Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
ajarcn THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 31 , 1887 ; IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Ono of the Liveliest of Deals Closes the Old Year. .CORN STRONG AND HIGHER. Oats find Provision * BotTi Show Evi dence orHceliletl HtrciiRtli An Unexpectedly Heavy Hun of Cattle Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MAIIKET. CnifAdo , Dec. 30. [ Special Telegram to the DEB. ] The grain markets for 1887 wound up with one of the liveliest of recent days. May wheat oiwiicd "n'lfi jfc higher than last night's close at SS c , sold down gradually to SJVJ-jO ant ] then climbed to SCc , reacted to Mtfc and on the next upward surge touched fcOVc. During all the latter part of the session the price hung close to WJ < c nnd closed there at 1 o'clock. January wheat opened nt 78Xc nnd never fell below that price. The high point was nominally 70Vc and the 1 o'clock 78J.Cc. The important news of the day came from abroad. The public cable quoted spot wheat strong with an active demand and California nnd red winter IJ d higher , With spring Id higher. Flour was also quoted 3d higher nnd all wheat futures higher. Private cables were quite as strong and saldthcre was a larpc business. Grain was also of u de cidedly bulling complexion. The aggregate receipts at nine principal primary markets were but 247,000 bushels , nnd it was the talk that the new visible sup ply statement would show no Increase and that the Increases were about over for this year. Seaboard clearances of wheat were but 16,000 bushels , all from Philadelphia , but New York n > | > ortcd ex ports of 4b24 barrels nnd ! 8 sacks of Hour , nnd Baltimore exports of 13,200 barrels of Hour. The heaviest Individual buying was by Hutchinson , but exporting houses were gooii _ buyers. Hcam was n seller , and at 85c offered 1,000.000 bushels , ir > 0,000 bushels of which were taken nt that price. Local traders Who had sold yesterday and this morning helped the advance by their evening up for the holidays. The speculative corn market was strong nnd higher. May delivery opened } fc higher than last night's close at Mu , fell to M'a'i during the early trading and then advancer * to W > e , reacted to 54c , again advanced to C5e and closed nt 1 o'clock at M IJI'MC. .Tan unry corn opened nt 4tl4c | , advanced to and closed ut 1 o'clock at 4H > e. There n good demand from local traders who lim oversold themselves yesterday , nnd com mission men were occasionally good buyers There wns an abundance of May corn foi sale at Wlc and very little under that price. The oats market wns unusually active nm attracted more attention and more traders than for months past. Trading was princi pally in May delivery , which opened at ! MHc fell to y-t H" und then rapidly advanced to iMj o closing ut 1 o'clock nt ! H)4 ! : ) ; < c. .luiitmr.v cats opened at 31J c and closed ut 3\ \ % ° o'clock. The provision trade showed the possession of decided strength. Not much activitj chnrncterimi trading nt any time , yet n fall Interest was shown , and for the different Bpeculntives lines prices were higher. In pork , lard and meats an advance of 2 > J5 ( ? < was established , and nt 1 o'clock closings ul nround were only a trillo under outshl figures. AITCHNOON SESSION Wheat , steady Ma.\ sold at Sr > % ( Sttic , closing at MiXc. Con steady. Oats , firmer ; May sold ut ; MJ i < : ir > c on the split nt 84o nnd closed at 3-lJfje bid February at tT.b'K , March at $7.03 and May at $8.17)4 ) hid. Short ribs were steady. CHICAGO tilVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , Deo. 80. [ Special Telegram to the UKB.I CATTLE The run was unexpect edly hc > y for Friday and the holiday sca- BOII. Hut few people looked for 11,000 to-day and early estimates placed the number at only about 0,000. I'rimo stock wns scarce and perhaps a few lots of such sold about aa well as any day this week , but medium , plain and common stock had to stand a cut of 10@ 16c , the general market closing weak. Buy ers arc laboring under the impression that the run will bo heavy next week. Tcxans were scarce , only a few odd loads being on sale , not sufficient to mnko n market. Choice , * 5.00 < a.5.40 ; good , * 4.25@4.7S ; in ferior to fair , * 3.00 ( < i3.75. Stockcrs nnd feed ers , 2.25S3.40 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.35 @ 2.00. Texas steers , * 2.50S3.00. ( Hoes Under a light run salesmen made an effort to get moro money for their pro | > - crty nnd hero nnd there succeeded , but there was in general advance at any time during the day , The shipping demand was much less than yesterday and packers had to compote pete for u few thousand peed hogs among the arrivals. Best heavy sold within a range of $5.80(35.85. ( One lot , it v.-as said , made * 5.90 ; packing f5.40@5.fiO , largely nt t5.50@5.GO. Light sorts slow at $ o.l5rt5.20 for 100 to 170 Ib averages and fl.bO@5.10 for lighter sorts. FINANCIAL. NEW YOUK , Dec. 30. GOVERNMENTS Gov ernment bonds were dull but firm * . YESTKItlUY'B QUOTATIONS. 17. 8. 4s registered. IffiSlf 0. * N. W. , .108 II. S. 4s coupon. . do preferred . . , . . .139 . N. V. Central . WJ U. H 4Kscimnou..lU7S ! 0.11. N . Ml'i ' Pacific On of Wi . 119M O. T . 21 J Cunadn Southern. . M ) < j Pacific Mall . : ? ; Central 1'aclllc : n" . . . Chlcupo * Alton..l.Ti Pullman 1'ulaceCnrHO C. , ll.iVQ IKIJ Heading . BRV 1) . . ! , . & W Itock iHland . 1 ! . , ' 1) . & Jt. O ! 2 8t. I. . * H. F . : W'4 Erie 2H | dopreferrert . 71V do preferred IBI , . .M. & St. Paul. . . 7i'i ! Illinois Central 117 do preferred . 112 I. , II. * W 3 ! J St. P. JkO . ; ; ! { K.T do preferred . NWK l.aku Shore. Texas 1'aelflc114 ! , . & N 61 > t Union 1'aclllc . Wti ? Michigan Cent nil. . 87 W..8t.I.AcJ > . Ill Missouri I'ucltlc. . . . 87MOi do preferred ; . ! 3 Missouri I'ncillc. . . . , 2 ! > i W. U. Telegraph. . . 77X rtopreferred 48J4 MONKY On call , tinner at f > @ 10 percent ; last loan 0 per cent ; closed offered ut 0 per cent. 0r PIIIUB MinicANTiLE PAFEII 6 < j7.K per cent. STEIH.INQ EXCHANGE Dull but steady at W.MJi" for sixty day bills , and W.SSitf for do- niiind. rnonucK MA HURTS. ChlctiKo.Dco. 30. Following are the 2:30 : closing prices : Flour Steady nnd unchanged ; $3.50(34.00 ( bblspring ; wheat , ( .I.M .AO per bbl ; rye JK23.00 per bbl ; buckwheat , e5.60 < 30.25 ] > ci Wheat Opcnod n trifle higher than yester day , and sold { < SJ # higher ; cash , 7sJ e May , SoKc. Corn Fairly nctlvo ; opened n shadobettei than closing of yesterday and closed iibout ( iiK higher ; January , 40l-lfic ) ; May , 55o Outs Fully active with about 3 c advance January , ai ? ; May , 3 ; c , Hyo-Firmat02o. Hurley Firm at 73 83. Ptlmo Timotby rJ.30Q'J.37. Flaxseedfl.UOltf. . Whisky * 1.10. Pork-Dull , steady with fair demand. January , H5.10 ; February , S1S.G7K- Lard-Steady , with a slight advance January , I7.S ) ; May , S.15. Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , Sft.lOflG.lG ! short clear. * S.OO < 38.10 ; short ribs. S7.75. o Mutter-Steady ; cicumcry , yajjaio ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10j Gllo ; flats , HKQUH'c ; joung Americas iijcs Fi-osh , 22324. * Hides Weak , with liberal receipts ; prcer hides 5Wc ; green frozen , 5o ; part cureil , OJj fiOXo ; heavy ( jrccn salted , 0V ; light green do , 6\ \ salted bull , 5Kc : green bull , 4.V ; Brccn suited calf , be ; dry flint , and dry calf 12@13c ; deacons , 30c each ; branded , 15 pei V cent off. Tallow In fair demand ; country , 3Kc , ' * ' a,3 > ; cake,4. . . . . . Uewlpts. Shipments , Flour , bbl 43,01)0 ) 32,001 Wheat , bu . - 85,000 44,00 ( Corn , bu 148,1X50IIS.IXX pau , bu ua.oa 3,0(10 ' ' 4,0K ( Barley.tu ; . ; , . . 35000 io.OOt Bt. Ijonl , Dcc.30. Wheat Higher ; cash , S2'-(33c ' ! ! : May , WJ/c. Corn Higher ; cash nnd January , 41 ® 47Kc ; MayfKKc. ) ats-Bettcr ; cash , i'ork-Quiet at $14.75. . . . WhUkv-$1.05. Butter-Quiet ; creamery , 25g30c ; dairy , . . Afternoon Board : Wheat Firm ; Fcbru- Liverpool , Dec. 30. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair ; holders offer moderately ; Call- lornia No. 1 , 7s Id ; red western , spring , Gs ttd ( ufis lid ; red western , winter , ( is 10ddOs ( lid | > cr cental. Corn Quiet nnd in fair demand. Minneapolis ; , Dec. 30. Wheat Sellers of wheat are asking another advance on light receipts and flrm outside markets. Receipts , 121 cars ; shipments , 48 cars. Millers were picking the few cars of good milling grain offered , and prices ranged shade higher than on yesterday. The chamber adjourned until Tuesday , January .1. Closed , in store : No. 1 hard , cash and January , 77c ; Febru ary , 78fc } ; May , 83 < c ; No. 1 northern , cash and January , 75c ; February , 78 } c ; May , 82c ; No. 2 northern , cash and January , 7tc ; February , i3 cMay : , 78c. On track : No. 1 hard , 78K@ Oo ; No. 1 northern , 77s77Itc ( ; No. 2 northern , 75ii7Cc. ( Flour Patents , sacks to ship , 14.10(34.23 ( ; bakers' , $3.36 ( 3.G3. MilwaukeeDec. . 30. Wheat Stronger ; cash , 77fe ( ; May , S4c. ' Corn Higher : No. 3 , 48c. Oats-Quiet ; No.2 white , 33c. Kye Steady ; No. 1 , ( We. Harlcy-Firmer ; No. 2 , 75c. Provisions Steady ; pork , December , f 14.75 @ 15.00. Cincinnati , Dec. 30. Wheat Strong and higher ; No. 2 red , 8'JQOOc. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , mixed. 53c. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , ; H@3IJic Uyc Stronger ; No. 2 , 70rt.70''c. ( Provisions Pork , quiet at $15.50 ; lard , stronger at $7.30. Whisky Firm at $1.05. Kaunas City , Dec. 30. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 soft , cash , 70 > ie ; May 83c bid , 84e asked. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 44'-jc ; January , 44c bid , 44 } c asked ; May , 40c. Oats No. 2 cash , 2Sc. New Orleans , Dec. 30. Corn Dull and lower ; mixed und yellow , COc ; white , ( Uc. Uc.Oats Oats Quiet but flrm : No. 2 , 424@43c , Corn Meal Quiet at $ ) .IIP. Hog Products Dull nnd nominal ; pork , J14.75 ; lard , $7.50. Hulkmcats shoulders , 10.25 ; long clear , $7.87 , ; clear ribs , $100. New York , Dec. 30. Wheat Receipts , 23,000 ; exports , none ; options advanced % ( < $ Jtfe. and spot KfgJjC , closing flrm at a shade under the best ; ungraded red , bOtgOlJifc' No. 1 red , nominal at 05 } c ; No. 2 red , Il2fi ( 02J/C in store and elevator , 93 ( ( i04c dcliv ered ; January closed at 92c. Corn Receipts , 10,300 ; exports , 4,000 : 3-i@ ? t ! hlghcr'.moderatespcculUvo business ungraded , 01ai53 ( c ; No. 3 , tide ; No. 2 , 02 fi Ii3c in stcro und elevator , C3l , ( < ZC4c delivered" January closed at 63J.fc. Oats Receipts , 18,000 ; exports , none ; ' (5 ( tfc lilghcr with tlio market active ; mixet western , 38(5 ( 40c ; white western , 40@40c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio steady nt$18.r 0 < ft 18.75 ; options steady and moderately active sales , (50,000 ( bugs ; December , $ K5.10iiri.0 ( ! January , $10.20 ® 10.25 ; February , $ Hi.l5T ( ( ) 111.20 ; March , * li.05@ll ! > .15 ; April , $10.05ifi ( 10.15 ; May , SIO.OO ® 10.03. Petroleum Firm ; United closed nt87 , , . Eggs Firm with fair inquiry ; western , 21 Pork Firm and unchanged. Lard 2@5 points higher and moderately active ; western steam , spot , tS.OO@8.03. Hutter Fair demand ; western , 15@33c. Cheese Quiet but llrm ; western , MVK STOCK. Union Stock YnrilH , Chicago , Dec. 30. The Drovers' Journal reports : . . , . . VJ.vut. j ntuv-ixuia linn AVUUUI n , r . if t.l. u , cows , bulls and mixed , $1.35@2.00 ; Texas steers , $2.50(33.00. ( Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market slow ; 10 to 15o lower ; natives , $3.00(3i3,15 ( ; western , $3.50@5.00 ; Texnns , $2.50@3.75 ; lambs , $4.50 @ 3.50. National Stock Yards East St. liouisDec. . 30. Cattle Receipts , 820 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market weak ; choice heavy native steers , $4.355.10 ; fair to good native stccra $3.804.40 ( ; butchers steers , medium to choice. $3.10@4.00 ; stockcrs and fecdersfalr to good , $1.00(53.00 ( ; rangers , ordi nary to good , $2.20@4.20. Hogs Receipts , 2,620 head : shipments , 3,485 ; market active nnd flrm ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.50@5.70 ; Yorkers and packing , medium to prime , $5.20@5.00 ; light grades , ordinary to good , $4.005.25. Kansas City , Dec. 30. Cattle Receipts , 2,500 ; shipments , 400 ; market weak nnd 10 ® 15c lower ; good to choice corn-fed , $4.20 ( < $ 4.GO ; common to medium , $3.25@4.10 ; stockers - ers , $2.00@2.fiO ; feeding steers , $2.03 < a3.23 ; cows , $1.50 ( t3.10. Hogs Receipts , 0,400 ; shipments , 705 ; market strong and nctlvo , with best n shade higher ; good to choice , $5.35 ; common to me dium , $4.70@5.30 ; skips nnd pigs , $3.004.70. OMAHA. LIVE STOCK. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were light and there was not enough on hand to nmko a market. The bulk of the offerings consisted of com mon stock. The demand was light and dur ing the forenoon but little was done on the market. A few loads were sold In the after noon at prices from 0 to 10 cents lower than on Thursday. HOB * . The receipts were nearly all sold early. The market was r @ 10c higher on heavy hogs , wbllo light stuff was aboutstcady. The mar ket at the close was not us strong as at the opening and had the offerings not been all taken heavy hogs would not have sold any .better than on the day previous. Sheep. Thcro were no fresh receipts and but very little was done on the markets. Olllclal Kccclpts. Cattle us Hogs 2,241 , Prevailing Prices , Light and medium hogs , $4.75(35.70 ( Heavy 5 Ml&fa.SS Mixed 0.20&5.35 PrcvtiiltnK Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo stock on the market : Choice steers , 1800 to 1500Ibs.$4.00(24.50 ( Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . . 3.75@4.23 Fat little steers , 000 to 1030 Ibs. . 3.50i(3.fi3 ( Corn-fed range steers , U'OO to 1500 3.V ( > M4tO ! Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.iO ! < S2. ( > 0 : Common to medium cows 1.75 ( < J2.00 Western cows 1.7/V2.50 / Good range feeders 2.30(52.05 ( Good native feeders , 000 Ibs und upwards 2.50@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards 2.2.'V3'2.50 ' Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.10g2.00 ( Prime fat sheep 3.25W3.75 Good fnt sheep , 00@100 Ibs 3.00@3.75 Fair to medium sheep 2.25@3.00 Common sheep 1.50 < V42.00 Light und medium hogs 4.75r35.10 Good to choice heavy hogs 5.30(55.55 ( Good to choice mixed hogs 5.20(35.35 ( ItoprcHcntutlvo Sales. NATIVE simis. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 ss5 i ? lese $ ur > o 13 1023 .1,40 33 UsO 3.00 cows AXP STcuns. 40. . . * . . . SiV 2.00 cows. 4 097 1.50 15 1017 2.15 s ma i.oo i 120 2.50 4 llb'J 2.00 1 1130 3.00 TEXAS cvrn.K--conwcu. 51 S71 3.13 HULLS , 1 1010 1.75 2 14SO 1.00 8 127S 1.00 3 1033 2.03 61IEKP. S3 60 3.00 3.00LAUDS. LAUDS. 41 & 0 2.25. ' , cons. No. Av. .Shk , Pr. No , Av. Shk. Pr. SO 143. . . . U.-25 05 ' 207..3W $3.40 IS 14'J.4.23 ' 05'2C5..11W 5,40 . 73 203..COO 4.R5 07 253..120 5.40 70 210..660 6.05 70 202..ICO 6.40 S3 223..120 6.15 00 277..240 6.40 2.1 245..100 5.15 00 281..120 6.40 70 330..120 5.15 M 284..120 6.42 > { 75 227..2M ) 6.15 70 270..300 5.43J < 09 252..120 6.20 71 252..120 6.45 80 214..140 5.20 63 203..120 5.45 70 238. . . . 60 5.25 40 1103. . . . bO 5.45 03 250. . . . 40 6.25 01 307..120 6.50 00 230..120 5.30 00 3U7..100 6.50 .18 258..100 5.30 54 300. . . . 40 6.50 fO 284. . . . 40 6.35 02 311.120 5.50 01 300. . . . 100 5.35 00 803 5.65 64 270 . . .100 5.35 04 311. . . . 40 5.55 60 260. . . . 120 5.35 Shipments. Hogs , 20cars. , . . . Boston l/ivo Stock Sold. George H. Hammond & Co 53 Speculators " . 114 Shippers 41 Total. . , r t 213 noos. G. H. Hammond & Co 052 Swift&Co 1223 Squires PnckingCo 3.10 Speculators 75 Total 2,303 Two loads unsold. Uanice of Price * . Showing the cxtrcmo highest and lowest rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : Date. Heavy. Mixed. Light. Dec. IB. r > is v > v > 44 % Iec.a : ] . 5 : u.i 4:1 6 1A W , 2. > 4 Ki W > 23 Dec. 24. a 20 W > 40 6 10 fft 40 4 7G fiW IS Dec. 25. Sunday. Sunday. Sllllilfty. Dec. 20. Christmas. Clirlstnms. ChrlHtmnf. Dec. 27. 5 25 6 10 P-1 i'i 4n < &r > m Dec.iw. & 23 w > M fi ir , / > : v 4 ! i Wt 10 Dec. 29. 5 W W > 45 6 20 WM 4 76 CiTi 1U Dec. 30. A 35 6 15 4 75 lilA 10 Dockage and Commission. Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40 pounds , stags 80 pounds each. Dead hogs , 80 Ibs and over , $1.75 per cwt , less than 80 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , So ; sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Corn , $1 per hu ; timothy hay , $30 : prairie hay , $20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 50c per head ; calves and yearlings , 110 pur car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs , 15u per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs llvo weight. Live Stock Notes. Hogs higher. Cuttle lower. No sheep market. Dead hogs advanced yesterday. Squires & Co.'s buyer , the celebrated "Parse , " was on the market yesterday und stirred the boys up. A. H. Wilson , of Waldron.was on the mar ket with hogs. R. Tcmpleton , of Tekamah , was at the yards yesterday with two loads of cuttle and two of hogs. Geo. H. Dixon , of Etncrson was on the market with hogs. The "Anglo" und the Armour houses did not buy any hogs yesterday. F. H. Parks , of Bancroft , marketed heavy hogs yesterday. Ho also secured the top price for ono load. G. H. Martin , an old shipper from Ham burg , Iowa , was on the market yesterday. Mr. Martin formerly shipped his stock to Chicago. P. McMullens , of Lyon , marketed hogs. ' H. J. Ticrncy , of Anslcy , disposed of n load of hogs nt u good llgurc. M. J. Fruntz , of Friend , sold hogs yester day.H. . H. H. Burkctt , ot Silver City , was on the market with cattle. Gco. Vnrnes , n shipper from Missouri Val ley , sold hogs yesterday. * J. R. Burkholder , of Woodbine , la. , sold a load of heavy hogs on the 'market yesterday. C. F. Galloway , of Plainvicw , was on the market witli two loads of cattle. OMAHA WHOLESALE' MARKETS. Protlncc , Fruits , Etc. Tlie following arc the prices at which round lots of produce are sold on this itutr- kct. Fruits or other lines of goods requiring extra labor of packing cannot always be supplied on ouMdcordcrs at the same prices quoted the local trade. BUTTEII Receipts were fair , but the de mand was good nnd prices remain flrm nnd unchanged at Thursday's quotations. Creamery , solid packed , 22@24c ; choice dairy. 17a ( > 10c ; medium , 15@17c ; low grades , 10@12c. Euos Are in better supply , with a moder ate demand , but although stocks are com mencing to accumulate , there is no change In prices , which remain flrm. We quote 21@22c for cold storage and an occasional sale of strictly fresh at Sic ; limed very slowntl7c. CIIEKSE Steady und in moderate demand , with prices quoted unchanged. Fancy full cream Cheddars , single , 12c ; lull cream twins , 18fijI8c5 ( ! young Americas , 13c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 15c ; Liinburger , 100 Ibs in case , 13c. In less qualities , 14@14J c ; Swiss domestic , 10@18e. POULTIIY Receipts nro very light nnd not equal to the demand , turkeys being especially scarce , and in some cases selling ns high us 12c. Wo , however , give quotations un changed. Dressed chickens , 0@7c per pound. Turkeys , 0@llc. Ducks,7@Sc. Geese,0@llc. GAME Continues somewhat scarce and the improved demand has n tendency to strengthen prices. Wo quote : Prairie chickens , $4.00@4.50 : mallard ducks , $3.25 ; quail , $1.50 ( 1.75 ; teal and mixed ducks , $1.GO@1.75 ; snipe$1.25 ; jack rabbits , $3.00@3.75 per dozen ; small rabbits , $1.00 per doz ; deer , 8@10c ; antelope,7@0c ; deer sad dles , 10@12c ; antelope , 12@14c ; geese , $3.00@ BEANS Very few if any are In the hands of commission men , nnd prices nro quoted firm and unchanged. Good stock. $2.00 @ 2.30 ; fair to good , $1.GO@1.80 , and Califor nia beans at $2.25@2.40. ONIONS Stocks arc heavy and moving off f slowly , but prices show no indication ft ft weakening , wo quote homo grown steady nt 75 < aS5c ; Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , $1.50 SAUBU KIUUT Prices remain firm , nnd ns stated yesterday some firms are making sales 25o above quotations , which , however wo still give unchanged. Choice , per bbl of 30 gal. $8.85@0.00 ; X bbl , $4.57@5.00 $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. SWEET POTATOES Prices are steady and quoted at S@2Ko per Ib with some line at 3c. POTATOES Supply light , demand prices ad vancing. Wo now quote $1,00@1.10 for Utah and Colo-rado stock and choice homegrown grown nt SO@S5o ; common grades ut CO CAIIUOTS Are in better supply at $2.23(22.50 ( per barrel. CABIIAOE Is still In fair demand nnd finds ready sale at $1.00 per dozen. California cubbago easier at 2 > ( i3o per Ib. " PAiisxil's Now stock is quoted at $2.50 per barrel. OVSTEIIS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se lects , 30o : standard , 30o : extra selects , 35c ; Now York counts , 40o .Bulk oysters , counts , $1.35 per 100 ; selects , $2.00 per gal : standard I , $1.25 per gal. AITIES Finer Qualities nro held back , but for ordinary grades prices nro unchanged 1. Wo quote : Eastern fruit , $3.25(23.50 ( ; fair to choice stock , $3.50Q3.75j fancy stock $3.75 @ 4.00. CAUUFLOWP.H Good stock $2.00(22.80. ( CELEUV Choice celery , 33@45o per dozen fancy , 45fi50c. Cinuit-Clioico Michigan cider$0.00(20.50 ( per bbl. of 32 gal. QUINCES Choice California quinces , $2.00(3 ( 2.25 per box. CALIFOIIXIA FIIUITS Are in fair supply with a good demand during- the holidays Wo quote : Pears , $2.50,75 { ; extra fine $3.00. CHAXnEiiuiES Hell & Cherry$10.00iM0.6 ; ( ( Boll & Bugle , tlO.50@ll.00 ; Capo Codsll.OC © 11.50. GKAI-ES Are jn fair demand , | \vith stocks to any calls , and n car reported on the way. Prices , however , nro unchanged Malagas. $0.50 ( 7.00 per bbl. , with some cxtrs line sold at $7.50@S.OO. LKMOXS Arts quoted at former prices witli stocks fair and a car lot of Messina reported on the way. Messina lemons , $5.COgC.OO ( Malaga , $3.00 ; extra Maori arc out of tin market. OIIASOES Prices remain firm , but nc change in prices is noted. Wo quote Louis iana oranges at $4.0004.55 per box , and Florida at $4.2o@4.50 ; with n sale or two ol extra fine at $4.75. BANANAS Are in light supply with poorc ) grades out of market , A car lot of bettci quality Is now on the way here. Choice bananas , $2.7503.50 ; medium bunches , 2.X Q3.00. HONET Some California honey Is reported ns selling nt ISc , and some In 1-ib frames nt 31c , but wo quote prices nt 10(3210 ( for Mb frames , and canned honey , 10@12c per Ib. POITOIIN Choice rice corn 3 } ( ij4cpcrlb ; other kinds , 2 < g2)fc ) per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , 7iJ7c ( ! , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13c ) almonds , Tarragona , 2-'c ; English wal nuts , 15lc ; filberts ] flfic ; Italian chestnuts , l&c. . _ Grocers' hist. Pnovijioxs Hams , ll@ll-Yc ; breakfast bacon , lliailtfc ; bacon Mdcn , 0@0)/c ; dry ialt , 8M(38/c ( ; shoulders , OW ( < $7c : dried beef HEFINED IjAiin Tierce , 75fc ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb. round , 7Jjc ; 20-lb. round , 7 > < c ; Mb. palls , 8 , ' < c ; 5-lb. palls , 8Ve ; 2-lb. palls , 8' c. n B oeM -Extra 4-Ue : $3.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00. CANDT Mlxod , 0@llc ; stick , 8&0)4c. ) Svuur No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , tt. 50(41.53 ( ; New Orleans , i > cr gallon , 3S ; 4Ge ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 80o ; 1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon cans , per doz , $0.23 ; quart cans , $3.25. STAHCII Mirror gloss , 5fc ; Gsaves1 corn , Os wcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo corn , 7c. nlc , soda , So. WOODENWABE Two-hoop palls , per doz. , $1.43 ; three-hoop palls , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $0.50 ; No. 2 tub , $5.60 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wash boards. $1.40T2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ; Fo. 1 churns , JV.CO ; No. S churns , $8-00 , No. Schurns , $7.00. PICKLES Medium in bbls. , $7.00 : do In half bbls. , $4.00 ; small , In bbls. , $8.00 ; do in half bbls. , $4.50 ; gerklns , in bbls. , $0.00 : do in half bbls. , $3.00. COFFEE Ordinary grades , 20@20J c ; fair , 20 > @ 21c : prime , 21@22o ; fancy green nnd yellow , 23ft23c ; old government Java , 28@ 30c ; interior Java , 25 ( 2Sc : Mocha. 28 < a30c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 24c : McLaughlin's XXXX , 24 c ; Dllworth's , 24J c ; Hcd Cross , TOBACCO Lorlllard's Climax , 44o ; Splcn did , 43c ; Mechanic's Delight , 4lc ; Leggctt & Meyer's star , 44o ; Cornerstone , 3Sc ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoo , 44cJ. ; T. , 40o ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c ; Catlln's meerschaum , 31c ; Catlin's old style , 2ic. : SI-OAK Granulated , "i\4 \ < S cconf. \ . A , 7c ; white extra C , 0)i' < kO < c ; extra C , OV O 'c ; yellow C , 5H < jMJiJc ; cut loaf , 8 8tfc ; powdered , 8@8Ke ; New Orleans , 5 ; { ( < $ 5) e. CANNED Goons Oysters , standard , per case , $3.23 ( 3.35 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.Xi3.10f ( ) ( raspberries , 2-lb , per case , $3.00 ® 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@4.80 ; apricots , per case , $4.iO&4.35 : ; peaches , per case , $3.hOg.85 ( ; white cherries , per case , $ . ( )0 ) ; plums , per case , $4.00@4.10 ; blueber ries , per case , $2.80@2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case beans , per case , $ l.COii ( > I.05 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.fiOg2.70 ( ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2. : ) @ 2.40. JELLIES 30-lb pails , $ t.G.- @l.75. TEAS Japans , 20g35c ( ; gunpowder , 20@ COc ; Young Hyson , 25 ( < 53c ; Oolong , 20 ( < s C5c. C5c.DitiEi DitiEi ) FnuiTS Apples , new , } { a , 7@7J.Cc ; evaporated 50-lb ring , Ojv@10c ; raspberries , evaporated , 27V ( < ,2Sc ; blackberries , evap orated , OJ @ 10c ; pitted cherries , 20@2le ; peaches , now , b@8tic ; evajwrated , peeled peaches , 2l@30c ! ; ovai > oratcd , u"i > ared , 18@20c ; new currants , 7@7(0 ( ; prunes , % @ ? ; citron , 2iio ; raisins , London layers $2.40@2.45 ; California loose musca tels , $2.00@2.10 ; how Valencia , S@s ; e. Roi'E Seven-sixteenths , 11 @ 1 IJf. Dry GootlB. DUCK West Point 20 in. 8 oz , lOJfc ; West Point 20 in. 10 oz. 12Ko ; West Point 10 in. 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , 10 > . Checks Caledonia X , 9 q ; Caledonia XX , lO c ; Economy , Oj c ; Otis , O c. KENTUCKV Jnojs Memorial ; 15c ; Canton , ISc ; Durham , 27Xc ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming ton , 22'ffo ; Cottswold , 25c. CitASH Stevens' B , Oc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A , 7Ko ; bleached , 8 } c ; Stevens' P , 8Kc ; bleached , OKc ; Stevens' N , Okc ; bleached , 10 } < fc : Stevens' S R T , 12 } c. MISCELLANEOUS Table , oil cloth , $2.85 plain Holland , 8 > .fc to Oc ; Dado Holland ; CAMBIUCS Slater , 4 > fc ; Woods , 4J c ; Stan dard , 4 } c ; Peacock , 4&c. CoMKoiiTEits $0.60(4i3.00. ; BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50colored$1.10 ; @ 8.00. BLEACHED SHEETINO Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 0 > e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , GJ/c ; butter cloth OO , 4 > fc ; Cabot , 7 } c ; Farwcll , 8c ; Fruit of Loom , Oc ; Greene G , Cc ; Hope , 7c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale , HMO ; Lons- dale , 8Jfc ; New Qork mills , 10 > c ; Pcpperell 42 inch , lOJ o ; Pepperell , 4U inch , ll } < c ; Pe | > - porollO-4,15o ; Popperoll , 8-4 20c ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepperoll.10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4,8 c ; Canton , 4-4 , 0 > c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen , 32Kc ; Clear Lake , 82) ) o ; Maple City , 30 > j'c. Whlte-G H No. 2 , % , 21o ; G II No. 1 , K , BHNo. 2 , % , 22 e ; B H No. 1 , 30c : Quechco No. 1 , J42c ; Quecheo No. * \i ' . - , ' - . - . . . . ) SOLID COLOIIS Atlanta , Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil,0 > o ; Garner Oil , C@7c : PINK AND ROUES Richmond , Oc ; Allen , Cc ; Rlverpoint , 5c ; Steel River , Co ; Richmond , Oc ; Pacific.6Kc. INDHIOBLUE Washington , Cc ; Century Indit'o blue prints , lOc ; Amer ican , CJ < c ; Arnold , C o ; Arnold B , Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , DKESS Charter Oak , 4yo } ; Ramapo , 0 0 ; Lodl , 4 > < e ; AllenSJ c ; RichmondS o ; Win dsor , Go ; Eddy stone , Cc ; Pacific , Oc. COTTON FUNNELS 10 per cent trade dis- count-LL , OJfe ; CC , 7Ko ; SS , 8 0 ; Name less , 5 } c ; No. 5 , Cc ; EE , 0' < c ; GO , lOKe ; XX , 12e ; OO. 14o ; NN , lOc ; RX , 18e ; R , 20c ; No. 10. 8He ; 40 , lOJ c ; CO , 12 } o ; 80,15c ; 0 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13Vo ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAUI-ET WAiti' Bibb white , 18 > fc ; colored BUOWN SIIEETINO Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7U"c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic D , 4-4. C' o : At- lentic P , 4-4 , 54'c ; Aurora LL. 4-4. 5 e ; Au- rora C , 4-4 , 4) ) 0 ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , GJ c ; Hoosicr LL , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 , ' c ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5 c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5' < e : Pepperell R , 4-4 , 0 ( c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , Oo ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pcpjierell , 0-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 104 , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 , Wachusott , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora , R , 4-4 , 0 'c ; Au- rora B , 4-4 , Oc. BATTS Standard , So ; Gem , lOKc ; Beauty , 12Ko ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $ C.50. GiNniiAin Plunckctt checks , 7 c : Whit- tcnton , 7fc } : York , 714'c ; Normandl dress , 8 > ( fc ; Calcutta dress. 8) o ; Whlttcnton dress , Oc ; Renfrew dress , 0@12. ! c. TICKS Lewiston , 30-In. , 12Vc ; Lewiston , 82-ln. , 13 > c ; York , 32-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7' < fcThormlike ; , OO , 8tfc ; Thorndikc , EF , 8 } < c ; Thorndike , 120 , O o ; Thorndike , XXX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 0 > < fo ; Cordls , No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskcag , 0-oz. , ICc ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13c ; York , 7-oz , 13c ; Haymaker , 8 > c ; Jaffrey , XX , HKc ; Jaftrcy , XXX , 12 ! < c ; Beaver Creek , AA' , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB , lie ; Beaver Creek , CC.lOc. General Markets. Fnx SEED Unchanged nt$1.10 per bushel. GIUIN Wheat , No. 2 , OOc ; rye , 45C'l50c ; oats , 20c ; corn , old. 3S@40c ; new , : r > W3c ; barley is quoted at 45M55c , according to qual- ity. . FLOUH AND FEED The market ns n rule Is steady. The following are current prices : Minneapolis patents , Ji.GO per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.45(3.2.00 ( ; Nebraska patents , $2.25 ( < (2.40 ; rye flour , $1.75@1.00T per cwt ; ' buckwheat , $7.00 ; , Excelsior , Irt.OO , ready raised , $5.00 per case ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeul , yellow , $1,00 per cwt ; cornmeal , white , $ l.00 < tfl.l ( ) per vt ; hominy , ton ; bran , $14.00 ( 15.00 per ton ; screenings $12.00@14.00 per ton. HA v Prices are steady as follows : Common coarse hay , $7.00ii7.50 ( per ton : up land prairie. $7.75(38.00 ( ; straw , ftl.50. COAL Prices remain flrm and unchanged. Wo quote : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; walnut block , $4.23 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; lowuuut , S3.00 ; Illinois , $4,50@4.75. HiDEv Green butcher's , 5S5 ( } c ; green cured , CflG o ; dry flint , Oo ; dry suit , bo ; green calf sKins , 7c ; damaged hides , two- thirds price. Tallow 3 'e. Grease Prime white , 3o ; yellow , 3o ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25 } CiOc. Funs Quotations are now ns follows ; _ Raccoon , IDtfiOOo : mink. 15@40c ; _ musk - ria , ( i > ytyuc ; i > o. x , ' lyjjuo ; oeuver , ro. * I , per Ib , $2.00@3.00 : No. 2 , $1.00@1,25 ; otter , $1.00(3G.OO ; dry deer skins , 20w33o per Ib ; Jry antelope , elk , inopso , etc , , Dituos Ammonia carb 14c , camphor re- flned 2Se , copperas lc , cream tartar 42c , crcaui tartar powdered 20(350c ( , India Madras 75c , morphia sulph $3.00. Soda bL carb COc , , Venice turpentine 40c. Gum opium $4.05 , quicksilver 75C , qulnlno , German per oz , 48c. Wax , yellow puro32c. foot extra , 55c ; n cats foot No. l,50c ; gasoline , 74 deprees. 15c ; W. S. lanl , C5o' No. 1 lard , 50c ; No. 3 lard , 60c ; W. Vn. icro , 14o ; W. Vn. summer , 12c ; golden No. 1 , 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1 degree. 14c. PAINTS White lead , pure. Olfo ; white lead , fancy , 0 > Jc ; putty , 3c : Paris white , 3c ; Whitlny , common , 2 } c ; red lead , 7c. WINDOW GLASS Single. 70c per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. LEATiiEn Oak soles , ! )3 ) ( 37c ; hemlock slaughter solo , 20@20c ; henflock dry sole , 21 (327c ( ; hemlock kip , 05@00c ; A. & B. runner kip. 50Si70c ( ) A. hemlock Calf , 00c@1.05 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "bocks , " 75c ; hemlock up per , 10@24o ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 3KJ24 ; Tnmpico B. L. Morroco , 20@33c ; Tarn pica ) > cbbk\O. D. Mo. , 20@32c Curacoa B. G. Mo. , ! Bc ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75@3.00 ; Dangola kid , 3035c ; X. M. Kangaroo. 40c ; American calf kid , ittc ; Gnescnklds , $3.00.50 : ) ; French calf kids , $3.25 ; oak kip skins. 8X ( < r$1.00 ; oak-calf skins , $1.001.25 ; French calf skins , . $1.850,13.00 ; French kip skins , $1.10 1.50 ; Russitt linings , $0.00u'0.50 per doz ; pink cream and white llii- ings , $7.50 ( < ? 10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , $0.00 11,00. Sri KITS Cologne spirits , 168 proof. $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual ity , 101 proof , $1.10 : do. 188 proof , $1.00. Alcohol , 188 proof , $2.10 per wlno gal lon. Redistilled whiskies , $1 00(31.50. ( Gin , blended , $1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bour bons. fj.tXH3lJ.00 ; Kentucky and Pcnn- 8.00. Gins , imported , $4.50@0.00 ; domestic , $1.25 < a3.00. Champagnes , imported , IH.T case , $23.00(233.00 ( ; American , per case , $10.00 @ 10.00. HEAVT HAiiDWAnE The following price nro standard : Iron , rate. $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4'fc : crucible steel , O e ; cast tools , do , 12@15c ; wagon spokes , per set , $2.005.50 ( ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes , buwcd dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles , each , 75c : square nuts , per Ib , 0@J3c ; cjl : chain , per Ib , 0 } @ 13c ; malleable , 8@10c ; iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $ T > .75 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $ -1.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , lutes , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS ANI ) TIMllliltS. 2,14 .V It ) ft. 18 tt. 20ft . , 23 ft. 2' ! 4ft. 2x4 . 17 AD 20 00 21 00 22 ) 22 00 2xll . 17 H ) 20 OU 21 00,2:1 , : I J Zl 00 2x8 . IT ) 20 00 21 00 22 00 22 CM 2xlU . 17 no 20 w ) 21 iw.2i ; iw aa i 2x12 . 1H 2R 20 00 21 00 24 OU 24 00 4x4 8xH. . . in nolui no 20 no 2:1 : oo 2:11 : IIOAUDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50 No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 In 12 & 14 ft. , rough $10 50 No. 1 " " 10 " 10 50 No. 2 " 12 14 " 10 60 No. 2 , " " 10 " 1800 A , 12,14 , & 1C ft.21.50 I C , 12,14 & 10 ft$15.50 B , " " 20.50 I D , " " 12.50 FLOOIH.NO. AC In White Pine $25.50 HIin ! " " 33.50 CGIn " " 30.00 D(5in ( " " 21.50 EC in " " ( Scl. Fencing ) 10.00 0 in. Drop Siding 50c per > I. extra. CE1LINO AND PAIITIT1OX. 2d com % in White Pine Ceiling14.00 "S.IK ) Clear'/in Norway " " 10 2nd com. ? ' in " " " 14.00 STOCKUOAltnS. A12inchsls $15.50 Bia " 30.20 C12 " 30.00 D12 " 23.00 No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 " " " 14ft 10.00 " " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , IS , 20ft Sl.fiC No.2 , " " 10.00 " " " 12 & 14 ft 18.50 " " " 10 ft 17.W 12 in Grooved rooflng , $1 per M. more than 12 n Stock Boards same lengtn. 0 in. Groa ved Hoofing same price as 12 in. Stock Boards. SHIP LAI1. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $10.00 No.2 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , O G , 8 in- 10.50 FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IK inch , s 2s. . . . . $51.00 " " ' 51.00 1K. . 3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s 44.50 " IK , lK,2inch 40.00 A , select , 1 inch , s2s 40.00 A , " IK , IK , 2 Inch , B 3 s 44.00 B , " 1 inch , s2s HO.OO B , " W , IK , 2 inch , 82s 37.00 SOUTIIEllN YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 1st and 3d clear 4 inch Flooring 23.0 ( Six-inch 50c less. Clcar % Inch Ceiling 21.50 Clear * { inch Partition 25.00 Clear % inch , Partition $ J above % icnh Ceil ing. Clear Finish , 1 and \f } inch , s 2 s $20.00 Clear Finish , IK and 2 inch , s2s 30.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.51 Clear Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . . 27.00 I'Ol'LAU LUMDEIt. Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. % in. , s 2 s $35.00 " " K in. Panel , s 2 s 27.01 " " Corrugated Ceiling , K. . 28.50 BATTENS , WELL TUIIINO , TICKETS , O. G. Halts , 2K in. C5c ; Kx3 , sis. 40c ; 3 In Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bev. , $23.00 ; Pick ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $31.50. SHINGLES , LATH. XX clear , $ .10 ; extra * A , $2.85 ; A * stand ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. I'OilTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , ) { s. 12Kc ; 0 In. qrs HKc ; white cedar , 5K in. Ks.ll/uci8m qrs , lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , lO c ; Tennessee nesseo red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , 10e0 ; in. , 7 in nnd 8 in. ( % each ) 8 ft. , round W. C posts. Ti' . J. OALDRAITH , Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Corner 14th and iTonglas St. Ofllce , telephone , 405 ; Hesidenco telephone , 5C8. MAM into n rvAcquiixTio wna TUB onooxirnr or mu COCMTBT WILL III BT ErUIUUiO THIS 1UT TIUT In CHICA60ROCKISLAND&PACFICRAILWAY , ! By re&ion of 1U central poiltloi clew relation to llnei Zait of Chicago , and continuant Hnci at terminal polnti Weit , Morthweit and Sodtuweit , U the tru middle link la th t tranicontlnentai nyitem which Intllfi and facilitate * trayol and trafflo between tbo Atlantic nd I'tctflc. The Rock Iiland main line and branchci Include Chicago cage , Joliet , Ottawa , I.aSalle , reorla. Oeneieo , Molina and Rock Iiland , In llllnolij Darenrort , Huicatlne , Waihlngton , Falrflcld , Ottumw , o kaloora , WeitLlb- crt7IowaClt7DeiMolnei.Inillanola.Wlntenet , Atlan tic , Knoirllle , Auilubon , Harlan , Outhrlo Centre and Council Blulfi , In lowai OMIatln , Trenton , Bt. Mpd , Cameron and Kaniae City. In Ulsiourlt Leai , ivrortb. and Atchlion , In Kanian Albert Lea , Mlnneapolli and t.Paal.lnlllnneiotat Watertown and Bloux Falli.19 Dakota , and hundred * of Intermediate cltlei and ton sa. . ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" Cnaranten ipeed , eomfort , certalntr and lately. Ill cerraanent war li dlillnruliued for Hi excellence. Hi bridge ! are of atone and Iron. Iti track U of lolld fteel.lti rolllnntockperfect. Itipauengcrtqulpmrnt kai all the lalety appliancti that experience bai pro r J oieful. and for luzurloui accommodation li u.m > * p n < si. Hi Eipren Tralni conilit of luperlor Day Coaeliei , elegant 1'ullman Palace I'arloraud Bleeping Can , tuperb Ulnlnf Cin , prorldlnir dellcloui mcali , and ( between Chicago and Bt. Jocepb , Atchlion and Kaniai City ) roitful Reclining Chair Can. It man- gercent U conierratlT * , IU dliclplloo exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Rotrre" Between Chicago and Mlnneapolli and St. Fa. li the faTorite. Of er tbli Una Bolld rait Eipreil Tralni run dally to attractlre retort ! for toirUtl In Iowa and Mlnneiota , and , Tla Watertown and Bloui Falli , to the rich wheat and erulng land ! of Interior Dakota. Via Beneca , and Kankakee , the Kock Iiland olfenicperlor Inducement ! to trarelen between Cincinnati , Indian. apolU. Lafayette and Council DIutTi. St. Joieph , Atcht- ion. Uarenworth , Kaniai City , St. Paul , and Interne- dlate polnti. All patrooi ( eip lally ladlei and chil dren ) receive protection , courteiy and kindly attention. For ticket ! , mapi , folderi , coplei of Weitern Trill , or any deilred Infcrmatlon , apply to principal offlct-l In tte United BtaUl aed Canada , or addreii , at Cklcago , _ i"i : My [ . . . . ! i.- . i.A iiiaoDi , Acrlcultural Implement * . CHURCHILL . PARKER , Dealer in. . A M ETC ALF Atfcnltural Implements , WagonsCarriaiiei , Buggle , . Ktg. Whole > al * . Omaha , Nebraika. PARLIN. ORENDO'RF * MA"RTNT Wholeiai * ixalf r IB Amlcnltnral Implements , ! agons & Engine. J01.MB.t06 andKTT.Jonti Mreet.0 aba. _ P. P. MAST at CO , , Manufacturers of Bnckeye Mil , Seeders , OtltlTatcri. liar Bake * . Cider Mill * aa4 l.uban Pull T rlier . Cor. Utb and Wlrtiola * Street * . Artlat * ' Material * . A. HO8PB , Jr. , Artists1 Materials , Pianos ani Ortan , till DonckM itrwt , Omaha , Nebraika. oote and 8hoea. W. V. MORSE A CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. UU Farnam tit , Omaha. Neb. Manufactory. * gueet. Do ton. KIRKENDALL , JONES at CO. . ( Sncceuon to Reed , Jonei A Oo. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes AtenU for tloiton Enbber.8hy , ( > . 1101,1104 * UN llarney St. Omaha , nehrf" ' . Coffee * , tploee , Ito. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omaha OotTet and Bplce Mill * . Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , rurortng Kilracl * , laundry Blue , InRtc. . Kll-lllt ilarney Street , Omaha , Nebraika. Crockery and Glassware. W. L. WRIGHT , Aittnt for the Manufacturer * and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys Ktc. Office,2KB. 13th 6t. , Omaha , Nebraika. ' Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Jobbing , vtMr.Rci * and Produce. Conilinment * lollclled. Haadquarter * for Stoneware , Urrry Hole , and Grape Baiket * . 1IU Dodge St. , Omaha. RIDDELL & RlDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants. WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , rcultry. Duller , Game. Frulti. Rlc. WO South Utb 8 , Omaba , Nebraika. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Snccenors to Mcbhune A Bchroedcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaba. Nebraika. Coat , Coke and Lime. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME CO. . Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , KB South Utb Street , Omaha , Nebraska. ' J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , Farnam Bt. , Omaba , Neb. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal ani Cob , III South 13th St. , Omaha. N b. Pry CopdB and lilotloris. M. B. SMITH St CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1101 and IKMDouilaa. Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importersand Jobbers in Dry GoodsMoni Orata' rurnlihlnr QoniJi.Comer llth and Uarney BW Omaha , Ncbraika. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , JTarnam Street. Omtba , Nebraika. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , TO , TOT , 709 and 711 B. 10th Bt. . Omaba , Neb. McCORD , BRADY t CO. . Wholesale Grocers , MUk and Learenworth BtreeU , Omaba , Nebraikft. D. M. STEELE * CO. , Wholesale Grocers , t IMl and 123 narnej Street , Omaha , Nth. ALLEN BROS. . Wholesale Grocers , 1111 and 1118 Qarnar Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlaware.Sbeet Iron.Kto. AionU for Howe Bcalei.and Miami i'owder Co. , Omaha , Neb. HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tool , and Hnffalo Scalei. laX Douglai at. Omaba , Nebraika. RECTOR ft WILHELMY CO. . Wholesale Hardware , 10th and ITarncr St , OmahaNeb. Wcitrrn Apenti for Auitlnl'owaerCo.Jerer > on Steel Nallt , Kalr- lianki Standard Scale , . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , . etc. JAMES A. EDNEY. Wholesale Iron and Steel , Mats , caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. , Wholesale Eats , Caps and Straw Goods , 1101 Uarney Etreet , Omaba , Neb. Llquorc. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER & CO. . Importers & Jobbers of FineWines&Liprs Kail India Bitter * and Dojaeltle Liquor , . 1113 Ilarney Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IBth 8tr et and Union I'aclOc Track. Omaha. ' LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Dcen , etc. Tardl-Corner 1th and Doyglai ; Corner 9th and Doutla * . C. N.OIETZ. Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , Ulb and California St . . Omaha , Neb. " " " 1 " ' FRED W. GRAY , Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner ttli and Doogln Bti. , Omaha. " " T. W. HARVEY LUMgetjt CO. , * ' To Dealers Only , " Ofllce. 11C3 Farni Bunt.Omaha. = "JOHN A. WAKEFIELD1' "r Wholesale Lumber , Etc. biyort4 and American fortlaod Cement. Utau aient CHA8. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwooi Lei Wooa Carptli and rarqntt Flooring. , "wminsry . . and , NetTorMeT , , + rr ' * ' * .iiv * ' + * * Lfv * ' ± * i * w * + * < f * * * * * * * t. OBERFELDHR Ji CO. * Importers & Jobbers of MDlinenl m. IN and til outh llth BtrM * . Notlene. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION , C fHolmle Notions and ForaisMif M and * South Mlh BUM * . OeMM , VINVARD . T i-vei * * * a * oCHNEIDKIVf j j. " \ * " " ! MODS and Gent's ' FDraisMg-lM'4 % llOt Barter Birett , t Oil * . CONSOLIDATED TANK LINl V I holesale Refine ! ani LulirlcttKlli llj A.U. Paper ; CARPENTER PAPER Wholesale Paper Dealn , , c * ttock et BrlBUac.wrmvplM Mi p p f. Printer * ' Material * ) . _ WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , " "fcuwss ro Ruboer Oooda. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Riftr ( M Oil Clotklnf ami Leather Belling. Mas rant * Mr * * * f'viJ team Fittings , Pumps , llo. A. L. STRAND CO. . Pnmp PipesjJ ; Mto f J Vli and Wl rarnam Struet , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , " " " Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Ctetm and Water Purpll Fooit * Co'i goodly "U.S. WIND ENGINE * PUMP CO. . Steasi and Water Supplies , . ' naltlday Wind Mills , 018 and I'M Knrnam r U. F. Ku . Acting Malinger. BROWNELL &CO. . Engines , Boilers and General theel Iron Work , Steam Pumpi , * w Mllli. Lemeuworth Street , Oiiinha. Seeds. PHIL. 8TIMMEL& CO. , \ a/ Wholesale Fan , Field and Gardei SeNS tit nd 013 Jonp , St. , Omaha I Storajge , Forwarding A Comml lfB ARMSTRONQ. PETTIS & CO. , > . Storage , Forwarding and Commissioi. nrinch liouie of Ihe Ilennrj lluscr Co. Br " irliolciale anil retail. IW.CUO anu .3U UarU Omaba. Telephone No. TM , OMAHA MWAC ' - Cornice. _ EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Conic .4 John Kpouel r , lronrl tor. KO Dodie and W Md I North 10th Street , Omaha. : Sm ke Stacke , Bollore , JKto , " * " H K SAWYER P * Mannfactnring Dealer in Smoke Stactt Brltchlnm , Tanks and Oeneral Doller Uepalrlu. " Dodge Btreet , Omaha , Neb. Iron Works. PAXTON & V1ERUNQ , WronEut and Cast Iron Bnildini f ( Knglnvi , nran work , cencral foundry , macklmt ( blackimlln work : Omcxi and worki , 0. P. KJT. 17th Strtot , Omalia. . OMAHA WIRE * IRON WORKl , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Deik rail , , window guardt , flower itnndl , win I U ! . , 123 Nortli ICth St. . Omaha. _ OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WOrKsJ ? Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safin Vault , , jail work , Iron and wire fencing , algnf . Me. Andreen , Prop'r. Cor. llth and JaoktOA I" ' MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD CO MniiulHcturcra anil Jobber" In Wagons Buggies Rakes Plows Eta a Cor. DIM a.i I'uiiiio , Sto.imim. , . Neb MEACHER & LEACH. General Aienta for Dlcbold Hnfo & Lock Oo.'f } Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Lock VaulU and Jail Work , 141i Farnam Street , Omaha. ' ' H. M. & S.W.JONES. " " * biircvtMirs to A. T. Kc'nyon & Oo , Wlinloula nnd retiill Booksellers and Stationers , Fine WoUltiK Stntlnnorr , Cnuiincrrlnl StatlODwTf. It. . ' Douglui St. Uinuha , N b. * gyerana. C A N FI ELD M A N U F A CT U Rl N Q CO. Manufacturers of Oyeralls , > i Jeane ranti , SblrU , Btc. HOT and 1104 UooflMMMt Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doora , Etc. M. A. D1SBROW & CO. , f Wholciale Manufacturer * of ' J Sash , Doors , Blinds and Monldintt \ -I Branch Office , 12th and Hard Btrceti , Omaha , Hb < - BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sasb , Doors , Bliitt,1 llonldlni ; , fitalr Work and Interior Hart Wood Ha * lab. N. S. Comer 8tU and UtaTenwortb HttMt * . < Omaha. Neb. , ' OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , , Haunfacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Door * , Brewers. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1421 North Klgbternlh Street , Omaha , Nb. a . FAUIXH. N. P. HIOUMAX. J , 11. BLAMC 1 PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Lire Stock Commission Merchaits Omoe-Uoo n. OPPO'/ / Kg.han BnlMIn . MoCOY BROS. . * Lire Stock Commission Merchant * ' . < LORIMER , WESTERFIELD & MALEV * Lire Stock Commission , > Boom li. Exchange Ilulldlng , Union Rtoek Tar4V _ Bouth Omaha , Neb , ALEXANDER 4 FITCH , " \ Commission Dealers in Lire Slock , Ual < " > UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . " \ Of Omaha , Limited , John V. Bo/il , buperlntendent. THE CAPITOL HOTEL ; ' LINCOLN , , NEB.