Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In nnjr part of tlio tlty at
twi nty cnt per we k.
II. W Tn.iiiN. Manager.
JlrpiNtcs nrncK , No. 3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Keller , tnllor , Full goods cheap.
Sec Chnpinnn's pictures for Chrlntmn8.
Mr. McMillan's little on will be burled
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
Yesterday Hiullo & ycnawine presented
the business men's club with u ciisc of Cali
fornia pear eider warranted not to Intoxi
Several of the newspaper men In the Uluffs
enjoyed the hospitality of the Pacific house
yesterdny , mid did iiinplo Justice to the good
thliiRs set forth ,
Little Amy , one of the children nt the
Christian Home , died yesterday morning of
pncumunm , tijred six rears. The funeral will
take phut1 ut 4 o'clock this afternoon.
t Married nt the Methodist church Sunday
. mornfni , ' ) Utvi'inhcr V > , Hcv. W. H.V. . Hccs
nflleitttlliK , Mr. Allen llced of Ncola , la. , and
Miss Antiii K. Mitchell of this city. Thn
couple will muko their homo iuMinden town
ship , near Nrohi. . .
On St. Paul's church was made
the reelpluitof n beautiful gift in the shaK3 )
of an nltnr cover , of preat value. The mater
ial was furnlnhcd by several different tier-
MJIIH , but the cnvcf was made and donated by
Mrs. Nnthun M. 1'itsey.
Next Thursduv evening at 0 o'clock the
memhcr.i of the Episcopal Sunday school will
be entertained and rcguled with a supper ,
which will he spread In the Ho.val Arcanum
hall , above Ueno'B ilruir store. Later in the
cvcniiiL' the udult members of the parish will
be similarly entertained.
Ex-Congressman Pusoy Is credited with
ImviiiK c.iiihcd the appointment of Samuel
Chandler as postmaster of Sidney vice G. V.
SwearliiKcr removed. Though not in any
ofliciul po'iition now Mr. Pusoy seems to have
his sn.v in rcpird to thodisiMinsation of demo
cratic plums in western Iowa.
Opium ; nmriiliino Imbits cured. DR.
BKLLINGKU , 014 B'wuy.Council Bluffs.
No. 120 "Hi SI. , Council lUuffH , In.
Mr. Charles Haetons , late of the Col-
luge of Mimic , Cincinnati , has the honor
to aniiouMio to bis friends and the pub
lic that ho will bo ready to receive pu
pils at the i.bove institute upon the Istof
Jnnuiii.v noxt. Ho will teach the violin ,
voice , piano accompaniment , ensemble
playing , harmony anil composition.
LamcK coming from u distance can bo
ocrommodutcd with board ut the house
with the ci/mforts of a homo. For terms
applv at the above address , floforenccs :
L. W. Tulle vs , Olllcer .t Pusoy , George
Champ , of Kimhall & Champ. Hobinson
Bros. , C. 11. .ludson , V. liadolet , Lyon
& Ilcaloy. Omalia , Mrs. Dr. Broun , Fort
Solid n > ) il plated ware at Bui-horn's.
Bargains in heavy pant fjoods and
overcoatings. Made up in the best style
and very cheap at A. Heityr's i'ilO
Miss Lllllo HiiKK'U'ty ' s ) > oiit Christinas with
her friends In Crcpccnt City.
Mr. fiooi'RO Walters loft-ycstcnlny for his
home In Portsmouth , this stnti' , fur n week's
Hcv. Mr. Moulton 1ms been called to the
puttorutu of the Congregational church ut
Shcninuloiih. *
Miss Sheets , of Omaha , nn old f i lend nnd
schoolmate of Mrs. AV. H. W. HCPS , U spend
ing the Chrlstnnts ut the parsonage.
Hnrry Atkins was lucky rnoufjh sometime.
IIRO to win a poodly pric in a lottery. He
Invested the money in an ulegmit pair of
diamond enrrhiKH for his mother , who rc-
ecived'them with surprise on Christmas day.
Mr. John Cooper loaves to day for his homo
In Molinc , where ho will remain during the
winter. Durlnfr his stay in the city Mr.
Coojwr has nuulo many friends , -t'siH-cially
among the miminil people , who will leSrn ot
his departure with regret.
Holiday Iluton.
The Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
railway will sell excursion tickets to all
KtatioiiH nt one faro for the round trip ,
on Dec. 24th , 2.5th , 20th und Hist , also
Jim. Ibt and 2nd , 1888 , good to return on
or before Jan. 3rd. _
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Gleabon , 26 Pear street.
Holiday goods at Mrs. E. Burhorn's.
Wo have bmcrs for property that
must be sold. Johnston & Van 1'otten ,
U3 Main street.
E. n. Sheafe loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting room * . All business strictly
confidential. Olko ! 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-st-airtt.
Christmas presents , Burhorn's , ] ? Main
An acceptable present at any time ti
Domestic sowing machine. Olllce 105
Main st.
. _
Gold pens and pencils at E. Burhorn's.
No Merry l > ny for Him.
J. F. Kincade , living in the bottoms near
the trausfer , was urrcbted yesterday for
boating hit wife mid otherwise dlstmblng
tin ; peace and quiet of the day. It seems
Unit lie works in Omulm und wanted to take
his children over there to keep him com
pany , to which his wife objected , when he
started in to annihilate ! the whole family. Ho
wonted to swear out waimntB for the arrest
of every one In thnt part of the city , but was
induced to postpone it until After Christmas.
T. B. Baldwin Kels
Fine jewelry at Burhoru's , 17 Main.
80 bnrs of Poitjian soap , 51,00 , at
Tro.xell Bros , '
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money.
Fine mixed candies , lie pf-r lb. ,
Troxoll Bros. _
Gold and silver watches at Burhorn's.
Moimy tolonn. Cooper & Jtidso : ; . _
ChrUtniiitf WettclluK llfll .
Mmrled , ycstonUy afternoon at 1:3 : (
o'clock , nt the rcsldcm-o of the brlilo's pa
rents , Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cluttoibuek , in
OiirniT township , this county , Mr. Charles
AV. F , Durham , formerly of Colfax , lud. , nud
Mli Muvgto E. Ckitterlmck. The ceremony
\vus spoken by Itov.V , U.V. . Uoei , of the
MolhOilitt church. A VPI-.V larjjo company
\vas iirt'S'jnt ami th Christmas ilinnor WHS u
feast of Kood thing * . Mr. Durham is n vcr >
H'.iivcHiful gimloner nuil his wlfo is 0110 o :
the county's fulrnst ami most worthy girls.
Every one making iv cash purchase o
cent ! } at T. 1) . JCinqr & Co.'s cl-ar
? lore gets a eha eo in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elcgtuit jiri/os.
Oio thouBtitid head of ono. two tun
three-year-old steers for Bale. 'Will give
credit to roliuhlo parlies. Enquire o
A. J. Greotmmnyor , l > 23 Mynstcr st
telephone 121.
If you don't want your children to die
with diphthnrin cr purid tore throat
us in scarlet fever , use Dr.'Jetferh' p'O
ventivo and cure. Can bo obtuinin
only of Mrs. Porter , Fourth non no
Council Bluffe , or address Dr. Jeircris
Ko. 817 South. Fifteenth street , Omaha
The Churches Well Attended and
Beautifully Decorated.
The HuBbniid Knocked tlic Merriment
Out iif the Day Cupid Mnkcs
llriK I'prnonnU
The Holy Hulldny.
A more beautiful day never dawned on
earth than Christmas morning 1M7. The sun
rose In a perfectly cloudless sky , nud the at
mosphere was cool unit bracing , but not too
cold for comfort. The comparatively few who ,
arose In time to'enjoy the earlier hours were
Impressed with the perfectness of the day , <
and expressed hearty wishes for n "Merry
Christmas , " and the continued happiness and
prosperity of their friends. The day , on the
whole , was unusually quiet throughout the
city. The printers' ball of the preceding
night was prolonged until 4 o'clock in the
morning , and the tired dancers slept the
greater portion of the day , many not appear
ing on the streets until late In the afternoon.
The various churches were well filled at the
morning services , nftcr which the congrega
tions dispersed to give their undivided atten
tion to their Christmas dinners. The hotels
took advantage of the occasion and nil niudo
extensive preparation * . Some of the spreads
were very elaborate. The number of mar
ried men who took their families to dine at
the hotels was very large. A change seemi-d
to bo much appreciated. Many of the regu
lar hotel boarders received invitations to
break bread in private rai.illies , and eagerly
accepted. A season of feasting was gener
ally indulged In. Later in the day the usinil
crowds congregated about the hotels and
places of Sunday amusement.
Several of the business men of the city re
membered their employes with valuable to-
ki'iis nf appreciation for faithful service. The
traveling einiswn-ii's of nearly nil the whole
sale houses in the citywcio at homo and
sitent the day in the bosoms of their families.
Tlicro were services at the Catholic church
nearly all of yesterday. The night before
the priests were busy hearing confessions
until after 10 o'clock. Yesterday morning
there were about four hundred who partook
of the communion. The Christmas offering
was for the ( iriests and the amount of the
offertory was l. > < ) . The only decorations of
the church were about the altar. These were
Very elaborate and arranged with taste.
At the Congregational church the pastor.
Uov. U. W. Crofts , In the mornttig preached
an appropriate sermon , in which he dwelt
strongly upon the high mission of Christ.
His sermon was one of his best and was very
attentively listened to. The church was
pleasingly decorated. Acioss the organ
pipes was the nanio " .leans" In letters of
gold upon a background of preen. There
were on cloths of white , in IctteiHof green ,
on one side of the pulpit "Son of God , " on
the opposite side "Lamb of God , " and Just
above the pulpit "Iniinanucl. " The pulpit
WHS draped in white , and in front upon a
circle of evergreens rested the form of a
whlto dove. Thcro were two other white
doves , ono on each side of the organ loft.
In the evening there was one of the finest ,
song horvieos , or sacred concerts , over given
in tills city. The choir consisted of Mrs.
Wudsworth , soprano ; Mrs. Evans , alto ; Mr.
West colt , tenor , and Mr. McUermid , bass ;
rof. le Xormnndio preside ! ? at the organ.
'his Is ono of the strongest choirs in the
Ity , and last night they did themselves
pccinl credit.
The ions ut the Haptist church were
nit partially made yesterday. To-moriiiw
ivoiiiug beini ? the lima of festivity there that
iUditorium will be beautifully embellished
or the occasion. The service was ono up-
iropriuto to the day. "Isaiah prophesied , "
aid IJr. Coolcy. "that the inline of Christ
hould be called Wonderful. " Directing his
icarcrs to this thought the speaker con-
inucd : "J'ho time of the year has come
vhen all Christians are reminded of the
nativity of our Lord , and by them his birth
s everywhere commemorated. It is , and
night to be , n time of of Joy and gladness , n
line of gifts and rejoicing , and all enmities
ura forgotten and peace prevails. In predict-
ng his coming the prophet uses various terms
lehcriptive of his person und his works.
'hrist is wonderful because of the prophe-
: ies concerning him. When man sinned thcro
van Immediately given the promise to our
first , parents , "It shall bruise thy bend. " To
Abraham it was said : "In thy seed shall oil
ho nations of the earth bo blessed ; " to
rtoses. "A prophet like unto thco Lord your
! od rise up fxom the midst , of thy brethren
ikountomo. Unto him shall yo hearken : "
o David , " ( Sod hud sworn with un oath to
ilm that of the fruit of his loins ho would
set one upon his throne ; " to Isaiah , "And
hero shall come forth u rod out of the stem
of .ICSHO , and u branch shall grow out of his
oots. "
Christ was wonderful in the types and
service syinboli/.inghim ; in the shaping of
all events in the history of tha world previous
0 His coining and the changes which have
followed BB a result of His coining. Ho was
wonderful in the circumstances of His birth
the star in the cast , the song of the angels
and the coming of the wise men. In His nature -
turo ho wiis both God nud man. Ho was
wonderful in his sinless life , in his marvel
ous power over until re , disease und death ;
in his doctrines and teaching ; in his death
and resurrection , and in his glory.
St. Paul's Kpt.scopal church Is made very
lcautiful for the holiday season. The chancel
is faced with u triple arch , each part sur
mounted with a cross. The central one bears
u suspended .star symbolizing the "star in the
cast.1 Every facade , door , window , etc. . Is
decorated and symbols of life , drath mid Im
mortality arc profusely distributed. These
are in evergreen , holly and natural flowers.
The cmbolishiucnts tasteful as well ns
appropriate and suggestive. Yesterday
morning the rector. Hov. T. J. Mackoy , de
livered an eloquent discourse. In opening ho
said : "It Is strange that to-day , in all the
world , bulls are ringing , happy voices arc
chanting und everything is vocal with praise
and thanksgiving. Friend greets friend and
with n hearty hand-clasp they wish each
ther .1 "Merry. Christmas. " The teacher of
righteousness exhorts his hearers to greater
llilelity to the principles commemorated by
duy. All this i to celebrate th birth of n ,
little i-hild who nearly two thousand years
ago lay in a manger in ono of the stables of
Uetlilohem. Ho came as millions of children
had coino boforc. Ho born no crown ns u
mark of regal authority and yet the eyes of
the world were attracted to him and to-day
ucknowledgo his dominion. The Christ child
was not less human than your child or mine.
He was more human than they , but all the
ImnuMiUics wore purlllo.l by the Indwelling
godhead. The coming of Christ was not an
unlooked-for event. The thought of ages
past had been upon the nppo.iraiu'o of ; v per
fect man. Plato.und Virgil lefcr to him as
"the perfect man. " With tlic Jewish nation
tills coming was an Instinct. Christ oamc of
the pcop'.o and for the people. His coming
covers all time from the full of Adam to the
last soul that .shall be born \IJKJII the earth ,
It reaches ,111 peoples and dcmoiistruUu the
fact that the ruco is n religious one and wo
tire in harmony with the prevailing spirit.
To-day wo behold the best religion the world
has ever seen. As nim.tecn hundred years
ago this religion was Introduced Into the
world , to the futuio will loo- upon all men as
one 111 Christ Jesus.
AI TIII : riir.snnriu vx.
At the Pivsbjti' church the Christmas appropriately commemorated.
'I'lns da1 , rations were very fine. Lmblems in
c\orgi'-cu were profuse. In their ronst-uc-
1 ton and arrangement they voro made to tell
the story of the Christmas tlir.o ilu origin
und tlm icfjlls which It yields to mankind.
Jr. Philips preached a % uryabo ! xuiJion , Ho
miulotho birth of C'hrtst the culmination of
alt prophesy , as well u nil the hopoo of man
f.-oai tun creation. The mmlm * ( < f .lettm was
the pivotal ( > oiiit In ull history. Christ v.'i.i
four thousand years In rornlng Why It tool :
co Join ; the txmkfr | roulO iiot fill , ti"itl. ( r did
he knew how long It would \m \ ! x < f/ni Clirht
cunic iho sceoml time JluV tha. lc would
mm- again wavnn ii surtd fwt. Tni | x-nlor
urged tiion | nil preparation for tliU cr.miiix ,
uiiiisTMAM AT nuoUiWAT rai'tini.
The jfrvlccft at the Metliot Ut BpU'-rtjiri !
c'lUtcl. cro of it-mint IntrTOVhiK cliaiafter
The chilli-It wan well illiod wll-i a very lit-
tcntlvo'ci > nircguliQii ; , 'jhdooirntkmd of
evergreen and the hUtorlcal holly berry were
refreshing evidence * of th tiaiipy OirfMtnao
The Ucv. AY. II. W. Ike * cUe o for. bU text :
. .
"Olory to Oed In the highest , and on earth
pence , good will to men. " Ono of the
strongest and most clearly proven points In
the discourse was that poverty does hot nec
essarily involve or prove degradation. Co
lumbus was u weaver mid discoverer ; EMi',1
Hurhltt , n blacksmith and muster of llfty
languages ; llnnynii , the tinker ; Lincoln , the
rnli splitter and president ; Gnrllcld , tha tow-
boy , and the Immortal Grant fully evidenced
that poverty , in these cases at least , was u
blessing. Art , science , literature , poetry ,
song and invention all form in lowly con
Insure witli Wmlswortli , Etnyro < Ss Co.
Opera glasses tit Mrs. E. Uurhorn's.
For Snlo Cheap Lots near the bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad-
dresrf or call on J. H. Rice , No. 110
Main street , Council Uluffs.
The Central drug store , under the
mtimigcmcnt of J. I ) . Stunrt. hits been
enlarged nnd rofurniHhed with a com
plete stock of fresh drugs. A lind holi
day line of books , stationery , cutlery
and musical goods at very low prices.
Diamonds ut Mrs. E. Durham's.
An Anti-Prohib Mnmhnl.
"Is the marshal In , I dunnol" Inquired a
caller nt the city Jail yesterday afternoon.
"That is my title , " replied Marshal
Guanellu , "do you wish to sec met"
"Shuro , shurc , av coorsc. I am a marshal
mcsllf. 1 belong to South Omaha. I have
pillars from the governor of mo state , and I
am ufthcr Jim Snoderly. I am on mo way to
DCS Moincs. "
The gentleman was duly welcomed nnd
made to feel nt homo. AR the acquaintance
lu-ogresscd , the visitor produced ti bottle of
Omaha tonic , und offered It with the follow
ing explanation : "I heard yo have j pro-
hihishuu state over hero , so I brought this
wld me , to keen off the ngcr. I would
shtarve to death widout it. Would yo take n
sup I" Ho was informed by the members of
the force that were present , that the teach
ings of total abstinence had long since been
instilled into all the officials of this prohibi
tion state , and the policemen were all tee
totalers. Ho was so much disgusted that he
Immediately left the oftice. and went on u
hunt for Sheriff O'Nell. When seen later in
the day his bottle was nearly empty. It is
presumed that he found the man for whom
he was seeking.
Splendid UuslncHN Opening
For the right man who has a capital
of $10,000. For full information call on
or address Forrest Smith , 14 Pearl bt. ,
Council BluiTs , la.
Wudsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan money.
Gold headed canes nt E. Burhorn's.
Troxel Bros , headquarters for Christ
mas poultry. Leave your orders.
Lost A verv small rat-and-tan dog.
Finder rewarded. Return to W. II.
Baldwin , No. 1812 Ninth street.
A Delightful Evening' " Entertainment
Given at Messrs. Iliirdiimnn , Peek
& CO.'H New Building.
Fmm GrcumVs Music und Jntmu.
Mr. andMrs. Leopold Peck gave , on
Thursday last , a brilliant reception to
about 200 guests , at the handsome new.
building , "The Crescent , " which the
piano linn of Messrs. . Ilnrdmann , Peck
& Co. . have just erected , nt No. 138
Fifth avenue. The company in-
eluded many distinguished per
sons of the musical , literary and dra
matic world.
One of the many pleasant features of
the evening was a concert , consisting of
an interesting selection performed by
distinguished holoists and the members
of Mr. Ernest Meyer's band. Mrs. J. M.
Rothschild , the handsome wife of a Cal
ifornia banker , who is possessed of ti su
perb voice , scored a brilliant success by
nei * admirable rendering of Budia's
L'Estusi d'Amore1 which hho gave with
faultless delivery and relined taste.
Mine. Natalli , an American lady who
has just returned from Paris , where she
has studied under Mine. Marches ! , sang
llosini's well-known scene and aria from
Uosini's "Burboi- Seville , " with a
fresh , young soprano voice , and line ,
thoroughly urtistie taste.
Miss Lulu Voliug , who will shortly
appear in ono of our great symphony
concerts , is young artist of decided
promise. Her interpretation of Liszt's
brilliant Fantusio on airs from "Don
Giovanni , " was in every way a most re
markable effort. Mi&s Ollio Torbott's
rendering of Leonard's "Souvenir do
Babe" was likewise a most praise worthy
Among the other solo performances ,
Signer Balngnia's hinging of a well-
known aria from Donizetti's "Luerotin
Borgia ; " Mrs. M. Richard's playing of
selection of piamiforto music ; Signer
Brisi/.i's rendering a romanza from "Do-
rlna , " and Signer Aroncibia's render
ing of a song from "Carmen" deserve
particular mention.
After the concert the guests were en
tertained at nn excellent banquet , at
which a number of speeches wore made
by several prominent guests , nnd the
health of the amiable host and hostess
and many other toasts wore drunk in
foaming bumpers of champagne. After
the concert a dance was started , and
kept up until the wee hours of the morn
ing. The guests wont home , thor
oughly delighted with their evening ,
nnd full of enthusiasm for their amiable
hosts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Peck. The enter
tainment will , no doubt , prove ono ol
the social events of the season.
"The "Ilnrdmun" Grand , which was
performed on in the different pianoforte
selectionshas seldom been heard to bet
ter advantage , or shown its brilliancy ol
tone nnd splendid qualities , better than
it did on this occasion.
The nudlonco applauded again anil
ngain , and expressed themselves as
more than delighted and charmed with
the excellent musical qualities of the
' Harilnmn" Grand.
The Mueller Music Co. . 103 Main St. ,
Council Bluffs and 1S14 St. Mary's ave
nue , Omaha , are the agents for these
celebrated Pinnocs.
Allvo In Spite of a Terrible Exper
St. Paul Globe : Some new method of
capital punishment must bo devised.
There is a living witness to the fact
that a broken neck does not neccbMirily
cause death , and as a broken neck in
the es.-entinl clement of hanging , a
change must come. On the third floor
of the Nicollot house , Minneapolis , a
convention of physicians looked with
professional interest and much non-
profcpsionnl wonder at Barney Baldwin ,
who pre.souts the anatom ical paradox of
a man living with a broken neck. About
his waist if > n powerful cor.sct. which
supports a steel arm coming up from behind -
hind and carrying a frame which holds
hin bead erect. The moment this frame
is ruinovod , the head falls forward and
utter unconsciousness ensues. The
neck Ji broken at the sixth vertebra ,
: iud bo the physicians have attested , fol
lowing the example of the most noted
in'rgco.'is of tliu world.
"This is the second case of broken
neck I hnvo scon , " said Dr. Allen as ho
Untuned his examination. "Tho ether
\vnstho case of my own father. Ht > wax
thrown from a carriage and the corvioal
vertebra ! wore dislocated. Hut ho did
not only Uvo.but the nock .regained UH
ulrfiirgth. There is no doubt tliitt IUUII'H
neck is really broken. "
Harnov Bnlwin in accompanied by
hi wife' ' , an attentive llttlo lady with
Minnie Muddcrn hair , who docu all In
; or power to mnkc his life t\s comfort-
ibln a jio'-sinlo.1' She is familiar with
lis case and glibly of the uc'-l-
lent and its rcsul As does Barney him
self. i /
4'Givo an Irishman n fair show and
ie'11 beat the world , " paid that redoubt
able individual. i'I have gone thro.tgh
enough to kill H1 dozen ordinary mun.
Yes , it was a railroad accident , of
course. I was a hrakcnmn on the Louis
ville & NashvlHdaihoad , nnd the acci
dent happened 'last lllth of March at
Birmingham , Alnv I was on a caboose
when the throttle of the engine Hew
open nnd the jerkf'threw ' mo off. It was
n desperate struggle for life. In the
fall I dislocated my left shoulder , nnd
the next moment broke my right arm ,
frying to catch the step of a caboose as
it went over mo. As the engine came
along I throw up my leg to catch the
fHt board linil broke it in two places ,
nnd the next moment the asn pan
struck mo and I was gone. When I was
picked up unconcious , I had my neck ,
both arms , both legs and live ribs bro
ken. Suffer ! Of course I do , and it
makes mo irritable , and sometimes
flighty jn my talk. For three months I
: ay on a rubber mattrcis filled with
water. 'You furnish the science and
[ ' 11 lind the nerve , ' I said to the doc-
Yet in spite of all this , there Barney
tat and talked easily of his bruises. Ho
is cut and scarred from head to heels ,
and constantly wears the corset and
mask. When the accident occurred ho
wore it gold watch in his pocket , which
was missing for fourteen hours. Finally ,
ifter cutting a holt head from his chest
icar-the collar bone , the surgeon cut
.ho watch from his side , whore it had
been forced by the cruel pressure.
"I believe ho will get well , ' said Dr.
Allen . 'This I base on my father's case.
[ think the ligaments will gradually
grow stronger until ho can support his
head without that frame. It may take
two years yet. "
" 1 can wait that long , " said Barney
cheerfully , "but it is very tough. There
's not a minute in which I do not suffer.
till I think I notice signs of improve
ment. For a while I could not bee and
t had no control of my limbs. When
the doctor told mo to raise my right
arm , my left ono would come up , nnd the
same way with my lees. I don't do that
now. In the morning , when I wake up ,
I rub my eyes and the doctors say that
is a good _ sign.1
This is certainly a singular and very
interesting case. It appears the cervical
vcrtebraj were dislocated , without dam-
tiging the spinal cord seriously , so that
life was not endangered , though the
support of the head is removed. Physi
cians pronounce it an anomalous cilso ,
nnd certainly this man must possess a
wonderful vital oliergy to survive such a
terrible ordeal. Ho hopes to recover ,
entirely , nnd in the meantime is making
n comfortable living as a dime museum
freak. _ _
The Revenge of a Mexican Girl Whose
Lover Was Slain in a Duel.
San Francisco Examiner : In the fall
of 18S ! ) a party of Mexicans wore travel
ing through what is now Butte county ,
their destination being the valley where
the town of Chico now stands. The
train of horses and wagons with which
the men and women were journeying
in the slo\y style of that day belonged
to a Spaniard named Lapczada. Ho
and his family constituted the principal
portion of the party. He hud many an
acre in Alta , Cat. , and on his funds
grazed innumerable horses and cattle ,
but his most prized possession was a
daughter , who was then , at sixteen
years of age , the very embodiment of
all that soft beauty and sensuous grace
peculiar to the women of Castilian de
It was natural for men to fall in love
with her. Like nil girls with the warm ,
passionate blood of Mexico coursing
in her veins , her bodily development
had been rapid , her affections had
ripened early , and at sixteen years of
age she was already u woman.
Among those who were her worship
ers were an American named Thomiis
Lansing , who had been born in Ver
mont , and a Scotchman named Harvey
McGruicran. They were constantly
near her , and the influence of her pres
ence never allowed their love to cool.
McGruigan had more opportunities
than Lansing to be in her society and
advance his suit , since ho was secretary
to Don Lapo/.ada and took his meals nt
the table with the family. Lansing was
the wagon boss and had general charge
of the caravan while on the road. Both
had lived in Mexico and among the
Mexicans for a long time and were as
familiar with the language as n native.
McGruigan was a pleasant wooer , be
sides being much handsomer than Lan
sing , and boon the latter saw that his
rival was smiled upon , while ho himself
hadnoncof the girl's regard. Naturally
fiery tempered , Lansing conceived a
violent hatred for the Scotchman and
never missed a chance to seek a row
with McGruigan. Throughout the
journey ho had repeatedly endeavored
to involve McGruigan in trouble. It was
thus matters stood when the valley in
which Gridlcy is situated was reached.
There Lansing insulted McGruigan in
such a manner that the latter yielded to
his angry feelings nnd challenged the
other to a duel. This was just what
Lansing desired. Ho had been waiting
for the moment when ho might kill his
successful rival ever since the lovely
scnorita had lot the Scotchman know
that her heart was all his own.
None of the usual formalities of the
code was needed for such an encounter
as the men proposed. They repaired tea
a grove of a timber then occupying the
bite of what is at present the town of
Gridlcy , and there , after a short space
had been measured off. began shooting
at each other vJUi then1 pistols. Three
shots wore fired by each man. The third
bullet from Lansing's pistol was effec
tive. The ambition of his hatred had
been satisfied , as , the leaden pellet en
tered McGruigun's brain and ho fell
down dead. Lansing hiinbelf had re
ceived a bullet in. his left arm , and ono
shot from McGruignn's weapon had car
ried away the lobotof his right car.
Having tatisfied himself that Mc
Gruigan was dead and would trouble
him no longer , Limbing turned to leave
the spot. ' He had1 replaced his pibtol in
his bolt nnd given a last hasty glance at
the face of the dead man , when from be
hind the trees \ppoared the girl herself.
She crept up behind Limbing and
stabbed him in the , neck with a stiletto ,
bovcring the jugular vein , lie sunk on
the grass and died. The girl had
noticed the two men leaving camp , had
been attracted to the ccono of the duel
by the sound of the firing , and had ar
rived there in time to see the man she
loved fall lifeless to the ground. The
fate of the girl herself seems to have
been forgotten.
or i ? < > r Kit VKXT oy
1514 DOUGLAS STREfT , - - - OMAHA ,
Sl'ECIAI , ndvcrtlmnrnKsudias I.oM.Fmin' ! .
To l.nnn , For Srtlc.To Kent , Wants , llcmrcllnp.
etc. , will lie liifprlfd lu thli roliimn nt the low
rntonf'l'KN I'KNTS 1'Ell LINK for th nrxtlii.
M-rtlon nnd Five Cunts I'er Une for each subsc-
qnrnt Iniortlou , I/-avo advertisement * at our
ufllro No. 12 t'enrl Street , near Hroadwuy , Coun
cil lllufls , Iowa.
A cohipctcnt jrlrl for ceticrul
hou ework. Apply to 815 Willow IIUMIIIO ,
STHAVinVoHtiij : colt.ilark b y. Finder 10-
warded. Hans Anderson , 1M1 8. llth t > t. ,
Council lllulfM.
) First cu M gardener , without ,
capital , to work extensive garden on
e < t. First cla s chance. Address Joseph
Smith , Council lIlulTs. la. _
EXC11ANOK Omaha and Council HUiITs prop
erty and wpMern land for Mocks of mer
chandise. Call on or J , II. Christian ,
CM llro.uluny. Council HhilTs. la. _
share ! ) In Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of
Odell llrog. & Co.
_ _
TJHH HALF. Very cheap for cash , or would
JC exchange for Council IllutTs or Omaha prop
erty , a rctHl stock of boots and shoes valued at
alMut UUW ) . Call at store , No. 608 llroadxvay , or
address H. Martin , sauio number , Council
HlulTs , la. _
FOR SAI.K Second-hand Columbia blcyulo
very cheap , tii-lncli. at lice office. _
BUILDING lots and acre property for sale by
F. J. Day , 3) ) 1'earl st.
The desirable residence or business property
known as the Powers 1'lace. n Upper Ilrond-
way opposite the M , E. church , will positively
tie sold within the next thirty days. Terms :
Ono-thlrd cash , balance In ono and two years.
Address bids to
Omaha , Nel ) . , 1317 nnd 11)11) ) UouuUis St. J
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es
cape. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
KO and 623 Main Strcet.Conncll ninlTs.Iown.
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - Council Bluffs ,
Carriage and Express Line.
Telephone No. 03.
All calls from District Telegraph Office
promptly attended to.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
llronrtway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses and mnles constantly on hand , for
li ; ut retail or In cnr loud lotH.
Orders promptly tilled by contract on short
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. BCHLUTEU & HOLEY.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council Illulfs.
Sample Rooms Attached.
W.B. IRWIN , Prop.
We are now prepared for thu
Our immense uuildlnps are packed full of
the moat
Jn our line , mid nt prices tliat will defy com
petition. Wo Busruiitoe our # oodb to bo Just
ns wo represent them. Pleiiso give us u cnll
whether you wish to buy or not , ami brine
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our goods. Hesprrtfully ,
Manufacturers of
All Hinds of Steam Boilers & Sheet Iron Work ,
Orders by mnll for icju rs promptly al * mlo
lo. Hiitlsfnctton Kiinratitef.1. 10th AVBIIUO. Ail-
'ii HiulT , Iin\a
H * Urpodway Council llluds , low a. UstublbLcJ
But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor could
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every ono of our departments will offer thousands of useful und
ornamental things
We have made every effort to place on .sain the most attractive and iwful good *
at the lowest possible prices , und we invite inspection nnd comparison.
Special Handkerchief pale this week at
lie , flc. lOc , loo. Hoc , up to $10. Each
and all go at about half price.
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufllers in
largo variety. Laces , Embroideries ,
Fichucs , Lace Collars.'Kid and Fabric
Gloves. All must goat this great sale.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Dressing Gowns and Smoking.lackots.
Lndie's Slumber Robes , Japanese
Smoking Jackets all Silk and Quilted
at $5W , & 7.60 to $10. Each a very
suitable present from a lady to a gen
Special bargains in our Art goods do *
partmcnt. Stamped Linens , Knit
goods , Underwear. Everything must
be bold this week.
Come to the People's store first and see
what wo can do for you.
We know we have the goods and that
our prices will save you money every
With every $2 purchase you will re
ceive a ticket for ono ehanco in our
100 grand free presents.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,
For useful Christmas Gifts
call on the Council HI nil's
Carpet Co. , 405 Broadway. J
Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Discount , Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
105 & IQjf MAIN ST. , i i i COUNCIL BLUFFS. . IA.
I3T SO , aTOVv'IS ' 5TOTT3R TIlvTS !
I'JANOS Till' riTI.I.KHT. ItlCHKSrTll.M ! .
l'M.\os-Tm : Hrn.cii is CAKM.
III : MOST HKAUnrui. I-'IM.II. :
OllOANR Klll.l , IN VllMIMK.
iJo vys zz . i
\Vc Uofy All Competition niul Chnllnngo Coinpnrlion ol' Good * anil 1'rluea
With Any HOUHC < m Went. _