Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' i"NBy ! > ji ; " ; j' " '
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jl , Ex-Bocrotary Manning Passes Poaco-
V ; fully Awny at His Albany Homo.
; From Krrntid Hey to Proprietor His
Ilrllllant Career on the "Argun"
President CleTcland'H Condo
lence Mnrkw or Itcnpeet.
Passed Awny Quietly.
AI.IHXV , N. Y. , Dec. 24. Mr. Manning
Bcoincd to rally und brighten con < tldcm1)ly
this morning , to the surprise of hi * family.
Ills son , who hod been watching at his bedside
without rest utmost , went out for n short
walk for fresh air. Ho returned hi a few
minutes mid found thnthlH father was breathIng -
Ing faster and with shorter breaths. No mark
of death was on his countenance , and though
Mr. Manning had repeatedly requested his
family not to witness his passing away , It was
deemed best to summon the household , and In
the presence of his family at 1 : ! U this after-
nounhe , quietly and gently ceased to breathe.
The funeral will take place Tuesday , De
cember 27 , at 2 p. m. , from St. Paul's Episco
pal church.
All through the late afternoon and evening
telegrams expressing sorrow and bereave
ment were received by Mrs. Manning and
Mr. James II. Manning. Many notes of condolence -
dolenco from Albany and Uio state ofllcers
were also received. Among the senders of
messages weru Governor Hill , Samuel J.
Kamlall , Colonel Lament and others.
( Daniel F. Manning was born in Albany in
18.11. His father died n few J ears after his
birth , leaving his widow , son and daughter
unprovided for.Vheii nine years of ug
Dan begun to earn his own living as an er
rand boy in the Argus ofllco , anil It was there
that he acquired all his education and ex
perience. Mr. William J. Cassldv , the owner
of the Argus , wns , not slow in discovering
the peculiar talents of his errand boy , and
nludo him a repoitor before he was llftecti
years old. Mr. Manning acquired in this posi
tion an extensive acquaintance with
public men , as the Argus olllce was then the
hcadqnntters of the northwestern democracy ,
and ho soon became initiated in the mysteries
of political wiio-pulling. All through the
, war he reported the proceedings of the New
York Senate , and nlso all political conven
tions of importance held in the state of Now
York. Heing thrifty and ( , ho
managed not only to support his mother and
sister , but also to acquire a little competency
so that ho could become a shareholder in the
Argus company when Mr. Cassiilv , at the
ttmo of the close of the war , consolidated his
Paper with the Atlas and turned his business
into a stock company. Mr. Manning then
became city editor of the Argus and a promi
nent ligure in local politics.
At the death of Mr. Cnssidy , in 1871 , Mr.
Manning became the manager of the Argus
company , and improved its business facilities
in a skillful manner. Ho also took an active
part in the management of the Commercial
National bank , making it the financial de
partment of the political machine that
ruled the state of Now York. In 1870
Mr. Manning became a member of the
democratic state control committee , in
which | ho was considered as authorised to
8 | > cuk for Mr. Tilden. Hecoming chairman
of that body in 1SS2 ho espoused the cause
Of Cleveland , with great vigor , although
strongly opposed to the lattor's nomination
at first. Together with Lament and Apgar.
both trusted lieutenants of Tilden , ho formed
Cleveland's political counsel and practically
controlled the patronage.
Horn n Catholic , Mr. Manning drifted into
the Episcopal church , of which his llrst wife
. was a member , and both of his sons belong
to this denomination. His daughter , how
ever , has remained a Catholic. His first
wife died about four years ago , and
ill 18Sri ho married Miss Fryer , the
only daughter of an Albany dry
good prince , a lady of forty-two years. Mr.
Manning never hold an elective ofllce , and
was never credited with ambitions in that di
rection. Ho was always a man of striking
nppenranco and had much | x > wcr as an orator.
Since Ills illness his wife has ucen devoted
to him , rarely leaving his beitside.
Mr. Manning's resignation as secretary of
the treasury was sent to the president in the
Buminor of 1SSU , it being accepted Febiuary
14,1887 , when it was found ho could never
thoroughly recover. Ho failed to derive any
great bcnellt from n trip to Europe last
spring , ]
Flags at Half MiiHt.
WASHIMUOX , Dec. 24. The president Is
sued the following order this afternoon : ' -To
nil the departments : The president lias
directed that the Hags on all public buildings
In the city of Washington bo placed at half
most as a mark of respect to the memory of
Dttiilol Manning ? , late secretary of the treas
Ho also sent the following to Mrs. Manning ,
at Albany. N. Y. : "Though in this hour ot
unutterable grief your sorrow is too sacred to
bo shared , and too deep to bo reached by
earthly comfort , may I express to you my
sincere and tender sympathy , saddened by
my own utllietlon at the loss of a true and
trusted friend and loyal associate who but
lately stood at my side In the discharge , with
patriotic zeal , of n solemn public duty. "
TrcaHiiryllnlldliiK Draped In Mourning
WAsniNflTox , Dec. 24. Secretary Fairchild -
child Issued this afternoon an order referring
to the death of cx-Secrotary Manning and
ordering that , as a mark of resiicct , the
treasury department building be draped in
, mourning for ten days , that it bo closed on
the day of the funeral mid that on that day
the national flag bo displayed at half mast on
all public buildings of the treasury depart
ment and throughout the United States. It
is expected that President Cleveland , Secre
tary Fan-child and several other members of
. thq cabinet will go to Albany to attend the
funeral. The customary new j cur's roccp-
i tion at the white house will bo held as usual.
ll . AS Pf-r Cent Conipronilso.
L 5 ix FitvxciM'o , Dec. 24. The creditors of
William Dresbach nnd John Hosenfeld ,
J3 leaders of the bull ring in the wheat deal
l , which-collapsed n few months ago , to-day
l > agreed to , accept the terms of settlement
( 3 proposed liy the committee of the call board.
; i- ' The claims against Dresbach amount to
Y ; * T,300HX ( ) , and against Hosonfeld to 2,000,000.
t .By , the settU'inent , us now oftected , the
i , creditors will receive u trillo over 2 per cent
( r of their claims.
The Death Hccord.
NKWIIUHO , N. Y. , Deo. 21. Mn. Laura
t' ' IT. 'Wftlrott Hankin , widow of the late H. O.
\ Rankia , died this morning. She was born at
Lltchflcld. Conn. Her great grandfather was
* the first governor of Connecticut. Her grandfather -
father was one of the signers of the declaration -
| . - * tion of imlc | > endciico. Her undo was secro-
k tary of the treasury under Washington , Her
; ; ; , father , Frederick Wulcott , of Connecticut ,
occunied judicial positions for forty years in
his native state.
„ and Ilciu-H Dcclai-o n Truer.
% dueuio , Dee. 24. The board of trade ad
journed over until Tuesday. There wus no
market to-dur.
Nuw York , Bc-c. 2-1. The lower part of the
city to-doy were a holiday aspect. Most of
the exchanges were closed all day. The pro
duce und stock exchanges closed last night
until Tuesday morning next.
Derailed Ity a Misplaced Switch.
CI.INTOX JUXCTIOX , Wis. , Dee. 21. The
morning passenger train on the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway was derailed by a
misplaced switch east of that village. Hag-
gagonmn Link and William Dully , un ex
press mctisenger , were seriously injured.
A Hundred PnnporTurks.
NEW YOKK , Dec. 24. Among thu urrivala
at Castle garden this afternoon , were over u
"hundred Turks. They came from Hordeaux
nnd are filthy nnd destitute , The authorities
{ ' ot the garden have detained the Turks to
\ await tno action of the collector of Uie port ,
TrnnHCVrrod to the Grand Trunk.
TOIIOSTO , Out. , Deo. 24. H is announced
that the transfer of the Northern und North' '
wettarn railway * to the Umnd Trunk Is
j > nic lt Uvco.ii | ieteJ.
The Grcnt Pncker to MnkcTlmt City
Illn Northwestern Hrmlqnnrtvrs ,
Ik't.t-Tii , Minn. , Dee. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUB. ] U Is a fact that Phil Ar
mour has been for some time past contemplat
ing Duluth as his next northwestern distrib
uting point. Plans have been drawn by .1. C.
Pierce , of this city , for on eight-story refrig
erator Sxl7S ) feet to be erected on Hullroud
street. The plans embrace n new a ) stem of
cooling , of which Pierce Is the Inventor and
which has inut with the approval of Armour.
Work will begin early In the spring. Duluth
will Income the northwestern headquarters
of Armour's traffic and for the Verniilllon
iron country. A smaller refrigerator will be
erected at Tower , Work at the latter build
ing begins next week. Its dimensions are to
be 40x120 feet , two stories high , and the
Pierce system will be utlllrcd here nlso. The
importance ot this enterprise "to Duluth can
be well imagined when it is known that the
entire northwest will bo supplied from hero
and a special train of Armour's own cars will
be employed constantly theicln.
A Youthful Kleptomaniac.
NKIIIUSKA CITV , Neb. , Dec. 21 , [ Special
Telegram to the Hii--Nobruska : : ] City has
just developed a most accomplished and suc
cessful child thief -in. Christine Stang , ten
years old , daughter of n laborer on the Chicago
cage , Uurllngton & Qulncy bridge. She was
detected by her teacher In the public school
after she had made Christmas presents to
nearly every scholar In school , consisting of
almost every kind of article kept in dry
goods and notions stores , from n row of pins
nnd jack-knives to line shawls and dress
goods in all amounting to ne.uly enough to
stock n small store. A do/en different firms
were represented in her collection yet none
missed the goods or suspicioned the youthful
thief until she was forced into n confession
and most of the goods returned by the father
who paid the d.unuges. It is understood the
girl will not bo prosecuted. When threat"iied
with Imprisonment she was willing to go if
she would be let out for Christmas.
A Itacy Scandal Suit at Walioo.
WAIIOO , Neb. Dee. 21. [ Special to the
HHI : . ] The big slander case of Dr. Pelton
against Ma.or . Dickinson for 4Jt,0X : ( ) , which
giew out of their church diulculties two years
ago , is now on trial In the district court. The
prominence of the parties and the racy char
acter of the charges makes the case intensely
intorestingtr largo crowds of spectators. The
slanderous utterances , which the plantitt
charges the defendant to have made , are :
"Dr. Pelton is guilty of all the graver crimes
In the calender. " "He was shot in a house of
ill-fame. " "He lived in a state of adultery
with his present wife forspvcral years before
they were married. "Dr. Pelton alleges that
Mayor Dickinson licensed him of having been
shot while in a very compromising situation
with a domestic and of being the author of
several charges of u like character. The
case will not reach the Jury before Saturday
The Ph. Hest Htewing company , of Mil
waukee. has purchased a site near the FreD-
niont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley depot and
have broken ground for the erection of a
largo building. They propose to make
Wahoo a distributing iwint for their cele
brated Milwaukee beer ,
The waterworks coinpan.\ have completed
their building on the outside and are now
placing the largo boiler and pumps in posi
tion. They have laid considerable service
pipe nnd will be ready to turn on the water
the llrst of l&sS.
A .River Improvement Convent Ion.
DriiuQun , Iu. , Dec. 24. [ Special Telegram
to the UIE. : ] A call has been issued by the
Dubuque board of trade and the mayor of
this city for a convention to bo hold here on
ho 17th of January to further the interests
of the upper Mississippi river by making
such improvements as will make it more
navigable for steamboats and other craft. It
s expected that all the river cities between
St. Louis and SU Paul will bo represented at
the convention. A memorial will be prepared
calling the attention of congress to thu pi o-
'ect andasking for an appropriation.
Accidentally Shot.
FUI.I.EIITOX , Neb. , Dec. 24. [ Special to the
Hen. ] John McClure , an eighteen year-old
boy , was severely shot by accident here yes
terday. McClure , accompanied by another
} ' 9USp ; IM R , Vtts hunting HIIU in nuing tiowuu
steeii declivity McClure fell , discharging the
entire contents of his shot gun into his face.
The wound is serioub but not necessarily
Cabled a ChrlHtmas
Lixcoi.x , Neb , , Dec. 24 , Patrick Kgnn
cabled to-night a Christinas greeting to Lord
Mayor Sullivan , Hon. William O'Hrlen and
Mr , Mundevllle , at present in Tullamoro jail ,
Ireland. _
The Nlcurniiguu Cannl.
GunxADA , Nicaraugua , Dec. 24. The
steamer Hondo , having on board the Nicur-
augua Canal Construction company's surveyIng -
Ing expedition , arrived nt Grey town on Fri
day , the Mh lust. The governor of G rev-
town nnd a committee appointed by the
president extended a cordial welcome , but it
is impossible to obtain particulars In time for
wiring to-night.
Will Leave 'it to the Courts.
Cnicuio , Dec. 22. At a conference be
tween the attorneys representing Chicago
and the recently annexed portion of Hyde
Park village , it was agreed to carry the dis
puted points to the Illinois supreme court.
Postal Not OH.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 2-1. [ Special Telegram
to the HEU. ] George O. Ormsby was to-day
appointed postmaster nt Dwight , Butler
county , vice Henry Glover , resigned.
New Proverb * of the Lime Kiln Club ,
"I hov bin axed sohoral tiincso' late , ' :
said Brother Gardner as the mooting
opened on the usual degree , < if , na ciun
( shouldn't Increase its Block of proverbs
an' maxims. Do follorin' now ones hov
bin handed in by do committee as as
trology :
" 'Industry am do hook on which do
poo' man hangs his coat when ho goes
to bed. '
" 'When a man om too lazy to start a
lawsuit his friends bhould gin him up
fur dead. '
" 'Wo bhould not bo astonished at the
man who polls rtut fur -i five-dollar bill.
Ho puts his own value on himself , an'
ho probably got it high 'null. '
" 'If I wanted to bent a man out of
two dollars I should pay him back twen
ty-five cents of borrowed money. '
" 'You kin beat do world by flattery
twice as easy as you kin by chicanery. '
" 'I think wo will adont ilo above ,
which will incrcufe'juuv total number to
500 , an' atiy time a member hits upon
anj thin * good ho kin hand it in. Dar'
is sech a thing as hovin' too much of
sunthin' , but dat doan apply to proverbs
an' maxims. ' "
The Last Alpinu Vulture.
London Times : According1 to the
Swiss Journal of Ornithology , the Lam-
mergeler. or Alpine vulture , may ho re
garded as extinct in Switzerland. A
solitary female specimen dwelt for the
last twpnty-livo years on the Biotsch-
horn , in the upper Valais , and escaped
countless attempts at capture. But a
little time ago , when the severe weather
sot in , a poisoned fox was loft below the
cliff , and proved a successful trap , and
the bird was jound dead.
The body was stulTcd nuts placed in
the museum at LauesTUioj it measured
across the --lngs two and one-half
Wires , or nearly oighty-oight and one-
half inches. Possibly ono or two soli
tary specimens may still linger in re
mote eyries ; but it is quite certain that
a nest ft ! not to bo found any longer , so
that this much dreaded species may bo
considered to huvo disappeared within
the Swiss territory.
While Making no Active Canvass ,
Ho Has Not Withdrawn.
Imtnnr'n Confirmation IndlentloiiH
Tim I He May Meet With KtronK
Opposition Prom llcpnhlicnn Sen-
nlors Washington Personals.
.Senator Sherman's Candidacy.
WAMtixdToxHunnu' TIIK OMVIU llr.E , 1
51.'l Font rKENT11 STitnr.t , >
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Dec. 31. |
Although hourly expected for several days
the death of ex-Secretary Manning , when it
finally came this afternoon , created a great
deal of comment and universal regret ,
Theio were those who had hoped , and yet
without hope , that Mr. Manning would pull
through and live. Instead of merriment in
Washington next week there will bo much
sadness , for Mr. Manning left oftlclal life
with the respect of all who came in personal
contact with him and the enmity of no one.
His ability was unquestioned , while socially
lie was a gentleman of cultuie , education
and many fine instincts. The programme of
holiday festivities at the White house and In
ofllclal circles generally next week and on
New Year's day , has been cancelled. The
reception by President and Mrs. Cleveland
and the ladies of the cabidet nt the executive
mansion and their private residences , will
not bo held. The president and nil members
of the cabinet are expected to attend the
funeral , and there will be mourning In the
places where n fortnight since goodcheerwas
anticipated to hold high carnival.
Senator Sherman has been visited by quite
a largo number of his personal und political
friends during the past twenty-four hours in
reference to the story that bo had refused to
allow his name to bo presented for thd presi
dential nomination. The senator has be
come u little impatient with the various re
ports which have been sent out regarding
what is being done to bring about his nomi
nation. I have talked with him morn than
once of late in regard to bis political future
and have been assured by him that ho was
doing nothing and was not invitinghis friends
to push the question of his nomination. Ho de
sires especially that it should bo known that
he has at no time said unj thing against Mr.
Uhilnu and that he has at no time discouraged
those who nro in favor of Mr. Hlalne's re-
nomination. The story published broadcast
yesterday that Senator Sherman intended to
request a cessation of the use of his name us
a presidential candidate has had the effect of
being to him by wire and by mail and
tongue many assurances of renewed support
and enthusiasm , and it looks now ns if the
name of Sherman would bo forged to the
front more prominently than ever before.
The members of the senate committee on
judiciary have been receiving , by almost
every mail for two weeks , charges against
Mr. Lamarand petitions in opposition to his
confirmation as an associate justice of the
supiemo court. A few days ago there was
every prospect that ho would bo confirmed
without drawing the partisan lines , but it
looks now as if the republicans woulu not
only hold a caucus and resolve to oppose the
confirmation , but that there would be at
least two democratic senators who
would object to conilruiation. It is
said that William E. Chandler , who
Is now a senator , and who received many
personal favors at the hands of Mr. Lumur
when the latter was in the senate anil the
former's nomination as secretary of the navy
was antagonired by some republicans , will
give the nomination of Mr. Lamar his best
efforts. It is very probable , however , that
Mr. Chandler will bo called into caucus and
will bo bound by caucus obligations to stand
with his party and therefore ho will bo held
to vote against confirmation. Most of the
charges against Mr. Lamar rclato
to his confederate records and his
alleged incapacity , but there have
been received charges affecting his social
character that will cause him ngooddealof
concernbut they may not finally stand against
him in senatorial action. When Mr. Lamur's
inaiioii comes before the senates in sooroc
session , a peed deal of very l.ilter debate is
expected , and it U probable that not a little
feeling will be engendered. The mutter is
exciting universal interest in Washington
und is the principal topic commented upon.
I'KltsoXAI , .
This evening's Star says : "Miss Pnd-
doclcdaughtor of Senator Paddock , of Ne
braska , accompanied by her cousin , Miss
Grace Paddock , of Now York , arrived in the
city this afternoon , and will remain during
the session. Mrs. Senator Paddock will bo
assisted in receiving during the winter by
her niece. Mrs. William E. Annln , wife of
Senator Paddock's private secretary. Mr.
Annin has rented a house for the year at 100(1
Snnderhind place. "
The committee of gentlemen who have
charge of the fund to purchase and present a
residence to the widow of the hito General
W. S. Hancock , expect that the amount
necessary will bo subscribed immediately.
H is stated that $15,000 bus been subscribed
in various amounts by the friends of the
late general , and the committee hopes to
secure the remainder required in time to pre
sent Mrs. Himcock with the house that has
been selected for her during the holidays. At
present Mrs. Hancock is the guest of Cantrin
Eugene GriOln , assistant to the engineer
commissioner of the district , at his residence ,
No. 1(140 ( , Twenty-first street northwest.
PEIWV S. Htivrir.
Vllas' Pnpor Postage 1)111.
WA IIIMITOX , Dee. 24. The postmaster
general bus prepared a bill which will bo in
troduced in the house as soon as practicable
after the reassembling of congressmuteriully
differing from the present law relating topcr-
missablo writing or printing on wrappers of
second , third and fourth class mail matter.
The bill provides that the words "sample
copies" and "marked copies" may be printed
on the wrappers or enclosures of second class
matter , and that in addition to the original
print , written corrections of typographical
errors may bo enclosed. The bill also pro
vides that any printing which is liable as
third class matter may bo placed upon wrav |
pers of such matter , provided it is not in the
nature of correspondence , and provided fur
ther that sufficiently largo space shall be left
for the address. As to fjyjrth class matter ,
the bill allows the sumo advertisements to bo
printed on the wrapper us Is permitted to bo
enclosed with the merchandise contained
therein. _ _ _ _ _
Almost a lllot.
WA IIIXGTOX , Dec. 24. A riot was nor
rowly averted at the navy yard yesterday ,
nnd'somothing serious might have occurred
hud not u disciplined and armed force been
on the ground. At the close of the work in
excavating for a new ordinance foundry the
superintendent announced the names of sixty
men whose services were no longer required.
Tills announcement was followed by an ex
citing scene , participated in by the discharged
employes. They shouted out against such
treatment , and threats of violence were
made. The approach of an armed body of
marines which had been summoned brought
the disturbance to an end ,
The Mrs. II11 M cock Fund.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 24. The committee of
gentlemen who 1mvo charge of the fund to
purchase and present a residence to the
widow of the late General W. S. Hancock
cxixct the amount necessary will be sub
scribed immediately. It is stated that $15,000
has been subscribed In various amountby
friends of the late general , urm mo committee
hopes t < ) fcocura the remainder required in
'mo ' to present Mrs. Hancock with a house
that will bo selected during the holidays.
National Cnptol Notes.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 24. All the executive
departments of the government closed at
noon to-day ,
Hcports to the navy department from the
New York and Norfolk navy yards , where
operations are making to build the great
5,000-ton , armored war ships , arc highly satis-
factory. At New York keel docks for the
armored cruiser have been placed , andtlie
ship is being laid down. The new-buildings
are nearly completed. Good progress has
also been made at Norfolk.
The semi-annual examinations nt the West
Point military aeaderfy'will begin on Janu
ary 3 , and last about twp weeks. The fourth
class Is very largv. % numbering 127 cadets.
The examination in this grade Is very severe
ujKin the students , who entered the academy
tn Juno last , andi the indications are that
about thirty will fall to pass and be dropiwd
from the service , i
Nebraska mid Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , DJo. 2Special [ Telegram
to the HEI : . ] The following Nebraska pen
sions were Issued UJJo.v : Increase George
W. Ooldsby , UnraduuJohn Hoddion , West
Point ; Jacob Web rl JWvnec City. Heissuo
Uobert La Foutrtj4j'Cunicy. {
Iowa pensions : Elizabeth , Mother of Al
exander McClotchlc , Manchester ; minors ot
David J. Stump , Leon. Original H. F.
Chapman , Nlcol.lnmes ; DadldsonMontieello.
Increase John Morris , Montezuma ; .lero-
mlah M. Malllck , Carley ; Ole A. Peterson ,
Osnge ; Jonathou Chance , /.caring ; Isaac N.
Drown , Utdon. Keissue Hiram T , M. Me-
Cord , Marslmltowu ,
, The "Weather To-Day.
For Iowa and Nebraska : Slightly warmer ,
followed by colder weatiier and light local
snows : light to fresh variable winds.
For Dakota : Local snows. Warmer , fol
lowed by colder weather , light to fresh varia
ble winds.
Working in n Swamp ItoHclRcd AVIth
Wild Cats and Snakes.
St. Louis Republican : "I have
worked in some queer places , "
said Charles Elliott , an old-time rail
road telegraph operator to a reporter ,
as ho strolled into the rotunda of the
Laclede. Charlie handled the key of a
"paper machine' ' for years before
bounders came into use , and has
worked on nearly every railroad in the
country , but like nearly all the nearly
telegraphersnover cared to work for
one company more than six months at a
time. ' 'I hold down a little olllco on
the Union Pacific one winter way up in
the Rocky * mountains , where , for three
months , HHOW was piled up over the top
of the depot , and to look cither up or
down the track , with the snow banks
twelve or fifteen feet high on either
side , made one shiver. But T hud
plenty of coal and plenty of books , and
rather enjoyed it. At another time
I worked out in Arizona , on the
Atlantic and Pacific , where all
I could bee on either side
of the depot was a sandy waste and
a section house. But the worst snap I
ever Rot into was about four years ago ,
and my railroad life ended with that
job. I struck Kanbiis City about the
last of June , hard up and out of work. I
was ready to take anything that turned
up ; bo , whe'i the superintendent of the
S. & M. told me ho could give me an
olllco down in Arkansas , I accepted with
alacrity. He warned that it was not a
pleasant location , but that didn't worry
me a bit ; that night I boarded a train
armed with a pah * , which read : 'Pass
George Elliott , Kaviisas City , to the
Hatchie Coon. nccSuiit Operator. '
"The name looked rather lugubrious ,
and every conductor that handled that
pass looked at mo "significantly and
biniled sympathetically , but I dia'nt
feel uneasy. Aloitg in the afternoon I
passed Mammoth Spring andRavonon. .
'What a delightful country this is for
fishing and lunitLngl'iI ' thought. 'I'll
have a glorious time in these woods ! '
But after I passed.Ilo.fio the hills and
clear streams disappeared , and ,011
either side of the tfi-ack appeared dense
forests of gum andtcypyes ; > . The ground
was perfectly love , ! , and little pools of
stagnant water iiu.mcr.outj. AH I wont
on toward my dcstlna.tion the gloomi
ness increased , a\id \ in spite of myself
I commenced getting blue. About 5
o'clock in the afternoon the train
stopped , the fiendish brakeman entered
and yelled 'Hatchio Coon' with a sickly
grin. I collared my valise and got off.
It was raining one of those nasty , sticky
rvis : that are diwigre tsblc I.vwhero ) ,
but slaiKUng all aiono on that railroad
dump with water stretching out on both
sides of the track as far as I could see
through the dense forest , and with the
great dark cypress trees hang over mo ,
it was simply awful. Down the track
ono hundred yards or so I saw- little
tent , the only evidence of the existence
of humanity besides the railroad in this
wilderness. I walked down and found
this was the telegraph otlico over which
I was to preside. The operator
whom I was to relieve , met
mo and escorted mo inside
The only furniture was an old , dirty
canvas cot , a broken-down chair and
little table , which held the instruments.
I sat down on the cot and absolutely
wept in my loneliness and the sense of
utter desolation. To brighten mo up ,
the operator , after ho had roK | > rted the
train , told me stories of the pleasant
features of the place , of the mammoth
mosquitoes , of the bears that nosed
around the neighborhood , the maniacal
cries of the wildcat which could bo
heard in the evening and the friendly
fnakes which crawled up into the tent
ser companionship. Ho was going away
and was happy. Wo would catch the
next freight train and go to supper.
\Vhorodidwooaty Oh , just up the
road nine or ten miles , at Big Bay.
There was a section house there. The
train came along. It was minus a
caboose , so I had to ride on top of a box
cur through that infernal rain for two
hours , for freight trains have to walk
along there. Big Bay was a town. It
had a grocery store and n sawmill be
sides the section-house. The supper
consisted of soggy potatoes fried in
oceans of fat , corn broad heavier than
lead , molasses and coffee. There was
no such thing as butter and wo sweet
ened the coffee with molasses. The
landlady was fat and greasy and dirty ,
diftering in the first particular from the
other inhabitants. This section
was long and sandy and thin , with the
yellow complexion so popular in the
neighborhood. Il .i&ubordiuates were
ditto. The fliea were awful. The table
was placed on either'side to accommo
date the boarders. ' Tltu tablecloth was
of oilcloth , and bun" evidently served in
that capacity without1 being cleansed
for an indefinite poMod. Before I had
finished my support caught sight of the
French cook In tho.-ikHvhon. 1 got up ,
wont out and sut oifthu-ond of a tie and
meditated. The ncetioh man came out
and sat on the rail1'wild told stories of
track-walkers who' lind been eaten
by panthers in. , tlmt vicinity ,
while the owls nfl , , the bullfrogs
chanted a doleful . 'accompaniment.
There was an oporator'.at Big Bay. Ho
occupied a 0x0 shantyj that had boon
originally intnndc'U foi' a hand car and
tool house. This > yfo ottr sleeping room.
The next morning , , fitter a breakfast ,
which embodied the same mo u us the
supper. I saught u , freight train and
rode ( loVMi TO Hatch io Coon. The tent
which formed my ollico was set on n
platform of rough planks , uphold by
piles driven into the swamp. The only
dry land was the railroad dump. It was
dark oven when the sun was shining ,
and all through the day the deep , put-
to nil grunts of the bullfrogs added to
the lonesomeness. I found the instru
ments literally covered with mo--
quitoes , attracted by the bright metal.
They were a size and ferocity hitherto
unknown to mo , and it was only by con
tinuous exertions that I could keep
them away from mo. Down in the
swamps , underneath nnd around the
tent , I could see numerous snakes. "
The Convention of Employes Do-
cldoa on a Qouoror Strike.
Nearly Sixty Tlioimnnd Tmborern Will
Ho Idle Prospect of Further
Complications. The Company'H
Side of the Case.
Sixty Thousand Mcti Ordered Out.
Piiu.MiKi.riiiA , Dec. 24. A convention of
the Heading road employes assembled here
this evening and ordered on a strike every
body in the employ of the company with the
exception of passenger train employes. The
order to strike Includes coal miners in the
employ of the Heading company , and will
effect nearly f > 0,000 men.
About in attendance
seventy-five delegates were
tendance representing every branch of the
road from coal handlers to miners , and In
cluding all classes of trainmen. Committees
from Port HIchmond and Hll/abethport pre
sented their grievances to the convention.
The representatives from Kll/abcthport
stated that the Knights there were dis
charged for refusing to load Coxe Hros' .
uarge. They had understood that the HeadIng -
Ing company was not to interfere in the
Lehlgh strike , but to load Coxo
Hros' . ' barge would be aiding the
Lehigh operators , and this the men
refused to do , while many Schuylkill barges
were lying idle. They stated that 150 men
md been discharged , the oQlclals refusing to
settle the matter by arbitration. A similar
complaint of refusal on the part of ofllcials to
irbitrato was presented by the Port Hich-
nond representatives. The convention then
went into executive session and upon its con
clusion announced that there would bo a gen
eral tie-up of all mines and all freight and
coal trains , on the road. It was stated fur-
her that passenger men would also be or
dered out soon if it should be found neces
sary ,
The convention adopted resolutions censur
ing the company for violating an article of
igreement a j ear ago which specified that
every man employed by the company shall
receive fair and just investigation ot any
grievance or complaint entered against him
l > oforo ho shall be discharged or suspended ,
The convention will resume its session to
morrow to hear complaints and direct the
general plan of resistance.
General Manager McLeods said to-night
that the question involved was not ono of
wages , but whether the company should
manage its own affairs , or whether they
should be managed by its employes. Ho had
been forbearing at all times , ho wild , grant
ing requests which were absolutely unrea
sonable , witli the solo purpose of preventing
a sale of the property under foreclosure , and
a disintegation of the whole system. The
situation of the property now , the general
manager said , is ditlercnt. The property is
about to pass again under control of its own
ers , and as a reorganization is assured , the
company kas determined to enforce disci
pline , no matter at what cost.
Another Strike Threatened.
PoTTsviM.u , Pa. , Dec. 24. A joint commit
tee of Knights of Labor and the Minors'
Amalgamated association conferred with
General in reference
Manager Whiting to-day
ence to the miners' wages for the coming
year. It is understood the committee insisted
upon the rate at which the men are now
working. It is not anticipated that the de
mand of the men will bo conceded , and in
that eveet a general strike will probably fol
The Situation at Heading.
RKVIH.NO. Pa. , Dec. 24. Thousands of cars
loaded with coal are now standing on the
sidings north and south of Heading , where
trains have been run and fires drawn from
the engines. Hundreds of applications were
received to-day from men anxious to | ? o to
Port. Richmond and take tUo positions of the
strikers. The liwi contingent of fifty was
sent to-night. Freight traffic is also at a
All Quiet nt Port Kiohinond.
Piiii.uiiii.piin , Pa , , Dec. 21. All is quiet
at the Port Hichmond co.U wharves this
morning. The strikers are orderly. Super
intendent of Police Tinman has issued orders
to police lieutenants to keep the entire force
of reserve and detail officers at the station
houses until further orders.
Mrs. Crandall Convalescing.
Tuov , N. Y. , Dec. 24. The condition of
Mrs. Julia Crandall , who was shot by her
husband at Halston , Monday last , is un
changed , although the prospects for her re
covery improve every day.
It Is Wanted For Other Purposes Than
to Itulld ICallroadH With.
Now York Sun : The iron trade has
been long regarded us a barometer of
the market. Iron enters so largely into
domestic and industrial service , gives
employment to so many men , and draws
bo largolp upon subsidiary industries in
its process of manufacture and distribu
tion that it has come to bo looked upon
as something of a financial king , to
whom all other forces in finance and in
dustry are tributary. It is a chief factor
in the cost of railroads , it contributes
largely to the building industry , it is
taking possession of the sea , and in the
kitchen it is about equally necessary
with the cook. All the features of mod
ern civilization , except its virtues , are
becoming iron-clad.
But if it bo true that the iron trade is
a ruler of the market , wo are not in
every respect quite so prosperous as wo
were a few months ago. Steel rails ,
which only recently sold at $10 per ton ,
are now selling for $3" a rather start
ling decline to take place in a single
season. Still , the iron manufacturers
talk hopefully. There is profit , they
say , in the manufacture of steel rails at
$ 'W par ton , some of the manufacturers
most favorably located having reduced
the cost of production to no more than
$ J per ton , while the least favored can
produce ut a cost only $2 or $3 higher.
But others again say wages are paid on
a standard of $40 per ton ; and , if this bo
true , it will bo hard to reconcile it with
the first statement. But it is to be ob
served that oven those who make the
latter claim speak also with a conll-
donco that would certainly bo a little
misplaced were it quite true that wages
are paid on a WO per ton basis. It is
sometimes a little hard to reconcile con-
llicting views.
The reasons given for the decline in
the price of steel rails should bo thought
satisfactory. At the beginning of the
year it was estimated that there would
bo about 12,000 miles of new railway
built in the United StntoUfuro the
close of the cui'rvnt December , and all
' .fetus-actions were founded on this esti
mate. But wo Know now that the num
ber of miles constructed will fall very
much below 12,000 ; and the the estimates
for next year do not rise above 7,000
miles. The demoralization in the stoclc
market is the cause of this sudden check.
The now roads have not boon able to
place tholr bonds so readily as tholr promoters -
motors anticipated. They were build
ing upon a stock boom which not only
did not come , but which found a substi
tute in a stock depression. The year
closes , therefore , with great expecta
tions unrealized.
There is a lesson to bo learned from
the situation , which thoughtful men are
not slow In learning. Tt is not BO much
to the iron industry Unit wo must look
when we wish to estimate the coining
volume of trade nnd the probable course
of prices as to the industry of railroad
building , equipment and rcimtr. The
latter Is the chief industrial interest ou
this developing continent , and it is
likely to remain chief for mtiuv years
to come , But the railroads are earning
only 4 or fi per cent. Thus say the finan
cial philosophers , and they sry , too , that
this is enough. Hut the men who are-
asked to put their money in railway se
curities , seem , nevertheless , to bo dis
satisfied with such returns , and show an
inclination to try something else. It
will take a world of booming to keep 4
or C per cent securities at par when 1 > otter -
tor gleanings can bo found in other
But the railways are not the only hope
of the Iron trade , and so It still remains
measurably prosperous while its chief
customer continues poor. The govern
ment has recently gone into tno manu
facture of cannons and ships , add soon ,
possibly , it will turn its attention to
Iron-clad forts and batteries. But it is
not held that this enterprise can ma
terially effect the market further , per
haps , than to help steady the price for
pig iron. Such an entirely new plant-
is demanded for all government work
that were wo to construct a navy equal
In size to half the navies of the world ,
it would have no appreciable influence
on existing establishments. But there
is still another and very wide field al
ready onen. The quantity of iron used
in architectural work is very largo , and
the quantity used in constructive parts
of such worlc is rapid ! , "rowing. There
are about thirty firms of agricultural
and manufacturers in the city of Now
York alone , and such firms are scattered
} ! _ over the country In all the largo
cities. They construct everything from
a complete house to a door post or lintel.
A few years ago iron fronts for busi
ness places became quite the fashion ,
and at ono time they seemed destined
to supplant all other material for this
particular service. Their advantages
for warehouses or factories demanding
light were very great. The strength of
the material permitted the construction
of buildings that were substantially
glass houses , and it soon became very
popular. The partiality of the late A' .
T. Stewart for iron buildings is attested
l > y the two monuments to his memory
one erected on Broadway , and other'on
Park avenue , the great dry goods ware
house and the hotel. But it was the
misfortune of the first efforts at con
structing iron building that the very
excellence of the material proved , tem
porarily at least , the cause of its down
fall. The strength of the iron enabled
the architect to compose his exteriors
almost exclusively of apertures , and
there are architectural traditions which
demand n certain breadth of wall be
tween apertures to gratify the sense of
proportion. In the struggle for more
light these traditions were disregarded
wit the result that men soon began to
weary of structures which violated their
artistic , and they finally went
back to the different kinds o'f imt-
tcrial that have been consecrated by
the ages. Not that iron fronts and en
tire iron buildings are no longer con
structed. A walk along Broadway will
soon satisfy any person that the taste
for such structures still prevails ; and
on Riverside drive an iron dwelling is
under construction which is expected
to demonstrate that the material is not
necessarily at war with proportion , and
has boon more sinned against than sin
ning. But that will not disprove the
claim that iron is just now under a
cloud , and has failed to realize the ex
pectations that were raised in its behalf
when it was first introduced as a ma
terial for exterior walls.
Yet the natural advantages of iron
are still manifest. It is susceptible of
being rolled into plates of any desired
si/.o , as well as being cast into columns
and other docoir.tivo forms. The
charge , therefore , that an iron building
is disproportioned is not necessarily
true. It need not dillcr in its proportions
tions from a building of brick orimirble.
The windows may have just the pre
ponderance to wliich they are entitled ,
and no more , and the columns , capitals
and entablature may rise to the uegroo
of massivcness that satisfies the eye.
But this would bo humbug , says the
architect. The standards of proportion
tion , and the architectural character of
the decoration acceptable to taste , have
grown from the necessities of material
used. The columns of a Greek portico
were so many feet in thickness because
such a body of stone were necessary to
support the pediment ; and the wall will
have such or KUCO a breadth between
the windows because it is demanded in
support of its upper layers and the roof.
An iron colum larger than an apple
tree willl have no cause for being in
any conceivable case , and an iron lin
tel , or arch placed over a win
dow opening through an iron wall ,
would represent an unprinci
pled piece of fiction. Those seem like
valid objections to iron as a building
material , but they are somewhat
strained. It is the structure rather
than the decorative features of architec
ture that have grown from necessity.
At all events , they bear against wood"
with almost equal force , and no ono ever
objected to wood us a proper material
to vise in the constructin of
buildings. For the rest iron is probably
the most durable material to bo found in
the world , and it is always now. At the
end of an incalculable cycle of time a
fresh coat of a paint would always ren
der an iron building as attractive as
But it would not bo safe to make any
prediction in reference to the future of
iron as a building material. It is easy
to see , however , tjmt much of Its former
popularity will return when iron build
ings aro' constructed with a greater
SOIIHO of architectural merit. The Park
hotel on Park avenue shows something
of ilio capability of the material for u
building of grand proportions , and it
-.oems . to bo admirably well adapted for
cottage designs Of the better class on ac
count of the facility with which it maybe
bo worked intoformsof delicate tracery.
Of course it would bo followed Into the
suburbs by the charge that it is an imitator
tater of its bolters , and that it only af-
tTccts to ncod certain decorative
features that belong to brick and
stone when it is stilt enough to
stand alone. But it will bo ab hard
enough to stand against any aspersion
that can bo thrown against it after the
builders have learned to make it artis
tically attractive.
There can bo no doubt that iron has
entered the Hrchitcctural field to stay ,
p.isrt to grow up with the country. It
has already displaced wooden beams in
all buildings that make any pretensions
to being liroproof , and its utility for
stairs , columnt to support cross beams ,
and other interior fittings isboyond
question. It is slow of combustion. It
is capable of being a very lively con
tributor at u midnight carnival of the
flre fiend , but it enters into this sort of
entertainment reluctantly , and is there
fore thought more trustworthy than
wood. _
MoNeally Turned Loose.
Sco , Mo. , Dec. 21. A telegram was re-
colvcd from Halifax last evening stating that
the authorities could not lawfully hold young
McNcally , WHO robbed the Saco bunk , any
longer and had released him from custody.
They failed to find any of the bunk property
on him. Ono of the bank trustees taid : "Ho
is Just as safe in Halifax us ha was In Liver
pool. Ho cannot bo extradited on any charge
the bank may bring.
A Dad Turn In Pugilistic Affairs In
St Paul.
The Former Cautioned Not to Talk
Too Mituli nosMlp Ahout Other
l''l htH-A Talk With
Pugs In the Northwest.
ST. PAUI , , Doc. 24. [ Correspondence of tha
HIK. : ] While everybody seems to bo closely
watching events across the briny , pugilist In
matters seem to have taken a bad turn In thu
northwest. A I foreshadowed in my last
letter , the forfeit money for the llnfsh fight
between Tommy Wnrrcn ami Patsy O'Leary
has been withdrawn , but the rest of the
scheme miscarried. Instead of repostlng it
as a forfeit for a light between O'Lcary and
the Spider , the backers of the two men
quietly put it in tholr jiockets , and as a result
both lights are off. I was sorry to see this
matter turn out In this way , as 1 alwn\s , have
had an idea that O'Leary Is a betier man
than Wan-on , and I would have liked very
much to have seen a tight between the two ,
as it would have been sure to have been u
good one. O'Keary left for the east Wednes
day feeling very sore. He said he would
never have consented to huve the stakes
drawn had ho not boon assured that thev
would bo immediately repostrd for his light
with Weir. As It is O'Leary has been
doing nothing except training for the past
month , and ho can't bo blamed much for feel
ing sore.
And now , following the announcement that
the feather-weights will not battle , comes
the statement from Harry Gilmore "that Ills
match with Charlie Glo.ison is off. It will
be remuinboied that on the night of the
Clow-Cilover light at Minneapolis , Uleason
from the ring challenged any lUT-pound man
in the United States for a light to a finish for
from .WH ) tolHH ( > . This elmllongo was Im
mediately accepted on behalf of ( iilmorc.
Several Minne.ipolis sports made up a purse
of $ ' - ' . " ) ( ) , and all the arrangements were made
for the meeting to take place in private in
that city last Wednesday. Hut Cillmorc re
fused to light. He says , in explanation of
his course , that as ho 1ms concluded to 'nuiko '
Minneapolis his home , he docs not want to
lay himself liable to uirest. Ho says when
ho signed the aitides for the fight , that it
was understood that the mill would be strictly
quiet , with only those piesent who hud made
up the pin so. Gilmore si\s , that in
stead of being kept quiet by thu
other side , the date and place of the tight Was
known even by the boot-blacks , and thus an
other pugilistic event is off.
Until Paddy Norton niadu Oleason quit in
a few rounds at Dulnth recently , he was very
well thought of in this city. He is quick as
lightning , hits hard , and is an exceedingly
clever boxer , but it is sahl he lacks one great
essential to a good lighter sand. At any
rate , Norton did not have him whipped , but
ho simply refused to light itnv more after
Paddy had landed a good stiff blow on h.'s
head. If he is a quitter , ho has got no busi
ness with C.ilmore , fort lie latter is one of the
very cleverest men in the business , besides
being one of the pluckiest.
Gilmoio is at least going to have another
go with Hilly Myer , of Htre.itor , 111 , , for
which ho has been pining ever since his
recent defeat. Gilmore still maintains that
it WHS a chance blow with which Myer
knocked him out , und promises his friends he
will not bodlsposoc" so easily this time. I
myself think that Gilmore will win the coin
ing tight , which is to occur on the UUth of
January , buUwhcro I am unable to state.
Ike Weir , the Helfast spider , has gone to
Hoston to get his wife and bring her out west ,
as he hit ends to lemain In these parts until
ho has taken the conceit out of some of the
ambitious feather-weights out this way. His
next light is with Tommy Miller of jour city
on the llth of next month , and the Omaha
sports will have a cliricoof ; seeing one of the
best , wen for his size in the world. I see
Tommy Is telling the Omaha people how ho
will Just "kill" the Spider in no time. War
ren was going to do the same thing before
they got together , but , although I have never
seen Miller in the ring , 1 would advise him
Ufprolit by Warren's example and not talk
too much.
Among the heavy-weights the past
week has been comparatively quiet ,
although a match between Patsy Car
diff and Paddy Hyan has been made , and the
articles signed by the former and sent on to
San Francisco for the hitter's autograph.
These two "big ones" ought to make a good
tight , and will if the thing is on the square.
There is no denying the fact that Cardiff is a
pretty clever man with his lists , and bis
great generalship in the ling bus won him
Put Killen has expressed a desire to meet
.Tskc ICIIruIn or Jem Smith or some of the
other big fellows , but it is doubtful if ho will
have his wish gratified , and Put will have to
content himself by continuing to knock out all
the ambitious "suckers" that show up in the
northwest. I may bo laughed at for making
thu statement , but I consider Kilraln one of
the very best men In the country to-day.
1USK 1IA1.I , OOSSIl1.
I met Frank Seelc , the genial manager of
the Omaha base ball club , at the Merchants'
hotel yesterday , and had quitea talk with
him on base ball matters. I asked him if ho
thought Milwaukee would jump Into the
American association to till the vacancy tn
tlmt organization , and ho said ho did not.
.Tim Hart , the Milwaukee manager , ho said ,
was too sharp for that. Milwaukee , with u
team well un in the race for the pennant , is
n money-making town , which it would surely
have If it entered the association , and it will
lese money , and lots of it , as It did In the
Northwestern league in 18S.r > , when its team
was playing a losing game. Mr. Seclo said
his team for next year was complete , with
the exception ot ono first-class pitcher , and
ho will have none but a first-class man.
Heio is n little Item that will interest
Omaha base ball cranks. It is taken from a
letter on curious incidents happening in ball
games during the past season by the veteran
baseball writer , Chadwirk : "A curious in
cident happened in the contest of May 1(1 ( at
Hridgcport , Conn. , between the Hridgepoit
and Danbury teams. It is a rule of the gmno
that any ball hit from the bat can tie legally
caught , provided it is not caught ou a n > -
bound from the ground , and any object other
than the person ofu Holder. Hut If It Iscuufjht
after rebounding from the hands or the per
son of any fielder engaged In the game
the catch is a legitimate ono. In the cjso in
question a high ball was battiid to the Hold
and both Lovett and Wilson ran to catch It ,
The ball as it fell first struck Wilson's hands ,
and , singular to relate , after ho had throe
times failed to bold it securely , us it re
bounded from his hands it went Lovett , who
was standing close by ready to ubslst in the
catch. Lovett similarly failed to hold tlm
ball socurly , but on the second rebound from
his hands Wilson grasped ut It again , uud.
this time the catch was made , after llvoflis.
tlnct failures to calv thP catch before the
bull could reach the ground. "
Hard In nnd Kennedy Matched.
Messrs. Hardin and Kennedy have signed
articles for a live bird shoot for * . ' > 0 a Bide to
take jilaco on Tuesday or Wednesday next ,
Hurdm to hbootat twenty-live birds und Ken
nedy ut twenty-six.
Discriminating Against the F.-uinei-H.
OAKLAND , Neb. , " Dec. 21. [ Special to the
HUB. ] Complaint was made to-day to the
state board of transportation against the
Chicago , St. Paul , MlnneoiKjHs & Omnha
railroad by the Farmers' union of this place
for f300 damages on account , of discrimina
tion. The Union has been refused cars sev
eral times where the elevator men were not.
Yesterday nnd day before they .were refused
by the agent , on the ground that ho had
orders from the superintendent to relieve the
elevator men llrst. The Union saw this
order to the agent , and Immediately made a
complaint. They turned away 10,000 bushe'.S
of corn on Thursday , bccauss titcy could not
gut curs. The Ucl&u nan been shipping from
tin ce to nix cars of corn per day , and the
' > ri'0 ! paid for the grain has been more than
that offered In any of tha surrounding towns.
The Union IM very indignant over thu dis
crimination , Just now , when so much torn l
Lomnc | in , and they piojiose to see whether
Hie railro id etui t > o