Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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No nilvrrtlHi-tncntN taken for tlicnc
ciiltiniiiH nllcr I tMO p , in.
Tcriim Cnnli In ndvnncc.
Ailvcrtifrmcntnuii'lcr thlfi heart , 10fcnts per
Hue for the flrnt insertion , 7centn for each ul-
Frtiitent Infcrtlon. nnd ll.rfl allnepermonth.
Ko ndvertlhcincnt tnkin forleps thnn K cents
for tlid first Inncrtlon. Pcven words will bo
counted to the line ; they mtrU run con ccu.
tlvely nnd must be paid in advance. All ad.
\ertlf.omrnt8 mufct be handed it ) before l-M
o'clock p. in. , nnd under no clrctim tnnct will
they be tnkrn or discontinued by telephone.
P'nrtlm ndvrrtUlmr In these columns and hav
ing the nnnwcrs nddresned In cure of the Hee.
will tilenf-e. nsk for n check to enable them to
pet their letters , n none will be delhered ex
cept on prcfentntIon of check. All answers to
adxrrtlRenirnts Mioulcl be enclosed In envelopes.
All advcrtlikenicnts In thefce columns nre pub
lished In both morning nnd evenlngedltlons of
the Jlee , tlw circulation of which nggrcgntcs
more thnn I4.MO pnpers dnlly , nnd glvi-s the nd-
vertlfers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of the Ilec , but nlso of Council niijITs ,
Mnroln and other cltien nnd towns throughout
thispnrt of the west.
A MAN thoroughly acriuiliited wltli the work
would nicapt employment in a county
clerk'H ollico In Net raskn for three or four
months. A ldressS , lleeonice. t-ai il1) *
WANTIIII Sltilntlon ns housekeeper by n
I'rotestant-Amerlrnii woinnn of tM , Is
nent , energetic nnd Industrious , good dress-
mnker , n'ca cii'ik , nud fond o ! children ; hns n
1)10 ) 8.1/ith. / Hoom
BC 27J
\\7ANTP.D Situation by a young man as
> bookkeeper , cun give good tltv refer
ences ; nddrehs 8 'SI lieu olllce. Hl.'i 2JIJ
WAffi'Klf Ify n mTdille-agpd American
woman , position ns Housekeeper , or the
ram of nn Invalid : Is hn excellent cook. Apply
in Matron of thu Woman's Christian home. ' . * 718
Hurt t. 7.81 ii'J
" *
"AN American woinnn wants n situation In the
V city n housekeeper for n widower , bachelor
or nged couple. K years' experience. Cnu fur
nlsh references. Address S 19 , Dee. ( XWJ7
ITITATION Wnnto-lbynn nble nnd expert-
enced bartender , willing to give security If
required. Address S 12 Hee ollire. 03127 *
SAIjKSMKN I'l\e travelingFnlcsmen ; salary
nml exitenses ; no experience necessnry.
Address , with stump , Palmer & Co. , I.n Crose ,
Wis. Ml 15 *
AY fANTI' ! ) A boy for help and general housc-
work atniJN. llth st. HIOi *
WANTED A good becoiul hand bread nnd
cake baker. Inquire nt No. 1314 Douglas
St. , Knufmann'H s.iloon.letwicnUund 10 o'clock.
Dec. 2j. f4t 2S *
_ _
TiTANTED A young , active , gentlemanly np-
" penrlng man to canvass for subscriptions
nnd advertisements on n labor journal. Only
rustlers need apply. H. 37 Hue ofllce. KJT-Bb *
TXTANTHD-Harber Immedlatuly , 2403 Cum-
VV IngMt. 70527'
WANTED-Actlve man to sell goods on tUo
street. Enqnlie nt popcorn stand corner
13th nnd Farnum sts. 7DO-27J
WANTKD 1 must have three perhons to
learn bookkeeping to meet demand for
competent bookkeepers In , 'mmurv. ' J. ill.
Hnilfh , room 548 , Hamge block. ' fl3 ! iW *
TNHUHANdK Agents Wanted-Tno Mutual He-
JL hervo life Insurance company of New YorK
( lenlto to engage twenty good npeclnl and gcn-
t-rnl agents lu the west on extra liberal con
tracts. For terms and territory call on or ad
dress. II. II. lloblson. general man'gr. Omaha
Nat , bank bl'dg. Omahii. Neb. _ fiMKU
"VXTANTKO Four men to solicit In the smnll
' T towns nnd'country of lown , Missouri and
Nebraska ; must have J25 , give bond , and will
ing to work earnestly ; salary $65 per month.
Address P 01. lleo ofllce. 20i )
W Men for railroad work. Al
bright's Lnbor Agency , 1120 Fnrnam. 691
WANTED NX ) men of rood appearance to
try our jr.e meuls at Norris restaurant , 311
and OKI South 14th sticet. ( old Live und Lot
I'lve ) M3
" \\TANTrjD-Olrl , hinall family , apply after 12
TT o'clock , Mrs , J. II. 1 lay lies , iwiN. Uldst. ,
near Chicago. ,2i
WANTI5D Si Rlrls general housework , 1st
and 2ud'glrl name pluc e , 2 cooks for board
ing houses , ( i dining loom Rlrls , 1 chamber
inuld , 2 illslnvasherc , I girl for Grand Island , 1
for Plattsmoiith , farm paid ; lnt.s of Rood places
for Rlrls. Oiimna Kmp. llureau , II'JN. Illth st. ,
ill. E. White. PVop. K18-27
ANTED Woman cook out of city , fin.
Four dlnliiR room girls to. Dishwasher ,
laundress and cook $18 each , fllrls to help.
nut-Mi Rlrls. cooks , one llr t-clabs second girl and
W ) for general housework. Mrs. lirega * Son ,
\\TANTnD-Good kitchen Rlrl. Must bo n
v Rood Reneral cook aud have good refer-
ftlce. Knutilrt' , 1U14 Farnam. KM 28 *
WANTKD Goo I Rlrl or wimau with refer-
ences to take euro of childtea , 2514 Doug-
law ht. Mrs. I Ilicnvn. 8l 28 *
) 1'o kitchen RI ! IH ut Ho.scmund's
> 1018 and 1015 1'unmm K | . 80828
IfAN'rEO ( llrT for general housework In
T Hiniill family , 2317 Douglas st. 811 27J
Ty ANTEU-Nurso girl at , 2112 UoiiKlas st.
\\7ANTKl ) Girl forgeneralhousewovk ; must
T > be a Rood cook. 1M2 Doilgu ht. 742
\\TANTEIl-A thoroughly competent Rlrl 1m-
T T mediately at 2212 t'uruum st. ; good w ages.
\\TANTin-At ; once girl. U22 N. 10th st
\XTANTEU-llutton-hole makers. 1112 ] ' -
_ y V nain. f.7527 ]
ANTEU-Goodt'lrl 1U1I Howard .st.SH2
"lyANTKD niulng room girl ut Emmet houno
W'ANTED First rlnss girl for cook , good
wuge.s paid. Mrs. H. C. Patterson , r > 2 < ) N.
Kid. . tins
W ANTEU-lluttou-holu makers ut Ilia Fur-
Jiam. Btft-a *
w AMTRIt Competent jflrl forgeueral lioiibe-
ivork , Ml a. Mith t > t. ins
\ TANTKD-Glrl. InqtllieillS N. 17th at.
5\ 638
TYANTElUmlllB room girl at Occidental.
ONK lady In every town wanted to introduce
ami sell Pennyroyal Pills , "Chlchestcr'n
l.ngllsh. " Original and only Genuine. Send 4u
( Ktumns ) for particulars. Chichester Cliemlcal
Co. . Philadelphia. Pa. x'7
LADIES are offered embroidery needluwork at
their own homes ( ton n or country ) by a \ \ holo-
nale house. Profitable , genuine. Good pay can
lie made. Everything furnished. Particulars
frco. Addre ! ss Artistic Needlework Co. , 13.1 8tl
Bt. . New Vork City. _
WANTED I.ndleH in city or country , for our
hollduy tradu , to take light , plcnsnnt work
nt their own hornet. II tu Kt per day can bo
Quietly nindo. Work t.ent by mail any distance.
I'nrtlculnrs free. No canvnHsing. Address at
once , Cebcent Art Co. , 147 A Milk kt. , Itontou ,
tli s. P.O. box MTU. _ SIX )
" \\TANTKD-501ndles to try our 15o me.ils at
v T Norris' restnuraut old Live and Let Live ) .
311 and UI3 8. 14th t. m
rANTKl8 < iineoneSo ndopFii nlco blonde
baby l > oy. Swede piuvnta. Mrs. llrejru
318 B. 15th. _ _ lOMSj.
\\fANTKn-Wanhlng nnd Ironing' ' by the day
TT or at homo , 1910 Webster. tc'4 28 *
WAN'TKD-Gentlemen to try our 10-cent
menu ut ticholler restmirant , 104 S. Kith.
CANADIAN Employment olllce , the bvs-t
plnce in Omiihu to get help or situations.
Main unit teniala. Heference , Omaha Nutlomil
uanfc , Mrs. Itrega & Sou , U10 S. 15th. Tel. KM.
WANThD A small furmsned cottnge or two
or three furnlshtd rooms on first floor for
light housekeeping , convenient to car line. Ad-
tlress O ( II lleo ollice. 757
TiMHST class tublo board , served In homo
, ' , . .btvle.Bt , . , IS1I > stMnry'8 ave. , first door
right hand Bide. KU 29 *
"OOAltU with rooms for four at 2118 Uurt st.
PU1VATE bourdlug , 4 a wccK. Ulli UodRO. 12UJ7
, 1015 Dotlgn st ,
- table lx > anl. served In home
Hyle. tor 8 or 4 gentlemen. 18H Dodge. W4
' " = i = =
FQ J * T ° wm'hotwo. Pime near 2Sd.
If. K. Darling. 15th and Howard. B7D ff
tt\H B house 1 aow occupy w III he for rent. Jan
ivX.u'u71' > tihouse contain * 10-rooms and all
fcodwn Jciprovemento. ftft ) s. 24th at. Morltz
TfOH nKNT ! new 7 roomed hou UPS. well , cli-
JD tern. Inrgo cellar , 1'Jth ' near ClnrK st. W.
Q. Shrlvtr. opp poatofflcc. _ KI1
IjlOUK good cottages for rent cheap until
JP spring. Oco , l.Ollbert , Wlthnell bulldluit.
TTIOIl HENT Two n-rooiii hnme'f nt inv , Pout h
-C I3th t. , rent very reasonable. Co Opera-
tlve Land and Ixit Co. . ZS N. 10th ft. B4.I
FOH HKNT 0 new 7 roomed houie" , city
wntiT , clitcni. cellar , 'Alth - < t near Paul , \ \ .
G.Shrlver , Frenzer blotk opposite postofflce.
HKNT C-room house , 1103 Davenport.
31WJ1 *
H Ot'SK for- rent , 4 rofiins , y. I1. , cor. 10th and
1'nclllc. Owen Whclnii. MI ) iiij
"VTO. UOii ; th ave. , frroom House , In good ro
-Li pair , large yard , cistern water ; will ren-
to responsible person with not more than 2 chil
dren for f > per mouth. 44. )
TTUlTrifl.Vl'-FTvo"r7)oni : house In Omaha Ylew.
JP * l'l ' per month. Potter & Cold ) , 1001 Fnrnam
street. 71) 27
43 HOtTSES For rent , IO to t" > per month. 3 to
ID rooms each and from A blocks to 2 miles
distant from postolllce. F. L. Gregory , Hental
Agent , : MH. iBtll .st. 478
EOlt ltiNT-Hoti : cs. A list of over IK ) to
choose from , ranging In pi Ice from tin to
J125 per month. Also a llstof furnished and unfurnished -
furnished rooms , all prices. H. K. Cole , J1IH So.
I'.th st. 01231
TT1OH HUNT A A loom house cheap to n small
JH family , ir > 7J S 21st bet Center and Doiras st.
412J It'
F I OR KENT 2new n room IIOUFCI on 830th
near Leaven worth. C. II. May tie. 341
FOH KENT A room house , 27th st. near Dodge
115. J , H. Hlligwalt , 218 So. L" > th st. 351
FOH KENT New A room cottage In Ambler
place ; good 7 room 2 story houA * . Orchard
Hill ; good 4 room cottage , Orcliard Hill. C. K.
Mayne , N. W. cor. 15th and Harneyst. 1DI
FOIl HENTroom lumse , city water , etc. , S.
W , Cor. King nnd Cald ell. 1012 Fnrnam.
1 _
FOH HENT An 8 room house , city water gas ,
and stable , 12 minutes walk from the post-
oil ] ce. Kent moderate. Apply to I ) . J. O'Don-
nhoc , next door to the postolllce. 135
FOH HUNT A new ten-room house with all
modern improvements , large attic , Douglas
nnd 21st streets. Not a basement hcUhe. Ap
ply Morltz Mover , cor 11 and Fnrnam. 747
"I71OII HENT Now house , 8 rooms , etc. , large
-lv grounds , corner Sbth ami Capital avenue ,
Inqnlre2i24 ! Dodge st. M7
" 171OH HENT New 4-ioom cottage , J12 per
JL' month. Apply room 2i ) , 1511 Dodge at. 753
T71OH HENT-8 elegant brick residences with
Jt ! nil modern Improvements , 12 and 14 rooms
each , pleasant nnd convenient location. O. F.
Davis company , 1502 Farnam st. 112
TTtOH HENT B-room House , UOfl S 25th avenue ,
Jj 1 block south of Lcaveuworth. J. D. Cowlo ,
nt Falconcr'a. JKi
HENT B-room house n w cor. Seward
and -Till stK. U50
FOH HENT 2 now handsome 6 room cottngen
well , cisterns , etc. . 17 per month 'CM and
California. A. C. Wakeloy , Omaha Natl bank
bid. . 097
FOH HENT Sevcra new 7 room nouses
block from street car , ready for occupancy
November 1 O..F. Harrison 4188. IBthst. 505
FOH HENT House 11 rooms.V. . M. Hush-
man , N E corner 16th and Douglas. WO
TTUIONT parlor nnd bed room for rent with all
JL' modern conveniences and nicely furnished.
124 N. 15th st. S4K"J
TfjIOH KENT Large handsomely furnished up-
-L' per front foom , btoam heat , 1613 Douglas.
7WI 28 *
FOU HIINT.-Good room and board. Hoom
warmed. Call at 1315 N. 20th street or 215
S. 15th street. 832-31
NEW furnished warm family and tingle rooms
for winter , 1 block from P. O. , nllconven-
lencca , HI IA Capitol ave. 8142 *
TTJOH HF.NT For one or two gentlemen a fur-
-I ? nlsluvl room w tthln3 blocks of court house ;
upply (118 S 17th st. ' J5
T7HW KENT-Front parlor , unfurnMitul. 818 S.
-U aHh bt. 818 2U *
1LUKNT A large room 193J Dodge.
708 Jl
FOH light housekeeping , two furnished \ooms
nlso one furnished sleeping room nt oa
Hownid. Nn 2s *
iWH HENT Furnished and unfurnished
rooms. Ill S. 20th St. , near Dodge.
80528 *
FOR HENT Furnished rooms ; 2027 Farnnm
Ht. 778-27J
FOH KENT Furnished rooms , with or with-
out Ixiaril. 318 N. 15th st. 787-31'
TTIUUNISHIID rooms nnd board , 1003 Farnnm.
-K 74UI20 *
FOH RENT Near cable line ; furnished rooms
with tli > t-classloard ; all modern conven
iences. ' . ' 013 Douglas st. 704 SO *
EUHNISHKD Uooms With or without board ,
and heated by steam , in private family.
Inquire nt LU2 S. 13th , corner Jackson. 700 31
plUHNlSIIKD llooni , 2110 Harney. < J33sT
F I OK KENT Nicely furiiished rooms nt 2227
Dodge. Gas. ba.lli nnd furnace heat. 629
FUKNlSiSEDroouis-II to l.SO a week , cen
tral , 602 S. 18th , up-&tnlrs. 600 l < 0 *
NICE largo front room , furnished and heated.
Suitable for two gentlemen. Also small
room. 1917 Cuss st. KU
TT1OK HKNT After 1st of January desk room
J-1 In a centrally located ofllco heated with
steam. Call at Koom 4 Crelghton block , 606
| 7KU HENT Furnished room , nil modern con-
A' vunlcuces , large enough for two. 2000 Dav
enport. 557
TJ1OK HENT Nice furnished room , $9 per mo.
JD S. W. cor. 18th nnd Jackson. 7 8
T71OK KENT Furnished rooms , 1810 Dodco st.
JD 711 J 1
FOUH elegant rooms nil modern conveniences
1704 Webster st. 4.18
"IjTHONT parlor fortwo _ gentlemen , 1021 Dodge.
OK HENT Furnished rooms In Griunlgblk ,
cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire ot eo. K.
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. 6U7
FOK HENT Nicely furnished room suitable
furJS gentlemen , Inquire2011 St. Mary's av .
"VTIC'EI.Y furnished front room with or with-
J-l outboard. Ibl2 Dodge st , 671)
TpOlt KENT Furnished rooms and board , 003
JL ? Farnam. 208 ji )
FUUXISHKl ) rooms for rent , 1013 Farnam st.
LAItGE south front nxini , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; also
first-class tablit board for threu or four ; refer-
ehccs. 1814. Dodge st. 704
" 171011 KENT 1'leasant furmsned
rooms , mod-
Aem convenience ! * , i easoiiuhlo prices , 414 S.
15th St. , Kaib.ich block , 3d floor flat , No. 2.
IHMIKF.NT Furnished rooms In nil parts of
the city , by the itay , week or month. City
Intelligence olllce. Cielghton block. ttw
FFiCE room for rent by Dr. .Mend , 124 N. l.'ith '
t. 812-29'
FOK KENT Ground floor odlce room , cen
trally located , hunted aud lighted. 0. K.
HurrUon , 418 S. loth st. txu
FOK KENT llasomeiit .stores nnd lints with
nil modernimpiovements , corner 13th and
Jackson t > ts. ram
K HENT Olhces on Fnrnam st. at 110 to lew
per month. One oflico furnished. 1012 Fnr-
liani. IM
TCTOH itENT-Ofllce room , first floor , at314 S.
-C 15th st. 004
TiMlK HENT Desimble unfurnished room , six
X ? bloclcs from poalolUce , 2i ; H , 15th st. 77t28 *
-E 3 rooms 1015 N. seth st
3 rooms 1016 N. 21st st.
n rix > m 2103 Nicholas st.
3 rooms 14U ! Pierce.
3 rooms 701 l"acino st.
4 elegant unfunilsticd rooms , containing all
the modem convenleuce-s , at 413 8.19th st.
4 elegant unf urnUued rooms at 17U4 Webster.
Nice olhce at 31HS. 15tust. 054
FOK KENT-Good barn cheap 1321 Chicago st
El. . GUEGOKY , rental agent. 30US. 10th St. ;
ground floor. Telephone Kit. , 4 1
SPECIAL attention tfven ta Vcutlng houses ,
furnUhml and unfurnished rooms. Uit with
us. W.Jl. Harris , over 2.V S.lStU st.
T710K URNT Tf you T l"h toWnt n house cnll
JL1 on Ucnawn Ic Co. , 15th at. , opiK > slte P. O.
FOH furniture mid boxed goods 415 S llth St. ,
Unmhit.Ncb. 1m iil
STOItAOK-MerchHndlse or furniture. UUlo
Ic Wllllnmg. 1407 Douglas nt. tit l d9. .
'NJIJW YOHK Mornue Co. hnve most exteatlvb
J-i facilities for stornso of furniture , plnnoi.
Imputes , ni-nernl merclmndlie , west or New
York. Cash advances to any amount ! \vnro-
hotiio recclpta Riven ; { S > odi In'iired ! brick
iMiiUllnK fire-proof ; sperlnl nrranitempnts for
commission merchant * . Cnll New York Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and f. 15th St. , lleiinett's block.
13KHS.N'A ti KiiKUKetnentfi to no arcssumklnK
lu fiunllle.-t KollclliM. Cnll on or nddrws
Mlsi JesMo Sturdy , Kil S aith st. 1I7J7 *
T3EHSONAIj t'rlviitohomo for IndiO' ? Uurlnit
J connnrniPiit , flrlctljconfiilentlul , Infunts
ailoptod. Addri'iia l'.4ii Ilec ollico. 107 J a *
I OPT Ili'tweon Unrlln lon ilt-pot , n.ivenport
t si.ullso coutnlnliiRtnliSPs' clotlilnp. luind-
kerchief * , mnikid"llultu Shlrlev. " Finder
will bo rcwardvtl by rutltrnlns to HIM DniiKlHS.
MJJ-Ito *
THAVBD Drc. Sith. nhltn f.ieed red row
wlthwnlti U'CH , ono crooked horn and one
awed oir. 1141 N. ISth st. 7OT2S *
TOST-1 reward. A Ntnall jet lilnck water
Spaniel , Klmrt taltlnul on leather collur vlien
loit. Ueturn to ( .14 Niirth ad street. 7iNi .
LOST Monday morn , ( told Albert chain orf
i'uriuun. J , K Jiulr , 11 , Ic M. headquarters.
Kti 27j
LOST From Oil N. IHtb st. . dnrk brown horse.
Keturu to II. llnucli. IU1 N. 16th &t.
774-yr *
LOST 1 > ft on lied line car to depot about 6
o'clock Tlmi.sday. a leather covered Jewelry
box about dxlO inches iiud 4 Inches hlRli : the
Under will be liberally regarded on returning It
to I ) . C. llrooks , room 1 , Gruenlt ? block , sc ror-
Her ith : ! and Duiliju sts. - 7SI
KKWAItn-WllT be Riven for return of bay
mare , WX ) Ibs. , halter on. Strayed from
VfU Cumlng t. G. a. Ostrum. SilS
_ _
"C10K 8ArB A thoronnhbreit , registered , red
- aIrish hettt > riniiv3month' old. Address r.
K. U. . LocklioxHT , llns'lnti.s. Neb. i-ar 0
F I OK SALKFnll set Of ImtdierV tools , en
quire 2 > UO Poppleton nve. K.i-SU *
Y5IM.AHD Table at halt price , llrunswlck
a J llalke Co.'h make. Inquire Leslie & Leslie ,
16th nnd Dodge Bts. 219
BANJO taught as an art by 0. F. ttellenbeck ,
B e cor Ibth nud Douglas , upstairs.
KIT 37 *
INFORMATION of the whereabouts of my
Kxm , John Golilcn , Mill , bo-thankfully re
ceived by his mother , Amile Golden , Mnnltou ,
Col. * K 28 *
3TANDAHD Stock Liniment Is Just the thing
for healing the wounds which horses are
liable to in thu winter time , .Positively ilia best
thing ever made for man or beast.-Manufac
tured by F. K. Stillborn & Co. , 1703 St. Mary's
avenue. For sale every here. 835-27
HOUSES WJNTEllED-I would respectfully
announce to the citizens of Omaha that I
have better accommodations -wintering
horses at Omaha fair grounds than ban be found
in the west. I luu o 18(1 ( large warm box stalls ,
v 1th four large yards for exercising' during the
day , the walls are 8 feet high and are warmer
than most stables. Wuhavo facilities for feedIng -
Ing warm bran und oats U times a day ; horses
wintered this way are fit tor work at nnv time ,
while horses wintered in the old way of starving
and freer.lng in the corn stalks takes half the
next summer to get In condition to drive. The
horse cars lun to the grounds' every 30 minutes.
Parties havliiR horses at the grounds can see
them at anytime. For particulars and terms
address , A. Thompson. T77-J2 *
RS. K. M. POST Will .give Massage trout-
mcnt to those who prefer to come to her of-
flee on Mondays from I ) a. m. Until U p. in. Other
days from 0 p. m. to p. m. Olllce dud residence
southeast cor. Sinvard and 8th fts. ' 7Nri jilj
CASH paid for second-band books and Libra
ries. 303 N 10th st. II. Bhbufcld.jiutinnarian ,
-v . . < 724 J 22 *
NOTICE If yon havo-any > property to trade
for city lots or lands-ln Nebraska call upon
W. G.AlbrlRht. 2l8B.15th.Bt.1 . 4'JO
BUY a box of the Standard Horse and Cattlij
food for your horse , It will holt * him flesh
tip. Improve his health und spirits , nd otaku
him capable of double the service , Manulic.
turedbyF. K. Sanborn * , Co. , IVfi fit. llary's
avenue. For sale overyvf Jieror fr 830-37
"VJ OT'CE First class bank tsand f tYrnlsbefl"
-L the carload in Omaha , or by .Wagon toad In
South Omaha , ujjon short notice. ' Leave orders
with W. G. Albright , 218-S. IMlrstr'eet ' , or branch
ollluuat Albrights station , South Omaha , .tele.
phones 785 ami KM. Stover llros. S43 31'
HOUSE clipping by W. nenhanV
stables , comer 17th and Dav < ujpart sts ,
TelJifl- . " 640 ! C5 * '
' "
T f KB. DGHANT Clairvoyant from" Ilosf > n.U
ATI. rollahle in all affairs of life .unites sapa.
rated lovers. 322 N 16th st. room 1 YBd Jen *
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , rlalrvovantMctb
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
froe. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. 16tl
St. . Hoomg 2 & 3. Tel. 044. 611
ANTED To buy the furniture ot a smaller
or large house centrally located , Co-opera.
live Land > V Lot Co. . 205 N lath st. ' ife
W 'ANTKD To buy snort time paper. J.W.
Gross , ut C. B. Mayno's office , 1,1th and
Hartley. 285
MONEY to Loan O. F. < Davis Co real "estate
and loan agents , 1605 Farnam st. Cl
TlfONKY to loan 1 can now place some first
-IT * , class city loans immediately. Call nt once
If you desire to be accommodated. I > . V. Sholes ,
room 1 llarker block , entrance In alley. h)4 )
MOMEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ,
organs , etc. , low rates. G. II. Zimmer
man , room 0 , Arlington block , 2 doors west of
postollico. 1177 J21
LOANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , over 230 8.15tli t. 820
MONEY to Loan Uy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of 110 to tlUOmadeon
furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgpns , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratu. Advances
made on flne watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thf-y are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call and
see mo. W. 11. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building ,
15th and Harney. can
MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J ,
W. and K. L. Saulre14UI Famam st. Paxton -
ton hotel building. 029
ONEYTO LOAN-Onfurntturf.-horses , wng-
o in other personal property , without removal
or on"approved collateral securltv. lluslnciis
confidential. Jno. W. llobblns , 1013 Farnam.
_ _ _
" ' " '
MONEY to" foan'on"clty'property"and also on
farms lu western Iowa and eastern No.
br.isku ; first mortgage notes bought and sold.
Odellliros. & Co. . 1523 Farnam st. , Omaha ; 103
Pearl st. , Council lllutTs , 109
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis 8. Heed & Co. , 1MI Farnam.
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates , No delay.
J. L. Klce & Co. . over Commercial Na
tional bank U27
6PKH CENT Money.
Patterson & Fawcett l&th and Hamey. 618
SIIOKT time loans mane on any available
becurltv. In reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , .sold or exchanged. General
financial business of any Und transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 15th and Har
ney sts. , overstate National band. Corbett.
manager. . d25
MONKY loaned on furniture , plnno . organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. . 1324 Farnam , over Hurllngton ticket office.
t 500,000 to loan In any amount at louebt rate ot
P Interest. H. D. Irey. Frenzer block. em
( JJHW.OOO To loan on Omaha city property at 0
J > percent. G. W. Day , 8. K. cor. Ex. Hid.
_ _ _ KM
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; no
commission charged. t > arltt liurnham.
room 1. Crelghton block. fii2
MONKY LOANED at C. F. Heed It Co.'s Loan
Ofllce. on furniture , pianos , horses , wueons ,
personal property or all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over tllnghum's commission itore. All bu l-
ness strictly confidential tq
rpo LOAN MonfyrrLoans placed on 1m-
J. proved real estate In city or county for
New England Loan ft Trust Co. , by. Douglas
County hank , J.8th and Chicago ata. 613
$7M,000 to loan ntSper cent. Linahan * Ma-
twuey , IMi Farotuo. 021
MONEY to- feM on city property , nnd nlso
farms IniNrfcrnska nnd Ion n. idc > ll Urns.
A Co. , loan , real eftnte and Insurance agents , lai
Pearl street. Uobncll lllulTs , la. ; 1523 Farnnra
atrcat. Omahitton 2U3 _
MONKY to loHtiftiiortgage notes bought , lo.ina
made on'ehaltvlflcctlrlty : no delay J , J.
Cumtulnsrs , H'tt'P1 w Darker ( Hock 'Jfll
ONEY to Jd-in. Notes ami it. It. ticket ,
bought aha said. A. Fornmn , 213 S 13th sts
"I711HST class clgilr store for sale , doing n linn
JL bu ltiess.w Ill sell reasonable as the parties
iiregolmjiittuy. . Co-openitlve Land and Lot
I'd ° ( Vi * J tn A * i ummt
_ _
"E1OH SAMJ-nutcher shop ami touls will bo
X ? sold cheap If sold this week. 8. IB Hoe.
I' ) Si ! ! ! S
/ 1IOAH store for1 sale , good location. Cull nt
\J 4ll'j ( S. 10th Ht.
FOH PALE Furniture and fixture of as room
brick hotel In central Nebraska , first class ,
gnarunteo net prollt of WOO per rno. Price. rJt iil.
No trade. Addres.sll. VH.rooms6andO.MIrhcl
sonblk , Grand Island. Neb. 70 ; ! 2 !
TJESTAUHANT nnd lunch counter lu n tine lo-
-IV catlonforsnloat * 150. rent J.Vt. This Is u
bargain. Call nnd see , Co-operative Linil and
Lot CogOTiiff. . Ifilhst. M3-23
PAUTNEH-wanted. A hustler und n man of
brains and capital can purchase with 11,0ml
cash a half Interest In an established nnd paying
olllce business , must know enough uboul real
estate , loans nnd Insurance to bo nbtuto take ;
full dialge of said business lu absence otp.itt >
ner , who w 111 bo away ym t ot time. A number
one. chance for a number one man. Address or
call for further particulars , . ! . L. Kite V Co. ,
over Commercial National bank. 713 27
WANTED A partner In a good palng busi
ness , established for four years , nnd sales
for this year will bu over IMO.UOO , location good ,
must have about * . " > , OIX ) to Invest. Address
W. T. H. . P. O.-llox 310. 075,1.1 *
TT10H SALE Anestablished midpaying
X wholesale business , will take part pay 1
real estate. Address 317 S. 13th st. 305
market for sale In n peed location.
Co-operative Lund and Lot Co. , 20.1 N. 10th
St. 813-211
WHOLESALE confectionery business for
sale. Paying trade established. Look
this up. Apply 317 S. 13th st. 021
WANTnU Clothing stock , boot nnd shoe
stock , or Reneral merchandise stock In
exchange for Rood. smooth land In Derntur and
Thomas couutieR , Kansas. Address A. II. Mo
Oce. Hustings. Neb. KtJ 20 *
FOH Kxchunge The best business property
In n rnungnnd nro\\lnj ) county seat
Nelmibkn for a drugstore ilolni' a peed business
In some llvo town In the southern and eastern
part of the state. Address A. M. Schumaker.
Kulleiton , Nob.
KSTAUltANTnnintliGt. ilolngu Rood busl-
ness. Co-operative Land and Lot f'o. , Mi
N. 10th st. 84'1-S.M
TO lIxchniiKo Good horse for a cow. Must
bo gentle and good. Address , 8. lleo.
FOK FxchaiiRe An eleprnt plush album fop
a good baby burgS.U4 , lice. SIT 27 *
"t TANTED Unimproved residence property
IT In exchange for houses and lots In good
residence location. The O. F. Davis Co. 1505
1'arnam bt. 7M !
WANTED Property of all kinds to exchange
Special attention given to trading. 0. C ,
Spotsw oed , Kali' S 10th. C35
TO Exchanee For unimproved city property ,
three 0-rooin houses In Ambler I'lncotono 7-
room nonse in Alamo Plazafour U-rooin houses
on 8.20th \\ya.gVlbrlKht , 218 S. 15th st. 4W .
N "OTlf K 460aTPs of land In Drown Co. , Nob.
to trade for merchandise , dry goods and
grocei les prefet red. Call on or address Oeo. W.
Iiom. . Long I'tnc Ncb. 1707 SU *
KXCHANOE-Oood east front lot in Hans-
com Place to exchange for clean stock of
Cry goods or UothlUg. C. P. Harrlson,41S S. loth.
* n , 603
TO EXCHANGR-lmprovert farm In Iowa
for Omaha residence property. J.J. Wil
kinson , IK I Furnaiu. 684
T71OH exchange jj'lrst-class Omaha and South
E Omaha property for good NebrasKti and
Iowa land. W. G. Albright , 218 S. 15th .st.
- 4TO
Houses and lots to exchange for
Improved and unlmproued lands in Nebraska -
braska and Iowa. Charles C. SpotsivoudtnOo'
.S. Ititli. - - - 185
You have anything to trade or sell call on
me or write. All business promptly and fairly !
done. C. C. Spotswood , 305V S. 10th. 187
trades property of all kinds for good farms
TO W. O. Albright. 218 8. Kith st. - 493
' \S7ANTED Good family horse In excnanga
VV for lot , McCulIoch & Co. , cor 10th and
Fiu num. 0-17.
fTIO THADE Two improved farms in Iowa tor
-L Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Me-
Culloch Ic Co. , cor ; lath and Farnam. 031.
TO Exchange Flue South Omaha lot for
horsfrftira bugs- Address , S 31. care Hee.
TJ1OH Exchange. If yon have farms or lands toP ,
-P sell or trudo send fey onr descriptive blanks.
If you have apy kir.S of property to sell or ex-
Chur.fje , ilsrtt with us ; we can furnish you n
customer. S. S. Campbell & G. W. Herrey310
Hoard of Trudo , Omaha , 3:1. : .
WANTED A few more peed farms in Ne
braska for which I will trade first-class.
Omaha and South Omaha properties. W. (1. Al- '
bright. 218 a Ilith Bt. 4HO
I HAVE for trade improved farm In Cas.s Co.j
near Plattsmouth. will trade for Improved
Inside property. Address H 36 , llee office.
'VTEBHASKA and Kansas farms to exchange
Ll for Iowa and Colorado lands , and vlrn
versa. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N
18th st. _ CHI
"IJ1OII THADE An equity In ft choice block ofT ;
-T lots Inside Ilelt llntvfor merchandise , car
riages , musical instruments , or a bunch ot
good horses. Nation , 1615 Farnam st. 603 2B
TJ1OH SALE Or exchange , 710 acre farm , Mer-
A ? cor Co. , MoBOT ; > acresnooneCo. ; 480 acres , ,
NaacoCo. ; and other lands. Want good city
property. Win. J. Paul , 1008 Farnam st. 673 j
WANTED Stocks of merchandise toex- _
change for lands and cty ] property ; C. C.
SpotBWood. 305 ! S. 10th. la
WANTED Omaha property to exchange for
farms and w ild lands , also for city prop
erty. C. L. llrown & Co. , Hoom 13 , Frenzer ,
block. 213 J 0
TJIOU SALE Or exchange , good Omaha prop-
-C erty for good stock of boots and shoes ,
clothing , furnishing goods or harclw are. Schle-
blngor Bros. . 614 S IQtli Bt. 795 J 2
WANTED Good tarnis in exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. K05ti
S16th. t33 !
WANTED To exchange , choice Inside vacant
lots lu Omaha for good horses und car-
rlagcs. J. L. Itlce & Co. 'Jl.j
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , l.VB
Fanium street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estatn examined , per
fected und guaranteed. o < 12
ENSON itCAHMICHAEL furnish completn
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omhha and Douglas count v unon
short notice. Tlni most complete set of abstract'
books in the city. 'No. 1518 Farnam st. CTi .
T71OH SALE 2uotes , J72. > each , payable 2 and
-t- 4 years , nt 8 per tent interest. Stciired by
first mortgrgeonimproved real estate. Olfers
ynnteil. Address.- ? * . 85. Hee cifllcc. 81028 *
1STEN , look , act. We have the best J2,00i ( ) )
bargain In with Omaha , gilt cdgo business
property. M. AS fcpton Jc Co , 701
3 LOTS In Jeflkr&add , one a corner.for f..noo.
A tine lot , east front , In Hawthorne , { 1,500 ,
1100 cash.
House nnd lot/Arbor Place , PJ,300 , M cash ,
rents for Wi peMaSath.
An elegant trackage lot near St. Paul depot ;
House nnd lot. In west part of city near car
Him , M.bOOtaao4 ; H. balance to suit.
Fine cast front lot In West Cummlng'8 odd. ,
Look into these they nro bargains ,
F. K. Darling. UAVHoward. 768 M
TjlOH SALE An1 Una a pleco of trackage us
J-\ them is In the city. W.O. Albright , 218 a
15th st. < mi
IlOHSALE-cflxRO feet on cable line. Splendid
Inside location for four tlatH-M.500. Must
be sold at once. Marshall Sc Lobeck. room ,
Chamber ot Coin. 1SK1
WHY pay runt when you can buy a furnlehed
house on a nice large lot , 50x110 , In tht >
finest residence part of Omaha , near the street
cars and within one block of where the Metro
politan cable will run. by paying a small sum
down and the balance monthly. Address O lu ,
Hee. 357
TTIOU SALE Good brick business property In.
* . ' centre ot Orand Island : greatest bargain
and twst terms in the city ; , but llttlu cash ; re
quired ; long time. I6w Interest and easy pay
ments ; other real estate fer gale. Address J. H.
Woolloy , attorney at law , Grand Island , Neb ,
. 354
SVK SALK-Wa oOer as a Bpoclal bargain 11)
acr < W of land four miles from Htoclc yards ,
at 1125 per acre , on line of U. P. 11. K. McCugua
T OH PALE llesldpnco property n South
JO Omaha. W.O. Albright , 2l9 H.15th st.
Oil SALK-txjt A block S. A. 8. Patrick's ad
eitlon , will cll for few days nt 11,6511 , $7JJ
cash , b-ilftiictf easy. > 1 37 l\m \ olllce. 987
, | 7MH SALE ITOacrt's of land four miles from
X1 mock yards , at 1)121 ) per acre ; this
culn. Mcl'agua. Opp , P. O. 6.JJ
rj O TltADK inVid > property for good House ,
- Ieight or nine roonn , and full lot. McCul-
loch A Co. . cor loth and Fnrnam. Ml
SALK lluslness property 111 South
Omaha. W. G. Albright. 2is S , l.'ith st. 4W
A N Investment .H.MXJwfll buy n cot ner prop
erty paying 17 l > cr cent. U. 1) . Smeatan ,
1CT5I Dodge st. _ 073
TrioifsA LK-Four houses on S. SJtli st. W . G
J3 Albright , 218 S.lMh st. 4''J
LjNAI1 "Siilendld corner In Shiun's addition
j.3 with small house , $ .1,5110.
Snap Kiifct and north corner 2 , < th st , Mxl''l ,
Vacant , on grade , UttW.
Snap fhiiKl.Mi. Shlnn'si add. fronting Charles
st , plenty oftrecs , Ji.ani.
Simp IK ) foot comer on 2" > th st , Patrick's add ,
line lot for cottage * . J lmiu.
Snnp 54x132 corner on Seward st , on gradu
nml a , sum bargain , * Jw X
F. L. Gregory. ! IOi ) South 10th st. _ KW
one place In the United States \Uiero
you can gel a warranty deed lor a 4'-'xl2. " > foot
South Omaha lot for J10 , and that place Is 31U
S. 15th st and time , Monday and Tuesday. le- )
celilbur 211 and 27. _ 772 2d
EJI STIfKN'f.V" & CO. maKe n specialty ( if
property In North Omaha , for salu or rent
nt Citizens' bank , 2KM Ciimlng st. _ 731
IN South Onmha , by calllmr nt my olllee bet -
. t ween now and January 1st , you will find n
few bargains In business nnd residence piopeity
unequnled anywhere , owned by parties ho can
not meet payments , some will sell at less than
cost of a year ago , 4(1 ( per cent under price. 1) .
1) . Smeatan. ICH ) Dodge st. Omaha. 070 31
Omahn property for sale.
Full lot on Twotity-llrth street between SI
and N , with cottnge rontlm ; for M'- per month ;
prlco { . " 1,000 , cash J2.000 , balaiu e easy.
Few more lots on twenty-fourth nnd Twenty.
fifth streets , In first addition to South Omaha ,
Five lots on Q street in second addition to
South Onmha , Jl.fiOO each , cash } { , balanre easy.
Good business lot 50x100 tt , within half block
Q street , only II.2HI.
A corner oil Twenty-fourth street ! > 7xl3fl ft ,
within two blocks of Swift's packinghouse , only
Severn ! lots on Twenty-fourth and llnllevuu
streets In Potter & Cobb's second addition , from
Lots In Potter & Cobb's addition from $4UO tote
to * VX ) each
Five acre tracts from $210 toSi'iO pcrncre.
Potter & Culib. 1(01 ( Fnrnum st. 745 27
TJlOlt SAM ! Finest location for a home lu
Jj West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homos
of Kirkendnll , Coe , Ilrady , Easson and others.
Nothing liner In the city. Can se 1 1 ! B5xlS7 or
less ; for prices and terms BOO S. A. Slomnn. 1301
Farimnist. _ 038
llTII Omana , the place to make big money
by Investing now. I have for solo at ! M25
and up lots within 15 minutes walk of Armour's
packing house , on one-quarter cash , balance
yearly , from first hands. Come soon and get n
bargain. I ) . 1) . Smcatan , PJ03 Uodgu si. Omaha.
SALE One 7-room house in Alamo
Plaza. W. O. Albright. 218 8. 15th. 4U
FOK SALE Three six-room houses in Ambler
Place. W.O. Albright. 2188.15th st. 4'.H )
Notice of Postponement of Chattel
Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that the sale of goods
horetofme advertised In this paper to bo made
on the. 2d ! ilny of December , I i7 , at U iv. in. , by
me , by vlitue of and under n chattel mortgage
executed to mo by M. Levy on November 2Mh ,
1887 , Is postponed to and will take place nt 1018
Farnam street , Omaha , Nebraska , Douglas
county , on December aitb , 18b" , at 8 n. 7n.
Every lady who desire * perfection In style anil form
should wear them. Manufactured only by the
MTiD WITH tnK oioonirnr or imi
cocsiui wii.i , x r UUJUKIHQ iiiia uxr THAT TIU
eason of IU ctntnl position e'.oae relation to lines
East ot Chicago , and contlna Jl Uie t terminal
points West , Northwest and Southwest , Is the true
middle link In that transcontinental system which
iDTltos aud facilitates travel and trafflo between the
The Rock Island mMn line and branohes include Chi-
care , Jollet , Ottawa , LuBallo , t'eorla , Oeneneo , Molina
and Rock Island , la Illinois ! Darenport , tluscatlnc ,
Washington , Falrflsd | , OtturawnOskaIooa , Wett Lib
erty. Iowa City , DCS Koines. Indlanola.WlnUrset ; Atlan
tic , Knoirllle , Andubon , Harlan , Qnthrh ) Centre and
Council lllutrn , In Iowa : Gallatln , Trenton , St. * .scph ,
Cameron and Kansas City. In Klssonrl ; Loai , iitorth
and Atohlion , in Kansui Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
.St. I'aul , In Minnesota i Watertown anil Sioux Falls , I *
Dakota , and hundroJn of Intermediate cities an 1 towns.
. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route"
Gnarantees speed , comfort , eertatntr nnd safety. Its
permanent way Is distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges nro of stone and iron. Its track Is ot solid
steel , Us i olItaKttoek perfect. Itspassengorequlpmont
has all the saf etyappllances that experience hosprJVo4
useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is un r *
passed. Its Kxpreis Trains coniUt of superior U.ij-
Coaches , elegant Pullman I'alaco Parlor and Sleeping
Cars , superb Ulnlnff Cars , proildlng delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and Bt. Joseph , Atchlion and
Kansas Cltjr ) rtitful Reclining Chair Cars. Us man-
aRencnt I * conserrative , Ita dlsclplUm eioctlnr
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Pa. Is tha
farorlto. Orer this line Solid Fast Express Trains run
dally to attractive resorts for tourists In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to tha
rich wheat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Via
leneca and Konkakee , the Rock Island otTera superior
Inducements to travelers between Cincinnati , Intllan.
apolls. Lafayette and Council Bluff's , St. Joseph , Atchl-
son , Leavenworth , Kansas City. Bt , Paul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) recoh eprotect Ion , cburtosy and kindly attention ,
1'or tickets , maps , folders , copies of Woitern Trail , or
any clrslrcd Information , apply to principal offices lu
tlio United Statcu and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
fn , ' Q"1 " . . ' .OQralM.t. , . , n.n Til ! . . In
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
n only road to take for DM Molnei. Mitrlalltown ,
Cedar llapldi , Clinton , lilion. Cblcago , Milwaukee
and all polnti eait. To tbn people of N lirn k . Colorado
rado , Wjomlne , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Orccon , waub-
Ingtoo and California , It otTcrs lupulor ndTanUKM
D < t ponlale br anr other line ,
Araonx u few uf the oumeroai point ! of mpprlorlty
njorprt br tUo patroni of thli rimd between Umabk
and Cblcaiio , aru lu two tralr * a dar of DA V COACH-
Kit , which are the llneit tbm nutnan art unit Ingennt-
tr cnn create. IU I'AI.ACK SI.KKl'l.NU CAHH. which
are modeU uf comfort and cloitunco. } u I'AUIXJK
DltAWINU nOOM CAIIH , uniurpaxird br anr , and
Its wldelr celebrated I'A I , ATI A I , DININU CAIIS , tb
qual of which cannot bo found iwwhere. At Coun
cil IllufTi the train ) uf th Union faclHo Rallwar. con
nect In union depot with tboi * ottba CtilcaguA
Wurthwt tcrn Itr. In Chicago the trains uf tblilln *
make clew ccuuoctlon wllli tbuit of all other eaitura
ror Dttroll , Coluraban. Indlantpolli , C'nclnnatl ,
Niagara l lli , Buffalo. 1-mnurr , Toronto , Montreal ,
Bo.ton , New Vork , I'hlladcipbia , llaltlmurn , Wub >
Innlou , and all polnti la the tait , aik tor a ticket Tl
e * with ti
, . .
Ueol. Manager , Uenl. Tass'r Ageut
° MO'
Absottco of Urlok anil Htono in Hnn
The ih-stthiiiR Unit strike n visitor to
Sim Fruncisco Is tlio provalouco of
wooden rcsliloncort , in jiltico of the sub-
stnnthil stone or brick domiciles of the
the custom cities. For sumo reason our
people doom it iiccosMirytoofTor nUuorts
of inui liitiry o.\cu cs for this dllTorom'o
between our dwellings und tlioso In the
oust , when , in luct , noo.xcuso of mivklml
in neees.-mry. The enrthquuko theory ,
so often propttinded , is simply absurd ,
for wo never had u shock here
that wis strong onouprh to seriously
nlTect u properly constructed building ,
of whatever material it may bo built.
Still more absurd is the idea that out-
red wood is a safeguard against the
spread of llro. The truth of that matter
is that wo have a most excellent llro
department , and that to our firemen
alone is duo the absence of terrible con
flagrations. Painted red wood exteriors ,
sugar piie | doors and sabhes , cedar
trimmings and Oregon pine frames and
floors can scarcely bo considered the
proper material to resist the flames.
The reason for our wooden houses is
easily enough found , and is too sensible
to need fictitious support. The cold
winters and hot .Bummor.s of the cast
make it desirable that dwellings should
bo of a substantial character. Hero , on
the contrary , there are no extremes of
climate , and a wooden residence sup
plies every need for comfort. Further
than that , out hero there is more com
fort to bo obtained in wooden houses
than wo could find in structured of stone
or brick. That is to say , that with a
very slight outlay for fuel , as compared
with the cast , we can keep thoroughly
warm during the winter , while the
slight structure of our wooden houses ,
permits an amount of window glass
space that would be utterly impractica
ble in heavier buildings.
An abundance of sunlight is a great
factor of health , and no houses in the
world are so blessed in that respect as
ours. The mere fact that practically
everyone in San Francisco lives In a
wooden hotiho is proof positive that such
houses are the best adapted to the cli
mate for wore- they not so , wo would
find a preponderance of more solid
structures. That money has never
been lacking hero is shown in the ex
traordinary cost of many of our dwell
ings , although , of course , an enormous
aggregate sum has boon saved by tlio
difference between the expense of wood
and cutstono. To begin with , wooden
houses wore cheap ; experience proved
them to bo in every respect com
fortable ; fashion decreed that they
were the proper thing for residences ,
and therefore our rich as well as our
poor dwell in wooden houses.
There are any number of private resi
dences in this city that have cost for
construction about $50,000 , while there
are numerous instances where the cost
for the building alone has been any
where from $100.000 to $250,000. Then
again , look at tno cost of our wooden
apartment buildings. The Pleasantpn ,
for instance , could not have been built
for less than $175,000 , the Lavoga for
$150,000 , and so on. You will oc
casionally find &otno millionaire who \yill
build him n dwelling of stone or brick
for the novelty's salco. But you may
accept it as an absolute certainty that
these are , and for all time will bo , ex
ceptional cases. Why should a man
waste his money upon a structure that
will bring him loss comfort than a
cheaper oi\c \ of the same size ? With
stones cutters here getting $0 for eight
hours' work , with brick layers getting
from $ " ) to $ ( ! , and with hod carriers ,
oven , getting 93 in the city nnd $4 in
the country , you can form some , idea of
what it menus to erect a mansion of
stone or brick , especially when the ex
pense of the material is added to tHe
If " , 'e VTou'id have powerful minds , wo
must think ; if powerful muscles , wo
must labor ; if sound lungs , wo must
take Ur. Bull's Cough Syrup. Prlco 125
For cuts , bruises , sprains , burns ,
scalds , frost-bites and chilblains , noth
ing equals Salvation Oil. It annihilates
pain. Price t-5 ! cents a bottle.
A Ijitwycr's Miraculous Fsoapo From
Death AVIille Kxplorinc a Cave.
Raleigh , N. C. Correspondence of the
Globo-Domocrat : Major W. W. Flem
ing , a prominent lawyer , lias had a most
exciting adventure in McDowell county.
Some months ago an opening was dis
covered in the side of n mountain , which
rises like a wall by the side of a deep
gorge known as Turkey Covo. The dis
coverers aver that the rocka which
must have formerly concealed the
entrance had been -thrown down or
displaced by the earthquake of Au
gust , 18SO , and they were not disposed
to venture far into the opening they
had found. For Home years the belief
has extended that in those North Carolina
lina mountains , the highest east of the
Rockies , there are vn'st caverns in the
limestone. Major Fleming is the first
to prove this surmise to bo true. Last
week ho made a special visit to the
cavern. Entering it through a rather
contracted opening , bo soon found him
self in a largo hallway , which came
upon a very lofty chamber , dotne-
bhaped. Beyond this ho heard a roar
ing , rushing noise , and , making his
way in its direction , found that it
was caused by a uwift flowing
stream which , crossing the pas
sage dhigionally , fell a few
feet further into an abyss. This point
is several hundred yards from the cave
ontrnneo. The sides of the depression
through which the stream flows tire of
the color , and very greatly resemble
light brown sugar. There are some
line stalactites hero and there. The
cavern extends beyond the stream , as
Major Fleming could plainly see , but he
was unable to cross the rushing torrotit.
It was fortunate that ho was unable to
do so. A suddo 11 blast of cold air from
an unseen orlllco extinguished his light
and left him in the very blackness of
darkness. His situation was dreadful ,
and ho almost gave way to
despair. Every noise in the appar
ently limitless cavern was mag
nified a thousand fold. Ho plucked up
courage , however , nnd made an earned
attempt at escape. It was three or four
hours before ho found the entrance , and
then , by mere accident , thus escaping a
horrible death. A peculiarity about the
passageway of the cavern is that a man
can walk erect in them , and that in
the greater part of tliulr floors , like
thono of the main chamber , are free
from any obstructions , as a rule. Mr. R.
S. McC'all is making up a party to ex
plore the cavern. It is in n formation
of pure limestone , and runs along the
general trend of the range of the Blue
KSdgo. It is Major Flomlng'H belief
that it IH miles in length , and that it
will prove a rival of Mammoth cave.
Never Travel-Without Them.
Persons should never , travel without
a box of BUAXUIIKTH'H PILLS. A few
do ea taken before going on ship wifl
prevent Bea-riicknoHS , and one pill every
night on ship-board will counteract the
cootivo action of the souulr , When sick ,
troubled with pains , colds , or di/y.inem ,
or having rheumatism , take from throe
to live pills , and if they do not operate
in an houjor so , take three of four
more , , ,
Who h WEAK , NERYOm. nffBIMTA *
hasTRIFLEIIftWiir his VlUORof JBODT ,
dmlni upon tho'FOIIJITAIJIlt "Of LIFK ,
HEAlVAdHK , I1ACKAVHF. , Dreadful
Dreamt , WEAKNFJIH of Memory. HAMM *
the FACE , and Ml the EFFECT * lending to
EARLY DKtlAYund perhapi t'OKNUMFt
TION or INNANITY. ahotlld consult M one *
the VF.IEIIHATF.U Ir. Clarkp , KMfthlhhed
1KM. Dr. Clfttko hM inndo NF.HYOl'H DK-
HIMTV. < ; IIRONI nnd all DlMMCi of
the GENITO VltlNARY Organ tlf
* udy. It make * NO dltlercnco WHATyou
ttve taken or WHO has failed to cure you.
liar to their BOX cnn consult with the auuranco
of ipeodjr relief and cure. Send 2 cent *
tor worki on your disease ) .
JM-Seml 4 cents postage for
W rkn on Chronic. Nervous and ll *
eitto Diseases. Consultation , pcnonallr or by
letter , n-ro. Consult the old Doctor.
Tlmnnnnd * cured. OIHrmaud nnrloM
prlvnlc. M-Tnoso ronletnplMtng Mar '
( end for Dr. ( 'Inrlto'n celebrated a.
Mitlo and Frmnlts cncli lio. , both'
( itnmps ) , lioforo confiding your case , coniult
Dr. Cl.AltKE. A friendly letter or call may
tare future sullcrlngand shainc , and add Roloto
yean to life.Book " I.lfo' ( Secret ) Er.
ror , " W > o. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writla * *
rent everywhere , aecnro from xpo ar .
Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address ,
P. D. OLARKB , M. D. ,
180 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. 1X4 *
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000
"We < 1o lienihy rertlfr that wo NipenlM th r-
rnnnrnicntu for all the muutaljr Hml einl-ihnu * !
Drawing * of TIio IxiuUlnnii Htnte I ttprr Comnanr ,
nmlln iwi.'on nmnauonnd controllliodrawingtn ra-
> elves. am ! tlist the fnine nreconitiiotcil with honesty
tnlrnvas and In uooil fallh toward Ml | > rll < > > , vnitwa
iiiitliorlre the Cimiimny to mo Dili ocrlincate with
lite Klinlles of our slKiiaturc attucliod , I
menu. "
We , the unitor lmiod Hanks "nil Hunkers will pur nil
Prizes tlrnwn In the l.oulMmm hiatu Lottarlea wulcli
inu i bo prmenttMl at our counters. .
.1. II. ( Mil.HHIIV , rren. I/iil > lnnii National nank.
I'IKKUK l.ANAU.X , Pros. Pinto National Hunt.
A. BALDWIN , I'ros. Now Ork-iin.i National nank.
CAUL KOI IN , 1'rej. Union Nutluiml Ilnnk.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
incorporated In 1WVS. for M yenra , by tlio Legislature
for ediiriitlnniil unit chnriublo purpose * wllfi a cftpl *
tnl of tlUXJiiKl-lo wlilcli u reserve fund of over
{ .ViO.UUOlmaMiicobcctindtled , . ,
lly nn uTprwhelmliiK popular vote Its francliUo
wan niHtlu H imrt ot tlm pruscnt constitution adopted
nwmlMir.I , A. I ) . tCT.
The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the
people of nny state.
It never scales or postpones. ,
Its Urand SlnKlo Numbur Drawing * take place
monthly , and thu Grand Hcml-Aiinual Drawlnv regu
larly every six months ( .In no mill Deeeuibur. )
TUNK. Urst ( Irnnd DmnliiK , Olnss A , In the Acad
emy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday , January 10 ,
l&s-312th Monthly Drawlnv :
CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000.
Notice Tickets are Ton Collars Only. Halves ,
$5 ; Fifths , $2 ; Tenths , $1.
1 CAPITA ! , 1'UIXK Of { : l.Vnia ) nw.ono
1 IIKANI ) I'Hl/.K OK ttMWO ) , K1
1 IIKAM ) I'lllXK OF ai.lMHI . . . , , . . 80,000
2 IjAIUiK I'lll/.IW 01 ' JO.UII. ,
4 I.AIUIK IMll/.Kij Oli1 MM ) . .
20 i'iti/.is : ok1 ia ) ,
ii ! ! "
am "
fW ) "
100 Approximation 1'rlies ut
l ( l " "
1.UIU Terminal "
< i,17 Irlz * t SH
ArTi'irntlon f < ir ruU > s In Mubs ahmilii ho made onlr
to Hie onlci > of tltn cninMUir | In New UrleniK ,
For furlhiT lufnrimillim vrrlto clenrlr , Klvlnff full
nddn-m. liSTAli NOTKS , extiruKs niouor- orders , or
Now Yolk Uxi'haiiKU In iinlliiary letter. Curreiicy by .
express tat our expense ) atlilrr
O. . . ANi ,
Address Registered Letters to '
tlin prosonoo of Qon-
ernls llcnurcunrd nnd
Knrly , who are In clmrxooC tlm drnwinvs , isnvnar-
nnluu nt iibsoluto fairness anil IntOKrliy , that , the
tbunccs are all einml. unit Hint nn one ran uomlbly
divine what nnmlier will draw a I'rlre.
UK.MKMIIKIt Hint tlm payment of nil prl < la
uni.IANH , nnd tlio tickets are nlttned by the president
of an Institution whoso chnrtereil rl ht nro rrtcog-
nlted In tha lilxboiteourtsi thureforo , buwaru otknr
ra nations or anonymous ncUumen , .
Health is Wealth !
iKNr , a guaranteed specific fotllyHterln , Dlzzl.
net > s. Convulsions , FitH , Nervous NeuraUrla
Headache , Nervous 1'rostr.ition caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkef iilncsH , Mental
Depression. KoftPnlugoMho Drain resliUlnpr'ln
Insanity and lending to misery , decay ami deuth.
Premature old Age , llarroimess. Loss of power
In either Hex , Involuntary losses and Bpcrmnt.
orrha-a caused by overexertion , of thu brain half ,
abuse or over Indulgence. Kucli box contains
one month's treatment. Jl Ofln box , or six boxes
forW.GO.gentby mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any ease. With each order received by
us for six Doxes , accompanied with fl.iio , wuwlll
scud the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund tno money if the treatment doo-i not effect
a euro. < ] imrante s Issued only by O. F. GOOD
MAN. Druggist , Sola Agent. 1UU Fnrnam St. ,
Omaha Neb
, Ailvertlfilnir hug always provom
' . Biicccasful. Dcforo placingnnj
" Newspaper Advertising coriaUlt
4 ( l 411 Hniol.h DtrMl. CHICAGO.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner 14th nnd Douglas Ht. Once ,
telephone , 4(15 ( ; Residence telephone , COH.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
IHufflj to
= = THE =
- = EAST = -
council , iii.umj
Chicago , AND. Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar BapUb ,
Hock Island , Frecport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madlion , Janmllle ,
Dclolt , Winoaa , La CHWM ,
And all othw Important polnu Bait , NorUuait and
Houtbeast. ' <
For through tickets call on the ticket acontatHOl
farnam street , la 1'uxloo llol l , or at Uifloa Paeito
rullman gleeperi and th flout Dining Can la tba
orld are run no tha main llni of the ChlcaioTlSi"
vault * ft HI. Paul Hallwar.and e r atttnubo M
paid to paiMngera bf courwous aplojM of
' "
, Honrral Manager.
J. ' . TUUKKH. Assistant oS