THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 28. 1887 / tTi i Tiirr itntfi TO SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Shown Up With a Strong Tone After the Holidays. CORN ALSO EXHIBITS FIRMNESS. Oatn Move AloiiRon an UpOrmlo With tlio Other CcrcnlH 1'rovlsloiiM HlMIW l UlllnhllC8f Cattle Active Quotations. CHICAGO IMtODUCK MAUKKT. ClllCAfio , Dec.27. [ Special Telegram to the ttr.K. ] The holiday had not diminished the Btrcngtli of tlic wheat bulls , apparently , and Uicro wan no sign of weakness In the market during the monilng session. Mny wheat opened ut S-IJfc , which was J c better tlinn last Friday's dosing ) irtee. There was nn Imnicdlnte advance to Wie and for some tlmo tie price hung between fel c and fcr. c , with a fair nmourit of business , which was largely of u loeal character. There was good buying , however , for New York account early and tlmt market rather led this In the advance and In strength. The burden of 1,000,000 bushels added to the visible supply was borne by the market with only u weakening of > jfc , and this was very soon more than recovered. It was rather more than had been expected this morning , but there had been even larger es timates ut the close of last week. A year ago to-dny the Increase was 801,000 , bushels. Crop news from the winter wheat sections is not so much talked about now , but there arc still re ports of damage by frcerlng where there Is no show to protect the plant. The market ad vanced slowly to 8.'e and then fell back to HTiJle on the visible supply announcement , but Just before the clbse considerable wheat seemed to be wanted by three or four com- . , iu 3X4 > iil''Vhll'1 * ' l * i u iitvi * i.w in/gi and when the visible supply statement came showing an iticrcnsoof 403.000 bushels , which was more than cxpccti-d , fell oft to B4j ( 54f ! o , ndvancing again just before the close , when provisions began to show considerable to ' - where It rested at 1 strength , 54M'54K ( < - , o'clock. January corn opened ntISJJi ; , fell to 4SX ' . , sold up to 4' c nnd closed there ut 1 o'clock. The speculative oat market went ulong with the others on the upward grade , but not qultusofnr. Trading was in greater volume than usuul and was entirely in the May de livery. That delivery opened nt 33c and never fell below that price. There was some thing of u struggle to get beyond the 34c notch , and then the advance continued to 34'/c , where the price stood at 1 o'clock. The provision trade exhibited u bullish tendency. The light "run" of hogs locally nnd at outside points niiulo traders of all classes feel friendly toward the market. The Opening was characterized by n strong undertone , and us the day advanced prices appreciated with no particular setback or variation. Advance followed advance , in fact , and. as compared with Friday's clos ings , 1 o'clock prices showed tin improvement of 30c in pork , 10i(12Xc ( in lard und 7 , ' c in short ribs. Arrnuxoox SESSIOX Wheat stronger ; May sold from bSJ-fo tobftjjfc , closing at 85Jfc. Corn firm ; May opened ut 54J < fe and sold at M-fco up to B4Jfi- , closing ut 54c. Oats firmer. Pork advanced 'o nnd closed at $15.17' < 'c for January , f IB.iJS for February nnd $15.b2U for May. Lard was 2' < fc higher , January closing at $7.b5 , February at $7.9. > , March ut $8.05 and May nt $8.02' ' . Shott ribs sold 5c higher and closed at $7.75 for January , $7.85 for February , $7.95 for March and ' $8.1 5 for May. CHICAGO lilVK STOCK. CulCAOo , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram to tjio BEE. ] CATTLE Trade was fairly active , with nn advance over Monday's prices of I0@ 15c on the ordinary run of good and useful natives , making prices about the same as Friday und Saturday , barely us strong muybo in all cases , but the quality of the stock is not as dcsirablo by long odds. Shippers wanted some stock to-day nnd there wore unexpected outsldo orders that helped to wako up the demand und clear out nil dcsira blo lots at un curly hour. Texans were scarce , but that fact did not seem to stimu late prices on common native culls and thin bulls , as such sold as low us ut any time , yet good cows nnd heifers , such as city butchers and dressed beef operators can use , sold a shade better. There was little or nothing doing in stackers and feeders. Steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , $4.505.00 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , $3.75 @ 4.GO950to ; 1200 Ibs , $3.00@4.00. Stackers and feeders , $2.25W3.40 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.4K ( < ? 3.00 ; bulk , $ I.75 < T2.20. Texas steers , * 2.25 ( < f3.25 ; cows. $1.05i72.20. ( Hoes Trade was slow. the big packing linns rather bearish und the general provision market rather weak. A few loads of fancy heavy sold nt f5.G5@ft.T5 , or about a nickel higher than Saturday , und u feWiiloads of good mixed u shade higher , but the general market ruled Blow und light sorts were almost unsalable , such forming the bulk of the supply. Light mixed of 185 to 215 Ibs. or thereabouts , $5.20 (45.40 ; averages of Ki5 Ibs. nnd along there , l5.HKi < 5.15 ; pigs of 120 to150 Ibs. averages , FINANCIAL. NKW YOIIK , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram to the HEE.I STOCKS The feature of the stock market was the activity nnd advance in Heading nnd Luckawanna. The strike on the Heading , which the bears thought would cause a sharp decline , is said to bo settled , the men surrendering unconditionally , but everything was reported to bo running as smoothly as jwsslblo after two holidays. There was no dlsjKisition to soil nny stocks , but n decided dcslro on the part of shorts to cover. Deacon S. V. White , who is sending the holidays In Wall street , led the bull forces , nnd from the way prices were marked up , they had comparatively easy sailing. advanced IJf per cent. Head ing , after nn opening of IJf , advanced 2 points. The strength displayed by these stocks stimulated buying In others and im provements of } { ® \ } { per cent were recorded. The earnings for the third week in December show larger gains than generally oxpectcdj much to the dlsiipiKiintincnt of the bears. London bought Union Pacific and Ileadlng moderately. The total sales were CitijOOti shares. GOVEUXMENTS Government bonds were dull but firm. YESTEltDAV'S QUOTATION'S. STBRI.IXO EXCHANGE Dull but steady ut t4.83& for sixty day bills , and $4.fc5V for do- inand. PIUUHJCK MAHKRTS. Chlcnco , Dec. 57. Following are the 3:30 : closing pRces : Flour Steady nnd nominally unchanged ; wheat , $ : i.A0 4.00 | > er bbl ; spring wheat J-TIKKiKM | > erbblrye ; , $2.75Q3.00 per bbl ; buckwheat , $5.500fl.23 per bbl. Wheat Uuled strong und higher ; opened shndo bolter than Friday and advanced to a point ICU.Vo higher ; cash , Tb n o ; January , .Vo ; MU.V , bSJie. . toni Moderately activn and .fluctuutlous within moderate range , clo o lxlnr ; ( nlwve Friday ; cash , -ni'fc ; January , -c ; May , MJfc. Oats-Firm nnd higher ; May , Mv. Hyc Firm nt G2c. Barley Nominal nt 74iJ76c. Pi line Tlinothy-$2.37@2.iy. : Flaxseed$1.31. . Whlsky-$1.10. Pork In good demand nnd higher ; Janu ary , $ lft.l7J $ ; May , $ lfi.fc . Lard Moderately hipher nnd active ; cash nnd January , $7.85 ; Muy.fVJJ,1 . DrySnlteil Mi-ats-Khoulders. $5.POaO.OO ( ; short clear , $8.HKjt8.15 ; shoit ribs , $7.75 for January. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 23@-'iOc ; dairy , 21 2iV. Cheese Unchanged : full cream chcddars , ; fiats , lliiOf IIK 'i ' Joung Americas , KggH-Uiu-liangrd nt 21a'c. ( ? ? Hides Unchanged ; hcavygrccn salted,0/ fi7c ; light , do. , 7c ; salted bull. BJtfo ; green do , 4Uc ; green salietl calf , tS'fc ' ; dry Hint nnd ( fry calf , 12 ( l3u ; dry salted hide * , lOc ; deacons , 30c pach. Tallow Unchanged. Kccelpts. Shipment * . Flour , bbls . 24MH ( > 21,1X10 Wheat , bu . 52,000 2S,000 Corn , bu . lOS.IHK ) lKlOiKt ( Outs , bu . 54.1HK ) 01,000 Hycbu . 3,000 1,000 Barley , bu . 37.000 ai.lHXI New York , Dec. 27. Wheat Hccclpts , 85,000 ; exports , b'.I.OOO ; options advanced Jf @lo , leading ton fair degree of activity and closing firm at the top ; n\ml \ lots , } /ff4i ( ! bet ter ; ungraded red , 87i)4Xc ( ( ) ; No. 1 red , O-Vfc ; No. 2 rptl , Ul@l3 ! > fc in store and ele vator , ! W@9ji : delivered ; January closed nt ! l2' c. Corn Hcecipts. 85,000 ; exports , none ; market moderately active nnd)4ic hlKlicr ; ungraded , ( iKrttWe ; No. It , r.ikitiX ! ( ) < j ; No. 2 , < W < vjll5c In elevator , 0 % c delivered ; Jan uary closed at ( WJ c. Oats UccciptH , 101,000 ; exports , noun ; market fairly active nnd a shade higher ; mixed western , 37@39Kc ; white western , ay @ 44c. Coffee Spot , fair ; Uio firm nt $10.00 ; options higher , but only moderately active ; sales , 74,750 bags : December , $ Ui.05tflt ( > .N > ; January , $ t5.Viai.r ( ! ( ) > 0 ; February , $ Ki.i5ft : ( 10.45 ; March , $10.t5S : ( > 10.55j April , tlO.iWfti ) 10.50 ; May , $ lti.25@lli.50. Petroleum Firm ; United , S9J c. Eggs In fair demand ; western , 2.1@25c. 1'ork Firm with trade moderate ; mess quoted nt$15.50 ( < ? lll.K ( ) for ono year old. Lard Opcned'easy , later advanced 11S13 ( points , closing Hrm ; western steam , spot , . . Butter Firm but quiet ; western , 15(333. ( Cheese Steady with light demand ; west ern , lIKOHXc. Minneapolis. Dec. 27. Wheat There was some inquiry from local millers and shippers were also buying with their usuul freedom ; the i-erolpts for three days were , 350 cars ; shipments , 110 cars. Offerings wore not largo and sellers holdout for higher prices und obtained them. Local stocks in creased during the past wcck244'JOO bushels ; St. Paul , 5,000 ; Duluth , 770,801. Closed , in . . . , , . On track : No. 1 hunl , TTKC' 'So ; No. 1 north ern. TCo ; No. 2 northern , lUc. Flonr Patents , sacks to ship , $4.10@4.2."i ; bakers' , $ ; t.45C'ii.7."i. ! St. IOIIH | , nee. 27. Whcnt Stronj ? and higher ; cash , 8'J'Xc ' ; May , SCi 'c. Corn Finn and higher ; cash , 40 ; ? @ 47c ; Mny , W ) > ' ( fc. OatH-Hlfhcr ; cash,31 , ( < ( aijrc ; May , 3 % ' ' Pork Qnict nnd Irrrjnilnr at f 14.73. Lard Kulut nt * 7.4i@.4r ( . Huttcr Steady ; creamery , 2d@30o ; dairy , ' Whiskv Steady nt$1.05. Afternoon Hoard : Wheat Firm nnd # c higher. Corn Firm and j c better. Oatb Cliiclnniitl , Dec. 27. Wheat Firm ; No. 2 red , 87c. Corn Firm nnd in fair demand ; No. 2 , mixed , 5.'l@5ii : < c. Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 34@li4J < fc. Hyc Dull ; No. 2 , 70e. Provisions Pork , quiet at $15.50 ; lard , in demand at $7.00@.7 ( ' 5. Whisky In good dcmond at. $1.05. Kaunas City , Dec. 27. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 soft , cash , 77 ; c ; May S2u bid , i3 , ' o asked. Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash , 44o asked ; January , 44Xi-'askcd ; May sales , 474Sc. Oats No. 2 cash , 2'JJ.fc asked. Now Orleans , Dec. 27. Corn Eascr ; mixed , Clc ; yellow , G2c ; white , 02@C3c. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 , 42@l3c. Corn Meal Steady at $2.75. Hog products Dull and unchanged ; pork , $14.7 : . ; lard , $7.50. Hulkmeats shoulders , $0.12' ; long clear , $7.b7K ; clour ribs , SS.OO. Milwaukee , Dec. 27. Wheat Buoyant ; cash , 77 ; May , 8.Tc. Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 47J c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 white , 33c. Kyo Advancing ; No. 1 , C'lJ c. Barley Higher ; No. 2 , 74 > $ c. Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $14.75@ @ 15.00. Liverpool , Dec. 27. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali- lornlaNo. 1. Cs 10dils ( ( lid per cental ; red western spring and winter , ( is 7dgs ( ( ( lid. Corn Strong and demand fair ; now mixed western , 4s ll > id per cental. MVE STOCK. Union Slock Yards , Chicago , Dec. 27. The Drovers' Journal reports : Cattle Hecolpts , 5,000 ; good to choice steers , $3.00@5.00 ; stockcrs nnd feeders , $2.25(71:1.40 : ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.40 ® 3.00 ; Texas cattle , $1.GOS3.25. ( Hogs Heccipts , 10,000 ; the market was slow ; good und heavy 5c higher ; mixed , ' $5.05(25.40 ( ; heavy , $5.Ui@5.75 ! ; light , $4.85 ® 5.20 ; skips , $ H.20t4.)0. ( ! ( ) . Sheep Heceipts , a,000 ; stronger ; natives , $ ; t.XJl5.25 ( ) ; westerns , $4.00@4.1K ) ; Texans , $ 'J.50fi.70j ( ! : lambs , $4.75@5.50. National Stuck Yards. Kant St. I < oitlH--lcc. 27. Cattle Hccoipts. t,7X ( ) ; fhipmcnts 1,400 : higher ; choice heavy native steers $4.40@5.20 ; fair to good native steers $ 'i.lXp4.45 ( ; butchers steers , medium to choice $ ; tl5S4.10 ( ; btokors and feeders fair to peed $2.00ga.lO ( ; rangei-s ordinary to good ; Hogs Heceipts , 0,600 ; shipments , 1,800 ; market about steady or heavier nnd slow on lighter grades ; choice heavy and butchers' lighter grades. Choice heavy and butchers selections $5.50@5. < > 5 ; yorkcrs and packing , medium to prime , $5.15(35.50 ( ; light grades , ordinary to good$4.70@5.15. KniiHan City , Dec. 27. Cattle Receipts , 2,500 ; shipments - , - none - ; fairly . . active . . . . , shade higln common $2 fi.aoSa.oo. ' Hogs Heceipts , 7,000 ; shipments , none ; strong ten cents higher ; common to choice , $4.7Ug-)40 ( ; skips and pigs , $2.50@4.GO. OM A HA iavK 'STOCK. Cattle. The number of cattle received yesterday was very few , and only about 75 head ehangrd hands. The tone of the market was a shade stronger. IIOgM. The market opened about So higher and remained steady until the llrst buyers had tilled their orders , when it eased off and closed 5o lower than the opening. The quality of hogs was fair and the choice loads were secured rarly. The demand was a purely local one , Armour and Hammond being the heaviest purchasers. Sheep. There was nothing doing on the market. The receipts of Monday , three cars , being shipped to Chicago. Olllclnl Jlecctnts. Cattle CO Hogs. . , 2 , 12 Provaillne Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for Hvo slock on the market : Choice steers , laouto 1500Ibs.$4.00(34.50 ( Choice steers , 1100 to 1300Ibs. . . . 8.75 4.25 Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 lb . . 3.50.M.t Corn-fed range steersI''OOto 1500 U.05W4.HO Good to choice corn-fed cows. . , 2.30w2.tiO Common to medium cows 1.75oi2.00 Western cown , . . . . IJ.W'J.SO Good range feeders 2.80(32.65 ( Good 'native feeders , 000 Ibs and upwards , 2.50Q3.00 Fair toincdlumnutlvefevders,000 Ibs and upwards 2.2.V32.50 Stockcrs , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.IO < a2.00 Prime fat sheep . ' . . 3.25 < g3.5- Good fat sheep , 00(3100 ( Ibs. . . . . . . . Fair to medium sheet ) 2.2M3.00 Common sheep 1.50M2.00 Light and medium hogs 4.1 Good to choice heavy hogs 5 ' Good to choice mixed hogs 5.1 HcnrL'Hctitntlvc Hales. of Showing the extreme highest , and lowest rales p.ilit for leading grades of hogson dates mentioned : Dockage ) and Commission. Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40 pounds , stags 80 pounds each. Dead hoi's , ( jo ibs and over , $2.00 per cwt , less than 80 Ibs , of no value. Yardage : Cattle , 25c ; hogs , Sc ; sheep. 5c per head. Feed : Corn , $1 i > er bu ; timothy hay , $ .10 : prairie hay , $ . ' 0 per ton. Commissions : Cattle , ftOo per head ; calves and yearlings , f 10 par car. Hogs and sheep : Single decks , $5 ; public inspection on hogs , 15o per car. AH sales unless otherwise stated per 100 Ibs live weight. Ijive Stock Notes. No cattle here. An uneven hog market. No sheep on this market. F. C. Dwycr , of Ilavcnua , marketed hogs M. 1C. Hcdlon , of North Loup , was at the yards yesterday. 3. W. Conn , of PlaUsmoath , was on the market with hogs. ' The market did not close yesterday , " said a salesman , "it froze up. " James Danley , of Ashland , disposed of a loud of hogs yesterday at f5.15. W. II. MuMuhlll , of Shcnandoah , was on the market with hogs yesterday. James Cannon , of Hampton , marketed u load of hogs at the top price , $ ft.4Ti. Hilly Morrison , of York , was on the mar ket with hogs , one load selling at the top price. ' The humorist of the Daily Stockman con tributed a very original anecdote to the col umns of his paper yesterday. The Hoof und Horn , the now stock paper , came out with a bran new head yesterday , Not such a one as is frequently seen after Christmas , but n flno result of the engraver's art. art.At roll call yesterday Iho following reports were made : Walter Wood , of the firm of Wood Hros. , ate turkey in Chicago. C. A. Birnoy discussed chicken pie at Crete. Fred Chittcnden enjoyed roast duck at Ponder. Jas Folcy was ut Blulr dining on "gooso with sago and mgins , " and Court Horino ute Christmas delicacies in Council Bluffs. All report an enjoyable time. OMAHA WHOhUSAtiE MARKETS Produce , Fruits , Etc. The following tire the prices at which round loin of produce arc xold on this mar ket. Friiltx or other linen ofgooih requiring e.rtfa labor of packing cannot always lie supplied onontsldconlcm at the same prices quoted Oic Ificnl trade. HuTTf.u Ucceipts were decidedly lightyes- torday , und while the market was ilrmcr no changes in quotations Is noted. Wo quota : Creamery , solid packed , 22@24c ; choice dairy , 17il9c ( ; medium , 15@l c ; low grades , Eoos Receipts yesterday wore moderate , the cold wcathcrtosamoextcntchcckingship- mcnts. No change is noted in prices. Wo quote 21ig23e for fresh and 17c for limed , with some sales of strictly fresh reported nt 24 e. e.CIIECSE Steady and In moderate demand , with prices quoted unchanged. Fancy full cream clieddurs , single , 12e ; full cream twins , 12 % 3c ; young Americas , 13c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 15c ; Llmburger , 100 Ibs in cnse , 13c. In less qualities , 14@14Xe ; Swiss domestic , lC@18c. POUI.TKV The market continues firm , and while prices are not changed they are quoted firm ut Saturday's quotations. Dressed chickens , < Xri7c per pound. Turkeys , 0@llc. Ducks , 7 < gye. Geese , 8@10e. GAME Is becoming scarce , and prices are firm with an upward tendency at former quo tations. Prairie chickens. $ l.00@4.25 ; mallard ducks , f2.25 ; quail , fl.20@1.40 ; tcul und mixed ducks , $1.50i@1.75 ; snipe , $ 1.25 ; Jack rabbits , $3.00 ( 3.75 per dozen ; small rabbits , fl.OO per doz ; deer , OSSo ; antelope , 7@0c ; deer sad dles , < l ( < Jllc ; antelope , 12@14c ; geese , ? 3.00@ 4iUUHUAXS Are in light supply and prices firmer ut former quotations. Good stock , 12.00 @ 2.30 ; fair to good , tl.UO@1.80 , and Califor nia beans at f-.25H2.40. ( StfBiiKiuuT An advance Is expected In this line und local linns already report sales 25o higher than the quotations wo now give. Choice , per bbl of i gal , $8.S5@0.00 ; le bbl , N.SO@5.UO $11.00 per bbl of 50 gal. SWEET POTATOES Prices are steady and quoted at 2 < g2Kc Per Ib with some fine at 3c. POTATOES Supply light , demand prices ad vancing. Wo now quote * 1.00 < tl.lo for Utah und Colo-rado stock and choice home grown at 80@85c ; common grades at 00 @ 70c. . CiusnKiuuES Boll & Cherry , $0.50@lO.OO ; Boll & Bugle , $10.50 ® 11.00 ; Cape Cods , 111.00 @ 11.50. CALIFOIINIA FKCITS Pears , f2.50@2.T5 ; ex tra tine , $3.00. GIIAI-ES Malagas , | 0.50@7.00 per bbl. , with some extra tine sold ut fr.MKJS.lH ) . CAUKOTS Are in better supply at | 2.2oJl2.50 ( iwr barrel. CAIIIIAOB Is still In fair demand und finds ready sale at $1.00 per dozen. California cubbago easier at 2 ( ak : : per Ib. PAKSSII-S New stock is quoted at $2.50 per barrel. ONIONS Home grown steady at 75S85c ; Spanish onions , pcr50-lb crate , tl.50f f.75 OTSTEIIS Plain standard , 25e ; plain se lects , HOc ; standard , Hoc ; extra selects , a * > c ; New York counts , 40o .Bulk oysters , counts , $1.35 per 100 ; selects , fJ.OO per gal ; standard , $1.23 per gal. Arn.ES Finer qualities arc hold back , but for ordinary grades prices urn unchanged. Wo quote : Eastern fruit , $3.2oiJ3.W ( ; fair to choice stock , $3.50(33.75 ( ) fancy sloclt | 3.75 (34.00. ( t Good stock $2.GO@2.SO. CELEKV Choice celery , 35Q45o i > cr dozen ; fancy , 45@5uc. CiUBK-CholceMlchlguncider , $ < 5. 00(30.50 ( per bbl. of 32 gal. Quiscus-Ctioicc California quinces , S2.003 8.S5 per box. LEMON * Messina , ilqmotis , ! . . , Malaga , $5.00 ; o\tnv Maori nro out of the market. 11-1 ' Oiusor.s Prices inwain firm , but no change In prices Is untcJ , We quote Louisiana - iana oranges at f4.OOMl.25 per box. nnd Florida at $4.2. ' > ® ( .f)0'iwithn8aloortwoof extra fine at $4.75. > IUNXNAS Are becoming scarce nnd In fair demand. Choice Ir.iniiuus , $2,75@350 ; mo- ilium buehes , fJ.OOyJ3,00 ; common , $1.50(2 ( 2.1X1. ' ' HOSEV Good chdlco'honey In Mb frames , lSd20o ; canned hotieyi lOyjr.c per Ib. Poi-coits Choice rice corn 3iJJ ( < [ o per Ib ; other kinds , 202 { { 3 | wr Ib. Nurs Peanuts , TyK c , raw ; Brazil nuts , 13 < r almonds , Tiirr.igoiw , 22c ; Kngllsh wal nuts , 15ftlSo ( ; filberts , 12c ; Italian chestnuts , 15e. lilnt. Pitovmoxs Hams , ll@U-Vo ; breakfast pails , _ _ Si'iuit Granulated , 7'V0 1JC' conf. A , 7JiCIj7c ; white extra C , ' ' % o ; extra C , OVL"w ; yellow C , 5 , > ig5 ( . „ e ; cut loaf , Sftij 8'fc ; powdered , 8@S c ; Now Orleans , ( ij Qj ' 'IlitooMi-Extm 4-tlo , $2.GO : No. 1 , $3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $1.00. CAxnv Mixed , ( J@llc ; stick , 80' < fc. Svnui' No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , $1.50 ( < $1.55 ; Now Orleans , per pullou , ! W)4(5o ) ( ; iniiplo syrup , half bbls , "old tlmo , " per gallon , hOe ; 1-giillon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon cans , per doz. $ )1.25 ) ; quart cans , $3.25. STAIICII Mirror gloss , 6Jfe ; Gsaves' corn , Gtfc ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Oswego corn , 7c. HOLLAND HEIIIMXOH 73@7(5c ( per keg. CIUCKEHH Garneau's soda , butter und pic nic , 5c ; creams , 7c ; ginger snaps , 80 ; city soda , Sc. WoonKNWAnE Two-hoop pails , per doz. , $1.45 ; three-hoop pails , $1,70 ; No. 1 tub , $45.50 ; No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 : wash boards. $1.40(0.2.75 ( ; assorted bowls , $2-25 ; Fo. 1 churns , * 9.CO ; No. 2 churns , $ s-00 , No. Schurns , $7.00. PICKLES Medium In bbls. . $7.00 : do in half bbls. , $4.00 ; small , in bbls. , $ S.OO ; do In half bbls. , $4.50 ; gcrkins , In bbl * . , $9.00 : do in half bbls. $5.0(1. ( Corm : Ordinary grades , 20@20J c ; fair. 20Ka21c ( ; prime , 21i ( 22c ; fancy green ami yellow , 2.'ljt25c ( ; old government Java , 28@ 30c ; interior Java , 25ii2.Sc ( ; Mocha , 2S@30c ; Arhucklo'8 roasted , 24Vo ; Mclaughlin's XXXX , 24c ; Dllworth's , 24'ic ' ; Kcd Cross , 24 If C. Tonicco Lorillnrd's Climax , 44c ; Splen did , 43e ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggctt & Meyer's star , 44e ; Cornerstone , 3 o ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 44c ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44o ; Cutlin's meerschaum , 31e ; Catlln's old style , 23c. CAXNF.D Goons Oysters , standard , per case , S3.20@3.30 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case , $3.00@3.10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , pnr case , $ ; i.00@ 3.10 ; California pears , per case , $4.70@ 1.80 ; apricots , per case , $4.30 ( 4.35 ; peaches , per case , $5.80g.S5 ( ; white cherries , per case , $0.00 ; plums , per case , * 4.00@4.10 ; blueber ries , per case , $2.0@2.40 ! ! ; egg plums , 2-lb , per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case , $3.20@5.75 ; 1-lb salmon , per doz , $1.75@1.00 ; 2-lb gooseberries , per ease , $3.25@3 35 ; 2-lb string beans , per case , $1.75@1.SO ; 2-lb Lima beans , per case , $1.(50@1.05 ( ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.(50fl2.70 ( ( " ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $2.858-lb ; tomatoes , $2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@2.40. JKILIIS 30-lb pails , $1.(55@1.75. ( TB\s-Japans , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20@ OOe ; Young Hyson , 25@55c ; Oolong , 20 © 05c. 05c.DniEii DniEii FRUITS Apples , new , } { a , 7@7 c ; evajioratcd 50-lb ring , OX@10c ; raspberries , evaporated , 2728o ; blackberries , evap orated , Sl @ 10c ; pitted cherries , 20@21c ; jwaches , no8@5 , o ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 2UVt30 ( < ) ; evaporated , unpared , ! Sp20e ( ; new currants , 7@ " e ; prunes , % @ - * % ! cltrou , 2oo ; raisins , London layers ? 2.40@2.4. ) ; California loose musca tels , $2.00@2.10 ; now Vuloiiciu , S 'OS o. HOPK Seven-sixteeuths , luXQU. Dry Goods. DUCK West Point 2'J in. 8 oz. 10 < c ; West Point 2 ! ) in. 10 ot. 12) ) < fo : West Point 111 in. 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in. 11 oz , ICc. Checks Caledonia X , ! i' o ; Caledonia XX , lOj c ; Economy , tlj < fc ; Otis , U' c. KESTUCKV JKVXS Memorial , Ifio ; Canton , 18c ; Durham , 27 } c'IIercule.s ; , 18e ; Leaming ton , 22J c ; Cottswola , 25c. CitASH Stevens' li , (5c ( ; bleached , 7c ; Ste vens' A. 7 < < e ; bleached , 8 } c ; Stevens' P , 8J c ; bleached , 0) e ; Stevens' N , OKc ; bleached , lO o : Stevens' S H T , 12) 0. MiscELLANnous Table oil cloth , $2.85 , plain Holland , 8 > c to 9c ; Dado Holland ; CAMnnics Slater , 4J < c ; Woods , 4)-fc ) ; Stan dard , 4 > c ; Peacock , 4J c. CoMFonTEits $ .00@35.00. BLANKETS WWtc , $1.0007.50 ; colored $1.10 @ 8.00. ULUACIIEH SiinnTixo Uerkeley cambric , No. GO , 0 > o ; Best Yet , 4-1 , Ctfc ; butter cloth OO , 4J e ; Cabot , Ko ; Farwcll , 8c ; Fruit of Loom , Oc ; Greene G , Go ; Hope , loKing \ Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalc , UKc ; Lous- dale , 8c ; Now Qork mills. 10 > Jc ; Peppercll 42inch. lOJic ; Pepperell , 40 inch , llj c ; I'cp- pcrellG-4 , 15c ; Pcpporell , 8-4 20o ; Pepperell , SM , 22c ; 1'epperell , 10-4 , 24eCanton ; 4-4,8 < c ; Canton , 4-4 , ! l ) u ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Valley , 5c. FLVNSCLS Plnld Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen , 32Wo ; Clear Lake , 32Kc ; Maple City , SOU'e. White-G H No. 2 , * { , 2lc ; G II No. 1 , < tf , 27Ko ; BIINo. 2 , K , 22) ) < fc ; B H No. 1. } , 30c ; Quecheo No. 1 , Jf , 42c ; Quecheo No. S. PIIIXTS SOLID COLOUS Atlanta , Slater , Be ; Berlin Oil,0 e ; Garner Oil , 0@7c. PIXK AXD KOIIES Iliehmond , ( Ic ; Allen , Oe ; Kivenwint , 5e ; Steel Ulvcr , Oc ; Kichmond , ( ic ; Puciflc.OXc. Ixnino BLUE Washington , Go ; Century Indk'o blue prints , lOc ; Amer ican. 0 } c ; Arnold , G e ; Arnold B , 10) ) < c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOKc. DIIESS Charter Ouk , 4Kc ; Kamupo , 3J/c ; Lodi , 4Kc ; Allen , 5fe } ; Kichmond , B } < oj Win dsor , Go ; Eddystonc , Go ; Puclflu , Go. COTTOX FI.AXXEI.S 10 per cent trade dis count LL , GJ c ; CC , 7Ko ; SS , 8) c ; Nnme- less , 5 > fo ; No. 5 , Gc ; EE , 9Kc ; GG , lO c ; XX , 12e ; OO. 14o ; NN , lOc ; IiX , t8o ; K , 20c ; No. 10 , 8J o ; 40 , lO c ; GO , 12 ! < c ; W,15c ) ; 30 , colored , 10c ; 50 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13J c ; Union Pacific , 18c. CAIH-ET WAitf Bibb white , 18 > tfc ; colored 20 kc. Biio'wx Sur.ETixa Atlanta A , 4-4 , 7 | c ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , GUo ; At- lontio V , 4-4 , 5&c ; Aurora LL. 4-4. 5Jfo ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4J c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , Hoosier LL. 4-4 , 5J4'c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7)e ; Lawrence LL , 4-4 , SJfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5J < e ; Pepperell K , 4-4 , OJ4'c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , Go ; Pepiwrell , 8-4 , 18c ; Peppercll , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepi > crell , 10-4 , 2''e ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4J c ; AVarhusctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora , K , 4-4 , GJ c ; Au rora B , 4-4 , Oc. BATTS Standard. Sc ; Gem , lOJ c ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14e ; B , cased , $0.50. Gixoiuin Plunckott cheeks , 7fo | : Whit- teuton , T.'i'o : York , feNormundi \ dress , S c ; Calcutta dress , 8 0 ; Whittenton dress , 9o ; Kenfrow dress , 9@12 e. TICKS Lewlston , SO-in. , 12J c ; Lewiston , SS-ln. , 13 ; o ; York , 82-in. , 14c ; Swift river , 7.V < o ; Thorndike , OO , Btfo ; Thorndike , EF , 8 0 ; Thorndiko , 120 , ' 9Ko ; Thorndiko , XXX , 15o ; Cordis , No. S , 8 ; c ; Cordis , No. 4 ! lie. DEXIMS AmoRkeug , 9-oz. , Iflc ; Everett , 7-oz. , 13o ; York7-ozf J3c ; Haymaker , S a\ \ Jaffrey , XX , l\Xc \ ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12JJc ; Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BB , He ; Beaver Creek , CC. lOc. General Markets. FLAX SEED Unchanged nt $1.10 per bushel. GIIAIX Wheat , No. 2 , GOc ; rye , 45ffl50e ; oats , 29c ; corn , old , 8S@40o ; new , 85ftf38o ; barley is scurcp and quoted ut 45@GOc , ac cording to quality. . Fi.ouu AND FEED The market as a rule is steady ; prices nrS unchanged. The follow ing are current prices : Minneapolis patents. $2.GOi 2.75 per jovft ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy patents , $2.45@2.GO ; Nebraska patents , rJ.255c2.4Q ; rye Hour , $1.75@1.1K ) per ewt ; rye , Graham , $1.40 per cwt ; Now York buckwheat , $7.00 ; Excelsior , $0,00eady raised , $3.00 per ease ; wheat , Graham , $1.75 per cwt ; cornmeal , yellow , $1,00 i > ercwt ; cornmcal , white , $ J.OO ( < ? 1. 10 per cwt ; hominy , ton ; bran , $14.00(315.00 ( per ton ; screenings $12.00 ® 14.00 per ton. HA v Prices are steady as follows : Common coarse hay , $7.00@7.50 per ton ; up land prairie. $7.75gS.OO ( ; straw , t i,50. COAL Prices remain firm and unchanged. We quote : Egg , $10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range , $10.50 ; walnut block , $4.25 ; Iowa lump , $3.75 ; Iowa nut , $3.00 ; Illinois , $4.50 5.00. HIDES Market very dull and weak , Green butcher's , 5 ( < 15J < o ; green cured , ( V30)4'c ) ; dry flint , 9c : urv salt , 8c ; green calfskins , 7o ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. Tallow-- 3)o. ) Grease Prlmo white , 80 ; yellow , 3 : brown , lUc. Sheep pelts , 25JfGOe. Funs Are depressed and dull , with No.4 skins almost unsalable. Quotations are now u follows : lUccooa , } 0@00c ; mink , per . . . ; o. , .i. . ; oer , $1.XKJG.OO ( ( ; dry deer skins , 20it3ic ( per Ib ; dry untelope , elk , moose , etc. , l.V&SSc lia-os Ammonia curb 14o , camphor re fined 2SC , copperas I've , cream tartar 4''c , cream tartar j > owdered 20j5iK ( % , India Madras 75c , morphia sulph $3.50. Sodu bl. carbOOe , Venice turpentine 40o. Gum opium $4.05 , qulcksilvor 75c , quinine , German per oz , 4Sc. Wax , yellow ptircHJc. OILS Carbon , 12g2."c ( ; lln eed , boiled. 50c ; linseed , raw , Me ; castor , No. 1 , $1.20 ; No. 2 , $1 12 ; sperm whale , We ; fish , bank 'do ; iioutH- foot extra , ft. > c ; ncatsfoot No. l,50c ; gasoline , 74 degrees , Ifto ; W. SMard , OSo ; No. 1 Inrd , r ) c ; No. 2 lard , fiOc ; W. Va. tei-o , 14c ; W. Vu. summer , 12c : golden No. 1. 40e ; golden No. 2 , 23c ; whale , We ; napthn I degree , 14c. PIXTS White lead , pure. 0 > $ o ; whlto lend , fancy , OJfc ; putty , He ; Paris white , Ho ; Whitlny , common , 2 , ' < e ; red loud , 7o. WINDOW ( JLA"S Single. 70c per cent ; double. 70 and 10 per cent discount. LKITIIKII Oak soles , : i5 ( ii7e : ; hemlock slaughter sole. 2iK 2ic ! ; hemlock dry sole , 21 ( i27c ? ; hemlock kip , O-XuPOc ; A. .t B. runner kip. 50rt70o ( ; A. hemlock calf , 1KV@I OS ; A. A. hemlock calf , "backs , " 75o ; hvmlock up per , lU < g24e ; English grain upper , 2Sc ; hem lock grain upper , 21024 ; Tamplco H. L. Morroco. 29@iic : : ; Tamplco pcbblo , O. D. Mo. , MQ.'Wo Cunu-oa 11. G. Mo. , U.V ; Simon O. D. Mo. , $2.75 ( < i3.00 ; Dangolu kid , : wWc ; ; X. M. Kangaroo , 40c ; American calf kid , 3'c ; Gricscn kids , $3.00f3.50 ; French calf kids , $ . ' 1.25 ; oak kip skins , 80 ( ? f 1.1X1 ; oak calf skins , S1.00@1.25 ; French calf skins , $1.2.1@2.H ) ; French kip skins , $1.10@1.W ; Kuns.ltt linings , $0.0000.50 per doz ; pink cream and white lin ings , $7.50 < JilO.OO per doz ; colored toppings , r.U > 0@11.00. Si'iniTs Cologne spirits , 188 proof , $1.10 ; do , 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits , second qual ity , 101 proof. $1.10 ; do , 188 proof , $ l.mi. Alcohol , 188 proof , $2.10 per wine gal lon. Redistilled whiskies , $1.00(31.50. ( Gin , blended , 81.50@2.00 ; Kentucky Bourbons bens , $2.00@000 ; Kentucky and Penn sylvania ryes , $2.00(30.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd rye whiskies , $1.5K ( < $3.00. Bran dies , imported , $5.0008.50 ; domestic$1.30 ® 8.UO. Gins , Imported , $4.ftO@0.00 ; domestic , $1.25 ( < i3.00. Champagnes , imported , per case , $28.00@33.00 ; American , per cusc , $10.00 ( g 10.00. HEAVY HAUDWAnE The following price are standard : Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4fc } ; crucible steel , tl' c ; cast tools , do , Il5c ! ! ( ; wagon siKikos. per set , $2.00 ( 550 ; hubs , j > er set , $1.50 ; felloes , Iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; spring steel , 4@5c ; Burden's horse shoes , $4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , $5.75 ; barbed wire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; Iron nails , tales , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50. Dry dumber. DIMENSIONS AXDTIMIIEKS. nOAIIDS. No. 1 com , s 1 s.$18.50 I No. 3 com , s 1 s.f 15.BO No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , sis. 13.50 FENCING. No. 1,4 & 0 in 12& 14 ft. , rough $19 50 No. 1 , " " 10 " 19 50 No'.2. " 13 14 " 10 50 No. S , " " 10 " 1800 si in NO. A , 12 , 14 , & 1C ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15.50 B , " " 20.50 I I ) , " " 12.50 PLOOUIXO. A 0 in Whlto Pine $25.50 BOin " " 33.50 COin " " : iO.OO DOin " " 21.50 EOin " " Sel. ' ( Fencing ) 1'J.OO 0 in. Drop Siding BOc per M. extra. CEll.lXO AMI I'AIITITION. 2dcom J in White Pine Ceiling $31.00 " " " " 28.00 Clear' in " " . % Norway lO.Oo 2nd . in " " " com. % 14.00 STOCK1IOAHP3. A12lnchsls $15.50 B 12 " 39.20 C12 " 30.00 D12 " 23.00 No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50 ' 14 ft 111.00 " " " 10ft 18.50 " " " 10 , 1420ft 21.50 No.2 , " " 19.00 " " " 12 & 14ft 18.50 " " " 10ft 17.50 12 In Grooved roofing , $1 per M. more tlian 12 n Stock Boards saino lengtn. 0 in. Groo ved Uooilng same price as 12 In. Stock Boards. snip LAP. No. 1 Plain 8 nnd 10 in $19.00 No.3 " " " 17.50 No. 1 , OG , Sin 19.50 riNlSIIINO. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , IJ inch , s2s $51.00 " " 1M,2 51.00 3d , clear , 1 inch , s2. 44.50 " IJ i IK , 3 Inch 40.00 A , select , 1 inch , s 2 s 40.00 A , " Itf , IK , 3 Inch , s2s 44.00 B , " 1 Inch , s 3s 30.00 B , " W , 1 } , 2 inch , s 2 s 37.00 ROUTIIEIIX YELLOW HXE. Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50 Star " " 21.50 1st and 2d clear 4 inch Hooring 23.00 Six-inch BOo less. Clear inch Ceiling 21.50 Clear % inch Partition 25.00 Clear % inch , Partition $2 above % icnh Ceil ing. Clear Finish , 1 nnd 1 # Inch , s 2 s $29.00 Clear Finish , 1 } and 2 Inch , s2s 8X ( ) ( ) Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50 Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base , . . . 27.00 Pfll'LAll LUMDEK. Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. X in. , s 2 s $35.00 " " W in. Panel , s 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugnted Celling , % . . 28.50 nATTENS , WELL TUIIIXO , 1MCKETS. O. G. Butts , 2K in. 05c ; J < x3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 In. Well Tubing , D. &M. and Bov. , $23.00 ; Pick- els , D. & 11. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq. , $21.50. SIIINOI.KS , LATH. XX clear , $ .10 ; extra A , $3.85 ; A * stand ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55. VOSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. , X s. 12 } < fc ; 9 In. qrs , \\yso\ \ \ white cedar , 6Jrf in. } j s. ll } < c ; 8 in. qrs , lOc ; white cedar , 4 in. round , l < % o ; Ten nessee red cedar , split , 14o ; split oak , lOo ; 0 in. , 7 in and 8 in. ( tf each ) 8 ft. , round W. C. posts. 80S 8. CAPITAL , - - $300,000 , _ _ Loans Made on Real Estate , School , County and Municipal fiends Negotiated. WM. A. PAXTON. President. WM. O. MAUL , Vlce-1'rcslilent. HOIJT. L. GAHL1CIIS , Secretary. F. . JOHNSON , Treasurer. 1)111 ECTOItS : WM. A. PAXTON , HENIIY T. CLAIIKK , W.O.MAUI , i , . U. WILLIAMS. ItOHT , 1. . OAHI.irilS , K. It. JOHNSON , F. I ) . JOHNSON. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta. Cbamberof Commerce Uulldlug. Capital Stock - - - $4OOOOO Liability of Stockholders , 8OO.OOO The Largest Savings Bask in Nebraska. HTC I'er Cent Talc ! on Jk'i)0 Hi. Loans Made on Heal KtUtt mid penonal lecurltj , NoloYnr - null , Stocks and Ilondi 1'urcliuitd. ornrEiis ; John L. Miles , PreMdcnt. Andrew Roeowator , Vlcc-i'iesidcnt. Dexter L. Thomas , Cuthkr. DOAIIUOV DIIIICTOKH ! JOHN U Mil tS. KHABTUH I1INSOV. hAMllll. OlT.NKU , JOHN II. KVANH , AXIIIIKW HO8KWATEK , MoHHIS MOKIUSO.V. 1)11. H. 1) . .MeilCl.ll , IlKO. K. IIAIIKEIt. < iov. Ai.ri.s HAL'NUins , DKXTKU UTIIOUAB , rrrtiKii.AMir , JAMES Timui-goN , V. U. JuiiMiON , JOHN Hi'tii , NATIUN MKKHIAH. DOA1II1 or MANAOINO IllllECTOIIII ; HAMUKI. IttTNKH , KKANK II. .IOII.NHOX , JOHN ItUKU , JOHN 1. . MILKS. . . UBSTKU U TllOMAB. ' UMAiiA CHURCHILL PARKER. Dealer in AjulcQltural Implements , ! agons , u lf Jonpt Hircct. Ilctwren Mb nj lOte.Onnha. Ntbrmka. METCALF lMH * n * lor In lenien Wage OI , > OU. Ot and tOT. Jonei Btr t.OtPih > . _ p ; p. M AST A CO. , Mannfactwrers of Bnckeye Drills , Seeflors , dltlTklora. liar H k Cider Mllli ar.J 'l.uban Pu | . t rlnr . Cor. llth aud Nlcholai ettcla. Whol Ml * A&TicQltnral Implements , agons JBoggln _ Corntr Itlh and Nkliplm KirU. Artists' IHaTo'rlaifa. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists1 Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1113 DomlM Btrttt. Omaha. Nubratka. oota and Shoe * . _ Wi V. MORSE * CO ? ! JoDoers of Boots anfl Shoes , SaU ranam SU , Omaha. Nab. Maonfaetorr. _ _ gtratt , Ruikia. KIRKENOALL , JONES & CO. , ( Succtitora to Heed , lonet A Oo. ) Bolesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes AI.CU to ploe , Kto. _ CLARKE COFFEE CO. . Onaha CoStt and Bplc * Mllti. Teas , Cofees Spices , Baking Powder. Klatortni BstraeM. Laundrr Blue. Inki. Kto. I4U-UII Uarney Btrxt. Omaha. S bra a. _ Crookary and Glassware. W. . A | nt for the Manufacturan and Iniportcn of CrocKery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys , Eto. Offlca. an 8. lath St. , Omafan ; Nobr ika. ' Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY. ' Commission and Joooinz , Kcfi and Pmdnc * . Conilnia nt * lollcll * * , quartcri for Hlontware. Ktnj ttoirt and Orapa Baiketa. 1114 Dodge Bt. . Omaha. RIDDELL& RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , WIEDEMAN A CO. . Produce Commission Merchants , Pecltrr. Butler , Uawe.rrelU. Blc. WI Moulb Utb St- Omaba , Nabraika. GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , ( Bncceiiori to McSbane A Bobrotdtr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Ntbraika. ' Coat , Coke and Lime. DMAHA COAL. COKE ft LIME CO. . JoDoers of Hard and Soft Coal , MB Booth th Btract. Omaha. Mebranka. ' J. J. JOHN50r4 & CO. , Mannfactnrers of Illinois White Lime , And ililDPcra of Coal , Coke , Cement. IMaiter. Lima , Drain Tile and Sewer lip * , once , ration iioML. Farnara Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone 811. * NEBRASKA.FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal ani Cote , 214 South nth St. , Omaha , Neb. - . - - " Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Finishing Goods and Notions 1101 and llMDouilat. Cor , llth St. , Omaha. Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and JohDers in Dry GoodsNotioni Q DU' rurnlihlng Oooil , Coner llth and Ilaraaj HU , Omaha , Ncbraika. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Slrett. Oroaba. Ntbraika. Crocerles. PAXTON , QALLAQHER * CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , TO. W.7M and Tl > 9.10th Bl. , Omaha , Natt. McCORD. BRADY * CO. , Wholesale Grocers , mt and LeaTenworth Btretti , Omaha. Nabrti a > D. M. STEELE * CO. . Wholesale Grocers , HU. Ull ana ira Hara y Street. Oaaka. Kap. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , UK and ItUHaraar Blreet , Onaha , Nab. Hardware. LEE. FRl'ib * CO. 7 Joooers of Hardware and Nails , HIMBBAUGH * TAYLOR. Builders' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Machanlca' Toola and Buffalo Bcalei. UK fiouilaa-it. Omaha , Nehraika. _ _ RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. . Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Harper Bt . . Omaha , ; Neb. Wcitorn Age nti ( orAuitln Powder Co. . Jeffenon Steal Nail * . Kalr- banki Standard ftealei. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH , Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , EDNEY * GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , OD and Carriage Wood Block , lieur ? Hardware lc. 1211 and U UaraiiHorlb 8t. , Omaha. Neb. caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE * CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods , UOT Harnay Btraal , Omaha. Na . Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER * CO. , Importers & Jokers of FineWines & Liiinors aat India Blttera and Domtillc Llqnon. 1113 Harner ' Lumber. _ _ _ - - - - -ra OMAHA LUMBER CO. . AU kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale Iltk BUaet and Union PaelOo Track , Omaha. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Boon , ta.Tarda-Cornitr1lh. and Douglai ) Comer Mk and Douglaa. C. N. DIETZ Dealer in all Kinds of Lnmlier , Uth ard Olltornla RU. . Omaha. N b. ' * FRED W. GRAY , Lnmlier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Coraartth and lou lai Bti. , Omaha. " T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. . " " To Dealers Only , , Oflca. 1X1 raraaa BUeat. Onaka. " "JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. " ' " Wholesale Lnmoer , Etc , : tBtorl d and American Fortland Oetaeut. State ! tin Mllwauka * U/Jraullc C mmt aai ) Qutocr Lumber. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmoer , Wood CarptH and r t < ] Met yioorlnt. _ I. OBERFELD Erfi CO. , Importers SJoboers of Millinery iNotioni gy.aiO nd lPoullillthBlr at. . . . . - - - - - ----r-TL.-- xn - - - - - - - J. T. ROBINSOrTNOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Fornishini Good ! 10.1 and < 06 South 10th Blreet. Omaha. VTNYARD 8t SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Fnrnishini Goods , 1106 Haraay Bxreet , Omaha. _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO * Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , A le Qrcaie , eto. . Omaha. A. II. Blihop , CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carrr a nice itoek of prtntlng , wrapping and wrlllni paper. Special attention guan to car load elder * . Prlntsra' Materials. s WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Pnllishers , * OMAHA RUBBER CO. , * Manufacturers anil Dealers in Rubber Goods 4 Oil Clothing and Leather Bellini. MM Karnam Ptr ev v'j team A. L. STRANQ CO. , Pnmps , Pipes and Engines , Blcam , water , railway and mining uimlle * . etc. B VII and HI Farnam Street , Otnaha. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings , . Headquarter * for Matt , Bteam and Water Supplies. Fooit * Co' * good * , lilt Farnam St. , Omaha. U. 8. WIND ENGNE""PUMP COT" Steam and Water Supplies , ,1 Dalllday Wind Mllli. 818 and K Karniini St. , Omaha , O. f. Ron , Acting Manager. s BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , " Bbael Iron Work. Bteam I'umpi , aw Mill * . H13-12II ! Leatonworth Btreel.Oroaha. . I > Seeds. - PHIL. 8TIMMEL& CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 911 and tl8 Jone * St. , Omaha Storage , Forwiirdlng * OojnnVjj slon ARMSTRONG , P ETTI8 & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Dranch bouie o ( ( he Henner Buigr Co. BuKglcaat wholaiala and retail. iMeMalO and .J1J Iiard Street , Omaha. Telephone No. 750. fill ATI n MAWITUAnTIIUBBQ UfflAnA fflABUrAUiUMS. EACLE CORNICE WORKS. * , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , < John Kiionvter. Proprietor. KO Dodcc and 103 and lOi "if Ninth lilth htreet. Omaha. ; , ' . jj Smoke 8taokaBollerst Eto. H. K. SAWYER. Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks , Brltchlng * , Tank * and ( leneral Roller llepalrlng. 1SI3 lod(0 btreet , Ouinba , Neb Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERUNG. Wrongot and Cast Iron Building Kngtnti , llr i work , general foundry , machine an4 blackimlth work. Ofltco tad worm , U. I' . UT. und Uth Street , Om l a. OMAHA WIRE& IRON WORKS , ' Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings 5 Deik ralli , window uard . flower rtundi , wire ( lenib 4 tic. . 123 North lilth Bt. , Omaha , j OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes \ Vaulu , jail work , Iron and wire fencing , Hani. etc. Q. Andrten. rrop'r. Cor , llth and JackiooBU. J [ ] MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARDCo 1 Miiiiufacturvr > anaJubUvrn In , < j Wagons Buggies , Ralies , Plows Etc , i Cur. 'Jib itui I'ntmi : Hu. , i/.iiiilm. heu ; " MEACHER &LEACH. General Agcnti for Ulcbold Sale & Lock Co.'t Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Tiine LocXs. ' j Taulu and Jail Work , U15 Karu m street. Omaha. , 1 H. M.CiB. W.JON tS. ' Surcuarorato A. T. Kunruu \ Co. , Wlicilciml.i nnd re lull ' Booksellers and Stationers , Find \VoddlnK CHitlonorr , Conmierrlat Stutloi.crr. JfcK DouKl B St. Oruuliu , Neti. JPverajla. _ " " CAN"FIE"LD MANUFACTURING co. Manufacturers of Oyerallsr Jeaai PaoU , BblrW , tc. 11UJ and 1104 Uouglat Htre U Omaha , Neb. M. A. DISBROW Wholesale Manufacturer * of ' Saso , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , ? Branch OfBca , nth and liurd Strceli , Omaha , Neb. j BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . j Manufacturers of Sasn , Doors , Blinds , 1 Moulding ! , Blair Work and Interior Hard Wood PI * t tall. N. B. Corner 8th and l * v nworlh Btreoti , . . , Omaha , Nub. , OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , umc' Brewora. STORZ&ILER , . Lager Beer Brewers , UJl North Klgbtet-nlti Etrt-ct , Omaha. Nob. cxn.rAi.HEK. x. r. HICHMAM. j. B. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Lire Stock Commission Merchants. MoCOY BROS. . Lire Stock Commission Merchants , ; , Union LORIMER , WESTERFIELD & MALRY Lire Stock Commission , UOC. M. ' SKn.V StQO T.M. . ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commission Dealers in Lire Stock , Dn'00 ' 8toc < l UNION STOCK YARDS CO. . T"1 $ Of Omaha , Liraitel - John r. lojpd , Unuerlntondenl. L II 14 Ut I nil Oltet. Wt I old contMtf. lL ] , iinlU ony T M U Ml ( JIM.1 IttlllUllcn. A LUk. lludua. N. T , . -i 1 .9 *