Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Qoorgo Betts Killed nt Lincoln
Whllo Resisting Arrest.
How the Capital City People Cole *
brntcd Christmas Convicts , Insane
nnill'Vlcmllcsq , Olvcn an Hxtra
Dinner Other NOWH.
frnoM TIII ; nKK.'s MXCOI.X nmiF.AU.I
Ocorgo Hotts , u colored tnnu uud wcl
known hard character to the officers of tin
law , wns shot In the head curly yCHtcrduj
morning whllo resisting arrest. Through tin
flay yesterday ho laid In tlio imiln corrldoi
of tli ( ! city Jtill In a stupid condition , and n
EHO : In the afternoon lie died ami the re
mains were turned over to the coroner
Early Saturday evening Hotts was about tin
city unilcr the Influence of liquor. Hdtwcci
8 and 9 o'clock ho entered Waltemadu' .
saloon , where ho brewed trouble nt once
knocking down nn old gentleman nnmci
Hclwlg and assaulting .Wultcmude. Abou
10:30 : ho appeared before the now Hur
block on Twelth and O streets , where ox
Policeman Collier is employed us watchman
Betts had It In for Collier , nnd drew n re
volvcr to shoot him. Collier , howovci
escaped him , and notified the police , wh
went In search of him but did not find him
Between 0 and 7 o'clock in tlio morning
telephone from the Depot Hotel rcst.iunui
stated that Bottu was thcro and Oflleer
Peterson nnd Hudson were detailed to ma ! <
tbo arrest. Ucachtng the place nnd approuct
ing Hotts , Ofllcer Hudson ordered him t
throw up tils hands. Holts' rcsK > nso wait
reach for his gun in his hip pocket , -wlic
Hudson tired , the ball otrlkin
Betts Just below the left cy (
felling him to the floor. The wounded inn
was convoyed nt once to the station and Di
Bcachlcy culled , who probed for the ball ,
heavy ono from n fourty-four caliber rove
vor. But after probing three or four Inelit
In his head the doctor fulled to discover th
whereabouts of the missel mid nbundonc
finding it. Hotts. as ho lay in the corridor (
the jail through the day in a comutoso coiul
tion. wns u frightful spectacle , the woun
swelling rapidly. No possible blnmo can I
attached to the oftlccr. who knew the charm
tcr nt the man and thu necessity of cortai
.work in securing him. Hotts has a crlmim
history that covers almost the entire tlni
ulnco no came to Lincoln , nnd before cotnin
hero ho served n term in the Missouri stat
penitentiary. Ho was In the pen hero for
year , and was n refractory charge , mnrvu
ously escaping being shot by ono of th
guards. Some three months 'slnco hu cam
for n term In jail nnd had not boon out twolv
hours until ho mudo u haul on some clathiii ) .
Ofllcer Mitehcll had n hurd struggle in ui
resting him then , and had to shoot at him t
capture him. For tills ho served about thro
months In jail and has been out about awcel
When they searched his clothes after carrj
ing him to jnll they found an ivory-bundle
thirty-two cnlibcr revolver in the | > ocUot thn
ho was reaching for when shot. IIo hud i
In cash and a watch , although ho hud nothin
when ho left jail. The coroner will hold u
inquest over the remains to-day.
Christmas day was evidently n prosporon
ono in Lincoln. Crowds tilled the struct
until u very late hour Saturday evening , un
the trade of the day was Immense. A nun
ber of firms in the city pronounce ) the holldn
trade this year the greatest in the history c
the city , Churah services were hold in th
different churches yesterday appropriate t
the day and were largely attended.
At St. Theresa Cntholio church Fat he
Kennedy was assisted by Bishop Honucun
and the services , commencing at midnigl
nnd continuing through the day. were vcr
Impressive. The music was n special fcntui
of the day und was of un exceptional big
At the First Congregational church Hoi
Lewis Gregory , the pastor , preached n semen
mon appropriate to the day to a larg
audience. Thu imislo was of especial meri
With Mrs. P. V. M. Uuymond ns organist nn
a double quartette numbering the followin
woll-known singers : Mrs. Weber , Mr
Dow , Mrs. Uuymond , Miss Churchill , Messr
Kostordy , Cumcron , Churchill und llurmo
Rov. O. A. Williams addressed a very larj
OUdienco nt the services of the First IJupti ;
church at mm lie's opera house , and tt
other churches in the city were largely a
To-day will bo observed in the city as tl
Jegal holiday and the postofllco wi
observe only holiday nnd Sunday hour
The banks will close for the day. Tlio counl
Oftlccswith tlio exception of thoJudgu'softU'
will bo closed , and the stuto house will ah
observe the day ns a holiday. To-night We
Lincoln people will enjoy the fruits of
Christinas tree , nnd Kust Lincoln will hay
Christmas doings ut Grace M. E. church.
Inrgu number of business firms roineiubert
their employes with appropriate gifts. Tl
carrier boys of the Stuto Journal und Hi
were remembered , ami ono of the novul rcco
nitlons of tlio day was mndo by M. L. Trcstu
Who presented ouch family that had locuti
on his addition with a turkey for their Chris
mas dinner.
At the penitentiary no special observan
was made beyond n Christmas talk in tl
morning and an extra dinner to the eonvicl
In which turkey played n prominent part , i
the homo for the friendless the eighty litl
folks were nil mudouc < iunintcd witli the du
and at the hospital for the insane a spec ;
dinner was served to ttie inmates.
A i.Aiini : DOCKET.
The supreme court docket for the tot
commencing January 8 is n largo ono , the
being UOUcaius on the printed docket. (
those cases , us is usunl , the second distr !
lends in tlio number appealed und the till
district js second ou the list. The number
coses by districts are : First district , ' .
Bocond , 4 \ third , 85 ; fourth , US ; fifth , 1
sixth , 15 ; seventh , S3 ; eighth. 'J7 ; nlnt
11 ; tnnth , 18 ; eleventh , lit. and twelfth , ' .
making the total from all districts ' , ' ( ,0 ;
the call of the puses two weeks nro given
the docket for cases , from the first , seco
and third districts , ono wcok for the fourl
two weeks for the llflh , ono week for t
eizth , ono week-each for the seventh , cl
and ninth , ono wcok for both the tenth a
eleventh districts , and ono week for t
twelfth. The linul wcok of the term , us i
tored on the docket , is-tho week commend
April 10.
Commencing with the now year , Judge I
B. Heoso advances tothoposLot chief Justii
Judgu Mnxwoll , ro-olecU'd , having romplot
his term as chief Justice , nnd entering up
his now six years' term as associate Justii
The rules of Iho count uro printed in full
the docket.
About' 4 o'clock Christinas evening t
police raided the raneho of the notorlo
character known us " 1C. C. Ann" and look
her up in thocity Hastilo , where Mho made 1
miserable through tuo day. Tlio | > eli
court records short that two men. nam
Fred Meyer nnd Charley Roberts , wt
found nt her place and n charge rest
nguuist them for frequenting a house of
famo. Three lodgers , who gave their mm
ns Joseph ICuufTman , Thatims llealoy n
James Rivers , were furnished lodging for t
night , and thu half dozen inniutcs of the J
Bcrvliib'out their term of commitment li
ample opportunity for rnilcction upon th
worthlfssuc-ss ns they won : the day away
the outer corridor.
llcv. William * . ' Atnictlnn.
The funeral of the child of Uev. Jo
Williams , which died Saturday , has be
postponed until Tuesday morning ut
o'clocd. A socoiul child was not expected
eurvlvo last night , nnd tticro boinj ? no hoi
of recovery it is the intention lo btirv I
little ones sldo by side.
Lelaiul hotel , Chicago.
The Ijiist'or iho Houston Spy Coi
San Frrihdsco Chronicle : There is
bo seen almost every day in the viol
ity of Second street ? Hiking his cusl
nniry wnlU , tv nmn whohaaucoii more
the touted Held than porltups nny oth
now living in the fitnto and who li
had un eventful ouruor such iu full *
Mio lot ol few. , His hair is almost whl
and his figure is bent with the weight
of his moro thnn thrco score years , out
his montiil faculties * remain us keen
'nnd tilort as over. C. Or D. Kelly Is the
sole survivor of Sum Houston's famotif
spy company In the Texas war of 1835 ,
a veteran of 1840 and a charter inombui
of the nloneor Poclety. It was ho whc
carried the tidings of the massacre al
Almo In IKiO to Now Orleans , ant ]
thence to Now Yorlc , after encounter
ing dilllculties as great as thoio whieli
have made the names of some of out
latter day war correspondents famous ,
Dut Mr. Kelly is a modest man ami
hardly realizes the fact that ho has done
anything out of the way.
A Chronicle reporter was introduced
to him yesterday at the Montgomery
hotel , with whom ho conversed for i
short time on the incidents of the vet-
oran'rt early career. .Mr. Kelly wiu
born In Mayo , Ireland , in May , 1802 , and
is now in his olghty-slxth year.
"You will recollect when Wntnrlot
was fought , " said the reporter , after t
few introductory remarks.
"Perfectly well. I was living will
my parents in Liverpool at the time
During the night I was wakened by tin
noise and shouting in the streets
Everybody was wild with excitement
' ; > ands paraded , bonfires were lighted
nnd fuslladcs sent off in every direction
Yes , it was a great night. I came t <
this country soon after and served m ;
limo with a Quaker carpenter in Ncv
York. From there I wont to Now Or
cans , and when the revolution brokoou
n Texas in 181151 volunteered for service
oincd the Mobile Grays and wont ti
, ho front. One day a scout cami
nlo the camp from Colonel Crockett U
procure assistance. I was one of tin
thirty boys who jumped in with Moss
loy Maker's regiment lo go to the res
cue. Wo got to the headquarters a
( Jony.alos , when thcro was another cal
made for volunteers to prebs on t
Travis , Howie , and Crockett's bo
leag'tircd army at San Antonio. Twenty
live of us jumped out of the ranks a
once , headed by that prince of scouts
' Deaf Smith. Wo got to San Leon al
right , but there the Mexicans sightei
us. Though we were outnumbered b
twenty to one , wo showed light , bii
were forced to retire three times ii
succession. Wo remained in the wood
waiting anxiously for the sound of ou
cannon nt Alamo ; but not a sound wn
heard ; the fort .had fallen the nigh
before. Only Captain Dickinson's wir
and child escaped. They were sent t
the settlement with a proclamation tha
all who would bo friendly to the consti
tution of 21 would be well treated. Wi
mot her anu thu child in a sad plight
poor woman , near the fort , and it wa
from her that wo learned the news c
the ma.ssacro. The flr&t thing to b
done was to got the news tohcadqjai
tors , and Captain Snoll , Lioutonnn
Wood and mys > elf undertook the task
I bought three | horses from a Portugese
and wo started olT. Wo were HUI' '
rounded by the enemy on every side
wo had no provisions , and Inastrang
"I can toll you , " said Mr. Kelley , a
ho mused on the -moving incidents c
half a century ago. "I fool a cold shivo
running down my back oven now as
think of that ride from San Antonio t
Now Orleans. It took us about a wcoi
nnd an account of the marvelous cs
capes wo had would fill a newspaper
My companions were almost dead wit !
fatigue , but I did not fool so bad , as
way used to hardships .all my life , EO
left them on the road and hurried 01
to the Picayune ofllco with the news
and from there took the first packet t
New York , and I was the lirst man t
carry the tidings to the editors of th
Now York papers.
"I started back at once to join m
regiment and revenge the cold-bloode
masbacro of our fellows. And wo did i
thoroughly under Sam Houston's com
mand , who was ono of the best ani
bravest men that over handled a sword
Houston , ox-Govornor Pcaso , Judg
Waller and I celebrated the battle t
Snn Jacinto in 1880. Houston died
year or so ago , nnd I am now the enl
survivor of the Houston Spy compan
of the Texas Rangers.
"Did you take any part in the war c
"Of course I did. Do you think thn
when I fought in ' 30 I would stay awa
in 'Wt No , sir , I wns among the first t
answer to the call , though unfortunate
ly I did not son much of the fight ,
was wounded in u guerilla skirmish be
fore Vera Cruz and was sent to the hos
pital , but before my wounds was drosso
the regiment was olf. Major Daniel
gave mo a wagon and I drove to the cit
of Mexico to join my company and re
turned with it to Texas.
"t came to California in the earl
part -lilalong with Colouol Hayes
one of the heroes of ' 40. Wo had a liar
time of it crossing , the plains and w
thought wo were never to see th
Golden Gate. Wo loft our mules an
baggage on the road and had to make
great part of the distance on foot , I ca
tell you when wo got hero wo wcr
moro dead thnn alive , but the gold fovr
caught us and wo soon revived. "
"Of course you would not remain theme t
homo during the civil war , Mr. Kelly ?
"Well , I did take a hand in the jol
I was back in Texas , in Harris count'
when it broke out and I assisted to pi
up and pack the two steamboats tin
captured the Harriet Lano. with Si
prisoners. That was the last of my cj
ploits on the warpath , and T returned t
this , city , where I intend to spend : n
remaining.days. "
MrKelly , Considering his great nf >
aud the hardships incidental to a lit
such rts his is remarkably vigorous. H
has never had a day's sickness , unlei
from wounds , and his memory is o :
cullent. His eyesight is somewhat in
paired and he has all the pioneers
scorn for spectacles. IIo still , hov
ever , takes an attractive interest i
politics nnd sois forth his opinions in
manner that brooks no opposition an
with u brogue as rich and rare i
though ho had just stepnod from Erin
ItAsuprrioroxcclleDc * prov a la mllllont <
homes tor moro than a qunrtorot ncmunry.
Unsiulby the United stutea ( Jovcrmmnu. K :
tlor Hl by tbo lirmUof thn umat nnlvvrMUiv <
theStroiiKest. Kurenl < i Most Ilonlthdil. 1)
I'rli-e'K the only Hiking i'o\vil r thnt il e * m
contain Mine or Alum. Sold enl * j
r n < i. I'ownriiCo. ,
NewVoric. CnlwRoH - "M.oul
Items of Interest to tbo Mon ou the
Proctor Knntt on the Drummer A.
Good Suggestion Ho Hanked Him
Htnnll Orders Omalm'H Sun
day Guests Samples.
An Old Timer.
"I made my first trip through Nebraska in
1872 , " said n drummer to a BED repre
sentative. "I was traveling for a. Chicago
house nnd had the whole state for my terri
tory. I could cover It cnslly in those days ,
too. The Union Pacific wns completed to
Cheyenne. Omahn wns n rustling young city
of 120,000 or so , Lincoln n promising bantling
of 2,500 nnd Hastings unthotight of.
Pretty ncnrly the whole South Pintle conn-
try was n wilderness , too lonesome to howl.
1 supjKiso I might just ns well have owned n
dozen or two counties now If I'd hnd n lick of
scnso then ; but then I would have grown
haughty and dyspeptic probably and might not
bo enjoying life half so well ns I am to-day.
I remember n year or two nfler thnt first trip
a friend of mine bought n lot on upper Fur-
nam street for KOO nnd I laughed at him fern
n sucker. Ho sold It u whllo ago for $ IS,000.
I used to drive from Omaha to Lincoln by
way of Fremont , Walioo and Ashland. Wo
thought then that if Lincoln got n railroad
Miu might make a pretty good town in time.
Columbus and Grand Island were struggling
villages. Sidney was a holy terror , though.
Tough ? well , I should say. It was the out
fitting point for the Black Hills mid when a
wagon train of those freighters got In from
the Hills the way they made things jingle
wns n caution. Why , even nftor I had been
going thcro for a number of years , one morn
ing the landlord called mo out on the porch
before the hotel to show mo n couple of fel
lows dangling from n telegraph pole. Saloons
and daneo houses 1 The woods were literally
full of them. Ono particularly disreputable
ono was kept by u man named
Joe Lane , about ns Impervious n
gentleman , I suppose , ns wns ever turned
loose. Ho went from Sidney to some place
in Idaho , and after a year of his society the
Inhabitants passed him over thu range with
their compliments that is , they lynched him.
Lane ran a saloon and daucehousc ina build
ing made of rough boards , n story nnd a half
high nnd about a hundred feet long. The
windows up stairs were aslngle pane of glass
stuck in the wall of the house. That old
shanty was the nest of perhaps the most
abandoned batch of humanity , male nnd fe
male , that ever got together. I was soiling
cigars nnd I had made a dozen trips to Sidney
Ijeforo it over occurred to mo to try to sell to
Lane. Ono day a customer of mine asked
mo why I didn't go down and sell Jo Lnnc
some goods. I told him the climate was toe
severe I wns afraid half a dozen
or so bullet holes through me might lot in too
.much raw wind.
'You como over with mo , ' ho said , 'and
I'll gunrnnteo you will sell him n good bill ol
goods. Hardly nuybody tries to sell him , nnd
you can get whatever price you nro a mind
to. ' Well , finally I went over nnd sure
enough I did sell him a big bill. Cigars that
I was selling for $ IT > I put up nt $70 mid so on.
The house refused to ship the goods. The
prices I had put on staggered them. 1 wrote
them that Mr. Lane was sure to skip the
country or bo lynched some night , and as in
either event they would lese whatever he
owed them nt the tlrao , I had thought best to
create a little sinking fund as we went along
by getting the price of two bills in everyone.
They concluded to tnko the chnnccs and
shipped the goods. I sold Lane for a long
time after that and the house made a nice
thing on his trade , as I always got the snme
prices. I always managed to go down to his
place in the day time , generally in the fore
noon , when things were quiet nnd the
chances for bringing awny a whole skin wore
nluch better than at night when things were
in full blast. Ono day Lane said to me ,
'Charleywhy don't you como down some
night to a dnnco ? I tell you wo nave
nice times here. * I told him frankly that I
hnd never been educated up to a proper ap
preciation of the peculiar style of Joviality in
vogue thcro ; that I was unused to having
my attention distracted by being shot at
while dancing , and so might not behave in n
manner to do credit to him as my host. Lnnc
laid ono arm affectionately over my shoulders ,
ho was at his low-water mark of insobriety ,
too and declared 'Tho first cuss who dares
to annoy you In my house will get his blamed
hide so full of load it won't ' hold bran. ' I ap
preciated his kindness , but felt obliged to
decline the invitation nevertheless. "
"But things have changed since- then , " the
drummcrcontinucdreflectively. "Soon nftei
the B. < fc M. was built and the South Plattc
country opcnod up. I worked the B. & M ,
out to Hastings then. From Hastings 1
would drive to Ked Cloud and through the
Republican valley. Yes , sir , things nro dlf
fcrcnt now. Then n man could work up c
solid trade. 1'vo had many a customer whc
would wait a week , maybe , for mo , or sent
his order in to the house , rather buy of an
other house. Now n merchant usually buys
of the first man that comes along nnd has
what he wants. "
Proctor Knott on the Drummer.
Hon. Proctor Knott , ox-governor of Ken
tucky , at a recent gathering of the traveling
men nt Louisville showed his appreciation ol
the craft by the following : "But commer
cial tourists , travelers , evangelists or drum
mers call them what you will I like the
cr.ift. I have met them many a tlrao nnd ofl
during my wanderings the last twenty years
nnd have always found them a genial , whole
.souled set of follows'as well as intelligent ,
energetic , honorable business men. In fact
I have been with them so much I know then
by their backs. Do you see that fellow curlct
up on the car-scat there , sound asleep , un
mindful of the roar of the train , the yell 01
the brnkcmau , or the ingress .or egress o :
the passengers ( He's a drummer. H <
rode forty miles last night througl
wind nnd rain and mud to make his point
nnd ho made it. That dobonnairo young mar
who is helping that poor , tired-looking Indy
with her numberless bundles and her sicl
baby , he's n drummer , too. And the bright
jovial-faced youngster who is rising to give
that venerable old gontleinan his seat , is i
drummer also , and so are those four follow !
nt the rear end of the car who uro amusing
each other and everybody around them will
their Hashes of wit nnd humorous stories
They are all drummers , the closest observer !
nnd the most entertaining narrators o
curious and interesting facts in the world
It has been one of the leading characteristic !
of the commercial traveler from Sinbad the
Sailor the great prototype of the profcssioi
down to my Jovial and esteemed friend
Joseph Mulhation , who , in that respect a
least , is snid to bn far more gifted than thi
Illustrious father of his country. "
An Important Notice.
The board National of directors of the Trnv
elers Protective association has issued the fol
lowing Important notice to the members o
the organization :
At the St. Louis convention resolution
were adopted npiminting a committee to tot
mulato a plan of accident insurance and present
sent the same to the nntionnl board of dl
rectors nt their December meeting. Uufor
seen circumstances positively prevented tin
meeting of this special committee , cousc
qucntly no plan was presented to your board
but in view of the overwhelming vote in Hi
favor at the nntionnl convention , nnd thi
universal demand from all parts of tin
country since that meeting , your board ha :
deemed it imperative to take inunodlati
Before a charter can bo secured for nn ne
cldcnt association under the laws of Illinois , i
paid-up cnpltnl of M.OOO must bo stiown , nm
all Its officers must bo citizens of the stale ol
Owing to the Impossibility of the Traveler
Protective association to comply with sue !
requirements under its present organizalion
your board has entered Into contract will
certain capitalists of the state of Illinois
who will advance the necessary capital to or
gunlzo nn accident nssocintlon under the
laws of the stnlo of Illinois and In iho later
C-sts of the Travelers Protective association.
At least ono member of your Natioun
Bord of Directors shall bo elected to the
directory of the Insurance association , one
your nall-iial secretary to bo their secretary
The insurance department will sham tht
offices of the Travelers' Protective
tion , nnd shall pay for t\m same one-half of
the running excuses , Including ono-huU. of
the secretary's salary , clerk hire , rent nnd all
Incidental expenses. '
The general plan of this Insurance associa
tion'shall bo similar to thnUof other .Urst-cluss
accident associations. asVho enclosed appli
cation will show , nnd its benefits the same.
All members of the Traveler's Protective
association In good slanging will receive.
Upon application , an accident policy for WXW (
nud $ i ) weekly Indemnity free of admission
fee.All members in arrears shall receive n like
policy frco of admission foe upon making ap
plication and paying their Travelers' Pro
tective association dues.
Any person eligible to membership , nnd
who ahnll mnko application and bo accepted
by the Travelers' Protective association at
any future time , shnll receive a like policy
free of admission fee.
Any person not n member of the Travelers
Protective association desiring to take n
IKillcy m the Insurance department can do so
ujmn payment of W admission fee.
Your board of directors feel thnt the
Interests of the Traveler's Protective asso
ciation nro fully protected by contracts en
tered Into nnd on file In this office , and which
every member is Invited nnd urged to In
spect , nnd that they cannot too strongly rec
ommend and dc-mnnd the cordial support of
every member having the good of our asso
ciation nt heart. '
Members In good standing nro urged to
mnko Immediate application for their policy.
A tangible benefit is now offered to every
member of this association in good standing ;
let those whoso duos are still unpaid at once
forward the amount to the national secretary
and treasurer , and bo in position to receive
this and other Important benefitn which we
have reason to believe will bo attained In the
near future ,
A Tool Olllclul.
Philadelphia Ledger : The comptroller of
the state of Texas must bo a democrat , and ,
ns such , ought to know a little more about
the constitution nnd state rights than to re
sist n decision of the federal courts declaring
a law taxing drummers unconstitutional. Ho
has directed county ofliclals , it is saidto
enforce the law until it is repealed by the
legislature or "until congress by express en
actment denies the right of the state to Im
pose such taxes. " That Is an absurd position
on its faco. If congressional action should
bo founded upon constitutional limitations it
would bo unnecessary ; If not so founded It
would bo inoperative and of no effect. The
comptroller of Texas had better bo guided by
the federal court , at least until ho has had
time to read gay the first chapter lu our
constitutional history.
Omaha's Sunday Cnests.
There wns a very small representation of
the commercial travelers' fraternity nt the
hotels yesterday , the boys nil who could ,
going to their homes to pass Christmas.
Those , however , who were forced to put In
the day in Omaha were grandly cared for at
the hotels , where luxurious meals were
The arrivals at the Millard were : Ben
Kohn , Newark ; G. E. Morrison , Chicago ;
Fred W. Taylor , Baltimore ; H. I. Mantz ,
Chicago : G. L. Coon , Philadelphia ; .Tohn M.
Comstock , Chicago ; H. P. Miles , Boston ;
G. C. Perkins. Boston ; II. U. Seymour , Chicago
cage ; J. J. Lukcn , Chicago1 ; Walter Collyer ,
Now York ; II. Loyscr , Milwaukee ; Charles
Bridge , Albany ; A. M. Kcll&gg , Now York ;
Ben Kinstciu , Chicago : Thomas W. Johnson ,
Peoria ; W. O. Everett , Milwaukee ; James
Uaffcrty , St. Louis ; B. C. Clark , New York ;
J. H. Parsons , Binghamton ; F. C. Fisher ,
Chicago ; Andrew Thompson. New York ;
C. W. Batcll. Now York : E. P. Esties , Now
York ; A. S. Truesdalo , Syracuse.
The arrivals at the other hotels were : C.
B. Chase , Chicago ; C. E. Hood , Now York ;
S. H. Kohn , Chicago ; J. E. Stewart , New
ark , N. Y. ; A. Acherson , Now York.J. ; L.
Mandell , St. Louis ; A. , F , . Holdcn , St.
Louis ; Win. Dlekson , Now York ; M. Sa
linger , Now York ; W. B. Wcntworth , Now
York ; J. E. Kreybill , Kansas City ; J. D.
Kiploy , Now York ; J. SM Davison , Now
York ; S. P. Pollock , Philadelphia ; J. T.
Wertz , Boston ; H. L. Terr-ill , Now York ;
G. M. Scott , Salt Lake ; A. Martin , Denver ;
S. M. Watson , Chicago'A. ; Ballcnberg ,
Chicago ; W. H. Axtatcr , Rochester ; W.
Merrill. Now York ; C. ' W. Manning , Bos
ton ; H. M. VanDuescn , Westfleld ; G. H.
Hurnoy , DesMoines ; W. H. Gilbert. Colum
bus ; D. Talbut , Camden , Mo. ; J. W. Grace ,
Baltimore ; T. B. Muaady , New York.
A. Good Suggestion.
To the Editor of the BEE : There is quito
a largo number of traveling salesmen who
make Omalm their home. It has been csti
mated that 300 is not too largo a number to
mention iw living in this city. As yet there
is no local organizntion of thcso salesmen in
this city. In other towns of importance
traveling salesmen are organizing , nnd the
result is beneficial in more ways than ono.
During the holidays many of the Omaha
representatives will be in the city mid I sug
gest that they spend an hour or two of their
time in taking steps towards the organization
of a local post. A meeting held in the parlors
of the Millard some day the coming week
might result in a permanent organization of
this kind. I am sure if some ono takes the
initiative and makes a start ho will find
hearty co-oi > oration ou the part of the sales
men of this city. TIUVELUII.
Ho Hniikcd Him.
Detroit Free Press : As a train was ready
to leave the Central depot the other day a
drummer who occupied two seats , or had prepared -
pared to , loft the car to say good-bye to some
ono. When ho returned ho found his luggage
on the wood-box nnd a strange man In pos
session of the seats.
"What does this thls'or meanl" ho de
manded , as ho drew himself up aud took in
the situation.
"Drummer , ain't you ? " queried the other.
"Yes , sir. "
"Drummer on $1,200 a yearl"
"That's my salary , sir ; but what has that
got to do with this case } "
"A great deal , sir. I'm a lightning rod man
on 11.500. "
And ho calmly crossed his feet and un
folded his newspaper , while the drummer
sighed , gathered up his things and went into
the next car.
Small Orders.
In October a St. Paul firm who employed a
number of traveling salesmen determined to
cnconomlzo , nnd discharged two of their
men. Ono of thcso was on the road nt the
time , nnd the house wired him to bring in his
trunks ns they had no further use for him
after November 1. The salesman responded
that his contract expired January 1 , and that
when dismissed without cause ho would in
sist on full pay to that date. In the same
communication ho reported , the collection of
several hundred dollars which ho would ro-
mlt from n certain paint. When the drum
mer arrived nt that point Mo found awaiting
him a letter from the hoftso reiterating the
instructions and thier determination that ho
should cease operation , in their niimo. The
traveler retained the money collected , re
turned homo after finishing His territory and
demanded a just settlement' ' from his house.
Ho was threatened with nrrest nnd every
effart used to get him to yield. Ho was ob
durate , however , nnd the house mndo settle
ment with him , paying him the full amount
The inaugural mooting of the Kentucky
branch of the N. T. P. A Waft'held in Louis
ville , Kentucky , Tuesday , December 20. The
nffalr was an enjoynblo ono. Five hundred
traveling salesmen from nil partsof the south
were present , and 120 new members were
received. President O. P. Pindoll of the N.
P. T. A. delivered nn nddress which is chur-
ncterlscd by nil who listened to It as ono ol
the best over delivered on a similar occasion.
The St. Louis post of the Travellers' Pro-
tcctlvo association held an adjourned meeting
Wednesday afternoon. About forty commer
cial tourists were present. The meeting was
hold for the purpose of receiving the report
of n committee npiwintcd nt the last meeting
to obtain the money left over from the enter-
tiiiiiment of the travellers last summer. The
committee appointed reported that the mono/ ,
amounting to $ .W2 , had been paid over to
them by the entertainment committee. The
executive committee stated that they would
be ready to reiwrt on the club room in twu
weeks. It Is said that the room will bo estab
lished In connection with the Western Com
mercial Travellers' association.
llemombcred at His Wedding.
C. W. , Wright , the popular day clerk of tha
Pacific hotel , Grand Island , was married In
that city on Christmas eve to Miss Jesslo F.
Hedges , The traveling men , with whom Mr.
Wright I * a'grcat favorite , mndo the happy
couple spine very valuable presents.
< Samples.
Mr. H. J. Miner , of this city , has accepted
n iKsltlon as traveling salesman with Vlne-
ynrd & Schneider , dealers In wholesale
notions anil gents' furnishing goods , and will
represent the firm's Interests In Colorado.
Mr. Miner Is n gentleman of experience , nnd
will doubtless bo successful In his now field
of notion.
In the next Issue the Br.n will resume the
publication of biographies of the traveling
salesmen of this city and state. This very
Interesting feature was tcmHU4nrlly |
suspended on account of the difficulty in
securing the necessary Information , duo In a
great measure to the extreme modesty of the
members of the craft. The entire list will
receive attention , nud lu order to bo correct
nnd render mistakes Impossible it will bo
well If those Interested will send to this de
partment nt their curliest convenience the
dnta for these sketches.
Among the gentlemanly knights of the
grip who have journeyed from this city none
liuvo been more successful than L. P. , C. W.
mid.W. . . D. Pruyn. For the past four or flvo
years thcso energetic commercial tourists
have carried the banner of the Mound City
Paint nnd Color company Into every city nnd
hamlet from the Mississippi to the Hooky
mountains. And it is safe to Hay that where
the Pruyn Bros , cou'd not place nn order
none other need apply. Two of the brothers
L. P. and C. W. , have given up the road nnd
nro now engnucd In other occu
pations in which their usunl suc
cess attends them. Mr. W. D. Pruyn , the
youngest brother , is now the only ono upon
the commercial highway. W. D. Is n bright
young man aud holds up the high reputation
of the brothers , scoring u now success on
each recurring trip. Mr. Pruyn's territory Is
Nebraska , Colorado and southern Dakota.
An Absent Husband's Return and
Us Startling Discovery.
A special dispatch to the St. LouU
Globo-DomocrtU from Philtulolphhi says :
Anthony Sohuylcr , of the Arlington
hotel , Bat in the snug little pnrlor of his
hoittcrly tliia afternoon nnd told nn
Enoch Arden storv , in which three of
his neighbors were the principal cluvr-
uctors. Arlington is a little village
over in Jursoy on the Morris & Essex
railroad. Landlord Schuylor'n story
dealt with the adventures of Thomas
Harkins , who formerly occupied a farm
on the buck roads , tibout half way ho-
twoon Arlington and Caristadt. The
farm was used for dairy purposes. His
household consisted of his wife and his
hired man , James Callen. Ono day in
the early part of last spring , Ilarkins
came homo from New York and his
wife called his attention to the fact that
the water was beginning to rise on the
meadow. Having some grass stacked
at a point near the edge of the river ,
ho concluded to go out nnd BOO if ho
could secure it in case of a Hood. Ho
got into a boat some distance below his
destination and rowed up the river.
Ho did not return that night. When
morning came and the day were on ,
and .still no tidings of him reached his
wife , she became , greatly alarmed.
During the night the water in the
river had risen rapidly , and Iho mead
ows were covered with several feet of
water. In the afternoon a thorough
search was made along the
river by several of the neigh
bors in boats. The search was
kept up with vigor until a late
hour in the afternoon , twhcn ono of the
Bbarchors ciiino across a boat wedged be
tween the piles of ho bridge of the
Greenwood , Lake road that crosses the
llackensack. On examining the boat it
was found to contain Harkins' coat.
This discovery confirmed the fears of
the searchers that the occupant of the had been drowned. The search for
Harkins' body was kept up for some time
without avail. Meanwnilc Gallon took
charge of the dairy and ran the farm as
usual. Ho had known Mrs. Harkins in
Ireland before she married Harkins.
Six weeks ago the supposed widow became -
came Mrs. Callen , and about two weeks
after the marriage Gallon was taken
sick with pnoumania.
Two weeks ago , about 11 o'clock at
at night , a knock came to the door of
Callan's houso. The man who had par
tially recovered from his illness , wont
down. Whoii ho opened the door ho
saw Harkins upon the stoop. The sight
wns too much for the weak state of the
invalid and his superstitious mind , and
Callan foil in the hall in a faint. This
brought Mrs. Cullen down stairs , nnd
when her eyes rested upon the visitor
she uttered a piercing scream and also
dropped upon the stairs in a swoon. It
was a long time before the man and
woman regained conscioifsnofa.
When the pair had recovered them
selves Harkins was informed of the con
dition of affairs amid the tears of his
former wife , who believed him dead.
For a time Harkins was dazed at the
information and remained speechless.
Ho could scarcely believe that his wife
hnd forgotten him so soon. After hearing -
ing the story , and assuring himself that
ho was not dreaming , ho turned ab
ruptly around and walked away from the
house , leaving Mr. and Mrs. Callen in a
state of intense bewilderment.
"Harkins came to my houso"saidMr.
Schuylor , "a week ago last Friday , nnd
for two days remained in his room , hav
ing his meals faont to him. On the third
day ho sent for mo , and I went up to see
him. Ho then gave mo the above facts
and related to mo a remarkable story of
.himself. It appears that , as was at first
supposed , on the day that ho had dis
appeared , Harkins was caught in the
strong current and after endeavoring in
vain to got his boat toward land was
swept on down the rivor. . By the
time ho reached the bridge it was
dark. Suddenly he received a bovcro
shock from striking the bridge , and from
that time had no recollection of what
had transpired until ho found himself
wandering about the streets of Pitts-
burg. All was blank to him. Ho had
not the slightest idea of how long ho
hnd been away from homo or how ho had
reached Pittaburg. Ho was suffering :
from a stinging pain in the head. When
ho had fully recovered himself , his first
thought was of returning homo lie ro-
mombercd that ho had friends in pltts-
biirg , and at once began to hunt them
up. He was successful in finding thorn ,
and soon had the means with which to
return homo , which ho did at once ,
after being bovcn months away.
"His discovery on reaching home , ho
said , almost unnerved him , and ho was
nt a loss what to do under the c iron in
stances. His wife's npnaront forgctful-
nos.s hnd been a great shock to him , nnd
ho intended to go away and icavo her
unmolested. Ilarkins askodmo to go to
the house that evening to got faomo
papers and other articles for him.
when I reached his former homo I
found that Callon had died the night
boforo. The exposure and shock hnd
been too much for his weakened condi
tion. Ho wns buried on the following
day. On Friday evening Hurkina
sent mo for his former wifo. I re
turned with her nnd ushered her into
Hat-kins' room. They had a long inter
view with each other. What passed
between them of course I do not Know.
On Saturday morning Hnrkins went to
Newark , and when ho came buck ho
told mo that ho had placed the snlo ol
the stock on lib plnco in the hands of
a lawyer , and that , it would remain in
chtlrgo of the now hired may until sold.
IIo aUo btntod that ho had condoned his
wife's fickleness , and that they would
both goto live on n smiill farm that ho
owned in Sullivan county , Now York.
They both loft hero for their now homo
on Sunday morning. Hnrkina , however -
over , expcctft to.return in a short time
to wind up his affairs. " . - ' . .
AVIint Busied his Trade.
Thcro novel * was a mnddor innji in
seven states than wns old Jnko Ktiisor
the other day.
.Tnko Knibor is n wholesale dealer in
cigars nnd mnnufncturor of whnt ho
culled n superior brand.
Ho hnd just consummated n trndo in
wbich 10,000 cigars were involved , and
the money was about to bo paid when
lie hoard a familiar-voice on the outride.
Jnko nnd his customer proceeded to
the door of the factory mm the follow
ing conversation ousncd :
"I say , Jnko , hero vas dor cabbages.
Dem leaves vas moro bigger nsdor MUIIO
sly.o dot you hafo for tree monlhsalroaUv
yet. "
Old Kaiser wns gesticulating wildly
trying to got thocabbngo dealer to stop ,
but the latter continued :
"Holy Moses , Jnko , look mil your cyo
on dot bunohos of leaves ; it vlll shmoko
shplninded goot. "
Jake grow rod nnd his'teoth fairly
ground each other , but Iho c. d. would
not understand thai ho wns killing
Jake's trade.
" Yoost took dor lot at dor same prlco
you paid der dny behindt yesterday ,
though dhoy vns moro worth ns two
tollnrs. "
The customer now began to suspect
something , nnd turning to Jnko said ho
would call again in the morning.
Shortly afterward the cabbage dealer ,
having thrown off his lend in the barn ,
went into the ollieo for his pay.
Old Jake's anger had now risen to its
highest pitch , and when the cabbage
dealer had got square in front of him
Jnko rose up in his might , placing both
hands on the cabbage dealer's shoulders ,
giving him a violent ghako , exclaimed :
"Do louse koph , you vas so shtoopid-
ncss like dor tuyfol. On dot nckound I
lese mo dot trade , und dor cnbbngo vas
a drugstore on der market in my barn. "
Catarrhal Dangers.
To bo freed from the flnngorsof mitrocntlon
whllo lying doun : to brunt he freely , sleep
soundly nnd undisturbed ; to rlso re'rieshod ,
hciul clunr , brain active and fieo from pnln or
nclie ; to know Hint no poisonous , putrid matter
dellles the bienlh and rots away the delicate
machinery or smell , ta to and healing : to feel
thnt the H.v. tem docs not , through Its veins and
nitvrlea , mirk up the poison thnt Is sine to un
dermine anil destroy , Is Indeed a blessing lio-
yoncl nil other human enjoyment * . To pure-huso
immunity fiom Mich rule should bo the object
of alt nflllcted. Hut those who have tried many
remedies and physicians despair oicllet or
SANFonD's KADICAT. Cilitn meets fivery phase
ot Catairli , from a simple liond cold to the most
loathsome nnd deatiuctlvn Htuxa * . It la local
nnd constitutional. Instant In lellovtnt ; . per
manent iu ciuing , eata , economical and never-
SANFonn's KADicAr. CUIIH consist * of ono bottle
tle ot the HADICAI.CUIU : . one box oCOATAiiuiiAi.
SOLVENT , and one IMI > IIOVEI > INII.U.KM. all
wrapped In ons package , with treatise unil direc
tions , and sold by nil druggist * for ? 1 UU.
Hack Ache , Kidney nnd Uterine 1'nlns ,
J mcl Weaknesses , Soreness , Lameness ,
'Strains and 1'atns HKMKVKU IN ONK
. . . . MINUTK by the CUTICUHA ANTl-1'AIN
I'l.AtirKlt. Tim first and only pulu-kllllni ; I'laa-
ter. New , original. Instantaneous , nnd Infalli
ble. The most perfect antidote to 1'uln , Inlliim-
niatlon. Weakness , ever compounded. At nil
druggists. 2.1 cents ; flve for al.UO ; or , postage
free , of I'OTTKHD Dnim AND CIIKMICAI. Co , ,
lloMon , Muss.
FOR the year 18S8 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has
been aptly styled "THE MONARCH or
THE MONTHLIES , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics ol current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , strong and brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high order , profusely illus
trated by the best artists , and all by
writers of recognized merit , will fill its
pages. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers ot
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ih the foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an
earnest and powerful ta'e ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " liy Ella , Pierce ,
which has already attracted widespread
attention and charmed multitudes of
readers. Subscriptions may begin , if de
sired , with the November number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture in Colors ,
the series of twelve forming for the year
a beautiful collection of gems of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large
octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of
similar publications , and is not only the
best , but by far the cheapest , of any of
the of magazines for the people ,
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents ,
68 , 55 and 57 Park Place , New York.
The licit and muest Remedy for Core of
oil dlieaMB caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
DUiou Complaint ! and XalarUofaU kind *
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It la plt&Mnt to the toite , tonei up the
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It U purely Vegetable , and ennot fall to
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AM Blood Partner it U naperlor to all
often. Bold eyerj-trtcre t 11.00 * bottle.
\ Beat and hoit iii > tem now in u . CirouUr *
Who ti WEAK. NF.KVOVR. nmiMTA-
linn TKIFI.RU awny hi' VK1OK of HOOT ,
< Uftlns Upon the of I.1FK ,
DrcnrnK. WRAKNF.HH nf Memory. nANII *
the FACT. . And nil the KFFBf.r * lending to
rAIU.Y lF.UAYnml pcrhnps rOXNUMP-
TION or INSANITY. shonUl coiiMill nt once
the CF.I.rilKATF.n lr. Clnrkr , KMnbll.hpd
Ifvl. Dr. Clarke hm mndo NF.RVOFN 1IF-
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the UEMTO llltl.VAKY Orpftln It Mia
Utility U makes NO dlUcrvnro WHAT you
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Tlioimnndn enrol , ontrmand nnrlons
prltnlc.Thoso contcmplMInc Miuriiico
tend for Dr. t'liirkft'N celebrated RiiMo
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WK cuAitA.vri'.t < i six MOXKS
To euro nny cnso. With earn order received by
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bend the purchaser our nritlen timnuitiHi to r
fund tne money If the treatment does not effect
a euro. ( limrantccM Issued only by ( ! . V. GOOD-
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Carbolic Bmoko Hall Co.-Cle n
tlomvii : 1 tnko irrtmt plcmuro In
( Htlntf Hint 1 hare uio.l thu Car-
liollc ninoku llntl. 1 wuuKl not
tin without one. Fur n ointilnn
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imhlo In fact mirth tcnlluics IU
CnUrrli , AMhnin , llmncliltli ,
Nt-iirnliila , ( limp. I. mm Trimble *
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lioMUKC. IX-bullalor for the lilood
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Klten at nur ofTictt parlors. Hold
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eolnte durability. iU ! yearn record.
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SO Cents a Week ,
Eaun papers a week. Scud yo'ir order to till
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through LTCOIS und llucl ) > ractlco CURE
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