Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; . , DECEMBER , 20. 1887.
Proffroas of the Paut nnd Prospect8
For the Future.
More Rnllrond Humors and NcwMati-
u'fuetorlcs Business at Unnerolt
AMusotllti Temple Fur Fremont
Kxeter Itoms.
. An KncnuraKlng Outloolc.
NEIIUAIKA Citr , Neb. , Dec. 25. [ Corro-
( ijxjiulcnco of the Hue. ] The latest niilroud
rumor , nnd.ono with peed foundation , Is that
the plans for a Missouri Pacific extension
from Nebraska City to Taliiuigo are being
prepared , utid that work on the line will
b'c'jjln with the opening of spring. This road
\yill , bo part of _ what Is known ni the Crete
branch , and will leave the1 main line , accordIng -
Ing to present jiUuis , immediately south of the
city. It la stated by an ollleial of that road
lUot with the completion of this line , nnd the
reorganization of the Wubiish , connections
would bo nuido between the two roads , uslnf *
the now Clilt-afo , Burlington & Quiney
brldRo at thN place for that purpose. Upon
a recent visit to this city President Perkins ,
of the "Q. , " expressed the bullet that the
bridal ! would not bo completcU within n year ,
but recently tlio cntlro force has been
doubled and tlio structure will now bo in
readiness by July next.
The Union stock yards of Nebraska City ,
Whlch : were incorporated at Chicago a few
daJsaKowith u capital stock nf * JOO,000 ,
has nmoiiK Its incoriwrutors the Hutchlnsons
of Chicago. J. Sterling Morton , P. H. Wo.iro
and a number of other moneyed men. One
of tlio gentlemen Interested In the now en
terprise Bays it is proposed to muko Nebraska
City the largest and best live stock market
west of Chicago. As a result of this Incor
poration an extensive beef packing concern
will come hero In the spring , and several
more packing houses are assured.
Ono of the new enterprises established hero
during the past week is a paper box factory
by Messrs. Pltz < fc Young , having secured the
necessary machinery and will engage In tlio
business on an extensive scale. They have
ah eady niado contracts to furnish boxes for
a mnnhur of firms , the largest perhaps being
Hnysehlag's rereal mills , which will use un
Immense number of boxes daily.
A gentleman repiesenting one of the
largest brewing establishments in the state
' of KiiiiHiiH , was in the city several days ago
looking for a now location for the plant , be
ing forced out by the prohibition laws of
Kansas. An ciTort is being made to have
the firm locate hero.
Lodgh& ! ! MIISOII have completed arrange
ments for u gigantic business in the Ice trade
and have lust finished a building at a cost of
? 1IWMI ) , which will hold over 'JOMH ( ) tons of
ice. They have made contracts to furnish
Ice for Hastings , Lincoln and a number of
Bimillcr places .throughout the state.
Kills , Reynolds & Spreohor have com
pleted their contract for building the addi
tion to the institute for the blind , and the
structure is ready for the llnishers. It is
now ono of the largest public buildings in
the state nnd a model of architectural bouuty.
at linnci-oft.
BVXCIIOFT , Nob. , Dec. 'J5. [ Special to the
HRK.J The citizens hero have raised about
fifteen hundred dollars as a boiuis to induce
parties to build a good flouring mill. This is
one of the best mill openings In the state ,
being directly connected with Omaha and
Slonx City.
The future prospects o'f this town never
looked better. The natural resotnces can
not be beaten. The rich lands of Logan val
ley are attrrtuting men with capital at a dis
tance. This county ( Cinnlng ) was the ban
ner of four states at the great oru p.ihu o
exhibition ut Sioux City in agricultural pro
ducts. There are moi o cattle within a radius
of eight miles than of any other town in
Northern Nebraska.
The linn's representative has been looking
up the stock Interest hero for thu past few
weeks , and from the most reliable sources ho
learns there urcj ov7er O.OK ( ) head of cattle and
10XX ( ) In ud of hogs within the above circles.
All this stock IB within three hours' run to
the Omaha markets. F. U. Harbor has just
completed one of the llnost hay and block
bams in the Logan valley.
Items ) From Kvctor.
Exirrint , Neb. , Dec. IU. [ Correspondence
of the linn. ] Tlio Elkhorn took possession of
Us now depot yesterday , and -Agent Hommol
Is happy. The building is liJxTU , consisting of
waiting room , baggage room and oftli-o. It Is
well lighted , convenient , tastily painted and
Ciisy of lU'vesft.
With the H. & M. and Elkhorn running be
tween bore and Geneva , the county seat , wo
are enabled to visit and return from there the
same day via either road. Mall service is
expected on the Elkhorn on and after Janu
ary 1. Travel on the now road Is rapidly in
Wells & Orchard have completed their flno
oflk-o on Exeter avenue , and with their now
coal shuto well tilled with coal are doing n
rushing business , thanks to the present cold
spell. _
IleiiuMicnnisiu Assert H ItHoIf.
OIIANT , Neb. . Dee. 25. [ Special to the
-Republicanism ] has assorted itself in
the now county. The central committee
called a convention to moot January ' - , at
which time u straight ticket will bo placed
hi the Hold.
TAI.MAOH , Neb. , Dec. ! if > . [ Special Tele
gram to the Htr. : . ] Dlpthcria , w'hich was re
ported in the Hiu : n few months ago as ragIng -
Ing In this place , has again broken out in a
very malignant form In the family of ono C ,
H. Klrby , .somo distance northeast of this
placo. News of the death of ouo of Mr.
Klrby's children rouchod town about noon
to-day. _
To Dulld a MiiHoitlo Temple.
FHK.MONT , Nob. , Doc. 25. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK. ] Articles of lncori > orution
of thoMusouloTomplo craft of Fremont have
boun illud in the otllco of the county dork.
This Is n piullmtnury step toward the erec
tion In this city next spring of ' a handsome
Masonlo teinplo to cost somewhcie In the
neighborhood of f.ViOO. ) ( The Incorporators
tra V. S. Hey , Hubert Kittle , G. A. Stoiey ,
Arthur Truesdell , L. M. Kceuo and W. II.
Dorsoy nt Home.
FIIKMOXT , Neb. , Doc. 25. [ Special Tele-
pram to the Hun. ] Congressman and Mrs.
Dorsey have arrived homo from Washington
to spend the holidays.
Tlio National Trotting Association
About to Iiose Its Itest Olllcero.
Cmc.uio , Dec. S3. [ Special Telegram to
the H'BK. ] A local paper in its sporting news
has nn interview with a gentleman who at
tended the recent meeting of the board of
review of the National Trotting ussoclatloi
in Now York. Ho says the association is
about to lese two.of . its best ofllecrs , as Judge
Grant will surely decline re-election and
General Sllton Is in III health and cannot
devote much morotimo to the service of the
association. With their retirement , the gen
tleman says , no ono need not bo surprised If
Mr. Vail comes to the front again as the prac
tical head of the association. He Is IJSVT , It
Is said , busying hlniholf writing letters to
friendly mumVera Of tbs nssociation , asking
for proxies for u ij at the next congress. Thu
board of review has tried to offset him by
having tbs present secretary , Morse , wrlto
to t ; , nicmbcis requesting them not to Issue
Vroxles to unauthorl/ud iwr-ons.
"All tlio same , " said the gentleman , "Vail
will get n lot , and it Is the opinion of every
in an I talked to In New Yoi u that he is once
moro going to bothoBccrotury of the National
Trotting association. " _
An" litt In ItiiMsln.
ST. PnTniismmOj'Dcc , 25. Lord Randolph
Churchill has-ecoo M. do Glors , the Russian
foreign mlnitter , and will probably sea the
czar. The latent university riot hero was
Muted by Urn ttudeuU Inviting the citizens
to make OOBBBOI c < tua withthorn. . The dls-
order hut pr a4 .to the .military , academy ,
medical college and school of forestry , nil of
vTileh are no.w closed ; The' .recent rumor
hat an attempt has been mnda to assanslmito
ho c > .ar wn * duo to the dlsifovery of a secret
door beneath the Imperial box la'tho Marie
heatro. *
1 Pltieky KxprcNs 'Mensnnjrer Saves
tlio-Cotntmtiy'N FtnulN.
ATOKA , I. T. , Dec. So. Olio south-lxHiud
Missouri , KIUISRB & Texan passenger was
about to leave horrf last night wlien two men
joardcd the engine nnd compelled the en-
jlnccr to run J.o tliobridRivn short distance
from the stntlom At1 tJiH .point five moro
ncn joined Ibein. Express" Mpss'cngcr John
Grlmshaw saw thorn coining , locked the
leers with tlio assistance of the baggage
mister , and bUrrleadoi' tticni. The robboi-s
irocured chisels and -ptUcr tools from the
engine and HttoiujtUHl to broik ( open the
loors. All assaults .on It were in vain ,
lowovor , 'and the "nfbburs fired several
shots through the car and then
vent to the mail oar < -whliMi was also bolted.
.They contentedUumineJvt * * with firing
hrough It several Mine * iltnl then wont back
o the Pulhniih'd gnvo It a similar
salute wllhdnl liMenrpflng to. gothi. . They
Inally returned to thoiixjircss car , where
Irlmshaw'and thu bagKagenjaster still held
ho fort , nnd threatened , tosotIt , on tiro.
This failed to friRhU'ji tlut turfly messenger ,
ami having detained th < ) train thirty minutes
vlthont getting a conCttio ? obbcrs rather
sheepishly rode away. No ,0 10 was hurt.
Jreat credit is given Griulshaw fur his cool-
less. .
The Sitltnh Short . .of. 'Money and
Afrnld of Uusglu.
LONDON' , Id6 , 2.5. A dispatch from Con
stantinople to the Daily News s > iys : Tlio
government is alarmed nt * Uuislu's war pre
parations , nnd the sultnn is .inquiring as to
the advisability of calling out 50,000 troops
for Er/croum and Bulgaria. It is stated
that Nolldoff , Hnsslan ambassador to
Turkey , has informed the porto
the unless the Indemnity arrears
amounting to . 750,000 , bo paid. Russia will bo
obliged to tnko a pledge in Asia Minor for the
protection of her Interests. The govonncnt
is hampered for money. A body of marines
whoso tlmo had expired recently tried to
force their way into the Imperial palace to
demand of the miltnn tbolr arrears of pay.
They were all arrested nnd imprisoned , nnd
uftorward worq paid a small num each and
sent nwuy from the capital , to prevent their
complaints from reaching the ears of the
A WHfe Renter Arrestpil.
John David , the wife be.iter , came homo
drunk again last evening , and after adminis
tering a merciless beating to his spouse ,
drove her into the street. A policeman was
attr.ictcd to the secno by her screams , who
steered John to the lock-up , and loft the wife
In peaceable possession of the homo.
Plucky YOUII/I Wouinii Explores
the Bottom ol' thu Ijiike.
Now York Commercial Advertiser :
On the register of the Victoria hotel a
"ew dnys since appeared the numo of
Miss limwood , whoso residence is In one
of the beautiful lake cities. The young
lady IB not only handsome , vivacious
vnd courageous , but she enjoys the dis
tinction of being one of the very few
ladies wlio over went down in deep
waters in u marine diver's suit. She
was ono of a jolly yachting parly
who were spending u fofr weeks
lust summer in cruising about Lake
Krio , and who went into the mouth of
Brand river jn Canada 1o remain over
Sunday. Not far their anchorage
lay the flat boat of Henry Hilrd , the
ruinous bub-marino diver , fully equipped
for work. Ilurd had been for some time
engaged in clearing obstacles from the
rncr channel , but very properly bad
suspended labor for the Sabbath. The
diver's craft , air pump and htrango ar
mor naturally attracted the interest of
the yachting party , who : fskod all man
ner of questions regarding them , and
their peculiar use. One-of the yachts
men finally obtained poi-ink-mm to put
on the garment and "go down. While
ho was donning the rubbers and the
great copper hclmetwithits three great
bulls' eyes , Miss Elnwood asked if she
could not try it- also when , her' friend
came up. The old diver laughingly
assented , never dreaming that she
was in earnest , or even if she were , that
nho wovild really dirpo * attempt the feat.
But while the yachtsman was groveling
around the bottom of the river , she
went into the cabin , reappeared in her
bathing costume and insisted that she
was ready to put on the sub-marlno ar
mor , llurd tried to dissuade her from
her purpose , but s.ho was determined
and hold him tp-hia promise , and as her
friend btopped out .of the rig she stepped
into it. The suit or armour , with the
helmet and lead weights about the
waist and on the feet weighed between
three hundred and foui1 hundred
pounds. An unconscionable burden for
a man on land , and of course beyond her
physical powers to carry alone. But as
the helmet was adjusted , and the front
bull's eye screwed into place , she
shouted good-byo to hoi' friends. The
air pump was managed toy the diver's
assistant , when the voung htdy AVH.S half
pushed , half carried across the'dock to
the ladder that extended down to the
river bottom thirty-fodfbolow. The life
line was attached and blio began her
descent. .She .dcscribcdj her sensations
on her return to terra firma as follows :
"When the holipot wits put on nnd the
front window closed I fojt for a moment ,
as if I was in some horrible'prlson , and
was half Inclined to scream out. But I
saw Will had gone .through It all with
out trouble" , and I made up my mind
that if ho could I could too. The most
ticklish moment , however , was when I
wan going down the ladder and found
myself actually in the water. . It seemed
as if all that terrible weight must sink
mo to the bottom , and once there I
feared I might , never come up again.
But I kept on , and was surprised to find
that the further down 1 wonttho lighter
the load grow , until it'feoomed as if I
had no hcaVy weights upoh mo. I could
breathe oabily and see perfectly. The sen
sation of blowl.v sinking atyd floating was
the mostdelightful I over experienced. I
lost all fear and gave myself up to a
thorough enjoyment , of the most novel
experience of my" life. It was bo
fatrangc t6 find myself walking actually
walking on the , gravelly bed of the
river bottOjn. As i' throw myself back
I could look up at the burfuco. The
bottom of the llutboiit was above mo. I
could see nil your faces peering down at
mo and apparently moro frightened
than I wis ( my&olf. Now and then I
could see dam shadows lilt by mo ,
which I knew must bo fishes , so i stood
still for a few moments to see what they
would do. Presently a number of porch
and u pike , I think it was , cuvno quite
close and eyed imj SiiquVilivcly , and
then darteiVilVay. ,
"I tried to sit down and to reach the
bottom with my hand , for. 1 wanted to
take up n handful of wllto } gravel to
show you that I had really been to the
bottom. But the buoyancy 'of the suit
was to great at that depth that I had to
exert myself before I could do BO. 1
could lift my feel and float as gently In
the water as n thiutlo down in the air.
I laughed and tried to sing , but my own
voice in that copper helmet filled with
coirtprcgsed air sounded like the boom
ing of a buw drum. The noise was BO
loud and strong that I feared it might
burst the helmet. I cquld have re
mained down thora for hours , If you had
not given mo the signal to come up.
Ascending the ladder was c-Rsy enough
at first , but It became more and more
dinicult until the heavy helmet got
above the burface , then I could have
gone no further without help. " .
Stock Speculation Very Dull In the
Early Part. ,
The llnllronil Uoml Market Vibrates
Frequently Hut Shows lip Firm
A Pulr Inquiry l-'or Gijvcru-
incut SecurltlcH.
Block Spcctilntiiin Dull. ' '
NnvYoiiK , Dor. 25. [ fe'pccKu Telegram
o the linn. ] Stock simulation yas very
dull during tlio flrst part of the week , but
ticked up somowlmt near thotloso. Outsidu
of u few movements hero aird'ihcro business
was confined briefly to room trttklon'/'who
shifted from one sldo to thtJ othor'Wrth fjfeat
frenuency , thus giving th6 market ii'ffeci'lsh '
appearance. Except In rjiro ' 6aSoS the
changes were much smaller tJiaW'tUtfal , the
rcsulUof u narrow circle .of dixjrutity and
United dealings. The Ch'lcn .Bu'rlinfflon
V Quiney recorded the greatest fluctuations ,
rising ( > yt per cent , when Chicago bid prices
ip and frightened some -of thu shorts into
covering and losing most of thu improvement
ifter the demand from the. boars hod been
supplied. Manhattan dropped fl per cent and
afterwards recovered the decline. Son Pram
cisco preferred , Pcorln ; De < ! atur it Evans-
vlllo and Columbus & Hocking' Valley roue 3 %
( ? 4 points. The general run of ' active
stocks did but little either way. But some of
them made net gains , Union Pa'cllte leading
with Ijtf per cent. Heading , after n flood of
strike rumors , closed } St percent lowers In
hull dealing * the whole market W < IB strong ,
lotwllhstandlng the cutting of rates among
vcstern loads and the uncertainty' sis to the
nture of the situation of the coal regions.
jomoof the professional bears assisted the
.raders at intervals in hammering the list ,
> ut thei'1 success was not coimneiHuralo with
ho efforts put forth. Thostrengthdlsulaycd
) V Union Pacific , Western Union.- and Lake
Shore , together with favorable railroad traffic
returns and the belief among the bull frater
nity in better prices and increased activity to
he now year , had 11 tendency to offset the
ulverso circumstances that occurred from
.imo to time.
The railroad bond market vibrated fre
quently. but in the main was Hrm. Business
generally was quite moderate , although
veil distributed , and any approach
o activity was confined to com-
laratlvely few issues. A number of
Hinds show net gains on the week fiom 1 to
J | Mint and all the better class of mortgages
were offered sparingly. The most notable
Icclme was in Minneapolis & St. Louis
Equipments , which broke L'O points on hullcu-
ions that the January Interest would bo de-
'aulted. Chesapeake Ac Ohio 4s and currency
is continued to attract attention and closed
at an advance of Ia2 ( per cent on the further
ibiorption of both. Columbus & Hocking
Valley lirsts rose 3)tf on the decision in the
Jurkobult. Kansas & Texas bonds and De-
roit , Miickinac & Miirquctto land grants ,
ifter tluetu.itlng frequently , closed a little
ou-cr , while Texas Pacifies and
Vlckc'l Plates were firm. Theie
was n fair inquiry for governments ,
chiefly from dei > ository banks , and higher
[ notations wcro made in consequence of the
linited sunply offering. There was a very
act I vo demand for exchange to close up ac
counts for the year and also to remit for Jan-
uir.v inteiests and dividend money duo to the
other sldo. Thu postal rates were advanced
to * 4.N ) ) @ 4.84 for long and $ -t.b for short
stcrlniir , . At the end inquiry abated and the
nnrkct was a little lower.
Stcaitmliip News.
LONDON , Dec. 25 , [ Special Telegram to
; ho n i.l : The Hugla , from Now York for
Hnmuuig , passed Lcilly light tills noon.
LONKON" , Dec. 15. ! The Cunard steamer
Aurania , from New York December 17 ,
arrived tit Qucenstown on her wnv to Liver
pool. She was detained 'for ' eighteen hours
in midoccan , her machinery having become
disabled. ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec Si. Arrived The Kottor-
dam , New Kottcidiim , La Champagne , from
Havre ana the lUiaetla from Hamburg.
The WK Halt Urolceu TJp.
Nr.w LOOONConn. . , Dee. 2. > . The United
States steamer Enterprise , arrived here this
afternoon after an unsuccessful search for the
lig lumber raft , abandoned by the Mirandtv
off Nantucket shoals. When the Enterprise
was 135 miles southeast by soiltu from the
shoal she fell in with an Immense number of
logs , from the raft , proving beyond doubt
that the raft had broken up. None of the
logs were lashed together , Tlio loss were
not in the line of ocean steamships. '
Peaceful AHSurniiccs From UlMiiarck.
LONDON , Dec. iiT > . The Times correspon
dent ut St. Petersburg says : "General von
Schweinitz , the German ambassador brought
most peaceful and conciliatory assurances
from Prince Hismarck. Austria , it is de
clared , will stop sending reinforcements to
Galicia. It is hoped Uussia will follow Aus
tria's example. "
McNonly Kelpnsccl.
H.vur.vx , Dec. i5. ! McNealy , theSaeo bank
embezzler , was released from custody to
night upon presentation of letters from the
ofuccrs of tlio bank.
A Beautiful City With Fair Women
ami Bravo Men' .
South American corrcbpondcncq to
tlio Now York Sun : OuV train wont
higher and higher , through clouds
hanging on tlio mountain sidps. T/h"o /
hazy blue sea which wo had seen in the
clintunco diba.ppeaved . behind the ; ranges.
The torpid tropical heat of tlio coast ,
which had opened all our pores and
cuubcd lavish perspiration while we wore
in Luguayani , had given way to doji-
eious cool breezes , perfumed 'with ' the
odor of the rich vegetation. At last
tlio valley of Caracas was reached , and
from the mountain saddle , through
which our train passed my qyps 'mot
with a picture which will not'Mxm bo
obliterated. Caracas is one 6f the most
picturesque cities I have over scon
during fifteen years'travel through four
continents. Situated in a beautiful ver
dant valley of from two to three
miles wide and more "than , a doze ; ) miles
in length , the red Hat roof , the numer
ous cupolas and towers , intermingled
with the tops of lofty palms rnd other
evergreen trees , form a .nipst pleasing
picture within an impo'iing frame of
high mountains , some of them like the
Silla do Aviln and the Naigilata , tower
ing nearly frovon thousand feet above
the level of the valley. Elegunt car
riages carry you at ' moderate faro
through crowded streets bordered "with
elegant houses , and hero the traveler
will again bo agreeably disappolhtec ] .
Sight-seeing in Caracas was not..tho
object of my trip to South America , but ,
during the bovoral weeks I spent in the
capital , preparing .for my voyngo lur-
thor inland , I necessarily saw every
thing worth seeing , and do not hosstrao
to pronounce it in many rcspectd quite
n pocket edition of Paris. In the whole
of Central America , the West Indies
and the northern half of South
America there is not another oity whore
the tourist may spend faovoral weeks
of oven months more pleasantly than ill
Caracas. During our winter months ,
that is from October to March or oven
April , the cllmuto of there is delicious.
Without being too warm hi the day
time , It is cool and refc'oohftig after bun-
sot , altogether probably equal to our
northern. May or September. Caracas
vrii't its regular streets arranged after
these of our American cities , lias nu
merous shady squares and parks with
lofty palm and evergreen tree , banana3 ,
the bread fruit trees , mangoes , almond
trees , mid lochosos. The patio or in
terior court of nearly ovety house In
Caracas is nothing but iv beautiful flower
garden , with triHrical flowers In full
bloom all the yotirtiround , The streets
arc well paved Hvfth cemented side
walks , bettor kept than UHHO of our
great northern eaiNlnls. During winter
time it Mover1 rains , but a line
aqueduct , the work 'of ' Guzman IJlanco.
keeps houses , gardens and fountains , of
which there is ontMn every square , well
supplied with oxcblTent water. Owing
to the nmnyeartluVuhkes which Caracas
experienced in b.Vfttfno tlnys , the houses
arc mostly one story , highkxcopt the
government buildings , thcro are very
few houses two stdvies high , and to my
knowledge none ofthree stories. Ele
vators and statrcaite climbing nro , there
fore unknown things in Caratas , as , in
deed. in the whole 'of Venezuela. One
would bo liable to think these one-story
buildings , with their Hat roofs and long
rows of grated windows , would give the
streets of Caracas n , dreary nppoaraneo ,
but nothing would bo fur
ther from the truth , for windows and
and doors are all open , and , while the
latter permit a passing glimpse at the
beautiful tlowor beds and luxuriant
pltltanaa in the courtyard , the former
are usually adorned with llowors of a
far superior kind , with beautiful senoritas -
itas , whoso like nro not to bo found all
over Central America. Caracas is de
servedly far-famed for the beauty .grace ,
and elegance of its ladies , but oven the
highest expectation of an unpoctlcal ,
scientific traveler like myself fell far
Lolow ) the truth.
I was informed that , although there
are quite a number of I'Vench dress
makers in Venezuela , the ladles them
selves are very well versed in the high
art of the eenturiere. Nowhere in
America south of Washington and
north of probably Rio Janeiro havo- ,
noticed such remarkable taste in
dressmaking , and it would bo a
decided advantage to the senoritas
of Mexico and Central America if
; hey would take their "modes" from
Caracas. The roboso , or Spanish veil ,
: ias been discarded by the Caraquenas ,
and very well made coquettish hats in
; he "latest" Parisian Btyle have been
ulopted. Robosos are bnlo worn by a
lew ladies of the middle clastes , espec
ially on Sundays at church , while
women of the lower classes throw white
bilk shawls over their heads. Negresses
wear here , as indeed , all over the West
tndes , gaudy colored bandana handker
chiefs wound around their heads.
Although the Plaza Bolivar is open to
everybody , the lower elabses never en-
ier it during concert hours , but content
themselves to listening to the music
outside the railing. Altogether I have
: -arely mot with a more docile , well
behaved people than the lower classes
of Vonezuelanos. Thoyare poorand ig-
iprant , but at the same time honest and
find hearted. Robberies are hardly
mown in Caracas. The doors are
.oft open during the day , and
even at night they &oom * to
bo closed only for fquuality's sake , but
not for protection In my numerous
lonely walks through the streets at
night , not only in Caracas , but in other
towns , I never irlfct a disorderly or
drunken person. 'Alter 11 o'clock at
night everything * is quiet. The few
tramways crossing' ' the city stop shortly
after 10 o'clock , and at midnight the
streets are absolutely deserted , remind
ing mo often of Mnlimi1 streets with sim
ilar houses in a city' 'far awnj-j at the
foot of Mount Vcsvn'i'us ' , Pompeii.
As in oversmalleV city Caracas has
only ( ioM)0 ( ) inhabitants society is di
vided into several t'oteries. ' The official
world does not min hj with > ociety , for
reasons which had-buttor remain undis-
eussod , for 1 have Vio' desire to become
the ' 'Comic de VatHH" of Caracas. The
president , to whorWt 'whs presented by' '
tlie liiinlfeter of foreign affairs , is a plain *
gentleman , formerly ' president of the
state of Carabobo , which office he-
is destined to resume next spring , after
the new elections have taken place. He
is , of courss , like every Vono/.uolano of
standing , a general. One sarcastic di-
plomast told mo once at the Union club
of Caracas ( a gambling establishment
with a small library for appearance
sake ) that generals are as thick in Ven-
e/uela a * , locusts. But fortunately they
are far more harmless than those in-
sects. , In order to meet _ the far-famed
beauties of the capital , one must assist
at some private entertainment , of which
here are a great number. Every birth
day , every nameday , or otho ' family
event , is a most welcome occasion to in
vite friends for evening parties. It is
customary in Caracas fto present the
heroine of the day with lloral offer
ings , the si/.o and bouuty of which
are truly astonishing. Bouquets , horse
shoes and flower baskets cover the
salons of a Caracas society belle , and I
am very much inclined to think may
young gentlemen of Caracas consult too
much their hearts instead of their
purses in such .matters. Altogether , a
good many people in Ven/.uola's capital
seem to be unaware of Uho great princi
ple of economv-r-to spend less than they
earn. But after booing the beauties of
Vcnzuola ; i cun .fully understand , and
oven pardon , the weakness of
the so-called stronger sex. Indeed ,
entrenous soil dit. I myself
narrowly escaped following their
example. Such beautiful faces
such elegant figures , such graceful
manners as those of the ladies of Cara
cas are seldom met with. They are
passionately fond of dancing , are good
conversationalits and very experienced
flirts , drawing quite innocently their
web around the helpless victims of their
grace and beauty. They have a decid
edly good influence 'over the stronger
sex' , and I only wish their influence
would be even more appreciated than it
actuallv is.
The visitor from the United States , If
well introduced , will soon become a
welcome member of these charmed so
cial circles , composed , 1 hardly need
add , entirely of whites. Aside of
Spanish , many ladies of Caracas speak
French and Knglish quite fluently.
They are well ver.sod In Spanish and
French literature , ( | ) ut unfortunately ,
the Vonezulanos ' eglect somewhat
their higher education.
Sole Survivor of uiiinlly That Waa
Probably Masnucflcil l > y tlio Crocks.
Philadelphia Pre > > s : The future hereof
of Philadelphia smnll boys has arrived
in a freight car in , inp person of Jimmy
Prentice , the adopUul fjon of the la
mented Big Chief J/SiMitleo , of the tribe
of Creek Indioari , yhp for many moons
have pitched their tents on u reserva
tion Old Portjln Indian territory.
Jimmy is suppo-ied , t'o be the surviving
member of a large ; , family whom the
chief's tribe massacred long ago when
ho was a bad man , but took a fancy to
the palo-faced boy and kept him for his
own , lavishing upon him at the curly
ago of five years all a young pvinco of
an Indian tribe couhl v ; nt In the way
of buckskin moccasins , mustangs , and
polf-ccoking revolvers. So yesterday ,
after a journey of nearly a year toward
the rising sun , Jimmy Prentice arrived
in William Ponn'sold reservation , in a
Norfolk jacket and Knickerbockers
which ho had picked up on the journey ,
and was picked up by Lieutenant Fran
cis , Schnvlkill harbors , near Locust
street wharf , while trying to dicker
with a freight conductor for a passage
to Baltimore.
Lieutenant Funnels IU first thought
the wanderer belonged to that i HI in bo r-
les class at young prodigal * who arise
In Unj hont of family debate and leave ,
homo for a time , but when Jimmy fasel-
imted them with a tale of his life on
thor frontier , nnd talked to them fluently
in the tongue of his tribe they won
dered much , andOlllcer Samuel Sovbort
adopted him and took him to his homo
at No. 1217 Wheat street , where ho was
duly installed as u member of the
There ,1 reporter found him. Ho is u
bright. good-lokinghoaHhy youngster ,
and said ho couldn't remember any fur
ther back , than when ho was 11 vo years
old. Then ho was among the Indians ,
and known an the old chief's son , who
used to strap'him on muptnngsand make
him break Jhqm In. "When the jMinles
would drop on their knees , " lie said , "I
knew tlwy was caving , and then I'd betaken
taken all ftnd put on a now one. " Con
tinuing , ho said :
"The chief rmulo rae long buckskin
leggins Hnd when I had learned to ride
pretty wou ho gave mo my guns , and I
used to go put hunting with the rest.
When Igot older t used to ask him
about my people , and ho would got very
cross , and tyll mo in .Indian to get out.
"Tlio trlbo.llvod In huts and the chief
and the , squaw and I lived In ono cave ,
sleeping at nights in , buffalo robes and
subsisting on corn broad and what the
hunters found. When I was eight years
old the chief with mo began attending
the Indian school on the reservation. I
don't rcmombor the war cry of the tribe
but once we ; fought some French and
English Bottlers who wore trying to
make us move. I was in the light carry
ing powder to the braves. Lots of our
men wore killed , but wo drove 'em back
all the same. I'vo done nothing but go
to school all my life.
"Ono day last February when I came
back from out hunting they told mo the
chief was dead. Ho died quick. The
next day they burled him standing up ,
and then I thought as his old squawVas
so poor she coul An't ' take care of herscl
I'd bolter got out. Wallace's circu
came along and stopped near us to
water their animals , so I just got on
my mustang and joined them. I
traveled with them all the way to Port
Jorvis , N. Y. , sometimes performing in
the ring , and whenever they gave mo
a little money they would steal it from
mo at night. I guessed I'd better leave
'em then , and I had to leave my pony ,
because I couldn't feed him and I
wouldn't see him starve.
" \Villiam and Charles Taylor , at Port
.Tervis , took mo in , and they and Ur.
Willis all chipped in and bought mo
this suit in place of my buckskins.
They wrote to a man named J. J. Clark ,
in tlio stock yards of Baltimore who
said ho would give mo a home. I was
on my way there when these follows got
mo , "
Jimmy expressed himself entirely sat
isfied , to make his homo with Ollicer
Seybert by saying. "It's boss here. "
Mrs. Soybert is delighted with him and
says ho is going to school : Ho cats
ravenously and talks Indian for the
amusement of the neighbors. Officer
Seybert says he knows not what Jimmy's
past has bec'n , but his future will bo
Take Cnre of tlio Throat.
Many orators use Allcock's Porous
Plasters for throat and lung troubles.
Few preachers escape some affection of
the voice , and many wear a fringe of
beard under the chin as a protector for
the delicate organs of speech. The
Rev. A. A. Shcsler , of Hartley , Iowa ,
writes : .
I am a 7 > rcthodist minister , living in
the nqrthwestern part of the state of
Iowa. I have been using Allcoi'k's
Porous PJastots for the last two years
with VQry marked success. I have been
very , inuqh troubled wjth bronchitis ,
, and a cough , which ver.v , much intor-
fere'd witk iny preaching , buc an All-
cocks Blaster on my throat and oil my
chest .completely cured mo in two
weeks. ,
Montreal KoWicr.s Trnppetl by Now
York and Chicago Talent.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat : Frank
Haynor , deputy sheriff of Now York ,
who has for the last fifteen months been
engaged in working up the robberies
alleged to have been committed by Do-1
tectives Fahoy and Naegol and Con
stable Bureau of Montreal , has been in
Toronto over since the recent relations
wore made in Montreal , living under an
assumed iiiuno and endeavoring to keep
hinis.elf out of the roach of newspaper
reporters. Ho returned to Montreal re
cently , but not before ho had been dis
covered and interviewed by a rojKirtor.
lie claims that ho was employed for the
work in which ho has been engaged by
a wealthy Montreal citizen , whoooname
however , ho refuses to alvulgc. Ho
showed his Shrievalty badge to , prove
himself what ho claimed to bo , and.
stated that ho was under Shorilt Grant ,
of New York. Ho said during the in
terview :
"I first went to Montreal on the 17th
of August. The gentleman who brought
me told mo that ho believed Fahoy and
Napgelo to bo crooked. Ho backed mo
up , paid the most extravagant expenses
and told me to hang on and convjut
them if ] > Oasiblo. I was introduced to
Fahoy in liisownofllcothoday I arrived.
Ho took mo for a sporting man and
thought I was a right good follow. I
made the Richelieu hotel , Montrealmy
headquarters , but Boston was my base
of operations , and 1 was seven or eight
times between Boston and Montreal dur
ing the flrst eight weeks. While in
Montreal Fahey and I were together
always. Wo dined and wined and were
jolly'good fellows and up for all sport.
The flrst plan of robbery ho ever
proposed was to steal Sir Don
ald Smith's picture , "Les Com
municants , " by Jules Breton , which was
purchased for $15,000. Ho said ho
would give mo a water inspector's uni
form and got mo Into the house to locate
the picture and plan the robbery , but I
told him it would be too ditilcult , and
ho abandoned the project. Ho next
drove mo out towards the SU Vincent do
Paul penitentiary aft/jr night. He
showed mo the residence of a wealthy
widow who cr.jlectcd immense rents
once a inqu'ih , and took the money home
with lifer. IIo wished to arrange the
rc'ibory of the lady of the house , and
planned the cutting of the telephone
wires , etc. , in prder that the police
could not be communicated with
quickly. ,
"It > vas a. ludicrous scene the night
wo wont to the widow's house in the
darkness. About a do/en of big bull
dogs came after us , and wo had to run
for our lives. Wo didn't rob the widow !
"Three days afterwards ho planned
the robbery oLtha Grand Trunk pay
master. Ho then introduced mo to
Nnogolo , nnd informed mo that ho had
the watchinun of the Grand Trunk sta
tion under his power. The plan was to
knock the , paymaster on the head , but I
disagreed to that , as I felt that if a mur
der was committed I would got into a
mess and be unable to clear myself. I
therefore advised them to commence on
a smaller scale.
"Tho next day ho planned the vault
robbery , and I agreed to that. The
watchman gaveus the key of the safe ,
and wo took an impression of It and had
another key made. Thirty-one bags
\\ero taken from the safe , containing
81,210. but bovoral thousand dollars
which might hayo lioen taken were left.
The monuy was divided. Then Fnhoy
planned another and more extensive
robbery , and wrote to mo to engage n
llrstclaocrook and secure burglars * tools
with which to commit a series of burg
laries which ho would polntunt. Flynn
and 1 then returned to Montreal , and ,
according to my Instructions , a man was
sent to mo for further assistance In the
case. IIo came unor the name of Cray ,
and looked every Inch a llrst-clnss crook.
Ho had a first-class kit of burglar tools ;
but was no other than Chief Uotectlvo
Maxwell , of Chicago. I introduced him
to Nacgolo , Fahoy and Bureau , They
took the bait , and Fahoy took him
around the city and pointed but the
place ho wished the crook to operate
upon , and assured him every protection.
Maxwell vorllled all the evidences of
the guilt of Fahoy and his accomplices
that I had gathered , and with the
lotttors Bent to mo in Boston , and
opened and inspected by Detective
Flynn , a splendid case was made out. "
"I was often afraid , " said the detect
ive , in conclusion , "when going into
the dark ways ami alloys with them
that they might have discovered what
I was and blown the top of my head off.
But they never suspected. They took
mo for a first class crook. The task was
most dllllcult to encounter , but I saw
the only way to got at them wiw to belike
like themselves ; spend lots of money
and do anything they told mo. "
"How long do you think Fahoy lias
been crooked ? " asked the reporter.
"If I am to believe what ho told mo
when ho would bo planning a robbery ,
ho must have boon stealing since ho
was flrst made a detective. I tell you , "
ho said as ho looked determinedly at
the roporlpr , "If Maxwell and myself
had been crooks , as they thought us to
bo , and had had done as they directed
us. we could have stolen over $1200,000
out of Montreal , and no ono would over
have known who committed the rob
beries. Wo could have stolen fabulous
sums. "
How Stores of Honey Are found in tlio
AVfsteru AVildcrncNH.
Now York Indepondant : In the great
forest west of the Mississippi the wild
bees swarm in countless numbers , feed
ing on the luxurious vegetation which
skirls and Intersects the prairies all
along the alluvial bottoms of the rivers ,
andseeming to fulfill literally the bible
description of "a land flowing with milk
and honey. " Hollow trees are taken
possession of by them and Ii6noy stored
in them in great quantities. If nothing
disturbs them , they remain in their
quarters for long periods at a Jtimo , lay
ing up stores of honey for their own use ,
and as is often the case , for the bear or
white men in the long run. The
hunter who make a business of
collecting the honey are the most mos-
ciless eniinies that the little creaturor
have. Unlike Bruin , who discovers a
hive of honey by ehanco , or through
the aid of his sensitive nose , the bee
hunters carry on their work systemati
cally , .watching the habits of the little
creatures while gathering honey from
the flowers , and then following them as
they return to their homo through the
air. After an experience of a year or
two in the business , the hunters can
locate with wondarful accuracy the
homo of the bees , notwithstanding the
fact that the hive is often situated in a
dense forest , and in trees whore no ono
would over thiiiKof looking for honey.
Like most othorw Id creatures , the bees
betray their hiding-placo br their own
The Hunters , before starting out in
quest of the rich booty , provide them
selves with the necessary equipments.
These consitt of axes , rifles , matches
and a small piece of honeycomb. The
rifles arc carried along for their own
protection , in case the hunters should
bo hunted by enemies other than honey
bcos. When an open glade near the
edge of the forest is reached , the piece
of honeycomb is placed on a low bush ,
where itcan plainly bo seen by the pass
ing bees. Its sweet aroma quickly fills
the air around it and attracta the little
honoy-gatftercrs toward it. Like a
miser who has saddonly discovered a
treasure of gold , they dive down into
the little cells and begin to satiate their
appetlio. Then , without suspecting the
trap sot for them , nor stopping to in
quire about the strange phenomenon of
honeycomb growing on a bush , they
dart away through the forest to deposit
their load in the hive.
This is the hunters' opportunity. No
ticing the direction in which the boos
fly , they quickly start in pursuit , keep
ing the little creatures in sight with
dilllculty. Usually an old experienced
bee hunter takes the lead , and nis eagle-
like eyes can detect the small black
specs in the air when the others have
entirely lost sight of them. Through
dense clusters of brambles and over
wet and boggy ground they hurry , com
pletely absorbed in the chase , and un
mindful of. all disagreeable surround
ings. They have to make a bee-lino
through the woods nnd not stop to con
sider whether there is bettor traveling
in another , but longer , direction.
Even the most export leaders of hunt
ing parties will sometimes lose sight of
the game , and the bees will escape with
out betraying the locality of their
homes. After wandering about in the
woods for a sulliciont time , searching
attentively on every tree for a sign of
ono of the little creatuocs , the leader
becomes satisfied that he cannot find
the hive without resorting to another
trick. A small box with a glass top is
then produced , within which are a num
ber of bees , which the hunters have
caught round the honeycomb before en
tering the woods. One of these is
allowed to escape from the box Wirt tlio
direction which it takes immediately
followed by the party. A walk of several
minutes is then key.ciip , the leader keep
ing his eyes fixed on a certain tree
which hq has marked in the distance.
The Others of the party ( fiance about
thorn to discover signs of the tree in
tthieh the hive is hidden.
A second boo is then allowed to escape
from the box. Instead of flying in the
same direction taken by the first one , it
darts oil to the right and pursues a
course directly opposite to that adopted
by Its mate. This would be misleading
to an inexperienced hunter , and ho
would conclude naturally that either
the bees were from different hives , or
the old saying about Ix.-us flying directly
to their homes when liberated is all
"bo o. "
The leader of the hunting party , however -
over , understands the mule language of
the little insects. The pjirtyhas passed
the tree containing the hivoand a coun
termarch is immediately ordered.
Double precaution in now taken to locate
the exact spot of the hive , and in a very
short time this ih dono.
But quite frequently it happens that
the hunters , when in the immediate
neighborhood of the tree , are unable to
distinguish the right one from the
others. The entrance to the boo castle
is several feet above the ground.and the
eyes of the hunters are unable to see it
unless attracted by the bees coming in
and out in numbers. The third stop of
the hunt is then taken , and the leader
knows that this cannot fall. A lire is
kindled and a piece of honeycomb
placed upon a warm stone. In a few
minutes the honey begins to molt , and
tl o smell of 1t permeates the air
throughout the forest , reaching oven
the boos In their snug homo , As a re
sult , the whole colony of bees begin to
awarm out of thulrciladdland fly tuound
the flro from which the woot odor
avisos. Unconsciously they have dig ?
closed their hldinif-placoand the Jiunt
ors Immediately mark the tree and nro-
pare for wOrk. The llro is alowod ) , to
b'urn , and while the bocs are bitsv gath
ering the wasted HweotH iix''begins
to make the echoes ring throughout the
woods , AH If Htill suspecting nothing ,
the owners of the hive continue llyli'g
backward and forward , entering
ontorlng their homo with their t ljiy
loads of honey until the great trtiq be
gins to tremble. A sharp , splitting
noise startles the whole colony from
their work , and before they have time
to ascertain the cause the huge tree
crashes downward , carrying with it
bocs , honey nnd all.
The Author of Hhc. ,
London CorrosiHHidonco San Frnnolso
Chronicle : Mr. Henry llidor Haggard
was born under one of the luckiest atari
which over twinkled upon a nnughh
world. Ho has not only just nttninuil
the age of iU and are not his novoU the
best-read books of the day , pot pnlji
throughout Europe , hut the United
States'1 ! If a man with literary tiliio.
teenth century aspirations has move to
desire than this , I doubt it.
The Haggards como of a good old Nori
folk family , divided between the cnlUny
of county 'squires and the profes
sion of marrying when only jnsl
out of their teens both wisoK
wisely and woll. Our friend Henr\
Illdor was the fifth child of thq
family and looked upon as the least
promising of the Hock , and as a i-ontom-
jxu-ary quaintly puts It , "was destined
for the foreign service on account of hit
apparent stupidity. " After upending
some misspent time at a crammer's wltn
a view t < > being initiated in sliding
through the civil service commission
Bricks into that elevated department an
opportunity offered which led to hii
accepting a post on the stall of Sir Hour , }
Bulwor in South Africa. Ho sub
sequently accompanied Sir Tlieophijut
Shepstono on his Transvaal mission and
v > us ono of his daring spirits who there
hoisted the Hag sacred to the name of
Union .Tack , which signified the annoxa-
tlon of the country , and at the ago ol
twenty-one was induced to under
take the important post of master -
tor of the newly established ,
high court there. Two years after-
afterward bo retired from the sor\ieo ot
his country and returned to his Norfolk
homo. Before very long a jounglndy ,
not only "healthy , wealthy and wisq , "
but "pretty , " appeared upon the scone ,
to became the happy wife of Jvider Hag
gard , and who , imagining there \\iw
no field for her husband's martial civil
ardor in England , persuaded him to
conduct her buck with him to Boor
Land. They arrived there just in time
to be driven into huigor hi the trium
phant Boors , and when irritated beyond
bearing with the ' 'peace and so called
honor" policy of Mr. Gladstone , which
sentiments ho so admirably illustrates
in "Jess , " ' he determined to leave fora
good country where his nationality had
losts il-s prestige. He began life afresh ,
and got called to the bar , his first at
tempt being to practice in the divorce
court , but as "briefs" came few and
far between , 1m determined to tiy
Mils fortunes in tlio pursuit of "letters. "
So ho wrote his first book , inspired by
reminiscences of South Africa , which ho
chribtviicd "Cetownyo and His White
Neighbors , ' ' a work widen is not with
out pome sterling merit , and will one
day ho rorogni/cd as containing much
valuable information unobtainable elsewhere -
whore on the inner history of the tin-
negation. To gel this , his first literary
otlort , received by a publisher , Ilido'r
Haggard had to part with .CM ) , and even
then nobody would read "Chutewayo. "
Not discouraged by his fail
ure ho commenced another book ,
"Dawn , " which , like the first , was 10-
fused l > i every publisher to whom it was
boiit , and gnally , had entirely to bo re
written before finding acceptance. So
great indeed was the unremitting piiin.s
and industry ho expended on his second
venture , that his eyesight gave way ,
and ho was compelled to finish his writ
ing in a darkened room. And for all
this work ho received the paltry Bum
of .CIO.
These dark days were only thepro- ,
cursor to the brilliant sunshine of fame.
Haggard' * next novel , the "Witches'
Head , " ran out of print in a few ( lays ,
after which the na | > py thought having
oceured to him to give the world a boy's
book , lie produced "King Solomon's ,
Mines , " with what splendid succcs wo
all know full well. Although nt the
time a virtually unknown author , ho
sold the copyright of the story for WO
to Cassell < fc Co. not a bad price under
the circumstances.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula Is probably moro general than nny '
other disease. It Is Insidious in character ,
and manifests itself In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls'suelllngs , enlarged Joints ,
abscessessoro eyes , etc. Ilood'sSarsaparllla
expels all trace of scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy.
"I was severely afflicted with scrofula , and
over a year had two running sores on my neck.
Took five bottles Hood's Sarsaparllla , and am
cured. " C. E. tovnjor , Lowell , Mass.
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring and fall. HooO'a
Sarsaparllla cured him.
Salt Rheum
Isonc ot the most disagreeable diseases caused
by Impure blood. Ills readily cured by llood's
Eftrsaparllla , the blood purifier.
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffered grentljr
from erysipelas and salt rheum , cansod by
handling tobacco. At times his hands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prep
arations without aid ; finally took Hood's Sar-
eaparllla , and now saysi" I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on Ida hands and
on the calves of his legs. Ho took Hood's
Barsaparllla and U entirely cured. " J. I ) .
Btanton , Mt. Vcrnon , Ohio.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
8oMl > ralldruggliti. fflilrfur ; 5. Madonly
IC. . I. HOOD & CO. , Ajlhecarlcs | , Lowell , MKU.
IOO DoeoB Ono Dollar
NeWa Saviif Bank.
Cor ittth nmt Fnrnnm Ste.
CbiMl > ioC inm rc * Uulldtug.
Cnpltnl Stock - - - * 4OOOQO
Liability of Stockholders , 800,000
The Largest Savings E sk ( a tfobraska.
tire I'rr Cent Ktl4 n Dtponti , L n Made on lloal
KtlnH tnU yiiiuiml iccuruj. Nolcf War.
OgU.IK > ciil t d HeuUj I'urtoojoj.
John C. NlllBtt , I'ltuWeui.
Andrew Kusuvvator , viixO'ienlilent.
Dexter L. Thorn.ia , Cushion
J1IH | . Ull f. KIUHIUS llnvsov ,
ttlVtl.Cor.4tn. JuilII. . Kvisi ,
n s.l ) if/iinca , ( ! to. K. HAMKP.II.
or AI rui SA . .TIIUMAH ,
v , u Joiifciio * , JOHN liumi ,
iouw uutit JOHN 1. MfUU ,
ucrrmu u 311011 A A
I.MtVI r iiVw < ll i r t Pr . K
iMturt Dtellnt tu4 f u
MilkTM to.i rM/ruMiwi i
* t.'fi.JiJ ' i - * . > . . - ' * / * ,
* uLi4 s3rT5C j Jwvf- * * * * * > ; * * r i