Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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" ArtvertiM incnt * 'inner ' Uiifi tienrt. 10 cent * per
line for the first insertion. 7 cent * for ench nub.
K-qitent Insertion , nnil 11X0 a line per month.
Nofulvertlsemeuttnkin forlwj klhnn d cents
tot the first Insertion. Boven word * will I *
counted to ttio lint- : they must nm consecu
tively nml must bopaliVIn ailvanr * ) . Allnd-
TertiM'tnuits must be handed la before ln : :
o'clock p. m. . nnd under no circumstance * will
they l > taken or discontinued tiy telephone.
I'nrttcs advertising In the e columns nn < l hnv-
fntfthe unsworn nddri-f-hi din cure of Hie lice.
ill elfnce nsk for n check tn enable them to
Ret their letters. nsnonn will be tlellreri'd ex
cept rm presentation of cheik. All ansxvcrs to
fciwrtliwmentii should b enclosed In envelope * .
All mlTertlsemenls In these columns nre pub
lished In Imth morning and cvenlnqodltlonn of
the ner , the circulation of whlrh aggregate *
wore than 14f < JO papers dally , nnd Kc \ * the art-
VfrtlKem the benefit , not only of thcclty circu
lation of the Iletf. lint Mr , of Council IllutT * .
J/ncolflBtid other cities nnd towns throughout
this pnrfof ll'g Vest.
ANTEI ) HItnntlotniy yonng man nUond-
Ing school whom no can xxork forlhl *
Imard , willing to tlo anything no olllco fee
Canadian Emp. Office , Mrs. Ilrcgn & Son , 3tn S.
M. Tel.Wt. 711' ' 2IJ
WANTBD-Sltuntlon as coachmnn by Swede
20. best of city reference * . Also for ( ler-
man Zi , thoroughly experienced groom , nnd 2
first-clou * colored coachmen no office fee
riuwdmn Emit. Office , ills. Ilrcga at bun , HIBS.
1ft. Tcl.8 L _ | _ . 7IP.2I1
- for4 good men cooks
WANTED-Sltuallons - Hrst-cla < : Wglrlsto
do general nousexvork , n chambermaid * , OH DCW.
Ing girls and fi dining-room girl * Oitronlce la
full of girls. Canadian Emp. office. Mrs. lllreuu
& Son. all ) 8. liith st. Telephone 84. 71'J 2IJ
lT nty u muTdie-ageil American
woman , position ns Housekeeper , or the
curnof nil ItiMilld : in nn uvcellent cook. Apj > ly
to Matron of the Woman's Christian home. 271H
Hurt t. 781 27J
WANTEK I'osltlon ns Hhort oulcror.i estate
runt cook In ( Ity or hotul Incountrv ; good
references. 821 , lice olllcc. _ 728 2fij
"X"N Amcrlcnu woman wants n situation In iho
J-V city as housekeeper for n widower , bachelor
or ageel couple. 1J yeftr ' experience. Can fur-
nlith refermicei. AtlilrcM 3 IB , lire.J3L7 (
Wanted bvnn able and cxiicrt-
em ed bartender , wlllInK to Kt > e HecitrltyH
re < iulred. Address S 1- lieu olllce. Ull 27 *
\\TA k'mttlnw cli'rkrTeKTsfcreir In Nelirns"
' kn , for n new town In western pait of the
Ptutu. l tlluiioriuldio sV , I ! . Nell , .with ItUli'
unison Drug Co . Umitliu. _ 7''iJM
TTTANTHD Artlre tniin to sell woods on Hit
T T street. Kmiultu lit liojicuin stimd cornel
nth nnd rnrnam tri. 71" ) .IS
WANTIID Tra\elln paint nnd color nales
tumiln lown , foi St. Louts houto ; tin\el
liiK hardwaie , llrpiorH. clothing , giocery nm' '
dry Roods 8ale nn n for castnru hoiifes. ( lu-nl
AVcstcrn bureau , lUft rarnam St. , loom II. henc !
tamp to Inmiru rcnponse. _ tllH Ul *
WAN'I KD Three or four Koodmeiiwlth coni' '
inon enso to call at ill ! ) W. 1'ith Ht . Monday ,
Ilecctnbtr at , nnd buy xlai feet of Honth Oiniv
liaprojeity for only $10 ; warranty deed clven ,
77.W )
AN'J'l ! ! ) 1 iniiMt ha\o three persons tc
W leai n bookkeeping to meet demand foi
competent bookkeepers In Januaty. .1. til
Bmlfh. room lif. Uainite block. li'EI JM *
TNSUKANCn Asents Wanted Tne Mutual Ite
servo life Insurance company of New Yors
cleslro to oiiKatie twenty KOOII upeelal and en
oral iiKcntn In the west on extra llbeiul ton
traits. I'nr terms nnd terrlloiy tall on or ad
dress , II. II. lIoliNnn. Rineial miili'trr , Omaho
Kat. bank bl'dK. Omahii. Neb. _
\\rANTI3D-roiir men to solicit In the Mnal !
T > towns and tountrv of Iowa , Missouri and
Nebraska : mu t lunei" > , i-l\u bond , and will
Inittowork taiiuxtly ; salary $ ( pcrmonth
AddrcHS ! 84. Ileo offlto. JO
W ) Men for railroad work. XI
brlght'H Labor ARdicy , 11"0 J'arnaui. 601
WAKT12D 100 men of KOOI ! nppcarnnco to
try our Jfic meals at Non Is n Btnnrnnt , : ill
uml BKttouth 14th BtreoU ( old Live and Lol
llx o ) " fi'-R
" \\7ANTr.D-nrtlillilK-ioom Klrli , 2 chambei
T ? maids , 1 cook. .1 dlshxxasheis , 23 K'rls foi
general honsoxxoik , from W to $ .1 per xxeek
Oinabii llnieau. 7" > S 21
WANTIID 2 Leailxxalturu , 1 cook , n xxoot
choppers. 4'laboiers , all xx Inter ; 1 dish
nasher. Omuha L'mp. llnieau , 111 * N Kith Nt ,
757 21
JANTIID-nirl for gcneinl housewoi fc. 81f
5Vw bouth
w ANTED-Nursu gill nt 211'J 750 st.
\VANTEO Oood experU need girl for cenera
T homework , 11)17 ) Cuss. 707
\\TANTED-C.lrl forgiMieialhousexxork ; inusl
TT bo a good cook. IPIJ Dodge Nt , "HI
ANTED-A thoroughly competent gill 1m
mediately at T' I'uriiniii st. ; good xxages
\ , TT ANTP.D-Oiil , nmnll lamlly , upplv utter i :
T o'clock , MH , J. II. llujms , Wj
AN'lUU-At oncoglil. E2N. UUhst
" \X7ANTnD-llutton-hole inakeiT. 1112 Krtr
_ > iinm. li'l 27 J
'WANlT.O-C.ood gill 1017 Iloxxnrd ht.
' T ft > J
"WCANTED Dining room ( jlrl nt Emmet liousi
TT C'.K )
II\7'AN'1ED- 1 liht class glil for cook7KOOI
vxagespnld. Mis. It. C. I'atteiMiu , KM N
Sid. . liU2
ANTED lluitou holotnakeis nt 111Kar
Hani. 1115-27 *
WANTED Competeut girl forgtueial house
xxotk. Ml B. X'UthHt. 1.15
\\rANTKi ) uui. Jniiuiiu3i."i N. ntiibt.
T > 5 IS
_ "
W 'ANTIID Dining loom gill ut Occidental.
_ _ , tn every tow u xxanted to introdtici
and tc'll 1'uniuri'Jnl 1'IIK- . "Chlchittei'
Ungllsh. " OilglnnlnndonlvCenulne. Send !
(8tamiM ( for piutleulais. Clilchc.-ter Chemlcn
Co . I'liIlndelplilB. I'll. ! J47
T A DIES me olVeiedemlnoldery needloxxotk n
JtbelrovMihoinustoxxnoi ( count } ) by n whole
i-alo house , Protltalrte , gt uulne. Oood pay rm
l > u niHile. Kxcrj thing tarnished. Partliular
Jiee. Aildie" AltUlloNcedlcxxorACo , 135 8tl
bl. . New YoikClt.x. 2U
" \STANTED L.idle ! , in city or c mints y. for ou
T T holiday trnde , to take llpht , ple.isint vxor
nt ) ielr/xxn homes , fl to Jl ) ur d.xy cau b
unlctlyinadd. i\oiK s-ent by pitxtlanydlstaiut
I'Hittcnlais tieu. No rnnxasslng. Addiess n
once , ( Ytcervt Art Co. , 147 A Milk ht. , lln tot
PfrhB. 1' . O. bo\5TO. | tOi
\\TANTKD 50 laillo j to try our lf.i me.xl-.ii
TT NosrlV ii'staurant old I.UenudLet Llvo
Sllnnd3ii8. : Hth st. ; , ' / )
T\rXNTED-OeniTemen RTlry ou.
T \ meals nt Schollcr lostmirmit , 101 H. luth.
210 J
\\7ANTED-CuftomerH fo tlu < "lied Cioss
T T vxhlch. after a thoiouc.h test , comes out a
one of thu bent hanebmneriuxtii made , bee I
ntC. K , ( limlnei't. fiiinacv Kr.d stove rocv.\,71
K. Ulth stiei't tvleplimiHjttUJ. 72221
\\7ANTr.r.-To kuoxv the nddress of H. J
T > IJoekir. Adilress boWJ , t-cotln. Neb.
l'7' ' > 2t'
T\f ANTil-A : hu u Uand cart ut the Ik
T > ollice. ino
CANAJDIAN Employiaput oftlce , thfl be >
lilvce lu Otuahn to get help 01 situation1
KMo and fomal . Itefuence. Omnha Natlom
bank , Mrs. llregiv * fcou , UW 8.15th. Tvl. Ml.
WAXTE1 > To rent a & room cottage vx est <
S4th ot BUd toiith of Dodge. Addiess S S
lleeollke. 71,1 : W
\\TANTED A * mnll furnished uittnceor tvx
T T or three fmiiUUtd rooms on tlrst lloor fn
light hotise-Voeixltig , convenient to car line. Ai
ilressl ) K > .JHe olUciv _ JV7 _ _
' "
OAlll ) xxlth rooiiii feT fou7iitluTlnrt st.
| > UlVA'i E Kmidlnir , tl a vxeek. 1U15 Oodgo.
JL U ) J7
p'.tlVATK boixitllnp , 1C15 Dodge si ]
TjlIUST-CLAPH table board. erve > l In ham
JL' ttj If. for 3 or 4 gaii tic icon. Ibl t Doclgc. M > l
TlTOH UKNT Vivo room home In Omnhn Viev
JD llUperruoatli. 1'otter a. Cobb , ItQl Fnrnni
Btrwt. 745 27
_ _
H OUSE of 4 riioms. Furniture for snle. W
Itout , U ) . Cp-opomtirv Laud null Lot Co
TllIKhoiiM I new occupy xxlll b-i tor ivnt. Jai
vary lsl | houMt cemtalu * 10 room * nr.d a
a fiuprciv'vuirutJ. SJ S. X'ttli st. Moill
TjVH ilKKT-0 room cottage. 1117 Pacific . " > .
J in room house near comer llth nnd \ \ nb-
liter ifiO , Nmun.joli Jnroajii. UII2H
TpOH IlKNT rKlpgeht , new T-room flat on car
JE line , with every modern conxcnlence ; only
KM per month. J. K lllco & Co. 7II2J
T710U HENT Nice tfrooin coltngo In good lir-
JD , cntlon. J'uralttlro for tulticheap , 2211 Sexv-
nrd st. 721 .2 | 1 _
BLOCK'S of MutBoff ent T. ! rooms Kent f < 0.
Furniture for snl reasonable. Noxv brine *
nn Income of ( inuu. ( 'o Operative Land and Lot
Co. an N Kith st. ini 21
Itr.NT-C-room cottage , furnished Tf de
sired. H. K , cor. aoth and Grant Ht * . J. lion-
tier. nr Douitla-Mit. . Ml 2t
FnuUKNT-OtVMim limit * . * I'lorre near Md.
1' . K. Dnjllng.jMli and lloxx-nnl. C7827
FOIl HENT-5-roomhouse , H'O Davenport.
nuun *
FOR UKNT.-'irooin houieJcSr. Williams ami
19th sis , suitable for fioiullng house. . )
per month to.ic'sitonslbte ' tenants. J. L. lllcc&
Co. [ i. 74 2tl
/ianOL'SKS'For rent. l6to ! 7'i per month.,1 to
z 10 looms each and from r > blocks to 2 mile *
distant from poslolllce. 1' . L. Gregory , Itental
Ancnll iua. Ifilhst. 17 ! )
"VTO. IK * 7lh avc,6-room house , lu good 10
J- > pair , largo j aril , cistern water ; will ren-
to rcsmmslblu pen > ou xx 1th not more than 2 chll-
ill en for JA' ) [ M-'puonlli ; , ' 411
Flt HBNT-iHoir-o * . A list of over 100 to
choose from ; ranylntj In pilce. from tlO to
Jl-'i per month ) Also a llstof IiirnNhed nnd un-
fnrnlfhed roOtn , nil price * . II. E. Cole , Hlrt So.
lulb st. * . fiUnt
B10II HKNT A f loom bouce cheap to a small
family , IWJ S 21st Del Center and Dorcas st ,
41. ! J 14 *
FOIl IIENT S nexvn room bouses on H .TOtli
nenr Leaxenxxortb. C. E. Majne. 311
FOH UENT-S room house. 27th St near Dodg- t -
_ r. . .1. H. Illngxxalt. 2l So. Titli st. ! ll
FOIl HENT New f > room colt.igp In Amblot
place ; good 7 room 2 slot y bouse. Orclmnl
Hill ; good 4 room cottage. Orchard Hill , C. E ,
Ma } lie , N.V. . Cor. llth and Hartley si. 1 1
TjTOIt HENT 6 loom hou c , city water , etc . S ,
JL. W. Cor. King and Caldxxell. IdU Fnrnam ,
" 131011 HENT An 8 room bou e , clly xxnter ca * (
-L' and stable , 12 minutes alk from the post
olllce. Kent moderate. Apply to D. J. O'Doti
ahoe , nest dooi to tlm postolllce. 115
Il HUNT New 7-ioom mod < rn , nexv hottsi
on roinrr. Stiect car by the door , ( las
hitli , tnaihle wash M.iml. Cltyxxatei finnlshed
I'.legant house ! enl > iJOpur mouth , J. L. Itlci
i : Co. 741 2D
F OH HUNT A ncxv ten room hou ewith all
modem Improvements , large attic , Douglas
nnd 21nt streets. Not a basvtnent housu. AU
ply Morltz Muxer. coi 11 uml raruam. 717
" | JVH HUNT Nexv house , C looms , etc. , lar c
J grounds , c orner 2Sth anil Capitol ax entie
lnmlre 2S21 Dodge st. M
FOH Itl'.NT-Nexv 4-toom cottage , $12 pel
month. Apply room 2ii , 1511 Dodge st. 7K
FOH HUNT 8 elegant brick residences wltli
all modern Impioveni'Mits , 12 iinJ H room-
each , iileunaiit and cotix enlent location. O. 1' .
Dax Is company , 15U2 1'urnam ht. 1IJ
rOH IU3NT 5-ioom cottnge , nexxlv pipeiei
nml painted , on I'arkei st. , Noith Omaha
* 18 pel month. J. L. Hlte A. Co. 74 I M
Foil ItnX P S-room house , UOrtS 2.1th nxemie
1 block south of Leavenxxorth. J. D. Coxxle
nt rule oner's , IHjJ
flOIl HENT 0-room house nv ror. Sexxari
1 and 27th sts. V'a
FOK HUNT 2 nexv hindsomi * 6
xx ell , cisterns , etc.f 17 per month IIM nml
Callfoinla. A. C. Wakeley , Omaha Natl bank
bid. W7
FOIl HUNT Severs noxx7 room nouses
block from street car , reidv for occupancx
Noxcmberl C. I' . Harrison 4183. 16th ht. KK
lJX'r-IIouso 11 rooms. W. H. Itusb
jutin , N i ; corner IMh nnd Douslas. 840
EOll HUNT rmnlihcl front room gultabli
fortxxooiitleiiuti. ( WO per mouth. Ml t
Kill ht , C74--'l *
THOU ItllXT Txxo Rentlemen ran tlml ulceb
J. fmnlsbed room xxlth Kas , heat , bath , ho
nnd cold xvuter at 'WUCnss st. Ui-2IJ
TTIOH HUNT rnrnlshed rooms \xlth or xxlth
JL ? out boaul. J1S N. 1.1th st. MO 21'
FOIl UKNT Jflcelv furnished looms , cas
httnin heat , use of hnth tuqiii nntl onstiee
cai line. MI7 Duuglab .st. KS ' ! '
l nnfninlshed looms xxlth ul
conxemence'j , furnace heat , tit till S iHh.
i/Jl ' .llj
T7IOU KENT Hani-lied looms ; "tti7 ramnn
.V at.
Olt Hl'.NT I'm nMied looms , xUth or x\Ith
outboiud. 318 N. llth bt. 7b7-il ;
IKI ) loomnnd boaid , HKll rarnam
R K nicely fuintalied front parlor with o
xx Ithont boaul. No. W3 N. 17lh st , 7I'J ' 'Jt.J
IIKXT I'leusnut fmnUlieil loonihxxltl
heat-WHlarney near coincr2Uth. 781''t ) *
ISIINTNear rottit house , suite of
finnlshed looms , bath. R.IS and heated , fo'
gentlemen enl > . Abonbain. Addu - b-1 llci
" '
Fl'ltXISIIIjI ) JCoonit lo Indies or Kcntlemci
b > xxiekoi month. Jll NoitliU'th ht.
710 Jit
"VTO 1 nexxlx fnrnlsbcd looms foi-gentltmen
-L > steam nnd gns , No , IW N 10th. 7 K2o
li'OK -Neiircnbuniiif ; tunilslied room
.V x\lth tlr > t-ila ioaid ; nil modem couxen
lenccs. 'M1J Douglas ist. 701 2U
TTlUltNISlTl'.D ItoonTTI-NVIthoi xxlthottt board
X1 and heattil by steam , in prlxatu family
Ii quite at uti S , Utn , coiner Jack sen. 7WJ Jl
J LntXlbIliDltoom,2110 : Humpy.
. . HHNT Xlrelv fmnUhed looms at ' ii
Dodge. Uas , batli nnd fnrnice heitt , 62'J
FUKNISIir.n roouis-ll to Jl. a xxeek. ret : , WtlH. l th , up stalls. 600 J0
"VT ICE laige fiout room , famished nnd heatcil
-L > bultable for txxo gentlemen. AUonul
room. l 17Cnssst. us
FOll KENT After 1st of .lanuaiy deik 10011
In a centrally located olllce heated xvltl
Hteim. Call at Hoom I Heighten block. uOO
FOH HKXT I'urnlMied room , nil modem cot
\enkmceivlargeeiumuhtortxxo. 2COU Dax
enport. 657
FH miN'r-Nlretiifnlsrwa rporu. ISper me
fa.V. . cor. Ibtq atuUacltson.l W3
ptOH HENT-r'urulshcd room , 1S16 Doilpe si
FOIMI rleeant roonis nlLtuodcin convenience
1704 VVuboter st. 45S
TflltOXT parlor Mr Uxo BentlcTiitn , 1C25 Dotlgi
FOIl HEXT r'uinl hed rooms In OrounlgbU
cor. Mill and Dodge sts. Intiulre of Ueo. II
Davis. Mlllard hotel blllUiid room. c 7
TTTOlT KENT Nicely fulnlMieil rooniTiiTtiihf
Jt iorS Bciitleiattii , lniiulro2JlLSt ( , Mary's nyt
vnKI'V" ( : ' " ' " 'srti10 ' front room xxlth or x-"ltt
-i > oullKjaid. ISl'J Dodge hV , 67
1/1OU HKNT rnrnlshed roe : s ami board , OC
.t : rarnam. _ _ , H .M.S ja
FUKNISHUn rooms f rent , 101 J rarnam a
810 J2J
_ _
TiftOlt KKXT LMgu IlauiUomely fiiiuUheil U |
-L pet front fount , slua'a luat , 101J Douglas.
t , Tlifl 2H'
HDN'T Itcx'tiii fiunlbheJ or utifiirnUhe
chsMp. C.-.bli. ctiu , inadeiu , etc. , 2VM D.IUI
> / 7ft ) ! M
I A lni > iouthtiont nwm , nil modern com ei
J U'Hcts MiltnbUi for txxo genthimen ; ala
first-class tnbln bainl forthreo or four ; rote :
IbH IH l t it. 764
UUXlVl'lensant fiuuiyr.ed i-ooms. mo <
em conxi'itlfiices , rcisonablo pilces , 411 !
15th H' . , Kixrbach block , JU tioor Hat , No. 2.
7Qi SU
UENT 1'urnlsl.eil roomi In all parts o
tlm city , by the any. week or month. Clt
li'.tolllBitm omce , Crvlghton block. 6US
1710U KENT Oround lloor olllce room , cer
trally loente < 1 , hcUotl * nd lighted. CC I
llurrlson , 4US. llth i. tM
J-1 South 10th. 7UJ 241
"l/Oll UKNTUi onTnt stores and Hits xxlt
J. all modern uupioiements , corner Uth nn
, intts < iusts. cyo
T/OU ItKNT-Ollli-v * em rtiinam nt. nt f 10 to i
\ruoutli. . UiiBOllico furnlshoU. 101l ( > 'a
Bliiu. ISU
_ _
Foil K i'-omco room , Or t floor. atSlO i
IMhM. 604
v , 023 b. l tU ( t.
3 rooms inid N. 3Hh st.
3 room * loin 8t.
nrooinn li'J2N.21
nroom2IRIlilhc > tis8t.
3 nxjinn 141S I'iercp.
nrH > ms70l PnclHont , , , ,
4ulegnnt unfurnished rooms , containing all
he modem convenience * . ht41JS. 1DHst. .
4 elegant unfurnished roonl.s at 1704 Webster.
Nice olllce'l ' S. 15th st. C44
FOlt HEXT-Oood barn cheap 1181 qilcngo st
L. Olir.OOItV , rontnl agent , HWS , 10th .st. ,
ground lloor. Telephone y < . , , . . . .
SPECIAL Rltontlonglxen to
T ftirnlNhcil nnd tinfurnl'hcdTnoms , Ltstvxlth
is. W..M. . Harris. over22Ua.4Sth lit. ' 874-
Foil HEXT If you wish to rent a house call
on llenaxxa it Co. , 15tli St. , opposlto P.O.
Oil furnllnre and boxed goods Iwl
Omaha. Neb. l&agl *
" i
Tol"AlE ferrliandl eor fnrnltiue ,7 < l
.V VV Illlnillg. 1407 Doilgln st. Ctfl d 2U.
"VTEW VOItK "toragp Co. diva tnort ertenjlvd
i- > facilities for utorugeof furnlturfvpliiuos ,
buggies , general nicichandlse , 'Yxxst. of Now
York. Cash advances to atljr riinount ; Wixnv
liottKo receipts given ; poods Insured ; brlcK
building ( Ire-proof ; special nrrntiKemonts for.
commission met chants. Call Nexr York StoraKe
Co , Capitol axe and N , lotlist. , llenncttblock. .
- home"
WANTKO-A ; weeks'old boy. Inimltc21.'l
MMK. Amle and assistant from Chicago glxcs
mngnellc nnd massage licHlment , xapor
liatlu. 4.4 N. Iftth st. i MU24 *
piitSONAI.-\Vlllthe : > oung lady'who calls
J for hei noon mull nt postofllce please rail
nt the New Voik btotiige ( o , 1.W Capitol n\e.
nnd select one of those elegant , willow chairs
hiillahltt foi Chi Utmas presents. ' ' IW9 24
1 > K1SONAI ( , llpyn's latent views of Omaha ,
Including all principle nulMlfthlrrVifra , *
\lewdshowlng the city to the best .
bale at Jle } u'.s g.tllciy and CuUlOuld'u Utxik
.TJO d Si
In families solicited. Call on or address
Jllss Jessie Sttiul ) , WI S .Ath ) st. I47J7 *
PKKSON'Ali Prlvitnhotnp ror Indies rturlng
contltipment , ctrlctly conlldentlul. Infants
adopted. Address U U llee otllco. 107 .1 8 *
lHIJ paitv who tooic a package containing
est out of stu'i t cnr No. II" , I'.xrk nVenne ,
h uml IPIh sts. , will plea-e leaxe Mtmuwl
udnllhcr. . No , 1117 Fatnam St. . nnd letel
sultnble icwnul. 7ra 21 *
OST Scaif pin 1'or it-Ward address MUs
J Allan , public library , 1107 Douglan st. 75U2I
I OST Left on Ited line car to depot about 0
-4 o'clock Thursday , a leather coxered Jewelry
bov about HxlO unites i n I I Inches high ; the
llndct will ! ) libel ally row aided on letiirnlng It
tel ) . C. lirooks , loom I , Onienlg Mock , H e cor
ner 1 Ith and Dodge sts. 7i :
T OST from Ull N. IStli st. , dat k brow n horse.
JU lleturn to II. llniHch. 1)11 ) X.
774-27 *
STOLEN-Wagon nnd load of baled hay. 'Jhe
wagon U an old one w Kb new tongue and
leach , low wheels behind nnd hay rack made of
oak lumber. A llbirat reward will be given to
the llndei. Mace \ lUtlnger , M1 N. loth ra
LOST W reward A common black walci
hpinlel : short tall. Hetuni to Architect
Hodgson , ( ill N. 2-.M st. 714
KmVAItn-WlM be given for i.-tnrn of bay
maie , l )0 ) Ibs , halter on. btrined from
2lC4Cumlngst. G.S. Ostrotn r > 'is '
FliUND On Monday. December 2ti. n"chinue
to get one of these 4-'xlJ1 foot South Omali i
lots for $10 ; WMiranty deed ; fire from encum
brance ; dry nnd lex el. S10S llth st.7r.i2tl
FOUND on Wednesday one buggy laprolxj , In-
HUlrcHH South gUt. 7at.C
OIT.N all day Monday , llanos , oicaiis and
furniture at gieut NicriUw. NexxVart ; Stoi-
ngc'n'ttli8t. %
sTcln"Jtotel. / . - Jn , " WtjT.- ,
1.1X11(1 ( A l.otL'o..20.1 > .lClhSt. 747 2b.
FOlt SAI.K-Second-hnnd smmo piano , J100.
liiinlieMcCord'llrady\Co ( , ; oi 2s
K oxei IHW , I'lunoi only } ' . . Call at
- onee. New York Piano Co. , cor. Capitol nvi
nnd 15th nt. 72ii '
BILL A HI ) Table at hnlf price , nrnnswick
llalke To.'s mike. Inquirs Lcallo 4 Leslie
ICthundDodttnets. 216
hotse and eattle foi d has become
i n poiltlvn tiercxslty In every commutiltv
where known. It Improves the general health
of the nnlinal nnd bj s-i doing eliminates nil dis
ease of the , blood , etc. Huv n box im
mediately nnd use It. Manufactured br F. 13
banbiui A. Co , 1703 St. Mnijrt axe. For HI fa
c-xerj where. fivs 21
HOHT.S W1NTKHRD-I would re pectfullv
announce to the cltl/ens at Omuha that I
ha\o better accommodations f.u wlutirlng
horses nt Omaha fair grounds than tan be found
In the west. I haxo Isu large warm bov stalls ,
with four large jards for exercising dm Ing the
day , the walls a\e h feit high nnd me warmer
than most stables. Wiihnxo flittlltlCM for fecd-
Ingwuim limn nnd oats U times ix day ; horses
w Intelcd this \xny an > tit foi work nt any time ,
while- horses w Intel ed In the old wav of stan Ing
nnd fieezlng lu thu coin stalks take- , , halt the
next sunnier to get in condition to ilrlx-e. The
borne cars iuti to the grounds uxery 'M mltintei.
IMi ties lux Ing horses at the groands ran fee
them at anvtlmo. Poi paitlculars and funs
address , A. Thompson. 777-J2'
. K. M. 1'OST-Wllt
MIIS. - ( flv Mussage tient-
ment to tho-e who prj'fer to ionu to her of-
llceon Moudajs fiom 'i a. in. until Up. m. Oilier
iln > s fiom li p.m. to 'I iin. i . Olhce ami lesldenco
southeast cor. Sew aid and 2sth Bts. ' 7 1 j" > J
. . . t as nn art by O. K Oellenbeck.
s ecor Hill and Douglas , upstairs.
(37 ( 27 *
NOTlCK-To' bookkeepers. . My terms for
giving institutions , short method , trial
balances , uiftsi ) ; time tiiinlittd , seven hour * . J.
11. Smith , room MlUui e bloi k. 7i ! 2u *
plOnSION'AL ( : Nurse -MIN. 'Van Vulkcn.
J- bmg , Mil N' ' th. Teims reasonable.
741 20 *
( " 1ASI1 pld for > Jei ond-hand books and ' .
J lies. OOS N loth bt. H. fahonfeldnntlo ! :
< ? '
\HrrlcK If > ° " lmri > lltlv. property to trade
J. ' for city lots or lamU In Nebraska call upon
AV. ( l.Albilght. 2lha.lrithst. 4 < rj
. .
"VI OTICE First class bank saml-turnlphcil by
Jthe carload tn Oin.iha or by xx agon load In
South Omaha , upon short notice. Leave orders
w Ith W. O. Albright , 218 S. Nth street , or bi.mcli
olllco at Albrights station. South Omaha , tele
phonc.s 7tv" andKM. Mover llroa. 2U.'ll
"IjlHlIi ? Heading matter. If you have not do
- * . - clili'd xx hat papers to takn till * year , send us
your address , xx ith 10 cents In silver , lind we xvill
foixxard your name to limulreita of publisher
all over the country , who \vjll Wild , j em na a.
zincs and paiiers of every duacrlptton In nlnind'
mice. It Is tlia best Investment you can miiki
of a dime. It will jleld big returns. Try it.
Subscribe to no paper without getting our price
Hub. htibscilptlon Agency , lloston , Mass.Hox
3W11. Mention Ileo. * . - > J7
HOltSK clipping by lleiilmm'
stables , corner 17th and Davenport bts ,
HS. DUHANT-Clalrxoyant from llo-tnn 1 ;
reliable In all affairs of Itfo unites' ifm-
rated lovers , at N Ifith st , room 1. 7u ) Jan s
DH. NANNIE V. Warren , ilalrxovant. Med
leal , business-mid test medium. Dlagnos | <
tree. Kcinalo diseases a specialty , lilt N. ittt )
tt. . llooins2.VU. Tel.014. 01) )
D-To bnthiee grain oluxntorbli
Nel rn < ka on if. V. or F , E. & M. 11. 11) 'a
Address S. 2.1 live. _ 75) ) ? iij j
WANTKD To bu ) the furniture of n smal
or largo housu centrally located , Co-opera
tire Land A iMl Co 2US N ICth at. ISJI
WANThD Buy short time paper , j ; W
Gros , at C , K. Mujuo's oillie , llth am
Ilaruey. isi
MONEY to Loan O. V. Davis Co. , re l"estati
and loan agenta , liltt Kuruam st. til ! )
MONEY to loan I con noxv place some flrs
class city loans Immediately. Call at onci
If 1 ou desire to b * accommodated. U. V. Snoles
room 1 Harker block , entrance In alley. RH
MOJI KY loaned on pianos , furniture , bpries
organs , etc. , loxv rutea. G. 11. Xlmtner
man , rotim Ik , Arllngtoa'block , 3 door * west o
ixistoltice. ' 077 ) Sl
, ate. Cash ou hand
i. IW
ADI ) the freight nntl then you can bny plnno <
and organ * nt fRclorTI'Hrpi ' for the next 10
days- Next York 1'louo Co , l./JM Capital avo.
LJAHllconllshlKh. but , lf. you burn It tun
tl "lleil Cro-w" ha ebiinlW you xx 111 not mind
he price , for you not only v enlllato your room *
but get big heat. U. r\Unrtliicr , 710 N. tilth.
_ jV _
RIANO3 nnd ortmns for tl'ii ilnyn. Nexx- York
L Piano Co. , manufacturing ngenK IWA
Capitol nve. uij 21
_ _
KThall. . 610 8 10th st Imfr ueen remoiloled ,
S enlarKed. new dancliu ; floor , noxv decora-
Ions and < < iipl > er rooniH. Enprance on 10th it. :
mrtle * , lodce-i nnd w > cletli4. nnttelrintlnK RlxMnc
mils or sociables call on llorts & Mtnnm. Metz
mil. , . 412il24
_ _
MAONIMCE.NT upright , | planoi nt n great
sacrifice. 10 elegant upright pianos , richly
cnrx-ed mahogany. HosexvoWl , elmny anil vxolnut
ca e % all Into paterni. all modern Itnpioxe-
ncntri. Will bosold at xxholcnalo prlcci , xx Ith
fiulght nddul , which Is lower than the loxxeit
ex'er nnmcil by ngenli , who pay middle-
nen's protllH. Do not bahumbuireil Into piv *
nvr fancy prlcei. but call nnd bo cnnx Inceo.
Nexv York I'liino Co. , piano manufacturer * ,
xxarerooms nnd factory. 74T Eat St. , Nexv York.
vx holi" < ale department. IfiUH Capitol nre. TIT ) 21
miinufncturers' pi Ices xxlth freight adied | ,
AT pianos and organ * , for the next lOilnjn.
fexv York 1'latio Co. , 1503 Capitol ave. un 24
STANDAHD Storicitniment I * r < "ltlTely the
very liest prep. ratloh ever oilered for the ;
euro of cult , Hprnlin , bruUe * . etc. . on man or
> enst. It Is not at ) experiment bin ha * stood the
est for ) rim , Mrmifllcturcd by K. E. Stillborn
& Co. , 1703 St. Mary's ave. tforsalo everywhere.
STOVES , More * . Rive u * the coitot Iron nnd
take them. Nexv York Storage Co. , 1 > W Cap
itol ax e. _ 7IVI24
FUHNITUIlE nta great sacrifice for 10 ilax-s.
A call costs nothing : let us neei jou. Nexv
York Storano Co , IHM Oapltol live. iiiil 21
K'lOVEH plveli axxoy ou xeiy eisv pa J ment lo
pay slot ai < e charges. New Yoik Stornue. Co ,
15H ( Capitol. 7G'I24 '
"VTOT"'E toieiilcMate nttent * . my property In
Jl > Idlexxlld Is vxilhdiaxxn fiom the inaikt.
John lllirlelgh. 7l > 'i 21 *
IONEYto Loan Hy the umlersicned , vxho
M has the only properly organized loin
ngenry In Omaha. Lo.ins of ( 10 to tIUO made on
furnltuip , plnuos , organs , horses , vxrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , xvlthont removal. No delays. All
huslnei * . strictly confidential. Loans so madn
that any pnrt cnn bo paid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost tire rata. Adxiinces
made on tltm xxatches anil diamonds. 1'ersons
should carefully consider xx ho they nre elcallng
xvlth , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need monur call and
sen mo. W. It. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell uulldlnc ; ,
Kill nnd llarncy. GM
MONEY to loan , c.xsh on bnml. no delay. .T ,
W. nnd E. L < Squire. 14111'arnnm ht. I'm-
ton hotel building. 623
ONEYTO LOAN-On furniture , horses.wng-
on * other personal propel ty , xx It bout remox-al
or on npproxed collateral seciirltxHuslness
confidential. Jsio.V. . Hobblns UllJ rarnam.
to loan , mortgage notes nought , loans
MONEY on chattel seem itv ; no elciay .1. J.
dimming * , Hoom 10 llarkei Illock 201
MONEY to loan on Improved le.xl estate ; no
commlMlon charged. Leavitt llurnham ,
room I , Crelijhton block. MIJ
ONEY LOANED at C. 1' . Heed X Co.'s Loan
. OlllCf. on fitrnltuie , pttinos , hoise * , wagons ,
pcmnifil property of all kinds , nnd all other ur-
tides of value without removal , all S. Uth.
oxer Illngham's commission store. All busi
ness strictly ( ! il
rpo LOAN Money Lo ms priced on 1m-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Noxv Encland Loan & . Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , ICth and ChUg o bti. 611
< J 7".0,000 to loan nt G per rent. Linnhan A.Ma-
p honey , IMw Karnam. ( , UI
MONEY to Loan on cttv propeily and also on
farms in xxestein Iowa and oastcin No-
brasl.n ; Hist mortcage notvs' bought .mil sold
OdelllltosCoVM | rarnam St. , Onialw : 103
1'cailbt , Council IllulTs 0 103
IOANS inailn on real eState nnd mortgages
J bought. Lewis 9. HeotCo. . , IK 11'arnam.
t , , 713
MONEY To loan. Ix5vxint | rates. No delay.
.1. L. lllco A , Co. oxer Commercial Na
tional bank J iriT
l'Ell CENT Money. , ,
1'uiteihon .x. 1'uxxcctt l'li ( and Ilarnry. 018
SIIOH'f tTme" loins m.ulr on any avniiiblo
beeiiilty. In le'isonable' amounts , Fccuro 1
notes bouelit , sold or ewhangnd. General
financial business of anjir kind tranFactml
pipmpUv. qnietlj and fairly at , the Omalni I'l-j
nnticinV Kxchanan , N.V. . cor. nth and Haf-
ney sts , over State National band. Corbett ,
manager. iT. ' "
MONEY loaned on furniture , planox. organs ,
timers , etc , loxvintes. J. .1. VV'llUinon&
Co. , 1J24 Farnani , over llnrllngton ticket olllce.
$ ! MfOO ( o loan In any amount at loxxcst rate of
interest. II. 11. liev. lYenzer block. fi2 ; '
UJ500.000 To loan on Omaha city juopertr at 8
P per cent. G.S. . Day , fa. E. cor. Ex. Hid.CM
MONEY to linn on cltj pioperty , and also
farms in Nebraska nii'lloxx.x. ' Odell llroi.
X Co , loan , real estate and Insur.incu agents. 1 Jl
ivarl street. Council lilnlls , In , ; 1623 rarnam
btieet Om.iha. 203 _ _
to loan. Notes aim it. H. ticket ,
MONEY ahil hold. A. Forman , 21.13 nth sts
it ; l
PAIlTNr.Uxxi'nt.Ml with In wholes tie
prodnre uml fiitlt IIOII > > H. nil lomtminicatlons
lonlldnntlal. Addles" , --t.itlng capital to Ituest ,
S 18 Hi olllce. 7m 24'
\\7ANFED .V voiTm ; man nt oiu e to Join ad-
T T \ ertln i In n business xx c II eitnlillsheil , and
xx 111 pnj > liu ( pei mouth 'his * e i on and Incrensn
) tail > ; capital lequlieil * } < * < ; 110110 but tliii'C
meaning business need apply. S. 27 , llcooltlre.
\\7ANiT.O 1'nitner so join tv company noxx-
TT beinc : lormed In nn old-estnbllshed legltl-
mat's liulnespa > ln 2iip'r ) ( cent on monrv in-
xoitid : cupltiif leiiulivd I'lOO , lint down , 1 > , U-
anoi > out of thu business. Address S 2s. Itce
olllce. 771-2HJ ftti
SALE To contractors and Guilders , a
FOK pcnter shop xx IHi machinery for planing ,
tinning , snxxlng and seiolllnv , englno and all
inachliieiv complete"ccntrMly located ; cheap.
Apply to J. J. Cunitnliigs , room 10 , Darksrbloi k.
fill 24
\A7Klwxeforaale. tnurants , bikery , cigar
T > stock , hotels , baiber shops , drug stoies ,
fancy goods , fei dtores , llxeiy liiini , and otlur
Imslnetsps Infill pirts of the city. Co-operattxo
Lund \ Lot Co. , 'Mi N. llth ( St. 74"-'M.
$ lniW worth of HUP furniture for X"iO. Co-op-
emtlvti Land nnd Lot Co , 205 N 10th st.
747 20
good paving restaurants lu
IT good location for sale. Co-opciatlxe I.aml
> V Lot Co. . 2 Xi N. Ibth St. 7I7-2fi.
| 7Klt ) SALE SaloDn doing a good buslne-.s ,
\Vlshestosellotiiiccouut or--Ickneis , m
S.I Ith ht. 7'isa *
C K ! All store for-ale , good locution. Call nt
41 ( ! > i S. 10th st. 70123 *
FOH SALE-Fiirr.urenndllxtui-n ; of as room
brick hotel ; n central Xebra ka , Ilrst ilass ,
guarantee rct prollt of tl'W ' per mo. Pi Ice * 2'MJ.
No tn-e. Addn ss II. A. 1 1. , 1001113 5 and I. , Michel'
, ( Inind Islaiul. Neb. _ 700 yj *
STOCKS of good * tor sale. In nil parts of thu
ctty.Co-operatlxo Lam ! \ Lot Co. , 201 N.
ICth St. 9 717-2I ) .
TJAHTNEIl wanted. A lU Jler and a mnn ol
J brains nnd capital can jimrchaso xxtthil.lXxi
cash a hnlf Interest In an es/abllshed nndpiylni ;
olthebuhlness , must knoxYibnough about leal
estate , loans and Insuratu to bo able to taku
t nil charge ot said buslneh * ni absence of part
ner , xvhoxx 111 be axxnvyurt'ot ' time. A number
ono chance for a number ooei man. Address or
call foi further i > aitlcular.s , J. L. ItlceXCo ,
oxer Commercial jiatlotml bank. _ 71 i ST _
TjlOlt SALE-llar tixtuiesTttc1. A x cry hnnil-
J. ' Bomnxxalnut xxood IS foot bar and bncls
shelving to mntch.pool tablo.snfe , stoxe. table *
t hairs and other at tides , \xUlbe sold together
or heparately or xxlll trade Uiem for lliiuors.
cigars , real ehtate or atij tiling else. Apjrtyto
btrlngcr lc Co . IMS Dodge itt , _ KtM \
NTED A partner IttU good paint ; bust-
ess , cstablUheil forifour years , and snlea
for this j ear xx 111 be ox er I10.W , location good ,
must haxe almut M.OUO to' Invest. Addrebi
W.T. H. . P. O. lloxjJlrt. _ U75JJ'
KESTAI'llANTfor aleijt half \aluopar
ty going uxMiy , Co-operative Lund A Lol
Co , j)8 N. I th St. 747 20.
'iTHH HATn An oatabllshed and 'paylm ;
.1 ; xxl < olrhiile business , xvlll take part pay I
real estate. Address 317 S. Uth st. ! '
W'HOLESALE confectionery bimnc-s foi
sale. Paying trade established. Look
this up. Apply 6l7S. nth st. nil
STOCK of gmMlK , improved nnd unlmprovei' '
propertv. Co-operative I iud aud IxitCo
205 N luth st. 74720
\\7"ANTKD Property of all Vlnds to e.xchangs
TT Special attention given to trading. C.O.
Bpotsxxcxxl. 30H > , 8 Itfth. 63J
fPO Exchange-Tor unimproved city property
4- three U-room house * in Ambler Placoone7-
roomhoiue In Alamo Pluzujfonr 0-rooiu lion oi
oii _ b. SUtli t. W.U. Albrlght aiB S lOtli ijt. 4U3
"VfOTlCEIrO acres of laud In firown Co. . Neb ;
-Li to trade for.merchandise , lrf goods urn !
groceries preferred. .Call pa or wldress ( leo. W
Low e. Long I'lue. NuU , t 07 at *
rtlOKXCHAXOK-flcxwl ertit Iront lot In Hun * .
JU com Plum to exchanre for clean Mock of
dry goods or clothing. U. F. HarrLsoti,41S Si llth.
OU. *
_ _ _
FOH Trade , or ale A horse nnd bugcy , Co
operative I.aiul and Lot Co. , 9X1 N loth nt ,
747 M
_ _ _ _ _ _
rpo EXCHAXOK ImproTert farm tn loxr *
A for Onyiha , residence property. J.J. Wll
klnson. It. ! I' rn ro. KM
Omahii and Soulli
JU Omaha , projterty for good Nebraska and i
loxxa land.V. . U. Albright , 214 S. Ijtli st. . >
\\7ANTED-lloujicsiuidlots to exchange for
TT improved ami llnlmproued land * In Ne
braska and lovx.i. Charles C. Spotsxxood , ttKlvj
S. 101 h. isl
IV You have anything to trade or ellcaH on
me or xx'f Ite. All btislh * * * promptly and fairly
( lone. C. C. Spolsxx ooU. OW , S. 10th. 197
rPOttadTpropertyof nil kinds for good farms
- LV. . (1. Albrlght.SHS. lith * t. 43J
"W ANTI5D ( lood family norse in excuange
TT for lot , McCullocU A Co , cor 15lh nnd
Farnaiii. BH
rp6 THADE Twojmproved farms In loxxa for
JL OnlMiix property or Nebraska land * . Me-
Cullooh A Co. . cor ! IMh and Farnam. KM
'C10K E.VCHANdE-A warranty deed to43tI2.i !
JU feet of South Omnha properly for exactly
JIO : come-nnd nee where this property lies. ,110
S. 1Mb St. . Mondly. Dec. 20. 773-2H
IJKIIt Exchihtrv'lf V6u harp farm * or land * to
JL1 soil err trade send for our descriptive blanks.
If jouhaviiauy kind of property to ell or ox-
chahtJf. list It xxlth nxxo can furnish you a
customer. S. 8. ampbell i G.V. . Horvev , 310
Hoard of Trade , Omaha. 3,1 !
- few moro good farm * In Ne
braska for xvhlch 1 will Irnde Mist-class
Omalm and South Ouialia piopeitles. W. ( I. AI-
blight. 2185. Kith st. 4KI
AVE for trade Improved farm In Cass Co ,
near I'lattsmouth , xxlll trade for ImprOTed
Insldo property. Address M 'JO , llee office.
* QS3
OTEL to cxchmtse for real estate ; In coed
location and doing n good business. Co-op-
ciatlxc-LnndanilLotCo. . 2iViN loth. 7172'i '
\rEilHASKAnnd Kansas farms to exchange
Jfor loxxa and Coloiado l.inds. nnd vice
versa. Co Operative Lund ami Lot Co , 203 N
llith st. 1)84
SALE Or trnne one good llx cry stable to
gethcr xx 1th horses , c.url.iges and harness ,
best of location on paved bt. AddreMS _ IHIee.
( ? 10 20 *
) TllADE An equity In n choloe block of
lot ? Inside Holt line , for merchandise , cm-
rlages , musical Instruments , or a bunch of
good horses. Nasou. 101" ) 1'ainnni st. iiul2il :
FOlt SALE-Or exchange. 710 acto f.irm , Mer-
cerCo , Mo.iiO"iacreslooneCo. : 4SOacres ,
Nance Co. ; and other lands. Want good city
property. Win. J. I'.iul , Ibfft rarnim bt. t'i
" \\7'ANTEI ) Stock * of mercbandl e lo exT -
T T change for lands and city propert } I C. C.,8. ; icth. 130
\\rANTED-Otnnha pioperty to exchange for
TT farms and xx lid lands , also forcltv piop
erty. C. L. llroxxn & Co , Hoom 11. Ftenzcr
block. 21JJ 0
T71OH SALE Or exchange , good Otnaha prop-
J erty lor goo 1 stock ot boots and shoes ,
clothlnir , fmnlhlng goods or hardware , bchle-
finger llrosj4h ( | lUth st. 7D5 J 2
WANTED Oootl tarms in cxchanse for
Omnha property , C. C. Spotsxxood. J-OiK
S Kith. b3J
W- ' To exchatiBC , cholcelnaldo xacant
lots In Omnha for good horses and car
riages. J. L. lllce A. Co. 'Jll
Ouaranteo and Trust Co. 11
MIDLAND t-tieet Complete abstt.xcts fur-
nlfhed , nml titles to estatH ixiuulned , per
fected nnd miaranleeil. 90/
HIN : ONA.C.\UMICII.\IL : furnish comptetn
fnd tuar.inti'ed ; nbiti.icts ot title to any
real estate In Omaha anil Dnunlis county iiiion
shoit notice. The most complete set of ufutr.ict
books lu the city. No lll'l 1 arnam st. UTI !
ItOOM hou-e aninnnilftfieT5 ? > 0" : house.
Co operative Laud anil Lot Co. , M' > N ltth nt
747 M
the fiir-trlinmert
PnilPoNAL-Tho ladrwltli -
cortt rnrnam st cnrSattiiiliy , can uet a xxnr-
tnntyikcil1i > a4JxUi foot South Onuihi lot bv
calling at 3111 S llth M , .Mondiiy , Dnemberx'ij ;
IIU pays the bill In full ; only a fexv more left.
. 77,1 2 < 1
a piece of ti.ickigo as
there iu the city. W. (1. Albilght , 21'1 ' '
FOIl SALK .xi- < . feet oti rablo line , hplemlld
Inside location foi Com tlato Jll.OOi ) . Must
bo "old at once. Miiishnll & Lobick , room V ,
Chamber of Com ! 1KJ
T\7MY payTent'xxlii'ii ' you can buy n furnished
TT hourto on a nlen laige lot , MX 110 , In the
finest leslitemo part of Omaha , lie ir the htreet
cars , md wit ulu one bloek of xx here the Metro
politan cablu will inn , bv piylng a small sum
doxvnand the balance monthly. Address O IU ,
llee. _ _ : B7
* | J1OH SsAI.E Oood bilik. bnslneis propeltyiu
1centieof ( Ixlatnl ; j'reitnst baigaln
nnd best terms In the cltv ; but little cash re-
quliedlonB time , loxx liiternst and eisy pay
ments ; other leal estate fer s.ilo. Address .1. H.
Woolley , nttoiney ut 1 ixx % Gi.ind Island , Neb.
. . KALE Itesldimo property Hi bouth
Omaha. W. G. Aluright.2l ! ) S. 15th ht ,
'J l.ot-i InJettciss odd , one n comer , tor ii,0u ( ) .
' - > A tlnu lot , east trout , in llaxxthoine , ilM ) ,
llotisj nnd lot. Aibor I'lace , $3SiO , M cash ,
rents lor - * > per month
An elegant ti.icknijo lot near St.V.iul depot ;
House and lot lnwe > st patt of city near car
line , $ tHJOI'M ; ) cash , balance lo blllt.
I1. 1C. lUllltw , 1 JO' , How aril. 758 211
TnOH SALE-Lot > block SA. . S. Patrick's ad
X1 eltlon , xx 111 tell fin fexv days at $1,621 , iTZj
cnshb _ xlanceeisx' . M 17 Hen olllce. M7
FOH SALE-lfiO acres of land four miles from
stock v arils , nt tl2" per aero ; this Is a bar
gain. Met/ague. Opp. 1' . O. OJ3
rpOT'niATE Inside pioperty for good nouse ,
J- eight or nine rooms , ami full lot. McCul-
loch & Co. , cor loth and Farmitn. Mi
1710H SALE Lots In Lincoln Place , tiomlng
J-1 on thu Metiopolitan cable , isOO each , Jj
Corner lot on Loxxe nvontto nnd California
cable line , il,710 , M cash.
Somuchokolots lu West CumltlR addition , $ WO
to Ji..w. i-asy lorms. These lots aiu onor near
the cable noxv being built on California st. lluy
now at old prices.
A flno business Corner nt 10th and Douglas ,
SXUIUU ij ciis',1.
Acren ; bolomon's add , 1 00 , JJ cash.
A res In Spring Valley xxlth trackage , 5 ) , H
Lots In LobecVs sub , near South Onialn , on
N.V. . Ity , M30 e.ich , 1-1 cash. Those are the
< heapest olerlmjs In their respectlx'u neighbor-
IKI''IS. MitrshulKV : Lobcc.k , room'J , chamberof
commerce. 41t
l OH SALE Huslness property In houth
J.1 Onmlm. > V.q. Albright , 21s S. llth st. 4/J
AN Inxestment fl.Oinxvlll buv n coiner piop-
eitj P-.IJ ing 17ner " cent. U. U. bmeatan ,
1GOE1 Dodge ht. 072
JU SALE-Kour houses on S. SJth st. W. G
F01J Albright. 21S S. IJtll nt. 4911
SXAP tpli'tulld corner tn bhlnn's addition
xx-lth rtiuill house. W.W3.
Snap East mid north corner 2sth st ,
vacant , on grade. V.IM.
fcmp-UWxrfl , Shlnn's add , fiontlns Clnrles
st , plenty of trees , { 4,2M. (
Snap 80 foot corner ou 25th st , Pntilck'n add ,
One lot for. cottage HOlO.
Mup Ti4\lJ3 corner on Sexxaid bt , on giade
nnd a sine .b irgaln , iJ.OO1) ) .
K It. ( IrcgorTtilll'l South Iflth St. _ WO
ONLY one plsce In Iho I'nlted States xxheie
you can get a xxairnntydeed for a 4-'xl-"i foot
South Omnha lot foi ilO. uud that place Is UK
S. llth st and time , Monday uml Tuebdav , De
cember 2' ! and 27. 772 iti
T Of 1U block 29. AyiUv\'s2d add , foi bale 01
J ' trade. Co-9peratl ) e Land & Lot Co . 05 N
Ifathat. 718 24
E ISTICKNEV i CO , mane a specialty ot
property In North Omalii , forsile or rent
at Citizens' bank , 21WCumlng st. T.H
FOll S A LE-\Veolter us a special bargain Ml
acix'sof land four miles from stock xanls ,
at 112.1 per acre , on line of U , 1 > . 11. U. McCaguo
Opp. I' . O. . jl)4 )
IN South Omaha , by calllncnt my ollice be
txxeennoxx and January 1st , jou xxlll tlndu
fexx bargains In business and resldi-nco propert )
unniuulcil nnj xx here , oxx ned by parties xx ho ciin
not meet-payments , ooinovx 111 sell nt less thai
costofajeur ago , 40 per cent under price. 1)
1) . Smeatan. 10X1 Dodge bt. Omaha. C7U 31
SOUTH Omaha property for sale.
Kullloton Tvxenty-ntth street betxx-een SI
and X , M Ith cottage renting for 112 per munth
price (5.0UO , cash , ' , ( ) , balance easy.
IVxx moro lots on txxenty-fotirth nnd Txxenly
tlfth htrc-ets. In Ilrst addition to South Omaha
tl.NKc-uch ) ,
Five lots on O .street In second nddltton ti
South Omuha. } | UU each , ca h H. bulmicc eusv
Oood business lot 00x100 ft , x.lthlti half blocl
Q street , only M.2.10.
A corner on Txxenty-fourth street 87x110 ft
v , Ithln tno blocks ul Sxx Ill's pacUiij house , oul ;
Jl.HJU ,
Several lotn on Txxenty.fourth and llellevm
street * iii Potter A : Cobb's hucoud addition , fron
Lotslu Potter lc Cobb's nadltlon from HOOti
to J-VW each
rHx-o acre tract ) from 1210 to 1350 per acre.
1'ottc-r \ Cobb , 1001 iurnaiu * u H3 27
CVlt flAI.r.-Flnoit location for ft home In
JP Went OmahA , artjoinlnir the maiwion homes
of Klrkendall , Ccx , llrady , Kiwioti ntl others.
Nothing flnor In th * city. O n sel 1 lVlxls7 ( or
cos ; for prices anil torui.1 see S. A. Hloinati , 1301
'arnani st. KH
aotmiomalia , the place to mnkdliln money
C7 by In rent I UK now. I have for vao atfti ;
nnd up lots within 15 minutes walk of Armour'a
lacking luiusn. on one-quarter cash , balance
early , from Urst hands , t'omo noou and get A
mrgaln. I ) . 1) . Smentnu , l tt Dodge t. Omaha.
TIIIK Imt chance you will ovnr h.-notogetn
4'iiK't foot foutli Oinnlm lor for only * 10s
\ arranty deed gl em f l ) at 311) S. Iptli flj Mon-
lay. Dec , tiii 7 1 1 JH
SAI.K-Ona 7-rf > oh 1i'nti's In Alamo
.3iag. I.Mh. 4'U
SA LE 1 hreo six-room houses In Ambler
FOH . _ . O. lbrlgllt. 218 S. IMh st. 4"ji
VT BW LIST" Atiie 'lleivl Estate Agencj.
J-N Olllce. 15U7 Knrnam st.
UK North SUh * t , nexv6-room house , full
lot. for l..iiOO ; MUUcnsh , balrttico .
per niontb , . . . . 4. . . . > . . . . .
C05 Tenth t , ! ) house * , good repair , reut-s
for t 1 pur month , full lot , good loca
tion. * VJttlsll.2 ii u . .
C04 Derattn stnear2Utn st,4-raom house ,
Iot4sxl27 , . . . 2,250
603 Near HanscoTn Park , west of Part ,
news-room modern house , lot 8Ux
1J2 . , „ 4,500
602 South 17thst.'near Center , 3 room
house , lot 4'Jiixli ; . . . , . . . . . .4 vj t 1,5011
BOO lllth st , near Center,7-room house , . . . 2,100
493 North 17th st. near Like , R-room
house , lot 3lxlM . .i. . . . . . . . r..l. , ' . .
497 Seward , near 3tth st , good * 6-room
house , rooms largo , house fronts
east , new nnd xxuTl built , deslnvhto
place , fViOO ; fi"iO cash , balance tii.1
per month , This Is a good place , on
Asy ttrm * .
400 Virginia avenear Leavenworth st ,
good 7-room hoiUM In excellent IB-
p.ilr. well worth , 4,200
494 Jr.'d , near Grace , convenient to cars ,
n Mnnll doubln house , routing for WO
per month. Price 3,30) )
493 Lak * t near list st , 5 room house ,
lot 43X122 4,000
4i9 Sptuce st near Hub , au-room cot-
t.igp. lot 41)xCU. ) xxlll tradu 2,500
437 Ohio st near 27th , tlrst class fi room
hoit e , xx ell. cistern and outbuild-
Inc. * . all In good repilr. one block
from streetcars , lotWlxU" 3.TOO
431 bouthlsthst near Leavenworth very
central Ion , good Groomed
house , lot r > xlJ2. east front 3,100
481 NoilirJIslstnenrMander-- ' ! !
from cnr line , noxv 4-roomed house ,
lotso * ! ' . ' ! . 2,000
179 In lloxd's add near llelt line , 4-
roomed house ) and barn , xx Ith 2 full
lot , one a rotner , east front 2600
47J Omaha Vlexv , 4 room home , lot MX
I.M 1000
466 22d si corner , near Helt Line depot
In Oak Chatham and only 2 blocks
ftotn stieet car , n nuxv7room housu
and full lot for 2.MM
4C3 21st st near Mnndenou , ouu block
from cnr lint1 , 4 room house , barn
w llh full lot. This Is a x cry cheap
place nt . . . 1,000
460 Illondost near 2Mb couxcnlent to
cars , ntlvc teem house with lot COx
1J7 , this Is n good home at . . 3,009
4i9 UJth it near l.eaxenxvorth In a high
rommandlng location , suiioumllngs
A 1 , a xx ell built II room house facing
i list , xxlth 2 lots each Mi < cl24 ono
uiotncr , fhrubbi'iy and trees , xxell
gioxMi. a decided birgain . , . 5,0 * } )
410 f-exxaid st cms pass the door , 7 room
house , H lot . . . . . . . . 3,590
749 South IBth st Leaxenxxortb.cen-
tial lor nt Ion , 4 room house , city
water , li lot 3,400
439 Hltchcocks add , 2 houses , each 3
rooms lot iiOxl.7. $11)0 ) cash , price . . 1,200
431 Cornet , east front on Georgia are , U
room cottage , 2 tine full lots. 'Jills
Is a sueclal bargain . . 3,000
lll.slni.NCK LOTS.
102 ! ) Giant st. neir Saunders and south
of Inke-trect. lots from J2.IKW to. . . $2,400 , this price , > 4 cash , bill , to
suit puichaici.
1022 Erskine street and Giant street , very
close to S Hinders , 2 cornels utMO
earlt , and Inside lots at 2,200
each. Tirms quarter cash.
1022 25th st. , clos. > to Saundcts , 4 lots for 7,600
clu ap ut thlb pi Ice. Terms , rmiuter
1020 Dodge and Oioxe Kts , ( West Omaha ) .
Elegant south and east trout corner ,
K-'xl-'l to alley . . r.,000
1018 2 choice lots In Windsor Place . . 4,0 >
1017 I'mv lots iu llojel's add . a bargain , at 6.0UO
1014 Webster ht. near liuth , line lesldenco
lot . . . . 2,100
1002 Choice ! coiner lot in llnxxthorne , lot
COxli-'onCassht. . 1,600
This is cheap for the money.
DM Hlnnev st. near Mierman ave , a very
llnulot for . . . 2,00i3
C pi r rent less than sin rounding
proper } ' .
097 Miami st , 21th , 2 blocks fiotn
htuet car , lot fiOxUi . . . . . 1,650
900 Ou Davenport st. In Lincoln place , 2
clinic o lots , out ) a coinei , MUithnnd
eist float ; veiy dosiiablu ; thu. ! lots
for 1.POO
Lj cash.
O On Wt'bstcrit. . neni thu Convent , a
vtry cho cu loi.itlon ; elegant lesi-
dellciis-ltu ; 110x174 .smith flout 4,500
037 1'acllleslne.ii Phil bheiidiin.conxen-
lint to cars , H\I1U , inns through
liom htiect to btieet. 'IhUUveiy
desliable at * l"iO cash , price . L87 >
asi ! VV est Sldo add on Mo I'ae Hy. lot 1'I7
on tiuekby 10J ; this Is a chance to
get ttacka'40 very cheap ( . . . KO
IS2 tiinie nml22il st , ! ots"J.xliO ! at . 1 , 50
U77 Paik live1 , full lot facing Hauscom
I'.uk. jiit ! south ot oolxxorth a\-e. . 3,100
Oil Vliglnlanxe.veiy choice past front ,
KIK1JO. This Is u specially Hue loca
tion . . . ly)0 )
P29 ( leoigli a corner lOJxl'iO , a south
and east trout , Is the finest tinlm-
pi ox ed cornel In llansrom place. T.100
071 Comer on I'acltic st. lUlxlV ) . foi. . . . 7.COO
lluslness Propertv.
It8 rarnam bt near 21th st , 2il foot lot ,
easy teims , good location , per foot. . . . 300
143 bouth Ibth st , ni\ito , bexxci and all
taxes paid , for . . . . . ' .OOO
143 Citmlngbt near 27th bt , Qoxl.U feet ,
per foot 110
Tlio loxxe-at pi Ice named on piopeity iu same
14J Cuss near 15th st. , 9 room house , lot
bs\irj. . . 1UGOO
03 Chicago near litjs St. , 1 buildings
rent for ? H , " > per month . . . HOD
This property Is cheaper than any similar lo
cution In ( minimum ! will repay Investigation.
U5 ( "ulltoiiilu st. near llth bt. . corner.
u houses , lent $1,5UO per
jear . . . . , . 20,000
101 launders St. , n corner , W\102 , cheap
to . . , . . . , . 6,500
137 rorurtecnth f-t. , near Jones , 44\ii ) ;
this piopeily Is especially cheap
for . 7,700
130 Tuckago on I'.icitlc St. , near 10th ,
GdxlJj ; u Btnull hpiiHca now lent for
$71 per month . . . . . „ . . . . . 13,000
92 Km mini ht , an impioxed pioperty
pajlng t-MlW per j ear , prke J. , UW ) ,
will sell this property for good llrst-
class moitgai ; ' ' jmper , lie cash re-
qtllreilir. tnlstiade . . . -
Htock rurm l-orfale.
Within r 0 miles of Omuh x on railroad : OKI acre
stock hit m , good bulldlnps , shed 100111 forwtotk
and feed cattle .windmill , pipes , etc , , running
water , wi acres hay land , luO acres plow land.
Will sell tor tff per acre nnd tuko fii,000 each.
Will also take on the trade , Omaha house and
lot woith $1,500 , to t..OiW.
South Omaha.
inn 2.1th st. , So , Ouitihn. full lot for . . . .J n.10
Vti > llrown 1'arklot , Mxl ) . Kit )
111 N st lot. ' i\u\ \ . . 2,5jU
102t ! First adil to So. Ontiilm , corner on
J.1th st , lot 7t00 . . . 2,300
Tei ms t-ino gish ,
100C 1 Hots In lloj d's 4 Sharp's add nt
Jt-VJtofl.MWcarh , easy terms .
1001 Jcttei'a odd , Slots , each . 1,000
Ililek Vard.
2 splendid locations ioi brick yards , both on
Douglas County.
One of the fluest farms In this county for sale.
It Is near Omnha , on lallroad , and lu A 1 condi
tion : running water nil the year ; good hay land ,
ic. , Ac. 1'rlce ill ) peracri1 , on very easy terms ;
4i1 in the farm. AinoV Heal \ : - , \ ite Agency ,
Telephone 703. Olllcu 1507 Farnain.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omaha aud Council
IlIulTs to
- = = = THE EAST
Chicago , --AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Mlniipnpnlis , Ct'dar Hnpltls ,
Itock Island , Frerporr , Itockford ,
Clinton , Duhnquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Mndlgon , Jancsrllle ,
Uclolt , lnona , LaCrosse ,
And til otber Important points Ktit , Northeast an4
For tbroaib tickets call on th tlciol Ki nV t 1W1
farnam street , la 1'axton llutel , oral Unloa I'ncinc
llm n Sleepers unj the flneat Dining Cart In lh
world ar run on th main line of th Cblcjuo , Mil-
wan it * A Bt , I'aul Ilallwar. and crurr aluiaUon Is
paid lo p en is bjr couriouiw umpioyei ot tba
. tir.ticn.flentril Manager. '
Ji. K , TUCKKIU A l t nt Uoncral Mtnnictr.
A. V. U. C'Alll'KNlKli , Uvutrtl I'usenjer anil
OKO. S llKAVrOUD , Autitant a a ral
nit ticket Agent.
J. T. CLAttft , Unnoral lu rtnUadwil.
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line. ' ,
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs i
And Chicago.
A * onlr ro > d to tule for Dei Mnlnt * .
Cedar lUnldt , CllnUin , Itllun , rhlrufn. Mllwuukmi-
nit ill point ! c t. To the pcnplo of Nehriuk * . OoKX
' do. Wjomlnv. UUb , M hn , NoT il , ( irtjonVMlH
ncton and CRlTrornlA. It nifort tupoJlur dranttM * '
Di I po99l ln t > r * nr olbor Una. . .
Ainona n ftiw of the numcroiK point ! of inpertorUf
enjoynl br ttio palrons of Ilili rol b twe n OniKim
ind Cblrnico , ru lu two Vr lT d f ot DAY CUAUII *
S ! * , which itre lto nnr'i tlial nunmn ntn < 1 Indenql-
trc noreal . lt CAI.ACK gl.RltriNt ) CAHS-wh < *
ua mixleli of wimfott na el nec. Jt I'AICLO *
DIIAWINO HIKIM CAIIM , n nrp ; j < l bt n . J
wldtljcclobritrd I'AI.ATIAI DININU CAIW , tM
qn l of which rnnnot bo found Bijewhero. At Ooun
cil llluT § Ih. train * of th Union 1'acino lUllwM , C
lacl In union depot with Uio o of th .CMrai
Northwettom Hr. In Chlrafo the train * of thl
nak cloie conotctlon wlU > thuio of all olliir tai
Mi'r Detroit , Columtxii. In(1l n poll . CinelnnaH ,
Sl r atli. lluffuln. IMI ur t , Toronto , Munlr J ,
Uotton , New \ork , I'blladelpbTa. Ilalttmoro , Waab *
initoo , and all polaU In theeul , Ma f or a tloktt VM
itaccommodatloo. Alt ticket wtatl
Ocnl. Manancr , licnl. I'nn'f At a
cmcMO " "
W. w. nAHCocic. > r. n. noun.
VrtltraA nt. CUT l'a r.
Omaha , NibiMka.
ma t r jiCQOAt < rrin ! WITH TUB ooo AMtT e not
ftf rojion of IU centrM poiltlol c'OJ * rotation to line *
t of CUlc KO , and contlnjjul linen at terminal
point ! , Nurthwuit and Soatliwcit , I' tha tru *
mJill ! link la tKU trnntcontlnenUi pattern which
InrtttJ ami farllltMcs travel and trlfflo between th
Atlantic and 1'acUlc.
Tha Hock III and main line an < ! branchel Include Chl-
eauo , Jollct , Ottawa , LaS&llo , I'eorla , O n M > o , Molina
and Itoclc IiKnd , In Illinois ; Paronport , Uuieatlno.
Waililnglon , ( "airfield , Ottumwn , Oikaloosa , WettLtb-
crtj.lovt a Cltjrnc Molne .ImtUnolaWlnton t , Atlan
tic , Kooivlllo , Audubon , lUrlan , fluthrla Contro anil
Council lIluITi , In lowni Oallattn , Trenton , St. siepn ,
Cameron and Kaniaa CitIn tlUiourlt Leai. jworth
ami AtchtBontnKAnnui Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
dt. I'nnl , tn Minnesota ) XVatortown and Sioux Falls , I (
IJakota , and h mJroJjot Intcnno Ute cities and town * .
"The Great Rock Island Route" *
Guarantees speed , comfort , eertalntr and lafotjr. It *
permanent war la dlsUntrulthrd tot Its escellence. IU
bridges are o ( itono and Iron. Iti track U of solll
( teel , Itn rolilntr stock perfect. Itspm onc"e < vilpm n
bas all the sate t/AppMADces that eiparlcnca has prorl
uieful , and for luiurloiu accommojatlors la unsur
passed. Its Etpre/n Trains eonslit of aupertor l > 4) >
Coaches , clcffant rullman Palace 1'arlorand Sleepluf
Cars , superb ClnlnK Cars , praTldtng delicious raeali ,
and ( between Clilcajo- and Bt. Joieph , Atchlson and
Kansas City ) restful Rccllnlnif Chair Car * . It * majt-
aiceinent Is conserratlro , IU discipline exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Ronre"
nrtween Chlcotro and Minneapolis and St. Ta. Is ths )
favorite. OTOF this line Solid Fast Express Tralna run
dully to attractlvo resorta for toarlsts In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , Tla Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the )
rich K Leat and erasing landa of Interior Dakota. Via
enecfv and Kankakuit , thn Hock Island ouera superior
Indnccinentd ti > trarcleni between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis , Lafajrotto and Council lllufTs , St. Joseph , Atchl
son , Leavcnworth , Kansas City , St. I'aul , and Interme
diate point * All patruns ( Mpeclallr ladle * and ehll-
di en ) receive pro teetlon , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , maps , folders , coplee of Woatcrn Trail , of
any dcMre 1 Information , apptjr to principal oMcen la
the United fltitcs and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
R. R. CABtt , E. ST. JDriN , E. A. HOIMOU ! .
ata.Ti > . if .ait
Hunnlng Iletxxeon Council llluITs and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains 1
stop at 'rwentleth and Txventy-fourtU btrooti
and at thu bnmiuit In Omaha.
bright ,
7 : )
10:50 :
11:11) : )
I' . M.
12:10 :
li-v - )
4 no
t.--f . )
hVi :
] 0H : )
1133 ;