Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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oi'Fici : NO. ju , i'iAJiij KTiiKirr
III limed by rnrrl < r In nny part of the city at
twenty u'litH PIT week.
It. W TII.TIIN , Manager.
' -s Of wri1 , No. 43.
i ! No.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Roller , tailor , Fall goods cheap.
Hee Chapman's pictures for Christmas.
J. J. Stcwai thai removed his law ofllro
from over the Savings bank to room b In
Everett block.
The Daly's ' played hero \cstcrday after
noon to a small audience and In the evening
to a Rood house. The "show" is a good ° o I
deserves peed patronage.
The Hoyul Arranuin will hold the lact of
the sptond Kories of parties given at their
parlors this season. Thu < .o parties have been
very enjoyable affairs , and It is hoped
they will bo continued.
Yesterday the employes In Mr. George
nchhlnpton's oflleo and lumber yard pre-
ncntcd him with an elegant Christmas gift
In the shape of n handsome oflleo chair. It is
needless to say the gift wits much appreciated.
In behalf of the Sisters of Merry the
mother superior at St. llernaid's hospital
Wishes to extend thantts to Dr. Seabeit and
the public generally for their kind care and
interest manlfchteu during the recent illness
of Sister Vincent.
Justice Harnctt was called upon yesterday
to Join four loving hearts In two. Tlio first
couple were from Om.iha and the rertltk-ate
bears the namei of C. H. Guldapp and Will-
lam Schultz. Tlio second couple were milted
nt5iUO Ailnnah J. WlndmiKlu and Lulu C.
Hamilton , both of this city.
Chris Dmr's pray team , which was stolen
from his stable the other nljtht , found
yesterday nt Plum Hollow , wheie the thief
had traded It for a pair of mules. The
horses were hroiiKht to this city and restoicd
to their rightful owner. The former owner
of the mules is now lamenting. He was able
to furnish an accurate description of the
thief , and It is probable that he will soon be
in cusjody.
The annual typographical masquerade ball ,
held lust evening at the Masonic temple , was
in every pjiticnlar a success. Hoforo the
doors were opened about two hundred and
fifty tickets had been sold , und nearly this
number were In mask. Mnn.v of them were
elegant and some very comical. The man
agement deserves credit for conducting to a
successful issue this entertainment.
A very fine crayon portrait cof S. P. Mac-
Conncll now adorns the walls of the club
parlor. It Is one of Gorham's best , and has
been elegantly framed by Chapman. Mr.
MttcConncll , us president of the club , has
done much toward making this association a
great success , and no moro fitting or welcome
picture could bo placed on the whlls of the
W. J. Scolos has returned from Lexington ,
Ky. . where he went to attend the great an
nual sale of thoroughbreds. Ho bought two
flyers from the Fairfax stables of New York ,
and brought them home with him. Ho has
them at his stables in the driving mirk. They
nro Chancellor , a bay two-year-old , that has
already shown great speed In the races of the
past season , and Little Martin , a bay geld
ing. They will prove hard to beat in next
year's races.
Bargains in heavy pant goods mid
overcoatings. Made up in the best htylo
and very cheap at A. Keitur's 810
Broadway. I
Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co.
Opera glasses at Mrs. E. Burhorn's.
Christmas prcsontHBurhorn's,17 Main
You don't have to buy Shoes to get a
Dilemma at Adams' Free.
An acceptable present at any time a
Domestic sowing machine. Olllce 105
Main st.
Curtains For Cliristmas. Council
BlulTa Carpet Co.
Porwonal Paragraph * ) .
Arehy Bowling , of Dcnnlsoti , spends Sun
day In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kvnns , of Chicago , are
B | > -ndlng the holidays hero.
I Manger Barry Birkinbluc leaves to-morrow
lor it two weeks' visit in New York City.
Mr. Joieph Sw.m and wife arrived in the
city last evening and me visiting C. J. Swan
for u few days.
Mr. and Mrs. X. . T. Llndsoy , of Omaha , nro
to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs , , llciuy
Swan , of Sixth avenue.
A. M. .Tohnston , the real estate broker , is
In Lincoln , Neb. , wheio his mother lies dan-
UCiously 111 , His letuin Is not expected for
some days.
William Hiitchinson , foreman of the Chicago
cage & Noithwestein round house , loft last
- evening , with his family , for a holiday visit
to friends in Chicago.
Will Lehman , the niching representative of
Estey& Camp , Chicago , spent a few hours in
the city yesterday , after which lie left for his
homo in DCS Molnes.
Just Ice Burnett and wife left last evening
for Weeping Water , Neb. , where a family
reunion will take place and all the members
Will eat turkey together.
M. F. Sayro , S. D. Wadsworth and II. T.
Hamilton , traveling salesmen for Deere ,
Wells & Co. , are at home to cat Christinas
turkey with their families.
Miss Matio and Nellie Thurber.of Crcston ,
are spending the holidays with Mrs. J. B.
Atkins. They.nro daughters of the late Con
ductor Thurbor , and have many friends hero
who will gladly improve Iho opportunity of
greeting them.
Rev. Dr. Cooley , pastor of the liuptlst
church , is given special Christinas enjoyment
by n family reunion. Ills son und daughter
have arrived for a holiday visit. Miss Lizzio
C. Cooley , the daughter. Is a tcuiher In the
Chicago Utah school. The son. Albert N.
Cooley. is in tlio employ of the Pennsylvania
Central railway company.
' If you have packages you wUh to send
to Omaha or ooinuiib-iions you want at
tended to , leave orders at 105 Main
street. DomesticolUce , before 1:30 :
o'clock. Prompt attention.
Gold ponb and pencils at 13. Burhorn's.
30 bars of Poisian soap , $1.00 , at
Troxell BroV _
Christ max Itnrrcil.
Several of the boo/crs of the Bluffs started
„ In to etilcbratn a Merry Chritmas a little
uliciid of time , and landed bofnro Judge
Aylesworth ycstei day morning. J. W. Long ,
T. Delany and J. White wore cacti lined * r.GO ,
and the cases of II. Lcmpk ami W. B. Ingulls
were continued , und they will spend Christ
inas in Jail. The bill of faro for the Christ
mas dinner of the city's pilsoncrs has not
been handed in , but ! t Is understood that
turkey and goose will not appo-iv. The In-
mutes took their bianily gauvo before being
locked up.
Ono thousand head of one , two and
throo-year-old sti-urs for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greenamaycr , 023 Mynstor bt.
telephone 121. _
v No. 120 7Hi Sl.Tcoiincll IlhitTH , lu.
Mr. Charles Baotons , Into of the College -
lego of Muic , Cincinnati , has the honor
to announce to his friends and the pub
lic that ho will bo ready to receive pu
pils at the above institute upon the 1st of
A January next. Ho will teach the violin ,
.voice , piano accompaniment , ensemble
playing , harmony and composition.
I > ad''s coining from a distance can bo
oiTOimnftdatou with board ut the house
with the comforts of a homo. For terms
apply at tlio above address. Ueferunces :
L. W , Tulloys , Olllcer & Pu oy , George
( Jlmmp , of Kimball & Champ , Robinson
Bros. , C. II. Judbon , V. Badolet , Lyon
& Ueuley , Onuihu ' , Mrs.Dr. Ucpwn , Fcrt
. Omaha. . ,
It Is Mnclo Both n , Holy Day niid a
Several llm-lcd Itcncnth n Falling
UliifC-Oiio M n Killed , Another
llnilljr Injured M'Uh IloncH
For Kiitulay Ilrealclng.
Another Fitful Hank Slide.
Yesterday morning about lO.-'KI o'clock , ono
of the dlit banks In the Bluffs was the scene
of another terrible accident , by which ono
man lost his life and another sustained pain
ful Injuries. 'Iho phu-e where the accident
occured was at tlio head of Eleventh avenue ,
at a bank operated by John C. Lee , the
Union Puelllc railroad contractor , who is
now engaged in grading the grounds'for the
new freight depot on Tenth avenue. The
bank at this place Is about twenty feet hlch ,
unit according to the testimony of witnesses
at the inquest , was overhanging from two to
six feet ut the top. fust before the full. A
blast had been exploded but a few feet away ,
about . fifteen minutes previously , and the
concussion undoubtedly loosened the fiozen
The foreman of the bank was standing out
In front , and noticed the immense weight ns
it stalled to fall. Ho Instantly shouted.
"Look out , men , " and they rushed to avoid
being burled alive. When they who escaped
looked around , Hie dirt had fallen , and two of
their number had disappeared.
Work was immediately commenced to extri
cate the unfortunate men , and John Thornton
was soon taken out alive , but badly chilled
and with one arm broken. Bo was taken tea
a house near at hand , and thence to St. Ber
nard's hospital. But a short distance from
where Thornton was found lay the dead
body of Daniel Kelley. The patrol wagon
was summoned , and the body lakcn to the
undei taking rooms of Morgan , Keller & Co. .
whom an inquest was hold. A Jury composed
of J , L. Toinpleton , James Mullen and H. S.
Mclntosh , decided that "tho said Daniel
Kelley came to his death by being buried
under a caving bank In Council Bluffs , said
bank being operated by John C. Lee. " The
body of the dead man was terribly bruised ,
and several bones broken. Be was a stranger
In the city , and had been employed but two
days at the bank. It is said that he was re
cently employed ns u section man nt Avoea ,
and a telegram was sent to the section boss
theie , to get some information ns to his home.
This man has been changed to Extra , and no
word has jet been received from him. A
BII : : reporter visited the wounded man at the
hospilul , yesterday afternoon , and found him
rusting quite comfortably. Be said that ho
llrst went to work at. the place Friday after
noon. When ho heard the warning he tried
to get out , but was not quick enough , Kelley
was just behind him. In answer to the
icporter's queries as to his sensations ,
he said , "I felt that there was hope as long
as there was life. I was struck in the back ,
and knocked against the wheel. I used all
my strength , and raised up u little , making a
little space so 1 could uroatho. The dirt kept
sifting In around me , and it was awful tough
work. After they got my head uncovered , I
was all right , but It was some time befoio
they got me out. It seemed n terrible long
while before I could net any air.
wheel saved my life. Kelloy's head was
about a foot from mine. They tell me the
poor fellow is dead. He told mo lie was a
Belfast man. Wo were talking of our n cs
this morning. I am thirty-seven and ho was
twenty-seven. When I went to work there ,
1 said that it was a dangerous looking place.
When they tried to get me out , there was a
big lump lying across my back , that they had
to move with a lever. My home is In St.
Louis , hut I have been woiking on Iho rail ,
road. I don't like my experience in Iho
Blulls , and as soon ns I get out of this scrape ,
I shall pull my fieight out of your city. "
The doctor found Thornton's arm
broken in two places , at the
elbow , and ut the shoulder. He is getting
along well , and will soon bo able to travel.
The remains of Kelly are being held at the
undertakers. If no woid is received from
lelativcs or friends , they will bo buried at the
expense of the county.
This is not the first accident of this , kind
that lias happened at the dirt banks in this
city , and it will not bo the last , unless some
thing is done by the authorities , to prevent
contractors from leaving banks in such dan
gerous condition. Without a moment's warn
ing tons of dirt fell like an avalanche. At
the scene of yesterday's catastrophe a wagon
was smashed to pieces , even the heavy
Iron tires being bent and twisted all out
of shape. The contraclors think
they nro careful , and doubtless
feel very badly when an accident
happens , but that is small comfort to the
friends of the victim. Men working con
stantly In dungcr Ret used to it , and event
ually trust the treacherous bank a little too
fur , and then comes the inevitable full , inquest
and funeral. History is icpeating itself with
alaimhiK frequency in this respect , and it is
fora radical change. There Is a small army
of men constantly employed atthodirt banks ,
and the risk that is daily run by them is
simply frightful. It seems as though a care
ful and competent man could bo employed by
the city , at the contractors' expense , to In
spect the condition of the banks , and -co that
the tops are kept broken fur enough back to
obviate this constantly sncr.solng danger.
Holiday Rates.
The Chienso , Rock Island & Pacific
railway will sell excursion tickets to all
stations at one faro for the round trip ,
on Dee. 24th , 25lh , 2ith ( and 31ht , also
Jan. 1st and 2nd , 1SSS , good to return or.
or buforo Jan. 3rd. _
For best quality coal and wood , call
on GleubOii , 26 Pearl struct.
Largest assortment Warm Shoes at
Adams' .
F. . H. Shcnfo loans money on chattel
security of every dcs-criptiiw. Private
c'onbulting rooms. All UUMUPSH strictly
confidential. Oflleo 500 Broadway , coi
ner Main street , up-stars. !
Among the Churches.
The churches of the city rightfully give
special observance to this great holiday and
holy day. Thcro has hccn much taste shown
In decorating the churches und In preparing
for special services and entertainments.
Presbyterian Church Sermons by the pas
tor appropriate to the day. Strangers und
others cordially invited. A special choir has
been formed for Chrtstmus services to-day.
The qiiaitetto is composed of the well known
singers , Miss Merkcl und Mrs. Ward , Messrs.
Trcyniir and .Tudson.
"And Thcro Were Shepherds , " Quar
tette Millard
"Christmas Song" Tenor and Quar
tette Adam
"Gloria" Selected
"Noel" Duet Gounod
"To Deum" Millard
"O Trusting Heart1' Soprano Bach
"Christmas Song" Selected
MethodNt Church Preaching by
the paslor , W. H. W. Kees. Tliumo at lUjIti )
'The Angulli ! Chorus , " At7:80 : , "ThoGreat
Paradox , or Kiohes From Poverty. " Sunday
school at 12 m. Seal * frr.e. Stranger ? cor
dially Invited.
Christinas will bo specially observed in the
Congivgutlonn' church of this city to-day.
This mnining the pastor will preach u sermon
on the udvci.t of Christ and Iho choir will
render cholco and uppropriuto anthems. In
the evening there will bu u Christmas choral
Kcrvii-o by the choir , an address by the pastor
and iccitullons by Miss May Oborholster and
Mi's. Prof. McDerniid. All who du&iro to at
tend me mo-,1 hem-Illy welcome.
The now building of the Ovcrlon mission ,
corner of. Fourth avenue anil Seventoenln
fcliect , will be opened to day. There will be
uppropi lute Cbrismas services. Preaching
at 10SO nnd 7:80. : Sunday school nl ! I o'clock ,
It Is pccullaily filling Unit this place of wor
ship should bo throw a open to the public for
the first time on the great anniversary of
Him who was so broad nitil liberal In His
teachings. The building U owned bv Caplain
Overton.and Is in his sole control. Ho throws
it open , however , for those of all denomina
tions to worship therein. In that section of
the city there lire ninny of various boljofs , to
Whom this place will piove u convenience and
a belli. Captain Overton purposes inviting
all urn clergymen of Uie city , proleslant
and CiUUoUc ulikcto , hold em-Ice * ihere.or to
address Iho people. There Is to be n complete
breaking down of nil denominational prefer
ences co far as the control of the bulldlngnnd
the dedfcntlcatlng of services Is concerned.
The new bulldltu. will comfoHubly seat ilTO
iwrnons. When it Is painted and some oilier
finishing touches put upon it , the uulldlng
will be dedicated for the people , and not for
any ono church , hut for all.
The Christmas entertainment of the Con *
gregutlonal Sunday school was held yester
day afternoon in the church parlors , from 4
to b o'clock. It Is needless to say the ntlend-
nnco was lurce. The entertainment consisted
of carols und other appropriate music , and u
series of comic shadow pictures , which made
much merriment. Then Santa Clause ap
peared und distributed his favors with more
impartiality than often occurs. The souven
irs were varied , but of uboat the sumo char
acter. Thcro were little wooden rolling-pins ,
little palls and barrels , filled with candy ,
each child receiving one , with the holiday
salutation of the school , There were three
Christmas trees , one of which was especially
novel. Beneath Its branches was a vivid
picturing of the birth of Christ , a nilnaturo
showing very Ingeniously arranged by Mr.
Blank. For several years ho has provided a
similar entertainment for his own home , and
tlioso who had seen these prevailed on him
to provide one for the church. It will bo left
standing for a week or so , and thus glvo nn
opiKtrtunity for till to see it , for it is well
worth seeing.
The pastor of the First Baptist church will
in-each u Christmas sermon on "Tho Wonder
ful Child , " ut 100 : ! ! n. m. At 7 : ! > p. m. the
second sermon on "The Signs of the Times. "
Seats free. All invited.
To-morrow evening the Baptist Sunday
school will celebrate the Christmas-time in u
beuutltul service. Following Is tlio pro
gramme :
1. Instrumental music Orchestra.
2. Address by the superintendent.
! l. Prayer.
4. Christmas soup with banners.
5. Kceltution Kittle Compton.
0. Song Infant class.
7. Dialogue Grandma and grandpa.
8. Instrumental music Orchestra.
{ ) . Dialogue , with tublcux.
10. Vocal music.
11. Weary gleaners , sung and acted.
The entertainment will conclude with dis
tribution of presents by Santa Clans.
The church will be beautifully decorated
for the occasion , a casllo taking Ihe place of
the usual tree. An admission fee of 10 cents
will be charged. All who attend will bo ex-
IKictcd to bring some article , no matter of
how little value , us u donation to the poor.
At the Y. M. C. A. rooms the regular ser
vice will occur tliis afternoon at 4 o'clock.
All are invited , especially youmr pien who
are n endlMS the Sabbath in the city.
The Methodist Sunday school had its
Christinas anniversary on Friday night , nt
which time u line musical and elocutionary
programme was rendered to u well filled
The Episcopal Sunday school hold no
special service to-duy , the objects for which
Iheso uro given having been combined in Iho
rendition of the operetta during the early
part of the past week.
The Christmas services at St. Paul's
Episcopal church will bo largely of a musical
nature. The following very excellent pro
grammes have been arranged :
Opening Voluntary , Offertorie on
Christmas Themes Guilmant
Anthem , "Behold , I Bring You Glad
Tidings , " Tours
ToDeuin , Festival , in Bb Buck
G lena in Exeeleis McFurran
Offertorio Solo by Mrs. Judd
Anthem Bunnett
Magnificat Tours
Cantata ' Domino , in C Buck
Solo , "ItC.imo Upon the Midnight
Clear , " Mlllurd
The boy choir and chorus choir will be as
sisted by Mrs. Judd , Mr. Huydcn and Mr.
Cooper as soloists , which is nn assurance that
the exercises will be highly meritorious and
Following is the programme of the church
service to bo rendered in the Congregational
church to-nighl :
Oririm Voluntary Do Normandio
Anthem "Sing , O Heavens" Dank
Solo-"Cousidcr the Lilllcs" Topliff
Mr. Wescott.
Duct "Koek of Ages" Glover
Mrs. Wadsworth and Mrs. Evuns.
Solo "Na/nrcth" : Gounod
Mrs. Evans.
Solo "Christmas , Song" Adam
Mrs. Wadsworth.
Anthem "Calm on the Listening Ear of
Night" Danks
Hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"
Organ Voluntary.
Sofa Pillows For Christmas. Council
BlulTb Carpet Co.
Every ono making a cash purchase o
25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
store gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Solid and plated ware at Burhorn's.
Wish Bones.
On this happy morning the BEE greets its
Council Bluffs readers vith a "merry , merry
Christmas. " In all the land and throughout
the world the f > amo greeting conies from man
to nun and child to child. This greeting is
more than the "good day" men use upon tlio
other days of the year for it is the universal
recognition of the claims of Christianity upon
tlio race.
Everywhere it is a festal season. Sons
and daughters como a thousand miles to sit
down again in their old places at the father's
table ; troths are plighted und the holy vows
of matrimony nro spoken. The munificent
bounty of Santa Glaus crowns the day.
Two street gamins , euch with his "shine"
box slung upon ills arm , met upon the street
last evening ,
"Say. Bill , did Christinas como to your
houMj tills year ! " asked Tom.
"No , Tom , " replied the other , "Youknow
mother died last summer ; sister Mary has
been sick for u month and father hasn't hud
had uny work all winter. So yon see we
couldn't afford Christmas this your. "
Tom dropped his head. There was n sug
gestive mistiness iti his eyes when ho raised
his head und suld : "Come. Bill. Como
along with mo. Wo had a little Christmas nt
our house not much though and I have got
some nuts and things. There's moro than 1
want und como on. " And away they scampered -
pored in the direction of Tom's home.
Hera was a lesson in giving which all of us
would do well to learn.
A coitnln business firm of this city received
the following letler from one Ills customers
which does not explain itselt :
Teer Socrs : To tings reslvet bud kno
smallo Dal Bokis ef yoo hav torn sent too
kient 3 von cage i want tern fur Crismus sent
also I Buks Boerd Kuctschcs und Dozen
strings. Yurs Druly ,
Hero is the translation :
Dear Sirs : The things received , but no
small doll buggies. If you have them send
two kinds three of each. I want them for
Christmas. Send also ono box bird cages
nud dozen strings. Yours Truly ,
* *
The Sisters of Mercy were mode the re
cipients of u handsome Christmas gift yes
terday from Samuel Haas. A deed to lot U
block 3D Railroad addition was presented to
them. Of course the gift was duly appreci
ated , for when the boom strikes that part of
the city , us it is sure to do , the lot will bo
valuable. For this gift the Sisters tire very
It would bo pleasant to record among the
gifts received that in the Falrmount lurk
matter Wright , Baldwin & Hulduuo had
given us n rest.
. *
A little six-year-old made his first attempt
ut letter-writing yesterday. Hero Is the epistle -
tlo : "Deer Sunty Clos I forgut to thank you
tor the things you guv mo last yei'o and I ask
jour purdlng. Pleso don't forgit mo and
bring n roakln1 hess , a nifo and a gun and
sum skates. Wo hav got a new baby and she
ante no good. Don't bring her nothin1. I
ante no baby any more , so don't forgit the
pun. " There is a wonderful amount of hu
man nature in babies.
"Ho that giveth to the poor lendeth to the
Lord. " This the majority of tbo people af
fect to believe , but at the sumo time there Is
quite a general aversion to lending.
A pUeul and longsufferlii citizen nug-
Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Discount , Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
105 & 107 MAIN ST , , : : : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA ,
3FI.A.fcTO : OIK
13 ? SO , STQ-W 13 yQ
PIANOS Tut : MOST Uii.umntr. FINISH. I lli.nn.NTI.Y FINISHE CF .
x eWe
Wo Defy All Competition and Challenge a Comparison of Goods and i'rlccs
With Any House In Iho West.
pests os an appropriate gift und otic that
would be appreciated , a i eduction in the
price of gas.
In time of war many a man pives his own
life to save that of his friend , but tit this
Christmas time , when peace and happiness
hover o'er all the earth and rivers of Joy How
into the borders thereof , the long-suffering
but magnanimous turkey gives up his life to
his deadliest enemy.
Rugs For Christmas. Council Bluffs
Carpet Co.
Entire change in programme ut
Adams' . Cull for "Dilemma" Free.
The Shadows of the Tree.
Stephen Dunn , one oi the oldest residents
or the city , died yesterday very suddenly.
He was in apparently usual health , and after
eating his breakfast was out and about. Ho
spoke of feeling chilly , wciit into the house ,
and in a short time was dead. Ho was the
father of John Dunn , the well known ex
pressman. The funeral Will ! be from the
Catholic church Monday at 10 o'clock.
Another homo shadowed suddenly is that
of James McMlllcn , depot master of the
Union Pacific , corner of Seventeenth street
and Ninth avenue. The little boy , aged
nearly three years , was taken with mem
branous croup Friday , and within twenty-
four hours was beyond the reach of human
aid. The funeral will take place Monday
afternoon at 0 o'clock. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Cress , living at 100 Stutsman
street , lost one of their twin babes yesterday
morning , and the little one was laid away on
Christmas eve , and the Joy of the day has
gone out. .
The O. KS. .
The recently elected ofllccrs of Harmony
Chapter No. 25 , O. E. S. , for the year 18S9 ,
arc : W. M. , Mrs. Huntington ; W. P. , Mr.
G. H. Jackson ; A. M. , Mrs. M. Duquette ;
secretary , Miss Emma Potter ; tieasurer ,
Mrs. H. Miller ; conductor , Mrs. G. H. Jack
son ; assistant conductor , Mrs. John Keller.
J.V. . and E. L. Squire lend money.
Fine mixed candies , lie per lb. ,
Troxell Bros.
Texas Postal Facilities.
Texas Sittings : "Mornin'stranger , "
saluted a gri/.zly-beardcd Arktuibaw
man drchscd in a red shirt , pantaloons
held in place by a trunk btrap.and lean
ing on a double-barrelled shotgun. The
party addressed was a land-hunter , his
particular mission locating blauk-wal-
iiut timber , and his olllue , headquarters ,
and business agency were in the saddle.
"Good morning to you , " answered
the timber speculator. 'Ms game
plenty ? "
"Wall , not BO very ; som'at scattered.
What's the news ? "
"Tho czar has returned to St. Peters
burg without being assassinated. "
"I don't know the feller you speak of ,
but I was in Petersburg durin' the war ,
when the crater was blown up. "
' 'That's not the place I was talking
about. What's the news about here ? "
"I heord a rumor about Bill Givens
and Sandy Patchin agoin' to war about
Givens' sister , Luo , up in Doi > oy
Kaounty , and hit 'pcarcu likely when
yo' fust spoke about hit as itlon sum of
ther friends must have jined in an'
clinched. What else , stranger ? "
"Well , they have hanged Parsons and
Spies and the rest of them. "
"Good ! Lynched the critters , iiiobboV"
"Oh , no ; they were legally executed. "
"Did enny of 'cm git them hums
back ? "
"Hams ? "
"Yes , an' side moat. They also stole
two gallons ot Hi Stebbinbcs fo'-year-olo
whibky. "
"I am talking about the Chicago an
archists. "
"Anna who ? "
"Anarchists , man Anarchists ! Don't
you people over road the newspapers':1" :
"Onot in a while wo does. But you
see , btranger , our pobt-uffus facil'ties
nro limited , mighty unsartin an' crude-
like. You have no ideo what a monkoy-
an'-parrot time wo has on hit gittin' our
mail. Hit don't cum iri a darn bight
oToner than hit ought to. "
"What is the dilllcultyV"
"An' when she does cum , , ole Pulvis ,
the postmaster , has the uhills fco ho
shakes all ther stamps olTen ther letters ,
an' wo has tor rubsol an11 sell a coon skin
or a hunk of venibon for small change
ter pay the postage. " '
"Is that the only reason you don't got
your mail regularly ? " I '
"No , btrangor , hits this way , " explained -
plained the Arkansaw Nimrod , spitting
a red shaft of tobacco juice ijito the good
eye of a mangy hound , which immed
iately rolled in agony at his feet. "Olo
man Trabb's son got the government
contract , an' ho sub-let it to Tommy Mc-
Gorv , an' Tommy ho sub-let her to
Wyncoop's father-in-law , and Wyn-
coop's father-in-law sub-let her to Pow
ell's uncle , an' Powell's uncle sub-let
her to Braxton's mother , an' she
couldn't ride , an' so she bub-let her to
Braxton's mother , and she couldn't ride
an' so ho sub-lot her to Job Presslor ,
and Job Pressler lost her in a game of
sovon-up to Lisho Potter's cousin , and
Lisho's coubin sub-let her to Rat Ilaelc-
ett , an' Rat "
"Yes ; but what is the trouble now
with the mails ? "
"Well , to cum to ther pint , Skinny
Wilkiiih is purtondin' to furry her , but
he's ole , tin' his hess is luino an' sweon-
ied , an' has ther glanders , an'ther folks
in Pikoville whar ho gits ther mail
won't let him drive inter town , nor ther
folks at Pulviscs' won't lot him como
nigh them with his glandorcd crow-
bait , an' so Skinny has ter walk about
two miles at Pikcvillo an' about two
miles at Pulvises' , an' when ther branch
is up an' the roads boggy Skinny won't
do hit , mil that's the gist of it soyor
see wo air done up mos1 of ther time. '
Kansas Matt In nil Klcvator.
Philadelphia North American : There
is a man out in Crawford countyKansas ,
who will not forgot his recent trip to
Washington. While going the rounds
ho got into the Winder building , occu
pied by the war department. There is
a double-jointed elevator in use in the
building , combining a car for passen
gers and a cage for baggage , like those
used in hotels. The attendont was in
the babcmoiit loading some packages ,
the floor of the car above him opening
into the main corridor. The Kansas
man came along , bomewhat fatigued by
continuous sight-booing. He espied the
elevator , and congratulated himt-olf that
the government provided such nice little
reading rooms with soft cushions and
electric lights for weary visitors. So
lie walked in , took out a copy of the
Crowley County Bazoo and commenced
reading. A quarter of a minute later
ho felt the lloor tremble a little , the
automatic door slipped across the
entrance and ho was shooting skyward
in a style that chilled his heart. Caged
in , ho did not know how to avert what
ho felt must bo an impending calamity ,
so ho grabbed at the wire rope by which
the elevator is controlled. The man in
the cage below foil the jar and thought
the cable was slipping oil the drum. So
ho pulled the lover that released the
safety catches , and the car stopped so
quit-lily that it nearly jerked the head
oil the man above. There they wore
stuck. With the catches fastened they
could neither go up nor down , and the
car was stopped between floors. The
Kansas man was finally pulled out by
smashing a panel in tlio top of the car.
He was shown to another elevator and
invited to make the down trip , but he
allowed lie would rather "travel homo
on the iiibido of a Kansas cyclone than
set foot in one of them dinguses again. "
STEOIATj advertl oincntKMUhas LostFound ,
To Loan , Tor Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , ill lo Inserted In this column at the low
ratoofTKN CUNTS 1'EK LINK for the Hrst In
sertion and Five Outs 1'er Line for each subse
quent Insertion. Leave advetttsementH at our
olllre No. 121'earl Street , near llroadway , Coun
cil DluOa , Iowa.
WANTED A competent phi for general
housework. Apply to Dili Willow avenue.
ST11AYKD-YouiiB colt , rtnrlc Iwy. Kinder re-
\\.iriled. Hans Anderson , Ibll S , llth St. ,
Council lllutTs.
FOK HKNT House of 8 rooms. Good loca >
tion. Inquire W. T. Cole , MM I'carl st
" | X7ANTKI > 1'iiht clnss gardener , without
T cnpltul , to work extensive gnnlen on
shares. Kltst cat.s chance. Address Jobeph
Smith , Council liluirK , la.
EXCIIANOK-Oinaliaiintl Council lllulls prop
erty and western luml for stocks of nier-
clmiiiliM' . Call on or : il ( < lre-m J , 1) . Christian ,
63) ) Hroadwiiy. Council llluir.i , la.
T710II SALK Oil KXCIIANOn-Kqulty of li !
-1 ? slmres in Jeffries syndicate. Inquire of
Udell llros. & Co.
TT'Oll SALE Very cheap for cash , or would
J ? exchange for Council Illulfs or Omaha prop
erty , a retul block of boots and shoes valued at
about H.UUO. Call at htore. No. WW llroadway , or
addrex.s H. Martin , same number. Council
lllulls , la.
TTIOU SALK-Stond-lmnd Columbia bicycls
J } very cheap. Ki-lnch. at Hee olHce.
lots and acre propeity for sale by
BUILDINO , 39 Pearl st.
Thedi'strablniesideiuo or business property
known as t lie Towers 1'laco , on Upper ( ( road
way opposite the M. K. rhurch. will poMtlvely
be sold within the next thirty days. Terms :
Ono-thlrd ciiMi , balance in ono and two years.
AddressbidstoCEORQE R. BEARD.
Omaha , Neb. , 1J17 and 1311) ) Douglas St. j
COOIIrooduay Council Ilium , Iowa.
. 1M7.
401. BROADWAY. 401
See the Beautiful Silk
Christmas Quilt
And Pillow Shams ,
We have a large line of
Which we are closing out regardless oj
former prices. Also a few more
Bargains in Cloaks !
But it is well known that our house contains such a multitude
of items that it is impossible to name them , nor oould
the papers make space to enumerate the
articles now on exhibition.
Each and every one of our departments will . offer thousands of useful and
ornamental thiiiy.s
We have made every effort to place on sale the most attractive and iixnful . goodt
nt the lowebt possible prices , and wo invite inspection und comparison.
Special Handkerchief ssilo this week nt
2c , 5c , lOo , 15e , 2.rC , up to $10. Each
und nil go nt about half price.
Silk Handkerchiefs nnd Mufflers in
largo vnrioty. Laces , Embroideries ,
Fichuos , Luce Collars. Kid and Fnbrio
Gloves. All must go at thin { { rout biilo.
Cloaks , Suits , Wraps , Gentlemen's
Drebsiii } , ' Gowns and Smoking.Inckcts.
Ladle's Slumber Robes , Japanese
SmokhiL' Jnckots till Silk nnd Qniltod
at5 , * , $7.f 0 to ? 10. Kneh u very
suitable present from a lady to a { j n-
Special bargains in our Art goods de
partment. Stamped Linens , Knit
goods. Underwear. E\erylhing must
bo sold this week.
Come to the People's store first and see
what wo can do for you.
Wo know wo have the goods and that
our prices , will s-avo you money every
With every $2 purchase you will re
ceive a ticket for ono chance In our
100 grand free presents.
314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY ,