Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1887, Page 12, Image 12

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s 6
Is the Best Investment on Earth !
Next year will see still greater Developments there than ever yet witnessed. Did we ever
' predict for SOUTH OMAHA anything but what has more than come ; to pass.
M. A. UPTON & CO. , 309 South 16th-st.
Opposite Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 854.
' When I Mean to Marry" Marriage
r'a Bargain.
Wedded a Native A Pretty
A Bachelor's Banquet Jealousy
and Death Mnrry Young
An Epidemic.
When I Mean to Marry.
Diinvlllc , 1VJ. , Metrcnutr.
When do I mean to marrvj Well ,
'Tis Idle to dispute with fate ;
But if you choose to hear mo tell ,
Pray listen while I fix the date.
Whan daughters haste with eager feet ,
A mother's daily toiUo share ,
Can make the , puddings .which they cat ,
And mend the stockings which they wear )
When maidens.look upon a man
As in himself what they would marry ,
And not as anny.noldlert scan
A sutler or u commissary ;
When gentle ladies who have got
The offer of a lover's hand
Consent to share his earthly lot ,
And do not mean his lot of land ;
When young mechanics are allowed
To llnd and wed the farmer's girls
Who don't expect to bo endowed
With rubles , diamonds and ] > earls ;
When wives , in fact , shall fully give
Their hearts and hands to aid their spouses ,
And live as they were wont to live
Within their sires' ono-story houses.
Then , maiden If I'm not too old
Kcjolccd to quit this lonely life.
I'll brush my beaver , eea'-o to scold ,
And look about uic for u wife )
Marriage u Uargaln.
Pull Mull Gnzcttco : Mftrrinpo is still
too often u bargain , but tit least it is no
longer lui entirely ono sided bargain.
It is tending towtird the only true ideal
life-long companionship n partnership
on equal tormn , with equal give und
take on both Hides. Women no longer
feel bound to render that implicit
obedience which which was considered
do rlguour in our great grandmother's
days , and men no longer universally
demand it. Husbands , moreover , are
beginning to learn that the prime duty
IB not to look after their wives. The
very sentence is indicative of the most
ghastly misapprehension of the whole
ideal of matrimony. The general feel
ing of society condemns a man who
lives to rule his wite on the same prin
ciple as n pasha- rules his harem. And
indeed the whole scheme of modern
lifo makes it practically impossible for
him to do BO. A married woman en-
Hoys , as it rule , complete liberty during
the lifelong day , and even at night it is
frequently impossible for a busy man to
escort his wife. Thus everything turns
on the relations between the married
couple. If a girl Is really in love with
the man she marries she may bo trusted
with any amount of subsequent free
dom. If not , not ; and therefore wo nay
that the injudicious and worldly parents
who are responsible for the great ma
jority of ill-assorted unions are also re
sponsible for the many evil results
which are to bo t > con in society at this
day. For it is a fact that lots of English
girls are as much forced into marriage
as the French girl , whose husband is
selected while she is yet in the convent.
t , Not by main force , no but by the whole
i tone of her education , by the exngger-
' ' atod fear of being an old maid , by the
obvious necessity of making way for a
younger sibter , by the persistent schemIng -
Ing of her parents , and by her own
longing for emancipation. For marrl-
Rf6 | undoubtedly doon mean emancipa-
ti B to most women ; and it is precisely
those who look forward to it most who
arc likely to make the worst use of it.
Berry Wall's Marriage.
New Yurie Telegram : There was a
( hitter of excitement throughout the
dominions of Dudedom this morning
when it was noised about that the king.
K. Berry Wall I. , had quietly slipped
over to Washington and taken unto him
self a consort.
All but a few of the immediate court
iers of his majesty were in a state of
mental collapse from the shock.
None of those intimate at court , how-
overwere mucn surprised at the unique
manner King Berry had adopted to
enter the bonds of matrimony.
"Berry is original if he is anything , "
said a callow youth , who was discussing
the wedding with a party of friends at
breakfast this morning at Uelmonico's.
"Ho , was not going to follow any old ,
worn out custom. I always thought that
when Berry made up his mind to marry
he would do so without resorting1 to con
ventional and ancient methods. His
schemes never bagged at the kneesyou
know ! "
"How was it done , " old chappie ? "
asked a well known swell who had joined
the party.
"Why , no had become smitten with a
beauty over in Washington , named Miss
Melbourne , and promptly proposed to
her. .She of course , accepted him on
the spotand they decided forthwith to
go over to'Baltimore and get married as
once. They took the lovely creature't
mother along.
"Arriving in Baltimore Berry took
time to go and change his clothes for he
could not think of getting married in
the same suit that ho had worn for an
hour and a half , and then the bride , her
mother and himself got into a carriage
and drove to the Baltimore club where
Berry got an old chappie named N.
Winslow Williams , nnd'then they had
a beastly time trying to find the ofllcial
who issues a marriage license.
The low fellow WPS not at his office ,
but they finally found him and then
they went to the house of a jxirson and
there the knot was tied. Then they
took the next train back to Washing
ton. "
"Bo gad. that's romantic , " said the
swell who had just joined the party.
"Just like Berry , old boy. "
"Mrs. Wall must be a lovely crea
ture , " remarked one of the party , "for
Berry was very hard to please. Then ,
just think of all the lovely girls he could
have married at any time during the
last ton years. "
"Wonder who she is ? ' ' asked another.
"Of course she is an heriess. "
This last question is just what every
body around the clubs is asking. No
ono seems to know who the young lady
is except that her father is employed in
the war department at Washington and
for that reason it is not thought that
Mrs. Wall is qverburdonud with wealth.
The king of the dudes had not been
soon about the New York club or h is
other favorite haunts for nearly ten
days , and it was given out that ho had
gone to Washington , where ho intends
to pans the winter. In fact , he has
spent the most of his time at the capital
since ho went there last October to at
tend the "races.
When ho did como over here ho was
inclined to bo very quiet , and several of
his friends remarked the change in his
manner. He was decidedly distrait and
behaved in an absent-minded away.
Major Melbourne , the king's now
father-in-law , holds a humble position
in the war department , which Iwas se
cured for him by General Logan about
seven years ago. Logan had known
him in the Mexican war , and after
ward IIB a resident of Springfield , III.
After the Mexican war Melbourne set
tled in the south , and was in very com
fortable circumstances , but ho lost
everything by the war , and at ono time
he was employed as a reporter on sx
newspaper , but most of the time he de
pended upon his wife , who kept a board
ing house.
Hovering on the Vcrgo.
St. Paul Globe : Young men , the
largo majority of you arc hovering
around on the verge of matrimony ,
shivering like a mouse-colored terrier
and afraid to step off. The great ma"
jority of you know just where you can
jmt your linger on a girl who would
marry you at a moment's notice , but you
are afraid that you couldn't satisfy the
landlords , coal dealers and milliners
that a man always weds when he mar
ries a woman. You lire not men ! You
are simply cowards , who see a prize
hanging above your head and have not
the moral courage. , to ascertain if your
arm is long enough and strong enough
to pick it. My advice to you is. if you
have got a job and you are earning fair
wages to get married and go to house
keeping if you have to begin with an
oil steve , a candle and a bed lounge.
This may seem to you a small beginning ,
and BO it is ; but , once married , the
money that you now throw away in your
endeavors to quiet your restless -soul
will go into furniture and little nick-
nucks , and you will 'soon wake up to the
fact that you are the owner of a homo ,
and that word means u great deal to a
young fellow who has been swimming
around in the ocean of lifo over since ho
was big enough to shave himself , with' '
his chin just above the water. ' ,
Wedded a Native. " " _
London Cablegram to New York"
World : Stirling , sitting in chancery di
vision to-day , hod before him a roman
tic marriage case , arising out of the ,
death of Commander Bethell , who was'
shot by Boers in 1884 in an engagement
in which Sir Charles Warran also took
part. Commander Bethellu few months
before his death , had become enamored
of a native girl belonging to the Bara-
long tribe. Ho married her according
to the rites of the tribe , the ceremony.
consisting of the slaughter of an ox , the
head of which was sent to the mother of
the bride , while the father was provided ,
with u plow. The name of the brido'was
About ten days after the death of
Commander Bethell she gave birth to a
daughter , who was subsequently bap
tized under the name of Mcbetello ,
meaning the mother of Bethell. In
support of these statements Montsioa ,
African king , the chief of the Boraledo
cavalry , made uflldavit to the effect that
Teepee \vas duly married to Commander'
Botholl , and that she was not before
married. Commander Botholl , by hia'
will , left a certain number of heifers to
TeeiKX ) , and directed that if the child
wore born it should bo educated in
England after it reached eight years of
age , and if u boy he should enter the
English army , but Teepoo'should for
feit her property if she behaved im
Commander Bcthpll loft considerable
property in Yorkshire , and the question
before the court was as to whether the
marriage was a legal one , and the
daughter consequently legitimate and
entitled to the property. Hastings ,
queen's counsel , contended this was not
a polygamous marriage , and was consequently
quently valid. There may have been
polygamy in the Baralong tribe , but
Commander Botholl lived with Teepee
as his only wife , and had no intention
of committing polygamy.
A Pretty Wedding.
Philadelphia North American : Ono
of the prettiest weddings seen in Wash
ington for some time was that of Miss
Kilbourne and Mr. Frank Gordon , son
of ox-Senator Gordon , of Georgiawhich
took place on Thursday at noon at St.
John's church. The rain cumo down in
torrents , to bo sure , and not oven one
little faint sunbeam came forth to greet
the bride , but the church was so softly
lighted and the chancel so completely
filled with tall palms , call a
lilies , and great bunches of holly ,
that , in a way , the contrast made it all
the more charming , except , of course ,
for the unfortunate bride and brides
maids , who had to walk in their satin
slippers over the damp mating laid from
sidewalk to the church door. The chor-
ibler bops , with bunches of holly pinned
on their white surplices , mot the bridal
party at the entrance and proceeded
them up the aisle , singing a wedding
.hymn , a pretty custom , by the way , but
a little awkward for the bride , who haste
to wait at the chancel rail after the cere
mony is over for fully live minutes un
til the choir gets in position to escort her
out of the church.
Episode at a Bachelors' Banquet.
Savannah News : Ono of the most
interesting episodes at the bachelors'
banquet at Uainsvillo last Thursday
night was the receipt of a box sent in
by one of Gainesville's most cultivated
and brilliant young ladies. It contained
a sheet of white pajwr , on which were
placed the following articles : First , a
handsomely embroidered crimson satin
sachel containing n few matches , with
the motto : "A better match than you
have made. " Next , the picture of nn
owl sitting on a holly bush ; motto :
"You are alone in the world. " Lastly ,
a beautiful briurwood pipe , to the stem
of which was tied an elegantly em-
brojdered tobacco pipe made of mag-
netia-colored satin ; under thcso was
written : "Bulwer has said 'there is
more solid comfort in a good pipe than
Irt'a good wife , ' and you all appear to
agree with him. " When this was passed
around for the inspection of the boys
e vorypno pronounced'ittho best hit th'at
had been given them.
. , . , Jealousy andJDcath.
lErio , Pa. , Special to the Globe-Demo
crat- : The grave closedito-day over the
remains of the lovesick ( twain , James
Bunco , who sentaball crashing through
his brain in a fit of dnsiuje jealousy.
Brunce went to visit Mies Lillian Pcte'r-
bon,1 a country maiden on. Brown hill ,
and upon whom ho had been waiting
for-some time. A neighbor who had
regarded Miss Lydia with , favor called
in to spend the evening with the
family. A quarrel arose between the
lovers and Bunco loft his inamorata and
rushed from the house. He had harly
cleared the doorstop when ho drew a
revolver and shot himself through the
head. The young woman was the first
to reach the young man , but ho never
spoke. She grew frantic and rushed
shrieking into the house where she pro
cured a largo knife. She made ono cut
at her throat and was in the act of re
peating the operation when the strong
hand of her other.admirer secured the
weapon. Crazed by the terrible trag
edy , she has to bo kept uuder constant
surveillance. The shock was to much
for her , and it is now feured that she
will never recover her mind. The in
jury which she inflicted upon hor&olf
is not sufficient to disfigure her.
Something Against Bach.
The man who would like to marry
finally became a bachelor because ho
The pretty girls so demure.
The clever ones so alarming.
The talkative ones so tiresome.
The merry ones make such game of a
The sentimental ones are so spoony.
The horsey ones are so outrageous.
The nautical ones are so inconsider
The little ones are so little.
The large ones are so very large.
Marry Young.
Novelist Mury J. Holmes : It is , I
think , an erroneous idea thatearly mar
riages are a hindrance rather than a
help to the success in life and the men
tal development and happiness of the
parties. That this is sometimes the
case is true , but I believe that more
young men , and girls too , huvo been
saved from ruin and wretchedness by an
early marriage than huvo been ruined
by it. There is something inspiriting
and ennobling in the possession of a
homo and a family to work for and
beautify , and if the girl and boy are
poor.I should still say marry young , and
work together for the homo and the
competence , which will be all the more
enjoyable because they are the result of
toil and self-denial. Don't wait until
you can afford to begin just where your
Owing to the lateness of the season vre find ourselves overstocked with fine and medium priced overcoats , and in order to
reduce the quantity we propose to sell most of them within the next , 10 days , and have made prices that wilLinsure
a speedy sale. For instance :
Our $ 6 Overcoats now go for $ 8,00 Our Mo Overcoats now go for $10.00
" 8 " " fi.OO " 20 ' " 14.00
" 9 0.00 " a > 13.00
t4 10 " 7.50
We have reduced in the same ratio all our Fur and Fur Trimmed Overcoats , and if you need ono you will find this the
test opportunity yet offered this season. We have had such a grand success of our " $1O SUIT SALE that we have just
added a few more styles of desirable suits that are selling at other stores all the way from $ U to $18. We place them all in
one lot and sell them all at ono price , $1O.
1 We also have a fine and largo assortment of nobby styles in suits which we are offering at cut prices.
We Really Have no Competition in our Boy's and
Children's Department.
or our line of Boys' Suits and Overcoats 5a very complete and our price of $1 for a nobby boys' jacket and pants , in
ages from 4 to 18 years , is hard to beat anywhere.
The New York and Omaha Clothing Company ,
. . . Ono Price Clothiers , Furnishers and Hatters for Men and Boys , 1808 Farnam Street.
UM t iif ni
rcrK.iiT.lrcnU with KOO
fieri ill Micron , nil U'N < !
Til It OAT , I'A.NCKlt
IMM.-.H Tl'I.A.
HUl-TlinK cnml with
"H vfnln "or Llmlratic *
if ' &u lnr . AMchrtm-
f , y ItiflHulInn in thl <
o try. Tht' ! whomn *
tcinplntfl Rolni to lint
Slirtim * for trt'Hlnicnt of
nnr rrt Me or lllc oi
ll ) en e inn bo cunnl for
ntiottilM Itip rn l nt our
I ID I CO Ur tils treatment 1'iup. txi dr Com
I Alllrpfoilon , free from Mllownoii. trrrkleJ
bnUlbV blarkhpads , eruptions , etc. , brilliant
Tei and D ' r'ccl health cm be lia-l.
HrTriial'tlreJ " feeling and nil fumale wc , kn < > sei
trnmntly ciir.Ml. Hloallni ! lleail ohe , Nervims l't > -
rrstnn. < ! on ral Debility. Slpople nc i , IViirr'Mon
Und ImlliipMlon , Of arlan troubles , liirtmnial jn and
nlclrratlon. Falling anil IMnilarcincnl' . "Pn " l <
fl'M. ' Klilncr cumplalntt and Cliaugo of l.Ue , Consult
the Old Doctor _ . _
PUT itin Liu ArutoorrhrnnlPtnllnmma.
rir ANII tJm " n ° ' > Kyiw * "r i < >
bib nnv bnil anl ) | .arar.NrartiliililfHtnr < M ,
lnvcr lon of the I.ld , gcmfulona KJM. Uln < nitloni ,
Inrinminallonii , AIucc" . llnmu i of Vl lon of oncur
lioth pym. nml I'liniorn ot I.M. . . . , .
tr"lntlaniraatlon of tUe Kar , Dlccrntlon or Catarrh ,
Internal or Kilcrnnl neatiie" , or l'aralj < l , tliulnil
or llonMnz niilncii. Tlilcie IIH | liriira. etc.
Debllltr , Lo s of Vital Tower. Sleep-
i li-'sneo , De'pondcnrj , I.o < of
Mrmorr , Confusion of Ideas lllun
before the Kr , Latitude , Ijinjjudr. ( lloomlni s ,
Depre 'lon of Hplrttn , Aversion to Porletr , Kasr Ola-
rouraKPil , Ijtrk ( if Confldencp , Dull , I.litlo" . Unat
for Muilr or Dii lnei > . and nmH life a burden , Sale IT ,
i'trmanentlr _ and I'rltaielr Cured.
Gl nnil Alii ! CVIII m e c . Scrofula ,
HI MINI INII AKIN Krjsliielai.VeverSoret
HkiH'fiBS. I'lnuilt" . HI-
rero. Palnsln the Head and Ilone , Hrphllllloriore
Throat , Mouth and Tongue , ( llandnlar Knlariieincnt
of the Nrpk , Itlienniatmni , qntarrh , Ktc. , I'ermaiient-
| y Cured When CthemllaTO Failed.
Consultation free and strictly conlldantlal.
Medicine Rent free from observation to all purti
of the United States. Correspondence receives
prompt attention. No letters answered unless
accoinpanlcxl by four cents in stamps Bend ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet and list of ques
tions upon private , special and nervous dls-
Terins strictly ca sh. Call on or address ,
No. T'i Tor. 13th & Hartley Bti..lini\ha. Neb
father mid mother Icuvo off , for then
the freshness of youth will be gone , and ,
although it may bo morning with you
still , the Hhudes will bo stretching on
towurd the noonday , nnd htibits will
have been formed which will be hard to
break , while the chnnces arc they will
never be broken at all.
An Kpldcinlc of Mnrrlmre.
New York Sun : They say the devil
laughs every time ho hears wedding
bells. Ho must be on the broad grin
nowadays. At some of the fashionable
churches in New York it is hardly nec
essary to take down the awnings or take
up the curpeta leading from the portals
to the curbstone , from Monday morning
to Saturday night ; and one parson is
rumored ( to liavo married BO many
couples that , when a baptismal party
confronted him , ho asked , " What
numoV" '
"Susan Ann , " replied the godfather.
"Sucan Ann , do you take this man for
your lawfully wedded husband , for richer
or poorer' , for better or worho , through
sickness and "
"For mercy's sake , don't marry mo to
the baby1' wnixncred the godfather.
Thus brought with a round turn , the
good minister stopped in time , and
chri t < > netl.Susan Ann instead of marry
ing her at the unusual ago of three
months. ' i
1'he marriage tees of some clergymen
must have amounted to more than their
salaries last month. There is hardly any
sorvico-tv man BO willingly pays out his
money for , Unless it bo for a divorce
soino'yeiirs later. The pastor of a
wealthy church wedded a rich man re
cently to a , very beautiful girl , who had
been an intimate friend for years of the
parson's wifo' . She started from the
church door on a trip to Europe , nnd us
the minister shook cpngratulatingly the
hand of the now groom ho felt a hard
substance slipped into his own. It turned
out to bo a hands'omc. locket pendant ,
with the bride's initials and these of
the pastor's wife done in diamonds.
"IUl put your picture in it at once , "
said the pleased lady : "it is the lirst
wedding fee that has como to mo. "
So she to u photographer
and ordered a reduced head of her hus
band. She had hardly got homo when
a messenger informed her that folded
and refolded and jammed in behind the
glass , they had found a hundred dollar
bill. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Psalter
Service are awaiting a letter from the
other side to know to whom the money
belongs , as the Mrs. Rev. Dr. S. vows it
goes with the locket , and the locket be
longs to her.
Tlip American Girl.
The American girl is thus pictured
by John Habberton , in a new novel :
' She was the oldest child , so she had
her own way ; she was pretty , so she hud
always been petted. She was twenty ,
so she knew everything that she thought
worth knowing. She had long before
reconstructed the world ( in her own
mind ) just as it should bo , from the
standpointthat , it ought to oxibt solely
for her benefit. Not bad tempered , on
the contrary cheerful and full of high
spirits , she. was , nevertheless in perpet
ual protest against everything that was
not exactly as she would have it , and not
all the manners that careful breeding
could impart could restrain the uncon
scious insolence peculiar to young and
belf-sutislicd natures. "
Patti , it is snld , is losing ground in Paris ,
ono of her Rrentcst strongholds in former
times , as fust us she has been here. The an
nouncement that she was going to sing in u
benefit performance for the sufferers of the
Opera Comiquo lire , caused little or no inter
est. The Parisians shrug their shoulders
when they hear she still clings to "Ah , Furs'
eMi , " from "Truvlata ; " to the mud sccno
from "Luciu'1 and to the "Echo Song , " which
Jenny Lind introduced into this country
forty yours ago.
Omaha Medical and Surgicaflnstitute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
Braces , AppliancesforDefonnities&TrnssGs
Host facilities , apparatus anil remedies for .
ful treatment of eierr form of dltcaic reiulrlnit JJecl
leal or Munflcal Treatment.
Kurtr new nmm for patients ; brst hoi | ital arconi *
loodationiiln Die we l.
WHITE mil Cllirfl vlis on Deformities ami Urar ,
Club le t , Curraturu of toe tplne. tlt ! * * . Tumors ,
Cancer , Catarrh , llrnnchltl' , IntinlHtlnn. Klrctrtrltr ,
l'aralr ) l > .Kpllci > y , Klilnrr , lllnd < l r , I'.ye , Kar , hkln.
aud moot ) , and all HurKlcal Upt ratlun > .
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
MAKIM ) A KI'trUl.TV or
All Illowl Diseases nurccuslullr tiratcd. Syphilitic
1'olton removed from the STiteni without mercury.
New reiterative treatment for Inn of Vital I'oner.
Tenons unable In rlsll us mar tu trrntcd ul tumie
br correspondence. All romnnmlcntlons contM'n.
tint. Xt-dU-lnfsor loitnimnils rut by rnall iirei.
press , ecurelr paiktHl. no uiurku tit Indicate contents
or vender. One purional Interview preferred. Call and
consult uior fend blntory < . I j\ur ca e , and w will
tend In plain wrapper , our
Tlrxm IMTnte.Hi-MliI and Nervous l > t ea > u . liupo-
Uncy.Hypbtlls , Uleet and , Vurlcoiele. Addresi ,
Omaha Medical und Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMenaroy , Cor ,
12.1 . and 1213 Farnam Street
Carpets , Stoves ,
Signorlna Tua has returned to Europe hi
Knto Forsyth will sail for Europe on De
cember 18. !
Mine. Janausclick will sail for Europe parly
In February.
The Sura Jowctt bcncflt in New York rcnl-
izcd about * 1.000.
Mine. Hcdwlek Nicmntin Rnubo has ' ar
rived from Ureinen.
Mr. E. E. nice is still in Sun Finncisco
booming "Adonis. "
Mine. Modjcska proposes to star in Husslu
and Germany next season.
Dormun , the English basso , is expected to
arrive from Llvei pool boon.
Buffalo Hill's "Wild West" has ojiencd a
winter Reason at Manchester , England.
Tennj son Is pleased with the success of
George Parssons Lathrop's dramatization of
"E + nfiic. "
It has been estimated that not far from
25,000 women attend the New York matinees
August Junkormann the German comedian
sailed for Hrcmcn' to begin un engagement
at Stuttgart.
Mrs. Langtry has sent a handsome rockinp
chair as birthday gift to H. H. H. tin
pnnco of Wales.
Miss Julia Moriowe will make an extende
tour of the country under the management oj
Colonel It. E. J. Miles , of the Uijou open ,
Twenty original comic operas a week. or.
an average , arc offered to Colonel McCaull.
Ho reads the book ilrsiandlf that bo
rejection is instantaneous.
Dumas' "Francilllon,4' with Fruu Nlc-
mann-Haubo in the title part , has achieved a
complete success at Koenigsnerg. This star
will appear in the play in this country.
Clara Morris him accepted u now emotional
drama by Mr. Clinton Stuart , and will pro
duce it at the New York Sttir theatre during
Easter week. The piece has not yet been
The New York Wiignrr society which was
organised a short timn ago with Anton Soldi
as director , has ceased to materialise , owing
to the inharmonious action of some of its
Mine. lima di Murska will make her first
appearance on the stage for several years in
a concert at Chickering hall , New York , De
cember U9 , under the management of Max
Mme. Furseh-Madi , Elol Sylva and Miss
Trautman , of the American Opera company
have returned to New York City , having
abandoned Mr. Locke's enterprise by reason
of his non-payment of salaries.
Koad managers agree that the western
routes make the poorest returns to tiaveliup
companies this season. Many changes of
itinerary have resulted from this fact , and
the outcome is that the middle and New Eng
land states arc huvidg a plethora of amuse
John Howson , the well known favorite
comedian and musician with LottaVs company
died suddenly of heart disease a.\ Troy , N. J. ,
on Friday. The deceased is a brother of
Frank Howson. leader of the Madison hquaro
orchestra , of Emma Howson , the original
Josephine in "I'mufoie , " and of Chailes .uid
William HOWBOII.
John A. Mackoy will start out upon his
tour the llrst week of the next icar with a
new play called "One of Our Hoys. " written
by Wtllianj Yardley , the authorof Nat Good
win's burlesque called "Little Jack Shcp-
pard. " The scene of "One of Our Hoys" is
laid in New York , and the piece is straight
J. H. MoVicker of Chicago , has obtained
the control of the lot on Uroadway , New
York , whereon it was rumored that liooth
and Harrett were to have u theater. He
says that ho will have n splendid theater on
it in less than eighteen months , and that ho
intends turning the control of it over to Rob-
son and Crane , who want to produce Shakes
pearean comedy in their own house.
Marcus Meyer denies the story in circula
tion among Gerster's friends in New Yoik
that she had been persecuted. The story is
that a carload cf New Yorkers went up to
New Haven to hear Gerstcr sing the second
time on her late tour , and to satisfy them
selves if she really had failed. They Hat in
a body In the orchestra chairs and so terri
fied the nervous singer by their undisguised
and concentrated stare that she failed iigain.
HA woman who is actively conceined in
larity work in this city and who has visited
literally thousands of families in the tene
ment houses , talks interestingly upon many
phases of her experience. She says the portraits
traits on the bedroom walls and on the bu
reaus of young working girls are all photo
graphs of pretty ai tixsses or so nearly all
that the exceptions lire remarkable. Uurely
has she seen pictures of actoio.
CjJnsof Hofmann's father Is n. very dark
man , of Impressive demeanor , and a great ,
enthusiast in music. Ho was until a icar
ago the musical dircccor of the opera house
The following is a list of a few of the
bargains at
Great Housefurnish-
ing Establishment
where they furnish hou-es from cellar
to garret , every day.
A handhomn ivriting do lc $ 8.00
A nice easy willow roolcer 3.50
A nice hanging lamp for -.50
An oay rocker , cari * ! ' . cover . . . . -.50
An ok'gant center table 2.00
A liirjft mx.e mirror , walnut frame H.OO
A Smyrna rug. 1.00
A hpemlid plush parlor null 5.00
Kiiiul | M tlKist'adur'Iseil by other
IXIUM-H nt 173.
A bed 1001:1 suit for , , . . 14.05
Kniial to tbnxH advcrtlncd by other
fioiiHex tor 3.
Parlor buitf , shoTineers | , wpnlrolfs ,
drobbing cases , book casen , folding beds ,
nnd a few morn heating btovcb below
soN ,
715 and V17 N. Iftth atrect.
Proprltior Omaha Butlneit College ,
Book-Keeping , PenmansWpj
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Bind for C % > ! lrge Journal ,
S. E. Cor. Ifith and Capital Ave.
Mention the Om ! iaDii
ntCrnrow. He resigned It in or.ler to trici
his son on concert tours , .or young Josef u ,
been before the public only llttiu in' it tinu
a j cur. Ills mother was n singer , and was in
the regular corps of the Craco.r Opera tum.4
fomimiiy , but she 1 not it thoroughly trained
m.iMclan , as his father is.
An English buildurof theaters hn ii von eil
a panic lo k for tlieatc r doors. It is cjnJ
tallied In panel which occupies inrm HIU- *
f ice on the Inside of the unor. nnd any onu
co niiig in contuct with the dee must prcKN
the panel , upon \vhirli tun door OHMIH | n-
Ktnntly. It i < * impossible for tlio doors of u
building lilted with this lee ( to be fastened
no thul egress is pu-venti'd , but from thn i uf
sICo no enhance is possible cxcpt with -t
regular key.
Our American prima donno in Kurope urfl
not idle. Marie Van /itndt , who has coin ,
pletely recovered , is going to sing in Vienna
and Hudii-l'esth tills winter. Miss KmPy
Wlnant is winning golden opinions and soy
urelgns us un oiuturio singer in Kil ; ml. '
Little Kmnni Nevudu. after a brilliant st'ason
at the Sun Carlos in Lisbon , has renewed hc
engagement there f < r another season , i n J
Ella Husscll , the ClcvelnndO.prinm ( ) donna ,
has hud great success at Wurauw , Russian
Poland , wheicshe hns been singing Klsa und
Mugucritc. She will go to St. Petersburg
uid Odessa before returning to Govent gar-
1 'ii , London , when ; she has been re-engaged
r the spring season.
Colonel McCaull says : "A tinor with a
really good voice who iculd s ng well , ict
spiritedly und speak English uould bo worth
almost Ills weight in gold. Hut wo have
many of the operas arranged for u high bary *
tone if we can't get a tenor , and when v a
must have one , why we ilo the ln-st wo can.
Then , us tosDpranj , n woman to fill the re
quirements must have beauty of face und
lorin , u good voice and know how to Ring nnd
act. She may have the last requirements and
bo as homely as a hedge-fence , or she miy
have the first and bo u 'stick. ' The ideal
comic opera soprano has not yet been dis
covered. "
The Cainpaninl com'cit compir y , which
is now in San Francisco , tiuvels in a special
car. christened the "Canipanini , " and
equipped with tin Italian cook and a largo as
sortment of valets , waiters and maids. In
ono corner of the car stands two huge iron
cylinders , which have been variously tukcn
for calcium light reservoirs , air pumps , lira"
extinguishers and mammoth cofTeo-pots. In
reality the cylinders , when united , form a
machine by means of which compressed air
may bo Inhuled. and It Is to their u o that
Signer Campanini is Indebted for the recov
ery of his voice , which , two years ago , had ,
quite forsaken him.
A Swedish paper has the following con
cerning the great pianist , Kublnstcn : "The
daughter ot Aiilou Itnnlnstcui Utimortiy o
ba married in Moscow , and the father is just
at present very busy with the arrangements
for the wedding. A few d.i.vs ugo no presented -
sonted her with un elegantly carved curkct
containing 2KO ( sheets of parchment. The
young lady looked lit her father in some
astonishment , but ho Miiilingly said , 'I will
explain ; bu caioful of this casket , for It la
woith about UO.IKK ) gulden. I know ug ( at
many people who would b very glad to puv
that sum for it1 'But what Is tfccw in tl'
asked thn .young girl. ' 'Every ono of thofo
cards is worth a piano lei son which 1 will
give to your first child. ' answered Rubin
stein. "
"Julius Caa ar , " as presented by Messrs.
llooth nnd Barrett , appears to have mada
anj thing but a fuvorublo imprcstilon on tha
tiny actress who is doing Edithu to Mr.
Gillett's "Hurjjlar" at the Hollis Street The-
atie , Boston. The little lady went to tha
Hoston thuit 'ti the other evening , and the
next morning penned the following note :
Mister Williu n Gillette
inMI : sin d.-nr mr gillcttn thank you vorry
much for UKtlkcts , to Hootho und burit
mama let mo staid up'und go thuro after the
burglcr was over lust night it was beuutitTui
but i doant like plays so well where the folka
tire trying to kill thoirselvcs all the time.
Cesar is thut way inosly and they dount titlk
llko real live folks do und they donnt walh
much llko pcoplo cither but mr gillctto plcasa
toll mo is it right for them to wear night
gowns llko Editlm because they ought not to
everybody will wear them soon und 1 think it
ought to be stopped someway I will sco you
to-night wont wo your little : .
Funny offers arc often received by favor
ite actors , but one sent last week to Kobsoit
und Crane in events unusuul Inducements to
those clover comedians : "Sirs Wo want u
show for Xinas night. Something sorter
lively like , with blngln' , dancin' , and pretty
girls , always packs our town hull. AUlcr-
tmin Collins R.I.VH you beat any funny men ho
ever sco , und if you play with us ho'll buy
twenty front chairs for his friends , to stait
an , iuul tlunn is more Just such big men hero.
If i on don't carry u band along , guess you
can hlro onu , for when a good show band
plays on the common it kinder wakens the
joung folks up.Vo will give you two-thlrda
of the money taken In , anil llnd hotel and do
111 bill pasting. Let us hear ftom you. The
Baptist debuting society wants hall , but wo
can pet It , nnd niako yoii money. "
Minnesota tuto university hub decided to
open law and medical departments.
i. o.
A La Persephone French Hand-mads
ktsndard ofCortet ever intro
duced Into this market. They impart that
graceful figure and tine form which any
well dretscd lady would be jiiKtly proud ,
especially \\licn obtainable without injur-
ion * tight lacing , cf : . Indortcd st the
Peerless Corset
By'lcndlng drcsHmukcrs of 1'aris , London
anl New York , and for talc in Omaha by
N. ' B. Falconer
. ,
Thompson , Belden SL Co.
And other loorolmntn.