Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ! FRHAY , DECEMBER 30. 1887. COMPLAINTS OF SHIPPERS. Alleged Double-Dealing on the Part of the Elkborn. OTHER BOARD PROCEEDINGS. Cane ofUio Farmers' Union Consider ing a Uniform Dlslnnco TurllT Truublo lit AVcHt Ijlnuoln Stnto House Note * . fFHOM TUB nr.H.'H LINCOLN IIUKRAD. ) Mr. C. U. I'riudlo , who sblp | > c ( ] n car load of emigrant's goods from Cruwford to Lin coln , contracted for the shipment at Craw ford for 101. Arriving ut Lincoln tlio agent hero collected $10 extra. Commissioner Utt , of the Lincoln freight bureau , culled the nt- tcntlon of Freight Agent Morchouso to the extra charge over the coutraot , nud the latter writes to the board of transportation stating that the contract prlco was made by mistake below the tariff ruto and asking pormlsslon of the board to refund the extra charge , which In reality makes n cut rule to the shipper. J. II. Gurney , county attorney of Antelope county , writes to thu board of transportation that thoFremont , Klkhorn& Missouri Valley crossings throughout the county are In poor condition , that the road tmpcrvlsors In the county complain that many of them u almost Impassable , and tbo county calls upon the lx > ard to liavo the company remedy the existing defects. G. II. Crawford * , of Detroit , nikti the board to assist him In finding a railroad contractor In'tho state named Holtlen. Crawford Is In Bcarch of a brother who worked for HoldjMi. II. H. Hyde , of Spring Hunch , Clay county , flics n complaint against thu Kansas City & Omaha railroad in regard to deilulcnt crossings for his accommodation. General Manager Holdrogo has written the board Hinting that a tariff to junction points in Nebraska had been made by the road to confer with thu reduction of December 20 , and that similar reductions to local iHil were in course of preparation , Mr. C. Plantof North Hcnd , complains to the board that the Union Pacific road re- ftiRCS'to grant him a slto for an elevator nf North Bend , stating that there are only two elevators there and both are operated by ouo firm. Mr. I'lnntz aslcs the board if the town must submit to un injustice of this character. The boaitl yesterday filed the tlmo for hearing the Llsco complaint against the Union I'uclllc for January 3 , at Claries and fixed thu tlmo for hearing the conlplnint con cerning road bed and crossings at Adams ntntlon for January 5 , at the rooms of the board in Lincoln. The Farmer's union of Oakland , Bnrt county , has filed the following complaint with the board pf transportation : k Now comrs the Farmer's union , a corpora tion under the laws of the state , for the pur pose of buying , handling and shipping grain from Oakland , Hurt county , Nebraska , and complains of the Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha railroad , the only line of railroad operating through Oakland , and the only line over which petitioners can ship their grain and corn ; that on the 12th day of December. 1887 , II. J. Jaynos , superintend ent of said railway , issued the following or der : Give the elevators preference until they are relieved. ( Signed ) II. I. J. Your petitioners have no elevator in Oak land , but load their cars from wagons by shoveling In the cars from wagons bcsldo the tracks. Your petitioner also shows that as soon as they can secure a silo convenient for their business , they intend to build un olova tor. Your petitioner further shows that it has repeatedly demanded cars from said rail way company for the purixjso of loading and hipping its grain , but has often been refused when the elevators had all' the curs they needed. That on December 23 ana 23 , 189 ? , your petitioner demanded CATS from said company and were refused cars , bill your petitioner shows it was not from lack of cars , for the thrco ele vators In.Oaklund have had all the cars they required. . Your petitioner further shows that it owns a warehouse that contains about 2,000 bushels of grain * , that said warehouse is now full and your petitioner is prevented from buying corn by reason of being unablo- secure cars in which to ship the corn inTho warehouse , and by reason of the preference aforesaid is greatly hampered and damaged In the trans action of its business. Your petitioner has been greatly damaged by reason of said preference ' erence nforcsald'in that it bos been unable to buy corn and has turned oft and sent to the elevator men about 10,000 bushels of com which it could hnvo bought but for the rail way refusing to glvo It the necessary cars , nml your petitioner has been damaged in the sum of f K ) . Your petitioner therefore prays that you compel the said railway to furnish BUfllciont cars to ship Its grain , and that said railroad bo compelled to pay petitioner the dumugo sustained. TUB FAnjinits' UXION , . By John P. Anderson , president. The board wilt , nt a mooting In Its office nt Lincoln on the r > th of January next , bavo under consideration a proposition to abolish ish all distributing tariffs and re quire all freight business arising and terminating in the state to bo conducted upon one uniform distance tariff ; andIn com puting distance , the shortest line by rail bo- twccn tbo place of shipment and destination , whether over the same or connecting lines , shall bo used as the basis of rates , though such shipments may bo nuulo .over the line , The board state that they will be pleased U boar the views nt that time of uny interested person upon the subject. The secretaries of the board of transporta tion met yesterday to consider the question of the reduction of the local rates in the state in conformity with recent reductions iii through rates from Chicago to Missouri rivoi points. It was stated , when the resolution ! for the meeting to consider rates was passed , that representatives of the road would bi present and that representatives of boards oi trudo would bo called in , but it was thought bust for the secretaries to formally agree upon reductions and the plan of work am then the question was to be considered nt i regular meeting of the board when the par ties interested will bo represented. The nuxi regular meeting of the board occurs 01 Thursday next when the formal action of tin board will bo considered. Yesterday tin secretaries wcro engaged in discussing the plans of reductions mid the basis upon whlcl they would not. Secretary of State Laws , o : the board , has prepared u local distance tarif that was before tbo secretaries. . Tin Intention of thU tariff is to do awnj with the present local distributing tariff nnc have only the local distance tariff in tin stato. This now local distance tariff will , 01 nn average , reduce the present local distant tariff in existence from 20 to twenty-live pe : cent. Secretary Ages , of the board , has ulsi prepared n now local distance turlll for tin state that is much In the sumo line us the on prepared by Mr. Laws and from the two th board will evidently formulate one that ii effect will cover n reduction as nbovo men tloncd. The secretaries will evidently con elder carefully the question of the abolitioi of the distributing tariff which , in its effect tends to the assistance of commercial centres n local distance tariff only having the effect o equalizing every point in the state. Th ccraUries la considering the new tariff wil meet from day to day until their findings nr formulated ready for adoption by the boar iUolf , I.OSIXO A. PACKING IIOCSE. It Is evident that West Lincoln is losing , o has practically lost , the largest of its tw packing houses , the ono built bySllberhori & Company of Chicago , and known as PacV Ing House No. a. Some two weeks slnco th house stopped work and buying , and ycstci day the Nebraska Stock Yards company , th proprietors of West Lincoln , secured a wrl of injunction in the district court temix > raril restraining the packing and provision coir Iwny from removing its machinery from th mildlng. This house was largely increase the last summer and the plant prepared fa work both summer and winter. The rcaso for moving the packing house is not stuUu : but the market has not been what was o pectcd , and since the houses have been i operation this winter they have failed to N euro anything near the number of hogs n quired for successful work. STATE HIJTOUICAL BOCIETf. The secretary oi the SUU > Historical s ( rloty , George E. Howard , has issued the fo : lowing : "Notice Is hereby given that th uiinual uicotinjf of the Nebraska State Hli torlcal society will bo held In the chapel c the university bulldinif Lincoln , oommeuctn , January 10at330 ; p. mi. The -pri gramme 'will bo : Regular proceeding , re ports of ofllcers. election of ofllcors , papers nnd discussions. Atthonvoulng session the South Omaha. Omaha.PTATE nour. ITKMS. Governor Tlmycr yesterday appointed T. L. E. IJcLoney , of NuckolU county , bco inspector specter for that locality. The South Pintle Loan and Trust com pany , of Holdrego , 13. 1) . Ku cl , president , lllod nn amendment to their articles of incor- txmitlon yesterday relating to the limit of indebtedness. E. II. Merrill , of Lincoln , presented the governor yesterday n section of beach wood taken from the tree nt Vlcksburg under which the terms of surrender of I'cmbcrton to Ornnt , July 4,1ST.U , wcro agreed upon. The governor bus deposited It In the collection of relics at the ofllco of the secretary of state. The following notaries wcro oommlsloned yesterday : W. M. Itank , Holdrege ; J. II. Hitchcock , Tccumsoh ; James Meyers , Odcll ; E. L. Whitmnrc , Long Pine ; Gcorgo Mc- Ilrldc , Lodge Pole , Cheyenne county. KAUIiY MORNING IlhAZH. The Olil Stock YurdH Hotel Destroyed by Klro. A still alnrm was turned in from Shecly's packinghouse at 5 o'clock yesterday morning , and No. 5 and hook and ladder No. 1 , speedily resiwnded. However , the scene of the con flagration , the old Stock Yards hotel , later the Union , was situate fullv ono mile nnd three quarters uwny , nnd on the arrival of the department there they found this legendary old hostelry nnd the adjoining two-story frame residence , that of Mrs. Lottlo Schef- skoy , n mass of ruins. The two structures had entirely burned down twenty minutes be fore the department arrived , as much valu able time had been lost In attempting to got the alarm Into the city , a man finally being sent In horseback. The origin of the fire is un known , but there nro various theories ndvanced. The Union hotel was owned by William Goobel , and all ho saved from the building was a piano and a bedstead. Ho places his loss nt $3,200 , with $1,700 insurance In the Nebraska and Iowa insurance com pany. This hotel used to bo run by Mitt- man ; the Millnrd murderer , now awaiting trial in the county jail. Mrs. Schofskcy suc ceeded in saving the bulk of the contents nt her residence. Her loss is figured nt $1,000 , with { 000 insurance. "Shall our pirls whistle ? " Of course if they utruiiglhon thcit lunpaby taking Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , "When hoadncho joins neurnlgiatlien comcB the tusr of wtir. " A wise general mnruhnls his forces , charges with iv hot- tlo of Salvation Oil , and the doughty foe lies crinkling in the duet. * POIlFUN. Cox Docs n Funny Act At a ReliRons Meeting. William Cox is a facetious young man , in the neighborhood of twenty years of ago , and during.thoso long winter nights it has been his wont to attend some worshipful gathering nt ono or the other of the city churches , and edify a select cotcrio of hood lums who accompany him. Wednesday night he and his crowd dropped In at the modest little church near the corner of Hickory nnd Ninth streets , ana wbilo the good people knelt In prayer , ho seized the moment ns nn opportune ono to do u slack- wire performance on the back of a pew bunch. Ho was unceremoniously hustled from the edifice , and yesterday ho was arrested , charged with disturbing a religious sorvlco. Ho stood up before the court , and while the smile on his face was hardly as deep as a well , it was fully as broad as a barn door. Ho evidently thought it was all a great joke. ' Did you do thisl" Asked the judge in sternest tones. "I guess I did , " answered the callow youth. "Well , what forl" "For fun. " "For fun ? Well , then I'll just fine you $30 and costs , for fun. Wtiohiu escort thu young humorist to the bench. " Imxarlou * Christmas Presents. Colgate's Cashtnoro Bouquet per fume is a luxurious , yet inexpensive present which every lady will ap prcoiato. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Johnlldnawnld , of Aurorals on the market with live loads of native cattle. William Townscnd , of Hockvillc , Nob. , brought in a load of light hogs. Thomas Lound , of Wayne , Neb. , mar keted a load of hogs. P. Mordcn , of Tekamah , was in with two cars of cattle and ono of hogs. He sold all at top prices nnd Went homo happy. W. H. Newell of C. H. Pornoroy & Co. , Plattsmouth , has two cars of cattle on the market. William H. Miller , of Wayne , Neb. , is in with two curs of cuttle. Samuel Dalton , of Illllsdulc , la. , brought in ono car of hogs. D. Guernsey , of Alma , is visiting the yards. C. H. Turner , of Palmer , Neb. , is stopping at the Exchange. A. V. Boss , of Randolph , la. , registered at the Exchange. J. B. Buchanan , of Missouri Valley , is at the Exchange. C. A. Dormer , of Malvcrn , registered at the Exchange. The case of A. L. Frcdcrlckson , charged with assaulting and intending to kill Peter Poterson.wlll bo heard before Judge Rcuthor this afternoon. ft The terrors 'of a night in the lock-up is Keeping the toughs quiet , and not an arrest has been made for the last forty-oight hours. The suspended detective. McCrackcn was making the rounds Wednesday night. Howua formerly a bar tender here. Not n single case was called bcforo cithot Judge Kouthcr or Justice Levy this morning , Gcorgo A. Holmes , of Council Bluffs , has been retained to defend Jim Snoddcrl ; charged with arson. Jim's father will scttlt the bill. Dick Hyland had his hand badly crushed while tearing down the old bridge nt the back of Swifts packing houso. S. U. Brlggs will entertain the guests of the Exchange hotel , and n few friends to morrow night. Dancing , music , and refresh ments. Rcnl Kstulo Transfers. Chas Impoy to Chas W. Conklmg , lot 18 , blk2 , Idlewild , w d 0OOC , J. Ivendis and wife to A. B. Carpenter ct al , lot 5 nnd 8 , blk 70 , So Om w d. 2,00 ( A. J. Hanscom to D. N. Miller , o K of w X lot , blk 110 , lease 7,50 ( Ilobt W. Wright and wife to Win L. Beard , lot 13 , blk 7. Hillside add No l.wd 1 3GO , ( S. D. Mercer and wife to Henry D. Neoly ct nl , lot 14 and 15 , blk 3Wal nut Hill , wd 4,001 Byron Hoed and wife fo A. Stephenson - son , lot 18,14 , blk 5 , Reed's 3d add , w d 1,001 W. P. Ong to A. C. On * , lot 18,19 , blk 3 , Bush & Solby's add , wd WN Herman Kountre and wife to J.E.Bur- dlck ot ul , lot 3blk , ( UCountzo Place , wd 3,50 ! Presbyterian Ass'n of Omaha to Trus tees of 1st Presbyterian Church of So Omaha , lot 7 , blk 01 , So Om CM South Omaha Land Co. to Presbyte rian ass'n of Omaha , lot 7 , blk 01 , South Omaha , w d J& Anna W Jones and husband to John F Flack , lots 4 and S , blk 4 , Jctter's add to South Omaha , w d 2,50 Wm L McCatrua to Holly Bargcr , lot 1 , blk 13 , Dwight & Lyman's add , w d 60 Augustus F Boscha and wife to Holn- rich Michel , lot 20 , blk 4 , Brown park , w d. . A 1,73 Thomas Brcnnan nt nl to John O'Don- ohoo , lot 20 , blk 1 , Brcnnun pluco add , w d 1,8 ; > Fourteen deeds , aggregating f 33.1& Many suffer from Irritation of thoUJd noys anil bladder without knowlnf what is the muster with them. Dr. J.H McLean's Lls-er and Kidney Balm vrij give relief. . THP PiTPprrpT'iTT fTATnt nivt THE SUCCESSFUL HOTEL MAN , A Poop Into the Mystorlos of the Hugo Caravansary. POPULAR DELUSIONS DISPELLED. Every Man Thinks Ho Cnn "Keep Tavern" Necessary Qualifications in n Proprietor Cost onto * tcl Service. St. Paul Globe : Itlsja peculiar fact , but none the less true , that every living man , no matter what his abilities maybe bo , is firmly possessed of the conviction that he could , if ho tried , run n hotel or edit a newspaper if not in the high est btylo of the art , at lenst bettor than some ono clbo is doing it. You never hear the nvonipo man claim that ho could ho n successful financier , n great divine , an eloquent lawyer , or a won derful physician , if ho had half uuhnncol No , it is always the newspaper or hotel ho seems to think ho is especially lilted for. for.To To bo a successful hotql man requires not only training and experience , but an innate House of that peculiar something which is inexplicable ; like poets , poli ticians , anil tramps , a hotel man is horn t not made. Ho must be possessed of the divine afllalus , otherwise his career will bo short lived. Tlio proprietor is naturally the most important feature of a hotel. The popularity of his house depends in no tr.nll degree upon the popularity of limsolf , and bo ho a "rounder , " a prince "ono of the " fond f good follows , boys , f u good story and good liquor and ispcimlng good stories and good liquors liuibclf he need have no four as to his uturo. If ho happens to have no man ger , his importance , as well as his nbors , are increased two-fold , but ho ihould have a manager. A proprietor night never to be other than a llgurc- ioad. He should satisfy himself with "oing the ornamental. Next to the proprietor in importance fltncs the steward. Upon that olllcial iovolves the entire "down-stairs" inan- .goment. . Ho it is who docs the mar- < otingurid ho also has the entire super vision of the culinary department , the ivinc-collor , and the btoro-room. Ho is the right hand of the proprietor or malinger , and lie receives a salary com- jnonsuruto with hia duties and responsi bilities. Under him ho has a etaff of imployos , who , while perhaps being at he head of some subuepartmont , are iccountablo to him alone. OI thcso the shief cook with his innumerable as- jistanta the storekeeper , the dish washers , yardmen , engineers , and other help employed in the kitchen , as well is the dining room waiters are all uudor : iis orders. Tlio menage of a hotel maybe divided n to thrco distinct branches , as follows : Tlio steward's department us above , the olllco and housekeeper's department. The proprietor or manager is the "groat mogul" and the heads of these depart ments are the "grand viziers. " The oillco or "front of the house , " as tis technically known , is presided over by the chief clerk. Ho is assisted by several clerks , and in the larger hotels by a bookkeeper and cashier. A good hotel clerk must be a walking cyclope dia , a city directory , railway , steamboat and postal guide , and , in short , a foun tain of universal knowledge. ' With all his faultsno man is more maligned than the hotel clerk. In current fiction and in the columns of humorous papers he ia described as a haughty and unapproach able despot , who , intrenched behind nn enormous diamond shirt stud and shoathcd in the impenetrable armor of his concoitsuporoiliously assigns tremb ling travelers , aghast at his magnilleent and lordly presence , to remote and cheerless chambers at the top of the houso. In reality , the average clerk is the most good natured and accommodating of mortals. Wcro ho not of a serene and placid nature ho would long since have decorated a cem etery , or have been the shining orna ment of many a lunatic asylum. He is expected , to bo pleasant- and attentive under the most trying circumstances , to remember everybody by name , and all their peculiarities and eccentricities , to give everyone the best room in the house , to laugh at every humorous an- ccdoto , no matter how antique , or of what degree of chostnutty flavor , to lend a-sympathetic tear to every traveler who is in distress or imagines he is , which is much the same thing , and , in general , to bo a good Samaritan , a hail- follow-woll-mot , a cicerone to commer cial men who are bent upon "making a night of it , " and a guide to all the vari ous ramifications of the Smith and Jones family with whom the ambitious countryman desires to become ac quainted. The housekeeper has charge of the entire " " the "up-stairs" department ; chambermaids , seamstresses , linen-room girls aid ) laundresses being under her supervision. In a hotel of 800 rooms , a number which is , of course , cxceedo'd by many houses in the largo cities , but which is an avoragcd-sized establishment , the hired help would usually consist of the following personnel : Oflice Chief clerk , bookkeeper and cashier , day clerk , room clerk , night clerk , six bell boys , thrco porters and a watchman. Steward's department Steward , chief cook , pastry coolc , two assistant cooks , vegetable cook , storekeeper , head waiter , from twelve to fifteen waiters , two kitchen hclpors , two dishwashers , butehpr , baker , yardman , engineer , assistant engineer , two firemen , and a carpenter. Housekeeper's department Houso- keoporlinen room girl and seamstresses , and 'from fifteen to twenty chamber maids'and several laundresses. If the house contained an elevator , which would probaply bo the case in any city , this force would bo increased by two elevator boys , and where the bar was run under the hotel management , n chief bartender and two assistants would bo require A billard room and cafe in addition would naturally require service. In the matter of salaries and wages there is a difference caused by the lo cality in which the hotel is siUmted.but they all include board and lodging. As a rule a first-class steward will re ceive all the way from $1,500 to $7,000 ixsr year. At several hotels in New York the later sum is exceeded , but the average is nearer the former. In addi tion to his salary the widc-awako btcw- ard will bo able to make a goodly sum in perquisites without dishonesty. Ho con increase his salary by the percent ages which meat dealers , grocers , and other tradesmen nro too happy to al low him in order to obtain and retain the liotol's custom , which is only to be procured through him. A chief receives from J100 to $300 pot month ; his assistants from $ -50 to $150. A good storekeeper is paid from $40 tc 876 ; a head waiter from 130 to50 ; waiters $ -0 to $30 ; dish washers , $15 ; en gineers $75 to $100 ; assistant engineers $00 to $75 ; firemen 135 to | 45 ; yardmen $2. $2.In In the otllco the chief dork may re ceive as much ns $200 per month , but $100 is nearer the average. His assist ants are graded from $40 to $75 nnd the bookkeeper and cnahior will probably got $100. The boll-boys and elevator boys receive from $12 to $20 each ; the porters from $25 to $40 ; the watchmen the samo. The houskecpcr Is usually an elderly woman of some capacity , and will re ceive from $50 to $10 per month. The linen-room girl , w.ho is also a stress , nnd who Ims onorally risen from the ranks , gels from $25 to $35 ; the ctinmbermnlils and scrub-women from $12 to $18 ; the laundresses from $10 to $20. $20.Tho service of a hotel is like nothing so much ns n huge army. The proprie tor , generalissimo ; the steward , chief of stall , commissarynnd quartermaster ; the chief clerk , adjutant and nid-do- camn. In several houses In Now York the force numbers over throe hundred people. The "American plan" house is , out side of the larger cities , the most num erous. By this plan the custom is to seta a certain number of meals in the din ing-room daily , the charge per day giv ing the guest the right to partake of as many of them as ho ehoose.s. The Eu ropean plan , , K > called , is the term ap plied to those hotels which predominate in the eastern cities and nro fust gain- headway throughout the country , whore rooms are rented with gasservice , eto. > and where you nro at liberty to order your meals a la carte either in the res taurant attached to the house or at any other place you choose. In regard to thcso different plans each has its ad vantages. If the man bo a good feeder ho ought certainly to live on the Amoi- can plan. It Is a great saving to him self. If. on the contrary , his appetite is "like a bird's"and ho doesn't care to have anything heavier than milk nnd mush for breakfast , ho will find the Eu ropean plan advantageous. Even in the average hostelry ot 300 rooms the uninitiated can have no con ception of the amount of food required to feet its guests. Anticipated patrons may not materialize , but ample provi sion must bo made just the same to pro- ccl the house in case of emergency. A air yearly average would bo about as 'ollows : Beef , 100,000 pound ; mutton and amb , 35,000 pounds ; corned beef , 20,000 lounds ; veal , 16,000 pounds ; ham , Kicon and tongue , 25,000 pounds ; fresh ) ork , 10,000 pounds ; poultry , 40,000 Kiunds ; Hour , 400 barrels , sugar , 120 Kirrols ; colTco , 0,000 pounds ; tea , 1COO > ounds ; milk nnd cream , 15,000 gallons ; ) utor , 15,000 pounds ; oysters and clams , 200,000 ; potatoes , 800 bushels : tomatoes , 00 bushels , and 8,000 cans ; corn , 5,000 dozen oars and 6,000 cans , In addition Lo these there are innumerable vegeta bles and extras which amount to about one-tenth as much again. Coal will av erage from ten to twenty tons weekly in summer , and from twenty to fifty Ions icr week during the winter months. The quantity of icoused , , throughout the fear will average 300 tons. Should the ambitipus young man de sire to start in the hotel business , nil no needs is the capital the experience will come soon enough. A moderate- sized hotel may bo r.onted . furnished in most cities for 810 , 00 or $12,000 per year ; if there is nn established trade , ind the house is favorably and widely known , it will bo , , higher. Location nnd accessibility are ho two important factors in success , and the tone of the house must bo modeled to fit the class of trade which is expeetedl If it is intended ' tended to cater to a'family business , the location should bo n quiet neighbor hood , and the bar and billiard rooms should bo adjuncts to.tho hotel instead of the hotel being an adjunct to them , as is usually the case in a commercial travelers' houso. A capable steward is the prime re quisite ono that understands keeping a few dozen oyster shells in a bucket of cold water , and using them as the re ceptacle of the little shriveled canned oyster when an order is received for 'oysters on the half-shell. " Then lot the neophyte shake off all care and attend to the front of the houso. " Lot him receive guests in such n manner thafthcy may fool or imagine their importance. Lot him be careful to call no ono by a smaller title than "governor" or "colonel. " Lot him accept the invitation of everyone who nods toward the bar and requests to know the nature of his particular poison , and above all lot him reciprocate the attention in kind. - " Rend tbo Death ttoll Which the bills of mortality of any largo city may bo fitly designated , and you will tind that renal and vesical mal adies , thai ; is to say , these that affect the kidneys or bladder , have a remark able prominence we had almost said preponderance. Bright's disease and diabetes in the chronic stage are rarely cured , and gravel , catarrh of the blad der and diuresis slay many. Yet at the outset , when the trouble merely amounts to inactivity of the organs in volved , the danger may bo nullified by that pleasant renal tonic and diuretic , Hosteller's Stomach Bitters , which im parts the requisite amount of tone to the organs , without over-exciting them , and the use of which is convenient , and involves no elaborate preparation. Dyspepsia , a usual concomitant of renal complaints , and debility , which they invariably produce , are remedied by it. So also are constipation , malarial , rheu matic and nervous ailments. A PLAY FOR GREAT STAKES. The Secret on An Omaha Merchant's Grey Ualrs. A Correspondent of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat writing from Omaha , December 23 , says : A resident of Omaha who has found it convenient to sink his identity under a name not his own , was ono of the principals in a real life drama that has not heretofore been written. Major Mills was a weil known character in thoPcnnsylvaniaioil regions about the time that Johnny Stool came into prom inence by the remarkable free circula tion of his suddonlyi".ncquirod fortune. The major had amassed considerable money through fortquato oil land ven tures , and at the time of which I write was living with hia handsome young wife in an elegant house that he had fitted up , as ho explained to his bache lor friends , in wlfiolrto comfortably pass tlio remainder of his'days. ' Mrs. Mills was without a history , so far as the good neighbors know , for the major had not consulted them when , at the mature ago of thirty-live , ho de cided to take a lifol'partner. ' In fact , shortly after the handsome residence was completed , n sweet face appeared at the window , and on the following day the local papers announced that Major Mills lind returned from the east , ac companied by a bride , of whom it was said that she was refined , talented and , as usual in such cases , a most estimable young woman , but no allusion was made to her former home and connections ; and , as neither the major nor the bride took occasion to speak of her past , her history was unknown. That Mrs. Mills was beautiful was tlio common verdict. Even Anna Barren , the daughter of the loading banker of O , nnd who was known to have cherished designs on the gallant major's name , was compelled tc admit that MM. Milla was pretty. The conventional loses its charms. Mrs , Mills was introduced by her husband among Uio society people of Oam ] at once took her place , ns by force of right , nnd becmno the reigning favorite in fashionable circles. Wlicn the uovol- tyof the now llfo had worn off , however , the majortired of thu conventionalities of society , gradually drifted back to the companionship ot his old-tlmo bachelor friends , and Mrs. Mills , in deference to her husband's wishes , became loss regu lar in her attendance nt fashionable so cial gatherings , nnd finally dropped en tirely out of the little world that had learned to love hor. Tlio major had boon devoted to sports in his earlier days , and had never en tirely succeeded in dissolving his at tachment for the game then quite pop ular in the oil regions , and which Schonck has slnco nationalized draw poker. Ho was happiest when sur rounded by boon companions and engrossed - grossed in the mysteries of unseen cards. Ho loved to conjecture on the possibili ties of the dock , and the probabilities of the "draw , " and was seldom upset in the certainties of the show-down , o von though his opponent hold tantalizing nnd profitable combinations. About two years after Mrs. Mills' in troduction to O , nn event occurred which changed the thread of the career , not alone of the major , but the whole lives of two others as woll. Ono evening - ing a party of young men accepted the invitation of the major to spend the evening at cards at the Mills man sion. Early In the evening play was progressing , when the Holding doors opened and Mrs. Mills came into the room followed by a servant carrying a- tray of refreshments. If Mrs. Mills had impressed the fashionable world with her beauty , the young men assem bled around the card-table were fairly dazed by the vision of loveliness that had so unexpectedly mot their gaze. The little lady was of modimn stature , slight and graceful , with the bluest of blue eyes , auburn hair , full red lips , dimpled chocks , and a complexion us fair and translucent as a flower. Charley Sanborn was a nowcotnor in O , mid had presented himself at the Mills mansion uixjntho pressing invition jf the major. A glance of recognition passed between Sanborn and the lady as the latter entered the room. Then her eyes fell , but Sanborn gazed spellbound. The recognition was not that of old ac quaintances , for this was the first meet ing , and no words had even passed be tween them. It was ono of these cases of searching affinity , where heart speaks \o \ heart and the eyes reflect the innor- nest feelings. Notwithstanding the 'act that the play was largely in his nvor , Sandborn handled his cards in a istlcss manner , and showed no interest n the game. Finally ho arose , walked impatiently across the room and stood Booking through the window out into the night. The mayor approached and rallied him upon his apparent lack of spirits. "I have no heart to play for common stakes , " Sanborn said , "but I'll risk all I have to win for my wife the lady who HIS just loft the room , and play a single : iand to determine the result. " The major hesitated a moment and then said : 'The lady is my wife by ties of mar riage. But I am not blind , and have seen that this night which loads mo to believe that nn understanding exists between - twoon her and yourself. For a consid eration I will yield my right and step out of , the drama. I will sell her , with her consent , and after I have disap peared divorce proceedings may follow undefended.1 A stipulated _ sum of money was agreed upon as consideration , and Mrs. Mills was called in , introduced to Sanborn , and the plans laid before her. She soadily agreed to the transfer , and it was carried out. Shortly after this oc- curonco , the major having settled up his business affairs , mysteriously disap peared , no one know whither. In duo course of time a divorce was granted to Mrs. Mills , and a few months later she became the wife of Charles Sanborn. Mr. and Mrs. San born are now residents of an eastern city and four children have come to bless the strange union. Major Mills has boon for the past fifteen years a resident of Omaha , and his gray hair and worn features toll of a struggle of some nature , but none of his many Farnnm street neighbors have over guessed his secret none know his real uamo. MAKE No MISTAKE. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sars- uparilla do not bo induced to take any other. Hood's Sarbaparilla is a pecu liar medicine , possessing , by virtue of its peculiar combination , proportion and preparation , curative power su perior to any other article of the kind before the people. For all affections arising from impure blood or low state of the system it is unequalled. Bo sure to get Hood's. IjlTe on the Congo. A correspondent from Africa writes : Life in ono of the upper stations is very monotonous and drink is scarce. Wine was issued at the rate of half a bottle per man' per day. Ench man had to send his boy to the store with his bottle every other day , and of course th'ero was a rush for the big bottles. The store keeper , instructed by the chief , refused everything larger than a champagne bottle ; and as the second officer in charge of the station superintended the issuing of rations in person , tho'ro was no chance for uny man to got more than his share. This did not please the en gineers , who decided , at a council hold in the mess-room of the Stanley , that half a bottle per day was not enough ; nnd forthwith a collection of empty bottles tles began to accumulate in the engi neer's store , and experiments wore in stituted to find out whether the capac ity of any ono of them exceeded that of the rest , but with very unsatisfactory results. At last some ono suggested- the device of blowing out the bulge in the bottom of the bottle , so as to leave it nearly flat. No sooner said than done. Not only was the bottom flattened , but it was found possible by means of heat -to slightly stretch the bottom Itself , so that though it appeared very little larger than an ordinary champagne bottle , it would hold'nearly aa much again. The trick remained undiscovered till the en gineers had nil finished their term of service , when the ingenious devisor of the same , being the last to depart for Europe , loft his bottle to the second in command , with a hint to keep his eyes open for the future. The Bangalos are a fine race physi cally , being tall , powerful and splen didly formed. The chief of Iboko.when I arrived , was an old man over eighty hia ago was reported by some to bo olghty-fouf , by others eighty-six who had lost one eye in battle and possessed fifty wives. Ho was over six feet high , with a fine , well developed figure , nnd , but for his dirty white hair and shrivelled skin , would have passed for n man of half his age. Ho was much attached to Captain Coqui- hnt ( named "Mwafa , " or the "Euglo , " hi' the natives ) and never undertook anything without consulting him. The scone just after our arrival at Uangalti when , "Lo Rot des Bangala" being an nounced as wo were all sitting over our after dinner coffee. Mata Bywki en tered , wearing his royal hat nnd Jeopard skin , nnd attended by several of his wives , and enfolded Captain Coquilliat , gold spangled uniform and nil , in nil ample bear's rug was really worth see ing. Having released "Hwivfu , " hia majesty tho.circuit of the table to shako hands with the rest of us , and then ordered1 "mosdamos lea BOUVH- gcssos" to bring in the raalafu ( palm wlno ) which ho thereupon holpou the company to drink. Ho won a tremendous deus toper , consuming quantities of that comparatively inocuous beverage , which would have killed him ton times over had it been anything stronger and moro civilized. His death , which took place porno thrco months after I first saw him , was nn occasion of great excitement among the Bungalas. As it is their custom on the death of a chief to kill and ont as many men as the deceased had wives ono to bo supplied by the parents of each wife the wnolo town was anticipating a big feed , but alas ! how uncertain are the joys of llfel That big food never cnmo off ; for the officer in command , hearing of Mata Bwyki'e death , pronard a eoflln lined with rod clothand telling the Ban pal an that , as the late king had been "a big friend of the white man , " the "Mlndeli" would bury him with ap propriate honors , had himsnfoly boxed , nailed up and buried sovonfcotdcon before fore anyone could interfere. The disap pointment was groatfor it is the custom to cut thu dead man in two lengthwise , make up an entire corpse with half of him and half of ono of the mon killed at the funeral and bury this. The re maining half is made into a stow with manioc and bananas , and eaten along with the rest , of the sacrifices. Prickly Ash Bitters warm up and in vigorate the stomach , improves and strengthens the digestive organs , opens the pores , promotes prcspiralion , nnd equalizes the circulation. As a correc tor of disordered system there is noth ing to equal it. GAUFIELD'S MMNTOH FAUM. The Kstnto Iinrgor Tlmii Was Gen erally Supposed. Cleveland Correspondence : The old farm in Mentor , four miles west of hero , which Gurfiold bought some years before his death , and on which ho used to spend the happiest days of his lifo , is fust becoming - coming ono of tlio most beautiful coun try residences in the vicinity of Clove- land. None of the family is at present there , though it has come to bo recog nized ns the family homo. Mrs. Garfield - field and one son nnd her daughter are in England and the othorson isrcading law in Now York. Undo Joseph Ru dolph , Mrs. Garfiold's brother , stays on the place and looks after it and after the extensive improvements which are being - ing made upon it. Additions have boon built to the old house , and ovo.-ything that money would do to make it a lovely homo has boon done. Of course a plumber's bill can give no idea ot the amount of work performed , but oven a plumber could hardly have the hardi hood to charge $13,000 for his services unless ho had at least driven by the house , an'd $13,000 is the amount which has been paid to plumbers for their last summer's work upon the house and its dependencies. The other outlays hayo been in proportion. This is only carrying out General Gar fiold's idea. Ho always loved the farm nnd loved to consider himself a farmer. Ho loved farm people and farm ways , and the plain , homely talk of farm neighbors. Ho always wont away from the Mentor home freshened and bright ened in mind and body , and with his face bronzed and his hands hardened by work. Whatever charms the excitement - mont of political lifo had for him , ho was always anticipating his return to the quiet mentor homo , and it was there ho had planned to spend the declining years of his lifo. His devoted wife , in clinging to the old place and making it a family homo , is only doing what she know would bo most pleasing to him. Her beautiful Cleveland homo is for sale , nnd has boon for some time , although the price she asks for it $50,000 is not extravagontly high. The 'Washington house brought about what the appraisers estimated it at $30,000. The total appraised value of Garfiold's real estate was put down at $37,000 in round numbers. Ho paid out $7,000 for the Mentor farm , though , of course , at the time of his death it was worth much more than that. In fact , some years bcforo ho died , ho put a mortgage of $8,000 upon it , which , for some reason , ho did not release for a long time , though , ho was abundantly able to do so. Indeed , there was at the time of Gen eral ' death misapprehension Garllojd's a very general apprehension as to his financial condi tion. It was the common opinion that ho was a comparatively poor man. The fact is ho was comparatively a rich man. There are hero in Painesvillo ono or two men who are millionaires , but a man hereabouts who can command $50- 000 is a rich man. General Garfield loft , at the appraiser's very low estimate , a good deal over $100,000 in almost in stantly available assotts. It will bo remembered that ho loft no will. His brother-in-law , Uncle Joseph Rudolph , was appointed administrator and his.bondsmen wore Dr. W. S. Stroator , N. B. Sherwin and Dr. J. P. Robinson. No man in Ohio stands higher , in point of business honor and sound business judgment , than Dr. Slreator , and both ho and Dr. Robinson wore warm , intimate friends of General Garfiold. Sherwin was nt one time postmaster of Cleveland nnd is a sharp , shrewd little man , whoso admiration for Gurflcld amounted to a sort of frenzy. The amount of the bond was $100,000. The appraisers were Dr. Rob inson , E. T. C. Aldrich and William Murray the Second. Mr. Murray is al ways particular to sign himself Murray the Second for some reason , nn uncle having enjoyed the distinction of being Murray the First. The appraisers filed their inventories in the Lake county probate ollico on the llth of March , 1882. They sot aside $10,000 in money , and something over $7,000 in other prop erty for the support of the family dur ing the twelvemonth , and after this they appraiscd.tho balance of the per sonal property at about $08,000. The entire estate , therefore , including the $37,000 real estate amounted according to the appraisement , to between $112- 000 and 8115,000. So that oven had not the people come with their generous impulse to help the family , General .Garflold's wife and children would have been left in by no means destitute cir cumstances. It was a good deal of a surprise to the people hero that is , to some of thorn to learn that the general was in such comfortable circumstances , and there are many who believe that no was worth oven more than that , and that his prop erty at the time of his death would not have fallen much short of $200,000 or $250,000. This , however , is' largely a matter of speculation , and Is based upon the gratuitous assumption that the ap praisers nnd these near him , who had the manugcmcnt of h'is alTairs , would not over estimate Ills wealth or do anything to overthrow the popular belief that ho died a poor man , The general had a group of bitter enemies hero at his homo , as nearly every man who rlsea to eminence has , and some of them , even thus long after his death , do not hesi tate to vent their dislike in words. His general popularity at homo , however , and the reverence for his memory are still very strong , and oven some of those who do not hesltnto to speak ill of him here among their neighbors , would bo among the first to resent a bitter word against him from an out- ' CREAM It * miner lor orrellenw proven In mllllont ot homos for moro than K quarter or a century. It * U used by the United states GovornmonU En dorsed by tlio heads Of the croat unlvcrHltleg. its thoStronRCRt.iniroot and Moat Healthful. Dr. Price' * the only n.iklnft powder ihnt ilora not contain Ammonia. Mine or Alum. Soldonljrin cans. . I'wcKHAKiNorowurHOrt. , Now York , Chicago. 8t. Loull. The belt and tonti Remedy for Cue of all fllifnttt caowd by any derBMunt f the LlTer , Kldaeyi , Stomach and Dowtb. Dyipcpria , Sick Headache , Constipation , Bfflotui Complaint * and Malaria of all klndi yield readily to the twseflca&t iatatBCo of * It I * pbatantto the tart * , toneinp the yttem , teitorea and preatrrM health. It It purely Vegetable , nnd cannot fail to ptoTe beneficial , both to old and you * A * a Blood PnrlBer It ! superior to alt ethan. Sold everywhere at tl .00 a bottle , JCm5o < tv the Mfheit * IeM elrtin iliaprUntti , tomftrt un4 d u ra blHI y and art th * retetttof fatirlteiiufPiltloaabltelrel- ; . Our name U IJ.AT.COUSINV , on every fole. | riEW YORK. ForSala by H award Brothers. PorcheronR , Clydesdales and Phtre , also homo lircd coltM. Kvury nnlnml Kuiirnntcou a brooder Our stoolc has boon uclectod with reference to both Individual merit nnd pedigree. Some of tlieso horses Imvu taken tlm prize nt the Nol - l > rubka State Felr , 1887. All our horses nro ac climated , and roltx of their iet can be nhovrn. Prices reasonable and easy tnrnit. In accessible by the three leading railroads nf the state , li. Si W. ; P. , M. & ii. V. , and 1C. ( ! . ft O. Flir & FAHHilAH , York , Neb FOR SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. THE OMAHA BEE , -DKLIVEIIEU TO- AM PAI OF I ! iiv CAimiita Foil 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a Treelc. Bend your order to tlio office , 1029 P Street. Capital Hotel Building AND f Glasgow via Londonderry , * , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strlclljr Flrit-C'lmai , and among the lament , faitcit and flueal la the world ! Accommodation l/B xe * U4. Kren regard for tba cmnfortamt conenltnce of paa * Mn < er > atuUlonilr cotiildorid aod practiced . . . .amurt every rlntunUjr for ( ilaiKow. C'ltr of Uotua aallflor l.lrrrpool October 12. jl U tL lar ot and fineit pasnenijor iteamvr alloat. Itatea of paaaaga fof all claiiea at low an Uf anj- other nrit-clti > line , fa- Itxio civurdon tlckrta at rixiuccd ratei. Draft * for anjr amoiuit at lowrit rurrrnt ratea. J'cr book ! f of fiuri. tlckvtn , or further Information , applr u > IIKNIIKK&ON IIUOTHlSllS , CUIcatfO , or ritANS . M0011KS.OmahaNeb. FOUNTAIN BRANDS CUT AND . . . incomparably the B t.