on January . ' ) . Mulhollnnd & Nicholas w ! 1.ul put in about four hundred tons , requirin from four to six weeks to complete the worl c- Fine mixed candies , Ho per Ib , cxt Timell Bros. 111 to Splendid BuMncBH Opening 110 For the right man who has n capita 11- of $10,000. For full information call 01 ill or address Forrest Smith , 11 Pearl st. Council Bluffs , la. bo WadsworthEtnyro it Co. loan monoj ; Iowa Scholars. The following graduates of' the state un of vorsity are located in this city : John r ur Ualdwin , law class of 1ST7 ; I. N. Flicklnpe 01' collegiate class of 1875 and law class of 187 o so Joseph Lyman , law class of 1SOO ; II. A on Prouty , collegiate class Of 1SNJ ; Anna ! Itoss , collegiate class of 1S > 5 ; J. J. Shea , la ns class of 1SW. heir irch The annual renting of pews will tali ch place at the Presbyterian church Satui leaf day , December 81-at 7:30 : p.m. Poi ed sous who now hold pews may have thoi Ity reserved for them by notifying tli go treasurer , W. S. Cooper , or any of tl : hear trustees. _ ar- arR. Insure with \Vadsworth' , Etnyro tt C < R. . .Troxol Bros , headquarters for Chrib Is. mas poultry. Leuvo your orders , Personal Paragraphs. H. H. Stanley Is at home for New Years. J. P. Fall , of Silver City , was In the city yesterday. Attorney Aikurth , of Avoca , was in the city yesterday. Messrs. A. L. and M. C. Kitege returned from Chicago yesterday. Miss Laura Kllcklnpcr is spending a week nt her old home at Independence , la. Prof. H. W. Sawyer , of Hamburg , was in the city yesterday , the guest of J. 1J. Chris tian. tian.William William Hutchlnson and family have re turned from a brief holiday visit to friends in Chicago. E. G. Furguson. Helen Salisbury and Han nah Smith , of California , are registered at the Crcston house. Miss Jessie Farnsworth returned to school at Davenport yesterday , after spending the holidays with her parents. H. E. Kchmer , of the city steam laundry , Is enjoying a visit from his uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Clarke. Miss Patterson , of Kansas City , is visiting with her cousin , Miss Helen Patterson , on Sixth avenue. She will return homo on Mon day. day.J. J. M. Stover. Boonc. W. M. Mopes , Dav enport , C. D. Fitch , Norfolk , Neb. , and Wit Ham Lee , Boston , were at the Pacilic yester- dry. dry.Hon. Hon. C. F. Loofbourow , Judge of the dis trict court , left hero yesterday morning for Suit Lake city. Ho will be absent two or three weeks. C. W. Carter , of St. Joseph , a nephew of J. M. Carter , the superintendent of the court house , is in the city to spend New Years with his uncle. H. H. Glover and wife , of Grand Rnpldt , Neb. , are visiting with the families of H. H. Field and Thomas E. Cavin. Mr. Glover is an extensive stock dealer. J. H. McDonald , Keokuk , A. B. Copley , Dos Molncs , J. W. Stocker and lady , Logan , Free L. Paine. Hoone , John Pcterion , Mo- line. III. , were among yesterday's arrivals at the Bcchtelc. H. J. Adams , for some time a clerk in the Wells Fargo express office in this city , will remove to Glenwood Springs , Col. , next week , and engage in the newspaper business with his brother-in-law , Joseph Levun. P. M. Clnyworth and wife , of Ponca , Neb. , arc visiting with Dr. A. J. Cook. Mr. Clay- worth , is u Wells-Fnrgo express messenger , and is about to remove to Missouri Valley , which is his eastern terminal point on the Dead wood run. All the lending papers and periodicals on bale at "THE CoKNKli'5 book btore. Fifty teams wanted to haul ice from river north of fair grounds , Monday morning , Jan. 2 , Mulholland&Co. Guns of all kinds at Odell & Bryant's , 504 South Main btrcet. If you Ucsiro to get n new Hall type writer cheap , drop n postal card to H. A. P. , UIE office. A great bargain for the first who applies. Cross-cut saws , . Odell fc Bryant. The entertainment given at the Masonic temple last evening by the young ladies of St. Francis' Catholic church w.isn grand suc cess. There was a largo audience in attend ance , and u great many sat down to the splen did supper. The celebrated "Peak Sisters" added much to the success of the evening's entertainment. Diaries for IbSS at "Tim C'OUNKU" book store. The The Rcbekah lodge will havn a watch meeting and oyster supper this evening , to which all members are requested to bo piescnt to practice the beautified work. LIZZIE H\ccit , N. G. Blank books of all kinds nt "THE COKXEU book store. CAST AWAY ON A DESERT ISLAND. A Mate Murders Hit ) Captain and Is Iicft Alone to Die. A San Francisco spccinl to the New York World relates this story : The Honolulu Commercial Advertiser of De cember 7 { jives the following nccount of the adventures of. two survivors of the schooner General Scgel , who spent nine months on the South Sea inlands : The two survivors , of the General Sigol's crow are a young man named Kdward Olson , a native of Norway , and a German lad of nineteen , named Wil liam Timpo. In the course of a , conver sation with them the following account of their experiences was gathered : The General Sigol left Honolulu on Scptom- cer 1 , 1880 , for the French Frigate Shoals on a shurk-fibhing expedition. Her crow was compo&od of Captain Ah- erdinoAdolph .Torgentho mate ; the two men already named , Peter Larkin Brown , Martin , Noilfeon and Charles Clemens. In the outlet of the voyage the crow wore very successful in ohtuSn- ing quite a large cargo. On September 23 they arrived oil Midway island. On the night of November 10 the vebcl was riding at anchor off this island , the crew being camped on shore. The in tention was to leave for Honolulu on the following day. Towards midnight a gale arose , the vessel broke from her moorings and drifted ashore , and the crow found themselves cast upon a desert island ir mid-ocean. Their only means of sub sistence was sea birds and their eggi and lish. Fortunately there was no luck of this kind of food , and un ample sup ply of fresh water was at hand. Undei thcso conditions they dragged out s weary existence for nine months , aiu their experiences during that tinu marked by some thrilling episodes some of which will probably form the subject of future investigation. About ten days after they reached the island a painful accident happened t < Peter Larkin. While killing lish witl giant powder ono of his hands win blown otT , and although everything possible siblo under the cfrciimstances was dente < to alloviuto his sufferings ho siiccumbec to the injury and died in a few days After this a feud appears to have arif-ei between Mate Jorgen and the captain which the survivors attribute .solely ti id the murderous instincts of the mato. I igor is stated that on ono occasion this mm deserted from the Gorman ol or ves > Apolli id while at Honoluluwhore he was arrestci us in consequLiico. The circumstance ! usy connected with this caused him to entertain ar tortain feelings of enmity towards tin ill German consul , in this city , and brood ing over his anger ho repeatedly expressed pressed his intention while on the \f land of taking that gentleman's life a the first opportunity. Captain Abei dine remonstrated with him an ho , fearing what might bo the upshot e these threats , seems to have turnci his hand not only against the captain but against ether mumbors of the crow William Timpo says that on ono occn slon , while ho was alone in the lin which they occupied , taking up som eggs to servo at the meal , Sorgon cam stealthily behind him , put a rep tilN. - around his neck and attempted t N. sttangle him. Tlio lad called loudl N.ft for help , when the rope was slackenc ; and Jorgon desisted from his purpose M. saying : "Don't say anything about i I don't want to do you any harm. " iw It should bo stated hero that what i known as Midway island is in realit two islands , ono in circular form , tb (0 ono on which the men lived , and tli ir- ether a long , narrow strip of land gem - ir- irm two or three miles to the north. Arri1 lie m ing at the island the moff found an ol i.u hut which the men utilized as A dom cilo ; a Japanese gcow , supposed to hav been left there by Captain Bohnm , un o. a boat belonging to the wrecked Dunnottar Crstlo , which had evident ! drifted there from Ocean ialiuid. The alfco saved a boat from the Goner DO YOU INTEND TO BUT SO , S IS STOX7I ? , IASOS-TIIF. FCM.KST. HIGHEST TON * . OmiANS SMOOTH IK TOMB. I'tANOS TlIK LTST STT1.R8 1JI CAMtP. OHCIANS KUI.I , IN VOLUME. 'Mffos-Tnn MOST JlEAt-mci. FINISH. UllOANfi Kl.KOANTI.Y FINISHED CASES. Wo Def > All Competition and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and 1'rlcea , With Any Henna In the We t , SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFSi . . . . JOWA. EDAOPEM REMUflUT Don't Forget John Allen. Prop. Tbe Great Bargain Entrances , 112 Main And 113 Pearl St. SHOE STORE , Mr.ALFATAU. HOUHS Open from Oa.m. to 10 Is at 100 Main Street , Council HluffN. la. p. m. Council uluffs Iowa. S. A. fierce. Hazard & Co WmFitzgeralt Pole agents for Mrs , W. B , Wliitc Dealer In notary ShuttlaMtamtard and Sewing Machine Restaurant. Staplfl OBOCSSIES. For Nebraska A West N w Store. Ne Stock. ern Iowa. 1o.X7 ! Brculway.roun 219 Mnln t < t. , Cre.-ton Office. lUi Main Sl.Coun- lloutc Block. ill UlufTs , . , . nted. Iowa. Iowa. Conncll niutft , 1ft. Mayer's ' Hotel Teller &Egan , J. Neuninjcr , 1'rop. Wbotenale ami retail $1.00 PER DAY. Grain Flour Feefl Street c r connection ! , , to nil rtopotn. , . Baled tinyetc. Agents Klrc proof "Ublo In con- nccllon , Non lUBand for Walnut Block Con ) . 103 Miilo Ut. Council Opp.Ot'den House , . Council l muff * . Iowa. Bluffs. A. RINK No. 2O1 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Foreign. DR. C. B. J U D D , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AMD ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. Sigel , but very little in the way of stores. There wns thus no gocnt dilli- culty in making jtho trip aecross to the smaller island , i While the captain and a sailor named Brown were on oho of the islands after eggs .Torpon murdered them. "When the others found Unit Jorgen returned alone they taxed Jorgen with it. Ho said tliey had committed miicido. Olsen and Timpe and two other seamen de termined to leave Jorgen on the Island. They acccordingly destroyed the boat and on Juno 28 sailed away in the scow , leaving the inurHcrous mate alone. The four then headed for Marshall island and arrived there after a passage of two months and a half. They wore there twenty days when the schooner Ehukai took two of them , Edward Olhen and William TSmpo , to .Taluit. The other two were left there to bo taken by the schooner Jennie Walker. Arriving'ivt Juluit the two men on the Ehukai were taken on board the bark Lilian at Juluit and brought to Honolulu. FURNITURE ! Wo arc now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our Immense buildings are packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , nnd at prices that will defy com petition. Wo Kimi mi tec our Roods to bo Just us we represent them. Please give us a call whether you wisli to buy or not , and bring your friends with you. It is no trouble to show our goods. Respectfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. WM. WELCH , e and Exoress Line , OFFICE O15 SOUTH MAIN 8T. Telephone No. 03. All cells from District Telegraph Office promptly attended to. O B D R E&Y L N L T OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600 Broodwuy Council Hluffa , Iowa. Established 1857. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER * SOX , Prop's. Manufacturers oft All Kinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work , t Orders by mall for repari promptly attenop to. Satisfaction KUuranteetl. 10th Avenue. Art dress Ogilen IJoller Works. Council UlulT , Iowa D. H. McOANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. EM and K2 Malu Strcct.Councll Bluffs.Iowa. CIIRISTMAS WARES. ! _ Large Line at Reasonable Figures , THE CHINA MAN SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. advertlKPincntw , Mich as I.ost.Found , SPECIAL , For Sale , To Heut , Wants , Hoarding. < > tc. , will bo Inserted In this column nt the low rate of TUN CBNT8 1'KU LINE for the first 111- f ertlon and Five Cents 1'er Line for each Kiiliso- fluent Insertion. Leave advertisements at our oRice No. K Pearl Street , near Uroadway Coun- 11 UUUts , Iowa. WANTS. WANTED A dancing master to Instruct n clusn of seven , one evening each week. 1)1- ) ect to llec , Council Illulfs. lOKSALi : Furniture and stoves at a sucrl- lice to reduce stock. You can buy nt your WM prices. A. J. Maudel. LVANTED Will pay clrl good -wnpes for TV housework. AddresH " " general 8" , Jioston Shoo store , 417 Uroadway , city. I71OK KENT A six-room house. No. COT Myns- I ? terht. Apply to A. Louie , KSi Uroadway. OST Boy's fur trimmed overcoat nnd kid * mitts , Iteturn to Hue oflico. WANTED Place us housekeeper In n re spectable family In Omaha. Inquire at lee o 111 co , Council HluffH. \\7ANTED-Flrst class cardener. without capital , to work extensive garden on shares. First class chance. Address Joseph Smith , Council Illuirs , la. EXCIIANO E Omaha and Council Bluffs prop- city and western land for stocks of mer chandise. Call on or address J. 11. Christian , VX ) Ilioadwny , Council Bluffs , In. FOR SALE OH EXCHANOE-Ecpilty of 1J4 shares in Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of Odell Brou. & Co. FOll BALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap , 62-inch , at Bee office. BUILDING lots nnd acre property for sale by F. J. Dav. 39 Pearl st. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The desirable resldenro or business property known as the Powers I'laco , on Upper Ilroiul- wny opposite the M. E. church , will positively le hold within tlio next thirty days. Terms One-third cimh , balance In one and two years Address bids to toGEORGE R. BEARD. Omaha , Neb. , 1317 and 1319 Douglas St. J TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDAKD , UNDEU KULE 6. WADE GARY , - - Council Bluffs , Star Stables and Mule Yards Droadwuy , Council muffs , Opp. Dummy Depot Horses nnd mules constantly on hand , fo : B ! B ut rotull or In car load lotH. Orders promptly filled by contract onshor notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. HCllliUTKIl & HOMiY. Opposite Dummy Depot. Council lilutrs. - GREAT DISCOUNT SALE - OP 20 PER CENT ON HATS AND GAPS FOR GASH 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - . - OMAM 40 ! . BROADWAY. 401 See the Beautiful Silk Christmas Quilt And Pillow Shams , THE MOST ELEGANT DISPLAY OF SILKS , GOLD HANDLED UMBRELLAS , LACES , TOILET ARTICLES , SCARES , CARPET SWEEPERS , NECKTIES , TOILET ARTICLES , SHAWLS , RUGS AND MATS , "We have a large line of ' UNDERWEAR . * Which we are closing out regardless of former prices. Also a few more Bargains in Cloaks ! HARKNESS BROS. , 401--Broadway--401 IT WOULD TAKE MORE ROOM THAN ALL THE NEWSPAPERS IN THE CITY TO REPRESENT IN PRINT HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S GRAND HOLIDAY STOCK ! But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude ' 4 of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could - the papers make space to enumerate the i , articles now on exhibition. x Each and every one of our departments will offer thousands of useful an < E ornamental things SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS Wo have made every effort to place on sale the most attractive and useful good * at the lowest possible prices , and wo invite inspection and comparison. Special Handkerchief sale this week at Special bargains in our Art goods do-i 2c , 5c , lOc , 15c , 25c , up to $10. Each partment. Stamped Linens , Knife : nnd all go at about half price. goods , Underwear. Everything rauat bo sold this week. " ' , Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers in t largo variety. Laces , Embroideries , Come to the People's store first and BOO . Fichuca , Lace Collars. Kid and Fabric . what wo can do for you. _ j Gloves. All must go at this great sale. Wo know have tlio goods and that ' wo , , Gentlemen's Cloaks , Suits Wrap * ) Dressing Gowns and SmokingJackots. our prices . will save you money every ' Robes , time. Ladle's Slumber Japanese Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted at $5 , $0 , 37.50 to $10. Each a very With every ? 2 purchase you will receive ' coivo ticket for chance lit ou suitable from a lady'to a a ono present gen tleman. 100 grand free presents. T MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATV TENTION. HENRY EISEMAN & . CO. , PEOPLE'S STORE P 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , ' * COUNCIL BLUFFS. ! : s . IOWA ,