Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    W' ' % * WPl'f ' Jl1" l
The Cable Tr&mway Oars Again
Running On , the StreotB ,
Tlio Proposed 1'ythlnn Hull Cost of
the HonpltAl nnncmont Two
liucky People Clinrlca
Hall Arrested.
The Grlp'o Glide.
Yesterday nftcrnoon nt a o'clock another
trial trip was made by one ot the Tramway
compan'y tfrip nr > d passenger coaches. They
ran over the whole line nml accomplished the
Journey without accident. The road is yut
In the hands of the construction company and
may bo formally turned over to the Train-
way people to-night. When It has been re
ceived an Invitation will bo extended to a
number ot citizens to take a ride on the first
trip. There arc now six curs mid three grips
in the company's house on Twentieth and
Harncy streets , The former nre large ,
roomy , with cushioned softs and backs , and
perforated roofs for purposes of ventilation.
They are brilliantly lighted , with high panels
of colored glass In frames outside on the roof.
On thcso panels arc blown the names of the
streets , Hnrney and West Dodge , on which
the car will run. There arc two moans of
signaling for a stop , a bell and "telephone , "
the latter being worked by a strap within the
reach of every passenger , which , when
pulled , produces a sound us the exhaust In a
dry well pipe of small diameter. In the
middle , on one side , is a stove Ilrmly braced
and surrounded by a non-conducting shield ,
which will enable a passenger to sit
near the lire without being over-heated.
These cars nro positively the flnestcver made
In Stcphenson's. On the outside they are of
a rich golden color , beautifully glided. In
front of each wheel is a patent attachment
which will prevent parties who may fall
under the car from being run over.
To-day other curs of a darker color , in
tended for Dodge and Twentieth Streets.
arrived at the depot. The grips arc painted
, in purpio and are Intended to accommodate
twenty-two people.
ClitxrlcH Hall , Confidence Man nnd
Swindler , Neatly Captured.
The arrest of Charles Hull by Ofllccr Hor.
rlgan yesterday checks for a while a scries of
daring games played by n sleek confidence
man in this vicinity for the last two weeks-
There are several offenses charged to his ac
count , but the one for which ho was arrested
Is for swindling J. T. Olives , a merchant
tailor of Council Bluffs , out of n new overcoat ,
and pair of pantaloons. Hall had taken the
clothes to his room , pretending to bo getting
the money to pay for them , and while Mr.
Oliver's clerk was waiting for him at the
loot of the stairs , ho disappeared down the
back way and was not seen again until taken
bock by Deputy Marshal Galvin ycstciday.
The clothes wcro still in his possession , lint
this is only ono of his side games. The first
that Is known of him in this putt of the coun
try was the victimizing of a gentleman on his
way to Omaha by pretending ho was
ex-Mayor Uoyd. of this city. By this
means ho secured some 300 or $400. In this
gaino ho was comparatively wife , us ho does
not look unlike Mr. Boyd. A week ago Sun
day , by masnuoruding as a freight agent , ho
helped Frank Quirk swindle a greeny named
William Rolling out of $100 , by the old bunk
. check racket. Hall seemed to be ready for
operations hero as ho had two rooms in dif
ferent parts of the city. Ho was captured at
the ono at G3U Pleasant street. On Hall's ' per
son was found $7fi in moneythree $1.000 bonds ,
ono on the Grand Island water worksanother
on Big Springs precinct , and the third nn
Omaha paving bond , besides blank checks on
nearly all the prominent cities of Iowa. Ne
braska , Missomi and Minnesota. After
.bcing.givcn a hearing before Judge Berka ho
was turned over to the Council Bluffs author
Duck In Council Bluffs.
[ couxcn , m.urrs couiiusrosnnNcn. ]
, Charles Hall , who was arrested in Omaha ,
was brought to Council Bluffs yesterday by
Deputy Marshal Galvin ana put in the city
Jail. Ho was instantly recognized by William
Pollen/ , the German , as the man who , as the
accomplice of Frank Quirk , helped conlid'ineo
him out of $100. The trail that led up to his
discovery la interesting. Mr. Oliver , whom
Hull defrauded , was in the Bin : oflleo
Wednesday evening and gave the whole
history of the transaction by which ho
was the loser. Among these who
heard the story was Clmrlpy Allen , of
this city. In the course of narration , Mr.
Oliver stik l that the fellow spoke of his
partner Jim. " The effect 61 iiiia Mntcmunt
upon Mr. Allen was electrical. Ho said , "I
will bet $51 can put my hand on him by to
morrow noon. "
"All right , " replied Mr. Oliver , "have him
arrested and I will give you $25. "
Allen then guvo u perfect description of
the man , nnd said that ho had formerly
boarded at the same house with him , and had
afterward run across him In Omaha at a
jpluco where he had a room. The pluco ho
aid was No. 540 Pleasant street , but ho re
quested the Br.K man not to publish the loca
tion until after the urrcst. Ycstcraay morning -
ing Allen toldhls story to Marshal Guunnella ,
and on officer was ordered to accompany him
to Omaha. The services of Ofllccr Horrignn
wcro secured on that side , and the party pro
ceeded to the pluco named , and the man was
found with the clothes in his possession.
Ho denied all intention of defrauding Mr.
Oliver and offered to como across and settle
the matter. As soon as ho was on this side
of the river Deputy Marshal Galvin read his
warrant nnd put the bracelets on him.
Pollcnz is ready to swear that Quirk and
Hall arc the two men who worked him , and
there seems to bo no doubt but what they are
the men who have been turning all the confi
dence tricks lately in the vicinity of the
transfer , nnd on the trains between this city
and Omaha. They Imvo been remarkably
successful in working their victims and keep
ing clear of the police. Their favorite method
was that old , old check scheme , and the largo
supply found on Hall , Is n strong link of cir
cumstantial evidence. Hall is a very Iluont
talker , and is well posted on all important
topics In various parts of this country , and
also In Europe. Ho has evidently traveled
extensively , nnd is possessed of qualifications
that niako him ono of the most successful
confidence men that has ever bqthercd the
police in this section. In conversation with
a BHK reporter ho studiously avoided all ref
erence to his case , but spoke freely on othei
subjects. The arrest of these parties is un
important event in police circles hero. It
was ull brought about by that ono llttlo allu
sion to "my partner Jim. " Pollcnz is sc
much elated over the arrest that ho cannot
conceal his enjoyment , and now talks freely
of the swindling. Hall will Imvo u hearing
before Judge Aylcsworth to-day.
Mixrrlnuc of James Ituchnnnn to Miss
Nellie lloublii * .
At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. B
Robblns , 823 Georgia avenue , the nuptials o
Mr. James M. Buchanan and Miss Nclllo T
Hobblns wcro celebrated Wednesday cvonhu
at 8 o'clock , Rev. Charles W. Savldgo ofllclat
ing. A largo number of guests wcro present
Mr. Buchanan was formerly with Klrkcndal
Jones & Co. , for n number of years , but li
now with the Nebraska Savings bank , am
Is well ! : uo\vn In Omaha. The brldo Is tin
daughter of "BIr. and Mrs. T. U. Hobbins , am
ft ? SorCraT yenrs nT. . " lW" . I'romlncn li
social circles , winning many i.uivs for he :
estimable traits of character.
The following Is a list of the presents : J
M. Buchanan , ladies gold watch and chain
KlrfconaalT , Jones & Co. , solid silver set to :
spoons ! Mr. and Mrs , QU9 MludorJ , i-llvei
.Vitko basket ; Charles M. Buchanan , Crete
Nob. , silver nut case ; Mr. and Mrs. H. C
Hobble , silver jolly spoon ; Thco , and Lull
Tillotson , Dresden butter dish ; Mr. am
Mrs. Tillotson. silver fish dish ; Mrs. Orii
Jackson , Portland , Oregon , Japanese cabl
' ncti Mr . A. A. Egbert , ClUiieso shawl
fcrcy , Q , tltjjy , lUusa * City , cue dtuci
fruit , knlvesj. L. L. Bacon , Oaten-
burg , llls.t nut picks ; Mr. and
Mrs. B. L'ynre , basket cut flowers I
Miss Effio Itcod , Boston , half dozenttllvcr
tea kpnonft ; J. C. Wceth , silver card receiver ;
John Beutty , Jr. , Ogden , Utah , silver sugar
tongs' Mr. and Mm. H. Monttnorcncy. half
dozen silver tea KV | > on ; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Klrrstrad , silver butter dish ; Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Eastman , fruit basket ; Mlnnlu
F. Thomas and Will II. Oadd , half dozen
fruit knives ; Will H. Brown , silvercako
stand ; J.C.Wccth and W. C. Urlan , card
receiver nnd silver butter dish ; Mrs. J. S.
Gibson nnd Miss Homey , China desert set ;
Walter E. Ware , elegant quartz clock ; II. O.
Dovles.silvcr fruit knives : "Grandma" W re ,
book of poems ; Mr. nnd Mrs. P. J. MoLunn.
St. Louis , Mo. , penchblow vases ; Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ous Smith , Tcxarkana , Ark. , pair bisque -
quo statuary ; Mrs. Ed Wright , Somonauk ,
111. , sachet bag ; Mr. and Mrs.
I ) . H. Allen , Hollln , Mich. , sllic drape ;
Frank , Fred , Arthur and Marjono Mont
gomery , companion pictures ; Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Grlflln and Miss Mary Grlftln , china
set , 104 pieces ; Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Campbell ,
hund-paintcd butter bowl : James H. Taylor ,
lady's work basket ; Nellie J. Ware , picture ;
Miss Buchanan , one pair Wronzc vases.
The United StntCH Court.
rr.riT .unions rou TUB LINCOLNTr.nM. .
The following petit jurorshavo been drawn
for the Lincoln term of the district court ,
which convenes ati \ p. in. January U , Gcorgo
H. Dolson , S. II. Pratt , Thomas , L. Henry ,
P. H. Pulllam , P. Peterson nnd Charles
Stewart , Omaha ; Jerry Fenton , D.iwson ;
James L. MeC'ord , Colon ; A. G. Hastings ,
Lincoln ; A. C. Meredith , York ; J. U. Blng ,
Lincoln ; William Daily , Peru ; G. W.
Hobins , Nebraska City : J. W. Warren ,
Hcd Cloud ; J. W. Early , Columbus ;
F. L. Harris , Ord ; J. 1C. H. Hayes , Republi
can City : C. II. Buford , Lincoln ; George
Karcher , Lincoln ; John Mann , Albion ; Sal
Meyers , Falls City ; John M. Brown , Friend ;
Charles Kced , Vista ; William Barker , Elk
Creek ; Church Howe , Albion ; J. H. Miller ,
Lincoln ; Andrew Moffutt , Dorchester ; C.
B. Beach , Lincoln : II. W. Short , Nelson ;
William Hcptlngcr , Falls City.
AiuiuiNo rou A jcnw THHT , .
Arguments for a now trial In the case of
Eichclbirger vs Eichclbirgcr were heard by
Judge Dundy , who has taken the case uudcr
Gross , the convicted perjurer , was sen
tenced in the afternoon to pay a line of $1 and
the costs of the prosecution , and to bo con-
llncd in the jail at Sioux City until the 1st of
July , Ibb'J.
The sentence of Buradu , the Indian , con
victed of manslaughter , the killing of Peter
Deplcr last August , was identical with that
of Gross.
DlHtriut Court.
noniNfeox vs. JONIS. :
The arguments will bo made in the cele
brated case of Robinson vs. A. D. Jones , be
fore Judge Wukolcy to-day. Messrs.
Baldwin and Thurston appear for Jones , nnd
Judirc Doano for Mr. Ilohinson.oThis will bo
the "last Important rr.33 arg e < l by Judge
Doano befoiu ho takes his scat upon the
bench. ,
Pctrr Smith claims to have been crippled
for life by the breaking of ono of his legs in
the foundry of John M. Wilson , a largo piece
of iron falling upon it. Ha wants damages
because the foreman did not tell him of the
dangerous nature of the work.
The district court will reconvene this
rrnm A.'s IT.TITIOX.
Peter A. Welch illrd a petition yesterday
.sking for permission to sell certain lands
nortgagcd to him by Thomas B. McCulloch
.nd Chester A. Evans to secure the payment
f six pomissory notes for f SS.b'J each.
Messrs. Thompson & Little brought suit
gainst Messrs. Johnson and Hatcher yester-
, iiy to recover ? 200 with interest added nt
ho rate of 8 per cent on n promissory note.
Police Court.
James Green , John Dailcy , John O'Brien ,
'nines O'Brien and Henry Peterson , va-
rnnls , from live to thirty days in jail ; Con
McShanc , a suspicious character , llftecn
lays ; Edward Shappel and Charles Green
wood , drunks , live days.
Gus Shultz , the saloon keeper arrested for
assaulting his wifowlth a poker , had his case
jontinued until Saturday at 'J o'clock. His
bond was fixed at $1,000.
Adam W.yoko and his mothpr-in-law had
some words over family affairs yesterday and
llnally came to blows. The woman got the
ivorst of the light nnd slio caused Adam's
urrcst. Ho was arraigned for trial but se
cured n continuance until to-day.
Charles Allen , for starting a fire in nn
alloy was fined SI and costs.
A. II. Snyder , corner of Fifteenth and
Davenport , for having the sidewalk in front
of his store obstructed with baled hay , was
lined 510 nnd costs.
Those ConlllotluK Companies.
Mr. Thurston , ono of the attorneys for the
iorso railway company , in the contest be
tween that corporation and the cnblo tram
way company , which came up be
fore Judge Brewer in Lcavcnworth , said it
was rot true , as reported , that that gentle
man had refused the injunction sought by
the horse railway company. Neither was an
argument advanced in thd e-wp. The coun
sel simply handed up their papers and the
same were received by the judge , who will
examine them and doubtless render an
opinion in a few days. In the supplemental
bill filed , the horse railway company among
other things shows the reckless manner in
which thn tramway company had cut its
tracks and the dangcrons condition in which
the same people had left various parts of the
lino. The question which will bo heard at
the next meeting of the United States circuit
In this city will bo the ratification or rejec
tion by Judge Brewer of the damages as
sessed against the tramway company nnd in
favor of the horse railway company by the
commission appointed for that puruosc u
year ago.
Ice plows , rnnrkors , nooks , tongs , snws ,
etc. , ntJnmcs Morton & Son's , 110 S.
ICth st. , solo agents for Wood's ieo tools.
Send for ctitu.logu.0.
The Hospital Itnscmciit.
Work upon the basement of the county
hoapital has about terminated for the winter.
Since its commencement quite a chungo lias
been effected in the section of the poor farm
on which the building is to stand. A great
deal of grading has been done besides the
excavation for the basement , the two features
costing ? 15,000. The brick and stone work
has cost $ ! ri,000. The total of 10,000 has
been paid out to the contractors , llyun &
Walsh , on tho'monthly estimates of the super
intendent , Charles Ross. The money Is re
ceipted for by Ryan in the name of the firm.
It is taken from a fund originally about
$100,000. which was derived from the sale of
a certain section of the poor farm last sum
mer. _
The Italian's KCVCIIRC.
Roscoe Mezzo , an Italian embassador , who
ekes out an attenuated existence by twang
ing nn old catnrrluil harp around In the dena
and dives , entered John Cumlng's saloon on
Thirteenth near Howard street ,
and insisted on tearing the "Last Rosa ol
summer" to pieces for the benefit of u lot ol
holiday loungers gathered about the place.
The proprietor was full of business , and in
no humor to listen to the melancholy strains
of Flotow's immortal song , nnd ho throw the
son of sunny Italy , harp and all , into the
street. Tills was something , however , that
Mez7o's tropical blood would not brook , and
ho throw all his worldly hopes , his harp ,
through the plate gluss window , smashing it
into a thousand atoms , and entailing a loss
upon Mr. Cumings something like $55 ,
Mezzo will now play "Tho Lust Hosoof Rum
mer" on the bars of the county Jail windows
for a period of forty days.
James Morton & Son , 110 S. 15th St. ,
ajl let lids of Ice tool3 In block.
j * -y
Settled Tjftii y\KM. \
An abstract to the title of the property or
the south-cast corner of Nineteenth and Fsr
nam streets have been given to the director !
of the Knights of Pythias , and to-night th <
latter will pay thoflr t Initallmont of | lo,00 <
of thu purchase price , 850.000 , It is onlhii
lot that the Knights of Pi'thloa castle hal. .
' '
will bo .erected.- .
. - : . - > * .
An Ohintin Dotcctfro BfttUfftd That
HcrviH Wns the At an.
The UBB n few days ago published all
the facts relating to' the orre t In itaw Vork
byPinkerton detectivesof & .C. Scrvls , ullos
"llev. D. B. Browns , " the slloit 'embezzler
who worked Mr. Pcrslnger , of the Central
City National bcnk in this state , for about
tl.fiOO. It also chronicled the passage through
this city of the swindler In charge of W. I.
Wclbusky. the detective who had arrested
him , nnd finally the arrival of the party and
Identification of Browns In the city where ho
had worked his game. After this Identification
the people wcro hardly prepared for the an
nouncement which two days later was tele
graphed from Central City , that Servls was
not the man who had swindled thu bank.
Yesterday n Br.u reporter asked u well-
known and successful iletectivo how the
Pinkcrton man could have made such u mis
take. The detective had evidently been think
ing over the subject , because ho Instantly re
plied : "There is no doubt nt all but that
Scrvls was the man who was wanted. But
he Is us smart us any of them , and ho just
talked himself out of It. If ho wcro not
the man , he never would have been Identified
so unanimously and so unhesitatingly for so
many houis after his arrival in that city.
Neither would ho have consented
to going with n detcctlvo nearly
two thousand miles , when ho
might have easily availed himself of the safe
guards which the law throws about every
citizen nnd permits him to secure such delay
us would enable any Innocent man to prove
his innocence. 1 have other reasons for en
tertaining this opinion , which I do not wish
to state , bull don't think j'ou will ever hear
of another party being arraigned for Brown's
offense. "
The Old Subject of tlio Tenth Street
Depot Revived.
Some time ago when Mr. Callawny , then of
the Union Pacific road , suggested the closing
of Tenth street by a now dejwt , and building
the viaduct on Eleventh street , there was
expression given immediately to n great deal
of dissatisfaction by people who wore not in
favor of the project. It seems , however , that
there is now a move on foot to secure the con
sent of the property holders along the street ,
with a view to convey lug the same to Presi
dent Adams to encourage him in building the
depot. The representation made is that the
people on South Tenth street desire to preserve -
servo that thoroughfare for residences. It
has been stated that n paper has been
circulated for signatures of owners of
the property interested and favoring tno
scheme , and It is claimed that a number of
signatures have been secured. ' It haa been
even announced that Mr. Kountze , who Is the
largest property owner on the street , favored
the closing of the thoroughfare by n depot.
Ho was seen by a Bnn reporter yesterday
and asked if ho favored the building
of a depot across Tenth street. Ho said that
he was not in favor of the scheme unless it
could bo carried out nnd still not interfere
with the truffle of the street. The depot
coul'l IKS erected , but the viaduct could run
through it as viauUct ? do in other cities , Joav-
ing plenty of room beneath them for the
passage of trains. Such an arrange
ment , of course , bethought would mar the
symmetrical appearance of the interior of the
depot , but It would enable the business of the
street to bo maintained. Ho was opposed to a
depot except under these conditions.
VicboUI Safes.
Call nnd sec the large stock Mcag-
her & Leneh , Gon'l Apt s. have on hand
at 1416 Farnam st. , Omaha.
Looking for a Home.
County Agent MuhoncyWho heard Wednes
day that it was proposed to'send to his care ,
or the care of somebody at the poor house ,
the baby found on the steps of Justice Read's
residence on last Tuesday ovcnin- , said that
the little waif would have to bo taken to the
homo of the friendless at Lincoln , because head
ad no person to take care of foundlings nt
, ho poor farm. Nurses wcro especially [ pro
idcd for such purposes at the Lincoln
ome , nnd there the infant would have to go.
The abandoned little ono having failed
0 find u refuge in the judges home ,
, t the police station , or the Child's hos-
iltal , she will bo compelled to turn her llttlo
lyes toward the capital , unless in the mcun-
ime some charitably disposed family should
. rncludo to adopt her.
LVTIII : Since the above was put in typo it
has been learned that the baby was sent to
Lincoln. Some clue has also been found to
.Is heartless mother. She stopped at the Oc
cidental hotel on the night that she deposited
; hc little ono on the judge's steps , leaving n
bapgago check it is supposed for a trunk by
way of payment for her supper nnd lodging.
She disappeared next morning before the
baby was missed and it is thought left town ,
having evidently come hero to dispose of her
Dliln't Iiikn the Scrap.
OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 20. To the Sport-
ng Editor of the BEE : I would
iko to ask you to give my views
n your valuable paper concerning the
middle-weight championship of Nebraska.
There was a gold medal donated by Richard
K. Fox to bo contested for by the middleweights -
weights of the state of Nebraska. It was
contosted'iC ! ' December 5 and won by John
Kcllett. Jim Lindsay challenged Kellett , the
match to take place at Boyd's opera house
December 23. Kcllett was there. Ho could
not defend his title to the medal , having in-
flanmtory rheumatism. Lindsay claimed the
medal without sparring for it. After much
talk Mr. William Hcnnesey wanted to spar
Lindsay for the medal. Lindsay objected to
this , and wanted to fight Kellett and nobody
else. Finally , after being promised by the
self-appointed referee that ho should have the
modal anyway he concluded to meet Hcnnesey.
Li ml bay weighed 140 pounds nnd Hen-
nessoy tipped the beam nt 155 < 4 pounds.
Lindsay then made u short speech showing
that ho was handicapped fifteen and ono half
pounds after advertising himself as u light
weight and challenging u middle-weight in
order to create all the sympathy in the house
in his favor.
Klllett is as heavy as Hennessey but Lind
say preferred lighting u fcick man instead of
u healthy ono of the same weight. Hen-
ncssy knocked and chased Lindsay around
the stage in great style , Lindsay was
driven in every corner , but his faithful ref
eree would order him to lot Hennessey out.
A race course should boas near round as i > s-
slblo and suvo the re force the trouble of fol
lowing the men around the ring and bogging
to let his favorite out of danger. Mr. Fallen
had tuKcn the responsibility of appointing
himself us referee on both occasions
when the medal had been contested
for. I hava seen spurring exhibitions for the
last thirty years , from Tom livers time down
to the present day , but thsalT.iir ! , last night
was the most unfair and disgraceful ono that
1 Imvo ever witnessed. A lew moro such ex
hibitions llko this will settle the sorting fra
ternity of Omaha. I think the only way to
seitlo tills case isto present the medal to Mi1.
Fallen , the referee , Lindscy never won it ,
_ Oi.u Srour.
Seiilcnborg's Figaro , the only lOo
cigar for 5c. Ask your dealer for them.
Max Meyer & Co. , wholesale depot.
Two Lucky Prnplc.
Last evening thcro was a largo attendance
nt the drawing of the prl/es offered by Max
Meyer to purchase goods during the holidays.
About D.OW had been distributed. Win. P. x-
ton , jr. , was blindfolded and drew the two
tickets. The first of these was S12 , a gents
diamond pin and was held by C. B. Horton ,
manager of the Western Union Telegraph
comp.uiv's onico.'Tlio next was 34U , held uy
Mrs. H.'W. Nieman of Schuyler , Neb. The
prize is n beautiful enameled four leaf clover
With a beautiful diamond in the middle ,
A Mule DrivenCinched. .
W. A. Fredericks , driver of a street car
was up before Judge Berka yesterday
Charged with having driven his car over the
flro doparlmenthe a laid , on Thirteenth on
day evcujng. His plea was that ho couia no' '
8co the hose , but this was not. sufficient t <
cxorato him In the eye § of the court , and hi
wu flood 7 nnd cotk. ThU was very llgh
coutlderlne that.tho penalty ' U from | 3 t <
Upon the year just cloning we cannot help expressing onr deep gratification at the result. It has
been the most satisfactory since we are in businessand has far overreached our most sanguine
expectations. We pride ourselves that this result is mainly due to our style of doing business ]
and to our efforts to give the people at all times the most value for their money. Perfect satis *
faction must go with every sale made in our establishment. If we have failed to please in '
single instance , we are always anxious to repair. The people should know that they can comate
to us with the utmost confidence and rely on being treated fair. Our advantages are many andD
our methods are right , and cannot be excelled. The steady growth of our business from a.
small beginning to its present vast proportions proves that the people appreciate such meth *
ods. We are thankful for past favors , and are sure to give more every year.
Prior to our annual inventory , we will offer this week , several notable bargains which we
can confidently say will be the greatest we have offered during the past year. Some of the beat ?
goods in the different departments , which have not moved so freely , will be marked down re *
gardless of cost in order to close them out before stock-taking.
The following bargains will be offered in underwear :
One lot fine striped shirts and drawers , very heavy weight , marked down from 75c to 5Oc.
One lot genuine camel's hair shirts and drawers , regular made , marked from $1 down to 70c *
These goods are sold elsewhere for not less than $1.25.
One lot fine ail wool fancy striped shirts and drawers , full regular made , seamless side , satitt
Iront. These goods we sold all season for $2.25 ; we have marked them down to $1.50. The
goods are elegant and nothing the matter with them except that the stripe did not hapr
pen to take so well. We guarantee them to be as good goods as are sold in other houses
for from $2.50 to $3 each.
Sweeping Reductions
t V
All goods marked in'plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
Three of 11 Kind.
Peter Casey , the young man who carries
the mail to South Omaha , and ono of the
most capable carriers in the local service , is
to bo married on Saturday next to Miss
Sarah McGuckm. Ho is the son of Thomas
Casey , the well-known proprietor of the
Union Paelfle hotel , and the younp lady is
the daughter of ox-Councilman McGuckin.
This is the third wedding in the Casey family
the present year.
Mike Mcany has got his horse and buckboard -
board back , after missing them for nearly
two days. They were found in n deep diteh
on Center and Dorcas streets by u man
named Kopp , who helped the mare from her
predicament , and then took her homo , where
she was kept until her owner was found.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes. Amavdel of puri
ty , strength and wholesomtmess. .More econom
ical than the ordinary klmK and cannot ba
sold In competition with the multitude of low
coat , short weight Blum or phosphate powders.
Sold onlv In cans. Hoyalllalclug 1'owder Co. ,
ISO. Wall St. . NcwYorlc
* t. Stl ntae.Fow trui. iiorauiB.
bl * ku4 ffltcfl ? . . Arold IrautU.
ci rd. 8 n < JHUnipfoi-p rijpW fc
N.W.Cor. , 13th A. Dodge Sts.
BK.-A.OB3S ,
Beit facilities , apparatus nnd remedies for suc
cessful treatment ot"every form of disease requir
ing Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Board and attendance ; best hospital accommo
dations in the west.
WHITE I-OR. CIRCULAR' ? on Deformities nnd
Braces , Trusses , Club 1'eet , Curvature of the
Surgical Operations.
Diseases of Women a Specialty.
All nlodd Diseases successfully treated. Syph
ilitic I'oison relieved from the system without
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. I'ersons unaMc \isitusmay lie
treated at home l < y correspondence. AH commu
nications confidential. Medicinesoricslrumenls
sent by mail or express , securely packed , up
marks to indicate contents or Milder. One per
sonal interview preferred. Call nnd consult us or
Fend history of jour case , and we will bcud iti
plain wrapper , our
Upon Private. Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency -
potency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocelc , with
question list. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical InttlttitcOT
Cor. 13th ind Dodge SH. , OMAHA , NEB.
Or the Llonor Habit , Positively Curcdby
Administering Dr. Hnlncs' Golden
Sped lie.
ut It can bo pi von In a cup of coffee or tea wltlio
t -tho kilow ledge of the person taking It ; absolut
dly harmless , and will elfcrt a permanent un
eMieedy cure , Wiletjier the patient is a moderat
fdrlnker or nn alcdhoic ) wreck. Thousands o
drunkards Imve been maTja temperate men who
Imvo taken ( lolden Specific lit their colieo with
out their knowledge and to-day bcSlovo they nnlt
drinking of their own free will. IT NfrVKIl
KAI I.S. The byntetn once Impregnated wltn the
Hpecltlc , It becomes an utter Impossibility fet
the liquor appetite to exist. For halo by Kulm
& Co. . 16th and Douulas bt3. and isth and Cum-
I K bts. OuuitiH , Kub. ; A.D.Foster It lira. ,
Couniil lllulls , la.
\\m\mm \ \ \ OPTICAL co ,
Your Eyes Examined Free.
Our AUika Crfiullna Spuctacloi and
are tbe l > v > t
tOne Dollar Glosses
In the market. Our nraillllan A l Cut tVl > blf . ro
tlio ton nionBj- can bur. J'liruiiin. Tlntt-i ] III PS
lot wlak I'fCi , Give. > "I'd ' comfo/t. ljl iu to
uH 11 > lgliti. CAM. AT ONCK.
Mannion- & Hughes ,
Opt leans- , . . '
Strong and Practical.
by their use your vehicle can bo
quickly transformed into u comfort
able sleigh. Made at
For Sale by Dealers Everywhere.
Cnrbollc Smnko Hnll Co.-Oe n
tlciiipn : 1 tnku crpnt pleninrii In
ctntlnK thnt 1 IIUTO U'ftt'U the Car
bolic rmoko Hall. I would not
bo without ono. Tor n mnlilon
cold or throat troniilo Itlilnval-
iiahlo-ln fuct worth ton times Ita
welulit In itolil. Yoiin truly.
I WM. K. CODY , ( llumilo Hill. )
1 Cnlarrh , AMhnui , llninchltts ,
Kouraltila. Ooup , Limit Troubles
Coltln , etc. . Instantly rolluvud
nnd opecdlly cured. Ono bull
crnemlhr auniclont. Mall orders :
hmoke Hall by mall ( ' 'and t cents
postage. Dvbcllator for thu blood
H additional. A KIIKK TlfaT
given at our onicu parlors , bold
by all d
South 111 Fifteenth Struct. Oinnha. Neb
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - eOOOO
H W. YATF.S , President.
LMYIS S. lttti : > , Vlcc-rrestaent.
A. E. TUUZAMN , 2il Vlce-l'resldent.
W. H. 8. HUOIIES , Cashlur
flanking Ofllce
Cor. 12th nnil 1'arnnm Sts.
A General Jluiiltlni : llublnuss Truusactod.
Third Judicial District ,
Iltmarkablo for powerfiU8yinpa ;
"thetio tone , pllnbla action mid ab-
loTute durability. 30 years record ,
the bf tt guarantee of the excel-
li.iico of tlii-au monuments. ,
Health is Wealth !
MENr , a Kuarnutved specific fur Hysteria , Dlzzu
ness. Convulsions , 1'lts , Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by the.
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wakofuluess , Mental'
Depression , Softening of the Drain resulting In
Insanity and leading to mlKcry , decay nnd death ,
1'romature Old Age , Ilarrenness , Loss of powen
In either sox , Involuntary Losses and Spermati
orrhwa caused by over-oxertlon , of the brain self *
nbuso or over Indulgence. Kucli box contains
ono month's treatment. JJ.flOa box , or six boxe
for M.W , Rent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. '
Toruro any caso. With each order received b
us for six boxes , act ompanleil with tA.00 , wo will
Bend the purchaser our written guarantee to r ,
fund tno money If the treatment docii not effect
a cure. Guarantees Issued only by ( ! . Y. GOOD-
HAN , Druggist , Sole Agent , 1110 Furnam St *
Uwaha N b r
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for College Journal.
S. E. Cor. 10th nnd Cnpitnl Ava.
Mcnllou tlio Omvlmllu *
1707 Ollro Street , St. Louis , Mo.
O ( the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St.
Loiiln , Mo. , University College Hospital , Ion
don , ( ilesen , ( Jermnny and New York , llavl
devoted thulr attention
Moss , Gtei aid
Morn especially those arising from Impru.
deuce , Invlt" ult HO suffering to correspond wlth-i
outdoliiy. Dlheasesof Inflation and coutiiRlou )
cured safely und speedily without use of dan *
KITOUS drugs. I'atfenU whoso races hove beeif
neglected , badly treated or pronounced Incur *
able , should not full to wrltu us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate alien/ /
And will be mallod FltliU tt > any address on re
ceipt of one 2-cent stamp. "Practical OhsefVM
tkins on Nervous Debility and Physical Exlmus/
tlon. " to which Is added un "Kssay on Mart
rlux , "wlth Important chapters on diseases oo
the Hcprodtirtlvo Organs , tha whole forming a
valuable medical treatise which nuould b reft *
by ullyftung men. Address
, . DRS , S , . and D , DAVIESON , .
1707 Ollvo Street St , oula , M