Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 80 ; 1887 : THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Grain Pita Rule Rather Heavy With Only a Blight Decline. VERY LITTLE INTEREST IN CORN. OntM Prove to He About the Strongest Article Traded In Cattle Only Moderately Active Gen eral Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE ! MARKET. CiiiCACio , Dec. 29. [ Special Telegram to the BEE. ] The grain markets were rather heavy to-day , though the dcclino In prices on the morning's trading was slight. The np- preaching holiday and the effect of the close of thu month was felt In rather light bus ! neM and In evening up local traders , to whom the markets are largely left now. May wheat O | ncd nt 85 < c , which was ) c under last night's close , and very gradually dropped to 85c , advanced to 8T ) { c , dropped to 84J c , touched 85c again , fell to 64c , and , shortly before the close , advanced to 85) ) o and rested at 8.85Vc at 1 o'clock. January wheat opened at 78)f78)1'c ) ( ) , sold at n and down to 77J c and closed at 1 o'clock at 78V@78tfc. The recent closing out of their long wheat by a couple of the heaviest local bull houses has taken the sustaining Influence out of the market , and one of them Is thought to have gone over on the other side. There was very little of Interest In the corn market. There , as In wheat , the heavy bulls Bccmcd to have evened up , and without much bunlncss for the outside a few unimportant short sellers wore ublo to ponnd prices' down somewhat , although wllh any fair buying orders thcro came a reaction , and at the close thu Hamo covering of local short sellers ad vanced prices again to within Jfc of yester day's close. May corn opened at 54)4e ) and for a long time hung between 54 ? < fc and 64)4e ) , then foil to We , but at the close of thomornlng ncssion advanced to 54j ? c and rested there at 1 o'clock , January corn opened ut-Wjifc , sold down to 48J e and closed nominally at 4 ! c at 1 o'clock. Oatn were about the strongest thing on the floor and May closed fractionally higher than yesterday , although at times during the scs- Hlon the weak tone of the other pits reflected there. May oats opened at 34) ) c and almost Immediately advanced to 34c , then fell to 84X < a34)4'o ) and closed at 1 o'clock at IM' c. For January outs air was bid at the opening , but the close was at : wj < c. In the provision market the feature of the day's business was the free selling of May lard by the party credited yesterday with the .unloading of May pork. It is claimed by the 'well-Informed" that his sales of lard ag gregated upward of 15,000 tearces and that ho has now practically disposed of all his long lard and pork. In addition to the selling of this prominent hull , general trading exhibited fair activity. There was no great stir , but business was sufficiently animated through out to prevent any flagging of Interest , while the trade showed the possession of a strong tone. Lard was depressed n little by the operations of the bull party referred to , yet , based on last night's closings , prices at I o'clock wcro only 7)4 < ? $10o lower. I'ork rested unchanged nt 5o higher and short ribs un changed at 2) ihigher. . ArnntsooN SKMSIO.N Wheat flrmcr ; May opened nt 8.r > V ( < tsr. ) c on the split , sold to K > % c , closing nt 85)4H5 ) < c. Corn firm ; May sold at 54 c to MHCi.HKo cm the split , closing at that. Oats higher and fairly active ; May . , ' on the split , closing nt IM QjM o bid. Porlc was 5@7)4c higher , closing at f 15.05 for Jan uary. $15.10 for February and $15.05 for May. Lard advanced 2)4o ) ; January closed at * 7.75 , February at $7.85 and March at $7.95. Short ribs wcro 2J4a5c ( higher , closing nt $7.70 for January , $7.83 for February , $7.95 for March and $8.15 for May. CHICAGO LilvK STOCK. CHICAGO , Dec. 29. [ Special Telegram to the BKB.I CATTI.K Trade was only moder ately active , yet about all the desirable stock went over the scales at an early hour , the day closing on n steady market , ns prices un derwent little or no change on anything that was at all useful. Undesirable stock , such as has been selling along at $3.75@4.25 , per haps sold a shade easier. Texans were scarce , hence a better demand for native butchers' stock , but thcro was no visible im provement in prices , except In prlmo cows and heifers , such making a shade more' money. The stacker and feeder trade con tinues quiet. Choice , 13.1305.75 ; good , 1330 to 1500 Ibs , $4.40@5.00 ; 1200 to 1850 Ibs , $3.80 < < M.50 ; IWO to 1200 Ibs , $2.W3.80. ) Stockcrs feeders , $2.25(33.40 ( ; cows , bulla and mixed , $1.5003.00 ; bulk , $1.70@2.20. Texas steers , $2.75 ; cows , $2.00 ; bulls , $1.7 * . IIooH Trade was fairly active , with an other slight upturn on good heavy , that are growing scarcer each day of the week. Shippers did the buying from the start to the finish. A few loads of fancy heavy sold at $5.85@5.90 ; best mixed and packing sorts , $5.50 < Vi5.75 , with common nt $5.30@5.40. Light sorts remain neglected , yet there was more Inquiry to-day than for any day this week , beat IliO to 170 Ib overages making 15.1503.25 and lighter averages , $ .90@5.05. FINANCIAL. Niw YOIIK , Dec. 29. [ Special Telegram tc the BEE. ! STOCKS The stock market see sawed within narrow limits. The most no tlvo properties wcro Vanderbllts , St. Paul Union Pacific , Louisville & Nashvlllo ant Rending. London was the principal buyer taking Vandorbilts on renewed reports tha' ' at the mectlngto-morrowthodlvldends wouli bo Increased. Michigan Central advancci 1J4 , Lake Shore yt and Union Pacific Jf pel cent. The spurt did not hold and the gain al disappeared before 1 o'clock. News abou the Heading strike was uncertain , but tin buying was better than the selling and price advanced 1 point. Norfolk & Western pro fcrred , which Is counted ns an inactive , tool a spurt and went up IJf , but receded )4 po cent. The rest of the market was Irregular but the undertone was ono of firmness and i general dcslro to oven up existed , as tomorrow row Is the lust trading 'day this week , am trades nnulo then cannot bo settled uut ! Tuesday , January a. Sales to noon wen 178,000 shares , of which St. Paul , Union Pn I'ltle , Heading and Luckuwunnu furnishci over one-half. GOVEUNHEXTS Government bonds wen dull but linn. YESTERDAY'S QUOTATIONS. ' IV' MONEY On call , ca y at .1 < ciO per cent laht loan 3 i > cr ccut ; closed 'offered at per cent. Piling MERCANTILE PAmi-GQTK pc cent. STBRUNO F.XCIIAXGE Dull but steady i $4.82 f for sixty day bills , uud ll.WJf for d : wand. P ODUOB'MAKKETS. ChlcaKo.ncc. 59. Followlne nro the 3:5 : closing prices : Flour Steady and unchanged ; $3.M@4I per bbl'.spritig wheat$3.50@4.50perbblry ; $2.75 < 23.00 per bbl j buckwheat , $3.5030.23 pc lib ! . Wheat Modcratlvoly active , opened V V below yesterday's close and cloied above it ; cash , 7S7'16c ; JAnuary , 89 0-10. . May,85VMfle. Corn Qulpta and ea y , prices fluctuath Within a moderate range , olollng saruu cs jc terday ; cah 49/c ' ; January , 40 cj Majr , Osta Steady , with slight advance over yes terday's close ; May , 34Vc , Rye Firm nt 02c Uarley-FIrm at 72Q73. Whisky $1.02. PilmoTlmothy-$2.33 Flax-seed $1.33' . , , , Pork Unsettled , nervous nnd Irregular ; January , $10XX ( ( 10.05 ; May , $10.05. hort cear , $8.00(8. ( ; ser rn , . . Mutter Quiet nnd llrm ; creamery , 23@ 31c ; dairy , ai@20c. Cheese Quiet ; full cream chcddars , llo ? 14c ; nats , ll&@llKc ; young Americallf ) . Kggs-Qulet ; fre h , 2ii(40. : ( Hides-Unchanged ; heavygre n saltcdtJf ® 7c ; light , do. , 7c ; salted bull , 5'c.grpen ; do , 4) ) 0 ; green salted calf , SOi c ; dry flint nnd dry calf , 12@l3o ; dry salted hides , lOo ; deacons , 30o each. Tallow Unchanged. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 42,000 85,000 Wheat , bu . 00,000 47,000 Corn , bu . 124,000 1U3,000 Oats , bu . ' . " 8,01)0 ) ll.'l.noo Kye. bu . 0,000 f.,000 Uarley.bu . 60,000 C'J.OOO St. Ijoulii , Dee.25) ) . Wheat , ' ( , ' 0 off ; cash , 82W@83oMay,8(5g'ij. : ( , . . , , Corn A shade caster ; cash , 4i@4iJ.fc ; , Oats Steady cash,315/c ; May , 33J4'c. Pork Dull at $14.75. Lard-Easier at $7.37 @ 7.40. Whskv-$1.05. ! llutter Quiet ; creamery , 25 ( 30c ; dairy , . " "Afternoon Board : Wheat Strong ; Decem ! l3V will adjourn Friday afternoon until Tuesday morning. Minneapolis , Dec. 2ft. ' Wheat There was'a limited amount of fash wheat offered , but light demand for futures depressed prices about % c. Cash wheat to grind sold at about yesterday's prices , with local millers the best No. 1 northern , cash and January , 74)4c ) ; Flour Patents , sacks to ship , $4.10@4.35 ; bakers' , $3.40@3.75. Milwaukee , Deo. 29. Wheat Strong ; cash , 70Kc ; May , 83Vc. Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 47h'c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 33c. Hyo Strong ; No. 1 , ( We. Harley-Stcadicr ; No. ? , 74c. Provisions Easier ; pork , December , $14.75 @ 15.00. Cincinnati , Dec. 29. Wheat Scarce nnd flrm ; No. 2 red , 8'JaOOc. ( Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , mixed , i > 3@534- | > Oats Barley steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3440. ' Ilye Easier ; No. 2 , 70c. Provisions Pork , llrni at $15.50 ; lard , quiotat$7.00. Whisky-Quiet at $1.05. New York , Dec. 29. Wheat Receipts , 22,000 ; cximrts , 11,000 ; oprnetl .VO'tfo ' lower and heavy , afterwards strengthened with the west and rallied % < jf c , closing llrm ; cash grades llrm and rather quiet ; un graded red , 87(3V ( > r e ; No. 1 red , nominal at 85Uc ; No. Bred , 'JlJiXS'.eo in elevator , U c dclivurcd ; January rloscd at illj c. Corn Receipts , 17,000 ; exports , 0,000 ; opened @ ; ' 6C lower and later recov ered from the dcclino nnd closed Jlrm ; trade moderate ; ungraded. tiOj.ftaUlc ; No. 3 , 5'J.Xe ; No. 2 , ( il ( aWe ( in elevator , Mi&tytc ) delivered ; January closed at G&lfc , Outs Receipts , 47,000 ; exports , 2,500 ; V@ I/O higher ; closed tlrm ; mixed wcsteni , 37i ( $ 39Ko ; white western , 40ffi45c. ( Coffco Spot , fair ; Rio $18.12)4 ) ; options steady nnd moderately active ; sales , 02,1.10 > bags ; December , * 1 .50C 10.00 ; January , $111.30 @li.35 ( ; FebruaryHi.20gl0.2o ( ; March , $10.10 M10.25 ; April , $10.156110.20 ; May , $10.03 ® lti.10. Petroleum Firm ; United closed at 87J c. Eggs Firm with fair inquiry ; western , 23 ( ft'tr\C Pork Firm and more aotlyo for. sxport. , . Laril Opened 4SO ( points lower but moder ately active ; western steam , spot , $8.00 ( 8.U5. Butter Fair request and Jlrm ; western , 15@33c. Cheese Firm , with fair homo trade de mand ; western , llJ UJfc. Liverpool , Dec. 29. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair ; holders offer moderately ; Call- lornla No. 1 , Cs lld@7s per cental. Corn Steady ami in fair demand. Knnsas City , JDec. 29. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 soft , cash , 78. ! c ; May 83/4'o ' bid , no offerings. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , 44 > c ; May , 4Stfe bid , 48Xe asked. Oats No. 2 cash , no bids , 29)4 ) asked. Now Orleans , Deo. 29. Corn Jan uary , 43)4o ) bid , 44 0 asked ; May , 484'c bid , 48 0 asked. Btilkmcats shoulders , $0.25 ; long clear , $7.87)4 ; clear ribs , * 3.00. Oats Unchanged ; No. 2 , 42@43c. Corn Meal Unchanged at ti.'ia. Hog Products Dull and unsettled ; pork , $14.87)4 ; lard , $7.50. MVE STOCK. Union Stock YnrilH , Chicago , Dec. 29. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Receipts , 9,000 ; market steady ; choice , $5.25@7.00 ; good $2.1)0 ) 5.00 ; stockcrs and feeders , $5.10 ; Texas cattle , $1.75@2.75. Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; market strong ; mixed , $5.15@5.55 ; light , $4.W3.25 ) ; heavy , $5.85 ; skips , f3.40@4.50. Sheep Receipts , 3,600 ; market strong ; choice , $5.00 < < J5.50 ; fair to good , $5.00(175. ( 15 ; western , $ 'i.50@5.l5 ; Texans , $1..503.75 : lambs , $4.50@0.00. National Stock Yarilw Cast St , IrtiulH Dec. 29. Cattle Receipts , 1KK ( head ; shipments , none ; market strongchoict ; heavy native steers , $4.40@5.20 ; fair to gooi native steers $3.90 4.45 ; butchers steers fair to choice , $3.15@4.10 ; stockcrs tint fccdersjfair to good$2.00ii3.00 ( ; i-angcrs , ordi t nary to good , $2.254.30 , Hogs Reccipts,3COO head : shlpmcntsnono market weak and lower ; choice heavy am butchers'selections , $5.JOg5.tiO ! ( ; yorkers ani packing , medium tbprime , $5.155.53j ( Ugh grades , ordinary to good , $4.855.'JO. Kansas City , Dec. 29. Cattle Receipts 900 ; shipments , 00 ; steady ; good toehold corn-fed. $1.30@i4.80 ; common to medium $3.25@4.25 ; stockorn , $2.00@2.fiO ; fccdini steers , $2.S5 ( < 23.25 ; cows , $1.50 ( 3.10. ilII Hogs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 200 IIo market weak and 5o lower ; common to choice o $4.75@5,43 ; skips and pigs , $2.60g4.00. ( i- id OMAHA MVK STOCK. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were 339 head am were of a somewhat better quality than thosi received hero for the past fc-w weeks. Th < market opened slow but prices were abou + steady. Nearly all the choice cattle won ' sold early. 3 hero were a number of hcado cows and butchers' stock aUo sold on th market. The receipts wore 3,230 head , the quality o which was nearly the same as those whicl have been offered for some time. The mnrkc opened a little slow , at prices about stead ; with those of Wednesday and rcmamci nearly steady during the day. At the clos nearly all the offerings had been taken , 11 v cars remaining unsold. Sheep. The receipts of sheep wcro ICO head of com nion stock. Prices remain about as usual. Official Ueceliits. Cattle . 53 ( Hogs . 3,2o , Sheep . . . . . . . . y . 1'- rices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for Hvi stock on the market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1800 Ibs. . . . $4.00rtU.50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . . 3.75@4.25 Fat little ftteors , 900 to 1030 Ibs. . 3.i > 0 ( < 3.li5 Corn-fed range steere , 1200 to l&OO 3 03M4.30 Good to cholco corn-fed cows. . . . 2.30M2.CO Common to medium cows . 1.75W2.00 Western cows . 1.7fi@2.SO ( iOod range feeders , . t . 2.30@2.0 Good native feed rs , 900 Ibs and upwards. . . 2.50(23.00 ( Talr tomedlumnaUvofeeder8WO Ibi and upwards . 2.25(22.50 ( Stockers , 400 to 700 lUs . 2.10(52.60 ( Prime f at shuep. . . . - . ; . 3.25(21.75 ( Gcod futssheep.OOiSlCOlbs. . . ; . . 3.WQ3.75 Fnlr to medium eheeo. . . . , 8.25@3.00 Conimoti sheep 1.50fff2.)0 ) Light and medium hogs 4.7M5.10 Oood to cholco heavy nogs fi.JIOW6.45 Good to choice mixed hogs 5.15 ( 5.25 ItcprcHcntatlvo Sales. NATIVE STCKIIS. No. Av. Pr. o. Av. Pr. 45 1005 $3.00 20 1272 14.15 fi l2t ! 3.00 12 1243 4.15 22 103H a.30 : ifl UK ) 4.25 17 1235 3.3 I4 ! 1313 4.45 19 1133 3.75 40 ISS'J ' 4.45 17 1122 3.05 111 1211 4.45 22 1124 4.00 100 12VO 4.45 STAGS. 1 080 2.00 MI.M'.I ) CATfLB. CO 1165 2.60 cow s. ' 2 1WX ) 1.50 2-2 1020 2.75 42 1040 2,40 7 1192 3.15 HULLS. 2 lt.00 2.00 1 1440 2.25 1 14 W 2.25 iiEircns. 1 9SO 2.00 ( DUDE nr.iFF.ns. 22 1020 2.75 SHEcr. 120 78 2.CO HOG * . No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 23 144. . . . $4.00 03 25S. . . .120 $5.25 27 105. . . . 80 4.25 128 209..000 fi.30 H2 171. . . . 80 4.75 70 275..ICO 5.30 84 1112..240 4.S" 69 301..2$0 5.30 HI 217..120 5.05 01 2I53..120 S.iiO 72 231. . . . 80 5.10 59 250..120 0.30 07 191..120 5.12)J ) 02 2 5..100 5.30 73 231..210 5.12)4 03 279..240 5.30 07 231. . . . 5.12)4 ) 69 H02..2SO 5.32)4 ) Stl 23."i. . . . SO 5.15 75 282..280 5.32JJ 73 211. . . . M ) 5.15 54 293. . . . 120 6.32)4 ) 57 253..2.SO 5.15 01 05. . . . 80 5.35 0 ! ) ! i9. ! . . . 40 6.15 CO tUt ! ) . . . . : < 20 ft.K ! 44 218..100 5.16 5 ! ( 304..240 5.35 04 273. . . . 80 5.20 01 200. . . . 80 5.40 07 208. . . . 120 5.20 00 353..200 5.40 71 249. . . . 100 5.20 M 293..100 5.40 33 259..200 5.25 70 ' , ' 89. . . . 80 5.42)4 " ' 04 229..200 5.25 52 38. . . . 80 5.45 ( Ml 230. . . . 5.25 59 333..200 5.45 01 201. . . . 120 5.25 Ilvc Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday : CATTLE. Dcorgo H. Hammond it Co 287 Shipper * 147 Total 434 SIIEIU1. Shippers 120 1IOCIB. Armour & Cudalmy 2810 G. H. Hammond & Co 604 Swift Vacking Co 510 Shippers 11 Local 8 Total 2t , > 49 Five loads unsold. ShipmnntB. Cattle , 9 cars Chicago Sheep , 3 cars Chicago Hogs , 3 cars Chicago JCnn c of Prices. Showing the extreme highest nnd lowest rates p.tld for loading grades of hogs on dates mentioned : Date. I Heavy. Mixed. Dec. : . ' ! . 3 : i : > < (15 ( ou r. 20 < ftr > 4- . 4 75 ffif , 20 Dee. . " - . w > r > r > n 15 ( ri" 45 4 45 ( ilfl 2S Dec. ill. , 4 : , r , 15 615 Si 4 t" ) C i iu Dec.X'4. , iu 6 10 W > 40 4 75 < iG 15 Sunday , Sunday. Sunday. . . . . Chilttmas. Clirhtinns. Chvlstiiias. Dec.UT. 6 " > & < 15 5 10 SJ.1 S5 4 'JO to" > 05 Dec. ' . " * , fi 85 < ? tr > W ) 5 15 nr > 33 4 75 diu VO 6 0 ® 5 : i5 4 75 fi5 10 Dncknxo and Commission. Publlo inspectors dock prognnnt sows 40 poun'ds , stags 80 pounds ciich. Dead hogs , 80 Ibs and over , $1.50 per cwt , less than 80 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , Site ; hogs , Si" sheep , 5c per head. Feed : Corn , $1 per bu ; timothy hay , $ .W : pr.tirio hay , $20 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , 5Uc per head ; calves nnd yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $3 ; public inspection ou hogs , loc per car. All sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Live Stock Notes. w'Hogs "steady.- Fair receipts of Cattle. The banks close on Monday next , it being a holiday. Mr. Turner , of Ewlng , was on the market with stock. H. Clark , of Wat8onMo.wa9onthe market with.hogs. . A. D Boycr/c Bro. , of Lincoln , had sheep on the market. C. U. Benedict of Shelby , Iowa , was on the market yesterday. W. W. Baker of Moran , was ou the market with two loads of hogs. Thomas Lound of Wagner , Neb. , had u lo.ul of hogs on yesterday's market. John Wiggins , of Columbus , disposed of a load of hogs on the market yesterday. J. P. Norden , of Tekamah , marketed two loads of cattle and a load of hogs yesterday. W. H. Newell of Plattsmouth , had two loads of corn-fed natives on yesterday's mar ket. ket.Mr. ' Mr. Hockafcllow , of the firm of Carey & Rocknfellow , of Shcnondoah , la. , disposed of a load of hogs at a good liguro yesterday. Mr. W. U. Storrs , of the llrm of Reno & Storrs , Oaklandwas on the market with two loads of hogs. Mr.Storrs is a very extensive shipper. The firm of Waggoner & Birney will in the future bo connected with the comsCIsion jlrm of Lowry & Mitchell , of Lincoln , as of ficial correspondents. OMAHA WHOM'J8AIE MARKETS. Produce , Fruits , Etc. T7ic following are the prices at which round lots of produce are sold on this mar ket. Fruits or other lines of goods requiring extra labor of packing cannot always be supplied on outside orders at the same prices quoted the local trade. BUTTCK The supply Is fair but the demand prevents stocks from accumulating and price ? are quoted strong at previous quotations. Creamery , solid packed , 22@24o ; choice dairy. 17 ( < sl9o' medium , 15@17c ; low grades , Eocs Are in fair demand which is fully met by the supply and prices remain firm at Ul@22o for cold storage , 23@24c for strictly fresh , and ITc for limed. CHEESE Steady and in moderate demand , with prices quoted unchanged. Fancy full cream Cheddars , single , l''e ; lull cream twins , K ) { < Al3ci young Americas , 13o ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 15o ; Limburgcr , 100 Ibs in case , 13c. In less quanties , 14@14Jio ; Swiss domestic , 10@18c. POUI.THV At present stocks arc very light , but a better supply is extpccted to-day anO to-morrow in anticipation of the now year , Themand Is improving and quotations a < given below are to be considered firm. Uresseii chickens , 6@"o per pound. Turkeys , 0@llc Ducks , 7yc. Geese , 9@llc. 0 GAMK Continues somewhat scarce nnO the improved demand has a tendency to strengthen prices. Wo quote : Prairie chickens. $4.25iP4.75 ( ; mallari ducks$2.25 ; quail , $1.50(31.75 ( ; teal andmlxci ducks , $1.5001.75 ; snipe , $1.25 ; Jack rabbits $3.0003.75 per dozen ; , small rabbits , $1.01 per doz ; deer , 8@10o ; antelope , 709c ; deer sad dies , 10l9c ; antelope , 12014e ; geese , $3.00u ( SAUEU KitAL'T Prices remain firm , nnd a : stated yesterday some tlrins are making sale ; 25o above quotations , which , however we stll give unchanged. Choice , per bbl of 30 gal $185(39.00 ( ; > 4 bbl , $4.5705.00 $11.00 per bbl o ; SO gal. BCANS Arc in light supply and price ! flrmcr at former quotations. Good stock , $2.X ( © 2.30 ; fair to good , $1.0001.80 , and Callfor nia beans at $2.2502.40. (9 SWEET POVATOES Prices nro steady ani ,0 quoted at 202Vc per Ib with some fine ut 3c 17 POTATOES Supply light , demandpricea ad vancing. Wo now quote $1.00@1.10 foi Utah und Co'.o-rndo stock and cholco hoini grown at b00S5o ; common grades nt t > @ 70c. CAIUIOTS Are Inbetter supply at $2.25S2.5l ( per barrel. CAUIIAOE Is still In fair demand and findi ready sain ut $1.00 per dozen. Callforni : cnbbago easier at 2)4@3c ) per Ib. PAiisxiro New stock Is quoted at $2.50 pci barrel. ONIONS Homo grown steady at 75S5c Spanish onions , per&O-lb crate , ll.50ftl.75 OisTEits Plain standard , 25o ; plain selects locts , 30o ; standard , Wo : extra selects , S5o New York counts , 40c .Bulk oysters , counts $1.35 per 100 ; selects$2.00 per gal ; standard 11.29 per gal. Am.Ks Finer qualities are held back , bu for ordinary griulcfc pHcc * nrc nnchnnccd. We quote ! Eastern < niit , 3.Ma.M ( ) ; fair to I choice stock , t3.50S3.fBj funty stock 13.75 GoxxV ftock | 2.00(52.fO. ( CKLEKt-Cholcc celery , 3&5i-t5c per dozen ; QUINCES Choice California quinces , ) @ 2.25 per box. . . . . . , THUITS Arc In fair supply with n irixid demand tlurinp the hollday . We quote : Pears , | 2.50 < ci2.75 ; t-xtru flue , CiuXBF.HHiKBen A Cherry.f I0.00fil0..f ; * Hell & Bugle , $10.50jjn.W ( > ; C v < e Cods , 111.00 ' CHAPES Arc in fair i1eiiinnt\vilh ! , stocks equal to any calls , unrt n car repotted on the wav. Prices , however , are unchanKCd. Malaras , K5.NV T7.0i ; per bbl. , with-some extra line nold at 7.MKjiM.K ) . , LEMONS Are quoted nt former prices with stocks fair mid n ear lot of Messina retried nti the way. Messina lemons , I5.50@fl.00 ; Malaga , 15.00 ; extra Maori nro out of the initrkrt. , OKANOES Prices remain firm , but no chitnue In prices is'noted. We quote Louis iana oranges at * 4.KK ( 4.55 per box , nnd Florida nt f4.25 < g4.50 ; with a sale or two of extra fine at 14.75. HAXAS-AS Arc In light Mipplywlth poorer Ki-ndes out of market. A car lot of better quality Is now on the way here. Choice bananas. | 2.75@3.50 ; medium bunches , $2.00 @ 3.00. HONEY Some California honey Is reported ns selling at Ife , and Home In Mb frames at : tlo , but we quote prices ut 10u.21o ( for Mb frnmes , nntl conned honey , 1WS 12c per Ib. Poiroitv Choice rice corn 3J-a'ii4c ( per Ib ; Other kinds , 2 < Li2i e per Ib. NUTS Peanuts , 7 < < i7S'i. , raw : Brazil nuts , 13c ; almondt , Tarragona , Via ; English wal nuts , 15 ( lfio ; filberts , 12c ; Italian chestnuts , 15c. _ OrocerB' Ijlst. PBOVI ION Hams , llcall 'c : breakfast bacon , IKSll'ic ; bacon sides. tia ( > fe : dry , SC ( rt8Hfc ; shoulders , 0' ' < ; ( S7i" dried beef KriNEi/LAiin Tierce , 7 fe ; 40-lb square cans , iJA- : . ' > 0-lb. round , 7Xe : 2lb. ) . round , 7'uc ; 10-lb. jiails , bJ4c ; 5-lb. pails , ? bo ; 2-lb. pails , S c. SffiAit Granulated , 75.w7c ( : conf. A , 7'O47e ' ! ; white extrli C. tirt0.6 ! ( < c : extra C , c > V V : yellow C , .ViC'ftfiii' ; out Iollfi h@ 8'4o ' ; powdered , Stable ; New Orleans , D 'O ? ° ' ' | - 4-tio. N.tXt ; No. 1 , $2.00 ; No. 2 , tl..V. heavy stable , $4.00. syrup , half bbls , "old time,1' per gallon , ] -pnllon cans , per doz , * 10.50 ; JiaU gallon Garncnu's soda , butter and pic nic , 5c ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , be ; city soda , 8c. WooiiESWAiiE Two-hoop pnils , per doz. , $1.45 ; throe-hoop pails , * I,70 ; No. 1 tub , $ ( ( . .r.O ; No. 2 tub , $5.5(1 ( : No. : < tub. $4.r < 0 : wash boards , $1.40 ( 2.75 ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ; Fo. 1 churns , $ i.l'0 ; No. 2 churns , fci-00 , No. 3churns , $7.00. PICKUS : Medium in bbls. . $7.00 : do in half bbh. , $4.00 : small , In bbls. . ts.00 : do in half bbls. , W.50 ; gerkins , in bbls. , FJ.OO : do in half bbls , , $5.00. COFFKE Ordinary gradoH. 20 > 201i'c ; fair. 20'fa21c : jirlme , 'Jly e ; fancy green and yellow , 2i ; ( 25c ; old government Java , 2b ( < ( ) JiOe ; interior Java , 25r < i2 < ? e : Moi'luv. 2S30u ( ; Arbuckle's roasted , , 24 1" McLnuphlln's XXXX , ' "i'c ; Dilworth's , 24c ; Hcd Cross , 24 > 4c. TOBACCO Lorillard's Climax. 44c ; Splen did , 4tc : ; Mechanic's Delicht , 41c : Li-ggett & Meyer's star , 44c ; Cornerstone , : isc ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 44c : J. T. , 40i- ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44e ; Catlln's meerschaum , 31c ; Catlln's old style , 23o. . CAXNRD GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , $ ; t.20 ( < ? n.3 ( ) ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.KHV'UO ( ; ra9)berries ) , 2-lb , pnr cuse , t-I.OO ® 3.10 ; California pear * . ] ier case , W,70i2.4.80 ; apricots , per case , $4.jOr(4.3o ( : peaches , per case , $5.bO ( $ .bo ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; ) ) lums , per case , $4.0in4.10 ) ( : blueber ries , per case , $2.yO ; 2.40 ; cpir plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per cuse , $3.20(2.1.75 ( ; 1-lb salmon , t > cr doz. $1.75@1.K ! ) ; 2-lb gooseberries , per case. $ .1.25n ( 3.35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case. $1.75 ( < il.60 ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $ l. Kl.l 5 ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.GO@2.7U ; 2-lp curly Juno peas , per case , $2.85 ; 3-lb tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30u2.40. ( JELLIES 30-lb pails , $1.J5 ( ( 1.7S. TES Japann , 2 < ) ( Vi' : > .ric : gunpowder , COc ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , Coc. Coc.Dnip.D Fituiis Apples , new , } { s , 7@7j4'c ; evaporated 50-lb ring , I'XUJlOc ' ; raspberries , evaporated , 27@2Sc ; blackberries , evap orated , 0 (3 ( lOc ; pitted cherries , 20@21c ; peaches , new , 8S8Vnc ( ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 29 ( < 30c ; evnporatcd , u" pared , 18fn20c ; new currants , 7@ " ? < o ; prunes , 4 > sS4J4'c ! ; citron , 25o ; raisins , London layers $2.40@2.45 ; California loose musca tels , $2.00 < a2.10new ; Valencia , SJi'gSXc , ItOfE Seven-sixteenths , lo@ll. Dry Gooili. Di'CK West Point 29 in. 8 oz , 10 > e ; West Economy , Wjo ; OtfsOJ-jC. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial , 15a ; Canton , 18c ; Durham , 27 c ; Hercules , .18c ; Leaming ton , 23) Jo ; Cottswold , 25c CKASH Stevens' B , Cc ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A. 7 c ; bleached , 8 c ; StcyonR1 P , 8'c } ; bleached , Kc ; Stevens' N , 9Ko ; bleached , lOJ 'c : Stevens' bHT , 12'5'o. MISCELLANEOUS Tublo oil cloth , $2.85 , j > lajn Holland , 6o to Oo ; Dado Holland ; " ( Ikiinuics Slater , 4 Woods \ , 4tfc ; Stan dard , 4n'o } ; Peacock , 4JJC. COMFOHTEKS $ O.CO@35.00. BiASKETs-White'l.OO@7.50colored$1.10 ; @ 8.00. BLEACHED SHEETINO Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 > e ; Best Yet , 4-4 , C'fc ; butter cloth OO , 44/u ; Cabot , 7 0 ; Farwell , 6c : Fruit of Loom , Do ; Greene G , Cc ; Hope , 74/o ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. HKc ; Lons- dale , B o ; New Qork mills , lOKc ; Peppercll 42 inch , lOKo ; Peppcrell , 40 inch , HKci Pep- perello-4. 15e ; Peppcrell , 8-4 20e ; Peppercll , 9-4 , 22c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton 4-4 , Stfo ; Canton , 4-4 , 9'tfe ; Triumph , tic ; Wnrasutta , llo ; Valley. 5o. FLANNELS Plaid Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen , Xc ; Clear Lake , 32 } < c ; Muple City , 0 } c. White-G H No. 2 , J ( , 21o ; G H No. 1 , 27Kc ; B HNo. 2 , Jf , 22 > Jc ; B H No. 1 , " ' ' ' " 30u ; Quccheo 5f. 37Kc ; Quecheol 13)4c ) ; Windsor , 22i , ' ' E , 24-inchj Slo GGj 24-inch , 18c ; H A'F , PIIINTS SSOLI'U COLOHS Atlanta , 5V4ci Slater , 5c ; Berlin Oil,0)4c ; Garner Oil , ( Xft'Tc. PINK AND Rours Richmond , Oo ; Allen , Cc ; Rivorpolnt , 5c ; Steel Kivcr , Oo ; Richmond , ( ! c ; Pacific , fl ) c. IsniooBi.un Washington , Oo ; Century Indico blue prints , lOo ; Amer ican. 0)4o ; Arnold , OJfc ; Arnold B , 10)4o ) ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal , IQtic. DIIKSS Charter Oak , 4Kc ; Romano , 3c\ \ Lodl , 4)fo ; Allen , 5)4o ; RichmondB > 4c ; Vila- dsor.tio ; Eddystono , Oo ; Pacific , Oc. COTTON FLAXXF.I.S 10 per cent trade dis- No. 10 ' , 8Kc ; 40 , lOUc ; 0 , 12)4o ) ; 80,15o ; 30 , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored , 12o ; 70 , colotcd , 15c ; Bristol , VMa\ \ Union Pacific , 18c. CARPET WARP Bibb white , 18)4c ; colored 20Uo. HitowN SiiEETixn Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7)t'c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atjantio D , 4-4. OV.'c : At- lentloP , 4-4 , 5Vo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5J/o ; Au > , rora C , 4-J , 4) ) < o ; Crown XXX , 4-4,6)4c ) ; . . , . . . . . . . Hooslcr LL 4-4 K.I/ Indian II.ln.l I t f\/ \ I , - , 5Jfo ; Head , 4-4 , 7) ) , Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Jf6 ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Ho ; Pcpperoll K , 4-4 , jrc ; Peppcrell O , 4-4 , ( ibVPeppcrell , 8'4 , "WcTVepperclT9-4T'20c"j Peppercll. 10-4 , ' "o ; Utlca C , 4-4 , Wuchusctt , 4-4 , icj Aurora , It , 4-4 , OJ c ; Au rora H , 4-4 , Cc. HATTS btaiulard , 8oj Gem , 10J < c ; Beauty , 1'JMo ; Uoone , 14c ; 11 , cased , * ti,50. ( IiNoitAm Plunckett checks , 7)o ) : Whit- l nton. 7c : York , 7jfc } j ; Nurmandi ilress , o ; Calcutta ilress , 8 } Jo ; WbiUeuton dress , Oo ; Henfrew dress , . . TICKS . . . - Lewiston , , . 36-in. . . . , . 12 . } o ; Lewlston , Heaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek , lie ; Ueavur Creek , CO. lOc. General Markets. FLAX SEED Unchanged at$1.10pcrbushel CHAIN Wheat , No. 2 , ( We ; rye , 45050o oats , 29o ; corn , old , 38040o ; new , 35rtf3Sc barley is scarce and quoted at 45SeOc ( , ac cording to quality. " FJI > The market as a ruli IB steady ; prices are unchanged. The follow ing are unrrcnt prlceo i Minneapolis patents. $ J.ti002.75 per cwt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.4502.Ooj Nebraska patents , $2.25M2.40 : rye flour , $1.7501.90 per cwt ; rye , Graham , | l.40 per cwt ; New York buckwheat , $7.00 ; Excelsior , $6.00 , ready raised , $5.00 per case ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal , yellow , $1.00 per cwt ; cornincal , white. $1.0001.10 per cwt ; hominy , ton ; bran , $14.00015.00 per ton ; screenings $12.00014.00 per ton. HAT Prices are steady as follows : Common coarno hay , $7.0007,50 per ton ; up land prairie. $7.7608.00 ; straw , $0.50. COAL Prices remain firm nnd unchanged. Wo quote : Egg , $10.60 ; nut , $10.60 ; range , $10.60 ; walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; lown nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.5005.00. HIDES Market very dull nndveak. . Green butcher's , 5 ( < i5)4e ) ; green cured , fXfttiife ; dry flint , 9o : dry salt , 8c ; green calfskins , 7c ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow aye. Grease Prime white , lc ; yellow , 3o ; brown , l ) < c. Sheep i > elts , 25)ft)0e. ) Funs Arc depressed and dull , with No. 4 skins almost unsalable. Quotations are now as follows : Raccoon , 10@BOc : mink. 15040o ; musk rat , fall.2 ( < 35o ; stripped skunk , 5025e ; mountain . wolf. No. . . 1 , $1.5002.60 . . ; No. 2 , nral- .beaver , No. 1 , .0001.25 ; otU-r , . , - - , - . drv antelope , elk , moose , etc. , 15S25c ( Ditfos Ammonia carb 14c , camphor ro- flned 28c , copperas l c , cream tartnr 42c , cream tartar ( wwdcrcd 2050o ( ! , India Madras 7fic , morphia sulph $3.50. Soda bi. carb 60o , Venice turpentine 40c. Gum opium $4.05 , quicksilver 75c , quinine , German per or , 48c. Wax , yellow pure 82c. Ou.9 Carbon , 12@25c ; linseed , boiled , 56c ; llnscpd , raw , Klc ; castor , No. 1 , $1.0 ; No. 2 , $1.12 ; sperm whale , Wto ; fl hbank85c ; Heats- foot extra , W > c ; neaUfoot No.l,50o ; gasoline , 74 decrees , 15o ; W. S. lard , 05c ; No. 1 laril , 60c ; No. 2 lard , 50c ; W. Va. zero , 14c ; W. Vn. summer , 12o ; golden No. 1. 40c ; golden No. 2 , 25c ; whale , 20c ; naptha 1 degree , 14c. PAINTS White lead , pure , OKc ; white lead , fancy , f > ytc\ \ putty , ! ta ; Paris white , 8c ; Whitiny , common , 2) < fc ; red lead , 7c. WINDOW GLASS Single. 70c per cent ; double , 70 and 10 per cent discount. LGATIIEK Oak soles , 85i37c ( ; hemlock slaughter sole. 2il@20c ; hemlock dry sole , 21 ( 37o ; hemlock kip , a TOc ; A. & U. runner kip , no@70c ; A. hemlock calf , 90c@1.05 ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75c ; hemlock up per , ll24c ) ; English grain upper , 25c ; hem lock grain upper , 2KW24 ; Tampico B. L. Morroco , 29@Wc : : Tampico i > ebble. O. D. Mo. , 20@i2o : Curaeoa U. G. Mo. , Me ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.7iVg3.00 ; Dangolti kid , 80@35c ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40c : American calf kid , 82c ; Gricsen kids , taoO 'I.fiO ; French calf kids , M.25 ; oak kip skliiH. 80@tl.00 ; oak ralf skins , $1.UO@1.25 ; French calf skins , $1.25@2.00 ; French kip skins , 1.10@1.50 ; Hussitt linings , $0.00 0.50 per doz ; pink cream and white lin ings , * 7.50 ( ; 10.00 per doz ; colored toppings , jy.X@ll,00. ( ) Sri HITS Cologne spirits , 188 proof , 11.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual ity , 101 proof , $1.10 ; do , 188 proof , $1.09. Alcohol , 188 proof , $2.10 per wine gal lon. Redistilled whiskies , $1.00@1.50. Gin , blended , fl.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens , $2.00@0.00 ; Kentucky nnd Penn sylvania ryes , $2.00(8(1.50 ( ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50@3.00. Bran dies , imported , $3.00(28.50 ( : domestic , $1.3f ( ) < $ .im ( ! ins , imported , $4.50@0.00 ; domestic , $1.25n.OO. ( Champagnes , imported , per case , $23.00 ( 33.00 ; American , per case , $10,00 @ 10.tK ) . HEAVV IlAiinwAitE The following price are standard : Iron , rate. S'2.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4fc } ; crucible steel , OJfe ; cast tools , do , 12ftjl5c ! ; wagon spokes , per set , 2.00 5.r)0 ; hubs , per set , $1.50 ; felloes , sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75c ; axles. each , 7 c : square nuts , per Ib , 0@18c ; ojil chain , per Ib , ( % @ 13u ; mallcablo , 8@10c ; iron wedges , do ; crowbars , tic ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's inulo shoes , $5.75 ; barbed wire , In car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. Dry Lumber. _ DIMr.NSIONS AND T1MI1EHS. 8,14& 18ft. SOft. Sft. 24ft. ° x4 . . 17 W ) 30 00 21 00 22 00 22 IX ) . . 17 fiOSO ( XI 21 0023 0023 00 . . 17 fiO'20 ' 0021 00,22 , 0023 00 "xlO ' . . 17 IK ) 20 00,21 , 0023 0023 00 . 18 2na)0021 ! ! 0024 ] 00124 00 4x4 8x8. . .18 Mil It ) W20 G0,23 , OO'ZI ' 00 HOAIUIS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.118.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.$15.50 No. 'J com , sis. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1,4 &G Iii 12 & 14 ft. , rough . $10 50 No. 1 , " " 10 " . 19 50 No. 2 , " 12 14 " . 10 50 No. 2 , " " 16 " . 1800 SIDINO. A , 12 , 14 , & 16 ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15.RO B , " " 20.50 1 D , " " 12,50 FLOOII1NO. A 0 In White Pine . $25.60 BOin " " . 33.50 CGin " " . 80.00 DOln " " . 21.50 EOin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . 19.00 6 In. Drop Siding 50c per M. extra. CEIMNO AND PAHTIT10N. 2d com % In White Pine Ceiling . $34.00 tr it ti ii j > 8 00 Clear' 5 in Norway " " ! ! ! ! . ! . 16.0o 2nd com. JB' in " " " . 14.00 STOCKHOAItnS. A 12 inch si B . $15.50 B12 " . . 39.20 C12 " . 30.00 D13 " . 23.00 No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12ft . 20.50 " " " 14ft . 19.00 " " 16ft . 18.50 " ' " 10 , 18,20ft . 21.50 No.3 , " " . 19.00 " " " 12&14U . 18.50 " " " l ft . 17.50 13 in Grooved rooting , $1 per M. more than 12 n Stock Boards sarno lengtn. 0 in. Groo vod Hoofing same price as 12 in. Stock Boards. SHIP LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 In . $19.00 No.3 " " " . 17.50 No. 1O G , 8 In . 10.50 ri.N18HI.NO. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 > { inch , s 2 s . $51.00 11 " " 1 > | ,3 . 51.00 3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s . 44.50 " l , lK.21nch . 46,00 A , select , 1 inch , s 2 s . 40.00 A , " 1 } { , W , 2 inch , B 2 s . 44.00 B , " linch.sSs . 30.00 B , " 1 { , 1H.-3 Inch , s 3 s . 37.00 SOUTIIBIIN YELLOW 1'INE. Com. 4 inch Flooring . $17.50 Star " " . 21.50 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Flooring . 23.00 Six-inch 50c less. Clear lnoh Ceiling . 21.50 Clear Ji inch Partition . 25.00 Clear % inch , Partition $3 above % icnh Coil- Ing. Clear Finish , 1 and Itf Inch , s 2 s . $29.00 Clear Finish , 1J and 2 inch , s 2s . 30.00 Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch . 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Baso. . . . 27.00 I'OPLAK LUMIIEIt. Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. % in. , a2s . $35.00 " " K In. Panel , s 2 a . 27.00 " " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50 BATTEN ! " , WELL TUHINO , PICKETS. O. G. Halts , 2K I" . 65o ; > pc3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 in. Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bev. , $23.00 ; Pickets - ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. II. Sq. , $21.50. SIIINOLES , LATH. XX clear , $ .10 ; extra A , $2.85 ; * A * standard - ard No. 5 , No. 1 , 1.45lath ; , $2.55. POSTS. White Cedar , 6 In. , X s. 12J o ; 9 In. qrs , ll c ; white cedar , 6K in. K like ; 8 In. qrs , lOc ; white cedar. 4 in. round , HJ ) o ; Ten- nessco red cedar , split , 14o ; split oak , 10u0 ; in. , 7 in and 8 in. ( # each ) 8 ft. , round W. C , posts. Notice to Contractors. S BALED Proposals will be received at the office of the county clerk of IOUKHH ! county , ut Omaha , up to 12 o'clock in , , Jnnuary 1. 18W , for furnishing Hooks , Illankn and Stationery to bo used by county olllcers during the year 188S. All books to be bound with the Philadelphia Patent Hack or one that Is equally as guod. A certified check In thu amount of 1100.00 must ac company each bid us a guarantee ) of good faith. Samples and Hclu-dnles for bidding can be seen and obtained at the office of the county cleric. The board reserves thu right to reject auy and all bids. lly order of the board of commissioner. C. P. NELIIIIAM. Dfieod-jl _ County Clerk. Stockholders' Mooting. regular meeting of the stockholders ol TlHK Umaha Fair & Exposition Association u 111 be held In the Hoard of Trade hulldlnir. In the city of Umaha , the second Tueeday of Jan nary next , viz. , Tuesday , January 10th , IbbS , at : o'clocK p. in. , for the election of a board o : directors , to servo during the ensuing year , am until their successors are duly elected , and for the transaction of t > uch other buslnrnH us may bu necosiary. J. H. McSllANf , Secretary. OMAHA , Neb. , Dec. 23. 1887. decSld-fr WEAK , UNDEVELOPED PARTS 6 I IMBlt Cl CTM'WMk , ta < UUlU 8 , U.i * 44lM ? . CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Ajricnltnral Implements.agons , OurUCM u ---tglti. Jonn ; Ptrof t. not n Mb and b.Omabk , NebrHi LININOBR & METCALF CO. , Africnltnral Implements , Wa onsCarria , ei MATIN. IMJ Kealrn ! AUUU ) , I M. 8 .BM ndaT.Jonrt ) Btrert. Oyth * . P. P. MAST A CO. , Manufacturers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeders , OlIUTktori. Ur tltkci. Cld r MIMi trO l.ub n PiU- T rtMf . Cor. Uth mil NMholu fltrttu. AiTicnltaral iQpleints.Wn &Bnoin Comer lltb in NIcKolM BITMU. Artlata' Material * . A. HO8PE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos ani Organs , IIUI : > onlMBtr tOmfch , NtbrMkk , Boots and Shoe * . W. V. MORSE & CO. , JoNen of Boots an ! Shoes , BBtOath .N b. M nuf ctorr , KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. . ( Buceeiton to Reid , Jonti A Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes for Boitoa Bobber BhMti * . 1101,1104 AIM llirntr Bi. , Omaha , Nabraika. Coffe * t tploea , Kto. CLARKE COPPEE CO. . Omaha Coffee and Bplc * Mllla. Teas , Coffees Spices , Bating Powder , riaronng Extract * . Laundrr Blu * . InM. Etc. 14U-U1I llarotr BtrMt , Omaha. Nebraska. Ojroojtofyngnd.giaaByyare ) . W. L. WRIGHT , Atnt for Iks llannfacturen and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc. OBc , 117 B. 13U > St. , Omaha , Nebraika. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , - Commission and Joooing , BvtUr.Btfi and Produce. Conilfnmenta lollelted. Beaoauarterf for Stoneware , Berrr Boiei and Grape BaikeU. 1414 l ) < xli Bt. , Omaha. RIDDELL A RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , cmltrr. Butter , Game. Frultl. Etc. KOWouth Hth SU Omaha , Nebraska. QEO. SCHROEDER it CO. , (8acc nur > to UeShane A Bobroeder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Nebraika. Coat , Coke and Lime. ) MAHA COAL. COKE & LIME CO. . Wers of Hard and Soft Coal , M South Uth Street , Omaba , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , . Farnam Bt. , Omaba , Neb. Telephone 111. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal ant Coke , III South Uth St. , Omaha , Neb. _ Diry OoodsandJNotlona. M. E. SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions 1101 and llMDonglaa , Cor. llth Bt. , Omaha , Neb. CILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co jnportersand Joooers in Dry Goods.Mion. Mate' rurmUhlnf Qooda.Corner llth and Uarnef BU , Omaha. Nebraika. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street , Omaba , Nebraska. Crooerlee. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , W , 707 , TW and Til 8.10th St. , Omaba , Neb. MoCORD , BRADY * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , Ik and Learenworth Street * , Omaba , Nebraikk D. M. STEELE * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , i , 1311 ud IBB Haner Street , Omaha , Net. ALLEn BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114 an * 111 * earner Street , Omaha , Neb. Hardware. LEE , FRIED * CO. , Jotes of Hardware and Nails , HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanic * ' Tool * and Buffalo Scale * . 1K Dodf lu-it. Omaha , Nebraika. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. . Wholesale Hardware , 10th and n rn j SU. , Omtk * . U ( t > . Weitarn Age ntt < or Auitla i'owd r Co. . J ff tton BUel N ll , Atr- bank * BUndard Bcale * . Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. .eayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , iprt EDNEY * GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Mate , caps , Etc. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. , Wflolesale Eats , Caps and Straw Goods , 119T Haner Btreet , Omaha , Nab. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Iiporters&JotiliersofFineWines&Liprs Baat India BltUra aod Domeitlo tlquon. lilt llarnoy Lumber. . OMAHA LUMBER CO. , ill kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wholesale Ulk Btreet and Union Pactflo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb , P * nte. Yardi-CornerTtb and Dougln ; Cornertk i i in ; Dealer in all Rinds of Lnmlier , ffj UU and California Sti. , Omaha , Nub. * ' - FRED W. GRAY , Lnmter Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , . Corsef Cth and Donclai Su. , Omaba. : T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , ' % * To Dealers Only , O ce. 1UO Farnaja Street. OB aba. . 'JOHN A. WAKEFIELD.1 ' . fnolesaleLninDer.Etc . , Lumber. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwooil Lumber , MllllnBry anJjiottojijg I. OBERFEUDER A CO. , Importers & Jobbers of Millinery IHotioul J08.UO lad til South UUBtrMt. M Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , "h Wholesale Motions and Fnrnishini Qoou 403 and 06 Bouth VXa Btf t.Oiaaaa. - VINYARD A SCHNEIDER , . j. ' Moiis and ( Ms Fnrnishini Gooit'1 1106 Ban * ? Btnat. Omaba. _ . Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE COj * Wholesale Refined and LnMcatim Oilr A l Btea . * ta. . Oatha. A. M. Bl h ( > . Ma a Paper. -u-j-jj ! - - CARPENTER PAPER CO. , r Wholesale Paper Dealersi ftTO87. ? .j f rlnurs' Material * . . WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION * J Auiiliary PnWisher ? , O altrt _ > - . _ OMAHA RUBBER CO. , f Manufacturers and Dealers in Rnhlier Goodii Oil Clothing and Leather Beltlnf . 10 t arnam Streej. Steam A. L. STRANO CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings , 6tcTo5g.ViVoBX1'h ! ? ' ! ? ± cfgtr.rh."j ! U. 8.WIND ENOlNE& PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hallldar Wind Mill , , 9)8 ) and TOI rnrnmn at. , Omaha , a. % Hull , Acting Maanger. BROWNELL&CO. , Engines ' Boilers and General Machinery , - - Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL& CO. . v Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds til and 9IS Jonn St. , Omaha Storage , Forwardlnar A Cpmmlaslon ARMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , OMAHA MDFAl Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS i Mannfactnre GaUanized Iron and Cornicei' oba Smoke 8tack8BoUprS | Hannfaotnriug Dealer in Smoke Stacte/l , . . . i Iron Works. PAXTON * VIERL'NG , Wronght and Cast Iron Bnjldine Wort Englnri , Brail work , funeral foundry , machine anr blackimltu work. One * and work ! , U. P. Ur. and 17tk Street , OmaLa. , OMAHA WIRE * , IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railing r. , , . . whdow , wlr. al.o , OMAHA 8AFB AND IRON WORKS Man'tts ' of Fire &Bnr lar Proof Safes Taulti , jail work. Iron nnd wire fencing , algni. etc. C Andreen , Prop'r. Cor , UU > and Jackivn Bt . MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co Munutacturen uniiJubbvis lu Wagons Buggies. Rakes , Plows Etc , Cur. Utli o.i.i I'ntilHt bit.iHlm. . Mob MEACHER .V LEACH. General Agcnti for Dlebold Safe & I/ock Co.'a ' Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safesjime Locks. Vault * and Jail Work , 1S Farnam Btreet , Omaba. , H. M. & S.W.JONES , SuctCDinrnto A. T. Kcnjron & Co. , WltulcsnlJ anil rctHll Booksellers and Stationers , ' d Fine WediiliiK Stationery , Cummuri-lal B 'i 15fi Douglas St. UmiiUu , Neb. _ Overalla , t3AN"Fl LD"MANUFACTURNG ; Mannfactnrers of Overalls , Jeani Paoti , BblrU , Bte. 1101 and 11M Douglai Street Omaha , Nob. j Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW & CO. . Wnoleiale Manufacturer ! of Sash Doors Blinds and , , Mouldings , Branch Office , llth and Iiard Street , , Omaha , Net BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , .f. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blini Moaldlnci , Stair Work and Interior tlard Wood KUk > tan. N. . Comer 6th and Ixmteuworth Btreoti , , Omaha , Neb , OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And Blind * , Turnlnc , Blair-work. Bank and OOloe Fittings. Ktfi and 1'oppletoa Avenue. ' Browors. 3TORZ it ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North Elvlitcenth Street , Omaha. Nob. OMAHA. N. P. UOUUEN'i PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , < Live Stock Commission Merchants , Omee-nooBm M. . V * * * MoCOY BROS. . T Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market furnlsbeJ free on application. Btockori and feedert ( urnlibed o good tormi. Ilufercncei : Uma > ba National flank ana Boutu umaha NutlonaJ. Union Block Yard ! , Bouth Ouaba. LORIMER , WESTERFIELD & Live Stock Commission , Boom IS , Exchange Building , Union Stock Yard * . ( jonlh Omaha , Net ) . , ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commission Dealers in Live stocK , Room a , oppndta Kichnnee nulltllne , Union Stock Varda , Bouth Oiuatia , NeU. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . Of Omaha , Limited , John Jf. Bord , yuiierlntendeot. THE CAPITOL HOTEL LINCOLN. , NEB. The bcit known and tnoit popular Hotel In tb tat * . location central , ai > pulntm nu nrt- l , , Ilemlquarleri for comuierclfil utiraiid all political X.P UOUUEN