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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1887)
n -K { 1 l 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 28 ; 1887 ; STREET CAR ACCIDENTS , Bllppory Rails and Unmanageable Horses Responsible for Them. ONE BOY FATALLY INJURED. IwoCiHiiitorft'ltpr-H Caught l > y tlio I'D- lice Failure C Waller HntiiN , flic Jcxvi'lcr Other City XCWH. Horse Cur Accidents. Tlio season of sliding cnn linn commenced mid wni ushered in yostcrduy with three accident1) . A ear on Furimtn street Blld down the hill and when It reached Fifteenth collided with cur No. 20 of the cioss-town line poltiK north , which had nlMKotbcvond the control of thu driver on the Blight Incline extending to Knrniim stm-l from the ulloy In the rear of I'uxton's build ing. The platform and dash-hoard of each was broken , but the drivers and passengers escaped. No. 37 , another car , on St. Mary's nrcnuo hill , "cot away" from thu driver coming cast ycnerday morning and crashed in to a grocery wagon which could not get out of thu way. Both vehicles were damaged. The third accident which occurred on thq Thirteenth street line , was tlio most ser ious of ail and will probably terminate fatally to John Allehnels , nboy who drives the ex tra horse used in pulling tlio cars up tlio hill near Williams street. Ho was riding up tlio hill on the front end of the cur , sitting on the side of thu railing , when the horse gave a phingo and pulled him off his scat. The lad fell under the heels of the horse and was run over by tlio car. Hoth legs wcro crushed in a frightful manner , and his body was bruised all over. Thu driver attempted to stop the car but could not do so in tlmo to prevent the accident. Michaels was carried into tlio Washington hotel on .Sixteenth Direct , wiiciuu great many of the horse car drivers board , and will bo given careful attention. CAUGHT IUA TO RIGHTS. TwoComitcrlVllcra Nailed by the I'o- lieu An Important Capture. James Mclvcnrlc , L. W. Hill and a colored prostitute named Lou France , aio held at the oily jail and the charge of counterfeiting is lodged against them. The arrest was made yesterday morningat-t o'clock by Captain Cor- mick and Sergeant Hays. The arrest of these three people is one of the most important over made In Omaha. For some time Chief Scawy lias been aware that counterfeit half dollars have been In circulation in this city and has kept a close watch on all suspicious Individuals. Ho lln- nlly located the criminals as living In a small one room cottage in the alley between Web ster and Hurt streets.runnlng from Fifteenth to Sixteenth street. A raiu was made yester day morning. Hill and his dusky mistress had retired and Meiven/lo lay asleep on the lloor. The door was broken In and the two men forced to surrender. The negro woman was discovered under the bed and was dragged out. out.Later Later Captain Green was detailed to thor oughly search the premises. Ho found a quantity of sheet copper and fine , a plaster pads mold , a sodernig iron , a copy of JJieJc's encyclopaedia , in which is described the methods of coming , and nine counterfeit half dollars. These bogus coins were but half llnlshed and were very crude in design. They were dated IS.VJ. The icenrd of the three prisoners is very bad. MuKcn/lo served a term in the Iowa penitentiary for burglary. Hn was sent up from Sioux City. Hill served a term In tlio same institution for p.iislng counterfeit money. Ho was sent up from Council Hlufl's. The colored woman was formerly an Ininntu of a house of prostitution in Sioux City , run by her sister. _ WAIjTHIl SAMS' CLOSR. A Qtinrtolto oT MortRilKocs Place TUolf N'otlcc on llln DoorH. * Ycstcrilny tlio mjtiu jowclry store of \ Walter Sains , in Hoyd's ' oper.i hon < to on Fif teenth street was closed up under several mortgages. Ono of these was to Edward Sums , the father , .living at Wnrrcnsburjf , Mo. , for $1,103. A second was given to Mil dred U. Wash , an aunt of the moiUragor , In this city , Tor W.'OO. Tlio next was to Dun- hlmo & Co. , Cincinnati , for $ , " 00 , and the fourth was to C. K. Pond , of Kansas City.for $1 , < ! 50. There are several local creditors who the attorneys in this case , Cavannugh ft Cranu , uri ) satislled will ho bcttlcd with Biitisfnetorilv. The stock is valued at over $15IKM , hut It has not been decided how it will bo disposed of to satisfy parties Interested. Sams was in business on Doug las street , near Fifteenth ) whore , it is claimed , ho lost money. Since his removal to Fifteenth street , however , it is claimed ho has made money , but not sunicient to make up for the losses ho sustained on the other thoroughfare. It Is thought n settlement will bo agreed upon. ANOTiinn IN Titounr.E. Bradstreet's reports the failure of H. II. Mowis , a Rcnmil store man in DouglasWyo. , in whom Omaha jobbers arc interested. Ho was closed on u mortgage of ft,300 ! , with llnblllties of between ? 7,000 and $8.000. innoi.vs. The mortgage pi ven by C. S. Higglnstn sc- cnro the Onuilr.i National bank and Chapin ft Gore of Chleago , was cancelled yesterday mornngand ! another given instead. There was a technical Informality in the lirst which was considered worthy of notice. MO11TUAUY. I ? ttll.LUMS. JV Tlio funeral services over the remains of ' Prances Silver , Souicrs Worthington and Charles Mundo Williams , the thfco children of Rov. John Williams of St. Marimbas church , took plaeo yesterday In the beau tiful little sanctuary of that nome on the cor ner of Nineteenth and California streets. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather there was nnito a largo number of sympa thetic friends present. Mrs. Williams , bearIng - Ing up bravely , assisted by her husband , was a witness of the services , which served greatly to console her In her allliction. She did not , however , accompany the ro- inalns of her beloved ones to the cemetery , having yielded to the wishes of prudent ad visors and remained at homo in the company of sympnthetlo friends. The llrst part of the service was read by llishon Worthington : Canon Doherty rc.ul the unthom and wan followed by Canon Patterson , and by Hishop Worthlngton. who rc.ul the prayers. Tlio remains of tlio little ones were enclosed In three caskets of white embossed velvet. The latter was berne to three white hearses In waiting and thence , followed by a number of friends , were convoyed to Prospect Hill cemetery , where the remains wore tomiwrj nrlly deposited in a vault , awaiting less hi - clement weather for burial. HOOT , The remains of Charles Hoot , n consump tive , who died yesterday at St. Joseph's hospital , are now awaiting Idcntillcation at Harrctt & Head's. Ho was an Englishman by birth , and is supposed to have relatives nt La Porto City , la. , who have been tele graphed. It Is also said thai J , McCann , ic- suling on South Tenth street , U a iclativo of bin. M'niXTV. The remains of this man were berne to his If home on Jackson street yesterday afternoon. If Iroin Urvxel < te Maul's , und will bo burled | probably this afternoon. Turkeys anil Supper. Tlio American Waterworks company on ChrUtmus uvo presented each of the married members of the lire department with n tur key" for his Christinas dinner. To equalize ) the matter the same company , tendered an elegant supper yesterday evening to the un married member ! ) of the department at ono * of the leading hotels of the city. Thcro were nineteen ttrcmen present. Postmaster Gallagher also gave to the | Biarricd men employes in thu postofllco a handsome lurkoy for ChriMimis delectation and tendered the unmarried Iho practical ad vice to got married before the next holidays to entitle them to similar colisldcration. .Internal llcvenuc Collrctluns. Yesterday's' intcinal. revenue uullccUoiis ' tooted up { 3bJ.S5. . . . OltltlSTMAS TIIKK FESTIVALS. How tlio Children of tlio Sunday SclionlH Were Made llnppv. Over folit1 hundred injrsons attended the Sunday school festival at Hillside Congrega tional church Monday night. Two trees bril liantly 1 Illuminated , stood on the platform. After prayer by the superintendent , A. M. Kitchen I , Mrs. Dr. Haldrldgo sang with beau tiful effect. Grace Knnousc , Etta Smith Lena Hiuicr and Nellie Hanncnhophcr gave recitations. A duct was given by the Moss sisters. The part of Santa Ciaus was acted by Assistant Superintendent J. H. Moore , who entered in a slolgh drawn by six bo s and six girls , nmld n shower of candy and tcin | > cst of excitement. He made n witty speech , distributed gifts and promised to re turn again next year. Frank E. Humllng acted us master of ceremonies. iiiMit.Tox sTiir.r.T iMinsiiVTKiiax. Christinas was appropriately observed at the Hamilton street Presbyterian church , and the event will long ho remembered by all taking part. The Sunday school scholars generously and acceptably contributed to the ciitoitnlnmont. The efforts of Clara Harvey. Jessie Hunt , Jessie Johns , Laura Johns , Xchna Eppencter , Fav Neclcy , Clara Gardner , Lester Hntchllison , Freddie Van Horn , Kay Whitney and others were agreeably received. Mr. S. Wilsoa personated Sunlit Clausadmir- nbly , and Mr. riemlng proved himself a thorough master of ceremonies. Christinas Charity. The following people made donations on Christmas to St. Joseph's hospital at the soli citation of n party unknown to the sisters : Mrs. H. W. Plielps , basket of cake ; Cornish ifc Lcllner , bottled goods ; Mr. M. Farrell , bushel apples and cukes ; J. F. Donahoy , two one gallon cans of fruit ; J. W. Appk'tonshad , fish and largo dressed chicken ; Henncl ft Humid , canned fruit ; Samuel Davis , bottled goods ; W. J. Whiteliouae , largo bottle elixir bismuth , largo bottle cod liver oil ; Hughes & Smith , pott wine ; W. F. Ncdinati , bottled goods ; O. Weckback , bottle line wine ; Hob- ertMajor , two nice dressed cglckens ; M. Woolstelu , half gallon port wine ; Wild < fc Latsen , one pound good lea ; U , W. Plielps , hoiSo and w.igon to collect and deliver goods. Jlenl KHfitc Tr.umfct" ? . F J McSlmno to .Tunics McSlume , s HO ft of lot -I. blk 7 , sub of J S Hedick , und } { , mid Yi lot 2 , blk 137 , Omaha , deed 1 Albert Xcs lon and wife to C A Col lins , lot 2 , blk al" , Omaha , w d ? 5,000 William K Stevens to James Hook- w.ilter , lots 11 and 12 , blk 2 , Stevens Place , w d 1,500 , J A Crelghton and wife to the Fran ciscan Sisterhood of Nebraska , Moore's residence and blk "C , " South Omaha add , w d 1 E E Whitmore and wife to Thomas Mulvihill , n 35 It of lot 9 , blk S , Arm strong's 1st 1 Thonmh Mnlvihlll nndwifo to Emma L Whitmore , same premises , w d. . . 1 W H Iloman mid wife to Duncan Fin- layson , lot 2 , Yates St Heed's sub 7 , Kogan's add , wd 1,700 Everett Gillcs to Francis Wear et al , s 53 feet of lot 7 , blk 2 , Armstrong's 1st , wd 2,500 , Union Pacific railway to Joseph King , nw no and -31-15-10 , deed. . . . 700 Isaac S Hascall to Fred Schaiff et al , lot 10 , blk 1 , 1st add to Mt Douglas. wd 500 Albert Uood and wife to Elma H Hayman lot 111 Albright & Ayls- woith add wd 2,230 Albeit Hood ct nl to Elma H Hiiyniau lot 8 Miller's sub in Washington Hill wd 400 D C Patterson to Clarence H Gray lot S blk 10 Patterson Park w d COO C C Sportswood to Charles Carpenter Yi lot IS blk 2 Cotner & Archer's add W d 175 Mary A Elliott ut al to Charles H Hor- tou lot 8 blk li ( Slntles Sd w d 050 Michael Leo and wife to Maggie Sparel lot Luo's sub hi Urook line wd 750 A E Tounillu und wife to John G Floyd lot 15 and w 10 blk 2 Hillside nolwd 1,250 George A Joplin and wife to Henry O Devries w 01 ft lot 1 and 2 blk 8 HanscomPiece wd 4,000 Plat of Patricks 2d Saratognudd John W Tollsom to Thomas Head ixiwcr of attorney Charles W Davidson and wife to A G "Iiifcram lot 2 blk 22 Omaha View ex wd , . , 1300 J H Kirpatrick to A G Inghram lot 1 blk 22 Omaha View ex w d 1,300 , Jus Miller et al to A.G. Inghram , w Yi lot 4 , blk 8 , Parker's ud , w d 000 So Om Land Co. to A. G , Inghram , lot 4 , blk03 , SoOm , d 2T5 James R Robinson to E. E. French , lot 10 , blk 7 , Central Park , w d 2,500 Androw.1. llaus to Ed Wittcy , mid Yi lot (1 ( , blk 110,0m Tract , 5 yrs 1,500 Wm J. Paul to D. L. Thomas , lot 2blk 1 , May no Place , w d 4,500 Arthur J. 13ast to W. J. Paul , lot 2blk , 1 , Mayno Place , w d 4,000 Flora M. Wright and wife to H. J. Snxo , w 87 ft lot 2 , blk bO , So Om , w d . . . 1,500 , H. J. Saxo to Dr Forest U.Saxc , Y lot 9. blk 15 , Walnut Hill , w d. 1,000 Union Stk Yds Co to A. F. Hosche , lot 24 , blk 1 , Brown Park , w d 1,400 L. Schroeder , Trustee , to L. Same , Iot24 , blkl , Brown Park , wd. . . . . . 1,200 A F liosoho and wife to E L Merrill , ' lot 21 blk 3 and 10 blk 4 , Urown Park , wd 3,200 M F Patrick und wife to Esther Marion , lot 0 and 7 blk 10 , Patrick's 2d add , w d 2,300 W G Albright and wife to Aaron Symons , lot 1 blk 3 , Matthew's sub , wd 500 F D Cooper to E E Doolitlle , lot 8 blk 7 , Baker's place , w d Jos W Griffith , trustee , to same , same lot.wd 500 Sam Suyder to T Wntchsman , n 25 ft of s 60 ft of lot 211 and 30 , block 1 , Campbell's add , w d 55C E E French and wife to G W Wilson , lot 1 blk 7 , Central Park , w d 2.50C . A W Emory and wife to G C Meyer , und 1-3 of lot 0 blk 0. Central Park. wd 2,00 ( H.\ ron Heed eb al to Jos Dworah , s 17 ft of lot land 2 blk 3 , Campbell's add , w d 25C L Schroeder , trustee , to Ernest , Biall , lot 10 blk 3 , Brown Park , wd 1,40 ( Ernest Hlall and wile toEPitkin , same , w d 1,50 G E Dunham and wife to E A Latsch , und Yi ol lot 12 blk 10 , Central Park , wd GO Martha Hounds to Chas H Smith , re vocation of power of attorney. Mary Williams to Chas P Metcalf , o 2S fl of w 50 fl of lot I ) , blk 12 , E V Smith's add , w d 2,500 , Thos Galian and wife to same , o 20 ft of w 70 ft , of same , w d 1,000 Graham L Bradley to Eugcno KBi/d- ley. } { lot 2 , blk Y , Shinn's ! id add , w d. . . . ' S50 Lewis S Heed and wife to F H Blake , lot 5 , blk 3 , Alamo Plaza , w d 1,700 Erank Lorciu and wife to Moi ris Mor- , iKoii , ni \ lot 5 , blk 5 , Improvement asso add , w d 2,100 Total § 07,105 Itiiildlnx Permits. The following are the permits issued from the otnco of Superintendent Whltlock yes terday : Dennis Murphy , dwelling , Eightccnlh and Ohio $ $00 Frank Pokorny , bascmonl , Thirteenth near Williams COO J. S. Cliristenson , two houses and barn , near Mason 2,000 Three permits 53,200 , AllkuC ItlK. Mike Meancy , late city street Inspector , loft his horse and Imekboard on the corner of Fifteenth and Dorcas streets on Sunday nlsht and has not seen cither since. Whelher the animal ran away or was stolen Mr. Meauoy has not yet discovered. Car Ijoart Kates atl Discrimination. A BKE reporter yesterday had a short talk with Commissioner Grifllitts nud W. A. L. Gibbon , both of whom have but recently returned from Washington , where they nn- pcarcd before the Intcr-stato railway coin- mission to Inveigh against the discrimination which several railroads are practicing against this city. They , with other members of the .delegatloni impressed the commis sion with Iho pravity of the question that that body cxju essed a dcslrp to hear thq question discussed In this city. Since the re turn of Mr. Griflltts from Washlcgton , ho has been notified by the commission that the question of cur-load rates , which is also a Vital question to Omaha , will not bo heard until the 21th of next month , when It will be discussed In New York. This will bo bring ing the question up on the very ground of the Jobbers , who aie working to destroy the car-load rate from the cast to the west. HUNCH AND HAH. United States Court. . The case of Thomas L. Eichclbcrgcr vs George M. Elchelocrgcr , was given to the Jury at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Thomas sues George for $750 which ho claims is duo him as commissions on sale of real estate. 1IAV1I ) Hfl.O fONVICTIII ) . David Uulo was found guilty yesterday of selling liquor to thu Indians on the Sac and Fox icservation and was conllncd in the county Jail awaiting sentence. District Court. xr\T TCKM or COUUT. The district court has adjourned sine die. The next term will begin January 3,1SS7. si'Kii nv ifi'imi.i'ii. ' Hudolph Grotto sued C. S. Hlgglns in the sum of l'.K ! yesterday for wines and liquors furnished. County Court. SUKIl 11V WII.I.IAM. William Preston jestcrday brought action against Fred M. and Laura Peterson in the sum of $707.00 for ( lour and feed furnished them. Police Court. Judge Berka disposed of forty-three cases yesterday , besides several state cases. There wcro nine drunks , twenty-nine va grants , ten fighters , two wife-beaters , one petty thief and one young gentleman for ob structing the sidewalk. Fines amounting to $143 wore assessed , and fifteen of the piisoii- crs wcro sent to thu county jail on sentences varying fiom two to thlity days. A Tlllr.VI.NO MIIIVANT. Lottie Andrews is the name of a prettv , buxom servant girl \\tio for a year past lias been living at the homo of N. B. Falconer. Lottie's vanity was stronger than her con science , and in an evil moment her covetous Instinct Induced her to steal from her mis tress one pair of gloves , tlnee handkerchiefs , and one pair of stockings , valued at * : i. Lot tie was arrested and locked up. She burst into tears when brought boforu his honor yesterday , and pleaded guilty lethe the charge. She was remanded to await scn- tencc. It is the general opinion of thucomt loungers that Lottie should bo sentenced for life. Any gill who will lay thieving hands on live articles of Ihe value of * 3 and llicn get caught in tlio act deserves severe punish ment. D Enoch Sntplien , for healing his wife , was lined $5 and costs. J. D. Flynn , for violat ing tlio plumber's license , was lined $5. G. W. Hess and Charles Lindquist , charged with lighting , and whoso faces with their masaic of scars and stratches were Ihe slrongest witnesses against them , were each lined $12 and costs. James Gordon , for steal ing n hat , gel twenty ilais in the county jail , ten on bread and water. Ice plows , markers , nooks , tongs , saws , etc. , tit James Morton & Son's , 110 S. 15th bt. , sole agents for Wood's ice tools. Send for Catalogue. New Deputies. M. D. Roche , county clerk elect , has selected George dimmer as his deputy and William Moran as Hie clerk of Hie county board. Mr. Moran is ono of the best known and most competent accountants in the city , and Mr. dimmer has been for some time in thu office of tlio present county clerk. T. A. Megeatb , who has been elected regis ter of deeds , has also appointed his deputy in * tlio person of AVillinm K. English , n well- Known and popular young gentleman , who for several years lias been one of Ihu most etllcient clerks in Hie accounting department of the Union Pacillc. Ho is a biotlier of James I1. English , who bus been long asso ciated in Iho legal business with the Hon. J. M. Woolworth. Sciilcnnorg's Figaro , the only lOc cigar for oe Ask j our dealer for them. Max Meyer & Co. , wholesiilo.depot. Union Pacific Coal and Stone. The office of Iho coal depaiimcnt of the U"ion Pacillc will in a few days bo removed to the headqnarteiacf tlio road on Farnam street. Tlio company has as yet- received no bids for ils mines in Wyoming. The question of disposing of the coinpmv'R stone quarries in Colorado 1ms not yet been decided iiuon. and it is understood that no poisons have as yet signified n willingness to purchase thu samo. Thu coal supply of the company , which , us published in llieso columns homo days ago , was several days behind ils orders , is now almost able lo satisfy all demands. Absolutely This powder never vanes. Amnrdcl of ptirl- ty , strength and w holesomenesg. .More econom ical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot b sold In competition with the multitude of low cost , short \\elKhtulnm or phosnlmto powders. S < ild only in cans. Uoyal llaklns l'oder Co. , 12fl.\Vallijt. . NewVorlc Pianos , CHIGKERING , KNABE , Vose&Sons Instruments exchanged , rented and sold oa Easy Payments , below FACTORY PRICES. Instruments slightly used at GREAT BARGAINS Max Meyer & Bro Omaha , Neb. ADYIOKFBKK. HOWTOAOT. rt . MORE CHANCE The unseasonable warm weather has left a few more Overcoats on our hands than we desire to carry over into the new year , and in'order to soli them right now , we have cut the prices all to pieces. Commencing to-morrow we will offer our very finest Overcoats at prices heretofore asked for medium qualities. The biggest cut we will make on our fur and plush trimmed goods. There are not many of them , but we have a few very fine garments trimmed with good fur and silk plush. We want to make a sweep with these goods and close them out before we take stock. We invite * those who have so far managed to get along with their old or light weight Overcoats , and whom the open winter has kept back from buying a heavy one , to inspect these garments. They will be surprised to see hpw little money it takes now to procure such an elegant Overcoat. This is really a grand opportunity and the last chance this season. t In Men's Dress and Business Suits we have a beautiful stock the largest in the city and our prices are known to be by far the cheapest. Many fine suits have been marked away down in order to reduce stock and we will save you fully 25 percent if not more on every suit , The big trade we have had in Boys' Overcoats last week has broken up the sizes of several lots , but we still have a fair assortment. The prices are such that we expect them to be cleaned out soon. Our Hat Department is known to offer better hats for less money than any regular hat house in the city. The fine Fur Derby's which we are selling for one dollar have made a name for us. No other house sells a hat of equal quality for less than $2 or $2.5O. We have received several new styes for the holidays. Our finest hats at $2.5O , $3 and $3.25 cannot be bought at any other house for less than $3.5O , $4 and $5. We offer in this department a splendid line of Fur Caps at just one-half their regular retail prices. The beautiful and artistic display of Men's Furnishings in our large windows will give an idea of the variety of goods we have and the r > rices we ask. We invite those who are puzzled with the all-aborbing question , "What to give. " to look at our window and they will see what we can offer in the way of presents for gentlemen. Sensible and. thoughtful men prefer and enjoy substantial Christmas gifts of this nature. There is a satisfaction in giving or receiving a present that one can be seen wearing , a girt that combines utility and beauty , and nowhere else can you get such goods so cheap. Our popular system of selling goods at the lowest prices will be continued during the holiday season. We have no fancy prices and those who purchase of us can save enough on each purchase to buy a nice pre.sent for themselves. Beginning Monday we will present visitors at our store with a beautiful holiday souvenir , copies of which are displayed in our windows. All goods marked iiiplaiii ; figures and at strictly one price. Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. The best and-surest Bemcdy for Care of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Boweli. Dyspepsia , Sick Hcadacht > , Constipation , Billons Complaints Bed llalariaof all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of It la pleMent to the taste , tones up the system , restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , trath to old sad young , As a Blood Purifier It U superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. FflRlMJ'EsMiSSESaDftBRDI ' f txttllrn- rlfihtslititirliiirfiiienntfortaiid Our name is ) J.AT.COUSINS , on e-.ery sole. ) NEW YORK. ForSale by Haward Brothers. lEWYORK -i > . AND Glasgow vfa Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Strictly Flril-Cloic , nnrt among tdo lament , fiist st nnd flnrit In the world Saloon. cconct clitia anit trartf e I'Mxrniier Acconmodalluio Unrxrellrd. Ktcrj rezanl for the comfort anil conrcnlenro of pac cengcrs ituillouilr coo IUcr a ana practiced Klenmem otery r-alurdajr foril Bow. City of Horn * ralll for IJTcrpool Oclober li. U l III" liirKOt and anKitpa > 9enirritearuerafluat. Kntesof paMaice for all claitt-i at low > by any other nnt-claii line , ha- loonezcunlon tlcaett at rednceil ralei. llnftafor anr amount at lowest rurli'iU rateii. let boot ! St tnurt , tlcketa , or dirthor Informiillon , apnlj to IIENDKlf-O.V 1IUOTHBKS , Clilcago , ur HUXb. H. MOOltKb.Owaba.Ntb. . . only oaentliji world n rajlB coatlanoui Mlfrtrlo * Mantilla t. ieltrtlie , rowtrfu . Doralln e and ! . A old ( rauda. . KL.T * fO 101 BUFFALO BILL , Carbolic pmoko Hull Co.-Oo n tluiurn : 1 tnke k-reiil plu.iimiii In etiillim Hint 1 IIUTU u o I lliu Car- liollc SmuUo Ilnll , 1 ouM nut be without Pic. ror n suililcn cold or throat troilSSa ItlMnvnl- wit > l < > In fntt worth tcntin : * ' * Us wclulit In pilrt. Yours truly , i VVM. r-VC'onv. ( Iluffnlo fllll. ) I CntHrrli , Avthmii , HroiuliltK Ncuriilulii , r-oup , l.uiu Troubles CutiK etc , IrftHiitly relieved niul cpcpillly cured. Onu bull HiMicrull ) putllclent. Mull ordcm : Smoke Hull by in nil imi < l 4 cents Imttnizn. Dobellalor for tbe bloml n r.i'illtlonal. A Film : TKVP Bhcnnlour ofilco parlors , torn by alltlru/al"if ! CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL COMPANY , South 114 Fifteenth Sicet. Omaha. Neb J. B. HAYNES , -OFFICIAL- STENOGRAPHER , Third .ludlrl-ilDlstrlct , 37 CHAMllElt OF COMMUKCB. SteckPiano Hemnrkiible for powerful Hyropa- tin-tic tone , pllubli * action mul UP"- Milute ilnralilllly. M ) c-ar U'conl. the host Kimraiitco ot thu t'xcel- Icnce of thi'se liiitrumt'iits. WOODBRIDGEBROS , ( uuii U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO Surplus , - BO.OOO Jl W. VATES , rrcslilent. LKHIK S. HKKH , Vlco-Proslili-nt. A , K. TOU/.AI.IN , 2(1 Vlte-Presldent. \V. H. 8. Iluuiit.s , Caahiur Diutc-roiis. W. V. MonRE , Jens S. COM.INS , H.W. , VATES , LEW is S. KEEU. UanUnK Ofllce THE IRON BANK. Cor. 1-th und Furniim Sts. A General llunkliiL' IHiblnessi Transacted. IMPOK'lKI ) STAMjIO.NS FOH Perclierons. Clydesdales and Shire , also homo bred coltn. livery anlninl Kuuranteed n breeder Our stock has been selected with reference to IxMh Individual merit and pedigree. Home of these horses huvtj taken prlzo at the No- brooka fitute I'elr. I8M7. All our horses ure HO- cltnmtrd , and coltH of their get can be shown. I'rlcea reinouuble und easy terms. .IB accessible liy the three IfudliiL' rnllroudu of the ntute , II. Jk W. : F. , E. & JI. > ' . . nnil K. C. * O. . . V'UVM'AIIHBAH , YorkN b . UfiDJAYIB 1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. LoulM. SIo. , rniMTMty Colli-jje Ilu-pltal , I an- don , ( ilesoii. ( it'rm.iuynnd Nv York , llavi ilcvottd their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially tlio'o ailslnj ; from Impru dence , Invftc nil bo MiircrliiB to cni respond with out delay. Diseases of Infection imcl eontinflon cured wifely und hpeodlly without u o of dan- Remus ( Irims. 1'ntlents wlloso cases Imvo been neglected , ludly tto.itcd or pronounced Incur able , should not full to w rlto us couconilu ; ; thulr M inptoms. All letters receive Immedliito atten- JUST PUBLISHED , And w 111 bo mailed KK1JI3 to any address on re ceipt of ono a-cent Htiinip , "Practical OliMirvu- lions on Neivons Debility and 1'livblcal i\lii\ns- : tlon , " to which Is added an "Kssiiy on Mar- rln e. " with Important chapters on diseases oc the Ui'producth o Organs , the whole forming a \ altiama medical treatise which bhonld bo load by all yonni ; men. Addies ? DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 17O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo. ' 88. FOR the year 18S8 FRANK LESLIE'S " POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has been aptly styled "mi : MONARCH or THE MONTHLIES , " will be better than ever. Articles upon topics of current public interest , sketches of eminent per sons , strong anil biillianl stories , and poetry of a high onlcr , profusely illus trated by the best artists , and all by New.York'I writers of recogni/ed merit , will fill its papcs. To the old and favorite corps of contributors will be added \\rlteisoi promise , and no effort will be spared to keep the magazine ih the foremost rank. In the November number was begun an earnest and powerful ta'e , "PRINCE LUCIFER , " by Ella f , Pierce , which has already attracted widespread attention and charmed multitudes of readers. Subscriptions may begin , if de sired , with the November number. Each issue contains a Full-Page Picture In Colors , the series of twelve forming for the j car a beautiful collection of gems of modern art. The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of similar publications , and is not only the best , but by far the cheapest , of any of the of magazines for the people , $3 per year ; 25 cts per copy Specimen 'copies , 15 cents. MRS. FRANK LESLIE,1 63 , 63 and 57 Park Place , New.York' Tun Old Hetlnbto , poi Inlijt or niuny ) cnrp ex I crlcncc.trcuu w uli woo ilrrful ; urc < , nll I.UNO' Til 110 AT , ( ! . \NOiil riM. . MVTUI.A. ItUlTUllKciirnlwItli out imln or lilmlrnnca lloni ini-liicsd. Allchron- ct > nii ! fur Iri mlvnnui ofnii ) tnntltutlo na \ IMs lounlr ) . 'JliofcO wliocon J louii'l'ilii ' ' i-'OliiK to Hoc ] H > rln " . < for treatment of niiy rrHnlo or lllood can be curetl for nni-tlilnl tlio cost nt gur I'riMile Il9icii ) | nry. I llHTO llr his treatment * I'lirc. Ixrn-Jr C < ? m I fllllrN pleitoii. free from Mllownosi , frecklgj LHUILO hiaoklumili , eruption * , etc. , brilliant . JlloalliiK lli-nilailn ! . Nervoun I'-o : liralmi ( ii-i rn l > < 't > IIIly , WwnloMiii'M. DeprfsW Urn In 1 Kcntl'in. Ovarian trouble * . Innmnm. jiian nl" eralliiii. MllliiK nn.l lli < pl i rinent < i. yplnl wea i > l > 99 , KHInry complaints ami Uliungouf Life , Consul the OM Docior Aciitn or Chronic Inflamma ' " ' ' EYE AND EAR llon'nY iho"Kyiiir'iil'ilioLa'J ! ! _ _ _ _ ami Kir or Isear MHliteuiiof A Inversion of the I.lil . Scrofiiloin Bri1 * . Ulcerntlonin ] InnirarnSlloiii" ," , ' > " " " " of VI > | 1' ' " of one ° f 11 y nVmin'miitloiMir'tiii' ' Knf , tllrnrnllnn or Cntnrrh' , * ' , ' Internal or Kiti > rn l lh'afnp i , or I'nralynlf , bluvlnc ( ir Himrliik'nilse Tlilcki'iifil Drum , etc. lirnllnllO Dt-Mllty , I.os < of Mtniro or , Sleep- , ' NrKUIIIIX li' ii.i ( Deipun.lviioy. . Io ut.l ttniUUO Mpmury , Toiif ii.lon of Mcas IllilM . 1'ermnnditlr anil 1'rlvatcly Ciin nl nnniUn CI/IU IH I cnr9. Pcrornla , HI II ANII MUN iry : liiclas.Vo\Prtlore , UUUUU HIIU UIXIII Hiotclics , i'lmplcf , tilI I rord. Tains In the Head anil lloncH.hrphllllonrB.I [ | Throat. Mouth nnil TOIIKUO , ( IlKiHlii ar 1. ilarKenu. nt1 , l tho&rck , lllipimiutmiii.UalHrrli , ito , reruianenl. , ' Ulic'li OllHi.1 llavo rullcil. lyf'iireil . ' 'consultation free anil strictly confldantlal. Medicine sent free from observation to all p irts of the United States. Conespondenco recolvo * prompt attention. No letters answered limes' ' ! accompanied by four cents in stamps bimil teu cents In stamps for pamphlet and list ot < i" < " - tionsnpon private , bpeclal and nervous dls- ' * " l"ins strictly cash. Call on or address , DR. POWELL REEVES , No. 3 1 Cor. 13th & Haruey BtH-.Ouiaha , Nib SCIENTIFIC TURING 14-20 GLUCK & WILKINSON. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. INTERNATIONAL OPTICAL CO , , J..J'J FAUNAS ! ST11KKT , Your Eyes Examined Free. Our AlnikuCrjiUllna kpectaclet and arc U'c but . One Dollar Ginssos In the market. Our Urnillllati Alii C-it Pebble * , am' Ilia beu nioner ran bur. I'nrlilan. ' 1 Illicit IXMI > V lor wtak vyei , K\\K \ earn unit cumfurUGIiuilei M ult'all tlglili. C'AI.Ii AT O.SCU. Mannioh & Hughes.- . ' . ' ConauUlny Opt leant- , ,