* rmn * " ? * * tr THE OM AH A D AILT BEE I : SEVENTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SATURDAY J KNINQ , DECEMBER 31. 1887. NUMBER lOtt PATT1SON POUNDS PACIFIC , * The FoartcBB Ex-Governor's Ar- rqlfiftimont of tbo Railroads. DISCLOSING A ROBBERS' NEST. The .Government Cheated By Fnhie and Perjuring Wit- of an A Sensational Report. WASHINGTON , Dec. 80. The minority re port , ' submitted by Robert E. Pattlson , chair man of the Pacific commission , differs some what ns to conclusions of facts , and entirely ns to the method of adjusting the differences with the railroad companies. The following .extracts will servo to Indicate Paulson's chief points : The construction companies or Inside com blnntlons that have built five of the six roads have concealed or destroyed their books , the j ; exception being the central branch , and the 4 commission has been embarrassed in Its work by the refusal or failure of the com > panics to produce their accounts relating to the actual cost of construction , or to exhibit any paper or documents that would enable ' the commission to ascertain the truth as to this most important factor in the investiga tion. From minutes and accounts of railroad companies and from fragmentary Informa- k , tlon gathered from various sources , it is dls closed that officers of at least three of these companies made false statements under oath in affidavits now on file in the interior depart ment. The managers were acting as trustees of a national highway and they cannot plead any lawful jjmlificatlon for making false affidavits , which state that * 9SS4S,040 of stock was actually paid for , when in fact less than $2,000,000 had been f > o paid for. Mr. Huntlngton testified before the com mission , that "competition Is killing , " and that there ought to bo only ono railroad for the whole country. They combine with oth ers to tax communities which they served , find they forced consuming classes in all sec tions of the country to contribute to the pay ment of interest and dividends ui > on ficiltious capital which the hud credited. They In creased cost of living ; they laid property claim to a traffic on largo sections of the country ; they squandered millions of their money "to protect" their territorial claims , while spending other millions in encroach ments upon territory claimed by other com panies ; they constitute themselves arbiters of trading ; they attempt to dictate chan nels which trade must follow and fixed rates of transportation that were extor tionate ; they charged all that traffic could bear and appropriated a share of profits of every Industry by charging the greater part of differences between actual cost of pro duction and price of article in the market ; They discriminated between individuals , bo twcen localities and between articles ; they favored particular individuals and companies ; they destroyed possible competitors and they built up particular localities to the injury of other localities until matters had reached such a pass that no man dared engage in any business In which transportation largely offered without first consulting and obtaining permission of the railroad manager ; they departed from their legitimate sphere as common curriers and engaged In mining articles for transportation over their own line ; they exerted terrorism over mcr- chantfvund over committees thus interfering with lawful pursulns of people ; they partici pated in election contests , and it is charged they even attempted to influence courts and juries by granting free transpurtation. By secret , curt and violent and rapid fluctuations in rates they menaced business , paralyzed capital ami retarded investment and develop ment. During the five years from 1SG4 to ISO ! ) . upon that their ronda were fully completed ncd these companies obtained bonds from the government , but when the government called upon them to pay n percentage of their not earnings into the treasury , as was stipulated in the original contract , they contended that their roads were not fully completed until 18T4 and refused to make any payments to the government , ' though ono of them , the Central Pacific , had been declaring dividends in the meantime. The resisted the claims and demands of the government at every point and resorted to every device that their in genuity could invent in their efforts made plain by the requirements of the laws. In transrortlng troops and supplies for the gov ernment they violated the contract obligation to charge reasonable rates by charging more than they carried to private shippers for the same service. The reports of the Union Pacific show that the average rates paid by the government to that corpyration were higher than those re ceived by thai company from other sources. The same is more or less true of other bond- aided company. The balance sheet of the Central Pacific for 1880 should have shown a deficit of over 114,000,000 , in profit and loss account , but by omitting from the debit side accumulated interest , which the government had advanced , amounting to $3l,8Gy,47fl.20 , and by making Up its lands in asset column to $ 1,500,000 , when Its actual value was $12,500,0110 , as ap pears from the testimony of the company's land agent , the company made a showing ol on apparent surplus of over $28,000,000. Had Pacific railroads been built and man- ngcd upon honest methods and government loan been properly applied , these companies , regarded as a whole , could have declared a dividend at a rate of 0 per cent per annum for eighteen years from date of actual com pletion to the present time upon nil moneys that they could have been required to pay in to complete and equip the roads. They could have repaid every cent of principal and Interest advanced by the government to date and , could have reduced their chagcs to shippers to the extent of tLVS/JTOor more than $6,000,000 per year. But they chose dishonest - honest methods. At the outset they divided * 172M7,115 : of fictitious capital , and tho.v taxed shippers to an cxtentof ovcrr ! > ri,000,00il or 114,000,000 a yew , to pay for Inflation of capital of these companies , and for vicious practices that crept into their management. Because of vicious methods , actually pursued by bond-aided companies , the povcrnment has been defrauded of the bulk of its advances shlp | > ers been taxed to nn extent of ever fc..Vi.OOO.tXX ) , and liabilities to the amount of f3S' ,517,2t > o have been heaped UJKIII the properties to redeem these roads from perverted uses to which they have been applied , in order tha , the bciicfl- cent public purx | > so that congress had in view in their creation bo realized , Is a con sideration of infinitely moro importance to the people than uny payment of any given number of dollars and cents Intotho treasury. The government can well afford to lose u i > or- tlon of this indebtedness if its object can bo accomplished. PaUlson deals with the branch line system nt great length , dtvhiriiig that the "Brunch line system , in its present shape , U the out growth of those speculative features that have marked tha administration of this com pany slnco its inception. It may bo but a coincidence , but it is nevertheless a fact that the company imulo moro money before the creation oi the branch line system ttiault has since that tlmo. " After reviewing the operations of the . Union Pucitlo v in this direction , ho says : "I therefore report that the action of tlio * * . Union Paclflq company In expending Its revenues and In pledging its. credit to build branch lines , ex ceeded Its eoritoruto powers ; that this policy was pursued after notice from the govern ment directors that it must bo adopted at the company's risk ; that the feeding lines were used as a cloak to hide the schemes of cor ruption and mlgadinlmitratlQn by officer * and managers that , tlio branch line system Pf the Union Paclfio as n whole unprofitable : that tlio Union Pacific has revenues , which should have been 'applicable to tbo government dpbt uud has deliberately removed them from the operation fit h } Ut- utory line or aided the road in violation of tlid Thurntan act. " . Mr. Pattlson concluded by suggesting that the debt of the Union Pacific to the govern ment might bo arpralscd on a basis of what the road would sell for in the market. Cullom's Postal Telegraph Dill. WABtUNfiTON , Dec. 80. Senator Cullom will Introduce an amendment to his postal telegraph bill Immediately after the reassem bling of congress , changing the rates named In the original bill , more especially for the transmission of press matter. While ho be lieves congress ought to prescribe rates for the use of government wires ns It prescribes rates for the use of mall , Instead of leaving it to the discretion of officials , yet the rates named in his bill were designed merely ns n suggestion to a committee which should have the bill In charge. With subsequent study , , nd with information which has como to him rom many Sources , ho has reached the con- luslon that there ought to bo no difference , upon government lines , between service of ike manner rendered to evening papers and .hat to morning papers. Ho says ho appre ciates the weight of reason which leads prl- ruto companies to charge more for day .han nitjht service , namely , the fact Unit wires arc in great demand for commercial messages at comparatively high rates during .he hours from 10 in the morning 'till 'J or 3 n the afternoon. Ho believes such reasons should not operate ns regards government ines , and that the government should hnvo no preferred patrons ns to rates for like classes of business or as to the order of trans mission. The rates to bo named in his amend ment are based upon a unit of 100 words or a fraction thereof and nro as follows : For 500 miles or less , 25 cents ; between BOO and 1,000 miles , 30 cents ; between 1,000 and 1,500 miles , ! cents ; bctwncn 1,500 and 2,000 miles , 40 cents ; between 2,000 and 3,000miles , 45 cents , and for moro than 3,000 miles , 50 cents. When moro than ono copy of the same dispatch is sent to different newspapers at the same or different offices , the post master general is to prescribe the rates to bo charged for drop copies. SCRAPPING AT PUliUTH. A Bloody Eight-Round Content and n Genuine Knockout. DUI.CTH , Minn. , Dec. 30. [ Special Tele gram to the BCH. ] The hardest fight that ever took place in the northwest occurred to night between Paddy McDonald , of Duluth , and J. P. Donncr , of Hurley. McDonald thought he had a snap , but Donncr nearly finished him , although much the lighter. The fight was eight rounds , Qucensbury rules , for $200 and receipts , James Murnano , ref eree , and was decided a draw. Both men were badly used up. Donncr's right cyo was closed and McDonald's face a chopping block. First Round Donncr led with his and caught Paddy on the neck. The men clinched and after the break Donncr landed his right with tolling effect on Mc Donald's face. McDonald fouled slightly , but Donner did not claim it. Heavy and close slugging all through. First blood for Donner. Second Donncr's right peeper was shut by Paddy swinging his ri ht. The round was ono of hard liglhing all through. No advant age in this. Third Paddy led and landed with both on Donner's head. Both sparred for wind. Fourth Paddy got chancery on Donncr , but the latter broke and laid his right on Paddy's lip , cutting it open. Hardest light ing on record at closo. Both men badly winded. Blows of no force. Men led to corners. Hefereo got hit on the jaw at the clinch. Fifth Donnor opened with a hard right on Paddy's head and rushed him to the ropes , slugging him repeatedly. McDonald avoided him. Donner had the best of the round. Sixth Close all through and both men bloody. Paddy out of wind and very groggy , but fought close. Seventh Paddy caught Donner with left on neck and punished him badly. A call of time saved Donncr from a knock out. Eighth Both men fought like demons , streaming with blood and almost too weak to stand. No advantage. At the close Donner challenged any man in the northwest to a finish , London rules. Clew and McDonald both accepted and fights will bo arranged to-morrow. The referee's decision was satisfactory. There was no sign of a hippodrome. THE GOUIiU-SAGE INDICTMENT. What .District Attorney Marline Haste to Say About It. NEW Yonic , Dec. 30. District Attorney Martine to-day filed the following memoran dum in the matter of the charges made against Jay Gould and Kusscll Sago by the bond holders of the Kansas Pacific railroad : "This is an application to present to the grand jury , a charge of larceny against Jay Gould and Russell Sago under section 54 of the penal code. In my opinion the nets , with the com mission of which the defendants stand charged , constitute a crime. A oossiblo ob stacle to the successful prosecution of the persons complained of is the statute of limi tations. Yet there arc-strong reasons for be lieving that this obstacle is not unsurmount- ablo. The statute under which it is sought to prosecute may bo so construed as to enable the people to proceed , notwithstanding the statute of limitations , and such construction would have much support in reason and com mon scnso. The question is so close and tha Interests involved hero , ns well of the people as of the defendants , are so important it seems proper to leave the determination of this question of law to the courts and in order to effect this result , the change should be laid before the grand jury , and , if proven an in dictment , found and tried. " To Boat the Scalpers. CinrAoo , Doc. 80. The Central Traffic as- bociation roads having failed to adopt a prop osition to sell 1,000 mile tickets at 2 f cents a mile , Commissioner Blanchurd submitted tea a vote modification of the plun with the hope that the few roads objecting to the orig inal schema would approve. The new pro posal is to sell 1,000 milo tickets nt f to. a ro- buto of $10 to bo paid to the purchaser when the coupons huvo all been used. The tickets are tq bo inndo non-trunsfurablo and $10 is to bo forfeited if they hnvo changed hands. In this way , it is thought , tickets can bo kept out of the hands of bcaipers. Worst Gnlo Slnco 'flO. MACIIUS , Mo. , Dec. UO. The gnlo of Wednesday night lust is said by experienced seamen to have been the heaviest experienced in this section slnco ISfiO. At Joncsport a largo number of vessels were driven ashore and four were stranded. Houses were dam aged and barns unroofed in several shore towns. Fatal AflYny in a Distillery. Lr.xiNOTOX , Ky. , Dec. , 30. James A. Hunter , store keeper and S. C. Cardwell , book keeper of Curley's Distillery company , engaged In a shoqting to-day. Hunter was instantly killed. It was occasioned by a dis pute as to individual rights about the dis tillery. Hunter is the seeonu government official from Jessamine county that has been killed in a shooting affray within five weeks. The Dcnth Record. ASHLAND , Wis. , Dec. 30. Judge Boll , known fur and wide ns king of the Apostle Islands , died this morning. For nearly half n century ho established what was practically a llttlo monarchy in the wilderness. Ho was eighty-three years old. and was the oldest living settler on the historic spot where Muniuctto founded his mission 200 years ago. * MofTatt'o Vacant Scat. L txaixa , Mich. , Dec. 80. Governor Luco has designated Tuesday , February 14 , as the date of a special election In the Eleventh dis trict , to cheese a 'successor to Congressman Mptfutt , deceased ; " , THE FIGHT FOR PROHIBITION , Attention Called to Senator Flatt'o Anti-Whisky B11L HOW THE SENATE STANDS. William Tcoumsoli nntl John Shcrnmii Show Their Diplomacy on tlio Presidential Question The Pticinc Commission. The Whisky Question ! WASIHXOTO.V BiniKAU TUP. OMAHA HER , ) B13 FOUIITHKNTII STUBKT , , V WASHINGTON , D. C. , Dec . , 30. I Senator Palmer's recent announcement , to .ho effect that the opening light for prohi bition would be made in this district , has itlrrcd matters up hero and attracted atten- ion to the bill introduced by Senator Platt , io which Senator Palmer referred in a recent ntcrview. This bill was prepared by leading .cmceranco men hero and provides that no icrson shall sell or manufacture or keep for ale or give away any spirituous or intoxi cating liquors except for medicinal , me chanical or scientific purposes. The impor tation or exportation of Intoxicating liquors jxcopt for the purposes stated , nro pro- lilblted. Regulations are prescribed for the dispensation of liquors. It must bo upon the 'orm of a regular practicing physician and when used for mcchanica. scientific purposes can only bo obtained upon affidavits setting forth the specific purpose - pose for which the liquor is intended. Mr. Moulton , who is president of the temperance alliance hero , and who is the reputed author of the bill , says of the measure : "The bill was introduced in the senate for the purpose of having it passed there. I have no doubt that the senate will pass it. It has already passed other measures of special legislation for the District , and the sentiment of a ma jority of the senators is in favor of this bill. As for the house , I cannot speak so conll- dcntally , but I believe the change in senti ment there , and the earnestness with which this measure is urged by the good people the best people all over the country will secure its passage by the house. Of course it will bo opposed by the liquor power , but this power is waning. It cannot longer throttle legislation. It found it could not coerce the supreme court it cannot coerce congress. Tlio sentiment in favor of prohibition is growing stronger every day. Members of congress need no longer fear that they will commit political suicide to support such a measure as this. From every congressional district petitions are coming in favor of this bill , and these pctititions are sent by the best people in the district the doctors , the minis ters , the lawyers and the leading men. Po litical parties cannot ignore this movement. If the republican senate passes this bill it will bo n strong point for the republican party , and if the house then pusses it , it will bo a strong point for the democratic party. " Mil. HVAN IN A QUANltAllY. Mr. Ryan , of Kansas , is in a quandary. There appears to bo some doubt us to whether Mr. Ryan will uccept the place on the ways and means committee tendered him by the speaker. Mr. Ryan has been for a number of years one of the committee on appropria tions and his colleagues from Kansas , with whom Mr. Ryan has consulted ubout the pro posed transfer , have unanimously recom mended to decline and remain on the appro priations. The Kansas members say their state is very much interested in certain ap propriations and they have very little inter est in the tariff one way or the other , so Mr. Ryan is in n state of uncertainty us to whether ho will accept the oifer and go on the ways and means. WII.I , MUS. HANCOCK HP A POSTMISTRESS ? There wr.s a rei > ort current to-day thut the president hud tendered to the widow of Gen eral Hancock the postmastership in this city. Mrs. Hancock has been living hero for some time and u paper has recently been in circu lation among congressmen to purchase her a homo in the fashionable quarter of the north western part of the city. A qualified denial was entered ut the white house this after noon of the report that the president had offered the postmastorship to her and it was generally believed that ono of the twenty male applicants will bo selected. Among the applicants is ex-Connnandcr J. J. Burke , of the G. A. R. , and J. J. Enright , of Michigan , who is the funny man of the New YorK Star , and has a presiduntiul connection through Mr. Dorsheimcr of thut paper. It is suld that the new postmaster general will favor Enright. ( iiXEHAI : , HHEIiMAN AND THE IXTCnVIBWCTl. William Tecumsch Sherman , who is visit- int ; his brother , the senator , is receiving quite an ovation. Ho spends a good deal ol his time in the company of General Shcridun and puys frequent visits to the white house. The president is very fond of him. The gen eral refuses to talk politics. A reporter at tempted to get nn interview with him by say ing : "Your friends speak of making you president ono of these days , general. " The old general coyly took his spectacles off , and twirling them in his fingers , exclaimed : "Oh , no , you are talking politics. You musn't do that. " "A lot of your friends here , " said the re porter , "and many moro throughout tne country , would like to know , if you will not talk about yourself , who your choice is foi the presidency i" "If you want to talk politics , " said the general , goodmiturcdly , "you must tulk to my brother , " pointing to the senator. "I am no politician , the senator is. I urn no talker , My brother can tulk. " "Now , don't shift that thing off on me , " in. terposod the senator , who stood hard by , "You know moro ubout politics than I do- keep at him , " continued the senator to the reporter. "Ho knows nil nbout it , and if you will press hint you can get him to tell you something , " Both of the brothers blushed and smiled at their diplomatic pussttgcs , but neither the warrior nor the statesman would utter n syllable on presidential matters , IIKCOMMENDATIONS OPTHE PACIFIC COMMISSION Tlio majority report of the Pacific railway commission , signed by Commissioners Ander son and Littior , is accompanied by the draff of u bill which congress is asked to pass. If provides that the time for payment of the debt duo the jroverninent bo extended to fiftj years , but that the roads should issue u formal mortgage to the government which now has only a statutory lien , ooveriiiR not only the lines now subject tc the lien , but also the entire property of the roads , new branches and nil ; that the debt bo funded at 3 per cent per annum , pay able seml-unnually directly into the United States treasury , but thut the roads shall have the privilege of taking up any part of the debt in advance ; that the president shall be empowered to upK ] > int ono trustee and the roads another , to bo approved by the presi dent , who shall huvo control of the invest ment of the sinking fund and other matters pertaining to the payment of the debt to the goveriMiicnt ; that the roads shall provide fora sinking fund of % of 1 percent annually upon the total amount of the debt to the government mont for ten years and that the trustees shall then provide for a proper per centum of pay ments to the sinking .fund , so that the debtg shall bo paid by it at maturity ; that the board of directors of the two roads shall consent and apreo that the law department of thu United States bhall bo vested with power to bring any buit , criminal or civil , in bellulf ol the roads. 8KQUEI , TO THE IlUI.KI.EV-nlI.LTEU AFFAIIt. One of the intimate personal friends of young Bulkley , who eloped with Miss Hill , yor , explained to mo to-day why the father of the girl had withdrawn the suit to annul the marriage. Ho said : "Tho day before the suit was withdrawn a note came to Bulkloy from his bride , who was locked up at her homo. It Was sent through her maid and expressed for her hus band the warmest love and most positive dis approval of the proceedings Instituted by her father. She expressed uot only a willing- ess to five with Balhlc-y , but n yearning esire to. Bulkley sent back to her by the naidanoteof a similar character. "Then ho cut for his attonKy and showed < hlm the tote' ho had received from his wife. The . awycr was greatly . 'elated , and ntoncosald : he proceedings M-Mt aside the marriage in , the ground' that it was procured hrough fraud ndcoercion , , and the claim lint the girl did not want the marriage to > tand , would fall flat The lawyer then went .o the attorney fot' Hillycr and It wa at once Agreed that the cafe could not stand upon the grounds it was entered on. Then followed ho arrangement t'ira meeting bctwcm the > .wo young people t the office of Hillyer's attorney. It Is but natarnl for the bride to fall into the arms lit the bridegroom and ex press her love and dcsiro to live with him after this correspondence. Of course there was nothing to do Uftcr this except Uio dis missal of the caso/os there wes evidence in a number of dlrcolons that the brldo was detained against -nor will nt her father's house and kept * rom her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Bulkloy have taken rooms at the Windsor , a fashionable flat nt the corner of New York uvenurfnud Fifteenth street and lave begun domestic life in earnest. A CANAllIt AIIO JT BKNATOH nLAOKlllinN. A Washington ( special In to-day's New York Herald , statmg that Senator Joe Black burn , of Kcutuclc' was suffering fromu can cer of the stomach , credited anxiety hero. The senator is at bis homo in Versailles , Ky. , and could not bo sfccn. But it is known there is no foundation for the report. I saw the senator the day coagress took the holiday re cess and ho was Jn excellent health. His friends say he ncvfcr had a cancer. Ho has written a letter hciro this week and makes no mention of illntws of any kind , but says ho will bo in Washington next Tuesday. The whole story isunfounded. TOM CHIlVEItS1 LAND CASE. The secretary of. the Interior to-day ren dered a1 decision > in the appeal of Thomas Chilvcrs from the.decision of the general land coinmissioncr.rcspccting his final proof and holding for caucellution his pre-emption filing for the soulKwest quarter of section 30 , town 27 , range l < vwost , Niobrara district. Chilvcrs filed u dcti-aratorj' statement May 14 , 18S3 , alleging settlement April 80,1883. Henry I' . Peterson mudc < tthoincstcad for the sumo tract November 311833. Chilvers govo notice for final proof and Peterson filed a protest. In passing upon this application the commis sioner held Chilvprs' proof Insufficient , but allowed him to nuvto proof nt any time within the lifo of his entry and refused to order a hearing , from which decision no appeal -was taken. On reviewing the case the commis sioner , under datcsjf December 19,1885 , found that Chilvers had 'failed to comply with the requirements of th pre-eniption law as to con tinuous residence reversed the decision of tlio local officer ami held his filing for cancel lation. On February 15,18SO , Chilvcrs filed a motion for reconsideration , supporting his motion by several" * affidavits. On Juno 23 188U , the commissioner refused his motion nnd ho appealed. The secretary of the in terior , in his.lcttcf , to the land commissioner to-day , deciding Uw case , says : "Tho affida vits filed in supjxirf of his motion for recon sideration go to show that Chilvers bears a good character for.honcsty and that Peterson filed the protest out of spite and bus aban doned the same , having removed to the state of Iowa. Three affidavits show that Chilvers was , during the p&riod coveted by his final proof , frequently lit the employ of the differ ent county officers of the county in which thtf land is situated On the wholes ; I find the proo is uncertain , unsatisfactory and not of that character upon wV ph a patent ought to issue ! Inasmuch , howovtW , us the matters alleged against the entry are contained In ex-parta affidavits and are therefore In the nature of an information of Lrotest , it Is entirely proper that a hearing should bo had to determine the truth of these ullrriutions. You wlll'thero- fore direct the locjl officers to hold ahearlng , for such purpose , yotico , of which should bo given to the claimant Chclver , to tho-parties making affidavits Kfc pn lllo , alleging failure to comply with th < jj law and _ with all parties in interest , as shown by the records of their o&co. Your said decision is modiflen accord ingly. " TUB WHITE HOUSE ItECnrTION. It is expected that the New Year reception at the White house on Monday will be very largely participated in. Mrs. Cleveland will only have two married ladies of the cabinet Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Fail-child. Miss Annie Bayard has also been Invited to re ceive , nnd will. It Is said , stand next to Mrs. Cleveland , us Miss Kuthcrino Bayard did two years ORO. Mrs. Endicott , who is only recov ering the use of her sprained limb , cannot stand the fntiguo of the reception , nnd Mrs. 'Vilas ' is too ill to leuvo her bed yet. Mrs. Lnmur is in the south , and Attorney General Garland's mother , Mrs. Hubburd , has never appeared on these occasions save es n guest , and it is not probable she will care to do so this year. Tlio Baltimore charity ball on the evening of the ith ) of January promises to bo quito as important a social event us last season. The President nnd Mrs. Cleveland have not said yet positively whether or not they will at tend. They attended the lust ono. There will bo n special trnin for the invited guests from hero nnd sonio of the diplomatic corps nnd noticeably the Chinese embassy have ac cepted invitations. FKIISONAI. . F. G. Gushing , of Omaha , is at the Ebbitt. Colonel William Thompson , of Bismarck , Dak. , arrived in the city to-day nnd will re main for some weeks. Colonel Thompson was ono of the first congressmen from Iowa after the admission of that state to the Union. Ho served with distinction throughout the war as colonel of the first Iowa cavalry and was then commissioned as captain in the regular army , seeing a number of years hard service on the frontier. 'Ho is now ono of leading citizens of Dakota , with grown nnd prosper ous sons ubout him , and in spite of his ad vancing ago looking us though ho had many years of lifo and life's enjoyment still before him. ' Pinuiv S. HEATH. Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , Doc. 30. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.J The followinR Iowa postmas ters were appointed to-day : J. H. Rnncr , Fauslers , Guthrie county , vice Nelbon T. Cool resigned ; William E. Boll , Lucaow , Leo county , vice B. Nolle , resigned ; George L. Hoar , Winslow , Bluck Hawk county , vice Benjamin F. Brqwn , resigned. The post- office ut Burke. Ucnton county , la. , will bo discontinued Ju'huury IS. A postoffico was established at Jvo , Dundy county , Neb. , and O. B. Ballard appointed postmaster. An order has bce'n issued ut the postoffico department establishing railroad service on tlio Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad from Omaha via Irvington to Arling ton , twenty-eight nnd one-half miles , and back six times a week , and as much oftencr ns trains may run , beginning January li. ( Special mail service at Ephesus , Dallas county , Iowa , wJU bo discontinued after Jan uary 5 because of the discontinuance of the office there. Star mail sorvico'will bo established from January 'J to January 30 next at Kimball by Lorraine and AshTord , new office , to Goring , Nebraska , forty-two miles , three times a week by u ten and a half hour schedule. Nebraska and lowix Pensions. WASHINGTON , Dec. 30 , [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The following pensions were issued to Nebraskans to-day : Original David Fouts , Blue Springs ; John Johnson , Omaha nnd Winnebago ugtncy , Dakota county ; Isuao Tuflor , New Castle. Increase Lott Flllmore , Calamus ; Milton Dinncl , Gulcna. Pensions for lowans : Mexican war- Adam Hawk , Ormansvillo. Original- Thomas J , Wilson. Seer : I. M. Poor , Red ding ; Ellas Siiylor , Cedar Bluffs. Increase William F. Everman , Centrovillo ; Andrew Reed , Bentonsport ; William O. Dean , Goldfield - field j Welcome Ueuch , Hillsboro. Army News. WASHINGTON , Dec. 30. [ Special Telegram to tho' BEE. ] Ten colored recruits have been ordered for assignment to the Twenty- fourth infantry , Department-of the Missouri , and sixty-five rocrulis for the First Infantry , Department of California. Captain V.'tllium H. Rcxford , ordinance storekeeper , has been appointed to act as Inspector on certain medical property at the Indianapolis urtcnal. "HE OFFERED TO GO AWAY , " More Testimony From Mrs. Billings at the Klngsloy Inquest. A HUSBAND'S MAGNANIMITY. K cn Her Infidelity Could Not Shake ' " * * Hid Love Ronnhno Gets Seven Years For Killing Dolan * Iowa 'Ncwa. Magnanimous Mr. Billings. WAVEHLT , la. , Doc. 80. The examination of Mrs. Billings was resumed this morning at 9 o'clock , and the opinion shared by many , hat her testimony was In accordance with .nstructlons received from her husband was more firmly fixed as tlmo wore on. Her man ner was hesitating and irresolute , and she made frequent attempts to work on the fecl- ngs of the Jury by copious tears at intcrcst- ng junctures. But few points of interest not ilready known were revealed. In regard to , ho matter of her criminal relations with Klngsleysho said : "I told my husband all ibout it within a week after September 31. His lore and respect for mo seemed no less han before ; ho treated mo kindly and told mo if I loved Klngsloy and desired to ily with him ho would give mo all his property and go away. Ho did not wish to coerce mo in the matter , but desired mo to act as choso. " Ho also intimated to her that it would bo well to go to Kingsley and tell him of his ( Billings' ) proposal - posal to give to her all of his property , even f she chose to go to Kingsley. She acted on this suggestion , and when she told Kingsloy of the plan ho pronounced it absurd and said such a thing could never be. Interro gated as to whether she hod ever told her husband that she was pregnant as the result of improper relations with Kingsley , she re plied in the negative. Mr. Billings and her self left homo together about December 14 , her husband going to Dakota , she to Sutnncr. Hero Attorney Dawsou launched u ques tion at her that she seemed reluctant to answer"Did you ever hear Mr. Billings threaten Kingsley 1" She hesitated to reply , but finally replied in the negative , although confessing she had heard her husband call Kingsley a snake , vil lain , etc. , on different occasions after his re turn from Dakota. "Mr. Billings told mo that ho was going to go to Kingslcy and tell him all ho know of the matter and what he thought of him. I endeavored to persuade him that it was best to let the matter drop , as wo were so soon to move away , and my shame would never bn made public. Ho at last agreed not to go , especially as I told him that serious trouble might ensuo. Before my husband and myself loft. December 14 , he told mo ho expected trouble and wanted mete to go where I could not readily bo found , ns I would probably bo wanted as a witness. Hence ho directed mo to tell the neighbors that I was to visit in Waterloo and Dubuquo. " Witness was then shown sixteen promis sory notes , drawn payable to M.E.Blllings by W.S.Kingsley. She said she had never heard of the notes before , but identified the hand writing as thatof her husband. A mortgage on the residence , lately bought by Kingsloy , was disposed of in a similar manner , witness iden tifying the handwriting thereon as that of Bill ings' . In HUfa manner were produced notes. chattel mo'rifcugos , etc. , none of which had ever before been soon by her.but all of which were written in Billings' handwriting. An order on the county auditor for the major iwrtion of Kingsloy's salary until the year 1003 , should ho hold ofllco that long , was also pronounced to have been written by her hus band. She said in answerto n leading question thai Billings never told her about any prepara tions having been made for her future main tenance , and she failed to remember a scene , vividly described by Billings , wherein ho says ho told her ho was going away to die and would leave her all ho possessed. The following statement was elicited by close quesioning : "It was a habit of Mr. Billings to transfer all property acquired by him to me , yet ho told mo nothing of the existence of the notes and mortgages. " After a a few more important questions she was allowccT to go. Silas Coates was placed on the stand and admitted having carried a note from Clarke to the Shane girl. At the conclusion of the testimony the inquest was adjourned till 1:80 : The principal witness of the afternoon scs sion was E. W. Risdon , long a resident o this place , and for nineteen years a justice o the peace. His testimony created a sensation and is regarded as the most damaging t < Billings which has so far been given. Ho said : "On the Tuesday evening preceding Kingsloy's death Billings entered my olHco and told mo about the mortgages and notes drawn up by him , saying : ' 1 am going to make Kingslcy sign these for the support o n young hidy and her child until the latter becomes sixteen years old. " I replied : ' Yoi will never get him to sign them. " Ho said 'Ho will sign them or I'll blow his bruins out.1 Some other witnesses were examined , their testimony consisting mainly of a sort of veri flcation of what had already been offered in evidence. AV. H. GIHis , real estate dealer , was the first witness this evening. Ho was in King ley's oflico about 5 o'clock the evening of the murder , but did not see Billings. Dr. Bur bank testified that no was called about 0 on the evening of the shootingto attend Bill ings. The wound on Billings' back was about on the eighth dorsal vertebras and dl rcctly over the spinal process. It scemec lhat the bullet had punctured the skin Though not a serious wound , it had swellcc and was painful to the touch. Dr. Burbank stated that from the nature of the wound i might have been indicted with u blunt iiistru ment. This cloaca ' to-day's testimony. The River Front Problem. Sioux City , la. , Dec. 30. [ Special Telegram gram to the Br.n.l This morning member of the Jobbers' and Manufacturers' associa tion and the city council mot at the mayor' office for the purpose of taking further steps regarding the protection of the Missouri rive at this place. As before stated , the manager of the several railroad companies having lines touching Sioux City have agreed to meet in Chicago early in January and mak arrangements to begin Iho work as soon a possible. In all probability the work will bo commenced within thirty days. The Haddock Cases. Sioux CITY , la. , Dec. 80 , [ Special Tele gram to the BKF. . ] District court convene next Monday. ' On the docket there are forty eight cases. The cases against John Arens dorf and the other defendants in the Haddock murder case arc on the dock near the front. It is safe to say that the cases against these defendants will bo dismissed. The first day of the term will bo given to the assignment of causes and it is then that these cases will , in some manner , bo disposed of. Convicted of Manslaughter. . ATLANTIC , la. , Dec. 80 , [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] J. J. Douahoo , convicted of manslaughter , was to-day sentenced to seven years of hard labor in the Fort Madi son penitentiary , Judgu Carson passing the sentence. The case will bo taken to Iho su- prctno court. The sympathy of the entire neighborhood is with Donalioe , owing to the unKmlarity | ) | of Lawrence Dolan , the man ho killed. His appeal bond was fixed at 10,000. , A Murderer Lynched. LITTLE HOCK , Dec. 80. A special to the Gazette from St. Francis , Ark. , says William Hei-rlg , who murdered his young wife and her paramour near hero Thursday , was hanged last night by'n'band of vigilantes , about four miles from Rector , . SQUEEZING THE IANm < OlUS. The Member of Parliament Discusses the Tory Kent Reduction Bill. [ Copyright IfSJlu Jamtf fiimlmi Ittmutt I. PAnts , Dec. 30. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BED. ] Among the supporters of the government arc many Irishmen who own landed property. One or two are in the ministry itself. They , and the whole clnss o which they belong , begin to wonder vhether Disraeli's saying that "rt conscrva- ivo government Is an orgnnlrcd hypocrisy" s not still true and whether they could not lave made better terms with Gladstone than hey are receiving from their friend Lord Salisbury. This eternal Irish question never keeps long in the same place. Take our eyes off It n while and in ho interval you will see it has indcrgono n total change. On Christmas lay the landlords had no suspicion that a 'Jew ' Year's surprise was being prepared for hem in the shape of n cutnpulsory reduction of rents averaging 14 per cent and repre senting another whittling down of their capl- al of nearly $25,000. The newspapers toll hem they ought not to bo surprised bccr.uso he net authorizing the reduction was passed ast session exactly , but until a few falls it Is tot felt and there is always hope that it will lot fall. Wo must all die , but when ho day can bo fixed with certainty t generally comes as a shock. So t was with the Irish landlord. Ho disliked the act depriving him of another large slice of his property , but ho clung to the hope that t would never bo enforced. The act was not lassed without difficulty. Many conserv atives refused to vote for it on the ground .hat Lord Salisbury had pledged himself icver to interfere with judicial rents. The Gladstonian legislation affecting land was revolutionary. Although the tory party could not reverse it , it ought not to make matters worse. So went the arguments but the whigs got together a majority and the tories sacrificed the landlords quite as cheerfully as the rad icals had over done. The Gladstonian ma chinery of land commissioners and court lowered rents from 'JO to 30 per cent in con tracts deliberately entered into between land lord and tenant but it was expressly provided In the act of 1881 that the now Judicial rents should bo guaranteed for fifteen years. In effect Mr. Gladstone said : "Wo take away a part of your prop erty but as some compensation wo sqcuro you in the quiet possession of the re mainder. Six years had hardly passed be fore the conservatives swooped down on the confiding landlords and threw Gladstone's guarantees into the firo. Well may the land lords , ground small between the upper and nether millstones , wish that tho.v had con cluded a treaty offensive and defensive with Mr. Parnoll long ago. Some of my tory fellows nro thoroughly in the dumps. "Where is it all to stop ? " they are asking. "What is the good of calling yourself n tory if you are only used to make the revolution turn over faster and faster ! " One is amused at their distress , especially as they pride themselves on being genuine , old-fashioned , conservatives none of your half-breed tory democrats and Churchillites. Now where are they contemplating the spoliation of their own friends and sup porters carried out under their own orders , Their < oRtlojS8 ) | } truly embarrassing. Can they IM blind enough to think arbitrary rent reduction , contrary to leases and agreements , will stop hero ? Will it go no further than Ire land ? Will it never extend to England ? The English farmer is rackrcntcd far more heavily than is the Irish tenant , but ho pays his rent because no party has taken up his case. No "plan of campaign" has been started for his benefit. But his day will surely come. J * or him also judicial courts will bo set up to cancel his bargain with his landlords and upon what ground can the tories object after having sanctioned the sum mary Jurisdiction of the commissioners in their act of 1872 ? The landed class must see that they have nothing more to look for from the tories except a parting kick down hill , The Gladstonians have every reason to bo delighted with Lord Salisbury's great jump into their chief territory , for it undermines his own party and docs not conciliate tlio Irish. Nobody says so much as "Thank you. " Parnollitcs chuckle over the pit into which their enemies have fallen and throw the 14 per cent reduction in their faces. "Make it fifty , " they say in derision , "and wo will talk to you. " Men are in prison for recommending people to adopt "tho plan of compaign. " Father Ryan has been sent to jail for a month for no other offense. The Parncllitcs ask what difference there is. in principle , between the plan of O'Brien and the plan of Lord Salisbury One is illegal , the other has been sanctioned by act of parliament , but the two are one. For some time past there has been a rumor that the Protest ants of Ulster nro moro and more disposed to make sonio compromise with the Parnollitcs and agree upon a schema o : homo rule for the whole of Ireland. Thej say they have no confidence in the firmness of the government and they fear that after they have been drawn into antagonism will their fellow countrymen the tories wil cooly throw them over. This fear is no likely to bo diminished by the example o misplaced confidence now presented by the Irish landlord. The reductions may bo mod crate or otherwrlse. Tins is not the question which now agitates the party. Tlio real question is , "Aro not the tories betraying their friends am deserting their principles in arbitrarily re ducing rents without even an application from even the tenants ! " A landlord goes to bed and wakes in the morning and finds a decree in the papers reducing his rents al round by any sum the land commissioners think proper. Is that conservatism ) If it 1 I really see no reason why Henry George should not depose Lord Salisbury and dircc the now conservative socialism. Let him wait a little while and ho may hear the bitte cry of the bewildered English tories ; "Como over and help us. " A MF.MURK or PARLIAMENT. Gladstone Thunderstruck. PARIS , Dec. 30. The Temps to-day pub lishes nn interview with Gladstone In whicl the ox-premior described the Irish land com missionurs' rent reduction decree as a "tro mendnus decision , " and said hu was thunder struck at the news. Ho also said the tory cabinet , having alienated the tenants , would now alienate the landlords. British Interests In East Africa. Buussr..s , Dec. 30 , The Mouvement Gcogniphiquosuys : Advices from Xanztbai nro to the effect that the British East African association have concluded to accept the grant under which the sultan of Zanzibar ceded to the association for fifty years sovereignty over the territory between Pori Wanga , al the mouth of the Oumba river , am and the Vitu , a distance of thirty-five kilo metres. This will facilitate tlio opening o : routes to Victoria Nyun/.u , and shows thai England is desirous of founding a colony which will extend her influence ) to the source of the Nile. Russian Stores On the Frontier. BuciuitKST , Dec. SiO. It Is reported that 60.000 troops are massed at Bender , In Bewi rabla , and that guns and munitions of war are constantly wiving there , . , THE READDiC WAR RENEWED. A Qoncrnl Strike Ordered After Bight-Hour Conference. u - RESOLUTIONS OF SYM iiL * The Trade nnd Ivnbor CoMfteM If- Mem 4 ttt . - dorses the KniMloyes „ . - crnlly ItcntalnliiR at Work An ' ' , Anarchist Circular I8nne4 * * - i v w Tha 8truRRloHone ; 4. jf ' RKATMNO , PH. , Dec , HO. The uMrtsMM' * * , * the Reading railroad employes.uHnll affe tlnuous session of nearly eight journcd at 3:30 : this morning , to issue orders for u general place at 13 o'clock to-day. Kvcrj. employ of the Rending , with tli * of passenger train crews , trackneil/ signal tower men , and crossing ; s to go on a strike , and fiftoea after the meeting signals were the wires to Philadelphia and * The resolution says that the men shall strik * uut remain out until the company shell agree to arbitrate all differences. This fa * eludes shopmen In this city who took th nitiativo in refusing to go out early thl week , thus breaking the backbone of.'thtt strike at that time , and every man wM > be * longs to the knights. A resolution vra " also passed offering u reward of 93,096 ( or Lho arrest of any persons who in any way de stroy or injured the company's property. jTh * order includes not only hands on the--nsin < . .y. ; . line , but over the whole system. It tHMtwrtfr'1 * j , ; that the shop hands In this city will feet.Ofey , , " : ho order. After adjournment of theconvpn- Llon , the miners hold a separate" MMton. 1'hey transacted nothing deUnUe. . in reference to striking , but . jTfc4 to give full financial aid and moral rapport to the strikers on the railroad. TUo miners did not decide to strike with the railroaders because - . . - cause they are working by agreement witbr t the company , which Is binding until . . . 1 , and because they still have hoj > 6rttntvlhe > company will i > ouUuuo.Ui .HporcentadYttpce. Ctmirmuit'Lcc , of the executive commfttfie. before Icuvlng Reading this mornng deoiivrod tliat if the strike of miners did take place it- would not only effect the ) Schuylkill miners , but these in the Wyoming coal fields , as well gi as the Lchlgli miners. Ho felt suretthoy J ? t would all remain firm , thus pliu'lngon B strike / at one time 100,000 miners und not a pound' ' , , - ' of coal could then bo mined ? / , ' The comrnny's ' officials in the city arc not ; greutlv exercised over the now orders to th . railroaders to strike. They say that the tnlM * ! * & uro ull miming on jino und they' , ha\to sm - men ncccssnry In reserve , und that the' onllf i i danger is of ucoul fuminoif the miners shetdlltc \ > strike. The trades unions * > "of * lhto- " * / city composed of such -bodie * i * * a : the printers , butters , Bidders , * bakers , carpenters , hod curriers , cigar Mak ers , barbers , etc. , have organized tacmserves. > . into u body known as the Trade and Labor' ' council , which it is estimated represent * nearly two thousand men. They do not affil t > > iate with the Knights of Labor. At a laU M hour lust night , after a lengthy meeting' , the council passed the following resolutions : Resolved. That wo , the Trate , , ' Labor council of Reading , do en sure the Philadelphia & Read for their direct attack on organi : request all unions to extend their sympal and aid to these directly injured by the puny. * iff.1 Resolved , That wo severely oondeHMIj Brotherhood of Locomotive EBgidMTt their very ready offer of assistance" to company in the present difficulties , on thfl road , merely for the purpose of seeking vcn co. 1:30 : p. m. All trains are moving as 'us to-day , and not an employe , ns far as knownp < is from his post. Representatives of Reading assembly. claim not fairly' to-day that they were treated and charge that the convention was- packed with delegates from thu coal regions- bent upon forcing u strike. In the language of ono of them : "Tho Schuylkill county mon came here red hot for a fight to a finish , determined to force tHK ! , ( ) employes of the Reading shops into an unequal contest. " Fail to Strike. SHAMOKIN , Pn. , Dec. 30. The order to strike had no dlsccrnabla effect hero at noon. The Lee county guards were on guard duty. At Philadelphia. Piiij.AT > ni.riiiA , Dec. 30. President Cot-bin , Superintendent Swcigurd nnd General Man ager McLeod held a conference this morning nnd towards noon said there was nothing new to give out for publication. Advices from Port Richmond depots at Ninth and Sixteenth streets , nnd the Willow street * wharf at noon were to the effect that the sit uation had undergone no change since last evening , that the men were ull ut work nncf that the company had numerous applications from unengaged men who were anxious to go * to work. i As fur ns could bo learned this afternoohf * the order for the Reading employes to strike ) ' nt noon to-day hud no perceptible effect ln < this city. At Port Richmond and at all' depots and along the lines of the various" branches in the city there was the usual1 activity , and officials report that nouo of ths ) employes huvo quit work. ' \ At PotlNvllIn. j POTTSVII.LE , Dec. 30. The order to Rca6T Ing employes to strike bus not been obeyed hero. The shifting crows in the Reading1 company's yard all went to work , while at Palo Alto everything proceeded as usuat ] At Tnnmqua , the center of operations of the ; Miihonoy und Little Schuylkill branches } everything is in motion and there is nbscH lutcly no change in the situation there. , t A Blood thirsty Circular. Nnw YOIIKDio. . 30. Copies ol the follow * ing bloodthirsty document were circulated on the streets this morning : , Torch und bomb must bo applied. Follow- ' , worklngmen : Tlio hour hus como. Tlicj . ngpnclcs of science must play u part in tha struggle of the future. Yesterday it was thej slaughter of our comrades nt Chicago. To day it is the assassination of ( X,000 ) of ourf brothers of tlio Philadelphia & Reading railroad. True , the sword is the weapon of circumstances , but their victims perish all the samo. Do not waste your force on they scabs ; they uro only the effect of the present dumnahlo commercial and competitive ) sys * torn. Destroy , by ull the agencies ut yoiuj command , the direct representatives of thel system , the Corbins , tlio Maxwells nnd tha Goulds. Let torch , bomb or bullet strike ! them now. Let ull they possess bo given t * the flumes , hound them day and night. The strike must bo mudo the wur of classes * Brothers , remember Chicago and your oath/ Mounter Tidal Wave. ' POIITI.ANI. , Mo. , Doc. 30. Portland escape * ' great danger during the storm of Wednes day. The gale struck Portland head ut 9:30 : o'clock , ut u tlmo , in the harbor , when the wind seemed to bo dying out. The wind bud. been terrlffic. blowing fifty miles per noun rain fulling continuously , When nn mrncnso tidal wave coma into view. Tlio monster wave came in the shape of a pyramid. It struck first > - nguinst the outer line of rock , and the in-pat muss of water towered up even , the kccnorn miy , with the light house itsolf. The entire muss was hurled sixty feet ubovo high water mark , against the engine , boiler and fog horn house. The force of the blow WUH sucli Urn" . the building was shuttered , and the receding * , wiivu curried with It everything on shore , lu. eluding btones weighing tons. . DI-ldeiidH Declared. Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 80. The following divi dends hnvo been declared : Lake Shore 2 per cent ; Michigan Central , 2 per cent , mid quarterly dividend of \ % per cent oa DeU. ware , LuckaWuuna & Western ,